Intervening in Psychosis - A Team Approach
Intervening in Psychosis - A Team Approach
Intervening in Psychosis - A Team Approach
an invaluable resource for clinicians and agencies who are all working toward early
intervention in psychosis with transitional-age youth. The authors offer a compre-
hensive understanding of all aspects of early intervention, including both young
people who may be at serious risk of developing psychosis and those who are expe-
riencing a first episode. This highly user-friendly text offers case descriptions, step-
by-step instructions for assessments and interventions, and excellent guidelines for
a team-based approach to early intervention for psychosis.”
Jean Addington, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary
With expert guidance on developing specialty care services for young peo-
ple experiencing first-episode psychosis, Intervening Early in Psychosis: A Team
Approach offers a multimodal approach that aims for recovery and remission. The
first book of its kind to focus on the U.S. health care environment, it provides a
detailed examination of a range of evidence-based treatments, from the psycho-
Early in
logical and psychosocial to peer, family, lifestyle, and technological interventions,
all punctuated by clinical case examples.
Special emphasis is placed on the interplay between these individual interventions,
as well as the collaboration between multidisciplinary partners, including licensed
therapists, medical providers, peers, and vocational specialists. An individual and
family perspective on the experience of living with psychosis complements this
interdisciplinary care model, underscoring the importance of engaging clients and
A Team Approach
their support network within a philosophy of shared decision making.
With additional chapters that discuss advocacy issues and policy considerations
when establishing coordinated specialty care services, Intervening Early in Psycho-
sis is the most comprehensive resource available for those interested in expanding
their knowledge of the early identification and treatment of adolescents and young
adults with psychotic disorders. Hardy
ISBN 978-1- 61537-175- 4 Adelsheim Edited by
9 0 0 00
Kate V. Hardy, Clin.Psych.D.
Jacob S. Ballon, M.D., M.P.H.
9 7 8 1 6 1 5 3 71 7 5 4 WWW.APPI.ORG Douglas L. Noordsy, M.D.
Cover design: Rick A. Prather
Cover image: © Steven Adelsheim, M.D.
Intervening Early in
Intervening Early in
Edited by
Kate V. Hardy, Clin.Psych.D.
Jacob S. Ballon, M.D., M.P.H.
Douglas L. Noordsy, M.D.
Steven Adelsheim, M.D.
Note: The authors have worked to ensure that all information in this book is ac-
curate at the time of publication and consistent with general psychiatric and
medical standards, and that information concerning drug dosages, schedules,
and routes of administration is accurate at the time of publication and consis-
tent with standards set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the gen-
eral medical community. As medical research and practice continue to advance,
however, therapeutic standards may change. Moreover, specific situations may
require a specific therapeutic response not included in this book. For these rea-
sons and because human and mechanical errors sometimes occur, we recom-
mend that readers follow the advice of physicians directly involved in their care
or the care of a member of their family.
Books published by American Psychiatric Association Publishing represent the
findings, conclusions, and views of the individual authors and do not necessarily
represent the policies and opinions of American Psychiatric Association Publish-
ing or the American Psychiatric Association.
If you wish to buy 50 or more copies of the same title, please go to www.ap- for more information.
Copyright © 2019 American Psychiatric Association Publishing
First Edition
Manufactured in the United States of America on acid-free paper
23 22 21 20 19 5 4 3 2 1
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
800 Maine Avenue SW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20024-2812
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hardy, Kate V., editor. | Ballon, Jacob S., editor. | Noordsy, Douglas L.,
1959– editor. | Adelsheim, Steven, editor. | American Psychiatric Association, is-
suing body.
Title: Intervening early in psychosis : a team approach / edited by Kate V. Har-
dy, Jacob S. Ballon, Douglas L. Noordsy, and Steven Adelsheim.
Description: First edition. | Washington, D.C. : American Psychiatric Associa-
tion Publishing, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019006911 (print) | LCCN 2019007351 (ebook) | ISBN
9781615372584 (ebook) | ISBN 9781615371754 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: | MESH: Psychotic Disorders—prevention & control | Early Medical
Intervention | Patient Care Team
Classification: LCC RC512 (ebook) | LCC RC512 (print) | NLM WM 200 | DDC
LC record available at
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP record is available from the British Library.
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Disclosure of Interests
The following contributors to this book have indicated a financial inter-
est in or other affiliation with a commercial supporter, a manufacturer
of a commercial product, a provider of a commercial service, a nongov-
ernmental organization, and/or a government agency, as listed below:
Deborah R. Becker, M.Ed., CRC; Iruma Bello, Ph.D.; Benjamin Buck, Ph.D.;
John D. Cahill, M.D., Ph.D.; Lisa Dixon, M.D., M.P.H.; Robert E. Drake,
M.D, Ph.D.; Maria Ferrara, M.D.; Chantel Garrett, B.S.; Tresha A. Gibbs,
M.D.; Howard H. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.; Jill Harkavy-Friedman, Ph.D.;
Debra R. Hrouda, Ph.D.; Rebecca Jaynes, LCPC; Agnieszka Kalinowski,
M.D., Ph.D.; Skylar Kelsven, M.S.; Hyun Jung Kim, M.D.; David Kimhy,
Ph.D.; Rhoshel K. Lenroot, M.D.; Ally Linfoot, PSS; Sarah Lynch, LCSW;
Nyamuon Nguany Machar; Walther Mathis, M.D.; Ryan Melton, Ph.D.;
Tara Niendam, Ph.D.; Luz H. Ospina, Ph.D.; Jessica Pollard, Ph.D.; Zheala
Qayyum, M.D.; Jeffrey D. Reed, D.O.; Abram Rosenblatt, Ph.D.; Megan
Sage, M.S.W., LCSW; Kristen Sayles, M.S., R.N.; Vinod H. Srihari, M.D.;
Gerrit Van Schalkwyk, M.B., Ch.B.; Paula Wadell, M.D.; Jian-Ping Zhang,
M.D., Ph.D.
xviii Intervening Early in Psychosis
laboration, are reflected in the content of this volume. This book will
prove useful to anyone who is a policy maker, who is active clinically in
early intervention, who studies or researches psychosis, who teaches
about mental health, or who has experienced psychosis or cares for
someone who has experienced psychosis.
THIS book is dedicated to the many clients and families who have
taught us about the transformative power of living well with, and recov-
ery from, psychosis. We are also indebted to the many chapter authors for
their gracious contributions. This book could not have happened without
the intellectual stimulation within our clinic group and the support of
many fine colleagues, including Nichole Olson, Agnes Kalinowski, Katie
Eisen, and Justin Cheng of the INSPIRE clinic team. We owe the greatest
debt of gratitude to Laura Roberts, both for her vision and leadership in
forming the INSPIRE clinic and for her encouragement to create this
much-needed book. Laura has long insisted that academic departments
have a responsibility to be fully engaged with, and to demonstrate lead-
ership in, addressing the pressing problems of our time, including devel-
oping and demonstrating optimal care models for people most in need,
such as those at risk for and facing early psychosis.
We each have specific people in our lives to thank for their professional
and personal support in guiding us toward the creation of this book:
I have been very fortunate to have benefited greatly from expert guid-
ance, mentoring, and collaboration with numerous exceptional individ-
uals in the field and extend my heartfelt thanks to Moggie McGowan,
Anthony Morrison, Paul French, Ali Brabban, David Kingdon, Douglas
Turkington, Rory Byrne, Richard Bentall, Rachel Loewy, Tamara Sale,
Robert Heinssen, Kim Mueser, and David Shern. It has been a privilege
to work with my coeditors, both on this book and in our clinic. Each of
them brings a deep commitment and passion for working with individ-
uals experiencing psychosis. I am humbled to learn from the many pro-
viders with whom I have had the privilege to work in community
settings, who inspired the focus of this book, and who embody the
ethos of a team approach in early psychosis intervention. In addition, I
want to thank Bethan Reading, who taught me early on the importance
of resilience, unwavering compassion, and always emphasizing the po-
tential for recovery. On a personal note, I want to thank my parents, Rita
xx Intervening Early in Psychosis
and David Hardy, for their unerring support across two continents, my
husband, Jon, for his endless patience and encouragement, and my son,
Theo, for all the joy he brings.
I am grateful to Bob Drake, Fred Osher, Kim Mueser, Tom Fox, Lindy Fox
Smith, Chris O’Keefe ,and many others for showing me the value of multi-
disciplinary, team-based, recovery-oriented care at a formative stage in my
career. Their approach to engagement, mutual respect, and shared decision
making have guided care for people with psychosis throughout my career.
I am also grateful to Alan Green for entrusting me with a study of medica-
tion treatment for people in early psychosis and to Laura Roberts for creat-
ing the opportunity for me to join the INSPIRE clinic team. Finally, and most
importantly, I am grateful to my dear wife, Mary, my beautiful children,
Charlotte and Jack, and my loving family for inspiring me to strive for ex-
cellence and patiently tolerating the many hours dedicated to this volume.
Marcia and Richard Adelsheim, for their lifelong support and my wife,
Tara Ford, who is my daily role model and guide as I strive to hold com-
passion in all of my interactions. Thank you all!
Patrick D. McGorry, A.O., M.D., Ph.D., FRCP, FRANZCP,
The Challenge
Even in high-income countries, only a small minority of people with
mental illness obtain access to evidence-based care in a timely way and
in cultures of care that are welcoming and effective. The human and
economic consequences of this global neglect are enormous (Bloom et
al., 2011), especially because mental disorders begin largely in young
people on the threshold of productive life, and the damage extends
across decades of adult life (Insel and Fenton 2005). Therefore, the op-
portunity to save lives, restore and safeguard futures, and strengthen
the global economy is correspondingly huge (The Economist 2014). The
evidence-based reform of early intervention in psychosis, pioneered
around the world for the last two to three decades, represents a blue-
print and launch pad for dissolving the barriers that have constrained
effective mental health care for so long, paves the way for early inter-
vention across the full spectrum of disorders affecting young people,
and fundamentally strengthens societies across the globe.
2 Intervening Early in Psychosis
of the illness that surrounded them in the form of their older co-patients
(Cohen and Cohen 1984). These acute units were dangerous and fright-
ening places (sadly, even in the general hospital settings of today, they
all too often still are). Not only were their fellow patients disorganized,
frightened, and often aggressive; this was the era of rapid neuroleptiza-
tion, and young, drug-naïve people with first-episode psychosis were
at risk of receiving vastly more medication than they needed to achieve
remission. Their families were equally shattered by these experiences.
The task was simple. First, we had to reduce or prevent the harm
that patients were exposed to by separating them from the longer-term
patients and the toxic messages and treatments that were draining hope
and optimism for the future and then find the minimally effective dose
of antipsychotics that would result in remission with no, or minimal,
side effects. Second, we had to develop and evaluate psychosocial inter-
ventions for both these young people and their families that were truly
relevant for their stage of illness and psychosocial development and
that would promote recovery (McGorry 1992). Third, we had to build
cultures of care that were capable of guaranteeing safe, humane, and ef-
fective care and scale them up to replace the existing system.
care is not an achievable goal and that only one focus should be pur-
sued—a classic false dichotomy. Yet, compellingly, the evidence that
early intervention actually saves money in all kinds of ways means that
it is almost certainly part of the solution in relation to better funding for
longer-term care (McCrone et al. 2010; Mihalopoulos et al. 2009). The
notion that individuals with prolonged and severe mental illness
should receive sole priority until their care is truly optimal is part of the
mantra of many critics, yet it is not a principle that has been accepted in
cancer and cardiovascular medicine. In these illnesses, we do not see
the trivialization of the needs of patients in earlier stages or with less se-
vere or persistent forms of illness as the “worried well” or the fanning
of fears of labeling and overtreatment. In cancer, we do not see pallia-
tive care being pitted against early diagnosis. It is important that these
conversations, debates, dilemmas, and choices are faced honestly and
openly in the light of the facts and the evidence and that they are not
buried, distorted, or hijacked by ideologues, vested interests, irrespon-
sible journalists, or even misguided humanitarians. Complex scientific
and sociological forces must be understood within the cycle of innova-
tion and reform.
Bleuler M, Huber G, Gross G, Schüttler R: Long-term course of schizophrenic
psychoses: joint results of two studies [in German]. Nervenarzt 47(8):477–
481, 1976 822365
Bloom DE, Cafiero ET, Jane-Llopis E, et al: The Global Economic Burden of
Non-Communicable Disease. Geneva, Switzerland, World Economic Fo-
rum, 2011
Cohen P, Cohen J: The clinician’s illusion. Arch Gen Psychiatry 41(12):1178–
1182, 1984 6334503
Copolov DL, McGorry PD, Keks N, et al: Origins and establishment of the
schizophrenia research programme at Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry 23(4):443–451, 1989 2610645
Introduction 9
Crow TJ, MacMillan JF, Johnson AL, Johnstone EC: A randomised controlled
trial of prophylactic neuroleptic treatment. Br J Psychiatry 148:120–127,
1986 2870753
The Economist: Mental Health and Integration. London, The Economist, 2014
Frances A: Australia’s reckless experiment in early intervention. Psychology To-
day, May 21, 2011. Available at:
Accessed February 18, 2 019.
Hughes F, Stavely H, Simpson R, et al: At the heart of an early psychosis centre:
the core components of the 2014 Early Psychosis Prevention and Interven-
tion Centre model for Australian communities. Australas Psychiatry
22(3):228–234, 2014 24789848
Insel T, Cuthbert B, Garvey M, et al: Research domain criteria (RDoC): toward
a new classification framework for research on mental disorders. Am J Psy-
chiatry 167(7):748–751, 2010 20595427
Insel TR, Fenton WS: Psychiatric epidemiology: it’s not just about counting any-
more. Arch Gen Psychiatry 62(6):590–592, 2005 15939836
Kane JM, Rifkin A, Quitkin F, et al: Fluphenazine vs placebo in patients with re-
mitted, acute first-episode schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 39(1):70–73,
1982 6275811
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usual com-
munity care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes from the NIMH
RAISE Early Treatment Program. Am J Psychiatry 173(4):362–372, 2016
Kirch DG, Lieberman JA, Matthews SM (eds): First-episode psychosis (special
issue). Schizophr Bull 18(2):159–336,1992
Lieberman JA, Alvir JM, Woerner M, et al: Prospective study of psychobiology
in first-episode schizophrenia at Hillside Hospital. Schizophr Bull
18(3):351–371, 1992 1411327
McCrone P, Craig TK, Power P, Garety PA: Cost-effectiveness of an early inter-
vention service for people with psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 196(5):377–382,
2010 20435964
McGorry PD: The Aubrey Lewis Unit: The origins, development and first year
of operation of the clinical research unit and Royal Park Psychiatric Hospi-
tal. Dissertation for membership of the Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Psychiatrists. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Royal Australian
and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 1985
McGorry PD: The concept of recovery and secondary prevention in psychotic
disorders. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 26(1):3–17, 1992 1580883
McGorry PD: Issues for DSM-V: clinical staging: a heuristic pathway to valid
nosology and safer, more effective treatment in psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry
164(6):859–860, 2007a 17541042
McGorry PD: The specialist youth mental health model: strengthening the
weakest link in the public mental health system. Med J Aust
187(7)(suppl):S53–S56, 2007b 17908028
McGorry P, Nelson B: Why we need a transdiagnostic staging approach to
emerging psychopathology, early diagnosis, and treatment. JAMA Psychi-
atry 73(3):191–192, 2016 26765254
10 Intervening Early in Psychosis
12 Intervening Early in Psychosis
of the time in which it was developed. The third edition of DSM first
brought the concept of diagnostic criteria to the mainstream in 1980
(American Psychiatric Association 1980). It was with DSM-III that a
person could be diagnosed as having schizophrenia if he or she experi-
enced a subset of the listed symptoms, including hallucinations, delu-
sions, and decrease in functioning. The shift to a diagnostic framework
based on observable symptoms marked a change in how and when
treatment was expected to initiate. In concert with the cultural changes,
the onset of the medication era also changed the available modes of
treatment from primarily psychoanalytic to include psychopharmacol-
ogy and other biologically based treatments and heralded the medical
model that became the dominant paradigm for that era.
Notably, it was in the DSM-III that the concept of a prodrome to
schizophrenia was put forth as a formal component of diagnosis. How-
ever, this was not the first time that the concept of a prodrome, or high-
risk state, was first posited. Early work, including that by Chapman
(1966), showed a premorbid increase in symptom severity without
treatment. Notably, it was in this time that it was initially reported that
a longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) related to a worsened
prognosis overall.
This recognition about DUP, along with revisions to the diagnostic
classifications of schizophrenia overall, led to a need to better character-
ize the nature of the earliest stages of psychotic illness. Additionally, a
greater emphasis on prevention led to a greater recognition of the puta-
tively prodromal, or clinical high-risk state, and the value of defining
interventions for this population of people with early symptoms of
schizophrenia. McGorry et al. (2006) developed a clinical staging
model, described in the section “Staging Model,” that serves as an effec-
tive framework for marking the stages of development in psychotic ill-
ness. Delineating this model effectively set the stage for a line of
research focused on the earlier phases of illness.
Promoting Recovery
The third principle emphasizes that the focus should be on recovery,
healing, functioning, and shared decision making rather than disability
and illness management. This core principle permeates all aspects of an
early psychosis service, including medication management, individual
and family psychosocial interventions, peer support, and support for
education and employment. It is essential that all members of the early
intervention team have a full understanding of this principle and that
they adhere to this recovery frame in their interactions with the client,
the family, and other stakeholders. Recovery is a concept typically de-
fined by the client on the basis of the goals and values that they identify
and helps to drive treatment in order to support the individual in reach-
ing those goals.
Developmental Framework
The first episode of psychosis typically occurs in late adolescence or
early adulthood. This time frame spans a key developmental period
from 16 to 24 years, with individuals of this age range often referred to
as transitional-age youth (TAY). This developmental stage can chal-
lenge mental health services that are traditionally divided into services
for children (up to age 18) and adults (ages 18 and older). Because indi-
viduals with early psychosis generally span two different systems of
mental health care, it is critical to consider how best to support naviga-
tion of these two often disparate systems.
The needs of the TAY population vary greatly from those of children
or adults. Consideration should be given to the developmental needs of
each of these populations, and services should be adapted accordingly.
This reality requires workforce training in developmental approaches,
recognition of the different medication and physical health needs of in-
dividuals younger than 18 years, consideration of medicolegal issues of
consent and confidentiality, adaptation of evidence-based individual
and family therapy approaches, and the importance of supporting con-
tinued educational attainment through specialized services designed
specifically for secondary school and higher education. In addition, the
environment of the clinical space needs to reflect this developmental
stage, and services should be encouraged to develop youth-friendly en-
vironments. Providers must also recognize these young people as a dy-
namic and changing age group who are evolving in terms of their
personality, sexuality and gender orientation, sense of autonomy and
independence, and social supports. In particular, the role of the family
may change over the course of providing care for an individual receiv-
ing services for early psychosis. Chapter 22, “Care for Adolescents on
the First-Episode Psychosis Continuum,” provides more information
on developmental approaches for this population.
Growth of Early Intervention in Psychosis in the United States 17
Staging Model
McGorry and colleagues developed a clinical staging model that serves as
an effective framework for marking the stages of psychotic illness devel-
opment (Fusar-Poli et al. 2017; McGorry et al. 2006). This model, which
is based on the model of staging other developing and/or chronic ill-
nesses such as cancer or osteoporosis, sets benchmarks for delineating
the steps through which an individual might progress in moving from
very early symptoms to a full psychotic disorder. The stages range from
stage 0, which occurs without symptoms but with elevated risk for psy-
chosis, to stage 1, with the first identification of concerning symptoms,
through stage 2, which is the first episode of psychosis, stage 3, with re-
lapses of the first episode, and ultimately, stage 4, which is a fully estab-
lished, more chronic disorder. Not everyone progresses through each
stage, but the stages are designed to help better understand the nature
of the current state for the individual and to guide stage-specific treat-
ment to help provide appropriate levels of intervention.
Clinical staging can be useful in guiding treatment selection and de-
termining potential impacts of an intervention. Preventive, neuropro-
tective interventions are indicated in stages 0–1, whereas specific
therapeutic interventions are indicated in stages 2–4 (Fusar-Poli et al.
2017). As in cancer, therapeutic interventions have the highest opportu-
nity for efficacy in earlier stages of disease, and relapse raises the need for
more complex care. These relationships serve to advance understanding
that one of the most important ways that our field can improve the effi-
cacy of interventions for psychosis is to apply them in an early, timely,
and consistent manner, before tertiary disease develops. There may be as
much potential gain from efforts to improve the timing of application of
existing treatments as there is in trying to develop new, more efficacious
treatments. This reality has implications for both the design and availabil-
ity of clinical services and for public health efforts to ensure broad public
awareness of psychosis.
that these interventions are intended for use within a team-based care
program and may not be as effective in isolation. Intervening early in
psychosis works best in a team approach with coordination between
multiple disciplines and stakeholders and strong partnerships with cli-
ents and their support network. We encourage you to consider how you
can incorporate an early and comprehensive range of interventions, de-
livered in a multidisciplinary setting, in partnership with individuals
with early psychosis and their families.
• Traditionally, mental health services took a watch-and-wait
approach to psychosis, with a focus on managing chronic
psychotic symptoms.
• International efforts to intervene early in the course of
psychosis have provided guiding principles for the devel-
opment of early intervention services in the United States.
• In the United States, these international guiding principles
were integrated into models of early psychosis care called
coordinated specialty care (CSC).
• There has been a growth in the availability of CSC services
across the United States over the past decade.
• A developmentally based approach to working with indi-
viduals with early psychosis and their family is critical for
treatment success.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Prodrome and Early Psychosis Program Network (PEPPNET): https://
Addington J, Heinssen RK, Robinson DG, et al: Duration of untreated psychosis
in community treatment settings in the United States. Psychiatr Serv
66(7):753–756, 2015 25588418
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: Mental
Disorders. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1952
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 3rd Edition. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association,
Amminger GP, Henry LP, Harrigan SM, et al: Outcome in early-onset schizo-
phrenia revisited: findings from the Early Psychosis Prevention and Inter-
vention Centre long-term follow-up study. Schizophr Res 131(1–3):112–119,
2011 21741219
Bertolote J, McGorry P: Early intervention and recovery for young people with
early psychosis: consensus statement. Br J Psychiatry Suppl 48:s116–s119,
2005 16055800
Carrión RE, Cornblatt BA, Burton CZ, et al: Personalized prediction of psycho-
sis: external validation of the NAPLS-2 psychosis risk calculator with the
EDIPPP project. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):989–996, 2016 27363511
22 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Early Detection of
Maria Ferrara, M.D.
Walter Mathis, M.D.
John D. Cahill, M.D., Ph.D.
Jessica Pollard, Ph.D.
Vinod H. Srihari, M.D.
Case Example
Langston is a 21-year-old African American male who has lived with his
mother since being asked to take a leave of absence from a 4-year col-
lege. While a freshman 3 years ago, he was taken to the college counsel-
ing center by his roommate because he was displaying disorganized
thinking and experiencing auditory hallucinations. After assessment by
a primary care physician and psychiatrist, Langston was diagnosed
with a primary psychotic disorder. His mother recalls that, aside from
mild “clumsiness” as a child, he had met usual developmental mile-
stones on time. She remembered noticing, a year or so prior to the psy-
chotic episode, that Langston appeared less interested in socializing
with friends and that he would sometimes become preoccupied with
the notion that his peers at school were talking about him. She is wor-
ried about whether her son will be able to return to college as he wishes.
She blames herself for not acting sooner on his behalf to get help and has
a lot of questions about Langston’s current medications and how to
manage his frequent requests to stop treatment.
24 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Social environment:
Migrant or ethnic minority
Early life adversity Health-related
Population mean morbidity disparities
Physical environment:
morbidity Race/ethnicity
Urban environment
Environmental pollution (measured by, e.g.,
hospitalization, Socioeconomic status
Genetics: Geographic location
SPECIFIC functioning, quality
Parent with psychotic disorder of life)
Rapid metabolizer INTERVENTIONS Sex
FIGURE 3–1. Population health and early intervention services for schizophrenia.
bidity cell can vary across regions. In contrast, the weighting of the rel-
ative impact of the determinants should be derived empirically (i.e., not
by social valuation). The Evans-Stoddart model (Evans et al. 1994) pro-
poses five broad categories of determinants: medical care, individual
behavior, social environment, physical environment, and genetics. Fac-
tors within these categories can interact with each other in complex
ways, limiting inferences about the independent impact of individual
determinants. Additionally, these determinants can have differential
impacts on different subgroups, contributing to health disparities. For
example, minority racial status and residence in a high-crime neighbor-
hood can lead to aversive pathways to care (e.g., via the criminal justice
system) that, if not assertively addressed, can contribute to poor engage-
ment with FES and poorer outcomes. As these interactions are better un-
derstood, they can be leveraged as targets for specific interventions.
Interventions to improve outcomes can be aimed at moderating the
effects of determinants on outcomes (e.g., care models that intentionally
intersect with criminal justice agencies [Wasser et al. 2017]), or modify-
ing the determinants directly (e.g., reducing delays to care). Such ap-
proaches may require collaboration with diverse community
stakeholders because many determinants are not within the direct con-
trol of clinics and will need to address a wide mix of population needs
that may also have distinct regional profiles. The population health
model thus provides a bridge between the poles of the traditional pub-
lic health focus on more distal determinants of health in mostly non-ill
populations (e.g., fortification of salt with iodine, promotion of seat belt
use) and the clinical focus on more proximal factors in samples already
enrolled in care. For FES staff, the population health framework pro-
vides a way to “step out” of the clinic and engage local stakeholders in
impacting determinants that operate earlier in the pathway to care, as
well as to influence responsiveness to treatment. Geopolitical areas
rather than simple geographic zones have been recommended in using
the population health framework because funding decisions and regu-
lations are inherently political in nature (Dawn and Teutsch 2012).
How can this framework be made operational by clinics that are
seeking to reduce delays to care in their localities? In the next section,
we offer a vocabulary for population health–informed early detection
and examples and lessons from the application of this approach by an
EIS in southern Connecticut, the program for Specialized Treatment
Early in Psychosis (STEP).
Early Detection of Schizophrenia 29
window of time that begins with the onset of frank psychosis and ends
with contact with a health care provider or facility with the ability to initiate
treatment and referral to best practice care. The supply side begins with
such contact and ends with entry into best practice care or FES. Delays in
both the demand and supply sides are implicated in prolonged DUP.
A heuristic model of Langston’s pathways to FES, as used by the
STEP program, is provided in Figure 3–2. The dashed line depicts the
demand side of delay, which in this client’s case intersected with at least
five distinct groups (family, friends, college staff, police, and mental
health services) before engagement with STEP. In Langston’s case, there
was a delay between the onset of symptoms and signs and the recogni-
tion of a need for professional care (at college counseling). Rather than
entry into FES, this resulted in visits to an available psychiatrist covered
by Langston’s mother’s health insurance plan. Although this ended the
demand side of the journey, it certainly did not mark the end of DUP.
Rather, this was the beginning of the supply side of delay. The needs of
individuals with FEP and their families for education and iterative, ex-
tended attempts at engagement into care proved beyond the capacity of
the private psychiatrist. However, when the psychiatrist was unable to
provide needed care, effective referral to local FES was not made. After
disengagement with this provider, Langston unfortunately reentered
the medical system in a manner that required the intervention of the po-
lice. This aversive, involuntary process likely led to an understandable
reluctance on Langston’s part to engage with psychiatric services after
discharge from the hospital. Thus, even when best practice care is lo-
cally available, supply-side delays can be considerable and can be me-
diated by a dynamic mix of factors, including a lack awareness of the
client of the need for care, the potentially alienating experience of invol-
untary care, and the various ways in which providers may be unaware
of, or unable to make, appropriate referrals to FES.
How can this inform an early detection strategy? An FES that takes
a population health approach to early detection will need to decide on
a target region and then consider how to intervene on these variables to
shorten DUP. One way to begin is to consider who the relevant actors
may be in the local network. Figure 3–3 depicts eight stakeholder
groups identified in the planning phases of STEP’s early detection strat-
egy, which is focused on a geopolitical catchment of 10 towns, with ap-
proximately 400,000 residents. The list was prepared by consulting the
literature as well as clinicians and administrators with tenure in the re-
gion of interest. These categories can help organize a strategy and can
be expanded or narrowed as data are gathered on actual local path-
ways. These data can be gathered passively from electronic health re-
cords of integrated health care networks and/or claims databases
(Simon et al. 2018a) or, ideally, national registries (Srihari 2018) that can
inform the FES on the distribution of contacts that clients with FEP have
32 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Components of DUP and/or
made, within and outside the health care sector. Additionally, the FES
can use structured questionnaires to query entrants about all their prior
help-seeking attempts, which allows the FES to gather information
about contacts outside formal systems of care. However, these data will
suffer from a sampling bias by being able to include only clients who
have been able to enroll at the service. Such questionnaires (Judge et al.
2005) can nevertheless provide the FES with useful information about
local referral partners and targets for professional outreach.
Information gathered about local pathways will raise the need for a
response. For example, long delays on the demand side may suggest
that individuals with FEP and their families are waiting too long to seek
care. This may reflect a low degree of awareness in the community of
the common signs and symptoms of psychosis. Information campaigns,
such as those tested by the Norwegian Early Treatment and Interven-
tion in Psychosis (TIPS) investigators using print, broadcast, and online
media, were partly directed at this possibility (Johannessen et al. 2001).
Such delays, however, could also be due to the relative inaccessibility or
unattractiveness of available care. A few of the interventions that can
Early Detection of Schizophrenia 33
have an impact include quick, flexible responses to requests for help; the
ability to conduct assessments in familiar (e.g., homes, college campuses)
or acute care (e.g., emergency departments, inpatient units) settings; and
the lowering of structural barriers to care access (e.g., insurance coverage,
age restrictions, transportation costs).
To shorten the supply side of DUP, interfacing with members of the
local referral network (i.e., individuals and agencies that are or can be in-
fluential on local pathways to care for FEP) emerges as a key task. Con-
ducting educational workshops with provision of continuing education
credits that are ideally followed up by recurring visits to places of work
can be used as a platform to build relationships wherein the FEP is more
likely to be detected early in the pathway (e.g., by the college counseling
staff who are worried but yet uncertain about a psychosis diagnosis).
There is also a need for quick and welcoming responses to calls for con-
sultation from these colleagues. Many of these calls may not concern eli-
gible clients, but responding to them promptly will establish networks
that enable rapid identification of other individuals experiencing FEP. Lo-
cal groups that have not generated referrals (e.g., primary care clinics)
may require proactive outreach efforts from the FES.
Finally, delays on the supply side can happen at the “front door” of
the FES. The time between receipt of an appropriate referral and entry
into FES care can be prolonged by a collusion of many factors, including
34 Intervening Early in Psychosis
FIGURE 3–4. Early intervention services as integrators of regional systems of care for psychosis.
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Abbreviations. CITs=crisis intervention teams; MHA=Mental Health America; NAMI=National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Early Detection of Schizophrenia 37
Outcomes (continued)
Remission PANSS positive subscore Achievable (70%);
<3 at 6 months aspirational (85%)
PANSS positive subscore Achievable (80%);
<3 at 1 year aspirational (90%)
Recovery GF: Role scale level 8 or Achievable (70%);
better aspirational (85%)
GF: Social scale level 8 or Achievable (70%);
better aspirational (85%)
Vocational engagement Not in labor market (NEET Achievable (<10%);
full or part time; not a aspirational (<5%)
full-time caregiver)
Cardiovascular risk
Smoking New smokers at 6 months Achievable (<20%);
aspirational (<10%)
Smoking rate at 6 months Achievable (<60%);
aspirational (<30%)
Overweight or obese BMI <25 at 12 months Achievable (30%);
aspirational (75%)
Normal BMIs retained at 12 Achievable (60%);
months aspirational (75%)
Disposition Successfully transitioned to Achievable (70%);
mainstream health care aspirational (80%)
services at or before 2
aThe overall aim of population health system for early intervention is to “transform out-
comes of all individuals within the first 3 years of psychosis onset within a catchment
zone of 10 surrounding towns” (extracted from the program for Specialized Treatment
Early in Psychosis [STEP] in New Haven, Connecticut).
bDUP 1: time between psychosis onset and first antipsychotic medication trial.
cDUP 2: time between psychosis onset and enrollment in STEP.
The first few years after the onset of frank psychosis can be turbu-
lent ones for those affected and for their caregivers, along with the
many other community members who are also typically involved. In
usual care systems, this period is marked by elevated risks for suicide,
aggression, and cycles of treatment discontinuation and symptomatic
relapse that can exact a disproportionate toll on long-term functioning
by derailing educational and vocational trajectories at a developmen-
tally vulnerable period of young adulthood. Conversely, the provision
of EIS can address many modifiable prognostic factors at once and can
achieve gratifying results for all stakeholders. This is an optimistic time
for early psychosis care in the United States: leadership from the Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration has catalyzed the establishment of mul-
tiple new CSC services across the country (Dixon et al. 2018). These
could serve as a platform for adding early detection to further maxi-
mize population health impact.
As knowledge of the pre-psychotic phases of schizophrenia evolves,
the population health systems we advocate for in this chapter could
also serve to implement earlier intervention to potentially delay or even
prevent FEP. In the interim, these EIS can participate in necessary re-
Early Detection of Schizophrenia 41
• The period between psychosis onset and entry into care is
associated with significant suffering, disability, risk for vio-
lence, suicide, and the emergence of comorbidities (e.g.,
substance abuse).
• Evidence from worldwide early detection studies to shorten
the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and efforts by
first-episode services (FES) or, in the United States, coordi-
nated specialty care (CSC) suggest that many of these
sources of suffering, disability, and premature mortality are
modifiable, and the early period after emergence of psycho-
sis is a particularly important window of opportunity.
• Early detection efforts focused on shortening DUP offer a
way to further improve on outcomes of established FES or
CSC teams.
• Population health approaches to early detection can help
transform community-based FES or CSC into comprehen-
sive EIS programs.
• FES or CSC teams can have a powerful influence on local sys-
tems of care while attempting to reduce DUP and improve
pathways to care.
Discussion Questions
2. Who are the key stakeholders in this region, and what are
their expectations of your EIS? How can you make common
cause with them on your goals?
Suggested Readings
Birchwood M, Todd P, Jackson C: Early intervention in psychosis: the
critical period hypothesis. Br J Psychiatry Suppl 172(33):53–59,
1998. An excellent summary of observational data supporting the
critical period hypothesis that continues to provide a useful orga-
nizing principle for early intervention services.
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usu-
al community care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes
from the NIMH RAISE early treatment program. Am J Psychiatry
173(4):362–372, 2016. Multisite cluster randomized trial of a first-
episode service that established the feasible application of this
model of care across multiple nonacademic clinical settings in the
United States.
Srihari VH, Cahill JD: Early intervention for schizophrenia: building
systems of care for knowledge translation, in Youth Mental Health:
Vulnerability and Opportunities for Prevention and Early Interven-
tion. Strüngmann Forum Rep Vol 28. Edited by Uhlhaas PJ, Wood
SW. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2019. An elaboration of the popu-
lation health–based model for national implementation that in-
vokes the concept of learning health care systems.
Srihari VH, Shah J, Keshavan MS: Is early intervention for psychosis
feasible and effective? Psychiatr Clin North Am 35(3):613–631,
2012. Picking up from Birchwood’s summary of observational data,
this paper reviews subsequent experimental data from randomized
trials of first-episode services from around the world prior to the
U.S. STEP and RAISE trials.
Srihari VH, Tek C, Pollard J, et al: Reducing the duration of untreated
psychosis and its impact in the U.S.: the STEP-ED study. BMC Psy-
chiatry 14(1):335, 2014. Details of the rationale and design of the
first U.S. attempt to adapt and replicate the TIPS study.
Srihari VH, Tek C, Kucukgoncu S, et al: First-episode services for psy-
chotic disorders in the U.S. public sector: a pragmatic randomized
controlled trial. Psychiatr Serv 66(7):705–712, 2015. First random-
ized controlled study of a first-episode service in the United States,
which showed effectiveness of specialty team–based care within a
public-academic collaboration.
Early Detection of Schizophrenia 43
Birchwood M, Todd P, Jackson C: Early intervention in psychosis: the critical
period hypothesis. Br J Psychiatry Suppl 172(33):53–59, 1998 9764127
Dawn MJ, Teutsch S: An Environmental Scan of Integrated Approaches for Defin-
ing and Measuring Total Population Health by the Clinical Care System, the
Government Public Health System, and Stakeholder Organizations. Wash-
ington, DC, National Quality Forum, June 2012. Available at: www.quality-
Retrieved September 27, 2018.
Dixon LB, Goldman HH, Srihari VH, et al: Transforming the treatment of schizo-
phrenia in the United States: the RAISE Initiative. Annu Rev Clin Psychol
14:237–258, 2018 29328779
Evans RG, Barer ML, Marmor TR: Why Are Some People Healthy and Others
Not? The Determinants of Health of Populations. New York, Aldine de
Gruyter, 1994
Hegelstad WT, Larsen TK, Auestad B, et al: Long-term follow-up of the TIPS
early detection in psychosis study: effects on 10-year outcome. Am J Psy-
chiatry 169(4):374–380, 2012 22407080
Johannessen JO, McGlashan TH, Larsen TK, et al: Early detection strategies for
untreated first-episode psychosis. Schizophr Res 51(1):39–46, 2001 11479064
Judge AM, Perkins DO, Nieri J, et al: Pathways to care in first episode psychosis:
a pilot study on help-seeking precipitants and barriers to care. J Ment Health
14(5):465–469, 2005
Kindig DA, Asada Y, Booske B: A population health framework for setting na-
tional and state health goals. JAMA 299(17):2081–2083, 2008 18460667
Lieberman J, Jody D, Geisler S, et al: Time course and biologic correlates of treat-
ment response in first-episode schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 50(5):369–
376, 1993 8098203
Menezes NM, Arenovich T, Zipursky RB: A systematic review of longitudinal
outcome studies of first-episode psychosis. Psychol Med 36(10):1349–1362,
2006 16756689
Millan MJ, Andrieux A, Bartzokis G, et al: Altering the course of schizophrenia:
progress and perspectives. Nat Rev Drug Discov 15(7):485–515, 2016 26939910
Oliver D, Davies C, Crossland G, et al: Can we reduce the duration of untreated
psychosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled interven-
tional studies. Schizophr Bull January 24, 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
44 Intervening Early in Psychosis
46 Intervening Early in Psychosis
for CSC programs began in 2015 and was doubled to 10% in 2016, provid-
ing $50 million that states can use to develop CSC programs. Currently,
36 states are implementing one or more CSC programs. The 21st Century
Cures Act reinforces the allocation, requiring states to use at least 10% of
their block grant funds on CSC for individuals with early psychosis.
SAMHSA, in collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evalua-
tion, contracted with a research corporation (Westat) to lead an evalua-
tion of this Mental Health Block Grant 10% SetAside. This national
evaluation will provide information on the implementation and out-
comes of FEP sites funded through the MHBG (Rosenblatt 2018).
In 2017, SAMHSA also awarded funding to eight states to partici-
pate in a 2-year demonstration project to expand access to behavioral
health services in community-based settings (Shern et al. 2017). Partici-
pating states receiving the funding will develop certified community
behavioral health clinics (CCBHCs), which will receive enhanced Med-
icaid reimbursement rates to better align with the costs of providing
community-based care. The services provided through the CCBHCs are
suitable for providing CSC and include crisis services; screening, as-
sessment, and diagnosis (including risk assessment); client-centered
treatment and planning; outpatient behavioral health services; outpa-
tient primary care screening and monitoring; targeted case manage-
ment; psychiatric rehabilitation services; peer support and family
support services; and intensive community care for veterans and mem-
bers of the armed forces. CCBHCs prioritize 24-hour crisis services, ev-
idence-based practices, care coordination, and the integration of
physical and behavioral health care.
In 2018, SAMHSA broadened funding opportunities to include
awards for services delivered to youth who are at clinical high risk for
psychosis (the Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention
With Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Grant
Program, CFDA 93.243). The purpose of this program is to identify
youth and young adults up to age 25 who are at clinical high risk for
psychosis and provide evidence-based interventions to prevent the on-
set of psychosis or lessen the severity of psychotic disorder. NIMH is ex-
pected to announce funding availability for researchers studying and
evaluating the effectiveness of these programs and interventions, and
SAMHSA is encouraging partnerships between funded sites and re-
searchers to conduct such studies.
Financing Patchwork
As is evident from the discussion to this point, there is little that is com-
prehensive or coordinated about the financing of early intervention ser-
vices for psychosis, including CSC. The capacity to use Medicaid
50 Intervening Early in Psychosis
care and Medicaid Services adopted a core set of children’s and adult
health care quality measures for Medicaid and CHIP participants, in-
cluding measures focused on behavioral health. This brief set of mea-
sures includes follow-up after hospitalization for mental illness for both
children and adults. Other measures relate to suicide risk; attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder; depression medication; and cessation
and treatment for tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. In addition, pursu-
ant to the ACA, SAMHSA developed the National Behavioral Health
Quality Framework and the National Quality Forum. SAMHSA grant-
ees report a range of child and adult behavioral health–related out-
comes through the national outcomes measures resulting from the
Government Performance and Results Modernization Act. Finally,
many states use a range of performance monitoring and quality mea-
sures, with limited consistency between states and sometimes even
within states.
These performance measures are not specific to CSC and the early
treatment of psychosis, although they do result in indicators that could
conceivably be compared across different types of mental health pro-
grams. Fidelity to CSC as a model is a different matter, falling some-
where between more global quality indicators of behavioral health care
and specific fidelity measures used in effectiveness studies. The First-
Episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale (FEPS-FS) (Addington et al.
2016), for example, is brief and feasible and has demonstrable reliability
and validity. This scale is designed to be used to assess adherence to ev-
idence-based practices for FEP services across a range of service deliv-
ery settings. Taking a somewhat different approach to pragmatically
assessing fidelity, Essock et al. (2015) used measures commonly avail-
able in existing data sets linked to billing practices, combined with in-
terviews with clients, to assess fidelity of key components. This
approach illustrates that fidelity to CSC models can be assessed using
existing data sets and minimally intrusive performance monitoring
methods. Methods and measures exist to maintain fidelity to CSC in
public and private service delivery agencies. Federal, state, and local
policy can all encourage or even mandate their use.
dren and adolescents are often different from those for adults, and es-
pecially at the younger age ranges are typically not focused specifically
on severe mental illness. Family members are commonly integral parts
of service delivery for children and adolescents and may be less directly
involved in adult services. Legal responsibility changes dramatically
when a young person becomes an adult, and service organizations are
usually specialized to work within individual age groups. Conse-
quently, working with transitional-age youth requires unique skill sets
that are generally not taught in the professional training of social work-
ers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other providers.
Also important, particularly with regard to legislative and other pol-
icy-related activities, are the gaps between the advocacy communities for
children and adolescents and those for adults. Historically adult-focused
organizations such as the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill are dif-
ferent from child-focused organizations such as the Federation of Fam-
ilies for Children’s Mental Health and Youth MOVE National. In part,
this is because the advocacy needs for children and adolescents with se-
vere emotional disturbance vary from those of adults with severe men-
tal illness. Lived experience can have diverse meanings, and many
youth receiving services within the public child and adolescent behav-
ioral health service system who are experiencing potentially serious
and significantly disabling emotional disturbances do not develop or
have a history of specific severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder. Transitional-age youth and their families, particu-
larly those experiencing FEP, may navigate varying advocacy and self-
help organizations and structures. Such divides and potential confu-
sion can dilute the strength of advocacy efforts and hamper activating
the policy voice of young people experiencing early psychosis.
Implementation of Coordinated
Special Care: California
Federal legislation and national initiatives provide an essential back-
drop and an array of financial and policy guidance that significantly in-
fluence the provision of services to individuals experiencing FEP.
Services are, nonetheless, provided primarily at the local level, and
states retain considerable flexibility in the implementation of service
delivery and the application of federal guidelines and funding require-
ments. State and local policies provide essential contours and detail re-
garding the overall landscape for CSC programs. The variability across
all U.S. states and territories precludes an adequate summary in this
chapter. Nonetheless, California, as the nation’s most populous and di-
verse state, provides an illustrative example of the complexities inher-
54 Intervening Early in Psychosis
ent at the state level along with an example of how state initiatives can
profoundly influence service delivery to individuals experiencing FEP.
Behavioral health services in California are administered largely
through the 58 individual county health and behavioral health systems.
Although there are some exceptions, eligibility for services is tied to
counties, and service recipients can lose or gain eligibility for specific
services by moving—in some cases just a few miles or less—across
county lines. Because of California’s sheer size (39.5 million residents in
2017), federal initiatives such as Mental Health Block Grant 10% Set-
Aside funding often result in relatively small allocations at the county
level, requiring counties to significantly supplement MHBG funds to
establish local FEP programs. The challenges to funding CSC programs
outlined throughout this chapter apply to California counties in vary-
ing ways, depending on county composition and size.
In 2004, advocates and legislators in California, recognizing the lim-
itations of existing funding streams for individuals with serious mental
illness, including those experiencing FEP, succeeded in using the initia-
tive process in the state to pass Proposition 63, the Mental Health Ser-
vices Act (MHSA), which placed a 1% state tax on incomes over 1 million
dollars to transform and expand the reach of the state’s mental health
services. The MHSA mandates that counties spend between 75% and
80% of the funds allocated for community services and supports for
people in immediate mental health crisis and between 15% and 20% on
prevention and early intervention. Counties can also allocate up to 10%
of the funding for innovative practices. In 2017, Assembly Bill 1315 es-
tablished an advisory committee to the Proposition 63 Mental Health
Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, which was de-
signed to encourage the expansion of detection and intervention ser-
vices for early psychosis and mood disorder.
The MHSA, although variable in implementation and overall suc-
cess, nonetheless resulted in a plethora of experimentation and innova-
tion at the county level in the provision of mental health services. This
included the establishment and ongoing funding of FEP programs,
mostly using the prevention and early intervention or innovative prac-
tice components of the MHSA. Some MHSA-funded programs
emerged as state and national models (e.g., the Sacramento Early Diag-
nosis and Preventative Treatment [Sac-EDAPT] clinic). Many of these
programs combined available patchwork funding, including Medicaid,
EPSDT, and MHBG resources, with substantially more flexible and gen-
erous MHSA resources to establish and sustain their CSC programs.
The flexibility in county implementation of the MHSA promoted
variability and innovation. However, limited guidance on how MHSA
dollars are allocated and used also allowed for variation from estab-
lished fidelity, training, and quality improvement practices. Conse-
quently, behavioral health services, including CSC and other FEP
Early Intervention and Policy 55
Evidence strongly suggests that providing effective early psychosis
services, including coordinated specialty care (CSC), constitutes an
important component to addressing the significant public health
problem posed by schizophrenia. There are numerous key policy
concerns that emerge in considering how to promote the wide-scale
implementation of these services, including the following:
• Financing CSC programs is currently complex and difficult.
Public financing, mostly provided through Medicaid, does
not cover all the necessary components of CSC. Private
insurance covers even fewer components. Consequently,
states currently rely on a combination of state general funds
and federal grants and waivers to cover CSC services. States
vary with regard to both how widely Medicaid is imple-
mented under the ACA and how extensively they use local
funds or apply for waivers and grants. Legislative changes or
administrative modifications to the ACA could serve to roll
back gains made by the legislation, including expanded
Medicaid services; extended commercial insurance options
for youth younger than age 26 who are covered by parental
plans; and the protection afforded individuals with preexist-
ing conditions, including schizophrenia.
• The transition of adolescents with psychosis from child-
serving behavioral health and related systems to adult ser-
vice systems creates particular policy challenges for this
population. Funding options exist for children and adoles-
cents that do not have comparable adult mechanisms. The
gap between adult- and child-serving systems also creates
56 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Addington DE, Norman R, Bond GR, et al: Development and testing of
the first-episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale. Psychiatr Serv
67(9):1023–1025, 2016
Dixon LB, Goldman H, Srihari VH, et al: Transforming the treatment of
schizophrenia in the United States: the RAISE initiative. Annu Rev
Clin Psychol 14:237–258, 2018
Essock SM, Nossel IR, McNamara K, et al: Practical monitoring of treat-
ment fidelity: examples from a team-based intervention for people
with early psychosis. Psychiatr Serv 66(7):674–676, 2015
Goldman HH, Karakus M, Frey W, et al: Economic grand rounds: fi-
nancing first-episode psychosis services in the United States. Psy-
chiatr Serv 64(6):506–508, 2013
Shern D, Neylon K, Kazandjian MA, et al: Use of Medicaid to Finance Co-
ordinated Specialty Care Services for First Episode Psychosis. Alex-
andria, VA, National Association of State Mental Health Program
Directors, 2017. Available at:
files/Medicaid_brief_1.pdf. Accessed September 27, 2018.
Addington DE, Norman R, Bond GR, et al: Development and testing of the first-
episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale. Psychiatr Serv 67(9):1023–1025,
2016 27032665
Azrin ST, Goldstein AB, Heinssen RK: Early intervention for psychosis: the Recov-
ery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode project. Psychiatr Ann 45(11):548–
553, 2015
58 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Davis M, Koroloff N, Sabella K, et al: Crossing the age divide: cross-age collab-
oration between programs serving transition-age youth. J Behav Health
Serv Res 45(3):356–369, 2018 29417359
Dixon L: What it will take to make coordinated specialty care available to any-
one experiencing early schizophrenia: getting over the hump. JAMA Psy-
chiatry 74(1):7–8, 2017 27851843
Dixon LB, Goldman HH, Bennett ME, et al: Implementing coordinated specialty
care for early psychosis: the RAISE connection program. Psychiatr Serv
66(7):691–698, 2015 25772764
Dixon LB, Goldman H, Srihari VH, et al: Transforming the treatment of schizo-
phrenia in the United States: the RAISE initiative. Annu Rev Clin Psychol
14:237–258, 2018 29328779
Druss BG, Zhao L, Von Esenwein S, et al: Understanding excess mortality in
persons with mental illness: 17-year follow up of a nationally representa-
tive US survey. Med Care 49(6):599–604, 2011 21577183
Essock SM, Nossel IR, McNamara K, et al: Practical monitoring of treatment fi-
delity: examples from a team-based intervention for people with early psy-
chosis. Psychiatr Serv 66(7):674–676, 2015 25555176
Goldman HH: Maintaining ACA’s gains in insurance coverage and improving
access to behavioral health care. Psychiatr Serv 68(6):529, 2017 28566039
Goldman HH, Karakus MC: Do not turn out the lights on the public mental
health system when the ACA is fully implemented. J Behav Health Serv
Res 41(4):429–433, 2014 24807644
Goldman HH, Karakus M, Frey W, et al: Economic grand rounds: financing
first-episode psychosis services in the United States. Psychiatr Serv
64(6):506–508, 2013 23728599
Kane JM, Schooler NR, Marcy P, et al: The RAISE early treatment program for
first-episode psychosis: background, rationale, and study design. J Clin
Psychiatry 76(3):240–246, 2015 25830446
Lieberman JA, Dixon LB, Goldman HH: Early detection and intervention in
schizophrenia: a new therapeutic model. JAMA 310(7):689–690, 2013
Rosenblatt A: Preliminary findings of the MHBG 10% Set Aside National Eval-
uation: overview. Presented at the 24th NIMH Mental Health Services Re-
search Conference, North Bethesda, MD, August 2018
Saloner B, Bandara S, Bachhuber M, et al: Insurance coverage and treatment use
under the Affordable Care Act among adults with mental and substance
use disorders. Psychiatr Serv 68(6):542–548, 2017 28093059
Shern D, Neylon K, Kazandjian MA, et al: Use of Medicaid to finance coordinated
specialty care services for first episode psychosis. Alexandria, VA, National
Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, 2017. Available at: Accessed
September 27, 2018.
Simon GE, Stewart C, Yarborough BJ, et al: Mortality rates after the first diagno-
sis of psychotic disorder in adolescents and young adults. JAMA Psychia-
try 75(3):254–260, 2018 29387876
Stroul BA, Blau GM (eds): The System of Care Handbook: Transforming Mental
Health Services for Children, Youth, and Families. Baltimore, MD, Paul H
Brookes, 2008
First-Person Accounts of
Psychosis and Advocacy
Carlos Larrauri, M.S.N., APRN, PMHNP-BC, FNP-BC
Chantel Garrett, B.S.
60 Intervening Early in Psychosis
and proceeded with their day normally. I also became sexually preoccu-
pied and would loudly play pornographic material in the middle of the
day with my doors and windows wide open. I was sure I could smell a
woman’s vagina everywhere I went and would crudely say, “Do you
smell that? I smell pussy!” At times famous athletes or musicians such
as Dwayne Wade or Pitbull would talk to me through the radio or tele-
vision and say, “What’s up, Tino?” or “What’s happening, man?”
Most of all, there was a growing sense of fear and confusion. I re-
member experiencing what felt like my mind beginning to fail at pro-
cessing my environment. One day, I was sitting in class when my brain
could not understand the conversations of my classmates. The words
coming from their mouths became garbled sounds, and their gestures
grew distorted and menacing. As they talked over each other, their con-
versations grew louder and louder, and I became overwhelmed by
what felt like a torrent of environmental stimuli. It felt as if my identity
was beginning to disappear and disintegrate into this chaos. I was un-
able to express what was happening to me, so I left the classroom, feel-
ing confused and disoriented, and found somewhere isolated to smoke
a cigarette. On several nights, when the assault of the senses grew too
intense, I would find a few hours of comfort cradled in the fetal position
in a dorm room shower.
My friends and family were growing increasingly perplexed. Their
observations from this time noted that I began to talk incessantly about
Jesus Christ, and my gaze was fixated toward the sky like the martyr or
saint figures in Counter-Reformation paintings. I would laugh ner-
vously to myself and say, “Ah, good shit, man” in response to most so-
cial situations. My behavior grew increasingly inappropriate, and I
received several conduct violations at school, including an accusation
of having exposed myself to roommates in the dorms. By the end of my
senior year, I was nearly isolated from my college community and in a
state of florid psychotic hallucinations. I was eating meals out of the caf-
eteria trash cans, smoking cigarette butts off the floor, and wandering
the campus at odd hours as I rambled incoherently to myself.
A close family friend I had known since high school, who was also
attending New College, called my mother and said, “Something in Car-
los has changed that isn’t just stress or drug use. You need to speak with
Carlos right away.” My parents came to campus the following day and
we met with my academic advisor, who said, “Carlos, you are an adult,
and you have the right to privacy, and as such we don’t have to discuss
any of the academic or conduct violations that have occurred on cam-
pus.” Seeing the desperation and frustration on my mother’s face, I
said, “With all due respect, Dr. Clark, I have a Cuban mother; I have
never had the right to privacy.” This moment was a turning point that
opened the way for an honest conversation about my mental health
challenges at college.
64 Intervening Early in Psychosis
phrenia.” I said, bewildered and still in denial, “Doctor, what does this
mean? Will I be able to go to graduate school or work?” He said, “We
don’t know, Carlos. It’s up to you to take your medication and engage
in your recovery to see if your goals are possible.”
I was confused and unsure of what was going to happen next, and I
had my own expectations and prejudices of what it meant to be diag-
nosed with schizophrenia. I thought this meant I would stay at home
collecting disability, smoking cigarettes, and spacing out or talking to
the television. The roller-coaster ride of psychosis took me from the
highs of grandeur, where I thought I was Jesus Christ, to the lows of be-
ing labeled and belonging to the most stigmatized group in society. I felt
as if I had been branded with a scarlet letter that would forever haunt
my life, define who I was, and further incapacitate me.
Dr. Gonzalez-Heydrich, who had suggested that we get the diag-
nostic workup, also suggested that we connect with our local chapter of
the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). NAMI is the largest
grassroots organization that advocates and supports individuals with
mental illness and their families. My mother encouraged me to attend
the support groups, and at a support group meeting I met Judith Rob-
inson, a mental health advocate with 50 years of experience in Miami’s
mental health system. She took me under her wing and provided much-
needed guidance and direction. On her recommendation, I received
training to facilitate support groups and was encouraged to get in-
volved with the Board of Directors. The NAMI community supported
me as I attempted to make sense of my suffering and experience by
helping others with similar experiences. I was encouraged to share my
story at every opportunity and always felt safe and welcomed in doing
so. The community helped to normalize the experience, and I was able
to form several close friendships with peers and professional mentors
who had had similar adversities. With the support of family, friends,
and my NAMI community, I decided early on that I wanted to become
a mental health professional to work with others going through psycho-
sis or schizophrenia.
In the beginning phases of my recovery, my father would literally
hand me the medication and take me by the hand to enroll in commu-
nity college courses. This required me to get out of the house and navi-
gate my recovery in the community. I had to learn to cope with hearing
voices on the bus and in the classroom. I had to learn how to remain
calm and composed, even with the occasional flare-up of psychotic
symptoms. It felt like I was having to start my life over at 22 years old;
I had to develop a new sense of identity, purpose, and community.
Eventually, my volunteer efforts in the Miami mental health commu-
nity led me to a job interview with Cindy Schwartz from the Jail Diver-
sion Program (JDP) spearheaded by Judge Stephen Leifman. They
earnestly asked me about my lived experience with schizophrenia.
66 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Cindy said, “It’s great that you went to a good school, but tell me about
what you went through. What was it like going through your episode?”
We talked about my experience with psychosis not in hushed or shame-
ful tones but as if it were a valuable asset that I would bring to the table
with future clients of their program. They also employed peer support
specialists and were vocal proponents of the recovery model, rooted in
the notion that when people get the right treatment, recovery is the nat-
ural and expected outcome with mental illnesses. Clients of JDP were
being diverted from criminal justice system involvement and into com-
munity-based treatment with medication, outpatient therapy, case
management, and peer support, and my job was to help to bring in the
federal dollars by helping clients apply for Social Security disability in-
surance. It was wonderful to help people in a practical and concrete
way, but I wanted to keep studying and had greater aspirations, so I en-
rolled in nursing school, with the goal of becoming a psychiatric mental
health nurse practitioner.
I completed an accelerated registered nursing program and began
working the night shift at a maximum-security forensic hospital. I rou-
tinely cared for the psychiatric and medical needs of up to 28 patients
with serious mental illness and pending criminal charges. The hospital
was rife with an undercurrent of violent and racial tension because
many of the patients were poor and minority individuals, and the risk
of assault was a daily reality. It was an eye-opening experience to wit-
ness the sad reality of the treatment of individuals with serious mental
illness in a public system.
I resigned after a coworker took a controlled substance out of the
medication administration system under my name and wouldn’t re-
solve the issue with me. Furthermore, the shift work and long hours
were starting to take a toll on my mental health. On several occasions, I
had been asked to work double shifts of 16 hours because of short staff-
ing and had to administer hundreds of medications and continue to re-
spond to crisis situations between staff or patients. It was an ethically
precarious situation to be part of, and I was complicit in a system that
was profiting from society’s sickest individuals, so I decided to leave
the job and refocus on my initial goal of going to graduate school.
I was experiencing burnout while working the night shift, and my
mother began recognizing another mental health decompensation. She
asked that I speak with Dr. Gonzalez-Heydrich, who had previously
guided us toward a correct diagnosis and NAMI. He said, “You’re go-
ing to start graduate school, and it would help to hunker down, so look
at your medication like this: something that is dynamic in response to
your stressors and workload. You’ve chosen a challenging career as a
fellow clinician, so why not increase the risperidone to 1 mg?” Over a
period of several years, I had weaned down to 0.25 mg of risperidone
to see if I could maintain my recovery on the lowest amount of medica-
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 67
tion or whether stopping medication was possible, but I could also rec-
ognize that I was beginning to struggle again. After failing the first
several exams of graduate school, I increased my dosage, and sure
enough, my academic performance, sleeping, and behavior began to
steadily improve once more.
I will never forget the day that my brother was diagnosed with schizo-
phrenia. I was 22 at the time, having just started a career in financial ser-
vices in San Francisco. My brother, Nate, 16 months my junior, was in
the Active Marine Corps Reserve program, living on base in San Diego.
After months of concern over strange behavior that our family couldn’t
make sense of, I got a call from my mom at work saying my brother was
in the hospital and had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
The mouthful of those two words hung heavy in the space between
us. None of us saw schizophrenia coming. I remember vague images of
movie characters portraying what I thought could have been schizo-
phrenia flashed through my mind. What is it, anyway? Were recreational
drugs to blame? Stress? What will this mean for his health, his future?
How did this happen? And will it happen to me, too?
Nearly 20 years later, even with all of the learning, advocating, and
progress we’ve made as a family, it hasn’t gotten much easier to recount
this story. But the unnecessary isolation and shame bred by the experi-
ence of supporting a loved one through psychosis motivates me to
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 69
Growing Up
Nate and I grew up in San Diego with my mom, a single parent for most
of our childhood. The fact that our parents were divorced and lived a
couple of hours from one another was only made more apparent by the
intact family units we observed in our friends’ homes; neither of us can
form a mental picture of our parents in one room together, let alone in
love. In the summer and for a school year or two during our childhoods,
we spent time in the country with my dad and his family, offering us a
diverse set of experiences—being immersed in San Diego’s beach and
surf culture, gaining an appreciation for the performing arts through
our mom’s singing career, and time spent with our dad getting lost on
horses and quad bikes on back country roads.
Nate recently told me that the first time he heard voices he was
about 6 years old. He remembers he and I playing in the living room of
my grandparents’ home and hearing the first clear outsider’s voice
speak to him. It would be another 14 years until changes in his brain
manifested into a full-blown psychotic break. Changes that, unbe-
knownst to him or any of us, had been slowly manifesting since he was
a small child.
Now that I know that early psychosis is highly treatable, I can’t help
but wonder what would have happened had Nate shared his experi-
ences as a child or adolescent. What would have happened if my par-
ents had been aware of what these early experiences could foreshadow,
especially given a family history of psychotic disorders?
Family History
It wasn’t until my brother was diagnosed and I began to learn about
schizophrenia that I began to see my maternal grandmother’s behavior
through a lens of mental disorder. Fragments of hushed-tone conversations
that I had overheard as a child replayed in my mind: a midlife nervous
breakdown...hysteria...commitment to a psychiatric hospital...electric
shock therapy. A picture of my grandma’s struggle as some form of a
psychotic disorder began to take shape. I started to realize that her ex-
treme obsession with microscopic bugs that tormented only her and
that no one else could see was a form of a hallucination. Her intense sus-
picion of neighbors flashing lights in her windows and putting streaks
of water on her driveway were delusions. The elaborate daily system of
70 Intervening Early in Psychosis
First Signs
As I look back at our high school years, I can see the first signs of my
brother’s illness. Nate was formerly the wittiest guy in the room, but his
behavior became erratic in his sophomore year and he began to pull
away from his friends. His grades dropped precipitously. He holed
himself up in his room with his guitar, became obsessive about a girl he
had a crush on, and managed to teach himself Portuguese so that he
could speak with her in her native tongue. While he was at it, he became
fluent in Spanish as well. Drugs were definitely part of the equation. I
didn’t know how much, but at the time, I assumed that drugs were the
reason for Nate’s shift in behavior and his disinterest in school. My re-
action was similar to my mom’s: Get your act together!
I was away at my first year of college when Nate abruptly left high
school in his senior year and joined the Marines. It was extremely out of
character and not something he had ever talked about previously. With
the benefit of hindsight, I believe that he could have been trying to find
stability as he found the rigors of high school and the college applica-
tion process more difficult given the deterioration of his mental health
and was navigating an increasingly stressful situation at home.
First Hospitalization
I remember visiting Nate during that first hospitalization. There was
my brother, barely 20 years old. I was relieved that he was safe, that he
seemed less agitated. But where was he? He sat hunched over, a pale
shadow of himself, unable to speak, unable to make eye contact. His left
hand trembled lifelessly along his thigh. He was worn out from the
trauma of being held in the hospital against his best efforts to convince
everyone to let him go, from lack of sleep, and from his brain attempt-
ing to adjust to heavy medication.
His doctors spoke of the grave outcomes we should expect with par-
anoid schizophrenia. His social worker swiftly filed for medical dis-
charge from the military and set him up to receive long-term disability
benefits, referring him to a local group home to live in with other veter-
ans who were disabled by mental illnesses.
Months passed. Nate was no longer in a crisis state but did not show
many signs of improvement. He slept most of his days away. The few
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 71
friends he had left slowly faded away. He hated the medication, but it
was the only thing offered to him. There was no ongoing form of treat-
ment or therapy. My mom was told to call 911 if things got really bad,
and Nate would be taken to the hospital by police. A few months later,
that is exactly what happened.
Turning Point
After about 11 years of cycling in and out of hospitals, my brother fi-
nally surrendered. It did not mean he found a more meaningful life—it
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 73
I have often thought about what the past 18 years might have looked
like had Nate been able to access specialty care at the outset of his symp-
toms. Instead, our road was longer, but the impact of family, commu-
nity, and (although late stage) a specialized treatment team supported
Nate into wellness. I would like to believe that part of what led Nate to
finally accept the support of a treatment team was our family’s contin-
ued faith in him, leading him to finally conclude what we had known
all along: that despite illness, he had so much to offer the world and,
likewise, that engaging in the world had a lot to offer him—and that
was worth fighting for. He saw that we believed in him, the treatment
program practitioners and fellow participants believed in him, and his
new “house mom” and roommates believed in him. In the end, it took
a village to remind him of his remarkable strength, his wit, and numer-
ous talents. I have observed this virtuous cycle: his small daily victories
are noticed by others, offering him a motivation boost to step out and
74 Intervening Early in Psychosis
try new things—to show himself that he can do even more. Ultimately,
he had to decide that it was time and make the effort to walk down a
new path. Finally, after 16 years of considerable struggle, he went for it.
Our family’s story is one of hope, endurance, and radical accep-
tance. If nothing else, it reinforces that it is never too late. Recovery is
not a linear path. It takes massive determination, persistence, and inner
strength. It also takes at least one person to not give up on you and keep
being patient and present, even when it seems impossible or hopeless.
Holding on to hope required me to proactively educate myself about
schizophrenia and to learn how to establish a relationship on equitable
terms with my brother. Most of all, it required finding a larger capacity
in myself to love unconditionally, to see myself in his suffering and to
recognize our shared infinite potential. My personal mission through
the nonprofit project I founded, Strong 365, is all about empowering
people with the tools to take that next step, no matter where they are in
their recovery journey.
If I knew at the outset of my brother’s first episode what I know
now, I might have been able to at least question whether changes in my
brother’s behavior were related to changes in his brain, especially given
a well-established history of mental illness in our family (which, as in
most families, was rarely discussed). I might have understood the im-
portance of treatment that aimed beyond simply muting my brother’s
delusions and hallucinations but also focused on regaining cognitive
function and social skills—the things that would have allowed him to
retain his identity, confidence, and independence sooner.
With the current standard of care, we underestimate the major side ef-
fects of antipsychotic drugs and undervalue some of the greatest deficits
that psychosis-bearing illnesses often carry with them: difficulty relating
socially and expressing emotion—core skills necessary for maintaining
relationships and contributing meaningfully to a community. For my
brother, becoming well enough to be discharged from an inpatient unit
meant that he was interested in living and showed fewer outward symp-
toms of psychosis. Hospital discharge also came with heavy doses of
medication that left him feeling numb or, in his words, like he was “con-
stantly drowning” and included no follow-up care or support. It did not
mean he was prepared to go to college, or apply for a job, or regain his
friendships; nor did he believe that these things were possible, as we
were repeatedly told by his many doctors that they were not.
Today, we can offer young people much-improved care focused on
prevention and early intervention. In order to ensure that more young
people can benefit from specialty psychosis care, we must spread
awareness and humanize and destigmatize these experiences.
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 75
When I first learned about the promise of early intervention for psycho-
sis, I felt as though I had just been let in on the greatest, most elaborate
secret in health care. How was it possible that early intervention ex-
isted, while families like mine suffered on the rough road to recovery or
never found it at all? The question haunted me, so much so, that I ap-
plied my experience as a corporate marketer to establishing a youth-led
nonprofit project that meets young people where they are (online) to
connect them earlier to mental health treatment and support.
Nearly 20 years after my brother was diagnosed, a lot has changed for
the nine million Americans (Perälä et al. 2007) like my brother who are liv-
ing with serious brain health challenges, but not nearly enough. It is well
understood that mental illness is the chief health issue for teens and young
adults: one in five young adults ages 18–25 are affected by a mental health
condition (National Institute of Mental Health 2017). Psychiatric disor-
ders are the number one disease burden for young people ages 10–24 (Ben-
yamina et al. 2012). Untreated mental health problems put us at risk for a
myriad of life-threatening health issues, including suicide, the second lead-
ing cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds in the United States (Xu et al.
Yet only half of teens and young adults get the treatment they need and de-
serve (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
2015). My family’s story—and the hundreds of others I have met in do-
ing this work who have walked similar paths—inspires me to be a small
part of changing young lives through early intervention.
• It is essential that narratives of individuals with lived experi-
ence of psychosis are shared with consumers, families, and
health care providers. These narratives demonstrate the rich
experience of recovery, represent diverse cultural and eth-
nic experiences, and offer hope to all stakeholders.
• There is need for a team that provides psychosocial ser-
vices in addition to medical care. Although medication is
often necessary, it is not sufficient. Psychosocial services
such as peer support, family education, and supportive
work or school environments get people back into the
community and functioning.
• Advocacy is necessary to ensure reduction of harmful
stigma that keeps young people and their families from
76 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Discussion Questions
2. How do you draw on this experience in the work that you do?
3. How will you advocate for team-based care and/or care that
incorporates psychosocial services, family, or community in-
volvement in recovery?
Suggested Readings
CureSZ Foundation: Schizophrenia Survivors,
National Alliance on Mental Illness: Early Psychosis and Psychosis,
OnTrackNY:—personal stories of recovery
The Stability Network: Our Stories: Testimony to the Power of Healing,
Strong 365:—online resource for information on
early psychosis, treatment, online peer chat and personal stories
Time to Change:—personal
stories of recovery
First-Person Accounts of Psychosis and Advocacy Work 77
Benyamina A, Blecha L, Reynaud M: Global burden of disease in young people
aged 10–24 years. Lancet 379(9810):29, 2012 22225669
National Institute of Mental Health: Mental illness: prevalence of any mental ill-
ness. Bethesda, MD, National Institute of Mental Health, November 2017.
Available at:
part_155771. Accessed September 28, 2018.
Perälä J, Suvisaari J, Saarni SI, et al: Lifetime prevalence of psychotic and bipolar
I disorders in a general population. Arch Gen Psychiatry 64(1):19–28, 2007
Rüsch N, Angermeyer MC, Corrigan PW: Mental illness stigma: concepts, con-
sequences, and initiatives to reduce stigma. Eur Psychiatry 20(8):529–539,
2005 16171984
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Behavioral Health
Barometer: United States, 2014 (HHS Publ No SMA-15-4895). Rockville, MD,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2015
Xu J, Murphy SL, Kochanek KD, et al: Deaths: final data for 2013. Natl Vital Stat
Rep 64(2):1–119, 2016 26905861
80 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Early intervention
Engaging Families and Individuals in Care
ences with treatment and who focus on the internal process of recovery
(Wood et al. 2013).
EIP programs, such as CSC teams, offer a team-based approach in
which engagement in treatment may occur through different pathways
for different people on the basis of each person’s identified goals. These
pathways include cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp),
medication management, vocational or educational support, peer sup-
port and family psychoeducation, and group and recovery options. In-
dividualized care driven by the participant’s life goals and the
convenience of “one-stop shopping” with services all on one team and
easily accessible are important elements of engagement for young peo-
ple (Lucksted et al. 2015). In one study, interviews with young people
revealed that the combination of relationships with clinicians who are
client centered and humanistic in addition to peers who have also expe-
rienced first-episode psychosis influenced their decision to stay in treat-
ment (Stewart 2013). Key elements of individual engagement are “staff
flexibility, mobility, patience, warmth, and stamina over navi-
gate ambivalence, illness and life changes” (Lucksted et al. 2015, p. 8).
Disengagement from mental health treatment occurs up to 50% of the
time, with more than 70% of dropout occurring after the first or second
visit (Lal and Malla 2015; Olfson et al. 2009). That said, treatment atten-
dance is a limiting measure of meaningful engagement (Lal and Malla
2015), which we hope to have described in this chapter as a more mul-
tifaceted process. We recommend redefining engagement to include
strengthening individual connections with participants through thera-
peutic alliance and program accessibility, as well as cultivating broader
circles of support with well-engaged peers, families, and communities
as a whole. These circles of engagement then become the cornerstone of
stigma reduction, early intervention, and treatment models rooted in
recovery, strength, and wellness.
• Engagement is multifaceted and involves three primary
stages: community outreach, individual and family engage-
ment, and peer and family connections over time in recovery.
• Comprehensive community outreach with peer and family
narratives reduces stigma and increases early detection.
Engaging Families and Individuals in Care 91
Key Questions
Suggested Readings
Dixon LB, Holoshitz Y, Nossel I: Treatment engagement of individuals
experiencing mental illness: review and update. World Psychiatry
15(1):13–20, 2016 26833597
Jones N: Peer Involvement and Leadership in Early Intervention in
Psychosis Services: From Planning to Peer Support and Evalua-
tion. Rockville, MD, Center for Mental Health Services, July 26,
2016. Available at:
Involvement-Guidance_Manual_Final.pdf. Accessed September 28,
McFarlane WR, Jaynes R: Educating Communities to Identify and En-
gage Youth in the Early Phases of an Initial Psychosis: A Manual for
Specialty Programs. Rockville, MD, Center for Mental Health Ser-
vices, 2017. Available at:
DH-Community_Outreach_Guidance_Manual__0.pdf. Accessed Sep-
tember 28, 2018.
92 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Addington DE, McKenzie E, Norman R, et al: Essential evidence-based compo-
nents of first-episode psychosis services. Psychiatr Serv 64(5):452–457, 2013
Baumann PS, Crespi S, Marion-Veyron R, et al: Treatment and early intervention
in psychosis program (TIPP-Lausanne): implementation of an early inter-
vention programme for psychosis in Switzerland. Early Interv Psychiatry
7(3):322–328, 2013 23445318
Becker KD, Buckingham SL, Rith-Najarian L, et al: The common elements of
treatment engagement for clinically high-risk youth and youth with first-
episode psychosis. Early Interv Psychiatry 10(6):455–467, 2016 26486257
Breitborde NJ, Moe AM, Ered A, et al: Optimizing psychosocial interventions in
first-episode psychosis: current perspectives and future directions. Psychol
Res Behav Manag 10:119–128, 2017 28490910
Cairns VA, Reid GS, Murray C: Family members’ experience of seeking help for
first-episode psychosis on behalf of a loved one: a meta-synthesis of quali-
tative research. Early Interv Psychiatry 9(3):185–199, 2015 24958353
Chen FP, Gearing RE, DeVylder JE, et al: Pathway model of parental help seek-
ing for adolescents experiencing first-episode psychosis. Early Interv Psy-
chiatry 10(2):122–128, 2016 24894667
Connor C, Greenfield S, Lester H, et al: Seeking help for first-episode psychosis:
a family narrative. Early Interv Psychiatry 10(4):334–345, 2016 25303624
Dixon LB, Holoshitz Y, Nossel I: Treatment engagement of individuals experi-
encing mental illness: review and update. World Psychiatry 15(1):13–20,
2016 26833597
Dixon LB, Goldman HH, Srihari VH, et al: Transforming the treatment of schizo-
phrenia in the United States: the RAISE initiative. Annu Rev Clin Psychol
14(1):237–258, 2018 29328779
Doyle R, Turner N, Fanning F, et al: First-episode psychosis and disengagement
from treatment: a systematic review. Psychiatr Serv 65(5):603–611, 2014
Fjell A, Bloch Thorsen GR, Friis S, et al: Multifamily group treatment in a pro-
gram for patients with first-episode psychosis: experiences from the TIPS
project. Psychiatr Serv 58(2):171–173, 2007 17287370
Engaging Families and Individuals in Care 93
Joa I, Johannessen JO, Auestad B, et al: The key to reducing duration of un-
treated first psychosis: information campaigns. Schizophr Bull 34(3):466–
472, 2008 17905788
Johannessen JO, McGlashan TH, Larsen TK, et al: Early detection strategies for
untreated first-episode psychosis. Schizophr Res 51(1):39–46, 2001 11479064
Jones N: Peer Involvement and Leadership in Early Intervention in Psychosis
Services: From Planning to Peer Support and Evaluation. Rockville, MD,
Center for Mental Health Services, July 26, 2016. Available at: https://
Manual_Final.pdf. Accessed September 28, 2018.
Kline E, Thomas L: Cultural factors in first episode psychosis treatment engage-
ment. Schizophr Res 195:74–75, 2017 28864280
Lal S, Malla A: Service engagement in first-episode psychosis: current issues
and future directions. Can J Psychiatry 60(8):341–345, 2015 26454555
Lucksted A, Essock SM, Stevenson J, et al: Client views of engagement in the
RAISE connection program for early psychosis recovery. Psychiatr Serv
66(7):699–704, 2015 25873029
Lynch S, McFarlane WR, Joly B, et al: Early detection, intervention and preven-
tion of psychosis program: community outreach and early identification at
six U.S. sites. Psychiatr Serv 67(5):510–516, 2016 26766751
McFarlane WR: Family interventions for schizophrenia and the psychoses: a re-
view. Fam Process 55(3):460–482, 2016 27411376
McFarlane WR, Jaynes R: Educating Communities to Identify and Engage
Youth in the Early Phases of an Initial Psychosis: A Manual for Specialty
Programs. Rockville, MD, Center for Mental Health Services, 2017. Avail-
able at:
Guidance_Manual__0.pdf. Accessed September 28, 2018.
McFarlane WR, Cook WL, Downing D, et al: Portland identification and early
referral: a community-based system for identifying and treating youths at
high risk of psychosis. Psychiatr Serv 61(5):512–515, 2010 20439374
National Alliance on Mental Illness: Engagement: A New Standard for Mental
Health Care. Arlington, VA, National Alliance on Mental Illness, July 2016.
Available at:
NAMI_Engagement_Web.pdf. Accessed September 28, 2018.
Olfson M, Mojtabai R, Sampson NA, et al: Dropout from outpatient mental health
care in the United States. Psychiatr Serv 60(7):898–907, 2009 19564219
Ruff A, McFarlane WR, Downing D, et al: A community outreach and education
model for early identification of mental illness in young people. Adoles-
cent Psychiatry 2(2):140–145, 2012
Stewart KD: Factors contributing to engagement during the initial stages of
treatment for psychosis. Qual Health Res 23(3):336–347, 2013 23196742
van Schalkwyk GI, Davidson L, Srihari V: Too late and too little: narratives of
treatment disconnect in early psychosis. Psychiatr Q 86(4):521–532, 2015
Wood L, Price J, Morrision A, et al: Exploring service users perceptions of recovery
from psychosis: a Q-methodological approach. Psychol Psychother 86(3):245–
261, 2013 23184907
Assessment of People in
the Early Stages of Psychosis
Barbara C. Walsh, Ph.D.
UNLIKE many medical illnesses and despite all the recent advances
in the area of early psychosis research, we still do not have a gold stan-
dard laboratory test to mark the presence of psychosis (McGlashan et al.
2010). Diagnosis of the clinical high-risk phase and the recent-onset
phase of psychosis relies on symptoms that can be observed by others
or symptoms that can be reported by young people themselves, remem-
bering that the young person may be suspicious or may be trying to
hide his or her difficulties. Diagnosis requires a high level of sensitivity
not only to existing symptoms but to the normal course of development
of young people and to the gradual change in their psychosocial func-
tioning. It is crucial for professionals to have an understanding of the
array of presentations of psychotic disorders and the natural history of
a psychotic episode, including the prodromal, active, and recovery
phases, as well as proficiency in performing psychiatric assessment.
Good assessment in early psychosis is an ongoing process, allowing for
the fact that symptoms are fluid and change over time.
It is important to understand that when people seek an early psy-
chosis evaluation, either they are distressed by their symptoms or oth-
ers are noticing a change in their functioning due to these symptoms.
For example, Alan experienced hearing the voice of the devil telling
him to walk barefoot down the middle of the highway. He struggled
against the commands of the devil, which left him distressed and
96 Intervening Early in Psychosis
drained of energy. Brenda experienced a cold wave over her body when
she sat at the kitchen table. She reported that she thought this experi-
ence was the ghost of her dead grandmother coming to comfort her.
This did not distress her at all, but she started spending more and more
time sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Grandma rather than going
to school and being with her friends. In Alan’s case, the symptoms were
causing distress, and in Brenda’s case, the symptoms were interfering
with functioning. In both examples, the person needed intervention
and support.
The initial interview is a vital component of early identification and
intervention work. It serves as the principal means for understanding
the client’s experiences and leads to a diagnosis and treatment plan.
More than just taking a history to determine what condition the client
struggles with and how he or she is affected by it, an effective assess-
ment interview starts the therapeutic process. It has been stated that
poor interviews and/or misinterpretation of a client’s presentation can
be critical to that person’s future well-being and subsequent treatment
(UK Essays 2013). For example, when young people present first with
just the negative symptoms of psychosis, they are often misdiagnosed
with other disorders such as major depressive disorder, attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder, or even oppositional defiant disorder. They are
started on a course of treatment that not only does not address their to-
tal clinical picture but actually may worsen their existing condition. An
accurate assessment addressing the appropriate warning signs and
symptoms can prevent this from happening.
A component of conducting an effective assessment interview is to
have a framework to help explore potential problem areas and to recog-
nize that the success of an assessment is based on establishing a relaxed,
nonjudgmental atmosphere that promotes a trusting relationship, re-
duces tension, encourages engagement, and starts the therapeutic pro-
cess. Being flexible in how the interview is conducted, respecting the
client’s needs, being empathetic, and engaging in active listening all
contribute to successfully establishing a nonjudgmental atmosphere.
Paranoia and perceptual distortions are often a part of the early phase
of psychosis, and taking time to explain the interview process and what
the client can expect helps to reduce concerns and anxiety associated
with these symptoms. Being clear in defining expectations—what the
young person can expect from the interviewer and what the interviewer
can expect from him or her—reduces tension.
Many young people experiencing psychosis may be younger than
18 years or still living at home, so their parents or other family members
may be attending the assessment with them. For older or more indepen-
dent persons, the interviewer may want to encourage them to have a
parent, spouse, or other relative accompany them to the interview.
These involved family members may be able to provide details about
Assessment of People in the Early Stages of Psychosis 97
how they help the client form his or her own identification and how
they impact the client’s beliefs and behavior—are significant factors in
understanding the psychological processes of the client. Asking open-
ended follow-up questions allows clients to frame their experiences in
their own way. This provides insight into the nature and context of the
experiences for the individual and how they impact the client’s percep-
tion of the intensity, frequency, distress, and interference from these ex-
periences. In addition, the American Psychological Association
recommends that all psychologists, regardless of their own ethnic or ra-
cial background, be aware of how their cultural background, experi-
ences, attitudes, values, and biases influence psychological processes
(American Psychological Association 1990).
A good place to start the assessment interview is with the reason for
the referral. It is helpful to establish clients’ understanding of the rea-
son; obtain their insight into how their difficulties are impacting their
day-to-day functioning; learn how they have attempted to cope with
these difficulties; clarify their aspirations, hopes, and goals for the fu-
ture; and evaluate their attitude toward the assessment interview and
their level of cooperation. Understanding whether the client had any
say in the decision to attend the interview can help or hinder how the
interview progresses. It is possible that attendance was not presented as
being optional, and the client may be angry and resentful about being
there. He or she may not cooperate with the interview process. If this oc-
curs, it can be helpful for the interviewer to acknowledge the situation
before moving forward with the interview.
Case Example 1
Carter is a 16-year-old male adolescent who has been struggling in
school, withdrawing socially, and becoming more and more irritable at
home. His teacher recommended that his parents call the clinic to ar-
range an evaluation. Carter’s parents, deeply concerned about their son,
quickly acted on the suggestion and did not spend much time discuss-
ing the reason for the referral or the interview process with him. At the
interview, Carter appeared sullen and withdrawn, and when he was
alone with the interviewer he quickly answered “No” to all of the ques-
tions. The interviewer, without embarrassment or hesitation, acknowl-
edged Carter’s behavior and validated his right to refuse to answer the
questions. The interviewer then explained to Carter that such a refusal
would impede their understanding of his symptoms and the inter-
viewer’s ability to offer suggestions for improving things and would
thus be a waste of time for both of them. Empowering Carter to make
his own decision about participating in the interview allowed him to
move forward with the assessment and obtain help.
Just like their family, young people may be confused and distressed
by their symptoms. The assessment interview provides an opportunity
Assessment of People in the Early Stages of Psychosis 99
Case Example 2
Daniela, a 17-year-old female adolescent, was referred for assessment
because school staff noticed she could no longer pay attention and at-
tend to her schoolwork. She had always been an excellent student, so
this was quite a departure from her normal presentation. Daniela did
not offer any explanation to her teachers or family for this change. When
she arrived at the clinic, the interviewer took the time to show her the
assessment form and to explain to her that the questions they would be
asking were not designed specifically for her experiences but were the
same questions asked of everyone. Halfway through the interview,
Daniela looked at the interviewer with tears in her eyes and asked, “You
mean there are enough kids who experience these things that you have
the questions written out?” The interviewer replied yes. Daniela visibly
relaxed and began to share more details about the voices and intrusive
thoughts that she was experiencing in school on a daily basis. This ad-
ditional information helped the interviewer to understand and commu-
nicate about the change in Daniela’s academic performance. It might
also be helpful to recognize that when discussing a person’s internal ex-
periences, a softer approach provokes less reactivity than a more direct
approach. Statements such as “I’m guessing it might be scary for you
when you hear voices” tend to be accepted more easily than a statement
such as “You get scared when you hear voices.”
The interviewer should also take the time to explain that the pur-
pose of the interview is to increase the client’s understanding of what
he or she is experiencing and to determine what might help the client
feel and do better in his or her daily life. The interviewer should help
the client understand that the interview is not intended to label or judge
him or her but rather to reduce his or her level of stress. The Personal
Assessment and Crisis Evaluation (PACE) Clinic in Melbourne, Austra-
lia acknowledges that young people can be difficult to engage because
of the nature of their symptoms, their lack of familiarity with or stigma
about mental health services, and their ambivalence about their need
100 Intervening Early in Psychosis
for treatment (Thompson 2012). Staff at the PACE Clinic recommend us-
ing excellent communication skills, including active listening and em-
pathy; providing information and education about symptoms; and
working collaboratively with family members with the knowledge and
consent of the young person to help foster engagement. They also rec-
ommend offering the client a choice in where the assessment interview
should take place, which may require the use of mobile outreach teams
to conduct assessments outside the office and outside normal office
hours. Assessments should take place at a location and time that are
suitable and that accommodate the needs and preferences of the client
and his or her family to allow for school and work commitments.
The early identification and intervention model stresses the impor-
tance of assessing the entire spectrum of the client’s well-being (Goldner-
Vukov et al. 2007). This helps to establish the framework for evaluating
potential problem areas and for making an accurate diagnosis regard-
ing prodromal and psychotic symptoms. In addition to the reason for
referral and presenting problems and concerns, the framework should
include many other elements that are based on both interviewing and
observation skills.
Good observation skills allow the interviewer to collect information
that might not be in the client’s awareness. It is important to pay close
attention to the client’s presentation during the entire assessment, taking
note of anything unusual in his or her appearance in terms of self-care,
dress, and makeup. Observing abnormal motor activity, eye contact,
mannerisms, and posture as well as abnormalities in rate, tone, or abil-
ity to express and comprehend language adds important clinical details
to the assessment. The interviewer should also observe whether the cli-
ent attends to the questions and whether his or her thoughts are con-
nected and logical. The interviewer should take notice of untimely or
excessive affect, lack of affect, or affect that does not match thought con-
tent. All of these observations provide information that is vital in mak-
ing a valid assessment and diagnosis.
Other elements of the framework for the assessment are obtained by
directly interviewing the client. The interviewer should keep the client
talking with as little intrusion as possible. This is why open-ended
questions are so valuable. “How so?” or “Can you tell me more about
that?” serve as requests that keep the person talking. “To what extent”
can change any question to an open-ended one. For example, when in-
quiring about the impact of depressive symptoms on a client’s sleep, the
interviewer can ask “To what extent did your sleep change?” instead of
“Did your sleep change?” Phrasing makes a big difference in how ques-
tions are perceived. Instead of “How often have you been hospital-
ized?” the interviewer can say, “Please tell me about your other
hospitalizations.” The interviewer should avoid phrasing questions in
the negative, which implies an expected answer. For example, “You ha-
Assessment of People in the Early Stages of Psychosis 101
ven’t been smoking pot regularly, have you?” demands the answer
“No.” Double questions, such as “Have you had problems with your
sleep or appetite?” may be efficient, but they are often confusing, and
the client may respond to one part of the question and ignore the other.
There are also some other techniques that might be helpful with this
process. Experienced interviewers rely on nonverbal encouragements
to keep the client talking. Maintaining continuous eye contact, smiling
or nodding for appropriate responses, and leaning in a little closer all
indicate interest in what the person is saying. This technique increases
rapport and the person’s sense of well-being. Reassurance is a tech-
nique an interviewer uses to increase the client’s level of comfort during
the interview. To be effective, reassurance needs to be sincere, factual,
and specific to the situation. It should not appear forced or fake. The in-
terviewer should avoid generalizations. Because the interviewer cannot
predict the future, stating “I’m sure it will be fine” can seem hollow or
can reduce the interviewer’s credibility with the client.
A technique that encourages continued disclosure is to repeat the
client’s last word. For example, if the client endorses that he or she has
been feeling paranoid recently, the interviewer can respond with “Par-
anoid?” to encourage the client to continue along that same line of
thought. It also helps to briefly summarize what has been said so that
the interviewer and client are on the same page. For example, “As I un-
derstand it, you have been feeling paranoid recently.” There are times
when the client does not need encouragement to give information and,
in fact, may need encouragement to be brief. In this situation, the inter-
viewer must encourage brevity without impairing rapport. It is effec-
tive to state “I really want to hear more about that, but I am aware that
our time today is limited, so I am going to ask you to focus on this spe-
cific question.” The interviewer can nod or smile approval when he or
she gets the brief answer that provides the needed information.
Capturing the client’s medical and psychiatric history is another
piece of the framework addressed through the direct interviewing pro-
cess. It is important to learn about general medical symptoms, previous
diagnoses, previous hospitalizations and medical procedures, and all
prescribed medications or supplements. Medication side effects can
produce a variety of mood symptoms. You may occasionally encounter
a client whose depression was caused by cancer or a psychosis that was
the result of an endocrine disorder. The interviewer should explore all
past psychiatric symptoms and treatment, including hospitalizations,
and treatment compliance for both prescribed medications and thera-
pies. Blood work, physical examinations, and perhaps even a neurolog-
ical consultation may be warranted. Often, a mental status examination
is included in this part of the assessment interview.
Once the interviewer has captured the client’s major areas of diffi-
culty, he or she can explore all the details of the current episode of ill-
102 Intervening Early in Psychosis
ness. This establishes a timeline for how and when the illness began, its
symptoms, the consequences, and possible stressors. The interviewer
should learn as much as possible about the symptoms: Are they con-
stant or intermittent? Are they changing in intensity or frequency? Are
they connected to certain places, situations, or time of day? After first
obtaining a complete educational, occupational, and social history, the
interviewer can query for the changes that have occurred because of
these symptoms. The interviewer should explore for changes in sleep
pattern, weight, energy level, and mood variation. He or she should
also query for the impact the symptoms are having on marital or love
relationships, sexuality and sexual activity, and friendships. The inter-
viewer should explore for any difficulties with impulsivity and any in-
volvement with the police or legal issues, including past arrests or
incarcerations, probation status, and pending court appearances. A his-
tory of past domestic or legal issues can help assess for future risk of vi-
olence and help the interviewer ensure his or her own personal safety.
The interviewer should watch for indicators of potential violence in the
client such as the use of threats or insults, rising pitch in the person’s
voice, aggressive behavior, or significant body language such as agita-
tion or clenched fists. The interview should be conducted in a room that
provides easy access to the exit for both interviewer and interviewee
and that is equipped with an alarm or is within earshot of other profes-
sionals who can provide help if needed.
The interviewer also should probe for information regarding drug
and alcohol experimentation and misuse. Orygen Youth Health approx-
imates that 60%–70% of young people with early psychosis report some
misuse of substances (Crlenjak et al. 2014). This makes screening for
misuse essential in early psychosis programs. The wording of the ques-
tions is important for obtaining honest information. Asking “How often
do you smoke pot in an average week?” as opposed to “Do you smoke
pot?” encourages clients to be open about their use. Further, it is helpful
to let clients know that this question is asked without judgment or prej-
udice and that the information is necessary in order to best understand
the nature of their condition and how to appropriately work with them
in pursuit of their goals. Clients should know that admitting to misuse
of substances is not grounds for termination from treatment so they can
feel comfortable with being more forthcoming. It is important to in-
clude synthetic, over-the-counter, and prescription drugs in the queries.
In addition to identifying the types of substances and the length and
frequency of use, the interviewer should query for the impact the use
has on the person’s day-to-day life and functioning. Substance use can
impact job attendance and performance, family and marital relation-
ships, friendships and social activity, financial status, medical health,
and legal status. Inquiring about the success or failure of any prior sub-
stance misuse treatment is very important in understanding the sever-
Assessment of People in the Early Stages of Psychosis 103
ity of the issue for this particular client and its relationship to the
symptoms he or she is experiencing.
Many tools are available to help with the evaluation and diagnosis
of early psychosis. You will find that these tools all share certain inter-
view techniques. Questions are worded in a softer manner that allows
clients to endorse their experiences freely: “Does it seem like your mind
(ears/eyes) is playing tricks on you?” “Do you become confused be-
tween what is real and what is imaginary?” “Do you find yourself feel-
ing mistrustful or suspicious of others?” “Do you feel like you have
special powers or abilities?” “Do you behave without regard to painful
consequences?” Following up these questions with “How so?” “Can
you tell me more about that?” or “What did you make of that when it
happened?” helps the interviewer understand the client’s internal ex-
periences. It is then crucial to inquire whether the experience was cap-
tivating or distressing to the client and whether it had an impact on his
or her behavior or functioning. These are all components of making an
accurate assessment of experiences and of developing the most appro-
priate treatment plan. Some of the assessments, such as the Structured
Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes (SIPS; Miller et al. 2003), are ef-
fective in diagnosing the at-risk phase as well as documenting the onset
of transition to full psychosis, capturing the affective comorbidities and
substance use issues. Professionals should take the time to become fa-
miliar with the most commonly used assessment tools and how they are
suited to meet the needs of the population they serve (Fulford et al.
2014). Familiarity with these tools also helps identify the gaps in proper
assessment in early psychosis and aids in the improvement of existing
tools or the development of new tools. State-of-the-art assessment can
play a pivotal role in ensuring early identification and intervention in
Termination of assessment involves a summary of the client’s partic-
ipation in the process and the outcome of the assessment. Setting a tone
that is optimistic and avoids a deterministic viewpoint of psychosis and
emphasizes hope for recovery is crucial. The amount of information
shared depends on the nature of the outcomes, the state of the client’s
condition, and his or her ability to understand the information and the
recommendations for proposed treatment, further evaluation, or refer-
ral. Brain imaging or neurocognitive testing for memory, attention, ex-
ecutive functioning, language, and visuospatial and motor skills might
be part of the recommendations for future assessment.
It is important to remember that assessment in early psychosis is an
ongoing process and allows for the possibility that the diagnosis may
change over time. If no diagnosis is determined at the time of the initial
assessment, the recommendation might be to have the client return if
symptoms worsen or new symptoms emerge. Persons coming for eval-
uation are experiencing some level of distress from their experiences,
104 Intervening Early in Psychosis
and even if they do not meet criteria for the at-risk or early-onset phase
or another comorbid diagnosis, they are in need of support. Establish-
ing an open discussion regarding the future course of action is import-
ant for the client being assessed. For professionals working in early
psychosis programs, it is important that they continue to enhance their
core skills in assessment and interviewing with additional training and
supervision so they can successfully provide beneficial evaluations.
• Making an early psychosis diagnosis is a key component in
determining eligibility for coordinated specialty care services.
• Effective assessment skills of youth presenting with psychotic
symptoms are essential in mental health evaluation.
• Structured interviews are used to support valid and reliable
diagnostic evaluation.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Comas-Diaz L, Griffith EH: Clinical Guidelines in Cross-Cultural Men-
tal Health. New York, Wiley, 1988
Garlikov R: The Socratic method: teaching by asking instead of by tell-
ing, 2012. Available at:
Accessed February 13, 2019.
Miller TJ, McGlashan T, Woods SW, et al: Symptom assessment in
schizophrenia prodromal states. Psychiatr Q 70:273-287, 1991
Assessment of People in the Early Stages of Psychosis 105
American Psychological Association: Guidelines for Providers of Psychological
Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations. Wash-
ington, DC, American Psychological Association, August 1990. Available
Accessed October 1, 2018.
Crlenjak C, Ratheesh A, Blaikie S, et al: Let Me Understand: Assessment in Early
Psychosis. Melbourne, Australia, Orygen Youth Health Research Centre,
Fulford D, Pearson R, Stuart BK, et al: Symptom assessment in early psychosis:
the use of well-established rating scales in clinical high-risk and recent-on-
set populations. Psychiatry Res 220(3):1077–1083, 2014 25278477
Goldner-Vukov M, Duska-Cupina D, Moore L, et al: Early intervention in first
episode psychosis: hope for a better future. Srp Arh Celok Lek 135:11–12,
2007 18368910
Halpin S: Assessment in Early Psychosis. New Lambton, NSW, Australia,
Hunter New England Health, 1995. Available at:
(workshop).pdf. Accessed October 1, 2018.
McGlashan TH, Walsh BC, Woods SW: The Psychosis-Risk Syndrome: Hand-
book for Diagnosis and Follow-up. New York, Oxford University Press,
Miller TJ, McGlashan TH, Rosen JL, et al: Prodromal assessment with the struc-
tured interview for prodromal syndromes and the scale of prodromal
symptoms: predictive validity, interrater reliability, and training to reliabil-
ity. Schizophr Bull 29(4):703–715, 2003 14989408
Thompson AD: The Pace Clinical Manual: A Treatment Approach for Young
People at Ultra High Risk of Psychosis. Melbourne, Australia, Orygen
Youth Health, 2012
UK Essays: Ensuring Effective Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Nursing Essay. Nottingham, UK, UKEssays, November 2013. Available at:
psychiatry-and-mental-health-nursing-essay.php?cref=1. Accessed Octo-
ber 1, 2018.
Case Example
Jane is a 21-year-old Latina college student in the fourth year of a 5-year
structural engineering degree at a top university. She was referred by her
therapist to a local early psychosis treatment center for evaluation of
symptoms indicative of possible prodromal psychosis. She experienced a
number of subsyndromal psychotic-like symptoms over the past 2 years,
but these symptoms had increased in intensity within the last 7 months.
Her psychiatric history was significant for anxiety and mood symptoms
in the context of childhood sexual abuse and neglect. Jane reported ex-
periencing dissociative reactions, hypervigilance, avoidance, and feel-
ings of alienation in response to trauma-related stimuli that had
occurred in childhood. In addition, she reported experiencing periods of
elevated and expansive mood that persisted for 2–3 days, followed by
periods of distinct low mood that lasted for weeks to months. She re-
ported smoking marijuana consistently since age 16 but using no other
drugs. She reported receiving psychotherapy and psychopharmacolog-
ical intervention (sertraline) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
She has a family history of PTSD in both parents and bipolar disorder in
her father.
108 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Jane’s story is not atypical. If the clinician is unfamiliar with the cri-
teria for psychosis-risk syndrome, it is not uncommon for him or her to
incorrectly assume that this may be an example of acute psychosis or
conceptualize the experiences as better explained by PTSD. Unfortu-
nately, this quandary is far too common, leaving youth at clinical high
risk for psychosis without appropriate diagnosis or intervention. In this
chapter we broadly review the definition and diagnosis of psychosis-
risk syndrome, validated assessment tools for identifying individuals at
clinical high risk for psychosis, and targeted interventions for use in this
population. Jane’s story will be carried throughout this chapter as a
means to illustrate the nuances of assessment and intervention in indi-
viduals at clinical high risk for psychosis.
The term prodrome is derived from the Greek words pro (before) and dromos
(running), with prodromos meaning “precursor.” In contemporary
medicine, the term prodrome is used to describe an early symptom in-
dicating the onset of a disease or illness. Formal diagnosis of a prodro-
mal state is made retrospectively. This means that before a period of
prodrome can be accurately identified, disease onset must occur. Subse-
quently, the period of respective changes during the time leading up to
disease onset is labeled the prodromal state or prodrome.
The psychosis prodrome has been objectively defined in a number
of ways. In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
5th Edition (DSM-5) included attenuated psychosis syndrome in a list of
conditions for future study (American Psychiatric Association 2013).
The Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes (SIPS) defines
110 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Diagnostic Features
Compared with psychotic disorders, the symptoms of psychosis-risk
syndrome are less severe and more transient. Diagnosis requires that
symptoms are associated with functional impairment and/or distress
that is of recent onset or worsening. Symptoms are not long-standing trait
pathology; rather, individuals present with marked changes in their men-
tal state, evidenced through reports from self and concerned others. Fur-
ther, insight remains largely intact (Table 8–2). Affected individuals
maintain reasonable cognitive flexibility regarding psychotic-like experi-
ences and generally appreciate that altered perceptions and/or unusual
thought content are not real. Insight may be expressed spontaneously, or
the interviewing clinician may need to probe overtly for insight. Al-
though establishing the presence of insight is not emphasized in pro-
posed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for attenuated psychosis syndrome, it
appreciably discriminates between psychosis risk and frank psychosis
(Box 8–1). For further reading on attenuated psychosis syndrome, see
DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association 2013, pp. 783–786).
1. Delusions.
2. Hallucinations.
3. Disorganized speech.
B. Symptom(s) must have been present at least once per week for the past
C. Symptom(s) must have begun or worsened in the past year.
D. Symptom(s) is sufficiently distressing and disabling to the individual to
warrant clinical attention.
E. Symptom(s) is not better explained by another mental disorder, including a
depressive or bipolar disorder with psychotic features, and is not attributable
to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition.
F. Criteria for any psychotic disorder have never been met.
A number of structured interviews have been developed for evaluation of
psychosis-risk syndrome. The selected assessment tools for identification
of CHR individuals reviewed in this section show excellent overall prog-
nostic accuracy and interrater reliability in trained raters (Fusar-Poli et al.
2015; Miller et al. 2003). The use of these tools in non-help-seeking indi-
viduals from the general population is not recommended because these in-
struments were developed for and validated in help-seeking populations.
CHR subtypes
Genetic risk and Vulnerability group 1. The person has met criteria for 1. The person has met criteria for schizotypal
deterioration schizotypal personality disorder, now personality disorder, now or in the past, and/or
syndrome or in the past, and/or the person has a the person has a first-degree relative with a
first-degree relative with a psychotic psychotic disorder.
disorder. 2. The person has experienced a 30% drop in
2. The person has experienced at least a SOFAS (Goldman et al. 1992; Yung et al. 2005)
30% drop in GAF score compared with within the past year, occurring within the past
1 year ago, sustained over the past month and sustained for at least a month, or
month. SOFAS score is ≤50 over the past 12 months or
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 8–1. Psychosis-risk syndrome diagnostic subtypes (continued)
CHR subtypes
Attenuated positive Attenuated 1. The person scored 3–5 on one or more Subthreshold intensity
symptom syndrome psychosis group of SOPS items P1, P2, P3, P4, or P5. 1. Global score: unusual thought content 3–5,
2. The symptoms are not better nonbizarre ideas 3–5, perceptual abnormalities
accounted for by a DSM-5 disorder. 3–4, and/or disorganized speech 4–5
3. The symptoms occurred at an average 2. Frequency score: unusual thought content,
frequency of at least once per week in nonbizarre ideas, perceptual abnormalities, and/
the past month. or disorganized speech 3–6 for at least a week or
2 on more than two occasions, with symptoms
occurring during the last year
Subthreshold frequency
1. Global score: unusual thought content 6,
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
12 months or longer.
CHR subtypes
Brief intermittent Brief limited 1. The person scored 6 on one or more of 1. Global score: unusual thought content 6,
psychotic syndrome intermittent SOPS items P1, P2, P3, P4, or P5. nonbizarre ideas 6, perceptual abnormalities
psychotic 2. Symptoms are not better explained by 5–6, and/or disorganized speech 6
symptoms group a DSM-5 disorder. 2. Frequency score: unusual thought content,
3. Symptoms are not seriously nonbizarre ideas, perceptual abnormalities,
dangerous or disorganizing. and/or disorganized speech 4–6, with
4. The person does not meet DSM-5 symptoms occurring during the past year
criteria for a psychotic disorder. 3. For each episode, symptoms are present for less
5. The symptoms currently are present than 1 week, and symptoms spontaneously
for at least several minutes per day remit on every occasion.
(not more than 1 hour) at least one 4. The person has experienced a 30% drop in
time per month, up to an average SOFAS within the past year, occurring within
frequency of several minutes per day 4 the past month and sustained for at least a
days per week over 1 month. month, or SOFAS score is ≤50 over the past
12 months or longer.
Note. P1–P5 refer to positive symptom domains.
Abbreviations. CAARMS= Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States; CHR= clinical high risk; GAF=Global Assessment of Functioning;
SIPS=Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes; SOFAS=Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale; SOPS=Scale of Prodromal
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis 115
Severity rating 4 3 4 4 4
Description of Sense that ideas, experi- Concerns that people are Notions of being Illusions or momen- Circumstantial speech
symptom ences, or beliefs may untrustworthy and/or unusually gifted, tary formed halluci- (i.e., eventually get-
domain be coming from out- may harbor ill will powerful, or spe- nations that are ting to the point)
side oneself or that Sense of unease and need cial; has exagger- ultimately recog- Difficulty directing
they may be real but for vigilance (often ated expectations nized as unreal but sentences toward a
doubt remains intact unfocused). Person may be can be distracting, goal
Distracting and Mistrustful expansive but can curious, and unset- Sudden pauses
bothersome Recurrent (yet redirect to the tling Can be redirected with
May affect functioning unfounded) sense that everyday on own May affect occasional questions
people might be functioning. and structuring
thinking or saying
negative things about
him or her
Onset “For as long as I can 1 year ago “For as long as I can “For as long as I can 1 year ago
remember” remember” remember”
Increase 1 year ago NA 1 year ago 1 year ago NA
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 8–3. COPS scoring summary for Jane (continued)
Better Not likely Not likely Rule out bipolar Not likely Not likely
explained by disorder (manic
another DSM episode)
Diagnosis achieved using above criteria: attenuated positive symptom syndrome.
Note. P1–P5 refer to positive symptom domains.
Abbreviations. COPS= Criteria of Prodromal Syndromes; NA=Not applicable; SOPS=Scale of Prodromal Symptoms.
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
118 Intervening Early in Psychosis
not result in a change in behavior but may be associated with mild dis-
tress.” A severity level rating of 5 indicates that the symptom “may re-
sult in some minor change in behavior and may be frightening or
associated with some distress.” A severity level rating of 6 indicates that
the symptom “may have marked impact on behavior and may be very
distressing” (Yung et al. 2005). As previously discussed with the SIPS,
a rating of 6 on the CAARMS-B subscales distinguishes frank psychotic
symptoms (full conviction with no insight) from the psychosis-like ex-
periences (doubt remains intact and insight is either spontaneously di-
vulged or can be induced given contrary evidence from others) that are
indicated in the 1–5 range.
Onset and offset dates, frequency and duration of occurrence, pat-
tern, and level of distress are also recorded. Symptoms rated as a 6 that
last for more than a week at a time are considered to be above the psy-
chosis-risk threshold and should instead be considered evidence for
presence of frank psychosis. Frequency and duration are rated through
a frequency scale score ranging from 0 (absent) to 6 (continuous). Pat-
tern of symptoms is used to determine whether or not the presenting
symptoms are accounted for by the use of alcohol or illicit substances in
order to denote whether there is a relation between symptoms and sub-
stance use. Finally, level of distress experienced by the symptom is rated
on a scale of 0=not at all distressed to 100=extremely distressed.
CAARMS-B operationalizes three groups of ultra-high-risk individ-
uals: 1) the vulnerability group, 2) the attenuated psychosis group, and
3) the brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms group. The vulner-
ability group is defined as young people at risk of psychosis due to the
combination of a trait risk factor and a significant deterioration in men-
tal states and/or functioning. The attenuated psychosis group is de-
fined as young people at risk for psychosis due to a subthreshold
psychotic syndrome, in which the experienced symptoms do not reach
a threshold level for psychosis because of either subthreshold intensity
(not severe enough) or subthreshold frequency (occurrence not often
enough). The brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms group is
defined as young people at risk of psychosis due to a recent history of
frank psychotic symptoms that resolved spontaneously (without anti-
psychotic intervention) within 1 week. For specific scoring criteria, refer
to Table 8–1 and Figure 8–1. For further reading on this assessment mea-
sure, see Yung et al. (2005).
Again, using the information from the case example, Jane would
meet CAARMS-B criteria for attenuated psychosis group: subthreshold
intensity. Her symptoms are recurrent and have increased in intensity
over the past year. However, insight remains intact and Jane is able to
generate insight into the reality of these experiences. Table 8–4 breaks
down the scoring of Jane’s symptoms using the CAARMS-B-associated
Global rating 5 4 4 4
Description of Unusual thoughts that Clearly idiosyncratic beliefs Much clearer hallucinatory Clear evidence of mild
symptom domain contain completely that, although possible, experiences that are more disconnected speech
original and highly have arisen without logical external to self (more severe and thought patterns
improbable material evidence (more severe than a than a rating of 3, in which Links between ideas are
Person can doubt these rating of 3, in which belief may they are described as tangential; person
thoughts (i.e., thoughts be supported by some logical “distortions,” “illusions,” or experiences an
not held with delusional evidence and is not entirely “indistinct murmurs”) increased feeling of
conviction) or does not implausible) Examples: hear name being frustration in
believe them all the time May include thoughts that called, phone ringing conversations
May result in some minor others wish the person May be fleeting or transient
change in behavior, but harm (without logical Person is able to give
this change is minor evidence) or thoughts of plausible explanation for
May be frightening or having special powers experiences, but they may
associated with some Beliefs may be easily be associated with mild
distress dismissed by individual but degree of distress
associated with mild degree
of distress
Frequency score 3 2 3 2
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Risk Calculator
Using data from more than 500 individuals determined to be at clinical
high risk for psychosis, the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study
(NAPLS) Consortium developed a diagnostic algorithm that can ascertain
the probability of conversion to psychosis in CHR youth (Cannon et al.
2016). This risk calculator combines a unique set of demographic (age,
family history of psychosis), clinical (unusual thought content and suspi-
ciousness), neurocognitive (verbal learning and memory, speed of process-
ing), and psychosocial (traumas, stressful life events, decline in social
functioning) predictor variables to generate a specific number representing
an individual’s probability of transitioning to psychosis within 1–2 years.
The calculator is available online at
The risk calculator performs well, with a concordance index (C-index)
of 0.71. This index score is comparable to that of established calculators
used for the identification of recurrence risk in cardiovascular disease
and cancer (C-index values ranging from 0.58 to 0.81). The calculator as-
sumes that the ratings and scores input into the algorithm are obtained
by a clinician or health professional. In addition, a SIPS-based diagnosis
of a prodromal risk syndrome must be established because the calcula-
tor is not operational without this information. Use of this calculator in
non-help-seeking, nondistressed individuals from the general popula-
tion is not recommended. For further reading, see Cannon et al. (2016).
If the above criteria are satisfied, the following information is then in-
put into the calculator: 1) age in years (range of 12–35), 2) Brief Assess-
ment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) symbol coding total raw
score, 3) Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised (HVLT-R) total raw
score, 4) undesirable life events raw score (obtained through the Research
Interview Life Events Scale), 5) number of types of trauma observed (ob-
tained through the Childhood Trauma and Abuse Scale), 6) sum of re-
scaled SIPS ratings for positive symptom domains P1 and P2 (unusual
beliefs and suspiciousness subscales), 7) change in global social role
functioning over the past year (measured using the Global Functioning:
Social Scale and calculated by subtracting the individual’s lowest score
in the past year from the highest score in the past year), and 8) family
history of psychosis in first-degree relative (yes or no) (Cannon et al.
2016). SIPS scores on P1 and P2 are rescaled such that scores 0–2 on the
original scale are redefined as 0, scores 3–5 on the original scale are re-
defined as 1–3, respectively, and score 6 on the original scale is rede-
fined as 4.
As an example, the following information was input into the calcu-
lator for Jane (Figure 8–2): 1) age=21 years, 2) BACS symbol coding to-
tal raw score =61, 3) HVLT-R total raw score=20, 4) undesirable life
events raw score=21, 5) number of types of trauma observed=6, 6) sum
of rescaled SIPS ratings for P1 and P2=3, 7) change in global social func-
tioning over the past year=3, and 8) family history of psychosis=no.
124 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief
The previously discussed semistructured interviews have established
validity and reliability for identifying individuals who are at the high-
est risk for developing psychosis. However, these interviews are time
consuming, typically requiring 1–2 hours to administer and score by a
trained clinician. Because of the cumbersome nature of these structured
interviews, screening tools have been developed for the purpose of dis-
tinguishing between individuals who might benefit from further psy-
chosis-risk assessment and those who would not. One such screening
tool is the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief (PQ-B; Loewy et al. 2011). Use
of the PQ-B can limit the costs associated with unnecessarily adminis-
tering lengthy interviews in clinical settings where time is a limited re-
source. The PQ-B is a 21-item self-report scale. It has established
concurrent validity in differentiating between individuals who will
qualify for a psychosis-risk diagnosis from those who do not meet cri-
teria. The PQ-B consists of 21 yes or no questions; questions receiving a
yes answer are followed by distress ratings on a scale of 1 (strongly dis-
agree) to 5 (strongly agree). This yields two composite scores: total score
(range 0–21) and distress score (range 0–105). For total score, a cut-off
≥3 has 89% sensitivity and 58% specificity, and for distress score, a cut-
off ≥6 has 88% sensitivity and 68% specificity. Using these cut-offs, the
PQ-B has been established as a reliable and valid way of differentiating
individuals who may qualify as having psychosis-risk syndrome and/
or psychotic syndrome from individuals with no diagnosis, thereby re-
ducing costs associated with administering lengthy structured inter-
views to individuals who will likely not meet criteria for psychosis-risk
It is important to emphasize that the PQ-B is not meant to replace
traditional structured interviews for diagnosing a psychosis-risk syn-
drome. It is not a diagnostic tool. The PQ-B is meant to serve as the first
step in a two-step process of identifying help-seeking individuals who
may benefit from further in-depth assessment in the form of a struc-
tured interview (i.e., SIPS or CAARMS).
FIGURE 8–3. Risk calculator output: Jane’s 1-year and 2-year probabil-
ities of conversion to psychosis.
This calculator was based on a Cox proportional hazards regression model that was de-
veloped from a cohort consisting of 596 clinical high-risk participants from the second
phase of the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study.
As will be discussed in later chapters, there are many targeted interven-
tions shown to be effective in reducing or improving social, cognitive,
and functional impairments in first-episode or early psychosis. The
search for effective treatment interventions for psychosis-risk popula-
tions is ongoing. Research that focuses explicitly on vulnerability for
psychosis risk not only brings the field closer to understanding the
causal processes and mechanisms that need to be therapeutically ad-
dressed once psychosis occurs but also aids in preventing the onset of
psychosis or, at least, attenuating the duration and intensity of symp-
toms and accompanying functional impairments.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training (CBSST), cogni-
tive therapy, family-focused therapy, and supportive contact have all
shown low to moderate effect sizes for reducing risk of a psychotic dis-
order and improving symptoms as well as overall functioning. Addi-
tional randomized controlled trials are under way to evaluate the
effectiveness of these psychosocial interventions and characterize long-
term outcomes of such treatments in psychosis-risk syndrome (CBSST
128 Intervening Early in Psychosis
• The concept of preserved insight is one of the key features
in differential diagnosis of psychosis-risk syndrome versus
full psychotic disorders and refers to the awareness or
acknowledgment that one’s thoughts and behaviors are
the result of mental illness, with recognition of the need
for treatment, and/or questioning of the reality of one’s
beliefs or experiences.
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis 129
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
American Psychiatric Association: Conditions for Further Study: Atten-
uated psychosis syndrome, in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric
Association, 2013, pp 783–86
American Psychiatric Association: Glossary of cultural concepts of dis-
tress, in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th
Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association, 2013, pp
Cannon TD, Yu C, Addington J, et al: An individualized risk calculator
for research in prodromal psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):980–
988, 2016 27363508
Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, Bechdolf A, et al: The psychosis high-risk
state: a comprehensive state-of-the-art review. JAMA Psychiatry
70(1):107–120, 2013 23165428
Loewy RL, Pearson R, Vinogradov S, et al: Psychosis risk screening with
the Prodromal Questionnaire–Brief version (PQ-B). Schizophr Res
129(1):42–46, 2011 21511440
Marshall M, Lewis S, Lockwood A, et al: Association between duration
of untreated psychosis and outcome in cohorts of first-episode pa-
tients: a systematic review. Arch Gen Psychiatry 62(9):975–983, 2005
Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis 131
Allott K, Fraguas D, Bartholomeusz CF, et al: Duration of untreated psychosis
and neurocognitive functioning in first-episode psychosis: a systematic re-
view and meta-analysis. Psychol Med 48(10):1592–1607, 2018 29173201
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association,
Benedict RHB, Schretlen D, Groninger L, Brandt J: The Hopkins Verbal Learning
Test-Revised: normative data and analysis of interform and test–retest reli-
ability. Clin Neuropsychol 12:43–55, 1998
Cadenhead K, Addington J, Cornblatt B: Cognitive behavioral social skills train-
ing for youth at clinical high risk for psychosis: Recovery Through Group
(ReGroup). Presented at International Conference on Early Intervention in
Mental Health, Boston, MA, October 2018
Cannon TD, Yu C, Addington J, et al: An individualized risk calculator for research
in prodromal psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):980–988, 2016 27363508
First MB, Spitzer RL, Gibbon M, Williams JBW: Structured Clinical Interview
for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Clinician Version (SCID-CV). Washington,
DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1997
Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, Bechdolf A, et al: The psychosis high-risk state: a
comprehensive state-of-the-art review. JAMA Psychiatry 70(1):107–120,
2013 23165428
Fusar-Poli P, Cappucciati M, Rutigliano G, et al: At risk or not at risk? A meta-
analysis of the prognostic accuracy of psychometric interviews for psycho-
sis prediction. World Psychiatry 14(3):322–332, 2015 26407788
Fusar-Poli P, McGorry PD, Kane JM: Improving outcomes of first-episode psy-
chosis: an overview. World Psychiatry 16(3):251–265, 2017 28941089
Goldman HH, Skodol AE, Lave TR: Revising Axis V for DSM-IV: a review of mea-
sures of social functioning. Am J Psychiatry 149(9):1148–1156, 1992 1386964
Keefe RS, Goldberg TE, Harvey PD, et al: The Brief Assessment of Cognition in
Schizophrenia: reliability, sensitivity, and comparison with a standard neu-
rocognitive battery. Schizophrenia research, 68(2-3):283–297, 2004 15099610
Lee EHM, Ching EYN, Hui CLM, et al: Chinese label for people at risk for psy-
chosis. Early Interv Psychiatry 11(3):224–228, 2017 25721613
Loewy RL, Pearson R, Vinogradov S, et al: Psychosis risk screening with the
Prodromal Questionnaire–Brief version (PQ-B). Schizophr Res 129(1):42–
46, 2011 21511440
Miller TJ, McGlashan TH, Woods SW, et al: Symptom assessment in schizophrenic
prodromal states. Psychiatr Q 70(4):273–287, 1999 10587984
132 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Miller TJ, McGlashan TH, Rosen JL, et al: Prodromal assessment with the struc-
tured interview for prodromal syndromes and the scale of prodromal
symptoms: predictive validity, interrater reliability, and training to reliabil-
ity. Schizophr Bull 29(4):703–715, 2003 14989408
Mittal VA, Dean DJ, Mittal J, et al: Ethical, legal, and clinical considerations
when disclosing a high-risk syndrome for psychosis. Bioethics 29(8):543–
556, 2015 25689542
Tsai KH, López S, Marvin S, et al: Perceptions of family criticism and warmth
and their link to symptom expression in racially/ethnically diverse adoles-
cents and young adults at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early Interv Psy-
chiatry 9(6):476–486, 2015 24576106
Woods SW, Walsh BC, Saksa JR, McGlashan TH: The case for including attenu-
ated psychotic symptoms syndrome in DSM-5 as a psychosis risk syndrome.
Schizophr Res 123(2–3):199–207, 2010 20832249
Yung AR, Yuen HP, McGorry PD, et al: Mapping the onset of psychosis: the
Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States. Aust N Z J Psychia-
try 39(11–12):964–971, 2005 16343296
Case Example 1
Abraham is a 19-year-old former honors student who has experienced a
significant loss of functioning, including needing nearly full assistance
with activities of daily living, over the past 3 years and is nearly unable
to talk. At the time of his initial presentation, he reported hearing voices
telling him that he was stupid and had a new-onset germ phobia requir-
ing him to wash his hands frequently. He developed many other rituals
134 Intervening Early in Psychosis
However, what may be unsettling is the idea that there may be in-
stances when psychosis is truly the only indication of illness, yet a med-
ical cause can still be present. A study published in 2011 in which
lumbar punctures were performed on 155 consecutive people who pre-
sented with new-onset psychosis found an alternative medical cause
that changed the clinical management in 5 (3%) of the patients (Kranas-
ter et al. 2011). These alternative diagnoses included herpes simplex en-
cephalitis, neuroborreliosis, multiple sclerosis, and two cases of chronic
inflammation of the central nervous system of uncertain origin. Haunt-
ingly, the authors stated that the patients in these 5 cases did not differ
in their clinical presentation from the other patients with psychosis, and
their history and physical examination were unremarkable.
136 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Where to Start
The most current guidelines from the APA regarding the initial workup
of first-episode psychosis were published in 2004 and updated in 2009
138 Intervening Early in Psychosis
(Dixon et al. 2009; Lehman et al. 2004). The APA clearly suggests a com-
plete medical history; physical examination; and basic blood tests, such
as complete blood count, electrolyte and liver function tests, and thy-
roid testing (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]). Questions regarding
travel history, developmental history, and infectious and environmental
exposures are particularly important in the initial history taking. Fur-
ther, if the patient’s medical history includes a history of neurological
or infectious illnesses, then the workup may prompt further testing in
those directions. Family history of immigration (especially from under-
developed nations), infections, developmental disorders, cancers, or en-
docrine disorders should be evaluated. Although many metabolic
disorders are screened for during routine prenatal screening, this may not
always be done in underdeveloped countries. The history should include
a clear time course for the development of the index episode of psychosis,
including a search for a clearly identifiable prodromal period.
In this initial stage it is also crucial to include a primary care physi-
cian on the team of people working with the individual experiencing
symptoms. Although many people with the first episode of psychosis
will be referred by pediatricians or adult primary care providers, team-
ing up to work in concert on the workup is essential. Obtaining a more
thorough history and physical, or a second look at the existing history
and examination results, may help to pick up subtle clues that could
change the index of suspicion for different potentially affected systems
140 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Infectious Diseases
Psychosis can be the initial presentation in patients with HIV, and all
patients should be considered for an HIV test as part of their initial eval-
uation. In a recent study out of South Africa, where HIV is highly prev-
alent, researchers looked at 159 consecutive individuals who presented
to an academic emergency department with a first episode of psychosis
(Laher et al. 2018). Of these, 40% had HIV as at least a comorbidity. Be-
yond the contribution of HIV to the likelihood for developing psycho-
sis, 84% of HIV-positive subjects had further underlying medical
conditions considered to be potentially causative in the development of
the psychotic symptoms. These other conditions included infections,
such as meningitis, tuberculosis, or fungal pneumonia; renal or hepatic
dysfunction; or stroke. In those first-episode patients who were HIV
negative, 35% were found to have an underlying medical condition,
such as epilepsy, ischemic stroke, or meningitis, that was considered
most likely responsible for the psychotic symptoms.
Rates of infectious agents and availability of treatment vary
throughout the world and are an important factor in history taking.
Country of origin and/or history of immigration from underdeveloped
countries should also lead to consideration of potential causes of psy-
chosis that are less common in more developed countries. For example,
many providers may not be accustomed to seeing psychosis as a mani-
festation of malaria, which should be considered in patients who have
immigrated from or traveled to malaria-infected areas. Similarly, ter-
tiary syphilis, neurocysticercosis, and other infectious complications
Medical Workup for First-Episode Psychosis 141
Toxic-Metabolic Disorders
Many potential environmental or toxic exposures, such as heavy metal
toxicity, can contribute to the risk for psychosis. When taking an initial
history, it is important to survey for potential lead exposure. Lead may
contribute to numerous neuropsychiatric symptoms, including poor
concentration and low IQ, but at sufficient levels can also contribute to
psychosis (Vorvolakos et al. 2016). Although lead exposure is less com-
mon now because of the reduction of lead-containing pipes, paints, and
gasoline, there is still potential for exposure in old buildings and/or for
people with a prior exposure in an underdeveloped country.
In addition to environmental exposures, there can also be issues
with the metabolism or storage of heavy metals in the body. Wilson’s
disease is a copper storage disorder manifested most commonly by
tremors; hepatic dysfunction; and psychiatric symptoms, including de-
pression or psychosis (Zimbrean and Schilsky 2014). Elevated liver en-
zymes or unusual tremor, especially if the patient is particularly
sensitive to extrapyramidal symptoms from antipsychotic medication,
should prompt an investigation into Wilson’s disease.
B12 and folate deficiencies can manifest with fatigue, personality
changes, or psychosis. Historical clues to such deficiencies include a
vegetarian diet, alcohol abuse, or oral contraceptive use. In the case of
B12 deficiency, patients may also complain of parasthesias or fatigue.
Similarly, pellagra or B3 (niacin) deficiency can lead to psychosis, typi-
cally in patients with chronic alcoholism.
Endocrine Disorders
Derangements in cortisol have well-known psychiatric manifestations.
For example, elevated cortisol levels can manifest with lability, irritabil-
ity, mania, or psychosis with associated cognitive slowing and poor
short-term memory, which may overlap with clinicians’ expectations
for schizophrenia. Cushingnoid features such as upper-body obesity
with thin arms and legs, bruising, purple striae, menstrual irregulari-
ties, vertigo, hyperglycemia, “moon” facies, fluid retention, thin skin,
and high blood pressure are other clues that may prompt testing. How-
ever, an estimated 50% of patients will present with psychiatric symp-
toms prior to physical signs or symptoms (Rasmussen et al. 2015). Low
cortisol levels, on the other hand, typically result in fatigue, weight loss,
malaise, memory impairment, and confusion.
Medical Workup for First-Episode Psychosis 143
Neurological Disorders
People with structural abnormalities such as chronic subdural hemato-
mas, cerebral contusions, glial cell tumors, and meningiomas that com-
press underlying cortex and impair processing may present with
psychotic symptoms (Kar et al. 2015). Similarly, ischemic strokes or
brain metastases have been documented in people who present with
psychosis. Associated neurological signs and/or symptoms that sug-
gest structural brain abnormalities require follow-up with brain imag-
ing (Khandanpour et al. 2013). Notably, a typical brain imaging pattern
for a person with schizophrenia includes reduction in gray matter; pau-
city of axons and dendrites in the cortex; compensatory enlargement of
the lateral and third ventricles; and volumetric loss, especially in the
temporal lobes. On positron emission tomography, there is often de-
creased activity in the frontal lobe. Suspicion for a structural neurolog-
ical condition would increase if the onset of psychosis is acute or
subacute, if there are other neurological symptoms such as weakness or
change in coordination, if there are concurrent or historical comorbid
cancer diagnosis and treatment, or if the psychosis has atypical features
such as nonauditory hallucinations.
Seizures, specifically temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), may manifest
initially with depression and behavioral changes that may be confused
with schizophrenia (Kandratavicius et al. 2014). Classically, people with
TLE may experience delusions that they are dead that occur paroxys-
mal with the ictal activity. Additionally, patients with a history of sei-
zures have an increased risk for developing a psychotic illness. This is
particularly true for patients with TLE (7%), which may lead to scarring
of the hippocampus, a structure implicated in the pathophysiology of
144 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Genetic Disorders
Velocardiofacial syndrome, or 22q11 deletion syndrome, has an inci-
dence of 1:2,000–4,000 in the population, has wide variability in presen-
tation, and can often be missed. Identification is important because it
may suggest alternative treatment approaches (Carandang and Schol-
ten 2007) and provide the patient and family with another community
for potential engagement and support. Typical co-occurring symptoms
include a submucosal cleft palate, learning disorder in childhood, and
short stature (McDonald-McGinn et al. 2015). Seizures, renal agenesis,
and cardiac and immune abnormalities may also be present. Testing is
best done in consultation with medical geneticists.
Expanded workup should be pursued when there is indication after the
basic workup that an underlying reversible condition may exist. In
these cases, one must consider the index of suspicion for various causes
and target the workup in the direction that seems most likely. Not all of
the testing reviewed here would be indicated in most patients, and, in
fact, many cases will warrant investigation in only one of these catego-
ries, if any. However, when history, physical, family history, and/or
other telltale signs point in the direction of another potential cause or
contributor to onset of psychosis, a targeted workup should be com-
A word of caution about pursuing medical workups is warranted.
The following vignette illustrates a common story within our clinic.
Case Example 2
Tyler is a 19-year-old who presented with 2–3 months of delusions and
obsessive-compulsive symptoms. He was previously a high school
honor student and had been accepted by an elite university but had to
drop out of school after one quarter because of the onset and worsening
of his psychiatric symptoms. He had numerous physical complaints,
and initial laboratory workup showed unexpected levels of inflamma-
Medical Workup for First-Episode Psychosis 145
tion and insulin resistance. This prompted further workup with endo-
crinology to understand whether there was a hormonal connection to
the insulin resistance and with immunology and rheumatology to ascer-
tain potential causes of the inflammation. Despite a thorough workup
from these services, including several visits and numerous tests, a deci-
sion was made by an outside consultant to try empirical treatment with
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). Although Tyler’s parents initially
felt that he improved from the IVIg, the effect was short lived. Discus-
sion of options for further pursuit of a medical cause of his psychosis
continued, and his parents often focused much of the clinical sessions
on asking about further consultations throughout the medical center.
Tyler’s treatment team recognized that pursuit of alternative explana-
tions was interfering with effective treatment of his ongoing psychosis.
After several months, his parents agreed to a referral for Tyler to see one
of the team’s psychologists to begin cognitive-behavioral therapy for
psychosis. At this point, despite seeking further medical workup, Tyler
and his family began to understand the nature of his experience, and Ty-
ler achieved tremendous symptomatic improvement. He was able to
join a book club and participate in regular volunteer work in a capacity
beyond what he had been capable of for the previous 2 years.
• Approach workup of psychosis methodically, starting with
the basics: history, physical examination, and routine labo-
ratory tests.
• Consider additional testing as your index of suspicion
increases in a particular direction. There should be a ratio-
nale for ordering more invasive tests.
• Assemble a team. The workup may be complex and often
requires outside consultation from specialty providers.
Make sure to include primary care in the earliest stage of
the workup if not already involved.
• Remember the patient and family in the process while pur-
suing medical workup. Work with families to set expecta-
tions for the workup and remember to focus on providing
treatment while a workup is pending.
Discussion Questions
3. How might you respond to a family who asks for more exten-
sive workup than you judge to be warranted? How can you
maintain a therapeutic connection with the patient and fam-
ily while setting appropriate limits on the medical workup?
Medical Workup for First-Episode Psychosis 147
Suggested Readings
Chang K, Frankovich J, Cooperstock M, et al: Clinical evaluation of
youth with pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
(PANS): recommendations from the 2013 PANS Consensus Confer-
ence. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 25(1):3–13, 2015 25325534
Freudenreich O, Schulz SC, Goff DC: Initial medical work-up of first-
episode psychosis: a conceptual review. Early Interv Psychiatry
3(1):10–18, 200921352170
Kandratavicius L, Hallak JE, Leite JP: What are the similarities and dif-
ferences between schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis
of epilepsy? A neuropathological approach to the understanding of
schizophrenia spectrum and epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 38:143–147,
Khandanpour N, Hoggard N, Connolly DJA: The role of MRI and CT of
the brain in first episodes of psychosis. Clin Radiol 68(3):245–250,
Oldham M: Autoimmune encephalopathy for psychiatrists: when to
suspect autoimmunity and what to do next. Psychosomatics
58(3):228–244, 201728545782
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sis—“thyrotoxic psychosis”: a report of 18 cases, with statistical analysis of
incidence. Eur J Endocrinol 142(5):438–444, 2000 10802519
Cahalan S: Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness. New York, Free Press, 2012
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deletion syndrome: case report. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 17(1):115–
120, 2007 17343559
Chang K, Frankovich J, Cooperstock M, et al: Clinical evaluation of youth with
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from the 2013 PANS Consensus Conference. J Child Adolesc Psychophar-
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Chen S-J, Chao Y-L, Chen C-Y, et al: Prevalence of autoimmune diseases in in-
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Coleman M, Gillberg C: A biological approach to the schizophrenia spectrum
disorders. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 9(4):601–605, 1997 9447505
Dixon L, Perkins D, Calmes C: Guideline Watch (September 2009): Practice
Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia. Arlington, VA,
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148 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Rasmussen SA, Rosebush PI, Smyth HS, Mazurek MF: Cushing disease present-
ing as primary psychiatric illness: a case report and literature review. J Psy-
chiatr Pract 21(6):449–457, 2015 26554329
Vorvolakos T, Arseniou S, Samakouri M: There is no safe threshold for lead ex-
posure: a literature review. Psychiatriki 27(3):204–214, 2016 27837574
Zimbrean PC, Schilsky ML: Psychiatric aspects of Wilson disease: a review. Gen
Hosp Psychiatry 36(1):53–62, 2014 24120023
152 Intervening Early in Psychosis
chosis team members more confidence that they can safely and effec-
tively treat traumatic experiences and symptoms to promote resilience
and recovery.
Case Example
Maria, a 25-year-old woman, was referred to the FEP program by her
older sister, Sarah, who was concerned about Maria’s recent hospitaliza-
tion after a 3-month period of homelessness. Sarah reported that Maria
experienced periods of depression, anxiety, strange thoughts, and un-
usual behaviors. Maria presented to the clinic for the clinical intake with
her sister. Maria reported periods of chronic depression since childhood
that worsened after high school graduation. She reported that she
worked odd jobs after graduation, but nothing ever seemed to stick. In
the fall of the previous year, Maria reported that she began to hear whis-
pers coming from the vents in her apartment. At first, she wondered if
they were the voices of angels or demons. Sarah reported that the family
lost touch with Maria at this time until they received a call from the local
psychiatric hospital. Maria had been evicted from her apartment after
she smashed the walls looking for “the demons” and trying to release
“the angels.” She had painted her walls with crosses and said that she
had been chosen by God to save the world. After being evicted, Maria
was homeless and lived in her car. Police brought her to the hospital be-
cause she was yelling at people in a parking lot and threatening to hurt
them. Maria reported that she felt others were noticing her “brown
skin” and that they had hostile intentions toward her, including want-
ing to hurt her. In the past month, Maria reported that her new medica-
tions had helped to quiet the whispers, but she still felt unsafe when
walking in public. She also reported periods of suicidal ideation, won-
dering if death would be better than burdening her family. When asked
about their early history, Maria and Sarah reported they were adopted
as children from Guatemala, noting that their biological parents died in
1992 during the civil war. Maria was 9 and Sarah was 12 at the time of
their adoption. Sarah reported that their biological father had a history
of drinking too much and would often get angry and hit his family to
“get them in line.”
contribute to later risk for psychosis, and young people with psychosis
are at increased risk for bullying and interpersonal victimization (see
Figure 10–1). Traumatic experiences can shape the form of psychotic
symptoms, such as suspiciousness, and many people experience psy-
chotic symptoms, such as auditory hallucinations, in the context of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Finally, psychotic symptoms can
themselves be frightening and experienced as traumatic, as can hospi-
talizations and involuntary restraint. Furthermore, compared with the
general population, people with psychotic disorders are at higher risk
for revictimization.
Childhood Trauma
A meta-analysis of psychosis and adverse childhood events (sexual
abuse, physical abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, neglect, paren-
tal death, and bullying) reviewed 36 studies in three categories of re-
search: 1) case-control studies that compared individuals with
psychosis to those without psychosis and those with childhood trauma
exposure to those without a childhood trauma history; 2) prospective
cohort studies that followed people with and without childhood
trauma over time, and 3) cross-sectional cohort studies that examined
the relationship of trauma to psychotic-like experiences in the general
population (Varese et al. 2012). Varese and colleagues found significant
relationships between childhood trauma and psychosis across all three
types of studies and concluded that childhood adversity is strongly as-
sociated with increased risk for psychosis.
Source. Reprinted from Mayo D, Corey S, Kelly LH, et al.: The role of trauma and stressful life events among individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis:
a review. Frontiers in Psychiatry 8:55, 2017. Used with permission.
Assessing and Treating Trauma in Early Psychosis Care 155
Trauma Screening
Universal screening for both exposure to traumatic events and related
PTS symptoms should be part of every initial evaluation for FEP ser-
vices. Although we appreciate that an extensive intake process can be
burdensome to clients, families, and clinicians, attention to trauma is
critical for 1) differential diagnosis and 2) collaborative treatment plan-
ning. Because of feelings of shame and avoidance, many people will not
report trauma unless specifically asked about it. Compassionate trauma
screening can make someone feel understood and “seen” as a whole
person, with a full life history, rather than a constellation of psychotic
symptoms. However, repeated screening may be necessary because
some people will be more comfortable reporting trauma after the ther-
apeutic relationship develops over time. High levels of distress related
to PTS can interfere with engagement and must be addressed. In fact,
many individuals with FEP may identify relief from PTS as a primary
treatment target that is more important to them than first targeting hal-
lucinations or delusions.
Trauma Measures
Several validated measures for assessing trauma and PTS that can be used
in FEP programs are discussed in this subsection and are listed on the web-
site for the National Center for PTSD (
index.asp). In some cases, programs may be required by their operating
agency, municipality (city, state, or county) or funding organization
(e.g., Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
[SAMHSA]) to use a specific measure. If the measure recommended for
general mental health programs is insufficient for the FEP service, we
encourage programs to negotiate with the relevant parties. The FEP ser-
vice should consider whether it is important to have one measure that
can be used across a wide age span, such as from adolescence to adult-
hood. Some measures are self-report, whereas others are semistruc-
tured interviews. Some options can offer client self-report and caregiver
or provider versions to allow multiple informants to contribute to the
Assessing and Treating Trauma in Early Psychosis Care 157
Differential Diagnosis
A very common referring question posed to early psychosis (EP) ser-
vices who provide diagnostic evaluations is differential diagnosis of
PTSD versus a primary psychotic disorder. In many cases this is a false
dichotomy because the same individual can present with both PTS and
psychotic symptoms. Although prevalence rates vary, one large study
estimated that 16% of people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
meet formal diagnostic criteria for PTSD (de Bont et al. 2015). Sub-
threshold PTS symptoms are measured less often but occur at even
higher rates, and psychotic-like symptoms are common enough in
PTSD that there has been debate about whether there is actually a psy-
chotic subtype of PTSD.
In terms of clinical presentation, hallucinations must be distin-
guished from vivid memories, flashbacks, and dreams that occur as re-
experiencing of traumatic events. Details of the symptoms and their
explanation are important. Both types of symptoms can be upsetting,
but one has a known source, whereas the other may be experienced as
unrelated to the trauma or being of unknown origin (e.g., the perpetra-
tor’s voice vs. an unidentified voice). Paranoia must be differentiated
from exaggerated suspiciousness and mistrust that does not reach delu-
sional severity. Here, the level of conviction may be helpful (e.g., “I am
sure he wanted to hurt me” vs. “I think he wanted to hurt me, but it’s
158 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Cultural Factors
A variety of cultural factors can influence an individual’s exposure to
trauma, as well as that person’s ability to access appropriate care. The
DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview (American Psychiatric Associa-
tion 2013) could be useful as the clinician works to understand how an
individual’s cultural experience impacts his or her experience of symp-
toms related to psychosis, trauma, or other domains. In the case of Ma-
ria, her lived experience as a survivor of a civil war was not seen by her
as the most significant traumatic experience in her life. Additionally,
her identification as Latina was associated with increased fear of depor-
tation and a perception of others as being hostile toward her. These
fears and concerns are not wholly inaccurate, and it is important for the
clinician to consider these factors when attempting to determine which
experiences are treatment targets. Language, religion, racial and ethnic
identity, gender and sexual identity, and acculturation represent some
of the cultural areas that must be explored with clients as part of the
treatment planning process to ensure accurate identification of treat-
ment targets for both psychosis and trauma symptoms.
stress that can impact recovery. The clinician then laid out a plan for
care, in which education about psychosis, depression, and trauma
would be provided along with skills to improve Maria’s ability to cope
with stress and reduce her symptoms. The clinician asked Maria’s per-
mission to share this information with Sarah and their adoptive parents,
who wanted to be active participants in Maria’s care because she was
now living at home with them. Maria reported that she was primarily
concerned about her depression and hearing the voices, so the clinician
agreed to target those symptoms first. As those experiences improved,
the clinician stated that they would re-evaluate Maria’s depression, psy-
chosis, and trauma symptoms to determine which direction to take next.
Trauma-Informed Care
Although there are different models of TIC, their primary aim is to help
survivors resolve trauma rather than be retraumatized by their interac-
tions with services and systems. These approaches promote awareness
of the signs and effects of trauma and support trauma-sensitive interac-
tions by educating staff at all system levels—from the phone or front
desk administrative staff who first interact with clients, through front-
line providers, to the financial billing staff and upper management.
Trauma-sensitive policies and procedures are integrated throughout
the organization. SAMHSA has developed a number of TIC resources
based on six core principles:
rized in Table 10–1. For example, all programs working with this popu-
lation should have clear procedures in place to ensure the physical
safety of all clients and staff, communicated with transparency to all.
Sensitivity to suspiciousness and paranoia, much like trauma, means
checking in with clients frequently to gauge their sense of psychological
Collaborative decision making is a hallmark of many EP programs,
which offer a variety of services tailored to the needs and goals of indi-
viduals. Peer staff in EP programs are often individuals with lived ex-
perience of psychosis, who, given the high rates of trauma experienced
by individuals with psychosis, are often also trauma survivors. Training
and supervision of peers should focus on experiences of trauma and
how they may interact with psychosis. Prioritizing self-care for staff in
EP clinics can reduce workforce turnover by addressing vicarious
trauma and burnout. Shifting the power balance between staff and cli-
ents and between different staff members may be more of a challenge
for EP programs embedded in medical models and systems. As we
have discussed previously, ensuring staff members’ knowledge of and
sensitivity to identity-related trauma and discrimination, as well as his-
torical trauma, is necessary to understand clients’ experiences and pro-
mote recovery from both psychosis and trauma.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
The use of cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating psychosis allows
for easy integration of specific trauma approaches based in CBT in order
to address both trauma and psychosis. Evidence-based treatments for
trauma, such as trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)
for youth and prolonged exposure (PE) or eye movement desensitization
therapy (EMDR) for adults, have a foundation in cognitive-behavioral
theory. In a recent review, Cragin et al. (2017) found studies that demon-
strated the effectiveness of these trauma treatments in individuals with
established psychosis and PTSD; however, the authors’ survey of EP
TABLE 10–1. Elements of trauma-informed care and coordinated specialty care for first-episode psychosis
1. Safety • Clear guidelines should be communicated to All staff, not just individual providers, require
clients, family members, and staff for training in assessing fearfulness and safety.
assessing and ensuring physical safety of
clients, family, and staff, including abuse, SI/
HI reporting, and evaluations for
• Attention should be paid to the client’s
perceived threat in the moment in clinic and
other situations.
• Flexibility is key in offering services in clinic,
at the client’s home, or in neutral community
2. Trustworthiness and • A team-based approach that honors Organizational transparency requires particular
transparency contributions of all team members is required. attention in busy, complex team-based programs.
• Patience and flexibility are needed in
Assessing and Treating Trauma in Early Psychosis Care
TABLE 10–1. Elements of trauma-informed care and coordinated specialty care for first-episode psychosis (continued)
4. Collaboration and mutuality • Treatment planning is characterized by shared Organizations need to be thoughtful in leveling
decision making, including defining specific power differences between staff in programs with a
treatment goals and selecting CSC elements medical model orientation.
with particular clients and families.
5. Empowerment, voice, and • There should be a focus on strengths-based Programs should be responsive to varying levels of
choice perspectives, resilience, and recovery goals for achievement, particularly in supported
orientation. education or employment models that may have
traditionally focused on lowered expectations.
6. Cultural, historical, and • Cultural or contextual sensitivity is often built Attention to these issues can lapse when training and
gender issues into clinical assessment and conceptualization supervising staff in multiple evidence-based
of psychosis. approaches.
• Identity issues often are important for
transitional-age youth.
Abbreviations. CSC=coordinated specialty care; SI/HI=suicidal ideation/homicidal ideation; TIC=trauma-informed care.
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Assessing and Treating Trauma in Early Psychosis Care 163
Family Involvement
CSC for early psychosis sees family involvement as a core component in
supporting understanding and recovery. Family members who actively
support the client should also receive psychoeducation on psychosis and
trauma. Family can support use of effective coping skills when the client
is in the community and provide feedback to the clinician about their ef-
fectiveness in reducing distress in the real world. TF-CBT incorporates
sharing of the trauma narrative with a nonoffending caregiver as part
of the exposure process. If this is appropriate for the EP client, it could
also be included in the integrated trauma-psychosis treatment ap-
proach. However, this may or may not be appropriate for adult clients.
In general, sharing the trauma narrative with someone other than the
clinician should be discussed with the client to determine the best ap-
proach. Overall, family members or other loved ones should be seen as
natural and ongoing supports for youth and adults with psychosis, and
EP care should strive to enhance these supports through education and
collaboration, regardless of the symptoms that are being targeted.
Medication Management
There are currently no guidelines for the psychopharmacological treat-
ment of comorbid trauma and psychosis. Generally, the treatment of co-
morbidity should be modeled on the evidence for each disorder.
Antipsychotic medications are the appropriate treatment for psychosis
and have all been shown to be more effective than placebo (Schatzberg
et al. 2010). Antipsychotic medications have also been studied in the
treatment of PTSD. Studies of risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine
demonstrated some efficacy, with the greatest impact seen on reduction
of intrusive traumatic ideation and hypervigilance (Ahearn et al. 2011;
Carey et al. 2012). The most widely studied medications for the treatment
of PTSD are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, with paroxetine
and sertraline both having specific U.S. Food and Drug Administration
All other medications used in PTSD are off label. Randomized placebo-
controlled treatment studies have shown some efficacy in the reduction
of symptom severity with a range of other antidepressants, including
fluoxetine, amitriptyline, imipramine, mirtazapine, nefazodone,
phenelzine, and venlafaxine (Ipser and Stein 2012). There are data re-
garding the use of antidepressants in schizophrenia because of the fre-
quent presence of depressive symptoms in first-episode clients (Koreen
et al. 1993; Tapp et al. 2001), but studies have suggested that depressive
symptoms may resolve with antipsychotic medication, and therefore
initial treatment with an antipsychotic alone is generally recommended
to minimize medications and potential side effects (Robinson et al.
2014). Data supporting the use of other medication classes in PTSD are
limited and show conflicting evidence (Raskind et al. 2018). The only
class considered relatively contraindicated is the benzodiazepines,
which can worsen symptoms in PTSD (Guina et al. 2015).
• Trauma occurs at high rates in the first-episode psychosis
population, including childhood trauma, bullying and vic-
timization, intergenerational trauma, and traumatic hospi-
talization experiences.
• Assessment of both trauma exposure and posttraumatic
stress symptoms is important for every client and may
need to be repeated over time as the therapeutic relation-
ship develops.
• Trauma treatment can be safe and effective for individuals
with psychosis.
Discussion Questions
Recommended Resources
Frontiers: Trauma, Psychosis, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Available
and-posttraumatic-stress-disorder. Accessed December 4, 2018.
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Center
for Trauma-Informed Care:
National Center for PTSD:
National Child Traumatic Stress Network:
168 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Ahearn EP, Juergens T, Cordes T, et al: A review of atypical antipsychotic medica-
tions for posttraumatic stress disorder. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 26(4):193–
200, 2011 21597381
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association,
Carey P, Suliman S, Ganesan K, et al: Olanzapine monotherapy in posttraumatic
stress disorder: efficacy in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study. Hum Psychopharmacol 27(4):386–391, 2012 22730105
Cragin CA, Straus MB, Blacker D, et al: Early psychosis and trauma-related dis-
orders: clinical practice guidelines and future directions. Front Psychiatry
8:33, 2017 28321193
de Bont PA, van den Berg DP, van der Vleugel BM, et al: Predictive validity of
the Trauma Screening Questionnaire in detecting post-traumatic stress dis-
order in patients with psychotic disorders. Br J Psychiatry 206(5):408–416,
2015 25792693
First MB, Williams JBW, Karg RS, et al: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-
5® Disorders—Clinician Version. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric As-
sociation, 2016
Gray M, Litz B, Hsu J, Lombardo T: Psychometric properties of the Life Events
Checklist. Assessment 11(4):330–341, 2004 15486169
Guina J, Rossetter SR, DeRhodes BJ, et al: Benzodiazepines for PTSD: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. J Psychiatr Pract 21(4):281–303, 2015 26164054
Ippen CG, Ford J, Racusin R, et al: Traumatic Events Screening Inventory-Parent
Report Revised. Washington, DC, National Center for PTSD, 2002
Ipser JC, Stein DJ: Evidence-based pharmacotherapy of post-traumatic stress dis-
order (PTSD). Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 15(6):825–840, 2012 21798109
Koreen AR, Siris SG, Chakos M, et al: Depression in first-episode schizophrenia.
Am J Psychiatry 150(11):1643–1648, 1993 8105706
Mayo D, Corey S, Kelly LH, et al: The role of trauma and stressful life events
among individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: a review. Front Psy-
chiatry 8:55, 2017 28473776
Raskind MA, Peskind ER, Chow B, et al: Trial of prazosin for post-traumatic
stress disorder in military veterans. N Engl J Med 378(6):507–517, 2018
Assessing and Treating Trauma in Early Psychosis Care 169
Intervening Early
Iruma Bello, Ph.D.
Debra R. Hrouda, Ph.D.
Lisa Dixon, M.D., M.P.H.
172 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Case Example
Jasmin is a 19-year-old Latina living with her mother, aunt, uncle, and
two younger siblings. Jasmin’s father lives in the Dominican Republic,
and she visits him regularly. When Jasmin was 10 years old, her mother
brought her and her siblings to live in the United States with Jasmin’s
maternal uncle and his wife to provide them with better educational op-
portunities. Jasmin’s mother works at a bank, and the aunt and uncle
Intervening Early 173
have their own small business selling jewelry. Jasmin’s relationship with
her family is close but marked by discord related to their differing views
on religion.
Throughout her childhood, Jasmin was a good student interested in
the sciences. She was accepted to an out-of-state college with a scholar-
ship. During the first semester of her sophomore year, Jasmin began tak-
ing courses related to her engineering major and began experiencing
school as increasingly stressful. Her GPA declined, which further in-
creased her stress level because she feared she might lose her scholarship.
She also started spending more time drinking with friends during the
weekends as a way to cope. She was arrested for public intoxication once.
By the end of the semester, Jasmin became increasingly distressed. She
stopped sleeping and ate very little, spending most days at the library
studying for finals. She also started experiencing auditory and visual
hallucinations and started believing that her teachers were plotting to
get her expelled from school. Jasmin’s friends noticed the change in her
demeanor, hygiene, and thinking and decided to take her to the school’s
counseling center. This resulted in her first hospitalization, where she
was prescribed antipsychotic medication.
On discharge from the hospital, Jasmin returned to live with her fam-
ily and took a medical leave from school. Although she was experiencing
fewer voices and visual hallucinations and no longer believed that her
professors were plotting against her, Jasmin felt apathetic, refused to meet
with friends, barely interacted with her siblings, and spent a lot of time
alone in her room watching television. Jasmin’s mother searched for ap-
propriate mental health services online and contacted a local CSC pro-
gram. Once evaluated by the team, Jasmin was found to be eligible and
was offered services, and she agreed to enroll in the program.
pant’s and family’s ability to engage with the team in a flexible way that
allows the interventions to be tailored specifically to each individual
and his or her set of circumstances to promote achievement of school,
work, and relationship goals.
At the outset of treatment, teams focus on forging highly collabora-
tive and engaging alliances with participants and family members
through the use of specific assertive outreach and engagement strate-
gies (Bennett et al. 2017). For instance, successful teams are able to re-
main proactive in connecting with participants and family members
throughout all phases of treatment, which might include the use of var-
ious forms of communication (phone, texting, e-mail, and in-person
meetings). The time and location of sessions are flexible and responsive
to the needs of the participants and family members (e.g., in the home,
community, or clinic, with increased or decreased frequency as needed).
Considerations of transportation, work schedules, and other caregiving
are critical, especially in areas that are geographically spread out where
public transportation may not be readily available. The flexibility of
team members to be creative in communication and scheduling is es-
sential in developing a solid working alliance.
Teams provide important information for participants to consider
all relevant treatment choices rather than dictating treatment recom-
mendations, which helps ensure that treatment decisions are guided by
pressing concerns expressed by participants and family members—not
the priorities of the team. Providers maintain a flexible and consistent
stance toward treatment, which allows them to respond sensitively and
practically to the range of situations that might arise on an as-needed
basis. At the same time, they focus on demonstrating to the participant
and family members that the team will remain a consistent presence by
behaving in a reliable manner and offering support, empathy, and trust-
worthiness (Bennett et al. 2017). This therapeutic alliance usually serves
to ensure that treatment engagement remains across time and serves as
the foundation for introducing and delivering the pharmacological,
psychosocial, and other treatments offered. Teams typically have the
flexibility to keep the participant’s file open in the program for longer
periods of time than in traditional clinical settings, even when there is
little contact with the participant.
Once rapport has been established and the team is able to gain a
more in-depth understanding of the individual and his or her natural
supports, preferences, values, and worldview, interventions can be tai-
lored accordingly and delivered as intensely as necessary to promote re-
covery. The final phase of treatment is focused on transitioning the
individual from the team on the basis of his or her continued needs and
preferences. Some options might include a CSC step-down program if
available, regular outpatient clinic care, or other less traditional sup-
ports offered through school or the community.
Intervening Early 175
during those times when she was feeling more stable and was busy pur-
suing her educational goals. The fact that she did not feel pressured to
follow a regimented treatment schedule allowed her to remain working
with the team for 2 years.
goals. These meetings can also serve as a platform for team members to
strategize about how they might work together to help each participant
achieve his or her goals, process and troubleshoot challenges they
might be encountering with specific participants and family members,
and ensure that the team’s culture remains recovery oriented and per-
son centered.
1. Health: The team works with service participants and their families
to make informed decisions to assist individuals in managing symp-
toms and to support physical and mental health.
2. Home: The team helps individuals and their families with concrete
case management services, including assistance with insurance, en-
titlements, and a stable and safe place to live.
3. Purpose: All members of the team work with the service participant in
order to clarify and meet personal goals around work and/or school.
4. Community: The team is responsive to participants’ preferences re-
garding their desired level of interaction with family and friends. Si-
multaneously, the team also encourages the development of such
relationships, including involvement in community groups that
may foster support, friendship, and hope.
Outreach Activities
Some of the most important activities performed by CSC teams are
those associated with outreach because this helps to ensure appropriate
and rapid referrals to the program. In rural and underresourced areas,
it is vital that outreach activities are tailored to meet the individual
needs of the community and its culture. When outreach activities are
performed by staff members who are from the community and are
keyed into the local network, their understanding of the culture, stake-
holder priorities, and important relationships can help obtain buy-in
from referral sources as well as more effectively engage potential par-
ticipants. If, on the other hand, the team member performing outreach
is not local, it is recommended that he or she take the time to develop
effective working relationships with stakeholders within and outside
typical health care settings (e.g., hospitals, schools, jails, chamber of com-
merce, Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, faith-based organizations).
Service Delivery
The delivery of the CSC model can also require several adaptations and an
added layer of flexibility and creativity in order for the team to effectively
work with participants and their supports in rural and underresourced
communities. One important consideration is that the number of partic-
ipants being served by each team member and productivity expecta-
Intervening Early 183
tions (if they exist) need to account for the additional time required to
travel, sometimes long distances, to home or community sites where
participants choose to meet with team members. Organizations need to
recognize the additional time and effort needed by team members in or-
der to adequately reach, engage, and work with participants and their
families. This is especially relevant in rural areas where public transpor-
tation may not be readily available and the ability of team members to
demonstrate flexibility in communication and scheduling is critical to
developing a solid working alliance. Some recommendations include
lowered productivity expectations to account for nonbillable travel
time and adequate reimbursement for mileage or access to organiza-
tion-provided vehicles.
When some team members are not able to meet in the community and
participants are unable to get to the office, telehealth can be a useful tool.
In fact, some younger people are more used to electronic communication
and thus are more open to telehealth and other technology-associated
communications. In addition to allowing for prescribers who are not co-
located to serve participants, telehealth can also facilitate consultation
and liaison between providers at the CSC program and others with ex-
perience and expertise in treating FEP.
However, as with other aspects of CSC, technology is useful only
when it is consistent and reliable. Participants may not have reliable cel-
lular service or Internet access where they live. Similarly, Internet ser-
vice may be slow and may not support full video. Here again, flexibility
and creativity are in order. Some organizations partner with resources
closer to where participants live as a workaround. Having appoint-
ments at places such as recreation centers, libraries, businesses, or other
health care providers or systems combines convenience, comfort, and
the availability of more reliable Internet or cellular service. This serves
the double task of providing reliable, convenient locations for partici-
pants and family members to receive services and building awareness
and collaborative relationships with key community resources.
CSC is a treatment model for delivering team-based care for young peo-
ple experiencing their first episode of psychosis, which has been
demonstrated to improve outcomes. Although there are several varia-
tions for configuring this multi-element, multidisciplinary team ap-
proach, CSC includes several evidence-based practices that should be
offered to individuals and families, including individual and group
psychotherapy, family education and support, evidence-based psycho-
pharmacology and wellness strategies, supported employment and ed-
ucation, and care management. It is important to remember that it is not
184 Intervening Early in Psychosis
• Coordinated specialty care is an evidence-based multi-
element early intervention treatment approach for young
people experiencing a first episode of nonaffective psy-
chosis. It is a time-limited intervention delivered by a team
that has received specialized training.
• CSC provides participants with a suite of evidence-based
practices that include individual and group psychotherapy,
assertive care management, supported employment and
education services, family education and support, and
wellness and primary care coordination. Some teams pro-
vide additional services such as peer support.
• Recovery is viewed as a nonlinear “process of change over
time through which individuals improve their health and
wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their
full potential” (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Ser-
vices Administration 2011). Recovery for many individuals
means learning to manage symptoms effectively and to
use wellness strategies in order to achieve the things that
matter in life: love, work, and community contribution.
• CSC relies on shared decision making, an approach to set-
ting goals and making treatment decisions that relies on
techniques such as decision aids, discussion of options,
decisional balance exercises, comparing parallel ratings,
and negotiating compromises. Shared decision making
aims to increase knowledge, increase the individual’s par-
ticipation in and commitment to treatment, enhance the
professional’s understanding of the individual’s values and
preferences, and strengthen the therapeutic alliance.
Intervening Early 185
Discussion Questions
5. What steps can team members take to ensure that they remain
recovery oriented and hopeful and that they are actively us-
ing formal shared decision-making steps?
Suggested Readings
Bennett M, Lee R, Watkins L, et al: OnTrackNY Team Manual. New
York, Center for Practice Innovations, 2017. Available at: Accessed October 5, 2018.
Crisanti AS, Altschul D, Smart L, et al: Implementation of Coordinated
Specialty Services for First Episode Psychosis in Rural and Frontier
Communities. Albuquerque, NM, University of New Mexico, 2015.
Available at:
Sheet-_1.pdf. Accessed October 5, 2018.
Dixon LB, Goldman H, Srihari V, et al: Transforming the treatment of
schizophrenia in the United States: the RAISE initiative. Annu Rev
Clin Psychol 14:237–258, 2018 29328779
Heinssen RK, Goldstein AB, Azrin ST: Evidence-Based Treatments for First
Episode Psychosis: Components of Coordinated Specialty Care. Rock-
ville, MD, National Institute of Mental Health, 2014. Available at:
186 Intervening Early in Psychosis
white-paper-csc-for-fep_147096.pdf. Accessed October 5, 2018.
Mueser KT, Gingerich S: NAVIGATE Team Members’ Guide. Bethesda,
MD, National Institute of Mental Health, 2014. Available at: http:// Accessed October 5, 2018.
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association, 2013
Azrin ST, Goldstein AB, Heinssen RK: Early intervention for psychosis: the recov-
ery after an initial schizophrenia episode project. Psychiatr Ann 45(11):548–
553, 2016
Bennett M, Lee R, Watkins L, et al: OnTrackNY Team Manual. New York, Center
for Practice Innovations, 2017. Available at:
Accessed October 5, 2018.
Correll CU, Galling B, Pawar A, et al. Comparison of early intervention services vs
treatment as usual for early-phase psychosis: a systematic review, meta-analy-
sis and meta-regression. JAMA Psychiatry 75(6):555–565, 2018 29800949
Dixon LB, Goldman HH, Bennett ME, et al: Implementing coordinated specialty
care for early psychosis: the RAISE connection program. Psychiatr Serv.
66(7):691–698, 2015 25772764
Elwyn G, Durand MA, Song J, et al: A three-talk model for shared decision mak-
ing: multistage consultation process. BMJ 359:j4891, 2017 29109079
Gafoor R, Nitsch D, McCrone P, et al: Effect of early intervention on 5-year outcome
in non-affective psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 196(5):372–376, 2010 20435962
Grawe RW, Falloon IR, Widen JH, et al: Two years of continued early treatment
for recent-onset schizophrenia: a randomised controlled study. Acta Psy-
chiatr Scand 114(5):328–336, 2006 17022792
Heinssen RK, Goldstein AB, Azrin ST: Evidence-Based Treatments for First Ep-
isode Psychosis: Components of Coordinated Specialty Care. Rockville,
MD, National Institute of Mental Health, 2014. Available at: www.nimh.
fep_147096.pdf. Accessed October 5, 2018.
Kane JM, Schooler NR, Marcy P, et al: The RAISE early treatment program for
first-episode psychosis: background, rationale, and study design. J Clin
Psychiatry 76(3):240–246, 2015 25830446
Lewis-Fernandez R, Jimenez-Solomon O, Bello I, et al: OnTrackNY Delivering
Culturally Competent Care in FEP Manual. New York, Center for Practice
Innovations, 2018
Srihari VH, Tek C, Kucukgoncu S, et al: First-episode services for psychotic dis-
orders in the U.S. public sector: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial.
Psychiatr Serv 66(7):705–712, 2015 25639994
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: SAMHSA an-
nounces a working definition of “recovery” from mental disorders and
substance use disorders. December 2011. Available at:
newsroom/press-announcements/201112220300. Accessed October 5, 2018.
Psychopharmacology for
People in Early Psychosis
Jian-Ping Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.
Douglas L. Noordsy, M.D.
Pharmacotherapy in First-Episode
Antipsychotic medications are the mainstay of pharmacotherapy for peo-
ple with schizophrenia and are also a key component of first-episode
treatment. Because research has shown that duration of untreated psy-
chosis (DUP) is correlated with worse outcome, successful treatment of
the first psychotic episode is crucial for minimizing the cascading effects
of social and vocational deterioration. In general, both typical, or first-
generation, antipsychotics (FGAs) and atypical, or second-generation,
antipsychotics (SGAs) are effective in improving positive symptoms.
However, not all antipsychotics are created equal. Large clinical trials
among people with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and meta-analyses
have demonstrated that some antipsychotics are more efficacious than
others. There are also significant differences in each medication’s side-
effect profile. Therefore, careful evaluation of a patient’s symptomatol-
ogy, family history, and prior medication exposure is the key to tailoring
treatment to each individual in order to maximize efficacy and mini-
mize potential side effects.
188 Intervening Early in Psychosis
(defined as
Chlorpromazine 12 weeks 11% 79%
600 mg (12 weeks)
(12 weeks) (15% and
22.5% at
52 weeks)
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
Lieberman et 263 104 Haloperidol 46% ≥30% reduction 8.4 weeks 46% 230 days 67.2%
al. 2003b weeks 4.4 mg on PANSS+
CGI-S ≥4+
mild or lower
ratings of
Olanzapine 55% 7.9 weeks 32% 322 days 59.9%
9.1 mg (12 weeks) (within (12 weeks) (2 years)
(12 weeks) 12 weeks)
Early 555 104 Haloperidol 76.2% >20% reduction 22 days 22.4% 218 days 77.8%
Psychosis weeks 2.9 mg (12 weeks) on PANSS
Global (9.1% for
Working >50%
Group; reduction
Schooler et al. on
2005 PANSS)
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
Robinson et 112 16 weeks Risperidone 54.3% Mild or lower of 10.4 weeks 26.7% 12.1 weeks NR
al. 2006 3.9 mg SADS-C+PD
CGI-I ≤2
Olanzapine 43.7% 10.9 weeks 28.3% 11.5 weeks
11.8 mg
CAFE; 400 52 weeks Risperidone NR ≤3 on all PANSS NR 71.4% 25 weeks 65%
McEvoy et al. 2.4 mg items+CGI-S
2007 ≤3
Olanzapine 68.4% 28 weeks 64%
11.7 mg
Quetiapine 506 70.9% 25 weeks 58%
EUFEST; 498 52 weeks Haloperidol 34.0% ≥50% reduction NR 72% 0.5 months 37%
Khan et al. 3.0 mg on PANSS
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
German 289 8 weeks Risperidone 49.3% >30% reduction 41.0 days 38.5% 50.8 days NR
Research 3.8 mg on PANSS+
Network; CGI-S
Möller et al. ≤4+mild or
2008 better ratings
of positive
Haloperidol 49.6% 38.6 days 54.1% 44.0 days
3.7 mg
Cuesta et al. 100 26 weeks Olanzapine NR >50% reduction NR 45.5% 12.7 weeks 70.5%
2009 10.2 mg on SAPS
Risperidone 50.0% 11.7 weeks 76.8%
6.0 mg
San et al. 2012 114 52 weeks Haloperidol 19% >50% reduction NR 85.7% 125 days NR
5.8 mg on PANSS
Olanzapine 40% 40.0% 260 days
16.2 mg
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
Ziprasidone 16.9%
65.3 mg
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
PAFIP; 202 12 weeks Aripiprazole 61.1% ≥50% reduction NR 23.1% 5.3 weeks NR
Crespo- 16.8 mg in BPRS
Facorro et
al. 2013
Ziprasidone 36.5% 37.1% 5.1 weeks
87.7 mg
Quetiapine 50.0% 61.8% 5.1 weeks
358.3 mg
Ou et al. 2013 260 6 weeks Ziprasidone NR NR NR 8.5% NR NR
138.2 mg
Olanzapine 14.6%
19.0 mg
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 12–1. Medication used in large first-episode psychosis (FEP) clinical trials, dose, response rate, and all-cause
discontinuation rate (continued)
CIDAR trial; 198 12 weeks Aripiprazole 62.8% Mild or lower 8.0 weeks 37.9% 8.3 weeks NR
Robinson et 14.8 mg of 4 BPRS
al. 2015 positive
CGI-I ≤2
Risperidone 56.8% 8.2 weeks 43.9% 8.2 weeks
3.2 mg
Pagsberg et 113 12 weeks Aripiprazole 23% ≥30% reduction NR 35% 9.3 weeks NR
al. 2017 14.6 mg in PANSS and
CGI-I ≤2
Quetiapine ER 23% 22% 10.4 weeks
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis
451.8 mg
Abbreviations. BPRS=Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CAFE=Comparison of Atypicals in First Episode of Psychosis; CGI-I=Clinical Global Impres-
sions—Improvement; CGI-S=Clinical Global Impressions—Severity; CIDAR=Center for Intervention Development and Advanced Research;
CNFEST=Chinese First-Episode Schizophrenia Trial; EUFEST=European Union First Episode Schizophrenia Trial; NR=not reported; PAFIP=Programa
Atención Fases Iniciales de Psicosis; PANSS=Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale; SADS-C=Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia—
Change; SAPS=Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; TEOSS=Treatment of Early-Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.
Source. Adapted from Zhang et al. 2013.
200 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Duration of Treatment
Clinicians treating patients with FEP will want to address the question
of when improvement will be seen with both patients and their family.
There is a large variation in how quickly a patient’s psychosis responds
to antipsychotic treatment. Unless psychosis is induced by substance
use, which may quickly remit once the triggering substance is discon-
tinued, it usually takes weeks for a patient’s psychotic symptoms to im-
prove. In studies listed in Table 12–1, the average time to response
ranged from 4 to 11 weeks, with more studies in the range of 7–9 weeks.
Patients will start to improve within the first 1–2 weeks of initiating
treatment, often within days, but it is reasonable to estimate that many
patients will need about 2 months of treatment to achieve significant
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis 201
at 5-year follow-up for a first episode of schizophrenia, and the top predic-
tor of relapse is medication nonadherence (Robinson et al. 1999). Tiihonen
and colleagues (2018) recently confirmed higher rates of treatment fail-
ure in patients who stop compared with those who continue antipsy-
chotic medication following a first episode of schizophrenia in a large
population sample across Finland with up to a 16-year follow-up; the
study authors also found that time on medication prior to discontinua-
tion is not protective against relapse. Therefore, it seems that the chance
of relapse is substantial when a patient stops taking antipsychotic med-
Preventing the second psychotic episode and helping individuals
and families understand the risks of relapse and disease progression
should be a large part of maintenance treatment. With each subsequent
psychotic relapse, the risk of developing persistent psychotic symp-
toms increases. Recurrent psychotic episodes are associated with pro-
gressive loss of gray matter that may mediate cognitive impairment and
treatment resistance. Moreover, relapse is likely to interfere with the so-
cial development and networks of young people suffering from psycho-
sis, which may have a significant impact on long-term psychosocial and
vocational functioning. The second edition of the American Psychiatric
Association treatment guideline for schizophrenia, published in 2004
(no longer considered to be current), recommends indefinite antipsy-
chotic drug treatment or, after at least 1 year of complete symptom re-
mission, discontinuation of drug therapy with close follow-up and a
plan of antipsychotic reinstitution with symptom recurrence (Lehman
et al. 2004; see also Dixon et al. 2009 for update).
There are certainly controversies about the potential consequences
of long-term antipsychotic use, but the general consensus is that for
most people with first-episode psychosis, continued antipsychotic
treatment will lower risks of relapse. However, regardless of practice
guidelines and empirical evidence, many patients will attempt at least
one trial of medication discontinuation after psychosis remission. For
these individuals, it is critical that the treating clinician work closely
with other members of the treatment team, the patient, and the patient’s
family on supervised medication discontinuation, perhaps first care-
fully tapering the medication to the lowest effective dose for mainte-
nance to minimize side effects. When a patient chooses to stop
medication, ensuring a slow tapering schedule with continuing engage-
ment in other components of treatment and carefully monitoring for
signs of relapse is advisable. Personalized early warning signs of re-
lapse should be identified with the patient and family. Finally, it is also
important to maintain an as-needed prescription after medication dis-
continuation so the patient can restart antipsychotic medication imme-
diately on the first indication of relapse.
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis 203
Case Example
Dave was a 24-year-old graduate student when he experienced onset of
paranoia, ideas of reference, confusion, and disorganized thinking and be-
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis 205
Antipsychotic medication therapy is an essential component of first-
episode psychosis treatment. Choosing an appropriate medication,
carefully dosed on the basis of research evidence and individual char-
acteristics to maximize efficacy and minimize side effects, is critical in
helping patients to improve symptoms and maintain long-term stabil-
ity. Risperidone and aripiprazole seem to have a balanced profile of ef-
ficacy and side effects and thus should be considered first-line
medications for treatment of FEP. Other antipsychotics with a high mar-
gin of safety are reasonable alternatives and deserve specific evaluation
in people with FEP. Treatment nonadherence and early discontinuation
of medications are common, and using a shared decision-making ap-
proach in an integrated treatment team setting may help patients en-
gage with and stay in treatment and achieve long-term recovery.
206 Intervening Early in Psychosis
• Antipsychotic medication treatment is central to early inter-
vention for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
• First-line treatments should ideally provide high tolerability
with reasonable efficacy.
• Antipsychotic medications are typically difficult to tolerate
and may constrict functioning but provide well-established
protection against relapse, requiring careful shared deci-
sion making around acute and ongoing use.
• When people choose to stop taking antipsychotic medica-
tion after onset of psychosis, continued engagement in
treatment and careful monitoring can minimize risks for
relapse and ensure rapid response.
Discussion Questions
1. How do you educate people experiencing a first episode of
psychosis (and their family) about duration of untreated psy-
chosis, prevention of progression, and remission?
Suggested Readings
International Early Psychosis Association Writing Group: International
clinical practice guidelines for early psychosis. Br J Psychiatry Suppl
187(48):s120–s124, 2005
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis 207
Ballon JS, Ashfaq H, Noordsy DL: Clozapine titration for people in early psy-
chosis: a chart review and treatment guideline. J Clin Psychopharmacol
38(3):234–238, 2018 29659460
Crespo-Facorro B, Pérez-Iglesias R, Ramirez-Bonilla M, et al: A practical clinical
trial comparing haloperidol, risperidone, and olanzapine for the acute
treatment of first-episode nonaffective psychosis. J Clin Psychiatry
67(10):1511–1521, 2006 17107241
Crespo-Facorro B, Pérez-Iglesias R, Mata I, et al: Relapse prevention and remis-
sion attainment in first-episode non-affective psychosis. A randomized,
controlled 1-year follow-up comparison of haloperidol, risperidone and
olanzapine. J Psychiatr Res 45(6):763–769, 2011 21106207
Crespo-Facorro B, Ortiz-García de la Foz V, Mata I, et al: Aripiprazole, Ziprasi-
done and Quetiapine in the treatment of first-episode nonaffective psycho-
sis: a 12-week randomized, flexible-dose, open-label trial. Schizophr Res
147(2-3):375–382, 2013 23643328
Cuesta MJ, Jalón EG, Campos MS, Peralta V: Cognitive effectiveness of olanzapine
and risperidone in first-episode psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 194(5):439–445, 2009
Dixon L, Perkins D, Calmes C: Guideline Watch (September 2009): Practice
Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia. Arlington, VA,
American Psychiatric Association, 2009. Available at: https://psychiatry-
Emsley RA; Risperidone Working Group: Risperidone in the treatment of first-
episode psychotic patients: a double-blind multicenter study. Schizophr
Bull 25(4):721–729, 1999 10667742
Gallego JA, Robinson DG, Sevy SM, et al: Time to treatment response in first-
episode schizophrenia: should acute treatment trials last several months?
J Clin Psychiatry 72(12):1691–1696, 2011 21939612
208 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Guy W, Bonato RR: CGI: Clinical Global Impressions, in ECDEU Assess Manual
Psychopharmacol-Revised. Rockville, MD, MIMH Psychopharmacology
Research Branch, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration,
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1976, pp 217–222
Han X, Yuan YB, Yu X, et al: The Chinese First-Episode Schizophrenia Trial:
background and study design. East Asian Arch Psychiatry 24(4):169–173,
2014 25482837
Kahn RS, Fleischhacker WW, Boter H, et al; EUFEST study group: Effectiveness
of antipsychotic drugs in first-episode schizophrenia and schizophreni-
form disorder: an open randomised clinical trial. Lancet 371(9618):1085–
1097, 2008 18374841
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usual com-
munity care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes from the NIMH
RAISE early treatment program. Am J Psychiatry 173(4):362–372, 2016
Kay SR, Fiszbein A, Opler LA: The positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS)
for schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull, 13(2), 261–276, 1987 3616518
Lehman AF, Lieberman JA, Dixon LB, et al: Practice guideline for the treatment of
patients with schizophrenia, second edition. Am J Psychiatry 161(2 Suppl):1–
56, 2004 15000267
Leucht S, Arbter D, Engel RR, et al: How effective are second-generation anti-
psychotic drugs? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials. Mol Psychi-
atry 14(4):429–447, 2009 18180760
Lieberman JA, Phillips M, Gu H, et al: Atypical and conventional antipsychotic
drugs in treatment-naive first-episode schizophrenia: a 52-week randomized
trial of clozapine vs chlorpromazine. Neuropsychopharmacology 28(5):995–
1003, 2003a 12700715
Lieberman JA, Tollefson G, Tohen M, et al; HGDH Study Group: Comparative
efficacy and safety of atypical and conventional antipsychotic drugs in
first-episode psychosis: a randomized, double-blind trial of olanzapine
versus haloperidol. Am J Psychiatry 160(8):1396–1404, 2003b 12900300
McEvoy JP, Lieberman JA, Perkins DO, et al: Efficacy and tolerability of olan-
zapine, quetiapine, and risperidone in the treatment of early psychosis: a
randomized, double-blind 52-week comparison. Am J Psychiatry 164(7):1050–
1060, 2007 17606657
Möller HJ, Riedel M, Jäger M, et al: Short-term treatment with risperidone or
haloperidol in first-episode schizophrenia: 8-week results of a randomized
controlled trial within the German Research Network on Schizophrenia.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 11(7):985–997, 2008 18466670
Ou JJ, Xu Y, Chen HH, et al: Comparison of metabolic effects of ziprasidone ver-
sus olanzapine treatment in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Psy-
chopharmacology (Berl) 225(3):627–635, 2013 22926006
Pagsberg AK, Jeppesen P, Klauber DG, et al: Quetiapine extended release ver-
sus aripiprazole in children and adolescents with first-episode psychosis:
the multicentre, double-blind, randomised tolerability and efficacy of anti-
psychotics (TEA) trial. Lancet Psychiatry 4(8):605–618, 2017 28599949
Robinson D, Woerner MG, Alvir JM, et al: Predictors of relapse following re-
sponse from a first episode of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
Arch Gen Psychiatry 56(3):241–247, 1999 10078501
Psychopharmacology for People in Early Psychosis 209
Interventions for Early
Kate V. Hardy, Clin.Psy.D.
Yulia Landa, Psy.D., M.S.
Piper Meyer-Kalos, Ph.D.
Kim T. Mueser, Ph.D.
212 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Early intervention
principlesa Psychosocial interventions
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
for Psychosis
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis is an approach to improv-
ing symptoms and functioning in individuals with psychotic disorders.
CBTp was adapted from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) methods
developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck and used primarily for the treatment of
depressive and anxiety disorders (Beck et al. 1979, 1985). Although the
first documented application of CBT to psychotic symptoms was by
Beck in the early 1950s and preceded most of the CBT applications to
depression and anxiety (Beck et al. 2009), findings from standardized
treatment programs (Chadwick et al. 1996; Kingdon and Turkington
1994; Morrison et al. 2004) and rigorous clinical trials of CBTp (Sensky et
al. 2000) did not begin to be published until more than 40 years later by
several different clinical research teams in the United Kingdom. Currently,
more than 50 randomized controlled trials and multiple meta-analyses of
the research literature on CBTp have been published documenting its
beneficial effects on a range of symptoms and functional outcomes
(Burns et al. 2014; Turner et al. 2014).
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 215
In CBTp, the development of a strong therapeutic alliance is essential to
the success of the treatment. The therapist engages the client with em-
pathy and normalizing and works to understand the problem as the cli-
ent sees it. Rather than using an authoritative, directive, or expert style,
the therapist uses what is called Columbo style (after the famous televi-
sion detective) to gently help clients describe their experiences, how
they arrived at their conclusions, and how they developed their specific
beliefs. Engagement continues throughout the therapeutic relationship
but can be thought of as the first step in the therapeutic process.
Identification of Goals
CBTp treatment starts with identification of the client’s goals. The client
generates a list of problems. The goals are based on the problem list and
are usually written down so that each goal corresponds to a specific
problem. Goals are specific, positive, realistic, achievable, measurable,
and time limited.
After the problems and goals are identified, the therapist and client
collaboratively decide which goal to address first. The factors consid-
ered in making certain goals a priority are the level of urgency, which is
usually related to the level of distress caused by a problem, and the like-
lihood that the problem could be quickly and successfully resolved. The
latter can provide the client with the experience of resolving problems
successfully and therefore a sense of hope for treatment.
Once the formulation is developed, therapist and client work collabora-
tively to identify appropriate interventions based on the client’s goals.
Interventions in CBTp can include exploring the evidence the client uses
to support his or her delusional beliefs, verbal exploration of beliefs
through discussion, and testing the validity of the beliefs. Verbal explo-
ration of beliefs could involve looking for alternative explanations for
the experiences that contributed to the formation of specific beliefs and
comparing which explanations (beliefs) are better supported by evi-
dence. Testing the validity of beliefs can involve encouraging the client
to engage in specific behavior for the purpose of testing the belief, setting
predictors for external events so that outcomes serve as tests of these
predictors, and reviewing the outcomes. For example, an individual is
more likely to be distressed by voices and to comply with command hal-
lucinations if he or she believes that those voices have power or control
over him or her. Clients are encouraged to explore alternative explana-
tions of anomalous experiences (such as voices) that are less threatening,
helped to engage in behavioral experiments to test out their belief about
the power of auditory hallucinations, and helped to develop a more nor-
malizing rationale for making sense of such experiences.
Similar to the IRT model, the stress-vulnerability model (Zubin and
Spring 1977) is used to help individuals make sense of and normalize
psychotic experiences. According to the stress-vulnerability model, vari-
ous genetic predispositions and life events (e.g., early trauma, physical
illnesses) make us vulnerable to developing certain symptoms (e.g., para-
noia, hearing voices), and we tend to experience these symptoms when
we are under stress. Thus, the stress-vulnerability model serves to high-
light the relationship between stress and symptoms as well as to help nor-
malize psychotic experiences by illustrating that at different levels of
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 217
distress all people are capable of having such experiences. The therapist
also helps the client become aware of whether or not his or her current
coping behaviors are helping and develop better ways of coping. For ex-
ample, a therapist could help identify strategies of coping with the voices
that could diminish their frequency and intensity (e.g., talking to some-
one, reading aloud, listening to music, using earplugs). During the course
of the treatment, the therapist and client collaboratively evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of these interventions. If the interventions are not successful,
new interventions are tried until the treatment goal is achieved. CBTp is
considered to be culturally responsive in that the influence of cultural
background is integrated into the formulation, which aids the develop-
ment of culturally responsive interventions (Rathod et al. 2015).
Relapse Prevention
Once both client and therapist decide that the goals of the treatment
have been achieved, then relapse prevention is discussed. In the same
manner in which the formulation of the client’s difficulties is assessed
and developed, the therapist assesses the relapse triggers and cogni-
tions, and relapse prevention interventions are designed collabora-
tively with the client. CBTp treatment is intended to be provided
weekly for at least 6 months. The treatment can also take longer de-
pending on the client’s symptomatology (e.g., it takes about 40 sessions
to successfully work with systematized delusions). Once the treatment
is complete, it is recommended that the client attend booster sessions
(once a month, and then once in 3 and then 6 months) to reinforce the
coping skills and cognitive strategies learned in therapy.
Case Example 1
Julio is a 20-year-old young man who was referred to CBTp after being
hospitalized for FEP due to paranoia. Julio was afraid of being killed by
the Mafia. He grew up in an Italian neighborhood in the Bronx in New
York City, where he often felt unsafe. His father left when he was very
young. He had witnessed several violent incidents at school and was
hurt by older boys during one of these incidents, and as a result, he often
felt vulnerable and unprotected. After Julio graduated from high school,
he began working as a waiter in an Italian restaurant in his neighbor-
hood. Around the same time, following the lead of his friends, he began
using cannabis.
Initially, the CBTp therapist used empathy and a normalizing ap-
proach to understanding Julio’s problems as Julio saw them in order to
develop a therapeutic alliance and to begin to work collaboratively on
formulating Julio’s therapy goals. Julio wished that the Mafia “would
leave me alone” and that he would be able to go out without the debili-
tating fear, make friends, and maybe even have a girlfriend. Rather than
using an authoritative, directive, or expert style, the therapist used the
218 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Automatic Feelings/
Antecedents Terrified
thoughts emotions
Childhood and Strategies
earlier life events core beliefs
FIGURE 13–1. Historical formulation: making sense of Julio’s beliefs and experiences.
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 221
tion and skills training content into discrete modules, as well as the role
of goal setting and tracking throughout the program and the teaching of
illness self-management information and skills, was based on the Illness
Management and Recovery program (McGuire et al. 2014). IRT also was
modeled after the Graduated Recovery From Initial Psychosis (GRIP)
program for people recovering from an FEP. GRIP is a flexible modular-
based cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention that also includes goal
setting and teaching of illness self-management skills (Penn et al. 2011).
The two resiliency modules in IRT were based on positive psychother-
apy (Seligman et al. 2006) and the Positive Living intervention for people
with schizophrenia (Meyer et al. 2012). Behaviorally based exercises from
Positive Living were included in IRT to help people generate more positive
emotions and incorporate these strategies into their daily lives.
Finally, the IRT program adopted the same basic session structure
used in cognitive and behavioral therapies, including setting agendas,
reviewing homework, teaching specific information and skills, and col-
laboratively developing home assignments to practice skills and foster
generalization. Furthermore, many of the specific strategies used in
cognitive and behavioral approaches were incorporated into the differ-
ent IRT modules. For example, with respect to CBTp, the strategy of
normalizing psychotic symptoms was incorporated into the Education
About Psychosis module, the teaching coping strategies were incorpo-
rated into the Coping With Symptoms module, and cognitive restruc-
turing was incorporated into the Processing the Psychotic Episode and
Dealing With Negative Feelings modules. Similarly, social skills train-
ing strategies were incorporated into the Having Fun and Developing
Good Relationships modules of IRT.
that address special topics specific to persons with FEP. After the stan-
dard modules are completed, a decision is made by the client and clini-
cian to focus on individualized modules that could help reduce distress
or help the person achieve his or her goals. Usually, people complete the
standardized modules before moving to the individualized modules,
but the clinician has the option of teaching individualized modules at
any point during IRT when the need arises (e.g., when significant sui-
cidal ideation, co-occurring substance use, or distressing hallucinations
are present and require immediate attention).
The IRT materials for each module include clinical guidelines that
outline the goals of the module, teaching strategies, and strategies to
solve common problems. The clinical guidelines are designed to help
clinicians with varying levels of experience deliver IRT. Each set of clin-
ical guidelines is accompanied by a set of worksheets that the IRT clini-
cian uses in session to interactively discuss and practice skills and
strategies. The IRT worksheets include discussion questions to elicit in-
dividual examples, opportunities to demonstrate and practice skills,
and suggestions for home practice.
The IRT program relies on a core set of teaching strategies, including
motivational, educational, and cognitive-behavioral methods. These
strategies are used throughout the program to stimulate clients’ interest
and desire to learn information and skills related to the management of
their psychosis and the attainment of personal goals, to teach critical in-
formation, and to help individuals acquire new skills and to transfer
those skills to their daily lives.
Case Example 2
Ana, a 23-year-old woman, was referred to the NAVIGATE team after
being hospitalized for wandering around her aunt’s neighborhood
screaming about the FBI monitoring the street with hidden cameras.
Ana had moved in with her aunt in a small town about 3 months before
being hospitalized because she had not been getting along with her
grandmother, with whom she lived in a major metropolitan city. At the
time that Ana was enrolled in NAVIGATE, she was often confused by
what people were saying and had trouble putting together a full sen-
tence. After being hospitalized, Ana described hearing voices talking to
her, and her aunt said that she would stay in her room for several hours
at a time.
Ana was introduced to Celia, the IRT clinician, when the NAVIGATE
director, Terry, was enrolling her in the program. A week later, Ana
started the Orientation module with Celia. In the beginning of IRT, Ana
was hesitant to talk to her therapist. Celia focused on teaching and prac-
ticing relaxed breathing in session with Ana. Eventually, Celia worked
with Ana to set small positive goals. In the beginning, Celia met with
Ana twice a week for shorter sessions until she was more comfortable
meeting weekly for 1 hour. Over the first 3 months of IRT, Ana shared
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 225
Target population All persons with FEP All persons with FEP
Aims of intervention • Improve quality of life • Increase strengths, resiliency, and self-
• Reduce distress and prevent future determination
distress • Teach information and skills to facilitate
• Elicit hope in recovery informed decision making about
• Assist the maintenance of a client’s treatment and illness self-management
capacity to make informed decisions • Teach information and skills and provide
about his or her life support for achieving personally
• Help the client, over the course of therapy, meaningful goals
work toward becoming his or her own
Session frequency and intervention duration Frequency: adapted to the client’s needs Frequency: weekly or biweekly
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
Materials for clients Worksheets from manuals (may be included or Educational handouts for each module,
may be developed idiosyncratically to meet including the following:
needs of client) • Information about topic area
• Prompt questions to facilitate discussion
• Suggestions for in-session practice of skills
• Tables completed in session
• Suggestions for home assignments
Specific methods used and topic areas covered
Befriending and engagement • Engage the client in the therapeutic Emphasize engagement from the
relationship and take into account the beginning of IRT in module 2
client’s perspective and world view (Assessment and Goal Setting) when
• Explain the rationale of CBT to the client developing a definition of recovery and
and demonstrate its use discussing different areas of life
• Use client feedback to inform
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis
• Encourage clients to express positive and
negative reactions regarding therapy
• Ensure consistent collaboration
throughout sessions
• Use collaborative feedback to engage the
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
over time
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
Resiliency skills training Exploration of strengths and existing coping • Covered in two modules (1 standard
skills to support change module and 1 individualized module)
• Includes skills to identify character
strengths and practice gratitude,
mindfulness, and other positive
Psychoeducation about FEP and its treatment • Psychoeducation is incorporated as needed • Covered in Education About Psychosis
(providing standard information about but is not made a priority module (standard)
disorder in an interactive, flexible way to • Clinician remains open to pursuing • Clinician maintains focus on
facilitate comprehension) alternative ways of understanding psychosis understanding client’s experience of
in a manner that allows reduced distress and psychosis
increased functioning • Clinician incorporates client’s language
• Clinician normalizes psychotic symptoms to describe symptoms
to reduce stigma and improve
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
Shared formulation and processing the Idiosyncratic formulation is developed for all Formulation is covered in Processing the
psychotic episode clients: Episode module (standard):
• Incorporates historical understanding of • Develop a narrative account of the
formation of psychotic symptoms and how episode
client has reacted to them • Identify and challenge self-stigmatizing
• Informs interventions beliefs about mental illness
Formulation includes maintenance based in the
here and now and a longitudinal formulation,
to understand formation of psychosis
• A balanced conceptualization should
highlight the client’s strengths
• Conceptualization should draw together
current concerns, vulnerabilities, and
precipitating and perpetuating factors
• A cognitive-behavioral maintenance
cycle should be devised and used to set
targets for intervention
• For effective CBT to occur, the
conceptualization must be appropriate
and shared
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
Relapse prevention training (developing a plan Wellness plan should be developed before Covered in Relapse Prevention Planning
to prevent future relapses) terminating therapy module (standard)
Enhancement of coping strategies (systematic Idiosyncratic coping strategies should be Covered in Coping With Symptoms
enhancement of strategies for coping with identified through the formulation and module (individualized):
problematic symptoms and teaching new implemented as a behavioral intervention • Address broad range of symptoms
coping strategies) (psychotic symptoms, negative
symptoms, depression, anxiety)
• Incorporate behaviorally based coping
Cognitive restructuring (teaching thought- • Identify unhelpful thoughts and beliefs Briefly covered in Processing the Psychotic
feeling-behavior triad, recognizing thoughts through the formulation, including Episode module (standard) and Dealing
underlying negative feelings, evaluating examination of their impact on actions and With Negative Feelings module
evidence for thoughts and changing when emotions (individualized):
inaccurate) • Implement cognitive strategies to address • Address any negative feelings, including
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis
TABLE 13–3. Goals, structure, organization, and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and
individual resiliency training (IRT) (continued)
Interpersonal skills training (teaching social Training incorporated as a behavioral Covered in Having Fun and Developing
skills via breaking down skills, modeling, role intervention as needed on the basis of Good Relationships module
play practice, feedback, home practice) individualized formulation (individualized)
Substance use problems (education about Interventions related to substance abuse Covered in Substance Use module
substances and effects, motivational incorporated as needed on the basis of client’s (individualized)
interviewing, decisional balance about using, goals and formulation
plan for cutting down or preventing relapses)
Health issues (education about healthy Interventions related to healthy living Covered in Making Decisions About
lifestyles, guidance on changing habits) incorporated as needed on the basis of client’s Smoking, Nutrition, and Exercise
goals and formulation module (individualized)
Note. CBTp column is based on Morrison and Barratt 2010. Italics indicate content added by chapter authors.
Abbreviations. FEP=first-episode psychosis; PTSD=posttraumatic stress disorder.
Intervening Early in Psychosis
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 235
Individual psychotherapy is a core component of early psychosis care
and should be made routinely available to young people experiencing
first episode of psychosis. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis
and individual resiliency training are two evidence-based interventions
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 237
• Psychotherapy is a core intervention in early psychosis
• Individual resiliency training and cognitive-behavioral ther-
apy for psychosis are two models of psychotherapy that have
been integrated into coordinated specialty care services.
• Both models support recovery from psychosis through the
development of key skills.
• Services considering implementing individual psychother-
apy need to assess clinician skill and client preference.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
French P, Morrison A: Early Detection and Cognitive Therapy for Peo-
ple at High Risk for Psychosis: A Treatment Approach. New York,
Wiley, 2004
Hardy KV: Fact sheet: Cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis
(CBTp). SAMHSA/CMHS, 2018. Available at:
sites/default/files/DH-CBTp_Fact_Sheet.pdf. Accessed October 9,
238 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Beck AT, Rush AJ, Shaw BF, et al: Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York,
Guilford, 1979
Beck AT, Emery G, Greenberg RL: Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive
Perspective. New York, Basic Books, 1985
Beck AT, Rector NA, Stolar N, et al: Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research,
and Therapy. New York, Guilford, 2009
Bertolote J, McGorry P: Early intervention and recovery for young people with
early psychosis: consensus statement. Br J Psychiatry Suppl 48:s116–119,
2005 16055800
Burns AMN, Erickson DH, Brenner CA: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for med-
ication-resistant psychosis: a meta-analytic review. Psychiatr Serv
65(7):874–880, 2014 24686725
Chadwick P, Birchwood M, Trower P: Cognitive Therapy for Delusions, Voices,
and Paranoia. Chichester, England, Wiley, 1996
Corrigan PW: The Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation: An Em-
pirical Approach, 2nd Edition. New York, Guilford, 2016
Fredrickson BL: Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace
the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive.
New York, Crown Publishers, 2009
Hale JL, Householder BJ, Greene KL: The theory of reasoned action, in The Per-
suasion Handbook: Developments in Theory and Practice. Edited by Dillard
JP, Pfau M. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2002, pp 259–286
Ince P, Haddock G, Tai S: A systematic review of the implementation of recom-
mended psychological interventions for schizophrenia: rates, barriers, and
improvement strategies. Psychol Psychother 89(3):324–350, 2016 26537838
Kingdon DG, Turkington D: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Schizophrenia.
New York, Guilford, 1994
McGuire AB, Kukla M, Green A, et al: Illness management and recovery: a review
of the literature. Psychiatr Serv 65(2):171–179, 2014 24178191
Meyer PS, Johnson DP, Parks A, et al: Positive living: A pilot study of group pos-
itive psychotherapy for people with schizophrenia. J Posit Psychol 7:239–248,
Morrison AP, Barratt S: What are the components of CBT for psychosis? A Del-
phi study. Schizophr Bull 36(1):136-142, 2010 19880824
Morrison AP, Renton JC, Dunn H, et al: Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis: A For-
mulation-Based Approach. New York, Brunner-Routledge, 2004
Mueser KT, Lu W, Rosenberg SD, et al: The trauma of psychosis: posttraumatic
stress disorder and recent onset psychosis. Schizophr Res 116(2–3):217–227,
2010 19939633
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Early Psychosis 239
Mueser KT, Deavers F, Penn DL, et al: Psychosocial treatments for schizophre-
nia. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 9:465–497, 2013 23330939
Mueser KT, Penn DL, Addington J, et al: The NAVIGATE program for first-episode
psychosis: rationale, overview, and description of psychosocial components.
Psychiatr Serv 66(7):680–690, 2015 25772766
Penn DL, Uzenoff SR, Perkins D, et al: A pilot investigation of the Graduated
Recovery Intervention Program (GRIP) for first episode psychosis. Schizo-
phr Res 125(2–3):247–256, 2011 20817484
Rapp CA, Goscha RJ: The Strengths Model: Case Management With People
With Psychiatric Disabilities, 2nd Edition. New York, Oxford University
Press, 2006
Rathod S, Kingdon DG, Pinninti N, et al: Cultural Adaptation of CBT for Serious
Mental Illness: A Guide for Training and Practice. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 2015
Roth AD, Pilling S: A competence framework for psychological interventions
with people with psychosis and bipolar disorder. 2013. Available at:
%20web%20version.pdf. Accessed October 9, 2018.
Seligman ME: Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and
Well-Being. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2012
Seligman MEP, Rashid T, Parks AC: Positive psychotherapy. Am Psychol
61(8):774–788, 2006 17115810
Sensky T, Turkington D, Kingdon D, et al: A randomized controlled trial of cog-
nitive-behavioral therapy for persistent symptoms in schizophrenia resis-
tant to medication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 57(2):165–172, 2000 10665619
Turner DT, van der Gaag M, Karyotaki E, et al: Psychological interventions for
psychosis: a meta-analysis of comparative outcome studies. Am J Psychia-
try 171(5):523–538, 2014 24525715
Zubin J, Spring B: Vulnerability—a new view of schizophrenia. J Abnorm Psy-
chol 86(2):103–126, 1977 858828
Case Example
James, a 19-year-old young man, went to his local emergency depart-
ment with severe anxiety and the conviction that his family was in grave
danger. His parents (with whom he lived) related that he became in-
creasingly irritable about 3 months ago. He reported “weird thoughts”
that his family was going to be murdered, that he was responsible for
the misfortunes of others, and that strangers could “see” his thoughts of
guilt. During the past month he slept poorly, was exhausted, and was
distracted at his cashier job.
When asked about substances, James said he had been using mari-
juana for about 4 years, increasing his use in the past year to a “few bong
hits with friends” each day. He realized that he felt more paranoid after
he smoked pot and said his supervisor was criticizing his work. Al-
though he last used 2 weeks ago, he was now even more distressed.
While in the hospital, James started taking risperidone 0.5 mg each
evening for psychosis and melatonin 3 mg at bedtime for sleep. He and
his family met with his treatment team to discuss information about
psychosis and substance abuse, as well as options for care. His sleep and
distress from paranoia improved by 50% within 2 days. James stated
that his goals were to “get back to normal and to be able to go to work.”
His team recommended continued medication, avoidance of alcohol
and marijuana, and counseling to work on skills to “do reality checks”
and manage anxiety and stress.
242 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Distinguishing Between
Substance-Induced Psychosis
and First-Episode Psychosis
In the acute treatment setting, when an individual presents with both
new psychosis symptoms and recent drug or alcohol use, the clinician
will need to determine over time whether the client is experiencing a
first episode of a primary psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, or
whether he or she is experiencing a substance-induced psychosis. Psy-
chosis spurred by substance use may indicate an increased risk for ad-
ditional psychotic episodes in the context of substance use or a more
chronic psychotic illness. Providers and families should know that un-
certainty exists and that close, longitudinal monitoring is necessary to
distinguish between substance-induced and first-episode psychosis. In
order to distinguish between substance-induced and primary psycho-
ses, clinicians should consider whether the psychosis symptoms are
consistent with the type of substances being used, the time course of the
244 Intervening Early in Psychosis
substance use and psychotic symptoms, and the person’s personal and
family history of substance abuse and psychosis (see Table 14–1).
Some substances of abuse are known to produce psychotic states in
nonpsychotic people, especially when used in large amounts for long
periods of time. Substance-induced psychosis is the presence of psychotic
symptoms in the context of intoxication by or withdrawal from a sub-
stance that are not otherwise accounted for by a non-substance-related
psychotic disorder (e.g., schizophrenia spectrum illness, affective disor-
ders with psychotic features, delirium). People with substance-induced
psychosis may also experience mood symptoms, abnormal behavior,
disorganized speech, and impaired cognition. Substance-induced psy-
chosis is most likely to develop in polysubstance users.
A number of abused substances can precipitate psychotic symptoms
through intoxication or withdrawal in people with and without a psy-
chotic disorder (Table 14–2). Stimulants and cannabis are the most com-
monly abused agents known to cause psychotic symptoms. For
example, abuse of stimulants increases the risk of developing psychotic
symptoms up to 11 times the risk in the non-using population (McKetin
et al. 2006). Psychosis can also occur in the context of abusing phency-
clidine, other hallucinogens, and inhalants. Psychosis symptoms typi-
cally seen with substance use, as well as other signs and symptoms
associated with intoxication and withdrawal, are shown in Table 14–2.
If a substance-using individual presents with psychosis symptoms that
are not consistent with the substance, the clinician may be more con-
cerned about the presence of a first episode of schizophrenia, but the di-
agnosis becomes clearer over time (Drake et al. 2011).
In the United States, many states are legalizing cannabis as medical
marijuana and/or for recreational use, leading to more favorable atti-
tudes and increased use of cannabis. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the
main psychoactive agent in naturally occurring cannabis and in syn-
thetic cannabinoids (e.g., Spice, K2), can cause psychotic symptoms and
exacerbate psychosis in people with schizophrenia who are taking anti-
psychotics (D’Souza et al. 2005), whereas cannabidiol (CBD), also in
naturally occurring cannabis, may have calming, antipsychotic, and an-
algesic effects (D’Souza et al. 2016; Hahn 2018; Murray et al. 2017). The
concentration of THC in cannabis has increased over the last 40 years.
Some strains of high-THC cannabis precipitate psychotic symptoms
among many people who use them. Cannabis-induced psychosis may
be transient and remitting, but studies have reported that approxi-
mately 41% of people with cannabis-induced psychosis converted to
having chronic schizophrenia (Starzer et al. 2018). Additionally, regular
cannabis use causes changes in cognition (e.g., deficits in memory, dis-
organized thinking) as well as amotivation and impaired expression of
TABLE 14–1. Distinguishing between first-episode psychosis and substance-induced psychosis
Resolution Psychosis is nonremitting (may reduce in Psychosis may or may not remit Psychosis resolves during periods
severity or resolve with antipsychotic during periods of abstinencea of abstinence or following
medication)a withdrawal from acute or
ongoing substance usea
Symptoms Positive symptoms: mood incongruent Symptoms may be characteristic Dependent on substance of abuse
hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, of substance of abuse. May (see Table 14–2)
agitationa overlap with symptoms
Negative symptoms: avolition, apathy, consistent with schizophreniaa
reduced affect, poverty of speech, impaired
History May have personal or family history of May have personal or family May have personal or family
primary psychotic illnessa history of substance use history of substance use disorder
disorder, primary psychotic or substance-induced psychosisb
illness, or substance-induced
Acute treatment Antipsychotic medications, education, Antipsychotic medications, Reducing stimulation, reassurance
family engagement, ensuring safe reducing stimulation, and supportive care with close
environment, close monitoring, sleep providing reassurance and monitoring, antipsychotic and/
regulation, abstinence from substances supportive care, education, or sedative-hypnotic
close monitoring, sleep medications (if behavior is
regulation dangerous)c
aAmerican Psychiatric Association 2013.
bBrady et al. 1995.
cMcIver et al. 2006.
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 14–2. Signs and symptoms of acute intoxication and withdrawal for commonly abused substances
psychosis in
Psychotic schizophrenia
Psychotic symptoms symptoms with spectrum
Substance Acute intoxication Acute withdrawal with intoxication withdrawal disorders?
Alcohol and • Depression • Increased heart • Visual and tactile • Visual and tactile Sometimes
sedativesa,b,c • Problematic behavior rate hallucinations hallucinations
• Slurred speech • Tremor • Auditory, visual, and • Auditory, visual,
• Poor coordination • Insomnia tactile illusions and tactile
• Impaired cognition • Nausea or illusions
Substance Use and Early Psychosis
• Stupor vomiting
• Hallucinations or
• Restlessness
• Anxiety
• Seizures
TABLE 14–2. Signs and symptoms of acute intoxication and withdrawal for commonly abused substances (continued)
psychosis in
Psychotic schizophrenia
Psychotic symptoms symptoms with spectrum
Substance Acute intoxication Acute withdrawal with intoxication withdrawal disorders?
psychosis in
Psychotic schizophrenia
Psychotic symptoms symptoms with spectrum
Substance Acute intoxication Acute withdrawal with intoxication withdrawal disorders?
• Pupillary dilation
• Sweating
• Piloerection
• Yawning
• Insomnia
TABLE 14–2. Signs and symptoms of acute intoxication and withdrawal for commonly abused substances (continued)
psychosis in
Psychotic schizophrenia
Psychotic symptoms symptoms with spectrum
Substance Acute intoxication Acute withdrawal with intoxication withdrawal disorders?
psychosis in
Psychotic schizophrenia
Psychotic symptoms symptoms with spectrum
Substance Acute intoxication Acute withdrawal with intoxication withdrawal disorders?
team (Addington et al. 2014; Drake et al. 2008). This approach ensures
that all clients receive a consistent message about how substance use im-
pacts their psychotic symptoms and also ensures access to both treatments
and individualization of these treatments to best fit the needs of the client
(Drake et al. 2008; Mueser et al. 2003). Ideally, treatments are tailored to
an individual’s level of motivation to change and recovery goals.
Stagewise substance use treatment for people with schizophrenia
yields functional improvements over time (Xie et al. 2005). This ap-
proach employs Osher and Kofoed’s (1989) Model of Recovery Sup-
ports applied strategically for individuals at each level of motivation
(Mueser et al. 2003):
Medication Management
Medications are important preparation-, action-, and maintenance-
stage interventions for people with early psychosis and substance use
disorders. Antipsychotic medications reduce or eliminate psychosis
symptoms, enabling people to participate in school and work; engage
in naturally rewarding, healthy activities; and participate in substance
use disorder treatment if needed. Addiction treatment medications aim
to reduce craving and reduce substance use. In the following subsec-
tions, we review the impact of antipsychotic medications and other
medications on substance use in schizophrenia.
• Substance use is common in people presenting with early
psychosis, with bidirectional interactions.
• Longitudinal observation is often required to distinguish
substance-induced psychosis from early psychosis trig-
gered by substance use.
• Ongoing substance use is associated with lower likelihood
of remission from psychosis and worse outcomes.
• Integrated treatment for psychosis and substance use
within a coordinated specialty care framework is recom-
mended in order to improve outcomes.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Brunette MF, Noordsy DL, Green AI: Co-occurring substance use and
other psychiatric disorders, in Textbook of Schizophrenia. Edited
by Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, Perkins DO. Washington, DC, Ameri-
can Psychiatric Press, 2006, pp 223–244
Drake RE, O’Neal EL, Wallach MA: A systematic review of psychosocial
research on psychosocial interventions for people with co-occurring
Substance Use and Early Psychosis 261
Addington J, Case N, Saleem MM, et al: Substance use in clinical high risk for
psychosis: a review of the literature. Early Interv Psychiatry 8(2):104–112,
2014 24224849
Akerman SC, Brunette MF, Noordsy DL, et al: Pharmacotherapy of co-occurring
schizophrenia and substance use disorders. Curr Addict Rep 1(4):251–260,
2014 27226947
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Publishing,
American Society of Addiction Medicine: National Practice Guideline for the
Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addiction Involving Opioid Use.
Chevy Chase, MD, American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2015
Berman SM, Kuczenski R, McCracken JT, et al: Potential adverse effects of am-
phetamine treatment on brain and behavior: a review. Mol Psychiatry
14(2):123–142, 2009 18698321
Brady KT, Sonne S, Randall CL, et al: Features of cocaine dependence with con-
current alcohol abuse. Drug Alcohol Depend 39(1):69–71, 1995 7587977
Brunette MF, Feiron JC, Aschbrenner K, et al: Characteristics and predictors of
intention to use cessation treatment among smokers with schizophrenia:
young adult compared to older adults. J Subst Abus Alcohol 5(1):1055, 2017
Brunette MF, Mueser KT, Babbin S, et al: Demographic and clinical correlates of
substance use disorders in first episode psychosis. Schizophr Res 194:4–12,
2018a 28697856
Brunette MF, Pratt SI, Bartels SJ, et al: Randomized trial of interventions for
smoking cessation among Medicaid beneficiaries with mental illness. Psy-
chiatr Serv 69(3):274–280, 2018b 29137560
Callaghan RC, Veldhuizen S, Jeysingh T, et al: Patterns of tobacco-related mor-
tality among individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
or depression. J Psychiatr Res 48(1):102–110, 2014 24139811
Cather C, Pachas GN, Cieslak KM, et al: Achieving smoking cessation in indi-
viduals with schizophrenia: special considerations. CNS Drugs 31(6):471–
481, 2017 28550660
Chiappelli J, Chen S, Hackman A, et al: Evidence for differential opioid use dis-
order in schizophrenia in an addiction treatment population. Schizophr
Res 194:26–31, 2018 28487076
262 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Lyon J: More treatments on deck for alcohol use disorder. JAMA 317(22):2267–
2269, 2017 28538998
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McDonell MG, Srebnik D, Angelo F, et al: Randomized controlled trial of contin-
gency management for stimulant use in community mental health patients
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McKetin R, McLaren J, Lubman DI, Hides L: The prevalence of psychotic symp-
toms among methamphetamine users. Addiction 101(10):1473–1478, 2006
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current alcohol and nicotine dependence in schizophrenia: a randomized,
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1989 2807202
Ouellet-Plamondon C, Abdel-Baki A, Salvat É, Potvin S: Specific impact of stim-
ulant, alcohol and cannabis use disorders on first-episode psychosis: 2-year
functional and symptomatic outcomes. Psychol Med 47(14):2461–2471, 2017
Petrakis IL, O’Malley S, Rounsaville B, et al; VA Naltrexone Study Collaboration
Group: Naltrexone augmentation of neuroleptic treatment in alcohol abus-
ing patients with schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 172(3):291–297,
2004 14634716
Ries RK, Dyck DG, Short R, et al: Outcomes of managing disability benefits among
patients with substance dependence and severe mental illness. Psychiatr Serv
55(4):445–447, 2004 15067161
Sherif M, Radhakrishnan R, D’Souza DC, Ranganathan M: Human laboratory
studies on cannabinoids and psychosis. Biol Psychiatry 79(7):526–538, 2016
264 Intervening Early in Psychosis
266 Intervening Early in Psychosis
athy occur during the high-risk period and remain persistent through-
out the course of illness, and these symptoms typically respond poorly
to psychopharmacological intervention (Hasan et al. 2012). These clini-
cal and affective impairments negatively influence individuals’ disabil-
ity levels and ability to function in all areas of daily life, including social
and occupational areas, and do not appear to be treatable using tradi-
tional antipsychotic medications (Hasan et al. 2012).
Although pharmacological intervention is widely used in psychotic
disorders and may treat specific symptoms (such as hallucinations or
other positive symptoms), very few, if any, interventions exist that reli-
ably improve neurocognition and functioning in this population. There-
fore, it is imperative to develop intervention strategies that target
neurocognitive deficits in people experiencing early psychosis, which
may subsequently improve general functional outcome. One recent inter-
vention that targets these factors for both chronic and early psychosis in-
cludes using the benefits of increased physical activity or exercise.
Exercise refers to structured, planned, and repetitive physical movement
to maintain or improve one or more mechanisms of physical fitness. In
this chapter, we detail the potential benefits of physical activity, primarily
aerobic exercise interventions, for cognitive and negative symptoms in
people with psychotic disorders.
Lin et al. 31 (aerobic) 33 24.56 Onset within 60 minutes of either 12 weeks, 3 Verbal memory
2015 38 (yoga) waitlist 5 years yoga therapy or times per Working memory
aerobic exercise week Attention
(i.e., walking or Executive function
McEwen et 7 7 23.35 FEP Low and high — Processing speed
al. 2015 physical activity Attention/
according to the vigilance
IPAQ Working memory
Verbal learning
Visual learning
problem solving
Social cognition
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 15–1. Studies assessing effects of exercise on cognition in early psychosis (continued)
TABLE 15–1. Studies assessing effects of exercise on cognition in early psychosis (continued)
Nuechterlein 7 (with CT) 9 22.65 FEP 150 minutes/week 10 weeks, 4 Processing speed
et al. 2016 CR of moderate to times per Attention/
vigorous aerobic week vigilance
exercise (i.e., Working memory
calisthenics) in Verbal learning
conjunction with Visual learning
CR Reasoning/
problem solving
Social cognition
Intervening Early in Psychosis
TABLE 15–1. Studies assessing effects of exercise on cognition in early psychosis (continued)
Dean et al. 12 — 19.42 CHR Two exercise 12 weeks, 2–3 Processing speed
2017 conditions: times per Attention/vigilance
1) moderate (65% week Working memory
intensity 2 days/ Verbal learning
week) or Visual learning
2) vigorous (85% Reasoning/problem
intensity 3 days/ solving
week), including Social cognition
treadmill, bikes,
and elliptical
Aerobic Exercise in Treatment of Early Psychosis
Abbreviations. CHR=clinical high risk; CR=cognitive remediation; CT=cognitive training; FEP=first-episode psychosis; IPAQ=International Physical
Activity Questionnaire; TAU=treatment as usual.
272 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Overall, numerous studies have found beneficial effects of physical activ-
ity, particularly moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise, on cognition and
negative symptoms, as well as functional outcome in early and chronic
psychosis. Importantly, studies have found that physical exercise inter-
ventions improved cognition, attenuated psychotic symptoms, amelio-
rated negative symptoms, decreased depressive symptoms, and
improved social and role functioning. A number of biological markers
may partially explain these enhancement effects, including increased re-
lease and upregulation of BDNF, which may subsequently promote neu-
rogenesis and neuroplasticity, leading to volumetric increases in key
brain regions (such as the hippocampus) associated with cognition. Al-
though most studies implicate the importance of moderate- to vigorous-
intensity level of exercise in order to maximize benefits, a few studies do
suggest that lower-intensity training, such as yoga, may also ameliorate
symptoms and improve neurocognition and functioning. Additional
studies are necessary to ascertain the specific mechanisms by which var-
ious forms of physical exercise improve cognition, symptoms, and func-
tioning in early and chronic psychosis.
• Aerobic exercise training has been observed to improve
cognitive functioning and clinical symptoms in individuals
with psychosis disorders.
278 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Discussion Questions
1. Most studies have assessed the effects of aerobic exercise on
cognition and clinical symptoms in individuals with psycho-
sis disorders. Would other types of exercise (strength train-
ing, high-intensity interval training, yoga, or stretching)
confer similar effects on aspects of cognition or clinical symp-
tom severity? If so, what are the possible neurobiological
mechanisms for such enhancement effects?
Suggested Readings
Firth J, Rosenbaum S, Stubbs B, et al: Motivating factors and barriers to-
wards exercise in severe mental illness: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Psychol Med 46(14):2869-2881, 2016
Rosenbaum S, Lederman O, Stubbs B, et al: How can we increase phys-
ical activity and exercise among youth experiencing first-episode
psychosis? A systematic review of intervention variables. Early Interv
Psychiatry 10(5):435-40, 2016
Stubbs B, Rosenbaum S (eds): Exercise-Based Interventions for Mental
Illness. London, Academic Press, 2018
Bilder RM, Goldman RS, Robinson D, et al: Neuropsychology of first-episode
schizophrenia: initial characterization and clinical correlates. Am J Psychi-
atry 157(4):549–559, 2000 10739413
Aerobic Exercise in Treatment of Early Psychosis 279
Kimhy D, Lauriola V, Bartels MN, et al: Aerobic exercise for cognitive deficits in
schizophrenia—the impact of frequency, duration, and fidelity with target
training intensity. Schizophr Res 172(1–3):213–215, 2016 26852401
Lin J, Chan SK, Lee EH, et al: Aerobic exercise and yoga improve neurocognitive
function in women with early psychosis. NPJ Schizophrenia 1(0):15047,
2015 27336050
McEwen SC, Hardy A, Ellingson BM, et al: Prefrontal and hippocampal brain vol-
ume deficits: role of low physical activity on brain plasticity in first-episode
schizophrenia patients. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 21(10):868–879, 2015 26581798
Mittal VA, Gupta T, Orr JM, et al: Physical activity level and medial temporal health
in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis. J Abnorm Psychol 122(4):1101–1110,
2013 24364613
Nuechterlein KH, Ventura J, McEwen SC, et al: Enhancing cognitive training
through aerobic exercise after a first schizophrenia episode: theoretical con-
ception and pilot study. Schizophr Bull 42(suppl 1):S44–S52, 2016 27460618
Pajonk FG, Wobrock T, Gruber O, et al: Hippocampal plasticity in response to ex-
ercise in schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 67(2):133–143, 2010 20124113
Rund BR: A review of longitudinal studies of cognitive functions in schizophre-
nia patients. Schizophr Bull 24(3):425–435, 1998 9718634
Ströhle A: Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders. J Neural
Transm (Vienna) 116(6):777–784, 2009 18726137
Tarpada SP, Morris MT: Physical activity diminishes symptomatic decline in
chronic schizophrenia: a systematic review. Psychopharmacol Bull 47(4):29–
40, 2017 28936008
Vakhrusheva J, Marino B, Stroup TS, et al: Aerobic exercise in people with
schizophrenia: neural and neurocognitive benefits. Curr Behav Neurosci
Rep 3(2):165–175, 2016 27766192
Vancampfort D, Probst M, Sweers K, et al: Relationships between obesity, func-
tional exercise capacity, physical activity participation and physical self-
perception in people with schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr Scand 123(6):423–
430, 2011 21219266
van Haren NE, Cahn W, Pol HH, Kahn RS: Schizophrenia as a progressive brain
disease. Eur Psychiatry 23(4):245–254, 2008 18513927
Ventura J, Hellemann GS, Thames AD, et al: Symptoms as mediators of the re-
lationship between neurocognition and functional outcome in schizophre-
nia: a meta-analysis. Schizophr Res 113(2–3):189–199, 2009 19628375
Wykes T, Reeder C, Landau S, et al: Cognitive remediation therapy in schizophre-
nia: randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry 190:421–427, 2007 17470957
Yung AR, Phillips LJ, Yuen HP, et al: Risk factors for psychosis in an ultra high-risk
group: psychopathology and clinical features. Schizophr Res 67(2–3):131–142,
2004 14984872
282 Intervening Early in Psychosis
serve when they demonstrate knowledge of the local labor market and
educational institutions. In order to maintain engagement and a work-
ing relationship, IPS specialists are flexible to changes in direction that
the person may present. They may spend small amounts of time talking
about other topics and interests as part of relationship building but al-
ways return to the topics of employment, education, and careers.
Technology provides various ways to communicate and maintain
engagement with young people. Many young people respond more
quickly to texts, instant messaging, and e-mails rather than by phone.
By using modern technology, IPS specialists can connect with young
people frequently and reach out when they miss appointments.
Team-Based Approach
The IPS specialist is the primary team member of the coordinated specialty
care team who provides direct employment and education support. The
IPS specialist attends all team meetings to encourage consideration of work
and/or school for all participants, to report on each participant’s progress
284 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Principle Description
Zero exclusion for eligibility All young adults with early psychosis who
are interested in work and school are
eligible, regardless of symptoms, substance
use, or other characteristics.
Mainstream competitive The focus is on regular jobs and mainstream
employment and education educational programs that are available to
people on the basis of their qualifications
rather than disability status or participation
in social services.
Individual preferences and Services are based on participants’
strengths preferences and choices rather than
providers’ judgments.
Integrated services Team members provide employment and
educational support through a team
approach. IPS specialists participate in team
meetings to review and coordinate client
Rapid job/school search Rapid job search and career/educational
exploration begin soon after entry into IPS.
Job development IPS specialists meet employers to learn about
their business needs and hiring practices.
They may give the information to job
seekers or directly introduce qualified job
seekers to employers, depending on the job
seeker’s preference.
Individual and time-unlimited Team members provide individualized job
supports and educational supports as long as needed
and desired by program participants.
Personalized financial Young adults are referred for personalized
counseling counseling to learn how earned income
affects entitlements and how to finance their
in his or her return to work or school, and to ask about those who are not
pursuing work or school: “How are they spending their time? What do
they want to be doing in 2 years? What are their interests?”
During the intake assessment, the team asks participants about their
work history, interest in working, education background, and interest
in furthering their education. The team supports and nurtures partici-
Employment and Education for People in Early Psychosis 285
these young people reflect on how their use may impact employment
and learning at school. They help to identify a job type and work envi-
ronment that will support recovery. Money is often a trigger for alcohol
and drug use; therefore, the IPS specialist helps to develop a plan for
managing paychecks. Many young people with early psychosis experi-
ence cognitive difficulties that may interfere with learning, and sub-
stance use can further complicate education experiences. Over time,
interest in school and/or a job that they find rewarding can provide mo-
tivation to reduce alcohol and drug use for many young people with
early psychosis.
The IPS specialist begins meeting right away with the young person
who has expressed interest in employment and/or school to gather in-
formation about the person’s interests, goals, hobbies, experiences, and
transferable skills. The information is documented in the career profile
or other similar assessment tool. During these meetings, the IPS special-
ist builds a collaborative relationship with the participant. The IPS spe-
cialist assesses the participant’s tolerance for these discussions and
makes adjustments accordingly. Sometimes the meetings are brief and
geared to other interests of the participant. Occasionally, IPS specialists
use interest inventories to help identify career choices. The IPS special-
ist and job seeker use the information along with suggestions from the
family and team members to develop ideas for jobs, types of preferred
work environments, number of work hours, and interest in further ed-
ucation and training.
Information from the career profile is the foundation for building an
employment and/or education plan. The young person’s short- and
Employment and Education for People in Early Psychosis 287
long-term goals are documented on the plan in his or her own words.
Steps and timeframes to reach the goals are outlined, as well as the peo-
ple who will provide supports to help achieve the steps. The IPS spe-
cialist and participant share the plan with the team and family members
in order to build support and collaboration.
jobs and careers, avoiding the path of dependence on the mental health
system and poverty. If the young person is interested in applying for
benefits, team members help the individual consider the advantages
and disadvantages. For example, the peer specialist may explain his or
her choice of employment over disability benefits. If the participant
then chooses to apply for benefits, the team should continue to encour-
age education and work to build a path to independence.
People with early psychosis may have little or no work experience.
They may have never gone on a job interview and might be unfamiliar
with expected work behaviors. Some people know what they want to
do, but others will want to explore different options. The IPS specialist
and job seeker may visit job sites to learn about different types of jobs
and interview people in those positions to help make decisions about
work. Young people explore the world of work in different ways that
sometimes include volunteer work, internships, certificate programs,
and additional schooling. When the individual expresses interest in an
internship, the IPS specialist should suggest options that are related to
the person’s job goals. The IPS specialist listens carefully to all of the
person’s ideas and supports trying different opportunities.
IPS specialists also help young people with criminal justice back-
grounds apply for jobs. IPS specialists coach job seekers on how to de-
scribe their skills and characteristics in relation to the position. Because
most employers conduct a background check that reveals a person’s le-
gal history, job seekers are encouraged to prepare a brief statement ex-
plaining regret for past actions and commitment to corrected ways to
encourage employers to consider hiring them. In these situations, some
employers consider having a support team to be an advantage.
Advancing Careers
The IPS specialist helps people end jobs and provides support to start
new jobs. Most young people work multiple jobs over time as they are
developing a career path. When someone wants to leave a job, the IPS
specialist counsels the worker to give advanced notice to the employer
and to include the work experience on his or her resume. The IPS spe-
cialist reviews the positive and negative aspects of the job experience:
“What did you learn about yourself as a worker and your preferences
for the future? What will you do differently on the next job?” New
short-term or long-term job goals are incorporated into career plans,
and the IPS specialist should ask the young person whether he or she
wants further education or training to gain skills and knowledge to ad-
vance his or her career.
Supported Education
Case Example 2
Rebecca is a 20-year-old who became ill during her sophomore year of
college. After a brief hospitalization, she returned to her hometown,
where she joined an early psychosis program. Meeting with her IPS spe-
cialist, Lucia, Rebecca insisted that her only goal was to return to college
as a full-time student. Together with Lucia, she explored the local com-
munity college and filled out an application for the next term. Following
admission, Rebecca signed up for a full course load and declined any
disclosure with the college’s academic services office. One month into
the term, however, she realized she was unable to concentrate in class,
was falling behind, and was headed for disaster. She asked Lucia for
help. Lucia and Rebecca rapidly negotiated with the college academic
dean to reduce Rebecca’s course load to one class and with the academic
services office to allow her to tape lectures and have extra time for tests.
Lucia also helped Rebecca find a quiet place to study in the college li-
brary. After these accommodations, Rebecca did well in her first class
and decided to increase her college workload gradually.
Postsecondary Education
The IPS specialist helps the young person identify a course of study
based on the young person’s ideas about careers. How does the career
Employment and Education for People in Early Psychosis 291
choice fit with the person’s interests, strengths, and preferred work en-
vironment? The IPS specialist can help the young person meet people
working in the field, observe them working, and interview them about
their job. What do they like about the work? What skills are needed?
Young people need to consider their options carefully. Making deci-
sions about which classes to enroll in after high school is important be-
cause time and financial resources are invested in education. The IPS
specialist helps the young person identify possible universities or com-
munity colleges, visit the schools, and learn about financial alternatives
to pay for school and can accompany the young person to appoint-
ments with guidance counselors and academic advisors. IPS specialists
are flexible when working with young people and understand that
changing directions is normal for most young people.
The IPS specialist coaches the young person about college applica-
tions, which are typically online, and may accompany the young person
to meetings with financial counselors and help with federal student aid
applications if financial support is needed. The IPS specialist helps the
young person with class registration and discusses the course load. Many
young students are eager to take a full course load, but starting with a re-
duced course load allows the person who has been away from school for
an extended period to adjust to the student role. Students who experience
onset of psychosis in high school or college may use a reduced course
load to support staying in school. Student support groups such as Stu-
dents With Schizophrenia ( may also be helpful.
with concentration may plan to focus for 15 minutes, take notes, and
take a break. The student and IPS specialist discuss places to study that
will minimize distractions. Postsecondary schools have offices for stu-
dents with disabilities where students who have disabilities may re-
quest accommodations to help them succeed in school. Documentation
of the disability is required prior to receiving approval for an accommo-
dation. Examples of accommodations include extra time on tests; extra
breaks during classes; tutoring; permission to record lectures; preferen-
tial seating, such as sitting at the front of the room to minimize distrac-
tions; help with notetaking; extended deadlines for projects; and
receiving an incomplete grade to finish coursework late because of a
hospitalization. Additionally, an IEP from high school may carry over
to postsecondary education to address specific learning issues.
Case Example 3
Dwight is a 21-year-old who developed a psychotic illness during his
first year of college. He returned home and tried several jobs, but they
were short-lived because of arguments with his coworkers and supervi-
sors. Dwight joined an early psychosis program knowing that he would
have help with employment. He was introduced to the team’s IPS spe-
cialist, Nick, who asked him about his interest in work, previous work
experiences, schooling, how he spends his time, and other background
information. They discussed opportunities to use Dwight’s computer
skills and the possibility of taking a computer course at the local com-
munity college. Members of the treatment team also talked with Dwight
about his alcohol and marijuana use and the possible impact of this use
on work and school. Dwight and Nick identified several entry-level
computer positions and practiced job interviewing. At his second inter-
view, Dwight received a job offer. The job was a good fit for him, and af-
ter 4 months he registered for a computer course with Nick’s help.
Dwight was excited about building his skills to prepare for a more ad-
vanced computer job in the future.
The IPS specialist, other team members, and family support stu-
dents as they gain knowledge and skills to advance their careers. Young
people may take time off from school and return when they feel ready
to continue their studies. They may go back and forth between employ-
ment and education. For some young people, short-term certificate pro-
grams give them the opportunity to advance with technical skills. Each
young person makes decisions about how best to build his or her career
path as part of recovery from early psychosis.
Employment and Education for People in Early Psychosis 293
People who work a job or take a class are moving forward in their re-
covery. The whole coordinated specialty care team supports their ef-
forts and continues to provide hope and support during difficult
periods. The team helps the young person learn from missteps at work
and/or school to improve his or her next experiences. For people with
early psychosis, work and school provide the opportunity to gain con-
fidence and control of their life. A major responsibility of coordinated
specialty care teams is to help people with early psychosis to experience
opportunity, develop their aspirations, and build successful careers.
Employment and education are central areas to address in supporting
young people with early psychosis in achieving recovery.
• Work and school are important to young adults in early
• Early psychosis programs engage young adults in employ-
ment and school using a strengths-based approach.
• Family members are included in supported employment
and education to expand support.
• Key elements of supported employment and education
include a team-based approach, developing an employ-
ment and/or education plan, conducting an individualized
search, providing supports, and advancing careers.
• All members of coordinated specialty care teams support
people in work and school as part of their care.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Bond GR, Drake RE, Luciano A: Effectiveness of individual placement
and support for young adults. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Ser-
vices 24(5):446–457, 2015
Corrigan PW: The disabling effects of mental illness on my education.
Psychiatr Serv 69(8):847–848, 201829716448
Di Capite S, Upthegrove R, Mallikarjun P: The relapse rate and predic-
tors of relapse in patients with first-episode psychosis following
discontinuation of antipsychotic medication. Early Interv Psychia-
try 12(5):893–899, 201827734591
Dixon LB, Goldman HH, Bennett ME, et al: Implementing coordinated
specialty care for early psychosis: The RAISE Connection Program.
Psychiatr Serv 66(7):691–698, 201525772764
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usu-
al community care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes
from the NIMH RAISE early treatment program. Am J Psychiatry
173(4):362–372, 201626481174
de Waal A, Dixon LB, Humensky JL: Association of participant preferences on
work and school participation after a first episode of psychosis. Early In-
terv Psychiatry 12(5):959–963, 2018 29052948
Drake RE, Bond GR, Goldman HH, et al: Individual placement and support ser-
vices boost employment for people with serious mental illness, but funding
is lacking. Health Aff (Millwood) 35(6):1098–1105, 2016 27269028
Maraj A, Mustafa S, Joober R, et al: Caught in the “NEET trap”: the intersection
between vocational inactivity and disengagement from an early interven-
tion service for psychosis. Psychiatr Serv Feb 5, 2019 [Epub ahead of print]
Marshall T, Goldberg RW, Braude L, et al: Supported employment: assessing
the evidence. Psychiatr Serv 65(1):16–23, 2014 24247197
Swanson SJ, Becker DR, Bond GR, et al: The IPS Supported Employment Ap-
proach to Help Young People with Work and School: A Practitioner’s
Guide. Lebanon, NH, IPS Employment Center at the Rockville Institute,
Marcus’s Story
Our story begins with Marcus, a peer support specialist in the local
early psychosis program, as he makes a presentation for Mental Health
296 Intervening Early in Psychosis
For a long time, I was hallucinating and was caught up in my own be-
liefs, and no one really helped me. I was homeless for a while and wan-
dering the streets. I was arrested and put in jail. But once I found a team
of people who were kind and understood what I was going through, I
was able to recover. The turning point for me was meeting a peer sup-
port specialist at the hospital. I thought I was all alone and that there
was no hope for me or my future. I was grieving over being broken and
everything I had lost. The peer support specialist shared that he had had
similar experiences and feelings, that someone else had told him that
sometimes others must hold on to your hope for you. He said that step
by step, he had found his way from there to a very good place, a place
where he felt stronger and wiser for his struggles. He expressed confi-
dence that I would get there too. I had been told that I would never work
and that I had a lifelong condition, but his words allowed me to begin
to trust and to try, step by step, to get my life back. And I did. Three
years ago, I got married. I graduated from college. I realized that I could
help people as much from my own lived experience as from any theory,
so I became a peer support specialist myself. The people I meet every
day are remarkable—they are scientists, artists, musicians, researchers,
teachers, writers. They’re sensitive, honest, humorous, creative. They
teach me so much. If you have ever been told that psychosis is a condi-
tion you can never get over, you have been told wrong. With the right
support and people who believe in you, the experience of psychosis can
create greater awareness, compassion, and understanding. But when
you experience it, you feel like the only one. It’s our job to make sure no
one is left feeling alone.
basis of the information that they have regarding risks and benefits, while
remaining actively concerned for the person’s safety and well-being.
Family peer support specialists help family members understand and
express their own values and concerns, as well as navigate differences
in perspective and decisions by their loved ones. Individual peer support
specialists can also be helpful in encouraging parents to allow their young
person a certain amount of space for risk taking, and family peer support
specialists can provide a different point of view for young people as well
as help them navigate developmental changes within family roles.
Individual and family peer support specialists also play a critical
role in engaging individuals and families in psychoeducation and in de-
livering these interventions with a focus on empowerment. Peer sup-
port specialists engage with the individual, listen, and “allow their
clients a place to unroll and explore their story/experience and share
aspects of their own life history where relevant” (T.Casebeer, personal
communication, March 2018). They use their own lived experience to
share information on multiple topics, including but not limited to cop-
ing skills, relationships, communication, normalization of grief related
to experiencing symptoms, medications, self-advocacy, treatment op-
tions, typical adolescent and young adult development, substance use,
legal rights, benefits, relapse prevention, and early and late stages of re-
covery. Individual psychoeducation is tailored to the person’s values,
needs, and goals. Peer support specialists share their own lived experi-
ences within these topic areas from a strengths-based perspective that
focuses on recovery. Their perspective allows individuals to hear mes-
sages of hope and to understand that the recovery process can vary and
is not linear.
terest in some of his favorite musical artists and is easier to talk to and a
more receptive listener than he had expected. He decides to try a low
dose of antipsychotic medicine.
As time goes on, William participates in treatment and periodically
confides in Marcus about decisions he is making and things that are
bothering him. He continues to express concern that the police are
watching him and fears being harmed by police when he leaves home.
Marcus helps William express this concern to the team. This leads to a
broader discussion about times in the past when William felt he was tar-
geted by police on the basis of his race, and the whole team engages
with Denise, William, and William’s grandparents about this topic. Wil-
liam feels it would be helpful to check out his feelings of being targeted
with Denise, Marcus, his grandparents, or other team members when he
feels this way. Marcus and the rest of the early intervention team view a
person’s symptoms through a social and cultural lens, paying attention
to their individual experiences and how they make sense of these expe-
riences. As a result, the team and William’s loved ones agree that Wil-
liam’s feelings of being targeted by police might not be related to his
symptoms of psychosis and might be based in reality.
With Marcus’s help, William feels more and more comfortable ex-
pressing his perspectives and needs to the team and advocating for him-
self. Marcus encourages William to participate in opportunities to share
his perspective, such as a focus group about how to improve the program.
Marcus invites William to attend a meet-up group in the community and
offers to attend the group with him. He also offers to connect William to
an advocacy group that meets monthly, which William says he will think
about. He likes the idea of working with others to improve services for
young people and has gained confidence in his ability to speak with oth-
ers about his own experiences through his work with Marcus.
tures within existing care systems that do not align with the principles
of peer support jeopardize the discipline (Stastny and Brown 2013).
Thus, it is important to focus on maintaining the integrity of peer support
at all levels of conceptualization, implementation, decision making, and
practice and to proactively educate policy makers, administrators, clini-
cians, and other staff about the core principles and practices of peer sup-
port. Supervision should support a careful thought process around
intentional self-disclosure. Other team members should be conscious
of, and challenge, statements and assumptions that might suggest that
individuals and/or families experiencing psychosis are somehow “less
than” others.
It is also very important for early psychosis intervention teams to
understand and value the peer support role and not assign tasks that
minimize or are inconsistent with their role. An example of this would
be looking to the peer support specialist on a team as a transportation
provider outside his or her typical peer support role. As a current peer
support specialist notes, it is important for peer support specialists “not
to be assigned case management tasks that involve doing anything for
the person rather than with them. For example, I would not set up an
intake for an individual on my own accord like a service coordinator
might. But as a peer I would sit with the person while they call on
speakerphone and give as much support in making that intake as they
request” (N.Caruso, personal communication, March 2018).
Agencies must create a structured way to involve individuals in re-
covery to participate meaningfully in agency operations, such as clinical
decision making, staff hiring and training, community education, quality
improvement, and oversight. Peer support specialists work together with
individuals and families receiving early psychosis services and in a mu-
tually beneficial relationship to give voice to individuals’ lived experi-
ences in order to create change within the mental health system. Peer
support specialists assist individuals in their recovery by identifying pos-
sible barriers to participation and using problem-solving strategies with
the individuals and team to address those barriers. Peer support spe-
cialists act as a connection for individuals to participate in educational,
vocational, or community activities. As noted by a current peer support
specialist, “sharing experiences and insights are a fantastic way to learn
from one another, and ultimately, progress to advocating together for
better mental health services in the future” (N.Cohrs, personal commu-
nication, March 2018).
Full integration of peer support specialists into early psychosis inter-
vention treatment teams is based on a clearly defined peer support
Implementing Peer Support in Early Psychosis Programs 305
• Peer support is a distinct role with its own history grounded in
social justice, intentional community, and belief in recovery.
• Peer support follows the principles of nonhierarchical reci-
procity; listening; learning and exploring together; and advo-
cating for the individual’s rights, voice, and self-determination.
Individual and family peer support emerged through sepa-
rate but interrelated histories and brings different perspec-
tives to recovery. Professional peer support is increasingly
understood as a core element of early psychosis treatment.
• Peer support provides a bridge between the individual and
clinical team in all aspects of treatment. Peer support is
transformative in nature and, when embraced, may lead to
a deep shift in understanding, language, and practice
within early psychosis teams as well as the larger organiza-
tion providing treatment.
• To fully embrace the peer support role, it is important for
all members of early psychosis teams to value lived experi-
ence as an important source of knowledge and become
comfortable with strategic self-disclosure. Teams must
intentionally cultivate positive cultural norms that chal-
lenge language, assumptions, and practices that are dis-
criminatory and/or negative.
• As with other members of the treatment team, training,
supervision, and mentoring, along with pay equity and
opportunities for career advancement, are of critical
importance to individuals in professional peer support
306 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Discussion Questions
4. What are your ideas about how early psychosis teams can
foster nonhierarchical collaborative learning?
Suggested Readings
Caughey M: Creating deep democracy through peer wellness services.
Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice 5(1):1–17, 2014
Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry: OnTrackNY
Peer Specialist Manual. New York, OnTrackNY, February 2017.
Accessed October 10, 2018.
International Association for Peer Supporters: National Practice Guide-
lines for Peer Supporters. Norton, MA, International Association
for Peer Supporters, 2012. Available at: https://na4ps.files.word- Accessed February
22, 2019.
Mead S, Hilton D, Curtis L: Peer support: a theoretical perspective. Psy-
chiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 25(2):134–141, 2001 11769979
Chinman M, George P, Dougherty RH, et al: Peer support services for individ-
uals with serious mental illnesses: assessing the evidence. Psychiatr Serv
65(4):429–441, 2014 24549400
Davidson L, Bellamy C, Guy K, Miller R: Peer support among persons with se-
vere mental illnesses: a review of evidence and experience. World Psychia-
try 11(2):123–128, 2012 22654945
Implementing Peer Support in Early Psychosis Programs 307
Deegan PE: The independent living movement and people with psychiatric dis-
abilities: taking back control over our own lives. Psychiatr Rehabil J 15(3):3–
19, 1992
Frese FJ, Davis WW: The consumer-survivor movement, recovery, and consumer
professionals. Prof Psychol Res Pr 28(3):243–245, 1997
Hendry P, Hill T, Rosenthal H: Peer Services Toolkit: A Guide to Advancing and
Implementing Peer-Run Behavioral Health Services. Albuquerque, NM,
College for Behavioral Health Leadership, 2014
Jones N: Peer Involvement and Leadership in Early Intervention in Psychosis
Services: From Planning to Peer Support and Evaluation. Alexandria, VA,
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, 2015.
Available at:
Guidance_Manual_Final.pdf. Accessed February 1, 2018.
Kaufman L, Kuhn W, Stevens Manser S: Peer Specialist Training and Certifica-
tion: A National Overview. Austin, TX, Texas Institute for Excellence in
Mental Health, 2016
Mead S: Defining Peer Support. West Chesterfield, NH, Intentional Peer Sup-
port, 2003. Available at:
nF6vthAwFZpJxE9rkx6lJzYSX7VX4HprV5EkfY/edit. Accessed February
8, 2018.
Mead S, Hilton D, Curtis L: Peer support: a theoretical perspective. Psychiatr
Rehabil J 25(2):134–141, 2001 11769979
Penney D: Defining “Peer Support”: Implications for Policy, Practice, and Re-
search. Sudbury, MA, Advocates for Human Potential, 2018. http://
DPenney_Defining_peer_support_2018_Final.pdf. Accessed February 22,
Stastny P, Brown C: Peer specialist: origins, pitfalls and worldwide dissemina-
tion [in Spanish]. Vertex 24(112):455–459, 2013 24511563
Tang P: A Brief History of Peer Support: Origins. Chapel Hill, NC, Peers for
Progress, 2013. Available at:
brief-history-of-peer-support-origins. Accessed February 8, 2018.
Thurley M, Monson K, Simpson R: Youth Participation in an Early Psychosis
Service. Melbourne, Australia, Orygen Youth Health, 2014
310 Intervening Early in Psychosis
1. Keep the topic open. After an initial refusal, the possibility of family
involvement can be raised again during treatment team meetings or
times of transition. An exacerbation of symptoms or a new opportu-
nity such as a job or return to school sometimes galvanizes people,
and they become open to trying new strategies; this can be a time of
family reengagement.
2. Use shared decision making to assure that the person with FEP thor-
oughly weighs the benefits and risks of family involvement in care.
Some young people will give an immediate negative response to a
request for family involvement in care because they want autonomy
and wish to assert their independence. They may not fully consider
the benefits of having the treatment team help them enlist their fam-
ily members in their recovery. Exploring with a trusted clinician the
potential benefits of family involvement in care can be useful in
making the decision of whether or not to involve family members.
3. Acquaint the young person with the benefits of family involvement
in care for the relatives. Some individuals are concerned about bur-
dening their relatives and thus are hesitant to ask them to come to
sessions. However, if the clinician describes the benefits for relatives
(e.g., having the opportunity to have their questions or concerns ad-
dressed, learning stress management), this sometimes helps the in-
dividual acquire some perspective on the relative’s concerns and
engenders interest in family involvement.
Family Intervention and Support in Early Psychosis 313
Components of a First-Episode
Psychosis Family Program
Some families make an accommodation to the development of psychosis
in a loved one with grace and acceptance; others struggle and may need
more support. A stepped-care approach has been suggested for family
314 Intervening Early in Psychosis
work in FEP (Onwumere et al. 2011), and in fact this model was re-
flected in the design of the family component in the Recovery After an
Initial Schizophrenia Episode Early Treatment Program (RAISE-ETP;
Kane et al. 2016). The components of an FEP stepped-care model are
presented in Table 18–1.
In every meeting with the family, it is essential that the FEP staff con-
vey an attitude of hope and belief in the possibility of recovery. In initial
contacts with family members, the FEP program director or recruiter
must be prepared for either an enthusiastic or a more reserved family
reaction to the program. He or she must inquire about and listen carefully
to any concerns raised by either relatives or the person with FEP and be
equipped with an array of both practical suggestions and motivational
interviewing skills to address the issues raised by the individual and
Cultural and ethnic considerations also play a role in family engage-
ment. There is a robust literature indicating that stressful life experi-
ences heighten risk for psychosis. Immigration can be a risk factor for
some (but by no means all) cultural groups, and institutional racism has
also been hypothesized to be a contributing factor. Thus, members of
minority groups are often overrepresented in samples of individuals
experiencing psychosis, especially nonaffective psychosis (Dealberto
2010). FEP program directors and recruiters must learn to interact effec-
tively with individuals from diverse backgrounds if they are to be suc-
cessful. This effort can raise many challenges. Language barriers
require the use of translators, which can be clinically complicated be-
cause of boundary issues if the translator is another member of the fam-
ily or an unpaid volunteer community member.
Furthermore, psychosis in a child in an immigrant family can be
uniquely disruptive. In many immigrant communities, the older chil-
dren in the family may become the conduits to the new country because
they often become more familiarized with the cultural norms through
school and social media. These children are often especially valued by
the family and are the target of high expectations. Understandably, if
one of these children develops a psychotic illness, it can be especially
destabilizing for the family. The relatives not only are dealing with un-
expected illness but also may have lost their in-house language transla-
tor as well as the person who navigates much of the family’s
interactions with the new society. The situation may be further compli-
cated by the family’s cultural beliefs about the causes or treatment of
the psychosis, which may conflict with the teaching and practices of the
majority culture. Engaging such an individual and his or her relatives
in an FEP program can be challenging; it requires the sensitivity and
empathy of the FEP program manager or recruiter and perhaps consul-
tation with cultural experts (often a member of a local religious group
or another medical professional) to learn enough about the concerns
and pressures impinging on the family to interact effectively with them.
Finally, it must be noted that in spite of the best efforts of the care
team and the consent of the individual, some families will not become
involved in the FEP program, even when the individual consents to
their involvement. Often, this absence reflects other pressures in the
Family Intervention and Support in Early Psychosis 317
Subsequent to illness education, families often need assistance solving
real-world problems, developing plans to meet treatment goals, or ac-
cessing resources to support their loved one’s recovery. Sometimes
there are decisions to be made—such as the individual deciding about
applying for disability benefits or returning to school or moving to his
or her own place—that may have an impact on relatives. Families can
often benefit from expert consultation in these situations, either with
the family clinician or with an FEP case manager if the program has one.
Typically, a few conjoint sessions to address a specific issue can be use-
ful; often, these sessions can incorporate formal problem solving or use
of a pro-and-con decisional balance exercise.
Denzel was hospitalized for 5 days, and Tanisha was referred to the lo-
cal FEP program manager and family therapist, Chris. Chris was warm
and attentive when Tanisha called to explain her situation and concerns
about Denzel. Chris set up an initial appointment for a morning the fol-
lowing week, a few days after Denzel’s planned discharge. On the day
of the appointment, Denzel said he was “too tired from the medication”
and refused to go to the appointment.
Tanisha was not sure what to expect and felt bad that Denzel had not
come to the clinic with her, but she was very worried and went to the
appointment anyway. Chris agreed to see her and told her that “this
happens a lot—family members often come alone at first.” He explained
about the program, and Tanisha liked what she heard. She was espe-
cially interested in helping Denzel graduate from high school—he had
324 Intervening Early in Psychosis
only 4 more months. Chris also told Tanisha that there was a family pro-
gram to help her help Denzel. She was glad of that because she knew she
was stressed about Denzel and she thought her older son, Brandon, was,
too—he had been angry and was saying that Denzel was just trying to
get attention. Chris told Tanisha that Brandon would be welcome to be
part of the family sessions, as would Denzel.
Chris spent some time trying to help Tanisha figure out the next step
with Denzel—he offered to come to her house or to set up another ap-
pointment at the clinic later in the day when Denzel might be more
awake. Tanisha decided to set up a late afternoon appointment at the
clinic 2 days later and bring only Denzel initially. Denzel was nervous
about going back to school and thought he needed some help to figure
out what to do, so he reluctantly agreed to go to the appointment with
his mother.
Denzel liked Chris when they met—he thought he paid attention
and was encouraging, telling Denzel that he still had a chance at going
to college if he wanted to down the road. Denzel and Tanisha were in-
troduced to the other FEP team members: the prescriber, supported em-
ployment and education (SEE) specialist, therapist, and peer counselor.
Denzel agreed to be evaluated for the FEP program, and Tanisha was
glad when he was accepted. Although Denzel was a legal minor, Chris
made a point of informing him that he needed to consent to having his
mother and brother come to family sessions, and that he did not have to
attend these sessions if he did not want to do so. Chris asked Denzel
what he thought might be the benefits for himself and his family if they
learned more about how to help him get back on track and what might
be the problems. Denzel did not like the idea of his family meeting with
the staff without him, but he knew his mother really wanted to be part
of the family program, so he agreed to attend the family meetings with
Tanisha and Brandon.
Tanisha then began the family part of the program. She completed an in-
terview with Chris, in which they talked about Denzel, but Chris was also
interested in her life and what bothered her. She talked about how hard it
was to be a working single mom, how she always felt bad about the fact
that Denzel and Brandon’s father left when Denzel was a baby, and how
she was worried about both of the boys—Denzel because of his illness and
Brandon because he seemed so angry about it. Tanisha had seen her aunt
struggle with homelessness and being in and out of hospitals, and she got
tearful when she thought about the same thing happening to Denzel.
Chris also spent time helping Tanisha identify her strengths and
support system; afterward, she thought it had been a very long inter-
view, but she felt more hopeful about Denzel. She also encouraged Bran-
don to meet with Chris; he did not want to go to the individual
assessment but agreed to go to the family education session Tanisha had
scheduled the next week.
Family Intervention and Support in Early Psychosis 325
By the time the family finished the education sessions, Denzel had been
in the FEP program for 4 months. He had worked closely with the SEE
specialist, who had been able to help him finish high school by getting
tutoring and credit for some FEP activities. Things were going well until
Tanisha noticed that Denzel was staying up later and seemed more agi-
tated and irritable. Denzel denied he was hearing voices or felt stressed,
but after graduation, he started getting up later and later and staying up
until 4 or 5 in the morning. Sleeping problems were one of the relapse
warning signs that Chris had identified in the family sessions, so Tani-
sha called Chris, who suggested a family consultation to address two is-
sues: 1) Was Denzel having a relapse? 2) What was Denzel going to be
doing after graduation? Denzel did not want to attend the sessions, but
Tanisha was able to convince him to go to at least one meeting with her;
Brandon had to work and was unable to attend.
During the session, Denzel had a hard time following the discussion
and seemed agitated, although he denied experiencing an increase in
symptoms. Chris reviewed the stress management techniques they had
covered in the family education and individual therapy sessions and
also checked in with Denzel about whether he had missed any medica-
tion. Denzel said he hated the medication and was stopping it. Tanisha
got very upset. Chris reminded Tanisha that many young people stop
taking their medication when they feel better and asked Denzel to come
to his next appointment with the prescriber so he could tell him more
about his problems with the medication. Tanisha and Chris also encour-
aged Denzel to meet with the SEE specialist to make a plan to keep busy
over the summer.
326 Intervening Early in Psychosis
ing in the brief consultations for Denzel and Brandon rather than offer-
ing more formal sessions. Chris had considered that Tanisha might
benefit from her own therapy when she appeared so distraught at the
beginning of the program, but she calmed over time and was able to re-
turn to more involvement with her church, which seemd to give her
support and comfort. Therefore, Chris did not raise the issue of a referral
for individual counseling with her.
• Family support can play a key role in recovery from psy-
chosis, especially for younger individuals experiencing a
first episode.
• Relatives often experience high levels of distress when
their loved one develops a psychosis or relapses.
• There is a robust body of literature to suggest that embed-
ding family support within a comprehensive first episode
of psychosis (FEP) program offers optimal outcomes.
• There have been many family programs proposed as part
of FEP programs, and there is no way to discern at this
point if one yields more benefits than another.
• A stepped-care model of increasing family intervention,
tailored to individual and family needs, is recommended in
order to provide services efficiently.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Bennett M, Drapalski A, Dixon L, et al: Family Treatment and Resources
Manual. New York, OnTrackNY, 2018. Available at: www.ontrack
120346-543. Accessed December 11, 2018. OnTrackNY also has
some great videos of individuals and families presenting issues in
FEP recovery that can be accessed at http://practiceinnova- and-community-support.
Glynn SM, Cather C, Gingerich S, et al: NAVIGATE Family Education
Program (FEP). Bethesda, MD, National Institute of Mental Health,
2014. Available at: Ac-
cessed December 11, 2018. This is the family education manual used
in the RAISE-ETP study.
Greenstein, L: Experiencing a Psychotic Break Doesn’t Mean You’re Bro-
ken. Arlington, VA, National Alliance on Mental Illness, March 12,
2018. Available at
Experiencing-a-Psychotic-Break-Doesn-t-Mean-You-re. Accessed De-
cember 11, 2018.
National Alliance on Mental Illness: What Is Early and First-Episode Psy-
chosis? Arlington, VA, National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2016.
Available at:
Accessed January 30, 2019.
National Institute of Mental Health: Fact Sheet: First Episode Psychosis.
Bethesda, MD, National Institute of Mental Health, 2015. Available
sheet-first-episode-psychosis.shtml. Accessed December 11, 2018.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Under-
standing a First Episode of Psychosis: Caregiver: Get the Facts.
Rockville, MD, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Ad-
ministration, 2018. Available at
files/sma16-5005.pdf. Accessed January 30, 2019.
Alvarez-Jimenez M, Priede A, Hetrick SE, et al: Risk factors for relapse follow-
ing treatment for first episode psychosis: a systematic review and meta-
analysis of longitudinal studies. Schizophr Res 139(1–3):116–128, 2012
Bird V, Premkumar P, Kendall T, et al: Early intervention services, cognitive-
behavioural therapy and family intervention in early psychosis: systematic
review. Br J Psychiatry 197(5):350–356, 2010 21037211
Family Intervention and Support in Early Psychosis 329
Dealberto MJ: Ethnic origin and increased risk for schizophrenia in immigrants
to countries of recent and longstanding immigration. Acta Psychiatr Scand
121(5):325–339, 2010 20105146
Jansen JE, Gleeson J, Cotton S: Towards a better understanding of caregiver dis-
tress in early psychosis: a systematic review of the psychological factors in-
volved. Clin Psychol Rev 35:56–66, 2015 25531423
Jones N, Godzikovskaya J, Zhao Z, et al: Intersecting disadvantage: unpacking
poor outcomes within early intervention in psychosis services. Early Interv
Psychiatry October 27, 2017 [Epub ahead of print] 29076244
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usual commu-
nity care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes from the NIMH RAISE
early treatment program. Am J Psychiatry 173(4):362–372, 2016 26481174
Lyman DR, Braude L, George P, et al: Consumer and family psychoeducation:
assessing the evidence. Psychiatr Serv 65(4):416–428, 2014 24445678
McFarlane WR: Family interventions for schizophrenia and the psychoses: a re-
view. Fam Process 55(3):460–482, 2016 27411376
McFarlane WR, Levin B, Travis L, et al: Clinical and functional outcomes after
2 years in the early detection and intervention for the prevention of psycho-
sis multisite effectiveness trial. Schizophr Bull 41(1):30–43, 2015 25065017
Mueser KT, Glynn SM: Behavioral Family Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders.
Oakland, CA, New Harbinger, 1999
Onwumere J, Bebbington P, Kuipers E: Family interventions in early psychosis:
specificity and effectiveness. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 20(2):113–119, 2011
Onwumere J, Sirykaite S, Schulz J, et al: Understanding the experience of “burn-
out” in first-episode psychosis carers. Compr Psychiatry 83:19–24, 2018
Thara R, Srinivasan TN: Outcome of marriage in schizophrenia. Soc Psychiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol 32(7):416–420, 1997 9383973
White DA, Luther L, Bonfils KA, et al: Essential components of early interven-
tion programs for psychosis: available intervention services in the United
States. Schizophr Res 168(1–2):79–83, 2015 26307427
330 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Clinical Strategies for Optimizing Brief
Family Education
Abstracted from Glynn SM, Cather C, Gingerich S, et al: Navigate Family Education Pro-
gram (FEP). Unpublished manual, 2014.
Family Intervention and Support in Early Psychosis 331
336 Intervening Early in Psychosis
rate of suicide attempts during the first few years of psychosis is around
10%, with the first attempt often occurring before any treatment contact.
Death by suicide in the first 3 years ranges from 1.9% to 3% (Nordentoft
et al. 2015). Compared with the general population, in which the age-
adjusted rate is 14 per 100,000 (Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion 2018), the rate for those with early psychosis is significantly high. One
can see that suicidal ideation is a warning sign for suicide; however, suicide
risk can be understood only by considering a host of biological, psycholog-
ical, social, and environmental factors that contribute to risk. It is also im-
portant to remember that many people who die by suicide die on their first
attempt, so assessing for risk and having conversations about distress and
suicidal ideation are important components of clinical care.
Although there has been little research regarding risk factors for sui-
cide among individuals with early psychosis, several factors emerge
consistently (Nordentoft et al. 2015). These factors include previous sui-
cide attempt, prior or comorbid major depression, alcohol and other
substance use, and poor premorbid problem solving. Longer duration
of untreated psychosis and more severe psychotic symptoms have also
been associated with suicide attempts. A study by Melle et al. (2006)
demonstrated that a public information campaign about early signs of
psychosis decreased the time between first symptoms and first mental
health contact and resulted in fewer people experiencing suicidal ide-
ation as assessed at clinical intake.
Long-term factors that have been found to be associated with suicide
risk across mental health conditions include early abuse, neglect or
trauma, family history of mental health conditions or suicide, chronic
physical health conditions or pain, head trauma, and genetics associated
with sensitivity to stress and resilience. Shorter-term environmental and
social factors that can precipitate suicidal behavior include prolonged
stress such as that caused by ongoing harassment, bullying, or relation-
ship problems; stressful life events such as divorce or financial problems;
exposure to suicide; and access to lethal means (Figure 19–1). Many con-
tributors must be present before any individual is at risk for suicide, and
there is no single cause. Like people without psychosis, individuals with
psychosis report that suicide attempts may be precipitated by loss of a
love relationship or another significant social stressor. Among people with
psychosis, it is often reported that being bothered by psychotic symptoms
and depression each served as a precipitant.
Lethal means
In Ted’s case, there were many notable risk factors for suicide, and
he was hearing berating voices that made him uncomfortable and also
had frightening paranoid delusions. He was experiencing significant
distress because he had never received treatment. Members of his sup-
port system were not aware of the process that was unfolding, and his
suicide risk was not detected. This highlights the need for public edu-
cation about psychosis and suicide.
be on the horizon, and they may take time to become effective and may
induce unwanted side effects. Most often, the clinician has never seen
the person at his or her best and most functional level, and it may be dif-
ficult to imagine that the individual has ever been different from his or
her current clinical presentation. For these reasons, it is useful to include
family and other social supports in the process of early intervention.
The first and most immediate interventions depend on the level of
suicide risk, stability of thought and behavior, and available resources.
Concern about immediate risk, based on the person’s presentation, may
warrant constant observation and extended stay in an emergency de-
partment, crisis center, or inpatient hospital. Just because someone is
thinking about suicide does not mean that he or she is at imminent risk
and needs to be hospitalized. Partial hospitalization, rapid referral,
brief intervention in the emergency department, and/or safety plan-
ning with follow-up may be effective interventions.
Regardless of the clinical intervention, from the outset, it is essential
to limit access to lethal means and provide lethal means counseling to
available supports about how to safely store or remove potential means.
Suicide can occur only when there is access to lethal means, and re-
moval of access is one of the most effective interventions in the suicidal
crisis. Suicidal individuals who are in crisis are lacking cognitive flexi-
bility, and their rigid and limited thinking makes it difficult for them to
generate alternative methods if their primary plan is thwarted. By lim-
iting access to lethal means, there is time for the situation and person to
de-escalate and increases the likelihood of intervention.
Developing a crisis or safety plan has been found to be effective for sui-
cidal individuals with psychosis (Fedyszyn et al. 2014; Nordentoft et al.
2002). The value of such plans is that they provide a set of tools for the in-
dividual to use when heading toward a suicidal crisis. These plans include
specifying distracting activities that can be engaged in alone or with others
and identifying family and friends or community members who can be
contacted when the person is experiencing distress. The individual should
also be provided with names of professionals who can be reached out to
during emergencies and numbers for crisis hotlines, textlines, or other ser-
vices that are available 24/7. Personal warning signs and reasons for living
are also identified, as are steps to be taken to eliminate access to lethal
means. Throughout treatment, the plan can be updated and revised. The
safety plan needs to be developed collaboratively on the basis of what the
person can and will do. It should be written down, and it needs to be feasi-
ble and accessible. It is also helpful to include family members or other
close contacts in the development of the plan. Smartphone apps for safety
planning, such as SafetyNet and MY3, are available so that the plan can be
easily accessible and revised as needed.
During the crisis, evaluation of physical health is often not under-
taken, yet we know that delirium or other mental status changes can be
Suicide Risk, Assessment, and Intervention in Early Psychosis 343
Suicide risk in early psychosis is a concern. Suicide is complex, with
many health, historical, social, and environmental factors converging in
the context of life stress and accessibility of lethal means. Early identifi-
cation of psychosis can reduce suicide risk. A comprehensive evalua-
tion of suicidal ideation and behavior and contributors to suicide risk is
the first component of an effective treatment plan. Interventions that re-
duce psychotic and mood symptoms are essential but not sufficient for
managing suicide risk, and suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior
must be addressed directly. Enlisting supports and developing a well-
rounded treatment plan can provide the opportunity for people with
early psychosis to develop a life worth living.
• Suicide is complex, and there is no single cause but rather a
confluence of risk factors, including life stress and access to
lethal means.
• A full assessment of suicidal ideation and behavior and
potential contributors and protective factors at the begin-
ning of treatment, and continued assessment and monitor-
ing throughout treatment, are critical.
• In addition to reducing symptoms and improving func-
tioning, tools to manage suicidal ideation and behavior
reduce the transition from suicidal thought to suicidal
• Inclusion of supports and continuity of care are key factors
for suicide reduction.
Discussion Questions
3. Would you think that your thoughts and feelings about sui-
cide and suicidal clients might contribute to their comfort
discussing suicidal ideas and concerns about their life?
Suggested Readings
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
Galynker I: The Suicidal Crisis. New York, Oxford University Press,
Jamison KR: An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness.
New York, Knopf, 1995
Nordentoft M, Madsen T, Fedyszyn I: Suicidal behavior and mortality
in first-episode psychosis. J Nerv Ment Dis 203(5):387–392, 2015
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Suicide statistics. 2019. Available
at: Accessed January 30,
Ayesa-Arriola R, Garcia Alcaraz E, Hernández BV, et al: Suicidal behaviour in
first-episode non-affective psychosis: specific risk periods and stage-related
factors. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 25(12):2278–2288, 2015 26475577
Bostwick JM, Pabbati C, Geske JR, McKean AJ: Suicide attempt as a risk factor
for completed suicide: even more lethal than we knew. Am J Psychiatry
173(11):1094–1100, 2016 27523496
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Fatal Injury Reports, National, Re-
gioal and State, 1981fl2017. Atlanta, GA, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2018. Available at
mortrate.html. Accessed January 30, 2019.
Fedyszyn IE, Robinson J, Harris MG, et al: Suicidal behaviours during treatment
for first-episode psychosis: towards a comprehensive approach to service-
based prevention. Early Interv Psychiatry 8(4):387–395, 2014 23964750
Kasckow J, Felmet K, Zisook S: Managing suicide risk in patients with schizo-
phrenia. CNS Drugs 25(2):129–143, 2011 21254789
Suicide Risk, Assessment, and Intervention in Early Psychosis 347
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ding some light to get out of the dark. Mental Health Clinician 5(5):237–
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Using Technology to
Advance Early Psychosis
Benjamin Buck, Ph.D.
Dror Ben-Zeev, Ph.D.
350 Intervening Early in Psychosis
ity to accurately predict who will convert to chronic and persistent psy-
chotic illness.
Second, interventions best suited for FEP (i.e., coordinated specialty
care; Kane et al. 2016) are still widely underused, even after individuals
experience a first episode. Approximately half of individuals who experi-
ence FEP do not receive either psychosocial or pharmaceutical treatment in
the first year, and following that episode, 12-month mortality is 24 times
higher than in an age-matched comparison sample (Schoenbaum et al.
2017). Technology-enhanced interventions may provide lower-cost
standardized options for delivery of care that are flexible, consistently
available, and convenient.
Third, a persisting challenge in FEP intervention pertains to mainte-
nance of treatment gains. Although FEP programs have demonstrated
short-term efficacy, some chart review studies demonstrate reduced
sustained impact over time (Gafoor et al. 2010). Online or mobile ap-
proaches provide ample options for stepped-down services that might
maintain gains generated by intensive first-episode interventions in a
less restrictive setting.
A growing body of evidence suggests that individuals with severe
mental illnesses seek support online—from support groups, chat rooms,
message boards, and online gaming communities (Highton-Williamson
et al. 2015). Previous research has demonstrated that this is a common
practice in efforts to connect with others with similar experiences and to
receive support for progress toward one’s recovery goals (Naslund et al.
2014). It remains to be seen whether these novel technologies can effec-
tively address the needs of individuals in the midst of a first episode.
Their ubiquity, however, underscores the need for researchers and pro-
viders to develop their understanding of these resources and how they
can be adapted to address service gaps. In this chapter we provide several
prototypes of innovations in the application of technology to first-episode
intervention that show potential to improve care in three areas: (1) detec-
tion (i.e., assessment of risk and selection of treatment course), (2) inter-
vention (i.e., delivery of treatments themselves), and (3) maintenance of
treatment gains (i.e., stepped-down services). Finally, we use a brief clini-
cal vignette to highlight opportunities for technology to address limita-
tions and gaps in care in the treatment of individuals with FEP.
ucation for the loved ones of an individual with FEP. Rotondi and col-
leagues (2005, 2010) designed an online psychoeducation intervention for
both individuals with schizophrenia (not exclusively FEP) and a support
person involving a website that provides psychoeducation, online ther-
apy group bulletin boards, an opportunity to ask experts questions, and
relevant community news. Studies examining this intervention randomly
assigned people with schizophrenia and family supports (preserving dy-
ads) to treatment as usual or an enhanced treatment condition that in-
volved access to the online intervention. Across studies, this approach
appeared to be feasible and acceptable to participants. Three-month out-
comes revealed that individuals with schizophrenia with access to the in-
tervention reported lower perceived stress and higher social support
relative to the treatment-as-usual condition (Rotondi et al. 2005). Follow-
up studies examining one-year outcomes (Rotondi et al. 2010) revealed
a significant decrease in positive symptoms and an increase in knowl-
edge of illness among individuals with schizophrenia. Support persons
similarly experienced an increase in knowledge about the illness rela-
tive to usual care.
Using Technology to Advance Early Psychosis Intervention 359
There are ample opportunities for digital health technologies to en-
hance the delivery services for individuals with FEP. We provide a de-
monstrative example of how these approaches may be integrated in a
technology-enhanced coordinated care clinic (TECCC) for FEP.
Case Example
Eric is an 18-year-old high school senior. At the behest of his parents and
friends, Eric presented to his primary care provider, reporting to her that
he has felt “down, tired, and worn down” for several months. What Eric
did not report was that he has also experienced consistent auditory hal-
lucinations that comment on his daily activities. He has also stopped at-
tending extracurricular activities, and his grades have dropped from a
3.0 GPA to a semester GPA of 1.0. Noting that Eric reported that his
mother has bipolar disorder and a paternal uncle had schizophrenia,
Eric’s primary care physician referred him to a TECCC for FEP. On ar-
rival at the TECCC, Eric completed a 2-hour baseline assessment, in-
cluding cognitive assessments, a prodromal symptom interview, and an
open-ended speech sample, which was automatically transcribed and
run through machine-learning algorithms. Eric’s risk of conversion
probability was calculated by the prodromal risk calculator, and he was
scheduled for a series of appointments with individual and family pro-
viders, as well as medication management with the clinic psychiatrist.
Partially as a result of these services, Eric’s functioning stabilizes. He
began scheduling get-togethers with old friends and engaging with his
parents and siblings. Eric’s interpersonal style in treatment, however, is
somewhat guarded. He is quiet, shy, and sometimes reluctant to share
his difficulties and stressors with his individual providers. Eric does not
tell his treatment team that he has been experiencing increased distress
during evenings in the last several weeks as he anticipates final exams,
the end of high school, and the departure of close friends for college. As
he ruminates, particularly after dark, he notices that he starts to feel as
though his neighbors are watching his computer monitor, a suspicion
that is fostered by his continued auditory hallucinations.
Thankfully, Eric has access to an mHealth app after hours. On this app
Eric reports that he has been experiencing increased auditory hallucina-
tions in the evenings. When his ratings of depressive or positive symp-
toms spike, Eric’s mobile app provides brief suggestions of interventions
to try, including cognitive restructuring exercises that challenge his beliefs
about the power and uncontrollability of his voices. The app also pro-
vides him with reminders to continue taking his medication. Together
with passive sensing of changes in behavior (i.e., Eric’s late hours and in-
creased phone activity into the late hours), these EMA ratings are trans-
mitted to Eric’s individual provider at TECCC. This leads to an open
conversation at the clinic about recent changes in Eric’s presentation. Eric
is relieved to able to discuss these stressors with his provider.
360 Intervening Early in Psychosis
• Several technology-enhanced assessments and interventions
show promise in the treatment of first-episode psychosis
(FEP); these tools apply across detection, intervention, and
maintenance of treatment gains.
• Technology-enhanced interventions may be particularly
well suited to address challenges that are specific to FEP
care, including individual engagement, cost, and step-
down care services.
• Prototype digital health resources have limitations. They
lack large-scale empirical validation, and many have been
examined only in a chronic psychosis population.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Alvarez-Jimenez M, Alcazar-Corcoles MA, González-Blanch C, et al:
Online, social media and mobile technologies for psychosis treat-
ment: a systematic review on novel user-led intervention. Schizo-
phr Res 156(1):96–106, 2014 24746468
Ben-Zeev D, Drake RE, Corrigan PW, et al: Using contemporary tech-
nologies in the assessment and treatment of serious mental illness.
Am J Psychiatr Rehabil 15(4):357–376, 2012
362 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Alvarez-Jimenez M, Bendall S, Lederman R, et al: On the HORYZON: moder-
ated online social therapy for long-term recovery in first episode psychosis.
Schizophr Res 143(1):143–149, 2013 23146146
Bedi G, Carrillo F, Cecchi GA, et al: Automated analysis of free speech predicts
psychosis onset in high-risk youths. NPJ Schizophr 1(1):15030, 2015 27336038
Ben-Zeev D, Kaiser SM, Brenner CJ, et al: Development and usability testing of
FOCUS: a smartphone system for self-management of schizophrenia. Psy-
chiatr Rehabil J 36(4):289–296, 2013 24015913
Ben-Zeev D, Brenner CJ, Begale M, et al: Feasibility, acceptability, and prelimi-
nary efficacy of a smartphone intervention for schizophrenia. Schizophr
Bull 40(6):1244–1253, 2014 24609454
Ben-Zeev D, Scherer EA, Wang R, et al: Next-generation psychiatric assessment:
using smartphone sensors to monitor behavior and mental health. Psychi-
atr Rehabil J 38(3):218–226, 2015 25844912
Ben-Zeev D, Brian R, Wang R, et al: CrossCheck: integrating self-report, behav-
ioral sensing, and smartphone use to identify digital indicators of psychotic
relapse. Psychiatr Rehabil J 40(3):266–275, 2017 28368138
Cannon TD, Yu C, Addington J, et al: An individualized risk calculator for research
in prodromal psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):980–988, 2016 27363508
Carrión RE, Cornblatt BA, Burton CZ, et al: Personalized prediction of psycho-
sis: external validation of the NAPLS-2 psychosis risk calculator with the
EDIPPP project. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):989–996, 2016 27363511
Corcoran CM, Carrillo F, Fernández-Slezak D, et al: Prediction of psychosis across
protocols and risk cohorts using automated language analysis. World Psy-
chiatry 17(1):67–75, 2018 29352548
Fortney JC, Unützer J, Wrenn G, et al: A tipping point for measurement-based
care. Psychiatr Serv 68(2):179–188, 2017 27582237
Fusar-Poli P, Bonoldi I, Yung AR, et al: Predicting psychosis: meta-analysis of
transition outcomes in individuals at high clinical risk. Arch Gen Psychia-
try 69(3):220–229, 2012 22393215
Gafoor R, Nitsch D, McCrone P, et al: Effect of early intervention on 5-year outcome
in non-affective psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 196(5):372–376, 2010 20435962
Garety PA, Kuipers E, Fowler D, et al: A cognitive model of the positive symp-
toms of psychosis. Psychol Med 31(2):189–195, 2001 11232907
Highton-Williamson E, Priebe S, Giacco D: Online social networking in people
with psychosis: a systematic review. Int J Soc Psychiatry 61(1):92–101, 2015
Jonathan GK, Pivaral L, Ben-Zeev D: Augmenting mHealth with human sup-
port: notes from community care of people with serious mental illnesses.
Psychiatr Rehabil J 40(3):336–338, 2017 28891660
Kane JM, Robinson DG, Schooler NR, et al: Comprehensive versus usual commu-
nity care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes from the NIMH RAISE
early treatment program. Am J Psychiatry 173(4):362–372, 2016 26481174
Using Technology to Advance Early Psychosis Intervention 363
Kay SR, Fiszbein A, Opler LA: The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)
for schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 13(2):261–276, 1987 3616518
Kumar D, Tully LM, Iosif A-M, et al: A mobile health platform for clinical mon-
itoring in early psychosis: implementation in community-based outpatient
early psychosis care. JMIR Ment Health 5(1):e15, 2018 29487044
Lal S, Dell’Elce J, Tucci N, et al: Preferences of young adults with first-episode
psychosis for receiving specialized mental health services using technol-
ogy: a survey study. JMIR Ment Health 2(2):e18, 2015 26543922
Miller TJ, McGlashan TH, Rosen JL, et al: Prodromal assessment with the Struc-
tured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes and the Scale of Prodromal
Symptoms: predictive validity, interrater reliability, and training to reliabil-
ity. Schizophr Bull 29(4):703–715, 2003 14989408
Naslund JA, Grande SW, Aschbrenner KA, et al: Naturally occurring peer sup-
port through social media: the experiences of individuals with severe men-
tal illness using YouTube. PLoS One 9(10):e110171, 2014 25333470
Niendam TA, Tully LM, Iosif AM, et al: Enhancing early psychosis treatment us-
ing smartphone technology: a longitudinal feasibility and validity study. J
Psychiatr Res 96:239–246, 2018 29126059
Overall JE, Gorham DR: The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS): recent devel-
opments in ascertainment and scaling. Psychopharm Bull 24(1):97–99, 1988
Reininghaus U, Gayer-Anderson C, Valmaggia L, et al: Psychological processes
underlying the association between childhood trauma and psychosis in
daily life: an experience sampling study. Psychol Med 46(13):2799–2813,
2016a 27400863
Reininghaus U, Kempton MJ, Valmaggia L, et al: Stress sensitivity, aberrant sa-
lience, and threat anticipation in early psychosis: an experience sampling
study. Schizophr Bull 42(3):712–722, 2016b 26834027
Rotondi AJ, Haas GL, Anderson CM, et al: A clinical trial to test the feasibility
of a telehealth psychoeducational intervention for persons with schizo-
phrenia and their families: intervention and 3-month findings. Rehabil Psy-
chol 50(4):325–336, 2005 26321774
Rotondi AJ, Anderson CM, Haas GL, et al: Web-based psychoeducational inter-
vention for persons with schizophrenia and their supporters: one-year out-
comes. Psychiatr Serv 61(11):1099–1105, 2010 21041348
Schoenbaum M, Sutherland JM, Chappel A, et al: Twelve-month health care use
and mortality in commercially insured young people with incident psycho-
sis in the United States. Schizophr Bull 43(6):1262–1272, 2017 28398566
Yung AR, Yuen HP, McGorry PD, et al: Mapping the onset of psychosis: the
Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States. Aust N Z J Psychia-
try 39(11-12):964–971, 2005 16343296
Zubin J, Spring B: Vulnerability—a new view of schizophrenia. J Abnorm Psy-
chol 86(2):103–126, 1977 858828
366 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Milieu Considerations
A well-managed therapeutic inpatient environment can set the stage for
effective treatment engagement, but considerable effort is required to
achieve this aim. Teenagers and young adults experiencing early psy-
chosis require several milieu considerations in order to decrease their
distress, facilitate optimal functioning, and provide an environment
that supports recovery. Critical to this aim is an environment that pro-
vides evidence-based care that is free of coercion, provides appropriate
interventions to decrease anxiety, and instills hope and a sense of em-
powerment for both the patient and his or her family.
The inpatient environment has the potential to generate anxiety, be-
ing an unfamiliar space where individuals do not have access to com-
forts and supports that may have been available at home. Further,
anxiety symptoms have been clearly linked with psychosis (Achim et
al. 2011; Addington et al. 2011; Yun et al. 2011). A study of at-risk ado-
lescents described the profile of an individual at high risk for psychosis
as being characterized by high levels of anxiety symptoms, particularly
cognitive anxiety (Granö et al. 2014). As such, it is of primary impor-
tance that efforts are taken to reduce sources of anxiety and provide
necessary structure that can reduce risks for thought and behavioral
disorganization. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoeducational
groups designed to decrease anxiety and increase problem-solving
skills for both the patient and the family are linked to decreased emer-
gency department visits and decreased negative symptoms (Calvo et al.
2014). Other non-medication-based interventions to aid in this en-
deavor include yoga, sensory interventions, art therapy, music therapy,
and problem-solving groups. Such interventions may both directly help
symptoms and increase resilience by imbuing a sense of self-efficacy
and capacity for positive, prosocial engagement.
The use of sensory rooms is a proactive prevention tool that helps to
maintain a noncoercive therapeutic environment while providing a
Inpatient Care for Early Psychosis 369
calm and quiet space where a person with psychotic symptoms can feel
safe. Sensory rooms are generally a well-soundproofed space that con-
tains a range of items that can either increase sensory stimulation (e.g.,
music players, deep and soft chairs, scented oils) or decrease stimulation
by providing an escape from the regular milieu environment. Sensory
rooms allow staff to build rapport and remain present with the patient
during times of distress but also remain open to continued expression of
emotions in a safe space (Seckman et al. 2017). In addition, the use of
sensory room tools ensures optimal sensory modulation tailored to in-
dividual preferences and needs, which allows the patient to practice
self-regulation during times of distress (Sutton et al. 2013). This in turn
increases resiliency and autonomy and decreases risk for relapse.
Studies suggest that yoga is effective in decreasing anxiety and in-
creasing self-efficacy (Kwasky and Serowoky 2018). In addition, yoga
has the potential to help young people learn to self-soothe, regulate emo-
tional responses, and decrease distress from anxiety-producing situations
such as hospitalization and family conflict (Re et al. 2014). Use of art, in
particular mandala art therapy, can increase a sense of hope and poten-
tially increase subjective well-being and resilience (Kim et al. 2018).
It is important that staff supporting the milieu are involved with
regular discussions regarding the patient’s diagnosis and clinical needs.
A daily “huddle” may be helpful in order to review each case in detail,
from initial presentation to the last 24 hours of each patient’s response
to interventions. At our program at Butler Hospital, we use a range of
additional mechanisms for improving dissemination of the clinical for-
mulation and treatment plan. Key techniques include the following:
• Biweekly walking rounds with the patient and entire treatment team
to increase knowledge and communication from a patient-inclusive
perspective, which serves to get everyone on the same page, includ-
ing the adolescent or young adult patient
• Weekly case studies to learn from and increase future skillful inter-
• Monthly educational meetings designed to teach staff new skills,
such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and general
group leadership
• Biannual team building exercises to increase trust, communication,
and active listening skills
• Leading by example and providing in-the-moment feedback for
staff during their care of a patient with psychosis, which leads to in-
creased competency and tolerance when intervening with an agi-
tated or paranoid patient
• Leadership that validates staff and encourages them to use interven-
tion tools that empower the patient during times of stress or impul-
sive behaviors rather than coercive interventions to maintain safety
370 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Youth in their first episode may experience both short- and long-
term fear if exposed to other patients who have significant issues
around aggression or appear disengaged from treatment or whose be-
havior otherwise suggests that mental illness is a chronic and debilitat-
ing condition. In this context, we find it optimal to place patients
experiencing their first episode of psychosis on our adolescent unit,
where they can experience support and hope by observing similar-age
peers who may have less chronic or serious mental health concerns.
Supporting youth in the first episode of psychosis during hospital-
ization is not without challenges. There are financial challenges, with
limited resources available to support education and training of staff
and to purchase necessary equipment for therapeutic interventions.
The short length of stay that is typical in modern hospitals may make it
difficult to achieve adequate stabilization and illness education. A short
length of stay may also contribute to an ever-changing milieu dynamic
(given rapid patient turnover), which can cause an increase in psychotic
symptoms and anxiety despite the therapeutic environment.
Family Engagement
The involvement and engagement of the family in the treatment of pa-
tients with early psychosis cannot be emphasized enough, particularly
in the inpatient setting. Family engagement has consistently been asso-
ciated with better outcomes and can influence both treatment adher-
ence and the course of the illness (Del Vecchio et al. 2015; Doyle et al.
2014; Knock et al. 2011). It is important to bear in mind that because the
onset of psychotic symptoms can begin in adolescence, the patient may
still be embedded within the family and thus may be subject to the atti-
tudes, beliefs, and help-seeking behaviors of the family. The family’s
concerns can include worry about isolative behaviors or social and
emotional withdrawal, fear of stigma, fear of loss, and parental guilt
(Connor et al. 2016). Understanding that family systems can be complex
can be helpful in identifying the key members who provide support
and are trusted by the patient. In the case of minors, clarification of legal
custody status and authority for medical decision making is important
to obtain, as well as supporting documents when necessary.
During an inpatient hospitalization, it can be distressing for family
members to relinquish the care of a loved one to the inpatient treatment
team while facing unanswered questions and uncertainty. Some fami-
lies may have uncertainty about how to discuss their concerns with the
mental health team and can benefit from clear and repeated information
and an invitation to engage (Lucksted et al. 2016). Establishing contact
with the family at the onset of the hospitalization and involving them
in treatment planning by arranging formal family meetings can help
mitigate some of this expected anxiety.
Inpatient Care for Early Psychosis 371
Approaching Medication
Patients presenting for inpatient hospitalization for early psychosis
range from those who are medication naïve to those who have been
started on antipsychotic medications as outpatients prior to their hospi-
374 Intervening Early in Psychosis
talization and those who have been treated for depressive or anxiety
disorders previously. It is important to consider that the biological
model encapsulates the assumption that medications are the primary
means through which the absence of symptoms can be achieved. With
a recovery-oriented approach, however, we hope to facilitate patient en-
gagement, integration, and meaningful functioning even if complete re-
mission is not achieved. Therefore, medications are only part of the
comprehensive biopsychosocial treatment plan that is to be developed
for the patient.
Evidence-based practices should guide the selection of a suitable an-
tipsychotic agent. Findings from the Treatment of Early Onset Schizo-
phrenia Spectrum Disorders (TEOSS) study indicated treatment response
in the first 2 weeks of treatment for both first- and second-generation
antipsychotics (Sikich et al. 2008). This is closely reflected in what we
have found to be the average length of stay for patients with early psy-
chosis, although some patients may need a longer inpatient stay, espe-
cially if the first trial of medication does not result in an adequate
clinical response and medications need to be switched. The TEOSS
study also showed no signifsicant differences in efficacy between first-
and second-generation antipsychotic agents, although the side effects
were different. Risperidone was associated with greater weight gain,
and olanzapine was associated with significantly higher weight and in-
creases in fasting cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, insulin, and liver
transaminase levels when compared with molindone. Akathisia was
more prominent in patients who received molindone, whereas prolac-
tin elevation was greatest in the risperidone group.
Research has identified no significant differences in discontinuation
rates or symptom control between first- and second-generation antipsy-
chotic medications (Crossley et al. 2010). There is also no clear evidence
to suggest the superiority of one particular second-generation antipsy-
chotic over another. Aripiprazole tends not be associated with dyslipid-
emia or hyperprolactinemia, although it is still associated with weight
gain in youth. Younger patients and adolescents may also respond to
standard doses of risperidone, whereas ziprasidone and aripiprazole
may be effective at lower doses (Datta et al. 2012). Therefore, the selec-
tion of antipsychotic medications requires a thoughtful discussion with
the patient, led in part by the side effect profiles of these agents and pa-
tient preference.
The inpatient setting presents the unique challenge of ensuring that
treatment response is observed with appropriate symptom reduction in
a short period of time. This often requires starting at a low dose fol-
lowed by aggressive medication titration. The antipsychotic agent
should be titrated to the usual effective dose and observed for response
for at least a few days unless limited by side effects, in which case the
medication should be switched to a different agent that has lower prob-
Inpatient Care for Early Psychosis 375
ful, although this course must be taken with caution so as not to perpet-
uate any negative identification with a family member who has chronic
psychotic illness. Additional caution is warranted in the use of antipsy-
chotic medications in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders be-
cause they may demonstrate greater sensitivity to adverse effects.
It is helpful to have the patient’s recovery goals be as closely aligned
to treatment goals as possible, with pharmacological treatment being a
vehicle to facilitate this onward journey. Youth taking antipsychotic
medications have reported benefits such as better concentration and ac-
ademic performance, improved relationships with others, and im-
proved self-control. Reasons for disliking medications include feeling
different, fear of social stigma, and concerns about long-term effects. In
adolescent patients, it was also found that good familial support and
lack of perceived coercion to take medication result in improved medi-
cation adherence (Moses 2011).
During the hospitalization, close assessment of antipsychotic re-
sponse and careful monitoring for side effects are required. Obtaining
laboratory tests to establish the baseline metabolic and hepatic function
is important, along with electrolytes and complete blood counts. There
may be underlying baseline risk factors for metabolic syndrome in
medication-naïve patients that should be identified (Fleischhacker et al.
2013). Laboratory tests ideally should be repeated periodically during
the inpatient admission because transient transaminitis and neutrope-
nia can occur. Electrocardiographic monitoring is also important be-
cause patients with early psychosis are at an elevated risk for QTc
prolongation during even a relatively short period (2–4 weeks) of treat-
ment with antipsychotic medications (Zhai et al. 2017). Additionally, as-
sessment for extrapyramidal symptoms and involuntary movements
should be incorporated into the daily examination of the patient. Clini-
cians also should hold a high suspicion for catatonia in patients with
significant social withdrawal and slowing or unusual excitation. Using
scales such as the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS; Guy
1976) or the Catatonia Rating Scale (CRS; Bräunig et al. 2000) is often
helpful in tracking the severity of symptoms.
Successful Transitioning
A successful hospitalization should include a positive transition back to
the community along with outpatient care. Building a collaborative
therapeutic alliance with patients and families is critical for this goal
(Bonnie et al. 2015). Although some youth develop insight into their
mental health difficulties, others do not and may deny that they have
treatment needs at all. Engaging the family is a key strategy in support-
ing such youth—even for the patients who have reached the age of ma-
Inpatient Care for Early Psychosis 377
Inpatient hospitalizations may often be the first time a patient with
early psychosis makes contact with the mental health system or health
care in general. At other times, this may be a recurrent experience over
a prolonged clinical course. Regardless, it is important to create a ther-
apeutic alliance in the inpatient setting that moves away from solely
378 Intervening Early in Psychosis
• There are multiple specific considerations that may help
support individuals in the early stages of psychosis during
their hospitalization.
• The impulse to prioritize starting antipsychotic medication
may prove counterproductive if a treatment alliance is not
• Family engagement and collaboration with outpatient ser-
vices is critical in ensuring that gains made during hospi-
talization are sustained and built on.
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Hayes D, Kyriakopoulos M: Dilemmas in the treatment of early-onset
first-episode psychosis. Ther Adv Psychopharmacol 8(8):231–239,
2018 30065814
Hickman G, Newton E, Fenton K, et al: The experiential impact of hospital-
isation: parents’ accounts of caring for young people with early psy-
chosis. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry 21(1):145–155, 2016
Kline E, Thompson E, Schimunek C, et al: Parent-adolescent agreement
on psychosis risk symptoms. Schizophr Res 147(1):147–152, 2013
Mayer N, Petrovic BR, Grah M, et al: Treatment of patients in early
phase of psychosis on psychotherapeutic inpatient unit—presenta-
tion of the therapeutic programme and evaluation of some aspects.
Psychiatr Danub 29(suppl 3):447–451, 2017 28953806
Reynolds N, Desai R, Zhou Z, et al: Psychological interventions on a
specialist early intervention inpatient unit: an opportunity to en-
gage? Early Interv Psychiatry 12(6):1094–1099, 2018 28664646
Achim AM, Maziade M, Raymond E, et al: How prevalent are anxiety disorders
in schizophrenia? A meta-analysis and critical review on a significant asso-
ciation. Schizophr Bull 37(4):811–821, 2011 19959704
Addington J, Epstein I, Liu L, et al: A randomized controlled trial of cognitive
behavioral therapy for individuals at clinical high risk of psychosis. Schizo-
phr Res 125(1):54–61, 2011 21074974
Benarous X, Raffin M, Ferrafiat V, et al: Catatonia in children and adolescents:
new perspectives. Schizophr Res 200:56–67, 2018 28754582
Bonnie RJ, Stroud C, Breiner H (eds): Investing in the Health and Well-Being of
Young Adults. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2015
Boydell KM, Stasiulis E, Volpe T, Gladstone B: A descriptive review of qualita-
tive studies in first episode psychosis. Early Interv Psychiatry 4(1):7–24,
2010 20199476
Bräunig P, Krüger S, Shugar G, et al: The Catatonia Rating Scale I—development,
reliability, and use. Compr Psychiatry 41(2):147–158, 2000 10741894
Calvo A, Moreno M, Ruiz-Sancho A, et al: Intervention for adolescents with early
onset psychosis and their families: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Acad
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 53(6):688–696, 2014 24839887
Connor C, Greenfield S, Lester H, et al: Seeking help for first-episode psychosis:
a family narrative. Early Interv Psychiatry 10(4):334–345, 2016 25303624
Crossley NA, Constante M, McGuire P, et al: Efficacy of atypical v. typical anti-
psychotics in the treatment of early psychosis: meta-analysis. Br J Psychia-
try 196(6):434–439, 2010 20513851
380 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Ramsay CE, Broussard B, Goulding SM, et al: Life and treatment goals of indi-
viduals hospitalized for first-episode nonaffective psychosis. Psychiatry
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the patients’ sensory-processing patterns. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs
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‘mental illness is an illness like any other’ approach. Acta Psychiatr Scand
114(5):303–318, 2006 17022790
Schoenbaum M, Sutherland JM, Chappel A, et al: Twelve-month health care use
and mortality in commercially insured young people with incident psycho-
sis in the United States. Schizophr Bull 43(6):1262–1272, 2017 28398566
Schwartz HI, Vingiano W, Perez CB: Autonomy and the right to refuse treat-
ment: patients’ attitudes after involuntary medication. Hosp Community
Psychiatry 39(10):1049–1054, 1988 3229738
Seckman A, Paun O, Heipp B, et al: Evaluation of the use of a sensory room on
an adolescent inpatient unit and its impact on restraint and seclusion pre-
vention. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs 30(2):90–97, 2017 28653508
Sikich L, Frazier JA, McClellan J, et al: Double-blind comparison of first- and
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affective disorder: findings from the treatment of early onset schizophrenia
spectrum disorders (TEOSS) study. Am J Psychiatry 165(11):1420–1431,
2008 18794207
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Van Schalkwyk GI, Davidson L, Srihari V: Too late and too little: narratives of
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Zhai D, Lang Y, Dong G, et al: QTc interval lengthening in first-episode schizo-
phrenia (FES) patients in the earliest stages of antipsychotic treatment.
Schizophr Res 179:70–74, 2017 27727006
384 Intervening Early in Psychosis
for onset of psychotic disorders. However, it also requires that the ser-
vices staff be able to work effectively with young people who are in dif-
ferent developmental stages.
Adolescence, by definition, is the period of transition between child-
hood and adulthood. Sexual maturation is one of the defining factors,
which may occur relatively early during adolescence, whereas neuro-
development continues well into early adulthood. The social environ-
ment and accompanying expectations also change during this period,
typically shifting from being largely oriented to and determined by the
family environment and structured educational settings to having more
emphasis on developing and sustaining social relationships in the
larger community. These changes occur within the context of the in-
creasing latitude and responsibility in decision making that are associ-
ated with adult status.
The onset of psychosis during this critical period can adversely af-
fect an adolescent’s ability to navigate these developmental tasks, with
potentially long-term adverse effects beyond the functional impact of
the symptoms themselves. Participating with same-age peers in the
tasks of establishing social networks and sexual relationships can be
particularly challenging if adolescents’ ability to interpret social cues is
limited or if they are socially withdrawn because of anxiety or paranoia.
Cognitive difficulties such as poor concentration and working memory
not only impact scholastic performance but can also specifically impact
the ability to manage competing demands and complex decisions
needed to develop independence. Establishing a sense of identity can
be particularly difficult for young people if they or those around them
have become unsure whether they can trust their beliefs and percep-
tions about the world.
Developmental characteristics thus need to be taken into account
when caring for adolescents and their families. Although data are
sparse, there is some evidence that a younger age of onset of psychotic
symptoms may be associated with particular clinical and biological
characteristics and risk factors. Psychosocial interventions that are effec-
tive in adults may not be suitable for the level of cognitive development
of an adolescent, and although the indications for psychopharmaco-
logical treatments are similar in adolescents and adults, the small
amount of research available suggests some additional specific consid-
erations to take into account when working with adolescents. How-
ever, despite the challenges of working with adolescents, there may
also be an increased potential for positive outcomes. One of the few
outcome studies of intervention programs for first-episode psychosis
that examined age effects found more robust functional improvements
in individuals who presented before the age of 18, suggesting that
these younger individuals may also be more able to respond to appro-
priate intervention (Amminger et al. 2011).
Adolescents on the First-Episode Psychosis Continuum 385
Developmental Considerations
in the Presentation of Early Psychosis
There is extensive evidence that young people who go on to develop a
psychotic disorder often have early evidence of social, motor, and lan-
guage problems. In the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Chil-
dren, individuals in England were evaluated at multiple time points
from infancy to young adulthood, and these evaluations identified pro-
gressive deficits in functional IQ over the lifespan for those who devel-
oped psychosis by late adolescence (Mollon et al. 2018). In addition to
functional IQ, lags in working memory, attention, visuospatial func-
tioning, and language were noted throughout development. These dra-
matic signs were not seen in the young people who developed affective
disorders. Adolescents who have transitioned to primary psychotic dis-
orders are consistently found to have impairments in cognitive func-
tions such as social cognition, verbal fluency, and memory, which likely
contribute to the functional deterioration characteristic of these disor-
ders. Although adolescents at clinical high risk are also more likely on
average to have difficulty with cognition, particularly in domains of at-
tention, memory, visuospatial ability, and processing speed, recent find-
ings have suggested that these deficits are more severe in the subset of
individuals who eventually develop psychosis and remain relatively
mild in those who do not (Seidman et al. 2016).
Generally and historically, the data have supported the finding that
onset of schizophrenia before age 18 is associated with worse cognitive
function. In a meta-analysis that compared cognitive assessment find-
ings in persons with schizophrenia before age 19, onset after 19, and on-
set after age 40, younger individuals had significant deficits compared
with older ones (Rajji et al. 2009). These included deficits in full-scale
IQ, processing speed, verbal and working memory, and executive func-
tion. A study of the 20-year course of schizophrenia found social func-
tioning to be relatively preserved from the beginning of the disorder,
suggesting that the highest level of functioning prior to the disorder
tends to be retained (Velthorst et al. 2017). This is consistent with a re-
cent meta-analysis of longitudinal changes in cognition in early psycho-
sis, which did not find evidence of further cognitive decline in either
386 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Differential Diagnosis
The clinical differential diagnosis of an adolescent presenting with pos-
itive symptoms of hallucinations, paranoia, or other delusions or disor-
ganized thought is broad and may include affective disorders, anxiety
disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trauma- or stressor-related
conditions, substance use disorders, personality disorders, and neuro-
developmental disorders. Clinicians should maintain a developmental
perspective when interviewing, assessing, and diagnosing adolescents.
Adolescents are likely to present for evaluation after referral by a school
official, pediatrician, primary care provider, or family member. Adoles-
cents are more likely than adults to present with negative symptoms
and flat affect (Ballageer et al. 2005).
388 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Psychosocial Interventions
Current clinical guidelines concur that psychosocial interventions are
an essential component of treatment for adolescents with first-episode
psychosis and are the recommended first-line intervention for those at
392 Intervening Early in Psychosis
ments are under way. Studies to date have not supported the use of an-
tipsychotics for prevention of psychosis because they have not shown
evidence of sustained differences in transition rates, and side effects
such as weight gain are considerable (Stafford et al. 2015). Existing
guidelines generally also do not recommend use of antipsychotics for
attenuated psychosis symptoms unless there is significant clinical dis-
tress that cannot be adequately addressed by first-line psychosocial
treatments such as CBTp (Addington et al. 2017; Early Psychosis Guide-
lines Writing Group and EPPIC National Support Program 2016; UK
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2013). There has been
some evidence that antidepressants may have an impact on the rate of
transition to psychosis (Cornblatt et al. 2007). Fatty acids such as eicos-
apentaenoic acid demonstrate some promise as well (McGorry et al.
2017). Psychotropic medications do play a clear role in treating the co-
occurring conditions that are common in clinical high-risk adolescents,
such as depression and anxiety, when individuals with these conditions
have not responded to psychosocial interventions.
Working with adolescents who are learning to manage symptoms of
psychosis requires that the clinician be willing to adapt to meet devel-
opmental needs of young people who may be at very different places
along the road to adulthood. One of the hardest tasks for both the clini-
cian and the young person and his or her family can be the willingness
to tolerate uncertainty. Although the body of knowledge about diagno-
sis and intervention for adolescents who are experiencing first-episode
psychosis or who are at clinical high risk for psychosis has been grow-
ing rapidly, we still lack the means to predict accurately what the clini-
cal course is likely to be for an adolescent who has just started having
symptoms. Therefore, a critical aspect of treatment is maintaining a re-
covery-oriented framework that includes attention to preserving en-
gagement through potentially changing clinical states and the
flexibility to adjust approaches as needed. Although adolescence can
add challenges for clinicians, it also is a time when effective interven-
tion can make an enormous difference in the course of a life.
• Thirty percent of individuals with a psychotic disorder have
their first episode during adolescence.
Adolescents on the First-Episode Psychosis Continuum 397
Discussion Questions
1. What might the differences be in processes around informed
consent and confidentiality when working with youth
younger than age 18?
Suggested Readings
Fusar-Poli P, McGorry PD, Kane JM: Improving outcomes of first-episode
psychosis: an overview. World Psychiatry 16(3):251–265, 2017 28941089
Pagsberg AK, Tarp S, Glintborg D, et al: Acute antipsychotic treatment
of children and adolescents with schizophrenia-spectrum disor-
ders: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Am Acad
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 56(3):191–202, 2017 28219485
Sikich L: Diagnosis and evaluation of hallucinations and other psychot-
ic symptoms in children and adolescents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr
Clin N Am 22(4):655–673, 2013 24012079
Tiffin PA, Welsh P: Practitioner review: schizophrenia spectrum disorders
and the at-risk mental state for psychosis in children and adoles-
cents—evidence-based management approaches. J Child Psychol
Psychiatry 54(11):1155–1175, 2013 24102356
398 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Addington J, Addington D, Abidi S, et al: Canadian Treatment Guidelines for
Individuals at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis. Can J Psychiatry 62(9):656–
661, 2017 28730848
Albert N, Melau M, Jensen H, et al: The effect of duration of untreated psychosis
and treatment delay on the outcomes of prolonged early intervention in
psychotic disorders. NPJ Schizophr 3(1):34, 2017 28951544
Amminger GP, Henry LP, Harrigan SM, et al: Outcome in early onset schizo-
phrenia revisited: findings from the Early Psychosis Prevention and Inter-
vention Centre long-term follow-up study. Schizophr Res 131(1–3):112–
119, 2011 21741219
Arendt M, Mortensen PB, Rosenberg R: Familial predisposition for psychiatric
disorder: comparison of subjects treated for cannabis-induced psychosis
and schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 65(11):1269–1274, 2008 18981338
Ballageer T, Malla A, Manchanda R, et al: Is adolescent-onset first-episode psy-
chosis different from adult onset? J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
44(8):782–789, 2005 16034280
Bora E, Murray RM: Meta-analysis of cognitive deficits in ultra-high risk to psy-
chosis and first-episode psychosis: do the cognitive deficits progress over, or
after, the onset of psychosis? Schizophr Bull 40(4):744–755, 2014 23770934
Boydell J, Dean K, Dutta R: A comparison of symptoms and family history in
schizophrenia with and without prior cannabis use: implications for the con-
cept of cannabis psychosis. Schizophr Res 93(1–3):203–210, 2007 17462864
Brodey BB, Addington J, First MB, et al: The Early Psychosis Screener (EPS):
item development and qualitative validation. Schizophr Res Dec 15, 2017
[Epub ahead of print] 29254878
Cornblatt BA, Lencz T, Smith CW, et al: Can antidepressants be used to treat the
schizophrenia prodrome? Results of a prospective, naturalistic treatment
study of adolescents. J Clin Psychiatry 68(4):546–557, 2007 17474810
Crockford D, Addington D: Canadian schizophrenia guidelines: schizophrenia
and other psychotic disorders with coexisting substance use disorders. Can
J Psychiatry 62(9):624–634, 2017 28886671
Early Psychosis Guidelines Writing Group, EPPIC National Support Program:
Australian Clinical Guidelines for Early Psychosis, 2nd Edition Update.
Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Orygen, 2016
Fortea A, Ilzarbe D, Espinosa L, et al: Long-acting injectable atypical antipsy-
chotic use in adolescents: an observational study. J Child Adolesc Psycho-
pharmacol 28(4):252–257, 2018 29381388
Fraguas D, Díaz-Caneja CM, Pina-Camacho L, et al: Progressive brain changes
in children and adolescents with early onset psychosis: a meta-analysis of
longitudinal MRI studies. Schizophr Res 173(3):132–139, 2016 25556081
Fusar-Poli P, McGorry PD, Kane JM: Improving outcomes of first-episode psy-
chosis: an overview. World Psychiatry 16(3):251–265, 2017 28941089
Gill KE, Quintero JM, Poe SL, et al: Assessing suicidal ideation in individuals at clin-
ical high risk for psychosis. Schizophr Res 165(2–3):152–156, 2015 25960038
Adolescents on the First-Episode Psychosis Continuum 399
This chapter is presented as an update to Hardy KV, Gonzalez-Flores B, Ballon JS: “Inter-
vening Early in First-Episode Psychosis in a College Setting,” in University Student Mental
Health: A Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Leaders Serving in Higher Education. Ed-
ited by Roberts LW. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2018,
pp. 285–298. Copyright © 2018 American Psychiatric Association Publishing. Used with
404 Intervening Early in Psychosis
Case Example 1
Sam is an 18-year-old student athlete on the tennis team who spends
many hours practicing his sport. After a successful high school career,
he enrolled in an elite university as a pre-med student. Over the course
of his freshman year, Sam started to feel sad and more irritable, frus-
trated, and anxious. He was having difficulty sleeping and noticed it
was challenging to pay attention in class and during practice. His coach
and teammates also noticed that he wasn’t playing tennis as well as in
the past. Sam confided in a friend that he was hearing the voices of an
angel and a demon in his head. He felt that his mind was torn between
the good and evil of these spirits, and this interrupted his concentration
in other tasks. Sam presented to his student health center reluctantly. He
did not say he was hearing voices, but he did mention that he felt as if
things were not going well for him in his mind. Sam was referred for
supportive psychotherapy, and he told his counselor that his parents
would not approve of him being on medication. After building rapport
with his therapist, he revealed that he felt that taking medication was a
sign of weakness. Despite a robust coordinated specialty care (CSC) ser-
vice located in his county, Sam was not referred for specialized early
psychosis treatment. He began to speak more openly with his counselor
about auditory hallucinations and referential ideas. At the end of the
quarter, Sam expressed to his brother that he was having thoughts of
suicide. He was taken to a local hospital and admitted to an inpatient
unit. He was put on medical leave from school, and he stopped playing
competitive tennis. After his hospitalization, Sam was sent home, and it
is unclear if he will ever be able to reenroll at his university.
Because the college years are a time of transition when young people
may experience a first episode of psychosis, it is critical for colleges and
universities to provide training to staff in early identification of psycho-
sis and make efforts to encourage students to use on-campus mental
health services when they are in distress. Shared decision making, an
individualized approach, and provision of reasonable accommodations
are important aspects of treatment planning. A summary of recommen-
dations is provided in Table 23–1.
Consider the following case in contrast to Sam’s experience pre-
sented earlier. Perhaps we might have seen a different trajectory for
Sam if there had been supports in place to identify psychosis earlier as
in the case of Ronaldo.
Case Example 2
Ronaldo, an 18-year-old young man, enrolled in a university after a suc-
cessful high school career. After several months of school, Ronaldo no-
ticed decreased motivation and difficulty concentrating, which affected
his athletic performance. He received his first C ever. Given the difficulty,
he began to put in extra hours in the library and found himself working
through the night on several occasions. Todd, the resident advisor in Ron-
aldo’s dorm, received training during orientation on recognizing signs of
early psychosis and was given information on how best to respond. He
noticed a change in Ronaldo’s behavior and talked to him about it. Al-
though Ronaldo reassured Todd that everything was fine, they agreed to
check in again in a couple of weeks. Todd informed the resident dean of
the concerns and they agreed to monitor the situation.
When Todd and Ronaldo reconnect 2 weeks later, Ronaldo confides
that he has been hearing things and worries that his roommate may be
able to read his mind. Todd provides Ronaldo with information about
auditory hallucinations, including information on how common these
phenomena are and different reasons why they might occur (stress,
sleep deprivation, psychosis, drugs). They agree to set up an appoint-
ment with a psychiatrist at the Wellness Center, and Todd accompanies
Ronaldo to this appointment. The Wellness Center counselor conducts
an assessment, in which Ronaldo reports that he has been hearing voices
and thinks he is hearing the voice of his angel talking to him. The coun-
Special Populations: College and University Students 411
• College presents a unique opportunity for identifying stu-
dents with early psychosis and shortening their duration
of psychosis.
• With early intervention and appropriate educational sup-
ports, young people experiencing onset of psychosis while
enrolled in college can access treatment and continue
progress toward their educational goals.
• Providing strong institutional support that is easily accessi-
ble and free of stigma gives students with severe mental ill-
ness the best chance of continued academic success.
• Forced medical leaves should be used minimally after all
other options have been exhausted. When students need
to take time away from school, they should be allowed to
maintain contact with peers and professors and continue
coursework remotely.
Special Populations: College and University Students 413
Discussion Questions
Suggested Readings
Amminger GP, Harris MG, Conus P, et al: Treated incidence of first-episode
psychosis in the catchment area of EPPIC between 1997 and 2000. Acta Psy-
chiatr Scand 114(5):337–345, 2006 17022793
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: Supporting Students: A Model Policy for
Colleges and Universities. Washington, DC, Judge David L. Bazelon Center
for Mental Health Law. May 15, 2007. Available at:
content/uploads/2017/04/SupportingStudentsCampusMHPolicy.pdf. Jan-
uary 26, 2019.
Brockelman KF, Scheyett AM: Faculty perceptions of accommodations, strate-
gies, and psychiatric advance directives for university students with men-
tal illnesses. Psychiatr Rehabil J 38(4):342–348, 2015 26053532
Bunn W, Terpstra J: Cultivating empathy for the mentally ill using simulated
auditory hallucinations. Acad Psychiatry 33(6):457–460, 2009 19933888
Cannon TD, Yu C, Addington J, et al: An individualized risk calculator for research
in prodromal psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 173(10):980–988, 2016 27363508
Cohen AN, Hamilton AB, Saks ER, et al: How occupationally high-achieving in-
dividuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia manage their symptoms. Psy-
chiatr Serv 68(4):324–329, 2017 27842472
Feeg VD, Prager LS, Moylan LB, et al: Predictors of mental illness stigma and
attitudes among college students: using vignettes from a campus common
reading program. Issues Ment Health Nurs 35(9):694–703, 2014 25162192
Hardy KV, Gonzalez-Flores B, Ballon JS: Intervening early in first-episode psy-
chosis in a college setting, in University Student Mental Health: A Guide
for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Leaders Serving Higher Education.
Edited by Roberts LW. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Publishing,
2018a pp 285–298
Hardy KV, Noordsy DL, Ballon JS, et al: Impact of age of onset of psychosis and
engagement in higher education on duration of untreated psychosis. J Ment
Health 27(3):257–262, 2018b 29707996
Kosyluk KA, Al-Khouja M, Bink A, et al: Challenging the stigma of mental illness
among college students. J Adolesc Health 59(3):325–331, 2016 27324577
Loewy RL, Bearden CE, Johnson JK, et al: The prodromal questionnaire (PQ):
preliminary validation of a self-report screening measure for prodromal
and psychotic syndromes. Schizophr Res 79(1):117–125, 2005 16276559
Loewy RL, Pearson R, Vinogradov S, et al: Psychosis risk screening with the
Prodromal Questionnaire—Brief version (PQ-B). Schizophr Res 129(1):42–
46, 2011 21511440
Special Populations: College and University Students 415
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: College enrollment and work activity of recent
high school and college graduates summary. April 26, 2018. Available at: Accessed January 26, 2019.
U.S. Department of Education: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsec-
ondary Education. Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Education, 2011.
Available at: Ac-
cessed January 26, 2019.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; U.S Department of Education:
Joint guidance on the application of the Family Educational Rights and Pri-
vacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to Student Health Records. Washington, DC, U.S. De-
partment of Health and Human Services, November 2008. Available at:
Accessed October 15, 2018.
Page numbers printed in boldface type refer to tables and figures.
418 Intervening Early in Psychosis
GRDS. See Genetic risk and inpatient care for early psychosis,
deterioration syndrome 365–381
GRIP. See Graduated Recovery From CBT to decrease anxiety during
Initial Psychosis hospitalization, 368
Group therapy developing shared treatment
in early psychosis service, 5 goals, 366–368
multiple-family group format, 86, family engagement, 370–372
321–322 goals, 366
using multiple-family groups to key techniques for intervention,
strengthen engagement, 86– 369–370
87 making and communicating a
diagnosis, 372–373
Hallucinations, 69–70, 296 medication and, 373–376
Hallucinogens, 251 milieu considerations, 368–370
Haloperidol overview, 365–366
in first-episode psychosis clinical recovery goals, 376
trials, 191–194, 196 staff daily “huddle,” 369
for management of substance use transitioning, 376–377
and early psychosis, 256 use of sensory rooms, 368–369
response rate and drug dosing, HVLT-R. See Hopkins Verbal Learning
190, 200 Test–Revised
Health care. See also Medicaid; Hyperthyroidism, 143
Medicare Hypothyroidism, 143
teams and, 178
in the United States, 34 IDEA. See Individuals with Disabilities
Health Information Technology for Education Act
Economic and Clinical Health Identity-based trauma, 153, 155
Act of 2009 (HITECH), 50 IEP. See Individualized Education
Health Insurance Portability and Program
Accountability Act (HIPAA), IEPA. See International Early Psychosis
408 Association
HIPAA. See Health Insurance Illness Management and Recovery
Portability and Accountability program, 223
Act Imipramine, for management of
HITECH. See Health Information comorbid psychosis and
Technology for Economic and trauma, 165
Clinical Health Act of 2009 Immigrants, 316
HIV, 140 Individualized Education Program
Home-based care in early psychosis (IEP), 290
service, 5 Individual placement and support
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test– (IPS) services, 283–289
Revised (HVLT-R), 109, 123 advancing careers, 289
HORYZONS, 357–358, 358 career profile and employment
Hospitalization and education plan, 286–287
case example of, 70–74 case example of, 286
Index 427
an invaluable resource for clinicians and agencies who are all working toward early
intervention in psychosis with transitional-age youth. The authors offer a compre-
hensive understanding of all aspects of early intervention, including both young
people who may be at serious risk of developing psychosis and those who are expe-
riencing a first episode. This highly user-friendly text offers case descriptions, step-
by-step instructions for assessments and interventions, and excellent guidelines for
a team-based approach to early intervention for psychosis.”
Jean Addington, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary
With expert guidance on developing specialty care services for young peo-
ple experiencing first-episode psychosis, Intervening Early in Psychosis: A Team
Approach offers a multimodal approach that aims for recovery and remission. The
first book of its kind to focus on the U.S. health care environment, it provides a
detailed examination of a range of evidence-based treatments, from the psycho-
Early in
logical and psychosocial to peer, family, lifestyle, and technological interventions,
all punctuated by clinical case examples.
Special emphasis is placed on the interplay between these individual interventions,
as well as the collaboration between multidisciplinary partners, including licensed
therapists, medical providers, peers, and vocational specialists. An individual and
family perspective on the experience of living with psychosis complements this
interdisciplinary care model, underscoring the importance of engaging clients and
A Team Approach
their support network within a philosophy of shared decision making.
With additional chapters that discuss advocacy issues and policy considerations
when establishing coordinated specialty care services, Intervening Early in Psycho-
sis is the most comprehensive resource available for those interested in expanding
their knowledge of the early identification and treatment of adolescents and young
adults with psychotic disorders. Hardy
ISBN 978-1- 61537-175- 4 Adelsheim Edited by
9 0 0 00
Kate V. Hardy, Clin.Psych.D.
Jacob S. Ballon, M.D., M.P.H.
9 7 8 1 6 1 5 3 71 7 5 4 WWW.APPI.ORG Douglas L. Noordsy, M.D.
Cover design: Rick A. Prather
Cover image: © Steven Adelsheim, M.D.