Api Postman Response
Api Postman Response
Api Postman Response
The typical cause of this error is too many images in an HTML page that take too long to download.
Try to simplify your input data or speed up the page load time.
459 Bad Archive ¶ The uploaded archive can not be processed. It is too large, corrupted or contains symbolic links.
470 Invalid Value ¶ A conversion option is set to an invalid value.
Code Message Description
471 Navigation Failed ¶ The input URL can not be loaded.
472 Too Many Subrequests ¶ Exceeded the maximum number of subrequests during the conversion.
473 Main Frame Error ¶ The main frame failed with HTTP code >= 400.
474 URL Load Error ¶ One or more subrequests failed with HTTP code >= 400 or some subrequests are still pending. See details in the debug log.
475 Custom JavaScript Time Exceeded ¶ The request was aborted because the custom JavaScript took a long time.
476 Element Not Found ¶ The element specified for printing or waiting for was not found in the input document.
477 Unsupported Document Type ¶ The input document type is unknown or not supported. For example, the HTML content type should be text/html.
478 Hostname Not Resolved ¶ The URL hostname could not be resolved.
479 Invalid URL ¶ The URL is invalid.
480 Invalid SSL Certificate ¶ The converter could not establish an HTTPS connection because of an invalid SSL certificate.
481 SSL Error ¶ There was a problem connecting to Pdfcrowd servers over HTTPS. This could be caused by several reasons,
one of them is that your local CA certificate store is out of date or not configured correctly.
An alternative is to use the API over HTTP. The HTTP mode can be enabled by the setUseHttp method.
482 Input Data Error ¶ The input template or data is invalid.
483 Password Protected Input ¶ The input is password protected. Provide a valid password.
484 Unsupported Input Feature ¶ The input contains an unsupported feature, typically a font type.
485 OnLoad JavaScript Error ¶ An error occurred while executing the OnLoad JavaScript. See details in the debug log.
503 Service Unavailable ¶ The 503 status code indicates a temporary network issue. Try the request again.