Natal Chart Report
Natal Chart Report
Natal Chart Report
What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the positions and
aspects in your chart.
With this report, you'll find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The most
personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most people
already know their Sun sign.
If your time of birth is known, you will also find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the
positions of the planets in the houses of your chart. Additionally, aspects between the planets are listed
and interpreted.
If the birth time is unknown, we cannot know the Ascendant or house positions. The natal chart shown
here is an Aries chart in that case. Additionally, you may not know the Moon sign for certain. This is
because the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-1/2 days. Less probable but still possible is a
change of signs for the other planets and luminaries, depending on the planet itself (for example, the
Sun changes signs every 30 days or so).
Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these positions
and aspects are some of the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you! Some of these interpretations will be
contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be timid in love and aggressive in
business, for example. As well, we evolve and grow throughout our lives, facing challenges that help us
to handle our positions and aspects in a different way. We all have choices, and one of the major
benefits of astrology is the chance to understand ourselves so that we can work with our natal charts
and improve ourselves. Any computerized report that interprets the individual placements in a natal
chart is somewhat disjointed, simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not
Some of the interpretations are more detailed than others. You can use this as a starting point and do
some further reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon
conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other astrology sites, and by reading
astrology books.
The tables show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based on your birth data. Below
the tables, you'll find your free birth chart interpretive report, and a chart wheel appears at the end of
the report.
The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. You will also
find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart only if the
birth time is known. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first
house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you
know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If
Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd
Zodiac : Tropical
Sun Capricorn 21°52'
Moon Cancer 16°40'
Mercury Sagittarius 29°32'
Venus Capricorn 28°40' R
Mars Aquarius 19°41'
Jupiter Aquarius 24°41'
Saturn Aries 14°11'
Uranus Aquarius 7°45'
Neptune Capricorn 29°23'
Pluto Sagittarius 7°09'
Lilith Libra 3°14'
N Node Virgo 11°39'
I ASC Aquarius 15°52'
II Aries 0°17'
III Taurus 5°47'
IV Gemini 2°17'
V Gemini 24°42'
VI Cancer 17°24'
VII Leo 15°52'
VIII Libra 0°17'
IX Scorpio 5°47'
X MC Sagittarius 2°17'
XI Sagittarius 24°42'
XII Capricorn 17°24'
Sun in XII
Moon in V
Mercury in XI
Venus in XII
Mars in I ASC
Jupiter in I ASC
Saturn in II
Uranus in XII
Neptune in XII
Pluto in X MC
Lilith in VIII
N Node in VII
masculine 6 fire 3
feminine 4 earth 3
cardinal 5 air 3
fixed 3 water 1
mutable 2
The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Interpretations of these factors are
found below. The numbers listed under the column "Value" serve as a relative rating system for each
aspect and are determined based on the planets involved, the aspect type, and the orb of influence.
Negative values suggest more stressful or challenging influences while positive numbers show more
flowing, easy energy.
This is a wide table that may require you to scroll right on smaller screens.
See also your full natal chart wheel graphic depicted below the report.
Part of Fortune & South Node
The following table shows the positions of the Part of Fortune (using the classic formula) and the South
Node of the Moon (the True value).
Birth Chart
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Joana Eltjona Ymeraj.
The Sun
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy.
Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic,
grounded approach to life that is apparent no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart suggests
they can be. These people know how to do things--and to get things done.
Some Capricorns naturally turn their backs on what they deem too frivolous. They are very much
concerned with what's worthwhile--Capricorns want to do and be something worthwhile. Like their
Earth signs relatives, Taurus and Virgo, they need to feel useful and effective in the real world to be
satisfied with their lives. But the Capricorn spin on the earth signs is that Capricorn possesses a
stronger need for recognition in a worldly sense. They have a strong sense of society and its
framework, and they feel most secure when they feel they're doing their part within that framework.
Capricorns like to pare things down, and they take pleasure in the simple things in life. However, many
are attracted to status symbols, and these ones will wear the best clothes (tasteful ones!) and drive
quietly impressive cars. Comparing Capricorns to their symbol, the goat, brings up some interesting
analogies. Solar Capricorns can see into the future and plan for it. They don't mind taking things
slowly, but they absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! They make their way steadily
and sure-footedly, and their strength and singleness of purpose are admirable.
Capricorns can sometimes be lonely, although they rarely let it show. They are often a little reserved--
even standoffish. This is generally because they value all things practical, and they'll seldom wear their
emotions on their sleeves unless they have a particularly flamboyant Moon sign. This is a sign that is
surely the most resourceful of the zodiac. To some, Capricorns come across as unimaginative, but they
can be enormously creative when it comes to the material world. They are generally very capable
people with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility.
Many Capricorns have mastered the art of making people laugh. Their sense of humor can be of the
deadpan variety--they're generally excellent at keeping a straight face. They can be bitingly sarcastic,
too. Capricorns are not known for taking too many risks in life. They value the beaten track and things
"tried and true." This is not to say they are stick-in-the-muds -- they simply value the hard work laid
down by those who've been around before them.
Turn to your Capricorn friends for help when you need to really get things done. They'll have practical
advice, and they'll help you organize and manage your life a little better. Capricorns are generally good
with their "word," dependable, and rather loyal people.
Short description:
She is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable, and strong-willed. Quietly ambitious within the realms
of the possible, she likes and takes on responsibility. She can work in the social domain.
You tend to be introspective and need some space and seclusion to pull up your strength. You may
avoid the spotlight, and if you do find yourself in a public role, you could hide your true self behind
that role! Because your will directs inward, you must find a path that allows you to "get away from it
all," at least sometimes.
Advice: Honor your need to be alone with yourself, but avoid over-identifying with your inner world to
the point that you truly feel alone in a crowd. You shine when you serve others in some way. Your
compassion sets you apart from others, but try to work with it rather than let your compassion work
against you by reinforcing a feeling of aloneness.
Key points:
She sees so many possibilities that it can be overwhelming to choose. Success in fields that serve,
guide, assist, and help. She is creative, perceptive, and compassionate.
You have an internal struggle between your needs and wants, sometimes leading to indecision or a lack
of focus.
Your ability to be objective is both an asset and a liability, simply because when you decide on one
route to a goal, another direction pulls you simultaneously. Something tugs at you, and you begin to
question your stance. "But what if..." and "on the other hand..." are statements that can plague you. You
are always aware of the opposing point of view and the other side of the coin.
Short description: She is strong-willed and very sensitive. Relationships and life experiences help her
learn much about herself. Conflicts and drama in close connections are possible, but this subsides with
time. She frequently feels conflicted between internal needs and conscious or external goals and drives.
Her private and public personalities can differ greatly, mainly because her inner needs and outer goals
are very often different.
You are charming and easygoing. Social relationships are extremely important to you. Being personally
popular can be important to you, or you want to come across in a pleasant way and to be liked and
appreciated. Sometimes, vanity is part of the package.
Venus is a peace-making, harmony-loving planet, and those with Sun conjunct Venus do their best to
seek peace and harmony. You are diplomatic and a veritable expert at smoothing over (and sometimes
glossing over) problems. You are openhanded with others, tolerant, and accepting.
When expressed negatively, you can be superficial, two-faced, or very much tied up with appearances.
You might be too agreeable, too pleasant (at the expense of honesty), and downright lazy at times.
However, this position graces you with lovely qualities. You have a fine eye for style and enjoy
pleasing surroundings. You generally dress well and enjoy a certain amount of luxury. You are
gracious, romantic, and sometimes romantically impulsive. Often relying on the power of attraction to
bring people to you, you're not into aggressively pursuing social or love interests. There can be some
vanity involved here--you are most attracted to people who express interest in you or who respond well
to your charms! You are not the type of person who overtly pursues people who appear indifferent to
You are not competitive in the aggressive sense of the word, and you are not someone who loves a
good chase. Instead, you work your charms and draw people to you. Your ability to attract others
(Venus) is very much tied up with your ego (Sun). Because Venus rules all things feminine, all those
with this aspect tend to be quite attractive.
Key traits: She is warm, charming, gracious, polite, and likable. Sometimes, she can be self-indulgent.
There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to you. A marked appreciation for music
and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will,
certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive
and spiritual dimension to your personality.
You are naturally compassionate. It is so completely natural for you to accept that there is more to the
world than what's before your eyes that you absent-mindedly presume everyone must be spiritually
inclined. Of course, you come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in your life.
Your attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. This aspect favors writers,
artists, and musicians. You are sensitive to those suffering, although you are not usually taken
advantage of.
You are humanitarian and may have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in
the chart support it, you are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. You
have a fertile imagination, are full of inspiration, and are very emotional - all qualities you could use
successfully on the professional level.
Key traits: She is naturally and genuinely empathetic, compassionate, and intuitive. Her observations
and insights are unique and fascinating, making her an original and helpful guide. She has a gentle
nature that picks up on subtle cues from her environment.
The Moon
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image. The
Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person expresses themselves when at
home, at ease, and comfortable.
The Moon is "at home" in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign. Moon in
Cancer natives have a large potential to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, they
are quite wrapped up within themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all
things emotional.
This is the most subjective position of the Moon. Moon in Cancer people are never detached--they
cling to things, their home, and the people they care for. They seek security and familiarity in all they
do. They look for peace and quiet. With their great attachment to all that is safe, they are a little leery of
These peace-loving souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and
accommodating. The insecure ones accumulate things in an attempt to feel secure.
Because of their strong attachment to, and memory of, the past, others may complain that Moon in
Cancer natives tend to whip a dead horse. They may dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved
on. When they feel they have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always confront
others directly. This is when they can use roundabout ways to get your attention. In fact, these natives
can become quite manipulative when feeling insecure. They can also be enslaved to habit.
Moon in Cancer people can have a hard time compartmentalizing their lives simply because their
watery Moon knows no boundaries. Sometimes, as a result, they may act irrationally.
One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their loony sense of humor.
These people can be hilarious. Their moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is
something most people can appreciate.
When treated with tenderness and understanding, Moon in Cancer natives return the favor with warmth
and protection. Give them security, and you'll take the crabbiness out of the Crab, at least for a while.
These people are wonderfully dependable overall, despite their occasional mood swings. Make a friend
of Moon in Cancer, and you will be taken care of for life.
Short description:
She is likeable and sociable. Accommodating, devoted, nurturing, and accumulating. Very sensitive to
environmental conditions and surroundings. She likes home, habits, comfort, and her little world. Very
caring and protective of loved ones.
Potential issues: subject to indolence, inertia, dependence. She is impressionable and too sensitive.
Family problems.
She likes pleasures, distractions of all sorts. The emotional life is rich. She loves children and may have
a lot. She will be self-taught. Likable, dramatic, humorous, and amorous. Could be self-indulgent,
irresponsible, or non-committal in youth.
You love to share emotional experiences with loved ones and have a flair for the dramatic. Love affairs
are magnetic and intense, and you don't take them lightly by any means, although you may go through
much change concerning your romances. Your creative hobbies are subject to relatively frequent
changes, and you have innate artistic talent.
A child at heart, you have a vivid imagination and are given to frequent daydreaming. There is a sense
that you are always in touch, or trying to get in touch, with your inner child. If the Moon is challenged
in your chart, you may have problems with impulsive shopping or gambling or with frequent love
affairs that never fully satisfy you. In any of these cases, you are more attached to the game than the
player, which is something to work on if you want to find true fulfillment. You might take risks just for
fun, but in the process, you are being irresponsible to others and yourself. However, with age, maturity,
or a well-supported Moon, you are entertaining, love friendly competition, musical, spirited, creative,
and personable.
-57 Square between the Moon and Saturn
When the Moon is in hard aspect to Saturn in the natal chart, natives need to learn to trust others more.
Fear keeps them from fully enjoying personal relationships, and fear is behind the occasional rigidity
that they express. When they let themselves receive nurture or care from others, an inner voice cautions
them that it might not be sincere, long-lasting, or enough! There can be some reluctance about
becoming a parent, but once taken on, these people don't take their responsibility lightly.
Emotional reticence is the main theme of these aspects. Many people with this aspect had a lot of
conditions placed on the love they received in early childhood. They tend to expect the same later in
life. With hard Saturn aspects, individuals are often plagued with doubts, not only about the self but
about what to expect from life itself. The problem is that expecting difficulties or negative situations
creates an aura around them that perpetuates the problem. They must work hard at positive thinking
and expecting more from life. Ironically, many people with hard Saturn aspects can be quite sarcastic,
skeptical, and rigid in manner. This is essentially a defense mechanism designed to protect themselves
from harshness in the world.
It is extremely likely that they feel neglected because they perceive it in the first place, and later expect
it, to be the case. There's a vicious circle going on here that can only be broken when the patterns
created by negative conditioning are broken. Adjusting one's perceptions and expectations is the key to
breaking out of these negative patterns. Otherwise, natives of hard Moon-Saturn aspects will live life
feeling left out--attracting circumstances that perpetuate a feeling of deep unhappiness and
Short description: She has changeable moods, a reserved character, can be stubborn and may lack
assurance. Her relationship with a guardian may have been difficult or a challenging early family life in
some cases.
Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
Mercury is in Sagittarius
Enthusiastic, humorous, and sometimes moralistic. She has strong opinions, and will often be eager to
share them! Democrat, philosopher, tolerant, respectful of laws. Interested in foreign places and
learning more languages. Believes that everything teaches you something.
She has lots of friends. She likes intelligent, cultivated people around her with whom she can enjoy
verbal sparring. She likes debates, interminable discussions. Often has friends who are younger, or
friends come and go.
You are endlessly curious about people, group interactions, community affairs, trends, and teams. You
are attracted to people who bring new ideas into your experience, and who have something novel to
contribute on an intellectual level. You are very forward-looking and fair-minded. Fair play,
impartiality, and unselfishness are important ideals for you. There can be many changes or fluctuations
in your personal wishes, dreams, plans, and ideals. You might attract friends who come and go, or who
are dishonest or duplicitous.
She is intelligent with big ideas: She is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. She has good
judgement, good sense and has her feet on the ground. She has the "gift of gab," fully enjoys literature
and learning. She is erudite and will usually be successful socially.
Can be provocative in speech or communications, often challenging and contradicting, and seeing the
flaws of a situation. This might be someone who holds back her sensuality.
Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.
Venus is in Capricorn
Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and
responsible behavior. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and
controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They
like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love.
Venus in Capricorn people project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be
attractive, in a cool way. They don't go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don't express as much. Their
lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they
can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who
yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Others' image of their relationship matters to them. They
are conservative and willing to commit. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-
oriented lovers. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they don't want you to know it. If you
like knowing where your relationship is headed, you'll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn.
These people plan ahead in love, and, unlike Venus in Pisces, they will let you know exactly where
they (and the relationship) are headed. Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are
practical and realistic. They want to impress you with the things they do. Appreciate their "saving for a
rainy day" attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way.
She is devoted to those less fortunate. Can thrive in the medical or social professions. She likes
animals, tranquility, peace, and solitude. She may have secret love affairs.
You are big on romance and you tend to live and breathe your partner once you're hooked. Not the best
at defining your boundaries -- where your needs and your partner's needs separate -- you can get hurt in
love rather easily. You can also feel used quite readily. You are attracted to people from all walks of
life, finding a partner who has an unusual background or quirky personality most attractive. Partners
who mistake your compassion for weakness can take advantage of you. Being openly affectionate and
trusting often doesn't seem safe to you. You may feel your love won't be appreciated or reciprocated.
You may get involved in secret love affairs or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to you
at different points in your life. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for you - having to
give something up to be with the one you love, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of
an important love relationship. You value a certain amount of self-sacrifice and a giving attitude in a
partner, as you embody these traits. You can be quite mysterious to others, even if you don't mean to be,
because your romantic needs are kept hidden. Although you are quite naturally drawn to relationships
that are unusual, secret, challenging, and unequal, do take the time to examine why this may be the
case. Be certain that you are not, in some way, punishing yourself because you don't feel worthy of an
equal and public relationship. Because Venus represents attraction, and the twelfth house is associated
with the feet, your feet may be especially attractive and/or erogenous zones!
54 Conjunction between Venus - Uranus
Independent in love. Her love life is rich, but possibly with passing love affairs. She can tire quickly
and can be scared of losing her liberty. Traditional marriage may not be for her. She has that little
something that attracts others. She likes amorous adventures or unusual pastimes, she is romantic,
although a little detached or unpredictable. She is the eternal lover and is more likely to break
something off than live untruly. She likes art, anything new.
The ability to get along with--and accept--people from all walks of life as friends is strong with this
position. She can readily see through insincerity in others. In relationships, tolerance is the most
important "ingredient" to her. Her sexual preferences can be somewhat unconventional, and she may
not be happy with a partner who tries to limit her sexual expression. She is usually quite capable of
maintaining relationships that require a great deal of freedom and tolerance, such as long-distance
romances or set-ups in which partners are unable to see each other consistently. Her style in love can be
somewhat free and breezy, and possibly noncommittal. She quite naturally accepts the idea that her
partner might need some personal space and freedom.
Her professional life can be creative or inconstant. She has a taste for the Arts, can be a dreamer, and
may be easily influenced and romantic. She is emotional and very sensitive.
Romantic, creative, gentle, and adaptable, you naturally express the finer qualities of mysterious and
dreamy Neptune in your love relationships. Your imagination is rich and your fantasy world well-
developed. You are turned off by rudeness and crudeness, and are drawn to beauty in its many forms.
You are very giving and generous, but may be a little on the submissive side, or sometimes downright
lazy, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.
This aspect suggests charm, beauty, attracting others by her magnetism. She is intense in love. Feelings
are complicated. There can be brooding. However, she is inclined to embrace, accept, and understand
the darker side of her nature.
She has good taste, an affectionate nature, her love is warm and deep, based on intellectual
understanding and common tastes. Her friends are useful in furthering her career. Good reputation in
the professional world. Well-liked for what she does for a living.
Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
Mars is in Aquarius
It can be a little difficult to understand exactly what makes a Mars in Aquarius native tick. And that's
absolutely fine with them--they enjoy surprising people. The tried-and-true methods of getting things
done are far too boring for those born with Mars in this unique and original sign. Mars in Aquarius
natives often have a rather original view of the world as well. These natives are generally quite proud
of their independence. They are not easily pushed around with Mars in this fixed sign. Because
Aquarius is progressive and open-minded when it comes to the world at large, it can be surprising that
on a personal level, Mars in Aquarius natives can be quite obstinate. If they feel boxed in, they are
quite likely to rebel. If you've discovered a pattern to their ways, they'll make sure they aren't so
predictable the next time around. Being seen as "normal" simply won't do!
With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign, these individuals get off on mental and
intellectual pursuits. Aquarius is a somewhat scattered sign, even though it's persevering in the long
haul. If there's a method to their madness, it isn't always easy to see. Projects are taken on with a
shotgun-style approach with this position of Mars. Mars in Air signs are generally quite clever at
getting what they want; in Aquarius, they are particularly adept at getting their way. While this is not an
overtly aggressive position of Mars (Aquarius has a manner that is far too detached to come across too
forcefully), it is very willful. Combine willfulness with the cleverness of an Air sign, and you have a
person who is quite creative about getting what they want--which generally is getting their way! Unlike
with Mars in Aries or Leo natives, for example, you won't always know you're being dominated by a
Mars in Aquarius native!
One of the most pleasant characteristics of Mars in Aquarius natives is their willingness to let others be.
They place a lot of value in freedom and individuality--theirs and yours. They need space to be
themselves and plenty of room to breathe. Generally not the touchy-feely types, these natives often
laugh at sentimentality and tradition. In personal relationships, their approach to intimacy is definitely
on the detached side, which can be baffling and frustrating to more personal and affectionate
personalities. Of all the personal planets in the sign of Aquarius, Mars placed here can show the
strongest "reformer" streak. The Aquarian ideal of equality works big time with this position, and the
desire to push their agenda on others (usually in creative, rather than aggressive, ways) runs high.
Obstinacy and a superiority complex are this position's least desirable traits; openness to new ways of
doing things (as long as they're not forced upon them) is where they shine.
She gets carried away a lot. She is provocative, impulsive, dynamic, and bold. Great spirit of enterprise.
She has a great need for activity and may throw herself into projects without thinking of the
consequences or possible setbacks.
Her reactions to new situations are immediate and pressing. She is an active, energetic, dynamic,
enterprising, and possibly even forceful or aggressive person. She tends to begin new endeavors with
gusto, although follow-through is not necessarily indicated by this position alone. Some might be rash,
inconsiderate, or overly assertive. She can be fiercely independent, and she is usually direct and
straightforward. Spontaneity is extremely important to her. Some might stir up trouble, whether
consciously or unconsciously, when she is bored.
She has a good sense of organization, she is jovial, frank, and sincere. She is full of dynamism and
abundant energy. She loves life, taking all it has to offer. She likes sports and the outdoor life. She is
successful professionally and emotionally. She may have many children or projects and ventures.
She is honest and forthright in her dealings with others, and She tends to trust others readily. She can be
a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because she is so eternally
optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter her mind,
although success itself is not as important to her as enjoyment and happiness are. Can be pleasantly
competitive and good-humored.
Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
Jupiter is in Aquarius
She attracts the most good fortune when she is tolerant and fair, inventive, impartial, and cooperative.
Values people and personal freedom most, desiring to show unique perspective or skills. She is open to
new methods and progress. Great tolerance and humanitarianism.
She is jovial, expansive, dynamic, kindly, altruistic. She has good judgment, is tolerant and loves food,
good times, and pleasures. She has a good education and a prosperous life.
She likes meeting friends, enjoying a good meal and cordial atmospheres. She is pleasant, jovial, and
Saturn is in Aries
Even if she is rich, will always give the impression of being in financial difficulties. If she is broke, she
gives the same impression - this time with reason. She fears being without money, and may be
especially cautious with possessions and finances as a result.
She is serious, sober, thoughtful, paying attention to detail. She likes to be with older or mature/serious
Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
Uranus in Aquarius
May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests her. At times, her debonair personality can give
others a banal impression.
She has difficulties fully adapting to the modern world, to new technology. She looks for a job in an
isolated place or need a lot of space to tap into their genius.
She can be wildly creative with an odd but happy sense of humor and perspective. She is an idealist,
easily disappointed by those using power plays to advance.
She lives through marvellous adventures - without much follow-up, it is true, but these leave happy
memories. She can have many such adventures and fantastic love-at-first-sight encounters.
She is always changing, somewhat unstable. She is ready to innovate, to change everything. She is
Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
Neptune is in Capricorn
She likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams, and meditation. She has has little desire for action. The
healer, but it may take half a lifetime or more to recognize this.
Love can dominate her life. She lives her love life to the fullest, and can be very passionate. Her partner
may have problems on the professional level, but she is always there to give support. If the partner
loses their job and their rhythm of life has to change, she accepts this. She is a lover, and faithful - the
most important thing is that they love each other.
Her plans can sometimes lack realism and are therefore often unattainable. However, creative fields can
be enormously successful. Can maintain a mysterious but magical reputation.
Pluto is in Sagittarius
Great aspirations: sexuality and love are idealized.
She may lead a double life. She may have a secret love affair while having a good relationship with her
partner. Most with this aspect, however, are highly perceptive and can keep a secret. Alternative views
of relationships are likely.
She can pour much of her energy into succeeding professionally. She is an authority figure and a great
organizer. Strong sense of authority.
Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.
Lilith in Libra
She may have felt uncomfortable or wrong for needing companionship or seeking approval from
others. Or, she may feel that dependency and compromise are weak and not "right," and this can lead to
periods of intense neediness followed by independence. Accepting that we all need to lean on others
from time to time can help resolve problems with extreme behaviors in relationships.
Her challenge is to live a more orderly, proactive, and practical life. Developing and following healthy
and practical routines and schedules can be a challenge but highly rewarding. Procrastination leaves her
more vulnerable to vague worries and guilt. Qualities to develop: Organization, promptness, attention
to detail.
She tends fall back on depending on herself when cooperating with someone special can help her
succeed and bring her better luck. The goal should be to involve others more and build diplomacy and
cooperation so as to gain perspective and share the load. Her path is to listen to others instead of falling
back on her automatic response to do everything on her own and call the shots. Qualities to develop:
finding a middle ground, cooperation, harmony.
The Houses
House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of
the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
Ascendant is Aquarius
How unique and original Aquarius rising natives come across! These individuals are just that --
individuals, and they won't let you forget that fact. Often turned to for advice, these natives possess
intellectual poise and savvy. They often are curious, and quite learned, in both science and
metaphysics--anything that involves advancement of the human race holds much appeal. It's hard to
shock an Aquarius rising. They've seen it all, or at least want you to think they have. In fact, they often
enjoy shocking others. Not that they are flamboyant by nature, but they do like to, albeit quietly, get a
rise out of others. Some natives born with Aquarius on their Ascendant can be quietly provocative and
irreverent. Most people with this Ascendant are quite friendly and likable. Their personality quirks
generally go over quite well with others. They generally give others quite a bit of freedom--accepting,
as a rule, people from all walks of life as equals. And, their somewhat cool and detached curiosity
about all that goes on around them appeals to most.
Curiously, Aquarius rising people can be a little standoffish while also coming across as humanitarian
and kind. Often labeled as independent and original children, Aquarius rising natives often feel a little
"different" or "special" throughout life. They often feel like they are on the outside looking in, and their
ability to observe and deduce is often uncanny. They're also adept at getting things to work, even when
the parts that make up the whole seem like a puzzle with unusual pieces--especially when it comes to
groups of people. This sets them apart as managers and team leaders. The Ascendant often reveals
physical mannerisms and even choice of dress, as it shows how people present themselves to the world.
With Aquarius here, natives sometimes have a quirkiness to their manner, and some dress in a slightly
offbeat manner--not enough to make them stand out like a sore thumb, but just enough to express their
original temperament.
Because these people seem so open to new ideas, it may be surprising when you encounter their
decidedly stubborn streak. Aquarius is a fixed sign, after all. The ascendant sign shows how individuals
react to new situations, and with Aquarius rising, there can be a resistance to change that seems to belie
the native's generally progressive nature. There's a distinct inflexibility with Aquarian rising people,
and, sometimes, a tendency to want to force their opinions on others. With their eye to the future of
mankind as a whole, some people born with an Aquarius Ascendant overlook the more personal needs
of the people closest to them. They are often attracted to partners who possess self-confidence and
House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal
finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
Aries on House II
Financial success is more likely when she uses her entrepreneurial spirit. However, impulsive spending
is likely. Won't ask for money, preferring to be self-made, and usually doesn't receive much financial
help. Where Mars is placed in the chart can show where money can be made.
House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.
One is never better than when at home. Not much travelling or taking on of a sudden or unexamined
initiative. When travel occurs, it is to comfortable and familiar areas. Everything is calculated and
deliberate: the motto is "slowly but surely".
House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
Gemini on House IV
Can find it impossible to stay in one place, frequently changing homes themselves or changing things
up in the home environment. If the job is monotonous, she is usually restless, perhaps changing firms
frequently or requiring a lot of stimulation on the job. The ideal profession would be one offering a lot
of change, moving around, meeting lots of new people. An equally erratic love life is usually expected.
House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and
Gemini on House V
She likes to please. She may spend lots of time preparing to go out, in the hopes of meeting someone to
dazzle. She likes interminable discussions with friends.
Cancer on House VI
Good in jobs in contact with the public. Weak point: the stomach.
House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and
partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
Scorpio on House IX
She likes long voyages, especially by sea. Might participate in regattas, enjoying risk, sport.
House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the work one will
do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows
Sagittarius on House X
Job involving travel, especially abroad, and if possible with some risk, creativity, adventure is attached.
House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
Sagittarius on House XI
She loves above all travel, adventure and friends are often from abroad.
House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we meet our
karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.
Disappointments are difficult to digest, the bitterness can last a long time before she is able to react
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