The 7 Tips To Be Limitless
The 7 Tips To Be Limitless
The 7 Tips To Be Limitless
7 Tips To Be
And although you may not see it, taking these habits and trying
to implement them into your life, is a step forward and a
unconscious decision for better.
Sequoyah Sanders
Understand, that one of the greatest drives of all human beings is the drive
to succeed. It may not be money, may not be a car or a fancy watch, and it
may not be the ability to give back to a church or a loved one, but all human
beings are fired up about becoming successful. It is the drive for
improvement and progress, and like Tony Robbins once said "Success is
linked to progress, progress is linked directly to happiness." It is the growth
and progress that gives us the sense of accomplishment and
accomplishments makes us feel successful. After all if we're not growing
and getting ahead, we are actually decaying and falling behind. Everyone
wants to get ahead. Everybody wants to improve. Everyone wants to get
better! NOBODY wants to fall behind, nobody wants to fail and nobody
wants to suck.
So, what if you could achieve all that you desire and even more? What if
you could unlock your human potential?
We are all God's highest form of creation. We all have the same mental
faculties and we all have a conscious mind and subconscious mind, where
we can dictate. It has been proven before, that our outside life leverages our
inside life, being our current lifestyles, personalities, and influences. They
are the game changers behind the scenes to our mindset and our ways of
Now, certain habits and ways of thinking can change how we are as human
beings and with the following information, I would like to share that it has
helped shape me into the person I am, but it wouldn't have if I didn't declare
to myself that I was willing to learn. Please go find a mirror and look at
yourself. Look into your eyes and ask yourself, "how bad do you really want
to learn, and improve?" Because without the patience, drive and
persistence. You will only waste your time.
Please declare to yourself that you want to improve and learn. Then go do
Number one that I would like to share, is the importance of having
to BELIEVE in yourself. Do not allow anyone to say what you can
and cannot do. EVER! You have to have faith and the belief that
SUCCESS is possible for you; and build that mindset, make it
With believing in yourself and you can start by getting rid of the
limited thought process that you may have. Stop telling yourself,
'no' and 'I'm not good enough' or "I'll never make it." and just
imagine and see yourself there already because the person who
says they can't, and the person who says they can, are both
usually right.
I once pulled a quote from Alex Morton, and he said "The person
who succeeds, must see themselves successful before they even
get success. It is crazy, but ACT like the person you want to
become." and in my understanding that does not mean go and buy
expensive things like that person you want to be, or rent a foreign
sports car like that person has, nor lie to others about things you
have happening or working on, unless it's true, but don't do it when
none of it is true.
Overall, just do not fake yourself out, instead act like 'as if' you had
that opportunity to be a successful person's roommate for a month.
Notice and acquire their habits, personality, passions, efforts, likes,
dislikes, maybe even the way that they dress because it'll give you
a new found sense of confidence and in my case a sense of
My senior year in high school I began to follow this tip and it helped
me to build my self confidence, because I looked good and I
dressed liked the successful person I wanted to be, and at that
time. I wanted to be Alex Morton and nobody was going to tell me
It could've been 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am flights to and from
Arizona to Nevada, to California, to New York, to different countries
and back. Alex would declare and keep his mindset.
Three things I noticed and took note of, was that he had a
set schedule and an amazing drive to continue to push, and a
bulletproof mindset through the jet lag and constant movement in
his days.
Know Yourself
Knowing yourself is something I've picked up from Gary Vee or
some may call him Gary Vaynerchuk. "It is rarely spoke of in the
business world, because things are sometimes "1st place or
nothing" and theres a subconscious standard for everyone." Gary
There's more in the world and I know it, but I haven't experienced it
yet, but as of right now I know myself and understand myself
enough to make the better judgments and decisions for my future,
but maybe I'm a lucky one because my friends at my age still are
iffy about what the next step is and what where they will be in the
next five years, or maybe I made the decision myself that I wanted
change in my life and this was a calling to help guide and lead me
to that change.
It's safe to say, yes. It was the third option, I decided and it lead me
to a pretty awesome change while in high school and just beyond
high school and it's graduation.
We live in a highly stressful environment today with the internet and
hectic work schedules. Taking the time to work on yourself has
amazing benefits. So when you work you will become happy and
relieved, stress free, and more resilient. Taking care of your body is
must and when you do it, it'll make you feel better and it'll influence
you to be a better feeling person, which leads into turning into a
better person, parent, businessman, business woman, or even
Start a routine and stick with it. Anything works, start with a casual
walk, maybe time it, five or ten minutes and casually grow with it. If
you need help search for a simple plan online or ask a friend or
someone you know that is always working out to maybe make you
a plan or ask if you can tag along sometime.
If possible, meditate for 20 minutes daily. Quiet the mind, if you do
meditate the benefit is that you mind and way of thinking is clear
and easier to make better decisions, and it allows our greatest
work. You will operate at peaceful state while everyone else is
stressed. It is possible to do it first thing in the morning while getting
ready for the day.
Before my senior year in high school I didn't work out much nor did
I inspire too, until I wanted a change. I made my pledge in January
and that's when I began my small plan and it began with an
exercise plan. Something small to start and since I had a very busy
schedule in high school.
I would wake up about 5:30 am, if I didn't work until then. I would
wake up and meditate for 20 minutes and plan my day, sometimes I
would stretch out for this period too. Then I would start my day.
Class started at 6:00am and I would get to class early to start on
assignments early. A fun fact, I never liked homework.
My votech class would end and then I'd drive back to high school
and get my 25 push ups and sit ups, in before my next class. It was
odd because I was alone while doing my workout in the hallways at
school, but it didn't matter to me, I had a plan and I wanted to do it.
I felt it really comes down to how bad you want to be successful in
anything you set your mind to, but I would get bits of my workour in
before class and then finish off the day at school, then head off to
Dress for Success
Have you ever heard of the term "Look good, feel good." ? This
chapter is exactly that. Dressing well, will lead to attention in a
room, people tend to like other people who dress and look good
and more often than not, the way you dress and carry yourself will
be noticed before anyone has time to introduce themselves to you,
or you to them. Dressing well, will add confidence to you and your
When you go and get that interview for a new job, you don't wear a
tshirt and basketball shorts. Hopefully you dress up, to what? (to
look good) EXACTLY! to dress for success, is to literally dress for
success. Success is tied into becoming limitless. A tip of mine I
would like to share, is DO NOT go broke, trying to look rich. I
repeat, DO NOT go broke trying to look rich. Okay? What I mean
by this, is that you do not need the high fashion name brand clothes
to look good, unless you want them. Use Pinterest or something
relative to find a look and go to a local Macy's, JC Penney's, Stage,
Ross, Cato, Buckle, Dillard's, TJ Maxx, Sears, Nordstrum Rack, Old
Navy, or sometimes even Kmart. You can get better deals on
clothing from these stores than others, but that is my opinion. You
can shop how you want to.
I believe that this was picked from a few influences, because
everyone looks at how far they've come and how far they aim to go,
to give us a sense of momentarily placement to see our progress. If
we are in scarcity mindset of "want, want, want" then we will never
see all the things that we have, which could lead us to becoming
Eat, Sleep, & Learn
Please acquire a healthy diet, if you do not already have one. If you
take of your body, your body will take care of you.
Please aim to have a set time for sleep, try to get at least
seven/eight hours of sleep nightly.
Please aim to learn something new every day, by learning one new
thing a day, how much would you have learned at the end of the
year? a lot, right? exactly. Aim to learn one new thing daily.
If anything, read. The great leaders are readers. Aim to read a book
a week, schedule a time of thirty minutes to an hours of reading
A example of consistency, is my choice of writing some more
books. I am not the best, but I'll continue to write more to get better.
Another example is my choice to workout everyday, drink one
gallon of water each and every day, and show gratitude every day.
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