Pearson Vue 1
Pearson Vue 1
Pearson Vue 1
(April month)
1_circumferential supracrestal fiberotomy
Presented more in
_ intrusion upper second molar
_rotated upper central tooth
2_failing Implant due to
_sinus tract and deep pocket more than 4mm
_mobility of Implant and deep pocket more than 3 or 4 mm
_ radiolusency in x_ray around Implant and deep pocket more than 6mm
3_pt 25 year old came to our clinic complain from suddenly crowding of anterior teeth
_due to Eruption of lower 8s
_late of mandibular growth
4_pt came to clinic complain from toothach in lower posterior teeth and dental abscess,
after examination shows unrestorable tooth and swelling in the lower jaw we decided
Incision and drain, where's doing incision exactly
_in most fluctuant area
_in most Prominence point
_depending on the swelling ﻭﻻ ﺣﺎﺟﺔ ﻛﺪﺓ ﻣﺎﻣﺘﺬﻛﺮﺓ ﺷﺪﻳﺪ
12_65y old he asked for denture, (upper complete in lower jaw just have anterior teeth,
severaly proclined anterior teeth and periodontal disease and Mobil teeth, we decided use
swing lock:
_hinge joint at labial bar and lingual plate
_fixed joint at labila bar and hinge at lingual plate
_hinge joint with labila bar and sublingual bar
13_25y old complain painful bleeding gum in interdental papilla and ulceration have
systematic complain fever, fatigue , after do Radiograph show crater shape in interdental
_ pt used interdental floss
14_dentist cemented a lithium disilicate ceramic crown on tooth #12 using a tooth colored
6 months ago. A crack line was noticed on the labial surface of the crown during the recall
visit. Which of the following was likely used in this case, if the cause of the crack was
attributed to the cement?
A. Adhesive resin
B. Zinc phosphate
C. Zinc poly carboxylate
D. Resin modified glass ionomer
15_What is reducing agent of local anathesia
3.sodium metasulfide
16_If pit take aspirin and extract tooth what we'll happen
Increase prothrombin
Prolong bleeding time
17_Horizontal crown and root # time for splint 4 week
18__wich stepes of R C T can use EDITA to remove smear layer
_Enitial stage
_During root _canalpreparation
_use before dressing Before obturation
19_Amount of HX in mouth wash
20_Question asking about managment of 5mm intrusion with closed apex
a- Orthodontic
b- leave and monitor
c- wait and monitor if it doesn't move then ortho
21_What causes shortening of (anterio-posterir) arch?
a- mesial tilting of canine after lateral incisor extraction
b- mesial tilting 1st premolar after canine ext
c- mesial tilting of 2nd premolar after 1st premolar ext
d- mesial tilting of 1st molar after 2nd premolar ext
** part 2 Qs
1/- patient referred to you for crown lengthening, 3mm crown length/ 3mm gingival
margin/ 3mm attached gingiva. The future crown will be 6mm from crown hight to the crest of
bone what will you do?
a- gingivectomy
b- apical positioning flap
c- gingivectomy with osseous contouring
d- apical positioning flap with osseous contouring
2/- patien with mild to moderate hemophilia who takes factor VIII medication at home, came
to you for extraction of badly decayed lower first molar. How will you manage?
a- treat the patient in specialized center.
b- extract with local hemostatic agent ( tranximic acid ) to reduce post operative bleeding.
c- give 50% factor VIII medication and proceed with extraction.
d- .............
4/- picture of female patient with gingivitis in the upper central incisors without loss of
attachment and had crowns in the same tooth few month ago. All of the following can be the
cause of gingivitis EXCEPT?
a- plaque
b- margins of the crown
c- traumatic preparation
d- excess of cementing material.
5/- what of the following orthodontic correction does not need a retainer after the end of the
a- crowding
b- diastema
c- spacing
d- anterior cross bite
6/- 16 years old patient came with fractured crown with pulp exposure 2 days ago.
a- RCT with splinting
b- pulp caping with splintig
c- extraction
d- pulpotomy with splinting
7/- what is the best time to do extraction for patient diagnosed with cancer and planning to
have radiotherapy?
a- 2 to 3 weeks before radiotherapy
b- 3 to 4 weeks
c- 5 to 6 weeks
d- 6 to 8 weeks
9/- for removable appliance placed to correct lateral incisor cross bite what is the active
a- z spring
13/- patient complaining of loose implant overdentures after 2 month what's the cause?
a- peri implantitis
b- fractured abutment
c-Implant Abutment loosing
d- framework warping
14/- features of combination syndrome for patient with edentulous maxilla and natural lower
a- over eruption of lower anterior
b- bone resorption in anterior maxilla
c- flappy ridge in maxillary tuberosity
d- under cutting of upper lip
1/ in what of the following used caoH not used as medicament
A/ ankylosis
B/ internal resorption
*C/calcfied Canal*
D/external resorption.
2/incidance of hypodontia in permenent teeth.
A/ .1-.9
B/ 1-2
3/picture of truma for central appear long and extruded than other central what is type of
4/vertical parallex technique used for what indication
A/ palatal root of maxillary molar.
B/internal resorption.
5/ pt with class 1 distal extension come to construct acrylic partial denture from which part
the denture gain support.
A/ ridge and abutment.
B/only abutment.
C/only ridge.
6/ intra canal caoH used for how long time in month.
7/ Extraction of upper 2Es in 8 yrs old how can affect the anchor of upper 6s
A/mesial tipping with mesiobucal rotation.
B/ mesial tipping with plato mesial rotation .
C. Distal tipping+something
8/ opg x ray with missing and ghost like teeth what the name of anomly
A/ dentin dyplasia
*B/ regional dyplasia*
18/ pt on rivbroxan and have atrial fibrination come with badly decayed tooth need
extraction what can be done
A/ stop rivabroxan before extraction.
B/ delay the morning dose for 4 hour to achive initial hemostasis.
C/ dont stop and proceed without change
19/ autism child need extraction and during examination show uncoperative behavior
what parent charstristic dont affect the
Effect of autism up on management
A/ age
C/ education level.
D/ .....
25/picture of pt c/o of bleeding and food impaction on lower anterior teeth the picture
show 15 Probe incerted between central incisor which have a recession about 2 mm
What the accurate reading
A/Cal 13 pD 11.
B/ Cal 12pD 10
16/- patient came with swelling and trismus complaining from lower left molar what space
is involved?
a- massetric
b- ptrygomandibular
c- temporal
d- submandibular
17/- x-ray of lower 3rd and 2nd molar with symptoms of sharp pain associated with cold
and gradually disappearing after removal of stimulus (you have to decide reversible or
irreversible very tricky question) management?
a- primary RCT
b- regenerative therapy
c- extraction
d- ..........
18/- two questions about the new periodontic classification (only chart and x-ray provided
without any information regarding bone loss or loss of attachment).
22/- picture of patient has swelling in the right side of face and x-ray with multiple crowns
asking about next test you do to diagnose (alot of information about patient bad oral hygiene
and symptoms started months ago)
a- percussion
b- sensibility
23/- patient came with horizontal fracture in the middle third of root asking about splinting
a- 2 weeks
b- 4 weeks
c- 2 month
d- 4 month
26/- patient with history of trauma in primary central incisor came complaining of uneruptid
permenant incisor what is the cause?
a- hypodontia
b- radicular cyst
c- supernumerary
27/- contamination while doing etching what to do? Re Etching & bonding
ﻓﻰ ﺳﺆﺍﻝ ﻏﺮﻳﺐ ﺟﺪﺍpt c/0 pain from upper teeth pain last for second and exagerated by hot,
cold and air 6 ﻭﺟﺎﻳﺒﻴﻦ ﺻﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﺷﻌﺔ ﻟﻠﻮﺭ
ﻓﻴﻪdeep caries
ﺳﺎﻝ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻝmanagement
A/vital pulp therapy
B/primary RCT.
C/ extraction
ﻭﺗﺎﻧﻰ ﻓﻰ ﺧﻴﺎﺭ ﻟﻜﻦ ﻛﺎﻥ ﺑﻌﻴﺪ ﻣﺎﻣﺘﺰﻛﺮﻭ
1_The best materials to interocclusal records
_Light wax + alginate
_Silicone +alginate
_Heavy wax+alginate
_Heavy wax+Addition silicon
ﺍﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﺆﺍﻝ ﺩﺓ ﻳﺎ ﺩﻛﺎﺗﺮﺓ ﻓﻴﻪ ﻓﻴﻪ ﺩﻛﺎﺗﺮﺓ ﺩﺧﻠﺖ ﺳﺄﻟﺘﻨﻰ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺨﺎﺹ
8- 1.8 cc 2% lido 1:80000 adrinaline ) ﻛﻢ ﺗﺤﺘﻮﻱ ﺍﺩﺭﻳﻨﺎﻟﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﺨﻴﺎﺭﺍﺕ1.8 0.18 0.018
*Q.* Pt with swelling, took multiple courses of antibiotics and analgesics, still not resolved,
took radiographs PA provided and cannot decide which tooth is the cause. The question was
what would be the way to determine the which tooth?
*A. *Percussion & palpation*.
*Q.* Pt with #21 not erupted asking for reason OPG provided. Option has dens in dente,
dens evaguatus, two other options.
*Note: Dens envaginatus/dens evaginatus may not prevent #21 to erupt.*
*A.* One of the other not mentioned options could be
- *a mesiodens, or odontome*
*#21 has dilacerated crown from trauma previous trauma to #61*
ﻭ ﺍﻋﻠﻢ..
*Q.* PA showing radiopaque lesion on peri apical region of 31,41, no pathology,no pain, no
mobility, vital teeth. Ask for management
*A.* *Monitor*
*Q.* New techniques for caries management that requires less compliance:
*A. *remove soft enamel and dentin* *(one step IPT/partial caries removal, minimally
invasive dentistry)*.
*Q.* Peads case: deciduous tooth has caries, very cooperative kid, what material to use?
*A.* **RMGIC*.
*Q.* Pt with gag reflex, gave him x-ray film to practice for next appointment. What is the
technique called:
*A.* *systematic desensitisation*.
An 6 year old girl child weighs 20kg. What is the dose of amoxicillin per day for a suspension
that contains 120mg/5ml?