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Advantages of Solar energy:

● Renewable and Sustainable
● Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
● Low Operating Costs
● Energy Independence
● Low Environmental Impact
● Versatility and Scalability

● Climate conditions
● High Initial Costs
● Land Use
● Energy Storage Challenges
● Resource Limitations
● Aesthetic Impact

2.Difference btw Diffused radiation and beam radiation.

● Beam radiation is the solar radiation received from the Sun without having
been scattered by the atmosphere.
● Diffused radiation is that received from the Sun after its direction has been
changed by scattering by the atmosphere.

3.Solar constant.
● The amount of incoming solar radiation per unit area measured on the
outer surface of earth’s atmosphere in a plane perpendicular to rays
● 1380 W/m^2

4.Differentiate flat plate and concentrating collectors


● Flat plate collectors have a simple ● Concentrating collectors use

design consisting of a flat, mirrors or lenses to focus sunlight
insulated metal box with a glass on onto a smaller receiver area.
the top.
● They are designed to maximize ● Concentrate sunlight onto a smaller
absorption rather than focus area, increasing the intensity of the
sunlight. sunlight at the focal point.
● Commonly used for residential and
commercial water heating, space ● Often employed in power
heating generation systems
● lower efficiency ● higher efficiency
5.Examine the effects of various parameters affecting the performance of a
● Absorber Plate Material and Coating.
● Fluid Flow Rate.
● Efficiency of Heat Transfer Fluid.
● Dust and Soiling on collector.
● Weather Conditions.
● Number of glass covers.

6.Define Sensible heat and latent heat in solar energy storage

● Sensible thermal storage includes storing heat in liquids such as molten
salts and in solids such as concrete blocks, rocks, or sand-like particles.
● It is the energy moving from one system to another that changes the
temperature rather than changing its phase.

● Latent heat storage involves storing heat in a phase-change material that

utilizes the large latent heat of phase change during melting of a solid to a
● it is possible to store large amounts of heat with only small temperature
changes and therefore to have a high storage density;

7.Infer solar azimuth angle and Zenith angle

Solar Azimuth Angle:

● The angle on a horizontal plane,between the line due south and the
projection of sun’s ray on the horizontal plane
● It is considered as positive when it is measured from south towards west.

Zenith Angle:
● The angle between the sun’s ray perpendicular to the horizontal plane
● Zenith angle is compliment of inclination angle

8.List out the site selection factor for wind turbine.

● Wind speed
● Turbine size
● Economic considerations
● Capital cost
● Land cost

9.Enumerate the mechanism of Yaw control.

● The yaw control mechanism comprises a motor and drive. The main
purpose of this arrangement is to move the nacelle and blades according
to the wind direction.
● It enables the wind turbine to capture the maximum available wind. During
the nacelle movement, a fair chance of cable twisting occurs inside the

10.List out any 4 organic materials used in biomass plant.

● Rice hulls
● Straw
● Sawdust
● Bagasse(sugarcane remains)
● And other raw materials

11.Write in detail about Energy storage system.

● Energy Storage Systems are the set of methods and technologies used to
store energy.
● The stored energy can be drawn upon at a later time to perform useful
operation. For instance, many renewable energy sources (such as wind,
solar energy or solar energy, tides) are intermittent.

12.Draw the OTEC open cycle power plant.

13.How the wind mills are classified

● Wind turbines are classified generally according to the direction of the axle
● Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: Its blades rotate around a central, vertical axle.
● Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine: In this case, the blades turn in a direction
perpendicular to the wind speed.It is further classified into Upwind turbine
and Down wind turbine
14.Solar energy applications:

● Solar Water Heating.

● Solar Heating for Buildings.
● Solar-distillation.
● Solar Cooking.
● Solar Electric Power Generation. ...
● Solar Thermal Power Production. …
● Solar drying

15.Compare solar PV systems with solar thermal systems.

Pv system Solar thermal system

Converts sunlight directly into Converts sunlight into heat energy,

electricity using semiconductor

Typically has lower efficiency in Generally has higher efficiency in

converting sunlight into electricity converting sunlight into electricity

Commonly used for small-scale More suitable for large-scale power

applications like residential rooftop plants that require consistent and
installations, high-power output,

Energy storage is typically achieved Can integrate thermal storage

using batteries, systems.

it is more economically Generally more expensive to install

compared to solar PV systems,

16.Enumerate solar drying

● Solar dryers are devices that use solar energy to dry the substances
especially food.
There are two general types of solar dryers

● Direct dryer-in direct solar dryers, the substance that is to be dehydrated

is exposed to the sunlight in a vast field
● Indirect dryer-Indirect solar dryers consist of an insulated box coated
inside with a black absorption surface, an air inlet and an air outlet, and a
single- or double-glazed glass.

17.List the site selection criteria for installing wind power plant(8th qn repeated)

18.Explain the principle of solar photovoltaic power generation

● A photovoltaic (PV) panel, also known as a module, is a unit consisting of
special cells that generate an electric current in sunlight that are linked
● When the sun shines over the cells, an electric field is created.The stronger
the sun, the more electric energy is produced.

19.Classify the different types of solar energy storage systems

● 1. Batteries ·
● 2. Pumped Hydro Energy Storage ·
● 3. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) ·
● 4. Flywheel Energy Storage (FES).

20.Define pitch angle in wind mill?

● Pitch angle control is the most common means for adjusting the
aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine when wind speed is above rated
speed and various controlling variables may be chosen, such as wind
speed, generator speed and generator power.

21.List the factors affecting biogas generation.

● Factors affecting Biogas Production: There are several factors such as
biogas potential of feedstock, inoculums, nature of substrate, pH,
temperature, loading rate, hydraulic retention time (HRT), C:N ratio, volatile
fatty acids (VFA), inhibitory substances, etc.

22.Define direct Energy Conversion in renewable energy

● Direct Energy Conversion (DEC) refers to the process of converting one

form of energy directly into another without an intermediate conversion
step. This concept is often applied in the context of converting primary
energy sources, such as heat or light, directly into electricity.

23.Explain the advantages and limitations of tidal power generation

● Advantages of Tidal Power Generation:
1. Tidal power is completely independent of the precipitation (rain).
2. Large area of valuable land is not required.
3. When a tidal power plant works in combination with thermal or
hydroelectric system peak power demand can be effectively met
4. Tidal power generation is free from pollution.
● Limitations of Tidal Power Generation:
1. Due to variation in tidal range the output is not uniform.
2. Since the turbines has to work on a wide range of head variation
(due to variable tidal range) the plant efficiency is affected.
3. Machineries are corroded due to corrosive sea water.
4. It is difficult to carry out construction in sea.
5. As compared to other sources of energy, the tidal power plant is
6. Sedimentation and silteration of basins.
7. The power transmission cost is high because the tidal power plants
are located away from load centres.

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