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Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020 https://doi.org/10.21053/ceo.2020.

pISSN 1976-8710 eISSN 2005-0720

Recent Advances in the Application of Artificial

Intelligence in Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck
Bayu Adhi Tama1,* ·Do Hyun Kim2,* ·Gyuwon Kim1 ·Soo Whan Kim2 ·Seungchul Lee1,3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang; 2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck

Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul; 3Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence,
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea

This study presents an up-to-date survey of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of otorhinolaryngology, consid-
ering opportunities, research challenges, and research directions. We searched PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials, Embase, and the Web of Science. We initially retrieved 458 articles. The exclusion of non-English publica-
tions and duplicates yielded a total of 90 remaining studies. These 90 studies were divided into those analyzing medical
images, voice, medical devices, and clinical diagnoses and treatments. Most studies (42.2%, 38/90) used AI for image-based
analysis, followed by clinical diagnoses and treatments (24 studies). Each of the remaining two subcategories included 14
studies. Machine learning and deep learning have been extensively applied in the field of otorhinolaryngology. However,
the performance of AI models varies and research challenges remain.
Keywords. Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Otorhinolaryngology

INTRODUCTION attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. In 2015,

some AI applications began to outperform human intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to ResNet performed better than humans in the ImageNet Large
mimic human intelligence without explicit programming; AI can Scale Visual Recognition Competition 2015 [3], and AlphaGo
solve tasks that require complex decision-making [1,2]. Recent became the first computer Go program to beat a professional
advances in computing power and big data handling have en- Go player in October 2015 [4]. Such technical advances have
couraged the use of AI to aid or substitute for conventional ap- promising implications for medical applications, particularly be-
proaches. The results of AI applications are promising, and have cause the amount of medical data is doubling every 73 days in
2020 [5]. As such, it is expected that AI will revolutionize health-
care because of its ability to handle data at a massive scale. Cur-
••Received April 16, 2020
Revised May 24, 2020 rently, AI-based medical platforms support diagnosis, treatment,
Accepted June 9, 2020 and prognostic assessments at many healthcare facilities world-
••Corresponding author: Soo Whan Kim wide. The applications of AI include drug development, patient
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s
Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, 222 monitoring, and personalized treatment. For example, IBM Wat-
Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06591, Korea son is a pioneering AI-based medical technology platform used
Tel: +82-2-2258-6214, Fax: +82-2-535-1354 by over 230 organizations worldwide. IBM Watson has consis-
E-mail: kshent@catholic.ac.kr
tently outperformed humans in several case studies. In 2016,
••Co-Corresponding author: Seungchul Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and IBM Watson diagnosed a rare form of leukemia by referring to a
Technology, 223 5th Engineering Building, 77 Cheongam-ro, Pohang 37673, dataset of 20 million oncology records [6]. It is clear that the use
Tel: +82-54-279-2181, Fax: +82-54-279-5997
of AI will fundamentally revolutionize medicine. Frost and Sulli-
E-mail: seunglee@postech.ac.kr van (a research company) forecast that AI will boost medical
*The first two authors contributed equally to this article. outcomes by 30%–40% and reduce treatment costs by up to
Copyright © 2020 by Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0)
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Tama BA et al. Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology 327

458 Studies 0 Additional studies

obtained through obtained through
Artificial database search other sources
learning 430 Studies after
duplicates omitted

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the literature search and study selection. 300 Studies screened 130 Studies excluded

50%. The AI healthcare market is expected to attain a value of

132 Full-text articles 53 Full-text articles
USD 31.3 billion by 2025 [7]. examined for eligibility excluded with reasons
Otorhinolaryngologists use many instruments to examine pa-
tients. Since the early 1990s, AI has been increasingly used to
analyze radiological and pathological images, audiometric data, 90 Studies included
and cochlear implant (CI). Performance [8-10]. As various meth- in synthesis
ods of AI analysis have been developed and refined, the practi-
cal scope of AI in the otorhinolaryngological field has been broad- Fig. 2. Interconnections between artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and deep learning.
ened (e.g., virtual reality technology [11-13]). Therefore, it is es-
sential for otorhinolaryngologists to understand the capabilities
and limitations of AI. In addition, a data-driven approach to health- onto recognized learning paradigms. ML is a data-driven tech-
care requires clinicians to ask the right questions and to fit well nique that blends computer science with statistics, optimization,
into interdisciplinary teams [8]. and probability [15]. An ML algorithm requires (1) input data,
Herein, we review the basics of AI, its current status, and fu- (2) examples of correct predictions, and (3) a means of validat-
ture opportunities for AI in the field of otorhinolaryngology. We ing algorithm performance. ML uses input data to build a model
seek to answer two questions: “Which areas of otorhinolaryn- (i.e., a pattern) that allows humans to draw inferences [16,17].
gology have benefited most from AI?” and “ What does the fu- DL is a subfield of ML, in which tens or hundreds of representa-
ture hold?” tive layers are learned with the aid of neural networks. A neural
network is a learning structure that features several neurons;
when combined with an activation function, a neural network
MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING delivers non-linear predictions. Unlike traditional ML algorithms,
which typically only extract features, DL processes raw data to
AI has fascinated medical researchers and practitioners since the define the representations required for classification [18]. DL
advent of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) (two has been incorporated in many AI applications, including those
forms of AI) in 1990 and 2010, respectively. A flowchart of the for medical purposes [19]. The applications of DL thus far in-
literature search and study selection is presented in Fig. 1. Im- clude image classification, speech recognition, autonomous driv-
portantly, AI, ML, and DL overlap (Fig. 2). There is no single def- ing, and text-to-speech conversion; in these domains, the perfor-
inition of AI; its purpose is to automate tasks that generally re- mance of DL is at least as good as that of humans. Given the
quire the application of human intelligence [14]. Such tasks in- significant roles played by ML and DL in the medical field, clini-
clude object detection and recognition, visual understanding, cians must understand both the advantages and limitations of
and decision-making. Generally, AI incorporates both ML and data-driven analytical tools.
DL, as well as many other techniques that are difficult to map

Ninety studies that implemented artificial intelligence (AI) in
otorhinolaryngology were reviewed and classified. AI aids medical image-based analysis
Medical imaging yields a visual representation of an internal
The studies were divided into four subcategories.
bodily region to facilitate analysis and treatment. Ear, nose, and
Research challenges regarding future applications of AI in oto- throat-related diseases are imaged in various manners. Table 1
rhinolaryngology are discussed.
summarizes the 38 studies that used AI to assist medical image-
Table 1. AI techniques used for medical image-based analysis
Best result
Analysis Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Objective AI technique Accuracy (%)/ Sensitivity (%)/
modality method the training dataset the testing dataset
AUC specificity (%)
[20] CT Anterior ethmoidal artery anatomy CNN: Inception-V3 Hold-out 675 Images from 388 197 Images 82.7/0.86 -
[21] CT Osteomeatal complex occlusion CNN: Inception-V3 - 1.28 Million images from 239 - 85.0/0.87 -
[22] CT Chronic otitis media diagnosis CNN: Inception-V3 Hold-out 975 Images 172 Images -/0.92 83.3/91.4
[23] DECT HNSCC lymph nodes RF, GBM Hold-out Training and testing set are randomly chosen with a ratio 90.0/0.96 89.0/91.0
70:30 from a total of 412 lymph nodes from 50 patients.
[24] microCT Intratemporal facial nerve anatomy PCA+SSM - 40 Cadaveric specimens - - -
from 21 donors
[25] CT Extranodal extension of HNSCC CNN Hold out 2,875 Lymph nodes 200 Lymph nodes 83.1/0.84 71.0/85.0
[26] CT Prediction of overall survival of NN, DT, boosting, Bayesian, 10-CV 101 Head and neck cancer patients, 440 radiomic features -/0.67 -
head and neck cancer bagging, RF, MARS, SVM,
[27] DECT Benign parotid tumors RF Hold-out 882 Images from 42 patients Two-thirds of the samples 92.0/0.97 86.0/100
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology

[28] fMRI Predicting the language outcomes SVM LOOCV 22 Training samples, including 15 labeled samples and 81.3/0.97 77.8/85.7
following cochlear implantation 7 unlabeled samples
[29] fMRI Auditory perception SVM 10-CV 42 Images from 6 participants 47.0/- -
[30] MRI Relationship between tinnitus and ELM Repeated 46 Images from 23 healthy subjects and 23 patients. Test 94.0/- -
thicknesses of internal auditory hold-out was repeated 10 times for three training ratios, i.e., 50%,
canal and nerves 60%, and 70%.
[31] MRI Prediction of treatment outcomes SVM 9-CV 36 Lesions from 36 patients 92.0/- 100/82.0
of sinonasal squamous cell
[32] Neuroimaging Tinnitus SVM 5-CV 102 Images from 46 patients and 56 healthy subjects 80.0/0.86 -
[33] MRI Differentiate sinonasal squamous SVM LOOCV 22 Patients with inverted papilloma and 24 patients with 89.1/- 91.7/86.4
cell carcinoma from inverted SCC
Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020

[34] MRI Speech improvement for CI SVM LOOCV 37 Images from 37 children with hearing loss and 84.0/0.84 80.0/88.0
candidates 40 images from 40 children with normal hearing
[35] Endoscopic Laryngeal soft tissue Weighted voting Hold-out 200 Images 100 Images 84.7/- -
images (UNet+ErfNet)
[36] Laryngoscope laryngeal neoplasms CNN Hold-out 14,340 Images from 5,250 5,093 Images from 2,271 96.24/- 92.8/98.9
images patients patients
[37] Laryngoscope Laryngeal cancer CNN Hold-out 13,721 Images 1,176 Images 86.7/0.92 73.1/92.2
[38] Laryngoscope Oropharyngeal cariconoma Naive Bayes Hold-out 4 Patients with 16 Patients with 65.9/- 66.8/64.9
images oropharyngeal cariconoma oropharyngeal cariconoma
and 1 healthy subject and 9 healthy subjects
[39] Otoscopic Otologic diseases CNN Hold-out 734 Images; 80% of the images were used for the training 84.4/- -
images and 20% were used for validation.
(Continued to the next page)
Table 1. Continued
Best result
Analysis Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Objective AI technique Accuracy (%)/ Sensitivity (%)/
modality method the training dataset the testing dataset
AUC specificity (%)
[40] Otoscopic Otitis media MJSR Hold-out 1,230 Images; 80% of the images were used for the training 91.41/- 89.48/93.33
images and 20% were used for validation.
[41] Otoscopic Otoscopic diagnosis AutoML Hold-out 1,277 Images 89 Images 88.7/- 86.1/-
[42] Digitized H&E-stained tissue of oral cavity LDA, QDA, RF, SVM Hold-out 50 Images 65 Images 88.0/0.87 78.0/93.0
images squamous cell carcinoma
[43] PESI-MS Intraoperative specimens of LR LOOCV 114 Non-cancerous specimens and 141 cancerous 95.35/- -
HNSCC specimens
[44] Biopsy Frozen section of oral cavity SVM LOOCV 176 Specimen pairs from 27 subjects -/0.94 100/88.78
specimen cancer
[45] HSI Head and neck cancer CNN LOOCV 88 Samples from 50 patients 80.0/- 81.0/78.0
[46] HSI Head and neck cancer CNN LOOCV 12 Tumor-bearing samples for 12 mice 91.36/- 86.05/93.36
[47] HSI Oral cancer SVM, LDA, QDA, RF, 10-CV 10 Images from 10 mice 79.0/0.86 79.0/79.0
[48] HSI Head and neck cancer LDA, QDA, ensemble LDA, Repeated 20 Specimens from 20 16 Specimens from 16 94.0/0.97 95.0/90.0
classification SVM, RF hold-out patients patients
[49] HSI Tissue surface shape SSRNet 5-CV 200 SL images 96.81/- 92.5/-
[50] HSI Tumor margin of HNSCC CNN 5-CV 395 Surgical specimens 98.0/0.99 -
[51] HSI Tumor margin of HNSCC LDA 10-CV 16 Surgical specimens 90.0/- 89.0/91.0
[52] HSI Optical biopsy of head and neck CNN LOOCV 21 Surgical gross-tissue specimens 81.0/0.82 81.0/80.0
[53] SRS Frozen section of laryngeal CNN 5-CV 18,750 Images from 45 patients 100/- -
squamous cell carcinoma
[54] HSI Cancer margins of ex-vivo human CNN Hold-out 11 Surgical specimens 9 Surgical specimens 81.0/0.86 84.0/77.0
surgical specimens
[55] USG Genetic risk stratification of thyroid AutoML Hold-out 556 Images from 21 patients 127 Images 77.4/- 45.0/97.0
[56] CT Concha bullosa on coronal sinus CNN: Inception-V3 Hold-out 347 Images (163 concha 100 Images (50 concha 81.0/0.93 -
classification bullosa images and 184 bullosa images and 50
normal images) normal images)
[57] Panoramic Maxillary sinusitis diagnosis AlexNet CNN Hold-out 400 Healthy images and 400 60 Healthy and 60 inflamed 87.5/0.875 86.7/88.3
radiography inflamed maxillary sinuses maxillary sinuses images
AI, artificial intelligence; AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; CT, computed tomography; CNN, convolutional neural network; DECT, dual-energy computed tomography; HN-
SCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; RF, random forest; GBM, gradient boosting machine; PCA, principle component analysis; SSM, statistical shape model; NN, neural network; DT, decision
tree; MARS, multi adaptive regression splines; SVM, support vector machine; k-NN, k-nearest neighbor; GLM, generalized linear model; PLSR, partial least squares and principal component regression;
Tama BA et al. Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology

CV, cross-validation; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; LOOCV, leave-one-out cross-validation; ELM, extreme learning machine; CI, cochlear implant; MJSR, multitask joint sparse represen-
tation; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; QDA, quadratic discriminant analysis; PESI-MS, probe electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; LR, logistic regression; HSI, hyperspectral imaging; SSRNet,

super-spectral-resolution network; SRS, stimulated Raman scattering; USG, ultrasonography.

330 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020

Input image Feature maps Feature maps Vectorized

feature maps
Pooled Pooled Outputs
feature maps feature maps

Input layer Convolutional layer Convolutional layer Fully connected layer

Fig. 3. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques used for medical image-based analysis.

Table 2. AI techniques used for voice-based analysis

Analysis Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Objective AI technique Best result
modality method the training dataset the testing dataset
[58] CI Noise reduction NC+DDAE Hold-out 120 Utterances 200 Utterances Accuracy: 99.5%
[59] CI Segregated speech DNN Hold-out 560×50 Mixtures for each noise 160 Noise segments Hit ratio: 84%;
from background type and SNR from original false alarm: 7%
noise unperturbed noise
[60] CI Improved pitch ANN Hold-out 1,500 Pitch pairs 10% of the training Accuracy: 95%
perception material
[61] CI Predicted speech k-NN, DT 10-CV A total of 29 patients, including 48% unilateral CI users Accuracy: 81%
recognition and and 51% bimodal CI users
QoL outcomes
[62] CI Noise reduction DDAE Hold-out 12,600 Utterances 900 Noisy utterances Accuracy: 36.2%
[63] CI Improved speech DNN Hold-out 640,000 Mixtures of sentences - Accuracy: 90.4%
intelligibility in and noises
unknown noisy
[64] CI Modeling ANN Hold-out 360 Sets of fiber activation 40 Sets of fiber -
electrode-to-nerve patterns per electrode activation patterns
interface per electrode
[65] CI Provided digital WNN Hold-out 120 Consonants and vowels, sampled at 16 kHz; half of SNR: 2.496;
signal processing data was used as training set and the rest was used as MSE: 0.086;
plug-in for CI testing set. LLR: 2.323
[66] CI Assessed disyllabic k-NN - 60 Patients - Accuracy: 90.83%
speech test
performance in CI
[67] Acoustic Voice disorders CNN 10-CV 451 Images from 10 health adults and 70 adults with Accuracy: 90%
signals detection voice disorders
[68] Dysphonic Voice disorders ANN Repeated 100 Cases of neoplasm, 508 cases of benign Accuracy: 83%
symptoms detection hold-out phonotraumatic, 153 cases of vocal palsy
[69] Pathological Voice disorders DNN, SVM, 5-CV 60 Normal voice samples and 402 pathological voice Accuracy: 94.26%
voice detection GMM samples
[70] Acoustic Hot potato voice SVM Hold-out 2,200 Synthetic voice samples 12 HPV samples from Accuracy: 88.3%
signal detection real patients
[71] SEMG Voice restoration for XGBoost Hold-out 75 Utterances using 7 SEMG - Accuracy: 86.4%
signals laryngectomy sensors
AI, artificial intelligence; CI, cochlear implant; NC, noise classifier; DDAE, deep denoising autoencoder; DNN, deep neural network; SNR, signal-to-noise
ratio; ANN, artificial neural network; QoL, quality of life; k-NN, k-nearest neighbors; DT, decision tree; CV, cross-validation; WNN, wavelet neural network;
MSE, mean square error; LLR, log-likelihood ratio; CNN, convolutional neural network; GMM, Gaussian mixture model; SVM, support vector machine; HPV,
human papillomavirus; SEMG, surface electromyographic.
Tama BA et al. Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology 331

based analysis in clinical otorhinolaryngology. Nine studies non-contact devices. These studies are summarized in Table 3.
(23.7%) addressed hyperspectral imaging, nine studies (23.7%) Of these 14 studies, most (50%, seven studies) focused on anal-
analyzed computed tomography, six studies (15.8%) applied AI yses of gene expression data. Three studies (21.43%) used AI to
to magnetic resonance imaging, and one study (2.63%) ana- examine polysomnography data in an effort to score sleep stages
lyzed panoramic radiography. Laryngoscopic and otoscopic im- [72,73] or to identify long-term cardiovascular disease [74]. Most
aging were addressed in three studies each (7.89% each). The algorithms employed ensemble learning (random forests, Gentle
remaining seven studies (18.39%) used AI to aid in the analysis Boost, XGBoost, and a general linear model+support vector ma-
of neuroimaging biomarker levels, biopsy specimens, simulated chine ensemble); this approach was followed by neural network-
Raman scattering data, ultrasonography and mass spectrometry based algorithms (convolutional neural networks, autoencoders,
data, and digitized images. Nearly all AI algorithms comprised and shallow artificial neural networks). Fig. 5 presents a schemat-
convolutional neural networks. Fig. 3 presents a schematic dia- ic diagram of the application of the autoencoder and the support
gram of the application of convolutional neural networks in vector machine in the analysis of gene expression data.
medical image-based analysis; the remaining algorithms consist-
ed of support vector machines and random forests. AI for clinical diagnoses and treatments
Clinical diagnoses and treatments consider only symptoms, med-
AI aids voice-based analysis ical records, and other clinical documentation. We retrieved 24
The subfield of voice-based analysis within otorhinolaryngology relevant studies (Table 4). Of the ML algorithms, most used lo-
seeks to improve speech, to detect voice disorders, and to reduce gistic regression for classification, followed by random forests and
the noise experienced by patients with (CIs; Table 2 lists the 14 support vector machines. Notably, many studies used hold-outs
studies that used AI for speech-based analyses. Nine (64.29%) to validate new methods. Fig. 6 presents a schematic diagram of
sought to improve speech intelligibility or reduce noise for pa- the process cycle of utilizing AI for clinical diagnoses and treat-
tients with CIs. Two (14.29%) used acoustic signals to detect ments.
voice disorders [67] and “hot potato voice” [70]. In other stud-
ies, AI was used for symptoms, voice pathologies, or electromyo-
graphic signals as a way to detect voice disorders [68,69], or to DISCUSSION
restore the voice of a patient who had undergone total laryngec-
tomy [71]. Neural networks were favored, followed by k-nearest We systematically analyzed reports describing the integration of
neighbor methods, support vector machines, and other widely AI in the field of otorhinolaryngology, with an emphasis on how
known classifiers (e.g., decision trees and XGBoost). Fig. 4 pres- AI may best be implemented in various subfields. Various AI
ents a schematic diagram of the application of convolutional techniques and validation methods have found favor. As described
neural networks in medical voice-based analysis. above, advances in 2015 underscored that AI would play a ma-
jor role in future medicine. Here, we reviewed post-2015 AI ap-
AI analysis of biosignals detected from medical devices plications in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Before 2015, most
Medical device-based analyses seek to predict the responses to AI-based technologies focused on CIs [10,75-86]. However, AI
clinical treatments in order to guide physicians who may wish to applications have expanded greatly in recent years. In terms of
choose alternative or more aggressive therapies. AI has been used image-based analysis, images yielded by rigid endoscopes, laryn-
to assist polysomnography, to explore gene expression profiles, goscopes, stroboscopes, computed tomography, magnetic reso-
to interpret cellular cartographs, and to evaluate the outputs of nance imaging, and multispectral narrow-band imaging [38], as

Spectrogram Feature maps Vectorized

feature maps
Pooled Outputs
feature maps

Input signal Feature extraction Convolutional layer Fully connected layer

Fig. 4. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques used for voice-based analysis.

332 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020

Table 3. AI analysis of biosignals detected from medical device

Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Analysis modality Objective AI technique Best result
method the training dataset the testing dataset
[73] EEG signal of PSG Sleep stage scoring CNN 5-CV 294 Sleep studies; 122 composed the Accuracy: 81.81%;
training set, 20 composed the F1 score: 81.50%;
validation set, and 152 were used in Cohen’s Kappa:
the testing set. 72.76%
[72] EEG, EMG, EOG Sleep stage scoring CNN Hold-out 42,560 Hours of 580 PSGs Accuracy: 86%;
signals of PSG PSG data from F1 score: 81.0%;
5,213 patients Cohen’s Kappa:
[74] Sleep heart rate Long-term XGBoost 5-CV 1,252 Patients with cardio vascular Accuracy: 75.3%
variability in PSG cardiovascular disease and 859 patients with
outcome prediction non-cardio vascular disease
[87] Sleep breathing AHI prediction Gaussian process, 10-CV 116 Patients with OSA CC: 0.83; LMAE:
sound using an SVM, RF, LiR 9.54 events/hr;
air-conduction RMSE: 13.72
microphone events/hr
[88] Gene signature Thyroid cancer lymph LDA 6-CV 363 Samples 72 Samples AUC: 0.86; sensitivity:
node metastasis and 86%; specificity:
recurrence rediction 62%; PPV: 93%;
NPV: 42%
[89] Gene expression Response prediction to SVM LOOCV 16 TPF-sensitive patients and 13 Sensitivity: 88.3%;
profile chemotherapy in pa- non-TPF-sensitive patients specificity: 88.9%
tient with HNSCC
[90] Mucus cytokines SNOT-22 scores RF, LiR - 147 Patients with 65 patients with R2: 0.398
prediction of CRS postoperative follow-up
[91] Cellular Single-cell resolution Gentle boost, RF, Hold-out 20,416 Samples 19,594 Samples Recall: 99.3%;
cartography mapping of the organ CNN precision: 99.3%;
of Corti F1: 93.3%
[92] RNA sequencing, HNSCC progress Autoencoder and 2×5-CV 360 Samples from TCGA C-index: 0.73;
miRNA prediction SVM Brier score: 0.22
methylation data
[93] DNA repair defect HNSCC progress CART 10×5-CV 180 HPV-negative HNSCC patients AUC: 1.0
[94] PESI-MS Identified TGF-β LDA LOOCV A total of 240 and 90 mass spectra Accuracy: 98.79%
signaling in HNSCC from TGF-β-unstimulated and
stimulated HNSCC cells, respectively
[95] Next generation Classified the risk of Ensemble of elastic 40×5-CV A total of 10,196 genes, among which Sensitivity: 91%;
sequencing of malignancy in net GLM and SVM are 1,115 core genes specificity: 68%
RNA cytologically
thyroid nodules
[96] Gene expression HPV-positive LR 500-CV 146 Genes from patients with AUC: 0.93
profile oropharyngeal squa- node-negative disease and
mous cell carcinoma node-positive disease
[97] miRNA expression Sensorineural hearing DF, DJ, LR, NN LOOCV 16 Patients were included. Accuracy: 100%
profile loss prediction
AI, artificial intelligence; EEG, electroencephalogram; PSG, polysomnography; CNN, convolutional neural network; CV, cross-validation; EMG, electromy-
ography; EOG, electrooculogram; AHI, apnea-hypopnea index; SVM, support vector machine; RF, random forest; LiR, linear regression; OSA, obstructive
sleep apnea; CC, correlation coefficient; LMAE, least mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean squared error; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; AUC, area
under the receiver operating characteristic curve; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell
carcinoma; LOOCV, leave-one-out cross validation; TPF, docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil; SNOT-22, 22-item sinonasal outcome test; CRS, chronic
rhinosinusitis; miRNA, microRNA; TCGA, the cancer genome atlas; CART, classification and regression trees; HPV, human papillomavirus; PESI-MS, probe
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; TGF-β, transforming growth factor beta; GLM, generalized linear model; LR, logistic regression; DF, decision
forest; DJ, decision jungle; NN, neural network.
Tama BA et al. Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology 333

Gene expression
Auto encoder SVM

Input data Feature extraction Classification

Fig. 5. Artificial intelligence (AI) analyses of biosignals detected from medical devices. SVM, support vector machine.

Table 4. AI techniques used for clinical diagnoses and treatments

Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Analysis modality Objective AI technique Best result
method the training dataset the testing dataset
[98] Hearing aids Hearing gain CRDN Hold-out 2,182 Patients that were diagnosed with MAPE: 9.2%
prediction hearing loss; the percentages of
randomly sampled training, validation,
and test sets were 40%, 30%, and 30%,
[99] Hearing aids Predicted CI RF LOOCV 121 Postlingually deaf adults with CI MAE: 6.1;
outcomes Pearson’s
coefficient: 0.96
[100] Clinical data SSHL prediction DBN, LR, SVM, 4-CV 1,220 Unilateral SSHL patients Accuracy: 77.58%;
MLP AUC: 0.84
[101] Clinical data including Determined the risk LR Hold-out 1,005 Patients, 235 Patients, AUC: 0.79
demographics and of head and neck containing 932 containing 212
risk factors cancer patients with no patients with no
cancer outcome cancer outcome
and 73 patients and 23 patients
with cancer with cancer
outcome outcome
[102] Clinical data including Peritonsillar abscess NN Hold-out 641 Patients 275 Patients Accuracy: 72.3%;
symptom diagnosis prediction sensitivity: 6.0%;
specificity: 50%
[103] Vestibular test Vestibular function DT, RF, LR, Hold-out 5,774 Individuals 100 Individuals Accuracy: 93.4%
batteries assessment AdaBoost,
[104] Speakers and Middle ear fluid LR LOOCV 98 Patient ears AUC: 0.9; sensitivity:
microphones within detection 84.6%; specificity:
existing smartphones 81.9%
[105] Cancer data survival 5-Year survival patients DF, DJ, LR, NN Hold-out 26,452 Patients 6,613 Patients AUC: 0.8; accuracy:
with oral cavity 71%; precision:
squamous cell 71%; recall: 68%
[106] Histological data Occult lymph node RF, SVM, LR, Hold-out 56 Patients 112 Patients AUC: 0.89;
metastases C5.0 accuracy: 88.0%;
identification in NPV: >95%
clinically oral cavity
squamous cell
[107] Clinicopathologic data Head and neck free GBDT Hold-out 291 Patients 73 Patients Specificity: 62.0%;
tissue transfer surgical sensitivity: 60.0%;
complications F1: 60.0%
(Continued to the next page)
334 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020

Table 4. Continued
Validation No. of samples in No. of samples in
Study Analysis modality Objective AI technique Best result
method the training dataset the testing dataset
[108] Clinicopathologic data Delayed adjuvant RF Hold-out 61,258 Patients 15,315 Patients Accuracy: 64.4%;
radiation prediction precision: 58.5%
[109] Clinicopathologic data Occult nodal metastasis LR, RF, SVM, Hold-out 1,570 Patients 391 Patients AUC: 0.71;
prediction in oral cavity GBM sensitivity: 75.3%;
squamous cell specificity: 49.2%
[110] Dataset of the center Peripheral vestibular GBDT, bagging, CV 75 Patients with vestibular dysfunction AUC: 0.9; recall:
of pressure sway dysfunction prediction LR and 163 healthy controls 0.84
during foam
[111] TEOAE signals Meniere’s disease SVM 5-CV 30 Unilateral patients Accuracy: 82.7%
hearing outcome
[112] Semantic and syntactic Vestibular diagnoses NLP+Naïve 10-CV 866 Physician-generated histories from Sensitivity: 93.4%;
patterns in clinical Bayes vestibular patients specificity: 98.2%;
documentation AUC: 1.0
[113] Endoscopic imaging Nasal polyps diagnosis ResNet50, Hold-out 23,048 Patches (167 patients) as training Inception V3: AUC:
Xception, and set, 1,577 patches (12 patients) as 0.974
Inception V3 internal validation set, and 1,964
patches (16 patients) as external test set
[114] Intradermal skin tests Allergic rhinitis diagnosis Associative 10-CV 872 Patients with allergic symptoms Accuracy: 88.31%
[115] Clinical data Identified phenotype Cluster analysis - 46 Patients with CRS without nasal polyps -
and mucosal and 67 patients with nasal polyps
eosinophilia endotype
subgroups of patients
with medical refractory
[116] Clinical data Prognostic information Discriminant - 690 Patients -
of patient with CRS analysis
[117] Clinical data Identified phenotypic Discriminant - 382 Patients -
subgroups of CRS analysis
[118] Clinical data Characterization of Cluster analysis - 97 Surgical patients with CRS -
distinguishing clinical
features between
subgroups of patients
with CRS
[119] Clinical data Identified features of Cluster analysis - 145 Patients of CRS without nasal -
CRS without nasal polyposis
[120] Clinical data Identified inflammatory Cluster analysis - 682 Cases (65% with CRS without nasal -
endotypes of CRS polyps)
[121] Clinical data Identified features of Cluster analysis - 375 Patients -
CRS with nasal polyps
AI, artificial intelligence; CRDN, cascade recurring deep network; MAPE, mean absolute percentage error; RF, random forest; LOOCV, leave-one-out cross
validation; CI, cochlear implant; MAE, mean absolute error; SSHL, sudden sensorineural hearing loss; DBN, deep belief network; LR, logistic regression;
SVM, support vector machine; MLP, multilayer perceptron; CV, cross-validation; AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; NN, neural
network; DT, decision tree; DF, decision forest; DJ, decision jungle; NPV, negative predictive value; GBDT, gradient boosted decision trees; GBM, gradient
boosting machine; TEOAE, transient-evoked otoacoustic emission; NLP, natural language processing; CRS, chronic rhinosinusitis.

well as hyperspectral imaging [45-52,54], are now interpreted tients with CIs. In medical device-based analyses, AI is used to
by AI. In voice-based analysis, AI is used to evaluate pathologi- evaluate tissue and blood test results, as well as the outcomes of
cal voice conditions associated with vocal fold disorders, to ana- otorhinolaryngology-specific tests (e.g., polysomnography)
lyze and decode phonation itself [67], to improve speech per- [72,73,122] and audiometry [123,124]. AI has also been used to
ception in noisy conditions, and to improve the hearing of pa- support clinical diagnoses and treatments, decision-making, the
Tama BA et al. Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology 335

EMR data
Input Output

Machine learning Artificial intelligence Natural language processing

Output Generate
Diagnosis Manual records

Fig. 6. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques used for clinical diagnoses and treatments. EMR, electronic medical record.

prediction of prognoses [98-100,125,126], disease profiling, the CONCLUSION

construction of mass spectral databases [43,127-129], the identi-
fication or prediction of disease progress [101,105,107-110,130], We have described several techniques and applications for AI;
and the confirmation of diagnoses and the utility of treatments notably, AI can overcome existing technical limitations in otorhi-
[102-104,112,131]. nolaryngology and aid in clinical decision-making. Otorhinolar-
Although many algorithms have been applied, some are not yngologists have interpreted instrument-derived data for decades,
consistently reliable, and certain challenges remain. AI will pre- and many algorithms have been developed and applied. How-
sumably become embedded in all tools used for diagnosis, treat- ever, the use of AI will refine these algorithms, and big health
ment selection, and outcome predictions; thus, AI will be used data and information from complex heterogeneous datasets will
to analyze images, voices, and clinical records. These are the goals become available to clinicians, thereby opening new diagnostic,
of most studies, but again, the results have been variable and are treatment, and research frontiers.
thus difficult to compare. The limitations include: (1) small train-
ing datasets and differences in the sizes of the training and test
datasets; (2) differences in validation techniques (notably, some CONFLICT OF INTEREST
studies have not included data validation); and (3) the use of
different performance measures during either classification (e.g., No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re-
accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F1, or area under the receiver ported.
operating characteristic curve) or regression (e.g., root mean square
error, least mean absolute error, R-squared, or log-likelihood ra-
ML algorithms always require large, labeled training datasets.
The lack of such data was often a major limitation of the studies This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Pro-
that we reviewed. AI-based predictions in the field of otorhino- gram through an NRF grant funded by the Korean government
laryngology must be rigorously validated. Often, as in the broad- (MSIT) (No. 2020R1A2C1009744), the Bio Medical Technology
er medical field, an element of uncertainty compromises an oth- Development Program of the NRF funded by the Ministry of
erwise ideal predictive method, and other research disparities Science ICT (No. 2018M3A9E8020856), and the Po-Ca Net-
were also apparent in the studies that we reviewed. Recent prom- working Group funded by the Postech-Catholic Biomedical En-
ising advances in AI include the ensemble learning model, which gineering Institute (PCBMI) (No. 5-2020-B0001-00046).
is more intuitive and interpretable than other models; this model
facilitates bias-free AI-based decision-making. The algorithm in-
corporates a concept of “fairness,” considers ethical and legal is- ORCID
sues, and respects privacy during data mining tasks. In summary,
although otorhinolaryngology-related AI applications were di- Bayu Adhi Tama https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1821-6438
vided into four categories in the present study, the practical use Do Hyun Kim https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9248-5572
of a particular AI method depends on the circumstances. AI will Gyuwon Kim https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7259-099X
be helpful for use in real-world clinical treatment involving com- Soo Whan Kim https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6917-5998
plex datasets with heterogeneous variables. Seungchul Lee https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1034-1410
336 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 13, No. 4: 326-339, November 2020

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