Statistics of Kingdom English (2015 - 2016)
Statistics of Kingdom English (2015 - 2016)
Statistics of Kingdom English (2015 - 2016)
ិ ិ និងសូចនករអប់រ ំ
Education Statistics & Indicators
2015 - 2016
នយក ្ឋ ន្របព័នព
ធ ័ត៌មន្រគប់្រគងអប់រ ំ
Department of Education Management Information System (DoEMIS)
Phnom Penh, April 2016
(Supported by UNICEF/Sida)
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Education Statistics & Indicators
2015 - 2016
About Education Statistics and Indicators, 2015/2016
What is it? Separating survey forms have also been designed and are being used for
The Education Statistics section is a collection of basic statistical information gathering data on private education including Pre-schools, Primary and
on schools in Cambodia for the school year 2015-2016. It focuses on Pre- Secondary schools and Tertiary institutes.
School, Primary and Secondary Education and includes information on students,
staff, textbooks, buildings and other school facilities, community participation How was it processed?
and finance in their respective variables, characteristics and disaggregates. The Public Educational Statistics Office of DoEMIS of the MoEYS receives all
the forms and manually checks, collates, batches and edits the forms according
The Education Indicators section presents information on selected indicators of to pre-determined codes and procedures before entering the data into the
quantity, quality, efficiency, equity, etc that are commonly used in measuring computer. A specially prepared program that accepts data only if they are
developments in the education system. logically correct automatically checks for computer-entry errors. However, the
Center crosschecks and corrects incomplete or incorrect entries in the forms at
What is it for?
relevant collection points (Province, District, Schools) and in absolute cases
Education Statistics and Indicators, 2015-2016 is primarily intended for use by
follow up on the return of forms to ensure that all schools are covered.
education administrators and managers at the various levels of the Ministry of
Education Youth and Sports (MoEYS). This naturally includes the Central,
National officers trained in data processing and computer technology operated
Provincial, District, and School levels. Within the school level are the Cluster
the EMIS Department. The Department is equipped with Client\Server (LAN)
School Heads and the School Principals who are in charge of the day-to-day
with a number of workstations, and uses MySQL Server for creating the
activities of the school. Professionals including teachers, educators and allied
databases, SPSS 19 for data analysis, and Microsoft Excel 2010 for information
personnel in related institutions and organizations including the PTA and the
Community will find this booklet useful to their need to improve practices.
Researchers in education and associated fields may also find the booklet
valuable as a primary source of data on education in Cambodia. Overall the Selection of Indicators
booklet provides a sound basis for policy analysis and planning and also serves Within the context of planning, monitoring and evaluating the educational
as a pointer to a whole spectrum of studies and surveys in the Cambodian objectives and targets set by the MoEYS, statistical indicators presented in the
educational context. booklet were selected from an array of standard education indicators used by
UNESCO, UNICEF, and related agencies as measures of educational
How was it collected? development. These indicators are also considered in the global focus on the
The Department of Education Information Management System (DoEMIS) of assessment and development of Education for All.
the MoEYS uses the “Annual School Census Forms” - (ASCF) - to collect the
data used in compiling this booklet. According to EMIS activities schedule, the How is it disseminated?
forms are distributed to all the schools annually through the Provincial and Copies of the booklet are distributed to all Education Departments at the Central,
District Education Services. The School Principals take the responsibility for Provincial and District levels and to all the schools in the country for their
filling the forms and the District and Provincial Offices for collecting, checking planning, monitoring and evaluating purposes. Copies are also sent to the various
and returning the forms to the DoP. education-related ministries and organizations. The information is also
disseminated on a “selective” basis as determined by the need of ministries,
organizations and individuals.
Education Statistics
Page Education Indicators Page
Table 1 Schools, Classes, Students and Staff 1 Table 1 Indicators on Schools 31
Table 2 Schools, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 2 Table 2 Indicators on Schools by Province 32
Table 3 Pre-Schools, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 3 Table 3 Indicators on Primary Schools by Province 33
Table 4 Primary Schools, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 4 Table 4 Indicators on Secondary Schools by Province 34
Table 5 Colleges, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 5 Table 5 Indicators on Students and Staff 35
Table 6 Lycees with Grade7 to Grade12, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 6 Table 6 Indicators on Students and Staff by Province 36
Table 7 Lycees with Grade10 to Grade12 only, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 7 Table 7 Indicators on Primary Students and Staff by Province 37
Table 8 Secondary Schools, Classes, Students and Staff by Province 8 Table 8 Indicators on Secondary Students and Staff by Province 38
Table 9 Characteristics of Schools and School Principals 9 Table 9 Indicators on Enrollment by Province 39
Table 10 Number of Cluster Schools and Schools in Pagoda 10 Table 10 Indicators on Access and Equity by Province 40
Table 11 Number of Schools by Highest Grade Taught 11 Table 11 Gross and Net Enrollment Rate by Province 41
Table 12 Number of Classes by Grade and by Education level 12 Table 12 Indicators on Access, Gross and Net Enrollment Rate
Table 13 Enrollment by Level of Education, 2014-15 13 by Province for Male 42
Table 14 Enrollment by Level of Education, 2015-16 14 Table 13 Student Flow Rates (Grade 1-4) for Both Sex 2014-2015 43
Table 15 Pre-School Enrollment 15 Table 14 Student Flow Rates (Grade 5-8) for Both Sex 2014-2015 44
Table 16 Enrollment and Repeaters by Grade 16 Table 15 Student Flow Rates (Grade 9-12) for Both Sex 2014-2015 45
Table 17 New Intake and Enrollment by Level and Age (Both Sexes) 20 Table 16 Student Flow Rates and Graduates by Level for Both Sex 2014-2015 46
Table 18 New Intake and Enrollment by Level and Age (Female) 21 Table 17 Student Flow Rates (Grades 1-4) for Female 2014-2015 47
Table 19 School Staff by Educational Level and Pedagogical Training 22 Table 18 Student Flow Rates (Grades 5-8) for Female 2014-2015 48
Table 20 School Staff with Special Functions 23 Table 19 Student Flow Rates (Grades 9-12) for Female 2014-2015 49
Table 21 Teaching Staff by Educational Level and Pedagogical Training Table 20 Student Flow Rates and Graduates By Level for Female 2014-2015 50
Table 22 Condition of School Buildings 25 Table 21 Student Flow Rates (Grades 1-4) for Male 2014-2015 51
Table 23 Condition of Classrooms and Existence of Separate School Office Table 22 Student Flow Rates (Grades 5-8) for Male 2014-2015 52
and Library 26 Table 23 Student Flow Rates (Grades 9-12) for Male 2014-2015 53
Table 24 School Space and Sport Facilities 27 Table 24 Student Flow Rates and Graduates by Level for Male 2014-2015 54
Table 25 Community Participation and Financing 28 Table 25 Completion Rate 2015-2016 55
Table 26 Educational Staff in Province and District Offices and Schools 29 Table 26 Gender Parity Index in Education Indicators 2015-2016 56
Table 27 School-Going Age Population and Respective Sex-Ratios 30 Appendix: EDUCATION STATISTICS, 1979-1980 to 2015-2016 57
Explanatory Notes on Table 1: Schools, Classes, Students and Staff
Number of Schools: Total number of schools in the specified area or with the Ministry of Planning. Usually however, 26 cities and Municipality of
specific characteristics. Phnom Penh are classified as urban schools whereas. The rest are rural
Disadvantaged Schools: A disadvantaged school is a school with all the schools.
following 5 conditions: Pre-school: Refers to schools for children aged 3-5 years old.
(i) At least 50 per cent of its rooms do not have good roof; Primary School: Refers to schools that are providing at least one grade of
(ii) At least 50 per cent of its rooms do not have good floor; primary education. Invariably, a Primary school can be ‘full’ with
(iii) At least 50 per cent of its rooms do not have good wall; complete cycle grades of 1 to 6 or ‘small’ with only a few grades.
(iv) Does not have drinking water supply; and College/Junior High School: Refers to Lower Secondary schools with
(v) Does not have latrine facilities. grades 7 through 9. However, some Lower Secondary schools may not
Number of Classes: Total number of classes in the schools. have all three grades (Total of Colleges = 1,251).
Classes in Pagoda: Total number of classes that held in the pagoda compound Lycee/Senior High School: Refers to Upper Secondary schools with
but the whole school is not in pagoda. This school is outside the pagoda grades 10 through 12 (30 Schools). Some Lycee schools also have Lower
compound and has some classes in the pagoda. Secondary grades (433 Schools). (Total of Senior High Schools = 463).
Enrollment (Total): Total number of students enrolled in the schools. Lower Secondary Level: Total numbers having to do with schools that
Enrollment (Girls): Total number of female students enrolled in the schools. provide lower secondary education. The field would naturally count
Repeaters (Total): Total number of repeaters in the schools. variables that relate to all Colleges and Lycee schools with lower
secondary level (Total of Lower Secondary schools = 1,684).
Repeaters (Girls): Total number of female repeaters in the schools.
Upper Secondary Level: Total numbers having to do with upper
Teaching staff (Total): Total number of teachers in the schools. Staff who are in
charge of teaching everyday, librarians, operational activity teachers, art-home secondary education (Total of Upper Secondary schools = 463).
economic teachers, lab staff, computer trainers, primary school principals in Cluster - core school: The central or main school of a primary school
school with 6 classes or less, and vice- principals with 10 classes or less; general cluster.
secondary school principals in school with 4 classes or less and vice- principals Cluster - satellite school: Used to describe member of schools in a
with 7 classes or less. primary school cluster other than the core school.
Teaching staff (Female): Total number of female teachers in the schools. School not in cluster: The primary school that is not in a primary school
Non-teaching staff (Total): Total number of non-teaching staff in the schools. cluster (i.e., not “clustered”).
Staff who are working everyday in school office, secretaries, accountants, Annex school: An annex school is a branch of a parent school. It naturally
dormitory manager, health staff, drivers, cooks, Primary School principals in comes under the administration of the parent school, often overseen by the
schools with 7 classes or more and Vice principals with 11 classes or more; vice-principal or a senior teacher of the parent school. Annex schools
General Secondary School principals in schools with 5 classes or more and Vice normally do not have all 6 primary grades and are located in villages
principals with 8 classes or more. different from the village of their parent school (677 Schools).
Non-teaching staff (Female): Total female non-teaching workers in the schools. School in Pagoda: Refers to schools that are totally located in pagoda
Urban, Rural Area: Which school is in the urban or rural area is determined by compound (1,051 Schools).
Common Education Indicators
Gross Enrollment Rate
Promotion Rate
Total enrollment in primary education
X 100
Population aged 6-11 Number of pupils promoted to grade G +1 in year T +1
X 100
Total number of pupils in Grade G in year T
Net Enrollment Rate
Repetition Rate
Total enrollment in primary education aged 6-11
X 100 Total number of repeaters in Grade G in year T +1
Population aged 6-11 X 100
Total number of pupils enrolled in Grade G in year T
Gross Admission Rate
Number of new intakes is only pupils newly admitted to Grade 1, excluded Grade 1
repeaters. G is grade and T is academic year. If (G) is Grade 2 in (T) is academic year
Total legal age to start schooling is 6 years. 2008-09, then (G+1) is Grade 3 and (T +1) academic year 2009-2010.
Total number of Pupils in Grade (G) in year (T): Total Enrollment
Net Admission Rate grade (G) in beginning of academic year (T)
New entrants to first grade of the next higher level in school-year T+1 Gender Parity Index – GPI: Ratio of the female-to-male values of a given
X 100 indicator. For gender parity to GPI should be in the range of 0.97 and 1.03.
Number of pupils in the last grade of the previous level in school-year T
Value of Indicator for Girls (Female)
Gender parity index (GPI): The ratio of female-to-male values of a given Student Flow rates (Promotion, Repetition and Dropout) for grade 1
indicator. A GPI of 1 indicates parity between sexes. to grade 12: Student flow rate comprises of three different rates:
promotion rate, repetition rate and dropout rate. For the students enrolled at
Gross admission rate (GAR) / Gross intake rate (GIR): The total a grade in a year, one can expect them only in three different locations in
number of new entrants in the first grade of primary education, regardless the following year:
of age, expressed as a percentage of the population at the official primary
school-entrance age. (i) Promoted to the higher grade and studying in that higher grade or
completed a particular education level and stop studying.
Gross enrollment rate (GER): The number of pupils or students enrolled
in a given level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage (ii) Repeated in the same grade and still studying (enrolled in the
of the population in the theoretical age group for the same level of following year) and
(iii) Dropped out from school (including mortality and dropouts during
Net enrollment rate (NER): The number of pupils or students in the and end of school-year)
theoretical age group for a given level of education enrolled in that level,
expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group. The proportions of students in those three locations out of total
enrollment represents three students flow rates, promotion, repetition
Net admission rate (NAR) / Net intake rate (NIR): The number of new and dropout rates. Therefore, promotion rate is the proportion of students
entrants in the first grade of primary education who are of the theoretical from a cohort (who enrolled in a given grade at a given school-year) who
primary school entrance age, expressed as a percentage of the population of study in the following grade at the following school-year, while repetition
the same age. rate is the proportion of students from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at
a given school-year who study in the same grade in the following school-
Pupil/teacher ratio: The average number of pupils per teacher at the level year. The dropout rate is the residue of promotion and repetition rates
of education specified in a given school year, based on headcounts for both from 100%.
pupils and teachers.
Education Statistics
Kingdom of Cambodia
Table 1: Schools, Classes, Students and Staff
Number of Disadv. Number of Classes Enrollment Repeaters Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff Total Staff
Schools Schools Classes in Pagoda Total Girl Total Girl Total Female Total Female Total Female
Whole Kingdom 12,505 300 84,808 985 3,009,636 1,477,759 156,380 58,574 90,345 45,121 18,396 5,078 108,741 50,199
By Area of Location:
1,387 16 14,793 87 570,560 278,203 22,168 7,758 23,305 13,243 3,556 1,415 26,861 14,658
- Urban Area
- Rural Area 11,118 284 70,015 898 2,439,076 1,199,556 134,212 50,816 67,040 31,878 14,840 3,663 81,880 35,541
- Primary School 7,085 114 60,224 632 2,010,673 971,812 135,678 51,725 44,884 24,301 11,537 3,272 56,421 27,573
- College (Grade 7-9) 1,251 8 7,217 158 312,991 161,681 5,116 1,540 15,470 6,661 2,877 647 18,347 7,308
- Lycee (Grade 10-12) 30 0 430 0 17,926 8,925 378 108 982 288 124 24 1,106 312
- Lycee (Grade 7-12) 433 0 10,963 57 494,153 248,529 15,208 5,201 24,472 9,559 3,673 966 28,145 10,525
- Lower Secondary Level (Grade 7-9) 1,684 8 12,590 158 558,621 285,478 12,262 3,679 28,354 12,656 4,810 1,155 33,164 13,811
- Upper Secondary Level (Grade 10-12) 463 0 6,020 57 266,449 133,657 8,440 3,170 12,570 3,852 1,864 482 14,434 4,334
- Cluster - satellite school 5,821 103 43,844 420 1,381,957 668,060 96,780 37,519 30,834 15,656 7,639 2,074 38,473 17,730
- Annex school 677 36 3,810 43 103,194 49,806 7,594 3,060 2,462 1,147 436 132 2,898 1,279
- School in Pagoda 1,051 18 9,045 0 307,934 148,509 19,792 7,385 6,918 3,616 1,960 527 8,878 4,143
Disadvantaged school (All Level) 300 300 907 17 23,463 11,489 932 399 519 283 61 26 580 309
- College 250.2 12.4 14.7 1.7 8.3 5.3 5.8 17.7 10.2 55.0 11.8
- Lycee 1,106.0 55.0 63.2 6.2 32.0 22.2 24.6 31.1 3.7 42.8 1.5
- Lower Secondary Level 331.7 16.8 19.7 1.3 6.2 6.8 7.5 13.2 7.6 66.6 34.5
- Upper Secondary Level 575.5 27.1 31.2 6.2 32.0 11.8 13.0 31.1 3.7 42.8 1.5
Characteristics of Primary Schools:
497.4 11.1 14.2 3.3 14.1 9.4 13.0 77.7 13.8 33.2 6.9
- Cluster - core school
- Cluster - satellite school 237.4 5.3 6.6 2.0 7.6 5.2 7.5 69.4 15.0 43.8 15.7
- Annex school 152.4 3.6 4.3 1.5 5.3 3.8 5.6 52.3 14.9 56.1 35.2
- School in Pagoda 293.0 6.6 8.4 2.3 9.5 6.4 8.6 68.6 100.0 36.6 13.6
Disadvantaged school (All Level) 78.2 1.7 1.9 0.6 1.7 1.1 3.0 24.3 39.0 100.0 100.0
By Area of Location:
- Urban Area 24.5 21.2 38.6 52.1 1.4 1.1 13.2 54.6 56.8 39.8
- Rural Area 36.4 29.8 34.8 45.7 1.3 1.4 18.1 43.4 47.6 24.7
- College 20.2 17.1 43.4 47.1 1.1 1.3 15.7 39.8 43.1 22.5
- Lycee 20.1 17.5 44.9 49.7 1.1 1.5 13.0 37.0 38.7 26.1
- Lower Secondary Level 19.7 16.8 44.4 48.7 1.1 1.3 14.5 41.6 44.6 24.0
- Upper Secondary Level 21.2 18.5 44.3 48.7 1.1 1.5 12.9 30.0 30.6 25.9
Characteristics of Primary Schools:
- Cluster - core school 44.7 35.0 38.4 53.2 1.4 1.2 21.7 54.8 61.5 30.7
- Cluster - satellite school 44.8 35.9 31.5 45.6 1.4 1.3 19.9 46.1 50.8 27.2
- Annex school 41.9 35.6 27.1 40.4 1.5 1.5 15.0 44.1 46.6 30.3
- School in Pagoda 44.5 34.7 34.0 46.0 1.4 1.3 22.1 46.7 52.3 26.9
Disadvantaged school (All Level) 45.2 40.5 25.9 69.2 2.7 1.4 10.5 53.3 54.5 42.6