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2 authors:
Dr Dwajani S Rupakala B M
Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute Bangalore University
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Dwajani S on 30 July 2019.
*Corresponding author: Dr. Rupakala BM, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Rajarajeswari Medical
College and Hospital, India, Email: drbmrkala@gmail.com
Introduction: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in reproductive women and leading
causes of female sub fertility. Symptoms include amenorrhea, infertility, anovulation with irregular menstruation, and
excessive release of androgenic hormones. When compared to normal women, PCOS patients have higher serum Anti-
Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels, along with increased serum androgens and higher number of small-antral follicles.
Objective: This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of previous literature on usefulness of testing serum levels of, LH,
FSH in comparison with AMH for a period of 3 months of treatment.
Methods: Prospective and cross sectional study, conducted from march 2017 to Oct 2018. 100 women reporting to OBG
clinic with inclusion criteria were , Age group: ≥ 18 to ≤ 40 years, Patients complaining of irregular menstruation,
amenorrhea and infertility, while exclusion criteria were women with any other co morbid conditions, receiving any
medications, Pregnant, lactating and post-menopausal women. We divided them into two groups of 50 each. Group 1 was
analyzed for LH, FSH, and scanning (as routine) and group 2 were analyzed for LH, FSH, AMH and scanning (as routine).
The blood was centrifuged, separated and analyzed at Central laboratory. To compare between LH, FSH with AMH, we
use USG scan as standard diagnostic tool to prove the efficacy of AMH.
Conclusion: Our results showed that serum AMH has significant increase in PCOS compared to serum LH and FSH levels.
Our findings conclude that AMH is good clinical parameters that can be used for diagnostic testing of PCOS.
Dwajani S and Rupakala BM. Exploration and Comparison of Ovarian Copyright© Dwajani S and Rupakala BM.
Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
statistics. Quantitative data was expressed as mean, of statistical parameters, detection effectiveness, ROC
standard deviation, qualitative data as percentage and curve and welsch independent ‘t’ test were performed.
frequency distribution. Statistical package “R” version 4.2
was used for analysis. For comparing the efficacy of LH, Results
FSH and AMH bar graphs were used which represents the
fraction. The standard errors on mean fraction were Total 100 women with PCOS were recruited in the
computed using SE = √ p(1-p) / n, where p is the fraction study. Among two groups majority of women were in age
of patients in group-2 showing “high” for the test. ROC range between 18-25 years and represented in Figure 1.
curve for LH and AMH classification were plotted using 70% of women with PCOS were married. 70% in group 1
pROC library. All the computations including estimation and 58% in group 2 were from rural background.
To calculate the socioeconomic status we used revised women with PCOS in group 2 who were in the lower
kuppuswamy scale we had 54% in group 1 and 52% of middle class (Figure 2) [23].
Figure 2: Socioeconomic status of women with PCOS as per revised kuppuswamy scale.
Dwajani S and Rupakala BM. Exploration and Comparison of Ovarian Copyright© Dwajani S and Rupakala BM.
Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
Among 100 women with PCOS, only 5% of patients From this plot, we notice that within standard errors,
had family history. Majority of the women had irregular the AMH has considerable higher efficacy of detection
cycles between 60 days to 90 days and had a menstrual [>82%] when compared to LH and FSH [< 30%]. The
flow for 10 to 15 days. All patients were newly diagnosed values of the above plot are summarized in the table
patients who were not on any treatment for PCOS. below
Majority of them complained of dysmennorhea and heavy
flow. No of Fraction SE (Standard
High Normal
patients of high Error)
Comparison of Detection Efficiency of PCOS for
AMH and LH, FSH LH 12 38 50 0.24 0.01
The bar chart below shows the fraction of patients in FSH 1 49 50 0.02 0.032
Group 2 for whom the LH, FSH and AMH were performed AMH 43 7 50 0.86 0.081
and the results showed “high”. For all the 50 patients,
scan report showed confirmation for PCOS. Hence these Table 1: Values of LH,FSH, AMH.
ratios represent efficiency for detecting PCOS. The error
bars represent standard error on observed mean
Comparison between Group-1 and Group-2
In order to compare the values of LH, FSH and AMH
across Group-1 and Group-2, two sample independent t
test with unequal variances (Welsch test) was performed.
The results are summarized here in the table. The p
values between Group 1 and Group 2 indicate that the
values of LH and FSH are not significantly different, with a
significance level of 0.05 assumed for the test.
Dwajani S and Rupakala BM. Exploration and Comparison of Ovarian Copyright© Dwajani S and Rupakala BM.
Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
ROC curve for the LH and AMH Figure 6: ROC curve of AMH – Group 2.
In order to estimate the efficiency of the classification
of LH and AMH measurements into “normal” and “high”
categories, their ROC curves were plotted using “pROC” Discussion
library of R statistical package. The two figures
corresponding to LH and AMH are given below: In our study we observed to have higher levels of AMH
in women with PCOS. Studies have shown that women
with PCOS differed in their LH concentrations and it can
also peak to three times the levels of their FSH values
[24,25]. We also observed that LH/FSH levels were
significantly different on comparing with other groups. In
contrast, according to 2003 Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM
criteria, it was stated clearly that LH/FSH should not be
recommended as an identifier for women having PCOS
where a study later proved them correct by concluding
that LH/FSH ratio had little effect in diagnosing PCOS
Dwajani S and Rupakala BM. Exploration and Comparison of Ovarian Copyright© Dwajani S and Rupakala BM.
Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
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Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.
Open Access Journal of Gynecology
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Dwajani S and Rupakala BM. Exploration and Comparison of Ovarian Copyright© Dwajani S and Rupakala BM.
Hormones with Anti-Mullerian Hormone amongst Women with
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. J Gynecol 2019, 4(2): 000179.