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The Ethical Cycle

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The Ethical Cycle

Article in Journal of Business Ethics · March 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s10551-006-9121-6


22 15,886

2 authors, including:

Ibo van de Poel

Delft University of Technology


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Journal of Business Ethics (2007) 71:1–13  Springer 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10551-006-9121-6

I. van de Poel
The Ethical Cycle L. Royakkers

ABSTRACT. Arriving at a moral judgment is not a Introduction

straightforward or linear process in which ethical theories
are simply applied to cases. Instead it is a process in which Making an ethical decision is a complex process that
the formulation of the moral problem, the formulation of applied ethicists have organized in a series of ‘steps’
possible ‘‘solutions’’, and the ethical judging of these (see e.g. Harris et al., 2000; Mitcham and Duvall,
solutions go hand in hand. This messy character of moral
2000). These steps have proven useful both in teach-
problems, however, does not rule out a systematic ap-
proach. In this article, we describe a systematic approach
ing ethical concepts (see e.g. van der Burg and van de
to problem solving that does justice to the complex nature Poel, 2005), and in analyzing ethical issues in real-life
of moral problems and ethical judgment: the ethical cycle. situations. In this article, we will propose an ethical
Our goal is to provide a structured and disciplined cycle for moral problem-solving. The ethical cycle has
method of addressing moral problems, which helps to been primarily developed for teaching purposes. We
guide a sound analysis of these problems. We will illus- think, however, that it might also be useful for ethical
trate the usefulness of this cycle with an example. Further, problem solving in situations in professional practices
we will discuss two general issues in applied ethics in because it helps to deal with moral problems in a more
relation to the proposed ethical cycle: the role of ethical structured and thorough way.
theories and the place of individual judgment versus The proposal for a systematic approach to moral
collective deliberation. problem-solving consisting of a number of steps
might suggest a commitment to the belief that moral
KEY WORDS: ethics, engineering, moral problems,
designing, deliberation
problems are given beforehand and that solving them
is just a matter of applying different ethical theories to
select the best option. There is, however, not such a
commitment. In fact, we believe that moral prob-
lem-solving is a much more messy and complex
Ibo van de Poel (1966) is Assistant Professor of Ethics and
process. There are a number of reasons for this.
Technology at Delft University of Technology. He has done
research on the dynamics of technological development, codes of Like many otherpractical problems, moral problems
conduct and professional ethics of engineers, the moral accept- are ill-structured problems. Moral problems cannot be
ability of technological risks, ethics in engineering design, and thoroughly described beforehand; the problem will
ethics and responsibiltiy in R&D networks. He has published unfold itself during the process of solving (cf. Whit-
in, among others, Science, Technology & Humans Values, beck, 1998). In cases of other ill-structured problems,
Research Policy and Science and Engineering Ethics. For more such as design problems, thinking about possible
information, see http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/webstaf/ibop/. solutions will further clarify the problem and possibly
Lambèr Royakkers (1967) is Associate Professor of Ethics and lead to a reformulation of the problem (Cross, 1989).
Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Like other ill-structured problems, moral problems
Netherlands. He studied Philosophy and Social Sciences, usually do not have one best solution, but a range of
Technical Mathematics, and Law. He received his PhD at the
more or less acceptable solutions (Whitbeck, 1998).
Tilburg University in 1996. His dissertation was on the for-
This is due to the fact that for ill-structurted problems,
malisation of normative rules with deontic logic. It has been
revised rather thoroughly for the serie Law and Philosophy no single criterion exists to order uniformly the pos-
published by Kluwer Academic in 1998. His research interests sible solutions from best to worst (Simon, 1973).
include ethics and technology, (collective) responsibility, and Another characteristic which moral problems
logic. share with other ill-structured problems is that it is
2 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

usually not possible to make a definitive list of all tures of the problem or in just stating an opinion
possible alternative options for action (Simon, 1973). without any justification. Such shortcuts are a serious
This means that solutions are in some sense always problem especially in teaching contexts (van de Poel
provisional. et al., 2001; van der Burg and van de Poel, 2005).
Apart from these characteristics which moral This article is structured as follows. We start with
problems share with other ill-structured problems, clarifying our position with respect to applied ethics.
moral problems have their own peculiarities that In particular, we will discuss which role ethical the-
make them even more messy and complex. One of ories can play in a moral problem-solving process, one
them is that in identifying a moral problem one of the most contentious issues in applied ethics. We
needs a conception of what morality is. Such a then turn to the description of the ethical cycle. In
conception is partly theory-dependent as different section next we will illustrate the use of the ethical
ethical theories emphasize different part of reality as cycle with an example. In the final section, we will
morally relevant. Nevertheless, despite such differ- discuss how the ethical cycle, which is mainly aimed
ences, there is much common ground in ethical at individual moral judgment, can be integrated into
theories on what are moral concerns or problems. collective deliberations on ethical issues.
We therefore believe that as a first approximation it
will often be possible to define a problem based on
common sense and one’s own theoretical commit- Applied ethics and the role of ethical theories
ments. This formulation may later be refined during
the process of moral problem-solving. Some philosophers believe that applied ethics is
A second peculiarity of moral problems is related essentially the application of general moral principles
to the first one. The different ethical theories are not or theories to particular situations (cf. Gert, 1984;
only relevant in identifying and formulating moral Hare, 1988; Smart, 1973). This view is, however,
problems but also in judging them. We believe that problematic for a number of reasons (cf. Beauchamp,
the diversity of theories also reveals a diversity of 1984; McIntyre, 1984). One is that a generally ac-
reasonable moral opinions among different people cepted ethical theory or moral framework that could
on moral issues. This does, however, not mean that be applied does not exist. Different theories might
any solution to a moral issue will do. Solutions are yield different judgments about a particular case. But
better if they are based on systematic reasoning about even if there would be one generally accepted the-
the moral problem, on taking into account different ory, framework or set of principles, it is doubtful
viewpoints and theories, and on the exercise of a whether they can be straightforwardly applied to a
critical and reflective attitude. particular case. Take a principle such as fairness. In
Moral problem-solving is thus a messy and com- many concrete situations, it is not clear what fairness
plex process. This does, however, not preclude the exactly amounts to. What does, for example, a fair
possibility of a systematic approach to the identifica- distribution of technological risks mean? Should
tion, analysis and solution of moral problems. In fact, everybody be equally safe?; should everybody have
we believe that the messiness and complexity of moral the same minimum level of safety?; or does some-
problem solving calls for a systematic approach, at one’s right to safety depend on the amount of taxes
least in teaching contexts, because otherwise moral he or she pays? All these can be considered as an
judgment is often reduced to mere gut-feeling application of the principle of fairness to the distri-
without any attempt to understand the moral problem bution of risks, but clearly these answers reveal dif-
or justify one’s actions. For similar reasons, we do not ferent moral outlooks. Without doubt, part of this
believe that a systematic approach should just mimic confusion could be solved on the theoretical level,
how people now actually make moral decisions. It i.e., by further elaborating the notion ‘‘fairness’’ by
should take this into account of course. But, the ap- developing an ethical theory about it. It seems
proach we propose, the ethical cycle, aims at an doubtful, however, whether this would solve all
improvement of ethical decision-making or at least it application issues. This brings us to a third point.
tries to avoid certain shortcuts. Such shortcuts, for Theory development in ethics in general does not
example, consist in neglecting certain relevant fea- take place independent from judging particular cases.
The Ethical Cycle 3

Rather, theory development is an attempt to sys- ments, (2) moral principles and (3) background
tematize judgments over particular cases and to theories. The background theories include ethical
provide a rational justification for these. So if we theories, but also relevant other theories like psy-
encounter a new case, we can of course try to apply chological and sociological theories about the per-
the ethical theory we have developed until then to son. The third set is important because:
that case, but we should also be open to the possi-
bility that the new case might sometimes reveal a We do not simply settle for the best fit of principles to
judgments (....), which would give a narrow equilib-
flaw in the theory we have developed until yet.
rium. Instead, we advance philosophical arguments
If ethical theories do not provide moral principles
intended to bring out the relative strengths and
that can be straightforwardly applied to get the right weaknesses of the alternative sets of principles (or
answer, what then is their role, if any, in applied competing moral conceptions). These arguments can
ethics? Their role is merely heuristic, both in for- be construed as inferences from some set of relevant
mulating the moral problem in the first place and, background theories. (Daniels, 1979, p. 258)
secondly, in coming to a judgment on the moral issue.
With respect to problem formulation, ethical The inclusion of theories is important because they
theories may be instrumental in discovering the block the possibility of simply choosing those prin-
ethical aspects of a problem or situation. Different ciples that fit our (considered) judgment. In that
ethical theories stress different aspects of a situation; case, reflective equilibrium would add little to
consequentialism for example draws attention to making an intuitive judgment – it would still add
how consequences of actions may be morally rele- something because looking for principles that fit our
vant; deontological theories might draw attention to judgment introduces a critical moment that might
the moral importance of promises, rights and obli- invite us to revise our initial judgment. Achieving
gations. And virtue ethics may remind us that certain wide equilibrium, however, forces us to bring our
character traits can be morally relevant. judgments not only into coherence with principles
With respect to moral judgment, ethical theories but also with background theories. According to
have an even more explicit role. Many ethical the- Daniels, these theories should have a scope that
ories provide a framework for judging moral prob- reaches further than the considered judgments we
lems and in justifying, or criticizing, certain are interested in. In particular, they are connected to
responses to such problems. While we advocate the a set of considered moral judgments that is disjoint
‘‘application’’ of various ethical theories to a moral from the set of judgments we are making about the
problem, we do not believe that one theory will case at hand.1
provide the one and only right answer. Rather The important thing is that by trying to achieve
ethical theories have merely a heuristic role, by a wide reflective equilibrium the decision-maker is
suggesting certain arguments or reasons that can play forced to engage in a broader and more systematic
a role in our final judgments and in reflection. Apart theoretical consideration of the case, including a
from ethical theories, also intuitions, triggered for range of arguments and reasons. It is precisely
example by emotions, on moral issues can play a because this reflection involves theories, that such
heuristic role in judging moral cases. reflection becomes broader and more encompass-
One might wonder whether ethical theories are to ing. This suggests that theories have an important
be treated on par with intuitive judgments or emotions role to play in reflection and making moral judg-
as providers for possible reasons or arguments for our ments. However, this role is far more complex
final judgment. We would suggest that ethical theories than simply applying the theory to the case at
have a different and in a sense broader role than ethical hand.
intuitions or emotions. The role we see for ethical
theories is inspired by Normal Daniels’ discussion of
wide reflective equilibrium (Daniels, 1979, 1996). The ethical cycle
According to Daniels, the method of wide
reflective equilibrium is an attempt to make cohere We will now present the ethical cycle, a model for
three types of beliefs: (1) considered moral judg- moral problem solving. This model is not intended
4 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

Figure 1. Ethical cycle.

as a model of how people actually make moral done by formulating a moral question. A good moral
decisions. Interestingly as that may be, our purpose is question meets three conditions: (1) it must clearly
different. We want to develop a model that is a state what the problem is, (2) it must state for whom
helpful tool in structuring and improving moral it is a problem and, finally, (3) the moral nature of
decisions, especially in the context of teaching the problem need to be articulated. Sometimes, the
practical ethics. With improving moral decision- second condition is not relevant; for example when
making, we aim at a situation in which the decision- we ask a general question about the moral accept-
maker makes at least a systematic and thorough ability of a particular course of action or a technol-
analysis of the moral problem and is able to justify his ogy. An example of such a question is: Is cloning
final decisions in moral terms. Ultimately, moral morally acceptable?, or, more precisely, under what
problem solving is directed at finding the morally conditions – if any – is cloning morally acceptable?
best, or at least a morally acceptable, action in a Often it will not be possible to formulate the moral
given situation in which a moral problem arises. It is, problem precisely when the ethical cycle is started.
however, hard to guarantee that the ethical cycle One can then start with a somewhat vaguer notion of
indeed delivers such a solution, albeit because people the moral problem and try to make the formulation
may reasonably disagree about what is the morally of the moral problem clearer and more precise after
best, or a morally acceptable, solution. We will some of the other phases have been carried out.
discuss this further in the final section.
The ethical cycle consists of a number of phases
(Figure 1). It is important to stress that by distin- Problem analysis
guishing these phases we do not want to suggest that
moral problem-solving is a linear process. Rather, it is During the problem analysis phase, the relevant ele-
an iterative process, as the feedback loops in Figure 1 ments of the moral problem are described. Three
already suggest. The cycle, for example, starts with important elements can be distinguished: the stake-
formulating a moral problem. In many actual cases, the holders and their interests, the moral values that are
moral problem only becomes clear after further relevant in the situation and the relevant facts. These
delving into the facts of the situation, by distinguishing elements are to be described during this phase because
stakeholders, looking at ethical theories, et cetera. In they give a good impression of the current situation
other words, formulating a good problem statement is with respect to the moral problem; moreover, they are
an iterative process that continues during the other indispensable for the carrying out of the later phases of
phases. Nevertheless, it is important to start with the ethical cycle. In practice, the distinction between
formulating a moral problem to get the process going. facts and values may not always be that easy to make in
this phase. Nevertheless, we think that using analytical
categories like facts and values to understand the case
Moral problem statement in this phase is often very useful because it leads to a
more systematic analysis of the case.
The start of ethical cycle is the formulation of a Stakeholders are both the people who can influ-
moral problem. Characteristic of a moral problem is ence the options for actions being chosen and the
that there are two or more positive moral values or eventual consequences of this action as well as those
norms that cannot be fully realized at the same time. people suffering or profiting from those conse-
In order to apply the ethical cycle successfully, it is quences. Stakeholders can be individuals, like col-
important that the moral problem is stated as leagues, groups, like the design team, organizations
precisely and clearly as possible. This can best be like a company or society, as far as it concerns the
The Ethical Cycle 5

common interest. For each of the stakeholders, it is acceptable to engage in a certain action or nor. In
to be indicated what interests it has. this black-and-white-strategy only two options for
About the facts, disagreement between the actions are considered, doing the action or not, other
stakeholders may exist. Usually, not all facts are actions are simply not considered. While this strategy
undisputed in a moral problem situation. Facts can may be helpful in better understanding and formu-
also be uncertain or unknown. Disputed, uncertain lating the moral problem, in many more complex
or unknown facts are certainly not irrelevant for the situations it is too simplistic.
analysis of the moral problem. In later phases, they During this stage creativity is of major impor-
can make a distinct difference. One way to deal with tance. It can invite us to find options for actions that
such facts is to make explicit presuppositions about bridge seemingly opposed moral values playing a
them. Naturally, different people will often make role in the moral problem. A good example is the
different suppositions. Since the final option chosen design of the flood barrier in the Oosterschelde, the
at the end of the ethical cycle can depend on the Netherlands, where the moral values of safety and
made suppositions with respect to facts, it is advisable care for nature were at stake.
to formulate the moral standpoint sometimes in a For employees working in a business context, the
hypothetical form: ‘If x is the case, than option for strategy of cooperation can be helpful in thinking
action A is morally acceptable; but if it turns out that out possible options for action. This strategy is di-
y is the case then option B is morally acceptable’. rected at finding alternatives that can help to solve
the moral problem by consulting other stakeholders.
Options for actions Sometimes, such cooperation and consultation can
lead to win–win situations, i.e., solutions which
After the analytic phase in which the moral problem make nobody worse off. Often such win–win situ-
is formulated, a synthetic phase follows in which ations are not self-evident and one should creatively
possible solutions for action are generated in the light look for new options for action.
of the formulated problem analysis. Often a moral Whistle-blowing, i.e., speaking out to the media
problem is formulated in terms whether it is or the public on an undesirable situation against the

CASE: The design of the storm surge barrier in the Oosterschelde

After the flood disaster in 1953, in which a large number of dikes in the province of Zeeland, the Netherlands, gave
way and more than 1800 people were killed, the Delta Plan was drawn up. Part of this Delta Plan was to close
off the Oosterschelde. From the end of the sixties, however, there was growing societal opposition to closing
off the Oosterschelde. Environmentalists, who feared the loss of an ecologically valuable area because of the desalination
of the Oosterschelde and the lack of tides, started to resist its closure. Fishermen also were opposed to its closure because
of the negative consequences for the fishing industry. As an alternative they suggested raising the dikes around the
Oosterschelde to sufficiently guarantee the safety of the area.
In June 1972, a group of students launched an alternative plan for the closure of the Oosterschelde. It was a plan that
had been worked out as a study assignment by students of the School of Civil Engineering and the School of
Architecture of the Technical University of Delft and the School of Landscape Architecture of the Agricultural
University of Wageningen. The aspects the students focused on were safety and the environment. On the basis of
these considerations, they proposed a storm surge barrier, i.e. a barrier that would normally be open and allow water
to pass through, but that could be closed if a flood threatened the hinterland. The flood barrier was a creative compromise
to balance the two moral values, safety and the environment, that were at stake.
At first the Rijkswaterstaat, the governmental body responsible for waterways in the Netherlands, discarded the idea
because it was not considered feasible technically. However, pressure from political developments – parliament too
started to resist the notion of closing off the Oosterschelde – made the Rijkswaterstaat take the option more seriously
and after some time it was decided to build a storm surge barrier. Though the storm surge barrier turned out to be much
more expensive than the original solution – and also exceeded the original budget – many still consider the design to
be a creative and acceptable compromise between safety and the environment.
6 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

desire of the employer, is a last resort strategy because value has been selected, the option can be chosen that
it usually brings large costs both to the individual best meets the dominant value.
employee and to the organization. Nevertheless, The fourth phase results in moral judgments about
some situations may require whistle-blowing; for the various options for action. These judgments
example, if human safety or health is at stake and need not be the same because different frameworks
there are no other options of actions available. can result in different preferred options for action in
a given situation.

Ethical judgment Reflection

In this phase, the moral acceptability of the various Since the different ethical frameworks, including the
options for action is judged. This can be done on the informal frameworks, do not necessarily lead to
basis of both formal and informal moral frameworks. the same conclusion, a further reflection on the
Formal moral frameworks are based on the outcomes of the previous step is usually required.
main theories of ethical thought: consequentialism, The goal of this reflection is to come to a well-
including utilitarianism, deontology and virtue eth- argued choice among the various options for actions,
ics. These ethical theories have been developed for a using the outcomes of the earlier phases.
variety of reasons, including such reasons as pro- Reflection should primarily be based on the
viding a (rational) foundation for normative ethics outcomes of the ethical judgment in the previous
and criticizing other ethical theories or common- phase. Of course, the ethical frameworks are not
sense morality. Given this variety of reasons for the final word on what is morally allowable or
developing ethical theories, it is not amazing that required, but especially the formal framework are
most theories do not provide easy or ready-to-use the result of moral scrutiny and theoretical devel-
tools or tests for ethical judgment. Nevertheless, it is opment. Ethical theories have moreover been re-
not so difficult to develop a numbers of tests on the fined in response to criticism. The theoretical
basis of these ethical theories (see e.g. Harris et al., frameworks should therefore not too easily be
2000; Royakkers et al., 2004; van der Burg and van disregarded. On the other hand, intuitive judgment
de Poel, 2005). We will not list all these possible tests and common-sense are also important; one reason
here, but show how they can be used by providing to include them might be that they might often be
an example in the next section. more suitable for the taking into account of specific
Ethical judgment is not only to be based on formal peculiarities of the situation that are important for
ethical theories but also on more informal ethical coming to a moral judgment.
frameworks. We distinguish two such frameworks The approach to reflection that we propose is
here: intuitions and the dominant-value method. The similar to the method of ‘‘reflective equilibrium’’ that
intuitivist framework is rather straightforward: indi- we already described in some detail earlier. The basic
cate which option of action in your view is intuitively idea is that in a process of reflection different ethical
most acceptable and formulate arguments for this judgments on a case are weighed against each other
statement. The dominant-value method is based on and brought into equilibrium. As we see it, this
either an individually or a collectively preferred value process is not so much about achieving equilibrium as
in a specific case.2 The idea behind the method is that such, but about arguing for and against different
in many actual cases, one value is predominant. In a frameworks and so achieving a conclusion that might
specific case, it might, for example, be possible to not be covered by one of the frameworks in isolation.
argue that although making a profit is important, the Central to the reflection phase is thus argumenta-
value that is really at stake is public safety. In deter- tion. Arguments for or against ethical frameworks can
mining which value is dominant, certain guidelines be positioned at two levels. One level is the general
can be followed, such as, ‘dominant values are usually criticism of the ethical frameworks. Consequentialism
intrinsic values and not merely instrumental values’, can, for example, be criticized for neglecting duties or
and ‘if more people find a value important, it is more moral rights, while deontological theories might
likely that it is a dominant value’. Once the dominant be criticized for not taking into account the
The Ethical Cycle 7

consequences of actions. Such criticisms are well- injuries and property damage only accidents.
known in moral philosophy and might be helpful for Roughly speaking, the rural location is currently the
the reflection in this phase. The second level of crit- most dangerous per vehicle approaching the inter-
icism is the concrete situation in which a certain section, while the total expected reduction of fatali-
option for action has to be chosen. It might for ties, injuries and property damage only accidents is
example be the case that a certain general objection to highest at the location in the city.
an ethical theory is not so relevant in a particular case. This description of this example is, we must ad-
For example, a general objection against the maxim mit, rather stylized. We have chosen, however, to
‘‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’’ of leave out certain complexities and uncertainties as to
classical utilitarianism is that it neglects distributional be able to show more clearly and straightforwardly
issues, but it might be that in the particular situation how the ethical cycle would proceed in a case like
different options for actions hardly have different this. In particular, we show that the ethical cycle by
distributional effects, so that in that situation this including a reflection step moves beyond the simple
objection is not relevant. In general, we suggest two opposition between a consequentialist and a deon-
types of questions for reflection on this second level: tological ethical approach for which this case
description was originally devised.
• Does an ethical framework provide reasons
that support my intuitive opinion? If not, do
I have other reasons that support my intuitive Moral problem statement
opinion? If I have other reasons are they
strong enough to override the reasons within In the original case, the moral problem statement is
the ethical framework? If not, do I have to already given: ‘‘Which of the two improvements do
revise my intuitive opinion and in what way? you think David should recommend?’’ (Harris et al.,
• Does an ethical framework succeed in select- 2000, p. 318). It is worth noting that this is not the
ing those features of a situation that are morally only possible moral problem statement in this case.
relevant? Are there any other moral relevant One might for example wonder whether making
features that are not covered? Why are these this decision is actually David’s responsibility. The
relevant and how could they be accounted for? case concerns spending of public funds and it might
be argued that such a decision is to be made by the
The result of the fifth phase is the choice for one of relevant city council or state council. So one might
the options of action; a choice that can be argued in formulate as problem statement: ‘‘Is it David’s
relation to the different ethical frameworks. (moral) responsibility to make this decision?’’ We
will, however, restrict ourselves here to the problem
statement formulated by Harris et al. This problem
An example statement meets two of the three earlier mentioned
conditions for a good problem statement: it is clear
We will now apply the ethical cycle to a concrete what the problem is (which option to choose) and it
example. As an example, we take a case presented by is clear for whom it is a problem (David). It is not
Harris et al. (2000) in their book Engineering Ethics. clear from the statement itself, however, why it is a
Concepts and Cases. The detailed case description is moral problem. Maybe this is simply a practical
given in an appendix. The main facts of the case are as decision about what to do or an economic decision
follows. David, an engineer, has to choose between about how to spend public funds most efficiently.
two highway safety improvements. Both consider the We think, however, that there are good reasons to
placement of traffic lights, but at two different loca- argue that this decision has a moral dimension be-
tions, one in the city, and one in a rural area. Both cause at least two different moral values are at stake.
locations are characterized by different number of One is safety and the other distributive justice.
vehicles approaching the intersection and differences Moreover, these values at least prima facie suggest
in current fatalities, injuries and property damage only different options: location A in the metropolitan area
(PD) accidents and in expected reductions in fatalities seems to imply a larger improvement in terms of
8 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

safety while location B in the rural area seems determine which option of action is the ‘best’, it is
preferable from the viewpoint of distributive justice. necessary to make compromises concerning the
Many engineering students, in our experience, do various values: you trade off a certain level of safety
not recognize this case as a moral problem. They for a certain level of costs.
simply think that location A is best because more Although it is difficult to draw up a definitive list of
human lives are saved and the reduction in injuries is stakeholders and interests, the above analysis is helpful
larger. Considering the case from a deontological in distinguishing relevant values. In the formulation
or right ethics framework might help them to real- of the problem, we already distinguished two relevant
ize that there is a potential moral problem here. values: safety and distributive justice. We might now
Theoretical frameworks may thus help in recogniz- add a third one, which is related to the interest of
ing the moral relevant characteristics of a situation keeping costs low. Low cost is, however, hardly a
and in formulating the moral problem. This is not to moral value as such. The moral value at stake here
say that anybody following the ethical cycle will seems to be something as ‘‘public utility’’, which in
immediately recognize such morally relevant fea- this particular case implies that higher costs, ultimately
tures. It might well be that someone only recognizes resulting in higher taxes, may pay themselves back in
the issues in phase 4 of the cycle (see Figure 1). He higher public utility through higher safety.
or she might then go back to phase 1 and refor-
mulate the moral problem and redo phases 2 and 3.

Options for actions

Problem analysis
In this case, the options for action are already given
Now, we have to state the relevant facts, stake- in the problem formulation. One might, however,
holders and interests and values. The main facts are wonder whether these two options are really the
already listed in the detailed case description in the only ones. Whitbeck, for example, comments on
appendix. Some facts are uncertain. It is, for exam- this case:
ple, not known whether the general reduction fac-
tors for municipal and rural intersections be ‘‘Notice ... that the problem is presented as a forced
applicable to the specific case. There are no indica- choice between spending all the remaining resources on
one intersection and spending it all on the other. In fact,
tions to the contrary, but this does not guarantee that
there would likely be many other choices. For example,
these factors do apply. Such uncertainties could
putting up traffic signs at both intersections may be an
make a difference for the final judgment on the case. alternative to installing traffic lights at either one.’’
Apart from David, drivers and their passengers, (Whitbeck, 1998, p. 65)
tax payers and the relevant city or state council could
be distinguished as relevant stakeholders. As a first So, it might be useful to think of other options in the
approximation, one could say that the main interests light of the relevant values. In subsection ‘Options for
of these stakeholders are safety (drivers and their actions’, we suggested a number of strategies that
passengers), minimal costs (tax payers) and highest could be helpful in devising options. The black-and-
safety for lowest cost (city or state council). On white-strategy has been chosen in the original for-
closer examination, these stakeholders are not really mulation of the problem (see appendix). This has
uniform. Some drivers will use only the city inter- probably been done for didactic considerations, i.e.,
section, some – but probably less – only the rural, illustrating the difference between a consequentialis-
some will use both, some will use neither; which tic – in particular a utilitarian ethical – framework and
might result in different preferences about where to a more deontological or right-ethics based frame-
place traffic lights. Moreover, some drivers will work. While this may be illuminating, it might also
prefer speeding above safety and will maybe prefer give the wrong impression that the actual problem is
that no traffic lights are placed at all! Most drivers best solved by a black-and-white strategy, which is
will, as tax payers, prefer minimal costs, which may usually not the case. Another strategy, for example,
conflict in this case with increasing safety. To could be the cooperation strategy, which is directed at
The Ethical Cycle 9

finding alternatives that can help solve the moral TABLE II

problem by consulting other stakeholders. In this case, Current risk of fatality and of injury for individuals
it might be useful for example to consult drivers and approaching the intersection (under the assumption that
people who live in the neighborhood of the inter- there is one person in each vehicle)
sections because they may have more specific
knowledge about why what accidents occur at the Site A Site B
intersections, or may have creative solutions. Whis-
tle-blowing is not really relevant here because there is Fatalities 2.3 E-07 4.6 E-07
Injuries 6.8 E-07 9.1 E-07
not a hidden abuse that needs to be uncovered.

Ethical judgment be construed in terms of right ethics. One could argue

that everybody has a same right to protection, so that
At last two formal ethical frameworks can be applied the same maximum risk factor applies to everyone. As
to the case. One is the utilitarian framework that Table II shows, intersection B in the rural area is now
selects the option that brings the greatest good for more risky. Fairness considerations thus seem to
the greatest number. Using the data that are given in suggest a choice for location B.
the case description (see appendix), the expected Other frameworks could be applied to the case as
social utility can be calculated using the different well. One could for example look at the case from a
‘‘pricing schemes’’ suggested in the case description. virtue ethics points of view. One might try to for-
For the sake of simplicity, we leave out the effect of mulate a list of virtues that are relevant for engineers
uncertainty in making these calculations, but it is (cf. Pritchard, 1998). One may then ask how a vir-
important to recognize that such uncertainties might tuous engineer, employing the relevant virtues,
affect our final judgment. would act in this situation. This might reveal new
As Table I shows, the available data suggest that relevant moral considerations, or might even lead to
location A in the metropolitan area is to be chosen. a reformulation of the moral problem (phase 1 of the
The data moreover suggest that this choice has an ethical cycle). One might, for example, begin to
overall positive social utility, i.e., the costs are worth wonder whether it is desirable that David makes this
the increase in safety. choice himself or whether he should merely inform
The other formal ethical framework that can be the public authorities who then make the decision.
applied is based on the notion of fairness, or more
specifically distributive justice. According to some
authors, such fairness considerations are best under- Reflection
stood as part of a deontological theoretical framework
(e.g. Rawls, 1999 [1971]). They might, however, also Since the applied ethical frameworks provide dif-
ferent outcomes, further reflection is required. First
TABLE I of all, in this case, one could reflect internally on the
Net benefit of placing traffic lights at the two sites using frameworks. For the moment, we will leave aside
different ‘pricing schemes’ the virtual ethical framework, and focus on the
utilitarian and fairness framework. With respect to
Site A Site B the utilitarian framework, one could for example
question whether the provided data on the monetary
NSC $15,400 )$21,720 value of a human life, injuries and property damage
NHTSTA $223,600 $79,440 only accidents are adequate. Nevertheless, the vari-
Neighboring state 30 PD 12.1 PD ous monetary schemes and the weighing scheme of
PD refers to property damage only. The numbers in the the neighboring state all suggest the choice of site A
table indicate the expected reduction expressed in the unity over site B. In fact, it is not possible to devise a
‘‘property damage only’’ according to the pricing scheme monetary scheme in which site B would score better
of the neighboring state mentioned in the case description. unless one’s weights human lives negatively and/or
10 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

injuries and property damage positively. So the approach that we advocate here is that of wide
outcome that the utilitarian test selects site A is rather reflective equilibrium.
robust. A wide reflective equilibrium becomes broader
This is less so for the fairness test. The rural and more encompassing when it explicitly takes into
intersection is more dangerous in terms of the account ethical theories. Suppose that someone has
probability of a fatality or injury per vehicle the considered judgment that location A is best
approaching the intersection. However, we do not (belief a). This judgment can for example be trig-
know the average number of people in a car and gered by his emotional feeling about the situation.
whether this number is the same for the rural and He or she might defend this choice by referring to
urban intersection. Moreover, it might be that the the principle ‘‘the greatest happiness for the greatest
same people use the urban intersection more fre- number’’ (belief b). This principle in turn might be
quently or the other way around. The data, there- justified on basis of the ethical theory of utilitari-
fore, do not rule out that the individual risk of a car anism (belief c). Utilitarianism is not only a theory
driver or passenger in expected fatalities per year is about where to place traffic light but a much
actually higher on site A than on site B, contrary to broader theory that is related to a whole range of
what Table II suggests. moral judgments, including the judgment that – for
There are also other reasons to doubt whether the sake of comparison – we can express human
fairness considerations necessarily suggest the choice lives in a common value, like money (belief d).
for section B. If fairness is understood in terms of a Now the same person judging that location A is best
right to protection, this is perhaps best understood in (belief a) might reject the moral judgment that we
terms of an equal level of minimal safety for every- can express the value of human lives one way or the
one. It might well be that that level is already met at other (belief d). Now, the set of beliefs a, b, c and
both intersections. Alternatively, one could under- not d is incoherent.
stand fairness or distributive justice in terms of equal There are of course several ways our decision-
absolute safety. This would mean that everybody has maker can solve the incoherence between a, b, c and
a right to the same absolute level of risk. This would not d. We name some:
have rather absurd consequences, however. It would,
for example, imply that if someone would be very • The person could give up the belief not d.
safe off, for example due to chance, everybody would After all, he might come to the conclusion
have the right to that level of safety, even if that that human life is not priceless, even if he
would be very hard, if not impossible, to realize. It intuitively thought so. So he might choose
would even imply that it would be desirable to make to adopt the belief d.
the safest person less safe off, even if that would in- • The person could also look for another ethi-
crease the safety of nobody else, because in this way a cal theory (c) or another ethical theory with
more equal distribution of risks is achieved. moral principles (b and c), which would still
The last remarks already make clear that applying justify a, but would not imply other moral
only distributional considerations without consider- judgments like d that he considers dubious.
ations of overall safety or public utility does not • The person might also try to look for a the-
make much sense. Conversely, one might argue that ory that better fits his judgments about valu-
public utility or overall safety considerations alone ing human life. He might, for example, have
are also not enough, which would mean that the the considered moral judgment that since we
utilitarian framework alone is too narrow to judge cannot put a price on human lives, we
this case. What seems required then is a certain should treat humans equally and respect their
balancing of the various moral frameworks or con- freedom. On the basis of such a belief he
siderations, including possibly also one’s intuitive might embrace – at least for the moment – a
opinion and common-sense considerations; the latter deontological ethical theory and some prin-
could be made more explicit by using the relevant ciple of fairness. On that basis, he might re-
moral values that were distinguished earlier (sub- vise his initial belief a about the case, and
section ‘Problem analysis’). As explained before, the now choose location B.
The Ethical Cycle 11

This list does not exhaust the possibilities. One could they depend on others to achieve certain options for
also try to combine utility and fairness considerations action. A certain support from others is therefore
in several ways. One could for example argue that required to be able to act morally in an effective
fairness considerations imply that all drivers and way. This is certainly true for people who are
passengers have a right to a minimal level of safety. working in corporations. Also for such reasons,
One might then argue that this level is actually met deliberation and discussion with others are important
at both intersections, so that one can choose without additions to the ethical cycle.
scruples the option with the highest public utility, The final step in the ethical cycle is reflection,
i.e., option A. leading to a well-argued choice for an option of
The important point about this example, how- action. This choice, however, need not be a final
ever, is not how the decision-maker solves the choice; it can also be seen as a provisional choice that
incoherence between his different beliefs. The can be revised in a discussion with others. The
important thing is that by trying to achieve a wide objective of such a deliberation is to make public
reflective equilibrium the decision-maker is forced your reasons for a certain choice and to expose them
to engage in a broader and more systematic theo- to criticism by others. Such discussion and criticism
retical consideration of the case, including a range of can result in a revision of one’s choice, for example
arguments and reasons. because the arguments turn out not to be adequate
after all, or because certain arguments have been
Moral deliberation So conceived, deliberation is mainly a tool to
improve one’s moral judgment. However, as already
The emphasis in the ethical cycle is on individual suggested above, one could also argue that moral
judgment. However, in many, if not most, situations deliberation is essential for more fundamental rea-
in real life, other people will be involved in and sons. Discourse ethicists like Habermas (1981) have
affected by moral choices made by other individuals. argued that moral judgments are legitimized by them
One might doubt whether in such situations, indi- being the result of a moral deliberation that meets
vidually achieving a conclusion how to act is very certain standards. This includes the standard that the
useful. discussion should not be decided on the basis of
From a moral and philosophical point of view, authority or power, but on the basis of arguments.
one might wonder why others, especially people Other requirements for rational discussion or delib-
affected by one’s actions, should accept one’s con- eration are that people should be honest and sincere,
clusion on how to act. Of course, if somebody has and should argue their point of view. The idea is that
used the ethical cycle, he or she is able to give rea- if deliberation meets such requirements, we have
sons for his choice, but given the nature of moral good reason to believe that the outcomes are valid.
reflection and the diversity of ethical frameworks One need not embrace all claims of discourse
that might give conflicting advices, it seems doubtful ethicists to recognize the importance of deliberation
that any person using the ethical cycle would always in moral issues. Discourse ethicists tend to stress
come to the same conclusion as any other person. procedural criteria for arriving at a moral judgment,
The natural inclination of many ethicists would be to while in the ethical cycle we have discussed various
look for a better, overarching moral framework. substantive formal frameworks play an important
Even if one would believe that such an endeavor is part. We think that this need not be seen as incom-
worthwhile, it certainly does not solve the problem patible, however. To engage in a moral deliberation,
for the individual that is to act here and now. We it is desirable that the participants have a well-argued
therefore propose a more practical solution, i.e., moral opinion. Of course, they should be willing to
engaging in a moral deliberation with other people revise their opinion, but in order to have a debate at
involved and possibly affected. all, people should have a well-argued opinion of their
Engaging in a deliberation is also useful for other own. For this purpose, the ethical cycle including the
reasons. People who are confronted with moral use of substantive ethical frameworks to arrive at a
problems often have to act in a situation in which moral opinion is very useful.
12 I. van de Poel and L. Royakkers

Urban Rural
The case below is presented in (Harris et al., 2000,
% Reduction in fatalities 50 50
pp. 317–318). % Reduction in injuries 50 60
% Reduction in PD 25 ) 25*

Case Highway safety *Property damage only accidents are expected to increase
because of the increase in rear-end accidents due to the
David Weber, age 23, is a civil engineer in charge of stopping of high-speed traffic in rural areas.
safety improvements for District 7 (an eight-county
area within a Midwestern state). Near the end of the
fiscal year, the district engineer informs David that David recognizes that these reduction factors
delivery of a new snow plow has been delayed, represent averages from intersections with a wide
and as a consequence the district has $50,000 in range of physical characteristics (number of ap-
uncommitted funds. He asks David to suggest a proach lanes, angle of intersection, etc.); in all cli-
safety project (or projects) that can be put under mates; with various mixes of trucks and passenger
contract within the current fiscal year. vehicles; various approach speeds; various driving
After a careful consideration of potential projects, habits; and so on. However, he has no special data
David narrows his choice to two possible safety about Sites A and B that suggest relying on these
improvements. Site A is the intersection of Main and tables is likely to misrepresent the circumstances at
Oak Streets in the major city within the district. Site these sites.
B is the intersection of Grape and Fir Roads in a Finally, here is some additional information that
rural area. David knows about.
Pertinent data for the two intersections are as (1) In 1975, the National Safety Council and the
follows: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
both published dollar scales for comparing accident
Site A Site B outcomes, as shown below:

Main road traffic 20,000 5,000

(vehicles/day) NSC NHSTA
Minor road traffic 4,000 1,000
(vehicles/day) Fatality $52,000 $235,000
Fatalities per year 2 1 Injury $3,000 $11,200
(3 year average) PD $440 $500
Injuries per year 6 2
(3 year average)
PD* (3 year average) 40 12
Proposed improvement New signals New signals
Improvement cost $50,000 $50,000 A neighboring state uses the following weighting
*PD refers to property damage only accidents. Fatality 9.5 PD
Injury 3.5 PD
A highway engineering textbook includes a table (2) Individuals within the two groups pay roughly
of average reductions in accidents resulting from the the same transportation taxes (licenses, gasoline
installation of the types of signal improvements taxes, etc.).
David proposes. The tables are based on studies of Which of the two site improvements do you
intersections in urban and rural areas throughout the think David should recommend? What is your
United States, over the past 20 years. rationale for this recommendation?
The Ethical Cycle 13

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E-mail: i.r.vandepoel@tbm.tudelft.nl
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