Kadlag 1995
Kadlag 1995
Kadlag 1995
Abstract. Lipids in pearl millet meal showed a rapid hydrolytic decomposition during storage. The
magnitude of such degradation was influenced significantly by the nature of the storage container
used, the temperature and heat treatments given to the seeds. The hydrolytic breakdown of lipids
was significantly low in the meals stored in polyethylene bags, plastic boxes and under refrigerated
(5 _+ 2 °C) conditions. Hot water blanching at 98 °C for 10 sec and dry heating of seeds at 100 °C
for 120 min were found to be most effective in minimising the undesirable changes in lipids of the
meal during storage.
Storage containers. The seeds were ground in a laboratory stone mill to obtain
about 60 mesh whole meal. The meals were stored in cotton bags, sealed
polyethylene bags and tightly capped plastic boxes at ambient temperature
(27 °C) and 70 to 80% relative humidity (RH) for 30 days.
Storage temperature. The fl'eshly prepared whole meals were stored in plastic
boxes at ambient (27 °C) and refrigerated (5 ± 2 °C) temperature up to 30 days.
Dry heat treatments. The seeds were subjected to dry heat treatments in a
hot-air oven at 100 _+ 2 °C for 60 to 120 min, rapidly cooled under a cool-air
fan and milled to 60 mesh whole meal. The meals were stored in plastic boxes
at ambient temperature (27 °C) and 70--80% RH up to 30 days.
Hot water blanchin9 treatment. The seeds, loosely tied in muslin cloth were
dipped in boiling water at 98 °C for 10 or 20 sec, drained, dried at 40 °C to
initial weight and milled to obtain 60 mesh whole meal. The meals were stored
in plastic boxes at ambient conditions of temperature (27 °C) and 70-80% RH
up to 30 days.
Effects of storage container. The lipids in the meal stored at ambient conditions
were found to undergo a rapid hydrolytic breakdown during storage as
evidenced by a significant increase in fat acidity of the meal, and acid value or
% free fatty acids (% FFA) in the extracted oil (Table 1). The peroxide value
of the extracted oil increased up to 5 days of storage and later decreased. The
decrease in peroxide value can be attributed to a loss of volatiles during
extended storage that are measured as peroxides by the procedure [2]. The
storage containers exhibited a significant influence on the lipolytic and
oxidative decomposition of lipids. Lipid degradation was the highest in the
meal stored in cotton bags while such changes were found to be lower for the
meal stored in plastic boxes or polyethylene bags under similar conditions. The
initial moisture content of 10% was found to increase to 10.9% for the meal
stored in cotton bags while it did not change in the meals stored in polyethy-
lene bags or plastic boxes.
Effect of dry heat treatment to seeds. Heating of grains before milling resulted
in decrease in the fat acidity while it increased the peroxide value of oil from
fresh meals (Table 3). During storage of meals at 27 °C however, the fat acidity,
acid value and % FFA were found to increase significantly in both unheated
Table 1. Effects of containers on changes in the lipids of pearl millet meal during storage
0 5 10 15 20 30
Table 2. Effects of temperatures on changes in the lipids of pearl millet meal during storage
or heated samples. The rate of increase in fat acidity, acid value or % FFA in
the meal obtained from heated grains was, however, 3 to 4 fold lower than the
meal from unheated grains. Heating of grains for 120 min was found to be most
effective for maximum retardation of the lipolytic decomposition of tipids
during storage. Although the peroxide level was higher in fresh meals of dry
heated grains, it was found to decrease subsequently during storage in all the
meals. Dry heating of grains decreased the moisture content from 10 to 6.5%
which do not change subsequently during storage.
Effect of boiling water blanching treatment to seeds. The dry grains subjected to
blanching treatment for 10 or 20 sec before milling produced results similar to
that of dry heating of grains at 100 °C for 120 min. The values of fat acidity,
acid value or % FFA for meals obtained from boiling water treated grains were
3 to 4 fold lower than the meal from untreated grains (Table 4). Boiling water
treatment to grains resulted in uptake of 5% additional moisture which was
reduced to the initial level by drying of blanched grains at 40 °C for 2 hours.
These results clearly suggest that the undesirable lipid changes in the pearl
millet meal can be effectively minimised by a simple boiling water treatment of
the grains at 98 °C for 10 sec before milling.
Lipase located in the germ and surface layers of the grain gets mixed
throughout the meal during milling and decomposes the meal lipids into free
fatty acids during storage [4]. This is evidenced by a rapid increase in fact
acidity of the stored meal, and acid value or % FFA of the meal oil [2, 10, 11].
The role of peroxidation in spoilage of pearl millet meal during storage has
been debated [2]. The values of fat acidity, acid value or peroxide value of
Table 3. Effects of dry heat treatments to the seeds on changes in lipids of pearl millet during
0 5 10 t5 20 30
Table 4. Effects of hot water blanching of the seeds on changes in the lipids of pearl millet during
0 5 10 15 20 30
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