Conan The Wyrmslayer
Conan The Wyrmslayer
Conan The Wyrmslayer
GURPS and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
Conan the Wyrmslayer is copyright © 1989 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
All Conan characters are copyrighted by Conan Properties, Inc. Conan@ and Hyboriall Age™ are trademarks of Conan Properties, Inc.,
and are used under license. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ISBN 1-55634-152-0
Instructions -2-
For your convenience, when a default skill roll is given in the adventure, the
penalties for the original roll are already calculated in. If the regular roll is at a
-2 penalty, for instance, and the default is given as DX at -4, the -4 already
includes the -2 penalty to the original roll.
Mounted Combat
A brief summary of the mounted combat rules is in order:
If your horse is hit, it may Dodge, but cannot Parry or Block.
Any time a rider is hit in combat, or if he uses a shield to Block a blow, he
must succeed at a Riding roll in order to stay on his horse. There is a -1 penalty
for every 4 full points of basic damage received from this blow (before subtract-
ing DR due to armor), and a further -4 penalty if the rider is stunned.
Riding rolls must also be made if the horse is hit, with the penalty to the roll
equaling the damage (if any) done to the mount. If the roll fails, the rider falls
and the animal spooks. (Stunned animals do not spook, however.)
If a horse takes more than V4 of its hit points in one blow, it must succeed on About GURPS
a roll vs. DX, or fall. If it takes more than half of its basic HT in one blow, the Steve Jackson Games is committed to
full support of the GURPS system. Our
horse is stunned; it must succeed at a basic HT roll or fall. If a horse falls, it must address is SJ Games, Box 18957, Austin,
succeed on a DX roll at + 1 to avoid breaking a leg. TX 78760. Please include a self-ad-
dressed, stamped envelope (SASE) any
time you write us! Resources now avail-
Healing able include:
After any battle or encounter, the character may attempt to recover hit points Roleplayer. This bimonthly newsletter
includes new rules, new races, beasts, in-
lost in that action. Any conscious character, or one with a conscious partner, formation on upcoming releases, scenario
regains I HT due to bandaging. In addition, success at a First Aid roll (defaults ideas and more. Ask your game retailer, or
to Physician, IQ-5, Veterinary-5, or Physiology-5) heals Id-3 hit points (one write for subscription information.
point minimum). On a critical success, the victim regains 3 HT (no roll re- New supplements and adventures.
We're always working on new material,
quired); on a critical failure, the victim loses 2 additional hit points and bandag- and we'll be happy to let you know what's
ing has no effect on this wound. available. A current catalog is available for
an SASE.
Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, in-
Animal Combat cluding us - but we do our best to fix our
The rules for animal combat are given on p. BI40-141. It is possible for an errors. Up-to-date errata sheets for all
GURPS releases, including this book, are
animal to All-Out Attack. Unlike humans, animals can All-Out Attack in close always available from SJ Games; be sure
combat; they may choose either to make two attacks against their foe, or to make to include an SASE with your request.
a single attack at +4 to their skill. They may not choose to feint and attack, or Q&A. We do our best to answer any
game question accompanied by an SASE.
to make a single attack doing +2 damage.
Gamer input. We value your com-
ments. We will consider them, not only for
Falling new products, but also when we update
this book on later printings!
When damage for falling is given in the adventure, it has already been BBS. For those of you who have home
adjusted for distance and the type of material fallen upon. Cloth or leather computers, SJ Games operates a BBS with
protects against a fall with its normal DR. Metal armor has half its normal DR discussion areas for several games, includ-
ing GURPS. Much of the playtest feedback
(round down) against a fall. Shields don't help. for new products comes from the BBS. It's
The effects of falling are further described on p. B131. up 24 hours per day at 512-447-4449, at
300, 1200 or 2400 baud. Give us a call!
Repeat Games Page References
After you've played Wynnslayer several times, feel free to select your Plot Rules and statistics in this book are
specifically for the GURPS Basic Set,
Words or to choose your path, rather than always following the dictates of the Third Edition. Any page reference that
dice. Explore all of the possibilities. begins with a B refers to the GURPS Basic
Eventually, you'll know the plot well enough to run this adventure for your Set - e.g., p. B102 means p. 102 of the
GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition.
friends. You can let them read the adventure (or read it to them), helping them
with the game mechanics, or you can run this as a game-mastered adventure (for
any number of player characters).
-3- Instructions
The slopes of the Eiglophian Mountains stride from east to est to open in the spring thaws, but it is ill spoken of. It is named
west across the world, a mighty wall of snow and ice sundering for Snow Devil Glacier, also known as the River of Death Ice,
the frozen northlands - Vanaheim, Hyperborea and Asgard- which flows alongside and across the pass on the southern side.
from the warmer kingdoms to the south. In the depth of winter, The tEsir speak of the pass with dread, and tell of whole
most of the passes are blocked. With the coming of spring, parties which have vanished without a trace. You impatiently
however, they open, affording barbarians of the north a route by dismiss these rumors - the disappearances were likely the result
which to raid the civilized south. of inexperienced mountaineers blundering into the depths of a
The lure of adventure, and a growing boredom with the crevasse. You see no reason for grown warriors to refer to this
simple village life of the northlands, have led you to Snow Devil place with shudders, dark hints and sidelong glances.
Pass. This is the shortest route south from Asgard, and the quick- Ifyou are Conan, tum to 115. (Conan's character is described
... .'. . ' '.. ". . . If you are Heimdul, or if you create your own player charac-
38 You hold on, and are able to climb back out to the
surface. Remove the polearm from your record sheet,
and turn to 129.
Your Plot Word is THUNDEROUS. If you have the Plot
Word DEVASTATOR, erase it.
Turn to 123.
A grim smile plays over your lips. Perhaps you can
tum the ice wyrm's power against itself. Heat, versus
turn to 107.
Otherwise, there is a passage here which leads to the next
Chamber Box. If the exit leads to a chamber with an ID number,
You pack the glowing coals from the fire into your steel turn to the paragraph matching that number. If the Chamber Box
Asgardian helm, then plunge the head of your axe deep within. is unnumbered, turn to 253.
46 A soft sound fills the passage, filling the air like the
rush of the wind, though you feel no breeze. The
If you have a Sense of Duty that would apply to I1ga, take the
Plot Word BURDEN - then tum to 104.
Otherwise, tum to 68.
58 Her dialect is one you've never heard before - a fornl
of Hyperborean, mixed with other words whose
source you don't recognize. It's very hard to gather her meaning.
As she calms, you draw her story out of her in spurts of
a good idea to tum around and try another path. On the other
hand, the bear might not be home.
Tum to 144.
98 If you have fought the wyrm, tum to 130.
Otherwise, tum to 23.
88 Your feet slip out from under you. Sliding head first,
you go over the edge.
Tum to 14.
89 You open your mouth, and utter your weird and ter-
rible war cry. The hairy beastmen hear you.
Your Plot Word is TERRIBLE.
Tum to 33.
of the ice, banging into one side wall of the tunnel and then
another, you race for the outside world.
Tum to 156.
129 As you near the end of the ice path, the glacier
swings away to your left. The path descends the
glacier, then continues down a broad slope, broken by boulders
Since no man in generations has reported seeing such a crea-
ture, you had supposed the last of wyrms to be long dead.
You have the Plot Word KNOWING. Tum to 77.
and hummocks, lightly covered with spring snow.
Then a scream of terror makes you whip your head around. A
bowshot behind and to your left, where the glacier levels off
before beginning its final descent, about a dozen shaggy, hulk-
133 Roll a Quick Contest of Skills - your Vision
versus an enemy Stealth score of 15. You have a
-4 penalty to your roll, unless you have Night Vision.
ing creatures ring a white-furred figure. If you win the Contest, tum to 102.
Make a Vision roll, at -3 due to distance and glare. Apply If you fail and have Danger Sense, tum to 42.
bonuses for Alertness or Acute Vision, if you have them. In any other case, tum to 199.
If you succeed, tum to 41.
If you fail, tum to 217.
ing ...
You stifle a curse as sharp ice edges cut into your
shins. Flailing your arms, you try to avoid fall-
planned to journey several days' ride northeast to Sigtona, the Half-stunned, you drag yourself out from under
nearest of the Hyperborean strongholds, where they hoped to the mass of broken ice. Above, a tremendous
trade among their kinsmen at the spring fair. Ilga's uncle also cloud of vapor and glittering ice crystals whirls upward from the
was to seek a husband for her. But they were ambushed. Her site of the ice wyrm's cavern, now a black crater.
uncle's last command, before he fell with his skull cleft by a flint Turn to 99.
axe, was for Ilga to ride like the wind for home.
She was almost out of sight of the beastmen when her horse
fell on a patch of ice and broke a leg. Thrown clear, bruised, she
fled on foot. The hairy ones, however, saw the fall and came
148 You take a brief glance at this cavern, and feel
the light sear your eyes. Then you step forward,
trying to keep in your mind the image of this chamber.
after her. For hours, it seemed, she ran from them, but at last
If you have Absolute Direction, tum to 252.
they ringed her round ... and then you arrived.
Otherwise, tum to 90.
Your Plot Word is TONGUE. Tum to 30.
154 The ice passage you now follow is wide and lev-
el, unlike the narrow cracks and fractured strata
elsewhere in this hollowed glacier. Once - whether months ago
clude the box containing the exit (or the START box), but do not
count the box you are in now. If your Plot Word is LINGER,
add Id more boxes to this total. Cross out boxes below, until the
or centuries, you cannot tell - water poured in a torrent through number of unmarked boxes equals the length of your exit path.
this pathway, bearing away protruding formations and leaving a If you do not know a path leading from where you are to an exit,
sheath of thick, milky-white ice everywhere. do not cross out any of the boxes.
Then you find out what became of those flooding waters. The 000000000000000000
passage opens into an echoing, gloomy cavern, whose floor
slopes away like a funnel to a dark and unseen end. 000000000000000000
Make a Vision roll, at -5 due to darkness (unless you have
Night Vision), to see whether this cavern has any exits which Roll one die, and subtract the result from your current Move
score (including Running bonuses). Cross off this number of
you do not know about.
boxes above.
If you succeed, turn to 203.
Otherwise, turn to 69. If all of the boxes are now crossed out, turn to 10.
If not, turn to 238.
166 You realize that she's still mad because you hit
her earlier. Crom! Doesn't she realize that what
you did was necessary to bring her back to her senses?
Tum to 93.
161 You throw off your cloak and vault into the sad-
dle (using your polearm, if you still have it).
Gathering up the reins, you drive your spurs into the horse's 168 A dark shape on the ice field catches your atten-
tion. A curving path leads from it to where you
ribs. now stand.
Make a Riding roll, at + 5. This defaults to Animal Handling Tum to 223.
at +2, or DX at no penalty.
If you succeed, tum to 182.
If you fail, tum to 257. 169 If you ride away in order to charge again, tum to
If you stay in close combat with the beastmen, tum to 113.
162 An idea forms ...
Unlimbering your weapon, you strike the ice
with it. Splinters fly, leaving behind a V-shaped gash - a step.
If you cravenly flee this fight, tum to 201.
163Tum to 45.
You're blind! You'll be lucky to escape this cave
alive, let alone get vengeance on the remora.
Without losing your place on this page, consult the Ice Cav-
erns Map on p. 30. Select the exit which you are trying to reach,
and starting at the Connection Box through which you reached
this chamber, count all of the Connection Boxes along the short-
You're never quite sure afterward how you find
your way back to the surface. Everything is a 177 The beastmen may hear your approach soon
enough - while snow muffles your horse's
hooves, the jingle of your mail and the creak of your harness
Tum to 99. might tip them off.
Make a Hearing roll for your enemies. Their score is 5,
If you now return the way you came, tum to the paragraph If the chamber box for this cavern has any more unmarked
matching the ID number of the chamber box you came here Connection Boxes, and you wish to continue exploring, tum to
from. 255.
Otherwise, tum to 126.
10 or greater.
Make an IQ roll. This roll is at +6 if you have
either Climbing or Survival (Mountains) skill at
If all of the boxes have been checked off, you have made it
out of the ice cave - tum to 99.
Otherwise, you're not done here yet - tum to 45.
193 For a long time, the sounds follow you down the
mountain: the girl's shrieks, the dull whacks of
heavy blows, then the gruesome noises of a cannibal feast ...
Your adventure is over. You receive no character points for
this performance.
hits from the conscious opponent closest to the bottom of the The person she is comparing you with is the war god of the
chart. northlands. You get the feeling that this beautiful northern girl
Now make a Riding roll, at -2, to stay in the saddle. likes you ...
If you succeed, tum to 33. Your Plot Word is MAGNIFICENT.
Otherwise, tum to 121. Tum to 3.
as your bearskin cloak. From the rocky slope above the glacier's
edge, you gather a double armful of twigs, leaves and wood.
With flint and steel, you coax a fire into life.
207 The brilliance is damaging your eyes. You feel
them itching and aching, and wish you could
claw them out or immerse them in ice water.
Turn to 108. You suffer 1 point of Fatigue, and have a -2 penalty to future
Vision rolls. The penalty is cumulative with other Vision penal-
This ~av.ern is very striking, but you sense no
198Turn to 267.
harm m It. You move on.
ties you may already have received.
If your effective Vision - your IQ, modified by Acute
Vision, Alertness, Bad Sight or any Vision penalties accumu-
lated - is less than 2, turn to 163.
You may take no action on the first turn of this combat, not
even to defend yourself. Tum to 172. 20 8
turn to 40.
You return to your shelter of last night.
If you still have your axe and Asgardian helm,
2 04
Tum to 250.
Your horse trots into sight and rejoins you - if
you have the Plot Word FAREWELL, erase it.
dice, one at a time. The first roll is your new row number, and
the second is your column number (a roll of "6" for the colUlnn
counts as a "3").
You have no idea how to retrace the path you've just taken
215 The Ice Caverns Map (on p. 30) will help you
keep track of where you are during your explora-
tion of the glacial caverns.
If you succeed, cross off one of the boxes above. If you fail,
you are no closer to your destination.
If all of the boxes are crossed out, you've made the descent
The map is made up of large and small boxes. Each large box (and survived!) - tum to 48.
is a chamber box, and represents a cavern within the glacier. The Otherwise, tum to 39.
large boxes are surrounded by up to eight smaller Connection
Boxes, at each side and comer. These are used to note whether a " ..... '" ........... . .
chamber connects to the other chamber in the same direction. . . . .
.,', . :
. : ..
. ::'::: .... ::: .
Tum to 146.
.::" .
216 You pass into an odd part of the caverns. The air
hangs still as if it hasn't been disturbed for mil-
lennia. Fragile-appearing structures of ice crystal grow in great
profusion from every surface, making pleasing sounds as they
crunch beneath your boots.
Rounding a bend, you find yourself on the approaches of a
long cavern. Hanging from the crest, sparkling in the diffused
light leaking down through the ice from the world above, are
hundreds of spear-sharp ice stalactites.
If you enter this cavern, tum to 27.
If you decide to tum back, tum to the paragraph matching the
ID number of the chamber box you came here from.
219 Roll one die. 2 23 As you follow the path, you pass a bulky, black
mound loosely covered with wind-blown snow.
It is your horse. There is little left of the carcass but a few bones.
On a roll of 1 to 4, return to 224.
Otherwise, tum to 46. The track passes close by the remains.
Tum to 260.
227 You note that a wide crack in one wall of the cave
admits sunlight - an exit to the surface.
On the Ice Caverns Map, write the word "exit" in this
2 36 If you now try moving while blindfolded, turn to
If you use your eyes to help you, despite the blinding glare,
room's chamber box. turn to 148.
If you wish to leave the caverns, turn to 60. If you decide to return to the chamber from which you came,
If you would rather continue your exploration, turn to 267. turn to 75.
2 30
You are at "C."
Set up the combat, using Combat Map C from p.
29 in the appendix. Place the wolverine at "W". 238 Roll one die.
If the result is a "I," turn to 128.
Otherwise, turn to 156. (You may discard one item of equip-
Begin the battle. No character may leave the confines of the ment or clothing at this time, if you wish to lower your en-
Combat Map. cumbrance and thus increase your Move.)
Wolverine Tactics. The animal is Berserk (see p. B31), does
not make Aimed attacks, and uses the All-Out Attack option
every turn. Use the Hit Location table to determine where it
bites, adding +2 to the roll. The wolverine cannot be stunned,
239 Your first tentative caresses find IIga not at all
unwilling, nor is she new to this game. An hour
later, you roll over and sleep like a dead man.
and injuries cause no penalties to its attack rolls. A berserk Your Plot Word is WILLING. Turn to 159.
wolverine will remain alive and madly attacking, if it doesn't
fail any basic HT rolls (at +4), until its effective HT reaches
-55! Stats for the wolverine are given on p. 28 in the appendix.
If you desire to flee and are adjacent to an exit, turn to 72.
240 You do what has to be done.
Turn to 167.
2 31
unfamiliar word.
IIga seems reluctant to join in your search for
shelter. She tugs away from you, crying out an
you - ignore location "H." The girl is off the map.
Without losing your place here, refer to 17 for the number of
surviving beastmen and their stats.
Make an IQ roll. Make an IQ roll for each demoralized character. If the roll is
If you succeed, turn to 76. successful, erase the check-off from the demoralization box -
If you fail, turn to 213. your flight has cheered your foe. Characters which remain de-
moralized did not follow you, and are out of this fight - check
24 9
close quarters.
The excitement of battle overcomes you. Instead
of riding away, you stay to finish your fight at 25 3 As you penetrate deeper into the glacier, the dark-
ness congeals around you. Still, you doggedly set
one foot before the other, plodding onward.
Make a second IQ roll. Roll one die. Add the row number of the chamber box -
If you succeed, tum to 113. listed on the right side of the Ice Caverns Map - to the number
If you fail, tum to 57. rolled. Count down the unmarked boxes below, starting with the
left column, until you count a number equal to the result. Cross
2 71
out before you.
Having breasted the mountain slopes, you rein in
at the top of the pass. A fantastic scene is spread
Retreat. The beastmen will not leave the map. You may leave
the map only by taking the "flee" option below.
The sky is a dome of crimson and gold, just beginning to If all of the beastmen are dead, tum to 131.
darken with the purple of oncoming evening. The fiery splendor If all of the conscious beastmen are demoralized, tum to 21.
of the dying day paints the white crests of the mountains with a If you decide to flee, and if you have a clear path to the edge
deceptively warm-looking radiance. The titanic glacier, shad- of the combat map, tum to 201.
owed in deep lavender except where the setting sun picks out If you are unconscious, tum to 105.
sparkles in gold, winds like an icy serpent from the high peaks. If you die, your adventure is over.
It curves in front of the pass, then turns away to dwindle in the
foothills and become a flowing stream of water. Rocky slopes
rising from the ice river's flanks are dotted with a thin scattering
of gnarled, stunted trees.
As you descend the pass, you pick your way cautiously past
the margin of the glacier, trying to avoid avalanches from the
higher slopes as well as the glacier's hidden crevasses. When the
path meanders across the surface of the glacier
itself, you go gingerly, leading your horse, thrust-
ing the point of your polearm into the
snow wherever you suspect it might
mask a crevasse. It is important
to get down from this mountain
before night falls and the
temperature plum-
Make a Survi-
val (Mountains) roll, at
-4 because the ice is so
treacherous. It defaults to
other Survival skills or Nat-
uralist at -7, or to IQ at -9.
If you succeed, turn to '"
129. -~ ~ ---- ~
~(!LL(,._LL ~c; - -
If you fail, tum to 151.
~~~!j~;~} (1·\
and traveler's rations for a
week. Missile weapons are
not recommended, as this ad-
venture is not written to allow ".:
for their use in all situations.
Some Suggested Advan-
tages: Absolute Direction,
any Acute sense, Alertness,
-27- Appendix
Beastmen -65 points
The beastmen who live in the Eiglophian Mountaias are Key to Combat Maps
short-bodied, thick-limbed creatures, wrapped in tattered,
mangy furs. Small, bloodshot eyes glare out from under beetling 1 Hex = 1 Yard
brows and sloping foreheads; thick lips draw back to reveal
large yellow teeth.
The primitives prey on travelers through the mountain
passes, and are cannibals. They are also known as "the moun-
Ice ilia Snow Drift
Er/~ ~
tain men" and "the hairy ones."
For more information on primitive cultures like these, the Ice Block Pile of Bones ~
~ ~
Advantages and Disadvantages: Beastmen have +2 to ST
and -I to IQ. They have the Toughness (DR 2) advantage, and Fissure Pool
the following disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly, -2 reaction),
Illiteracy, Odious Personal Habit (Cannibalism, -3 reaction),
Poverty (Dead Broke), Primitive (TLO in a TL3 society), Social
H = Horse
Stigma (Barbarian, -3 reaction).
A typical beastman might have any or all of the following Combat Map A
skills: Axe/Mace, Area Knowledge (Eiglophian Mountains), The fissure is one foot wide, and requires a DX roll
Armoury/TLO, Beastman Language, Brawling, Climbing, from anyone entering the hex - those who fail, stumble
Cooking, Dancing, Knife, Spear, Survival (MOlmtains), Theol- and fall in that hex. Encumbrance level is a penalty to this
ogy (Beastman Rituals), Throwing, Tracking, Traps/TLO. roll. (Horses are exempt from this roll.) Fortunately, the
fissure is too small for anyone to fall down.
Snow Bear Consider each ice block to be as tall as it is wide, meas-
ST: 32 Speed/Dodge: 7/6 Size: 3# uring the width at the widest point. These vertical blocks
DX: 12 PDIDR: II2 Weight: 1,500 Ibs. are impossible to "stand on," and can be traversed only
IQ: 5 Damage: 2d-2 crt Origin: Real with a successful Climbing roll.
HT: 15/35 Reach: C, 1 Habitat: Arctic, Mountain The snow drift costs double movement to cross. Any
The fearsome snow bear resembles the modem polar bear, character moving more than half his Move in a tum must
differing in being slightly larger, more aggressive, and in being succeed at a DX roll for every drift hex, or fall down.
territorial rather than nomadic. The coat is white with a bluish Characters standing in the drift are 1 foot higher than those
tinge, made up of long guard hairs and dense tmderfur. on the glacier proper.
In the open, their white fur blends in with the snow (roll at -4
to see). The hairy soles of their paws allow the bears to move Combat Map B
rapidly on ice. Walking on all fours, snow bears are 3-hex crea- The pool is shallow. It costs double movement to cross,
tures; standing on rear legs to fight, they occupy only 1 hex. and anyone standing in it is 1 foot lower than those not in
The bears strike with their claws in combat, doing cmshing it.
damage. They may also bite, doing the same amount of cutting Standing on the pile of bones gives a height advantage
damage. Snow bears "bear hug" when angered: grappling in - the northernmost hexes are 2 feet in elevation, while the
close combat, then biting. south hex is 4 feet. However, characters must succeed at a
DX roll for every tum they spend in a bone pile hex, to
Wolverine avoid slipping and falling. Those who fall slide down the
ST: 11 Speed/Dodge: 8/6 Size: 1 pile, ending up in the nearest non-pile hex to the north,
DX: 12 PDIDR: 1/2 Weight: 50 Ibs. unless something blocks their slide.
IQ: 5 Damage: Id-2 cut Origin: Real
HT: 11 Reach: C Habitat: Arctic, Mountain
The wolverine is one of the fiercest animals in nature. The lamprey-like mouth of sharp inward-pointing teeth. It lives
largest member of the weasel family, it resembles a cross be- alone, as each remora requires a large hunting range to survive,
tween a weasel and a bear. It measures four feet long (plus and reproduces parthenogenetically.
another foot of tail), and stands 18 inches tall at the shoulder. The remora emits an eerie piping sound which acts as a Sleep
The strongest mammal of its size, it can drive mOlmtain lions spell (at no Fatigue cost) on all who hear it. The spell can be
and bears from their kills. Wolverines follow a cycle of four resisted by IQ rolls (one per minute), and it takes at least one
hours waking, four hours resting, and do so continually. They minute for the piping to take effect.
are very sly (Craftiness-12). Once the creature has approached its victim, it has two at-
tacks. The first is a bite, doing 3d-l impaling damage. This can
IceWyrm be defended against normally (Dodge, Parry, etc.), so long as
ST: 50-60 SP/Dodge: 4/0 Size: 7-10 the victim is not asleep.
DX: 14 PDIDR: II2 Weight: 300-800 Ibs. The second attack is radiated cold which does Id-4 damage
IQ: 2 Damage: 3d-l imp# Habitats: M per tum to all within 3 hexes of the worm. This damage cannot
HT: 15/30-40 Reach: C, 1-3 be defended against, but armor protects to a total of its DR.
Also known as Yakhmar or Remora, this "worm of the The remora takes normal damage from weapons, but it takes
snows" is falsely believed extinct in Hyboria. It looks like a 40' double damage from heat and fire. Cold attacks such as Ice
giant worm or land-eel with two luminous green eyes and a Spheres (p. B160) do no damage to remora.
Appendix -28-
Combat Map A
-29- Appendix
Row 0
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 6
Row 7
Appendix -30-
ST 17 (100 points) IQ 10 (0 point) Speed: 6.5
DX 15 (60 points) HT 11 (10 points) Move: 5
Dodge: 6 Parry: 7 Block: 5
Damage: Thrust Id + 2; Swing 3d-I; Light lance 2d + 2 imp on
foot, 5d + 2 imp mounted; Axe 3d + 1 cut; Large knife 3d-3
cut, Id+2 imp
Absolute Direction (5 points)
Acute Hearing +2 (4 points)
Animal Empathy (5 points)
Danger Sense (15 points)
Luck (15 points)
Strong Will +3 (12 points)
Berserk (-15 points)
Code of Honor: JEsir (-5 points)
Gigantism (-10 points)
Overconfidence (-10 points)
Social Stigma: Barbarian (-15 points)
Animal Handling-I4 (12 points); Area Knowledge (Asgard)-
11 (2 points); Axe/Mace-16 (4 points); Axe Throwing-I6 (2
points); Bard-1O (2 points); Brawling-I4 (lh point); Carousing-
10 (1 point); Climbing-15 (2 points); Jumping-I7 (4 points);
Knife-11 (default); Lance-15 (1 point); Riding-I2 (2 points);
Sex Appeal-8 (default); Shield-I6 (2 points); Spear-I6 (4
points); Stealth-I4 (I point); Survival (Mountains)-I4 (10
points); Swimming-I4 (lh point); Tracking-II (4 points); Two-
Handed Axe/Mace-I6 (4 points)
Hyperborean-IO (1 point); Nordheimr-IO (native)
Talks to himself (-1 point)
Fascinated by axes (-1 point)
Dislikes staying in one place (-1 point) Heimdul is a young JEsir warrior seeking adventure. From
Hates to tum down a dare (-I point) the time he was eight, he traveled with parties raiding into
Awkward with attractive women (-I point) Brythunia and Vanaheim. For a time he served as a soldier in
Aquilonia, but soon tired of military discipline and the frequent
Equipment: need to stay in one place for long periods of time. Heimdul now
Light lance, $50, 5 Ibs. leads a solitary life, traveling the northern wastes, hiring himself
Throwing axe (carried on horse), $60, 4lbs. out as a mercenary and still raiding nearby kingdoms with other
Fine axe (carried on horse), $500, 4lbs. JEsir. His towering frame, intimidating expression and loyalty
Large knife, $40, 1 lb. to his employer of the moment make him a valuable commodity.
Bearskin cloak (PD I, DR 2), $200, 15 lbs. Despite his formidable appearance, Heimdul is normally a
Chainmail hauberk (PD 3(1), DR 4(2», $230, 25 lbs. quiet, reserved person. In fact, he might even be called shy.
Homed JEsir helm (PD 3, DR 4), $150, 10 lbs. While he enjoys the company of women, he is inclined to be
Winter pants (PD 0, DR 1), $5, lh lb. awkward in their presence - especially if they're pretty and take
Heavy leather boots (PD 2, DR 2), $80, 3 lbs. an interest in him. This doesn't slow him down in battle, but
Small shield (PD 2), $40, 8 Ibs. does make for some embarrassing moments when the combat is
Scarf, $5, weight negligible over.
Horse (see below), $7,000 Heimdul's horse has ST 40, DX 9, IQ 4 and HT 15, with a
Saddle and harness, $150, 20 lbs. Move of 12 and Dodge of 6.
Personal basics (carried on horse), $5, weight negligible Note: Heimdul is a weaker character than Conan, but then,
Traveler's rations (1 week - carried on horse), $28, 7lbs. he's younger - and he's only built on 225 points.
-31- Appendix
ST 16 (80 points) IQ 13 (30 points) Speed: 7.25
DX 15 (60 points) HT 14 (45 points) ~ove:8 \
(bonus for Running) 111\
Absolute Direction (5 points)
Alertness +3 (15 points)
Charisma + 1 (5 points)
Combat Reflexes (15 points)
Danger Sense (15 points)
High Pain Threshold (10 points)
Immunity to Disease (10 points)
Literacy (10 points)
Luck (15 points)
Night Vision (10 points) Quirks:
Peripheral Vision (15 points) Says what he thinks (-1 point)
Rapid Healing (5 points) Dislikes being called a liar (-1 point)
Strong Will +5 (20 points) Flirts with women he thinks are available (-1 point)
Toughness DR 1 (10 points) Likes to travel (-1 point)
Always speaks with a Cimmerian accent (-1 point)
Bad Temper (-10 points) Equipment:
Impulsiveness (-10 points) Light lance, $50, 5 lbs.
Overconfidence (-1 0 points) Broadsword (worn at hip), $500, 3 lbs.
Phobia: Magic (manaphobia) - mild (-10 points) Fine axe (carried on horse), $500, 4lbs.
Sense of Duty: To all women (-10 points) Small knife, $30, 112 lb.
Sense of Duty: To comrades (-10 points) Bearskin cloak (PD 1, DR 2), $200, 15 lbs.
Social Stigma: Barbarian (-15 points) Chainmail hauberk (PD 3(1), DR 4(2», $230, 25 lbs.
Stubbornness (-5 points) Homed JEsir helm (PD 3, DR 4), $150, 10 lbs.
Truthfulness (-5 points) Winter pants (PD 0, DR 1), $5, 112 lb.
Heavy leather boots (PD 2, DR 2), $80, 3 lbs.
Scarf, $5, weight negligible
Skills: Horse (see below), $7,000
Area Knowledge (Cimmeria)-13 (1 point), (the East)-12 (112 Saddle and harness, $150, 20 Ibs.
point), (Turan)-13 (1 point), (Zamora)-12 (112 point); Axel Personal basics (carried on horse), $5, weight negligible
Mace-15 (2 points); Blacksmith/TL3-13 (2 points); Bow-15 (4 Traveler's rations (l week - carried on horse), $28, 7lbs.
points); Brawling-16 (2 points); Broadsword-16 (4 points);
Carousing-13 (I point); Climbing-16 (4 points); Crossbow-14 Conan is a barbarian from a land very near where this adven-
(112 point); Fast-Draw (Arrow)-14 (112 point), (Sword)-15 (1 ture takes place - Cimmeria, south of the Eiglophian Moun-
point); First Aid/TL3-13 (1 point); Fishing-12 (112 point); Gam- tains and west of the Border Kingdom. He's only 23 - a
bling-12 (1 point); Jumping-16 (2 points); Knife-15 (1 point); "youth" - at this time, but he's already a 375-point character!
Leadership-13 (2 points); Riding-16 (4 points); Running-15 (4 Captured by the Hyperboreans and placed in a slave pen,
points); Shield-16 (2 points); Spear-17 (8 points); Stealth-17 (8 young Conan escaped to the south, living for a time as a thief
points); Streetwise-13 (2 points); Survival (Mountains)-16 (8 before enlisting as a mercenary in the army of Turan. He traveled
points), (Plains)-12 (1 point); Swimming-15 (l point); Tactics- as far afield as Khitai and Meru before having to desert (amid
14 (6 points); Throwing-16 (8 points); Tracking-12 (1 point); rumors of an unruly episode involving an officer's mistress).
Two-Handed Sword-15 (2 points) Tiring of magic and civilization, Conan returned to Cimmeria.
However, his "retirement" didn't last long. Soon he was
Languages: north in Asgard, raiding Vanaheim along with the JEsir. As this
Cimmerian-13 (0 points); Hyrkanian-ll (112 point); Hyper- adventure begins, spring has come, and Conan has decided to
borean-II (112 point); Khitan-ll (112 point); Nordheimr-l1 (112 return to the southlands.
point); Shemitish-ll (112 point); Turanian-ll (112 point); Zamor- Conan's horse was payment for a service rendered in Zam-
an-ll (112 point) ora. It has ST 40, DX 9, IQ 4 and HT 15, with a Move of 12 and
a Dodge of6.
Appendix -32-
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