An Effective Method of Evaluating The Device-Level Thermophysical Properties and Performance of Micro-Thermoelectric Coolers
An Effective Method of Evaluating The Device-Level Thermophysical Properties and Performance of Micro-Thermoelectric Coolers
An Effective Method of Evaluating The Device-Level Thermophysical Properties and Performance of Micro-Thermoelectric Coolers
Applied Energy
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Keywords: Despite the success of achieving thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit, precisely evaluating the
Device level performance of micro-thermoelectric coolers remains challenging at the microdevice level because of various
Interfacial effects interfacial effects and device construction. This study develops a method for the effective evaluation of the
Size effect device-level thermophysical properties capturing various interfacial and size effects, and establishes a three-
Cooling performance
dimensional numerical model to evaluate the cooling performance of micro-thermoelectric coolers. The model is
Micro-thermoelectric cooler
validated by the reported experimental data. The impact of interaction between boundary and size effects is
captured in the investigation of Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity and electricity resistivity of the
thermoelectric materials at the device-level. Contact resistances are also considered in analyzing the cooling
performance. Results indicate that the device-level figure of merit decreases by 5–18.1% with decreased ther-
moelectric element thickness from 20 μm to 5 μm. The boundary effects considerably weaken the cooling per-
formance of the microdevice, and a higher heat flux corresponds to a greater impact of boundary effects. Cooling
temperature increases by 6.1 K due to the boundary effects when heat flux is 300 W/cm2, while the temperature
difference decreases by 17.1%. Finally, the three-dimensional numerical model is performed to evaluate the
cooling performance and optimal working condition of the micro-thermoelectric cooler. At heat flux of 300 W/
cm2 and 200 W/cm2, the minimum cold side temperatures of 310.7 K and 287.3 K are predicted to be achieved at
11 μm/20 mA (Hte/ I ), 15 μm/16 mA, respectively.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (L. Shen), (H. Chen).
Received 21 November 2017; Received in revised form 5 March 2018; Accepted 17 March 2018
Available online 22 March 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
applications of TECs [9]. Recent developments in nanotechnologies extraneous or parasitic factors. Despite the success of achieving TE
have led to significant ZT enhancement [10–12], and considerable ef- materials with high ZT, the ZT of micro- TECs made of high ZT mate-
forts have been made to explore low-dimensional TE materials with rials is typically lower than expected, presumably because of the fab-
high efficiency. Low-dimensional materials and nanostructures, such as rication of TE couple, various interfacial effects, and device construc-
quantum wells, super lattices (SLs), quantum wires, and quantum dots, tion [7,8,16,17].
offer new ways to improve ZT by manipulating the electron and phonon For practical applications, thin-film microdevices fabricated with
properties of materials [13,14]. Venkatasubramanian et al. [15] re- high ZT TE materials have also been investigated. Goncalves et al. [18]
ported that Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 SLs with a period of 6 nm fabricated by presented flexible micro-TECs made of ultrathin (10 μm) Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3
MOCVD technique had a maximum ZT of 2.4 at 300 K. Harman et al. TE elements. However, the tested maximum temperature difference of
[16] presented PbTe/PbSeTe based quantum dots SLs with an intrinsic 5 K between the cold and hot sides of the device was much lower than
ZT value of 2.0 at 300 K. However, the measured operating device the simulated value (18 K). Bulman et al. [19] reported the experi-
thermoelectric ZT declined to 1.6 at the system level because of mental results of thin-film SL thermoelectric modules, demonstrating an
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
external temperature drop of 55 K under a heat pumping capacity of approximately 1 K. Owoyele et al. [21] proposed a novel TEC archi-
128 W/cm2. The measured average ZT300 for the best SL devices was tecture that employed thin-film TE elements on a plastic substrate in a
0.75, which was much lower than that of the materials (2.4 in p-type corrugated structure. They showed that parasitic heat transfer through
and 1.2 in n-type). Da Silva et al. [20] measured the performance of a the substrate in the C-TE module is a source of performance losses,
column-type micro-TEC made of Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 with an average which can be minimized by proper thickness selection. To theoretically
thickness of 4.5 μm. The average temperature drop achieved was analyze the performance of micro-TECs, Ju et al. [22] proposed a
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
modified definition of ZT capturing the contact resistances and The performance of TE materials is generally evaluated using ZT. A
boundary Seebeck effect, in which the contact resistances were simply higher ZT corresponds to a better performance of a TE device. ZT is a
connected into TE elements in series. They found that contact re- dimensionless parameter defined by
sistances considerably influence the performance of TE refrigerators. Da α s2
Silva et al. [7] developed a one-dimensional theoretical model to ana- ZT = T
ρe k (1)
lyze the effects of electron and phonon boundary resistances on in-
creasing thermal conduction resistance and decreasing Seebeck coeffi- where α s , k and ρe are the Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity and
cient of TE elements, however, the effects of interfacial resistances on electrical resistivity of the TE materials, respectively and T is the tem-
the electrical resistance of TE elements was not yet considered. Kong perature (usually room temperature) [26].
et al. [4] performed a three-dimensional analysis of the cooling per- Given that the thickness of the considered TE element was ex-
formance of micro-TECs under controlled temperature differences tremely small, its thermophysical properties at the device level and
considering the non-equilibrium between electrons and phonons at the cooling performance can be influenced by boundary effects (e.g.,
TE/metal interfaces. Many researchers noticed that contact resistances boundary Seebeck effect, boundary resistances and electron–phonon
(originated in the fabrication process) exerted severe adverse effects on non-equilibrium) and size effect. The TE element structure of a micro-
the cooling performance of micro-TE devices [17,23–25]. Nevertheless, TEC is presented in Fig. 2. The device-level thermophysical properties
boundary resistances and boundary Seebeck effect have received lim- (e.g., Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity
ited attention. In view of the inevitable interfacial and size effects, and ZT) can be defined as follows.
numerical methods still face challenges in forecasting the performance The Seebeck coefficient of the TE material at the device level is
of micro-TECs. given by [12,27]
It can be noted from the above analysis that the joint impact of
interfacial and size effects on the thermophysical properties of TE ma- Δφh0 − c 0
α s,D =
terials at the device level and the cooling performance of microcoolers Th0−Tc 0 (2)
has remained largely unexplored. And, the numerical methods for es-
where Th0 and Tc0 are the temperatures of the hot and cold surfaces of TE
timating the performance of micro-TE devices still need to be further
element, respectively. Δφh0 − c 0 is the electromotive force between the
developed. Thus, this study developed a method based on coupled
cold and hot surfaces of the TE element due to both bulk and boundary
Boltzmann equations and Wiedemann–Franz (W-F) law to evaluate the
Seebeck effects, and can thus be obtained by [7]
device-level thermophysical properties and performance of micro-TECs
capturing various interfacial (e.g., contact, boundary) and size effects. Δφh0 − c 0 = α s,b [Th0−Te (−Hte/2)] + αs [Te (−Hte/2)−Te (Hte/2)]
First, the numerical results were validated using the reported experi-
mental data. Then, the joint influence of electron and phonon boundary + αs,b [Te (Hte/2)−Tc 0] (3)
resistances, boundary Seebeck and size effects on the Seebeck coeffi-
where α s,b is the boundary Seebeck effect, Te is the temperature of
cient, thermal conductivity and electricity resistivity of TE materials at electrons and Hte is the thickness of the TE element. Therefore, the
the device level were assessed. To investigate the influence of inter-
Seebeck coefficient of the TE material at the device level becomes
facial and size effects, sensitivity analyses of boundary resistances,
contact resistances and thickness of the TE element were also con- α s,D
ducted. Finally, a three-dimensional numerical model was performed to α s,b [Th0−Te (−Hte/2)] + αs [Te (−Hte/2)−Te (Hte/2)] + αs,b [Te (Hte/2)−Tc 0]
predict the cooling performance and optimal working condition of the =
Th0−Tc 0
micro-TEC. The contact resistances were considered in analyzing the
cooling performance of micro-TE devices under various operating
conditions. When the electrical current, I equals to zero, the heat flow across the
TE element can be expressed as [7,27]
2. Numerical modeling kDAte (Th0−Tc 0)
Qk,h0 − c 0 =
Hte (5)
This study aimed to develop an effective three-dimensional nu-
merical model for analyzing the device-level thermophysical properties where kD is the effective thermal conductivity of the TE material at the
and predicting the cooling performance of micro-TECs. The flowchart of device level, and Ate is the cross area of the TE element. Considering the
the three-dimensional numerical model is shown in Fig. 1. A numerical heat flow of phonons and electrons, it can be obtained that
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
∂T ∂Tp ⎤ ∂T ∂Tp ⎤ By analyzing Eqs. (13)-(16) combined with Eqs.(10) and (11) under
Q k,h0 − c 0 = Ate ⎡−ke e −kp = Ate ⎡−ke e −kp
⎣ ∂z ∂z ⎥⎦− H2te ⎢
⎣ ∂z ∂z ⎥⎦H2te the condition of electrical current, I equals to zero, it can be obtained
where Tp is the temperature of phonons, ke and kp are respectively the Th0 +Tc0
thermal conductivity of electrons and phonons. Then, the thermal A=
2 (17)
conductivity of the TE material at the device level can be given as
B = (Th0−Tc0) X (18)
kD =
Hte ⎡−ke ∂Te −kp ∂Tp ⎤
(Th0−Tc 0) ⎢ ∂z ∂z ⎥ C=0 (19)
⎣ ⎦Hte 2 (7)
(Th0−Tc0) Y
To calculate α s,D and kD , the unknown Te and Tp were obtained based D=
2sinhHte∗ (20)
on the kinetics of the electrons and phonons in an electric or a tem-
perature field, which can be described by coupled Boltzmann equations where the dimensionless parameters are expressed by
[4,28]. For a three-dimensional geometry, the equations can be ex- Rk,b ∗ Rk,b ∗ Rk,b Ate k ∗ H
pressed as Re∗ = ,Rp = ,Rk = ,Hte = te .
Rk,b,e Rk,b,p Hte 2δ (21)
−∇ (k e ∇Te ) = ρe je2 −P (Te−Tp) (8)
Re∗ Rp∗ (1 + γ )2
γHte∗ cothHte∗ + 2Rk∗
−∇ (kp∇Tp) = P (Te−Tp) (9) X=
Re∗ Rp∗ (1 + γ )2 ∗ cothH ∗
Re∗ + 2Rk∗
+ te
+ Rp∗ γ 2
where je is electrical current density, P is the strength of hole/electro- (1 + 2Rk∗)−1 (22)
n–phonon interaction, which can be obtained from the density of
electron/hole, the energy relaxation time and the Boltzmann constant γ 2Rp∗−γRe∗
Re∗ Rp∗ (1 + γ )2 ∗ cothH ∗
[4,28]. By regarding je , ρe and P as constants, Eqs. (8) and (9) can be Re∗ + +
γHte te
+ Rp∗ γ 2
2Rk∗ (1 + 2Rk∗)−1 (23)
solved by defining a center-of-thermal-conductivity temperature
kTetc = ke Te + kp Tp , where k = ke + kp [27]. The solutions are And Rk,b is the total thermal boundary resistance, which is given by
Rk,b,e Rk,b,p
ρe je2 ⎡
( ) −z ⎤⎦
ρe je2 δ 2 Rk,b =
Rk,kD = Xkb,e + Rk,b,p
Te = A + B + + (24)
Hte 2k γk
1 z z Substituting Eqs. (10), (11) and (17)-(20) into Eqs. (4) and (7)
− ⎡C cosh ⎛ ⎞ + Dsinh ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ produces that
γ⎣ ⎝δ ⎠ ⎝ δ ⎠⎦ (10)
Hte 2 α s,D = ⎜⎛X − ⎟⎞ αs + ⎜⎛1 + −X ⎟⎞ αs,b
ρe je2 ⎡
( ) −z ⎤⎦
ρe je2 δ 2 z z ⎝ γ⎠ ⎝ γ ⎠ (25)
Tp = A + B + − + ⎡C cosh ⎛ ⎞ + Dsinh ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
Hte 2k k ⎣ ⎝δ ⎠ ⎝ δ ⎠⎦ kD = Xk (26)
With regard to the electrical resistivity of the TE material at the
where γ = ke / kp , and δ is the cooling length, which represents the device level, it is calculated by
distance from the boundary required for phonons and electrons to reach
equilibrium, and is given by R e,D Ate
ρe,D =
Hte (27)
ke kp
δ= where R e,D is the total electrical resistance expressed by
P (ke + kp) (12)
ρe Hte R e,b R e,p
The constants A, B, C and D can be obtained by adopting the R e,D = +2 +
Ate Ate Ate (28)
boundary conditions of heat flow for electrons and phonons as follows
For phonons, the boundary conditions are, at z= Hte /2 where R e,p is the Peltier resistance[29] given by
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
elements. The presented method is still applicable and valid if the Table 1
structure, geometrical dimensions, or intrinsic physical properties were Geometrical dimensions of the micro-TEC.
Components Dimensions
The heat rejection at the hot junction of TE element is given by, To validate the presented model, a reported micro-TEC with ex-
perimental and numerical results was selected [19,30], and a model
Q h0 = αs,D,p − n Th0 I −KD,p −n (Th0−Tc 0) + I 2R e,D,p − n with the same structure and geometrical dimensions was built, as
2 (34)
shown in Fig. 3. It consists of a single couple of n-type and p-type Bi2Te3
where Qc0 and Q h0 are respectively the cooling capacity at the cold SL elements with in-plane dimensions of 250 μm × 500 μm and a
junction of the TE element and the heat rejection at the hot junction of thickness of 7.5 μm. The diameter of the circular contacts (Cu post)
TE element. αs,D,p − n = αs,D,p−αs,D,n , is the total Seebeck coefficient of p- between the TE elements and the metal leads is 180 μm. Each element
type and n-type elements (e.g., αs,D,p and αs,D,n ). has one such circular contact (1N-1P). The detailed geometrical di-
KD,p − n = kD,pAte / Hte + kD,nAte / Hte , is the total thermal conductance of mensions are provided in Table 1. As shown in Table 2, the electrical
p-type and n-type elements, and R e,D,p − n = R e,D,p + R e,D,n , is the total and thermal contact resistances of the TE element–solder interface
electrical resistance of p-type and n-type elements. (7 × 10−11 Ω·m2, 6.25 × 10−6 K·m2/W) and the metal–solder interface
The net cooling capacity, net heat rejection and thermal phenom- (3 × 10−12 Ω·m2, 4.16 × 10−7 K·m2/W) were also derived from [30].
enon of the micro-TE device are given by The adopted Seebeck coefficient is 301 μV/K for p-type and −301 μV/K
for n-type. Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of the SL TE
Tc−Tc 0 R e,c1 elements are 1.08 × 10−5 Ω·m and 1.2 W/(m·K), respectively [5,30].ke
Qc = = Qc0−I 2R e,cu−2I 2
Rk,s +
Rk ,c 2
+ Rk,cu +
Rk ,c1
Ate can be obtained according to W-F law ( ρe k e = LT ), where L is the
Acu 2Ate (35) Lorenz number, approximately 1.5 × 10−8 V2/K2 for non-degenerate
semiconductors at 300 K [31]. Thus it can be calculated that ke equals to
Th0−Th R e,c1 0.42 W/(m·K) and k p 0.78 W/(m·K) (k p = k−ke ). The boundary Seebeck
Qh = = Q h0 + I 2R e,cu + 2I 2
Rk,s +
Rk ,c 2
+ Rk,cu +
Rk ,c1
Ate coefficients for p-type and n-type are −187 μV/K and 187 μV/K, re-
A cu 2Ate (36) spectively. In addition, the boundary resistances can be obtained based
on diffuse mismatch model theory and W-F law as 9.2 × 10−8 K·m2/W
where Qc is the net cooling capacity at the cold surface of the micro-
(Rk,b,p), 3.5 × 10−7 K·m2/W (Rk,b,e), and 2.6 × 10−12 Ω·m2 (Re,b) [7].
TEC, and Q h is the net heat rejection at the hot surface of the micro-
The three-dimensional numerical model was performed under
TEC. Tc and Th are the temperatures of the cold and hot surfaces of the
adiabatic boundary condition. The radiation was disregarded and the
micro-TEC, respectively.Rk,s and Rk,c u are the thermal resistance per
temperature of the lower Cu leads, Tl , was held constant temperature at
unit area of the substrate and copper connector/lead, respectively.Rk,c1
300 K. Fig. 4 compares the obtained results against the steady state
is the thermal contact resistance between Cu and the TE element, Rk,c 2 is
experimental results in [19,30] and the numerical results in [30]. The
the thermal contact resistance between Cu and the substrate, R e,c u is the
external temperature difference ΔText is given by Tl−Tc0 , where Tc0 is the
electrical resistance of the copper connector/lead, R e,c1 is the electrical
average temperature of the cold surfaces of the TE elements. The ob-
contact resistance between Cu and the TE element. Acu is the cross area
tained results agree well with the experimental results, and the
of the copper connector/lead.
Fig. 3. Schematic of the 1N-1P micro-TEC (a) structure; (b) section view A-A [30].
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
Table 2 Table 3
Properties of the micro-TEC. Parameters of the unicouple microdevice.
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
Fig. 5. Effects of boundary and size effects on the device-level Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity.
to the intrinsic values of the TE material as Hte becomes larger, as Fig. 6 further indicates that the thermal boundary resistance (Rk,b)
shown in Eqs. (21)-(26). In addition, the electrical boundary resistance exerts no influence on the electrical resistivity but weakens ZT. In
(Re,b) has no influence on the Seebeck coefficient and thermal con- comparison, the electrical boundary resistance (Re,b) not only increases
ductivity. Furthermore, the device-level Seebeck coefficient and the electrical resistivity, but also weakens ZT. This phenomenon be-
thermal conductivity significantly decrease with increasing Rk,b,e and comes more apparent when the thickness of the TE element becomes
Rk,b,p, when Hte is smaller than the critical value. For the case of Hte = 5 smaller. For the boundary resistances listed in Table 2 (e.g., Rk,b,p, Rk,b,e
μm, the Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity decrease in re- and Re,b), the increase in the device-level electrical resistivity changes
lative ranges of [4.2%, 15.9%] and [1.2%, 12%], respectively, when the from 9.7% to 4.8% when Hte increases from 5 μm to 10 μm. The de-
phonon thermal boundary resistance changes from 0.1 × Rk,b,p to crease in the device-level ZT varies from 18.1% to 5% when Hte in-
10 × Rk,b,p. And, when the electron thermal boundary resistance in- creases from 5 μm to 20 μm. It indicates that the device-level electrical
creases from 0.1 × Rk,b,e to 10 × Rk,b,e, the relative ranges are [1.3%, resistivity is significantly affected until Hte exceeds 10 μm, whereas the
11.9%] and [1.8%, 5.2%]. This finding suggests that the thermal device-level ZT is significantly affected until Hte exceeds 20 μm. This
boundary resistance of phonons, rather than that of electrons, is mainly reveals that size effect has a greater effect on ZT than that on the
responsible for the large decline in the Seebeck coefficient and thermal electrical resistivity. Moreover, when Hte = 5 μm, the decrease in ZT
conductivity. varies in the ranges of [15.7%, 27.1%] and [9.5%, 25.5%] when the
Fig. 6. Effects of boundary and size effects on the device-level electrical resistivity and ZT.
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
phonon thermal boundary resistance changes from 0.1 × Rk,b,p to the Peltier cooling effect of the micro-TEC. However, the Peltier cooling
10 × Rk,b,p and the electron thermal boundary resistance changes from effect is very weak at low currents. For higher currents, the Joule heat
0.1 × Rk,b,e to 10 × Rk,b,e, respectively. The decrease in ZT changes becomes significantly large to counter the Peltier cooling effect. Thus,
from 11% to 52.4% when the electrical boundary resistance changes the influence of the boundary effects is more obvious around the op-
from 0.1 × Re,b to 10 × Re,b. Comparison of the effects of the thermal timal current, indicating that the impact of the boundary effects on
boundary resistances (Rk,b,p, Rk,b,e) and the electrical boundary re- microcoolers can’t be ignored, particularly around the optimal current.
sistance (Re,b) on ZT reveals that Re,b has the greatest influence on ZT, For the case of I = 0.9 mA, the contact resistances reduce the tem-
followed by Rk,b,p. These results indicate that both boundary and size perature difference (ΔT = Th−Tc ) by 36.8%, and the boundary effects
effects should be considered in the design of microcoolers. further decrease it by 9.2%.
A micro-TEC was built in COMSOL. The 8 × 8 TE elements shown in To ascertain the influence of contact resistances and boundary ef-
Fig. 2 were connected in series. The three-dimensional numerical model fects on the practical cooling performance of the microcooler, calcula-
was performed to investigate the effects of boundary effects and contact tions were carried out when the hot surface of the microcooler was set
resistances on the thermal transport in micro-TE device. The thickness constant temperature of 350 K, and typical heat flux (e.g., 100 W/cm2,
of the TE elements was set to 6 μm. A heat load of 2 mW was located on 200 W/cm2 or 300 W/cm2) were applied on the cold surface of the
the cold surface of the micro-TEC, and the heat convection coefficient microcooler.
between the hot surface and ambient was assigned value of 4252 W/ Fig. 9 shows the effects of contact resistances on the cooling per-
(K·m2)[30]. The thermal conductivity of the silicon substrate was set to formance at TE element thickness and heat flux respectively equaling to
163 W/(m·K)[4]. The electrical contact resistance on the Semi- 6 μm and 200 W/cm2. It can be observed that contact resistances con-
conductor–metal (SL–Cu) surface is assumed to be 1 × 10−11 Ω·m2, and siderably degrade the cooling performance of the cooler. And the
the thermal contact resistance at the Semiconductor–metal (SL–Cu and thermal contact resistance plays a more dominant role, compared with
Si–Cu) surfaces was set to 1 × 10−6 K·m2/W[5]. The other parameters the electrical contact resistance. For the case of I = 14 mA, the cooling
used are listed in Tables 2 and 3. temperature, Tc drops from 316.4 K to 280.2 K, when the thermal
The calculated results for three kinds of assumptions under various contact resisrance decreases from Rk,c to zero and the electrical contact
currents are present in Figs. 7 and 8. One of the assumptions was N-BR- reistance maintains at constant. As a contrast, Tc drops from 316.4 K to
N-CR, where neither the boundary effects nor the contact resistances 311.7 K, when the electrical contact resisrance decreases from Re,c to
were considered. Another assumption was N-BR-Y-CR, where only the zero and the thermal contact reistance maintains at constant. Fig. 10
contact resistances were considered, and the boundary effects were further shows the results under diffierent heat loads at Hte = 6 μm. It
ignored. The other assumption was Y-BR-Y-CR, where both the demonstrates that the boundary effects also considerably weaken the
boundary effects and the contact resistances were considered. Fig. 7 cooling performance of the micro-TE device. A higher heat flux corre-
illustrates that the sharp temperature jumping on the TE–Connector and sponds to a greater impact of the boundary effects. When I = 24 mA, Tc
Connector–Substrate surfaces for N-BR-Y-CR and Y-BR-Y-CR is caused of Y-BR-Y-CR increases by 5.1 K, 5.5 K, 6.1 K for heat flux of 100 W/
by the contact resistances. Comparison of N-BR-Y-CR and N-BR-N-CR cm2, 200 W/cm2 and 300 W/cm2, respectively, relative to that of N-BR-
reveals that the contact resistances significantly increase Tc0 , Th0 and Tc , Y-CR. Meanwhile, ΔT declines by a factor of 7.3%, 8.7%, and 17.1%,
whereas, Th is scarcely influenced. Figs. 7 and 8 show that the boundary respectively.
effects not only increase Tc0 and Tc , but also decline Th0 and Th . Tc un- Finally, the three-dimensional numerical model was performed to
dergoes more obvious changes when the input electrical current is predict the cooling performance and optimal working condition of the
around the optimal current for achieving the minimum Tc . The reason is micro-TEC under certain heat flux or thickness. Fig. 11 illustrates the
that the boundary effects decline the device-level ZT which is crucial to cold side temperature of the microdevice under various thicknesses and
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
Fig. 8. Temperature of the microcooler with respect to the current at Hte = 6 μm.
currents for a heat flux of 300 W/cm2. It can be observed that Tc initially of 300 W/cm2 and 200 W/cm2, the minimum cold side temperatures of
decreases with increasing the TE element thickness and then increases 310.7 K and 287.3 K are predicted to be achieved at 11 μm/20 mA
with increasing the thickness under a certain current. The reason is that (Hte/ I ), 15 μm/16 mA, respectively.
the Peltier cooling effect initially increases with increasing Hte. When
Hte further increases, the cooling capacity is counteracted by the Joule 5. Conclusion
heat. To obtain a good cooling performance, the feasible scope is ex-
tracted to be with Hte from 7 μm to 15 μm and I from 16 mA to 24 mA. This paper developed an effective method for estimating the device-
Fig. 12 shows the optimal current and cooling performance. It can be level thermophysical properties and cooling performance of micro-TECs
observed that Ioptimal gradually decreases as the TE element thickness capturing interfacial and size effects. It found that both boundary and
increases. Ioptimal is the optimal current achieving the minimum cold size effects weaken the figure of merit of the thermoelectric material at
side temperature, Tcmin or the maximum temperature difference, ΔTmax the device level. And Re,b has the greatest effect on the figure of merit,
for a certain thickness of the TE element. The predicted optimal followed by Rk,b,p. This phenomenon is more obvious for smaller Hte,
structure and cooling capacity are also depicted in Fig. 12. For the cases which suggests that the thickness of thermoelectric element should be
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104
Fig. 10. Cooling performance under diffierent heat loads and currents.
appropriately controlled in practical application. Moreover, the the minimum cold side temperature of the micro thermoelectric cooler
boundary effects substantially weaken the cooling performance of the is predicted to be 310.7 K, which can be achieved at 11 μm/20 mA
microdevice. And a higher heat flux corresponds to a greater impact of (Hte/ I ).
the boundary effects. The device-level figure of merit decreases by 5% This work provides a more appropriate method to evaluate the
to 18.1% when the thickness of thermoelectric element decreases from performance of micro thermoelectric coolers. It can provide guidance
20 μm to 5 μm. For the case of I = 0.9 mA, the contact resistances re- for the structure design and parameter optimization of micro thermo-
duce the temperature difference by 36.8%, and the boundary effects electric coolers for some specific cooling targets, such as chip cooling or
further decrease it by 9.2%. The cooling temperature increases by 6.1 K any other semiconductor devices that integrated with micro thermo-
due to the boundary effects when the heat flux is 300 W/cm2, while the electric coolers.
temperature difference decreases by 17.1%. At heat flux of 300 W/cm2,
Fig. 11. Temperature of the cold side with respect to the thickness and current.
D. Sun et al. Applied Energy 219 (2018) 93–104