Assignment 10 - Recursion & Practice Problems (No Submission)
Assignment 10 - Recursion & Practice Problems (No Submission)
Assignment 10 - Recursion & Practice Problems (No Submission)
3 0 11
The students must complete the classwork tasks in the lab class to obtain the lab performance
marks. They will also be marked based on the assessment tasks. The lab instructors may
show/explain a few of the classwork tasks to the students if necessary. Any plagiarism in
classwork or homework will lead to the student getting zero in the entire assignment. A random
viva may take place.
You must not hard code any of the tasks, which means your code should work for any
valid user input.
ClassWork 1
Hint: N is a number taken as input from the user and you need to print the numbers
starting from 1 to N recursively.
N=11 oneToN(1,N); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Hint: N is a number taken as input from the user and you need to print the numbers
starting from N to 1.
Hint: N is a number taken as input from the user and you need to add the numbers
starting from 1 to N recursively and print the sum.
N=4 recursiveSum(1,N); 10
N=12 recursiveSum(1,N); 78
ClassWork 2
Write a recursive function called reverseDigits that takes an integer n as an argument and prints
the digits of n in reverse order.
12345 reverseDigits(n) 5
649 reverseDigits(n) 9
1000 reverseDigits(n) 0
ClassWork 3
Write a recursive function called sumDigits that takes an integer n as an argument and sums up
the digits of n then returns the result.
Task 1
Write a method modifyStrings() that takes in three given strings S, S1, and S2 consisting of
different numbers of characters respectively, the task is to modify the string S by replacing all
the substrings S1 with the string S2 in the string S and printing the modified string S.
Strings + Arrays
Task 3
Given an array of email addresses, print the number of valid email addresses satisfying the
following conditions.
Task 4
Write a method called isHappyNumber which takes an integer in its parameter to check whether
a number is a happy number or not. If the number is a happy number then the method returns
boolean true otherwise it returns boolean false. In number theory, a happy number is a number
which eventually reaches 1 when replaced by the sum of the square of each digit. For instance,
13 is a happy number because 12 + 32 = 10 and 12 + 02 = 1. On the other hand, 4 is not a happy
number because the process continues in an infinite cycle without ever reaching 1. Unhappy
number ends in a cycle of repeating numbers which contains 4 .
Task 5
Write a method called toDecimal which takes a binary number as a string in its parameter to
convert the binary number to its decimal number and return the decimal value. After returning
the decimal value, write another method called toHex which takes the converted decimal value in
its parameter and calculates the hexadecimal value and then return the hex value.
Task 6
Trace the following code and write the outputs.
class Trace02 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int[] arr1 = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2};
int[] arr2 = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70};
int x = 0, y = 0;
while (x < arr1.length - 1) {
arr2[x] = arr1[y] * (x + 1) - arr2[y];
y = 1;
while (y <= x) {
arr2[x] = arr2[x] + arr1[y] - y;
y = y + 1;
x = x + 1;
System.out.println(arr2[arr1.length - 1]);
Task 7
You are given an integer array. You need to identify all the prime numbers and perfect
numbers within the array and print the indices along with these numbers from the
original array.
Perfect Numbers:
0: 6
2: 28
Task 8
Trace the following code and write the outputs.
public class tracing1 {
public static void main(String[] args){
int i = 1;
int [] a = {5,6,7,8,9};
while (i <= 5){
int j = a[i%a.length];
while (j > 1){
if (j == 2)
double x = 7;
double y = 8;
double z = 9;
System.out.println(x < y || y > z);
System.out.println(x < y && y > z);
System.out.println(x < y);
System.out.println(x + y < z);
System.out.println((x + y)-6 < z);
Task 9
Your professor expects only As, Bs, and Cs. In the following program, write a method called
getScores that takes as input corresponding arrays studentGrades and studentScores. Write a
method called getScores that assigns index i in studentGrades based on index i in
studentScores. If a grade is A, assign 100. If a grade is B, assign 90. If a grade is C, assign 70. If
a grade is anything else, assign 0.
Task 10
A. Write a method called convertToCm(), that takes as input a type double and returns the
value converted from inches to centimeters.
Hint: There are 2.54 centimeters in an inch
double t = convertToCm(16);
40.64 cm
System.out.println(t + “ cm”);
B. Create an array of type double of length 5 called cheetos_inches, that stores the length of
each of the Cheetos from the user. Send the array of length in inches into a method called
findAvgCm() that returns the average length of the Cheetos in cm to 2 decimal places. The
method findAvgCm() uses convertTocm() to convert the length of each Cheetos from inches to
Note: You must call the method written in [Method Task A], otherwise this task would be
considered invalid.
Task 11
A. Write a method called isVowel which takes a string in its parameter and counts all the
vowels in the String. If any vowel exists in the string then the method returns the count.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Number of vowels in the string: 11
B. Write a method called isConsonant which takes a string in its parameter and counts all
the consonants in the String. If any consonant exists in the string then the method returns
the count.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Number of consonants in the string: 24
C. Write a method called vowel/consonantSum which takes an array of strings in its parameter
and returns the summation of the number of vowels/consonants.
Note: You must call the methods written in tasks A/B, otherwise this task will be considered
String [] names = {"Bob", "Alice", "Max", "Marry", The total number of vowels in the
"Rosy"}; array is: 7
System.out.println( “The total number of vowels in the array
is:” + vowelSum(names)); The total number of consonants
System.out.println( "The total number of consonants in the in the array is: 13
array is:" + consonantSum(names));