CO PO PSO Attainment
CO PO PSO Attainment
CO PO PSO Attainment
List of PSO’s
PSO 1: Establishment of Mathematical and computer systems concepts: To use mathematical and system
concepts to solve multidisciplinary problems using appropriate mathematical analysis, system and programming
concepts on various computing environments.
PSO 2: Establishment of Application and Information concepts: To inculcate good breadth of knowledge to
create applications and enhance informatics with cutting edge technologies.
PSO 3: Establishment of Business, Technological concepts: The ability to interpret and respond to business
agility with relevant software tools and skills and provide newer ideas and innovations in information technology
List of Program Outcomes
Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of Course Outcome is
In the Outcome Based Education (OBE), assessment is done through one or more than one processes, carried out
by the institution, that identify, collect, and prepare data to evaluate the achievement of course outcomes (CO’s).
Indirect methods such as surveys and interviews ask the stakeholders to reflect on students’ learning.
They assess opinions or thoughts about the graduate’s knowledge or skills and their valued by different
CO Assessment tool Assessed by Reviewed by
Continuous Assessment Internal Exam Cell, HOD,
Thrice in Semester Course Faculty
Test Dean Academics
Assignment Twice in Semester Course Faculty Course Faculty
End Semester
Once in Semester Institute Exam Cell Institute Exam Cell
Lab Practical Course Faculty, Institute
Once in Semester HOD, Institute Exam Cell
Examination Exam Cell
Programme Academic
Course Exit Survey Semester end HOD
Programme Academic
Quality Circle Meeting Thrice in Semester HOD, Dean Academics
Tutorial/ GATE Course Faculty, GATE Programme Academic
Once in a Week
Coaching Coordinator Coordinator, HOD
Guide, Project Coordinator,
Guide, Project
Projects Every Month HOD, Department Advisory
Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with respect to set attainment levels
A. verify the attainment levels as per the benchmark set for all courses
The process of assessing the Course outcome and its attainment level is benchmarked based on the regulations
framed by DAC.
Our institution is an autonomous institution and hence our syllabus is framed by our own Subject Experts based
on industrial needs and same will be reviewed by Board of Studies and Academic Council twice in an Academic
Year. As per the Autonomous regulation R2019, R2020 and R2023 the outcome of the course is graded for 100
marks. These 100 marks are split into 25 for internal evaluation and 75 for external evaluation. The assessment
tool defined are categorized into
Nano level – describes the various assessment tools used to measure the internal marks obtained for the
Scheme for Continuous Assessment Marks
each Experiment
Total Marks
Review – 1
Test Marks
Review - 2
Review - 3
1 Theory 15 - - - 5 - - - 5 25
2 Practical - 10 15 15 - - - - 10 50
3 Project Phase - I - - - - - 15 15 20 - 50
4 Project Phase - II - - - - - 10 10 20 - 40
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for Nano level for this batch
(2019-2023) under Autonomous Regulation R2019 is mentioned below
2 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 2 Marks (0.60* 2)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
10 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 10 Marks (0.60 * 10)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 6
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for Nano level for this batch
(2020-2024) under Autonomous Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
2 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 2 Marks (0.60* 2)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
10 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 10 Marks (0.60 * 10)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 6
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for Nano level for this batch
(2021-2025) under Autonomous Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
2 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 2 Marks (0.65 * 2)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 1.3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60%of students scoring more than 1.3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 1.3
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 5 Marks (0.65* 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60%of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3.25
10 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 10 Marks (0.65 * 10)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 6.5
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60%of students scoring more than 6.5
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 6.5
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 5 Marks (0.65 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3.25
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for Nano level for this batch
(2022-2026) under Autonomous Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
2 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 2 Marks (0.65 * 2)
Attainment Level 1: 50% to below 60% of students scoring more than 1.3
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 70% of students scoring more than 1.3
Attainment Level 3: above 70% of students scoring more than 1.3
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 5 Marks (0.65* 5)
Attainment Level 1: 50% to below 60% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 70% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 3: above 70% of students scoring more than 3.25
10 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 10 Marks (0.65 * 10)
Attainment Level 1: 50% to below 60% of students scoring more than 6.5
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 70% of students scoring more than 6.5
Attainment Level 3: above 70% of students scoring more than 6.5
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 65% of 5 Marks (0.65 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 50% to below 60% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 2: 60% to 70% of students scoring more than 3.25
Attainment Level 3: above 70% of students scoring more than 3.25
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for Nano level for this batch
(2023-2027) under Autonomous Regulation R2023 is mentioned below
2 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 2 Marks (0.60* 2)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 1.2
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
10 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 10 Marks (0.60 * 10)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 6
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 6
5 Marks
Threshold Value = 60% of 5 Marks (0.60 * 5)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 3
Attainment Level 3: above 60% of students scoring more than 3
The student is permitted to appear for End Semester Examinations, only if he/she maintains minimum 75% of
5 Marks (Theory)
(a). Theory courses for which there is an internal marks of 25 that includes 5 marks for attendance as shown in
Table 3. The distribution of 5 marks for attendance is as follows:
5 marks for 95% and above
4 marks for 90% and above but below 95%
3 marks for 85% and above but below 90%
2 marks for 80% and above but below 85%
1 mark for 75% and above but below 80%
10 Marks (Practical)
(b). Practical courses for which there is an internal marks of 50 that includes 10 marks for attendance as shown in
Table 3. The distribution of 10 marks for attendance is as follows:
10 marks for 95% and above
8 marks for 90% and above but below 95%
6 marks for 85% and above but below 90%
4 marks for 80% and above but below 85%
2 marks for 75% and above but below 80%
Micro level – describes the Internal Marks (25 Marks)
Total Marks
Test Marks
Review - 1
Review - 2
Review - 3
1 Theory 15 - - - 5 - - - 5 25
2 Practical - 10 15 15 - - - - 10 50
3 Project Phase - I - - - - - 15 15 20 - 50
4 Project Phase - II - - - - - 10 10 20 - 40
Weightage for
S.No Test Portion for Test Test Marks Duration of Test
Internal Marks
1 CAT - 1 1 ½ Units 50 1 ½ hours 10
2 CAT - 2 1 ½ Units 50 1 ½ hours
3 CAT - 3 All 5 Units 75 3 hours 5
Continuous Assessment for Theory Courses 15
Weightage for
S.No Test Portion for Test Test Marks Duration of Test
Internal Marks
1 CAT - 1 2 Units 50 1 ½ hours 5
2 CAT - 2 2 Units 50 1 ½ hours 5
3 CAT - 3 All 5 Units 75 3 hours 5
Continuous Assessment for Theory Courses 15
Weightage for
S.No Test Portion for Test Test Marks Duration of Test
Internal Marks
1 CAT - 1 1 ½ Units 50 1 ½ hours 10
2 CAT - 2 1 ½ Units 50 1 ½ hours
3 CAT - 3 All 5 Units 75 3 hours 5
Continuous Assessment for Theory cum Practical Courses 15
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for micro level for this batch
(2019-2023) under Regulation R2019 is mentioned below
Threshold Value = 60% of Total Internal Marks (0.60 * 25) and 60% of Practical Internal Marks (0.60 *50)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 3: above 60 of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for micro level for this batch
(2020-2024) under Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
Threshold Value = 60% of Total Internal Marks (0.60 * 25) and 60% of Practical Internal Marks (0.60 *50)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 3: above 60 of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for micro level for this batch
(2021-2025) under Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
Threshold Value = 65% of Total Internal Marks (0.65 * 25) and 65% of Practical Internal Marks (0.65 *50)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 16.25 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 16.25 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 3: above 60 of students scoring more than 16.25 (Theory Courses) and 32.5 (Practical Courses)
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for micro level for this batch
(2022-2026) under Regulation R2020 is mentioned below
Threshold Value = 70% of Total Internal Marks (0.70 * 25) and 70% of Practical Internal Marks (0.70 *50)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 17.5 (Theory Courses) and 35 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 17.5 (Theory Courses) and 35 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 3: above 60 of students scoring more than 17.5 (Theory Courses) and 35 (Practical Courses)
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for micro level for this batch
(2023-2027) under Regulation R2023 is mentioned below
Threshold Value = 60% of Total Internal Marks (0.60 * 25) and 60% of Practical Internal Marks (0.60 *50)
Attainment Level 1: 40% to below 50% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 2: 50% to 60% of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
Attainment Level 3: above 60 of students scoring more than 15 (Theory Courses) and 30 (Practical Courses)
Written Exam
S.No Course Type
1 Theory 75 - - - - 75
2 Practical 40 10 - - 50
3 Project Phase - I - - - 50 - 50
4 Project Phase - II - - - 50 10 60
With reference to the DAC recommendation, the attainment level benchmarked for macro level for the batches
(2019-23, 2020-24, 2021-25, 2022-26, and 2023-27 of Regulations R2019, R2020 and R2023) are mentioned
Describe the assessment tools and processes used for measuring the attainment of each of the Program
Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes
CO Assessment tool Assessed by Reviewed by
Alumni Survey Yearly once after
Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Employer survey Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Parent Survey
Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Graduate Exit Survey Yearly once after
Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Faculty survey
Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Placement data Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Higher Studies Record Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Competitive Exams
Yearly once Programme Academic Coordinator HOD, DAC
Extra-curricular Class Advisor, Event Coordinator,
Yearly Twice HOD, DAC
Activities Programme Academic Coordinator
Outreach/ Extension Class Advisor, Event Coordinator,
Yearly Twice HOD, DAC
Activities Programme Academic Coordinator
Co-curricular Activities Yearly Twice
Class Advisor, Event Coordinator,
Programme Academic Coordinator