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ZCC Exposed 2 (FINAL)

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Exposed 2
The Z eus and C onfucius C hurch exposed

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid,
that shall not be known and come abroad. - Luke 8:17

A lot of folks will be angry but my life is not a popularity contest …nor will it ever be


I dedicate this part 2 to my lost friends and family members… I

really find it painful to watch people being deceived by false
prophets and dropping off to Hell, this is why I wrote OAC exposed,
ZCC exposed part 1. ZCC exposed part 2 is going to show even more
blasphemous stuff the ZCC does. I have lost family members to this
cult and exposing it is the least I could do for those who are still
living and haven't dropped off to Hell yet. How long are you going to
continue running away from the truth ZCC member? How long are you
going to provoke God to anger? It's time to face the facts about the
ZCC and decide. Sitting on the fence doesn't cut it with God. My main

Here's where the rubber meets the road; all that you do in the ZCC or
any other cult will profit your soul nothing. Absorb that and get out
of the ZCC. In the previous ZCC exposé part 1, I mentioned a lot of
occult things going on in the ZCC and gave strong arguments against
those occult things done or used. If you have read the whole exposé,
you probably have come to the conclusion that the ZCC is a FUNERARY
CULT that is leading its members to the pit of Hell. If you want more
proof, stick around and I will further destroy that shadow of doubt
in you.

Dear friend I don’t hate any man or woman but I hate the heresies and
lies they teach. I really care for you and that is why I wrote this
exposé, I have spent weeks and hours on this project and to lie to
you would be a waste of my time and yours. I will document my points
and will ask critical/valid questions… I have tried the best of my
ability to help you see the truth about this church and I pray that
God removes that veil of darkness… I pray that He lift the spirit of
slumber from you.

The ZCC is like a tri-stool, if you cut off one of the legs, it
collapses. Throughout this exposé, I will be cutting of these legs
repeatedly until the person sitting on that chair finds himself in an
awkward position or falls. Remember that God’s Words are stable, God
is not shaky. Look at this verse:

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I

will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a
rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth
them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house
upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the

fall of it.” - Matthew 7:24-27

I am sure you get the point I want to convey. All that I am saying is
that God’s Words are consistent, stable and true and if the ZCC is
serving/is from God, it has to have this crucial trait- stability.
Believers in Jesus have built their houses on Him- who is our Rock,
our Sustainer and Redeemer. The ZCC is built on sand and I have
likened that to a three-legged stool (tri-stool). Throughout this
exposé, I will be cutting the legs of the stool or directly hitting
the person/member sitting on the stool (by Bible of course).

I will also be broad because it is not only the ZCC that is a cult in
South Africa but it includes the OAC, 12 Apostolic, ancestral cults,
Shembe, other Zionist churches, Jericho and many more deceptions.
This may be my last exposé on the ZCC so I felt led to pack it as
much as possible. There is no time left, pick your team now…

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,

as some men count slackness; but is
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to
repentance.” – 2-Peter 3:9



1. Phoney Prophets
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there
shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring
upon themselves swift destruction.” -2 Peter 2:1

Every cult out there claims to be the right way to God. This is the
mantra they hum, drum and sing. The stuff most cults brag about are
their prophets. The ZCC follows suite and brags about having prophets
who reveal things as a sign of the ZCC's genuineness. Fortunately, I
will show this claim to be a lie… the OAC, Shembe, Islam and many
cults lift up their prophets as well. But the saddest truth is that
their heresies will lead them to Hell as well as their followers
(Mat. 15:14).

“The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the
law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the
prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not
profit.” – Jeremiah 2:8

In this part, I will look at the prophets in the ZCC and their
problems. As I have said in the previous exposé, the prophets
prophesy in a designated area. They call that area "is'baya". These
prophets prophesy not by the Holy Spirit but by Baal…

On the 6th of May 2015, I met a ZCC star member in a shop. I greeted
him nicely and he replied nicely. I told him about my late dad and
mentioned that he was a member. I then asked him some questions… One
question I asked him was if he believed in the ZCC prophets 100% and
he said he believed and added that the Lekganyane is SENT BY GOD! He
went on to say that the instructions you are given (taelo), should be
followed to the ‘t’. Fulfilling/executing those instructions is
called “ukuphetha”. He said that sometimes the prophets tell you what
your ancestors are saying and what they want from you. Allow me
comment; where is Bible for “prophets” to communicate with the dead?
Come on people, think… how can God Almighty allow His prophets to
talk to the dead?

Anyway, this man told me that people in the ZCC believe that the
ancestors protect them and give them fortune. Now when a ZCC member
is pointed by the prophet (claps both hands and points at you with
both hands united- like a spear), he is supposed to follow the
prophet. Friend, even this manner of pointing at the individual is
from the occult. Say what? Yes friend, Anton LaVey in his book Satan
Speaks, notes that the Sign of the Spear is actually the inverted

pentagram1. Do you see my point here? My point is that the ZCC

prophets use an occult sign yet claiming to be Christian. I know that
most are deceived and I have shown the arrangement of the secret
hierarchy in the ZCC in my first exposé but it doesn’t change the
fact that the sign they give is Satanic and Satan showed Lekganyane
this sign and it is standard procedure in the ZCC.

Please note the upside down star necklace!!!! The ZCC is using the same power of darkness!!

One might say that there is no problem with the sign (the spear) but
look at what LaVey has said. Let me ask this question, why don’t the
prophets point in a different manner? Why make this sign
specifically? The answer is that the ZCC is satanic from the bottom
to the top and this sign is evidence of that. The ZCC dove and star
prophets use the same method.

The 2nd problem I see in these prophets is that THEY ARE NOT SAVED.
This one is the biggest and foundational problem in the ZCC. There is
no salvation in the ZCC so how can God speak through them? They
preach another Gospel and according to Galatians 1:8-9 they are under
a curse.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other
gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

My question is this; how can you block a curse from God? It is

impossible to block it and the ONLY WAY TO BREAK FREE FROM THAT
follow-up question is this; if they are not saved, how can the Holy
Spirit use these prophets? They are not saved and the only spirit
they are subject to is a satanic spirit.

“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not
is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of
the only begotten Son of God.” - John 3:18

There is a price for rejecting the Son of God and that price is Hell.
My friend, you will regret the day you die or when Jesus comes back
and it would be too late… another point is this; how can God allow
these prophets to talk to the dead? The spirits of the dead are
devils and they are possessing people by the millions all over the
world. Here is a quote from The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology p.190 on
the subject of necromancy and the spirits of the dead:

“At first, users think they are talking with dead people they know or
friendly spirits. After benign beginnings, the communications turn
dark and threatening as malicious and evil demons reveal their true
selves. The demons engage in vicious attacks such as physical injury,
rape, nightmares, visions of monsters, poltergeistlike disturbances,
and even levitation of victims.”

Well, the above quote says it all. This encyclopedia admits that
these spirits of the dead are devils that rage havoc on the lives of
the victims. As usual, these devils look friendly and pious but once
they have bonded with you, they will show you their TRUE COLOURS!!
The above quote shows that the ZCC prophets are under the bondage of
these devils and they prophesy through them. That is why God says
these false prophets prophesy by Baal!

Let me give you another quote from an excellent research book called
Occult Theocracy about the spirits of the dead:

“The dead, even damned, will not show themselves if evoked, nor would
evocations be answered by those who had succeeded in attaining the
kingdom of heaven, but devils can and do, says the Church, substitute
themselves for the deceased. They will impersonate a dead person
whose appearance is demanded by invocations.”2

The above quote is from the works of Carl Hackse, who, under the
pseudonym of Dr. Bataille, wrote on Satanism and the occult. This man
was an expert on this topic and I saw it apt to quote him. I have
many more quotes which will show that these dead spirits are devils…
one event documented in Scripture which demonstrates my point is
found in 1-Samuel chapter 28. The Word of God clearly says that Saul
said “Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to
her, and enquire of her.” The Bible tells us that when Saul went to
her, the witch cried out because she “saw gods ascending out of the
earth.”(Verse 13). What are those ‘gods’ ZCC friend? They are
familiar spirits. What is a familiar spirit? According to the Webster
dictionary, a familiar spirit is… “1. An intimate; a companion. See
(Jer. xx. 10). 2. An attendant demon or evil spirit.” If you look at

the context of 1-Samuel 28, it is very easy to see that definition

no. 2 is the correct choice. The Bible clearly tells us that these
familiar spirits came from under the earth (i.e. Hell). There are no
other gods that come out of the earth either than devils. High level
Satanists CAN SEE THE SPIRITS MANIFEST during rituals. Here is a
devil called Mephistopheles (left), shown being conjured up by a
magician in Masonic scholar and 33º Illuminatus Manly P. Hall’s 1928
occult book classic, Secret Teachings of All Ages:

Who is that encircled figure on the top left? It’s Baphomet, the
horned god of witchcraft and Masonry. The devil you see in a glow
comes from under the earth i.e. Hell and carries out the orders of
the witch/Satanist/occultist. Here is a bombshell; the ancestor
believing masses even call the dead as ‘abaphansi’. What does this
word mean? It means “those under the earth”. Connect this definition
with what the witches and Satanist and voodoo guys say about demons.
They say some demons come from UNDER THE EARTH!! This proves beyond
any shadow of doubt that the spirits of the dead are DEVILS POSING AS
DEAD PEOPLE (1-Samuel 28). Notice the skull on the top right… What
does it mean? Skulls symbolise death, hence the devilish spirits of
the dead! Furthermore, notice the satanic stars on the floor.

The ZCC has a term for the spirits of the dead… they are called
‘mangeloi’ (angels). Mangeloi are said to have the ability to bless,
curse and even kill the person if he disobeys their orders. I will
continue to show (as done on the first exposé) that these ancestral
spirits are devils posing as human spirits in order to deceive and
set you up for God’s judgment. I am hoping to also write an exposé
for people who believe in these spirits to answer. I will prove that

this belief is illogical, demonic and anti-Scripture- any Christian

knows that.

Here are some questions for people who believe in the spirits of the

 How can the dead bless and curse someone? Are they gods? If they
are gods or can bless and curse, where is the space for God in
your life then?
 How can they hear you? Aren’t they supposed to be in Heaven or
Hell? (Heb. 9:27, Luke 16:19-31)
 Is it a coincidence that most of the people who sacrifice to
these devils use goats? Look at the above picture (Baphomet).
 If these spirits of the dead are good, why don’t they ever tell
you about the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation? Answer me, if
they see better, why don't they testify about the salvation in
Christ Jesus? The truth is that they want to see you dropping
off to Hell sooner than you can say "hello".
 Since the spirits of the ancestors possess others (usually by
causing illness), how can they be human? I mean, God has given
human spirits) can they share one body? This is one of the
dozens of questions I will ask in a separate exposé.

“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or
his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or
an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a
consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For
all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and
because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out
from before thee.” Deuteronomy 18:10-12

First of all you must know that necromancy is classified as “operative

magic”3 and it is defined as…

“…partly divining magic and partly operative magic. This practice

consists in the evocation of the spirits of the dead.”4

To evoke is to call out; to summon forth. Furthermore, Daniel Martin

Diaz (an occultist), says that divination is: “the art or practice
that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden
knowledge by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of
supernatural powers." Diaz has even included on his website
downloadable occult objects and images to practice satanic
divination! Diaz‘s website says, "These symbols can be used in
meditation or as a divinatory tool to unlock the power of the
subconscious". The pages contain occult symbols in the shape of a
cube or a cross. You download the images, cut along the dotted lines

and construct your own occult image to induce demon possession!

Diaz‘s instructions says, "Roll dice, meditate on symbol. Discover
hidden mysteries within yourself. Try rolling more than one. Create
your own meaning for each symbol".

Do you see how deep and black the practices of the ZCC are? We are
not talking about some fringe cult here, this “church” is using HIGH
LEVEL devil spirits to prophesy! They are literally dabbling in the
occult and Lekganyane knows this because he is an ADEPT. Allow me to
continue… the ZCC &Co. causes the transference of spirits to anyone
who uses their prophets and ‘products’ and services5 through their
cursed (I mean blessed) objects.

“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt
tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil
fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”
(Matthew 7:17-18)

The above verses are telling us that we will know false prophets by
their fruits. Please think about the kind of fruit the ZCC brings
forth. Are they good or evil? Look at all the unbiblical stuff that
happen in this cult. Will God contradict Himself? Never in a
gazillion years!!

The ZCC prophets consult with familiar spirits, practice necromancy

and divination. They are simply using another form of magic. The ZCC
is against Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and a ton of other Scripture
including Hebrews 9:27. One might say… ‘No, you are wrong, the
prophets tell us things which are true therefore they are from God’.
Well friend, open your KJV and look for Acts 16:16-18. It reads…

“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel

possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her
masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and
cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which
shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But
Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in
the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same

There you have it. Paul, by the power of the Holy Spirit COMMANDED
THE SPIRIT TO LEAVE THAT GIRL!! If it was from God, Paul wouldn’t
have cast it out. He wouldn't have been grieved at all. The ZCC
prophets are using the same spirit to predict the future and read
people (like mediums, psychics, etc.). In fact, the ZCC prophets are
mediums and necromancers!

The second point I want you to see is that the spirit in that girl
spoke the truth that time about Paul and Silas. It said “These men are

the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.” And guess
what? That devil was right about Paul and Silas, they were serving
the Lord Jesus and Jesus is that Most High God! Now the point I want
to make is that devils can speak truth at times but the most
important point to remember is that the Lord Jesus Christ will never
allow necromancy, divination, lies, sin, work-based salvation and
other heresies to be done in His church. This one point goes to show
that the ZCC god is Satan NOT JESUS! How can God allow these
abominations to happen for 105 year without chastening them? The very
fact that they are not being chastened by God shows us that they are
not His children. Here is another portion of scripture that shows my
point. Go to Matthew 8:28-29:

“And when he was come to the other side into the country of the
Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of
the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee,
Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the

I am sure that my point is made clear that devils can speak truth at
times but not because they are truthful or that there is truth in
them but because they are trying to save their own skin and trying to
look pious. Basically they speak a bit of truth to deceive and hide
themselves and the Bible makes it clear that the Devil is a father of
lies (John 8:44) and his ministers and minions are just like him. The
ZCC is a false religion manufactured from the bowels of Hell with
Satan being General Secretary. And using Scripture to deceive the
simple, they lead millions to the pit of Hell by appearing godly6.

The sangoma connection to the ZCC prophets is staggering. Allow me to

show that… the picture below shows the standard position sangomas
take when exercising their ‘gift’;

Burning incense to Baal


Mind you, this photo is dated 29 April 2015 Daily Sun p.1, this is the
story I mentioned where more than 200 people attended a national
cleansing ceremony at Alexandra Stadium, north of Joburg.

The thing I want you to notice is the position the sangomas and the
ZCC false prophets take when consulting with their familiar spirits
AKA ancestral spirits. All of them kneel down. Isn't that
interesting? The ZCC prophets kneel when they are about to tell you
what “god” is saying and I have shown this to be true in the sangoma
world. Later on, I will show more proof that the ancestral spirit god
is Satan.

The article confirms what I have said about the kneeling down
tradition when communicating with the spirits. Look at how young
these girls are and they are already demon possessed. Note the
dominance of the colours RED AND BLACK (I will explain later). The
general explanation the ZCC gives (for sashes) is that they are for
protection. Is God incapable of protecting us without sashes? I am
sure that you will not gasp for air when you learn that pagans give
the very same reason for wearing amulets and sashes amongst other
reasons! The only thing the Devil did in the ZCC is that he called
their sashes by a different name- ‘khutanes’. Sangomas wear the
sashes across their waists, in the ankles, wrists and heads. I have
seen some wearing their sashes across their chest, forming an ‘X’.

The next image is a very old drawing of a priest praying to Satan.

Note the hands, this is the Spear sign I was talking about. In this
case, the priest is aiming towards Hell!! The ZCC prophets aim at the

person who is to be prophesied to. Look at the hat (mitre), isn’t it

the same hat CATHOLIC PRIESTS wear? Yes it is guys…

Codex Magica, p. 48

Another thing that will baffle you is that the ZCC prophets mention a
name of another spirit. They sometimes use this name during
prophesies, this name is ‘MAITOR’!! This is according to a testimony
titled Exposing Zcc Part 8 - Exposed Video (Ex-Member Testimony). You might say;
‘there is nothing wrong with that word’. But I will show the sinister
connection later, keep reading…

The Key Of Solomon, obtained from www.meta-religion.com blasphemously

gives the occultist instructions on summoning devils for

“O thou ALMIRAS, Master of Invisibility, with thy Ministers CHEROG,

CASTUMI, DABUEL; I conjure ye by Him Who maketh Earth and Heaven to
tremble, Who is seated upon the Throne of His Majesty, that this
operation may be perfectly accomplished according to my will, so that
at whatsoever time it may please me, I may be able to be invisible.”

Conclusion- Maitor is a demon, Maitor is of the Devil!! Can God allow

these ZCC prophets to conjure up maitor? No! The ZCC is not serving
God, instead, they are serving the Devil.

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

-Psalm 11:3

There is nothing you can do to resurrect this dead corpse called the
ZCC except to let it rot and run to the arms of Jesus Christ. If you
think God is in the ZCC, you are wrong. The Holy Spirit will, and has

never been, in the ZCC- period. If you love God, you have to obey His
Word- the Bible and without being born again, you will die in your
sins. I repeat, you will die in your sins.

God has a strong message for those who disbelieve His Word:

“For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the
LORD. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: ALL THEY
THAT HATE ME LOVE DEATH.” - Proverbs 8:35-36

If you find Jesus, you have life. Look at this verse:

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God
hath not life.” - 1-John 5:12

That is why I say the ZCC is a death cult because the Son of God is
not in it. To top it all, they praise the cow of Isis which I have
shown to have been worshipped by the Egyptians (see ZCC exposed part
1). Remember that the cow of Isis is AKA PTAH or APIS. This Apis bull
is linked to Satan and is believed to have had the spirit of
prophecy!! It is not a coincidence that the ZCC worships the cow and
it’s prophets happen to call upon the spirit of Maitor. This won’t
shock those who know that Satan wants worship too!

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,

saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you,” - 2-Corinthians 6:17

If you have studied the mystery religions, you probably have come
across the name ‘DAGON’. Well, look at the quote below;

“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears, when he sits on the high
altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the Cardinals, is the
very mitre worn by Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines and
Babylonians. There were two ways in which Dagon was anciently
represented. The one was when he was depicted as half-man half-fish;
the upper part being entirely human, the under part ending in the
tail of a fish.” - The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop, Chapter VI,
Section I; The Sovereign Pontiff.

Taken from Satan's Angels Exposed, p.48

I was searching for a variant spelling of the word ‘mitre’ and I

heard /mai-ta/ when I requested its pronunciation. I remembered that
I once heard a certain testimony where the person made the claim that
the prophets in the ZCC say something that sounded similar to this.
The testimony is called; Exposing Zcc Part 8 - Exposed Video (Ex-Member Testimony).
After some research, the evidence points to Dagon, the Fish god, the
god of the sea/water AKA Poseidon, the Beast (Satan) (see The Two
Babylons by Alexander Hislop, Chapter VII, Section II, The Beast from
the Sea)… This also explains why water is excessively used in the ZCC
for rituals.

Look at this revealing quote from a Wiccan website

[http://www.sarahannelawless.com/] titled How to Make Pagan Holy Water;

“The type of water used to make holy water is important as differing

waters have different magical attributes.”

The article even says that ‘holy water’ is necessary to cleanse

oneself and bring “luck” (where have you heard that one before?). I
told you this in my previous exposé and I am only showing this quote
to remind you that the principles that govern the ZCC are alive and
well in witchcraft.

Let’s go back to the word ‘MITRE’ or ‘MITER’ for a while… the

significance of this word becomes evident if one recognises that the
MITRE or MITER IS WORN BY DAGON’S PRIESTS and it is pronounced the
same as MAITOR (the demon). I would like to propose a theory that
suggests that; when the ZCC prophets say /mai-ta/, they may be
calling for the mitre of Dagon! My theory may be invalid, but the
connection of the extensive use of water in the ZCC with Dagon should
be looked at. I truly believe that Lekganyane has a very powerful
spirit that allows him to have power and influence over his flock.

Either way, the prophets at times call upon MAITOR (the demonic
entity from Jewish magic) that is under the rule ship of Dagon/Satan.
Either way, the ZCC is under the authority of the Devil- that is the
main point here. Dagon also carries a sword signifying war and death.
The book on Dagon’s hand means knowledge or revelation
(esoteric/exoteric). When the ZCC prophets say “mai-ta”, they are
definitely calling Maitor the demon who is under Dagon/the Serpent
thus calling for Dagon’s authority! I think that Dagon or his higher
ups then tells the lesser demon (Maitor), the kind of water to be
used for the ‘taelo’. It makes sense since Dagon is the sea god.

Guys, these are real and dark stuff that are controlling these
prophets and they are REALLY REAL. Dagon, is also linked to Tammuz as
well… this is according to The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop Chapter
III, Section III; The Nativity of St. John. This demon was even worshipped as
far as China! Another source says that Dagon was also a Phoenician

Indeed the people in the ZCC say…

“…Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things,

prophesy deceits:” (Isaiah 30:10)

But the Lord Jesus Christ says… “The prophets prophesy falsely, and
the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it
so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” (Jeremiah 5:31).

Well my ZCC friend, you will go to Hell at the END. I don’t care
about the lying signs and wonders you might have seen or
experienced/told about. All I care about is the Word of God and what
it says… remember that Satan said… “…I will ascend into heaven, I
will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most

High.”(Isaiah 14:13-14). Right from the horse’s mouth… remember that
what is in the heart, “the mouth speaketh.” (Matt. 12:34). Isaiah
14:13-14 simply gives us what is in the heart of Satan and deception
is his trademark.

Jeremiah 19:14 is a very good verse that will further expose the lies
of these ZCC false prophets, it reads…

“Then came Jeremiah from Tophet, whither the LORD had sent him to
prophesy; and he stood in the court of the LORD'S house; and said to
all the people…” There are two points I see in this verse namely,
(1). Jeremiah STOOD [past tense for ‘STAND’] and (2). He was in the
court of the LORD’S house (temple). My question is; why don’t the ZCC
prophets prophesy standing? Why don’t they stand when prophesying
like Jeremiah? Where is Bible for prophesying while kneeling? These
prophets speak deceits and God has not sent them (Jer. 29:9). They
claim to follow the Bible but the Bible proves them to be liars!

Here is a second connection between the spirits in the ZCC prophets

and the spirits in sangomas etc… I need to say this first before
forming my next point… sangomas drink fresh goat blood, swallow and
then vomit raw pieces of the goat! You read that right friend, they
drink blood! There are cases where the person doesn’t go through the
rituals but is possessed by the very same devils. Now, what does the
Bible say about drinking blood? It forbids it, but since you know by
now that the sangomas are serving Satan, you will not be surprised by
the degree of Scriptural ignorance in their religion.

“But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of
idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from
blood.” - Act 15:20

The Bible is clear that we should not eat/drink blood and things
strangled, food offered to idols and from fornication (also Acts
21:25) but the Devil says the opposite.

Another important fact to keep in mind is that the sangomas also use
the power of the hexagram!! Wow folks, if the ancestors are godly,
what relationship do they have with the six-pointed star? The
hexagram is a sign for ‘the land of the spirits’ and it is from
Egypt- the land of bondage!!If you don’t know about the hexagram,
check this out:

Notice that there are six triangles incorporated on the outside of

the hexagram; that it has six out points, and that six lines are used
in constructing the symbol's two triangles. Thus, 6-6-6. Also, the
symbol incorporates six triangles of three sides each. Six times
three equals eighteen (6 X 3 = 18 and 6 + 6 + 6 = 18). This cursed
symbol also hides the Law of Opposites in it. The Law of Opposites is “…the
doctrine of bringing order out of chaos, of reconciling the two
opposites, evil and good, with Satan reigning over both heaven and
hell” (Codex Magica, p.518). According to Codex Magica, p.540, the
hexagram “…is considered by witches and occultists of all stripes as
a powerful tool of witchcraft and magic. With this image, one can
cast spells, curse victims, and otherwise wreak havoc.”

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:18

Look at the hexagrams (stars of Satan) on the mat, they are important
to the ancestors but an abomination unto God:

Hexagrams on mat. Also note the dominant red colour…


The Bible clearly tells us that the code made for Satan is 666, why
are ‘the ancestors’ involved then? The simple answer to this tough
question is that the ancestral spirits are demons working for 666!
Satanists know this and admit it publicly. Do you remember that I
also linked the STAR to 666? That is why I say and will continue to
say that the Lord Jesus Christ is not in the ZCC!! Jesus has nothing
to do with ancestors! Jesus has nothing to do with hexagrams,
pentagrams and ancestral spirits.

Look for a tape called: The HEXagram & the M.O.B. (1) - Dr. Scott Johnson and you
will also get the facts about this symbol. In fact, this mp3 tape
tells us that the word ‘HEX’ means “to curse”. A video titled
HEXAGRAM - The Truth Behind the 'Star of David' shows that the hexagram was known
in the following religions or places; Satanism, Mayan religion, Roman
Catholic Church AKA pagan Rome, Turkey, Romania, Tibet, Phoenicia,
Mongolia, Islam, Egypt, Freemasonry, Hinduism, Buddhism, Baal worship
and more.


Pagan temples love the star and hexagram, I wonder why…

And yes, this is the god of the ancestral spirits the ZCC prophets
communicate with… this is Dagon, the god of the mitre, this is Satan,

this is the Serpent, this is the Devil, this is the Goat of Mendez,
this is the god of cults, this is Baal, this is Bacchus, this is
Zeus, this is Osiris, this is the sun god, this is the father of
lies, this is Moloch, this is Saturn, this is The Great Architect,
this is Set/Ra/Re, this is Horus, this is Baphomet. My friend, this
is Lucifer! The god of the ZCC/ancestors is Lucifer! Case closed…

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will

hate the one, and love the other; or else he will
hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot
serve God and mammon.” - Matthew 6:24

The following diagram is my rendering of the demonic hierarchy active

in the ZCC, check it out:




Look at the following quote, it is simply revealing…


“These gods, entities, powers, or forces are said to be

hierarchically arranged: At the top, we have Great entities often
known as Watchers, Mighty Ones, or gods...which can be contacted to
bring a certain power to your rituals. Then there are spirit entities
or demons halfway between men and gods in their constitution...Of
course there are many minor, elemental spirits.”9

The Old Testament also tells us that blood was ONLY sprinkled on the
altar when a sacrifice was offered to God, it was never drunk or
eaten. Only Satanists and company drink human or animal blood (see
the book The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection for more info). Let me mention
this also, the drumming and frantic singing that takes place during
the “graduation” of the sangoma is also found in the Druids and the
worshippers of Mithras. These rituals are not new at all. This verse
is true…

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which
is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under
the sun.” - Ecclesiastes 1:9

If you think I am nuts about sangoma blood drinking, and the demon
possession read this:

“For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should
take away sins.” - Hebrews 10:4

The connection is in the FACT that since the sangomas claim to be

under the command/control of their ancestors, it goes without saying
that the ZCC prophets are also communicating (at least) or are
possessed (definitely) by the same ancestral spirits in the sangomas.

Allow me to quote from another document… called 911: Occult Symbolism “red
- stands for blood and for strong political and spiritual feelings”7.

On the colour black, the same document says the colour black “…stands
for aging; things get darker as they get older. Black also stands for
strong spiritual energy, and the spirits of the ancestors.”8 My point
has been proven to be valid and that their power comes from the
demons called ancestors.

From the other quotes cited, it is easy to see the point I am making.
The only difference in the ZCC is that their devils have put on a
religious façade. But I know that Lekganyane knows the true nature of
these entities and is counting on the ignorance of his followers to
keep the black veil on them. Jesus Christ’s grace is the only
solution for this problem, and I pray that He opens the eyes of my
ZCC neighbours out there. Please Jesus, open their blind eyes AMEN.

All that I have told you above brings one to no other conclusion but
that the ZCC is sharing the same demonic spirits found in the
ancestor cults which originates from Satan. This explicitly explains
why the ZCC prophets kneel down when prophesying, it explains why
they utter animal-like sounds when possessed by this dark power, it
explains why they communicate with familiars, it explains why they
are not following Scripture, it also explains why they prophesy
deceits and a bunch of stuff.


“These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest
that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove
thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. Now consider this, ye
that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to
deliver.” - Psalm 50:22

Here is a challenge to the ZCC prophets out there:

 Tell your ancestors to declare the end from the beginning and do
their pleasure and do their purpose (Isaiah 46:9-11). They can’t
do that.
 Tell your ancestors to create the entire universe and the
creatures (Genesis 1). They can’t do that.
 Tell your ancestors to give you eternal life (John 3:16). They
can’t do that. The only thing they do well is to lead you into
is Hell.
 Tell your ancestors to manifest in the flesh and die for you on
the cross!! (I-Corinthians 15:1-8) and many more Scripture.
 Tell your ancestors to give you a book better than the KJV… they
failed to do this for thousands of years and the only thing they
do best is spew out false versions…
 Tell your ancestors to love you. They can’t do that (1-John
4:10). The Devil and his agents hate you and one evidence of

that is that they don’t tell you about the saving grace of the
Lord Jesus Christ!

Folks, I can go on and on and these demons called ancestral spirits

won’t even do ONE of the challenges. Do you know why? It’s because
they are not GOD nor from Him!! Why do people worship a creature
INSTEAD OF THE CREATOR? Wake up ZCC/cult member, I am talking to you…

Here's a nice quote from Dark Secrets Of the New Age, p.64:

"Christians know that these spirits masquerading as Christ or as dead

saints are demons. The Bible condemns communication with the dead as
sorcery (see Deut. 18:9-12 and Isa. 8:19); and Jesus, in the story of
Lazarus, told us that the dead cannot contact the living"

I want to share something with you about my experience with a demonic

attack… let me first say this to the people who use ‘muthi’, good
luck bath salts, charms, amulets, relics and sashes [incl. khutanes],
as ‘the force(s)’, ‘spirits’, etc. As witchcraft teacher Paul Huston

"There simply exists power to be tapped to do good or to do evil…

There exist certain entities who will aid you in your spells...You
may call these entities gods, spirits, or watchers; or depersonalize
them as powers or forces…"10

Now I’ve got your attention right? These powers are demonic and the
ZCC is using them. Look at the star, rituals and mind control going
on in this cult!! Now, allow me to tell about that demonic attack:

It was early this year (2015) that I got the shock of my life. I was physically attacked by a very powerful
devil… before I tell more, let me tell you the WHOLE story. Earlier that day, I had visited a certain
guy who worshipped ancestors. We talked and he told me about a portion he got from a cousin of his
from Natal. He told me how sweet that muthi tasted and he told me to take some… now this where the
snowball started rolling and gaining momentum for me.

Guess what, I tasted that concoction and TOOK a bit (a pinch) of the muthi and put it in my shirt. I left
his house and got the conviction that what I had done was wrong but didn’t pay much attention. I got to
bed [without praying] and the devils started to work on me… around one o’clock am (I looked at my
cellphone) I was woken up from sleep, and lo at the edge of my feet stood a SHADOW. This is NOT A
JOKE TO THOSE WHO THINK I AM!!! God is my witness and I know that it happened. This shadow
was darker than the darkness in my room.

Before I could think long about that figure, I WAS PARALYSEDFROM HEAD TO TOE!! I couldn’t
speak, blink, move and at that instance, I knew that I has being attacked. Within seconds of the
paralysis, the demon literally grabbed my soul and was pulling it out of my body. I really felt like I was

dying and I was. I knew that if I had died, I was going straight to Hell because I had not repented of the
evil I had done even though the Holy Spirit had convicted me of it. Basically, had rejected Jesus and
went after other gods... I was being S-L-O-W-L-Y pulled out of my body, I cried out to the Lord (in my
inner self because I couldn’t speak) and the Lord heard me and stopped the attack. I was screaming
that Jesus should deliver me from the mire I was sinking in… and he had mercy on me. The least I can
do is to love Him for the rest of my life and expose these demonic organisations AKA churches.

You wouldn’t be reading this exposé and this is why I just cannot stand people who lie and deceive
others. From that experience God taught me the following things:

1. ALL muthi, muthi bath salts, sashes, amulets, etc. have a demon or demons ATTACHED to
2. Never ever forsake the Lord for the sake of pleasing others.
3. Reminded me that Hell is one sin away and more real than I thought.
4. Demons can kill a person if he opens the doors.
5. That I must fear Him always.
6. And that He will never leave nor forsake me…
7. And lastly, the Lord reminded me that “…be sure your sin will find you out.”

ZCC people, the power in the ZCC does not come from the tea, coarse
salt, pepper, whips, newspaper strips nor the Vaseline or the sticks,
copper wires, FG, and Trekker Coffee… the power comes from devils.
One thing to see this is to ask yourself why do the items have to be
"blessed" first? The answer is simple- to charge the object by using
a charged agent (minister/prophet). Demons are the ones doing the
job. If you think otherwise, re-read the quote by Paul Huston… let me
also ask this question to the ZCC folks… why do you sometimes have to
talk to the photos of Lekganyane or say something while you are
steaming yourself with ZCC tea? Who/what are you REALLY talking to?
Let me tell you, you are talking to spirits that will carry out the
duties you have set forth. All the rituals you do (steaming, pricking
yourselves with hedgehog spines, bloodletting (razors) are nothing
but pagan rituals that will give the demons more territory and rights
to rule your life- mark those words in your daybook.

My dear ZCC folks out there, and anyone who is in a cult, did you
know that drinking blood goes back as far as Egypt? This is according
to a book called The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection by David L. Carrico
page 51. What these sangomas and ancestors are doing are very very
very old rituals and ceremonies. It’s funny you know that the lame
stream media is calling these witches “doctors” and organisations
like the THO (Traditional Healers Organisation) have sprung up to
defend this abomination. Their politically incorrect names are;
necromancers, mediums, wizards, etc.

Cover of The Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection.

People… If the ancestors are of God, why are they allowing their
‘children/disciples’ to do pagan-Egyptian stuff? The answer is that
they want these thing done because they are under Satan as shown
above. Satan has been fooling people for a long time and his primary
objective is to get as many souls to go to Hell when they die!!! If
you believe in these anti-Christian beliefs, you are part of Satan's
camp already. I am serious about that one… did you know that in
freemasonry, an oath is taken at the higher degrees to destroy
Christianity? 11 I wonder why… (Tongue-in-cheek).

If you hear something that contradicts the Word of God, throw it out.
This includes the necromancy, divination, lies and a host of stuff in
the ZCC. The ZCC is not from God and I have proven my case to be so.
God is not a God of confusion (1-Corinthians 14:33).

Stick around for more on this false religion… if you think it’s over,
you got another thing coming. Turn the next page and hold on to your

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble

themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land." - II Chronicles 7:14





1. Satan Speaks, ANTON LAVEY, (LOS ANGELES: FERAL HOUSE, 1998), P.32
P.25 (paragraph 2)
3. ibid. P.27
4. ibid. P.29
5. Transference of Spirits Deliverance (an excerpt), PAT HOLLIDAY, P.2
6. Satan’s Angels Exposed, SALEM KIRBAN, SALEM KIRBAN Inc. P.41
7. 911: Occult Symbolism, P.108
8. ibid. P.108
9. Codex Magica, TEXE MARRS, P.40-41
10. ibid. P.40
11. RBN 2004-11-22-Mon 7am hr.2, RBN 2004-11-22-Mon 7am hr.3, RADIO BROADCAST,



“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect.” - Matthew 24:24

The ZCC prophets FAIL many very important tests. I call them ULTIMATE
PROPHETHOOD TESTS. These tests will rip the ZCC lies into shreds and
break their vessels into smithereens. Here are the Scriptures that
reprove these works of darkness.

1. Deuteronomy 18:20-22:

“But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name,

which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the
name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in
thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not
spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the
thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD
hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou
shalt not be afraid of him.”

Well this one is VERY important to grasp. These verses clearly say
that if a prophet speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet is a
FALSE prophet and IF we were living in the Old Testament time, that
prophet would be killed. The second part of the verse is another
test, the test says; if a prophet says something and it doesn’t come

to pass, that prophet is a false prophet. In the eyes of the Most

High God it is a serious offence to prophesy lies. In fact, it is a

You might say, ‘okay, but what’s your point?’ my point is that, the
ZCC prophets call upon the name ‘Maitor’- a devil. Thus the above
verse is contradicted by them. The second point is that the ZCC
prophets also communicate with other ‘gods’ AKA the ancestors in
order to see and reveal secrets. I am sure it is clear as day that
the ZCC is not serving God…

2. Deuteronomy 13:1-3:

“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and

giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come
to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after
other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that
dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know
whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul.”

This verse is absolutely clear. If that prophet or dreamer sees the

right thing BUT does it in the name of other gods/spirits/powers,
that prophet is a false prophet. The Lord tells us that we must not
follow the instructions of such prophets. God goes on to say that He
wants to prove you if you love Him. If you love God, get away from
these ZCC false prophets!!

How can the ZCC prophets be of God since they contradict the Bible?
How can the spirit in the ZCC prophets be of God? How can the ZCC
star be from God? How can God be in the ZCC? Miracles don’t mean
anything, the Word of God is the gold standard of testing things not
your experience or opinion or feelings. Remember that:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your

ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and
my thoughts than your thoughts.” - Isaiah 55:7-9

This is what the Bible says, and don’t you think for one second that
God will ever bless the ZCC. How can He do that? God is holy and His
children should be holy. The ZCC is unholy and only an unholy god
[Satan] can be head of such a church.

How to spot a false prophet summary:

 Prophecies in the name(s) of other gods or using other gods
(ancestors) for the prophecy.

 What the prophet prophecies sometimes doesn’t come to pass (God

is 100%, so the prophet should get it right 100%).
 If the sign or prophecy comes to pass but using false god(s).
 The prophecy turns out to be true but contradicts the Word of

Darkness and light cannot co-exist just as Scripture says:

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with

unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light
with darkness?” - 2-Corinthians 6:14


3. Lies And More Lies

“But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him
shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.”
– Psalm 63:11

My sole purpose that I live for is to serve the Lord and stop the
mouths of liars in false religions and to spread the gospel of Jesus
Christ so that their souls can be saved from Hell. I am grieved for
these lost people and my challenge to them is- go to the Bible and
read it and prove me wrong. That is what I did when I was an OAC (Old
Apostolic Church) member and the Bible proved me wrong and I got out
that cult (about a year ago).

My ZCC friend, I know that it is not easy to be reading these words

as they tend to incite anger or disbelief but read part 1 of the
exposé and you will see that I have proven beyond doubt that the ZCC
is a false religion and stick around until you finish this exposé and
you will see that I am on point.

When my dad joined the ZCC in 2005, he believed that he was

worshipping the one true God. This is what the ZCC folks shout from
the house top but I will prove it to be a lie once and for all. When
he died, I thought- well, my dad is resting and is with the Lord. But
when I grew up mentally, I came across the KJV and the Word of God
said otherwise. My judgement was confirmed to be right this year
(2015) when I was told by a family member that he had dreamt ‘my dad’
(which was his familiar spirit) saying why was he not done a RITUAL
for. Now wait a minute, the ZCC promises the right way to God, right?
So why did "dad" come back to ask for rituals? Why is my “dad’s” soul

not in Heaven? Why is this spirit calling itself as my dad not in

Heaven? This proves the falsehood of the ZCC promises to its members.

If the ZCC is legit, what is this spirit calling itself as my dad

doing here? This is my dad’s familiar spirit and each and every ZCC
member has this spirit attached to them. You might think that I am
lying right? Look at this verse:

“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and
from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness
of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith
that is in me.” - Act 26:18

Each and every ZCC, Islam, New Age, Shembe, IPC (Modise cult) and
other cult member out there is under the power of Satan. They have
eyes but do not see, they have ears but do not hear, they have minds
but do not understand (Rev 3:17). The ZCC promise of having peace
with God is a LIE… A HUGE LIE!! Believe the Gospel and live oh
sinner, the fires of Hell are real and the wrath of God is kindled
therein. Look at Ephesians 6:12;

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Now you might say “there is no way a demon can change to look human”
or “my dead family members' ancestral spirits are not demons!”
Friend, stick around and the Bible will prove you wrong. You have to
choose whom you will serve; GOD OR SATAN. There is no grey area when
it comes to this issue. Either the Bible is wrong, or you have to
believe it. And since the ZCC claims to be ‘Christian’, they MUST

My friend, its either you serve Satan in the open rather than hiding
behind the veil of pseudo-Christianity or get out of this cult and
receive Him as Lord and Savior!! I am calling you to step up to the
plate… if your religion is so defensible, there is no reason to be
angry at me right? If your church is right with God, there is no
reason to fear criticism… all I am asking you is to read carefully
with a thinking mind and don’t believe me until you have checked the
facts yourself. Let’s continue.

The bible tells us that demons can transform into other things and
can possess people. The first point I would like to present here is
the fact that devils and Satan can transform themselves into other

AndG2532 noG3756 marvel;G2298 forG1063 SatanG4567 himselfG846 is transformedG3345 intoG1519 an

angelG32 of light.G5457 2-Corinthians 11:14

No. G3345 is μετασχηματίζω

And is defined as: “to transfigure or disguise” (Strong’s Greek)
Another dictionary defines the word ‘transform’ as… “(v. t.) To change the
form of; to change in shape or appearance; to metamorphose; as, a caterpillar is
ultimately transformed into a butterfly.” -Webster’s 1913 dictionary

From the info given above, in light with the Bible verse quoted, it
is quite clear that the Devil and his demons CAN shape shift/change
into angels of light/other things. The Devil can show up as a half-
man half goat.

“For instance, in France in 1578 [long before the ZCC got started],
Jeanne Hervillier testified that her Satan was dressed in black with
hoofs, and in 1646 an English witch named Joan Wallis testified the
same thing that Satan was a large man in blackish clothing, but with
cloven feet.”1

Satanists know this and you can ask them and they will confirm my
statement that a demon/Satan CAN appear in different forms. As
further evidence, look for testimony by pastor Howard Pittman called
Placebo. This pastor saw a lot of stuff and tells us that there are
devils that have a human form. This pastor even tells us that the
spirits of the dead are devils in disguise. Another credible source
you can look at is a video of a former voodoo practitioner on YouTube
called Master of Witchcraft. His name is Curtis Kelly and on the
25:11 minute, he EXPOSES ancestral spirits.

Do you remember my short testimony about that demonic attack I

encountered? That demon showed up as a BLACK SHADOW FIGURE!! To New
Agers, these demons manifest as handsome men and beautiful women or
beings in white. Here is another quote about an occultist called C.W.
Leadbetter. This man (homosexual occultist, Satanist) was a 33rd
degree Mason who was allied with Annie Besant and her Theosophical

“Leadbetter is just one of many Masonic leaders who have acknowledged

the participation of devil spirits. For example, Leadbetter says that
the ritual for the 30th degree brings forth an angel who is ‘a great
blue Deva of the First Ray.’ In the 33rd degree, Leadbetter relates,

two ‘splendid fellow workers, spirits of gigantic size as compared to

humanity and radiantly white in colour are present.’

“In fact, Leadbetter said that the ritual for the 33rd degree
actually links the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Freemasonry
with the ‘Spiritual King of the World Himself; That Mightiest of
Adepts who stands at the head of the Great White
Lodge, in whose strong hands lies the destinies of earth.’”2

C.W. Leadbetter [16 Feb 1854 – 1 Mar 1934]

Wow guys, the Satanists themselves admit that demons can change form.
This brings me to the conclusion that demons can change to look like
human beings. I have laboured hard to present my argument from
different positions with various citations and it is my sincere hope
that you see by now the demonic connection between the sangomas, ZCC
prophets and Satan. For your knowledge, it is good to remember that
many false religions pray for the dead or practice necromancy, this
includes the OAC, Shembe, Hinduism, Buddhism, 12 Apostolic,
Catholicism and Islam and many more.

According to the Hughes’ Dictionary of Islam, p.45 when burying a Muslim…

“The whole company having taken up the up the Qiyam or standing
position, the Imam recites the Niyah [A vow; intention; purpose]. ‘I
purpose to perform prayers to God for this dead person, consisting of
four Takbira.’” Lord willing, I will also write an exposé on Islam
and more abominations in this cult.

Ancestor worship is universal 1

So you now know the crowd that prays for/to the dead and they are not
a good bunch. Now my ZCC friend, do you know that you are lumped up
with these false religions? Praying for the dead is not only done in
Africa but everywhere. Satan has deceived the world with his lies.

Allow me to further debunk the lies in the ZCC-sangoma spirit world…

bear in mind that a prophet from God never gets a prophecy wrong. He
also never prophesies in the name of other gods, and will never
communicate with other gods in the process or in his/ her life
because there Lord Jesus would be the only God in his/her life. With
that in mind, you now know that the ZCC prophets fail this test
dismally. In fact, they fail so bad that it is obvious to a blind man
that the ZCC is a cult that will take its members to HELL. Hell is
real and I got a vision of it a year ago (2014) while I was a zealous
OAC member.

If someone says that God uses the ancestors to communicate with the
living, why do they sometimes make false predictions? Here’s where
the rubber meets the road… if something is from a certain source,
that thing sent by the source cannot contradict the source. For
example, if your hand moves and hits someone, you cannot say that
your hand involuntarily hit that person (unless you are demon
possessed). You are the owner of that hand and what the hand does is
something you have told it to do. With this simple point, you can now
see that the light I am trying to introduce into the mix. This
logical point proves that the source of the ancestral spirits IS NOT
GOD because if they came from God/are of God, they would not
contradict God and His Bible- simple and straight. As I have said,
the foundation of this exposé is to force you ZCC &Co. member to
choose between Bible and your cult. Since you claim to be Christians,
you should be believing the Bible but the problem is that you don't
believe the Bible. You don't do what it says- you have added and

ignored a lot of things in the Bible. Your experiences and personal

beliefs take precedence in your lives more than what the Bible says.
I have personally done research on the Bible and the evidence
validating it is absolutely clear. There is no other book like it in
the universe. This is why I say if you claim to be a Christian, you
have to be 100% Christian, 100% Jesus and 100% Bible. All these
extras are your opinions and that is not Christianity. In the Bible,
the angels of the Lord NEVER contradicted God. The Holy Spirit NEVER
contradicts God and God NEVER contradicts Himself… these ancestors
are devils, they are in cahoots with Satan- the father of lies!

Look at the picture below, the article says that the sangoma/inyanga
(pictured) said that Kaizer Chiefs would definitely win the 9
December 2006 soccer derby. One witchdoctor said the score would be
2-1 and the other said 3-2. But guess what? The screen grabs taken
from Wikipedia3 and diskioff.blogspot.com says otherwise… This is one of the
millions of false predictions made by witchdoctors. They used
divination to predict the soccer match and God decided to show them
how powerless they are. Don’t forget that the love of money is the
root of all evil so the sangomas wouldn’t have let the money pass by!

Some people might say that the sangomas in this article were not the
real thing and that was the reason for their false predictions… I say
sangoma in this world about what you will be eating and saying
tomorrow. Come on, take R300 and visit the best sangoma in town and
ask him/her. It is only God who can tell the future with 100%
accuracy, these sangomas cannot- so stop visiting them. And yes, it
is demonic mumbo jumbo… before I forget, sangomas/inyangas are also
known by another name. That name is “abamanga”. The word literally
means ‘those who lie’!! People know that these sangomas lie but don’t
know the REAL source of those lies and I am happy to show that. After
reading this portion, you now know the reason why sometimes sangomas
and false prophets miss the mark - they are working for the father of
lies and they are part of his kingdom.

The following is one of many false predictions the demons in the

sangomas make every time… if these ancestors are from God, why do
they make false predictions? Can God lie? NO! (Tit 1:2).

Here is another source saying the same thing:

Remember that the sangomas and the ZCC (star&dove) church share the
same lying and demonic ancestral spirits. With this fact in mind, it
is not astonishing to find the ZCC prophets practising necromancy,
divination, idolatry and consulting demonic spirits (familiars). I
know for a fact that ZCC prophets also make false predictions.

Look at this quote:

“It appears that the diagnoses given by the prophets are not always

accurate, at least in the ZCC. In my case, I was told that I had

heart palpitations. It was unclear whether he was referring to heart
disease or to a state of stress; but neither was my condition at the
time. The field worker was told that he had pains in the legs, which
was also not correct. I was uncertain as to how these prophecies were
to be evaluated by church members themselves; although it was clear
that they took them seriously.”4

There you have it, case closed. If these "prophets" were using the
Holy Spirit, they would have told the author of the quote cited, the
correct information about his health. But because they are divining
through devils, they missed the mark. Re-read this part until you get
this point; THE HOLY SPIRIT NEVER MAKES A MISTAKE!! Mark that in your
diary. If you say that the Holy Spirit can make flaws, then you have
insulted God and you have lowered God to a level of a human being. If
you say that God cannot make a mistake, then, by logic, you are
forced to dismiss the spirit in the ZCC prophets as demonic. You only
have two choices here…

If you stay in this religion, the Devil will continue to blow his
satanic smoke on you to deceive you more. And when you plunge into
HELL, don’t blame anyone but YOURSELF because you didn’t listen when
you were warned. You chose to fear a man rather than GOD… YOU CHOSE
TO FEAR LEKGANYANE rather than God and you will reap what you have


1. Be Wise As Serpents, Fritz Springmeier, SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION

EDITION, © 1991 by Fritz Springmeier, p.309
2. a paraphrase from Codex Magica, P.41
3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:History/Soweto_derby
4. The Zion Christian Church (ZCC), Therismos Kairos Mission, © Allan
Anderson, www.tkm.co.za/doc/zcc.html


4. Hell’s Hermanos
“While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of
corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought
in bondage.” - 2-Peter 2:19

By now, it should be very clear that the ZCC is not serving God. In
fact, the name “Christian Church” in the name 'Zion Christian Church'
is very deceiving. Do you still remember the definition of a Zionist

church? Go to ZCC Exposed part 1 and you will find it. The ZCC IS NOT
CHRISTIAN. THAT IS WHY I CALL IT THE Zeus and Confucius Church.

The title of this section is very very revealing. One word you might
not be used to is the word “HERMANOS”. This word is Spanish and it
means ‘brothers’. The ZCC folks are indeed friends with Hell. Look at
this verse:

“But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: ALL THEY THAT
HATE ME LOVE DEATH.” - Pro 8:35-36

The ZCC doesn’t love God because they ramp shoot across Scripture and
tread upon the Blood of Jesus Christ and choose to follow men and
their man-made traditions. You see guys, the ZCC people think they
are worshipping God but it’s a lie as I have shown and will continue
to do so. Only the higher ups or those in the know or those in the
inner circle really know the secret. If you doubt that, look at this

“He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do?
even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here,
that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn thee yet again,
and thou shalt see greater abominations. And he brought me to the
door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall.
Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had
digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and
behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and
saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts,
and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall
round about. And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients
of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the
son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick
cloud of incense went up.” -Ezekiel 8:6-11

Wow guys!! This portion of Scripture is very true. Verse 1 to verse 5

tells us that the Israelites had set up an idol in JEREUSALEM. Since
the ZCC claims to be guided by God, what is the star and cow image
doing in Moria?

The ZCC people must realize that sin can hide itself for a certain
time. The same thing occurred in Israel, some of them didn’t know
about this secret worship. The same applies to the ZCC, they don’t
know the secret things Lekganyane does EXCEPT AN ELITE (vs. 11).
Verse 6-11 says that God then took Ezekiel to the court and God told
him to dig in and he found a SECRET door. When he opened, what did he
see? Ezekiel saw idols, beasts and devils portrayed in the wall. And
who were the men participating? He saw “…seventy men of the ancients
of the house of Israel”. These men (the ancients/elders) were in the
know and they understood the Secret Doctrine (as Blavatsky called it). So

ZCC member, don’t tell me that it is not possible for your elite
leaders to worship devils… it happened in Israel, it is happening in
many false religions and it is happening in the ZCC. My ZCC friends
out there, Jesus is the door to eternal life. You can’t enter into
the house without going through the DOOR.

Just because you don’t know/see doesn’t mean that it is not

happening. Look at the star and then look at the god of the star. Who
is it? It is Satan isn’t it? So how can the higher ups fail to
worship that god in secret? The Israelites were thinking that their
leaders were right with God but do you see what was going on BEHIND
THEIR BACKS? Albert Mackey said that all pagan gods had public
worship and Secret worship1. I do not have any doubt that the ZCC
elite worship devils and the regular members don’t see it. Look at
the god of the star i.e. the god of the ZCC:

Baphomet, the god of the ZCC…

Give me one good reason that you can use to show that the ZCC elite
cannot worship devils… is it because they “love” God? No! they
contradict the Bible, they practice necromancy, divination, lies,
have secrets, false prophets, traditions, idolatry, demon possession
and many more damnable heresies. The ZCC is not Christian, it was
never Christian nor will it ever be.

“The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain
in the congregation of the dead.” - Pro 21:16

As long as you harden your heart, I promise you, you won’t escape
from this cult. Unless you humble yourself and ask God to show the

way, you will remain in this Egyptian funerary cult of Isis and
Ptah/Apis and IMMEDIATETLY you die, you will go to Hell and burn
forever and ever. Do you know what I did? I looked at myself in the
mirror and admitted that I was lost and in a false religion (the OAC)
then I cried out to Jesus to save my poor and lost soul… that day, I
got born again, not by the will of the flesh but by God.

There is another abominable practice going on in the ZCC. This one is

further proof that the ZCC is of the Devil. This practice is called
uk’phaphathela [from Zulu ‘phaphatha’ i.e. ‘plead/ask/beg’]. What are
they pleading for? They plead FOR THE DEAD!! Let that one sink in for
a while. They gather with the women and clap hands. I remember taking
part in something similar to this when my dad took me. The women wore
blue and went back and forth in some kind of stepping pattern. I
think there was a moment where the men danced as well. If you thought
the ZZC had ran out of heresies, you are in for one grand surprise.
This uk'phaphatha ritual is simply a dance for the ancestral devils
and a discerning Christian knows that it is setting the participant
for demonic possession or influence. The stomping and stepping
energises the ritual and gives the demons a right to influence you
because you came there by your own will. Even if you are a stranger,
as long as you do choose to go to the Devil, he will meet you half

I was directly told by ZCC (star&dove) members that sometimes the

"prophet" calls you (in the manner I have described) and tells you
that your ancestors have not joined the ZCC!! Wow guys, according to
the ZCC, even the dead join church and will have hope for “Heaven”.
Sometimes the un-ZCCized ancestors cause problems in your life until
they are ZCCized (pleaded to join the ZCC).

You might ask yourself how do they ask these ancestral spirits to
join… well, one ZCC (star) member told me that after the ‘prophet’
has told you to plead for the dead, you must pray to “the god of
Lekganyane to let your ancestors join the ZCC”. I am not lying or
joking here! Since Lekganyane’s god is Satan, they are automatically
under Satan’s rule ship.

“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope
of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father
of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
- Ephesians 4:4-6

ZCC member, if you believe that there is one Spirit [Holy Spirit],
then where does the spirit in the ZCC come from? The Holy Spirit
never allows divination, necromancy, communication with familiars,
calling devils, false predictions/prophecies but the ZCC does it.
This goes on to show that the Holy Spirit is not in the ZCC!

One ZCC dove member said something like this:

“…there are loved ones who died without going to church, so when we
plead for them, we ask God to pardon their sins and allow them into
heaven by our clapping and stomping.”

Mind you, the OAC has the same principle- getting the dead to Heaven.
They teach that you must win more souls so that you can get more of
your dead loved ones to Heaven!! Do you see the connection there? If
the ZCC is legit/from God, why does it have a false doctrine found in
the OAC cult? The answer is that the OAC and ZCC share the same
source- SATAN! Here is a very good analogy; take a person who legally
connects electricity and look at a person who doesn’t have a legal
connection. Does the power differ between the two? No it doesn’t. The
same thing applies to cults like the ZCC/OAC- the other one calls the
other a fake religion, but sadly they share the same source. It’s
like the pan calling the pot black, its hypocrisy.

“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and
maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” -
Jeremiah 17:5

A ZCC star member told me that his life started to turn sour and he
went to a ZCC prophet to see what the cause was. The prophet told him
to pray for his ancestors to join the ZCC! This man added that if a
person backslides from the ZCC, his ancestors will curse him because
he has left the church. This is one tactic the ZCC and OAC uses to
keep the people in the cult. They use fear to keep them in their
cults. I am not joking guys, I got a second witness who told me the
same thing. So it is an established fact that familiar spirits (I am
sorry ancestors) join the ZCC. Where is this heresy in the Bible?
Give me one verse that warrants communication with devils. If you
can’t find that verse, why do you go to a church that is adding to
the Bible? Are you a Christian if you don’t follow Jesus Christ?

My ZCC friends, how can God forgive a person who died in his sins?
How can God forgive sin if the person refused to accept Jesus? These
ancient folks were worshipping stone gods and made sacrifices to
other gods… how can God forgive that? The Bible says that Jesus
Christ IS THE ONLY MEDIATOR between God and man (1-Timothy 2:5), what
will your pleading do for you and them? This ZCC dove member told me
that when they clap hands, they are pleading for them. These men and
women who died without Christ Jesus are condemned already because
they believed not in the Name of the Son of God (1-John 5:12 & John

Snap out from your trance and ask God to save you. He is the only one
who can take you out of the Satanic smoke you are in. When a person
leaves the ZCC it is called uk'heluka. I have heard of former long-

time ZCC members going crazy in my area. THE MISTAKE MOST EX-ZCC
to Jesus who died for you to be protected from whatever they may
attempt to do. Even if you leave the ZCC, as long as you are not
saved, the Devil can get you. Let's continue...

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the
which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that
they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. ”
- Galatians 5:19-21

The works of the flesh are alive and well in the ZCC:

Adultery, fornication (unmarried men/women with “partners”),

uncleanness (they are polluted by their fornication, idolatries,
heresies, ancestral worship, etc.), idolatry (cow worship, man
worship, respecting the badge more than God), witchcraft (it’s
obvious- the star, coarse salt, copper wires, photos for protection,
etc.), heresies (too many to count- they are detailed in this exposé)
plus more works of the flesh.

Even if one can deny the points made above, he/she is still guilty of
unbelieving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The above verse goes on to
DIE!! It’s either you believe the Bible and become a true Christian
or you reject it and write your own.

If you claim to be a Christian, why then do you do things that are

not taught by Jesus? Jesus never told us to dance and clap for the
dead, Jesus never told us to prick ourselves with hedgehog spines and
more. All of these things are traditions of man not God.

Jesus is asking you ZCC and cult member:

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do

not the things which I say?” - Luke 6:46

Do what Jesus says and not what you think in your mind…


For more testimonies on hell, go to:



5. The ZCC Zigzag

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” - James 1:8

ZCC people, what about Hell then if you believe in Heaven? Why are
the spirits of the dead not in Hell or Heaven? If they are sleeping
(ancestors), why do you communicate with them? How can they hear you
if they are asleep? If they are living with us, how did they escape
Hell or Heaven? And if they escaped from Hell or Heaven, this means
that God is weak then… if you still believe that the dead are with
us, you are telling me that the Bible and Jesus are lying. Stand up
and tell Jesus that He is lying about ancestors. If you can’t stand
up and tell Jesus that He is lying, what will you do on Judgment Day
then? I have more questions like these and I will write a separate
exposé on ancestors - If the Lord wills. The statement I am making
with 100% confidence is that spirits of the dead do not exist but
demons posing as the dead do exist. This is the only and logical
conclusion there is.

Think about this, if you say the spirits of the dead are human
spirits… what do you do about Hell and heaven? Either you believe in
Hell and Heaven or deny both. You can’t say that heaven exist but
deny Hell. What will happen to people like; Hitler, Castro, Mandela,
Marx, Lenin, da Vinci, Charles Manson and more heretics, murderers
and Satanists then? Will God allow them in Heaven even though they
lied, stole, killed and worshipped Lucifer instead of Him alone? The
answer is no! If you don’t believe in Hell, why did Jesus die then?
Why did Jesus suffer so much for us then? Jesus wants to keep you
from going to Hell by you trusting what He did on the cross. If you
don’t believe that, then you are not a child of God. This is why I
said that you have to choose whom you will serve; Satan or God.

If God didn’t punish the wicked, then where would His justice be? We
all know that we reap what we sow in this life. So what can stop God
from giving every man his reward after he is dead? No man can confuse
God, even after he is dead.

If you disbelieve Hell, then you are calling God a liar. The Bible

even says that devils tremble and believe (James 2:19). Devils know
that Hell will burn those who reject the salvation in Jesus Christ
and they are dedicated to delude and deceive man. Let God be true and
every man a liar (Rom 3:4).

Look at this picture:

A familiar spirit
This picture was taken from the cover of Encyclopedia of Demons and
Demonology. The woman is dead and on top of her sits a devil. This is
the devil that will later pose itself as the dead woman and feed them
lies mixed with truth in order to deceive the simple. This is one
example of a familiar spirit.

In the African custom, a dead person is supposed to be ‘told’ where

he/she is going. If the person died somewhere, the spirit of that
person is supposed to be ‘fetched’ from the location he/she died at.
My friend, the ‘spirit’ of the person you are talking to is this
devil pictured above. Occultists know this for a fact.

These devils know the person very well, they are familiar with
him/her. This is why these devils come and give visions, dreams and
messages and reveal secrets and past info. Remember that devils can
appear as angels of light but they are wicked and unclean. If you
think I am wrong, please give me an argument that will be logical and

Allow me to cut the ‘ancestor leg’ from the tri-stool. The following
article is quite revealing about the nature of these so-called
ancestors. Read the title for yourself:

How can ancestors allow the sangoma to be gay?

What can I say? I have documented the lies of these devilish

ancestral spirits. Homosexuals are going to Hell unless they repent
of their abomination and trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This
shows the true intentions of these ancestral spirits. They want to
lead many to Hell. Are you still going to tell me that these
ancestors are from God? Are you really that blind? Do you still
believe that these ancestors are human spirits? Since the Bible is
TOTALLY against homosexuality, it stands to reason that the ancestors
should condemn it as well, right? But why then is the sangoma who is
“guided by the ancestors” gay? Look at the Bible:

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” - 1-Cor. 6:9-10

Worshiping the ‘kgomo’ (cow) is idolatry, having sexual intercourse

outside marriage is fornication, having more than one ‘wife’ is
called polygamy and God will punish you for it, abusing yourself with
mankind is called sodomy and it looks like the ancestors don’t have a
problem with that one. Again, how can God and these ancestors be in
harmony since they are against Scripture every moment they can? The
sangoma is devil possessed and one of the fruit of that is being a
sodomite. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender) movement
is of the Devil… if you doubt, look at the picture of Baphomet. He
has breasts of a woman but has masculine arms and physique.

Allow me to give you a brief list of well know people who were/are
homosexuals or bi-sexual:

 Michael Jackson – Cabbalist (Jewish magic)

 George W. Bush – Skull and Bones, witch.
 Obama – Prince Hall mason, Allah worshipper, Communist.
 Aleister Crowley -33º, Satanist, magician, OTO, Golden Dawn,
basically a mess.
 Martin Luther king Jr. – lost, bought and paid for gay man and a
 C W Leadbetter – theosophist, Satanist, 33º.
 Hillary Clinton – lesbian, witch, feminist.
 Condoleezza rice- lesbian, feminist.

Looking at the list above, are these individuals good? Are they
godly? They are/were devil possessed from head to toe. These
homosexuals worshipped false gods and some practiced the occult. What
does that tell you about the ancestors who are in the sangoma?

Before I continue, let me debunk the doubt in Hell…

Reasons sceptics give for rejecting Hell

 They argue from logic

The septic will say that it is impossible for something to burn

forever. They love to raise this point you know. Here’s my question,
what about the sun sceptic? Why is the sun still burning? The sun
started burning the day God created it. My friend, tell me how the
sun manages to burn so brightly without fading or dropping
temperature? The thing is that you can’t explain why the sun still
burns. Evolution is a false belief and it has anti-Christian roots.
So any one who claims to be an atheist is a believer in this religion
called evolution. It is also rooted in the New Age movement. My
friend, when the Creator of Heaven and earth says “…Depart from me,
ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his
angels”, the soul of that person will obey the Creator and go into
everlasting fire and logic has nothing to do with it… in fact this
so-called logic the sceptic uses is illogical.

 They love arguing from ethics

They say that God is wrong for allowing these folks to go Hell. They
say that is it not fair for God to punish someone forever for sins he
did for a little while. Well, the ethical people should accuse the
state for the very thing they are accusing God of. If the person

committed a crime for 3 minutes and repents in prison, do they let

him out? No. But God does forgive a sinner of his sins immediately
when he repents. What’s best? I really find this mantra of saying
that Hell is unfair very stupid. Think about it… the police won’t let
you out or forgive you even though you have repented but people
criticise a God that forgives a sinner instantly when he repents.
There is simply no logic to their argument. A second point is that
God is incredibly merciful than your local jail because HE SPARES
better- let you burn forever or forgives and eternal life?

 Lastly they argue from their emotions

They usually say that a loving God wouldn’t do that to His children.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses are also in this band of sceptics. This one
simply surprises me because God sent His only begotten Son to be a
payment of our sins BECAUSE HE LOVED US. In love, God is calling the
lost to repentance and people when the person plunges into Hell, the
sceptic says God can’t do that.
If there is no Hell why did Jesus die for our sins? What did the
apostles suffer and die for? Abraham pleaded for Sodom, why did he do
that if there was no eternal punishment for those who were about to
be destroyed? Jesus preached on Hell than heaven, why?

Preaching on Hell is love because the preacher wants to save you from
danger. Remember that by your defiance, you will also influence
someone to go to Hell by your lifestyle. Remember that you will never
get out of Hell, once in, never out.

I challenge you to open you KJV and read it. If you find out that
Hell doesn’t exist, I will buy you khaki, captain hat, khaki socks,
khaki tie, badge, khutanes, perform ‘mohau’ with you, and I will pay
for your trip to Moria. Check this out:

I wonder why the ancestors allowed them to die.


You might say, why are you showing me this article? Well my amigo, I
want you to realize that the 8 that drowned were performing a ritual
for a dead relative (a devil, a familiar spirit) and a wave of water
from the Gariep Dam swept them to Hell. According to the article, the
victims thought it was the river snake “khanyapa” bringing the soul
of the dead relative.

These sinister devils led these poor souls to their doom by a planned
plot. One of victims was a sangoma. My question is; why didn’t the
gods/ancestors show them their doom? It goes to show me (and you)
that the main aim of these ancestors is to lead as many people to
Hell. If they ‘cared’ about their ‘children’, they would have shown
the sangoma the danger but because these ancestors are devils, they
didn’t even bother to warn them.

Another zigzag that I observed is the claim that the ZCC doesn’t
allow alcohol to be consumed by its members. The Holy Spirit reminded
me of something most ZCC members are not aware of. The ZCC has
laboured so hard to be strict on alcohol but forgot about the cup
that is in the hand of the harlot. The ZCC has once again been
weighed and found wanting… drinking alcohol is a no in Bible but the
ZCC is guilty of drinking form the harlot’s cup (Rev 17:2).

“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the
abundance of her delicacies.” - Revelation 18:3

What more can I say? It is quite clear that ALL NATIONS will drink of
the harlot's wine (except true Christians) and they will get punished
for that. ZCC to They enjoyed the harlot’s prosperity but the
chickens are going to come home to roost and it won’t be nice. So
being part of this abominable anti-Christian system that is a product
of Satan and that will soon develop into the New World Order is
drinking from the cup of the harlot in God’s holy eyes. All the folks
who take the mark of the Beast, worship the Beast’s image or worship
the Beast will end up in the lake of fire. Being part of a cult
doesn’t just stop there, it will end you up in Hell and eventually
the lake of fire. It doesn’t end up with soul sleep or Nirvana or
Paradise- it ends with torment. The saddest part of it all is that
your torments will never ever stop… they will last forever and ever.


1. Mystery Babylon series, tape 15, William Cooper.

2. The story about the folks who drowned was taken from the Daily Sun
dated; Tuesday 26 September 2006. The author has the article in his
file as well.


6. Yielding Yellow

Indeed this yellow yields so-called blessings…

Remember this book? This is called the yellow book in the ZCC star.
This book contains entries like:

 "Naledi"[star] - this is payment for the work that is done to

keep the naledi in Moria clean.
 "Meetse"[water] - payment for water provided in Moria.
 "Speakers"- payment for speakers that are in Moria.
 And more entries like; podungwane, khiba, transport, machine,
stationary, watch, toilet, moago wa dikereke (R10) and many

From studying my dad's 2 yellow books, I have found this: the maximum
that he paid in a month is around R20 and the money is paid in church
on a Sunday. There is an exception to this rule though: if you miss a
month (like pops), you have to pay more (on Sunday) to cover for your
previous month. The minimum looks to be R10 although other lower
payments were made.

In the ZCC dove, they have their own little book called “ubhukwana”
[little book]. This is according to a ZCC dove member that told me
first hand. The member told me that you pay R15 for the book (nothing
is free in Satan’s kingdom) and then pay R20 every month (which
matches my findings from my dad's yellow books). The member stressed
that if you are working, you can pay that money. He added that this

R20 is going to lighten up the path of the member i.e. Kganya.

A ZCC star member told me that besides the yellow book, they have a
book called kganya. It is a green book with a city (probably Moria)
at the bottom and a white pentacle on top of the city. The member
continued to tell me that once you start paying for the kganya book,
you shouldn't break the flow. If you do, you should wait until the
year finishes so that you can synch up with the month you skipped.
This green book is said to be a funeral cover (R20 000 pay-out and 3
months waiting period) and can educate your children. He didn't go
through the details but he told me that the funeral policy covers
children below 18 years.

A ZCC dove (ijuba) member told me that if the member attends events
where the bishop would be (St. Engenas), his book is stamped with a
different colour (I have forgotten but it’s between red and green).
Why does one’s little book has to be stamped differently? Answer; to
know the sheeple who are sold-out completely to the cult and those
who are not. Well friend, one ex-ZCC star member told me the same
thing about the yellow book. He said that the ‘kganya’ [light] was
for lighting up the ways of the ZCC member. Do you see the trickery
in this cult (both star and dove)? They keep the money coming in by
lying to their members that that God will bless them while God is not
even there.

Let me add that after a person is baptised, he/she is given a

kolobetso card and the mighty badge. The kolobetso card is blue in
colour and has black borders around it. It seems very important
because the person who showed me the kganya book had the kolobetso
card in there. More financial gain of the ZCC will be covered later
under the ZCC Mathematica chapter. The ZCC ensures its financial
health by keeping the member in the loop. They give them these
services to keep them in the cult and to attract more people into the
ZCC. Some people won't leave the ZCC because of their money invested
in the funeral policy. The money you have invested in the ZCC cannot
be compared to how precious your soul is to Jesus Christ. People
worry about who or what will bury them but neglect the fact that
their souls have no home. People worry about the flesh too much, that
is why they sometimes join churches who offer funeral services or
insurance policies. Some are buried with their favourite items and
the living believe that the dead person will use them in the 'other
world'. These people forget that flesh and blood will never inherit
the Kingdom of God…


7. Kosher Kalendar
“But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men.” - Matthew 15:9

Traditions traditions, God doesn’t like them. one commandmenet of men

is how the ZCC men ‘worship’. where is Bible for this feet stomping
dance? this is one of the dozens of ZCC traditions and rituals that
lead peolple to Hell. Jesus never did this dance. the apostles never
did this dance nor does the Bible tell us to do it. these are the
commandments of men the LORD has told us about. the ZCC says get
baptized, go to dance the mkhkhu, drink holy tea do this and that.
but all of that will never benefit your soul nor please the Lord. the
Bible says:

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh

to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them
that diligently seek him.” - Hebrews 11:6

so all the stuff you do without faith in the Son is useless.

Accepting Jesus is the most important decision you WILL have to make
in your life… without Him you will end up in Hell. I am serious, if
you have some doubts about Hell, re-read ‘Hell’s Hermanos’ and think.
Look at my OAC exposé p.32.

When the men dance the kosher, the is something hidden that is easy
to spot from the top… the ZCC is simply a continuation of the ancient
brotherhood that inherited the mysteries from Babylon and Egypt. the
secrets of the devilish mysteries moved from one civilization to
another and only the names changed. look at the symbolism of the

The one in the centre serves as the dot and the band is the circle.
He also carries the rod and a whip. Both are symbols of authority
dating back to Egypt. The male organ is also represented by the
rod/stick in the circle, the female organ is represented by the
circle formed by the men (see also Sex Cults of the Illuminati mp3, Texe
Marrs). Look at how witches gatherered up in Stonehenge:

Stonehenge configuration

Is it a coincidence that witches gather up in the same manner the ZCC

men do? As you know by now, the ZCC is not a Christian church and
this will not surprise you. Stonehenge has always been an ancient
celestial centre. Human sacrifice was done there as well. I have
documented the dot-in-circle symbol in the first exposé. If the
reader doubts the point I am making , then how can the ZCC have the
pentacle, holy water, bloodletting, divination, necromancy,
consulting familiars, talismans, charms, idolatry, cow worship, lies,
deception, false prophets, confession, Scripture twisting, rituals,
fornication and more but leave behind this symbol that has been
present in various pagan/witchraft cultures for centiuries? We know
that the ZCC is using witchcraft, so how can they leave out a symbol
that is loved by their god- Satan?

With that said, let us look at the ‘kalendar’ of the ZCC, I was told
by members that their weekly program looks like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

.taelo .Dance @6 . prayer . prayer . prayer ‘Church’

NOTHING .prayer pm (men) .taelo .taelo .taelo . prayer
.prayer .taelo

As you can see for yourself, the ZCC cult machine keeps running for
six days. The OAC uses an “every day” programme to keep the cult

member busy and blinded. The more you devote yourself to this cult,
the thicker the satanic smoke will be. Get out now and come to the
Lord Jesus Christ for salvation through faith in Him ALONE not
badges, khakis, prophets, water baptism, holy water, kotana (short
stick), mohau, sashes and more stuff. God can handle EVERYTHING in
your life because HE IS YOUR CREATOR. Return to Him and to HIM alone!

One of the stuff the ZCC does is waving a green flag with a cow on
it. I have shown where the cow comes from but there is still the
mystery of the flag. One might say “surely there is nothing fishy
about that”. I am afraid you haven’t got the point I made earlier
that since the ZCC is not from God, expect anything to come flying
from their satanic tables. I was blown away by the amount of material
I found when I looked at some occult sources from the internet. I
simply gleaned since they are experts at what they do. The picture
below is fro The Encyclpedia Of Demons And Demonology, P.21:

Note the flag and the frog. The Devil

simply substituted the frog for the cow
and the trident for rods and scepters,
that’s all…

The name of this devil is Azazel. He is

said to be very powerful in the areas of
witchcraft and lust (the frog). The
ancestral cult has a lot of explaining to
do about the goat this devil holds. I
mean, goats are an image of those who
rejected the Lord (Mat 25:33) and it is
interesting to remember that the ancient
ones AKA ancestors want goats as
The ZCC flag tradition is older than you sacrifices… I wonder why 
A flag tells you what a country,
organisation and religion stands for. Since the cow is on the ZCC flag,
it goes without saying that the main deity in the ZCC is the
cow/Apis/Satan and not Jesus Christ. The ZCC tells you plainly who they
worship and it is NOT Jesus Christ. I am grieved to be writing this
about a cult that has millions (more than 6 mlliion) trapped in its
satanic claws. It beats me how Lekganyane manages to hide those hooves
of his and still manages to put on shoes and that pointy tail of his.
This man has deceived millions and he will receive his reward soon.
Jesus is not a cow, I repeat Jesus is not a cow. Get that straight.
The cow comes from Egypt and Jesus has nothing to do with the land of
biondage and captivity.

It is quite clear that the ZCC is one of the many images of bondage,
sin, idolatry, lying signs and wonders, witchcraft and more heresies

including lies and blaphemies. Only God knows about what debauchery
the higher ups of the ZCC do. Because I am telling you, just as
things happened in ancient Israel, they are happening in the ZCC-
behind closed doors of course.

Kgomo worship is from Egypt as I have told you in my 1st exposé…

I am sure that it won’t surprise you to find out that the enclosure
the ZCC prophets prophesy in is called ‘es’bayeni’ i.e. kraal!
Connect this point with the cow (kgomo) worship happening in the ZCC…
this is in-your-face cow worship. The spirit of the Apis bull is
working in the ZCC prophets and it is also working in the
sangomas/zinyangas to divine the future (not 100% correct every


Witchcraft Murders and Abductions-for-Marriage, April 2011, Shaun Willcock



8. Blocking The Black

In this section, I will show you more cursed objests the ZCC uses for
protection, fortune, healing and “taelo”. these products supposedly
block evil i.e. darkness. these items are said to be “holy” when the
man of the cloth (minister AKA moruti) prays over them.

More stuff the ZCC uses... (Freely copy this photo and share it)

 The petroleum jelly – is bought form Moria and is said to be

“holy” and it gives protection.
 Newspaper strips – do you remember when I talked about firebalss
in ZCC exposed 1? They use these newspaper strips to perform
“mohau” i.e. mercy. According to a ZCC star member, mohau is
done to ask for direction or light in life and health.
 Hedgehog spines – see ZCC exposed 1, ridiculous rituals.
 Stones – they use stones for steaming themselves in order to
ward off evil and bring light or fortune.
 Khutane/khutane band – the khutane is sewn on a clothing label
to protect against lightning. The khutane band is made by sewing
three khutanes on a white fabric strip. The khutanes (blue in
colour), will be at the back, left and right of the person’s
 Razors – used for bloodletting. In Zulu, it is called
‘ukugcaba’. Small lines are made on the skin to look like the
number ‘11’. Ukugcaba is another form of “hedgehog spine
pricking” and it is interesting to know that the sangomas use
this ritual as well… is it a coincidence? I don’t think so my

White fabric strip



Positioning of the khutane band.

 Whips – a whip is used in conjunction with the sticks for

lightning protection. As I said in the first ZCC exposé,
whenever a storm approaches, a man/boy will (wearing a jacket of
course) will crack it in the four Cardinal Points (north, east,
south and west). The whip is also present when dancing
‘mkhukhu’. The whip is randomly swung on the ground within the
circle (I will comment on this later).
 Stick – this stick is believed to be packed with power. This is
according to one ZCC star member. He told me that you can even
make someone go insane by hitting him/her with it. He added that
the stick should be used in serious situations only. A ZCC dove
member told me that a lunatic can be made whole by touching him
with the stick.
 Copper wires – I told you about these fellows in the first
exposé. However, allow me to add that there is a rule attached
to these wires. That rule is; the woman is not allowed to go
under them without covering her head.
 Vaseline® blue seal Aloe fresh – well, the ZCC heresy wagon just
doesn’t seem to stop. According to a member, ONLY the Aloe fresh
product line of Vaseline® is effective when “blessed” by a
prophet or minister. When I asked him why not any other type of
Vaseline® jelly… he said “It just doesn’t work with the other
ones”. I wish I was kidding but I am not. Ask any ZCC member, he
will confirm my report.

A ZCC member told me that the reason they ate mabele meal was that
imps couldn't steal it easily. He went on to say that if evil spirits
are stealing your maize meal, you should get ZCC coarse salt and put
it at the bottom of the maize container. He added that evil spirits
can't steal mabele maize because "they are not used to it".

At this point, allow me to tell you what the witches/occultists are

saying about charged objects and amulets:

“An amulet is any object (usually small in size) intended to bring

good luck and/or protection to its owner, or any object believed to
hold magical properties that can protect against bad luck, illness
and evil. It may be used for specific purposes, or just for general
good luck. Potential amulets include gems, crystals, simple stones,
statues, coins, drawings, diagrams, pendants, rings, plants, animals,
even words. They are often worn as a necklace or pendant, although
they can be worn anywhere (the closer to the body they are worn, the
more powerful their magic is believed to be).”1

The above quote exposes the ZCC badges (dove & star) to be amulets
and charms. God forbids Christians to use these things (Deuteronomy
18:10-12) because He is our God, He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5)
and our Farther and nothing is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 23:29).

The next quote seals the evidence:

“Possibly the most powerful talisman in modern witchcraft and Wicca

is the pentacle.”2

What is a pentacle you may ask? It is the five-pointed star, the star
of Baphomet, the Blazing star- the star of Lucifer.

A pentacle

What more evidence do you want to show you the witchcraft-ZCC

connection? The evidence is clear guys, the ZCC is part of Satan’s
temporary kingdom. The star represents the sun god3 Jesus Christ has
nothing to do with the ZCC. They might say His name and pray in His
name or heal in His name but it is all a deception. Do you know why
it is a deception? The answer is that the ZCC folks are not born-
again by the Spirit of God therefore they are not serving God but the
Devil using the name of Jesus. the devil doesn’t mind to let you play
church, as long as you are not born-again, he will be happy to let
you go to Moria, see visions, get prophecies, drink holy tea, perform
‘mohau’, steam yourself with tea, talk to photos of Lekganyane, use
copper wires, vomit with tea and prick yourself with hedgehog spines.

“But the fearful, and , and the abominable, and murderers,

and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and , shall

have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:
which is the second death.” - Revelation 21:8

 Fearful- afraid to leave the ZCC because of insanity threats,

illness threats and misfortune threats.
 Unbelieving- All ZCC people have rejected the Gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ in favor of necromancy, divination, traditions,
rituals, charms, amulets, talismans, false prophets, holy teas,
food taboos and more that I have exposed.
 Abominable- the ZCC people commit abominable sins of necromancy,
fornication, divination and more…


1. Witchcraft Terms and Tools- Amulet/ Charm/ Talisman, © 2009 Luke Mastin,
2. ibid, P.2
3. The New World Order, A. Ralph Epperson, p.40

NB: The photo titled ZCC ARSERNAL 2.0 has some self-drawn material since it was difficult to find photos of them. The
author had to use his memory to remember some details which may be inaccurate to some degree.


9. ZCC Mathematica
The money this man makes is simply staggering… as we know that the
love of money is the root of all evil…

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some
coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows.” - 1-Timothy 6:10

Lekganyane’s love for money has caused him to err from the faith.
From the first founder of the ZCC to the current ZCC member, they
have led thousands upon thousands to Hell and they themselves are in
Hell. My ZCC friend, I love you enough to tell you the truth
(Galatians 4:16). The truth is that you will go to an eternal Hell if
you remain in the ZCC. Jesus died for you, Lekganyane never died for
you- he has sins of his own to answer for. Let’s now turn to some ZCC
mathematics for lessons

From what I could find, there are more than 6 million people who are
members of the ZCC. They flock to Moria for “blessings” and purchase
stuff every year. With that in mind, let’s assume that every
member/person gives R1.00/year (excluding yellow book and other

contributions). We have a staggering +R6 million a year going to

Lekganyane!! Let’s deduct some costs for transport, electricity,
water, other debts and various costs (labor)… we still arrive to
something bigger than R3 million (very conservative). Thus a
mathematical model for most of the ZCC income can be loosely
represented as such:

∑ (𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧) ≥ 𝑅6,000,000

Meaning that, the Lekganyane rakes in more than R6 000 000 since
there are other things the members pay for. For example, the
insurance and funeral covers.

 X denotes - money from the yellow books…

 Y denotes - personal contributions and tithes…
 Z denotes - profits made from selling products (khakis, Moria
tea, sticks and more)
 n denotes – the number of members

I haven’t taken into account (no pun intended) the ZCC members who
can’t go to Moria due to lack of funds, illness and lack of desire to
go there. The costs are nothing compared to the net profit this man
makes. He is relying on the hard working ZCC members to give
offerings and thus fattening his coffers.

Indeed Engenas Barnabas Lekganyane (1885-1948) has coveted money and

long rejected the faith. According to an article about him in
Wikipedia, Lekganyane said that his members had to give donations to
their ancestors. Those who gave more, were told to expect more
blessings from the ancestors. What a lie from the pit of Hell! The
article continues to say that E.B. Lekganyane promised to burn the
offerings (money) to the ancestors but just like his father the
Devil, he lied and fattened his coffers. The same article points out
the fact that Lekganyane’s parents were “…renowned traditional
doctors.” Remember what I told you about the spirits in the ZCC
prophets and the spirits in the sangomas/traditional doctors? This
means that Lekganyane was devil-possessed from childhood and the same
devil spirit lingers on. Generational Luciferians know how important
bloodlines are. They also know for a fact that devils can move from a
dead Satanist to the child or family and will get stronger and

If you think that I am nuts, ask yourself why someone whose last name
is Nkosi or Mahlangu or Dean has never ever been the head of the ZCC.
The answer is that the demonic spirit that operates in the ZCC works
though bloodlines. Look at the Illuminati, they “keep it in the

family”. Remember that the generational curses and sins do exist and
in B.E. Lekganyane’s case, it explains why he started the devil-
infested religion called the ZCC. These spirits guide the possessed
to carry out their orders. Satanists also know that the longer the
family remains in the “faith”, the more powerful they become. This
explains the continual grow of the ZCC to some extent.

E.B. Lekganyane- a false prophet and a liar.

Look at Exodus 20:4-5 quickly:

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of
any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God
am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate

God is clear that serving or bowing down to ANYTHING/OTHER GODS is

idolatry. The ZCC people SERVE THE DEAD by praying that they join the
ZCC, they serve the dead by listening to their instructions rather
than God and they look for blessings from the dead as well. If they
don’t repent of their evil deeds, God will visit their iniquity upon
their children and so on. I have seen homes where the dad was a
sangoma and the child ended up being a sangoma as well. I have also
seen cases where the dad was a sangoma and the child/grandchild
became a Zionist “prophet” and many more cases where this exchange of
spirits happened.

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied
in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name
done many wonderful works? ” - Matthew 7:22

Many who play church will say exactly what the Lord has said. They
will beg for mercy but won’t get it because they hated correction and
trusted their own hears and leaned on their own understanding.

Until the child/children are led by the Spirit of God (John 6:44),
they won’t see the Son. The path to Hell will always be paved for
them. That is why it is very very dangerous to ignore and reject
truth because you are not only setting yourself up for Hell, but you
are also setting up your very own child/children for Hell. This is
why God says the manner a child is raised will cause him not depart
from it except the Holy Spirit draws him to the Son (see Hosea 4:6).

Lying to people in order to fatten yourself is called fleecing the

flock. I am sure Jim Jones can learn a thing or two from E.B.
Lekganyane and his successors on how to brainwash and deceive more
than 6 000 000 souls on earth. I really wonder the real figure
Lekganyane makes a year (profit) after “deductions”. I say this
because the ZCC is a business driven by occult powers. The ZCC is a
money-making machine and Lekganyane won’t let this power thrill stop

until he plunges to Hell. I am told that the khaki costs R700 (head
to toe, higher uniform (green suit) R2800. A ZCC member told me that
the green suit fights your enemies and you can only purchase it if
the prophets prophesy that.

There are many poor ZCC members in South Africa, my question is; why
isn’t Lekganyane helping them escape their poverty since he is making
millions of rands? The answer is this- he is not interested because
his father the Devil has no love in him.

Do you see the mathematica of the ZCC guys? It long revolved around
lies, deception and fear. This explains how the ZCC managed to
establish and keep its own magazine called Messenger alive and well
(I wonder if the magazine is free of charge).


10. Rubbing Satanic Shoulders

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” - Amos 3:3

Well Lekganyane is doing it again. Look at the friends he has made in

the past. He has rubbed shoulders with very evil men and never
rebuked them for their godless characters. One of the characteristics
of a hireling is that he never exposes other hirelings like him. The
hireling will keep quiet about the other guy because he would be a
hypocrite if he exposed him. Remember that evil cannot cast out evil
but can only deceive to be casting it out. A good example is the
corruption in our government. The president pretends to be cleaning
house but in secret, is part of the gang of thugs himself. Another
red flag about a hireling is that he appeals to worldly wisdom, he
chases money, and preaches lies.

“He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a
liar, and the truth is not in him.” - 1-John 2:4

It is interesting to say that the government gave the ZCC some

portion of land in a meeting to the ZCC1. What does the government
have to do with religion? Jesus has clearly told us in Matthew 22:21

“…Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and
unto God the things that are God's.”
Jesus knows that when a religion yokes up with the government, a
dictatorship strives. Jesus knew that government would eventually try
to control religion through laws and tax exemption. The SACC and the
American IRS are experts in this. Let me just ask this, if Lekganyane

is a believer, what relationship does he have with Big Brother? What

are they discussing? Look again at Amos 3:3.

Lekganyane has rubbed shoulders with Malema (a Communist), Mandela (a

Communist, Mason, Knights of Malta), Zuma (Communist) and more. If
you think Communism is just another political ideology, you got
yourself something else:

“We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state,
of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a
perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”2 - Karl Marx, 1848

The question I have is; what is a so-called ‘man of God’ doing with
the world? Why is he rubbing shoulders with them? Why is he not
rebuking these guys? Lekganyane is so close with the government it
makes one wonder about what kind of deals they make. The Bible makes
it plain that “…friendship of the world is enmity with God?” (James
4:4). The Bible also says that “Be ye not unequally yoked together
with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
- 2-Corinthianns 6:14

The government is planning for our destruction through the NWO. The
government is persecuting Christians3 and most are Marxists. The
government is allowing thousands of babies to be aborted every year.
Big Brother is also trying to get tell what the Christians what to
do4. The government is against the very religion Lekganyane
supposedly represents, why is he yoked up with them? This is because
Lekganyane is NOT a Christian nor his ZCC.

“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,

hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both
the Father and the Son.” - 2-John 1:9


1. Zion Christian Church meeting 28 April 2013, City of Tshwane official website
2. Hegelian Dialectic Process, http://thetruthnews.info/
3. Persecution Increasing in South Africa, January 2015, Shaun Willcock.
4. The State Claiming the Right to Tell Christians What to Teach and Practice, October 2013,
Shaun Willcock.

For more info on Communism, look at the following books and ask
yourself why Lekganyane is yoked up with them:

 The Unseen Hand, A. Ralph Epperson, P.90

 The New World Order, A. Ralph Epperson, P.118

 The Media Myth and Global Cult of Nelson Mandela, July 2013, Shaun


11. Twisting Scripture

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that
believeth.” - Romans 10:4

Just like all good cults out there, the ZCC twists Scripture to keep
its victims in check. They claim to be ‘Biblical’ and yet they
continue to hide their heresies behind the Bible. The ZCC is full of
paganism and just like all cults- they degrade and twist some
Scripture for their purposes. Cults love taking Scripture out of
context and claim that their heresies are “in the Bible”. I will
prove this to be a lie once and for all. All I ask of you is to check
what I will say and compare it with Bible. I am a man and can make an
error but I will not intentionally lie to anyone. Follow the Word of
God, read it for yourself. May the LORD GOD open your eyes if you are
seeking truth in Jesus’s name. Amen.

The first verse I know of is found in Ezekiel 36:

“And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the
heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen
shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be
sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among
the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you
into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and
ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols,
will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new
spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart
out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will
put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and
ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. ”
- Ezekiel 36:23-27

If you look at verse 25 alone, the ZCC might manage to derail you…
the context is in the whole chapter ZCC folks. Notice that God tells
us what the sprinkling get rid of i.e. filthiness and idolatry. But
look at these two points, (1) The ZCC doesn’t have God so this
doesn’t apply to them. (2) The ZCC is committing idolatry (cow
worship and talking to the dead and photos of Lekganyane). (3) The
ZCC is thus defiled by its sins in the eyes of the LORD. This verse
actually indicts them if looked closely. Lastly, the ZCC is working

hard to mix the Law with Grace which is impossible. If you continue
with the law, you are not under grace.

“In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now
that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.”
- Hebrews 8:13

What ZCC people will tell you when you ask why they throw water on
the faces of people entering ZCC after a funeral is that ‘it is in
the Bible’? One asks; “Where is that in the Bible?” They usually give
you Numbers 19:11-12 which reads:

“He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven
days. He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the
seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third
day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.”

They use Ezekiel 36:25 to justify ‘ukuhasha’ [throwing a handful of

water] and Numbers 19:11-12 is used to justify cleansing after a
funeral. Another portion they use as “proof” for their stuff is Acts

“So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or
aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits
went out of them.”

Number one, Paul was an Apostle and knew God (Acts 19:11). On the
other hand, the ZCC doesn’t know God. God allowed that to happen and
the ZCC doesn’t have God because they deny the Son, thus no authority

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as

iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the
LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.” – 1-Samuel 15:23


12. Chemical Concoction

ZCC member, before you take a sip of that “tea of life”, read this
and pay close attention. Don’t take my word for it, go and check
these things out. I wonder if the ZCC folks thought about the
chemicals that are in the coffee they like so much? Well, I took time
to do a bit of homework and here’s what I found.

It looks like a dorminant chemical in the ZCC concotion is the


chemical called acrylamide. Acrylamide is a harmful and potentially

neurotoxic chemical that is made when carbohydrate-rich foods like
potato chips and French fries are cooked at a high temperature (above
212°F or 100°C), whether fried, baked, toasted, or roasted. When the
heating turns the food’s surface into a dry brown or yellow colour,
acrylamide forms.

The same article continues to tell us that “Coffee substitutes based

on chicory actually contains two or three times more acrylamide than
real coffee.”1

This constant bombardment to a certain extent, explains why ZCC

members seems to be more brainwashed the longer he remains in this
cult. There are two levels that are active in the ZCC… number one;
the demonic level- this level is the most active and most dangerous.
The second level is the physiological level, this level includes the
chemical alterations brought about by drugs, mind control and other
physically altering things. The devils in the ZCC do all of the lying
signs and wonders and the “tea of life” handles the chemical
component of the deception. It’s a nice demonic tag-team.

“Based on animal studies, repeated and/or high exposure exceeding the

safety limits may decrease fertility and cause serious damage to the
central and peripheral nervous systems.”2

I call the demonic level in the ZCC as the Develish Duvet. This person is
sleeping in this duvet, he is covered by these devils and they give
him the comforts of life for a while until the victim has a rude
awakening in Hell. I call the pysiological level the physiological fiasco.

ZCC member, I beg you to espace from this cult into the arms of
Jesus. Go to the Son of God for Salvation not some rules men have
made up in order to decieve many…


1. Dr. Mercola newsletter: Here’s A Good Reason to Stop Eating Potato Chips
2. www.healwithfood.org : Acrylamide in Food: What Are the Health Risks?


13. Fornication Fiasco

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of
God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” – 1-Cor. 6:9-10

It breaks my heart to see these people being decieved by the lies in

this cult. One of the most obvious lie is the lie of “having a
partner” in the ZCC. I was personally told by a ZCC dove member that
you are allowed to have a girlfriend in the ZCC. This includes sexual
intercourse with the “partner”. Folks, the Bible calls this
fornication. It is fornication because they are not married. This
teaching of the ZCC is simply an abomonation before the Lord.

The above verse says those who fornicate will not inherit the Kingdom
of God. This means that these poor men and women who fornicate will
end up in Hell. This lie of “partnerhood” is one of the dozens of
lies taught in the ZCC. My friend, its either you stop fornicating or
prepare to taste God’s wrath. If you have a problem with what I am
saying, you really don’t have a problem with me- you have a problem
with God. It is interesting to know that lexicons link fornication
with; (a) harlots (b) whoredom and (c) adultrey. So if you want to
pick a fight with me, try picking a fight with God. It’s either you
obey or you don’t…

“Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity,

peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”
2-Timothy 2:22

By allowing fornication, Lekganyane has greatly contributed to the

pit of Hell’s tremendous increase of victims. I have no doubt that
this man has a special place reserved for him because of the lies he
has taught his flock. Verily I say that Lekganyane will reap what he
sows, this includes his followers since they are responsible to study
the Word of God to see if the things are so (Acts 17:11). But because
the ZCC doesn’t care about the Bible (unless to justify a heretical
doctrine), the members rarely read it with understanding. They care
about Lekganyane’s rules not the Bible. I never saw my dad reading
the Bible but I remember seeing him leaving for church in the
afternoon. The only important important thing in his mind was to
follow the instructions and attend the services.

Allow me to share something that will shock you… when I was having a
tête-à-tête with a ZCC dove member (August 2015), he mentioned that
there is something that can be done to the “partner” in order to keep

him/her for yourself when I asked him further, he said he couldn’t

tell me further because “I was an outsider”. Why the secrets guys?
Refer to ZCC exposed1, ZCC Brotherhood for more stuff.

The Word of God also uses fornication to refer to worshipping other

gods (devils). The ZCC also does this to a level where even a blind
man will see the idolatry and spiritual whoredom going on. The same
day I talked with the ZCC dove member, I had talked to a lady about
Lekganyane’s photos. She plainly told me that sometimes the ‘taelo’
(instruction) will be that you should pray infront of the photos and
make your request known so that you problem might disappear. Well
guys this is idolatry. Besides such overt idol worship, Lekganyane is
showered with praises, which is contrary to Scripture. God says that
no flesh will be lifted up in His eyes (1-Cor. 1:29; Proverbs 21:4).

My friend, I am begging you to turn to Christ Jesus, I plead with

you… this is because:

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom
the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe
not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the
image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves,
but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus'
sake.” - 2-Corinthians 4:3-5

The Word of God says:

“Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in

the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and
in secret have I said nothing.” - John 18:20

Secrets= heresies= deception= Hell


14. Moria, The Unholy City

In this part, we will be looking at the reasons why Moria is a
satanic ground. ZCC memebrs like telling the world that Moria is a
holy land and that they will get blessings if they go there. I will
show that Moria is nothing but a habitation of devils. I call Moria
The South Afriacn Vatican…

Millions of precious souls lost without a shepherd…

Here are some reasons why I say The South African Vatican is unholy:

 Blood money:

The article about Lekganyane saying that his members had to give
donations to their ancestors. Those who gave more, were told to
expect more blessings from the ancestors. Those poor people who were
hoodwinked to give money for ancestors died and went to Hell without
Christ, they literally paid with their blood to make it possible to
purchase the land that became Moria. It can thus be said that Moria
was acquired with blood money… the souls of men and women.

 The star “defiles” Moria:

Well this one is as simple as ABC, we all know (I hope) where the
star comes from. If you don’t know its roots, read this exposé1 and
another one here2. Since Moria is said to be ‘holy’, why is an UNHOLY
symbol found there? The star attracts devils and it is used to even
summon devils of some kind and since it is proudly placed there (at
Moria), it is obvious that the whole Moria is under the dominion of
Lucifer3. On the other hand, the ZCC claims that Moria is holy and
that the ‘naledi’ is good- this is textbook occultism. It is called
the Law of Opposites. the Bible CLEARLY SHOWS US WHAT THE Law Of Opposites

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness
for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and

sweet for bitter!” - Isaiah 5:20

That my friend is the Biblical exposé of the Law of Opposites. Sadly, it

is the norm today to hate truth and love lies… people are afraid of
men and women as if man created them.

 Rituals happening there:

Well, what can I say here? Moria is just a pagan pilgrimage park.
Some might say “No, are wrong about that, Moria is not pagan.” My
friend, did you read about the star BEFORE you answered? the Bible

“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and

shame unto him.” - Proverbs 18:13

So my ZCC friend or other cult meber, hear the matter first before
you answer. The matter of fact is that there are rituals done at
Moria and they are the following; pricking with hedgehog spines,
cutting with razors, knocking with a short stick (kotana), drinking
tea of death, prophelying by Baal, holy water, etc. if the ZCC is of
God, what are these rituals doing there? Jesus hates the traditions
of man (Mark 7:7). All these rituals give demons permission to be
there and to rule.

 The cow image defines Moria

The cow symbol is abominable on its own but when combined with the
star, it is even more blaphemous. When the star is used
simultenously with the cow, it becomes a symbol of the yin yand, the
reconciliation of good and evil... the Law Of Opposites. I talked about
the law of opposites earlier and I won't repeat it here. But remember
that the cow represents the female part of Satan and the star
represents the male part. Thus, the cow and star symbol is no better
than the masonic square and compass or the dot-in-circle symbol.

 Love of money:

Remember that the love of money is the root of ALL evil. Because of
B.E. lekganyane’s lust for money, he lied his way to reach cult
status shortly after establishing the ZCC. Lekganyane has been
Mammon’s man ever since the ZCC started and the love of money has
grown to a fever pitch. Lekganyane loves money more than truth and
his flock. Look at the number of ZCC members and the money that flows
in monthly… look at what Jesus said about the rich:

“For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for

a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” - Luke 18:25

Do you get that? There are rich Christians [real ones] who use the
money God gives them to spread the Word of God and helping the needy.
But there are lost, deceitful, wicked men who use their money to
promote wickedness and lies. In lekganyane’s case, it is easy to see
that the money he has is being used to gliorify himself and not the
Lord Jesus Christ.

 REAL Christians have an heavenly city- NOT MORIA:

“But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly:

wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath
prepared for them a city.” - Hebrews 11:16

Here are a couple of points; (a) The Heavenly city is BETTER THAN
The Heaveny City will have no lie, no sin, no heresy, rituals, cows
and pentagrams because God is the builder of that City not some man
playing church. (d) The City true Christians are looking forward to
CLOSE TO DESCRIBING THE BEAUTY THEREIN. (e) Moria has no streets made
of RURE GOLD. (f) Moria has lights and stuff, the Heavenly City has
Jesus as our sun and there is no day nor night there. (g) Basically,
no air conditioners needed because of the Limpopo heat…

Guys, Moria is not holy and if it was holy, there would not be found
in her idolatry, rituals, heresies, cow worship, hedgehog pricking,
lies, works-based-salvation, ancestors and more heresies that would
make Rome smile. I was simply trying to compare Moria with Heaven and
there is no comparison.

The Bible says “…by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20).
Look at the fruits of the ZCC [doctrine, actions], is it good? No!!
It is leavened, Satanic and unacceptable to God.

 The spiritual baggage:

The spirits in Moria will influence the ZCC memebers and they will
carry that satanic baggage to their homes and rub them of to their
“un-ZCCized” family members. I really believe that the more you visit
Moria, the thicker the Satanic veil that blinds you will be and the
tighter that the ‘grip’ of the Devil will be. I realised this when I
STOPPED going to the OAC and started to read my Bible. The longer I
avoided that cult, the more convinced I became that the OAC was
simply a Post Office for Hell. Why? This is because the devils
responsible for deception were starting to lose ground and I was
reading the Word on my own. I started to think critically and quickly
realised that there was no use trying to change the OAC since it was
long dead. Stop going to the ZCC for truth, start reading your Bible
to prove me wrong. I challenge each and every ZCC member reading this
to read their Bibles and prove me wrong. I challenge you to prove me
wrong that the ZCC is a Post Office sending people to Hell, prove me
wrong that ancestral spirits are devils (some of these ancestral
spirits forbid schooling4), prove me wrong that the ZCC uses
witchcraft, prove me wrong ZCC member. Prove me wrong. Look at this:

 "Angels: More frequently called Ascended Masters, Masters of

Wisdom, Ancient Masters, spirit guides, inner guides, spirit
counselors, one’s Higher Self, the Self, Superbeings, aeons,
muses, or walk-ins [possessions]. Collectively called the
'hierarchy'. Whichever term is used, the discerning Christian
will recognize these shadowy entities not as 'angels', but as

These are the spirits the ancestral cult and false religions call;
mangeloi, badimo (gods), amadlozi, abadala (ancient ones), abaphansi
(those below), etc. The titles given to the ancestral spirits bear
striking similarities with the titles given to the gods of the New
Age movement!!!

 Scandals:

I really find it difficult to see anything holy in Moria. This is

because idolatry, witchcraft, false religions, talismans,
abominations, magic, etc defile the land they are committed on. Since
these things happen in Moria, give me one thing tha is not defiled
there. If the leader is defiled, what happens to the followers? They
feel the effect on themselves.

I found an article that told of a ZCC prophet that raped a member of

the ZCC in Moria6, the holy land! Well, the ZCC later said “…the
suspect was not a prophet, but an ordinary member.” – as if that
makes it less grievous! The bottom line is that the lady was raped

and she was raped in the ‘holy land’.

As I have told you, Moria is saturated with devils and if that ZCC
member was born-again, he wouldn’t have done that. A born-again
Christian has the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). The ZCC member
manifested the opposite (Gal 5:20-21) which is obvious in all false
religions. By the way, the same devilish spirit manifested itself
earlier in June the year before the rape happened (2012).

The same article said that the ZCC was "saddened" by the bad
publicity the crimes had caused. Do you see that the ZCC is concerned
about their publicity and not feeding their blind, naked and poor
flock and getting them saved? They are about justifying themselves
among men and not to God.


1. ZCC Exposed, Dean Ministries, http://m.deanministries.page.tl/Zion-

2. ZCC Exposed part1, http://m.deanministries.page.tl/ZCC-Exposed-by-
3 Mystery Mark of the New Age Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs, p.63
4. ancestors that forbid schooling.
5. Dark Secrets of the New Age,© 1987, Crossway Books, Texe Marrs, P.14
6. The rape of woman is regrettable: ZCC, Sowetan LIVE, 11 March 2013.

For more info on the spirits of the dead, look at the following:

 Witchcraft In The White House, Texe Marrs [mp3]

 Bad To The Bone, Talismans, Charms, Witchcraft, Texe Marrs [mp3].
 Kathryn K. Aime M. Benny H.2, Dr Scott Johnson [mp3], 25th minute.


15. Stay Away

Well my friend, our next topic is how women are seen in the ZCC as
far as their natural cycles are concerned. Without taking more time,
let’s start with the exposé. The ZCC is very skilled in keeping its
members away from thinking about the kind of critical stuff we got
into earlier. The Devil actually blows his satanic smoke to further
keep the poor member in the dark.

Let us start with their favourite passage:


“And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood,
she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall
be unclean until the even.” - Leviticus 15:19

This is one of the most quoted passages in the ZCC concerning women
and their natural cycles. They continue to hum and drum this teaching
so I decided to help my ZCC people. Let me fist say this… if you
notice properly, this is under the Law. Christians are not under the
Law. Read your Bible- stop trusting in man. That is why I say the ZCC
is NOT CHRISTIAN. They are confused between Grace and the Law. This
shows me that Lekganyane doesn’t have the Holy Spirit because the
Spirit of God reveals all truth that Christ Jesus has given us (John
14:26; 1-John 2:27). As long as you are under the Law, you don’t have
the Spirit of God (Gal 5:18) and if you don’t have the Spirit of God,
you don’t have the Son of God and if you don’t have the Son, you
don’t have God (1-John 5:12). This is simple and straight forward…

“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many
for the remission of sins.” - Matthew 26:28

The second point I want to raise is that the ZCC people are not Jews
in flesh and blood. And even if they were Jews… that still won’t
please God because only through faith that is grounded in Jesus
Christ can God be pleased. God has ushered in a New Covenant,
regardless of your skin colour, race or nationality. If you reject
that gift and do all manner of good works, you are deceiving
yourself. God is NOT pleased with you… He is calling all to believe
in Christ Jesus for salvation. If you try to keep the Law, you are
mocking at what Jesus did on the cross. People, open your Bibles and
read them… stop believing what your pastors tell you.

What the ZCC does (just like all cults), they quote a portion of
Scripture out of context and never tell the cult member about other
verses that speak of the same issue. Most of the time, these cults
can be crushed by verses in the very same chapter they quoted their
“proof text” from. That is how easy debunking these cults is. In
Leviticus 15 verse 29-30, we get a very interesting verse…

“And on the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtles, or two
young pigeons, and bring them unto the priest, to the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation. And the priest shall offer the one
for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering; and the
priest shall make an atonement for her before the LORD for the issue
of her uncleanness.”

There you have it ZCC member, the Bible CLEARLY tells those who want
to be under the Law to take the women who had their issue of blood
[menses] to a priest. Where is the priest? The priest should be a

Levite (by blood) and there must be a temple (with all the things the
Bible mentions), and altar and the priest should wear the proper
garments (Exodus 28:4) not pants and jackets and carrying newspaper
strips and wearing ‘khutanes’. Why is the ZCC not taking its women to
a Levite priest in a temple? It is because the ZCC’s god’s name is
confusing Confucius and his sole aim is to lead them to Hell. Instead
of Bible, the ZCC flock gets brible. Brible is bribing the flock
while using the Bible1. I am sure this issue is set well in order for
my ZCC friends and Shembe folks out there…

Here are some things a woman is not allowed to do in the ZCC when she
has her issue.

No cooking or washing:

You read that right! The ZCC funerary cult wont allow a woman to cook
or to wash clothing for her husband/”partner”, especially his ZCC
uniform. Reason- she is unclean!! Well, I want to to ask some
questions on that… (1) Since she is unclean to cook, isn't she
unclean to stay in the house? What about the door handle the husband
touches that was touched by the woman? What about the women who serve
food from resturants? What about women who handle you clothing at a
shop? God knew of these morden times where it would be difficult to
keep oneself away from these situations. The New Testament ushered in
by Jesus Christ also spared us from that stuation. This is the beauty
of the Lord and how he loves His creation. If people were to realise
the trouble the Lord spared us from… they would be praising Him day
and night. Who can afford to buy goats and sheep as a sacrifice for
the forgiveness of sins? Do you see the trouble the Lord spared us
from? Do you see the stress he spared us? Then why do ye wish to
return to the Law which God has set us free from? The Bible says
Jesus ushered in a new testament and the new testamnet doesn’t say
what the ZCC is teaching. That is why I said earlier that the ZCC
doesn’t deserve to even bear the name ‘Christian’ because it is so
heretical- it is a deception.

“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by
the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ,
that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the
works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be
justified.” - Galatians 2:16

Do you see that my ZCC friend? These laws you are busy observing are
not going to justify you. Your reward will be debt because you
refused grace. You worked your way to Hell and you chose to observe
the rules of the ZCC. A source told me that when the ZCC woman is in
her sickness, she lives alone in a room where she cooks for herself
and after seven days, they throw water in that room and she is
sprinkled and is regarded as ‘clean’. The source says that even if a

man has consumed food prepared by such a woman, he must tell the
minster at the gate in order to be ‘cleansed’.

Let me tell you what Jesus is saying, not some man:

“Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth

goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those
things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and
they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts,
murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness,
blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with
unwashen hands defileth not a man.” - Matthew 15:17-20

You see these cult have got all wrong. They have misplaced their
priorities… just like the Pharisees, they have “…shut up the kingdom
of heaven against men…” (Mat 23:13). These cults like the ZCC, Shembe
and many more have:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of
mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of
the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and
not to leave the other undone. ” - Matthew 23:23

These cults lift up matter they are confused about and degrade heavy
matters like faith (faith in Jesus Christ); they have ignored the law
(they have broken the Law of God- they have not obeyed what Jesus
said about loving God.) Jesus said:

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the
first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang
all the law and the prophets.” - Matthew 22:37-40

Notice the last verse, God says that on those two commandments, hangs
all the LAW and the PROPHETS. This means that the Shembe cultists,
ZCC cult and the like are liars because they don’t love God with all
their minds. They fail to acknowledge the Son of God who was
prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6 (among other places) as
their Savior. Do you see how easy to expose these cults? ZCC member,
according to Matthew 23:23, the ZCC and friends have ignored/omitted
God’s saving mercy (they have rejected the mercy God gave unto us
through Christ- Titus 3:5). Matthew 23:23 also tells us that the
false leaders and their cults have omitted judgment. In Matthew 7,
the Son of God gives us the fact that a hypocrite shouldn’t judge.
The cultists out there ignore this crucial point. They judge us by
not keeping the Law where they are the ones who dismally fail to keep
it. Why don’t Christians keep the old Testament ceremonial Laws? It
is because the Bible emphatically says:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that
believeth.” - Romans 10:4

I have sad news for ZCC members, you don’t believe in Christ that is
why you are still under the Law. And it has been proven that ALL
they would have obeyed the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.

“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found
a liar.” - Proverbs 30:6


1. the author has personally made-up the term “brible” in order to

show the trickery in these cults…


16. Covert Confession

This one is a classic tell-tale sign of a cult. As you have read the
title, the sign is the practice of the old Roman Catholic Church
confession heresy. In fact, this heresy is from Babylon1. So what is
it doing in the ZCC? I sure you know the answer to that by now… the
ZCC doesn’t care about the Bible and what it says. The ZCC is simply
an Egyptian funerary cult of Isis/Osiris and the Bible is only used
to brainwash the masses. They use the Bible for exoteric (public)
purposes only, at the top it’s the Devil. I know deep down that
Lekganyane knows his REAL god and the agenda behind that god.

Before you enter through the broad gate (I mean that) of the ZCC, you
have to tell the minister if anything is bothering you. This is
according to a ZCC star member. I asked him what kind of stuff can
you tell the minister. He said anything that is bothering your
conscience and you want help in. The manner they help you by is
different though. Once you have told the minister, he says something
like this; “May the god of Lekganyane have mercy on you” and then you
stand in line for ‘ukuhasha’ i.e. water sprinkling. Guys, there is
something wrong here. This subtle system is useful to the ZCC in
order to know as much as possible about you and know your problems
and keep you in check. The water that is thrown in the faces of the
members/visitors is for cleansing and they believe that it is
necessary for their physical lives and spiritual lives as well. I
wonder how they can cleanse the heart of a sinful man? I wonder if
the water will cleanse the lies, idolatry, devil possession and more
in this cult?

Let’s get some Bible, look at James 5:16:

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that
ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much. ”

I think the verse above is in line with Matthew 5:24-25:

“Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be
reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree
with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him;
lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the
judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.”

In other words, fix issues that are among yourselves and forgive one
another. It is God who we should confess our sins to not these men of
the cloth. The ZCC is following the old Roman Catholic Church with
this ‘mini-confession’ custom as I call it. Not only does the ZCC
share the confession-connection but they also share the water
sprinklig connection as well- how romantic (sarcasm).

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus” - 1-Timothy 2:5

Apparently the “god of Lekganyane” is the mediator of the ZCC. But

the Bible clearly says that Jesus Christ is the ONLY mediator between
God and man, not your ancestors, “the god of Lekgayane” or
Lekganyane. Whoever that ‘god of Lekganyane’ is… he is not Jesus
Christ because Jesus has never been in the ZCC- from it’s inception.
The ZCC should be very proud of itself, how do you manage to keep
Jesus out of a church for 105 years? This is insane. How do yo page
the Bible as a church for 105 years without finding the Gospel? The
fact is not that they don’t know the Gospel, the catch is that they
don’t wan’t to get the poor ZCC members saved. Lekganyane is refusing
to accept JESUS thus, his condemnation will be very severe.
This heresy of ancestors carrying prayers to God is blasphemous and
it is not taught in the Bible. ZCC member, give me ONE VERSE that
says it is okay to talk to the dead. Give me a verse that tells you
that ancestors carry your prayers to God!! Give me Scripture not your

On the 31st of August 2015, a ZCC dove member told me that in the ZCC
dove, there is what they call the ‘office’. In this ‘office’, the ZCC
dove member goes there to tell the minister his problems so that he
can get prayer and relief. This is classic Roman Catholic confession…
This is Catholic confession- ZCC style. This ZCC dove member went on
to tell me that different teas are made for different purposes. For
example, there is a tea for employment and even a tea for finding a
girlfriend(s)/wife(s)! When I asked about polygamy, he quickly said

that a man can have more than one wife and it is allowed in the ZCC.
I think this fact is also a contibutor to the increase in numbers of
new ZCC cult members- free love. Satan is using sexual freedom to
attract many folks to the ZCC. I wonder why the women are not allowed
to have many partners? I also wonder how can a man love all of his 3
or more wives equally?

Jesus said:

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” - Matthew 6:24

The principle is simple; you cannot equally love/like two or more

things. The same aplies to this polygamy plot… how can you really
love your wives equally? You simply can’t…


1. The Two Babylons, Chapter I, Distinctive Character of the Two

Systems, Alexander Hislop, p.12


17. Bogus Baptism

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” -Matthew 28:19

The above verse is the command of the Lord Jesus Christ to His
disciples. The ZCC will tell you that they are baptizing in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. But what does
verse 20 say? It reads:

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:

and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Verse 20 is not obeyed by the ZCC and it is a direct indictment on

their side. Verse 20 says the converts must observe all things the
Lord has commanded but as you know, the ZCC doesn’t care about that
portion. All they want to is to keep their rules and forget about
Jesus. This is what false religions with a “Christian” veneer do
every time- they cut out what they do not like and paste what they
like and thus a new religion is formed. Guys, the key is in the
definition I gave you in ZCC exposed 1, p.6. I said;

“What is a Zionist Church? According to Reader's Digest illustrated

history of South Africa; expanded 2nd edition, a Zionist church is a
“…separatist church that blends traditional African beliefs and
rituals producing a new religious form.”

Yes, that's right, this is why the ZCC is blending African beliefs
with Christianity to produce something I call an apostate religion.”

Jesus never changed and never will (Hebrews 13:8). These NEW
religions are of the Devil aimed directly at your soul. If you think
Jesus is not God, then look for a document titled Basic Christian: Biblical
Proof that Jesus is God from www.BasicChristian.org . There is also a great
article in www.jesus-is-savior.com about Jesus being God Almighty. It
will give you clear BIBLICAL PROOF that Jesus is God of the universe.
In the load of Scripture you will get, I would like to add Daniel
3:25-26. My question is ‘what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament if
He is not God?’ If you are using a false version, verse 25 will read…
“…and the aspect of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” [ASV]. The
KJV reads “…and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” Do
you see the difference? The KJV clearly tells us that Jesus was there
from the beginning (John 1:1-5; 14; Col 1:14-17). To decide is to
decide and not to decide is to decide…

Do you want to know why I call the ZCC baptism bogus? It is because:

 The ZCC is a dead, hearse-ready and works-based religion.

 The real god of the ZCC is Satan.
 No faith in Jesus (baptism is for salvation).
 Lies and secrets are rampant.
 False prophets and a false bishops.
 Necromancy and divination are practiced.
 Fornication is freely happening.
 Ridiculous rituals are more important than what the Bible says.
 They are still blind to the truth of the Lord.
 Very shady characters rub shoulders with the bishop.
 And many more lies the ZCC teaches.

Folks, baptism doesn’t save you its Jesus who saves. Look at 1-Peter

“The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not
the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a
good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:”

This verse is self-explanatory- baptism doesn’t put away the filth of

the flesh but it is an answer of a good conscience toward God.
Only the Blood of the Lamb can take away your sins away… this

belief that baptism takes away sin or cleanses a person is called

Baptismal Regeneration. Here are some friends the ZCC shares this
heresy with:

 Lutheran church
 Catholic Church
 many Zionist churches
 OAC, 12 Apostolic
 Anglican Church
 many more cults who call themselves ‘churches’

In the congregation of the dead, there is what I call the dead choir:

The choir sings lies, they hum mantras, they wear blindness, and
deception is their drink. They bathe in the river of denial, they are
decked with lust, sin proceeds out of them, their notes are pride,
and they practice wickedness. They gather and feed one another
placebo religion and continue to be yoked up with the world. The
pianist is Pan, false prophets are the voice trainers and Satan is
their conductor and death without the Lord Jesus Christ is their
reward. Woe unto that choir for the Judge is coming and what will He
find therein?

I am very happy to say that the ZCC is being exposed to it's core.
Baptism is biblical, but the ZCC has a false teaching attached to it.
The ZCC says that you have to be baptized to be a ZCC member. In
other words, you won’t get the full membership benefits.

One ZCC member told me that when he was baptized, the minister threw
in the river three stones. I asked him the second time and he told me
the same thing. I cannot confirm this to be a fact but this is
something that would be very revealing if confirmed to be true. If
this is true, the three stones were thrown, I assume, to signal to
some water spirit(s) to know that the baptism was about to start.

But I know from sources that when a person is baptized in the ZCC, he
is told that he is also cleansed from his sins and has established a
new relationship with God. The poor people are told that they are
part of the ZCC and they are where God is…


18. The ZCC germ theory

Placebustheologius bacillus

Just like the French chemist Louis Pasteur, B.E. Lekganyane started
something extremely false but unfortunately got accepted as truth in
the public. The germ theory Lekganyane started was the ZCC. Similar
to Pasteur’s germ theory, the originator of the concept was ignored
for a long time. Louis Pasteur was not the originator of the concept
but “borrowed” it from a guy called Dr M. A. Plenciz1. The same
applies in the ZCC, B.E. Lekganyane was not the founder of the ZCC.
The REAL founder was Satan2.

I have made-up a name for this bacterium that is coursing through the
dead corpse of the ZCC and many more cults. I call it Placebustheologius
bacillus. Placebus refers to a placebo, a false reality. -theologius refers
to religion and bacillus refers to rod shaped bacteria. So this germ
basically gives people a false religious belief or experience and
will end up killing you from the inside. These bacteria are cultured
by Satan and their main aim is to kill or infect the Body of Christ.
The Lord won’t allow His real children to perish since their hopes
are in Jesus Christ. What can be shaken will be shaken (Heb. 12:27)
but the real Body of Christ will remain intact.

This bacterium’s flagellum is made-up of lies, heresies and other

false teachings. The outer layer is composed of the deceived masses

and ZCC members. The inner layer is made up of those who know the
deep stuff in this church and the nucleoid is the Devil working
through the his high priest called Lekganyane. This is where all
things are controlled, e.g. protein synthesis. The outer ‘organelles’
are actually protecting the inner guys. The ZCC germ is moving at a
break-neck speed and it’s approaching the NOW at an alarming rate.

The ZCC thinks that since they are so many, they are blessed by God.
They think that since they are widely recognized (just like the germ
theory), they are right on the money. They think that all the
miracles and signs, prophets and wonders are from God, they think
that they are serving God, they think that they are of God and they
think that they are inspired by God- that’s the germ theory of it.

But what is sad about this is that they are headed for Hell and
Lekganyane will deliver them into the hands of the Antichrist once he
steps into power. The ZCC people are already set up for that due to
the demonic forces in their lives, their acclimation to the star and
other pagan customs (cow worship, necromancy). They are set up for
the mark of the Beast because of their familiarity with wearing some
mark in order to identify distinguish themselves (badges). Thus the
transition from the ZCC to global religion will be easy since
Lekganyane has already built bridges between the ZCC and Big Brother,
thus the UN.

ZCC people think that a large following means something is okay. The
Bible says otherwise (Mat 7:13; 7:21-22; 24:11). Look at Catholicism
[1.2 billion souls], look at Islam [1.6 billion souls], look at
Hinduism [1 billion souls] and Buddhism [.5 billion] and more cults
out there including the irreligious crowd with a staggering 22%.
These top cults account for more than HALF THE POPULATION OF THE
WORLD. All of them are on their way to Hell except they accept Jesus
as Lord and Savior and renounce their false religions…

While Satan is busy giving the ZCC folks some placebo Christianity, he is
aware of their comings and goings to and fro the harlot's tavern
table to be filled with her wine until the time comes that they be


1. Exposing The Myth Of The Germ Theory, © College of Practical Homoeopathy

2005, Arthur M. Baker.
2. See the Bible.

N.B: Statistics found at various sites.


19. Lekganyane’s labels

In this portion, I will look at the titles given to Lekganyane. He is
given titles that can make the pope blush… to my ZCC friend, I know
it sounds very astonishing and may be very upsetting to even read
such material. I urge you to go to your Bible and read it thoroughly.
Let’s now go to some of the titles he is called by:

He is called Right Reverend1

“He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant
for ever: holy and reverend is his name.” - Psalms 111:9

This title is the name of God! What is a man doing with this title?
Lekganyane is usurping a title that belongs to God only and that is
why I have a HUGE problem with it. Lekganyane is just proud and wants
to be highly esteemed among men. Lekganyane is not reverend because
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Rom 3:23.
So how can Lekganyane be reverend?

Let’s define the word ‘Reverend’. Reverend means:

“(v.t.) To regard or treat with reverence; to regard with respect and

affection mingled with fear; to venerate.” - Webster 1913

To venerate is to worship guys, in other words, Lekganyane is saying

he is worthy of worship and unfortunately the ZCC worships him
through subtle ways.

He is also called Dr Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane.

Lekganyane simply doesn’t even qualify to be a bishop. Look at the

qualifications of a pastor. Turn to Titus 1:7-9 and 1-Timothy 3 and
you will find some of the following requirements, a pastor/bishop
must be:

Blameless (look at all the idolatry in the ZCC), Not selfwilled

(Lekganyane is operating under his own will, not God’s will), not
soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre
(Lekganyane loves money); But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good
men (I don’t think Lekganyane fits here), sober (he is drunken with
the wine of the harlot), just (if he is just, he would have long
eliminated the idolatry and other stuff in the ZCC), holy (definitely
not), temperate (full of pride by taking God’s name-Reverent);
Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught (he is holding

fast a heretical doctrine taught by devils), that he may be able by

sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers (he
doesn’t have sound doctrine- look at the teachings of the ZCC).

The husband of one wife (what did B.E. Lekganyane do about this
point?), vigilant (he is not warning his flock about what is coming),
sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach (teach
truth not lies); Not given to wine (he has drunk the wine in the
harlot’s hand for so long now), no striker, not greedy of filthy
lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well
his own house (I wonder why his son partied up a storm?), having his
children in subjection with all gravity (dean ministries).

If a so-called pastor fails to meet one of these qualifications, he

is not a real pastor. Lekganyane fails in more than ten of these

Why call him ‘his grace’

Again, Lekganyane is riding his high horse and is called “his grace”.
“His grace” for what? The ZCC has rejected the grace of the Lord
Jesus and has embraced a false grace from a man… if Lekganyane had
grace, he would be telling his flock to go to Jesus and trust Him
only. If Lekganyane has ‘grace’, he would have rejected the title of
“Reverend”. Real grace comes from the Lord, not some man. All of
these titles remind me of the Catholic pope. The pope is called ‘holy
father’ among other titles. That is why I call Lekganyane the South
African pope and his Vatican City is Moria.


1. Zion Christian Church meeting 28 April 2013, City of Tshwane official website


20. The Banned Beard

“I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked
off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” - Isaiah

This verse CLEARLY prophesies about the Lord Jesus and His suffering.
Read Isaiah chapter 50 and you will see the point. Check out an
article from jesus-is-savior.com about this fact. There is simply no
Bible for what the ZCC is teaching about beards.

Now, what does the ZCC have to do with beards? For starters, they
don’t allow their members to grow them. You read that right… it is a
taboo to grow your beard in the ZCC.

Allow me to ask this question; what is wrong with growing one’s

beard? Two ZCC members plainly told me that growing a beard is
insulting the ZCC! One of them told me that he once tried to grow his
beard and another ZCC member saw him and fined him for it. I don’t
know how much/what the fine was but he told me that he got fined. So
you see how serious of an offence growing a beard as a ZCC member is.

Allow me to ask a few questions… since the ZCC claims to be

Christian, what are they saying about the fact that Jesus wore His
beard. People, there is nothing in the Bible that is against beards.
In fact, many of the Old Testament prophets had beards. What about
Moses, Aaron, Ezekiel and lots more? What about Jesus? He surely had
a beard, didn’t he? According to the ZCC, Jesus was wrong for wearing
his beard. Since they claim to be Scriptural, what I want to know is;
where is Bible for preventing men from growing beards?

I personally think the ZCC prevents men from growing their beards
because Baphomet is the god of the ZCC and he doesn’t want anyone to
grow it besides him. Since we know that the ZCC is controlled by
Satan, it is not a surprise to see such things happening. I think
when a man grows a beard, Baphomet doesn’t like it because he wants
to be king. Look at Baphomet’s picture and you might see why
Lekganyane banned beards…


21. The Final Nail In

The Coffin
My ZCC friend, I have loved you enough to tell you the truth that the
Lord be glorified and revealed to you as He was revealed to me. I was
once lost but He found me… I can tell you this definite fact; if you
die without the Lord Jesus, you will go to Hell to burn and
eventually the lake of fire. If you reject Jesus, you are telling God
that what Jesus did on the cross means nothing to you. If it means
something to you, why haven’t you trusted Jesus ALONE as your ONLY
hope for Heaven? If it means nothing to you, then you are telling God
that you can save yourself since you are your own false god. On that
level, you deserve punishment.

I am telling you friend, Jesus is the ONLY way because without Him,
there is no way. All these other ways lead to Hell because they are
not from God. If you continue in whatever cult you may be in,
remember that in God’s eyes, you made your own system and established
your own righteousness. You basically made up your own beliefs from
your personal convictions, opinions, experiences and judgments- not
basing any of on the Word of God. Again, all of these things deserve

My friend, if you harden your heart, you will suffer the second death
(Rev 21:8) because of your iniquity which you refused to be washed in
the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Col 1:14, Eph 1:7). Because you
loved your sin so much that you chose to cuddle it even if it would
cost you Heaven, only Hell fire is the final stop for the bandwagon
you are riding.

But I remind you that the Lord Jesus will forgive your sins if you
ask Him to do so and ask Him to be your LORD AND SAVIOR. Jesus never
forces anyone to be saved by force but reminds us that there is a
price for rejecting Him and His Salvation.


22. Open The Door Jesus Is

Knocking In Your Heart
I am telling you, Jesus Christ is the only one who died for you and
tribulation He shall appear and the sun will be darkened the moon
shall not give her light and the stars will fall. Then His angels
will gather His elect.

Mark my words, HE IS COMING BACK. The Devil knows that and he is

deceiving you not to believe this. Cry out to Jesus to help save your
soul and give you guidance. There is evidence that He died and rose
again from the dead. All of the ungodly prophets are dead and buried
and are in Hell- all of ‘em.

Klibbe is dead, Muhammad is dead, Buddha is dead, Joseph Smith is

dead, Charles Russell is dead, E. Lekganyane is dead (and all the
previous ones), Krishna is dead, Antony LaVey is dead, Gandhi is
dead, John Paul II is dead, Gandhi is dead, Teresa is dead, Loyola is
dead, Albert Pike is dead, Albert Mackey is dead and gone, Eliphas
Levi is gone, Crowley is in Hell, Maharishi Mahesh is dead, Bailey is

gone, Blavatsky is dead, H.G. Wells is dead, R.R Tolkien, Leadbetter

is dead, the Beatles are gone, Mandela is dead, John Lennon is gone,
and they are ALL in Hell. All the gurus, sheiks, false prophets,
Satanists, pagans, wiccans, mediums, wizards, sangomas, and all the
ball of wax the devil has to offer are gone. All of these are in Hell
and many more will join them if they if they reject Jesus Christ…

You don’t have to go there. You don’t have to say this exact prayer
but I am giving you a start. You have to realize that you are a
sinner that deserves death and Hell, we all do and I am first in that
line. But glory to the Lord for His saving grace- I am saved. Jesus
is the way the Truth and the Life and no man will come to the Farther
but only through Him. Cults will tell you to follow them and do this
and that Jesus says come.

“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to

light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may
receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them
which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” - Acts 26:18
The Lord wants to open your eyes because most of you are blind but
think that they see. Since you are blind, you are in darkness and if
you are in darkness, you are under the power of Satan. By being under
the power of Satan, you have no inheritance- thus no eternal life
which yields Hell.

Unlike Pasteur1, Lekganyane hasn’t admitted his faults in this life

but I am 100% sure that he will admit before the Great White Throne
of Judgment. There, he will have to give an account for the countless
souls he led to hell with his false teachings and heresies beyond

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh
to me I will in no wise cast out.” – John 6:37

Come to Jesus-come to Jesus and receive forgiveness of sins-come to Him


1. Exposing The Myth Of The Germ Theory, © College of Practical Homoeopathy

2005, Arthur M. Baker, P.2

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have
familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that

mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the
living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if
they speak not according to this word, it is because there
is no light in them.” - Isaiah 8:19-20


23. The Choice

Friend, you only
have three options…
but they lead to
two places…
(Joshua 24:15)

Accept the
Reject the Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus Pretend like you (1-John 5:12)
(Rev 21:8) never read this
exposé and hide
your head in the
(2-Peter 3:3-10)



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