Surface Treatments For Improving Bond Strength To Prefabricated Fiber Posts: A Literature Review
Surface Treatments For Improving Bond Strength To Prefabricated Fiber Posts: A Literature Review
Surface Treatments For Improving Bond Strength To Prefabricated Fiber Posts: A Literature Review
Provided by School of dental Medicine dIgitaL archivE
Operative Dentistry, 2008, 33-3, 346-355
Literature Review
Clinical Relevance
Several surface treatments have been proposed for improving the bonding of resin cements or
core materials to FRC (fiber-reinforced composite) posts. The possibility of combining chemical
and micromechanical retention on post surface provides the most promising adhesion mecha-
Francesca Monticelli, DDS, MSc, PhD, vice dean and professor, SUMMARY
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, This literature review summarizes the research
University of Zaragoza, Huesca, Spain
on fiber post surface treatments and provides
Raquel Osorio, DDS, PhD, professor, Department of Dental information related to their benefit in enhancing
Materials, Colegio Maxímo, University of Granada, Granada, bond strength to composites, based on the results
of original scientific full papers from peer-
Fernanda Tranchesi Sadek, DDS, MSc, PhD, post-doctoral reviewed journals listed in Pub Med. The search
researcher, Department of Dental Materials, Universidade de
was conducted using the terms “fiber post,” “sur-
São Paulo (USP), SP, Brazil
face treatment,” “surface conditioning,” “etch-
Ivana Radovic, DDS, MSc, clinical assistant, Clinic of Pediatric ing” and “sandblasting.” A consistent number of
and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of
in vitro studies that investigated the surface
Belgrade, Serbia and PhD student, Department of Restorative
Dentistry and Dental Materials, Policlinico Le Scotte, treatment of fiber posts in an attempt to improve
University of Siena, Siena, Italy bond strength have been published to date. Their
Manuel Toledano, MD, DDS, PhD, professor, Department of
results have been summarized in the following
Dental Materials, Colegio Maxímo, University of Granada, categories: chemical treatments and micro-
Granada, Spain mechanical treatments of fiber post surfaces (or
*Marco Ferrari, MD, DDS, PhD, dean and professor, Department a combination of both principles). The majority
of Restorative Dentistry and Dental Materials, Policlinico Le of available literature data is based on studies
Scotte, University of Siena, Siena, Italy that investigated different “chairside” post
*Reprint request: Policlinico Le Scotte, Viale Bracci, 53100, superficial treatments. According to the in vitro
Siena, Italy; e-mail: results, surface conditioning improves fiber post
DOI: 10.2341/07-86 bonding properties, and the bond strength of pre-
Monticelli & Others: Fiber Post Surface Conditioning: A Review 347
treated fiber posts to restorative materials is sat- This literature review summarizes the results of the
isfactory. Long-term clinical studies are needed research conducted on fiber post surface treatments
prior to making a general recommendation for and provides information on their benefit for improving
their use. bonding to resin composites based on the results of orig-
inal scientific full-papers from peer-reviewed journals
INTRODUCTION listed in Pub Med. This search was conducted using the
Fiber posts are widely used to restore endodontically- terms “fiber post,” “surface treatment,” “surface condi-
treated teeth that have insufficient coronal tooth struc- tioning,” “etching” and “sandblasting.”
ture to retain a core for the definitive restoration.1
Many in vitro studies have investigated factors that LITERATURE DATA
may affect the retention of a post. These factors may Silanization and/or adhesive application is undoubted-
include design, length, diameter and surface treat- ly the most thoroughly investigated fiber post-surface
ments.2-5 treatment in the current literature. The vast majority
(R): the chemical reaction begins with hydrolysis of the According to some authors,25 silane treatment did not
alkoxide groups (R) into silanols (SiOH) that may con- enhance the retention of glass fiber posts luted with six
dense, forming siloxane bonds (Figure 1).20-21 different resinous cements. Even if the effects of
Silane has been proven to increase ceramic-composite silanization proved to be significant with regard to bond
bond strength during luting procedures or when repair- strengths to FRC posts, the clinical relevance of the dif-
ing chipped ceramic restorations.22-24 Treating the post ferences has been considered to be of minor impor-
surface with a silane-coupling agent may be advisable tance.26
for enhancing adhesion. However, opinion differs about Goracci and others recently reported an improvement
the efficiency of post silanization. in bond strength between silanized fiber posts and flow-
able composites used as core materials.15 Similarly,
Monticelli & Others: Fiber Post Surface Conditioning: A Review 349
Aksornmuang and others and Perdigão and others con- The selection of a warm air stream (38°C) for air-dry-
firmed the benefit of silane application for enhancing ing the fiber post surface seemed to be a clinically-fea-
the microtensile bond strength of a dual-cure resin core sible chairside procedure used to overcome some of the
material to translucent fiber posts.27-29 problems related to silane composition and/or applica-
These results rely on silanes’ capability to increase tion.18,37,43
surface wettability, creating a chemical bridge with OH- Some results recently achieved on ceramics confirmed
covered substrates, such as glass. However, the interfa- this aspect, particularly for the two-component systems
cial strength is still relatively low when compared to the that have proved to be more sensitive to heating.38,43
values achieved with dental substrates.15,30-31 Some authors and manufacturers have proposed adhe-
One possible reason is the absence of a chemical union sive systems as a possible alternative to silane in fiber-
between resin composites (methacrylate-based) and the post couplings.44 The possible benefit of silanization and
matrix of fiber posts, which are often made of epoxy the consecutive application of a bonding agent have
recently been evaluated with controversial results.
Sahafi and others tested the efficacy of blasting the resin phase of fiber posts may be beneficial in improv-
surface of zirconia and fiber posts with silica oxide (Co- ing their adhesion to methacrylate-based resin compos-
Jet System).31,64 Despite the satisfactory bond strengths ites.
achieved, the treatment was considered too aggressive For industrial applications, such as epoxy resin-based
for fiber posts, with the risk of significantly modifying circuit boards, many chemical techniques have been
their shape and, consequently, their fit within the root introduced to strengthen adhesion between the compo-
canals.64 The application time, size of the particles of nents of the fiber-reinforced resin composites.70-72 In
alumina and pressure may have influenced the results. particular, potassium permanganate is usually applied
On the other hand, this treatment appeared to be ben- for conditioning epoxy resin surfaces for the metal plat-
eficial when performed on zirconia posts. ing of printed circuits boards.73-75
Bitter and others26 reported that, depending of the This treatment, commonly defined as desmearing, is
luting materials used, some influence was exerted by a process designed to remove the smeared epoxy resin
the CoJet treatment of the bond strength of fiber posts
However, chairside post pre-treatments are still con- 2. Stockton LW (1999) Factors affecting retention of post sys-
sidered a technique-sensitive step. In an attempt to tems: A literature review Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
simplify clinical procedures, instituting industrial 81(4) 380-385.
conditioning of the fiber post surface may be of some 3. Nergiz I, Schmage P, Ozcan M & Platzer U (2002) Effect of
help. length and diameter of tapered posts on the retention
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 29(1) 28-34.
For this purpose, pre-coated epoxy resin-based fiber
4. Cohen BI, Pagnillo MK, Newman I, Musikant BL & Deutsch
posts have been recently proposed. Although only pre- AS (1998) Retention of three endodontic posts cemented with
liminary in vitro bond strength tests have been per- five dental cements Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 79(5) 520-525.
formed (Radovic, unpublished results), the zirconium 5. Cohen BI, Musikant BL & Deutsch AS (1992) Comparison of
oxide post surface coating provided by the manufac- retentive properties of four post systems Journal of Prosthetic
turer has offered sufficient interfacial strength with Dentistry 68(2) 264-268.
composites (Figure 2E). 6. Ferrari M, Vichi A & Grandini S (2001) Efficacy of different
The trend in clinical practice is towards fiber posts, and 14. Malferrari S, Monaco C & Scotti R (2003) Clinical evaluation
of teeth restored with quartz fiber-reinforced epoxy resin
the literature generally encourages their application. posts International Journal of Prosthodontics 16(1) 39-44.
Most in vitro and in vivo studies agree that the failure
mode of fiber posts is more favorable than with metal 15. Goracci C, Raffaelli O, Monticelli F, Balleri P, Bertelli E &
Ferrari M (2005) The adhesion between fiber posts and com-
posts, and the level of success seen in short-term pub- posite resin cores: Microtensile bond strength with and with-
lished clinical studies is being confirmed by ongoing out post silanization Dental Materials 21(5) 437-444.
long-term evaluations. If certain basic principles are
16. Castellucci A & Becciani R (2004) [Ricostruzione post-
followed, it is possible to achieve high levels of clinical endodontica dei denti compromessi. Aspetti biomeccanici]
success with most of the current fiber posts on the mar- Dental Cadmos 2 2-21.
ket today. 17. Schwartz RS & Robbins JW (2004) Post placement and
restoration of endodontically treated teeth: A literature
(Received 30 April 2007) review Journal of Endodontics 30(5) 289-301.
18. Plueddemann EP (1991) Silane Coupling Agents New York
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