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Bhud Dev

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CONCEPTUAL MCQS Single Option Correct Solutions ofPRACTICE EXERCISE 6.1

1 (A) 2 (D) 3 (B)

(i) In the given equation
4 (D) 5 (A) 6 (B) • =0.25 >= 10"^ sm(500/-0.25.v)
7 (A) 8 (B) 9 (A) Comparing with
10 (B) 11 (D) 12 (D) >'= ^sin(co/'-fcc)
13 (C) 14 (B) 15 (B)
we get
16 (D) 17 (B) 18 (C)
19 (D) 20 (B) 21
(a) Amplitude
22 (A) 23 (C) 24 (B) /I =0.25 XIQ-^cm
(b) Time period
NUMERICAL MCQS Single Option Correct 271 _ 27C __ •K

~ 0 ~ 500 ~
1 (B) 2 (D) 3 (C)
(c) Angular frequency
4 (B) 5 (D) 6 (D)
0 = 500 rad/s
7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (B)
10 (D) 11 (A) 12 (B) (d) Wavelength
.13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (C) 2;r 271
16 (C) 17 (A) 18 (C)
19 (B) 20 (A) 21 (B)
22 (B) 23 (D) 24 (B)
(e) Particle velocity amplitude
25 (A) 26 (B) 27 (D) =^0=0.25 X10-^x500
28 (B) 29 (A) 30 (B) = 0.125 cm/s
31 (C) 32 (D) 33 (B) (f) Particle acceleration amplitude
34 (C) 35 36 (C)
(D) a„^^ =02^ =(5OOy X0.25x101-3
(C.) 38 (C) 39 (B)
40 (D) 41 (B)
= 6.25 cm/s^
42 (B)
43 (B) 44 (B) 45 (B)
46 (D) 47 (C) 48 (A) (ii) In h is cloud height then distance travelled by sound is
49 (B) 50 (D) 51 (C) / = /2cosec(30°) = 2^
52 (C) 53 (A) 54 (A)
(D) 56 (B) 57 (A) we use t= —
58 (A) 59 (D) 60 (C) * 'V
61 (C) 62 (C) 63 (D)
64 (C) 65 (A) 66 (C)
67 (A) 68 (A) 69 (C)
^ ^~330
70 (D) 71 (B) 72 (A) => /? =330 X 4 = 1320m = 1.320 km
73 (D) 74 (A) 75 (C)
76 (B) 77 (B) 78 (C) (in) Wave equation is>' = 0.5 sin tc(0.01x-3/)
79 (B) 80 (C) 81 (B)
Comparing with standard wave equation
82 (A) • 83 (B) 84 (D)
85 (C) 86 (B)
y = A sin(0/-fcc)
87 (D)
88 (B) 89 (B) 90 (B) we get
A =0.5m
ADVANCE MCQs One or More Option Correct 0 = 3tc rad/s
k =0.017tm~'
1 (A, C, D) 2 (A. C) 3 (B, C, D) wave speed is given as
4 (B, C) 5 (C, D) 6 (B. D)
0 371
7 (B, C) 8 (A, B. C) 9 (A) 300m/s
(A, C, D) (A, B) k 0.0171
10 (A, B) 11 12
13 (B, C) 14 (C, D) 15 (B, C, D)
16 (B, C) 17 (All) 18 (A, C) (iv) String shape at time/q is
19 (B, C, D) 20 (A, D) 21 (A, B)
(A, B, D)
(A, B, C)
(C, D)
(A, B, C)
g(x, /o)=^sin|^^
28 (A, C, D) 29 (B) 30 (D) As wave is propagating in positives direction at speed v, origin
shifts with respect to displacement curve in - x direction at

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