Handbook 1
"Education is a liberating force , and in our
age it is also a democratizing force, cutting
across the barriers of caste and class,
smoothing out inequalities imposed by birth
and other circumstances "
- Indira Gandhi
MEVP - 001
Project Work
Dr. B. Rupini, E-mail:
Dr. Sushmitha Baskar, E-mail
Prof. Ruchika Kuba, E-mail
Page No :
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................5
2. Objectives........................................................................................................5
3. Project Work....................................................................................................5
4. Case Study Method..........................................................................................5
5. Survey Method................................................................................................9
6. Project Proposal.............................................................................................18
7. Project Report ...............................................................................................20
8. Evaluation of Project Report...........................................................................22
Annexure- I - Sample Topics for a Project Proposal..................................................22
Annexure – II - Proforma for Approval of Project Proposal......................................23
Annexure-III - Certificate of Originality.................................................................... 24
Annexure IV- Remuneration Bill for Guidance of Project Work.............................. 25
Annexure V- Evaluation Scheme For Project Work.................................................26
Annexure VI - Remuneration Bill for Project Report Evaluation ............................27
Dear Learner, you are aware that Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational
Health (PGDEOH) programme consists of total 10 courses. Out of them, 6 core courses each
of 4 credits are compulsory. Out of 4 Elective courses you can select any 2 courses. The
project work MEVP-001 is of 4 credits and going to be a new experience and intended to help
you in learning by doing.
What you have learned from the core courses of MEV-001 to MEV-005 and elective courses
MEVE-001 to MEVE-004 may help you in understanding basic principles, processes, issues,
challenges, dynamics, planning, monitoring and evaluation of environmental and
occupational health programmes and policies. This handbook will help you to acquire not
only theoretical knowledge, but also skills in analyzing environmental and occupational
health / issues / programmes / projects. Also, this handbook will be your guide and show you
how to formulate a project proposal, conduct the study, write the project report and submit it
for evaluation.
After studying this handbook, you should be able to:
• define and discuss the concepts of case study and survey methods.
• identify a topic, formulate a project proposal, prepare tools, collect and analyze the
• write the project report and submit it for evaluation.
Project work will enable you to enhance your skill in selecting a topic, preparing a project
proposal, formulating tools for data collection, collecting data, and generating information for
a report on a particular topic. Various methods are applied for different projects. In addition
to them, the details on the case study and survey methods are briefly given below for your
The methods of scientific social research may broadly be divided into two parts – the
statistical methods and the case study methods. The statistical methods are based on large
scale collection of facts, while case study is based on intensive study of comparatively fewer
persons, sometimes confined to a very small number of cases only. The case study is thus
more intensive in nature. The field or study is comparatively limited but has more of depth in
it. Case study method in social sciences is being used extensively in psychology, education,
sociology, economics, political science, management and development studies.
‘Case study is defined as a method of exploring and analyzing in-depth the life of a social
unit, be that a person, a family, an institution, cultural group or even entire community’.
4.1 Types of Case Studies
Case studies can be:
a. Explanatory case studies: which measure casual relationships.
b. Descriptive case studies: which are used to describe the context in which a
programme takes place and the programme itself.
c. Exploratory case studies : which help to identify performance measures or pose
hypothesis for further evaluation.
Case studies rely on multiple sources of information and methods to provide a complete
picture as possible of the particular case. In other words, case study aims at studying
everything about something, rather than something about everything.
4.2 Characteristics of Case Study
Unit of study in the case study method may be an individual or a single incident of life, a
family, an institution, a culture group or an entire community. It may also be an abstract thing
like a set of relationships of processes viz. family crises, adjustment problems etc. In spite of
the varying size of the unit of study. The fundamental point is that each unit is taken as a
Case study aims at deep and detailed study of the unit. Because of the nature of studying
behavior in specific, precise and detailed manner, case study method is termed as “social
As the study is more detailed and extends over a wider expense of time, the number of units
has to be small. There can be no hard and fast rule about it. They are not selected according to
some scientific technique of sampling although an attempt is made to select representative
unit as possible.
The case study method is mainly qualitative in character. The researcher has to rely more
upon his own power of observation and sense of logic rather than the facts themselves.
and the use to be made of the study. The report should not be lengthy, irrelevant material
need not be included. Avoid technical terminology, and make it a rule to show loose
generalizations. Possible care should be taken to avoid some common sources of inaccuracies
such as:
▪ Errors in perception as to what is seen and heard.
▪ Falsification of memory.
▪ Unconscious omissions.
▪ Tendency to dramatize.
▪ Projection of one’s owns ideas, attitudes, values and the like into report.
▪ Inclination to pay special attention to unusual and striking incidents and to neglect the
common place and small details that may have special significance in the light of the
▪ Generalizations and conclusions should be developed from the data rather than from
▪ A balance has to be struck between the completeness necessary for objectivity and
brevity essential for clarity.
4.7 Advantages of Case studies
▪ Good for addressing how and why questions.
▪ Gives concreteness to problems and solutions.
▪ Can be used to study evolutionary or decision-making processes.
▪ Provides in-depth information on a single setting, group or organization.
▪ Can be tailored to specific situations.
▪ Can provide background information as a guide for further study.
▪ Contributes insight into relationships and personal feelings.
▪ Draws out underlying assumptions and general knowledge.
▪ Can be used as a supplement to other methods.
4.8 Limitations of Case studies
▪ Case study procedures are not standardized. Case studies of the same unit (person)
made by two investigators may differ in a number of important aspects.
▪ The reliability and validity of case study material cannot be checked to any great
extent through the use of statistical methods.
The word survey is derived from two words ‘Sur’ or ‘Sor’ meaning ‘See’ and ‘Veior’
meaning ‘Over’. Survey, in simple terms means to “look over” or “see over”. Social survey is
a process by which quantitative facts are collected about the social aspects of a community’s
composition and activities. In other words, it is a fact finding study dealing with nature and
problems of the community. Survey studies provide knowledge about the nature of objects,
events and persons.
Surveys are a very popular method of collecting data and require a carefully designed
questionnaire / interview schedule administered by mail, telephone or personal interviews.
Surveys can be used to collect data on a participant’s knowledge, attitudes, skills and
aspirations, adoption of practices, and programme benefits, evaluation and impacts. It is the
responsibility of the evaluator to ensure that ethical standards are maintained. This means that
participation is voluntary and survey results are made public in a way that maintains
In the context of urban planning and development, a survey may be conducted to assess the
development needs of the stakeholders or undertaken to investigate some cause-effect
relationship or to throw fresh light on some aspect of urban theories. When it comes to
subject matter, the only factor common to surveys as they are concerned with the
demography characteristics, the social environment, the activities on opinions and attitudes of
some groups of people. Thus, we see that social surveys involve a complex variety of
objectives, functions and methods.
❖ Collect data related to various issues / problems in urban planning and development.
❖ Describe/ explain a phenomenon
❖ Attain useful knowledge
❖ Test hypothesis
❖ Attain knowledge of cause and effect relationship
❖ Study the economic conditions and factors responsible for these conditions
❖ Evaluate the programmes and assess the benefits derived from it
❖ Ultimately helps in bringing about development
5.3 Steps in Survey
❖ Selecting the problem
❖ Definition of aim
❖ Determination of scope
❖ Definition of time limits
❖ Examination of the means of information
❖ Determination of the unit of survey
❖ Determination of the amount of refinement
❖ Preparedness of respondents
❖ Construction of tools for data collection
❖ Field work and data collection
❖ Processing and analysis of collected data
❖ Interpretation and report writing
5.4 Types of Surveys
Surveys may be classified according to subject matter, technique of data collection, area
covered, regularity etc.
(i) General and Specific Surveys
General survey is conducted for collecting general information about any population or
institution in a general way without any particular object or hypothesis at hand.
Example: Census survey undertaken by the Government for supplying regular data on socio-
economic problems.
Specific survey is conducted to study specific problems or particular aspect of the
community. Therefore, specific surveys are more pointed and only such information as is
directly related to the particular purpose is collected.
Example: Unemployment, development needs etc.
(ii) Direct and Indirect Surveys
In case of direct surveys quantification is possible, whereas in indirect surveys quantitative
description is not possible.
Example: Direct survey - Demographic surveys
Indirect survey - Health and nutrition status surveys
(iii) Census Survey and Sample Survey
In the census survey, all units are covered separately and studied. Whereas, in sample survey,
only some representative unit is studied. Compared to census, sample survey consumes less
time, energy and money but it is valid only if the sample is true representative of population.
(iv) Primary and Secondary Survey
In the primary survey, the task of survey is taken up afresh and the surveyor sets the goals
and collects relevant facts. But if some facts are already available and there is no need to
examine them afresh by a new survey then the survey is called secondary survey. Primary
survey is far more reliable than the secondary survey.
(v) Initial and Repetitive Survey
If the survey is being made for the first time it is called initial survey and if it is being made
second or third time it is called repetitive survey.
Example : Initial survey - Bench mark survey
Repetitive survey - Survey to study the impact of a programme
(vi) Preliminary and Final Survey
A preliminary survey is called as ‘pilot study’. It occupies the place of fore runner of the final
survey. The purpose of this survey is to get the first hand knowledge of the universe to be
surveyed. It helps a person to get acquainted with the problem and the nature of the
respondents, to prepare the schedule or questionnaire and organizing the survey on proper
lines. Final survey is conducted after the completion of pilot survey.
A call-sheet is used for each number chosen from the sampling frame. The interviewer
records information that allows the supervisor to decide what to do with each number that has
been processed. Call sheets are attached to questionnaires after an interview is completed.
(Source: Murari Suvedi, Kirk Heinze and Diane Ruonavaara, 2008. How to Conduct
Evaluation of Extension Programmes, Introductory Training Manual for Extension Educators,
Michigan State University, USA. )
• Enables respondents to give thoughtful answers and control the pace and sequence of
• Relatively inexpensive.
• Questionnaire must be short and carefully designed.
• Response rate is highly dependent on the number of contacts made with the respondent
and the timing of the mailing.
• Little control over the completeness of the response.
• Those who reply may not be representative of the target population.
• Pre-testing of the questionnaire is necessary to avoid costly mistakes.
• Requires time collect data.
• Requires a literate population and a reliable postal system.
Implementing a Mail Survey
• Send an advance letter if names and addresses are available with details on the
survey, dates and time of your visit.
• An introductory letter explaining the purpose of the survey to be left with the
• Identify and train interviewers.
• Notify public officials about the survey.
• Supervisor should be available by telephone while the survey is being carried out to
handle any problems that may arise.
• Supervisor should meet regularly with interviewers to edit questionnaires and
answer any questions interviewers may have. Costly errors, misunderstandings, and
cheating by interviewers can be detected at this time.
he/she would be required to submit the project proposal along with the signature of the
new supervisor on a new project proposal proforma, as it would be considered as a new
In case of academic counsellors, it should be clearly mentioned as to which are the
courses, he/she is counselling for, and since when, along with the name and code of the
study centre, he/she is attached with. The project supervisor will be paid a token
honorarium as per the University norms by the University for guiding the student
(University may revise the honorarium from time to time).
Responsibilities of Supervisors
• To provide guidance regarding selecting a very focused topic.
• To encourage learners to study books /newspapers/magazines; discuss with experts
in the area to find out some topics of their interest.
• To provide the information about the settings where the empirical data (if needed)
for the project can be collected.
• To provide information about the related literature.
• To motivate learners from time to time & to provide them required help whenever
they need.
• Encourage learners to work originally, not to copy or reproduce; and to proceed
• Give letter of authorization which would enable/help them to collect the data for
their research (The authorization letter can also be given by the concerned study
centre/ regional centre).
3. Project Proposal Submission and Approval
After selection of the supervisor and finalising the topic, student should send the Project
Proposal Proforma along with one copy of the Project Proposal signed by the supervisor
and Bio-data of the supervisor at their respective Regional Centres for approval. Students
are advised to retain a copy of the synopsis. Students admitted in January session are
advised to submit project proposal by 30th April and those admitted in July session by 31st
October for timely approval and completion of the programme. However, students who
miss these dates can submit project proposals throughout the year for approval.
4. Communication of Approval
13, 22-24.
Neelameghan, A. (1990) Sr Ranganathan’s impact on knowledge organisation
tools.InformationStudies, 6(2), 77-80.
Book Chapter
Khan, A.W. (2005). Distance education for development. In: Garg, S. (Eds.) Open and
distance education in global environment: Opportunities for collaboration. New Delhi: Viva
Websites accessed on 17.06.2013)
1 Interview Schedule / Questionnaire used for the purpose of the research.
2. Copy of Approved Project Proposal Proforma, Approved Project Proposal along with
the Bio-data of the Supervisor.
The Supervisor may send the bill for Project Guidance in the format given in Annexure
IV while submitting the project report for evaluation.
The total marks for the Project are 100. (70% for the project report and 30% for viva-voce).
For successful completion of the Project, a learner should secure a minimum of 40% marks
in the Project Work. The Evaluation scheme for the project work is given in Annexure V.
Proforma for remuneration bill for evaluation of project is given in Annexure VI.
Annexure- I
Sample Topics for a Project Proposal
In order to enable you to choose a topic for your Project Work, we have listed below some
topics. This does not imply that you will choose only these topics. These are just sample topics,
which are meant to provide you with ideas and will guide you in selecting a topic of your
1. Survey of Water Pollution in your area and its Management.
2. Survey of Air Pollution in your area and its Management.
3. Survey of Soil Pollution in your area and its Management.
4. Survey of Electronic Waste in India and its Management.
5. Report on recent Natural Hazards Events in India.
6. Study on Environmental Toxicants in Food.
7. Study on Environmental Toxicants.
8. An Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment in your area.
9. Study on Sustainable Agricultural Management Practices.
10. Survey of Industrial Pollution of any town/city in India.
11. Study of Infectious Hazards in Health Care Settings.
Annexure - II
Project Proposal No. :
(To be assigned by the School)
Annexure IV
3. Residential Address :
4. Designation :
5. Official Address :
Certified that I have guided the student(s) for their Project Work.
Note: The remuneration payable for guidance of Project Work is as per the University norms.
Certified that the above Project Supervisor was approved and recommended by the concerned
school of study and above claim may be admitted.
Annexure V
Evaluation Scheme
Details Maximum Marks Marks Obtained
Introduction (With Objectives & Rationale) 10
Review of the literature 10
Methodology 10
Results and Discussion 30
Conclusions 10
Viva voce 30
Total 100
Annexure VI
3. Residential Address :
4. Designation :
5. Official Address :
Certified that I have Evaluated the Project Report (s) of the above student(s)
Note: The remuneration payable for evaluation of Project Report is as per the University norms.
Certified that the above Project Evaluator was approved and recommended by the concerned
school of study and above claim may be admitted.