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Trends NCT

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Republic of the Philippines

Western Philippines University

Agricultural Science High School

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century Culture

Name: MONSANTO, Ronelyn M. Date of Submission: April 8, 2021

Activity 2: Critical Thinking and Reasoning (30pts) Score:

Subservience Does Not Bring Peace: Who are they Serving?


On a Sunday morning, we woke up to a news saying that once again, Chinese

vessels and maritime militia is roaming over our seas. A statement from the palace that
says Duterte would always want a ‘peaceful resolution’ to rift over Julian Felipe Reef
didn’t slip away from the eyes of the critics. Malacañang said that Duterte’s stance
asserting the country’s rights over the maritime territory remains but the particular
incident at Julian Felipe Reef should not be a reason to use “force” against China. This
only lead the Filipino people to question them more because pursuing it legally is
peaceful, right? We have the UN’s support -but why is this being asserted only now?
This only proves the incompetence of those who are to canoe the responsibility. I don’t
think they have not noticed that China was and are still constructing solid permanent
structures on the EEC of the Philippines, specifically near west of Palawan, yet the
government seem to be turning a blind eye on that move, calling it a ‘friendly stance’
instead of treachery. What a shame!
If they have only thought about it, how long has it been since we kept on pushing
for a peaceful resolution on these territorial disputes? Has China acknowledged any of
the claims that we put forth on the table? Another thing, who ever says we need to use
force against China? He-who-must-not-be-named is only misleading his followers into
thinking that what the Filipinos want is to wage war. That’s not the case. How could we
use what we don’t have? All we hope is for this government to show some effectiveness
or at least efficacy, to make known to the international community what China is doing
and to seek UN intervention for the execution of the ruling that grants the Philippines’
exclusive rights over the territory. The continued silence under the guise of not wanting
war could lead to the conclusion that we are abandoning our claim and that we’re
admitting the legitimacy of China’s claims over our territory. And once that admission
by silence is established, we would lose our otherwise won claims.
They should have known earlier. We have nothing to expect from China. They are
only friends to serve their interests. If they are indeed friends like what this government
label them, they will not encroach our seas and poach on our resources. This is not
hating against China but it was their deed that affects their credibility. This is a lesson
for everyone. This is obviously the works of those who are in the position that lead us to
this matter. If only they’re responsible enough, they could’ve done better and they can
still do a lot. Criticizing this government doesn’t always mean hating. I may hate the way
they govern, but that’s because I know they’re more capable than that. Next time, if we
will put someone in power, make sure he is mentally stable and has all the best interest
for the Filipinos and not with anything else. Be wise, Es verdad!
Grading 6 5 4 3 2

Depth of critical Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate

thinking and conscious and thoughtful basic limited little or no
reasoning thorough understanding of understanding of understanding understanding
understanding of the writing the writing of of the writing
the writing prompt and the prompt and the the writing prompt and
prompt and the subject matter. subject matter. prompt and subject matter.
subject matter. subject matter. This reflection
This critical This reflection needs revision.
thinking and needs revision.
reasoning can be
used as an
example for
other students

Use of textual Use specific and Use relevant Use examples Use incomplete No examples
evidence and convincing examples from from the text to or vaguely from the text
historical examples from the texts studied support most developed are used and
context the texts studied to support claims claims in your examples to only claims made in
to support in your own writing with partially support your own
claims in your writing, making some claims with no writing are
own writing, applicable connections connections made unsupported
making connections made between between texts. and irrelevant
insightful and between texts. texts. to the topic at
applicable hand.
between texts.

Language Use Use stylistically Use language Use basic but Use language Use language
sophisticated that is fluent and appropriate that is vague or that is
language that is original, with language, with a imprecise for the unsuitable for
precise and evident a sense basic sense of audience or the audience
engaging, with of voice, voice, some purpose, with and purpose,
notable sense of awareness of awareness of little sense of with little or no
voice, awareness audience and audience and voice, and a awareness of
of audience and purpose, and the purpose and limited sentence
purpose, and ability to vary some attempt to awareness of structure.
varied sentence sentence vary sentence how to vary
structure. structure. structure. sentence

Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate

control of the control of the partial control of limited control of little or no
conventions with conventions, the conventions, the conventions, control of the
essentially no exhibiting exhibiting exhibiting conventions,
errors, even with occasional errors occasional errors frequent errors making
Conventions sophisticated only when using that do not that make comprehension
language. sophisticated hinder comprehension almost i
language. comprehension. difficult. impossible.

Originality of Response to the Little to no parts Some parts of the Most parts of the The response to
Idea topic is of the response response to the response to the the topic is
selfcomposed. to the topic are topic are derived topic are derived copied from the
derived from a from a certain from a certain internet,
certain source source (internet, source (internet, journal, or
(internet, journals, etc.) or journals, etc.) or peer/classmate.
journals, books, copied from a copied from a
etc.) or copied peer/classmate. peer/classmate.
from a

TOTAL 30 25 20 15 10

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