ECE Brochure
ECE Brochure
ECE Brochure
Smt. S. Malarvizhi
Chairperson & Managing Trustee
Sri Krishna Institutions,
Dr. J. Janet
Sri Krishna College of
Engineering and Technology
The Vankatram Learning Centre (Central Library) is one among the best
academic libraries in terms of its architecture, size, resources and ICT enabled
services. The Library is well equipped with unique features and world-class
infrastructure to support and encourage scholarly communication and
professional development.
The placement cell of SKCET plays a vital role and is gradually
becoming the key department of the Institution.
Dr. V. Ragavi
Professor & Head
Department of Science and Humanities
❖ The Department of Science and Humanities has a strong focus on excellence in education, research
and promotion of Innovation. Many programs are conducted to improve the background and
competence of the students by enhancing soft skills, analytical abilities, problem solving
capabilities, cognitive and leadership qualities.
❖ A number of knowledge-sharing sessions like Faculty Developing Programmes, Symposiums,
Paper presentations, Specialized Workshops, Hands on training and Guest Lecturers are conducted
for students and faculty members.
❖ Technical symposium – “Krishinnov” is conducted which fascinates students through highly
entertaining and enlightening lectures. Apart from these activities students are sent for paper
❖ In order to empower creative and cognitive skills, many activities like snap talk, technical quiz, soft
skill training, online test are carried out. A separate snap talk hour is allotted to the students and the
students are asked to do snap talk on any one of the interesting topics. This will assist the students
to come out of their stage fear and develop their confidence level.
❖ Technical quiz and online tests are conducted to enrich student’s cognitive skills.
❖ Various clubs like science club, fitness club, fine arts club, English literary club, Kamban Tamil
mandram are conducted on a regular basis to tap the innate potential of the students.
❖ Seminar day is conducted for the students to inculcate the habit of doing presentations.
❖ Tutorial Sessions are conducted for slow learners in their challenging subjects.
❖ Campus Online Software is used for attendance and academic updates of each student for providing
detailed information to the parents pertaining to attendance, CIA marks, etc of their ward at their
❖ Parent-Teacher Meetings have been put into practice to ascertain the need of the parents’ co-
operation with teachers in bringing out the expected performance of the students.
Four major labs of Science and Humanities Department are Language lab, Physics lab,
Chemistry lab and Math lab. The lab facilities aims at providing students with the latest and the most
professional tools to further enhance their studies in the respective fields. We ensure to provide
ample space to execute various projects and ideas assigned to the students’ community. These labs
provide a global exposure for our learners.
Departmental Activities
Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you
Creative Club
Creative club entertains students in various club activities like Step
up cards, Origami, Doodle Folk Art and Blind fold Obstacles.
These events were conducted which collectively developed
extracurricular dormant talents beyond the academic boundary.
Innovative Club
Innovative Club conducts event especially in the arena of
modern science and technology. It instigates the students to
think beyond the mundane technology and out-of-the-box to
generate innovative ideas. The major events of this club
were Designing and Building a web page, Wealth from
Biodegradable waste, Construction of Simple Piano and
Water Alarm Circuit using IC 555, Techie Crack Pot and
Mini Project Expo.
Language Club
Language Club develops a penchant for
literature and creates awareness among
students on our culture and promotes the
use of language through various activities
like Debate, Pictionary, Literary Parade,
Elocution, Tamil Vocabulary Game and
Theatre Club
Theatre Club develops abilities to respond versatile
character and themes in dramatic English texts through
verbal and non-verbal cues through various activities like
Portray the Plot, Dress up act etc. It unearths the hidden
talents of students.
Head of the Department
Dr. S. Sophia
Professor and Head
Department of ECE
Students are motivated to solve some of the pressing problems which we face in our day to day lives,
and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving. We help our
students to connect their projects to their lives and communities. One of the projects “Honey harvest
alert system for BEE farms” was qualified for the Grant finale for Viswakarma Awards-2021 conducted
by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India.
Academic Achievers
Academic achievers are those who add strength to our pillars.
A section
Class Advisor – 88071 79644
Tutor – 99427 04234
B section
Class Advisor – 74491 60168
Tutor – 99431 99073
C section
Class Advisor – 96290 56060
Tutor – 96007 11867