Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
Chapter 4
Machine learning and deep learning
Abstract: From the evolution of the human race, the stories that have engulfed the
curiosity of all the civilizations consist of nonliving things acting like human beings
or, in simple terms, equating humans in terms of wisdom and adapting human behav-
ior. Stories were plotted around objects like talking trees, dolls, and statues that could
talk and behave like human beings, who actually accompanied or even guided the liv-
ing entity to success, leading to a happy ending.
This is how the early concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) came into imagination;
it was later extended by Alan Turing and, most recently, the Hollywood movie charac-
ter Iron Man introduced to the kids and youngsters through the AI bot Zarvis, who
accompanies the lead character to gain superpowers through technology.
AI has now become an integral part of the world, knowingly or unknowingly, it
has made huge advancements especially through the evolution of machine learning
(ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms and rich computation resources. The music
that you listen to on YouTube is being used to train an ML model, which further pre-
dicts music for you; social media pages suggest different people and pages according
to your likes and dislikes; self-driving cars, your shopping apps, and many other plat-
forms are using AI to predict consumer behavior, plan efficiently, and thus, increase
their revenue.
AI is a fast moving technology with impacts and implications on both individuals
and society. With a gentle introduction to history and some important algorithms
used in AI, from ML to DL, we will be covering the major aspects of AI. The chapter
takes a balanced look at AI, its impact on the existing world, as well as its growing
potential in future.
4.1 Introduction
Artificial means “man-made” and Intelligence means “thinking power,” so we can say
Artificial Intelligence (AI) means “a man-made thinking power.” It denotes intelligence
demonstrated by machines, as natural intelligence is to humans or animals. AI exists
when a machine can perform human tasks like learning, solving problems, reasoning,
72 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
and many more. In the emerging era of technologies, AI is one of the fastest-growing
fields, transforming how we work, live, and play. It is all set to create a new revolution
in the world by making intelligent machines. AI is all around; you can see it in almost
each and every domain. It has become one of the most fascinating fields in Computer
science that gets machines to work as a human. With AI, you do not need to prepro-
gram a machine to do work; instead, you create a machine with programmed algo-
rithms that can work with its own intelligence and that is the beauty of it.
4.1.1 History of AI
AI is not a newly coined term but is much older than you could have imagined. The
given timeline demonstrates the evolution of AI with time. The history of AI has had
cycles of success, misplaced optimism, and resulting cutbacks in enthusiasm and
funding [1]. There have also been cycles of introducing new creative approaches and
systematically refining new ones as shown in Figure 4.1.
1951 SNARC
A boom of AI
Reality Check:
– 1970s: During this time computer scientists dealt with a huge shortage of funding
for AI research from the government, as the machines were not giving desirable
and expected results and the money spent was huge.
A boom of AI:
– 1980–1987: Expert System brought back AI. These systems were programmed to
imitate the decision-making ability of a human expert.
– 1981: Fifth Generation project was announced, a 10-year plan to build intelligent
computers running for a prolonged period.
– The AI industry overall boomed from a few millions dollars to billions of dollars.
Emergence of AI:
– 2011: IBM’s Watson won a quiz show named Jeopardy, where it solved the com-
plex questions as well as riddles. It proved that natural language could be under-
stood and tricky questions can be solved easily by a machine.
– 2012: Google Now, an android app was launched by Google to provide informa-
tion to the user as a prediction.
– 2014: Chatbot Eugene Goostman won a competition of the Turing test.
– 2018: IBM’s Project Debater debated with two master debaters and performed
unbelievably well.
AI has advanced more rapidly in the past decade, with the coming of DL and Big data
and Data science. The subfields of AI have become more integrated and AI has found
common ground with other disciplines. Companies are working with AI to create
amazing devices.
Chapter 4 Machine learning and deep learning 75
With pros come the cons, the same goes with AI. Despite making our lives easy, it is
even making us get second thoughts about its use due to the following reasons:
1. Emotionless: No doubt machines can work very efficiently, but they cannot be a
full replacement for humans. They cannot work when it comes to team manage-
ment tasks, brainstorming sessions, decision-making, and many more.
2. High cost: To be in touch with the AI updates, you have to get the hardware and
software updated from time to time for meeting the requirements; this increases
the maintenance and repair costs too.
3. Making humans dependent: AI is making humans so much dependent on them by
automating even the simpler tasks, thereby making them lazy and deteriorating
their health.
4. Lack of mental ability: Machines can only perform the work they are programmed
to do; any invalid input can lead to its failure or give us undesired outputs.
76 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
Every new technology will bring both advantages and disadvantages with itself, but
humans have to take care of them and make sure to exploit only its positive side to
create a better place to live in.
Symbolic AI, also called Classical AI or good old-fashioned AI, is the branch of AI that
approaches to train your machines just the way our human brain learns [3, 12–13]. It
represents problems using symbols and then uses the logic to search for the solutions.
This practice had shown impressive results in the early decades of AI research, but
has fallen wayside, today, with the uprising of neural networks that involves self
learning rules established from the correlation between the inputs and outputs. Working
Symbolic AI takes strings of characters that represent real world entities and then
these strings are stored manually or incrementally in any appropriate data structure
[14, 15]. They are made available to the interfacing human beings or machines as and
when requested and used to make intelligent decisions and conclusions, based on the
memorized facts and rules put together by propositional logic or first-order predicate
calculus techniques. This does not require any training or massive amounts of data or
guesswork. The best part is that it can explain its decisions by showing which parts
were evaluated as true or false, unlike the black box of machine learning.
Symbolic AI is useful for settings where the rules are simple and straightforward, and
users can easily obtain input and transform them into symbols but fail to deal with the
messy data that exists in the real world. Thus, this technology has had minimal success,
and neural networks that imitate human intelligence have mostly taken over the field [4].
Though several efforts are being made to combine neural networks and symbolic
AI, many leading scientists still believe that symbolic AI will continue to remain a
very important part of AI. A hybrid AI system Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner is de-
veloped by MIT_IBM Watson AI Lab that uses both rule-based programs and neural
networks to solve visual question-answering problems. This model can learn new
Chapter 4 Machine learning and deep learning 77
tasks with fewer data, is explainable, and does not struggle with analyzing the content
of images.
Computational Intelligence (CI), also called soft computing, is the ability of a com-
puter to learn a specific task from data or experimental observations. It provides the
solution to solve complex real-world problems that cannot be solved using traditional
or mathematical modeling with the methods that are close to the human’s way of rea-
soning, i.e., it uses incomplete and inexact knowledge to produce control actions in an
adaptive way [5]. CI makes use of a combination of five main complementary techni-
ques: The fuzzy logic that makes the computer understand the natural language;, artifi-
cial neural networks that enables the system to learn experiential data by operating like
the biological one; Evolutionary computing that is based on the process of natural selec-
tion, learning theory, and probabilistic methods, which helps in dealing with uncer-
tainty and imprecision; swarm intelligence and artificial immune systems, which are
biologically inspired algorithms that can be seen as a part of evolutionary computation,
data mining, natural language processing, image processing, and AI. CI and AI scout for
similar goals to reach general intelligence, i.e., the intelligence of a machine that could
perform any intellectual task like human beings. But there is a clear distinction be-
tween them. CI is based on fuzzy logic that is much closer to the way the human brain
works, by aggregating data to partial truths – one of the main exclusive aspects of CI.
Its main application can be seen in engineering, computer science, data analysis,
and biomedicine.
4.2 Algorithms in AI
The advancements of computing infrastructure allowed the easy use of AI algorithms.
Though AI algorithms were available mathematically [6], their computation cost
was something that hindered the development of AI computation.
1. Social Media
– Identifying fraud accounts and malicious activities:
Social Media platforms have provided human society a platform to express their
thoughts and eliminate the barriers of communication [7]. They have also acted as
wheels of revolution for democratic ideas and voices. However, fake accounts and
activities with malicious intent have proved to be serious challenges; for instance,
social media platforms have become a major source of false information that re-
sult in violence and riots. AI-enabled tools are being used to detect and eradicate
fraud accounts and prevent malicious activities.
78 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
– Recommendation
AI-based recommendation systems have added a shot in the arm of business intel-
ligence forming smart environments that govern the whole e-commerce system
[8]. Amazon and Flipkart have developed their AI-based recommendation systems
to better address the needs of customers and serve them better.
– Translation
Social media platforms such as Meta and Twitter have users from across the
globe. This, in turn, requires in the use of different languages; so, AI-based algo-
rithms are being used by social media platforms to translate the posts, messages,
and comments.
– Suicide prevention
Social Media has become a platform where people actively share day-to-day activ-
ities and feelings. This involves instances when people commit suicides either de-
claring it on their social media platforms or going live. Social Media giants such
as Meta are actively working on AI models to identify such instances and prevent
them by informing authorities and stakeholders on time.
2. Chat bots
Chat bots have made the web world really interactive. They not only allow the websites
to answer user specific queries on time and without the aid of human resources, saving
time, effort and money, but also enhance user experience on the website. AI-based
smart chatbots with IoT have made life easy and they are becoming helpful for people
with disabilities.
3. Finance
AI-based algorithms and tools are being used by organizations to make better deci-
sions by assessing more factors to identify and calculate financial conditions of bor-
rowers to make responsible lending. AI-based models are also being used to identify
banking frauds such as fraud credit /debit card transactions and identifying and re-
ducing risks in business.
4. Gaming
Gaming industry is also using AI models to better engage the user and provide him with
better approximations of vectors in 3D space. AI-based behavior in games generally in-
cludes responsive and intelligent activities exhibited by characters that are not players.
This results in better gaming experience and more engagements from the player
Chapter 4 Machine learning and deep learning 79
5. Automobiles
Automobile sector is one prominent sector that is leveraging AI in multiple stages,
from manufacturing to the final product. AI-based models are being used to generate
better designs and run simulations. They are also used to enhance user experience;
smart AI assistants in cars help the driver connect with the car and use the features
in an efficient way . Smart AI systems in the cars learn about the driver – his destina-
tions points, favorable car temperatures, and playlists and provide results accord-
ingly. For instance, they suggest routes with lesser traffic and taxes, etc., setting
favorable temperature and playing music that are more aligned to the driver’s pre-
ferred tastes Automobile buying and selling platforms are also leveraging AI to build
smart recommendation systems to better serve the customer.
6. Agriculture
AI has found numerous applications in the field of agriculture. There are mobile-based
applications that leverage AI algorithms to suggest best practices for farming, based on
geographical locations and season. They also provide weather forecasts. AI-based tools
are being used for crop and soil monitoring and crop yield predictions, along with
input quantity and prices.
7. Weather
Weather forecasting is crucial for every sector of the economy. It is also crucial for
mitigating the risks caused by natural calamities such as cyclones and floods. Even we
need it for our day-to-day life for scheduling our business trips, holidays, etc.
Traditional forecasting models are very heavy – there is tedious workload from
collecting the data, integrating with data from other sources, and then simulating it.
This requires higher storage and computation resources, such as supercomputers.
Still, it takes a lot of time to process it, along with IoT of power and proportionately
cost also tends to increase.
Researchers are now working on DL-based models to better learn the patterns,
which is something that AI models are highly specialized in. Results have shown that
AI-based models have shown significant improvement in terms of accuracy and
power efficiency.
8. Robotics
Robots have been in existence for more than a century, but with the introduction of
AI, it has provided robots an ability to think on their own. It has started interacting,
performing tasks that would otherwise require human intervention. This has been
made possible through AI technologies, such as natural language processing, com-
puter vision, advanced motion control, etc.
80 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
9. Navigations
Navigation was never as efficient as it is now in this modern world. Cab and logistics
companies are actively utilizing AI for lane detection, road and traffic analysis, and
optimum route selection.
Researchers are also working on developing AI models that provide optimum
routes with the most efficient time, keeping in mind the safety indicators.
Supervised unsupervised
learning learning
Training data
(contains both input & output
& pattern in them)
The most essential quality of Unsupervised Learning [6] is that it will master and learn
linked to the data on its own, i.e., learning from the environment. Three main tasks in-
volve using unsupervised learning models: clustering, association, and reduction of di-
mensionality. Clustering, which is predominantly employed in the electrical signal’s
framework, and density-based k-means algorithms are among the most commonly
used. Clustering, which employs a metric or attribute to show similarity and fabricates
dimensionality reduction to observe and evaluate high-dimensional data, is one of the
most widely used approaches. This can also be referred to as feature selection [16].
Through frequent contact with a dynamic environment that either rewards or penalizes
the agent’s action, Reinforcement Learning (RL) [11] is an ML paradigm, where an agent
learns the best course of action for a particular task. However, the recent success of DL
algorithms has rekindled interest in the topic of RL among scientists, who are now ef-
fectively using this to solve extremely difficult problems that were previously thought
to be intractable. The rise of AI, which may soon surpass human intelligence, has gar-
nered attention globally as a result of events like artificial agents like AlphaGo defeating
world champion Lee Sedol or IBM Watson winning the game of Jeopardy.
Building such intelligent systems that can learn from their experiences over time
requires the use of the RL paradigm. Robotics, healthcare [17, 18], recommender systems,
data centers, smart grids, financial markets, and transportation are all areas where rein-
forcement algorithms are being used more and more, these days.
82 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
Neural Network is a subset of ML that aims to mimic the behavior that a human brain
shows during learning. It uses a network of connected nodes called Neurons that per-
form some computations on received information and pass on their outputs to other
neurons as inputs. Artificial Neural Network is the oldest type of Neural Network,
where one or more fully connected hidden layers are present between the input and
the output [8]. These layers are responsible for learning from input data, using back
propagation techniques.
These three subfields empower an AI practitioner with the wisdom to design better
and more efficient models, which are in compliance with the ethical and moral values
of society.
4.6 Conclusion
ML and DL algorithms have evolved over the years from conceptual algorithms en-
closed on pieces of paper to real-world applications helping the world achieve re-
markable results. With the introduction of quantum computing hardware, which
relies on laws of physics from quantum theory, models trained on these hardware are
supposed to outperform the models trained on existing computing resources. How-
ever, along with the growth of technology, wise and judicious use for the betterment
of society is an equally important facet in the world of emerging technologies.
84 Sourabh Sharma, Poonam Chaudhary
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