Nree Material From Chapter 3-6
Nree Material From Chapter 3-6
Nree Material From Chapter 3-6
The marginal utility that A derives from the consumption of good X is denoted UAX; that is,
UAX= ∂UA/∂XA. The marginal product of the input L in the production of good Y is denoted as
MPYL; that is, MPYL= ∂Y/∂LY. Equivalent notation applies for the other three marginal
products. The marginal rate of utility substitution for A is the rate at which X can be
substituted for Y at the margin, or vice versa, while holding the level of A‟s utility constant. It
varies with the levels of consumption of X and Y and is given by the slope of the indifference
curve. We denote A‟s marginal rate of substitution as MRUSA, and similarly for B.
The marginal rate of technical substitution as between K and L in the production of X is the
rate at which K can be substituted for L at the margin, or vice versa, while holding the level
output of X constant. It varies with the input levels for K and L and is given by the slope of
the isoquant. We denote the marginal rate of substitution in the production of X as MRTSX,
and similarly for Y.
The marginal rates of transformation for the commodities X and Y are the rates at which the
output of one can be transformed into the other by marginally shifting capital or labour from
one line of production to the other. Thus, MRTLis the increase in the output of Y obtained by
shifting a small, strictly an infinitesimally small, amount of labour from use in the production
of X to use in the production of Y, or vice versa. Similarly, MRTKis the increase in the output
of Y obtained by shifting a small, strictly an infinitesimally small, amount of capital from use
in the production of X to use in the production of Y, or vice versa. With this notation we can
now state, and provide intuitive explanations for, the conditions that characterize efficient and
optimal allocations.
3.1.1. Economic efficiency
An allocation of resources is said to be efficient if it is not possible to make one or more
persons better off without making at least one other person worse off. A gain by one or more
persons without anyone else suffering is known as a Pareto improvement. When all such
gains have been made, the resulting allocation is sometimes referred to as Pareto optimal, or
Pareto efficient. A state in which there is no possibility of Pareto improvements is sometimes
referred to as being allocatively efficient, rather than just efficient, so as to differentiate the
question of efficiency in allocation from the matter of technical efficiency in production.
Efficiency in allocation requires that three efficiency conditions are fulfilled – efficiency in
consumption, efficiency in production, and product-mix efficiency.
Efficiency in consumption
Consumption efficiency requires that the marginal rates of utility substitution for the two
individuals are equal:
If this condition were not satisfied, it would be possible to rearrange the allocation as between
A and B of whatever is being produced so as to make one better off without making the other
worse off.
Figure 3.1 shows what is involved by considering possible allocations of fixed amounts of X
and Y between A and B. The top right-hand corner, labeled A0, refers to the situation where A
gets nothing of the available X or Y, and B gets all of both commodities. The bottom left-hand
corner, B0, refers to the situation where B gets nothing and A gets everything. Starting from
A0 moving horizontally left measures A‟s consumption of X, and moving vertically
downwards measures A‟s consumption of Y. As A‟s consumption of a commodity increases,
so B‟s must decrease. Starting from B0 moving horizontally right measures B‟s consumption
of X, and moving vertically upwards measures B‟s consumption of Y. Any allocation of X and
Y as between A and B is uniquely identified by a point in the box SA0TB0. At the point a, for
example, A is consuming A0AXa of X and A0AYa of Y, and B is consuming B0BXa of X and
B0BYa of Y. The point a is shown as lying on IAIA, which is an indifference curve for
individual A. IAIA may look odd for an indifference curve, but remember that it is drawn with
reference to the origin for A which is the point A0. Also shown are two indifference curves
for B, IB0IB0and IB1IB1. Consider a reallocation as between A and B, starting from point a and
moving along IAIA, such that A is giving up X and gaining Y, while B is gaining X and giving
up Y. Initially, this means increasing utility for B, movement onto a higher indifference curve,
and constant utility for A. However, beyond point b any further such reallocations will
involve decreasing utility for B. Point b identifies a situation where it is not possible to make
individual B better off while maintaining A‟s utility constant – it represents an efficient
allocation of the given amounts of X and Y as between A and B. At b, the slopes of IAIA and
IB1IB1 are equal – A and B have equal marginal rates of utility substitution.
Efficiency in production
Turning now to the production side of the economy, recall that we are considering an
economy with two inputs, L and K, which can be used (via the production functions of
equations 3.2) to produce the goods X and Y. Efficiency in production requires that the
marginal rate of technical substitution be the same in the production of both commodities.
That is,
If this condition were not satisfied, it would be possible to reallocate inputs to production so
as to produce more of one of the commodities without producing less of the other. Figure 3.2
shows why this condition is necessary. It is constructed in a similar manner to Figure 3.1, but
points in the box refer to allocations of capital and labour to the production of the two
commodities rather than to allocations of the commodities between individuals.
Y0. IXIX is an isoquant for the production of commodity X. Consider movements along it to
the „southeast‟ from point a, so that in the production of X capital is being substituted for
labor, holding output constant. Correspondingly, given the full employment of the resources
available to the economy, labor is being substituted for capital in the production of Y. IY0IY0
and IY1IY1 are isoquants for the production of Y. Moving along IXIX from a toward b means
moving onto a higher isoquant for Y – more Y is being produced with the production of X
constant. Movement along IXIX beyond point b will mean moving back to a lower isoquant
for Y. The point b identifies the highest level of production of Y that is possible, given that the
production of X is held at the level corresponding to IXIX and that there are fixed amounts of
capital and labour to be allocated as between production of the two commodities. At point b
the slopes of the isoquants in each line of production are equal – the marginal rates of
technical substitution are equal. If these rates are not equal, then clearly it would be possible
to reallocate inputs as between the two lines of production so as to produce more of one
commodity without producing any less of the other.
Product-mix efficiency
The final condition necessary for economic efficiency is product-mix efficiency. This
requires that
Figure 3.3.product-mix-efficiency
the same slope at an allocation that satisfies the consumption efficiency condition, so we can
simplify, without any real loss, by assuming the same utility functions and drawing a single
indifference curve that refers to all consumers. Given that Equation 3.2.holds, when we think
about the rate at which the economy can trade off production of X for Y and vice versa, it
does not matter whether the changed composition of consumption is realized by switching
labor or capital between the two lines of production.
Consequently, in Figure 3.3 we show a single production possibility frontier, YMXM, showing
the output combinations that the economy could produce using all of its available resources.
The slope of YMXM is MRT. In Figure 3.3 the point a must be on a lower indifference curve
than II. Moving along YMXM from point a toward b must mean shifting to a point on a higher
indifference curve. The same goes for movement along YMXM from c toward b. On the other
hand, moving away from b, in the direction of either a or c, must mean moving to a point on a
lower indifference curve. We conclude that a point like b, where the slopes of the
indifference curve and the production possibility frontier are equal, corresponds to a product
mix – output levels for X and Y– such that the utility of the representative individual is
maximised, given the resources available to the economy and the terms on which they can be
used to produce commodities. We conclude, that is, that the equality of MRUS and MRT is
necessary for efficiency in allocation. At a combination of X and Y where this condition does
not hold, some adjustment in the levels of X and Y is possible which would make the
representative individual better off. An economy attains a fully efficient static allocation of
resources if the conditions given by equations 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 are satisfied simultaneously.
Moreover, it does not matter that we have been dealing with an economy with just two
persons and two goods. The results readily generalise to economies with many inputs, many
goods and many individuals. The only difference will be that the three efficiency conditions
will have to hold for each possible pairwise comparison that one could make, and so would
be far more tedious to write out.
3.1.3. The social welfare function (SWF) and optimality
A SWF can be used to rank alternative allocations. For the two-person economy that we are
examining, a SWF will be of the general form:
W = W(UA, UB) (3.4)
The only assumption that we make here regarding the form of the SWF is that welfare is non-
decreasing in UA and UB. That is, for any given level of UA welfare cannot decrease if UB
were to rise and for any given level of UB welfare cannot decrease if UA were to rise. In other
words, we assume that WA = ∂W/∂UA and WB = ∂W/∂UB are both positive. Given this, the
SWF is formally of the same nature as a utility function. Whereas the latter associates
numbers for utility with combinations of consumption levels X and Y, a SWF associates
numbers for social welfare with combinations of utility levels UA and UB. Just as we can
depict a utility function in terms of indifference curves, so we can depict a SWF in terms of
social welfare indifference curves.Figure 3.4 shows a social welfare indifference curve WW
that has the same slope as the utility possibility frontier at b, which point identifies the
combination of UA and UB that maximises the SWF.The reasoning which establishes that b
corresponds to the maximum of social welfare that is attainable should be familiar by now –
points to the left or the right of b on the utility possibility frontier, such as a and c, must be on
a lower social welfare indifference curve, and points outside of the utility possibility frontier
are not attainable. The fact that the optimum lies on the utility possibility frontier means that
all of the necessary conditions for efficiency must hold at the optimum. Conditions 3.1, 3.2
and 3.3 must be satisfied for the maximisation of welfare.
Also, an additional condition, the equality of the slopes of a social indifference curve and the
utility possibility frontier, must be satisfied.
The left-hand side here is the slope of the social welfare indifference curve. The two other
terms are alternative expressions for the slope of the utility possibility frontier. At a social
welfare maximum, the slopes of the indifference curve and the frontier must be equal, so that
it is not possible to increase social welfare by transferring goods, and hence utility, between
persons. While allocative efficiency is a necessary condition for optimality, it is not generally
true that moving from an allocation that is not efficient to one that is efficient must represent
a welfare improvement. Such a move might result in a lower level of social welfare. This
possibility is illustrated in Figure 3.5. At C the allocation is not efficient, at D it is.However,
the allocation at C gives a higher level of social welfare than does that at D. Having made this
point, it should also be said that whenever there is an inefficient allocation, there is always
some other allocation which is both efficient and superior in welfare terms. For example,
compare points C and E. The latter is allocatively efficient while C is not, and E is on a
higher social welfare indifference curve. The move from C to E is a Pareto improvement
Where both A and B gain, and hence involves higher social welfare. On the other hand, going
from C to D replaces an inefficient allocation with an efficient one, but the change is not a
Pareto improvement – B gains, but A suffers – and involves a reduction in social welfare.
Clearly, any change which is a Pareto improvement must increase social welfare as defined
here. Given that the SWF is non-decreasing in UA and UB, increasing UA/UB without
reducing UB/UA must increase social welfare. For the kind of SWF employed here, a Pareto
improvement is an unambiguously good thing. It is also clear that allocate efficiency is a
good thing (subject to the same qualification) if it involves an allocation of commodities as
between individuals that can be regarded as fair. Judgments about fairness, or equity, are
embodied in the SWF in the analysis here. If these are acceptable, then optimality is an
unambiguously good thing. To anticipate, we shall see that what can be claimed for markets
is that, given ideal institutional arrangements and certain modes of behavior, they achieve
allocate efficiency. It cannot be claimed that, alone, markets, even given ideal institutional
arrangements, achieve what might generally or reasonably be regarded as fair allocations.
Before looking at the way markets allocate resources, we shall look at economists‟ attempts
to devise criteria for evaluating alternative allocations that do not involve explicit reference to
a social welfare function.
3.1.3. Allocation in a market economy
Efficiency given ideal conditions
A variety of institutional arrangements might be employed to allocate resources, such as
dictatorship, central planning and free markets. Any of these can, in principle, achieve an
efficient allocation of resources. Here, we are particularly interested in the consequences of
free-market resource allocation decisions. This is for three, related, reasons. First, for
dictatorship and central planning to achieve allocative efficiency it is necessary that the
dictator or central planner know all of the economy‟s production and utility functions. This is
clearly infeasible, and is one of the reasons that attempts to run economies in these ways have
been unsuccessful. The great attraction of free markets as a way organizing economic activity
is that they do not require that any institution or agent have such knowledge. That is the
second reason for our concentration on markets – they are decentralized information-
processing systems of great power. The third reason is that the modern welfare economics
that is the basis for environmental and resource economics takes it that markets are the way
economies are mainly organized. Environmental and resource issues are studied, that is, as
they arise in an economy where markets are the dominant social institution for organizing
production and consumption.
The market economy is now the dominant mode of organizing production and consumption
inhuman societies. Welfare economics theory points to a set of circumstances such that a
system of free markets would sustain an efficient allocation of resources.
The „institutional arrangements „include the following:
1. Markets exist for all goods and services produced and consumed.
2. All markets are perfectly competitive.
3. All transactors have perfect information.
4. Private property rights are fully assigned in all resources and commodities.
5. No externalities exist.
6. All goods and services are private goods .That is, there are no public goods.
7. All utility and production functions are „well behaved‟.
In addition to these institutional arrangements, it is necessary to assume that the actors in
such a system– firms and individuals, often referred to jointly as „economic agents‟ or just
„agents‟ – behave in certain ways. It is assumed that agents always strive to do the best for
themselves that they can in the circumstances that they find themselves in. Firms are assumed
to maximize profits, individuals to maximize utility.
An efficient allocation would be the outcome in a market economy populated entirely by
maximizes and where all of these institutional arrangements were in place. Before explaining
why and how this is so, a few brief comments are in order on these conditions required for a
market system to be capable of realizing allocative efficiency. First, note that, as we shall see
in later sections of this chapter where we discuss public goods and externalities, arrangements
5 and 6 are really particulars of 4. Second, note that 4 is necessary for 1 – markets can only
work where there are private property rights and justice system to enforce and protect such
rights .Third, that an important implication of 2 is that buyers and sellers act as „price-takers‟,
believing that the prices that they face cannot be influenced by their own behavior. No agent,
that is, acts in the belief that they have any power in the market. Finally, note that these are
very stringent set of conditions, which do not accurately describe any actual market economy.
The economy that they do describe is an ideal type, to be used in the welfare analysis of
actual economies as a benchmark against which to assess performance, and to be used to
devise policies to improve the performance, in regard to efficiency criteria, of such actual
economies. We now explain why a market allocation of resources would be an efficient
allocation in such ideal circumstances. Consider, first, individuals and their consumption of
produced commodities. Any one individual seeks to maximize utility given income and the
fixed prices of commodities.
Figure 3.6, refers to an individual in a two-commodity economy. The line YmaxXmax isthe
budget constraint. Ymax is the amount of Y available if all income is spent on Y, Xmax is
consumption if all income is spent on X. The slope of the budget constraint gives the price
ratio PX/PY. Utility maximization requires consumption X* and Y* correspond ingto point b
on the indifference curve U*U*.Consumption at points on YmaxXmax to the left or rightof b,
such as a and c, would mean being on a lower indifference curve than U*U*. Consumption
patterns corresponding to points to the northeast of YmaxXmax are not attainable with the given
income and prices. The essential characteristic of b is that the budget line is tangential to an
indifference curve. This means that the slope of the indifference curve is equal to the price
ratio. Given that the slope of the indifference curve is the MRUS, we have:
In the ideal conditions under consideration, all individuals face the same prices. So, for the
two individual, two-commodity market economy, we have
Comparison of equation 3.6 with equation 3.1 shows that the consumption efficiency
condition is satisfied in this ideal market system. Clearly, the argument here generalizes to
many-person, multi-commodity contexts. Now consider firms. To begin, instead of assuming
that they maximize profits, we will assume that they minimize the costs of producing a given
level of output. The cost-minimization assumption is in no way in conflict with the
assumption of profit maximisation.On the contrary, it is implied by the profit maximization
assumption, as, clearly, a firm could not be maximizing its profits if it were producing
whatever level of output that involved at anything other than the lowest possible cost. We are
leaving aside, for the moment, the question of the determination of the profit-maximising
level of output and focusing instead on the prior question of cost minimization for a given
level of output. This question is examined in Figure 5.9, where X*X* is the isoquant
corresponding to some given output level X*.The straight lines K1L1, K2L2, and K3L3 are
isocost lines. For given prices for inputs, PK and PL, an isocost line shows the combinations of
input levels for K and L that can be purchased for a given total expenditure on inputs. K3L3
represents, for example, a higher level of expenditure on inputs, greater cost, than K2L2.
Figure 3.7. Cost minimisation
The slope of an isocost line is the ratio of input prices, PK/PL. Given production of X*, the
cost-minimizing firm will choose the input combination given by the point b. Any other
combination, such as a or c, lying along X*X* would mean higher total costs. Combinations
represented by points lying inside K2L2 would not permit of the production of X*. The
essential characteristic of b is that anisocost line is tangential to, has the same slope as, an
isoquant. The slope of an isoquant is the MRTS so that cost-minimizing choices of input
levels must be characterized by:
In the ideal circumstance, all firms, in all lines of production, face the same PK and PL,
which means that
which is the same as equation 3.2, the production efficiency condition for allocative
efficiency – cost minimizing firms satisfy this condition. The remaining condition that needs
to be satisfied for allocative efficiency to exist is the product mix condition, equation 3.3,
which involves both individuals and firms. In explaining how this conditions is satisfied in an
ideal market system we will also see how the profit-maximizing levels of production are
determined. Rather than look directly at the profit- maximizing output choice, we look at the
choice of input levels that gives maximum profit. Once the input levels are chosen, the output
level follows from the production function. Consider the input of labor to the production of X,
with marginal product XL. Choosing the level of XL to maximize profit involves balancing the
gain from using an extra unit of labour against the cost of so doing. The gain here is just the
marginal product of labor multiplied by the price of output, i.e. PXXL. The cost is the price of
labour, i.e. PL. If PLis greater than PXXL, increasing labour use will reduce profit. If PL is less
than PXXL,increasing labour use will increase profit. Clearly, profit is maximized where PL=
The same argument applies to the capital input,and holds in both lines of production. Hence,
profit maximisation will be characterized by
which implies
Now, the right-hand sides here are MRTLandMRTK, as they are the ratios of marginal
products in the two lines of production and hence give the terms on which the outputs change
as labor and capital are shifted between industries. Given that the left hand sides in equations
3.8a and 3.8b are the same we can write
Showing that the marginal rate of transformation is the same for labor shifting as for capital
shifting. Referening back to equation 5.8, we can now write
Showing that the profit-maximizing output levels in the ideal market economy satisfy the
product mix condition for allocative efficiency, equation 3.6.
This completes the demonstration that in an ideal market system the conditions necessary for
allocative efficiency will be satisfied. We conclude this section by looking briefly at profit-
maximizing behavior from a perspective that will be familiar from an introductory
microeconomics course. There, students learn that in order to maximize profit, a firm which
is a price-taker will expand output up to the level at which price equals marginal cost.
Figure3.8 refers. For output levels below X*, price exceeds marginal cost so that increasing
output will add more to receipts than to costs, so increasing profit as the difference between
receipts and costs. For output levels greater than X*, marginal cost exceeds price, and
reducing output would increase profit. This is in no way inconsistent with the discussion
above of choosing input levels so as to maximize profit. It is just a different way of telling the
same story. In order to increase output, assuming technical efficiency, more of at least one
input must be used. In thinking about whether or not to increase output the firm considers
increasing the input of capital or labor, in the manner described above. For the case of labor
in the production of X, for example, the profit-maximizing condition was seen to be PL
=PXXL, which can be written as
Which is just marginal cost equals price, because the left-hand side is the price of an
additional unit of labor divided by the amount of output produced by that additional unit.
Thus if the wage rate is £5 per hour, and one hour‟s extra labor produces 1 tons of output, the
left-hand side here is £5 per tones the marginal cost of expanding output by one tone is £5. If
the price that one tone sells for is greater(less) than £5 it will pay in terms of profit to increase
(decrease) output by one tone by increasing the use of labor. If the equality holds and the
output price is £5, profit is being maximized. The same argument goes through in the case of
capital, and the marginal cost equals price condition for profit maximization can also be
written as
Market Failure, Property Rights and Externalities
1. Markets exist for all goods and services produced and consumed
4. Private property rights are fully assigned in all resources and commodities.
5. No externalities exist.
6. All goods and services are private goods. That is, there are no public goods.
economics, given the necessary conditions (eg, well-defined and enforceable private property
rights) markets will bring about efficiency in allocation. Because property rights do not exist,
or are not clearly defined, for many environmental resources, markets fail to allocate those
resources efficiently.
Price signals fail to reflect true social costs and benefits, justifying government policy
intervention to seek efficiency gains. Most environmental services are used without
being traded in the market. Much of the mismanagement and inefficient use of natural
policy failure.
Defining market failure
Neoclassical economics is concerned with markets for goods allocating scarce resources to
alternative uses, and prices being established which reflect the scarcity of and levels of
demand for goods. We live in a particular environment, breathing the air. However, we do
not pay a price for the air, as there is no market in air. As a result, we cannot reflect our
preference for breathing clean rather than dirty air through the market. This is an example of
market failure.
Market failure occurs when the conditions for perfect competition are not met. If the market
fails, then government intervention designed to correct the market failure may bring benefits
to society. However, government intervention may fail to secure these benefits, even making
matters worse and resulting in market failure. This is known as government failure. The
market mechanism leads to the socially optimal outcome only under very specific conditions.
However, it is highly unlikely that these conditions will be fully satisfied. The existence of
For example, we require that prices will result from the realization of all possible markets
working and existing. This is only likely to occur when a complete and effective system of
property rights exist, including property rights to environmental goods such as clean air.
When either condition is not satisfied, markets fail, and this can, deliberately or
unintentionally, bring about undesirable consequences. Market fails when one of the
5. Imperfect (Incomplete) information
A central idea in modern economics is that, given the necessary conditions, markets will
bring about efficiency in allocation. For this to happen, well-defined and enforceable
private property rights are one of the necessary conditions. The manner in which
producers and consumers use environmental resources depend on the property rights
defining the owner‟s rights, privileges, and limitations for use of the resources.
analyze economic changes and predict the likely response of economic agents to
property right ownership types, all benefits and costs associated with the
ownership and use of the resource are borne by the owner. And in state property
ownership type, the government owns and controls the property. However, the
above property right entitlements are at the boundaries of the extreme. In between
the two, there are the following three types of property ownership entitlements:
An efficient property right structure that would produce efficient allocations in a well-
functioning economy has four main characteristics. i.e., property rights are efficient if they
all resources with completely specified entitlement determines what can and can‟t
property rights to a resource. According to this element, all benefits and cost
accrued as a result of owning and using the resources should accrue to the owner
and only to the owner. Generally exclusivity is about all benefits and costs
accrue to owner.
An owner of a resource with a well-defined property right has a strong incentive to use that
resource efficiently because a decline in the value of that resource represents a personal loss.
When well-defined property rights are exchanged, as in a market economy, this exchange
facilitates efficiency. That is, well defined property right coupled with well performing
market ensures efficiency both the producer and the customer attain their respective
maximum possible satisfaction level. That is, in a system with well-defined property rights
and competitive markets in which to sell those rights, producers try to maximize their surplus
and consumers theirs satisfaction. The price system then, induces those self-interested parties
to make choices which are efficient from the point of view of society as a whole.
Non owners and authority system recognize this attributes of resource attached to
owner. If one individual has a right, someone else has a corresponding duty to
respect that right, and it is the authority system that ensures the proper execution
of such rights. When one or both two conditions (well defined property right
structure or competitive market) are violated, there arises the problem of market
The commons or common pool resource is any resource which is shared by a group of
people. Such things as the air we breathe and the water we drink come from commons. In
many parts of the world; new land for farming and grazing land for stock, fish from the sea,
and wood for fuel and housing are treated as commons. Common-pool resources are shared
Divisibility means that the capture of part of the resource by one group
subtracts it from the amount available to the other groups. Examples: fish
stocks in the oceans, forests, arable land - with no specific owner, shared by
Tragedy of the commons
The tragedy of the commons describes a situation when overuse of common goods
Lloyd on herders sharing a common parcel of land on which they are each entitled to
Well known example: an article by G. Hardin (1968) "The Tragedy of the Commons"
described the individuals acting in rational self-interest will results overuse of the
resources, overpopulation.
The other causes of market failure that emerges due to improbable property right assignment
is the cases of public goods. Public goods, defined as those that exhibit both consumption
those who fail to pay for it can‟t be excluded from enjoying the benefit it confers
consumption of a good does not diminish the amount available for others.
Several common environmental resources are public goods, including clean air, clean water,
and biological diversity, etc. Excludability feature of public goods entails that inefficiency
also results because each person is able to become a free ride on the other‟s contribution.
A free rider is someone who derives the benefits from commodity without
excludability properties of the public good, consumers receive the benefits of any
amount purchased by other people. When this happens, it tends to diminish incentives
to contribute and the contributions are not sufficiently large to finance the efficient
amount of the public good. Therefore, in the absence of government intervention, the
Free-rider problem: Free rider consumes the good (receives the utility) but does
not pay for the goods. If good is not excludable, there is an incentive to be a free
rider because (the supplier cannot prevent the non-payers from the consumption).
The markets are able to find the optimal solution, if the information can be carried through -
the market price provides this kind of information. In order to create a price for something, it
the property rights leads to the failure to “internalize” externalities. Here, the external effect
is an untraded and unpriced product arising because the victim has no property rights that can
The typical efficient market outcome relies on the existence of a Market. There might be
cases when the market either does not exist or when it is not functional. In such situations, the
situation of the consumers and producers is not driven by the market processes. Without
market processes at work, it is impossible to attain the efficient market outcome. Situations
when the (property) rights of some of the market participants are affected by the actions of
some other market participants, and these impacts are not compensated (the parties in
They are defined as third party (or spill-over) effects arising from the production and/or
externalities arise. Externality said to arise when an individual or a producer does not
An externality exists whenever the welfare of some agent, either a firm household,
depends not only on his or his activities, but also on activities under the control of
Note that in a perfectly competitive market, all benefits are reflected in demand
curves and all costs are reflected in supply curves of the firm. And the resulting net
benefit, at output defined at the intersection of demand and supply, (societal surplus)
is the maximum possible. Thus, when markets function well, there is no externality
and the resulting net benefit to the society is the maximum possible. But there are
cases when the demand and costs functions of firms do not reflect all the benefits and
the costs to the firms. And when this happens, we say there is a problem of
the externally affected party is damaged or benefited. Next, we will see the different
Positive externality is said to exist when an agent gets benefit without payment to the parties
grower and the owner of the beehive make use of produce of the flower grower
without paying for it, an individual located around a rich household and this
individual use the road built by the rich without paying for it, and the vaccine taken
In all the above examples, social benefit outweighs private benefits. The total benefit to the
society from the production of, for example the flower is greater than the individual benefit
accrued to the flower. Using the marginal concept, the marginal social benefit (MSB) is
greater than the marginal private benefit (MPB). The difference between the two (measured
as a vertical distance between the two curves) is called the marginal external benefit
(MEB), i.e.,
The total benefit from a product is shown by the area under the demand curve of the product.
Hence, the social benefit from the production of the flower is indicated by the demand curve
of the society (Ds) and the individual benefit by individual (private) demand curve (Dp).
Price MSC
Dp Ds
Qp Qs Quantity
Note that in figure 2.5, Ds and DP represent societal demand (benefit) and private demand
With positive externality the social benefit curve always lies above the private benefit
curve and the difference between the two is called external benefit which is the
From the figure, given its demand and the costs function, the producer will produce
only Qp output level at the intersection point between the costs and private demand
function. This output level is not optimal from society perspective. The welfare of the
The figure also shows that the price actually charged for output involving positive externality
is less than what the society is willing to pay. Thus positive externality allocates resource less
efficiently under prices resources of the society. In general, with positive externality, the
market leads to under production, resource underutilization and inefficiency (less than
Positive externalities exist when the marginal social benefit of production and or
Negative externality involved costs that are inflicted upon other parties without
Example of negative externality include: pollutants dumped into a river by a firm that
negatively affect production and health of firms and households, the effect of cigarette
In all the above examples, the private costs of production or consumption is lower than
the social costs. The different between the two is the costs borne by a third party called
Equivalently, the existence of negative externality implies that the private marginal
costs (MPC) are lower than the marginal social costs (MSC) and the difference is
the costs incurred by a third party for each additional output level: the marginal
Graphically, this is shown in such a way that the MSC curve lies above and to the left of the
MPC. At each output level the vertical distance between the MPC and the MSC curve is the
Price MSC
Qs Qp Quantity
From the above figure it can easily be seen that the socially optimal output level Qs is
obtained at the intersection point between the costs and the benefit curve to the
society. Corresponding to this output level, the price the society is willing to pay
equals Ps. But the private producers, faced with MPC and Dd curves, will set output
at Qp level and price at Pp. and these price and output maximizes the net benefit of
the firm but not the society. The society desires to pay higher price and get lower
The result of the existence of negative externality is that in the economy too much
output and too much pollution are produced. Besides, the prices of products
responsible for the problem are low and recycling and re-use are discouraged since
releasing the waste to the environment is cheaper. As long as the incentives are
external, there are no incentives to search for ways to yield less pollution per unit of
Imperfect information will lead people to make wrong decision. E.g. if individual A is
smoker and individual B is not and B doesn‟t find that smoke unpleasant, and is unaware of
the danger of passive smoking. Then, individual B hurt because of lack of information. How
If people have no information about the danger of pollution and the effect of resource
degradation, then it will end up with crisis. So the solution is information must be provided
by the government or by private individuals. The government may provide services that are
Government policy interventions necessary to correct market failures are not taken, or
over correct or under correct the problem (e.g., lack of management of open access
Government decisions exchange rate controls, price ceilings, subsidies or taxes that
create incentives for unsustainable resource use, inappropriate land reforms which
create tenure insecurity, nationalization of resources without the means to control and
Government failure refers to situations where allocate efficiency may have been reduced
following government intervention in markets designed to correct market failure.
When does government step in?
o To correct shortages or surpluses
o To provide when the market does not or cannot provide some goods or
o To regulate and correct where there is perceived inequality or inefficiency
o To protect individuals and groups in society and provide a safety net for those
to help themselves
o To reduce poverty
o To influence property rights
How does government intervene?
Taxation – to redistribute and provide incentive or disincentive effects
Subsidies – to encourage production/consumption
Regulation – guides, codes of practice, legislation, independent regulators
Identifying property rights – ownership of property, e.g. intellectual property, granting
of patents, etc.
Direct provision of goods and services – health, education, etc.
How does Government Failure manifest itself?
• Distortion of markets – e.g. rent control, minimum wage, agricultural subsidies,
taxes on fuel
• Welfare impact – erosion of consumer surplus and producer surplus – e.g. tariff
support for manufactured goods and food
• Disincentive Effects – High taxes hampering business expansion or enterprise,
Welfare benefits reducing, the incentive to find work
• Short termism – solving the „hot topics‟ of the day rather than the long term
important issues – e.g. ID cards versus pension crisis?
• Electoral Pressure-Desire to get elected and pass „popular‟ policies to capture votes.
E.g. spending on public services at the risk of higher inflation and future interest
• Imperfect information: Lack of knowledge of, Prices, Value, Costs, Benefits, Long
term effects, Behavioural changes, External costs and benefits, Value of producer and
consumer surplus. All mean less than efficient allocation may result from government
Human activity strongly relies on the natural environment. Environmental resources are put
to different and sometimes competing uses by people. They form the ecological processes on
which life depends, they provide inputs to the production of goods and services, amenity and
they act as sinks for waste and pollution. Environmental resources also have value beyond
their direct use and many environmental resources are not traded in markets and so do not
A central idea in modern economics is that, given the necessary conditions, markets
will bring about efficiency in allocation. Many environmental resources or are not
traded through markets, and so will not have market prices. Though environmental
effects do not have a price that does not mean they do not have value.
In order to make efficient decisions, these values need to be estimated in some way. There
are various ways of doing this and collectively called valuation techniques.
What is Value?
determined by people and not by either natural law or government. Second, value
spends money on one good, there is less available for other goods.
Non-market goods are goods that are not typically traded in markets. Air quality,
wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity, scenic landscapes, and lack of climate
change. But, time and other opportunities are sometimes sacrificed in order to
obtain both market and non-market goods. Examining these trade-offs can serve
In this sense, the total economic value (TEV) of environmental amenities comprises explicit
1. Use value
1. Direct use value (DUV) - goods and services directly consumed by users and the value
which we get directly from consuming some environmental resource. The direct use
value is derived from goods, which can be extracted, consumed or directly enjoyed. It is
also therefore known as extractive or consumptive use value. This includes products
(e.g., edible, ornamental, medicinal, inputs into production process), recreation, waste
assimilation, fertility of soil, fish from the sea, timber from forest, using tree for fuel,
2. Indirect use value (IUV) - Indirect use value is referred to as non-extractive use value,
derived from the services that an environmental resource provides. Indirect benefits
arising from ecological systems. More generally, indirect use values may be described as
ecological function of a given resource. These include biological support – links to other
species and habitats, physical protection or defense function, flood control, climate
regulation, global life support – functions that aid in supporting life on Earth.
3. Option value – the amount a person would be willing to pay to preserve the option of
being able to experience a particular environmental amenity in the future; the willingness
to preserve the environment even if one is not currently using it. It is sometimes treated
2. Non-use value
Non-use values are defined as those benefits or welfare gains/losses to individuals that arise
from environmental changes independently of any direct or indirect use of the environment.
They are less direct, less tangible benefits to society, independent of any present or future
use. Examples are Existence Value, Bequest Value, Stewardship Value, and Altruistic Value.
quality for future generations. Bequest value refers to the fact that an individual
through the ability to endow a natural resource on future generations. For example,
many of us are concerned with future damages from global warming and would be
willing to pay to reduce them, despite the fact that the vast majority of the damages
are expected to affect the earth long after our generation is gone.
2. Existence value – a willingness to pay simply to help preserve the existence of some
environmental amenity. Existence value refers to the fact that an individual‟s utility may
the individual has no current or potential direct use of the resource. An individual may
never have opportunity to see an Abyssinian wolf but places value on preserving the
species. People wish to maintain or improve environmental assets out of sympathy for
environmental values, such as the benefits of improved river water quality, or the cost
Environmental valuation is the process of placing monetary value on the
Economic value of any benefit is measure in terms of what the minimum amount an
individual is willing to give up the consumption of goods and services in order to obtain some
other goods and services. The inclusion of monetary estimates of the economic value of non-
marketed environmental and natural resources allow for more formal consideration of these
An obvious basis for economic value is given by the willingness to pay and receive payments
for items exchanged in market transactions. For goods and services that can be sold at the
market, the value of the goods or services to be consumed is easily referred from its price in
the market. Environmental and natural resources like food, timber, energy, recreation, and
materials for which there are economic markets can be most easily valued and are most
However, the majority of the flow goods and services associated with environmental and
natural resources are non -marketable goods for which prices and monetary values are
difficult to obtain. For instance the provision of water by watersheds, pollination of crops by
birds and bees, filtering pollutants by wetlands, coastal protection by wetlands and seaside
vegetation, and aesthetic values are not exist in any economic market. But economists
develop techniques that used to value non-marketable environmental and natural Resources.
willing to pay for environmental gains and, conversely, are willing to accept
There are two reasons why we need to value the environment;
Measuring damage is simple than measuring benefits, because benefits are not typically
market transaction. We can measure damages directly, by looking at damages and the value
of what is lost, or we can infer damages indirectly from the behavior of individuals.
Many environmental resources and services do not have well defined property rights. For
example clean air, such resources are used but without traded through market and will not
have market prices. But the resource has value despite the lack of price. It has either negative
or positive value since it brings a positive or negative change on the well-being of the society.
In order to make efficient decision, such values need to be estimated through different
Methods for measuring values (non-market valuation) of environmental goods and services
1. Revealed Preference Approach: infer the value of environmental goods from other
market transactions. They are also called observed Methods, indirect proxy methods,
surrogate market approaches. Data obtained from observations of people acting in real-
world settings. They are based on actual behavior of people reflecting utility
Note that revealed preference approaches get at use values, but not non-use values.
values of farming, forestry, fishing, grazing, hunting, mining, that contribute to
resource depletion.
It includes travel cost, simulated markets and market prices and hedonic pricing.
to pay for goods by posing a set of questions regarding preferences directly to the
Willingness to Pay (WTP)- is the maximum amount of money an individual would give up
• That is, an individual can be said to be willing to pay an amount equal to the total
Willingness to Accept (WTA) - is the opposite of WTP. It holds in the case in which the
individual is the owner of the resource. WTA is the minimum total amount of money an
individual would accept to forego all the benefits associated with an environmental resource.
Example: if there is pasture land used by some farmers for grazing and that area is potential
for underground water extraction, then WTA what the farmer claim to leave the land. Since,
These are based on the observed behavior of individuals with respect to related markets.
The travel cost model is a method for valuing environmental resources associated
with recreational activity and was first proposed by Harold Hotelling in 1947.
TCM derives the value of a recreational site from revealed information on the
time and costs people spent to get there. The basic premise is that travel cost to a
site can be regarded as the price of access to the site. Mainly used in outdoor
The travel cost method looks at how far visitors travel to come to a site. By placing a value
on the cost of travel, we can infer the value of the site. The travel cost includes both direct
costs (e.g. airfare) and indirect costs (e.g. the opportunity cost of travel time).
Fj = entrance fee
– How many days did you use the site?
The method is based on actual behavior rather than what people say they would do in
a hypothetical situation.
Multi-purpose trips: The simplest models assume that individuals take a trip for a
single purpose, to visit a specific recreational site. Thus, if a trip has more than one
purpose, the value of the site may be overestimated and it can be difficult to apportion
Defining and measuring the opportunity cost of time, or the value of time spent
Those who value certain sites may choose to live nearby. If this is the case, they will
have low travel costs, but high values for the site will not be captured by this method.
The hedonic pricing method is used to estimate the value of environmental amenities that
affect prices of marketed goods. For example, it can be used to estimate economic benefits or
costs associated with environmental quality, including air pollution, water pollution, or noise
The basic premise of the hedonic pricing method is that the price of a marketed good is
related to its characteristics, or the services it provides. The method is based on the
assumption that the prices people pay for goods are influenced by the set of characteristics
The HPM may be used to estimate economic benefits or costs associated with:
In general, the price of a house is related to the characteristics of the house and property
area were the same, except for the level of air pollution, then houses with better air quality
would cost more. This higher price reflects the value of cleaner air to people who purchase
Ph = house price
Nj = neighbourhood characteristics
The HP function tells us by how much property price changes for a change in environmental
It can be used to estimate values based on actual market transactions. Since, property
indications of value.
The method is versatile and can be adapted to consider several possible interactions
The method can be adapted to consider several possible interactions between market
The scope of environmental benefits that can be measured is limited to things that are
The method only captures people‟s WTP for perceived differences in environmental
attributes and their direct consequences. If people aren‟t aware of the linkages (lack of
The method assumes that people have the opportunity to select the combination of
features they prefer, given their income. However, the housing market may be
The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is used to estimate economic values for all
environmental goods and services. The most common approach in the CVM is to ask
individuals the maximum amount of money they are willing to pay (WTP) to use or
It can be used to estimate both use and non-use values, and it is the most widely used
A description of the good to be valued. The situation before and after any proposed
be clearly stated.
A detailed description of the “payment vehicle”, i.e. the means by which the
respondent would pay for the change in provision of the good/service. The most
The procedure to elicit the respondent‟s valuation. The actual valuation can be
obtained in a number of ways, for example, asking the respondent to name an amount,
having them choose from a number of options. The respondent could also be asked
outcomes or not telling the truth (Individuals may report benefits higher or lower than
Framing Bias: People's answers may vary according to the context in which a
question is put.
Not well- formed Preferences: People may not have well-formed preferences (e.g.
WTP and WTA) for unfamiliar goods. Since, Survey respondents often have very
Not well- formed Preferences: People may not have well-formed preferences (e.g.
WTP and WTA) for unfamiliar goods. Since, Survey respondents often have very
The observed discrepancy between willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to
accept (WTA).
Other techniques
environmental resource that is lost is used as proxies for environmental resource and
ecosystem values.
Damage costs avoided: The method attempts to value the functions of environmental
goods and services by estimating the costs (e.g. flood prevention) that would be
incurred if the environmental service (e.g. catchment function) were not present.
Natural resources can be defined as natural assets or endowments from which we derive
value (utility). A broad definition would include environmental assets such as wilderness
which, while they can be destroyed by human activity, do not have to be consumed in order
to have value. We could also include the environment as a provider of ecosystem services or
natural resources that must be extracted or harvested in order to have value, either directly or
as inputs into production processes. Natural resources are broadly classified in to two:
In general, because natural resources are stocks they are extracted or harvested over more
than one period. The efficient and optimal use of natural resources therefore has an inherent
Two important facts make efficiency a point of concern in natural resource and
environmental economics
5.2 Allocation of Non-Renewable Resources
Non Renewable resources: are those which do not exhibit economically significant rate of
regeneration. The quantity of these resources tends to be fixed for a fairly long period of time
(hundreds of years). They are resources whose potential resources can be exhausted.
Non-renewable resources include fossil-fuel energy supplies like oil, gas and coal
They are formed by geological processes over millions of years and so, in effect,
Their depletion rate is affected by the demand for and the durability of the products built with
Except where demand is totally price inelastic, higher price tend to reduce the
quantity demand.
Durable product last longer, reducing the need for newer ones
Current Reserves: is the total quantity (stock) of known resources reserves that
reserves can be expressed as a number. If you have part of that resource which
Potential Reserve: is the resource that you can potentially extract or reserves that
depends up on the price people are willing to pay for those resources. The higher
the price the larger the potential reserve. These are most accurately defined as a
Q = f (P)
earth‟s crust. The entire geological supply of resources (including those not yet
discovered). Since prices have nothing to do with the size of the resource
If consumption is per year this ratio indicates the time that is left until the resource is
depleted. If the ratio is 30 it means that with the current consumption rate 30 years is left for
We could use price as indicator of scarcity. But if you want to use price as a measure of
scarcity, you will be advised to use the real price. Price tells us a number of things.
If the real price of the resource increases over time, it implies the resource becomes more and
more scarce. Change in price over time is an indicator of the supply of that good.
Although price is a best measure, it has some problems. Sometimes price
may not reflect the scarcity of the resource. This is true under the
following situations.
Price control- lead to artificial prices so we could not use prices as a measure
of scarcity
Under such situations price do not tell us the scarcity of the resource. Price is a good indicator
It is the additional cost of extracting a unit of resource. As the resource becomes more and
more scarce, we will expect MEC to increase because as we extract more and more of non
renewable resource, we go deep to get some more resource which in turn increases cost of
Hotelling (1931) showed that the price for a nonrenewable resource will rise at
the real interest rate in efficient market equilibrium. The central question in
non-renewable resource economics is: given consumer demand and the initial
maximize profits?
Assume the extraction cost and the price P of the resource in the market. Risk
free interest rate on the investment in the economy is r% per year. Then the
owner of the resource can either extract today or hold it to extract in the future.
There are two factors influencing extraction decision here; any resource extracted today not
available in the future, and any resource left untouched may fetch higher price in the future.
There are two comparable advantages for the owner; rate of interest and the increase in
If rate of interest is greater than the increase in price per unit, it extracts today and
If otherwise it holds the resource to extract in the future and get higher return.
From Hotelling‟s perspective competitive mine owners, maximizing the present value
of their initial reserves, would be forced to extract so that price rose at the rate of
Exercise 2:
If today‟s gold price is USD 804.20 and some analysts expect it to reach USD 850 in one
year‟s time, would a gold mine owner with an interest (discount) rate of 8 % go for a high or
= 850/1.08
= 787.03 Then, The current price of gold is 804.2 and
the present value of 850 UDS one year is 787 USD which is less than the current price which
is 804.2 USD. Hence, the gold mine owner will go for high extraction today.
Note: The relationship between interest rate with price, extraction rate and life time of
environment with zero marginal costs and constant demand, prices should grow at the
rate of interest a result which has become known as the Hotelling rule.
1. Extraction cost
2. User cost
• The opportunity cost of not having the resource to sell in the future
• As a result, the price of the resource will be greater than the MEC.
The owner of a resource, such as oil, has two options to make money for next year:
1. Sell all the oil now, and invest the profits at interest rate i.
Case A: Expected price next year rises less than the rate of interest:
• P1 – MEC > (P2- MEC)/ (1+i), the owner of the oil is better off selling the oil
• Leads to lower prices now (greater supply) and higher prices next year (lower
Case B: Expected price next year rises faster than the rate of interest:
• P1 – MEC < (P2 - MEC)/ (1+i), the owner of the oil is better off waiting to
• Leads to higher prices now (lower supply) and lower prices next year (higher
• Prices adjust whenever one option (case A or B) looks better. Thus, equilibrium is
reached when the expected price of the oil rises at the rate of interest.
5.3. Allocation of Renewable Resources
Renewable Resources: are those for which the stock can be continually replenished.
They have a capacity to replenish or regenerate. They are those that have significant
rate of regeneration.
I.e. for a renewable resource, growth is assumed to take place at “a significant rate”
when viewed from man‟s economic time scale. E.g. if red wood trees regenerate, but
However, some renewable resources like living populations, such as plants and animals are
also exhaustible if not managed effectively. The growth or decline of these populations in
If through human activity, the population is drawn down beyond the crucial threshold,
the species can become extinct. This is of curse one of the crucial renewable resource
management issue.
They are use dependent (i.e., significantly affected by human activity) e.g. fishery, wild
life, forests.
- Human action- level of utilization of the resource
Its stock can be increased or decrease: it will increase if the stock is allowed to regenerate
however there is a maximum stock. i.e. no renewable resource can regenerate to the level
Renewable resources can be disappeared if the rate of harvest exceeds the rate of natural
Forests represent a storable renewable resource. Forests products provide a wide variety of
Serve as raw material for housing and wood products such as paper products
Despite all these benefits, a glance at some of the vital signs of the forest resource does not
currently proceeding at an unprecedented rate. In 1992 the World Resource Institute reported
that 42 million acres of tropical forests are being destroyed each year as trees are cut for
increased soil erosion and desertification, and has precipitated the decline of
Timber shares with many other animate resources the characteristics that it is both
commodity, but left standing they are a capital good, providing for increased
growth the following year. As trees mature very slowly, the manager must decide
not only how to maximize yields on a given amount of land, but also when to
Biological Dimension:
Based on this measurement of volume, the data reveal that tree stands go through
distinct growth paths. Initially, when the trees are very young, growth is rather
slow in volume terms. A period of sustained, rapid growth follows with the
volume increasing considerably. Finally, slower growth sets in as the stand fully
Figure 18.1(a) The volume of timber in a single stand over time
Volume of timber
Years after planting
t = 135 years
Figure 18.1(a) plots the volume of timber over a period up to 145 years after planting, an
early phase of slow growth in volume is followed by a period of rapid volume growth, after
which a third phase of slow growth takes place as the stand moves towards maturity. The
stand becomes biologically mature (reaches maximum volume with zero net growth) at
approximately 135 years. The estimated timber growth equation shows that growth becomes
Foresters have come up with a calculation called the Mean Annual Increment (MAI)
which provides the bases for a biological approach to answering this question.
MAI is calculated by dividing the cumulative volume of the stand at the end of each
decade by the cumulative number of years the stand has been grown up to the decade.
Mean annual increment (MAI): Mean increase (average product) in timber volume.
MAI = V (t)/t.
According to the biological decision rule, the forests should be harvested at the age
Fishery can be defined as the interaction of fish populations and human harvest activity.
exhaustible natural resource. This is because the size of the fish depends on both
biological factor (re-productivity) and human action (level of utilization of the fish). i. e.
fishing reduces the stock of fish, which in turn reduce the rate of natural increase of the
fish population.
The biological characterization of the fishery rests on a model initially proposed by Schaefer
(1957). Schaefer model points a particular average relationship between the growth of the
The growth rate is the proportional rate at which the fish stock would grow
Biological growth of fishery
Stock (X)
Xmax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Xmin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Three benchmarks:
At X max the biomass is at its maximum, no more will be added because resource
has reached its carrying capacity, there is not enough food and space for a larger fish
population to live on. Under biological condition the fish grows until the carrying
At X min Real risk of population collapse and the population may not survive
Critical depensation
Suppose that we have a biological resource stock, whose size at time t is denoted
This function indicates the net amount of new biomass or additional numbers of fish
as a function of the current biomass or current number of fish, Xt. The equation simply
says that change in the resource stock depends on the current stock size (X or X (t)).
If harvest exceeds net growth [Yt > F(Xt)], the fish stock declines (Xt+1 - Xt < 0),
If harvest is less than net growth [Yt < F(Xt)], the fish stock increases (Xt+1 - Xt > 0)
Consider some habitat for fish which has carrying capacity (K) for fish. Begin with an
Suppose that the harvest rate H exceeds even the highest possible population growth
rate for the fishery. Then population X eventually falls to zero. Fishers are “mining”
o A catch level is said to represent a sustained yield whenever it equals the growth
size remains constant, the growth rate (and hence the catch) will remain constant
as well.
o The highest rate of harvest H that can be sustained by the fishery occurs where the
growth rate of the fishery stock is at its maximum. This point is called maximum
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) ፡ defined as that population size which yields
the maximum growth. Hence the maximum sustainable yield is equal to its maximum
growth and it represents the largest catch that can be perpetually sustained.
Maximum sustained yield (MSY) occurs when the rate of growth of the resource
reaches a maximum.
Rate of growth
stock X
0 MSY Xmax
F(X*) = H H
0 X* Fishery stock X
Many factors determine the rate of harvest (H)
- The larger the stock, the greater the harvest, other things held constant.
H = G (E, X)
Stock X
0 Xlow X high
• Raising costs of fishing by limiting fishing methods (When to catch, where to catch,
Pollution is a side effect of production. Pollution is defined as the introduction of waste and
pollution control deals with; how severe should environmental standards be for: air quality,
surface water quality, drinking water quality and any other pollutant. In this unit we back to
living organisms. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such
naturally occurring; when naturally occurring, they are considered contaminants when
- The damage caused by waste disposal depends crucially upon the environment's
ability to absorb the waste. The absorptive capacity refers to the environment's ability
Examples of absorptive capacity:
If emissions exceed the absorptive capacity of the system, they will accumulate in the
- Most of the substances that cause pollution are naturally present in the environment in
substance is considered as pollution only when its concentration is relatively high and
The persistence.
Depending on the capacity of the environment to absorb waste pollutants can be classified in
to two as:
a. Stock pollutant is a pollutant for which the environment has little or no absorptive
capacity. E.g.
Non-biodegradable bottles
Heavy metals (e.g., lead)
b. Fund pollutant is a pollutant for which the environment has some absorptive
capacity. Examples:
Carbon dioxide
The efficient level pollution abatement (or the optimal level of pollution control)
occurs where the marginal abatement cost (MAC) is equal to the marginal damage
cost (MDC).
- Note that there is a negative relationship between MAC and the quantity of pollution.
The higher the MAC, the lower the quantity of pollution; and vice versa.
Cost of pollution MAC
Quantity of pollution
- The marginal damage cost (MDC) is the health or environmental damage caused by
- Again note that there is a positive relationship between MDC and the quantity of
pollution. The higher the quantity of pollution, the higher the MDC, and vice versa.
- Graphically, the MDC doesn‟t start at zero but at positive amount of pollution because
of the ability of the environment to assimilate certain amount of pollution without any
Quantity of pollution
- Graphically, efficient pollution abetment occurs at the intersection of the MAC and
- At points below Q* such amount spent on controlling pollution (MAC) is greater than
the damage due to pollution (MDC). Therefore , the incentive is to reduce the amount
spent on controlling pollution, MAC, thereby raise the quantity of pollution and move
towards Q*.
- On the other hands, at points above Q*, the damage caused by pollution (MDC) is
greater than the amount spent on controlling pollution (MAC). Therefore, the
incentive is to reduce the damage, MDC, by reducing the quantity of pollution, and
- Equilibrium will, therefore, occur at Q*, where MAC = MDC, because that is where
the market forces of MAC and MDC will be balanced such that there is no incentive
to change.
Recall that Equilibrium is a situation where market forces are balanced such that there is no
incentive to change. Hence, as long as MDC and MAC are equal, there is no incentive to
Cost MAC
Total abatement
cost (MAC)
0 Q* Q0
Quantity of Pollution
- The Ecologist operates at X because they have zero tolerance for damage due to
- The economic optimum occurs where MAC =MDC (or at Q*). At this point, the
damage is not zero, nor the amount be paid for contorting is zero.
The techniques used by regulatory agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to
control pollution range from charges for the right to pollute to regulations that impose limits to the
I: Emission Standard
An emissions standard is a legal limit on the amount of a pollutant that an individual source is
allowed to emit. Similarly, it is Limits established by government on the annual amounts and kinds
of pollutants that can be emitted into the air or water by producers or users of certain products.
This is referred to in the literature as the "command and control approach." A uniform
standard is not cost-effective in this case. It is unlikely that the government would be able to
An emissions charge is a fee, collected by the government, levied on each unit of pollution
• The firms now control in the least cost manner relative to each other, without the
• An iterative method can be used to achieve the efficient allocation by comparing the
The problem with emissions charges is that finding the efficient level can be costly and time
Under a transferable emissions permit system, all sources are required to have emissions
Under this system the control authority issues exactly the number of permits needed to
produce the desired emissions level. Severe monetary permit are imposed upon sources
polluting in excess of the amount allowed by its permits. Notice that trading yields the most
cost-effective allocation of clean-up among the two firms. Initial allocation of permits does
Question: What are the distinctions among standards, permits, and charge systems?
Standards are not only information intensive or likely no cost effective, but they also
Permit systems adjust automatically, while the charge system must iterate to a
o Adding sources will not change the permit result, just the value of the permits
being traded.
o Adding sources will increase pollution in the absence of changes in the charge
o Charges will not react to inflation unless they are modified. Permits will
automatically adjust.
o Permits will not enable technological change in pollution control to alter the