A Real Time Fractal Based Brain State Recognition From Eeg and Its Applications
A Real Time Fractal Based Brain State Recognition From Eeg and Its Applications
A Real Time Fractal Based Brain State Recognition From Eeg and Its Applications
Olga Sourina, Qiang Wang, Yisi Liu and Minh Khoa Nguyen
Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore, Singapore
Keywords: BCI, Neurofeedback, Emotion recognition, Fractal dimension, EEG, Real-time applications.
Abstract: EEG-based immersion is a new direction in research and development on human computer interfaces. It has
attracted recently more attention from the research community and industry as wireless EEG reading
devices became easily available on the market. EEG-based technology has been applied in anaesthesiology,
psychology, serious games or even in marketing. As EEG signal is considered to have a fractal nature, we
proposed and developed a novel spatio-temporal fractal based approach to the brain state quantification. The
real-time algorithms of emotion recognition and concentration level recognition were implemented and
integrated in human-computer interfaces of EEG-enable applications. In this paper, EEG-based “serious”
games for concentration training and emotion-enable applications including emotion-based music therapy
on the Web were proposed and implemented.
algorithms as well. Our approach consists from two Related Potential (ERP) distortion can reflect
parts: interactive tools allowing dynamic analysis of psychological disorders such as Attention Deficit
EEG signals amplitudes and other parameters Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (Lubar et al., 1995,
distribution over the brain lobes, and fractal Fuchs et al., 2003), Autistic Spectrum Disorders
dimension algorithms with sliding window that can (ASD) (Coben et al., 2010, Kouijzer et al., 2010),
estimate complexity of the signal by calculating Substance Use Disorders (SUD) including alcoholics
fractal dimensions values changing over time. The and drug abuse (Saxby and Peniston, 1995,
algorithms of concentration level recognition and Sokhadze et al., 2008), etc. Neurofeedback can be
emotion recognition use just one fractal feature per used for treating these disorders besides medical
channel that allows us to implement real-time EEG- treatments. Many neurofeedback games were
enable applications. We implemented real-time assessed, and it was proved that they have a healing
applications such as blobby 3D mapping, effect on patients with ADHD while the patient has
concentration games, emotion-enable search on the abnormal θ/β ratio of EEG. Besides the ratio, the
Web, etc. that are described in this paper. distortion in Slow Cortical Potential (SCP) was also
In Section 2.1, we describe Brain Computer notified in (Gevensleben et al., 2009). Both the
Interfaces (BCI) and neurofeedback techniques. In frequency band neurofeedback training and the SCP
Section 2.2, emotion recognition algorithms are neurofeedback training could achieve a good healing
reviewed. Then, we describe the proposed spatio- effect for ADHD (Gevensleben et al., 2009). Two
temporal fractal-based approach to the brain state EEG signal processing methods are prevalent in BCI
recognition. In Section 3.1, 3D Mapping of EEG systems: power spectrum analysis for different
signal with blobby model is presented. In Section frequency bands and event related potential analysis.
3.2, fractal dimension algorithms applied for As the different frequency band reflects different
extraction of fractal dimension features of EEG brain functions (Demos, 2005), frequency training is
signal with sliding window are elaborated. An a well-known technique applied in clinic
implementation of the overall algorithm is given in applications together with the Quantitative EEG
Section 4. Real-time EEG-enable applications (QEEG) protocol. In QEEG protocol, the power over
including EEG-based serious games and emotion- different bands is assessed from the patients EEG
based music search are described in Section 5. signals, and compared to the reference QEEG
database. Pathology and the corresponding recovery
protocol can be generated with the statistical model.
2 RELATED WORK The ERP analysis including SCP and P300 analysis
is a technique to analyze the event synchronized
EEG potential. SCP has shown its usability in
2.1 BCI and Neurofeedback ADHD treatment in (Gevensleben et al., 2009), and
P300 component training could be used for drug
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are the systems
abuse rehabilitation (Sokhadze et al., 2008).
that use brain signals to create a new channel of
Although an efficiency of EEG linear features
interaction of humans with computers or other
application were proved in clinical treatments, the
devices. Mostly the systems are used for disabled or
nonlinear methods, e.g. entropy analysis and fractal
elderly persons. Recently, efforts have been made on
dimension analysis, became popular in EEG
the development of EEG-based real-time
processing due to the nonlinearity of the EEG
applications in multimedia communication,
signals. The hypothesis is that a non-linear fractal
rehabilitation games, interaction in virtual
dimension approach allows quantify brain states
environments, etc. Traditionally, neurofeedback is a
corresponding to the concentration levels, pain
technique that allows the user voluntary change
levels, etc. In work (Wang et al., 2010b, Wang et al.,
his/her brain state based on the visual or audio
2010a), two well-known algorithms such as Box-
feedback from the system corresponding to the
counting (Block et al., 1990) and Higuchi (Higuchi,
recognized from the user EEG state of the brain. The
1988) were applied in concentration level
user by doing some exercises recommended by the
recognition in neurofeedback games, and the
doctor or just by playing the serious game with
efficiency was approved.
neurofeedback learns how to improve his/her brain
plasticity. Neurofeedback could recover some
psychological disorders or just help to improve some
skills of concentration, meditation, etc. Some
research demonstrates that both the EEG and Event
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
operations over the moving shapes to isolate of all shapes to show constant activity on the time
activities common for the signal during the time interval, and union of all shapes to show the overall
interval, as well as those that are unique one. The maximum activity. On two data sets, we could apply
proposed fractal based method allows us to estimate an intersection to show common activity, union to
the signal complexity changing over time and then, show overall maximum activity and subtraction to
recognize the brain state. show activities which are characteristic to one set.
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
⎛ ⎡ N −m⎤ ⎞
x ( m ) , x ( m + k ) ,..., x ⎜ m + ⎢ ⎥ .k ⎟ (6)
⎝ ⎣ k ⎦ ⎠
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
the ball. In the “Dancing Robot” game, the 2D Valence-Arousal emotion model. It is possible to
relaxation/concentration level is associated with the recognize in real time any discrete emotions that
“robot” character behaviour. When the concentration could be defined with the 2-dimensional emotion
level of the user increases, the robot character starts model. Satisfied, pleasant, happy, frustrated, sad,
to move faster. If the user is fully relaxed, the robot fear, and neutral emotions were recognized. In our
stops dancing. In our implementation, the algorithm, only 3 channels are used. We
concentration and relaxation levels could be easily implemented two emotion-enable real-time
associated either with concentration training or applications. First, we implemented an application
relaxation training depending on the therapeutic with the EEG-enable avatar (Liu et al., 2010). The
purpose of the game. In Figure 3, a change of the music stimuli were used for emotion induction as it
quantified level of the user concentration level is was proposed in (Sourina et al., 2008). We used an
interpreted as a “faster/slower” movement of the avatar available with free version of Haptek
“robot”. development package for our application (Haptek).
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