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Karma Yoga

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Karma Yoga is consecration (dedication) of all actions and their fruits onto
the Lord. According to Vedas,
Yad Yad Karma prakurvit
tad brahmanisamarpayet.
Thismeans: 'every bit of work thatyou do, offer and consecrate it all to the
feet of the Lord.
Let us understand it in this way:
Karma + Yoga = Karma Yoga
Karmais actionwhich binds us to this world. What is Yoga' then? Yoga
is defined as the psychological state of iner poise and equality. So, when a
Karma is done without expectation of any fruit or any selfish motive, it does
not bind you tophenomenal existence. If you act as an instrument in the hand
of the Lord, as aparticipant in the cosmicactivity of Nature, without expectation
of fruits, that Karma becomes Karma Yoga.
"Work unselfishly makes youfeel that you are only an instrument and
God is working through you. Surrender the actions and their fruits to God and
you will be free from bonding of Karma and enjoy peace. Selfless service in
your whole life is the only way to remove the impurities lurking in the mina.
The whole universe is working on principle of sacrifice. Mother earth, sun.
trees allare working for spontaneous giving and sharing and not grabbing


Yogaliterally means to link with the Supreme Yoga is often thought of as a form of
physical exercise, but its bodily sitting postures, asanas, are
just the first part of
ancient system of meditation
The voga system was originally meant for realizing God, and all varieties of yoga
practice are supposed to bring one to that point. Success in yoga
Oualty of consciousness and the good wishes of the Supreme ultimately depends
Person, rather
than on our OWn gymnastic endeavors. The yogic asanas, breath control, and
wth drawal of the senses are meant to help pacify the mind so that one can foCus all
attenton on the Supreme within.
LOrd Sn Krishna gives His view of yoga practice in the Bhagawad-Gita. Since the
ultimate goal of yoga is to revive our relationship with the Supreme, anyone in
constant contact with God in a mood of lovingservice (bhakti) is the perfect yogi.
Karma means Work or action.
Karma Yoga is dedication of ali actions and their fruits onto the Lord. A person
should not be motivated by the fruits of his actions to avoid any diversion from
Work. "When you are doing a job, put your heart and soul into it. One has no control
over the future; hence never waste your present in useless dreams of future, hopes
and fears of present actions."

Who is a Karmayogi?
AKarmayogi is one whotries to do all work as a prayer to the supreme,
and not out of the compulsions of egoistic vital drives - whatever they may be.
of Karmayoga. The Karmayogi
Iwo things are indispensable in the practiceactions.
should have non-attachment to the fruits of He will have to dedicate
Ishvararpana. Non-attachment
is actionsat the altar of God with the feelingof
Non-attachment makes a man absolutely
Drings freedom from sorrow and fear. the Lotus Feet of the Lord,
boldand fearless. When he dedicates his actions
approaches Him nearer and nearer. He
he develops devotion to God and
his Indriyas or instruments.
gradually feels that God works directly through
of his works now. He is quite at ease.
Hefeels nostrain or burden in discharge
heavy load which he felt previously on accournt of falise notions has
vanished out of sight now.
Karmayogi should be absolutely free from:
(a) Lust,
(b) Miserliness,
(c) Greed,
admiration and gratitude
(d) Thirst for
(e) Anger,
() Egoism, and
(&)Thirst for
Corporate Governance, Ethics & Responsibility of

Qualities of a Karmayogi
Karmayogi should possess the following qualities:
(i) large heart;
(ii) free from crookedness,
(iin) selflessness,
(i0) amiable love for nature;
(o) cool and balanced mind,
(wi) allembracing and all inclusive heart,
(vi) perfect adaptability,
(oii) tolerance,
(i2) sympathy, and
(x) cosmic love and mercy,
(ri) absolutefaith inGod.
The relevant shlokas from the Bhagwat Gita are reproduced below.
kayena manasa buddhya
kevalair indriyair api
yoginah karma kurvanti
sangam tyaktoatma suddhaye The Gita(5:11)
The Karmayogis perform action only with their senses, mind, intellect and
body as well, withdrawing the feeling of mine in respect of them and shaking
off attachment, simply for the sake of self-purification.
yuktah karma-phalam tyaktoa
santim apnoti naisthikin
ayuktah Kamakarena
The Gita (5:12)
phale sakto nibadhyate
Offering the fruit of actions to God, the Karmayogi attains everlasting peace
in the shape of God-realization, whereas, he who works with a selfish
being attached to the fruit of actions through desire, gets tied down.


The concept of Karma Yogican be practised by Managers to be effective

in their managerial role. In other words, amanager should develop the qualities
of a Karma Yogitothe effective.
" AsaKarmayogi, a manager should be absolutelyfree from lust, greed
anger and egoism. This would make him ethical in discharging his
duties and in running hisunit ethically. Ethical conduct bringer goal
results in the long-run.
ad!Karmayoga 10.7

Asa Karmayog, amanager should notexpect any kind of fruits for his
actions. He should not have any desirefor name and
appreciation,, admiration and gratitude. fame, approbation,
While during hisjob, heshould
put his heart and soul into it. This is what is called Nishkam Karma
which propagates:"Beintent onaction, not on fruits of action" ie., avoid
attraction tofruitS and attachment to inaction.
. As a Karmayogi, a manager should be humble and free from hatred
iealousy, harshnesS, etc. This would help in serving others without
expecting any reward, respect and honour. Service of humanity is a
divine quality.
" As a Karmayogi, amanager should have an amilable, loving social
nature. He should be able to move and mix with everybody without
distinction of caste, creed or colour. He should be sympathetic and
tolerant. In other words, a manager should have human relations
orientation which is of utmost importance in managing human
resource inthe organisation and outsiders with whom he comes into

" Asa Karmayogi, a manager should have a vision of welfare of others.

He should also have as open idea. Thus, a visionary manager should
be receptive to new ideas.
" Asa Karmayogi, a manager should have a sound, healthy and strong
physical body. He should do regular Pranayma (breathing exercise),
physical exercise and Asanas to keep ahigh standard of health. It would
help him in doing his work vigorously.
" As a Karmayogi, a manager should have power of endurance. He
should bear insult disrespect, dishonour, hansh words etc. Such
tolerance power willhelp him move ahead towards his goals and not
get distracted.

10.5.1 Benefits of Karmayoga

We knowthat human persOnalityconsists of an outer, active and dynamic
selfand an inner,silent self. Fven in turbulent circumstances this inner self is
working. It just happen that we are not aware of this present. The practice of
Karmayoga helps us to practice this in deep awareness about the real self
This priniple helps in anger management also. Angercomes from dwelling
on andattachments to objects. But this can only nvade our lower self or outer
self. So the real solution is observing detached equanimity even when you feel
the anger -treat il as it t ever someone else. By doing selfless service, you
purify your heart. Ego1sm, hatred, jealousy, ideas of superiority and all the
indred negative qualities will vanish. Youwill develop humility, pure love,
evmpathy, tolerance and mercy. Sense of separateness will be annihilated.
Colfishness willbe eradicated. You will get a broad and liberal outlook on life.
You will begin to feel oneness and unity. Eventually you willobtain BuSineSs
of the SELE. You will realize One in alland Alin one.

KarmaYoga and Work Ethics

"Maximum good of the maxi mum number" is the
contemporarv practical philosophy. But
But what basic tenet of
what is realy"good"? The

determined by numbers or by the results of the workdone? Should endei

deter nining
factor of what constitutes "good" has not been properly dealt with. Will it
the means? Failing to comprehend what is meant by "good", it is impossibla
to evtrapolate from there to bring about a certain ideal quality of life
pursuing a philosophy predominated by "The Reign of Quantity".
The conceptof work ethics, is elaborated upon in the Bhagawad Gita when
LordSri Krishna tells Arjuna about the importance of Karma Yoga. It may he
noted that Karma yoga is a spiritual concept and sometimes, it is more difficult
than Gyana Yoga or the yoga of knowledge. Lord Sri Krishna explains that
when Karma becomes a yagna or sacrifice, only then it can be called Karma
Yoga. Karma has to be sacrificed to Gyana, as ie's adevotional practice. The
supreme Gyana is nothing but to see all beings in the same atman or Self and
the same atman in all beings: "Sarvam khallidang Brahma".
Bydoing good toothers, you are serving God Himself. So, before initiating
any good work, one has to sacrifice one's attachment evolving out of ego or
ahankara at the altar of God.Otherwise the very purpose of any activity for the
well-being of society will be defeated. The Gita defines the true karmavog
thus: Yogoyukto bishudwatma bijitatma jitendriya/ Sarvabhutatmabhutatma
kurbannapi na lippate (5:7). The karmayogi who has fully conquered his mind
and mastered his senses, whoseheart is pure, and whohas identified himselt
with the Self of allbeings (meaning also God), remains untainted, even thougn
performing action.

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