I&c TJ1600
I&c TJ1600
I&c TJ1600
Version: 5.0
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Revision history
Document overview 1
Content organization .............................................................................. 1
Additional resources ............................................................................... 3
Target audience..................................................................................... 3
Safety guidelines 5
Safety recommendations ........................................................................ 5
General safety guidelines ......................................................................... 5
Maintain safety with electricity.................................................................. 5
Prevent electrostatic discharge damage ..................................................... 6
General site requirements ....................................................................... 6
Site environment .................................................................................... 6
Preventive site configuration .................................................................... 6
Thermal considerations............................................................................ 7
Guidelines for populating pluggable in chassis............................................. 8
Equipment racks configuration.................................................................. 10
Power supply considerations..................................................................... 10
Power filter unit (PFU) ............................................................................ 11
Dissipate static electricity........................................................................ 12
Prevent damage to pluggable module ....................................................... 13
Product operating temperature specification .............................................. 14
Optical fibers ......................................................................................... 14
Handle optical fibers................................................................................ 14
Splice optical fibers ................................................................................. 15
Repair optical fibers ................................................................................ 15
Installation, commissioning, and testing process 17
Overview .............................................................................................. 17
Installation procedure............................................................................. 18
Commissioning procedure ....................................................................... 18
Testing procedure .................................................................................. 18
Receive and unpack the node 20
Receive and unpack process .................................................................... 20
Verify shipment ..................................................................................... 20
Handle packages.................................................................................... 21
Store packages...................................................................................... 21
Unpack the node.................................................................................... 21
Slot distribution 27
Slot allotment........................................................................................ 27
Using the filler panels ............................................................................. 30
Slot distribution ..................................................................................... 31
Card population rule 32
Install TJ1600 node 36
Pre-installation checks ............................................................................ 36
Pre-installation guidelines ........................................................................ 36
Site preparation..................................................................................... 36
Preferred rack size ................................................................................. 37
Install TJ1600-11 chassis in a rack ........................................................... 38
Install TJ1600-6 chassis in a rack ............................................................ 45
Install TJ1600-2 chassis in a rack ............................................................. 50
Connect grounding or Earth cable............................................................ 57
Connect the power cables ...................................................................... 61
HCPPFU02 ............................................................................................. 62
PFU4 ..................................................................................................... 63
PFU....................................................................................................... 65
Connect ports on HCPOAM01 card 68
Alarm connection ................................................................................... 68
ESI connection ...................................................................................... 70
Craft connection .................................................................................... 71
M1/F1 connection .................................................................................. 74
LAN connection...................................................................................... 75
MGN cable connection ............................................................................ 77
Connect ports on HCPOAM03 card 80
Alarm ports connection ........................................................................... 80
LNMS/NMS1/NMS2 cable connection......................................................... 81
Craft cable connection ............................................................................ 82
Connect ports on OAMC card 84
Alarm ports connection ........................................................................... 84
NMS port connection .............................................................................. 85
LCT port connection ............................................................................... 86
OSC ports connection ............................................................................. 87
Connect optical ports on cards 90
TJ1600-11 ............................................................................................ 90
Connect STM-1 ports............................................................................... 90
Connect STM-4 ports............................................................................... 93
Connect STM-16 ports ............................................................................. 96
Connect STM-64 ports ............................................................................. 99
Connect OTU1 ports ................................................................................ 110
Connect OTU1f ports ............................................................................... 111
Connect OTU2/OTU2e ports ..................................................................... 112
Connect OTUC1/OTUC2 ports ................................................................... 121
Connect OTU4 ports ................................................................................ 127
TJ1600-6 .............................................................................................. 136
Connect STM-1 ports............................................................................... 136
Connect STM-4 ports............................................................................... 138
Connect STM-16 ports ............................................................................. 140
Connect STM-64 ports ............................................................................. 142
Connect OTU1f ports ............................................................................... 150
Connect OTU1 ports ................................................................................ 151
Connect OTU2/OTU2e ports ..................................................................... 152
Connect OTUC1/OTUC2 ports ................................................................... 159
Connect OTU4 ports ................................................................................ 165
TJ1600-2 .............................................................................................. 171
Connect STM-1 ports............................................................................... 171
Connect STM-4 ports............................................................................... 172
Connect STM-16 ports ............................................................................. 173
Connect STM-64 ports ............................................................................. 174
Connect OTU1f ports ............................................................................... 178
Connect OTU1 ports ................................................................................ 179
Connect OTU2/OTU2e ports ..................................................................... 180
Connect OTUC1/OTUC2 ports ................................................................... 185
Connect OTU4 ports ................................................................................ 189
Connect Ethernet ports on cards 196
Connect ports on CEF-5 card ................................................................... 196
TJ1600-11 ............................................................................................. 196
TJ1600-6 ............................................................................................... 199
Connect Ethernet ports on optical tributary cards ....................................... 204
TJ1600-11 ............................................................................................. 204
TJ1600-6 ............................................................................................... 220
TJ1600-2 ............................................................................................... 233
Connect fiber channel ports on cards 244
TJ1600-11 ............................................................................................ 244
Connect 8GFC/12GFC ports ...................................................................... 244
Connect 16GFC ports .............................................................................. 250
Connect 32GFC ports .............................................................................. 253
TJ1600-6 .............................................................................................. 256
Connect 1GFC/2GFC/4GFC ports ............................................................... 256
Connect 8GFC/12GFC ports ...................................................................... 257
Connect 16GFC ports .............................................................................. 262
Connect 32GFC ports .............................................................................. 266
TJ1600-2 .............................................................................................. 269
Connect 1GFC/2GFC/4GFC ports ............................................................... 269
Connect 8GFC/12GFC ports ...................................................................... 270
Connect 16GFC ports .............................................................................. 273
Connect 32GFC ports .............................................................................. 275
Connect ports on DWDM cards 278
Install standalone units........................................................................... 278
Install the optical adapter card ................................................................ 279
Connect ports on OFA card ..................................................................... 281
Connect high power OFA ports ................................................................. 282
Connect MDU8-D ports ........................................................................... 283
Connect MDU16-D ports ......................................................................... 284
Connect MDU40 ports ............................................................................. 285
Connect CLMDU ports ............................................................................. 287
Connect MDU96 ports ............................................................................. 287
Connect OADM ports .............................................................................. 289
Connect ROADM ports ............................................................................ 290
........................................................................................................... Con-
nect OPM ports........................................................................................... 291
Connect optical PSCM ports .................................................................... 292
Connect OFM unit .................................................................................. 294
Connecting VOA ports............................................................................. 295
Connect ports on (FPU01/FPU02) card ...................................................... 296
Connect OSCF ports .............................................................................. 297
Connecting DCM ports ............................................................................ 299
Connecting OTDR ports........................................................................... 300
Connecting OTDRF ports ......................................................................... 303
Connecting 1625 coupling WDM ports ....................................................... 306
Connecting C+L coupler CLF-S and CLF-D ................................................. 307
Commission the node 310
Configure parameters in SLAT page.......................................................... 310
Connect PC to LAN/NMS port of the node .................................................. 314
Connect PC to LNMS ports of the node ...................................................... 314
Download software from SLAT page ......................................................... 315
Log into an uncommissioned node ............................................................ 316
Set node date and time .......................................................................... 317
Verify the serial numbers of cards and pluggable modules of the node .......... 318
Set node date and time .......................................................................... 318
Synchronization reference clock source for the node ................................... 319
Backup and restore node configuration data .............................................. 319
General configuration 322
Switch ON node and PC configuration ....................................................... 322
Login to the system................................................................................ 322
Configure OSPF parameters..................................................................... 323
Configuring VCG Ports ............................................................................ 323
Add new VC To VCG ............................................................................... 325
Configure STM port ................................................................................ 326
Configure Ethernet interfaces .................................................................. 332
Configure timing manager ....................................................................... 332
Check alarms ........................................................................................ 333
Multi shelf configuration 335
Physical connectivity .............................................................................. 335
Configure subtended shelf from SLAT page................................................ 336
System test procedures 338
Testing HCPULine01 Card........................................................................ 338
Before you start ..................................................................................... 338
Procedure for testing STM-1/4/16 interfaces............................................... 338
Procedure for testing GIGE interfaces of HCPULine01 in EoS mode ................ 340
Testing HCPSLine01 Card ........................................................................ 343
Before you start ..................................................................................... 343
Procedure for testing STM-64 interfaces..................................................... 343
Procedure for testing in EoS mode ............................................................ 344
Test HCPSLine03 card............................................................................. 345
Before you start ..................................................................................... 345
Procedure for testing in SDH GATEWAY card mode ...................................... 346
Testing Procedure in OTN FlexiCard Mode................................................... 348
Testing Procedure in IntraCard transponder mode ....................................... 349
Test HCPSLine08 card............................................................................. 351
Before you start ..................................................................................... 351
Procedure for Testing in SDH Gateway card mode ....................................... 351
Procedure for Testing in OTN FlexiCard mode ............................................. 353
Procedure for testing HCPSLine08 interfaces in Intra Card MUXPONDER mode 356
Test HCPSLine12 card............................................................................. 359
Procedure for testing in Muxponder mode .................................................. 360
Procedure for testing in Flexi 100G plus 10x10G to 1x OTU4 ......................... 363
Procedure for testing in Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G to 1x OTU4 ....................... 366
Testing HCPSLine20 Card ........................................................................ 369
Before you start ..................................................................................... 369
Procedure for testing STM-16 Interfaces in SDH only mode .......................... 370
Test HCPSLine22 card............................................................................. 372
Before you start ..................................................................................... 373
Procedure for testing 10x10G 1x100G tributary and cross-connect ................ 373
Procedure for testing 10x10G flexi tributary and cross-connect ..................... 375
Procedure for testing in MUXPONDER mode ................................................ 377
Procedure for testing HCPSLine22 in TRANSPONDER mode ........................... 379
Procedure for testing STM-64 interfaces in 10x10G SDH Flexi Mode ............... 380
Procedure for Testing HCPSLine22 in 10x10G OTN and 1x100G OTN .............. 382
Test HCPSLine24 card............................................................................. 385
Procedure for testing HCPSLine24 in Transponder Mode ............................... 385
Test HCPSLine25 card............................................................................. 386
Before you start ..................................................................................... 386
Procedure for testing in TRANSPONDER mode............................................. 387
Test HCPSLine26 card............................................................................. 389
Before you start ..................................................................................... 389
Procedure for testing in Muxponder mode .................................................. 390
Test HCPSLine27 card............................................................................. 393
Before you start ..................................................................................... 393
Procedure for testing in 2xFlexi 100G to 2xOTU4......................................... 394
Procedure to test Line27 in 10X10G to OTU4 + flexi 100G to OTU4................ 395
Test HCPSLine28 card............................................................................. 397
Procedure for testing 2x100G TRANSPONDER OTU4 NP mode ....................... 398
Test HCPSLine29 card............................................................................. 400
Points to remember ................................................................................ 400
Procedure for testing 100G or 200G regenerator OTUC1/OTUC2 .................... 401
Test HCPSLine31 card............................................................................. 402
Points to remember ................................................................................ 403
Procedure for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine31 ........................................ 403
Procedure for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine31 .......................................... 405
Test HCPSLine32 card............................................................................. 407
Points to remember ................................................................................ 408
Procedure for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine32 ........................................ 408
Test HCPSLine33 card............................................................................. 410
Points to remember ................................................................................ 411
Procedure for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine33 ........................................ 411
Procedure for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine33 .......................................... 413
Test HCPSLine34 card............................................................................. 416
Before you start ..................................................................................... 416
Points to remember ................................................................................ 416
Procedure for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine34 ........................................ 416
Test CEF-5 card ..................................................................................... 418
Procedure for testing CEF-5 card interfaces in L2 mode ................................ 418
Test OFA card........................................................................................ 420
Before you start ..................................................................................... 420
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 421
Test OPM card ....................................................................................... 421
Before you start ..................................................................................... 421
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 422
Test Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) card .............................................. 423
Before you start ..................................................................................... 423
Testing Procedure ................................................................................... 424
Test OADM card..................................................................................... 424
Before you start ..................................................................................... 424
Testing Procedure ................................................................................... 425
Test MDU-16CL-C-50G and ROADM-4-C-50G cards..................................... 426
Before you start ..................................................................................... 426
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 427
Test MDU-2x16CL-C, ROADM-8-C, and ROADM-9-C cards............................ 428
Before you start ..................................................................................... 428
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 429
Test MDU-40E-C-100G, MDU-40O-C-100G and ILU-C-50G cards .................. 431
Before you start ..................................................................................... 431
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 431
Test MDU-96-C-50G card ........................................................................ 434
Before you start ..................................................................................... 434
Testing Procedure ................................................................................... 434
........................................................................................................... Test
MDU8-D card ............................................................................................. 436
Before you start ..................................................................................... 436
Testing Procedure ................................................................................... 436
Test MDU-16-D card............................................................................... 438
Before you start ..................................................................................... 438
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 438
Test MDU-64-D card............................................................................... 440
Before you start ..................................................................................... 440
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 440
Test PSCM ............................................................................................ 441
Before you start ..................................................................................... 441
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 442
Test FPU01/FPU02 card .......................................................................... 443
Before you start ..................................................................................... 443
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 444
Test OTDR and OTDR filter card ............................................................... 445
Before you start ..................................................................................... 445
Testing procedure ................................................................................... 446
Record data and test results 447
Site verification checklist......................................................................... 447
Commission and test report..................................................................... 450
Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-1.............................................. 450
Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-4.............................................. 450
Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-16 ............................................ 451
Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-64/10G ..................................... 451
Receiver sensitivity measurement for 1G................................................... 452
Receiver sensitivity measurement for 10G ................................................. 452
Protection switching on fiber breaks, STM LOS ........................................... 453
General procedures 455
Guidelines for cleaning optical fiber connectors .......................................... 455
Inspect fiber connectors.......................................................................... 456
Clean optical fiber connectors .................................................................. 457
Clean with lint-free wipes......................................................................... 457
Clean connectors with swabs .................................................................... 458
Clean with dry compressed air .................................................................. 458
........................................................................................................... Insert
and eject the PFU ....................................................................................... 458
Insert and eject the FTU ......................................................................... 463
Insert and eject cards............................................................................. 472
Cards with ejectors ................................................................................. 473
Cards with latch handles .......................................................................... 480
Insert and eject the adapter card ............................................................. 484
Insert and eject pluggable modules .......................................................... 488
Insert and eject SFP/SFP+/XFP modules .................................................... 489
Insert and eject CFP modules ................................................................... 493
Extension power cord gauge calculation .................................................... 495
Handle microSD disk .............................................................................. 498
Guidelines to route the cables 501
Separate the power and data cables ......................................................... 501
Retain the excess cable .......................................................................... 501
Protect the cables .................................................................................. 502
Route the fiber optic cables ..................................................................... 502
Route the network cables ........................................................................ 502
Facilitate filter removal ........................................................................... 503
Avoid thermal issues while routing cables .................................................. 503
Cable bend-radius restrictions.................................................................. 504
Connector pin assignment 505
PFU08 power connector .......................................................................... 505
HCPPFU07 power connector..................................................................... 505
HCPPFU02 power connector..................................................................... 505
PFU4 power connector ............................................................................ 506
Alarm input connector ............................................................................ 506
Alarm output connector .......................................................................... 507
LNMS/NMS1/NMS2 connector .................................................................. 507
ESI connector........................................................................................ 508
NMS connector ...................................................................................... 508
LCT connector ....................................................................................... 509
LAN/MGN connector ............................................................................... 509
M1/F1 connector .................................................................................... 510
Craft connector...................................................................................... 510
Cable color codes 511
PFU08 power cable................................................................................. 511
HCPPFU07 power cable ........................................................................... 511
HCPPFU02 power cable ........................................................................... 511
PFU4 power cable .................................................................................. 511
Alarm-in cable ....................................................................................... 512
Alarm-out cable ..................................................................................... 512
ESI cable .............................................................................................. 512
M1/F1 cable .......................................................................................... 513
LAN/MGN cable...................................................................................... 513
LCT cable.............................................................................................. 514
Craft cable ............................................................................................ 514
LNMS/NMS1/NMS2 cable......................................................................... 514
Graphical presentation of cards - dimensions 517
Appendix 529
Regulatory standards compliance ............................................................ 529
List of Figures
Figure 1: Spacing and airflow recommendation for stacked systems ....................... 8
Figure 2: Population rule- Case 1 ....................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Population rule- Case 2 ....................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Population rule- Case 3 ...................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Installation, commissioning, and testing process flow .............................. 17
Figure 6: Receiving and unpacking process ......................................................... 20
Figure 7: Packing label ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 8: Straps on the packing box ................................................................... 22
Figure 9: Reinforced packing tape ...................................................................... 23
Figure 10: Removing the equipment from box ..................................................... 24
Figure 11: Removing the cushion ....................................................................... 25
Figure 12: Node covered with anti-static bag ....................................................... 26
Figure 13: TJ1600 Type-11SR: slot allotment ...................................................... 28
Figure 14: TJ1600 Type-6SR: slot allotment ........................................................ 29
Figure 15: TJ1600 Type-2SR: slot allotment ........................................................ 30
Figure 16: Attaching cage nut on rack post ......................................................... 38
Figure 17: Installing TJ1600 POTP chassis in a rack .............................................. 39
Figure 18: Install TJ1600 baffle on the rack......................................................... 40
Figure 19: Reverse mount the mount angle ......................................................... 41
Figure 20: Install enclosure assemble on the baffle .............................................. 42
Figure 21: Final TJ1600 Type-11SR node with baffle............................................. 43
Figure 22: Final TJ1600 Type-11SR node with baffle (Front view) ........................... 44
Figure 23: Final TJ1600 Type-11SR node with baffle (side view)............................. 44
Figure 24: Attaching cage nut on rack post ......................................................... 45
Figure 25: Installing TJ1600 Type-6SR chassis in a rack........................................ 47
Figure 26: Baffle in horizontal orientation for 23" rack .......................................... 48
Figure 27: Install horizontal support brackets on the rack ..................................... 49
Figure 28: Install the baffle on the rack .............................................................. 49
Figure 29: Baffle in vertical orientation for 19"/21" rack ........................................ 50
Figure 30: Attaching cage nut on rack post ......................................................... 51
Figure 31: Installing chassis onto the rack .......................................................... 52
Figure 32: Assemble the baffle on the rack.......................................................... 53
Figure 33: Insert the chassis inside the baffle ...................................................... 54
Figure 34: Horizontal orientation for 23" rack ...................................................... 54
Figure 35: Install horizontal support brackets on the rack ..................................... 55
Figure 36: Assemble the baffle on the rack.......................................................... 56
Figure 37: Vertical orientation for 19"/21" rack .................................................... 57
Figure 38: Safety earth terminal on TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis ............................... 59
Figure 39: Safety earth terminal on TJ1600 Type-6SR chassis ............................... 59
Figure 40: Safety earth terminal on TJ1600 Type-11SR ........................................ 60
Figure 41: Bonding topologies ........................................................................... 61
Figure 42: Connecting PFU (HCPPFU02 Card)....................................................... 63
Figure 43: Power cable connection- HCPPFU4 ...................................................... 65
Figure 44: Power supply interface on PFU of TJ1600 Type-2SR system.................... 66
Figure 45: Alarm-Out and Alarm-In ports connection (HCPOAM01 Card).................. 69
Figure 46: ESI port connection (HCPOAM01 Card) ................................................ 71
Figure 47: Craft port connection (HCPOAM01 Card) .............................................. 73
Figure 48: M1/F1 connection (HCPOAM01 Card)................................................... 75
Figure 49: LAN port connection (HCPOAM01 Card) ............................................... 77
Figure 50: MGN port connection (HCPOAM01 Card) .............................................. 79
Figure 51: Connecting HCPOAM03 card interfaces- Alarm-In.................................. 81
Figure 52: Connecting HCPOAM03 card interfaces- LNMS, NMS1, and NMS2 ............ 82
Figure 53: Connecting HCPOAM03 card interfaces- Craft ....................................... 83
Figure 54: ALARM IN and ALARM OUT ports- OAMC card ....................................... 85
Figure 55: NMS port- OAMC card ....................................................................... 86
Figure 56: LCT Port- OAMC Card ........................................................................ 87
Figure 57: OSC ports- OAMC Card...................................................................... 88
Figure 58: STM-1 Connection (HCPULine01 Card)................................................. 91
Figure 59: STM-1 Connection (HCPSLine08 Card)................................................. 92
Figure 60: STM-1 Connections (HCPSLine20 Card) ............................................... 93
Figure 61: STM-4 Connection (HCPULine01 Card)................................................. 94
Figure 62: STM-4 Connection (HCPSLine08 Card)................................................. 95
Figure 63: STM-4 Connections (HCPSLine20 Card) .............................................. 96
Figure 64: STM-16 Connection (HCPULine01 Card)............................................... 97
Figure 65: STM-16 Connection (HCPSLine08 Card) ............................................... 98
Figure 66: STM-16 connections in HCPSLine20 card (SDH Only Mode) .................... 99
Figure 67: STM-64 Connection (HCPSLine01 Card) ............................................... 101
Figure 68: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine03 Card)............................................... 102
Figure 69: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine08 Card)............................................... 103
Figure 70: STM-64/OC-192 Connections (HCPSLine12 Card).................................. 104
Figure 71: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine20 Card)............................................... 105
Figure 72: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine22 Card)............................................... 106
Figure 73: STM-64 Connection (HCPSLine25 card) ............................................... 107
Figure 74: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine26........................................................ 107
Figure 75: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine27 card................................................. 108
Figure 76: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card ................................................ 109
Figure 77: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine33 Card ................................................ 110
Figure 78: OTU1 Connection (HCPSLine08 card) .................................................. 111
Figure 79: OTU1f Connection- HCPSLine22 card................................................... 112
Figure 80: OTU2/OTU2e connection (HCPSLine03 card) ........................................ 113
Figure 81: OTU2/OTU2e Connection (HCPSLine08 Card) ....................................... 114
Figure 82: OTU2/OTU2e Connections (HCPSLine12 Card) ...................................... 115
Figure 83: OTU2/OTU2e Connections (HCPSLine22 Card) ...................................... 116
Figure 84: OTU2/OTU2e Connection (HCPSLine25 Card) ....................................... 117
Figure 85: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine26 Card......................................... 118
Figure 86: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine27 ................................................ 119
Figure 87: OTU2/OTU2e Connection (HCPSLine31 Card) ....................................... 120
Figure 88: OTU2/OTU2e Connection (HCPSLine33 Card) ....................................... 121
Figure 89: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine26 Card....................................... 122
Figure 90: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine27 card ....................................... 123
Figure 91: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine29 card ....................................... 124
Figure 92: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card....................................... 125
Figure 93: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine32 Card....................................... 126
Figure 94: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection- HCPSLine33 card ....................................... 127
Figure 95: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection - HCPSLine34 card ...................................... 127
Figure 96: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine12 Card .................................................. 128
Figure 97: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine22 Card .................................................. 129
Figure 98: OTU4 Connection (HCPSLine24 Card) .................................................. 130
Figure 99: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ................................................... 131
Figure 100: OTU4 Connection- Line28 Card ......................................................... 132
Figure 101: OTU4 Connection- Line31 Card ......................................................... 133
Figure 102: OTU4 Connection- Line32 Card ......................................................... 134
Figure 103: OTU4 Connection- Line33 Card ......................................................... 135
Figure 104: OTU4 Connection- Line34 Card ......................................................... 136
Figure 105: STM-1 connection: HCPSLine08 card ................................................. 137
Figure 106: STM-1 connection- HCPSLine22 card ................................................. 137
Figure 107: STM-4 connection- HCPSLine08 card ................................................. 139
Figure 108: STM-4 connection- HCPSLine22 card ................................................. 139
Figure 109: STM-16 connection: HCPSLine08 card ............................................... 141
Figure 110: STM-16 connection: HCPSLine22 card ............................................... 142
Figure 111: STM-64 connection- HCPSLine03 card ............................................... 143
Figure 112: STM-64 connection- HCPSLine12 card ............................................... 144
Figure 113: STM-64 connection- HCPSLine22 card ............................................... 145
Figure 114: STM-64 Connection - HCPSLine25 card .............................................. 146
Figure 115: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine26 Card .............................................. 147
Figure 116: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card .............................................. 148
Figure 117: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card .............................................. 149
Figure 118: STM-64 Connection - HCPSLine33 Card ............................................. 150
Figure 119: OTU1f Connection -HCPSLine22 card ................................................. 151
Figure 120: Connecting OTU1 ports- HCPSLine08 card .......................................... 152
Figure 121: OTU2/OTU2e connection- HCPSLine03 card ........................................ 153
Figure 122: OTU2/OTU2e connection - HCPSLine08 card ....................................... 153
Figure 123: OTU2/OTU2e connection- HCPSLine12 card ........................................ 154
Figure 124: OTU2/OTU2e connection- HCPSLine22 card ........................................ 155
Figure 125: OTU2/OTU2e Connection - HCPSLine25 card ...................................... 156
Figure 126: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine26 Card ....................................... 157
Figure 127: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ....................................... 158
Figure 128: OTU2/OTU2e connection (HCPSLine31 card)....................................... 159
Figure 129: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection - HCPSLine26 Card .................................... 160
Figure 130: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card..................................... 161
Figure 131: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine29 Card..................................... 162
Figure 132: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card..................................... 163
Figure 133: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine32 Card..................................... 164
Figure 134: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection- HCPSLine33 Card..................................... 165
Figure 135: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection- HCPSLine34 Card..................................... 165
Figure 136: OTU4 connection- HCPSLine12 card .................................................. 166
Figure 137: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine22 card .................................................. 166
Figure 138: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine24 ......................................................... 167
Figure 139: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ................................................. 168
Figure 140: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine28 card .................................................. 168
Figure 141: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine31 card .................................................. 169
Figure 142: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine32 card .................................................. 170
Figure 143: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine33 card ................................................. 170
Figure 144: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine34 card ................................................. 171
Figure 145: Connecting STM-1 ports- HCPSLine08................................................ 172
Figure 146: Connecting STM-1 ports- HCPSLine22................................................ 172
Figure 147: Connecting STM-4 ports- HCPSLine08................................................ 173
Figure 148: Connecting STM-4 ports- HCPSLine22................................................ 173
Figure 149: Connecting STM-16 ports- HCPSLine08.............................................. 174
Figure 150: Connecting STM-16 ports- HCPSLine22.............................................. 174
Figure 151: STM-64 Connection (HCPSLine01 Card) ............................................. 175
Figure 152: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine03 Card) ............................................. 175
Figure 153: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine08 Card) ............................................. 176
Figure 154: STM-64/OC-192 Connections (HCPSLine12 Card) ................................ 176
Figure 155: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine20 Card) ............................................. 176
Figure 156: STM64 Connections (HCPSLine22 Card) ............................................. 176
Figure 157: STM-64 Connection (HCPSLine25 card).............................................. 176
Figure 158: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine26 ...................................................... 177
Figure 159: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card .............................................. 177
Figure 160: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card .............................................. 177
Figure 161: STM-64 Connection- HCPSLine33 Card .............................................. 178
Figure 162: Connecting OTU1f ports- HCPSLine22 ................................................ 179
Figure 163: Connecting OTU1 ports- HCPSLine08 card .......................................... 180
Figure 164: OTU2/OTU2e Connection - HCPSLine03 card ...................................... 181
Figure 165: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine08 card ....................................... 181
Figure 166: Connecting OTU2/OTU2e ports- HCPSLine12 ..................................... 182
Figure 167: Connecting OTU2/OTU2e ports- HCPSLine22 ...................................... 182
Figure 168: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine25 card ....................................... 183
Figure 169: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine26 Card ....................................... 183
Figure 170: OTU2/OTU2e Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ....................................... 184
Figure 171: OTUC2/OTUC2e Connection- HCPSLine31 Card ................................... 184
Figure 172: OTUC2/OTUC2e Connection- HCPSLine33 Card ................................... 185
Figure 173: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine26 Card..................................... 186
Figure 174: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card..................................... 186
Figure 175: OTUC1/OTUC2 Connection- HCPSLine29 Card..................................... 187
Figure 176: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine31 Card..................................... 187
Figure 177: OTUC1-OTUC6 Connection- HCPSLine32 Card..................................... 188
Figure 178: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection- HCPSLine33 Card..................................... 189
Figure 179: OTUC1-OTUC4 Connection- HCPSLine34 Card..................................... 189
Figure 180: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine12 Card ................................................ 191
Figure 181: Connecting OTU4 port- HCPSLine22 card ........................................... 191
Figure 182: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine24 Card ................................................ 192
Figure 183: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ................................................. 192
Figure 184: Connecting OTU4 ports- HCPSLine28 ................................................. 193
Figure 185: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine31 Card ................................................ 193
Figure 186: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine32 Card ................................................ 194
Figure 187: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine33 Card ................................................ 194
Figure 188: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine34 Card ................................................ 195
Figure 189: 10G connections (CEF-5 Card).......................................................... 197
Figure 190: 10G Connections (Line-31 Card) ....................................................... 198
Figure 191: 1G Ports (CEF5 Card) ...................................................................... 199
Figure 192: 10Gbps optical interfaces on CEF5 card ............................................. 201
Figure 193: 10Gbps optical interfaces on HCPSLine31 card .................................... 202
Figure 194: Connecting CEF-5 Card Interface- 1000BASE-X................................... 203
Figure 195: Connecting CEF-5 Card Interface- 10/100/1000BASE-TX...................... 204
Figure 196: 100Gbps Interface Connection- HCPSLine12 Card ............................... 206
Figure 197: 100G Connection (HCPSLine24 Card) ................................................ 207
Figure 198: 100GE Interface Connection- HCPSLine27 Card................................... 208
Figure 199: 100G connection - HCPSLine28 card.................................................. 209
Figure 200: 10G connection (HCPSLine01 Card)................................................... 210
Figure 201: 10G connection (HCPSLine03 card) ................................................... 211
Figure 202: 10G connection (HCPSLine08 Card)................................................... 212
Figure 203: 10G connection (HCPSLine12 Card)................................................... 213
Figure 204: 10G connection (HCPSLine22 Card)................................................... 214
Figure 205: 10G Connection (HCPSLine25 Card) .................................................. 215
Figure 206: 10Gbps Inteface Connection- HCPSLine26 Card .................................. 216
Figure 207: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine27 Card .................................. 217
Figure 208: Connecting 1GE interface on HCPULine01 card.................................... 218
Figure 209: 1Gbpsconnections (HCPSLine08 Card) ............................................... 219
Figure 210: 40GE interface connection ............................................................... 220
Figure 211: 100Gbps Interface Connection- HCPSLine12 Card ............................... 222
Figure 212: 100G connection - HCPSLine24 card.................................................. 222
Figure 213: 100Gbps Interface Connection- HCPSLine27 Card ............................... 223
Figure 214: 100G connection (HCPSLine28 card) ................................................. 223
Figure 215: 10G Connection - HCPSLine03 card ................................................... 225
Figure 216: 10G Connection - HCPSLine12 card ................................................... 226
Figure 217: 10G connection - HCPSLine22 card ................................................... 227
Figure 218: 10G connection - HCPSLine25 card ................................................... 228
Figure 219: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine26 card................................... 229
Figure 220: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine27 card................................... 230
Figure 221: 1GE connection- HCPSLine08 card .................................................... 231
Figure 222: 1G Connection - HCPSLine22 card..................................................... 231
Figure 223: 40GE interface connection- HCPSLine27 card...................................... 233
Figure 224: 100Gbps Interface Connection- HCPSLine12 Card ............................... 235
Figure 225: 100G connection - HCPSLine24 card.................................................. 235
Figure 226: 100Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine27 card ................................. 236
Figure 227: 100Gbps ports- HCPSLine28 card...................................................... 236
Figure 228: 10G connection - HCPSLine03 card ................................................... 238
Figure 229: 10G connection- HCPSLine12 card .................................................... 238
Figure 230: 10G connection- HCPSLine22 card .................................................... 239
Figure 231: 10G connection - HCPSLine25 card ................................................... 239
Figure 232: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine26 card................................... 240
Figure 233: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine27 card................................... 240
Figure 234: 1G connection- HCPSLine08 card ...................................................... 241
Figure 235: 1G connection- HCPSLine22 card ...................................................... 241
Figure 236: 40GE interface connection ............................................................... 242
Figure 237: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card............................. 245
Figure 238: Connecting 8GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card ....................................... 246
Figure 239: Connecting 12GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card ..................................... 247
Figure 240: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine25 card............................. 248
Figure 241: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card............................. 249
Figure 242: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card............................. 250
Figure 243: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 251
Figure 244: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 252
Figure 245: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 253
Figure 246: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 254
Figure 247: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 255
Figure 248: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 256
Figure 249: Connecting 1GFC/2GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card .............................. 257
Figure 250: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card............................. 258
Figure 251: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine25 card............................. 259
Figure 252: Connecting 8GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card ....................................... 260
Figure 253: Connecting 12GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card ..................................... 260
Figure 254: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports HCPSLine26 card ................................. 261
Figure 255: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card............................. 262
Figure 256: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 263
Figure 257: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 265
Figure 258: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 265
Figure 259: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 267
Figure 260: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 268
Figure 261: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 269
Figure 262: Connecting 1GFC/2GFC/4GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card...................... 270
Figure 263: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card............................. 271
Figure 264: Connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports HCPSLine25 card ................................. 271
Figure 265: Connecting 8GFC ports on HCPSLine22 .............................................. 272
Figure 266: Connecting 12GFC ports on HCPSLine22 card ..................................... 272
Figure 267: Connection 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card............................. 273
Figure 268: Connection 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card............................. 273
Figure 269: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 274
Figure 270: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 274
Figure 271: Connecting 16GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 275
Figure 272: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine12 card ..................................... 276
Figure 273: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine26 card ..................................... 276
Figure 274: Connecting 32GFC ports on HCPSLine27 card ..................................... 277
Figure 275: Install the cage nut on the rack post ................................................. 279
Figure 276: Installation of MDU40 unit on rack .................................................... 279
Figure 277: HCPADP01 with MDU-8 card ............................................................. 280
Figure 278: FPUADP01 with FPU01 card in 2/3rd slot of HCPADP01......................... 280
Figure 279: HCPADP02 card with OADM cards ..................................................... 280
Figure 280: Optical fiber amplifier interfaces ....................................................... 282
Figure 281: Ports and connector for OFA-C-S26-FG .............................................. 283
Figure 282: Interface connection for MDU-8-D card .............................................. 284
Figure 283: Interface connection for MDU-16-D card ............................................ 285
Figure 284: Port connectivity diagram for MDU-40E-C-100G unit............................ 286
Figure 285: Connecting interfaces- MDU-16CL-C-50G ........................................... 287
Figure 286: Interface connection on MDU-96 card ................................................ 289
Figure 287: Interface Connection- OADM-1 and OADM-4 cards .............................. 290
Figure 288: Interface connection - ROADM-4-C-50G card ...................................... 291
Figure 289: Interface connection- ROADM-8-C-50G .............................................. 291
Figure 290: Interface connection- OPM-C-4 and OPM-C-2 card............................... 292
Figure 291: Interface connection- 1x5 PSCM ....................................................... 293
Figure 292: Interface Connection- VOA card ........................................................ 296
Figure 293: Ports on FPU01 card........................................................................ 297
Figure 294: Connecting DCM interfaces............................................................... 300
Figure 295: Port connectivity diagram for DCM with OSCF ..................................... 300
Figure 296: Port connectivity of OTDR-2 card ...................................................... 301
Figure 297: Port connectivity of OTDR-4 card ...................................................... 302
Figure 298: Port connectivity of OTDR-8 card ...................................................... 303
Figure 299: Port connectivity of OTDRF-2 card..................................................... 304
Figure 300: Port connectivity of OTDRF-4 card..................................................... 305
Figure 301: Port connectivity of OTDRF-8 card..................................................... 306
Figure 302: Port connectivity of 1625 coupling WDM card...................................... 307
Figure 303: Configure slat node ......................................................................... 311
Figure 304: Initialize node parameters- TJ1600 Type-2SR ..................................... 311
Figure 305: Initialize node parameters - TJ1600-6 ............................................... 311
Figure 306: Initialize node parameters- TJ1600 Type-11SR with HCPXCC04 (640G).. 312
Figure 307: Initialize node parameters- TJ1600 Type-11SR with HCPXCC04 (900G).. 312
Figure 308: Initialize node parameters page of TJ1600-11 with OSMC card.............. 312
Figure 309: PC Connected to the Node ............................................................... 323
Figure 310: Multi shelf connection between main and subtended ............................ 336
Figure 311: Configure Slat page - subtended shelf ............................................... 337
Figure 312: Setup for testing STM-1/4 interfaces ................................................. 339
Figure 313: Setup for Testing HCPULine01 - GIGE Ports in EoS Mode ...................... 341
Figure 314: Setup for testing STM-64 interfaces .................................................. 344
Figure 315: Setup for testing in EoS mode .......................................................... 345
Figure 316: Setup for testing in SDH Gateway/SDH FEC mode ............................... 347
Figure 317: Setup for Testing HCPSLine03 Card in OTN FlexiCard Mode .................. 348
Figure 318: Setup for testing in IntraCard TRANS/MUXPONDER mode..................... 350
Figure 319: Setup for testing in SDH Gateway card mode ..................................... 352
Figure 320: Setup for testing in OTN Configuration............................................... 354
Figure 321: Setup for testing in Intra Card Muxponder Mode ................................. 357
Figure 322: Setup for testing HCPSLine12 card .................................................... 361
Figure 323: Setup- Flexi 100G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder ............................ 363
Figure 324: Test setup 2- Flexi 100G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder ................... 364
Figure 325: Test setup- Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder .................... 366
Figure 326: Test setup 2- Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder ................. 368
Figure 327: Test setup for Testing HCPSLine20 card ............................................. 371
Figure 328: Test Setup: 10x10G 1x100G TRUBUTARY AND CROSS-CONNECT .......... 374
Figure 329: Test setup: 10x10G FLEXI TRIBUTARY AND CROSS-CONNECT mode...... 376
Figure 330: Setup for testing HCPSLine22 in MUXPONDER mode ............................ 377
Figure 331: Setup for testing HCPSLine22 in TRANSPONDER mode......................... 379
Figure 332: Setup for Testing HCPSLine22 in SDH Flexi Mode ................................ 381
Figure 333: Setup for Testing HCPSLine22 in OTN TRIBUTARY Mode ....................... 382
Figure 334: Setup for testing HCPSLine24 in TRANSPONDER mode......................... 386
Figure 335: Test set-up for HCPSLine25 card....................................................... 388
Figure 336: Setup for testing in MUXPONDER Mode .............................................. 391
Figure 337: Test Setup- 2xFlexi 100G to 2xOTU4 Transponder............................... 394
Figure 338: Test Setup- 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder ........................................... 396
Figure 339: Test Setup for Testing HCPSLine28 Card ............................................ 399
Figure 340: Test Setup for Testing HCPSLine29 Card ............................................ 401
Figure 341: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine31 card ........................ 404
Figure 342: Test set up for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine31 card.......................... 406
Figure 343: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine32 card ........................ 409
Figure 344: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine33 card ........................ 412
Figure 345: Test set up for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine33 card.......................... 414
Figure 346: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine34 card ........................ 417
Figure 347: Setup for Testing CEF-5 Card Interfaces ............................................ 419
Figure 348: Test OPM card ................................................................................ 423
Figure 349: Testing OADM-4-D card ................................................................... 426
Figure 350: Setup for Testing MDU-16CL-C-50G and ROADM-4-C-50G cards ........... 428
Figure 351: Setup for Testing MDU-2x16CL-C and ROADM-8-C cards ...................... 430
Figure 352: Setup for Testing MDU-2x16CL-C and ROADM-9-C cards ...................... 430
Figure 353: Setup: HCPSLine03, MDU40E-D, MDU40O-D, and ILU-C-50G cards ....... 433
Figure 354: Test MDU-64-D .............................................................................. 435
Figure 355: Setup for Testing HCPSLine03 and MDU8-D cards ............................... 437
Figure 356: Setup for testing HCPSLine03 and MDU-16-D cards ............................. 439
Figure 357: Testing PSCM ................................................................................. 442
Figure 358: Testing FPU01 card ......................................................................... 445
Figure 359: Testing OTDR and OTDR filter cards .................................................. 446
Figure 360: Fiber intersection ............................................................................ 456
Figure 361: Position of PFU in TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis........................................ 459
Figure 362: Sliding PFU into the chassis .............................................................. 460
Figure 363: Tightening captive screws on PFU ..................................................... 461
Figure 364: Loosening captive screws on PFU ...................................................... 462
Figure 365: Sliding the PFU out from the chassis.................................................. 463
Figure 366: Position of FTU on TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis....................................... 464
Figure 367: Sliding FTU into the chassis.............................................................. 465
Figure 368: Tightening captive screw on FTU ....................................................... 465
Figure 369: Loosening captive screw on FTU ....................................................... 466
Figure 370: Sliding FTU out from the chassis ....................................................... 467
Figure 371: Position of air filter on TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis ................................. 467
Figure 372: Sliding air filter into the chassis ........................................................ 469
Figure 373: Tightening captive screw on air filter ................................................. 470
Figure 374: Loosening captive screw on air filter .................................................. 471
Figure 375: Sliding air filter from the chassis ....................................................... 472
Figure 376: Sliding the card into chassis ............................................................. 474
Figure 377: Operating ejectors inwards while inserting ......................................... 475
Figure 378: Tightening captive screws on card..................................................... 476
Figure 379: Loosening captive screws on card ..................................................... 477
Figure 380: Operating ejectors inwards .............................................................. 478
Figure 381: Sliding out the card......................................................................... 479
Figure 382: Inserting the card ........................................................................... 481
Figure 383: Tightening captive screws on the card ............................................... 482
Figure 384: Loosening captive screws on the card ................................................ 483
Figure 385: Sliding the card out of the chassis..................................................... 484
Figure 386: Installing adapter card into the chassis .............................................. 486
Figure 387: Sliding FPUADP01 adapter card into HCPADP01................................... 487
Figure 388: Sliding out the adapter card from the chassis ..................................... 488
Figure 389: SFP transceiver module with a Mylar tab latch .................................... 489
Figure 390: SFP transceiver module with an actuator button latch .......................... 490
Figure 391: SFP/SFP+/XFP transceiver module having a bail clasp latch .................. 490
Figure 392: Inserting the transceiver in to the port .............................................. 491
Figure 393: Inserting LC connector cable into the transceiver module ..................... 491
Figure 394: Ejecting pluggable module with Mylar tab........................................... 492
Figure 395: Ejecting pluggable module with actuator button .................................. 492
Figure 396: Ejecting SFP/SFP+/XFP transceiver module having a bail clasp latch ...... 493
Figure 397: Tighten the captive screw on CFP...................................................... 494
Figure 398: Inserting SC connector cable into the CFP transceiver module............... 494
Figure 399: Loosening the captive screws on CFP................................................. 495
Figure 400: Ejecting CFP module ....................................................................... 495
Figure 401: Voltage drop calculator parameters ................................................... 496
Figure 402: Gold plated terminal of microSD disk ................................................. 499
Figure 403: Technique for proper holding of disk.................................................. 499
Figure 404: Filter removal with the help of cable slack .......................................... 503
Figure 405: Cable bend-radius restrictions .......................................................... 504
Figure 406: Physical dimension of HCPSLine21 .................................................... 517
Figure 407: Physical dimension of HCPSLine22 .................................................... 518
Figure 408: Physical dimension of HCPSLine24 .................................................... 519
Physical dimension of HCPSLine25 ..................................................................... 520
Figure 409: Physical dimension of HCPSLine26 .................................................... 521
Figure 410: Physical dimension of HCPSLine27 .................................................... 522
Figure 411: Physical dimension of HCPSLine28 .................................................... 523
Figure 412: Physical dimension of HCPSLine29 .................................................... 524
List of Tables
Table 1: Operating temperature specification....................................................... 14
Table 2: Card population rule ............................................................................ 32
Table 3: Space occupied in the rack details for TJ1600-11 chassis with baffles ......... 37
Table 4: Space occupied in the rack details for TJ1600-6 chassis with baffles ........... 37
Table 5: Space occupied in the rack details for TJ1600-2 chassis with baffles ........... 37
Table 6: Alarm-Out severity levels ..................................................................... 70
Table 7: Alarm-Out severity levels ..................................................................... 81
Table 8: ALARM OUT severity levels ................................................................... 85
Table 9: Slot number details ............................................................................. 281
Table 10: UserID and the Password Rules ........................................................... 317
Table 11: Backup configuration parameters......................................................... 320
Table 12: Restore configuration parameters ........................................................ 321
Table 13: Provisioning VCG Parameters .............................................................. 324
Table 14: Provision interface- STM parameters .................................................... 327
Table 15: Cross connects provisioning ................................................................ 340
Table 16: VCG Association ................................................................................ 341
Table 17: Test Performance - HCPULine01 Card .................................................. 342
Table 18: Test Performance - HCPSLine01 Card ................................................... 344
Table 19: Test Performance - HCPSLine01 Card ................................................... 345
Table 20: Test performance- HCPSLine03 card..................................................... 349
Table 21: Test Performance- HCPSLine03 Card .................................................... 351
Table 22: Cross-connects Provisioning - HCPSLine08 (SDH GATEWAY Card) ............ 353
Table 23: Test Performance- HCPSLine08 Card .................................................... 353
Table 24: ODU connections ............................................................................... 355
Table 25: Test Performance- HCPSLine08 Card .................................................... 356
Table 26: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine08 (Muxponder mode) ............................. 358
Table 27: Test performance- HCPSLine08 card..................................................... 359
Table 28: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine12 (Muxponder mode) ............................. 362
Table 29: Test Performance- HCPSLine12 Card .................................................... 362
Table 30: Test Performance- HCPSLine12 Card .................................................... 364
Table 31: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine12 card ................................................. 365
Table 32: Test Performance- HCPSLine12 card..................................................... 366
Table 33: Test performance- HCPSLine12 card..................................................... 367
Table 34: Test performance- HCPSLine12 card..................................................... 369
Table 35: Test Performance- HCPSLine20 Card .................................................... 372
Table 36: Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card.................................................... 375
Table 37: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine22 (Muxponder mode) ............................. 378
Table 38: Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card.................................................... 378
Table 39: Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card.................................................... 380
Table 40: ODU connections - HCPSLine22 ........................................................... 384
Table 41: Test performance - HCPSLine22 card.................................................... 384
Table 42: Test performance- HCPSLine24 card..................................................... 386
Table 43: Test Performance - HCPSLine25 card.................................................... 389
Table 44: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine26 (Muxponder mode) ............................. 392
Table 45: Test Performance- HCPSLine26 Card .................................................... 393
Table 46: Test Performance- HCPSLine27 Card .................................................... 395
Table 47: Test Performance- HCPSLine27 Card .................................................... 397
Table 48: Test performance - HCPSLine29 Card ................................................... 402
Table 49: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine31 ..................................................... 405
Table 50: Muxponder configurations ................................................................... 407
Table 51: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine32 ..................................................... 410
Table 52: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine33 ..................................................... 413
Table 53: Muxponder configurations ................................................................... 415
Table 54: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine34 ..................................................... 418
Table 55: Test performance - CEF-5 card ............................................................ 420
Table 56: Site verification checklist .................................................................... 447
Table 57: Report details of commissioning and testing .......................................... 450
Table 58: Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-1 ......................................... 450
Table 59: Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-4 ......................................... 450
Table 60: Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-16........................................ 451
Table 61: Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-64........................................ 451
Table 62: Receiver sensitivity measurement for STM-64/10G................................. 451
Table 63: Receiver sensitivity measurements for 1G ............................................. 452
Table 64: Receiver sensitivity measurement for 10G............................................. 452
Table 65: Receiver sensitivity measurement for 100G ........................................... 452
Table 66: Synchronization tests ......................................................................... 453
Table 67: Protection switching on fiber breaks, STM LOS....................................... 453
Table 68: Receiver sensitivity measurement for 100G (DWDM) .............................. 453
Table 69: Recommended actions for conditions of fiber connectors ......................... 456
Table 70: Voltage drop calculator parameters ...................................................... 497
Table 71: Typical AWG wire sizes ....................................................................... 497
Table 72: MicroSD disk size............................................................................... 500
Table 73: PFU08 power connector ...................................................................... 505
Table 74: HCPPFU07 power connector ................................................................ 505
Table 75: HCPPFU02 power connector ................................................................ 505
Table 76: PFU4 power connector........................................................................ 506
Table 77: Alarm input connector ........................................................................ 506
Table 78: Alarm output connector ...................................................................... 507
Table 79: LNMS connector ................................................................................ 507
Table 80: ESI connector ................................................................................... 508
Table 81: NMS connector .................................................................................. 508
Table 82: LCT connector ................................................................................... 509
Table 83: LAN/MGN connector ........................................................................... 509
Table 84: M1/F1 connector ............................................................................... 510
Table 85: Craft connector ................................................................................. 510
Table 86: PFU08 power cable ............................................................................ 511
Table 87: HCPPFU07 power cable....................................................................... 511
Table 88: HCPPFU02 power cable....................................................................... 511
Table 89: PFU4 power cable .............................................................................. 511
Table 90: Alarm-in cable................................................................................... 512
Table 91: Alarm-out cable................................................................................. 512
Table 92: ESI cable.......................................................................................... 512
Table 93: M1/F1 cable ...................................................................................... 513
Table 94: LAN/MGN cable ................................................................................. 513
Table 95: LCT cable ......................................................................................... 514
Table 96: Craft cable........................................................................................ 514
Table 97: LNMS/NMS1/NMS2 cable .................................................................... 514
Table 98: Regulatory standard compliance .......................................................... 529
Chapter Scope
Safety guidelines This chapter contains safety guidelines that you must follow
for personal safety and to operate the TJ1600 node
correctly. It also describes about the site environment and
instructions to be followed during site preparation and
equipment rack configuration.
Receive and unpack the This chapter describes the procedures to be followed during
node receiving and unpacking of a TJ1600 node. It includes
shipment verification, handling packages, and unpacking the
Card population rule This chapter provide details regarding the card population
rule to be followed in TJ1600 system.
Connect Ethernet ports on This chapter describes the port connections on HCPOAM01
cards card supported in TJ1600 system.
Connect ports on OAMC This chapter describes the port connections on OAMC card
card supported in TJ1600 system.
Chapter Scope
Connect optical ports on This chapter covers the optical port connection for cards
cards supported on TJ1600 system which includes connecting
STM-n and OTU-n ports.
Connect Ethernet ports on This chapter covers the Ethernet port connection for cards
cards supported on TJ1600 system.
Connect fiber channel ports This chapter provides the fiber channel connections for cards
on cards supported on TJ1600 system.
Connect ports on DWDM This chapter covers the port connections for DWDM cards or
cards units supported on TJ1600 system.
Commission the node This chapter describes the commissioning procedures that
have to be performed on a newly installed TJ1600 system. It
includes logging into a un-commissioned node, downloading
software from SLAT page, setting node date and time, and
nominating synchronization clock reference for the node.
Multi shelf configuration This chapter covers the procedure to connect the TJ1600
systems in multi shelf configuration.
System test procedures This chapter describes the system level tests that are
required to be performed on the node.
Record data and test This appendix provides various forms to record system data
results and test results during the commissioning process.
Guidelines to route the This chapter describes the procedures and the guidelines to
cables route cables securely without degrading the performance,
and avoid insecure and unsafe connections.
Connector pin assignment This appendix provides connector pin details for different
cables used for connecting the interfaces on the cards.
Chapter Scope
Cable color codes This appendix describes the color coding scheme for
different cables used.
TJ1600 Product Family This document describes the functions, features, capabilities
6.x Feature Description and specification of a product.
TJ1600 Product Family This document provides information on hardware
Hardware Description configuration, functions, capabilities, limitations, and physical
Guide characteristics of the product.
TJ1600 Product Family This document introduces and orients service providers to the
6.x User Interface Guide content, function, and organization of the user interface that
support the nodes.
TJ1600 Product Family This document introduces and orients service providers to the
6.x L2 UI Guide content, function, and organization of the user interface
supported on the carrier Ethernet card.
TJ1600 Product Family This document provides the list of alarms,causes, and
6.x ACP Guide
procedures to clear the alarm.
• Keep the tools away from the work area so that you or others do not fall over
• Avoid wearing loose clothes that could get caught in the chassis. Fasten your tie or
scarf and roll up your sleeves before handling the equipment.
• Wear safety glasses if you are working under any conditions that might be
hazardous to your eyes.
• Do not perform any action that creates a potential hazard to people or make the
equipment unsafe.
• Locate the emergency power off switch for the room in which you are working. In
case of an electrical accident, act quickly by turning off the power.
• Disconnect all power source by turning off the power and unplugging the power
cord before:
— Installing or removing a chassis.
— Working near power supplies.
• Never assume that power is disconnected from a circuit. Always check the circuit
to confirm.
• Look carefully for possible hazards in your work area, such as cords and missing
safety grounds. If an electrical accident occurs, proceed as follows:
— Turn off the system.
— Determine if the person needs rescue breathing or external cardiac compressions, and
then take appropriate action.
• Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ensuring that it makes good skin contact.
• Connect the grounding clip to an unpainted surface of the chassis frame to safely
ground ESD voltages.
• The wrist strap and cord must operate effectively to properly guard against ESD
damage and shocks. If no wrist strap is available, ground yourself by touching the
metal part of the chassis.
• For safety, check the resistance value of the anti-static strap periodically, which
must be between 1 and 10 mega-ohms (MΩ).
• Electrical equipment generates heat. Without adequate air circulation, the ambient
air temperature might not be adequate to cool equipment to acceptable operating
temperatures. Ensure that the room in which you operate your system has proper
• An open chassis allows air leaks, which may interrupt and redirect the flow of
cooling air from internal components. Ensure that the chassis cover is secure to
allow cooling air to flow effectively from right to left within it.
Note: The requirements for Installation clearance and spacing between systems for
solid-wall cabinets are not in the scope of this document.
Following figure shows the recommended spacing (minimum) and airflow for stacked
Figure 1: Spacing and airflow recommendation for stacked systems
• Always cover an empty slot with an appropriate filler panel to prevent overheating
and entry of dust into the chassis.
• Protect the pluggable modules or unused ports by inserting clean dust caps to
prevent the entry of dust and for optical safety.
The sequence for installing pluggable (Optical and electrical) depends on the
arrangement of ports in a card. The recommended sequence to install pluggable is
explained in the following with three examples.
Case 1: If a card consists of four ports, all in one row, then install the pluggable starting
from left to right, in an alternate port sequence: port P1 > P3 > P2 > P4.
Case 2: If a card consists of four ports, 2 ports each in one row, then install the
pluggable diagonally as shown in the following figure:
Figure 3: Population rule- Case 2
Case 3: If a card consists of eight ports, 4 ports each in one row, then install the
pluggable in first row (top) in an alternate sequence followed by second row (bottom) in
an alternate sequence, ensuring that the sequence is non-overlapping in the two rows as
shown in the following figure. Install the pluggable for the remaining empty ports in the
same order.
• The enclosed racks have adequate ventilation and are not overlay congested.
Front and rear door of the rack must be perforated and minimum open area should
be 70%.
• The site must also be as dust-free as possible. Dust tends to clog the system fans,
reducing the flow of cool air through the equipment rack and the systems that
occupy it, thus increasing the risk of an over temperature condition.
• The rack frame does not block the intake or exhaust ports when a chassis is
mounted in an open rack.
• Avoid locating the Tejas device in a location in which the system air intake vents
may draw in the exhaust air from adjacent equipment.
• Baffles helps isolating exhaust air from intake air, which also helps to draw cooling
air through the chassis. The best placement of the baffles depends on the airflow
patterns in the rack. Experiment with different arrangements to position the baffles
• Before you work on equipment that is connected to power lines, remove jewelery
(including rings, necklaces, and watches). Metal objects heat up when connected
to power and ground and can cause serious burns or weld the metal object to the
• Always unplug the power cable before you install or remove a power filter module
from the chassis. Follow the same procedure while installing or removing the
• Over-current failure.
• Blown fuse in the PFU due to the reverse polarity condition at the input terminals.
The circuit breaker/OCP on the PFU is an electronic circuit breaker that cuts off the
power to the card on over-current condition.
CAUTION: The equipment might have more than one power supply
connection. All the connections must be removed to de-energize the equipment.
DANGER: Do not jack in/jack out PFU card in the system with Power
Cable connected. PFU has high energy and/or voltage level that can cause serious
electrocution or burn.
• Cards
Any one of the previously mentioned grounding devices dissipates electrostatic charges
to the ground quickly and safely. Use grounding devices correctly to eliminate the ESD
threat you pose to the equipment.
When you wear an anti-static wrist-strap or a heel grounder, you must make sure that
the grounding straps are in contact with a moist part of your skin. Connect the
grounding cord to the grounding plug on a grounded fixture of the product you are
working on, such as the shelf ESD jack, grounded fixtures are accessible on most of the
• Implement an ESD training and control program that educates personnel on the
hazards of ESD and simple mitigation procedures that can easily be applied.
Note: Read the following precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive devices.
• Avoid touching the components, pin connector, or solder side of the module.
• Inspect all pin connectors for damage before using them on each module.
• Inspect each module for damage before inserting the component into the shelf.
• Allow each module to reach room temperature before you insert the module into
the shelf.
• When away from use, store pluggable modules in their protective static-dissipative
containers to prevent damage to the exposed connector terminals.
• To avoid switch damage from lightning, surge protectors are to be installed and
checked at regular intervals. If they are broken, need to replace.
Minimum Maximum
A temperature of 50°C or -5°C is permissible but should not exceed the following:
• Avoid looking into the opening of an optical fiber or the opening of an optical fiber
connector if the optical fiber is active or the power of the unit is on.
• Avoid direct exposure to optical fiber ends or optical connector ends where you can
access the laser signal directly.
3.1 Overview
Following flowchart shows the installation, commissioning, and testing process:
Figure 5: Installation, commissioning, and testing process flow
• Verifying the cards/inventories as per the packing list or BOQ (Bill Of Quantity).
• Installing the chassis on the rack followed by cards in the respective slots of the
• After unpacking the node, preserve the packaging materials for future use.
Note: The images shown in this section are for representation only and not the
actual product.
Perform the following steps to unpack a node from its shipping container:
1. Place the container in a direction as per depicted in the packing label printed on the
container/packing box.
2. Now cut and remove the ½" wide strap located at four places on the packing box as
shown in the following figure:
Figure 8: Straps on the packing box
3. Remove the plastic shrink wrap covering the box using a sharp pointed blade or
knife (optional, if present).
4. Cut and remove the reinforced packing tape from the packing box as shown in the
following figure:
5. Open the top of the packing box and take the equipment out of the packing box
along with the cushion.
8. Save the packaging materials in case the product needs repackaging or shipping.
Note: Follow the card population rules listed in this chapter strictly.
The slot allotment details of TJ1600-6 chassis is as follows:
• FTU: Slot 5
A diagrammatic representation of Slot IDs assigned to TJ1600-6 chassis is as follows:
Figure 14: TJ1600 Type-6SR: slot allotment
The slot allotment for TJ1600-2 is as follows:
Note: Only TJ1600-6 and TJ1600-2 chassis can be configured both in 200G mode
and 600G mode.
Lower order client types are not supported in 400G mode.
Refer to the TJ1600 Product Family Hardware Description Guide for more
information about the system specifications.
• In this release, SONET mode is also supported for TJ1600-11, TJ1600-6 and
TJ1600-2 chassis in addition to SDH mode. However, the following conditions
— SONET interfaces are available for provisioning, if the system is installed with the Data
— System does not support SDH and SONET interfaces at the same time.
— Every line card which supports an SDH interface, also supports a corresponding SONET
interface when installed in the SONET mode.
— Depending on the line card, the corresponding SONET interfaces are seen in the UI for
• In CEF-5 card, VCGs are supported in TJ1600-11 chassis when the Data Path Mode
is selected as SDH. The VCGs are not supported on TJ1600-11 chassis with Data
Path Mode as OTN.
OSMC01 NA 9, 10 5, 6 NA
HCPSLine03 1, 2 1 to 4 1 to 4 and 7 to 11 1 to 4 and 7 to 11
HCPSLine08 1, 2 1 to 4 1 to 4 and 7 to 11 1 to 4 and 7 to 11
HCPSLine12 1, 2 1 to 4 1 to 4 and 7 to 11 1 to 4 and 7 to 11
HCPSLine20 NA NA NA 1 to 4 and 7 to 11
• Install the first node on the rack in the lowest possible position.
• Ensure that the wire size and dimension requirements are based on cable length
and local engineering standards and practices.
• TJ1600 must be properly installed in a rack with brackets or in other ways properly
connected to a safety ground. The TJ1600 -48V DC must not be powered on from a
source external to the RAL. All the electrical interfaces used must be limited to
Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV).
• The user should follow the card population configuration strictly. Before inserting
any card into the node, the slot sticker label should be checked properly. Inserting
a card into unintended slot may cause permanent damage to the card.
• During installation, avoid using the handle of the FRU to lift or align the shelf. In an
unlikely event of fan not rotating while installing the FTUs, though the power
supply cord is working, it is recommended to remove those specific FTUs.
• Use appropriate filler panels for unused slots. If the filler is not installed, dust can
enter and block the fan rotors.
Note: For TJ1600-11, the chassis must be mounted vertically in the baffle for all
rack size.
Table 4: Space occupied in the rack details for TJ1600-6 chassis with baffles
Table 5: Space occupied in the rack details for TJ1600-2 chassis with baffles
Always install the node in a rack starting at the bottom and working upwards to
maintain the rack stability.
3. Do one of the following:
— If the rack holes are un-threaded but have bolt attached on rear side of the hole, then
directly go to next step.
— If the rack holes are square and un-threaded, attach eight cage nuts over the holes in
the rack post as shown in the following figure, four cage nuts on rear side of the holes
on each rack post.
Figure 16: Attaching cage nut on rack post
To install the node without baffles into the rack perform the following steps:
1. Move the node to the desired rack position.
2. Align the holes on the mount angle (both left and right) of the node with the
mounting holes in the rack.
3. If cable routers/guides are desired to be installed (optional), then position the
cable router/guide so that its mounting holes are aligned with holes on node mount
angle and the rack post holes.
4. Install the eight M6 screws through the holes of the cable router/guide, node
mount angles, rack post, and into the cage nuts to secure the chassis to the rack
post. Use Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
To install the node with baffles into the rack, perform the following steps:
Note: The TJ1600-11 system must be rotated 90° to assemble inside the baffle.
1. Assemble TJ1600 baffle on the rack mount railings as displayed in the image.
Install the eight M6 screws to secure the baffle on the rack mount railings. Use
Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
2. Remove the mount angles (both left and right) attached to TJ1600-11 system and
reverse mount them to install the system in the baffle.
3. Before mounting the TJ1600-11 system inside the baffle, assemble the grounding
cable to the system. For more details refer to Connect grounding or Earth cable.
4. Assemble the TJ1600-11 system into the baffle as displayed in the following image:
5. Assemble the cable router on TJ1600-11 system. The final assembly of TJ1600-11
with baffles is as follows:
Figure 22: Final TJ1600 Type-11SR node with baffle (Front view)
Figure 23: Final TJ1600 Type-11SR node with baffle (side view)
Note: The same procedure must be used to install TJ1600-11 chassis on 21"/23"
TJ1600-6 requires four standard mounting units (4U) of vertical space in a 19-inch rack.
The mount angles (Left and Right) are generally factory installed on the chassis.
Associated rack-mounting hardware is supplied in the accessory kit which includes
screws and nuts to secure the chassis on rack and cable routers for cable management.
In addition to the standard installer tool kit, following tools and equipments are required
for the node installation:
Perform the following steps to install the TJ1600-6 chassis into the rack:
1. Depending on the access requirements, decide which side you want to use as the
front side in the rack.
2. Determine the positioning of the chassis in the rack and the rack holes to be used
for mounting. Ensure that 4U space is available in the rack.
Always install the node in a rack starting at the bottom and working upwards to
maintain the rack stability.
3. Do the suitable step of the following:
— If the rack holes are un-threaded but have bolt attached on rear side of the hole, then
directly go to step 4.
— If the rack holes are square and un-threaded, attach four cage nuts over the holes in
the rack post as shown in the following figure. Two cage nuts on rear side of the holes
on each rack post.
Figure 24: Attaching cage nut on rack post
5. Align the holes on the mount angle (both left and right) of the node with the
mounting holes in the rack.
6. If cable routers/guides are desired to be installed (optional), then position the
cable router/guide so that its mounting holes are aligned with holes on node mount
angle and the rack post holes.
7. Install the four M6 screws through the holes of the cable router/guide, node mount
angles, rack post, and into the cage nuts to secure the chassis to the rack post. Use
Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
The following figure shows the installation of the chassis to the rack:
Figure 25: Installing TJ1600 Type-6SR chassis in a rack
TJ1600-6 requires 14RU of vertical space in a 19"/21" rack and 7RU of vertical space on
23" rack.
Note: TJ1600-6 chassis with baffles must be mounted vertically on 19"/21" rack.
For 23" rack, the chassis with baffles must be mounted horizontally.
the rack mount railings. Use Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
3. Pass the grounding cable through rubber grommet. Assemble the grounding cable
to TJ1600-6 system. For more details refer Connect grounding or Earth cable.
4. Insert TJ1600-6 system into the baffle. Assemble the TJ1600-6 system into the
baffle using four M6 screws and use Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
The following images display TJ1600-6 chassis with baffle:
For 23" rack, the chassis with baffle must be mounted horizontally.
Figure 26: Baffle in horizontal orientation for 23" rack
3. Assemble the baffle vertically onto the horizontal support brackets. Install eight M6
screws to secure the baffle on the rack and use Phillips screw driver for tightening
the screws.
Figure 28: Install the baffle on the rack
4. Pass the grounding cable through rubber grommet. Assemble the grounding cable
to TJ1600-6 system. For more details refer Connect grounding or Earth cable.
5. Insert TJ1600-6 system into the baffle. Ensure FTU side of the chassis should be
there at fan side of the baffle. Assemble the TJ1600-6 system into the baffle using
four M6 screws and use Phillips screwdriver for tightening the screws.
For 19"/21" rack, the chassis with baffle must be mounted vertically.
Figure 29: Baffle in vertical orientation for 19"/21" rack
TJ1600-2 node requires two standard mounting units (2U) of vertical space in a 19-inch
rack. The mount angles (Left and Right) are generally factory installed on the chassis.
Associated rack-mounting hardware is supplied in the accessory kit which includes
screws and nuts to secure the chassis on rack and cable routers for cable management.
In addition to the standard installer tool kit, the following items are also required for
2. Determine the positioning of the chassis in the rack and the rack holes to be used
for mounting. Ensure that 2U space is available in the rack.
Always install the node in a rack starting at the bottom and working upwards to
maintain the rack stability.
3. Do one of the following:
— If the rack holes are un-threaded but have bolt attached on rear side of the hole, then
directly go to step 4.
— If the rack holes are square and un-threaded, attach cage nuts in rear side of holes on
both the rack posts, two on each that is, left rack post and the corresponding holes in
right rack post.Attaching cage nut on rack post
Figure 30: Attaching cage nut on rack post
Following figure shows the installation of the TJ1600-2 chassis in the rack:
Figure 31: Installing chassis onto the rack
TJ1600-2 requires 14RU of vertical space in a 19"/ 21" rack and 4RU of vertical space on
23-inch rack.
Note: TJ1600-2 chassis with baffles must be mounted vertically on 19"/ 21" rack.
For 23" rack, the chassis with baffles must be mounted horizontally.
2. Assemble the baffle on the rack. Install four M6 screws to secure the baffle on the
rack and use Phillips screw driver for tightening the screws.
Figure 32: Assemble the baffle on the rack
3. Pass the grounding cable through rubber grommet. Assemble the grounding cable
to TJ1600-2 system. For more details refer to Connect grounding or Earth cable.
4. Insert TJ1600-2 system into the baffle at certain angle. Assemble the TJ1600-2
system into the baffle using four M6 screws and use Phillips screwdriver for tight-
ening the screws.
3. Assemble the baffle vertically onto the horizontal support brackets. Install four M6
screws to secure the baffle on the rack and use Phillips screw driver for tightening
the screws.
Figure 36: Assemble the baffle on the rack
4. Pass the grounding cable through rubber grommet. Assemble the grounding cable
to TJ1600-2 system. For more details refer to Connect grounding or Earth cable.
5. Insert TJ1600-2 system into the baffle at certain angle. Ensure FTU side of the
chassis should be there at fan side of the baffle. Assemble the TJ1600-2 system
into the baffle using four M6 screws and use Phillips screwdriver for tightening the
For 19"/21" rack, the chassis with baffle must be mounted vertically
Figure 37: Vertical orientation for 19"/21" rack
Note 1: The chassis to earth ground connection should be made before connecting
cables or powering the equipment.
Note 2: All cables used for connectivity must be labeled according to the site
engineering practices.
Note 3: While installing or replacing the unit, always ensure that the earthing
terminal is installed first and removed last.
In addition to the standard installer tool kit, following tools and equipments are required
for making the ground connection:
• Grounding cable
• Grounding screws: Two M6 screws; factory installed on the chassis but removable.
• Multimeter
• Cable ties
Perform the following steps to connect the grounding cable to the chassis:
1. Face towards the right view of the chassis and locate the safety earth terminal as
shown in the following figure:
The following figure shows the safety earth terminal for TJ1600-6:
Figure 39: Safety earth terminal on TJ1600 Type-6SR chassis
The following figure shows the safety earth terminal for TJ1600-11:
3. Place lug end of the grounding cable against the threaded hole. Align and then
secure the grounding lug to the chassis with the M6 screw removed in the previous
step (two M6 screws in case of double-hole grounding lug).
4. Route the grounding cable securely along the rack and attach the other end of the
cable to DC ground point.
5. Verify that the grounding is proper by measuring the resistance between the chas-
sis ground connection point and the rack ground connection point using a multime-
ter. If the value is less than 0.1 ohm, chassis is grounded properly.
Bonding topologies
Bonding is a complementary feature to, but should not be confused with, protective
grounding and is intended to create equipotent nodes throughout the office installation.
Marked locations bearing the symbol illustrated in the following figure to identify sites
that can be used to bond equipment but are not intended for safety grounding. The
• CBN: Common Bonding Network - This is the principal means for effecting bonding
and earthing inside a telecommunication building. It is the set of metallic
components that are intentionally or incidentally interconnected to form the
principal BN in a building. These components include: structural steel or reinforcing
rods, metallic plumbing, ac power conduit, ACEG conductors, cable racks, and
bonding conductors. The CBN always has a mesh topology and is connected to the
grounding electrode system.
• IBN: lsolated Bonding Network - A bonding network that has a single point of
connection (SPC) from the network element (for example, shelf or rack) to either
the common bonding network or another isolated bonding network. All IBNs have a
connection to earth through the SPC.
• Mesh BN:A bonding network in which all associated equipment frames, racks, and
cabinets, and usually, the DC power return conductor, are intentionally bonded
together as well as at multiple points to the CBN. Consequently, the mesh-BN
augments the CBN.
Figure 41: Bonding topologies
There are two supported DC Return implementations supported within the Bonding
Network topologies:
CAUTION: This equipment might have more than one power supply
connection. All connections must be removed to de-energize the equipment before
accessing internal parts for maintenance or service. To avoid damage to the power
filter unit, do not insert/removal the unit when power cable is connected to it.
7.8.1 HCPPFU02
TJ1600 chassis is powered by connecting -48V DC and 0V return through HCPPFU02
cards. TJ1600 node has redundant power filter unit and each HCPPFU02 card is
separately powered and fed through independent circuit breaker.
For cable color details, refer to HCPPFU02 power cable section in chapter Cable color
CAUTION: This equipment might have more than one power supply
connection. All connection must be removed to de-energize the equipment.
• Ensure that the circuit breaker feeding power to the node is switched off.
• Ensure that the chassis is grounded properly as described in the topic Connect
grounding or Earth cable.
• Ensure that the PFUs are properly installed into the chassis, as described in the
topic Insert and eject the PFU.
• Also make sure that the following tools and materials are available:
— Standard installer tool kit
— Two power cables per TJ1600 system
— Phillips screwdriver
— Cable ties
5. Repeat step 2 to 4 to connect the power cable to the power supply interface on
HCPPFU02 of the other slot S13.
6. Route the power cables through cable router/guide along the left side of the rack.
Figure 42: Connecting PFU (HCPPFU02 Card)
7.8.2 PFU4
TJ1600-6 system is powered by connecting -48V DC and 0V return through PFU4
module. The system has redundant PFUs and each PFU4 module is separately powered
and fed through independent circuit breaker.
For cable color details, refer to the topic PFU4 power cable in the chapter Cable color
• Ensure that the circuit breaker feeding power to the node is switched off.
• Ensure that the chassis is grounded properly as described in the topic Connect
grounding or Earth cable.
• Ensure that the PFUs are properly installed into the chassis, as described in the
topic Insert and eject the PFU.
• Also make sure that the following tools and materials are available:
— standard installer tool kit
— Two power cables per TJ1600-6 system
— Phillips screwdriver
— Cable ties
7.8.3 PFU
TJ1600-2 node is powered by connecting -48V DC and 0V return through PFU. The node
has redundant power filter units; each PFU is separately powered and fed through
independent circuit breaker.
Before making the power supply connection, ensure that:
The following figure shows Alarm-Out and Alarm-In ports on HCPOAM01 module:
Figure 45: Alarm-Out and Alarm-In ports connection (HCPOAM01 Card)
1, 2 Not Used
3, 4 Minor
5, 6 Major
7, 8 Critical
3,4 Minor
5,6 Major
7,8 Critical
4. Route the LNMS/NMS1/NMS2 cable through the cable routers securely along the
left side of the rack.
The following figure shows the LNMS, NMS1, and NMS2 ports on HCPOAM03 card:
Figure 52: Connecting HCPOAM03 card interfaces- LNMS, NMS1, and NMS2
Perform the following steps for connecting cable to the craft interface:
1. Identify and label the cable.
2. Identify the chassis slot with HCPOAM03 card and the craft port on the card where
the cable needs to be connected.
3. Connect the RJ-45 connector cable to the craft port.
4. Route the craft cable securely through the cable router/guide along the left side or
right side of the rack.
For installing cards/units in the chassis, refer to installation procedure of that card/unit
covered under the section General procedures.
The following figure shows Alarm-Out and Alarm-In ports on OAMC card:
Figure 54: ALARM IN and ALARM OUT ports- OAMC card
1, 2 Not Used
3, 4 Minor
5, 6 Major
7, 8 Critical
Perform the following steps for connecting cable to OSC1/OSC2 port on OAMC card:
1. Identify and label the LC connector cable.
2. Identify the chassis slot with OAMC card and the OSC port on the card where the
cables need to be connected.
3. Connect the LC connector cable to the transmit and the receive interface of OSC1/
OSC2 port. Ensure that the retention slide operates to hold the connector in place.
4. Route the cable securely along right side of the rack.
11.1 TJ1600-11
This section details the procedure for connecting the cables to the optical ports on the
cards supported on TJ1600-11 chassis.
The following figure shows STM-1 connections in HCPSLine20 card (SDH Only mode):
Figure 60: STM-1 Connections (HCPSLine20 Card)
The following figure shows STM-16 connections in HCPSLine20 card (SDH Only Mode):
Figure 66: STM-16 connections in HCPSLine20 card (SDH Only Mode)
3. Route the cables through the cable routers securely along the left side or right side
of the rack.
The following figure shows OTU1f ports in HCPSLine22 card:
Figure 79: OTU1f Connection- HCPSLine22 card
3. Route the cables through the cable routers securely along the left side or right side
of the rack.
The following figure shows OTU2/OTU2e connection in HCPSLine03 card:
Figure 80: OTU2/OTU2e connection (HCPSLine03 card)
Note: Ensure the screws on CFP are tightened before routing the cable.
11.2 TJ1600-6
This section details the procedures for connecting cable to the optical ports on the cards
supported on TJ1600-6 chassis.
NOTE: Ensure the screws on CFP are tightened before routing the cable.
11.3 TJ1600-2
This section details the procedures for connecting cable to the optical ports on the cards
supported on TJ1600-2 chassis.
3. Route the cables through the cable routers securely along the left side or right side
of the rack.
The following figure displays STM-64 connections in HCPSLine01 card:
Figure 151: STM-64 Connection (HCPSLine01 Card)
Note: Ensure the screws on CFP are tightened before routing the cable.
Perform the following steps for connecting cable to OTU4 port on cards:
1. Identify and label the LC connector cables.
2. Face towards front of the chassis, identify the chassis slot with the desired card and
port on the card where the cable has to be connected.
3. Connect the LC connector cables to the OTU4 port. Ensure that retention slide
operates to hold the connector in place.
4. Route the cable securely through the cable routers along left side or right side of
the rack depending on the position of card.
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine12 card:
Figure 180: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine12 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine22 card:
Figure 181: Connecting OTU4 port- HCPSLine22 card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine24 card:
Figure 182: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine24 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine27 card:
Figure 183: OTU4 Connection- HCPSLine27 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine28 card:
Figure 184: Connecting OTU4 ports- HCPSLine28
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine31 card:
Figure 185: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine31 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine32 card:
Figure 186: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine32 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine33 card:
Figure 187: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine33 Card
The following figure shows the OTU4 port connection on HCPSLine34 card:
Figure 188: OTU4 Connection - HCPSLine34 Card
12.1.1 TJ1600-11
This topic details procedures for connecting 10GigE and GigE interfaces on CEF-5 card in
TJ1600-11 chassis.
Note: When a CEF-5 card is jacked-in without any license present on the node, the
default port configuration supported is 2x10G. A license is required to be generated
during node commissioning to enable other 10G ports on CEF-5 card. For procedure
to enable this license feature, refer TJ1600 Product Family User Interface Guide.
The following figure shows 1000BASE-X Optical and 10/100/1000 BASE-TX Electrical
ports on CEF-5 card:
Figure 191: 1G Ports (CEF5 Card)
12.1.2 TJ1600-6
This topic details procedures for connecting 10GigE and GigE interfaces on CEF-5 card in
the TJ1600-6 chassis.
4. Route the cables through the cable router/guide securely along the left side or right
side of the rack.
Note: When a CEF5 card is jacked-in without any license present on the node, the
default port configuration supported is 2x10G. A license is required to be generated
during node commissioning to enable other 10G ports on CEF5 card. To enable this
license feature, refer the document TJ1600 Product Family User Interface Guide.
The following figure shows 1000BASE-X optical interface connections in CEF-5 card:
Figure 194: Connecting CEF-5 Card Interface- 1000BASE-X
Perform the following steps for connecting cables to the electrical interfaces on CEF-5
1. Identify and label the cables.
2. Identify the chassis slot with CEF-5 card and the interfaces on the card where the
cables have to be connected.
3. Connect the cable to the RJ-45 connector securely.
4. Route the cables through the cable router/guide securely along the left side or right
side of the rack.
12.2.1 TJ1600-11
This section describes connecting Ethernet ports on the following cards in TJ1600-11
12.2.2 TJ1600-6
This section describes connecting Ethernet ports on the following cards in TJ1600-6
The following figure shows 10Gbps optical interface connection on HCPSLine27 card:
Figure 220: 10Gbps interface connection- HCPSLine27 card
12.2.3 TJ1600-2
This section describes connecting Ethernet ports on the following cards in TJ1600-2
4. Route the cable securely through the cable routers along left side or right side of
the rack depending on the position of card.
The following figure shows 100 Gbps optical ports on HCPSLine28 card:
Figure 227: 100Gbps ports- HCPSLine28 card
3. Route the cable through the cable routers securely along the left side or right side
of the rack.
13.1 TJ1600-11
This section details the procedures for connecting 8GFC/12GFC ports on HCPSLine12,
HCPSLine22, HCPSLine26, and HCPSLine27 card supported in TJ1600-11 chassis.
13.2 TJ1600-6
This section details the procedures for connecting 1GFC/2GFC and 8GFC/12GFC ports on
HCPSLine12, HCPSLine22, HCPSLine25, HCPSLine26, and HCPSLine27 card supported in
TJ1600-6 chassis.
13.3 TJ1600-2
This section details the procedures for connecting 1GFC/2GFC and 8GFC/12GFC ports on
HCPSLine12, HCPSLine22, HCPSLine26, and HCPSLine27 cards supported in TJ1600-2
• Cable ties
Perform the following steps to install a standalone unit into the rack:
1. Depending on the access requirements, decide which side you want to use as the
front side in the rack. For better cable management, ensure that the side chosen
for the unit is same as that of the node in the rack.
2. Determine the positioning of the unit in the rack and the rack holes to be used for
mounting. Ensure that 1RU space is available in the rack.
For example, following figure shows the installation of the MDU40 unit to the rack:
Figure 276: Installation of MDU40 unit on rack
• FPU01
1/2 SLOT
The following figure shows the installed FPUADP01 card with FPU01 housed in 2/3rd slot
of HCPADP01 on the chassis:
Figure 278: FPUADP01 with FPU01 card in 2/3rd slot of HCPADP01
Follow the formula to obtain the daughter card and further sub slot number:
Daughter card slot number = (TJ1600_START_SUBSLOT_ID) + (adpSlot-
1)*TJ1600_SUBSLOTS_PER_ADPCARD + subslot - 1)
subslot = 1 (This is constant)
The same formula applies for TJ1600-11/6/2 as well
The slot numbers details for daughter card is as follows:
Table 9: Slot number details
slot 1 30 31 32 33 34
slot 2 35 36 37 38 39
slot 3 40 41 42 43 44
slot 4 45 46 47 48 49
slot 7 60 61 62 63 64
slot 8 65 66 67 68 69
slot 9 70 71 72 73 74
slot 10 75 76 77 78 79
slot 11 80 81 82 83 84
The following figure shows the amplifier and monitor ports on OFA card:
Figure 280: Optical fiber amplifier interfaces
Note: The LAN interface can be connected directly to the Element Management
Software (EMS) and the available NMS port on the system.
Perform the following steps to connect the RS232 interface on the back panel:
1. Identify and label the RS232 cable.
2. Connect the cable to the RS232 (RJ-45) connector port and ensure that the reten-
tion slide operates to hold the connector in place.
3. Route the cable through cable routers securely along the left or right side of the
The following figure shows the ports and the corresponding connector type to be used
for OFA-C-S26-FG card:
Figure 281: Ports and connector for OFA-C-S26-FG
To configure the IP address on high power OFA card, perform the following steps:
1. Connect the RS232 port on the back panel of the OFA-S26-FG card and PC terminal
with RS232 cable provided along with the system.
2. Select the port on the terminal.
3. Login and enter the login ID and password.
4. Enter the command set ipaddr<IP address>. The IP address of the amplifier and
the node connected to it must be in the same subnet.
Perform the following steps to connect cables to the ports on MDU40 unit:
1. Identify and label all the LC connector cables to be used.
2. Make the cable connections as follows:
— For Add/Drop port connection, identify the desired port/channel on MDU40 unit and
connect the LC connector cable to the Tx and the Rx of that port/channel. Ensure that
the retention slide operates to hold the connector in place. Connect the other end of the
cable to the Rx and Tx of the optical port on a line card as shown in the following figure.
Note that the optical port should have a tunable SFP/XFP which is tuned to appropriate
wavelength as that of port on MDU40 unit. If optical port has fixed DWDM XFP/SFP then
XFP channel number must match that of MDU port.
— For Monitor port connection, connect the LC connector cable to the Mux/Demux end of
the Monitor port on MDU40 unit. Connect the other end of the cable to a power
monitoring card/unit as shown in the following figure.
— For Common port connection, connect the LC connector cable to the Tx and the Rx of
Common port on MDU40 unit. Ensure that the retention slide operates to hold the
connector in place. Connect the other end of the cable to the Rx and Tx of a Common
port on another Multiplexer/demultiplexer unit as shown in the following figure:
Figure 284: Port connectivity diagram for MDU-40E-C-100G unit
3. While routing the cables, route through cable guides/routers securely along the left
side or right side of the rack for better cable management.
This section covers the connections for Add/Drop ports, Monitor port, and Common port
that have to be performed on a MDU-96-C-50G unit.
Perform the following steps to connect cables to the ports on MDU96 unit:
1. Identify and label all the LC connector cables to be used.
2. Make the cable connections as follows:
— For Add/Drop port connection, identify the desired port/channel on MDU96 unit and
connect the LC connector cable to the Tx and the Rx of that port/channel. Ensure that
the retention slide operates to hold the connector in place. Connect the other end of the
cable to the Rx and Tx of the optical port on a line card as shown in the following figure.
Note that the optical port should have a tunable SFP/XFP which is tuned to appropriate
wavelength as that of port on MDU96 unit. If optical port has fixed DWDM XFP/SFP+
then XFP channel number must match that of MDU port.
— For Monitor port connection, connect the LC connector cable to the Mux/Demux end of
the Monitor port on MDU96 unit. Connect the other end of the cable to a power
monitoring card/unit as shown in the following figure.
— For Common port connection, connect the LC connector cable to the Tx and the Rx of
Common port on MDU96 unit. Ensure that the retention slide operates to hold the
connector in place.
Connect the other end of the cable to the Rx and Tx of a common port on another
Multiplexer/Demultiplexer unit as shown in the following figure:
Figure 286: Interface connection on MDU-96 card
3. While routing the cables, route through cable guides/routers securely along the left
side or right side of the rack for better cable management.
The following figure shows the ports on OADM-1 and OADM-4 cards:
Figure 287: Interface Connection- OADM-1 and OADM-4 cards
3. Route the cables through cable routers securely along the left or right side of the
The following figure shows the ports on OPM-4-C-50G cards:
Figure 290: Interface connection- OPM-C-4 and OPM-C-2 card
ssh –x superuser@
6. Login to the device by typing default Username and Password.
— UserID: superuser
— Password: Sup%9User
3. Route the cables through cable routers securely along the left or right side of the
The following figure shows the ports on VOA-8-C card.
2. Connect the cable to the LC connectors and ensure that the retention slide operates
to hold the connector in place.
3. Route the cables through cable routers securely along the left or right side of the
The following figure shows a diagrammatic representation of port connectivity for two
DCM with a dual OSCF module and OSCF module with amplifier:
Figure 299: Port connectivity diagram for DCM with OSCF
The following figure shows the ports on 1625 coupling WDM card:
Figure 306: Port connectivity of 1625 coupling WDM card
Note 1: The subnet mask for a point-to-point connection (that is, a direct Ethernet
connection between the WUI host and the node) should be set to 32.
Note 2: If there are any failures after the node is up and configured, the you still be
able to reach the node if it goes to the SLAT page.
Router ID
The node communicates in the network over the Embedded Communication Channel
(ECC), using the router ID. The node can be configured either as a gateway element
(interconnecting two networks) or a pass-through node.
Follow the steps before configuring the Ethernet IP, subnet mask, router ID, and rate on
the node:
1. Log into node WUI using the LAN/NMS port.
2. Ensure your PC is correctly connected to the node through the LAN/NMS port.
3. Ensure that you have the Ethernet IP address, router ID, sub net mask, and static
route IP of the node to be configured.
4. Ensure the PC is configured in the same LAN as the node.
Follow these steps to configure the node's Ethernet IP, subnet mask, router ID, and
1. Click Initialize Node Parameters. The Configure Slat Node page appears.
Following figure shows the Initialize Node Parameters page of TJ1600-11 with
HCPXCC04 (640G):
Figure 311: Initialize node parameters- TJ1600 Type-11SR with HCPXCC04 (640G)
Following figure shows the Initialize Node Parameters page of TJ1600-11 with
HCPXCC04 (900G):
Figure 312: Initialize node parameters- TJ1600 Type-11SR with HCPXCC04 (900G)
Following figure shows the Initialize Node Parameters page of TJ1600-11 with OSMC
Figure 313: Initialize node parameters page of TJ1600-11 with OSMC card
• Ensure that you have a PC and an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector.
• Ensure that you have the node IP address information, if the node has already
been commissioned.
Note: After powering up the node you have to wait for few minutes for the node
software to be up. This time depends on the cross connect card being used. The
Status/Active LED indicates the up status of the node. The IP address of the PC
should be in the same IP subnet as that configured on the node. If the node is
getting commissioned for the first time then use any one of the following address for
PC based on the product:
* for TJ1600-2 and TJ1600-11, range must be from to
* for TJ1600-6, range must be from to
To connect the PC to the LAN/NMS interface of the node, follow the steps:
1. Connect the LAN/NMS port of the node and the PC terminal with an Ethernet cable
of RJ-45 connector type.
2. Configure the IP address of the PC to be in the same subnet as the node.
3. If the preceding steps fail, check whether that you have used correct cables.
• Ensure that you have a PC and an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector.
• Ensure that you have the node IP address information, if the network element has
already been commissioned.
Note: After powering up the node, wait for few minutes for the node software to be
up. This time depends on the cross connect card being used. The Status/Active LED
indicates the up status of the node. The IP address of the PC should be in the same
IP subnet as that configured on the node. If the node is getting commissioned for
the 1st time then use any one of the following address for PC based on the product:
* for TJ1600-2 and TJ1600-11, range must be from to
* for TJ1600-6, range must be from to
Note: After restoring the new database, the node requires a hard reboot for the new
configuration to take effect. You can verify the software version from the description
field of the default WUI page. The software version is in the format x.y, where x and
y represents major and minor release respectively.
Note: Change the default username for the default user account on the node. The
default user account and password are widely known.
2. If the node does not respond, check the physical connection. Otherwise, contact
your next level of support.
3. If the login screen appears, enter the default user id and password at the login
— Default Username: tejas
— Default Password: j72e#05t
— Domain: Local
The navigation menu of the node appears. The node view is the default page of the WUI.
If the default page of the WUI does not appear or login failed, check whether the user id
and password entered are correct. The user ID and the password rules are as follows:
Parameters Rules
Username • is unique.
• can be alphabetic/numeric/alphanumeric.
• supports special characters except space.
• supports up to 32 characters.
Password • is unique.
• is eight characters long only.
• can be alphabetic/numeric/alphanumeric.
• supports special characters except space.
Follow the steps to set the date and time of the node:
Note: Set the timing server of stratum level to 14 or less than 10. The node does
not synchronize to the server if the stratum level is not within the specified range.
NTP servers provisioned may take five minutes to update current NTP server
4. Enter the IP address of the server from which the node is to derive the date and
5. Select the Synchronization interval from the drop-down menu.
6. Click Submit. The changes are applied and a confirmation message appears.
Note: Set the timing server of stratum level to 14 or less than 10. The node does
not synchronize to the server if the stratum level is not within the specified range.
NTP servers provisioned may take five minutes to update current NTP server
Note: If you have a Linux or Unix machine, enable the FTP server that comes along
with it. If you are using a Windows machine, you must install FTP server such as
3Cdaemon. The FTP server for Windows can be downloaded from the following
location: https://3cdaemon.updatestar.com/en for windows 32 bit.htm.
Note: The remote server must have an FTP server installed on it to carry out the
Restore configuration data command. For a Linux system, FTP server is inbuilt. For
Windows system, install any third party server such as 3Cdaemon server along with
the provided IIS server.
Note: After committing the configuration, cold reboot the shelf. The node
configuration state appears at the bottom of the preview pane.
Note: When logging in for first time, http login to the node is set as disable by
default. When enabled, user can access the node through both https (secure)
and http (insecure) login.
3. Click Add new VC. Add VC to VCG page appears. Configure the following param-
— Number of connections: Enter the number of VCs to be created.
— Working Port: select a work port and corresponding K, L, M values
— Reversion Mode: Non-Revertive / Revertive
The default value is Non-Revertive. The options Revertive and Non-Revertive are
available when protection is enabled.
— WTR Time: Select value when Revertive is selected for Reversion Mode.
— Protection type on network: No Protection/50 ms Protection/Slow Protection
4. Click Submit. A confirmation page appears.
5. Click Accept Valid Modifications. A Successfully Modified message appears.
STM Port Allows you to select the STM Internal-NNI • Internal NNI
• External NNI
Profile port profile.
Unreserved Bandwidth
Select a value from the drop-down menu for the following parameters.
— Clock Reference
— Clock reference Port
— Priority
3. Click View Nominated timing reference to verify the nominated clock. Repeat
the preceeding steps to nominate more than one clock source.
• To view alarms that are currently active on the node, click Faults > Active
Alarms in the navigation pane.
• To view all the alarms suppressed on the node, click Faults > Suppressed
Alarms in the navigation pane.
• To provision new alarm filters, click Faults > Alarm Filters in the navigation
• To provision the alarm history, click Faults > Event history in the navigation
• To view and change the severity of alarms, click Faults > Alarm Severity in the
navigation pane. After the change in severity, an asterisk appears before the alarm
Following figure shows the multi shelf connection between main and subtended.
Figure 315: Multi shelf connection between main and subtended
Note: For TJ1600-11, MGN1 and MGN2 interfaces are available on HCPOAM01 card
for multi-shelf connectivity. For TJ1600-2, P1 and P4 interfaces are available on
OAMC card for multi-shelf connectivity.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Note: With HCPXCC03 and HCPXCC04 cross connect cards, all 20 ports of
HCPULine01 card supports STM-1/4 rate while STM-16 is supported only on ports 1,
5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 20.
P10 and P12, P11 and P13, P14 and P16, P15 and P17, P18 and P19. Provide a
physical loopback on the port P20.
Note: For testing STM-16 capacity ports, connect the Test Set to P1 and
provide the loopback on P20. For remaining ports, connect optical cables
between P5 and P6, P10 and P11, P15 and P16.
port P2. Similarly, create other cross connects as mentioned in the following
Cross-connects provisioning table.
Table 15: Cross connects provisioning
6. Feed and monitor the STM-1/4/16 traffic from the Test Set to the HCPULine01 card.
Verify that no packets are lost.
7. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPULine01 card. The result verifies that
all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Figure 318: Setup for Testing HCPULine01 - GIGE Ports in EoS Mode
P1 101 1 (P1)
P2 102 1 (P2)
P3 103 2 (P1)
P4 104 2 (P2)
P6 106 3 (P1)
P7 107 3 (P2)
P8 108 4 (P1)
P9 109 4 (P2)
Port Result
P2 Not Applicable
P3 Not Applicable
P4 Not Applicable
P5 Not Applicable
P7 Not Applicable
P8 Not Applicable
P9 Not Applicable
Port Result
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine03 card.The HCPSLine03 Aggregate
Card page appears. Click Configure Card and select Card Configuration as
SDH GATEWAY Card or SDH FEC Card from the drop down menu.
Note: If the card configuration is selected as SDH FEC Card, then enable FEC
on ports.
6. In the node UI, go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and
Click the Slot number link corresponding to HCPSLine03 card, HCPSLine03
Aggregate Card page appears. Perform the following steps on this page:
— Configure card in OTN FlexiCard mode. Click Configure Card and select OTN
FlexiCard under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and
accept modifications.
— Configure ports P1 and P2 to STM-64 and ports P3 and P4 to OTU2. Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit
and accept modifications.
— Configure the ports P1 and P2 in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU. Click Ports,
and Click port P1. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under the drop down
menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly configure for port P2. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
7. In the node UI create ODU connections between the ports P1 to P3 and P2 to P4.
Go to OTN > ODU Connections and Click Create New Connection. Select
Capacity as ODU2, enter the name of Circuit Identifier, Directionality as 2WAY,
Source ODU as port P1 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0) and Destination
ODU as port P3 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0). Similarly create ODU
connections between port P2 and port P4. Click Submit and accept modifications.
8. Feed the STM-64/OC-192 traffic from the Test set to the port P1
9. Monitor the Rx signal at port P1. Verify that no frames are lost.
10. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine03 card. The result veri-
fies that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 20: Test performance- HCPSLine03 card
P1 Not Applicable
P2 Not Applicable
P3 Not Applicable
P4 Not Applicable
the Type as transponder option from the drop down menu, The Network Port
as OTU2/OTU2e, and Client Port as STM-64/ETH respectively.
7. Feed the STM-64/10GE traffic from the Test set to the interface P1.
8. Monitor the Rx signal at interface P1. Verify that no frames are lost.
9. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine03 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 21: Test Performance- HCPSLine03 Card
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine08 card. HCPSLine08 Aggregate Card
page appears. Click Configure Card and Select SDH GATEWAY Card under the
drop down menu of Card Configuration.
b. Admin Up the required ports.
c. Provision bulk cross-connects (that is 16 cross-connects) between interfaces P1
and P3.
8. Monitor the Rx signal from interface P10 of HCPSLine08 card. Verify that the no
frames are lost.
9. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine08 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 22: Cross-connects Provisioning - HCPSLine08 (SDH GATEWAY Card)
P1 and P3 1-16
P1 and P4 17-32
P1 and P5 33-48
P1 and P6 49-64
P2 and P7 1-16
P2 and P8 17-32
P2 and P9 33-48
STM-64/OC-192 STM-16/OC-48
P1 Not Applicable
P2 Not Applicable
P3 Not Applicable
P4 Not Applicable
P5 Not Applicable
P6 Not Applicable
P7 Not Applicable
P8 Not Applicable
P9 Not Applicable
Note: For more details, refer to TJ1600 R5.4.3.2 Hardware Description Guide,
TPN: 170-DOC000154-E.
1. Configure card in OTN FlexiCard mode. Click Configure Card and select OTN FlexiCard
under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and accept
2. Configure ports P1 and P2 to OTU2 and ports P3 to P18 to GE. Click Ports Configura-
tion and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit and accept
3. Admin Up the required ports.
4. Configure the ports P3 to P18 in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU. Click Ports,
and click port P3. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under the drop down
menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly configure for other ports also.
5. Create eight channels for each port of P1 and P2 with bit rate of ODU0. Click Ports, and
Click port P1. Click ODU2k-1-2-1-0 and then click Create channel. Select bit rate as
ODU0 and select one Source Tributary Slot and one Sink Tributary Slot for each
channel. Similarly, create eight channels for port P2 also.
b. Create ODU connections between the SDH ports (P3 to P10) and OTU ports (P1
and P2). Go to OTN > ODU Connections and Click Create New Connection.
Select Capacity as ODU0, enter the name of Circuit Identifier, Directional-
ity as 2WAY, Source ODU and Destination ODU for eight ODU connections is
provided in the table ODU Connections.
7. Feed the Ethernet traffic from the test set to the port P3.
8. Monitor the Rx signal at port P3. Verify that no frames are lost.
9. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine08 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 24: ODU connections
P3 to P1 ODU0k-1-2-3-0 ODU0j-1-2-1-1
P4 to P2 ODU0k-1-2-4-0 ODU0j-1-2-2-1
P5 to P1 ODU0k-1-2-5-0 ODU0j-1-2-1-2
P6 to P2 ODU0k-1-2-6-0 ODU0j-1-2-2-2
P7 to P1 ODU0k-1-2-7-0 ODU0j-1-2-1-3
P8 to P2 ODU0k-1-2-8-0 ODU0j-1-2-2-3
P9 to P1 ODU0k-1-2-9-0 ODU0j-1-2-1-4
P1 Not Applicable
P2 Not Applicable
P3 Not Applicable
P4 Not Applicable
P5 Not Applicable
P6 Not Applicable
P7 Not Applicable
P8 Not Applicable
P9 Not Applicable
1. Configure card in Intra Card TRANS/MUXPONDER mode. Click Configure Card and
select Intra Card TRANS/MUXPONDER under the drop down menu of Card
Configuration. Click Submit and accept modifications.
2. Configure ports P1 and P2 to OTU2 and ports P3 to P18 to STM1/4/GE. Click Ports Con-
figuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit and
accept modifications.
b. Admin up the required ports.
c. Create Muxponder configuration.
» Go to OTN > Transponder/Muxponder > View/ProvisionTransponder/
Muxponder in the navigation pane. The View Transponder/Muxponder preview
pane appears. Click Create a new Transponder/Muxponder link.
» Select the Type as muxponder and Network Port as OTU2 from the drop down
menu options.
» Click Add a Client Port to add 16 client ports that is P3 to P18. Select the client port
from drop down menu and select the TS (Time Slot) and the TPN (Tributary Port
Number) to be used by the client port as given in the table Time slots and TPN -
HCPSLine08 (Muxponder mode).
Note: Follow the time slot mentioned for the corresponding port number in the
table and they cannot be interchanged. For example, the Time slot mentioned
for port P3 cannot be interchanged with port P4.
6. Feed the SDH/Ethernet traffic from the test set to the port P3.
7. Monitor the Rx signal at port P14. Verify that no frames are lost.
8. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine08 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 26: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine08 (Muxponder mode)
P3 P1 - 1 1
P4 P1 - 2 2
P5 P1 - 3 3
P6 P1 - 4 4
P7 P2 - 1 1
P8 P2 - 2 2
P9 P2 - 3 3
P10 P2 - 4 4
P11 P1 - 5 5
P12 P1 - 6 6
P13 P1 - 7 7
P14 P1 - 8 8
P15 P2 - 5 5
P16 P2 - 6 6
P17 P2 - 7 7
P18 P2 - 8 8
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
— For testing card in 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER, connect physical loopback at port
— For testing card in 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER QSFP_NP, connect physical
loopback at port P2.
Following is the set for testing card in card in 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER
Figure 327: Setup for testing HCPSLine12 card
Port Number) to be used by the client interface as given in the table Time slots and
TPN - HCPSLine12 (Muxponder mode).
7. Feed the traffic from the Test set to the interface P4.
8. Monitor the traffic on the Ethernet test set received from interface P13. Verify that
no frames are lost.
9. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine12 card. The result verifies
that all the optical interfaces are functioning correctly.
Table 28: Time slots and TPN - HCPSLine12 (Muxponder mode)
P4 1 to 8
P5 9 to 16
P6 17 to 24
P7 25 to 32
P8 33 to 40
P9 41 to 48
P10 49 to 56
P11 57 to 64
P12 65 to 72
P13 73 to 80
Note: When Port P2 is configured to 100GE, other client ports that is P4 to P13
cannot be used.
Case 2: With Mapping type- ODU Flex, user can configure port P2 to 100GE and any 9
ports between P4 to P13 to 10GE by choosing the minimum time slots 1-8 for 100GE
port. The procedure is explained for 40 time slots for 100GE port, where P2 can be
configured as 100GE and 5 ports that is, P4 to P8 as 10GE.
You can choose the desired time slots between 1 to 80.
Figure 329: Test setup 2- Flexi 100G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder
For port P3, click Facility > Ethernet, configure 100GE mapping type as
"Mapping_GFP_F_ODUFlex", click Submit.
Click ODU4, create channel and provide PayLoad Capacity as 40, Bit Rate as
ODUflex, click Submit. The ODUflex channel is created.
4. Click Ports Configuration and select the desired configuration for each interface.
Click Submit and accept modifications.
5. Create Muxponder configuration.
P2 1 to 40
P4 41 to 48
P5 49 to 56
P6 57 to 64
P7 65 to 72
P8 73 to 80
1. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine12 card. HCPSLine12 Intelligent Card
page appears. On this page perform following configurations:
a. Configure card in Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER
mode. Click Configure Card and select Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G TO
1xOTU4 MUXPONDER under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
b. Configure interface P2, P3 to 40GE, P4, P5 to 10GE and port P1 to OTU4. Note
that only one port can be changed at a time. Click Ports Configuration and
select the desired configuration for each interface. Click Submit and accept
2. Create Muxponder configuration.
a. Go to OTN > Transponder/Muxponder > View/ProvisionTransponder/
Muxponder in the navigation pane. The View Transponder/Muxponder
preview pane appears. Click Create a new Transponder/Muxponder link.
b. Select the Type as muxponder and Network Port as OTU4 from the drop
down menu options.
c. Click Add a Client Port to add client interfaces that is P2, P3, P4 and P5. Select
the client interface from drop down menu and select the TS (Time Slot) and the
TPN (Tributary Port Number) to be used by the client interface.
3. Feed the 40GE traffic from the Test set-1 to the interface P2 and 10GE traffic from
Test set-2 to port P4.
4. Monitor the traffic on the test set received. Verify that no frames are lost.
Case 2: User can configure port P2, P3 to 40GE and any 8 ports between P4 to P13 to
10GE by choosing the minimum time slots for 40GE port. The procedure is explained for
8 time slots for each port P2 and P3, user can choose the desired time slots between 1
to 31.
Figure 331: Test setup 2- Flexi 2x40G plus 10x10G to OTU4 Muxponder
» Click Add a Client Port to add client interface P2 and P3. Select the client interface
from drop down menu, select 8 TS (Time Slot) to be used by the each client interface
and click Submit.
» Click Add a Client Port to add 8 client interfaces that is P4 to P11. Select the client
interface from drop down menu, select the remaining TS (Time Slot) and the TPN
(Tributary Port Number) to be used by the client interface and click Submit.
4. Feed the 40GE traffic from the Test set-1 to the interface P2 and 10GE from test set
-2 to P4.
5. Monitor the traffic on the test set received. Verify that no frames are lost.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
VC4_16c capacity with 'Source Port' as port P1 and 'Destination Port' as port P2.
Similarly, create cross-connects for other ports also.
5. Feed the STM-16 traffic from the Test set to the port P1.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at port P1 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
7. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine20 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P1 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port P10.
— Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) the ports in Tandem
connection as shown in set up.
— Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) ports as shown.
4. In the node UI, perform following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card,the HCPSLine22 Aggregate
Card page appears. Perform the following configurations on this page.
Figure 334: Test setup: 10x10G FLEXI TRIBUTARY AND CROSS-CONNECT mode
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P3 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port P8.
— Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) the ports in Tandem
connection as shown in set up.
— Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) ports as shown.
4. In the node UI, perform following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card, HCPSLine22 Aggregate Card
page appears. Perform the following configurations on this page.
» Configure card in 10x10G FLEXI TRIBUTARY AND CROSS-CONNECT mode.
» Click Configure Card and select 10x10G FLEXI TRIBUTARY AND CROSS-
CONNECT under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and
accept modifications.
» Configure UNI ports as STM1/4/16/64/10GE/1GE/1GFC/2GFC/8GFC
» Click Ports Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port.
Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Admin Up the required ports.
» Configure the UNI ports in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU.
» Click Ports, and Click port P3. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under
the drop down menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly configure for
other ports also.
b. Create ODU connections between the UNI and NNI ports of HCPSLine22 card.
» Go to OTN > ODU Connections and Click Create New Connection. Select
Capacity based on the UNI port capacity, enter the name of Circuit Identifier,
Directionality as 2WAY, Source ODU and Destination ODU.
5. Feed the desired traffic from the Test set to the port P3.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at port P8 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
7. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine22 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P1 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port P10.
— Connect optical fiber cables between ports in Tandem connection as shown in set up.
— Connect Loopback at port P11.
4. In the node UI, perform following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card, HCPSLine22 Aggregate Card
page appears. Perform the following configurations on this page.
» Configure card in 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER mode. Click Configure Card
and select 10x10G TO 1xOTU4 MUXPONDER under the drop down menu of Card
Configuration. Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Configure ports P1 to P10 to STM-64/10GE-LANOTU2/OTU2e. Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit
and accept modifications.
» Admin Up the required ports.
b. Create Muxponder configuration.
P1 1 to 8
P2 9 to 16
P3 17 to 24
P4 25 to 32
P5 33 to 40
P6 41 to 48
P7 49 to 56
P8 57 to 64
P9 65 to 72
P10 73 to 80
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P6 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port P10.
— Connect optical fiber cables between ports in Tandem connection as shown in set up.
— Connect Loopback on ports P1 to P5.
4. In the node UI, perform following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card, HCPSLine22 Aggregate Card
page appears. Perform the following configurations on this page.
» Configure card in 5 10G TRANSPONDER mode. Click Configure Card and select 5
10G TRANSPONDER under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
» To configure NNI ports, Click Ports Configuration and configure ports P1 to P5 to
» To configure ports P6 to P10 to STM-64/10GE-LAN/OTU2/OTU2e/8GFC/
12GFC/ OTU1f. Click Ports Configuration and select the desired port
configuration for each port. Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Admin Up the required ports.
b. Create Transponder configuration.
» Go to OTN > Transponder/Muxponder > View/ProvisionTransponder/
Muxponder in the navigation pane. The View Transponder/Muxponder preview
pane appears. Click Create a new Transponder/Muxponder link.
» Select the Type as transponder, and Network Port as OTU2/OTU2e/ OTU1f from
drop down.
» Select the Client Port from the drop down menu. Click Create.
5. Feed the traffic from the Test set to the port P6.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at Test set connected to port P10. Verify that no traffic is lost.
7. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 39: Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card
6. Monitor the Rx signal at port P1 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
7. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine22 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P1 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port P10
on 1st slot card.
— Connect optical fiber cables between ports in Tandem connection on 1st slot card as
shown in set up.
— Connect Loopback at port P11 on 2nd slot card.
4. In the node UI, perform the following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and click Slot 1
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card in 1st slot, HCPSLine22
Aggregate Card page appears. Perform the following configurations on this
» Configure card in 10x10 OTN Tributary mode. Click Configure Card and select
10x10 OTN Tributary under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
» Configure ports P1 to P10 to 10GE-LAN. Click Ports Configuration and select the
desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Admin Up the required ports.
» Configure the ports P1 to P10 in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU. Click
ports, and click port P1. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under the
drop down menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly configure for
other ports also.
b. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and click Slot 2
number link corresponding to HCPSLine22 card in 2nd slot, The HCPSLine22
Aggregate Card page appears. Perform the following configurations on this
» Configure card in 1x100G OTN TRIBUTARY mode. Click Configure Card and
select 1x100G OTN TRIBUTARY under the drop down menu of Card Configuration.
Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Configure ports P11 (appears as Port No 1 in UI) to OTU4. Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration. Click Submit and accept
» Admin Up the port.
» Create 10 channels on OTU4 port with bit rate of ODU2e capacity. Click Ports, and
click port OTU4-1-2-1. Then click ODU4k-1-2-1-0 and then click Create channel.
Select bit rate as ODU2e, enter the 'Source and Sink Tributary Port Number',
select eight Source Tributary Slot and eight Sink Tributary Slot for each channel.
c. Create ODU connections between the 10GE-LAN ports of HCPSLine22 on 1st
slot and OTU4 port of HCPSLine22 on 2nd slot.
» Go to OTN > ODU Connections and click Create New Connection. Select
Capacity as ODU2e, enter the name of Circuit Identifier, Directionality as 2WAY,
Source ODU and Destination ODU. The Source ODU and Destination ODU
selection for ten ODU connections is provided in the following table as ODU
Table 40: ODU connections - HCPSLine22
P1 ODU2ek-1-1-1-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-1
P2 ODU2ek-1-1-2-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-2
P3 ODU2ek-1-1-3-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-3
P4 ODU2ek-1-1-4-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-4
P5 ODU2ek-1-1-5-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-5
P6 ODU2ek-1-1-6-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-6
P7 ODU2ek-1-1-7-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-7
P8 ODU2ek-1-1-8-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-8
P9 ODU2ek-1-1-9-0 ODU2ej-1-2-1-9
5. Feed the 10GE traffic from the Test set to the port P1.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at port P10 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
7. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine22 card. The result verifies that
all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
— Connect the Tx of Test set to the Rx of port P11 and Rx of Test set to the Tx of port
— Connect optical fiber cables between ports in Tandem connection as shown in set up.
— Connect Loopback on ports P1 to P10.
4. In the node UI, perform following steps:
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and Click the Slot
number link corresponding to HCPSLine25 card, the HCPSLine25 Aggregate
Card page appears. Perform the following configurations on this page.
» Configure card in 10 10G TRANSPONDER mode. Click Configure Card and select
10 10G TRANSPONDER under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
» To configure NNI ports, click Ports Configuration and configure ports P1 to P10 to
» To configure ports P11 to P20 to STM-64/10GE-LAN/OTU2/OTU2e.Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit
and accept modifications.
» Admin Up the required ports.
b. Create Transponder configuration.
» Go to OTN > Transponder/Muxponder > View/ProvisionTransponder/
Muxponder in the navigation pane. The View Transponder/Muxponder preview pane
appears. Click Create a new Transponder/Muxponder link.
» Select the Type as transponder, and Network Port as OTU2/OTU2e from drop
» Select the Client Port from the drop down menu. Click Create.
5. Feed the traffic from the Test set to the port P11.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at Test set connected to port P20. Verify that no traffic is lost.
7. Record the result in Test Performance - HCPSLine25 card. The result verifies
that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
Table 43: Test Performance - HCPSLine25 card
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
P4 1 to 8
P5 9 to 16
P6 17 to 24
P7 25 to 32
P8 33 to 40
P9 41 to 48
P10 49 to 56
P11 57 to 64
P12 65 to 72
P13 73 to 80
P14 81 to 88
P15 89 to 96
P16 96 to 104
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
a. Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and click the Slot
number link corresponding to the HCPSLine27 card. The HCPSLine27
Intelligent Card page appears. On this page perform following configurations:
» Configure card in Two Flexi 100G to 2 OTU4 Muxponder mode. Click Configure
Card and select Two Flexi 100G to 2 OTU4 Muxponder under the drop down
menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and accept modifications.
» Configure interfaces interface P1 to OTUC2 and P2, P3 to 100GE/ OTU4. Note that
only one port can be changed at a time. Click Ports Configuration and select the
desired configuration for each interface. Click Submit and accept modifications.
b. Create two logical OTU4 channels:
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
» Click Card Configuration and select 100G or 200G under the drop down menu of
Port Capacity. Select corresponding Destination Port. Click Submit and accept
» Click Ports Configuration and select OTUC1 or OTUC2 under Add Drop Port
Configuration drop down menu. Click Submit.
b. Create configuration.
» Go to OTN > Otn Regenerator in the navigation pane. The View preview pane
appears. Click Create Regenerator Pair link. Select Primary Port, Secondary
Port from the respective drop down list. Select Enable as Regenerator Port
» Click Submit.
4. Feed the traffic from Test set to port P13.
5. Monitor the Rx signal at port P13 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 100GE client ports. Perform the same steps
for testing OTU4/OTUC1 client ports by selecting the appropriate port configuration.
1. Insert a working HCPSLine31 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Rx of port P3 and Rx of
Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Tx of port P14.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P3 to
P14 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) port P2.
7. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
Table 49: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine31
ODUC1k-ci-si-3-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-4-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-5-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-3
ODUC1k-ci-si-6-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-4
ODUC1k-ci-si-7-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-5
ODUC1k-ci-si-8-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-6
ODUC1k-ci-si-9-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-10-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-11-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-3
ODUC1k-ci-si-12-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-4
ODUC1k-ci-si-13-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-5
ODUC1k-ci-si-14-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-6
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 10GE-LAN client ports. Perform the same
steps for testing STM64/OTU2/OTU2e client ports by selecting the appropriate port
1. Insert a working HCPSLine31 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Test Set to the Rx of port P15 and Rx of Test Set to the
Tx of port P54.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P15 to
P54 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopback at network-network interface (NNI) port P1.
4. Feed the 10GE traffic from the Test set to the port P15.
5. Monitor the Rx signal at port P54 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
6. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• For detailed configuration procedure, refer TJ1600 Product Family User Interface
Guide of this release.
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 100GE client ports. Perform the same steps
for testing OTU4/OTUC1 client ports by selecting the appropriate port configuration.
1. Insert a working HCPSLine32 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Rx of port P3 and Rx of
Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Tx of port P14.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P3 to
P14 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) port P2. Follow-
ing is the set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine32 card.
Figure 348: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine32 card
5. Feed the 100GE traffic from the Test set to the port P3.
6. Monitor the Rx signal at port P14 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
7. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
Table 51: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine32
ODUC1k-ci-si-3-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-4-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-5-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-3
ODUC1k-ci-si-6-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-4
ODUC1k-ci-si-7-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-5
ODUC1k-ci-si-8-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-6
ODUC1k-ci-si-9-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-10-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-11-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-3
ODUC1k-ci-si-12-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-4
ODUC1k-ci-si-13-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-5
ODUC1k-ci-si-14-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-6
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• For detailed configuration procedure, refer TJ1600 Product Family User Interface
Guide of this release.
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 100GE client ports. Perform the same steps
for testing OTU4/OTUC1 client ports by selecting the appropriate port configuration.
1. Insert a working HCPSLine33 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Rx of port P4 and Rx of
Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Tx of port P11.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P4 to
P11 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) port P2. Follow-
ing is the set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine33 card.
Figure 349: Test set up for testing 100G ports on HCPSLine33 card
7. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
Table 52: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine33
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 10GE-LAN client ports. Perform the same
steps for testing STM64/OTU2/OTU2e client ports by selecting the appropriate port
1. Insert a working HCPSLine33 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Test Set to the Rx of port P15 and Rx of Test Set to the
Tx of port P34. Similarly, connect the Tx of the Test Set to the Rx of port P45
and Rx of Test Set to the Tx of port P54.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P15 to
P34 and P45 to P54 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopback at network-network interface (NNI) port P1. Follow-
ing is the set up for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine33 card.
Figure 350: Test set up for testing 10G ports on HCPSLine33 card
4. Feed the 10GE traffic from the Test set to the port P15.
5. Monitor the Rx signal at port P54 connected to the Test set. Verify that no traffic is
6. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• For detailed configuration procedure, refer TJ1600 Product Family User Interface
Guide of this release.
Note: Procedure is explained for testing 100GE client ports. Perform the same steps
for testing OTU4/OTUC1 client ports by selecting the appropriate port configuration.
1. Insert a working HCPSLine34 card in supported slot. Refer to Card population rule.
2. Connect the test set up as shown in the following figure:
a. Connect the Tx of the Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Rx of port P4 and Rx of
Ethernet Test Set-1 to the Tx of port P11.
b. Connect optical fiber cables between user-network interface (UNI) ports P4 to
P11 in Tandem connection.
c. Connect physical loopbacks at network-network interface (NNI) port P2.
7. Record the result and verify that all the ports are functioning correctly.
Table 54: ODUC1 connections on HCPSLine34
ODUC1k-ci-si-4-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-5-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-6-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-3
ODUC1k-ci-si-7-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-4
ODUC1k-ci-si-8-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-1-5
ODUC1k-ci-si-9-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-1
ODUC1k-ci-si-10-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-2
ODUC1k-ci-si-11-0 ODUC1j-ci-si-2-3
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
7. Now feed the traffic from the Ethernet test set -1 to the interface P5 and from
Ethernet test set -2 to the interface P1.
8. Monitor these frames on Ethernet test set from interfaces P1 and P5, and record
the data in Test performance- CEF-5 card table.
9. Verify that there are no frame drops in the traffic received.
Table 55: Test performance - CEF-5 card
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
If Input power = -10 dBm, Gain = 23 dB, then Output power = -10 + 23 = 13
Note 1: In case of very high output power, the Power meter is connected to the
Monitor port on OFA card.
In this case, the Output power (dBm) = Input power + Gain - (~20 dB).
Note 2: Similar procedure should be followed for testing other optical ports on OFA
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
5. In the node UI, perform the following steps to enable the Tx and Rx of Monitoring
port on the OFA connected to OPM port.
a. Go to Inventory > Shelf-1 and Click the MDU card. Multiplexer-
Demultiplexer Card page appears.
b. Click Common <port>. Common <port> page appears.
c. Select the Tx OPM Monitoring and Rx OPM Monitoring as Enable.
d. Select the Tx Monitoring Port and Rx Monitoring Port from the drop down.
e. Click Submit. Successful message appears.
Note: To view the OSNR values, License must be enabled in node UI.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
For example,
If Input power = -10 dBm, Gain = 23 dB, then Output power = -10 + 23 = 13
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Note: Ensure that the power to DWDM XFPs receivers is less than -10dBm.
Consider one card as line side card and other as client side card.
2. In one HCPSLine03 card, Insert four DWDM XFPs (or tunable XFPs) corresponding
to the 4 channels of OADM-4-D card.
3. In other HCPSLine03 card, Insert four 10km XFPs.
4. Create a cross-connect between Port 1-Port 1 of the two HCPSLine03 cards. Simi-
larly, create cross-connects between Port 2-Port 2, Port 3-Port 3 and Port 4-Port 4
of the two cards.
5. Insert 15 dB attenuator on each DWDM XFP Rx.
6. Create a tandem connection on client side HCPSLine03 card with the Tester as
shown in the figure.
7. Feed the traffic from the tester and ensure 0 bit errors.
8. Note down the Tx and Rx power of DWDM XFP in the UI.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
12. Repeat the procedure for different interfaces of MDU-2x16CL-C and ROADM-8-C
or ROADM-9-C.
This system testing procedure can also be performed for different versions of ROADM
cards namely ROADM-8-C-50G.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Any available version of OFA card can be used in the given setup, for example,
OFA-C-S20-VG, OFA-C-D20-VG, OFA-C-D20-HG, OFA-C-S20-LG and OFA-C-D20-
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Note: The OFA version required to be used depends on the output power and the
distance of transmission. Based on the power requirement, a second OFA can also
be added but the output power from the first OFA must be within the threshold limit
of second OFA. The output power is measured using Optical Power Meter (OPM). In
case of dispersion compensation, use DCM before connecting to OFA.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
Go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane on the node GUI and
Click the Slot number link corresponding to HCPSLine01 card. HCPULine01 Port
Group Card page appears. Click Configure Card, the Card configuration -
HCPSLine03-1-<Slot number> page appears. Select SDH GATEWAY card
under the drop down menu of Card Configuration.
8. Provision cross-connects between port 1 and port 3, port 2 and port 4 in the node
13. Make the physical connections accordingly and repeat the procedure for different
channels of MDU8-D.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
7. In the node UI, go to Inventory > Node Inventory in the navigation pane and
Click the Slot number link corresponding to HCPSLine03 card, HCPSLine03
Aggregate Card page appears. Perform the following steps on this page:
— Configure card in OTN FlexiCard mode. Click Configure Card and select OTN
FlexiCard under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and accept
— Configure ports P1 and P2 to STM-64 and ports P3 and P4 to OTU2. Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit
and accept modifications.
— Configure the ports P1 and P2 in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU. Click Ports,
and Click port P1. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under the drop down
menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly, configure for port P2. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
8. In the node UI create ODU connections between the ports P1 to P3 and P2 to P4.
Go to OTN > ODU Connections and Click Create New Connection. Select
Capacity as ODU2, enter the name of Circuit Identifier, Directionality as 2WAY,
Source ODU as port P1 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0) and Destination
ODU as port P3 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0). Similarly, create ODU
connections between port P2 and port P4. Click Submit and accept modifications.
9. Define the port connect between HCPSLine03 and MDU-16-D in the node UI as fol-
— Bidirectional port connect between port 3 on HCPSLine03 and the Channel on MDU-16-
D (1)
— Bidirectional port connect between port 4 on HCPSLine03 and the Channel on MDU-16-
D (2)
— Bidirectional port connect between Common of MDU-16-D (1) to Common of MDU-16-D
10. Feed the STM-64 traffic from the Test Set to port 1 on HCPSLine03 card.
11. Monitor the traffic on Test Set and verify that there are no frame drops in the traf-
fic feed.
12. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine03 card. The result veri-
fies that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
13. Make the physical connections accordingly and repeat the procedure for different
channels of MDU-16-D.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
— Configure card in OTN FlexiCard mode. Click Configure Card and select OTN
FlexiCard under the drop down menu of Card Configuration. Click Submit and
accept modifications.
— Configure ports P1 and P2 to STM-64 and ports P3 and P4 to OTU2. Click Ports
Configuration and select the desired port configuration for each port. Click Submit
and accept modifications.
— Configure the ports P1 and P2 in Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU. Click Ports,
and Click port P1. Select Timing-Transparent-Mapped to ODU under the drop down
menu of Timing Transparent Mode parameter. Similarly configure for port P2. Click
Submit and accept modifications.
8. In the node UI create ODU connections between the ports P1 to P3 and P2 to P4.
Go to OTN > ODU Connections and Click Create New Connection. Select
Capacity as ODU2, enter the name of Circuit Identifier, Directionality as
2WAY, Source ODU as port P1 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0) and
Destination ODU as port P3 (ODU2k-<Chassis>-<slot>-<port>-0). Similarly,
create ODU connections between port P2 and port P4. Click Submit and accept
9. Define the port connect between HCPSLine03 and MDU-64-D in the node UI as fol-
— Bidirectional port connect between port 3 on HCPSLine03 and the Channel on MDU-64-
D (1)
— Bidirectional port connect between port 4 on HCPSLine03 and the Channel on MDU-64-
D (2)
— Bidirectional port connect between Common of MDU-64-D (1) to Common of MDU-64-D
10. Feed the STM-64 traffic from the Test Set to port 1 on HCPSLine03 card.
11. Monitor the traffic on Test Set and verify that there are no frame drops in the traf-
fic feed.
12. Record the result in Test Performance for HCPSLine03 card. The result veri-
fies that all the optical ports are functioning correctly.
13. Make the physical connections accordingly and repeat the procedure for different
channels of MDU-64-D.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
4. Feed the traffic from the Test Set and ensure no bit errors are reported.
5. The LED status on the FPU01 card indicates the active traffic path. Ensure Work
LED is Green and Protect LED is Amber.
6. Now induce a signal failure on the work path.
7. Ensure that the traffic is switched to protect path and is up.
8. Check the LED status on FPU01 card. Work LED is Red and Protect LED is Green.
The FPU switched to protect alarm is raised in the active alarm page.
9. After restoring the work path, the LED status is Green for protect and Amber for
the work path. The traffic may switch back to the work path after WTR if FPU in
revertive mode. Now, induce a signal fail on the protect path. Traffic switches to
work path.
Note: For testing switching due to external commands, induce a forced switch.
Ensure that the switching time in less than 50msec.
• Ensure that all the optical connectors are clean. Refer to Guidelines for cleaning
optical fiber connectors.
11 Is it a terminal node? or
Inline Amplifier (ILA) node?
Note: If it is a new installation (DWDM), provision the rack space for all earlier
mentioned nodes.
Item Details
Product description
Ethernet IP
Router ID
Representative name
representative name
L4.2 -8 to -28
CFP Coherent -1 to 3
Synchronization tests
Table 67: Synchronization tests
Clock Status
Hold over
Work to protect
Protect to work
Note: Always clean the fiber-optic connectors before connecting to the transmission
equipment, test equipment, patch panels, or other connectors.
DANGER: Do not look into the end of fiber-optic connectors or into faceplate
connectors of installed circuit packs. The light source used in fiber-optic devices can
damage your eyes.
• Verify whether the other end of the fiber is disconnected from its laser source.
• Inspect the end of the fiber face with the optical fiber scope. Compare with
following figure to determine the condition of the fiber end face. If you need to
clean or polish the end face, refer to Clean optical fiber connectors.
Figure 365: Fiber intersection
Following table provides the recommended actions for different conditions of fiber
Table 69: Recommended actions for conditions of fiber connectors
Note: Ensure that the power/light source is turned off before and during the
cleaning of optical interfaces.
Note: Use only fresh and lint-free tissue papers for cleaning. Do not use
normal tissue paper or anything unauthorized.
2. Apply 1 to 3 drops of fresh 99% isopropyl alcohol to one end of the tissue paper.
Shake off the excess amount of alcohol.
3. Hold the fiber by the connector or cable.
4. Place the wet portion of the tissue paper on the optical surface and slowly drag it
5. Immediately dry the optical surface with a clean, dry, and lint-free tissue paper.
6. Place the dust cap over the end of the interface to avoid re-contamination or insert
the fiber for immediate use.
7. Dispose the tissue paper properly. Do not reuse tissue papers.
Note: Always use a fresh cleaning swab (cleaning bud) for cleaning connectors.
CAUTION: This equipment might have more than one power supply
connection. All connection must be removed to de-energize the unit before
accessing internal parts for maintenance or service.
TJ1600-2 system supports the PFU in slot 3 and slot 4 of the chassis in redundant state
to provide input source redundancy. PFU is provided with a latch handle on front panel
to aid its insertion and ejection from the chassis.
Note: In redundant state, the two slots allotted to the PFU must be occupied by
same PFU type.
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• If the chassis installed on rack is at a height more than the eye level of a person, a
platform of required height should be used for easy access and line of sight.
• Cables routed from left or right have sufficient slack to remove the PFU from the
4. Hold the latch handle and gently push the PFU into the chassis to engage it to the
backplane connector.
5. Secure the PFU to the chassis by tightening the captive screws present on both
sides of the front panel of the unit using Phillips (PH1) star screwdriver.
7. Hold the latch handle and gently pull out the PFU to disengage it from the back-
plane connector.
8. Slide the PFU along the guide ways provided on the chassis with proper hand sup-
port till it comes out of the slot.
Note: Ensure that the FTU is not removed before the replacement unit is available.
Also ensure that the FTU replacement procedure is completed within 30 seconds
CAUTION: The fans might still be turning when you remove the fan
assembly from the chassis. Keep fingers, screwdrivers, and other objects away from
the openings in the fan assembly housing.
TJ1600-2 system supports the FTU in slot 6 of the chassis. FTU is located on front,
towards left view of the chassis. FTU is provided with a handle on front panel that aid in
its insertion and removal from the chassis.
Figure 371: Position of FTU on TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis
FTU is designed to support redundancy mode, where each unit consists of two fans. An
alarm is raised if any of the fan fails. The system works up to 40°C in case of single fan
failure. Also, the system works even if alarm exists on the FTU and the room
temperature is less than 40°C, unless the 2nd fan failure happens. It is required to
change the fan if the alarm exists on the FTU.
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• If the chassis installed on rack is at a height more than the eye level of a person, a
platform of required height should be used for easy access and line of sight.
• Cables routed from right or left have sufficient slack to remove the FTU from the
4. Hold the handle and gently push the FTU into the chassis to engage it to the back-
plane connector.
5. Secure the FTU to the chassis by tightening the captive screw present on top, right
side of the front panel of the unit using Phillips (PH1) star screwdriver.
Figure 373: Tightening captive screw on FTU
2. Loosen the captive screw present on top, right side of the front panel of the unit
using Phillips (PH1) screwdriver. The screw should be loose enough to allow the
card to be removed.
Figure 374: Loosening captive screw on FTU
3. Hold the handle on front panel of the FTU and gently pull out the unit to disengage
it from the backplane connector.
4. Slide the FTU along the guide ways provided on the chassis with proper hand sup-
port till it comes out of the slot.
TJ1600-2 system consists of a user-replaceable air filter that traps the dust particles
from air drawn into the chassis and hence allows clean air circulation within the chassis.
Air filter is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) located on front, towards chassis left view. It
is provided with a handle on the front panel that aid in its insertion and removal from the
Figure 376: Position of air filter on TJ1600 Type-2SR chassis
Air filters must be examined periodically. If the filter appears dirty, it can be either
cleaned by vacuum or replaced. If the filter appears worn or torn, dispose of it in a
responsible manner and install a replacement air filter.
• The cables routed from left or right have sufficient slack to remove the filter.
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• If the chassis installed on rack is at a height more than the eye level of a person, a
platform of required height should be used for easy access and line of sight.
3. Secure the air filter to the chassis by tightening the captive screw located on the
front panel of the unit with a Phillips (PH1) screwdriver.
Perform the following steps to eject the air filter from the chassis:
1. Face towards front of the chassis and identify the slot on chassis where the Air
Filter is desired to be inserted.
2. Loosen the captive screw that secures the air filter to the chassis using Phillips
(PH1) screwdriver. The screw should be loose enough to allow the removal of the
3. Hold the handle on front panel of the air filter and slide out the unit completely
from the chassis while supporting it with your other hand.
• MDU-16-CL-50G
• MDU-16-D
• The cables routed from left or right have sufficient slack to remove the card.
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• If the chassis installed on a rack is at a height more that the eye level of the
person, use a platform of the required height for easy access and line of sight.
Perform the following steps to insert a card with ejectors into the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot where the card has to be inserted.
2. Slide in the card along the guide ways provided on the chassis with ejectors in hor-
izontal open position to engage them to the chassis groove.
3. Operate both the ejectors inwards simultaneously to engage the card to the back-
4. Secure the card to the chassis by tightening the captive screws located on both
sides of the face plate of the card using Phillips (PH1) screwdriver.
5. Verify that the status LED on the card is green in color which indicates a proper
jack in.
Perform the following steps to eject a card with ejectors from the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot from where the card has to be
Note: In case of ejecting cross connect card, press the RST (Reset) switch till LED
status displays RED color. Release the switch immediately. Sts (Status) LED
displays RED color. During this card goes for booting process. Once the process is
complete, Sts (Status) LED displays RED BLINKING color. This indicates that card
is ready for removal. Now subtended cross connect card becomes main cross
connect card.
4. Hold the two ejectors on the face plate of the card and operate them outwards
simultaneously (as shown in the following figure) to disengage the card from the
backplane. Wait till the status LED blinks in "Amber" color before pulling out the
card from chassis.
5. Slide out the card along the guided ways till it comes out of the slot, while support-
ing it with your other hand.
Note: For HCPSLine08 card, Use Early Ejector option can be enabled or disabled
on the node UI. If it is enabled, releasing the latch on ejector triggers the traffic flow
on the card to stop before the ejector is pulled out and the card is removed from the
backplane. For more details, refer to TJ1600 Product Family User Interface Guide.
• MDU-6-D
• MDU-8-D
• FPU01
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• If the chassis installed on a rack is at a height more than the eye level of the
person, use a platform of the required height for easy access and line of sight.
Perform the following steps to insert a card with latch handles in the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot where the card has to be inserted.
2. Install the required Adapter card in the slot.
Note: For inserting FPU01 card into the chassis, the respective adapter card
must be inserted first and then the cards must be inserted into the adapter
card. For inserting adapter card, refer to Insert and eject the adapter card.
3. Now hold the card to be installed into the adapter card with proper support and
slide in along the guide ways. Ensure that the card is inserted in proper slot width.
4. Hold the latch handles provided on the front panel of the card and gently push the
card into the chassis to engage it to the backplane connector.
5. Secure the card to the chassis by tightening the captive screws located on both
sides of the front panel of the card using Phillips screwdriver.
6. Verify that the status LED on the card is green in color which indicates a proper
Perform the following steps to eject a card with ejectors from the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot from where the card has to be
4. Hold the latch handles provided at both ends on the front panel of the card and pull
the card gently to disengage it from the backplane. Wait till the status LED blinks in
"Amber" color before pulling out the card from chassis.
5. Slide out the card along the guided ways till it comes out of the slot, while support-
ing it with your other hand.
• Optical adapter card HCPADP01 is used to split a slot in TJ1600 chassis to 2/3rd +
1/3rd slots.
• Optical adapter card HCPADP02 is used to split a slot in TJ1600 chassis to 1/2 + 1/
2 slots.
The divided slots have backplane support to install the following cards:
2/3rd Slot
• MDU-8-D
1/3rd Slot
• FPU01
1/2 Slot
• OPM4
• FPU02
• You are properly grounded to the node by an ESD protective wrist strap.
• The adapter card is installed first, followed by the active or passive card which are
to be inserted in adapter card.
• The active or passive card which are inserted in adapter card is removed first,
followed by the adapter card (if required).
• If the chassis installed on a rack is at a height more than the eye level of the
person, use a platform of the required height for easy access and line of sight.
Note: The procedure is explained for inserting and ejecting HCPADP01 adapter card.
Follow the same procedure for inserting and ejecting HCPADP02 adapter card.
Perform the following steps to insert the adapter card into the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot where the card has to be inserted.
2. Hold the adapter card (HCPADP01) to be installed with proper support and slide in
the card along the guide ways provided on the chassis to the point it easily goes
into the chassis. While sliding, position of the card should be horizontal as shown in
the following figure:
3. Hold the latch handles provided on the front panel of the card and gently push the
card into the chassis to engage it to the backplane connector.
4. Secure the card to the chassis by tightening the captive screws located on both
sides of the front panel of the card using Phillips screwdriver.
5. After installing the adapter card, insert the required cards into the slots of adapter
card. Follow the procedure for inserting a card as explained in topic Cards with
latch handles.
FPUADP01 adapter card is used to house a FPU01 card into 2/3rd slot of HCPADP01
adapter card.
Perform the following steps to insert FPUADP01 adapter card into HCPADP01 card:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot where the card has to be inserted.
2. Follow the procedure explained in previous topic "Insert the adapter card" for
inserting the HCPADP01 card into the desired slot on TJ1600 chassis.
3. Hold the FPUADP01 adapter card to be installed with proper support and slide in
the card along the guide ways provided on 2/3rd slot of HCPADP01 card to the
point it easily goes into the chassis. While sliding, position of the card should be
horizontal, as shown in the following figure:
4. Secure the adapter card to the chassis by tightening the captive screws located on
both sides of the face plate of the card using Phillips (PH1) screwdriver.
5. Now insert the FPU01 card into the slots of FPUADP01 adapter card. Follow the pro-
cedure for inserting a card as explained in the topic Cards with latch handles.
Perform the following steps to eject the adapter card from the chassis:
1. Face the front of the chassis and identify the slot from where the card has to be
2. Disconnect the cable connectors from the interfaces (if present) on the desired
cards present in adapter card.
3. Remove the cards inserted in HCPADP01 adapter card. Follow the procedure for
ejecting a card as explained in topic Cards with latch handles.
4. To remove HCPADP01 adapter card from the chassis, loosen the two captive screws
located on both sides of the card. The screws should be loose enough to allow the
removal of card.
5. Hold the latch handles on front panel of HCPADP01 adapter card and gently pull out
the card to disengage it from the backplane connector.
6. Slide out the adapter card along the guide ways till it comes out of the slot, while
supporting it with your other hand.
Figure 393: Sliding out the adapter card from the chassis
CAUTION: Enure that you open the ejector handle completely (you
hear click sound) to prevent transceiver damage.
Note: For modules with an actuator latch, press firmly on both the transceiver
faceplate and the actuator button to ensure that the module is properly latched in
the socket.
6. A click sound indicates that the module is locked into the port.
7. Verify that the module is latched properly in the socket. Try to remove it without
releasing the latch. If the module cannot be removed, it is inserted and positioned
properly. If the module can be removed, reinsert it and press harder with your
8. Remove the dust plugs from the module optical bores.
9. Immediately attach the network interface cable LC connectors to the transceiver
Figure 398: Inserting LC connector cable into the transceiver module
— If the transceiver module has an actuator button latch, gently press the actuator button
on the front of the transceiver module until it clicks and the latch mechanism releases
the transceiver module from the socket connector. Grasp the actuator button between
your thumb and index finger, and carefully pull the transceiver approximately 0.5 inch
(1.3 cm) out of the PIC or cFPC straight from the module slot.
» For the 10-port Gigabit Ethernet PIC, use needle-nose pliers or flat-blade screwdriver
or other long narrow instrument to pull the ejector handle out from the SFP.
Figure 400: Ejecting pluggable module with actuator button
— If the SFP transceiver module has a bail clasp latch, pull the latch out and down to
remove the transceiver module from the socket connector.
Note: If the bail clasp latch is obstructed and you cannot use your index finger
to open it, use a small flat-blade screwdriver or other long narrow instrument
to open the bail clasp latch. Grasp the SFP transceiver module between your
thumb and index finger, and carefully remove it from the socket.
Figure 401: Ejecting SFP/SFP+/XFP transceiver module having a bail clasp latch
8. Reinsert the dust plug into the CFP transceiver's optical bore until you are ready to
attach the network interface cable.
9. When you are ready to attach the network cable interface, remove the dust plugs
and inspect and clean fiber connector end faces, and then immediately attach the
network interface cable connectors into the CFP transceiver optical bores.
Figure 403: Inserting SC connector cable into the CFP transceiver module
4. Slide the CFP transceiver out of the module socket. Immediately place the CFP
transceiver in antistatic protective packaging.
Figure 405: Ejecting CFP module
less than 40V. The online tool explained in the following helps to calculate the voltage
drop on the cable and size the cable according to the requirement.
To calculate the gauge of power cable, access the following link:
1. http://www.calculator.net/voltage-drop-
2. The following fields are displayed in the link. Enter the desired values by referring
to the table Voltage drop calculator parameters.
Figure 406: Voltage drop calculator parameters
Wire size Choose the wire gauge. Choose the wire gauge until the
Voltage drop result fall less than
Distance Enter the distance and select Select unit as meters and enter the
the unit. length of the cable from power
source to the rack/equipment
power inlet.
This calculator takes care of round
trip wire length (return cable).
Enter only one way distance.
Load current Enter the current It is recommended that the user
requirement in Amps. enters the amperes considering the
total number of chassis that can be
placed in the rack even though the
present requirement does not
demand for it.
AWG Area
000 (3/0) 85
00 (2/0) 67.4
0 (1/0) 53.5
1 42.4
AWG Area
2 33.6
3 26.7
4 21.2
5 16.8
6 13.3
7 10.5
8 8.37
9 6.63
10 5.26
11 4.17
12 3.31
13 2.62
14 2.08
15 1.65
16 1.31
• In-production
— Use clean hand gloves when handling microSD disk.
— Do not touch the gold plated terminal with bare hands.
— Clean disk contacts with isopropyl alcohol before final installation into the system.
• In-field
— Before switching ON the power of the system, take out the microSD disk from socket
(connector used is push-push type) by holding edges of microSD disk.
Figure 408: Technique for proper holding of disk
— Wipe the gold plated terminal with a lint-free, clean cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.
Ensure not to touch the gold plated terminal with bare hands while cleaning.
— After wiping and drying the microSD disk, place the disk back into the socket and then
plug the card into system.
Following table lists the recommended microSD disk size to be used in the cards with
Table 72: MicroSD disk size
Cards Size
HCPSLine12 2GB
HCPSLine24 2GB
HCPSLine25 2GB
HCPSLine26 2GB
HCPSLine27 2GB
Note: The disk partition varies for different RHEL versions. Hence it is recommended
that the disk programming operation is performed by field personnel only.
• Route the signal cables on either side of the rack depending on the orientation of
cable routing.
• Power cables must be routed separately as a bunch, avoid grouping with signal
• Run and attach excess cables for easy, safe maintenance activities and proper
• Ensure that secured cables are not pinched, damaged, or kinked. For more details,
see the Cable bend-radius restrictions.
• Avoid routing the cables tightly over sharp edges of railing or panels.
• Use only velcro ties to reduce the chance of damaging cable from over-cinching or
accidental cutting.
• Do not allow other cables or components to exert tension on fiber optic cables,
which is easily crushed or damaged.
• Avoid routing fiber optic cable around chassis and cabinet corners. If this is
unavoidable, protect the cable.
• For components that must be movable while powered on, make sure that a full
range of motion is possible without cable interference or disconnection.
• When securing cables inside the rack, dress the bundle in a way that avoids
interference with installed components, rack side panels, or rails.
• Route the cable within the card space by the help of cable router.
The following practices are recommended to avoid the consequences of a too short or
too tight bend radius:
• Avoid tight bend radii. Never bend cables tight enough to cause a crease in the
• With no exceptions, fiber cables must not violate their minimum bend radius.
• Avoid excessive bends in cable, and run the cable as large a bend as space allows.
Excessive bending of cables can create one or more of the following problems:
• For power cables, its conductors and shields are stressed, which leads to
degradation of the cable and conductor insulation.
• For fiber optic cables, it leads to micro-bending of fibers that results in degradation
of light transmission or breaking of fibers, which in turn results in loss of signal.
3 -48 V
3 -48 V
3 -48 V
1 +ve
3 -ve
1 CD
2 RD
3 TD
9 RI
2 CD
5 RD
6 TD
2 CD
5 RD
6 TD
1 White/Orange ALARMOUT4_COM P1
2 Orange ALARMOUT4
3 White/Green ALARMOUT3_COM P2
5 White/Blue ALARMOUT2_COM P3
7 White/Brown ALARMOUT1_COM P4
1+6 Black 4
2 White 3
3 Red 2
4 Green 1+6
5 Brown 5
7 Orange 8
8 Yellow 7
9 Blue 9
Pins on RJ45 plug Color code of cable conductors Pins on 9 D-sub male
1 Black NC
2 Brown 1
3 Red 4
4 Orange 3
5 Yellow 2
6 Green 5
7 Blue 8
8 White 7
NOTE: The braid shield of the cable must be connected to the outer shield of
RJ45 plug and captive screws/body of DB9 connector.
ICES-003, Class-A
EN 300386
EN 55032 Class A / CISPR 32 Class A
EN 55035 / CISPR35 (EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN
610004-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8)
UL 62368-1
ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 V2.1.2 and ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 V2.1.2 for
Environmental Class 3.1