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Dropped Objects SRP

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E&P Segment Recommended Practice

Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

SRP 3.2-0002
This practice will be subject to periodic review.

Issue Date 31 July 2009

Revision Date 31 July 2009

Next Review Date 31 July 2011

Technical Authority Andy Hine, Project Manager E&A Wells and Major Project Assurance

Content Approval Steve Haden, VP Drilling and Completions, Eastern Hemisphere

Authorization for Issue Barbara Yilmaz, Technology Vice President, Drilling and Completions

Document Administrator Drilling and Completions

Copyright © 2009 BP International Ltd. All rights reserved.

This document and any data or information generated from its use, are classified, as a
minimum, BP Internal. Distribution is intended for BP authorized recipients only. The
information contained in this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the
agreement or contract under which this document was supplied to the recipient's
organization. None of the information contained in this document shall be disclosed outside
the recipient's own organization, unless the terms of such agreement or contract expressly
allow, or unless disclosure is required by law.
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

1 Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Purpose/Scope .................................................................................................................................... 2
3 General ................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1 APPLICABILITY .............................................................................................................................2
3.1.1 Where BP Operates ............................................................................................................ 3
3.1.2 Joint Ventures - Non-BP-operated ...................................................................................... 3
3.1.3 Contractors.......................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.4 Marine ................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 AUDITING AND COMPLIANCE .........................................................................................................3
3.3 ADMINISTRATION AND AUTHORIZATION ..........................................................................................3
3.4 INTERPRETATION ..........................................................................................................................4
3.5 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS .......................................................................................................4
3.6 DOCUMENT CONTROL AND REVIEW ...............................................................................................4
4 The Practice Structure ........................................................................................................................ 4
4.1 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................................4
4.2 LANGUAGE ..................................................................................................................................4
4.3 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................4
4.4 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................5
4.5 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................5
5 Intent and Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 5
5.1 INTENT ........................................................................................................................................5
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DROPPED OBJECT PROGRAM ..................................................................5
6 Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 APPENDIX 1 – DROPS CALCULATOR .............................................................................................7
6.2 APPENDIX 2 – STANDARD USAGE DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................8
6.3 APPENDIX 3 – ACRONYMS & SYMBOLS ..........................................................................................8
7 References............................................................................................................................................ 8
8 Revision Log ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page i of Page ii Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

1 Summary
What is the Segment Recommended Practice for Drilling and Completions Dropped
This Segment Recommended Practice (SRP) is intended to provide a formally structured process
to manage risks specifically associated with dropped objects in the Drilling and Completions
work environment. When used in conjunction with other risk management processes described
in the OMS Essentials, Defined and Recommended Practices, the risks associated with dropped
objects hazards can be more effectively managed.

Dropped Objects represent the highest safety risk for BP Drilling and Completion operations. We
have reviewed BP global and contractor best practices and have developed a recommended
practice which will help minimise the number of dropped objects incidents occurring at our rig

In addition, the Safety Community of Practice (CoP) recognised that different consequence
calculators were being used around the globe to determine the severity of the incident. The CoP
has reviewed and analysed the different tools and now provides the DROPS Calculator tool for
classification of all D&C dropped object incidents. This measure should drive standardisation and
consistency for the evaluation of the consequence of dropped object incidents across the

Implementation and adherence to this Dropped Object Recommended Practice should help your
SPU in the continuous effort to reduce dropped object incidents on our rig sites.

Who is it for?
This Practice is intended for use by BP employees and Contractor employees, as well as any
sub-contractors who are involved on behalf of BP in drilling and completion operations.

2 Purpose/Scope

This Practice describes BP’s recommended approach for the identification and management of
risks associated with dropped objects in the drilling and completions work environment. These
recommendations apply to all BP entities. They provide assistance in the development and
implementation of a Dropped Object Program, and to satisfy the Group OMS sub-element 3.2
Personal Safety. The aim is to assure that risks are clearly identified through inspection and
effectively managed through implementation of safeguards and controls.

For entities operating on OMS, this Practice is closely tied to and directly supports the GDP for
Assessment, Prioritization and Management of Risk (GDP 3.1-0001) and GDP for Control of Work
(GDP 4.5-0001). This SRP also applies to BP entities operating under the gHSEr framework.

3 General
3.1 Applicability
This section defines the applicability of the recommendations in this Practice, except to the
extent that following any of its recommendations would conflict with applicable legal or
regulatory requirements. The applicability of this Practice, including its applicability to joint
Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 2 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

ventures whether BP-operated or otherwise, and to contractors, is as described in paragraphs

3.1.1 Where BP Operates
The recommendations in this Practice apply to each project, operation, site, marine vessel,
structure and other asset that is within the scope of this Practice and is operated by BP (whether
it is wholly owned and operated or is part of a joint venture operated by BP).
3.1.2 Joint Ventures - Non-BP-operated
Where BP participates or has an interest in a joint venture that it does not operate, the
recommendations in this Practice are available to help BP decide on the actions it takes in
relation to the operator of the joint venture.
3.1.3 Contractors
Where BP relies on a contractor to carry out work that is within the scope of this Practice, BP
should consider the recommendations in this Practice in deciding on the contract provisions to
include and apply to that work, so that it is carried out in a way that supports and is consistent
with BP’s application of OMS to BP’s Operating activities.
3.1.4 Marine
Where BP bareboat charters and operates a marine vessel, the recommendations of this Practice
apply except where to do so would be inconsistent with the terms of the relevant bareboat
charter party. Where such inconsistency exists, it is recommended that BP seeks where
practicable to negotiate an amendment to the relevant bareboat charter party, or, where
applicable, different terms on renewal of the bareboat charter party, so as provide for unhindered
application of the recommendations by BP.
3.2 Auditing and Compliance
Contractor DROPS management programs are reviewed as part of the audit scope delivered by
the EPT rig audit team when performing audits required by the Drilling and Well Operations
Practice (GP10-00) and the Engineering Technical Practice GP10-40 (Drilling Rig Audit and Rig
Acceptance). In addition, SPUs should conduct periodic audits of contractor DROPS
management programs to verify compliance with contactor systems of work.
3.3 Administration and Authorization
Administration and authorization responsibilities for this Segment Recommended Practice are:
 Content Approver: Steven Haden, VP Drilling and Completions
 Authorizer: Barbara Yilmaz, TVP Drilling and Completions
 Document Administrator: Drilling and Completions Document Control
The Content Approver is responsible for confirming the accuracy and integrity of the technical
content and approves or disapproves changes to the Practice.
The Drilling and Completions Document Control Administrator is responsible for the upkeep of
the document management system and for assuring that the document aligns with document
management procedures.
This Segment Recommended Practice is authorized by Barbara Yilmaz for its applicability across
the E&P Segment.

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 3 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

3.4 Interpretation
Questions of interpretation should be directed in writing to the Technical Authority of this
Practice for the purpose of clarification. The Document Administrator should receive a copy of
the written questions as submitted to the Technical Authority.
3.5 Changes and Amendments
Any suggested changes or amendments to this Practice should be forwarded to the Function
Technical Authority along with the reasons for suggesting them. All suggestions will be
acknowledged and, if rejected, the reasons given for their rejection.
Accepted changes will be administered through the document change control system employed
by the E&P Document Governance Process.
3.6 Document Control and Review
This Practice will be held and controlled through the Drilling and Completions document control
system and linked to the E&P OMS Navigator.
This Practice will be subject to periodic review. The Drilling and Completions Technical Authority
is responsible for scheduling these reviews. The review will be led by the Drilling and
Completions Technical Authority, and will include input from relevant subject matter experts and
other stakeholders.

4 The Practice Structure

4.1 Recommendations
Recommendations contained within this Practice are not Segment requirements, but they do
form a set of high quality, tried and tested recommendations, the use of which BP encourages in
the delivery of the relevant Group and/or Segment Essentials. The “Intent” paragraph in each
recommendations section below tells you which Group and/or Segment Essential statements or
Sub-elements of operating are most relevant for the recommendations in that section.
It is for each E&P business, function or entity to decide whether or not to follow the
recommendations in this particular Practice (whole or in part) under guidance from the Drilling
and Completions function.
If any recommendations in a Practice overlap with Group or Segment requirements in other
documents, the Group or Segment requirements are to be met. The recommendations are
intended to support conformance with relevant Group or Segment requirements, not as
alternatives to conforming to Group or Segment requirements.
4.2 Language
Throughout the Group and Segment Defined and Recommended Practices, when used in the
context of actions by BP or others, the following words have specific meanings:
 'Shall' is used where a provision is mandatory. (Note: ‘Shall’ is not used in Segment
Recommended Practices such as this).
 'Should' is used where a provision is preferred.
 'May' is used where alternatives are equally acceptable.
4.3 References
References, where appropriate, are made to other relevant Group and Segment Defined
Practices and Group and Segment Recommended Practices, operating standards, guidelines,

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 4 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

procedures and documents. Examples and case studies may be provided to aid clarity and
4.4 Responsibilities
Delivery of these responsibilities should be locally assigned.
4.5 Legal Requirements
If following any of the recommendations in this Segment Recommended Practice would conflict
with an applicable legal or regulatory requirement, it is necessary to comply with that
requirement. If following a recommendation would go beyond any applicable legal or regulatory
requirements, this should be done as long as compliance with those requirements is achieved.

5 Intent and Recommendations

5.1 Intent
The recommendations in this SRP support the following Group and Segment Essentials:
Sub-Element 3.2 – Personal Safety
 Essential 3.2.1 Systematically identify personal safety hazards, assess risk, and implement
and maintain plant, process, people and performance risk reduction measures identified as
necessary to manage the risk, and use as an input to the entity risk register. Personal safety
hazards include but are not limited to breaking containment, working at heights, confined
space entry, energy isolation, ground disturbance, power tools, electrocution, cranes and
lifting devices.
Sub-Element 4.5 – Control of Work
 Essential 4.5.1 – Implement and maintain a process to plan work, identify hazards, assess
risk and put in place risk reduction measures to allow work tasks to be completed safely and
without unplanned loss of containment causing environmental damage.

5.2 Recommendations for Dropped Object Program

Each rig/contractor should develop a Dropped Object (DO) programme and include the following
provisions to facilitate the identification and management of risks.
5.2.1 Drilling contractor should conform to SPU Lifting Operations Practices
5.2.2 There should be an independent third party pre-spud derrick inspection with a two year
5.2.3 There should be a means for secondary retention for tools utilizing designated Working
at Height Tool Kit
5.2.4 An Accountable Person should be assigned (Driller/TP) to maintain derrick log (tools
5.2.5 Secondary retention should be in place for fixed equipment, including photographic log
for each derrick system (aid in inspection, and inspector competence)
5.2.6 Competent DO inspectors should be included in the contractor Dropped Object
5.2.7 There should be a systematic approach to assure DO conformance, including periodic rig

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 5 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

5.2.8 All dropped object incidents should be investigated; lessons should be shared intra-
company and within the BP drilling community; provide assurance that lessons are
5.2.9 Dropped objects should be tracked as a rig performance indicator
5.2.10 Drilling contractor should communicate the DO expectations to subcontractors and
others working in that work environment, and should verify conformance with rig DO
5.2.11 Pre-job checklists, JSAs, work permits should specifically include DO hazards and
5.2.12 Drilling contractor should inspect any and all equipment upon arrival at the rig to
determine the potential for dropped objects
5.2.13 Inspections for developing dropped objects hazards should be conducted post jarring /
excessive vibration events
5.2.14 There should be a documented driller protocol for racking back non-standard and small
diameter assemblies to ensure effective restraint/retention
5.2.15 Conduct initial and periodic refresher training for all personnel to recognize dropped
object hazards while working on rigs.
5.2.16 The maintenance management system should include automatic notification of DROP
preventive maintenance inspections and include photos of equipment / machinery
especially moving equipment such as pipe racking systems, hydraulic pipe rackers, rig
cranes and gantry cranes.
5.2.17 The BP Well Site Leader should conduct periodic audit of the contractor Dropped Object
5.3 Recommendations for Dropped Object Consequence Estimation
An element of dropped object prevention includes an appropriate level of investigation for near
miss events, and metrics for reporting, trending and comparing performance. Since high
potential incidents (HiPo’s) are more rigorously investigated and lessons more broadly shared, a
globally consistent tool is necessary to help determine whether a near miss dropped object
should be considered high potential.
Our industry, through the DROPS forum, has recognized a universal calculator for graphically
determining near-miss dropped object consequence. The DROPS Calculator is used to
determine a reasonable and conservative estimate of incident potential, with the assumption that
fatalities may occur as a result of cerebral damage and skull fracture.

5.3.1 Dropped object incident potential should be categorized using the DROPS Calculator.
(See Appendix 1)
5.3.2 Results of Calculator application should be used to classify incident potential for SPU
Tr@ction reporting and HiPo determination evaluation.

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 6 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

6 Appendices
6.1 Appendix 1 – DROPS Calculator
To facilitate ease of use, the first chart is in Imperial units while the second is metric.

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 7 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine
E&P Segment Recommended Practice
Drilling and Completions Dropped Objects

6.2 Appendix 2 – Standard Usage Definitions

The following terms are used with the following meanings in this particular Practice. An up-to-
date Glossary of Operating Management System (OMS) terms may be found at the following
website: OMS Glossary

Term Definition

6.3 Appendix 3 – Acronyms & Symbols

Term Definition

DROPS Dropped Object Prevention Scheme

7 References

Drilling and Well Operations (DWOP) - https://epti.bpglobal.com/C17/C4/GlobalDocLib/default.aspx

GDP 4.5-0001 for Control of Work –
SRP 3.2-001 Management of Lifting Operations

8 Revision Log
Revision Date Technical Content Revision Details
Authority Approver
Name/Title Name/Title

31 July 2009 Andy Hine, Steven Haden, Initial issue

Project Manager,
VP Drilling and
E&A Wells &
Major Project

Document No.: SRP 3.2-0002 Page 8 of Page 9 Revision Date: 31 July 2009
Content Owner: Andy J. Hine

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