Natiinal Nutrition Programme
Natiinal Nutrition Programme
Natiinal Nutrition Programme
Introduction:- it the time of our political independence about 50years ago. India
was a veritable museum of the most florid clinical forms of malnutrition, classical,
kwashiorkor, keratomalacia, beriberi and pellagra were wide spread as major public
health problem.
The green revolution has helped the country in overcoming families. The food grain
production which was 50- 82 million tones during 1950- 51 has risen to 198.96
million tones in 1996-97. The country is now carrying a suffer stock of about 36
million tones.
The major national nutrition supplementation programme in India are-
1. National nutritional anaemia control programme.
2. National programme for prevention of blindness due to vitamins A deficiency.
3. National iodine deficiency disorders control programme.
4. Integrated child development service schemes ( ICDS)
5. Special nutrition programme.
6. Wheat based nutrition programme.
7. Applied nutrition programme.
8. Balwadi nutrition programme.
9. Mid day meal programme.
Beneficiaries:- The programmes beneficiaries are children 1-5 years of age and
pregnant and nursing mothers female acceptors of terminal method of family
planning and intra uterine device.
The target beneficiaries of the scheme are 50% of total pregnant and nursing
mother and 25% of total women acceptors of terminal methods and IUDS.
Activities and services:-
The programme focuses on the following activities.
1. Promotion of regular consumption of foods rich in irons.
2. Provision of iron and folate supplements in the form of tablets to the target
3. Identification and treatment severe anemia cause.
Prophylaxis treatment of iron deficiency anemia:-
Adult women 100 mg elemental iron.( equivalent to 300 mgg ferrous
sulphate) + 500 mg folic acid.
Children 1-5 year:- 20 mg elemental iron.( equivalent to 60 mg ferrous
sulphate) + 100 mg folic acid.
Treatment for iron deficiency anemia:-
1. Administration of 21FA tablets daily for 100days starting from the second
trimester of pregnancy.
2. Women with syptmos and sign of anemia are required to be given 3 tablets
daily. Other activities.
a. Promotion of consumption of balanced and adequate diet.
b. Treatment of hookworm infection.
c. Birth spacing by at least 3 years among the women.
Recent initiatives:-
A national consultation on control of nutritional anemia in India was held in
October 1998 which made the following recommendations to strength on NACP
The service are declared by the Anganbadi workers at the ICDs centres for
about by 1000 population she is assisted by a local women who is usually
uneducated and unskilled person.
1.Supplementary Nutrition:
it is given to children below 6 years and expectant mother. The aim is to
supplement nutritional intake by about 200 cal and 8-10 grams of protein for
children below 1 year about 300 cal and 15 grams of protein for children between 1-
6 year about 500 cal and 25 gram of protein for pregnant mother.
2. Nutrition and health education:
Nutrition education and health education is given to all women in the age
group 15-45 years.
3. immunization:
Immunization of children against 6 vaccine preventable diseases is being
done, while for expectant mothers immunization against tetanus is recommended.
4. Health check up:
the health care of children under 6 years of age consist of:
1. record of weight and height of children at periodical intervals.
2. Watch over mile stones
3. Immunization.
4. check up every 3-6 months to detect diseases, malnutrition etc
5. treatment for disease like diarrhoea, dysentery, respiratory tract infection etc
6. deforming
7. prophylaxis against vitamin A deficiency and anaemia.
1. Dr. Agarwal “ Textbook of paediatric and Neonatology” 2001 1st edition
modern published page no. 92-95.
2. Parul Datta “ Textbook of Paediatric Nursing” 1st edition 2007 published by
Jaypee brothers privatelimited page no. 521-522.
3. K. Park “ Preventive and Social Medicine” 2002 17th edition published by
M/S Banarsidas Bharat Publishers, page no. 320-321.
4. Assuma Beevi T.M. “ Textbook of paediatric Nursing” 1st edition
2010published by Elsevier page no. 230-232