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Big Data (KCS-061)

Big Data
Introduction to Big Data
Big Data Driving Factors

The quantity of data on planet earth is growing exponentially for many reasons. Various sources
and our day to day activities generate lots of data. With invent of the web, the whole world has
gone online, every single thing we do leaves a digital trace. With the smart objects going online,
the data growth rate has increased rapidly. The major sources of Big Data are social media sites,
sensor networks, digital images/videos, cell phones, purchase transaction records, web logs,
medical records, archives, military surveillance, e-Commerce, complex scientific research and so
on. By 2020, the data volumes will be around 40 Zettabytes which is equivalent to adding every
single grain of sand on the planet multiplied by seventy-five.

Some of Big Data Drivers are:

Business: So what drivers make businesses tick? 1. Data driven initiatives: They are primarily
categorized into 3 broad areas: a. Data Driven Innovation: I particularly like the Innovation aspect
with being data driven. Imagine being able to learn from your customer first what they need and
having the ability to drive innovation through those uber targeted data indicators. b. Data
Driven Decision Making: Data driven decision-making is the inherent ability of analytics to sieve
through globs of data and identify the best path forward. Whether in terms of finding the best
route to validating the current route and estimating the success/failure in current strategy. It
takes decision making away from gut and focus on data backed reasoning for higher chances of
success. c. Data Driven Discovery: Your data know a whole lot about you than you image. Having a
Big Data (KCS-061)

discovery mechanism will help you understand hidden insights that were not visible through
traditional means.

2. Data Science as a competitive advantage: I had the fortune of interacting with couple of mid size
company’s executives from commodity businesses. There had been a consistent outcry on having
to build big data as a capability to add to their competitive advantage. With a proper data driven
framework, businesses could build sustainable capabilities and further leverage these capabilities
as a competitive edge. If businesses were able to master big data driven capabilities, businesses
could use these capabilities to establish secondary source of revenues by selling it to other

3. Sustained processes: Data driven approach creates sustainable processes, which gives a huge
endorsement to big data analytics strategy as a go for enterprise adoption. Randomness kills
businesses and adds scary risks, while data driven strategy reduces the risk by bringing
statistical models, which are measurable.

4. Cost advantages of commodity hardware & open source software: Cost advantage is music to
CXO’s ears. How about the savings your IT will enjoy from moving things to commodity hardware
and leverage more open source platforms for cost effective ways to achieve enterprise level
computations and beyond. No more overpaying of premium hardware when similar or better
analytical processing could be done using commodity and open source systems.

5. Quick turnaround and less bench times: Have you dealt with IT folks in your company? Mo and
mo people, complex processes and communication charter gives you hard time connecting with
someone who could get the task done. Things take forever long and cost fortunes with
substandard quality.;

What is Big Data?

Big Data is a term used for a collection of data sets that are large and complex, which is difficult to
store and process using available database management tools or traditional data processing
applications. The challenge includes capturing, curating, storing, searching, sharing, transferring,
analyzing and visualization of this data.

Big Data Characteristics

The five characteristics that define Big Data are: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value.


Volume refers to the ‘amount of data’, which is growing day by day at a very fast pace. The
size of data generated by humans, machines and their interactions on social media itself is
massive. Researchers have predicted that 40 Zettabytes (40,000 Exabytes) will be
generated by 2020, which is an increase of 300 times from 2005.
Big Data (KCS-061)


Velocity is defined as the pace at which different sources generate the data every day. This
flow of data is massive and continuous. There are 1.03 billion Daily Active Users (Facebook
DAU) on Mobile as of now, which is an increase of 22% year-over-year. This shows how fast
the numbers of users are growing on social media and how fast the data is getting
generated daily. If you are able to handle the velocity, you will be able to generate insights
and take decisions based on real-time data.


As there are many sources which are contributing to Big Data, the type of data they are
generating is different. It can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured. Hence, there
is a variety of data which is getting generated every day. Earlier, we used to get the data
from excel and databases, now the data are coming in the form of images, audios, videos,
Big Data (KCS-061)

sensor data etc. as shown in below image. Hence, this variety of unstructured data creates
problems in capturing, storage, mining and analyzing the data.


Veracity refers to the data in doubt or uncertainty of data available due to data
inconsistency and incompleteness. In the image below, you can see that few values are
missing in the table. Also, a few values are hard to accept, for example – 15000 minimum
values in the 3rd row, it is not possible. This inconsistency and incompleteness is Veracity.

Data available can sometimes get messy and maybe difficult to trust. With many forms of
big data, quality and accuracy are difficult to control like Twitter posts with hashtags,
abbreviations, typos and colloquial speech. The volume is often the reason behind for the
lack of quality and accuracy in the data.

● Due to uncertainty of data, 1 in 3 business leaders don’t trust the information they
use to make decisions.
● It was found in a survey that 27% of respondents were unsure of how much of their
data was inaccurate.
● Poor data quality costs the US economy around $3.1 trillion a year.


After discussing Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity, there is another V that should be
taken into account when looking at Big Data i.e. Value. It is all well and good to have access
to big data but unless we can turn it into value it is useless. By turning it into value I mean,
Big Data (KCS-061)

is it adding to the benefits of the organizations who are analyzing big data? Is
the organization working on Big Data achieving high ROI (Return on Investment)? Unless,
it adds to their profits by working on Big Data, it is useless.

Types of Big Data

Big Data could be of three types:

● Structured
● Semi-Structured
● Unstructured

1. Structured

The data that can be stored and processed in a fixed format is called as Structured Data.
Data stored in a relational database management system (RDBMS) is one example of
‘structured’ data. It is easy to process structured data as it has a fixed schema. Structured
Query Language (SQL) is often used to manage such kind of Data.

2. Semi-Structured

Semi-Structured Data is a type of data which does not have a formal structure of a data
model, i.e. a table definition in a relational DBMS, but nevertheless it has some
organizational properties like tags and other markers to separate semantic elements that
make it easier to analyze. XML files, HTML files or JSON documents are examples of
semi-structured data.

3. Unstructured

The data which have unknown form and cannot be stored in RDBMS and cannot be
analyzed unless it is transformed into a structured format is called as unstructured data.
Text Files and multimedia contents like images, audios, videos are example of unstructured
data. The unstructured data is growing quicker than others, experts say that 80 percent of
the data in an organization are unstructured.

Till now, I have just covered the introduction of Big Data. Furthermore, this Big Data tutorial talks
about examples, applications and challenges in Big Data.
Big Data (KCS-061)

Examples of Big Data

Daily we upload millions of bytes of data. 90 % of the world’s data has been created in last two

● Walmart handles more than 1 million customer transactions every hour.

● Facebook stores, accesses, and analyzes 30+ Petabytes of user generated data.
● 230+ millions of tweets are created every day.
● More than 5 billion people are calling, texting, tweeting and browsing on mobile phones
● YouTube users upload 48 hours of new video every minute of the day.
● Amazon handles 15 million customer click stream user data per day to recommend
● 294 billion emails are sent every day. Services analyses this data to find the spams.
● Modern cars have close to 100 sensors which monitors fuel level, tire pressure etc. , each
vehicle generates a lot of sensor data.

Applications of Big Data

We cannot talk about data without talking about the people, people who are getting benefited by
Big Data applications. Almost all the industries today are leveraging Big Data applications in one
or the other way.

● Smarter Healthcare: Making use of the Petabytes of patient’s data, the organization can
extract meaningful information and then build applications that can predict the patient’s
deteriorating condition in advance.
Big Data (KCS-061)

● Telecom: Telecom sectors collects information analyzes it and provides solutions to

different problems. By using Big Data applications, telecom companies have been able to
significantly reduce data packet loss, which occurs when networks are overloaded, and
thus, providing a seamless connection to their customers.

● Retail: Retail has some of the tightest margins, and is one of the greatest beneficiaries of
big data. The beauty of using big data in retail is to understand consumer behavior.
Amazon’s recommendation engine provides suggestion based on the browsing history of
the consumer.

● Traffic control: Traffic congestion is a major challenge for many cities globally. Effective
use of data and sensors will be a key to managing traffic better as cities become
increasingly densely populated.

● Manufacturing: Analyzing big data in the manufacturing industry can reduce component
defects, improve product quality, increase efficiency, and save time and money.

● Search Quality: Every time we are extracting information from google, we are
simultaneously generating data for it. Google stores this data and uses it to improve its
search quality.

Challenges with Big Data

Let me tell you few challenges which come along with Big Data:

1. Data Quality – The problem here is the 4th V i.e. Veracity. The data here is very messy,
inconsistent and incomplete. Dirty data cost $600 billion to the companies every year in
the United States.

2. Discovery – Finding insights on Big Data is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Analyzing Petabytes of data using extremely powerful algorithms to find patterns and
insights are very difficult.

3. Storage – The more data and organization has the more complex the problems of
managing it can become. The question that arises here is “Where to store it?”We need a
storage system which can easily scale up or down on-demand.

4. Analytics – In the case of Big Data, most of the time we are unaware of the kind of data we
are dealing with, so analyzing that data is even more difficult.

5. Security – Since the data is huge in size, keeping it secure is another challenge. It includes
user authentication, restricting access based on a user, recording data access histories,
proper use of data encryption etc.
Big Data (KCS-061)

6. Lacks of Talent – There are a lot of Big Data projects in major organizations, but a
sophisticated team of developers, data scientists and analysts who also have sufficient
amount of domain knowledge is still a challenge.

What is Big Data Technology?

Big Data Technology can be defined as a Software-Utility that is designed

to Analyze, Process and Extract the information from an extremely complex and large data sets
which the Traditional Data Processing Software could never deal with.

We need Big Data Processing Technologies to analyze this huge amount of Real-time data and
come up with Conclusions and Predictions to reduce the risks in the future.

Categories in which the Big Data Technologies are classified:

Types of Big Data Technologies:

Big Data Technology is mainly classified into two types:

1. Operational Big Data Technologies

2. Analytical Big Data Technologies

Firstly, The Operational Big Data is all about the normal day to day data that we generate. This
could be the Online Transactions, Social Media, or the data from Particular Organization etc.
You can even consider this to be a kind of Raw Data which is used to feed the Analytical Big Data

A few examples of Operational Big Data Technologies are as follows:

● Online ticket bookings, which includes your Rail tickets, Flight tickets, movie tickets etc.
● Online shopping which is your Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, Snap deal and many more.
● Data from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, what’s app and a lot more.
● The employee details of any Multinational Company.

Analytical Big Data Technologies

Analytical Big Data is like the advanced version of Big Data Technologies. It is a little complex
than the Operational Big Data. In short, Analytical big data is where the actual performance part
comes into the picture and the crucial real-time business decisions are made by analyzing the
Analytical Big Data.

Few examples of Analytical Big Data Technologies are as follows:

● Stock marketing
● Carrying out the Space missions where every single bit of information is crucial.
● Weather forecast information.
Big Data (KCS-061)

● Medical fields where a particular patients health status can be monitored.

Top Big Data Technologies

Top big data technologies are divided into 4 fields which are classified as follows:

● Data Storage
● Data Mining
● Data Analytics
● Data Visualization

Big Data architecture


The choice of data for an application depends upon what data is required to perform the
kind of analysis you need. Big data vary in origin, size, speed, form and function. Data
sources can be internal or external to the organization. The Scope of access to data
available could be limited. The level of structure could be high or low. The Speed of data
and its quantity will also by high or low depending upon the data source.


The layer is responsible for acquiring data from the data sources . The data is received
through a scalable set of input points that can acquire data at various speeds. The data is
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sent to a batch processing system, a stream processing system or directly to a storage file
system such as Hadoop, compliance regulations and government policies impact what can
be stored and for how long.


The analysis layer receives data from the ingest point or from the file system or from the
No SQL Databases. Data is processed using parallel programming techniques (such as Map
Reduce) to process it and produce the desired results. The batch processing layer thus
needs to understands the data sources and data types, the algorithms that would work on
that data and the format of the desired outcomes. The output of this layer could be sent for
instant reporting or stored in a No SQL Databases for an on demand report for the client.


The technology layer receives data directly from the ingest point. Data is processed using
parallel processing techniques to process it in real time and produce the desired results.
This layer, thus needs to understand the data sources and data types extremely well and
the super light algorithms that would work on that data to produce the desired results. The
outcome of this layer too could be stored in the NOSQL Databases.


This layer receives data from both the batch and stream processing layers. Its objective is to
organize the data for easy access. It is represented by the NO SQL Databases. There are a
variety of NO SQL Databases to suit different needs. SQL like languages like PIG and HIVE
can be used easily access data and generate reports from these databases.


At the bottom there is a layer that manages the raw resources of storage, compute and
communication. This is increasingly provided through a cloud computing paradigm.


This is a heart of a Big Data System. It would store huge quantities of data and make it
quickly and securely, available and accessible to the other layers. HDFS is the primary
technology in this layer. It would include supporting applications such as YARN that enable
the efficient access to data storage and its transfer.


This is the final layer and it consumes the output provided by the analysis layers directly or
through the organizing layer. The outcome could be standard reports, data analytics, dash
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boards and other visualization applications, recommendation engine on mobile or other


Big Data Applications

● Government
Big data analytics has proven to be very useful in the government sector. Big data analysis played a
large role in Barack Obama’s successful 2012 re-election campaign. Also most recently, Big data
analysis was majorly responsible for the BJP and its allies to win a highly successful Indian General
Election 2014. The Indian Government utilizes numerous techniques to ascertain how the Indian
electorate is responding to government action, as well as ideas for policy augmentation.
● Social Media Analytics
The advent of social media has led to an outburst of big data. Various solutions have been built in
order to, analyze social media activity like IBM’s Cognos Consumer Insights a point solution
running on IBM’s BigInsights Big Data platform, can make sense of the chatter. Social media can
provide valuable real-time insights into how the market is responding to products and campaigns.
With the help of these insights, the companies can adjust their pricing, promotion, and campaign
placements accordingly. Before utilizing the big data there needs to be some preprocessing to be
done on the big data in order to derive some intelligent and valuable results. Thus to know the
consumer mindset the application of intelligent decisions derived from big data is necessary.
● Technology
The technological applications of big data comprise of the following companies which deal with
huge amounts of data every day and put them to use for business decisions as well. For example,
eBay.com uses two data warehouses at 7.5 petabytes and 40PB as well as a 40PB Hadoop cluster
for search, consumer recommendations, and merchandising. Inside eBay‟s 90PB data warehouse.
Amazon.com handles millions of back-end operations every day, as well as queries from more than
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half a million third-party sellers. The core technology that keeps Amazon running is Linux-based
and as of 2005, they had the world’s three largest Linux databases, with capacities of 7.8 TB, 18.5
TB, and 24.7 TB. Facebook handles 50 billion photos from its user base. Windermere Real Estate
uses anonymous GPS signals from nearly 100 million drivers to help new home buyers determine
their typical drive times to and from work throughout various times of the day.
● Fraud detection
For businesses whose operations involve any type of claims or transaction processing, fraud
detection is one of the most compelling Big Data application examples. Historically, fraud
detection on the fly has proven an elusive goal. In most cases, fraud is discovered long after the
fact, at which point the damage has been done and all that’s left is to minimize the harm and
adjust policies to prevent it from happening again. Big Data platforms that can analyze claims and
transactions in real time, identifying large-scale patterns across many transactions or detecting
anomalous behavior from an individual user, can change the fraud detection game.
● Call Center Analytics
Now we turn to the customer-facing Big Data application examples, of which call center analytics
are particularly powerful. What’s going on in a customer’s call center is often a great barometer
and influencer of market sentiment, but without a Big Data solution, much of the insight that a call
center can provide will be overlooked or discovered too late. Big Data solutions can help identify
recurring problems or customer and staff behavior patterns on the fly not only by making sense of
time/quality resolution metrics but also by capturing and processing call content itself.
● Banking
The use of customer data invariably raises privacy issues. By uncovering hidden connections
between seemingly unrelated pieces of data, big data analytics could potentially reveal sensitive
personal information. Research indicates that 62% of bankers are cautious in their use of big data
due to privacy issues. Further, outsourcing of data analysis activities or distribution of customer
data across departments for the generation of richer insights also amplifies security risks. Such as
customers’ earnings, savings, mortgages, and insurance policies ended up in the wrong hands.
Such incidents reinforce concerns about data privacy and discourage customers from sharing
personal information in exchange for customized offers.
● Agriculture
A biotechnology firm uses sensor data to optimize crop efficiency. It plants test crops and runs
simulations to measure how plants react to various changes in condition. Its data environment
constantly adjusts to changes in the attributes of various data it collects, including temperature,
water levels, soil composition, growth, output, and gene sequencing of each plant in the test bed.
These simulations allow it to discover the optimal environmental conditions for specific gene
● Marketing
Marketers have begun to use facial recognition software to learn how well their advertising
succeeds or fails at stimulating interest in their products. A recent study published in the Harvard
Business Review looked at what kinds of advertisements compelled viewers to continue watching
and what turned viewers off. Among their tools was “a system that analyses facial expressions to
reveal what viewers are feeling.” The research was designed to discover what kinds of promotions
induced watchers to share the ads with their social network, helping marketers create ads most
likely to “go viral” and improve sales.
● Smart Phones
Big Data (KCS-061)

Perhaps more impressive, people now carry facial recognition technology in their pockets. Users
of I Phone and Android smartphones have applications at their fingertips that use facial
recognition technology for various tasks. For example, Android users with the remember app can
snap a photo of someone, then bring up stored information about that person based on their
image when their own memory lets them down a potential boon for salespeople.
● Telecom
Now a day’s big data is used in different fields. In telecom also it plays a very good role. Operators
face an uphill challenge when they need to deliver new, compelling, revenue-generating services
without overloading their networks and keeping their running costs under control. The market
demands new set of data management and analysis capabilities that can help service providers
make accurate decisions by taking into account customer, network context and other critical
aspects of their businesses. Most of these decisions must be made in real time, placing additional
pressure on the operators. Real-time predictive analytics can help leverage the data that resides in
their multitude systems, make it immediately accessible and help correlate that data to generate
insight that can help them drive their business forward.
● Healthcare
Traditionally, the healthcare industry has lagged behind other industries in the use of big data,
part of the problem stems from resistance to change providers are accustomed to making
treatment decisions independently, using their own clinical judgment, rather than relying on
protocols based on big data. Other obstacles are more structural in nature. This is one of the best
place to set an example for Big Data Application. Even within a single hospital, payor, or
pharmaceutical company, important information often remains siloed within one group or
department because organizations lack procedures for integrating data and communicating
Health care stakeholders now have access to promising new threads of knowledge. This
information is a form of “big data,” so called not only for its sheer volume but for its complexity,
diversity, and timelines. Pharmaceutical industry experts, payers, and providers are now
beginning to analyze big data to obtain insights. Recent technologic advances in the industry have
improved their ability to work with such data, even though the files are enormous and often have
different database structures and technical characteristics.

Big Data features

Big data features encompassing security, compliance, auditing, and protection are critical components to
ensure the trustworthy and responsible handling of vast and diverse datasets. These features are
designed to address the challenges posed by the sheer volume, variety, and velocity of data, while also
meeting regulatory requirements and safeguarding against potential threats. Let's delve into each aspect
in detail, illustrating with examples:

1. Security:

Big data security measures are aimed at safeguarding data from unauthorized access, ensuring data
confidentiality, and protecting against cyber threats. Authentication and authorization mechanisms play
a crucial role. For instance, Hadoop, a popular big data framework, employs Kerberos authentication to
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control access to its distributed file system. Users and processes must authenticate themselves before
accessing data or performing actions within the system.

Encryption is another key security feature. HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) supports data
encryption at rest, using tools like Hadoop Key Management Server (KMS) to manage encryption keys.
This ensures that even if physical storage media are compromised, the stored data remains unintelligible
without the proper decryption keys.

Access controls are implemented through role-based access control (RBAC) in big data platforms. For
instance, Apache Ranger is a tool commonly used with Hadoop to manage access policies. It allows
administrators to define fine-grained access controls, specifying who can access which datasets or
perform specific operations.

Network security is essential to protect the communication channels between different components of a
big data ecosystem. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure communication protocols like
TLS (Transport Layer Security) are employed. For example, in a cloud-based big data solution,
communication between data nodes can be encrypted using TLS to prevent eavesdropping.

2. Compliance:

Big data systems often handle sensitive information subject to various data protection and privacy
regulations. Regulatory compliance involves adhering to these standards to avoid legal consequences.
For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict requirements on how
personal data is collected, processed, and stored. Organizations using big data must implement measures
to ensure compliance with GDPR, including obtaining user consent, providing data access rights, and
incorporating the right to be forgotten.

Data governance is a crucial aspect of compliance. Big data platforms establish policies, procedures,
and controls for data management. Tools like Apache Atlas help organizations define and enforce data
governance policies, ensuring that data is handled responsibly and in accordance with regulatory

3. Auditing:

Auditing in big data involves tracking and monitoring user activities, data access, and system changes.
Comprehensive logging mechanisms are implemented, capturing events in the system. Apache Hadoop,
for instance, maintains audit logs that record details such as who accessed what data and when.

Audit reports provide insights into system activities and user interactions. These reports are essential for
both internal reviews and external compliance audits. Regularly generated reports help organizations
identify potential security incidents, track trends, and demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements.
Big Data (KCS-061)

Automated alerts and notifications enhance auditing capabilities. For example, if an unusual pattern of
data access or a potential security breach is detected, administrators can be notified immediately,
allowing for a swift response to mitigate risks.

4. Protection:

Data protection in big data involves measures to ensure data quality, integrity, and availability. Data
quality checks are implemented to identify and rectify errors. For instance, in a big data processing
pipeline, Apache NiFi can be used to validate and cleanse data, ensuring its accuracy before storage or

Backup and disaster recovery are essential for maintaining data availability. Big data systems often
replicate data across multiple nodes for redundancy. Additionally, regular backups are taken to prevent
data loss in case of hardware failures or other unforeseen events. Tools like Apache HBase, a distributed
NoSQL database, support automatic sharding and replication for data protection.

Vulnerability management involves continuous monitoring for potential security risks. Regular security
assessments and penetration testing help identify vulnerabilities, and patches are applied promptly to
mitigate risks. For example, organizations using Apache Spark regularly update their clusters with the
latest security patches to address known vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, the integration of robust security, compliance, auditing, and protection features is
essential for building trust in big data systems. These features collectively contribute to the responsible
and secure handling of data, ensuring that organizations can derive valuable insights while adhering to
legal and ethical standards.

Some other features

1. Data Processing
Data processing features involve the collection and organization of raw data to produce meaning.
Data modeling takes complex data sets and displays them in a visual diagram or chart. This makes
it digestible and easy to interpret for users trying to utilize that data to make decisions.

Data mining allows users to extract and analyze data from different perspectives and summarize it
into actionable insights. It is especially useful on large unstructured data sets collected over a
period of time.

Big Data analytics tools should enable data import from sources such as Microsoft Access,
Microsoft Excel, text files and other flat files. Being able to merge data from multiple sources and
in multiple formats will reduce labor by preventing the need for data conversion and speed up the
overall process by importing directly to the system.
Big Data (KCS-061)

The same goes for export capabilities — being able to take the visualized data sets and export
them as PDFs, Excel files, Word files or .dat files is crucial to the usefulness and transferability of
the data collected in earlier processes.

Data Mining
Data File Sources
File Exporting

2. Predictive Applications
Identity management (or identity and access management) is the organizational process for
controlling who has access to your data. Identity management functionality manages identifying
data for everything that has access to a system including individual users, computer hardware and
software applications.

Identity management also deals with issues including how users gain an identity with access,
protection of those identities and support for other system protections such as network protocols
and passwords. It determines whether a user has access to a system and the level of access that
user has permission to utilize.

Identity management applications aim to ensure only authenticated users can access your system
and, by extension, your data. It is a crucial element of any organization’s security plan and will
include real-time security and fraud analytics capabilities.

Fraud analytics involve a variety of fraud detection functionalities. Too many businesses are
reactive when it comes to fraudulent activities — they deal with the impact rather than
proactively preventing it. Data analytics tools can play a role in fraud detection by offering
repeatable tests that can run on your data at any time, ensuring you’ll know if anything is amiss.
You also have wider coverage of your data as a whole rather than relying on spot checking at
financial transactions. Analytics can be an early warning tool to quickly and efficiently identify
potentially fraudulent activity before it has a chance to impact your business at large.

Identity Management
Fraud Analytics

3. Analytics
Big Data analytics tools offer a variety of analytics packages and modules to give users options.
RIsk analytics, for example, is the study of the uncertainty surrounding any given action. It can be
used in combination with forecasting to minimize the negative impacts of future events. Risk
analytics allow users to mitigate these risks by clearly defining and understanding their
organization’s tolerance for and exposure to risk.
Big Data (KCS-061)

Decision management involves the decision making processes of running a business. Decision
management modules treat decisions as usable assets. It incorporates technology at key points to
automate parts of that decision making process.

Text analytics is the process of examining text that was written about or by customers. Analytics
software helps you find patterns in that text and offers potential actions to be taken based on what
you learn. This kind of analytics is particularly useful for drawing insight about your customers’
wants and needs directly from their interactions with your organization.

Content analysis is very similar to text analysis but includes the analysis of all formats of
documentation including audio, video, pictures, etc. Social media analytics is one form of content
analysis that focuses on how your user base is interacting with your brand on social media.

Statistical analytics collects and analyzes data sets composed of numbers. The goal is to draw a
sample from the total data that is representative of a total population. Statistical analysis takes
place in five steps: describing the nature of the data, exploring the relation of the data to the
population that provided it, creating a model to summarize the connections, proving or disproving
its validity, and employing predictive analytics to guide decision-making.

Predictive analytics is a natural next step to statistical analytics. This feature takes the data
collected and analyzed, offers what-if scenarios, and predicts potential future problems.

Risk Analytics
Decision Management
Text Analytics
Content Analytics
Statistical Analysis
Predictive Analytics
Social Media Analytics

4. Reporting Features
Reporting functions keep users on top of their business. Real-time reporting gathers
minute-by-minute data and relays it to you, typically in an intuitive dashboard format. This allows
users to make snap decisions in heavily time-constrained situations and be both more prepared
and more competitive in a society that moves at the speed of light.

Dashboards are data visualization tools that present metrics and KPIs. They are often
customizable to report on a specific metric or targeted data set. One example of a targeted metric
is location-based insights — these are data sets gathered from or filtered by location that can
garner useful information about demographics.

Real-Time Reporting
Big Data (KCS-061)

Location-Based Insights

5. Security Features
Keeping your system safe is crucial to a successful business. Big Data analytics tools should offer
security features to ensure security and safety. One such feature is single sign-on. Also called SSO,
it is an authentication service that assigns users a single set of login credentials to access multiple
applications. It authenticates end user permissions and eliminates the need to login multiple
times during the same session. It can also log and monitor user activities and accounts to keep
track of who is doing what in the system.

Another security feature offered by Big Data analytics platforms is data encryption. Data
encryption involves changing electronic information into unreadable formats by using algorithms
or codes. While web browsers offer automatic encryption, you want something a bit more robust
for your sensitive proprietary data. Make sure the system offers comprehensive encryption
capabilities when looking for a data analytics application.

Big Data privacy and ethics

Big data analytics raises a number of ethical issues, especially as companies begin monetizing
their data externally for purposes different from those for which the data was initially collected.
The scale and ease with which analytics can be conducted today completely changes the ethical
framework. We can now do things that were impossible a few years ago, and existing ethical and
legal frameworks cannot prescribe what we should do. While there is still no black or white,
experts agree on a few principles:

1. Private customer data and identity should remain private: Privacy does not mean secrecy,
as private data might need to be audited based on legal requirements, but that private data
obtained from a person with their consent should not be exposed for use by other businesses
or individuals with any traces to their identity.

2. Shared private information should be treated confidentially: Third party companies share
sensitive data — medical, financial or locational — and need to have restrictions on whether
and how that information can be shared further.
Big Data (KCS-061)

3. Customers should have a transparent view of how our data is being used or sold, and the
ability to manage the flow of their private information across massive, third-party analytical

4. Big Data should not interfere with human will: Big data analytics can moderate and even
determine who we are before we make up our own minds. Companies need to begin to think
about the kind of predictions and inferences that should be allowed and the ones that should

5. Big data should not institutionalize unfair biases like racism or sexism. Machine learning
algorithms can absorb unconscious biases in a population and amplify them via training

Big Data Analytics

● Big data analytics is the often complex process of examining big data to uncover
information -- such as hidden patterns, correlations, market trends and customer
preferences -- that can help organizations make informed business decisions.

● On a broad scale, data analytics technologies and techniques give organizations a way to
analyze data sets and gather new information. Business intelligence (BI) queries answer
basic questions about business operations and performance.

● Big data analytics is a form of advanced analytics, which involve complex applications with
elements such as predictive models, statistical algorithms and what-if analysis powered by
analytics systems.

Why is big data analytics important?

Organizations can use big data analytics systems and software to make data-driven decisions that
can improve business-related outcomes. The benefits may include more effective marketing, new
revenue opportunities, customer personalization and improved operational efficiency. With an
effective strategy, these benefits can provide competitive advantages over rivals.

How does big data analytics work?

Data analysts, data scientists, predictive modelers, statisticians and other analytics professionals
collect, process, clean and analyze growing volumes of structured transaction data as well as other
forms of data not used by conventional BI and analytics programs.
Big Data (KCS-061)

Here is an overview of the four steps of the data preparation process:

1. Data professionals collect data from a variety of different sources. Often, it is a mix
of semi-structured and unstructured data. While each organization will use different data
streams, some common sources include:
● internet clickstream data;
● web server logs;
● cloud applications;
● mobile applications;
● social media content;
● text from customer emails and survey responses;
● mobile phone records; and
● machine data captured by sensors connected to the internet of things (IoT).
2. Data is processed. After data is collected and stored in a data warehouse or data lake, data
professionals must organize, configure and partition the data properly for analytical queries.
Thorough data processing makes for higher performance from analytical queries.
3. Data is cleansed for quality. Data professionals scrub the data using scripting tools or
enterprise software. They look for any errors or inconsistencies, such as duplications or
formatting mistakes, and organize and tidy up the data.
4. The collected, processed and cleaned data is analyzed with analytics software. This includes
tools for:
● data mining, which sifts through data sets in search of patterns and relationships
● predictive analytics, which builds models to forecast customer behavior and other future
● machine learning, which taps algorithms to analyze large data sets
● deep learning, which is a more advanced offshoot of machine learning
● text mining and statistical analysis software
● artificial intelligence (AI)
● mainstream business intelligence software
● data visualization tools
Big Data (KCS-061)

Big Data Analytics software is widely used in providing meaningful analysis of a large set of data.
This software analytical tools help in finding current market trends, customer preferences, and
other information.

Here are the Best Big Data Analytics Tools with key feature:

1) Xplenty: is a cloud-based ETL solution providing simple visualized data pipelines for
automated data flows across a wide range of sources and destinations. Xplenty's powerful
on-platform transformation tools allow you to clean, normalize, and transform data while also
adhering to compliance best practices.

● Powerful, code-free, on-platform data transformation offering

● Rest API connector - pull in data from any source that has a Rest API
● Destination flexibility - send data to databases, data warehouses, and Salesforce
● Security focused - field-level data encryption and masking to meet compliance
● Rest API - achieve anything possible on the Xplenty UI via the Xplenty API
● Customer-centric company that leads with first-class support

2) Analytics
Analytics is a tool that provides visual analysis and dash boarding. It allows you to connect
multiple data sources, including business applications, databases, cloud drives, and more.


● Offers visual analysis and dash boarding.

● It helps you to analyze data in depth.
● Provides collaborative review and analysis.
● You can embed reports to websites, applications, blogs, and more.

3) Microsoft HDInsight
Azure HDInsight is a Spark and Hadoop service in the cloud. It provides big data cloud offerings in
two categories, Standard and Premium. It provides an enterprise-scale cluster for the organization
to run their big data workloads.


● Reliable analytics with an industry-leading SLA

● It offers enterprise-grade security and monitoring
● Protect data assets and extend on-premises security and governance controls to the cloud
● High-productivity platform for developers and scientists
● Integration with leading productivity applications
Big Data (KCS-061)

● Deploy Hadoop in the cloud without purchasing new hardware or paying other up-front

4) Skytree:
Skytree is one of the best big data analytics tools that empowers data scientists to build more
accurate models faster. It offers accurate predictive machine learning models that are easy to use.


● Highly Scalable Algorithms

● Artificial Intelligence for Data Scientists
● It allows data scientists to visualize and understand the logic behind ML decisions
● Skytree via the easy-to-adopt GUI or programmatically in Java
● Model Interpretability
● It is designed to solve robust predictive problems with data preparation capabilities
● Programmatic and GUI Access

5) Splice Machine:
Splice Machine is one of the best big data analytics tools. Their architecture is portable across
public clouds such as AWS, Azure, and Google.


● It is a big data analytics software that can dynamically scale from a few to thousands of
nodes to enable applications at every scale
● The Splice Machine optimizer automatically evaluates every query to the distributed HBase
● Reduce management, deploy faster, and reduce risk
● Consume fast streaming data, develop, test and deploy machine learning models

6) Spark:
Apache Spark is one of the powerful open source big data analytics tools. It offers over 80
high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. It is one of the open source data
analytics tools used at a wide range of organizations to process large datasets.


● It helps to run an application in Hadoop cluster, up to 100 times faster in memory, and ten
times faster on disk
● It is one of the open source data analytics tools that offers lighting Fast Processing
● Support for Sophisticated Analytics
● Ability to Integrate with Hadoop and Existing Hadoop Data
● It is one of the open source big data analytics tools that provides built-in APIs in Java, Scala,
or Python
Big Data (KCS-061)

7) Apache SAMOA:
Apache SAMOA is a big data analytics tool. It is one of the big data analysis tools which enables
development of new ML algorithms. It provides a collection of distributed algorithms for common
data mining and machine learning tasks.

8) R-Programming:
R is a language for statistical computing and graphics. It also used for big data analysis. It provides
a wide variety of statistical tests.


● Effective data handling and storage facility,

● It provides a suite of operators for calculations on arrays, in particular, matrices,
● It provides coherent, integrated collection of big data tools for data analysis
● It provides graphical facilities for data analysis which display either on-screen or on


1. Data 2. Process 3. Management

Three challenges that Big Data Face:


1. Volume of data, especially machine generated data is exploding

2. How fast that data is growing every year, with new sources of data that are emerging

3. For Example: In the year 2000, 800,000 petabytes of data were stored in the world and it is
expected to reach 35 Zetta Bytes by 2020 (according to IBM)


1. More than 80% of today’s information is unstructured and it is typically too big to manage

2. Today’s Companies are looking to leverage a lot more data from a variety of sources both inside
and outside the organization.

3. Things like contracts, documents, machine data, social media data, health records, emails etc.
This List is endless.

Big Data (KCS-061)

A lot of data is unstructured or has a complex structure that is hard to represent in rows and


Intelligent data analysis reveals implicit, previously unknown and potentially valuable information
or knowledge from large amounts of data. Intelligent data analysis is also a kind of decision
support process. Based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics,
database and visualization technology mainly, IDA automatically extracts useful information,
necessary knowledge and interesting models from a lot of online data in order to help decision
makers make the right choices.
The process of IDA generally consists of the following three stages: (1) data preparation; (2) rule
finding or data mining; (3) result validation and explanation. Data preparation involves selecting
the required data from the relevant data source and integrating this into a data set to be used for
data mining. Rule finding is working out rules contained in the data set by means of certain
methods or algorithms. Result validation requires examining these rules, and result explanation is
giving intuitive, reasonable and understandable descriptions using logical reasoning.
As the goal of intelligent data analysis is to extract useful knowledge, the process demands a
combination of extraction, analysis, conversion, classification, organization, reasoning, and so on. It
is challenging and fun working out how to choose appropriate methods to resolve the difficulties
encountered in the process. Intelligent data analysis methods and tools, as well as the authenticity of
obtained results pose us continued challenges.


So, we have to start with the basics: the nature of data. There are four types of data:

● Nominal
● Ordinal
● Interval
● Ratio

Each offers a unique set of characteristics, which impacts the type of analysis that can be performed.
The distinction between the four types of scales center on three different characteristics:

1. The order of responses – whether it matters or not

2. The distance between observations – whether it matters or is interpretable
3. The presence or inclusion of a true zero

Nominal Scales
Nominal scales measure categories and have the following characteristics:

● Order: The order of the responses or observations does not matter.

● Distance: Nominal scales do not hold distance. The distance between a 1 and a 2 is not the same as a 2 and 3.
● True Zero: There is no true or real zero. In a nominal scale, zero is uninterpretable.
Big Data (KCS-061)

Consider traffic source (or last touch channel) as an example in which visitors reach our site through a mutually
exclusive channel, or last point of contact. These channels would include:

1. Paid Search
2. Organic Search
3. Email
4. Display

(This list looks artificially short, but the logic and interpretation would remain the same for nine channels or for 99
If we want to know that each channel is simply somehow different, then we could count the number of visits from each
channel. Those counts can be considered nominal in nature.
Suppose the counts looked like this:

Channel Count of Visits

Paid Search 2,143

Organic Search 3,124

Email 1,254

Display 2,077

With nominal data, the order of the four channels would not change or alter the interpretation. Suppose we, instead,
viewed the data like this:

Channel Count of Visits

Display 2,077

Paid Search 2,143

Email 1,254

Organic Search 3,124

The order of the categories does not matter.

And, the distance between the categories is not relevant. Display is not four times as much as paid search and organic
search is not half of organic search. While there is an arithmetic relationship between these counts, that is only
relevant if we treat the scales as ratio scales (see the Ratio Scales section below).
Big Data (KCS-061)

Finally, zero holds no meaning. We could not interpret a zero because it does not occur in a nominal scale.
Appropriate statistics for nominal scales: mode, count, frequencies
Displays: histograms or bar charts
Ordinal Scales
At the risk of providing a tautological definition, ordinal scales measure, well, order. So, our characteristics for ordinal
scales are:

● Order: The order of the responses or observations matters.

● Distance: Ordinal scales do not hold distance. The distance between first and second is unknown as is the
distance between first and third along with all observations.
● True Zero: There is no true or real zero. An item, observation, or category cannot finish zero.

Let’s work through our traffic source example and rank the channels based on the number of visits to our site, with
“1” being the highest number of visits:

Channel Count of Visits

Organic Search 1

Paid Search 2

Display 3

Email 4

Again, for this example, we are limiting ourselves to four channels, but the logic would remain the same for ranking
nine channels or 99 channels.
By ranking the channel from most to least number of visitors in terms of last point of contact, we’ve established
an order.
However, the distance between the rankings appears unknown. Organic Search could have one more visit compared to
Paid Search or one hundred more visitors. The distance between the two items appears unknown.
Finally, zero holds no meaning. We could not interpret a zero because it does not occur in an ordinal scale. An item
such as Organic Search could not maintain a zero ranking.
Appropriate statistics for ordinal scales: count, frequencies, mode
Displays: histograms or bar charts
Interval Scales
Interval scales provide insight into the variability of the observations or data. Classic interval scales are Likert scales
(e.g., 1 - strongly agree and 9 - strongly disagree) and Semantic Differential scales (e.g., 1 - dark and 9 - light). In an
interval scale, users could respond to “I enjoy opening links to the website from a company email” with a response
ranging on a scale of values.
The characteristics of interval scales are:
Big Data (KCS-061)

● Order: The order of the responses or observations does matter.

● Distance: Interval scales do offer distance. That is, the distance from 1 to 2 appears the same as 4 to 5. Also,
six is twice as much as three and two is half of four. Hence, we can perform arithmetic operations on the data.
● True Zero: There is no zero with interval scales. However, data can be rescaled in a manner that contains
zero. An interval scales measure from 1 to 9 remains the same as 11 to 19 because we added 10 to all values.
Similarly, a 1 to 9 interval scale is the same a -4 to 4 scale because we subtracted 5 from all values. Although
the new scale contains zero, zero remains uninterpretable because it only appears in the scale from the

Unless a web analyst is working with survey data, it is doubtful he or she will encounter data from an interval scales.
More likely, a web analyst will deal with ratio scales (next section).
Appropriate statistics for interval scales: count, frequencies, mode, median, mean, standard deviation (and
variance), skewness, and kurtosis.
Displays: histograms or bar charts, line charts, and scatter plots.
An Illustrative Side Note About Temperature
An argument exists about temperature. Is it an interval scale or an ordinal scale? Many researchers argue for
temperature as an interval scale. It offers order (e.g., 212∘∘ F is hotter than 32∘∘ F), distance (e.g., 40∘∘ F to 44∘∘ F is the
same as 100∘∘ F to 104∘∘ F), and lacks a true zero (e.g., 0∘∘ F is not the same as 0∘∘ C). However, other researchers
argue for temperature as an ordinal scale because of the issue related to distance. 200∘∘ F is not twice as 100 F. The
human brain registers both temperatures as equally hot (if standing outside) or mild (if touching a stove). Finally, we
would not say that 80 F is twice as warm as 40∘∘ F or that 30∘∘ F is a third colder as 90∘∘ F.

Ratio Scales
Ratio scales appear as nominal scales with a true zero. They have the following characteristics:

● Order: The order of the responses or observations matters.

● Distance: Ratio scales do do have an interpretable distance.
● True Zero: There is a true zero.

Income is a classic example of a ratio scale:

● Order is established. We would all prefer $100 to $1!

● Zero dollars means we have no income (or, in accounting terms, our revenue exactly equals our expenses!)
● Distance is interpretable, in that $20 appears as twice $10 and $50 is half of a $100.

In web analytics, the number of visits and the number of goal completions serve as examples of ratio scales. A
thousand visits is a third of 3,000 visits, while 400 goal completions are twice as many as 200 goal completions. Zero
visitors or zero goal completions should be interpreted as just that: no visits or completed goals (uh-oh… did
someone remove the page tag?!).
For the web analyst, the statistics for ratio scales are the same as for interval scales.
Appropriate statistics for ratio scales: count, frequencies, mode, median, mean, standard deviation (and variance),
skewness, and kurtosis.
Displays: histograms or bar charts, line charts, and scatter plots.
An Important Note: Don’t let the term “ratio” trip you up. Laypeople (aka, “non-statisticians”) are taught that ratios
represent a relationship between two numbers. For instance, conversion rate is the “ratio” of orders to visits. But, as
illustrated above, that is an overly narrow definition when it comes to statistics.
Big Data (KCS-061)

In summary
Nominal Data: Nominal data represents categories or labels with no inherent order or ranking.
The categories are distinct and mutually exclusive. Examples of nominal data include gender,
colors, or types of fruits. For instance, classifying people as male or female is nominal data, as
there is no inherent order between these categories. Similarly, the colors red, blue, and green
form nominal data because they represent distinct and unordered categories.

Ordinal Data: Ordinal data involves ordered categories with meaningful differences between
them, but the intervals between categories are not consistent. Educational levels (e.g., high
school, bachelor's, master's, Ph.D.) and customer satisfaction ratings (e.g., poor, fair, good,
excellent) are examples of ordinal data. While there is an order in educational levels, the
difference between high school and bachelor's may not be the same as the difference between
bachelor's and master's. Ordinal data provides information about the relative position or rank of
categories but doesn't quantify the exact differences.

Interval Data: Interval data has ordered categories with consistent intervals between them, but
there is no true zero point. Temperature measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit is an example of
interval data. The difference between 20°C and 30°C is the same as the difference between 30°C
and 40°C, indicating consistent intervals. However, a temperature of 0°C does not signify the
absence of temperature, as it is an arbitrary zero point. Interval data allows for comparisons of
intervals but not meaningful ratios.

Ratio Data: Ratio data involves ordered categories with consistent intervals, a true zero point, and
meaningful ratios. Examples of ratio data include height, weight, income, or distance. For
instance, if someone's height is 180 cm, it means they are twice as tall as someone with a height
of 90 cm. The presence of a true zero point, such as zero height, weight, or income, indicates the
absence of the measured quantity. Ratio data allows for meaningful comparisons of both
intervals and ratios.


1. It interprets data at a deeper level. It interprets the information and provide recommendations
on actions.

2. Analysis consists of questioning, examining, interpreting, comparing, and confirming. With big
data, predicting is possible as well.

3. Analysis has a pull approach, where a data analyst draws information to further probe and to
answer business questions. Outputs from such can be in the form of ad hoc responses and analysis
Big Data (KCS-061)

4. Analysis requires a more custom approach, with human minds doing superior reasoning and
analytical thinking to extract insights, and technical skills to provide efficient steps towards
accomplishing a specific goal.


1. Reporting helps companies monitor their data even before digital technology boomed. Various
organizations have been dependent on the information it brings to their business, as reporting
extracts that and makes it easier to understand.

2. Reporting includes building, configuring, consolidating, organizing, formatting, and

summarizing. It’s very similar to the above mentioned like turning data into charts, graphs, and
linking data across multiple channels.

3. Reporting has a push approach, as it pushes information to users and outputs come in the forms
of canned reports, dashboards, and alerts.

4. reporting involves repetitive tasks—often with truckloads of data, automation has been a
lifesaver, especially now with big data. It’s not surprising that the first thing outsourced are data
entry services since outsourcing companies are perceived as data reporting experts.

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