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8117-15658-1-SM Part 1

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Lika Akhfiani
Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Prof. Dr. Dra. Noermijati, S.E., MTM., CPHR


This study aims to determine the influence of Love, Beauty and Plante’s Green Marketing on
Purchase Intention and examine whether Brand Awareness has an effect as mediating role.
This study is conducted in Malang, East Java. This type of research is descriptive research
with a quantitative approach and questionnaire survey methods conducted on 150
respondents. The sampling using non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling
technique. Data processing is done by using SmartPLS version 3.3. The implementation of
Green Marketing on Love, Beauty and Planet is positively significant to increase customer’s
Purchase Intention and Brand Awareness has shown to have a significant effect as a
mediating role towards Purchase Intention.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Purchase Intention, Brand Awareness

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Green Marketing untuk merek Love,
Beauty and Planet terhadap Purchase Intention dan menguji apakah Brand Awareness
berpengaruh sebagai peran mediasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Malang, Jawa Timur. Jenis
penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode survei
kuesioner yang dilakukan terhadap 150 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan
metode non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengolahan data
dilakukan menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.3. Penerapan Green Marketing pada
merek Love, Beauty and Planet berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap
peningkatan Purchase Intention konsumer dan Brand Awareness terbukti berpengaruh
sebagai peran mediasi terhadap Purchase Intention
Kata Kunci: Kesadaraan Merek, Niat Beli, Pemasaran Hijau.
Paul Polman was the CEO of Unilever eco-friendly, and sustainable materials. As
who introduced the 'Sustainability Living COVID-19 hit humankind at the end of
Plan' in November 2010. He recognizes the 2019 and early 2020, plastic usage is
importance of businesses with a purpose coming back. There have been an immense
aligned with current society and consumers. surge in face masks, pre-packaged goods,
Polman believed that implementing a new water bottles, and takeaway food
business model which integrates sustainability containers. Many governments worldwide
commitments for the next decade will help have pushed businesses to shift their target
Unilever in the long run. The Unilever living towards sustainability to minimize
plan focuses on four main areas: greenhouse damages to the global climate in the
gas emission, waste reduction, sustainable upcoming future. The value of Unilever
sourcing, and water conservation. The plan’s has always been; Responsibility, Integrity,
end goal is to separate the business growth Respect, and Pioneering Spirit, and with
against environmental impact so that as the their implementation of the 'Sustainability
company's growth increases, it will decrease Living Plan' that emerged ten years back,
its environmental footprint across its value the perceived value from the customer and
chain. potential customer will increase, but as
Businesses should continually more businesses are pushing themselves
adapt to changes, especially during this era. towards sustainability during COVID-19
They should pick up on the ongoing changes many brands are becoming indistinct with
in the external environment, such as consumer one another.
behaviors, to stay afloat in the market. They Based on the Ministry of
should make quick decisions and reinvent Industry data, beauty and personal care
their business model to implement in the product is growing at a steady speed.
industry. With the availability of information Revenues are forecasted to extend around
through the internet, transparency will follow $7.5 billion in 2021 and expand at a 6.5%
behind it. Consumers will be able to know what compound annual growth rate through
the businesses have contributed back. The 2025 (Statistica.com). This increase in
need to change sometimes comes from social growth is driven by strong demand from
demands from society and even the consumers the domestic and export markets, as with
themselves. the trend of people starting to pay
In the past several years, the rise of attention to body care products as a
sustainability has emerged. Companies primary need. With this number,
have surged by implementing more green, Indonesia is a potential market for
entrepreneurs in the beauty industry both of purchasing intention. Consumers'
from outside and within the country perceptions of quality will improve due to
(www.sigmaresearch.co.id, 2019). This increased consumer experiences, consumer
increases consumer awareness of confidence will increase as a result. Brand
products that are safe for the health of the awareness, as a fundamental feature of brand
skin and body and the surrounding equity, is frequently regarded as a necessity
environment (www.researchgate.net, for consumer purchase decisions, as it is the
2017). Seeing the current environmental primary factor that causes brands to be
conditions, many companies have started included in a sequence of considerations.
to pay attention to the products the Due to familiarity with the brand and its
consumers acquire every day. This attributes, brand awareness can also impact
phenomenon also affected the beauty and consumers' perceived risk assessment and
personal care industry (idtimes.com, trust in purchase decision
2020). Beauty and personal care products
that carry the concept of eco-
friendly/green/sustainable are not only
safe for the environment but the
ingredients used are also proven to be
safe for the skin (Beautynesia.id, 2019).
In today’s environment,
companies must build brand value through
proper marketing techniques. Brand equity
has always been a critical asset for any
organization, and establishing a brand takes
time. Brand equity is related to consumers
placing a higher premium on one brand over
another, which increases the consumer's
loyalty and readiness to pay a premium price
for the particular brand. A strong brand will
help people remember it since it may add
value to their lives. A belief in the
importance of relationship quality principles
such as trust, commitment, and satisfaction
fuels the customer-firm connection. The
quality of relationships is a key determinant

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