N23 - AI Analysis - Proforma Report
N23 - AI Analysis - Proforma Report
N23 - AI Analysis - Proforma Report
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Board of Directors
o Brienne Saffire: Managing; 35%; ex-Big Bison; online presence; billable.
o Jerzel Morales: Sales and Technology; 30%; ex-Big Bison; billable.
o Jai Williamson: Finance; 25%; ex-Big Bison; support.
o Zizi Zettner: HR; 5%; joined 2020; billable.
o Ron Ashton: Operations; 5%; joined 2022; support.
- Appointments contingent on becoming shareholders at agreed valuation.
o Fast-evolving industry requires highly skilled and motivated staff. 2022: 72 billable; 13 support; 85 total
o Staff capacity is enabler of revenue growth.
o Grades: manager, team leader, team member. Non-billable time allowance: 15%
o Occasionally outsources creative work to freelancers. Activities must benefit FDM
o Brienne Saffire keen to promote social and environmental responsibility.
o Aware this may create tension with clients.
Avg. billable staff 45.6 45.3 0.2 0.5% Billable staff / billable headcount 2020: £43.6k
cost 2022: minimal salary increases 3.9% increase
Support staff:
Avg. payroll cost 45.4 44.1 1.3 2.9% Billable and support
Total staff costs 3,859 2,999 860 28.7% Avg. payroll cost * total headcount
Billable staff (3,280) (2,583)
Support staff 579 416 163 39.2% Total – billable = support
As % of revenue 7.0% 6.2% 0.8% 2020: 5.6%
Avg. support staff 44.5 37.8 6.7 17.8% Support staff / support headcount 2020: £39.5k
Lower than billable due to market
demand for respective skills
o SEO:
▪ improve ranking of client’s website in search results 20% of revenue
▪ clients stay for longer as results take time (less switching) Stable revenue stream
▪ cross-sell other services Lower margin
o Pricing method is key driver of profitability and depends on:
▪ new or existing client
▪ service offered
▪ strength of relationship with client
▪ what can be negotiated
Fixed pricing:
▪ time budget agreed in advance
+ cost transparency
- reduced profit if overruns
o Increasing number of digital marketing companies.
o More services being offered as technology evolves.
o FDM competes with full-service and specialist agencies.
o Geographic distance not an issue.
o FDM does not monitor specific agencies.
o Client more likely to be lost if key member of staff leaves and
takes client with them.
Collective Link:
▪ Manchester; SEO, PPC, social media, website design,
training and consulting.
▪ London, Manchester and New York; data-driven,
proprietary technology platform; range of clients.
▪ London; CRM, tracking analytics and performance
marketing; thought leadership and educational resources
on website (blog posts and case studies); several awards.
o Charity.
o Unable to afford normal charge-out rates.
o Proposal 1: billable hours and discounted charge-out rates Charge-out rate discount: 33.3%
▪ low-cost staff mix (no director or manager) Forecast:
Hours per month
Team leader: 1
Team member: 10
Revenue pm: £500
Revenue pa: £6k (Small)
COS pm: £375
COS pa: £4.5k
GP pm: £125
GP pa: £1.5k
GPM: 25% (2022 Small average: 49.7%)
GP pa: £1.5k
Engagement lifetime: 20 (1 / 5%)
LTV: £30k (£1.5k x 20)
Average remuneration (inc. bonus):
o Highly competitive.
2022: £45.4k
o Salary, discretionary performance bonus, health, pension.
2021: £44.1k
o Regularly benchmarked.
2020: £43.0k
o Attractive working conditions.
Induction training
o All billable staff unless they have proven experience.
o 6 weeks with local training firms.
o Recruitment tool: some competitors make staff pay.
o Time buffer when recruiting ahead of revenue.
o Staff buy into FDM culture.
o Aim for staff to feel valued.
o Non-billable activities must benefit FDM: Non-billable time allowance: 15%
▪ environmental credentials
▪ self-development
▪ client work difficult to bill may also be included: not all billable
staff time may be billed to client
o Social events.
o Office: fun and creative; 3 days a week in office; recent refurb.
o Uncapped holiday provided work is complete.
o High workload, tight deadlines, long hours, weekend working.
Staffing committee
o Broad purpose, monthly meetings. 2 Director (Zizi Zettner and another)
o Attendees elected on an annual rotating basis. 1 Manager
o Brienne Saffire joins for start of meeting.
1 Team Leader
o Members also take turns to attend board meetings to provide
staff perspective on FDM strategy. 2 Team Members
o If goodwill with departing staff is high, it can result in a new client Sector average: 30%
or retention of an existing client.
2023 forecast
Revenue target: 35% growth (all client sizes/mix same as PY)
Strategic goals
o Highly successful full-service agency.
o Award-winning service levels.
o Highly engaged staff.
o Broad mix of satisfied and profitable clients.
o KPIs: client churn, staff attrition, revenue growth, OPM.
Key risks
1. Client churn
o Factors: how well served clients feel; fees; pricing method; switching Major: 8.3% (21: 0%; 20: 16.7%)
costs; account manager relationship; team continuity. Large: 5.7% (21: 7.7%; 20: 4.8%)
o Some major clients are multinationals who use FDM for selected Medium: 11.8% (21: 11.9%; 20: 11.1%)
services so have low switching costs: causes erratic churn %. Small: 19.5% (21: 17.6%; 20: 19.8%)
o Major and large: experienced staff, discounted charge-out rates. Total: 15.2% (21: 14.6%; 20: 16.1%)
2. Margin dilution
o Major and large: lower GPM.
o Domineering clients reduce FDM’s creativity and effectiveness.
Risk management
o Monitor client mix Target: 25% mix (average, over time)
▪ If significant deviation: Major: 25% (21: 27%; 20: 24%)
- active steps taken to move mix back to target.
Large: 25% (21: 26%; 20: 23%)
- move mix back to 25% by winning (not forgoing) clients.
- revenue growth higher priority than short term profitability. Medium: 24% (21: 25%; 20: 26%)
Small: 26% (21: 22%; 20: 27%)
o Flexible pricing
▪ Suitable pricing can improve profitability and client retention.
▪ Clients often cost more to service in early stages.
▪ Billable hours and charge-out rate pricing: can cause FDM to
appear expensive.
▪ LTV: factors in decline in service costs; helps win and retain
clients; increases overall profitability; but lowers short-term
profitability and risky (clients do not enter multi-period contracts).
o Range of capabilities
▪ Increase value of low margin clients by combining low-margin
(SEO, content creation) with high-margin (social media
management, email marketing).
Other risks
o Failure to win new clients
▪ Lower revenue/profit, reputational harm
Management: remain competitive, client relationship teams,
recruit innovative technicians, manage staff capacity
o Big Bison interest in buying FDM shares as wants client base and digital marketing capabilities.
Attrition KPI
o Attrition KPI does not include leavers who joined in year. Recorded: 11.8% (21: 15.1%; 20: 9.8%)
o No exit interviews. Revised: 26.5% (21: 26.4%; 20: 17.1%)
o Informal reasons for leaving: inaccurate job description;
long hours/no holiday time; boring work; no recognition;
micro-management; but remuneration never mentioned.
▪ implement policy of formal interviews
▪ revised KPI should be used
▪ lower attrition reduces recruitment/training costs
o No clear process to measure impact of non-billable time.
o Evidence suggests used to mask client work time.
o Attrition lower for those who stay longer: shows resilience.
▪ ensure ‘right’ staff stay, ‘wrong’ staff leave
▪ strategically understaff to create demanding
environment where best staff thrive, improving AMFIH
and margins
▪ offer retention drivers: flexibility; work-life balance;
satisfaction, progression, recognition; reward
o Staffing costs are very high. Salaries in north: 20-25% lower
o Manchester becoming a digital centre.
o Financial and non-financial upfront costs.
Key Points
o Employees want flexibility and a career that aligns with their goals.
o Power shifting towards employees who are starting to reject bad jobs.
o Paying close attention to what other companies are offering.
o Employers need to anticipate what employees want.
o ‘Quiet quitting’: over 30% do no more than minimum requirement.
o Lack of engagement, motivation and commitment is a cost to employer.
FDM recruitment
o Advertisement on social media.
o FDM described as fun, creative, exciting, ambitious, high growth, London based.
o Top martech platform for remote working.
o Cloud-based enables team to work remotely.
o Collaboration and communication.
o Centralised hub for customer data.
o AI-driven reporting and analytics: sales performance, customer behaviour, streamlines tasks.
o Data security: highly encrypted access controls.
Revenue, GP (and OP), Client issue / churn
Revenue, GP (and OP), Staff issue / attrition
Revenue, GP (and OP), Inflating accounts (‘pump and dump’ strategy)
Revenue, GP (and OP), Cash
Wider context
o Increased demand for digital marketing services due to consumer shift to online, despite economic conditions.
o Market CAGR >10% (2012-2023)
o Key enabler of growth is capacity which requires staff retention and recruitment.
o Upward pressure on wages as staff are in high demand.
o SEO:
▪ clients stay for longer as results take time (less switching)
▪ cross-sell other services
▪ 20% of revenue; stable revenue stream
▪ lower margin
o Paid search management:
▪ 40% of revenue
▪ higher margin
o Other:
▪ 40% of revenue
▪ higher margin: social media, marketing strategy, brand design, email marketing
▪ lower margin: content creation
Example: Compere
▪ Time estimates for SEO are straightforward and accurate but unexpected events can cause a change.
▪ Monthly variations but average monthly hours accurate.
▪ FDM was under workload pressure so proposed payment in advance: commitment and initial research.
▪ Initial 12-month engagement; continued on 3-month rolling basis (3 months’ notice at any time).
▪ Forecast hours per month:
Director: 0.5
Manager: 1
Team leader: 5
Team member: 25
▪ Revenue pm: £2,110
▪ Revenue pa: £25,320 (Medium)
▪ GPM: 30% (2022 average: 43%; lower as SEO)
▪ 4 months paid in advance (£8,440)
▪ Monthly fee in advance
▪ Attractive margin as minimal senior staff involvement
o Performance-based pricing:
▪ typically for short-term campaigns
▪ pre-agreed measurable output e.g. visits, sales
+ attractive to clients as fee is contingent
+ reduces churn as engagement period usually extended
small client churn on performance-based pricing: 5%
small client churn average: 18-20%
+ focus on adding value, not hours
+ higher fees and margins
- increased risk for FDM
- potential uncertainty over measurable output
Example: Sublime
▪ Within a year, SEO improved and brand repositioned
▪ FDM proposed paid search management work (cross-sell)
▪ Sublime shared highly sensitive confidential operational data which has been vital to success
▪ Technical and commercial knowledge acquired used on other clients
▪ SEO: billable hours and discounted charge-out rates
▪ Paid search management: performance-based on pre-agreed metric; invoice at end of campaign
▪ 30-day Facebook ad campaign:
Metric: increase in revenue
Reach: 400k; Visitors 40k (10%)
Bounce rate:
60% probability: 50% (sector average; actual)
30% probability: 45%
10% probability: 52.5%
Leads: 20%
Conversions: 10%
Sublime revenue per customer: £600 (Sublime: revenue £22m/18% growth; OP £2m)
▪ Revenue: 5% of attributable revenue increase
▪ Staff costs estimate: £8k (actual)
▪ GPM: 33.3% (based on 50% bounce rate)
▪ Revenue pa average: £150k (Major)
▪ GPM 2022: 29% (Major average: 28.5%)
▪ SEO: low margin as charge-out rates heavily discounted
▪ Paid search management: high margin but volatile as performance-based pricing
o Competitors
Collective Link: Manchester; SEO, PPC, social media, website design, training and consulting.
Tribalist: London, Manchester and New York; data-driven, proprietary technology platform; range of clients.
Bracket: London; CRM, tracking analytics and performance marketing; thought leadership and educational
resources on website (blog posts and case studies); several awards.
o Recruitment carried out early in year so training can be as early as possible.
o Risk of understaffing (inability to serve clients) and overstaffing (margin impact and management difficulties).
o Due to high demand for skilled staff, better to be overstaffed than to jeopardise revenue growth.
o Staffing strategy is to recruit for growth (October 2022).
2023 forecast:
Revenue target: £11,167k / 35% growth (all client sizes/mix same as PY)
Headcount growth: at least 35% (targeted headcount increase > revenue growth due to natural attrition)
Headcount target: revenue target / (AMFIH x 12) = 115
AMFIH: £8.1k (same as PY)
o Ron Ashton:
▪ challenge assumption that growth is based on headcount and explore other growth models:
- invest in advanced martech; software for staff utilisation and workflow planning e.g. JetStrem (CRM)
- initial investment to implement
- enhanced productivity
- focus on profit and not just recruiting for growth
- generate more revenue/profit per employee / higher AMFIH
▪ understaff to create demanding environment where best staff thrive, improving AMFIH and margins:
- ensure ‘right’ staff stay, ‘wrong’ staff leave
- offer retention drivers: flexibility; work-life balance; satisfaction, progression, recognition; reward
▪ transparent profit-sharing bonus scheme to motivate staff
- staff are generally young and ambitious
o Martech apps: around 10,000 in 2022
o AI-driven CRM: management of sales and marketing teams; identify most effective sales approaches and
opportunities; improved productivity and sales performance.
o JetStream:
▪ reported as top martech platform for remote working
o Staffing costs are very high; Manchester becoming a digital centre; salaries in north 20-25% lower.
o Financial and non-financial upfront costs.
o Brienne Saffire keen to promote social and environmental responsibility.
o Aware this may create tension with clients.
o Issues if clients are perceived to be unsustainable.
o FDM keen to not be complicit in misleading public e.g. ‘greenwashing’.
o Sublime wanted FDM to present green credentials despite poor sustainability reputation.
o Brienne Saffire not prepared to risk FDM reputation by making unsubstantiated claims.
o Client required to demonstrate evidence for claims
Performance-based pricing
o Potential uncertainty over measurable output.
o High workload, tight deadlines, long hours, weekend working, uncapped holiday provided work is complete.
o Non-billable allowance: 15%; client work difficult to bill included: not all billable staff time may be billed to client.
o Understaff to create demanding environment where best staff thrive, improving AMFIH and margins.
Sale of shares
o Jai Williamson (Finance; 25%; ex-Big Bison):
▪ planned sale creates short-termism
▪ proposes ‘pump and dump’ strategy: focus on improving results over the short term
o Zizi Zettner (HR; 5%; joined 2020):
▪ concerns over short-termism, staff engagement, attrition, productivity
o Ron Ashton (Operations; 5%; joined 2022):
▪ present sale as opportunity to reward staff
▪ staff are generally young and ambitious
▪ suggests transparent profit-sharing bonus scheme to motivate staff
o Brienne Saffire: Managing; 35%; ex-Big Bison; online presence; billable
o Jerzel Morales: Sales and Technology; 30%; ex-Big Bison; billable
o CL: full-service agency with impressive growth:
▪ CAGR: over 20% between 2018-2023 (FDM: CAGR 24.1% between 2019-2022)
▪ OP: £3.8m (FDM: £2.3m)
▪ OPM: 30% (FDM: 28.2%)
o Financial performance very strong in 2022 and 2023.
o Founders looking for attractive payoff.
Brienne Saffire
o Online presence: passed target of 1m social media followers.
o TV chat show and discussion forum offers she would like to pursue.
A report on FDM
This report is for the Board of FDM only and should not be distributed to third parties.
No liability can be accepted in this event.
4x most important/obvious recommendations (including one on additional analysis and ethics)
4x most important/obvious recommendations (including one on ethics)
Evaluation of X
3x most significant points not included in conclusions, consider taking an additional point from:
▪ financial analysis
▪ assumptions
▪ ethics (always have at least two ethics issues in ES)
▪ strategic/operational issues
4x most important/obvious recommendations (including one on ethics)
Major account revenue increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (x%) and is above (below) the
target of £2,792k due to reason (reason from exam scenario). Trend/significance/further analysis (e.g. compare size
of new clients to typical distribution). Churn has increased (decreased) to x% from 8.3% due to reason (reason from
exam scenario/churn can be erratic because MNCs have low switching costs and there are a small number of clients
in this category).
Large account revenue increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (x%) and is above (below) the
target of £2,792k due to reason (reason from exam scenario). Trend/significance/further analysis (e.g. compare size
of new clients to typical distribution). Churn has increased (decreased) to x% from 5.7% due to reason (reason from
exam scenario/performance-based pricing reduces churn/team members).
Medium account revenue increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (x%) and is above (below) the
target of £2,680k due to reason (reason from exam scenario). Trend/significance/further analysis (e.g. compare size
of new clients to typical distribution). Churn has increased (decreased) to x% from 11.8% due to reason (reason from
exam scenario/performance-based pricing reduces churn/team members).
Small account revenue increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (x%) and is above (below) the
target of £2,903k due to reason (reason from exam scenario). Trend/significance/further analysis (e.g. compare size
of new clients to typical distribution). Churn has increased (decreased) to x% from 19.5% due to reason (reason from
exam scenario/churn for clients on performance-based pricing is estimated at 5%).
Major accounts for x% (22: 25.0%) of revenue, large x% (22: 25.0%), medium x% (22: 24.0%) and small x% (22:
26.0%) which is (not) in line with the 25% target. A range of client sizes helps staff retention via career progression.
Billable staff increased (decreased) by £k (x%) due to reason (reason from exam scenario) and is now x% (22: 39.7%)
of revenue. Average billable staff cost has increased (decreased) by x% to £x (22: £45.6k) which shows that the
increase (decrease) was due to salary increase/headcount/both. Attrition rate has increased (decreased) to x% from
11.8% with the revised rate now x% (22: 26.5%) due to reason (reason from exam scenario) and is above (below) the
sector average of 30%. Not achieving attrition KPI was identified as a risk/there is upward pressure on wages as high-
skilled staff are in high demand/significant salary increases were introduced in 2021 to counter poaching.
Other costs increased (decreased) by £k (x%) due to reason (reason from exam scenario/recruitment fees for the
increased headcount/lower recruitment fees due to lower attrition) and are now x% (22: 21.2%) of revenue.
Overall GP increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (%) to £2023 with GPM increasing (decreasing)
to x% from 39.1% due to reason (GPM increase (decrease) in all client sizes / revenue mix shift towards higher
(lower) margin small/medium (major/large) clients / revenue mix shift towards higher (lower) margin paid search
management/social media management/email marketing (SEO/content creation) work / more (less) work based on
Major GP increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (%), with a GPM increase (decrease) to x% from
28.5%, due to reason (reason from exam scenario / revenue mix shift towards higher (lower) margin paid search
management/other (SEO) / more (less) work based on performance fee billing).
Large GP increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (%), with a GPM increase (decrease) to x% from
35%, due to reason (reason from exam scenario / revenue mix shift towards higher (lower) margin paid search
management/other (SEO) / more (less) work based on performance fee billing).
Medium GP increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (%), with a GPM increase (decrease) to x%
from 43%, due to reason (reason from exam scenario / revenue mix shift towards higher (lower) margin paid search
management/other (SEO) / more (less) work based on performance fee billing).
Small GP increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (%), with a GPM increase (decrease) to x% from
49.7%, due to reason (reason from exam scenario / revenue mix shift towards higher (lower) margin paid search
management/other (SEO) / more (less) work based on performance fee billing).
Major accounts for x% (22: 18.2%) of GP, large x% (22: 22.4%), medium x% (22: 26.4%) and small x% (22: 33.1%)
which shows e.g. the continuing importance of small clients.
Support staff increased (decreased) by £k (x%) due to reason (reason from exam scenario) and is now x% (22: 7.0%)
of revenue. Average support staff cost has increased (decreased) by x% to £x (22: £44.5k) which shows that the
increase (decrease) was due to salary increase/headcount/both.
Excluding support staff, costs increased by £k (x%) due to reason (reason from exam scenario) and are now x% (22:
4.0%) of revenue showing that they have (not) been well controlled. Average marketing spend by digital marketing
companies is 4.3% of revenue which helps maintain reputation, win new clients and reduce churn.
OP has increased (decreased) impressively (disappointingly) by £k (x%) to £2023, with an OPM increase (decrease) to
x% (22: 28.2%) which is above (below) the 30% target, due to reason (reason from exam scenario / revenue mix shift
away from (towards) demanding major/large clients who increase overheads). OPM has (not) continued to increase.
Conclude on every section asked for in requirement: copy key point(s) from each section - number and reason only
6 obvious action points on issues raised in each section
▪ Revenue and profit analysis by client
▪ Increase (reduce) charge-out rates
▪ Rebalance client mix by targeting small/medium/large/major clients
Please remember that you should always tailor your report headings (and subsequent points) to the
exact requirement wording and use the exam paper information for your reasons as to why numbers
have increased/decreased.
You do not need to include all the points in the proforma. You should focus on client sizes/numbers
which are the most significant in total, have seen a significant change during the year and/or have a
reason given in the exam paper as to why they have changed. You should try to finish requirement 1 on
time so that you have sufficient time for requirement 2 and 3. Including all the points in the proforma will
almost certainly cause you to overrun; this particularly applies to revenue and GP.
Existing knowledge of parties involved / basics of opportunity/issue
Link proposal back to relevant points in AI, including strategy and risks (Exhibit 11)
Fragile UK economy/inflation may impact proposal
4-8 most obvious points from exam paper information (issue and impact on the business)
Be brief and aim for lots of different points rather than going into depth on each one
See table for list of other points – only include points which are very relevant to the specific scenario
Conclude on every section (copy key point from each section, including sensitivity analysis)
Clearly state how to proceed with brief justification why
6 obvious action points on issues raised in each section
▪ Negotiate
▪ Due diligence
▪ Research/corroborate all estimates
▪ Set timetable for activities
▪ Contact/consult affected stakeholders (staff, customers)
Existing knowledge of parties involved / basics of opportunity/issue
Link proposal back to relevant points in AI, including strategy and risks (Exhibit 11)
Fragile UK economy/inflation may impact proposal
4-8 most obvious points from exam paper information (issue and impact on the business)
Be brief and aim for lots of different points rather than going into depth on each one
See table for list of other points – only include points which are very relevant to the specific scenario
Conclude on every section (copy key point from each section, including sensitivity analysis)
Clearly state how to proceed with brief justification why
6 obvious action points on issues raised in each section
▪ Negotiate
▪ Due diligence
▪ Research/corroborate all estimates
▪ Set timetable for activities
▪ Contact/consult affected stakeholders (staff, customers)