Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Departmcnt of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 31st 14rr, 2923
2. The tentative zone of consideration has been prepared on the basis of all
India seniority list of Inspector Posts maintained by spN Branch of Directorate.
Any discrepancy with regard to deta s of officiars falring in Zoc, w.r.t. their
seniority, date of birth, place of posting, wrong remarks, etc. may be intimated to
SPN-II section of this Department.
(c) Committee shall mark each official as 'Fit / Unfit' on basis of their
suitability for promotion. Officials who are marked 'Unfit', detailed
grounds for marking unfit shall be recorded.
Yours faithfully,
(Dileep Singh Sengar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
(a) All Head of Postal Circles
(b) Director, RAKNPA / Director, all PTCs
(c) Raal DG, APS Directorate
(d) GM CEPT - with request to upload this document on India Post website
(e.t Office copy / Guard file
S.\o. Name of the candidste Exam Date of Drte of ( ircle Remarks
Kr./Shri/Smt quoto Birth ,loinine in
(lat IP Cadre
S.No. Nume of the csndidato Exam Date of Date of ('irclc Year Remarks
Kr./Shri/Smt quots llirth ,roining ir
(at IP (latlre
9I Anand Kumar LDCE 03i07 t971 SC 29105 2018 Ultar Pradesh APS. 20I5
Kulwant Singh LDCE s(' 09r l 1,2018 Punlab APS. 20 I5
Subhash Chand Prasad LDCE SC l2i0li 2019 Delhr APS. 20t 5
Ghanshyam LDCE SC 06/04/2019 Himachal Pmdesh APS, ]O I5
Akhilesh Prakash LDCE 28/06t 19'7rl SC l3/06/201I Uttar Pradesh APS, ]O I5
96 Ramesh Kumar LDCE s( 24t06/2019 Himachal Pradesh APS.:OI5
9t' Amil kumar LDCE SC |t/07 i20 t9 Himachal Pradesh r\PS. :O IJ
911 SShri Nrthiva LDCE l4105/1987 s( l6t) l,'2020 Tinril \adu 20t6
Jashvantbhai Kalubhai Pannar LDCE t2/09/t989 l 11l I ,2020 Cu.larat 2016
100 Dheer MaI LDCE 15,09,1990 l'l tl 1/2020 Himachal Pradesh 2016
i01 14adan Mohan Ambadipudi LDCE l8/07/1988 s(' l8/l 1r2020 Telangana 20t6
102 Darshak lndr4it Shamalbhai LDCE 03r04r1991 SC ll,l1,2020 Gujaral 2016
r03 Vijaykumar Manubhai Rathod LDCE 04t02/t990 t 3tl t /2020 Gularat
104 Dilip Kumar Vitthalbhai LDCE l4110/t989 l]/l I,2020 Gujarat 20t6
Vaghela s(
105 Pankaj Bagoria LDCE I l/09/1990 SC 6tt I t2020 Ra,asthan
t 2016
106 Subrahmanyam Thommandru LDCE 05i06/1986 t6il I12020 Andhra Pradesh 2016
t07 \larih;,:r Pradesh
Pravc'cn Kumar LI)CI l?r06'lslt6 t6.,t t/1010 Dtc 20 t6
108 Nitin Babubhai Parma. LDCE 06/08/ 1992 SC t 3fi t/2020 Cuiarat l0t6
109 Pannar Jitendmkumar
LDCE 13t07 |987 s(' t3i I I i2020 Cujarat
I li) Keshav Kumar Sankhala LDCE 02i02,'t990 SC t1/t I t2020 Rajasthan 20t6
llt Ravi Kumar D LDCE l5/03/r988 s(' l6in/2020 Kamataka 2016
I l2 Ajay Shakyawar LDCE 07 t06|981 s(' l6i I l'2020 Madhya Pradesh 20r 6
I t.l Manjunath R Dodamani LDCE 0l/06/r986 SC | 6il I i2020 Kamataka 20t6
I 1,1 Sishir Kumar Deuri LDCE t5,121t990 SC t3AIt2020 Odisha 2016
ll5 Secnra Kunrari DR 08i02/1993 SC t4t05t2018 West Bengal 2016
I l6 Utpalendu Mandal DR 05101 1994 SC 0l r06,?018 West Bengal 20t6
|7 Ranjit Kumar RaJak LDCE 05t09/19',78 S( t 6/t 1t2020 Bihar 2016
u8 Pradeep Kumar DR t0 t0 1992 s(' 3 l/05/20t 8 Rajasthan 2016
l19 Bajibabu V(rmu DR 05/06/t988 SC 2l/05/2018 Telangana 20t6
t20 Pradeep Kumar DR 08i09,1992 SC 02/05i20t8 Lttar Pradesh 20t6
12r Shivam Cautam DR I8/02i t995 SC 22105/10t8 UIar Pradesh t0l6
l2: Nilkantha Mandal I)R t8i0511992 SC 25/05/20t8 Maharashtra :016
t23 Susha,rt Singh I)R 04/07/1993 SC' Ili10512018 Maharashra 2016
l2+ Rishi Jalulharia DR I4i03i I 990 SC 03/05/2018 Guiarar 20 t6
125 Saryoo Singh LDCE 0641 987 SC' t 6/t t t2020 Madhya Pradesh 20 t7
116 Yejjala Indrasena LDCE 0li07i 1990 s(' t6fi1t2020 Andhra Pradesh 2011
t2'7 Kumar Harshvardhan DR 0 l99l
r,08i SC 21i07 t2020 Bihar 20t7
128 Narmadha Devi LDCE t2t02r985 SC l7i 11 2020 TamilNadu 2011
r29 Vijay Laxmanrao Dhandar LDCE 05/0li t99l SC t 6i I t2020 Maharashtra 20t7
il0 Perugu Dayanand LDCE I0/09/t988 SC l6/) t,'2020 Telangana 2017
llr Mahendra Kumar Dohre DR 20 I t/ 1994 SC 0,1/08i 2020 Ultar Pradesh l0ll
l]2 Mishuk Halder t)R l0 0t 1992 s(' 0t/07t2020 West Bengal 2017
S.\o. \ame of the randidate Exam Date of I)ate of ( ircle \ear Remarks
Kr./ShrYSmt quota Birth .Ioining in
Crt IP (l{drc
l.tl Dinesh Kumar Bairwa DR I0i 07i I993 S( 06101t2020 Madhya Pradesh 2011
tJ4 Ajay Kumar DR r l/03/1993 SC )1t08/2020 tsihar 2017
135 Tanmoy Halder DR 23t12/ 1992 SC t9/0Ei2020 West Bengal 201-7
136 Arikiila Privalham DR 12t05i1994 SC 0l t0612020 Andhra Pradesh 2017
I17 SqU,badeep Mandal DR 05/09,l992 SC 13/0',7 /2020 West Bengal 2017
llu Kuldeep Kumar LDCE 23i06i 1989 SC 16/t I t2020 Punjab 201?
ll9 Monika DR 04/051975 SC 09tl I t?020 Kerala r Dte 20 t"7
t4o Chlntala Rammunhy LD('E r 7/08/1990 SC 16/L I t2020 Telangana 2017
I4l Tarun Kumar Meena DR 24/07 t199 t ST 03i l0/2016 Madhva Pradesh 201l
t12 Sunil Kumar Malothu DR t1t02tt990 ST 09|2t20t5 Chhallisgarh 20t3
t4l Manisha Meena DR t2/12 993 ST 18i I i/20 t5 Rajasthan 2013
1.14 Bishnu Prasad Naik LDCE t2/o'7 / t915 ST 04/M/2014 Odrsha 2013
145 Manita Tamang LDCE 15106/ 1984 ST 201081014 Wesl Bengal 2013
1.16 Prahalladha Navaka N LDCE 1l/06/r98s ST I l/08/2014 Karnataka 20t3
t47 Manoj Kumar LDCE 1o/02 984 ST 0t/0t/20r 5 Uttar Pradesh 20tl
l,l8 Kailash Chouhan LDCE t4tui986 ST 28i02t2014 Madhya Pradesh 20r 3
149 Mogili Nagamalleswara Rao LDCE 05/02t19'79 ST 09/04/2014 Andhra Pradesh 20t 3
150 Saka Vasuniya LDCL 0t/0t1972 ST 29i09t20)5 Madhya Pmdesh 2013
l5r Balwant Sinuh LDCE t4t051976 ST 25it I t20t 4 Uttarakiand 20rl
152 Misa Gamlin LDCE t7 t03/ t915 ST l6i0t,'2015 No(h East 201l
r5l Rakeshwar Singh LDCE I t108i | 972 10103r2014 Himachal Pradesh 20r 3
135 Vi.ia1 Kumar DII l8/03/r 987 Otsc 2t t2t20tl Uttar Pradesh 2008
136 Kadamba Singh An*om DR t9t05 9'19 OBC t4t05t20|l Nonh East 2008
137 Ruprekha Bania DR 3t/03 977 SC 0|t2t20to Assam 2008
138 Rajesh Kumar DR 15t07 n978 SC t6t0u20t2 Bihar 2008
119 l\Ianish Kumar Choudhar) DR 02/t t n984 SC 26t04t20lr Uttar Pradesh 2008
llr0 Harsh Kumar Batra LDCE 09/03/t980 UR t2 2t20lL Uttar Pradesh 2009
rEl Rajesh Kumar LDCE 29fi2n975 UR 29i2t20i Haryana 2009
182 Rohit Kumar LD''E t6i I I n916 UR I lI 1,,201 I Uttar Pradesh 2009
ilt3 Chandra Bh Prasad LD(.I 05/O9il9'71 LR t9l2/20ll Bihar 2009
184 Durgesh Kr Jaiswal LDCE 05/04i l98l UR 20t06t20t I Chhattisgarh 2009
Iti5 Dhananial Kunrar LDCE 15/08/ 1973 UR 28i1212010 Bihar 2009
186 Moon Choudharv LDCE t2l2/1981 UR l9/ I l/2010 Assam 2009
187 Jiban Kr. \ath LDCE 30/l t 19'71 UR 0t t06/201t Assam 2009
t88 Bhaskar Bardoloi LDt'E 30/09A974 ST 24/0912012 Assam 2009
i89 Rati Kant Pd. Singh LDCE 06/06i1976 UR l0,l2i 20 Bihar 2009
190 Arun Sihag LDCE 05t09 979 UR 3tt2/20| Haryana 2009
l9l \lanqi Kumar 'l'hakur LDCE 05/t 1t974 UR t2/09/20'| Odisha 2009
192 lanjay Kumar LDCE 23t07 it9'74 UR 08,09/20 Odisha 2009
193 Mithilesh Kumar LDCI] 06/0t/1970 UR t3t09t20l] Bihar 2009
t94 tr ustafa Ahmed Shah LDCE 0l/01, t98l UR 07112/20t0 Assam 2009
195 M. Lavanya LDCT] 05/t I t19'16 UR 28/0s/20t2 Tamil Nadu 2009
196 Naveen Kumar LDCE 23t02n974 UR l0/ l0/201 I Bihar 2009
197 M Sanjay Kumar Dora LDCE l8/03t1971 UR 23t08t20tt Odisha 2009
i98 Ramkesh Prasad LDCE 08i l0/'1970 UR 04/07 /20t I Uttar Pradesh 2009
199 Kuldeep Singh LDC]E 0li 06i 1970 OBC 2'1tl2t20ll Haryana 2009
200 l\l a no j KumarJ I LDCE 25it2i)914 SC l8/it/2011 Bihar 2009
201 Anil Dev LDCE 04t05/t975 UR 23il I t20t2 Kerala 2009
202. Jyotirmayee Malik LDCE 30t0v1971 UR 05/ l0/201 I Odisha 2009
203 Shri Krishan LDCI] 29108t19'7s ST t6t06t20t2 Delhi 2009
204 Anand Kumar LDCt] 0l /t2/t9'74 s(' 04/0'7 /20t t Uttar Pradesh 2009
205 Rajinder Singh LDCE 20t04rI966 s(' 2612t20|l Odisha 2009
206 Mahavir Singh LDCE 01t08,L972 UR 02t0|20t0 Delhi 2009
207 Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat DR 0 | /01/ 1987 UR 06/07 /20t2 Jammu & 2010
20lt Mantoo Kumar DR 05/01/1984 UR I I t06t20t2 Bihar 20t0
209 Abhiiit Rrnian DR 14i05/ t984 UR 0tt0t20t2 Jharkhand 2010
2t0 Praveen Kumar Singh DR 04rL t/1987 UR 20/0t/20t2 Jharkhand 2010
2| Pushpendra Kumar DR 10/03/1988 UR lli06t20t2 Bihar 20t0
212 Nlanohar Kumar DR l5i 04/1984 UR ty06t20t2 Bihar 2010
2t3 Deepak Kumar DR 0l/03/1987 UR 29/05i20t2 Bihar 20t0
211 Saurav Kunrar DIt 08i06/1986 UR 03t09t2012 Odisha 20t0
215 !lD Barque Kalam DR 04/0111989 UR 13/0',1t20t2 Bihar 20r0
ll6 Sambeet Sahoo DR 3l/ t0/t985 UR 16/t t/20t2 Odisha 20t0
2t'7 Praveen Kumar DR 0 r/01/ 1983 UR t5/02t2012 Odisha 20r0
218 Subhabrau Dinda DR t2,02, t98'7 UR 05i0'7i2012 West Bengal 2010
2t9 Rakcsh Xumar DR 25/07 i t9A1 OBC 06,ll 2012 Bihar 2010
220 Jaychandra Rar DR l0/01:1986 oB( It06120t2 Bihar 2010
22t \ ikash Kumar (;upta DR 03, l2 198I OBC 22t03t2012 Utnr Pradesh 2010
222 Kapil Verma DR t2/tzit981 OBC' 28/ I t!20t I Uttar Pradesh 2010
123 Deepak Kumar DII t8/t2n982 oBc t4t02t20t2 Odisha 2010
221 Devendra Kumar DR 05/0t/t983 OBC 09i2/20ll Bihar 20t0
22:. Amit Kumar DR 21t07 SC l0/t0i20t I Rajasthan 2010
226 A. Akhaa Agnes DR ^98t
23/04,I 9'7a ST 25t07i2012 Nonh East 20t0
22'7 Ebai A Esther Charakho DR I l/05/1984 ST 17i t2t2012 North East 2010
S.\o. Name of the candidrte Exam Date of Cat Drte of Circle Refiarks
Kr./ShrYSrut quota Birth Joining in lP
228 N Mohan Kumar LDCE 05/07/1979 UR 11t08t2012 Andhra Pradesh 20ll
229 Dudekula Ahammad Hussain LDCE I I /06/19'1't UR 20t09t20t2 Andhra Pradesh 20ll
210 Anuj Shukla DR 04t01,r99t UR l6/01120 t3 Unar Pradesh 201 I
23t Suvamoy Nag I)R 3l/t2 987 UR 08/05/2013 Andhra Pradesh 20ll
232 Abhal Sinsh DR 0l/071r988 UR 28t12t20t2 Uttar Pradesh 201 I
233 Aviiit Das DR 28107 I988 UR 05104/2013 West Bengal 20ll
23.1 S Madhusudhana Reddy LDCE l7 t05i t9'16 UR 20/09t2012 Andhra Pradesh 20tI
215 Panchajanyareddy K DR 24/t21986 UR 08/03t20t3 Andhra Pradesh 20ll
216 Ashutosh Kumar Pathak t)R 0l/08i 1985 UR 01t03t20t3 Bihar 20t I
237 Dubey Abhishek DR 3| t2/1987 UR 3 |07/2013 Gujarar 20ll
238 Tara Chand Purohit LDCE 02/02rl972 UR 26 0t2012 Rajasthan 201 |
239 lqmashral Choudharr DR 0l/03, I983 26/M/20t3
OBC Bihar 20ll
210 Murali Irnandi t)R t6/05/1987 OBC 20t02/2013 Andhra Pradesh 20ll
241 Cunindra Pathak LT]CE 3t /t2/19'19 r-lR 02i07t20t2 Assam 20
Jhilanr Bhorvmick DR 22t05 988 OBC 0t0'120t3 Assam 20lt
213 Katakamsetty Adinarayanamu LDCE 06/08i I982 UR 29t09t20t2 Andhra Pradesh 201 I
211 C Mallika4una LDC E ot/08 977 UR 26t09t2012 Andhra Pradesh 20n
245 Naga Raju Tummaiacharla LDCE t5/06i 1984 UR 20t09t20t2 Andhra Pradesh 201 I
285 Basant Kumar LDCE 10/08i l9il I UR to/06/20t3 Uttar Pradesh 20t2
286 I ikas Kumar Soni LDCE 25it2,l976 UR t'7t05t2013 Chhattissarh 20\2
281 Ram Narayan Singh LDCE 02/10t1976 UR 07t03t20t3 Delhi 20t2
28u lari \lohan Singh DR 05/05/1991 UR 29t0U20t4 Uttar Pradesh 20 t2
289 M Vijay Bhaskar LDCE 03/06i 1985 UR t8/02/2013 Andhra Pradesh l0l2
290 Koneti Amamath LDCE 24t04i981 UR t3/02t20t3 Andhra Pradesh 20 t2
29t R Cowri Sankara Rao LDCE 0t/0'7 /1979 UR 21t02/20t3 Andhra Pradesh 20t2
292 Veerabhadrarao Adimalla LDCE l9/01/ 1978 UR 2'7t02t20t3 Andka Pradesh 2012
293 Abhishek Kumar Sinqh LDCE 0t/07 A98't r,R 18i06/20t1 Uttar Pradesh 20t2
294 Rajiv Kumar Jha LDCE t6t05/1980 UR 05/03/2013 Bihar 2012
295 Surendru Kumar I)R l7103/1983 OBC 24t02t2014 Uthr Pradesh 2012
296 Biswajit Kar LDCE lt/0'7119'79 UR t5/02t2011 Odisha 20t2
29'7 Saryanarayana Malleda LDCE 04/05i 1985 UR 03/0612011 Andhra Pradesh 2012
298 Arun Kumar Ambedkar DR 25 /01i 1982 OBC 25/07,',20t4 Bihar 20t2
299 Robin ( hundra LDCE 02/0 ti t984 UR 2t03i20t3 Bihar t0ll
300 Ramesh \ adav LDCE I0, l21 1987 UR i8/06/2013 Uttar Pradesh 2012
l0t Yipin Prarad Bhatt LDCE 08i06/1982 UR 29t06t20t3 Utarakhand 2012
102 Amit Kumar LDCE 06/09/19',78 UR 2\/03t20t3 Bihar 2012
303 Ami( Kumar T]R l0/ l211986 UR 2'7 rl2t2018 North East 2012
.10.1 Punendra Kumar I)R 19,L2n982 OBC 23/t6i2014 Odisha 2012
105 Rajesh Kumar LDCE 2rt2/1978 UR 05/08/20t3 Himachal 2012
S.No. Name ofthe candidate Exam (lat
Date of Date of Circle
Kr./Shri/Smt Year Remarks
quota Birth Joining in IP
306 Sw tika Palo LDCE 25/05/198t UR 23t02i2013 Odisha 20t2
307 Mahaveer Prasad Sain LDCE 2ll05/t 98 t UR 0'7i03t20t3 asthan --!
308 Awdhesh Kumar 2012
DR l0/04/1983 OBC 01t0'7/2019 Kamataka
309 Sone Lal Patel 2012
DR 06 2fi989 OBC 3t/07 /2014 Uttar Pradesh 20t2
310 Chanchal Chaklader LDCE l5/06t1973 UR I0/06/2013 Assam
3lt Ramarao Ratod LDCE 02104/19',7 5 ST t8/09/2019 Telangana 2012 Notional
promotion wef
tr2 I Ekcsh Kutnar DR t10,r98t
18.07 2015
]nI Rarnesh Jan LDCE
3 t to1/2015 Wesl Be 2012
ll4 I Ru ali Das Talukdar LDCE 0l/01/ 1979 UR
0,1i 03,'2011
Ra asthan
315 Ra endra Prasad Saini LDCE 0t07/1984 UR 04i01/2013 Ra asthan 2012
316 Ravi Kumar LDCE 09104t1983 SC l8/06/20t3 Uttar Pradesh 2012
317 Mahendra Kumar DR t3/09/1987 SC r/04/2014 Uttar Pradesh 2.012
318 Praveen Kumar DR 10/t2/1986 SC 01i08/20t4 Uttar Pradesh 20t2
319 Madan Lal Choudhary LDCE 0l/0111981 UR 04.03.2013 Rajasthan 20t2 On deputation to
320 Vineet Bhard\raj APS
LDCE l0/06/1983 UR 08/08/2013 Himachal 20 t2
12l Sajesh N M LDCE 04t05i]t975 UR )9/04/2013 Kerala 20t2
322 Bai ukumar B L LDCE 04/05,l9't 5 UR 190412013 Kerala 2012
323 Manigandan Bhupathi LDCE 30/0111984 SC 14t02t2013 Andhra Pradesh 2012
321 Jitender Kumar LDCE 25/02,l981 UR 05i08/20t3 Himachal 2012
325 Subhash Lahkar LDCE 23/02A978 UR t9t02t20t6 Assam 2012
326 Srivastava Abhishek LDCE 05t07/t976 UR 05/03/2013 Bihar )0t2
321 Mano OM LDCE 04/0511975 UR t9101/20t3 Kerala 201:
328 Dinesh Prakash LDCE 20t05/1978 SC 07t08t20t3 Himachal 20t2
329 Hemchander DR l0/04/r987 SC 02t04120t4 Nonh East 2012
330 Dib srn Tri rh LDC]E 29t01,l975 UR 25i01/2013 Odisha 20t2
tll Motilal Sah LDCE 05i01,1975 UR 27t08/2013 Assam 2012
332 Kumari De shikha LDCE 0t /03i 1978 UR 05/03/2013 Bihar 2012
333 Rinlesh Gu ta LDCE 0t/07/1980 UR 04/03120t3 Rajasthan 20t2
t 334 Binanda Choudhu LDCE 0l/t 0i t982 UR 08t02/2013 Assam 2012
335 Vivek Kumar LDCE 0l/t2A918 UR 07/03120t3 Delhi 2017
316 Poturaju Vijaya Mohan LDCE 10.,07 l98l ST 22t02t20t3 Andha Pradesh 2012
337 Prashant Kumar Sin h LDCE l9/08/1985 UR 07/08/2013 Delhi 2012
318 Sa eev Sharma LDCE t0to6 9'15 UR t'7106/2013 Punjab 20t2
339 Kailasb Chand LDCE 1t fi2t19't6 UR 04t03t2013 RaJasthan 20t2
340 Ru Ram Sinwar LDCE 0t03/t977 UR 04/03/2013 Rajasrhan 20t2
34t-l Rakesh Bhardwaj LDCE 16/0li 1984 UR 21t03t20t3 Bihar 2012
312 Rajendra Kumar LDCE 05108i 1982 UR 04/03t20t3 Rajasthan 20t2 On deputation ro
1.13 Chanchal Devi LDCE 201t2it971 UR 06/03/2013 I)elhi 2012
Nlohit Sharma LDCE 03i08r1983 UR 17i06t20t3 Punjab 2012
345 Robin Kumar LDCE 20t04,l978 UR 25t06t2013 Puniab 20t2
S.)tlo. Name of the candidate Ex!m Date of Cat Drte of Circle Year Remarks
Kr./Shri/Smt quota Birth Joining in IP
Cad re
150 Shatruhan Verma LDCE 14t07 /1985 UR t4/07/2014 Uttar Pradesh 20t3
451 Kishore Bhausahen tshosale LDCE 26 I /1986 UR,?W 09t11t20t'7 Maharashtra 2015
jt Io
Annexure - II
(dealing with Staff matters)