Investigating The Impact of Walking On Humans Health 2
Investigating The Impact of Walking On Humans Health 2
Investigating The Impact of Walking On Humans Health 2
Recent studies have demonstrated that brisk walking help to reduce anxiety and tension
and assist in weight loss. Regular walking helps improve cholesterol profile, help control
hypertension, and slow the process of osteoporosis.
The purpose of this paper is to summarise the benefits of walking on physical and mental
health to encourage people to participate in walking as a regular and sustainable exercise,
and to determine of the limitation of regular walking. The researcher used the descriptive
approach for achieve the research objectives.
Research finding indicated that walking can relieve the human body fat, improve their
heart health and decrease the possible risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally
walking improve their ability in lowering high blood pressure, reduce risk of diabetes,
and Decrease stress and prevent depression.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
1. Introduction
Health is a dynamic process, and it is always changing. All humans may have times of
good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. This study came
to investigate the impact of Walking on reducing the sickness time through regular
walking in daily manner.
When most people are asked what it means to be healthy, they normally respond with the
four components of fitness mentioned earlier (cardio respiratory ability, body
composition, flexibility, and muscular ability). (canfitpro, 2016)
Those of who participate in regular physical activity to improve the current and future
level of their health. Those strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As their lifestyle
improves, their health also improves and has less sickness and disease. (canfitpro, 2016)
Walking is one of the less expensive and most broadly attainable exercises of physical
activity. It is rarely linked with physical injury and can easily be adopted by people of
different ages, including those who have never participated in physical activity.
Walking is currently considered as the most popular action with regard to common
realised physical activity all over the world. According to some published studies in the
United Kingdom and United States that directly demonstrated that the prevalence of
walking is two to three times higher than those of the next most frequently reported
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
Studies have shown that walking has higher levels of involvement than other exercises of
physical activity, possibly because it is convenient and overcomes many of the
commonly perceived barriers to physical activity: lack of time, lack of fitness or lack of
skill. (Hovell, 2017). This study came to investigate the relation between walking activity
and public health especially physical and mental health.
Walking rates have declined steadily all over the world during the last decades, because
the evolution of transportation and manufacturing of elevators and electrical stairs.
Therefore, this paper has been prepared to investigate solutions and methods to
inducement the people on regularly walking.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
1.3 Objective
The main objectives that this paper aims to answer the following:
2- The researcher seeks to determine the impact of regularly walking on humans' health.
The searcher searched, and compilated of information concerned with the effect of
walking on the health. So a descriptive approach was used to achieve the research
objectives through reviewing several literatures and past studies on the study topic.
2. Health
The world health organization defined health is “A state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. (Hofgastein, 2011)
This means that health is a healthful lifestyle is represented in mental and physical health
to support an individual's function in society.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
We have five types of health mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual health:
- physical health
- Mental health
Mental health is the ability of person to grow and learn intellectually. and refers to a
person's emotional, individual's perception, psychological wellbeing, and social.
(Nordqvist, 2017)
- Social health
The ability of person to interact well with people and the environment around him and to
have satisfying personal relationships.
- Emotional health
The ability of person to control in him emotions so that him feel comfortable expressing
them and can express them appropriately.
- Spiritual health
It varies from person to person but has the concept of faith at its core. A belief in some
unifying force. (canfitpro, 2016)
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
3. Walking
Walking is an important locomotor skill and used in everyday activities like walking to
market or job and used in sports, used in play and dance activities. and the Walking is the
transfer of weight from one foot to the other while moving forwards or backwards. the
arms swing freely in opposite directions, and One foot is always in contact with the
ground. (zealand, 2012)
This means that walking is the continuous move process using in everyday activities like
walking to market or school.
3.2 In the following the reasons why walking is so accessible: (Fenton, 2011)
• walking is free this mean you do not to need expensive gym membership or special
shoes to take part
• you can wear your daily clothes that you like so you do not feel uncomfortable.
• Walking is a great ‘gateway’ to the world of exercise because it often inspires people to
try out other healthy activities.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
people may not realize how long it takes to walk short distances.
In addition to suffer the people with disabilities, elderly people or parents with kids.
(Torner & Neogi, 2014)
4.1 There are many health benefits of walking. And exercise walking is so very easy:
1. Reach and preserve a healthy weight: brisk Walking reduces your body fat,
increases lean muscle tissue, burns calories and improves metabolism. walking can help
you achieve long-lasting weight control. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and nutritious
2. Regulates Blood Pressure and cholesterol: regular walking can also help lowering
high blood pressure, decreasing low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increasing
high density lipoprotein (HDL) instead of taking risky medications with unpleasant side
effects. (Greene, 2014)
3. manage and reduce risk of diabetes: daily Walking progresses your body's natural
ability to process sugar (glucose tolerance) and to maintain a healthy weight. This help
you prevent or even reverse the effect of type 2 diabetes. (Biswas, 2017)
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
4. Lower your risk of heart attack and stroke: Walking helps to improve your heart
health and decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke, just 30 minutes of walking daily
greatly improves your circulation and helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy -
Based on large studies of both women and men. (Biswas, 2017)
5. Decrease stress and prevent depression: Regular exercise walking is a great way to
improve your mood, breathing, to reduce stress, anxiety and depression by improving
circulation and stimulates the nervous system receptors and decreases the production of
the stress hormones. (Greene, 2014)
6. Stay strong, active and healthy: As you age, exercise walking can improve your
stamina and keep you fit. Walking exercise strengthens bones, muscles and joints, helps
prevent falls and hip fractures, improves your immune system and extends your life
expectancy. (Biswas, 2017)
7. Strengthens Bones: Studies show that regular walking can relieve arthritis and back
pain and reducing the risk of osteoporosis, fracture. (Greene, 2014)
8. Improves Digestion: Walking after meals helps you reduce weight and supports your
digestive system, and reduce the risk of colon cancer, diarrhea, constipation, bloating.
(Biswas, 2017)
increase self‐reported energy levels when older adults set their own pace.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
progress the cognitive functioning of older adults (compared to stretching and toning).
progress cognitive performance and reduce cognitive decline among older people.
growth the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, potentially beneficial for
memory. (Hancock, 2012)
5. Conclusion
Walking is among the most cost-effective and accessible means of exercise. walking help
to maintain physical and mental health in the all age by preventing a variety of health
problems. In this paper we have defined the health is represented in mental and physical
health to support an individual's function in society ; the concept of walking is the
continuous move process using in everyday activities ; the identification of the types of
health (physical and mental) , obstacles to the practice of walking such as adverse
weather, lack of safe and attractive places to walk, and people may not realize how long
it takes to walk short distances; and the impact of walking on physical and mental health
such as Reach and preserve a healthy weight, Regulates Blood Pressure and cholesterol,
manage and reduce risk of diabetes, Decrease stress and prevent depression, Strengthens
Bones, Stay strong, active and healthy, Lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, and
Improves Digestion.
Research finding currently indicate that walking can relieve symptoms of depression and
anxiety, improve sleep quality, reduces your body fat, lowering high blood pressure,
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
reduce risk of diabetes, to improve your heart health and decrease your risk of heart
attack and stroke resulting in improvements in individual quality of life and reductions in
the medical costs associated with treating these disorders, and improve cognitive
performance (performance in mental processes such as thinking, understanding and
Although there is a body of studies on the benefits of walking for mental and physical
health, few of people have a regular walking. therefore, we need to more studies into the
relationship between the walking and its effect on mental and physical health.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
Biswas, C. (2017, 11 17). Top 20 Health Benefits of walking Daily. stylecraze. Retrieved
Fenton, K. (2011). Walking works. It makes people happy, keeps everyone healthy and
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Hancock, C. (2012). The benefits of regular walking for health, . united kingdom: C3
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Hovell, S. &. (2017). Overcoming Barriers to Physical Activity. Center for disease
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Activity and Physical Education to School. US: Committee on Physical Activity
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Nordqvist, C. (2017). Health: What does good health really mean? united states: Mwdical
News Today.
Multi-Knowledge Electronic Comprehensive Journal For Education And Science Publications ( MECSJ )
ISSUE (2) , May ( 2017 )
ISSN: 2616-9185
Notthoff, N. (2014). Positive messaging promotes walking in older adults. 29(2), 329-
Torner, J., & Neogi, &. T. (2014). Daily walking and the risk of incident functional
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