(1) 被减数 3 部分 (1) 对价 FV (2) residual interest 的 FV(3)NCI 在 disposal date FV 注意这个 NCI 是
一般题中会给你对价和剩余部分的 FV,NCI 需要从初始 FV 做 movement 计算过来,movement
一般是用两个日期子公司 FVNA 之差(子公司这段期间赚的钱)乘以 NCI 比例
(2) 减数两部分 (1) 子公司 NA (2)容易漏掉!GW(可能是减值后的)
Individual 报表:计算处置损益
On disposal of the subsidiary, derecognise its assets, liabilities, goodwill and non-
controlling interest and calculate a profit or loss on disposal.
Recognise any remaining investment in the shares of the former subsidiary at fair
value and subsequently account for this under the relevant accounting standard
- A holding of 20-50% - associate
- A holding of less than 20% - IFPS9 Financial Instruments
子公司收购用来 resale
Cashflow 合并
Operating activities: Cash flows from operating activities are principally derived from the key
trading activities of the entity. This would include cash receipts from the sale of goods, cash
payments to suppliers and cash payments on behalf of employees.
The indirect method adjusts profit or loss for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature,
any deferrals or accruals from past or future operating cash receipts or payments ,and any
Non-cash flows which have reduced profit and must subsequently be added back include. The
movements on inventory, receivables and payables are adjusted so the timing differences
between when cash is paid or received and when the items are accrued in the financial
statements are accounted for.
100% of the assets and liabilities of sub which would presumably include some cash or cash
equivalents at the date of acquisition. These would be presented as a cash inflow at the date of
acquisition net of any overdrafts held at acquisition.
FV adjustment should also made to the opening balance of sub's assets and liabilities at
FV adjustment to assets and liabilities will have deferred tax effects, it need adjusting to
ensure only cash payments for tax are included within SOCF.
处置子公司对 CSOCF 的影响:investing activities On the disposal of Barham, the net assets
at disposal, including goodwill, are removed from the CSOFP. Since Barham is overdrawn,
this will have a positive cash flow effect for the group. The overdraft will be added to the
proceeds (less any cash and cash equivalents at disposal) to give an overall inflow presented
in investing activities
Dividends received by parent from sub are not included in the consolidated statement of cash
flows since cash has been transferred from one group member to another. The NCl's share of
the dividend would be presented as a cash outflow in financing activities.
The only cash flow should be recorded in the CSOCF is the contribution paid into the
The $X million benefits paid out of the scheme are an outflow of cash from the pension
Service cost is non-cash items which need add back to group profits.
The net interest cost is also not cash flows so need add back to profits. The remeasurement
component is included in OCl and not impact on the CSOCF since it is not a cash flow, no
impact upon operating profit.
为啥 45%股权也是子公司,有没有控制子公司,说子公司的定义(control 那些)
否 substantive
司,问为啥要当做 associate
A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists
only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties
sharing control.
第三问调整合并报表,从子公司调整成 associate,并文字描述
【考点一】significant influence
Significant influence is the ability to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions
of the investee but is not control or joint control over these policies.
A holding between 20%o and 50% of the voting power is presumed to give significant
influence, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.
2)An associate should be accounted for by equity method in the consolidated financial
The initial investment is measured at cost and the carrying amount should be increased to
recognise the investors’ share of the profits and other comprehensive income after the date of
3)In the consolidated statement of financial position, one line should be included within
Within the consolidated statement of profit or loss, share of the profit of A will need to be
included as a one line item.
remeasure its previously held equity interest in Grin Co at its acquisition fair value
recognise the resulting gain or loss in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
Goodwill will be calculated by including both the fair value of the previously held equity
interest and the fair value of the additional consideration.
进行 accounting
venture,还是 associate
的商业和运营有较大的影响力。which may imply that our company has
significant influence over the business and operations of the new company.
权。All production decisions are made by our company, indicating that our company
has a dominant role in critical operational decisions
投资了外币的 land,汇兑处理
违背了什么 principle
种行为违背了公正原则。Bias,unfair,undue influence
专业行为(Professional Behavior):
判断是 JV 还是 asso
A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only
when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties
sharing control.
If there is more than one combination of parties possible to reach the required majority,
there is no joint control.
grants should be recognized on a systematic basis over the period in which the entity recognize the
related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate as expenses
IFRS 9 says that loss allowances must be recognised for financial assets that are debt instruments
and which are measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive
Adjustments to the loss allowance are charged (or credited ) to the
statement of profit or loss.
Credit loss: The difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to an entity in
accordance with the contract and all the cash flow that the entity expects to receive (i.e. all cash
shortfalls), discounted at the original effective interest rate.
Expected credit losses: The weighted average of credit loss with the respective risks of a default
occurring as the weights.
Lifetime expected credit losses: The expected credit losses that result from all possible default
events over the expected life of a financial instrument.
12-month expected credit losses: The portion of lifetime expected credit losses that represent the
expected credit losses that result from default events on a financial instrument that are possible
within the 12 months after the reporting date
活跃市场缺失,怎么确认 fair value
Fair value is defined as the price which would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer
a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
Fair value is therefore not supposed to be entity specific but rather to be market focused.
Level 1 inputs : Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2 inputs :quoted prices for similar assets in active markets or for identical or similar
assets in non active markets
fair value is an exit price in the principal market, which is the market with the highest volume
and level of activity.
There is a presumption that the principal market is the one in which the entity would normally
enter into
In the absence of a principal market, it is assumed that the transaction would occur in the most
advantageous market - maximise the amount which would be received - 扣掉 transport and
transaction costs.
The price used to measure fair value must not be adjusted for transaction costs, but should
consider transportation costs. Transaction costs are not deemed to be a characteristic of an
• (a) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity's
performance as the entity performs【典型例子服务业】
• (b) the entity's performance creates an asset that the customer controls 【客户地盘修房子】
• (c) the entity’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity and
the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date【典型反
另外一个 over time
不是 over time 那就是 at point of time,重点在于 customer obtain control:
An entity controls an asset if it can direct its use and obtain most of its
remaining benefits.
一个房屋建造合同,约定在全部完成之前,最多都只能支付 10%的合同款项,只有全部
IAS41 agriculture
Biological assets(动物) are always measured at fair value less costs to sell. Changes of
FV less cost recognize d in PL. (若无法 measure reliably FV, Cost-折旧-减值 model)
Agricultural produce(农作物) is measured at fair value less costs to sell at the point of
harvest. After harvest, IAS2 Inventory applies, and it is measured at the lower of cost and net
realizable value.
Hedging implication
requires an entity which prepares separate financial statements to account for investments in
subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates either:
1. – at cost (子公司盈亏都不做账,发股息确认投资收益,部分处置就按成本比例
derecognize 并计算投资收益)
Deferred tax is the tax attributable to temporary differences, which are differences between
the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of financial position and its tax
The tax base of an asset is the amount which will be deductible against taxable economic
benefits from recovering the carrying amount of the asset.
Taxable temporary differences (amounts taxable in the future) generate a deferred tax liability.
Deductible temporary differences (amounts tax deductible in the future) generate a deferred
tax asset.
a) 花销 directly to an identifiable contract
b) 花销 generate resources that will be used in satisfying performance obligations
c) 花销 expected to be recovered
calculated based on profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders, weighted average
number of shares in issue during the financial year; disclose in FS
第二种,产生连续服务的 IA,与电影制作相关成本资本化,后续摊销
第三种,contract asset?
a) 花销 directly to an identifiable contract
b) 花销 generate resources that will be used in satisfying performance obligations
c) 花销 expected to be recovered
When an entity has recognised revenue before it has received consideration
a contract asset
• 合同资产,是指企业已向客户转让商品而有权收取对价的权利,且该权利取决
马上要被停用了 xx 东西(减值迹象),以后也可能卖出去,也可能等禁令解除再重新
1) Recoverable amount
2) Depreciated carrying amount had no impairment loss originally recognized
使用年限变短了,影响 VIU
是 cash 还是 share 支付
Hill has issued a compound instrument because the bond has characteristics of both a financial
liability (an obligation to repay cash) and equity (an obligation to issue a fixed number of Hill’s
own shares).
Compound instruments must be split into
• a liability component (the obligation to repay cash);
• an equity component (the obligation to issue a fixed number of shares).
The split at the issue date is calculated as follows:
• the liability component is the present value of the cash repayments, discounted using
the market rate on non-convertible bonds;
• the equity component is the difference between the cash received and the liability
component at the issue date.
The equity component remains unchanged. After initial recognition, the liability is measured
at amortised cost,
-the arrangements in place and strategy for assessing and considering climate-related issues
- the opportunities and risks concerning climate-related issues which are most relevant and
material to the company's business model and strategy
- are the risks and opportunities reflected in the financial statements, for example the effect of
assumptions used in impairment testing, depreciation rates, decommissioning
- the potential effects on the company's profitability, net assets, products, customers. Suppliers
etc of different climate scenarios
Impairment loss:
Climate-related matters may give rise to an indication that assets are impaired. A decline in
demand or products that are not environmentally friendly could indicate impairment of that
product or the manufacturing unit making the product. An adverse change in the business
environment of a company is an indication of impairment.
In assessing value in use, a company is required to calculate cash flow projections based upon
reasonable and supportable assumptions that are the best estimate of the future economic
conditions. Thus, companies will need to consider whether climate-change-related matters
affect those assumptions.
Companies are required to disclose the events, circumstances and assumptions that lead
recognition of an impairment loss, which could include climate-related events.
Climate-related matters may affect measurement and disclosure of liabilities related to such
things as penalties imposed by governments for not meeting climate-related targets or causing
environmental damage. In addition, contracts may become onerous due to a change in
inventory purchasing strategy or redesign of products.
Companies should disclose major assumptions about any future events that have affected a
provision or contingent liability.
The SDGs can provide insights for companies on how they can create economic, social and
environmental value for their investors and other stakeholders.
应该 focus on sustainable business 原因
the increased future government focus on sustainable business
such business practices often improve performance as they lower operational, reputational and
regulatory risk
there are significant business growth opportunities in products and services that address the SDG
the fact that short term, profit based models are reducing in relevance Companies and their
stakeholders are changing how they measure success and this is becoming more than just about
Assumption 披露 ESG factor 最终影响 cost of capital,对于 sustainble business,会 lower,反
之 increase
Investors seek information on the relevance of the SDGs to overall strategies, and thus entities
providing relevant SDG data will help investors make informed decisions which can lead to
capital being channelled to responsible businesses. Companies are developing business
strategies that embrace the growth potential of responsible environmental and societal policies.
Institutional 投资者 fiduciary duty act in best interst of their beneficiaries,他们考虑 ESG factor
因为 be financially significant。他们知道 environmental events 会 create costs。Social issues 会
lead to unstability,这将增大 business risk 影响 CF 和 return。
Investors employ screening strategies, which may involve eliminating companies that have
specific features, for example, low pay rates for employees
投资者知道 SDG not equally relevant to 所有公司,所以会有 boilerplate disclosure having little
好的 disclosure qualitatively show how company’s SDG related to activities affect the primary
value drivers of the business。
Positive 和 negative 的 impact 都要披露。
Management commentary
A narrative report that relates to financial statements that have been prepared in accordance
with IFRSs.
Management commentary provides users with historical explanations of the amounts presented
in the financial statements. It also provides commentary on an entity's prospects and other
information not presented in the financial statements.
The IFRS Practice Statement is a non-binding guidance document rather than an IFRS. It is
designed for publicly traded entities, but it is left to regulators to decide. This approach avoids
the adoption hurdle
One of the main concerns for accounting professionals is the fear of losing
objectivity in their judgment due to pressures from clients, employers, or other
stakeholders, such as customer.
Some individuals are more vulnerable to loss of objectivity than others. Young
accountants at the beginning of their career could be considered a vulnerable
group, as they may be more easily influenced due to a perceived lack of
experience and pressures from senior colleagues.
The accountant has only just qualified and so might be inexperienced to be in the
position of chief accountant.
Accountability can have a major influence on ethical behaviour. People may
behave unethically if they do not have responsibility for their actions.
Although Mr Raavi is a student accountant, he is bound by the same ethical
codes as a qualified accountant. But only an ACCA student accountant, Raavi
would not bear the ultimate responsibility for the inaccurate accounting for
foreign exchange gains.
Ms Malgun should not have left the preparation of the year-end financial
statements to Mr Raavi as he is a student accountant and has only been with the
company for three months.
上司缺乏专业知识,还进行不道德行为,下属是否检举(可以,只要动机 sound,为了公
司好,下属懂专业知识,就不是 disloyal)
Ms Pleasant is in a difficult position as regards the competence and sabotage of
the project by Mr Fricklin, as an act of ‘whistleblowing’ can cause a conflict of
This conflict stems from the way in which a whistle-blower is viewed. The chief
accountant could be viewed as ‘disloyal’ to their superior.
As long as her motivations are sound and she is confident in the system and her
knowledge, she should not hesitate to relay such information as she is helping
to create an environmentally aware project which will enhance the company’s