10th English by Prem Sir
10th English by Prem Sir
10th English by Prem Sir
SIHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS. Yatube- 68ebclak vicdeo
3. Gillu (Mahadevi Verma)
8 Prose 1.
How did 'Gillu' sustain wounds ?
Ans. Having sustained two wounds due to the as-
1. The pace for living (R. C Hutchinson)
1. Where did the writer (R.C. Hutchinson)
sault by the pair of crows was enough for Gillu tiny
watch the being and he was now motionless, to the pot.
play? 2. What was Gillu's favourite food ?
Ans. The writer watched the play in Dublin.
Ans. Kaju was Gullu's favourite food.
2 Who was the chief character in the play ? 3. How would Gillu inform that he was hungry ?
Ans. In the play, the chief character was an elderly-
Ans. Hungry, Gillu would inform by twittering'Chick-
corn-merchant. Chick.
3. How does the writer (R.C. Hutchinson) classify him-
4. How would Gillu inform the narrator that he was hun-
self as a thinker ?
Ans. The vriter (R.C. Hutchinson) has classificd him-
Ans. When Gillu was hungry, he would inform the
self as a member of the tribe of slow thinkers.
narrator by twittering 'Chik-Chick'. Then the narra- ..
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2. Who is the father of that old woman ? Ans. Akoulya shout at Malasha asking her to catch
Ans. The father of old woman is a slave, black Ameri- the dress floating on the stream.
can. 2. Did the old woman succecd in her effort?
3 Why did some young people visit her old woman ? Ans. Yes, the old woman succeed in her effort only
Ans. Some young people visited her to disprove her when she got a support of the two little girls.
clairvoyance and to show her up for the fraud. 3. What did the two girls do when men started fighting?
4. Where does the old wormen liue ? Ans. When men started fighting, the two girls them-
Ans. The old woman live aloge in a small house out- selves had forgotten all about it and were playing hap-
side of town. pily together.
5. How is her reputation for wisdom ? 4. Why did the old woman say to.the crowd "Are you
Or not ashemed of yourselves. ?
Write in short about the wisdom of the old woman ? Ans. The old woman said so because they were fight
Ans. The old woman's reputation for wisdom is with- ing for the girls but the girls were playing together.
out peer and without question. (She is both the law
and its transgression among) her people. Poetry
7. The unity of Indian culture (Humayun Kabir) Lesson-1
1. Who has delivered the speech
The unity of Indian God Made The country william Cowper)
culture' ? 1. Where do you find health and virtue?
Ans. Humayun Kabir has delivered the specch (The Ans. We find health and virtue in villages.
unity of Indian culture).
2. How were the Aryans regarded till recently?
2 Where do you find fields and groves?
Ans. We find field and groves in country side
Ans. Till recently, Argans were regarded as the ear- 3., Why is the nightingale mute in a town ?
liest enuaders of the land. Ans. The nightingale is mute in a the towns because
3 What according to the author is the most remarkable she is offended.
feature of Indian culture ? What can make our life sweet ?
Ans. The underlying unity of Indian culture is one of Ans. The village can make our life sweet because
the most remarkable features. the village is mostsuitable for human beings. Where
4. Where has old civilization and culture grown and the net air and water is obtained.
changed ? Lesson-2
Ans. Old civilization and çulture grown and changed on Solitude
in India.
Ode (Alexander pope)
Who is a happy man ?
5. What has been the policy of the Indians in all spheres
Ans, In the lap of nature, a man living with loneliness
of life? is happy.
Ans. In all spheres of life, Live and let Iive has Deen2. How do trees help him (poet) ?
the policy of Indians.
Ans. Trees help him by giving wood for burning in
6. What is preferable to fanatic devotion?
shade and Jara in the summer season.
Ans. Toleration. that leads to the sufferance of civil
Who is a blessed man ?
and even indifference to the values of life is prefer-
Ans. Blessed are thosc who arc free from worldly
able to funatic devotion. concerns.
7. How does Humayan Kabir define culture ?
4. What does the poet wish for after death ?
Ans. Humayun Kabir defines culture as the flower- Ans. After the death, the poet wants no one to cryy
ing of civilization.
over my death. No grave mark should be placed on
8. How does Humayun Kabir define civilization? my grave.
Ans. Humayun Kabir defines civilization as the
organisation of society which ereates the conanion or
Polythene Bag (Durga Prasad Panda)
(Leo Tolstoy) 1.When does a polythene bag make a noise ?
8. Little Girls wiser than man Ans. When the polythene bag is touched then it makc
1. Why did Akoulaya short at Malasha ?
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a noise. back.
2. What does 'polythene Bag' give out when it is burnt. 2. Who is challenging the mountain ?
Ans. When polythene bag is burnt out it gives a pun- Ans. The porter is challenging the mountain.
gent smell. 3. What type of cap is the porter wearing?
3 How does 'Polythene Bag' affect environment ? Ans. The porter is wearing a drity-black cap.
Ans. When left to itself polythene bag pollutes the 4. What type of smell does the porter emit ?
cnvironment. Ans. The porter emits a sulphur-like sour smcll.
4. How do the germs of disase grow? . What is meant by lid of night' ?
Ans. When polythene bag becomes undergroun then
Ans. Lid of night means the star-studded sky.
the discase germs grow.
5. Whose hurt melts down like polythene bag ?
Martha (Walter De la Mare)
Ans. The pain caused by the hurt melts like polythene 1. What does martha do in the Hazel glean ?
Ans. Martha tells the children stories in the Hazel
Lession-4 glean.
Thinner Than a crescent Vidyapati 2. What is the colour of martha's eyes ?
1. Why is Radhika crying ? Ans. The colour of martha's eyes is clear grey
Ans. Radhika is crying due to the obsence of God 3. How do they sit to listen to martha's story?
Ans. They sit on their ellows to listen martha's story.
2. Why did Radha's friend run to Lord Krishna ? Second book
Or Who was Halku
Where does Radha's friend go and why ? Ans. Halku was a tenant farmer.
Ans. Radha's friend runs/goes to call on Krishna to | 2 Why did Halku need a blanket ?
come to Radha. Ans. Halku had to sleep in the fields at night. So
Lession-5 Halku was need a blanket.
The Empty Heart Periasamjy Thooran. 3. How were Halku's crops destroyed?
What does he do to satisfý his ambition? Ans. Halku crops were destroyed by wild animals.
Ans. He adapts unreasonable means to satisfy his 4. Who was Munni ? Why did Munni suggested Halku
greed. to give up tenant farming ?
. Why was the man not content, although he was rich Or
Why did Munni advice her husband to give up tenan
Ans. The man was'a greedy one, so he was not con- farming?
tent. Ans. Munni was the wife of Halku. Munni advised
Lession-6 her husband to give up tenant farming because what-
Koel (The Black cuckoo) (Puran Singh) ever he eaned was paid to the landlord. Munni says
Who wrote the poem Koel ? that it is possible to geta bread with pleasure in wages.
5. How many characters are there in the story 'January
Ans. Puran Singh wrote the puem Koel.
Night' list them.
What wakes thousand memories in heart ?
Ans. There are four characters in the story 'January
Ans. Puran Singh says to Koel. 1hy high pitched
strains wake in my soul a thousand memories. Night. They are Halku, Munni, Jabra and Jamindar.
6. Who was Jabra ?
3. Why is the Kocl restless ?
Ans. The Koel is restless in search of his beloved. Ans. Jabra was the pet dog of Halku, a poor tenant
. What fires the Koel ?
7. What is allergy ?
Ans. The sight of mango-blossoms fires the Koel.
Ans. Allergy is a malfunction of the human immune
system causing a violent reaction against normally
The sleeping porter (Laxmi Prasad Devkota) harmless substances in out natural environment.
How much load docs the porter have on his back 8. What is 'allergy march'?
Ans. A twventy-five kilo load the porter have on
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2. Who is the father of that old woman Ans. Akoulya shout at Malasha asking her to catch
Ans. The father of old woman is a slave, black Ameri- the dress floating on the stream.
can. 2. Did the old woman succeed in her cffort ?
3. Why did some young people visit her old woman ? Ans. Yes, the old woman succecd in her cffort only
Ans. Some young people visited her to disprove her when she got a support of the two little girls.
clairvoyance and to show her up for the fraud. 3. What did the two girls do when men started fighting ?
4 Where does the old women liue ? Ans. When men started fighting, the two girls them-
Ans. The old woman live aloge in a small house out- selves had forgotten all about it and were playing hap-
side of town. pily together.
5. How is her reputation for wisdom ? 4 Why did the old woman say to the crowd "Are you
Or not ashemed of yourselves.?
Write in short about the wisdom of the old woman ? Ans. The old woman said so because they were fight
Ans. The old woman's reputation for wisdom is with- ing for the girls but the girls were playing together.
out peer and without question. (She is both the law
and its transgression among) her people. Poetry
7. The unity of Indian culture (Humayun Kabir) Lesson-1
Who has delivered the speech The unity of Indian God Made The country William Cowper)
culture' ? 1. Where do you find health and virtue ?
Ans. Humayun Kabir has delivered the speech (The Ans. We find health and virtue in villages.
unity of Indian culture). 2 Where do you find fields and groves ?
2. How were the Aryans regarded till recently ? Ans. We find field and groves in country side.
Ans. Till recently, Argans were regarded as the ear- 3. Why is the nightingale mute in a town?
liest enuaders of the land. Ans. The nightingale is imute in a the towns because
What according to the author is the most remarkable she is offended.
feature of Indian culture? 4. What can make our life sweet ?
Ans. The underlying unity of Indian culture is one of Ans. The village can make our life sweet because
the most remarkable features. the village is most suitable for human beings. Where
4. Where has old civilization and culture grown and the net air and water is obtained.
changed ? Lesson-2
Ans. Old civilization and çulture grown and changed Ode on Solitude (Alexander pope)
in India. I. Who is a happy man
5. What has been the policy of the Indians in all spheres
Ans. In thé lap of nature, a man living with loneliness
oflife? is happy.
Ans. In all spheres of life, Live and let live has been 2. How do trees help him (poet) ?
the policy of Indians. Ans. Trees help him by giving wood for buming in
6 What is preferable to fanatic devotion ? shade and Jara in the summer season.
Ans. Toleration that leads to the sufferance of civil 3.
Who is a blessed man ?
and even indifference to the values of life is prcfer- Ans. Blessed are thosc who are free from worldly
able to funatic devotion. concerns.
7. How does Humayan Kabir define culure ? What does the poet wish for after death?
Ans. Humayun Kabir defines culture as the flower- Ans. After the death, the poet wants no one to cry
ing of civilization. over my death. No grave mark should be placed on
8. How does Humayun Kabir define civilization? my grave.
Ans. Humayun Kabir defines civilization as the. Lesson-3
organisation of society which creates the condition of Polythene
Bag (Durga Prasad Panda)
culture. 1. polythene bag make a noise ?
When does a
8. Little Girls wiser than man Leo Tolstoy) Ans. When the polythene bag is touched then it make
1. Why did Akoulaya short at Malasha ?
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a noise. back.
2. What does 'polythene Bag' give out when it is burnt. Who is challenging the mountain?
Ans. When polythene bag is bumt out it gives a pun-
2. Ans. The porter is challenging the mountain.
gent smelI. What type of cap is the porter wearing?
3. How does 'Polythene Bag' affect environment ? Ans. The porter is wearing a drity-black cap.
Ans. When left to itself polythene bag pollutes the 4. What type of smell does the porter emit ?
cnvironment. Ans. The porter emits a sulphur-like sour smell.
4 How do the gems of disease grow ? What is meant by lid of night'?
Ans. When polythene bag becomes undergroun then Ans. Lid of night means the star-studded sky.
the discase germs grow. Lesson-8
5. Whosc hurt mclts down like polythene bag ?
Martha (Walter De la Mare)
Ans. The pain caused by the hurt melts like polythene 1. What does martha do in the Hazel glean?
bag. Ans. Martha tells the children stories in the Hazel
Lession-4 glean.
Thinner Than a crescent Vidyapati 2. What is the colour of martha's eyes ?
1. Why is Radhika crying ? Ans. The colour of martha's eyes is clear grey.
Ans. Radhika is crying due to the obsence of God 3. How do they sit to listen to martha's story ?
Krishna. Ans. They sit on their ellows to listen martha's story.
Why did Radha's friend run to Lord Krishna ? Second b0ok
Or Who was Halku ?
Where does Radha's friend go and why? Ans. Halku was a tenant farmer.
Ans. Radha's friend runs/goes to call on Krishna to 2. Why did Halku need a blanket ?
come to Radha. Ans. Halku had to sleep in the fields at night. So
Lession-5 Halku was need a blanket.
The Empty Heart Periasamy Thooran. 3. How were Halku's crops destroyed?
1. What does he do to satisfý his ambition? Ans. Halku crops were destroyed by wild animals.
Ans. He adapts unreasonable means to satisfy his4. Who was Munni Why did Munni suggested Halku
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Ans. This direct path of development' is widcly re- Ans. By Giridhar Jha is a senior jounalist and script
ferred to as 'the allergy march". writer based in Patna.
9 Is betting a good habit ? 24. Who is writer of love Defiled ?
Ans. No, betting is not a good habit. Ans. By Giridhar Jha is writer of love defiled.
10. How can asthma be treatcd ? 25. How did the narrator defile love?
Ans. For effective treatment of asthama it is ncces Ans. The narrator loves his girlfriend passionately
sary to go beyoned the apparent transist symetems for eight ycars. But he refused to marry her because
and get help from Anti-histamines. his parents and relatives were opposed to their mar-
11. Why did the banker weep to read the notes of the riage. He defiled love by betraying his girl friend.
lauyer? 26. Why did the narrator leave the gil he loved so pas-.
Ans. The banker wept to read the notes of the law sionatcly ? was he honest in his relation?
yer because he was filled with guilt. Ans. The narrator IAS could not be made, so she left
12. How did the lawyer violate the agreement with
the the girl so much that she loved so much. He was not
banker ? honest in his relationship.
Ans. The lawyer violated the agreement with the 27. Has the. goodness of some one ever made you feel
banker by escaping from his ccll five minutes before very mean ? Explain.
the stipulated term.. Ans. Yes, Goodness of some elder members in my
13. What types of boots were made by Mr. Gesslerr? family and friends have.made me to realize my follies
Ans. Mr. Gessler only made what was ordered, and and mistakes. I learn much from my clders, senior
whatever he made never failed to fit. friends and teachers.
14. Who was Mr. Gessler ? 28. Live in relationship is against our social values' Explain.
Ans. Mr. Gessler was a quality boot maker. Ans. Now a days laws are in favour of live-in-rela-
15. How did the author know Mr. Gessler ? tionship. But our society does not permit it. It is against
Ans. The author know him from his young age be- our social values.
cause he made his father's boots from him.
16. Who were sun and Moon ?
Ans. Sun and Moon were brother and sister. They
. You are kundan. you are a student of Ramawater
were very young and kept a loof from the adults world. Secondary School, Saran you are the secretary
17. How did moon's shoes look like? of the cultural society of your school. A competi-
tion on story is to be organised write a notice,
Ans. Moon's shoes were white with big blobs them.
informing the students about the date and venue
18. What did 'sun and Moon's see in the afternoon. ?
of and eligibility for the compelition.
Ans. 'Sun and Moon' saw a lat of activity in their
Ans. I. M.B. Sccondary School, Gaya
house in the afternoon.
19. What your parents do not like you to do ?
Ans. My parents do not like to. attend the party at NOTICE
17 Feb., 2020
20. What happened to the little house in the party ? Story Competition
Ans. Sun and Moon saw that the guest were walking All students from class IX to XII are notified
round the table in the little-house (dinning-room). that a story comptition is being organized in our school
21. Comment on the bond between the mother and her campus from 9:00 to 11.00 in the morning on Feb. 23,
dauther. 2020, on the martyrdom day of martyr Bhagàt Singh.
Ans. The bond between the mother and her dauther The story should be based on rcal and self. Students
is that of love affection and above all womanhood in receiving more than 60% marks can participate in this
Indian background. competition. For more information, you can contact
22. What did the daughter lean from her mother ? the school before Feb. 20, 2020.
Ans. The daughter leam the mantra of loving, hard- RajkumarPal
ship and of loving life from her mother. Secretary
23. Who is By Giridhar Jha ? The cultural society.
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2. Youare the cultural secretary of your school. You Ans. Paiga High School, Saran
have been asked to inform students of class-X |
about a school dramatics competition. Drafi a NOTICE
notice in about 50 words to be put on the school 5 August, 2020
notice board with all necessary details. Independence Day
You are the secretary of the Cultural Society
Our school is going to present a program on Au
15. As you know that the 15th at August is
ofyour school you have been asked to inform the historic day in the history of our country. we celebrate
students about a fancy dress competition to be held
this day with great pomp and show. All talented stu-
in your school. Draft a notice in about 60 words
dents wishing to attend this day are to attend schoo
to be put on the school notice board with all nec-
essary details. campus on August 10 in the present of a famous art
ist Kundan Kumar.
Ans. J.M. High School, Raipura, Saran Rayjiv Ranjan
NOTICE Secretary
29 Feb. 2020
Fancy Dress Competition Paiga High School, Saran
Our school is organizing a fancy dress competition 5. You have lost your hand bag in the school pre-
on Buddha Jayanti. All interested students who wish to mises. Write a notice for your school notice board
participate can give their name by March 3, 2020. Our requesting the finder to return it to you. you are
art teacher Mr. Kundan kumar will Choose students at Kundan kumar of Wishamvarpur,. High School,
10.00 in the morning on March 5, 2020. For more de- Saran.
tails, contact the undersigned. Ans. Wishamvarpur High School, Saran
Kamlesh Kumar
Secretary NOTICE
Cultural Society 05 September 2020.
3. As the secretary of the Drama Society of your Lost Bag
school write a notice to invite the students to watch During my scMool days, my hand bag was lost in
a play in Hindi. Mention the title of the play its school campus. It is of black colour containing my.mo-
writer, the venue and the time. bile, identity card, Adhar Card, a few pens and only
Or fifty rupees. The teacher as requested to get me back
You are Pramod the Secretary at the Drama when I get it.
Society of your school. Write.a notice to invite the
Your obedient student|
students to watch a play in Hindi, Mention the
venue and the time. Kundan kumar
title of the play, its wriler, the
Apahar High School, Saran Roll No.-14
5April, 2020 Message( zRT)
Drama show in Hindi All the students of our Write a message to your mother to inform her that
school are informed that our school is going to orga- you are going to see Mukesh kumar, your friend
nize drama shows in the school campus. from 11.00 who has taken ill.
am on April 14, on the occasion of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Jayant Interested students are most welcomed. Or
Pramod Kumar Your friend, Mukesh kumar, is ill. you have to go
Secretary urgently to his house to see him. Send a.written
Drama Society message to your mother, giving her details about
words for your school Mukesh's illness. Ask her to inform your father
4. Write a notice in about 60
also. Write the message in not more than 50 words
notice board inviting students to appear for trial
and put the message in a box.
in different items on 15th August.
aweees0000 ANAAKSANA*SRSNw.w.w.wwwwww.INNONN RNNNNNEwwwwwMwwww*NOwwwwMww*wwOwW*w**wwwweODMWwww.wwwewwwew
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You will be happy to know that for my summer The civil request is that I want to attract you to
vacation like my college is closed. I went to roam the your areas. For the past one month, there has been
Rajgir. Where are the temples of Gautam Buddlha, no work of cleaning in this area, due to which the
Shanti stup and Japanese temnple seen. Before secen garbage loads have becn started around. There has
all this, I had a both in Garam kund. where the for- also been apossibility of spreading infections diseases.
eigners also come to roam, which is very good to see. So, I pray to sir that you have to inspect the area
But I did not feel like walking around without you. So as soon as possiblc.
now we both come together to visit friends. 17 Feb. 2020. Social worker
Your lovely friend IMB
Katsa Chowk, Saran
Address:- 7. Write a letter 1o your.friend deseribing the prepa-
5 Write a letter to your friend about your ambition
ration of the board exam.
in life.
Or Ans.
Examination Hall
Write a letter to your friend in about 10-150
17 Feb., 2020
words, telling him what you propose to do after|
your Inter mediate examination. My dear friend
Or We received your letter you have asked about
Write a letter to your father about your aim in life. my board exam. My exam is scheduled to begin next
Ans. Examination Hall month. I have started reading seriously for the exam.
I am paying special attention to mathematics and sci
17Feb. 2020
My dear friend/father, ence. All the lessons in language and social science
I am fine here and I hope. You will be same there. have already been replicated. Yes, I am practicing
grammar in Hindi, English and sanskrit with complete
As. I have just got your letter I am glad to read it. perserverance. Hopefully, all the preparations will be
I have decided the purpose of my life. I will be-
Be completed by the date of the examinations.
come a good doctor by passing the Intermediate.
in Your studies will also be running well Greetings
cause I feet that good coctors are very important
doctors in our to the elders and auspicious blessings to the little ones.
our country. There is lack of skilled
be a good doctor. Your lovely friend
village. So want to
17.Feb., 2020
Essay ()
Your Lovely Friend/Son Game you like most/
I. Your Favourite Game/The criket
IMB An Interesting Cricket match/One-day
Roll No. match/Value of ganmes..
players have
Roll Code. Ans. In the cricket match eleven-cleven
application, captain. Before
6. Letting the health officer write an two teams, each team has its own
in your both the teams
while pointing to the rising
negligence the start of the gamc, the captains of
it in front of the
area. come between the grounds and toss
To umpire to determine who will play first.
Ans. Some peoplc say that thi is not a foreign
The Health Officer, in villages, which
Sadar Hospital, Chapra but itis in Gullidanda, which is played
the future of
area. later became a form of cricket. Now
Sub-For cleaning the this game has remained bright.
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2. A village fair First ofall honesty is real duty. But policy is second duty.
There is a village fair held on every years. Alot of people But two words are as sister and brother. Any one cn not
go to village fair and purchase a lots of thing everyday.| defeated of honesty. Because it is your real education of
All the villages go to every day and moves from morning society. A honest man progress little by little. So honesty
to evening for entertainment. Fair is source of amuse- can not never dies in this world.
ment It is a amazing time of all people. Many shopkeep- 8. Unity is Strength
ers sell a lot of things everyday. After all fair is real source
It is universal truth that unity is strength without unity
of amusement. The children attract fair entirely:
all people can not be success in this world. So we should
3. A village Market understand that we compile all thing. f you leave alone
The market of the village is that place. Where people that things are completely weak. He can not make a bridge
are gathered to buy and sell goods. The, market of the alone. Unity gives support which is source of strength.
village starts in the open ground. It lsts for a few hours. Without support there can not be any thing. Union is real
There are some permanent shops in it. alliance of this world.
The market of the village takes twice a week. It"| 9. Time and tide wait for no Man
starts after noon and ends in the evening. On the market
Itis universal truth that time and tide wait for no man.
day is very moving. The traders of nearby villages are
According to many scholar life is race. But time does not
selling their,beloging in the market, so neighboring vil-
wait him, If you have good opportunity then you get it
lages come to buy goods in the market. according to time. So we should go with time. Some times
4. Computer we get an opportunity for success. All man should take
Computer has a special place for the convenience of up time then man succeed in this world. All thing are im-
the human being in the computer. Hours of computer work portant in this world. A man who makes proper use of
is done in sèconds. This is the reason that its popularity is thime get success. Time taking is reason of success.
increasing day by day. In India, the trend of computer is 10. Rome was not built in a day
growing rapidly. The result of the computer is pure. The According to many scholar Rome was not built in
importance of computers in the use of teachnical educa- day. It is real universal
truth. The great city of Rome, the
tion. Today the computer has provided convenience, sim- centre the Roman Empire,
of was built up slowly. I did
plicity to human life. So, in today's era, life without com- not come into exis tence. We
know how to the real about
puter is incomplete. knowledge. No great work can be completed in short
5. Health is Wealth time. As Rome was built. up slowly so also any thing
It is really say that Health is Wealth. According to | great can be recieve slowly.
many scholar health is real wealth. All people can not do 11. A child is father of the man
something without health. It is health of human beings. According to many scholarthe child is
father of man. A
Health is real treassure of human's life. AIl human de- child has all the good qualities in him that grow up, when
pend on their health. If you have good health then we can he attain manhood. Aman has lot ability,
a of But he does
go ahead without any suspicion. You can progress all area. not maintain of his brain. Because all things depend on
This is our combination for progressing father and gardian, whose gardian conscious those un-
6. Work is Worship derstand man ability. There mind is like day. It can be
According to many scholar work is worship. All | keep into any shape. So gardian and parents follow thor
people know that only labour is key to success without oughly.
hard work we can not do some things in this world. So we 12. Pollution/Environment Pollution
beleive in only hard labour not at all in luck. Luck is chance Today there is pollution all over in the world. At present
butlabouris talent. Work is real worship after all,Iwould pollution is available all place. The problem of pollution
like to suggest that all people that we only believe in Hard has become very serous in recent years. But some place
labour. are neat and clean. Pollution gives dirty every place.
. 7. Honesty is the best Policy There are different type of pollution here. Water pol-
Honesty is the best policy it is real truth of the world. lution, sound pollution and noise pollution are available in
If you have honesty then you may be succeed in your life. the world. We should free from pollution because pollu-
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tion is lethal before the world. It is burning question be- 17. A Book Fair
fore the world.
The book fair is the place where author teachers,
13. Hostel life/Student life book loves and scholar are present and choose and buy
The studet receiving education is called a student. your favourite book. In this fair, the children of old age
Student life is so beautiful, how lovely it is in which case young boy and people of all classes go children choose
students, students in the hostel and the life of penance. colorful books. So young people are buying a useful
The ideal student is one who is impartial in nature and book of their choicc.
understands the importance of time. In student life. When The book fair seems to be in an open space. The
I lived in the hostel, T had to follow a certain program, main purpose of which is to awaken knowledge and
which was important to me. The time of reading began at awareness of the people in the book loves public organiz-
7am moming and ran till 9am. ing book fair is useful in every sense so even today book
14. True Friend fair is organized in every region of India and India's most
It is really say that a friend in need is a friend ineed. A popular fair seems to be in Kolkata.
true friend means reality. But, ocasional friend is not real- 18. Election
ity. Some people say that a fair weather friend is not good The choice of words is made up of two words. choose
friend in this world. So we should choose close friend and name known under the process of election a leader
which friend accompany with always. Friend is a require- who chooses the name of the boat. Which leads the pub-
ment today but A true friend is curious in the world ac- lic towards development.
cording to many philosopher, A great philosopher newton's Our country did not gave the right to vote before in-
explain about true friend thorouthly. dependence the people also got the right to vote in the
15. No pains No gains election process. The authority which was received by
"Work hard" is the real meaning of no pain no gains with- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
out work we can not get anything. It is universal truth. If the public got the right to vote in the election pro-
Without struggle we can not hope success. Without tak cess the leader got the right to vote. The process of vote
ing pain nothing can be gain. All people know that short- transaction is called election which strongs democracy.
cut track is very dangerous for people so we should be Therefore elections are held for both central and legisla-
rational then we succeed in their life. All of the people tive bodies in every 5 years in our country.
depend on their hard labour. They should cease castle in 19. Newspaper/Freedom of Press
the air. We should believe in our work not believe in our The resources that bring news abroad news are called
Iuck. Without do work we can not some things. Itis proverv newspapers. The introduction of everday events happen-
that labour never goes invain. ing in the country or abroad can easily get us at least in
16. An Indian Festival/Holi the expense what has happened in other countries today
India is a country of fairs of which Holi is important. What is happening today is the knowledge of all these
Holi is the happiest festival of the Hindus. It is cclebrated things we get through newspaper
all over India. It is held on the first day of Chaitra. It is an It is said that the newspaper was born in China first
important festival of the spring. because printing was first done in China. But some people
There is a stroy behind this festival. It is celebrated in say that the birth of the newspaper is the city of Rome in
the memory of the death of Holika. Once upon a time Italy. Because the newspaper was borm 400 years ago in
there was a demon lamed Hiranyakashyap. His son Benis Nagar of Italy. Thc propaganda which took place
Prahlad fefused to obey him. So he punished prahald in throughout Europe in the 17th country. Where as news-
several ways. At last he ordered his sister Holika to burn papers in India were born in the 18th country.
Prahlad. She had the blessing of a God that fire could not Newsppaers can be a senior, even big leaders are
bum her. When she took Prahlad into the burning fire, scared. Because newpapers larger government. So ever
She was burmt to ashes. Prahlad was not burnt at all. To know that it creates a wave revolution. Newpapers also
commemorate this Hindus observe Holi and in the evening work as a Yoga education, so the future of the newpaper
people embrace one another. in our country is beautiful and bright.
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