Ocrg1 13m80
Ocrg1 13m80
Ocrg1 13m80
1i,.ro>.~dor111c111,,...a1p,l'll..,.fllllol1..ci, Camtt lflllFII MSC
ld•IIQ ano eo ~•I II c:1,.,9n p111 1 l,i •• H '"• •""" 1 or 11,e tiec:tao~I v, •• ,ha ::.;: t!~ ; :::::o;::!~
· ,t~.ii.-1 lot M• 'r111!il, Pfo~,d,,Nt 1111" • {Ut of I ;i~; /L••r ,,,.,, at io .. o,
Med,,.,,.,. ..... ., Slttl>W'IO Co,roa.-., !; ,. COOSA Me•'la!heUS ;;.Z;:;::=a:~:~o;::;:!1::~~=~-'
r:11•~ ,IGc>od1b)'Sea,t.d l~J6 ltlfl'lellll •" bo 9d,,V1!"'1 p,o •ottacn1110~t••'lcf..,., D,c,cll11it0\lalue
Coml.omeCI T,a!'tpon .,,... +' tr4 C.mer ,.,., in;ftu•ed • P MC 01 k~l _..111. , • f'l«,e c,! 1 '4 NQO!ol'I) ,n lh,8ol1 ,f l••J J tlla t,p,,1,i.t lulinl old~ ,otr'II L.a.'TIGf o,a,,, ,~.it, ·y t•o'I\ 111 ft ac:1111n ;ni;i DIii Nil l,t!Med '" l'lf doetnSiOI'> dfllftl,rr•oe ano till••
0.Mtr .. l :ti horl fl&' euf +n IIW ...... "' 1,1\aca Ctlmbf-ed Tn11'4ptrt co ·~cl .. Poll IO Pc,,t C.! IIO• •l'Ni ... l)r(l!,et!,oti Cle~ ....... -.,.'l\pi,Jn ~ 1.-.,,i.1,or, c,t _.,, 111.11,0, ,...i tr,..,,.
11ppk.llt~• '-"" ..,,,,... ot i...-.,
~1,ot11 ot •• t COJ!11'·r cha,g,N Iv.If !ne .;)Q(l<l'1Cll 11".0(001 .. ,,e,
ndl11 11·~·1
Co,,u ,~, 1.-. "'·l' ,..._ , .:r,.e-f t11r1po,1ao1e u a ~- g, ~.. I
or -.hdl .... t,ulcf 1 ••• 1;,ecn ewheotote lW lbMIIKe c,f 11 ., "' thll lo!r!"'I set A .. ,,.,, 6 ol Led. J fl·~ C,n.., ..-i,u ..._v, 111'\
II I~' Of II .. U~I In"'' IJ•!u!es or 1ef111lD"-"'• ••I• .,,.,. !l,e C.-,114P'"c,f,.,_V..MI
, .. \\~ an .. ,, .. !Jl,l'•f...-dbflhilCO'NOI IOl*'-M-1'.l.lll't v .. r ...... , •"-• · 1 ...... ~,, ...
oq~1t'II ,n 90C0rdaflte
1,r,e ron,:r,eno,1 llQ ,,
II a lt• C11n101 •1t,,,i1 • I ot !Yee t>T-1 ta, tho use o! the Corot, nef9 end 01,-.1
INI 11,~ and M .... ~,..., t:or t'IO kx.ail MSC ·~· ,1 11,e Po-t.'11 cl loll6"1f ... ,d D 1r11.,,;,e fre.
d.11 lhtt Cont.1 t111• ... o «he, e(lll'JVr>!!!f'lt 111 col'leded by lhe t>l.'11J--,~• o,t "u,,cr.e1g1t-d 1,orr Ille ~I
~• r •, ""'wt.di"* 111 1,,111,-1,,bmpt .... 1<1 ll!t ••:.i~n o! 1~ot MotCl\.ant ~a•.-.11 lrtf ltl•!d ~f'tw Tne t,Oe, "'I t.h l'(l'I ii lut-"Q9ll'O'I r.c,apfC Of 111 <ie: ... •••<l
to 11 • P-.ot ot Oelivtry M ,,,, tH6 rnt:, 1,e,. Tr• Mar 1,,.,,1 "'•ell
rd.,.,.., has tt,, '"~"••1>11•!:, lti r<d ,rn
Cllt'\Mll4~o Goodt a/Id.,,, (Dl!Mt!W o, D«fttQfY ~u r,n,!!111 ~11,. aNI •Mt"flll" ti <101ml01o1t• y -.t;t11 reo-iie-s..te,a l:,y e C 1, c IO II plll,c,t NJmlf>Wlfl,,j by tl'f, c..,,,., •~
C?t'!!"'l'lllrefldOl ... , .... '-"9'N,.I t,IIQ,re °'"1111111<'11 OCN ,. ..
tno t,,,.,
Fro19ht; 1rc!...:lo1 Ch• I•• il"I •11<111! ¢1fitj!M ui11i. 11110 e1pe:"IM$ ..,1,..,1¥ot~•' pay.Wit I.J
m .ic~o1da-,,,;,ew,1n1r.o•~Ta,,11,t'IJ111itBil&•L.i1,wJ .. d,."J1'IOl11,il pc,1cl11m.,.1td11f!IIJ'r1191 Good• ndudes
• $COPE or VOYAGE. DELAY. CONSCOUENflAL OAMAGU """'·~~"''Pon or~. a,ir,1, 1>11,;:e 1'1 0.1,.,.ry Ol.,.11,-rai1e por d•lf' end dfflnllQf'I c:ho~•• ., " II• It•*'
•N ~)'~ bf
It.a ti;~ of .. 01111e he1e,n c:o~tiltlM lo, ,r,ay Of mo, nu xi.ill• in.ill<' 01 C..~lff or 11\11 MeN:h.i'lt t1ie1•11'!0, 1n ;a.:.c:o!dani:e ...,,1h 11'4 lw1ft'
U>e 'l'hO!o OI .,.,; P• I of t-">11 t,l;(r,) Un~ "'"'"' 11,,, 8 Oil I OJ ~II r-c!W,,ig D/'11 ~l"'{I 0111«>o;m; m.1<10A aM o;:h,i1l,Mld port, ol c:.. ., ,e11ioc ""' ,l!(j 1, !t ,s I) QI l.o r,;i CDn!r,i..1111 n:.-t 1N m•1111CW-Je n .. 1ttl lhe Good• lo ,,po 14 9 TM Mie-cnlll'il lh.1tJ reoe1,.,.., lo a ~.i,c;e nc:n!m..Jle-:1 bf !ho Clln>er. lhe
11euJ>•1>r0¥<1·•J or 1t111+1 Cc:11 t•,ne1, 01 '"'"' ..,,-1«,1~,ttt '·""*
t,, 1;,,. C&u "'' al C,e,t ot t11e c:.n1ge ,.,~vd,~ but •1« "''" IO Cllf dotk IIO•• Thll c., .. OQol, Cont11111C11S, •>1d otl\er r.i" P"'•"t n ~• goo:! o,oor 11nd CO/'ld,1~ .i""'11Pnaged c,,,ptr tdol,lt !1e11 c:loal'<Cllf ,no
o! C~,·, (l.,,e,
llt-c,ue Rut., •t~ri, tile pro, ions ot lt,11 lr,•111n.r,Qr.al t:o.,,..I! !IO'l lQI' 11,• tJnke11or1
,,,.•,1t11>g It> C 1, ~l ~ •V"td at O,.a.sei, Ot12~A11;~t 1924 .,.,, '"• "'Pf''-'
e,rlJ$IOl'\l''"·t,:"" 9 H.il!
m;c l>''1'fb$1t QJ l,I '""Ii"~. ;o lo.(). \Al!f 1,11 di.1o1.t.11,~ ~··"' Qoodl. O'l Of tr, ill"I)' p,n,:..111 \'eHII dllT. GI l"l'I. '111"1 •t Ml•"U• IMUl'llld by ttio li,/,eft.haM e"'Ol'ed .._,., ,,_ l~I •n:, l\.lbb,,t-,. d .. -nn-ve Of Oll'111r IHIV!S 11111de
M•IW1 ud lalol'ljll and "'"~• .. ~ 011 ., •~IJ•felt'd 1 ...... •N lcld'I 1ehe4.i~tm11; IJ.a, \1d11'81'1r.od tlltla)'OOOt c;enc•tiOd n,. Mer.:11.-,1 11"1all be table to ~mty Ille Camer ft111 any a!\d alt eo,i, AC:11t1ed 1e,...,ta1,rg or teplaC:•flO
l1H1-Visby Rulitii ,,._,,,1/,s in. 111ll'f•111on, of n-.. H.i\1'<11! R111H 1112, .- A11,e1 Jl!J l'f 1r1t Pit.i>JClA ""';~•r.,; I v.,;t'll>Jt Mt,:-~ 111 nc, eY6~1 tha 1f,o C11tr.,., te h11>• for c:oro,~ll'tnt..i cllll'leg .. o, fOI &11)' oelDy m ac:twH:l.iltln CG,-,1.iw""i. ~" ~ i:(!1;..,i1 \ I'll!( •~!i.,1.cl t'I 11 ... Wtllflll>"I IIS kl«~ •Wve ord.lrJoflQ' 114 !ell'IO! 11',III lilQ.3111>0.<'I
Br11nelt o,, 13 F~btl41', IMEI Ind 11,1 l)Kfo'llN( 1119 (SOR P,&.<1<.tlJ 'IIO, .. fl! ~,µ,t.et!,. 1'4?f.,,,~1111t,1r-".1 no 111'1t1l",-l'IIJ
IIIR·!" '" 161t 6-Urn&<i 111,euol'I ""'IICl•Of'I Of lf'lt ....... ,., ~gent or Sl,,(IC:Clrllfil<:b>t !Nhell\ft N COl!
It c,or,,i:lt~ er not 1h• I_':,,,..•• I 11n ,h:,11 ol..,. ,.,-1,:,....., \n t:'1},,.., I"- r<'>$1 •"<I leo11! O•l)II"'•• GI
A 1 n ... (',.,,., .,.,,. ..._ .... ui..A ,., .,,.,.,.,...,..,.,.. n;:i(Scl,1,e1n.a~r "'""·""" ~ .. ir.- ...... i' ... f h)I ...... '~""""- ...... 11 ... J,l,,,t ...... , ..... ..:y "' ...... 11-oi, ,...,..,,t "' 1.....,,t,,,. ...... £t!;1ish LIi·"" •-J>O Ill>(,._.,., J.,o fhe Carr-, tllail M·.-. 1ri• t91\l 10 •• 11r,, Ooocl• 11,a,,ec! l)y pl.bhc: ei,<1<111 o, P,Ni:I'.~
"" ,.,,; , .. ,., ... "'""'.,,.. ..... , ... wtiii:. ~, ""t r.;,'1 N ,.,.. c.11n>a9• lllClud !IQ~ !O foltt'.4r IUb<OOl!'!a,c;I s1>1·1 o••;t.111.-el:, al)f:(y viloss ,,.., c:ammgo CO'lltllded lo, t\cttei.~ ...,,. IO OIi from th• u,.....J e:- c-f J,,.,..,,e11 in 1,u1y w,1l•0111 n,;.,_ 1n "'" u., ..
i. .. n1 ......... "9 ,, ............ 1,, ........ , , ... ¢.,,..;,~ 1.-o, ... ,.00, .... ""I) lfem .,._
n.. l)•rd,-1 .. ....le<t:,lt•c. lhwi NI da..., o, •l'-9:ilo-> ....t.1 .... , a••••"9 '" c:cnl,:,¢1 .....,id. ca'-• •u11 •"""' t.. r,..,1 ...
d.,..., .. 1y on 11,. Un~,oc:11 tt:i'•• 0.01rd ¢o .... (or ltlo So111hetn Dllltiet of Ne.N Yorll l,l,c.,,;:ha/1111'111 c,tte,.,ic:e blhvoen, 1h11 amo..r1:dua tet Clle Caffl41.;tl!J lr)8c n.i ~Ill 1oahMd n, 'IIC" t""9'
ba•.,...,-t ... ,; Of olt>c:rv, .e ,~ be 1t11de -v•rn;t •ttf MrY•nl 119ef'II or S.ibc:olltlac:~ ol l!'t! C!lr,.e1 wh c:h ,r,pose1 al'd U $ la"N sh.II •ll'dc.,s;.-.o, •PP!f Tile Mo1c:hon1 ag•e" tllM I 1,l-•II ,.,cl ,,...~i. .,..., ., •ny ~~•• c.,..,,1 ..... ~- t:,
01 •!UO-t. II> _...,po•• "fl°"' •t1y o! i.. .... o, °"'Y V..u•I _ ... Ho, v,a,t.,ff b-, •")' t,,f i,, .. ,.. ....,V l,•b tf •r.•t-.e, ,,. be '"f><>"l,tof• fo, IN , .. 1,on,..,I. '-9•1 •~ ...... • enO t<al.11;11h11 c .. ,,... 11 tf!Y)O·,,r,g • ,., L !\led 1n e110!her -.,,,..,n
our11ec1,o., ...-e11 tl'>e Gcxx:', o, tho i:or, .. ~c ol lhtt GOOOS ..,t-.elher 01 no1 ,...,,,1>0 o..it cl "Cl9'11""" 0" - tpor\ cit o .. el'> The Me.•ch1n1 •a1o'ff •n1 ct,~~ :m lo .,.,. ,.., ..... 111 J""'..J...t, .... r11:, U,,C, M-h(lt1t uf 1M •bo._.. .,,,..,.d foi. It. OPTIONAt. SfO-NAGt., 0£CK CARGO AND lM!$TOCK
1"'0">011 "O""f Clud'I elo.., o• •'"'°"'"°"' .,..,..It.I "°""'""°lc,oo boo ,-,0,,11;; lho J.1e,.:tt,.,,t •~1111, 11;1 ,:,<J,f1r,t1rly t•111 t.a111., 119-
In tl'e cue cf a"+/ d sjN!b ,ei.1 !''} II> f"re Ql't a, O!hl!1 sum, due lrl\'l"I Che Me,c:harol
•-..•,•SI -..•-J
1$ 1 C-.la ..,1,c;1..,, p•diod"' eo,.,.....,,. ot ...,1 "'•Y t:e -•-.i..d ... .,
dech ot ""'°4• dc,cJ,. ... ...., ...,,,-~• to Itta Me:rcli.s.nl unlen llll ,~tlw' lltfl.,lillllCI °"
1,M& 8!1 COi\~ 111 .. ,eof ~ .. ~t P'lli"':1,,~ 10 tt>e ,~"9 •··••, ,.,,t. Mr<••~·~"' 111r-.1 o.,~,1,.._i.v, • ...., "-•• "·"' lO the Cwr111r h ca,r .. , ,-,11, •10 -.,i. "'110-> L ·'If, ,.,.,t 11,e -.,e·~t.oln< '"\'>Cc""'" ~~11' c,," ,,.,, ,.,.,n .. the frona ll•·eol ll!~ the Ca~.aiNi.
i,,.,,1o111-r 1111....-,,11 •·'4 ir-6\M~- ,,1 ... 1\111 ... ~ .. , n.1,1,.,. ,ci'.111111,n~ ''"'"" "' '*~'"' "-~ 111• ,lt4 al !ho P<VI MI nlll1 ig 1"'"'1 nr i;t,•r.NI,~, r'1f¢"' ('~ n,,. ~•r, i9f 111 :int,.,,...,..,,~!\._.,...,, !"If ,,.et~•·,u,o,- <'I~~ er Oond:1111,11,1 l>c-~"''*""'*' ,J,...i. 1t ....
,,.-J..,.,1J.,, ·
u .. ,c.,,, ..... .,,., ,,.., ..... ,.,...,,..,.Jt,,,..., " ..
lho ,., ,,or I~ Vlf tllttr.: 01 t11tt'l ltllf'I il'lll ton4 ,gn1 ""°' '"
""''"'' ,n.11111 11>1 P, 111 l,.lld"'it- 110 '•••M,n.-...,..,;;1c,o,,,,;14..,.,.,,..~•>.p<eo1,1ottht"t;,,,,·«lil '"•··1""'".l[Mo)l'lllt;O'>lfOd
cin ,, """ toll.II .-ill i'H 11.;. 1;en111M
~ .... 1 .. /VI • ., .. 1, .... ,..,_ ...,,..,._ ""~ $,,1.,..., .. u .. ~1 ....
(,I bu.t•< .. H
• c:r/11111<.t of ca11,ag• 1/1.., +I 1e (l)rl!Ulct,,,.t
Ub1."f &l-111 bt NW!!'!l",ed N
M bel'ollite" Ille V¥kh.&n1 et':1.1 t"•
c .. ,,., 1r•11t 11·• (;.9,r•fs
IOU •f'd Cl d3/"f\~~ tcW\p..:,tofllt(I OI o:,t,;f'~ e.iMQ- IM Polt·I0-1<10'11.«001'1 OI
C:0Mo11q1..0r>:.ff of er.a tiOOOStlt>rlJ IOl!lr".l as ii I! Qlll!f iempe-~re tl'llln !hat rtq111ft'() •or !he UlffiWJC' nor
ID) to !Nllltol .... o C:Of!IJol h11m""Y 1e,-01, OYCII ,f II s.ett.n;i fll 'I)' f!t11b .111r.1 beC:111.iM !
2'0 3 I the Good:S ..-e uc•c:hl ""'°
y,,tf , 11 re.noNtb,e 1 ...... or 11ot.er.evcr
11, ll!o Cam ... , cpr..lOtl tt-.e Good, ,,e tit lo dtiet!Olbtl! d&c.tt 01 ~m,e wol11"'••• 01 1ncl.d thllruet wt>.ehe, 1!11"
Clf•!"l)e H pt&.-.dtd II~ 1 ttx,,.e flVl ,n r,o h,<l!U!I wf1111•0t~•! S ... !It. Catr•1·t; l~D' ly•'lc.ell'1GAI' 100,t., TIPll•IJI( ,s 111n..e11Cl!!':I b, "'an~ ex~• f1tlD'1 !he Cw11er ooe, rol gyarar".ee 1rd 1s rJ.it rupcr>litnl ftt IN '1ot19e or o111,:,,..,1111 m 1'¢en at lflW val1A t'MI C1t•11e1 mat al 11, d.sue.001> eod w,U,0111 Drti:JCI Ge ID,.,, o!
rglo;ali.Morl)f!rr«~9 """ .,tenanc:e of •"t
~e<ide!l le' .... I of hu'l'oo!ly 1ntde 1111v Con!a.ncu Mr 1.g!-ttv,'h,d, 11 r,-, l•Jh'e ,ga,n:St tl-ce l-le,i:haral .,.,,lmlul n!Xoce and w~ho.il en1re1poN..:1• ly 111.i1cJt,119 lo ,, ,,a,1
I l J The Ca,1 ,., sh.a, not te ~tie, •:1, t:cy !on 01 dJf'lll'9 to IN Good• 111 s;n; f-o'!I •"t
fdl Ii 11\0 ou1ce rn l1»o1 or da~• Cilnnot boe".;,it;l,~ICI lilv '"• JJ•rcna111 me,t1111• .-.a..,clon .,, Otrie-w"6 d-400se o, Ille OoorJI a111\1! tole,..., .-id e.•Dl!lite of Ille Veid-.a11t ••Id ~ 't f)rOClfledt ot
io.. or d.airao. 1"111 l;.e preturr«l 40 h.avo OOC<ltf«I di,ir,g th• P-oi,~POfl t~ oA t•~ AA<11'1\f r.orr..i • bolAT( ,he1I be l>:er,1 a~fee1 t11e••d1Won. oer1os""lf ll!09paae o! ,.,, 1el•>11t11et"'9 ,,. ... , c!hl!t soe,;.al-Soe1 !l".erJr,,~1.,. p\Jrf i-ri! llllt- 1n recll/d,,or• of~ ...,,,.. !Jue co l"'e C11fll!I" froe,, 1he thfchfl,.-t \ltldel o, in r.Mn«Mf'>,,.11'\0'hlfllll'!IMIIO
de!ermmed •• D'Ov~ld al 5, I al>O,.. ula!<ill •Mor 8Nl8'tl118 et,,.. Cl)"r!tflf!' ar.:i ,,.,r 0111&, f1C1..t.4t l)!O•i:J~ lt\tl 111• Ca,, 1:t e,e,,ciMd dvt cl IJ'l!fl~ 20 c f\efl.l,.lt1:, lht V*l(.h•'ll lO 1""1tf O<f ~ 1)1 me Goode "111(((1,d•~ w~••
lhe !lfl,f1'11S cf It's
!12 3An1 trar.sport 111:11 lhe Comet aiq;nQtS tor IN Me,,c:1\11\1 Mt<h IS 1"<11 Oflll ol lhio iietore ,~ff""(! ~et"'Pt1C<11 t•,,'411 lo I/le $1"-p!lllr dllusa 11!'111.'ol lO 1'1111111.111• ltfl)' 111111 tlr dlll'IIIIQll lh,oflll(I tilact tlolll'lo.!,!11!•.,. .llhado.11• ,,. .. ,,.. .... M"lf't
ui1t11190 under"'" O,llofllldn11 •• 6:,ne 1.111der IN IJ01ehanl1 O',tln •e•OOf11,b·,1v hTe 111' •"II eioense 1,rd lt,e: C..-,.e, 124 rtie C••r•r ~• ,.ct .... ,,.-ii ,af11Q410alion o, l->ea!,11q rnacl\~ but el,al! ~trCJM hf lt-<fl W•fUlill'II 10 fl• Camtr ct ""'I c&a11r. .... Nl!tQfl11•r l1$1eMO to tr,e Gocdt, Qr th• (.81(~ '"' 11(!1
111:ts n agent o•·'Y fo- ll\e h'e,ctior.t (II._..-, b Ql)e,18\IO'I M(l ..... '111-naf!Cf Wll•l8 11'1 ''""· ~vii (11')$.~NS.,011 Of fie C.rr.e, TJ\& c,u .. , .. II flC,I tiOOIOI Tht ro"•' •"-~NO""'•-..-.""-.... .. .,,..,.,.,.,... v .. ,,..."°''
,-,,,:,l!c0t•• """a1,.,..,., -.v-••IJ 1n,:1 1·"!
ti 'I: n...1.-wlHJ In Cue Inn,,."" P,.,1 A,o1hnn11a.. Wh,,,,,. ""f ..... r,, '"il"'"""n , .. i» .. ,,::,1(¥ to, 1,.. 11KQtC "3 o! i1rr.pe,a-1vo,e, 111 ~; fo,,n b1r•1 1h,t11 fl<!)' ,.r., log bOOl m.a .,.~l!d ol\ 1:t>11d J 1ep1 cos~ Ill' 1ll• cit a.;,ir n;i ... 11 d pout 01 Oood• 1of-,1MC1 •Nj or ~O'IIIO l>'i ,,,. Mercfltnc
-,.rJ..-""loo IU If,,. Pn<1 rd l).scr,111ge o, P1-.:;ie ol Dt!rve,y i:,,o-,du ll'llt dC"tVe<)' ot lhe: Goods lo the h'e,(;Mt!t tJt.-1 (If 11111 vu,., fn• C1m11 d0111 ,, .... l,,Ct:,llpl UlUIIIVll,-w. •"I .,,v o-rlll'llelltal l"D;l'"'"or DfOl~ ufll..,,nd.lldcn It'll /'t\Yl1
11'111y ue •"e(.!~ O)' ~ Cll1k>l"lt 9f p,;,i, to./~f<:et •t ... P94of Otti;'••'tf ,o, ~8 ~ 0• ., .. )' ,,,_,fw-(h11Jo<',:l "f er\",11, "9
11,e '°1\trer, here<n dtl~,y Of 111e Gooc:11 by tile Corl"91 to 9'/CI\ c11,!0r'l>s or pa,, •11t1io,,110 -sh61 be oee,,necj "' bt
'° ntrOQI find lld(ltl,o,'19" F'e;gl\l ':I P&O 21 80TH TO SLAME COt.US.ON CV.US£
If lr!D Vl!flel C:01'\&t 1n,o C.C- 1,0ft W,lh OM!h(ot J;h,p 1111 0 fCIIIII ol Ille negl,g!tf!ce QI tr.o
lawl\11 -de """' Of ltlt 0~ by lt,1;1 CSn1$1 10 ... Mo,cheN tlllcl N c;..,.., ,,,.,.
not 1)11! '-'tile lo, •11, io., ()I OI d1M"!f9t, 10 ,,.. 11. INSP£CTtONOF GOOOS ANO ilPtc:CIAt. C1~<:UMSIANCE$
'"-•r .... u ..... t1- ... r,,.,_. ,.,,., , ....... ,-1 t.,.., .,,.,.11,,,. ,,,. ..... , ,., N ..-.~ .. *"
CC!\Cr t-11,P o."111 1r,ylld ~1ec:101 de".a1.lcllhtm:n<:e.• m.-1ret, l)<lotor !t'AI Mrvart1of1i,eCa,r,cu "tll•r..a,v11•111'>0f ,... tne
Goodt 'ftt!IC'I OC'4:11•• lot elf\)' tH•on W'll,r ....... tfter Cit ~e,1 01 u,.o Go«bb:, llltl C.",cr lo tno custome or ""'""llerr-em of u·« Ven.el 11".e ow11e!1 ol lne Good• c:.a1•1N hlt.-.ll!"ldet.,. lfldftmr flt In• C11mer a~•nstall bu Of li,ib
OOl18'J!h0rr.~ "f' .. " ,..,,,..,, .., .....• ..,.1 p1d<:ag11 or Cort11L11111 lll ar.,- I IIO 11$1*·1 wnly .l!ld """'ii'- ere I',' kl thectr1oto1110'I-C::Dl'i"'II sl,,po, her o.ne11 f'l to f¥ 11 ,oc:tt loH orhllbl~, 1c111~t- 1h \As"'' t11 en UJ••••\111"'·
c:oniar.:, f<'!lc..-1 nobco lo tne M.-,t>•nl ar1y cta. n wh1t10e1.i&1 c,I O'I• ciw,,.,,
ol tlld Goodll. IMIKI or p11yllb!e o:, lhe ot,,e, or ncn'<"•")'"II th j) 01 h@<
Spec:••• c:l:n:um1lll•c:•• If ii opp,nr9 .111 an)' 1mc IIU111·• Gooo• c;a, !'I!)( ure•t 01 o-,.,~,, lo lhe 1711,ne•• of ia,r.l Goocl• •11d H-1 off t«o.if.'Cld or ,eoe·,~fd e>·f tfle or11e, o, r,or U'IY•l!.O i.11,,i OJ l',/!I'
O 1 Not .. •,11a'ldt1:J lh• p,o-,"'01!, Qf c;leoJM ! klr c:.amage to or f-o,n a:11 pol1 al
VMed Mo11t• ,1, lllt!ll,:,1 ., or PQHClfl .,n, 01 d tut • brougN Ill I"' Uni!.:! S~ln U,11 81~ ol LD11n;i tl'lall h111/t!
pt(llltlflt ~ tllfllDO 01 cnn,ed fortller e,tl,e, 11t al! c,, ...,,Chol.It 1110,W•f'III Gt\/ •d.;':.Of\al e11pal\l, or t.1:1k1•19 !In)'
me1tt1o11•• ,n 1,w,on ION Co,ia,r,e, Of lhe GwJt the Co•ne, ,,.~,. Nlllciul t11:tu~ IO ~19 l)erc:l-11\C lb.d •• !•,s ~ent
o,,.,11e,.. a, i>a-'t ot 11\U cur,,n o-ga.#1,t °''
<Jeoel ot c..-,;er fht footf,QOonQ L (1w',t,o,-ot; 1ha11-., ~P, .... 1111 e 1he owrie,s
ope,•tort or tnOR., c:,._.,911 or an., th,I) or th'l!I er otiecll o~r lh.., OI ""add~,on IO lht tJOll,J ~ Sl'•IM OI d)JKts •• 111
•11'.a .-.illjtd 10 IN piov,,ior,, ol ti.. COG$,,\ Ind&') tll!I prv.MIOM Pl !he PoMe-e!leACI 1"911/lllet,.t Of 1fltlf'tle,,i OlllyJ t.c•e -,ii mn111•e• ...,J'or ,.,c:ur •11, 1e....on1!:llt: 11d:MIOl'\/II e•l)f:tl~ to c:a1,:, 01 to i:Om "~ cr,e t11ma~ of l!Te feJll., resl)t>l;I t1f•CC1<1-0n0tCOo'llt<.:I
u'1 ACl 'M!i.ld 1,pr,ty ct ia CMn lotte file po,"10"!1 Of N COGSAare 11\0erporllted rie e<n 11nd s.avo a. O!.,.....,, .. Goods eNI 01 lo .e• or d 1i;,,,,e al tl·ent 1rd 011011b11flJOl'l lhe ''" .. ~e 1tfld.'or IIO 1!1>111 lf'lem WIO<~ 1,o1 er.o.i wider
~dod '1ere•11 111a111pplf ttlroughci.t CP'le 1!111 re I~ C,,1t Goods 11•1t 1n Irie Ca.tt>11(1 o.lWOf ,r,:.,..d,rg tie•11,o W;,O( .,. Ill !Iii& l.li'le<• di 1111y 1,~11~ 11o:i11.llevli" trit c.,,,,.,., ,., ,is _, ~llt g..1,,Crct~<1n con,,oer. tYIQf! &pr,rOj>',:1•.a.
lo.;lt<l "3 1t1d 11.~, ditc:~rge n lon11 •• t,e GoooJ• ,.,,111"' m c,,e Ct.111,xfy c,f 11\el C:.i11iet o, rt, S!Axontutc:tors and •n:, .. ,. d1901a,1 11t~dofl'!"4t'4 01 ''"'• ,r1a11 ti. C>Ot"144 IO COl"lf':1:llfe c 111 d&' ... ery ...-,oe, tr• s,11 ot \.ill,.~
TN 1J•rc11;111c ~.,• ltld!-'!!t-...,. ,.,. c11rru"' ago Mi a11y 9d:MIOIIII o-pen14 to IIICUlflld 11"• c,.,-.., _,, •t•r~o "'' I t;.e,, ..
"IC:hld"!I c11110 caliied on detJ Nw'l•no Colll-9i111!-d be1t,1> 1, to bo l! .. mlld a 1u,1e,,de, bf 11 e Ce•no• or 1i.
ivt>tt. "'f'1111'W!lfl8 •.0~1,ons cw l,1111,i,ont, cw •n .,,~,,-.. d aut ol 11, 1'9,r,pon1b e-11 o, lr•M11.11ts 11r>elcl' the (l()Mi,~1
ANO • ., ti' I ClaUMI "'"" nor be ..,.,,111 enr ol)I i!Al.,n 10 t111t• :in1 panci..,i,r
$A1.VAOE """''""1 ..
uriJ ,t-.all not i:..1,~1>11 tc,r
l4. OE&CRtPtlON o,: 00005 ANO MERCHANT'$ A'ESe,OHS191ll rY 22 GE:kEAAL AVt::R.AOF
COOSA f~Cf1)l tor Oh&t $. M"J tt'ler ltlnn oar.d11>on , "'t111,o11 dei.,,.·e •r.J 1,ue,r, .,..kt,1eo,eye,, conu,t11tc1111 1t1,, a •11r la.s dei.11( or lb!Nl!J- ~,oe,,..- D lll'IIJ fmm an, oct;.on n, l11ck ol ~ l'On t111ar II "();iu1• 1• 1 Tn,, (Ml c11.aa,ng sf'\1111 bt l>"'"";r fac;,e O•'Ollnce o! tr>t ,ac:e,;it b1 ~"• Ca•rn1t ,n ~~;rrc,11 900(!
01 \.a4'"'J t.tial w,r,y to e111 ~e _, che us 1,tue,
I 2 Fo,, , !~T• r. f,1,1•1'(,Mi- 1,1M1"' N CCX.SA 4 II llg;tl"flCf !Ml 1"4 tllMl\l"IQ °' Vie .,. ' 1 ·~
G.llr•r•! A .. e,.lg,1 •h:ill Ml ;i ,..1,J ., .. 1.i ll.·ia .. ~ 111 .,,, pOl1 c:1 r..iao. $1 the C•1r111 t Of!l>O'I
ort:e, s,<1con:l1la, ncepla,oll'IINr<Jel'IOted oft~ Iota• numbe1 otCont,11,11.rto,ctr.orp:1r1 .. .rst11
,,W>d lll'lll.'Of 1'"flt&.lld .,._,.m""'tlo ol ceito,,1 \totl,ch n.u blen p1!1MJM:t alllllnr ul'ICM<1
l..1~ • tf'lM bll llllt '"" ..
NI t-O•h .. r.,eno,i or N 1,1•1¢ilril teg,afdloH d v.llelr•r UlCI paie1 or \IN • U111CloM<I O'• tt,,e l1cn1 ....... •\If ! ai:cordr-9 10 Yo,,!,, A!'ll.-..rp Ri.111'1 1~'4 HC:ote1tRV"• XXU ard H IO 1ru1~11 not lht•M r.rov4ed Ii;,
"'3 "'°"" •nt c.a.itl! ...,..,1:,oe,-t1 .,.,1,,etn\\1 du• lo neo"ogc!"i;e c1 1>1:1 to, whir.fl O' to, the
(.Oneel 1NIMt1c.n•"1"""''llo'll'l!h.JllllllClood&•rew,.ly•1111MC:11e-1p.,..-Joed•ulheCof\tan11, 1e,u
Gliodt c:0111...., nQawn~d dn191 clt\M 11~•1 stbt.~ra:, or U1w.- ... :iy, a"d ,n.ai 11r,, t1a1.;11tQC'Nl Chi
12211,..,.. ... COGSAef"Clloe,tiy .-"1. ...... ~tl.,M R_ f'le•hl t!teCwri,,, .,OI' !he
t.l.-rc1'1¥11 s.t,~1, jO"lllt ilr,,;j ..,. .. ,a, CO(,!tti\ltct "'~ lh!t c~,r•rin O~flllA-..e,g•IQ 11>eJ.,,,,r,.r1
arr, ,ac,,!"'" IOI.Ml o, 1,panw;e Qd a C.ct!l81ill Ave1-.;i• n&W1i' 11_. "'"' be mto:1• o, ,nc.,..rllel •fld
or pv..r.cia11, da("Qt11>.11 tt',1tnc:ter,11flc:1 ot in• Good• na~ tlN<I t,,, rd tdellt<I bt c,r or. to.f,,111 (:t me i>I
VHMltl\lltll!I tlil'l)'•~ll'<II Me-i,;.h1w! ;r.-.:1 1h11 t,1117 w,11 m;;.1 t~ loH d~impo cir •l!Pll"lol to 11>• C:;,irr•r c, lo ,,. r 0!!'4J c:.a1go stla!
be ('I beCome . MIit! 11'1 •n 0111'11 e.•~·IIO pa:, ,a,\-.gt ,.,, 1p,Pt;1at rl-:;i19n .nouriw an t••PtCt 01 1 ... Good• .. (ff!Ul•'l'ft"•'ltd Vf fl'!
VS$e,OO "'"' o.::.•11i,e Of (,eJ cus9oma,y begtil 1,111<1 C0011.a.-.e.-. Ve-nel c,, PettOI'\ cwnr,g Nam.a;• ,11dopendllnit Gl!:rotflllAillra;ti a1111.111or 01111
7) Thie Me;-c:lulr,l 1191 W'ld ~l'IOwleo-,1•• ~&IC 11,e Cari•1 l'IH oo IN)fl(Nlli.d h-, 1'- C¥r•f ilncl 11,s 00!1tf1Nl'll1•011; at II> lilltl tf
l.<iON.cllge c' i,,c .. ;111,c ol lhc 14 !111lt'l)'PIMICIJl11t1of•11yle!~ ofcte,1,ler<1,"or1""°'1hoens.e ana,.")1 ..a-.,co,.,ratland'Ofll\·.0,0001 ltw
Good, l1•11her CO'l'~UW11111,.,1 thet t)'ov<Md ror o'l ltl .\ D II~ L•air-u ... ., btt c:1:. Gtnerat A"9r.1;• cor,1r<1ub011 41"111•• COfl'11U'•!.cn tor tno umo ,.,.,11 be l,11al a.I'd t1111d"9 O'\ an
1-«1 011ly when "., 1M v.1,es,, c:o,1fl11r,111,o11 O" VIII Cflrfie,f" 11>4 vfllu• M 11>e Coo<lt 'll~1el) by lfte G~;ppe,- upon•! 01det ru,r«>er 1nd,-01 dltt.a,• ol '"'>' c:o,,•,..e-1 10 1,-11 di l"l1t C,ri et 11 ro1 a p...-tf ere 1t--.ow11 or, Ille in:1111
See wehslle
for largeS.-!ol
~rr tc> t-.eC.an hat.ti.tn.ia.~btNC.•it l'l'h•bo•n, ·1<..i"Dts;;:e1edWvt'onlhef1ontfltt, version Ver pagina I Webpa1"t111 l'lo .,.iMlvr• IIya condiciones
paraIOlermlnos I CMorp"re
1.1!v "ll 111,p II O"Nll•d se6-cmh
Of OP!l)il!lit<I AflH
c:,- tre C.111'1' ,i,a~ 1),1 r,.d tor ... MR c ycnos"RM" " nono>KeHaRMa I
,.11...,..ge Jll 1'~. nr, ;(: :;>; fll ;t,. {'I li h~ !IIJ<l ~,, I W\
heroof. ,uc:ti pa""=ul1r11 aie VIO'o'lon a! 1h11 solo t sk ot t111t Merc:Nl1.,. 11M lot 1, ~ c:011·,e-,e11oe The !i,,,y
vw.msc.com and III lhe ,.,,,. "''"'"" es j ,vc:h ulve,g !IIJ UICI or s'i,li'I lle4on!jed lo stranger, S:.di depos.t"'
Mtlc:htM ag,·e,,e:, ltl-11 tucll p.enlCIJlan •"•' tlOl be 1t9aidltd al II dc,c:f~ c:l v1!ue •nd s~~~-!""~•f!Cf ~ fie 19er,1t 11Uf"ot:ien1 IO c:ovec tt'le .. 1mwlecl c:onlJ,l!U'bon ot tole 9oodt •r>d •nt
11"4)' deem
c,,curntllVIC'M wfl1hot.,...1 1nc:rni11t N Cw111,·, Wb r,. uflder ,11,, 8111 o' L.o,,,g er.
11>dspoc:,.ic:Nr1ge111t.,,=,on1NII lt,.-q...._ ed. bltrn.cie l!r lheGood,. Sl'c:ii>ef1. Co-.,"neetOf
-:!''" r, e,,Je,o,1.-.Jy t"t Crtit!>t ,o, •"~ "'cre11eod •ec t, ,o ca-.aecl •"~'':I ,e1
... flt"!Mt•f'dco.11
1•6 ltoe Ml!ltl'otf't 11'11111 t0•1·c,t, w•h tll 1e,-,i1,1lil!~ Of ~\.l'"cf'!•l!·ll\ ol (lllTOII' 8111TYANDV/llltlAl10NOFTERMS.FIHALCONTAACl
a-.11r10t1tltt. &nll tfl.lrtbe,;,1 aridtia, a:lflJOH I"•"""" '"'Pl>'!• e•Pl'lllffOI' laH
It, e 1otladono,•1 .. f:lilte9&tet>l!tancl ••n1111tfl'l0tp1~hereoto,11n,H.<1ol•",
wllhout ~ kl Iha G'l"Orali:yctlt>o torllQ!)lr"' F•,g•·• lor a11, Mld4'0r.al ~
'1111•.,• t-,,.,n,,•tc10anre111•~1 ,,._,.., toll "lvil-'ldl(l~t••"""' hu111of,1f'lh..,11M1,ut:l\
+!IQ,lt...:I o, ,uf!'er-.11 br ,.11,011 lhfrool or bf , .. ton ot ar.,,- Hlt,;ial 1noom1r.t or ,n11 •
11\1U 11ot •fled "'8 v11<11:, o, e1.t~•111,ty ot a,iy 01r,e1 ,..,.,. 01 r;t0v,l.l(JI\ ~reol TIiie 8•1
th.Ill"'~ 01 ed<I n'llr,g ot tr. Goads and 11-11 lf!dt<ffflf:, It• C1n.e., 111 ·e
tr,o final 001in.1 btl',l,ean U-.. p~'I• wh.d'I svF4"1180ff 1nr prior e;,Hll\tnl et
,r.clv,,J •,g ,..,0t1IOll le,gilll •A11<011••• 11f"ICI CM.ls v