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Manual For Breast Massage

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Introduction ...................................... 1
Why is it important? ........................ 2


Self-Love ............................................ 4
Health ................................................. 5
Energetic & Spiritual ....................... 6
Sexual ................................................. 7


Sacred Space .................................... 8

Power of Intention .......................... 9
Tips ................................................... 10
Techniques ..................................... 11


Aurika Valan ................................... 15

Hey Queen, I’m Aurika
I am on a mission to remap the female sexual atlas.

I strongly believe that

Practice Makes Pleasure.

To know yet not

to do is
not yet to know.

We keep accumulating a
myriad of theory and
concepts because we don't
dare to do our HANDS ON
practice. Breast Massage is
one of the simplest yet most
Through self-loving practice,
transformative feminine
numbness and pain
gateways to our heart and
transform into pleasure.

The inner body intelligence

Love yourself enough to
rewrites the shame and taboos
do this. Hands on.
around sexuality.

Sexual energy is liberated,

empowering us and
transforming our lives.

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WHY IS Breast Massage
Loving awareness is what transforms ordinary sex into an
empowering and awakening experience. By cultivating loving
awareness in the breasts, you teach the whole body to relax, feel
and awaken. So much pleasure becomes available when you train
your mind to regularly bring attention to the breasts.

Visualise having your divine inner eyes in your chest space,

perceiving life through their nurturing gaze. Feeling the world
through your breasts is a way of embodying your Divine

Self-resourcing. So often we tend to give our power away to

external sources of validation; yet all we may ever need is—
literally—within. Start treating your body as sacred by showing up
for it regularly. It will provide you with everything that you need.

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Heart. It’s not about the size of your breasts. It’s not even about
your physical breasts - it's about your energetic breasts and,
especially, your heart space. So, even if you’ve had one or both of
your breasts removed, Breast Massage is equally as effective.

Energy. Your heart space is the active pole in your sexuality;

this is where you offer your gifts of love, devotion and nourishment
to the world. While the genitals is the active pole in men, for us our
genitals is the receptive pole. It is from the yoni (genitals, sacred
place in Sanskrit) that we receive love from others and from

In the context of self-practice, the heart is giving us the love and

nourishment, and the yoni is receiving it. This creates an inner
circulation of energy; it starts in the heart. Through this circulation
of energy, we awaken to the potential of more love and pleasure in
our lives.

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In essence, Breast Massage is a practice of self-love. Regularly
performing a Breast Massage will help you to actively choose
self-love in a world that does not encourage it.

Unhealthy fixation on the breasts in the mainstream culture has

left a heavy energetic charge on them. Many women have
emotionally armoured breasts with reduced sensitivity. Breast
Massage melts this pain away, removing the protective armour
over the heart. Shedding this armour liberates your capacity to
experience and receive love and pleasure, paradoxically
creating more safety in your physical and emotional bodies.
This happens through regular Breast Massage practice.

It is a source of feminine self-nurture that is available to us at all


The way you touch your breasts wires them for a certain kind of
touch. By honouring your breasts, you positively condition your
body so that any unloving or unconscious touch becomes
no longer acceptable.

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Increases blood circulation, which helps to remove tension and
relieve stagnation of energy.

Stimulates blood flow to the mammary glands, which helps to

breastfeed with more ease. Breast Massage is also said to
improve the quality of milk and reduce pain whilst breastfeeding.

Due to increased blood flow, it improves breast appearance and

growth. In my experience, it’s not just the blood flow but also the
love! Breasts DO respond to loving touch.

Stimulates lymphatic system, helping your body to flush out


Stimulates oxytocin for deeper bonding, empathy, trust, and


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Spiritual & Energetic

Remember, our breasts are like love antennas! Our breasts and
nipples are the first thing in our bodies that enters the room.
Our breasts have Yang or active quality—outward, penetrative

Our yoni, however, has Yin or receptive quality. This means that
the feminine sexual energy awakens in the heart, our
active pole, and flows down to the receptive genital area.

For men, it’s the opposite—their active pole is in their genitals,

and receptive pole in the heart. This allows for polarity via a
circular energetic flow between two bodies.

We’re magnetic creatures. Our sexual conditioning has

clouded our original polarities. If our original essence is
predominantly feminine, for example, Breast Massage helps us
to fine-tune it. Needless to say that being in our feminine
enhances the play of polarity between masculine and feminine
in our romantic relationships.

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Breast Massage is the perfect opening for self-pleasure, yoni egg
practice or love-making.

Our orgasmic geography is diffused all over our bodies and

includes our breasts.

Nipples are part of the female erectile tissue. Their massage

activates the endocrine system and helps prepare the yoni for
love making.

Woman’s body shall be first penetrated with Love. Her

positive pole, when stimulated with love and presence, awakens.
Then, the energy flows down to the yoni preparing her to receive
and be penetrated. Not the other way around!

Re-sensitized breasts expand your whole body’s capacity for


When you transform your relationship

with your breasts, you are literally
saying “I love you” to the divine Self.
Hereby, you metamorphose your entire
expression of Femininity.

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Now let’s get practical and learn how to gift yourself the most
divine Breast Massage.

Sacred Space

Create a cozy space that invites grace and sacredness. Make it clean
and tidy. You may adorn it with flowers, candles or incense. Use
natural, scent-free oils. You may mix in some gentle essential oils,
such as rose.

For the Busy Bees

If you can’t set a specific time apart for breast massage, you can
also do it in bed as soon as you wake up or before you go to sleep.
You may even create your own shower version!

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Power of Intention

In a Breast Massage, it's not only the quality of touch that is

important. We can elevate the energetic field also with our thoughts.

Before starting, spend a few minutes in silence tuning in and creating

an intention. That could be anything from a self-love mantra (e.g. “I
embrace all of my totality in each moment”) to something you’re
currently working on (e.g. cultivating an abundance mindset or
healing a health disorder).

During a Breast Massage, we generate energy. We can supercharge

this intention with our energy. Whenever the mind wanders away, we
can anchor back our presence to our intention.

Create space for your breasts to act

like love antennas - raise your head,
drop your shoulders, soften your face and
Let them intuitively guide you through life,
experiences and conversations.

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Synchronize with your breath. Inhale: call in the qualities you
desire. Exhale: release anything that doesn’t belong to you.

Work with the energy of your breasts. It’s the same even if you
have had one or both of your breasts removed.

To increase sensitivity, do not have any goal. Simply look for any
sensations arising: expansion, tingling, warmth or simply your
fingers on your skin.

If your breasts feel numb, tune in. What’s beneath your

numbness? Any emotions armouring the heart?

Play with different directions, pressure, pace. Experiment

between using fingers / palm center / whole hands.

You may ask your beloved to do a Breast Massage for you.

If you notice any arousal energy, just welcome it—getting

pleasure only boosts the benefits!

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Play with what feels most pleasurable

1. Breast meditation

Focus on both of your breasts, identify with them, forget the

remaining body and the world. Transfer all of your consciousness
into your breasts. Feel them pulsating from within. Connect to their
inner sound and voice it. Practise feeling your yoni as you massage
your breasts.

2. Circular motion

Massage each breast in a circular motion, moving from the nipple

toward the outside of the breasts. Start by working with both hands
on one breast at a time. Then experiment with a circular massage
on both breasts at the same time (one hand on each breast).

3. Small circles

Start massaging your collar bone and the chest in tiny circles with
the tip of your fingers, moving up and down, covering all of the
surface area of your chest.

11 www.aurikavalan.com
4. Gathering the Chi

Place the center of your palms over your nipples without touching
them, feel the chi getting activated in the space. Without actually
touching your breasts, you may make micro-movements with your
hands moving up and down, intensifying the chi field. Gently move
your hands away - as far as you can whilst still feeling the energy
field. This is the size of your energetic breasts!

5. Four directions

Stroke your breasts using your palms in the 4 directions: North,

South, East, West. Which direction do your breasts enjoy the most?

6. Meeting of the fingertips

Gently squeeze your breasts with your palms on your nipples. Circle
your right hand clockwise, while your left hand moves counter-
clockwise. Your fingertips should meet in the middle.

7. Breast slide

Hold your breast at the bottom with one hand to stabilize, and
stroke with the other hand from top to bottom. Then from the
bottom to the top. Same for the other breast.

Maintain your presence and awareness

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8. Cupping

Cup your breasts firmly against your chest. Whilst cupping, move
them in circular motions feeling the base of the breast. Change

Cup one hand on the top of the breast, the other - below the
breast. Enjoy the feeling of lovingly sheltering your breasts! You may
gently shake or circle the breast. Same for the other breast.

9. Shaking

Hold your breasts and find a pleasurable way to shake them. You
may express any sensations you’re feeling through sound.

10. Fingertip slide

Your thumb and middle finger slide horizontally from the outside of
both breasts towards the nipple. Repeat the same action vertically.

How are the other parts of your

body responding to having your
breasts touched?

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11. Tao massage

Massage down on the outside, up on the inside — this direction

opens up the energy flow, purifies and detoxes the breasts from
negativity, shame and judgement.

Switch direction: up on the outside, down on the inside—this

direction builds energy in the breasts. Fill them up with self-loving,
compassionate thoughts. If you have any health issues, don’t do this
direction, do only the one described above.

12. Teasing the nipples

Draw the chi with all fingers from the outside towards the nipple,
teasing (and maybe gently squeezing!) the middle of your nipple as
your fingers lift off.


To end, cup and hold them feeling their physical or energetic

volume. Smile to your breasts and feel their response. Whisper
words of love and gratitude.

Deepen sensations with breath,

sound and movement

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Aurika Valan is a Women’s
Intimacy and Leadership
Coach. Her deepest soul calling
is to support female leaders
desiring to have it all – both
business success and legendary
love, the Feminine way.

High achieving women come to

Aurika when they have created
business success, yet along the
way they lost touch with the
very things that light up their
Feminine hearts.

Thus, Aurika supports visionary women in creating a Sacred

Union where they feel truly safe, cherished and chosen AND
also in creating business success that is in a deep alignment
with their bodily wisdom, energetics, and the nervous system.

Aurika works with women long-term through 1:1 and group

coaching, blending somatic, trauma-informed methods and
Tantra, creating an EMBODIED transformation that lasts for the
rest of their lives.

Do you have a question? Want to connect and chat?

Join Aurika’s love tribe online!



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