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Hymns For Malawi Final 02-May-2017!1!115439

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English version of

Published by the
Christian Literature Association in Malawi
P.O. Box 503, Blantyre, Malawi.
First Edition (Chichewa) January 1916
Revised Edition (Chichewa) February 1954
Second Music-Edition (Chichewa) July 1974
This English Edition June 1975

Copyright 1975 C.L.A.M.

All rights reserved

Printed by
Nkhoma Press
P. O. Box 17, Nkhoma, Malawi
This Hymn book is the work of a Committee appointed by the
Conference of the Federated Missions of Nyasaland (now Malawi)
which was held in 1910.
It contains hymns from many sources, more especially the hymn books
of the various missionary bodies at work in the country. Some of the
older hymns have been revised, and many new ones added to make
the collection as complete as possible. While the hymns are largely of
European composition not a few (some, indeed, both words and music)
are of African production.
The Committee take this opportunity of expressing their indebtedness
to all, African and European alike, who by their help have made this
collection possible.
The Committee have also to return sincere thanks to the authors and
proprietors of copyright music, for the generous manner in which they
have responded to requests to make use of their tunes.
For permission to use copyright tunes the Committee are specially
grateful to the following, who, without payment of fee, have kindly
allowed their use:__
Proprietors of Hymns Ancient and Modern for “Aber”; “Alstone”;
“Gerontius”; “In Memoriam”; “Leicester”; “Misericordia”; “Morn-
ing”; “Requiescat”; “Stephanos”; “St. Andrew”; “St. Margaret”;
John Adcock, Esq., for “Woodbrook”.
A.M. Bramall, Esq., for “Compassion.”
Rev. W. Garnett Horder, for “Hesperus”.
Miss J. G. Matheson, for “St. Margaret” (A. L. Peace, Mus.D.)
A.H. Mann, Esq., Mus.D., for “Angels’ Story”.
Messrs. James Nisbet & Co., Ltd., for “Regent’s Square”, “Bethany”;
Sir E. C. Perry, for “Vesalius”.
Praise Committee of the U. F. Church, for “Invermay”.
Trustees of the Church Hymnary, for “Remembrance”.
Rev. F. G. Wesley, for “Aurelia.”
Miss A. G. Hately, for “St. Helen”.
A.M.C. Bell, Esq, W.S., for “St. Giles”,.
Permission has been obtained by payment of fee, in many cases of a
purely nominal amount, for the following, for which the Committee are
also deeply indebted:__
Sacred Songs and Solos, for a very large number of tunes, the granting
of which has been this collection possible in its present form.
Charles M. Alexander, Esq., for “Redemption Ground”; “Gospel of
Thy Grace”; “Christ Receiveth”; “Crowning Day”.
Josiah Booth, Esq., for “Beechwood”.
Messrs. Longmans, Green, & Co., for “PaxTecum”.
Alfred Legge, Esq., for “Theodora”.
Miss Florence Monk, for the representatives of the late W. H. Monk,
Mus.D., for “Minto”; “AdsisJesu”; “Colyton”.
Edward M. Oakeley, Esq., for “Abends”.
L. R. Peace, Esq., for “Crux Crudelis”, “Greenhill”.
Messrs. John F. Shaw & Co., for “Nox Praecessit”.
Rev. F. G. Wesley, for “Winscott”.
Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Department, for “Cliftonville”.
Messrs, Novello & Co., fot “Coena Domini”, “Courage Brother”,
“Day of Rest”, “Deerhurst”; “Evelyn”; “Evening Prayer”; “Humility”;
“Long-wood”; “Maidstone”; “Mansfield”; “North Coates”; “Radford”;
“Ruth”; “St. Agnes”; “St. Gertrude”; “Springtime”; “Veni Domene
The Committee also desire very specially to tender their warmest thanks
to the Rev. George Bell, M. A. Mus.D., for the invaluable aid he has so
ungrudgingly given this book was in preparation.
Great care has been taken to ascertain the proprietorship of all copyright
tunes and to obtain permission for their use. Should there occur however,
any unintentional infringement of copyright or commission of special
acknowledgment in this collection, the Committee beg to express their
regret, and trust that any such will be pardoned.
January 1916.


As long ago as 1934, the Consultative Board of Federated Missions
appointed a representative committee to revise the Chichewa Hymn
book. From the outset this committee took a wide view of its remit,
purposing to replace many of the translations of European hymns by
hymns more typically African in thought and expression and much of
the European music by African airs, or where that was not possible by
more suitable European tunes. Various causes have conspired to delay
the work, but the idea in the mind of the original committee has never
been abandoned. On the contrary it is realized more than ever that
many of the hymns are far from being suitable either in words or music
as a medium of praise for the African Church. A more truly African
hymnbook is an urgent need.
The Church however cannot wait longer for a new edition of its
Hymnbook, and it has been decided meantime to reprint all the hymns
contained in the 1916 edition with such alterations as the Committee
has been able to make by way of improvement. Some hymns have been
set to a tune different from that in the old edition, most of these new
tunes being already in use in some of the Churches using the book. A
short supplement has been added containing new material from various
sources. We are grateful to Sumu za Ukristu for permission to use
several African airs, in most cases set to translations from Chitumbuka.
The Committee records its thanks to the following holders of
copyright for kind permission to make use of tunes, as well as to those
named in the preface to the Hymnbook of 1916:-
Messrs, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., for “Wye Valley” by Rev Dr.
Mountain (“Like a River,” 134), and “Must I go and emptyhanded?”
The Committee has endeavored to respect all Copyright, but if any
omission has inadvertently been made it is hoped that it will be forgiven.
It is the earnest prayer of the Committee that by the blessing of God
this book may be for the enrichment of the Church’s praise.
February 1954.


In 1962 the Fellowship of Christian Churches in Malawi (the former
Federated Missions of Nyasaland) appointed a committee to revise the
Hymnbook. This revision was necessitated by the dissatisfaction of
most Christians with the words-revision of the 1954 edition, and there
was a general demand for returning to the words of the 1916 edition.
In the present revision we have generally returned to the words of of
the 1916 edition, but some were revised for both contents and better
Chichewa. A very few hymns were replaced, and some new hymns
were added, to bring the total to 376. As most hymns are translated from
English, the first lines of English version have been added. The tunes
have not been revised, but a Musical Committee will later be appointed
for this purpose.
This revision of the words is intended to be final. If the present book
no longer satisfies, a completely new Hymn-book must be published,
giving special attention to African hymns and tunes.
The Committee thanks all who assisted with present revision. We
also thank His Excellency the Life President of Malawi for permission
to include the National Anthem of Malawi in this book.
It is our fervent prayer that these hymns will adorn the worship of the
Churches in Malawi, when we all together raise our songs to Him who
must be worshiped and praised forevermore.
May 1967

Proprietor of this Hymnbook: On 18th May 1967 The Fellowship

of Christian Churches in Malawi gave the ownership of this
Hymn-book to the former Literature Committee of The Christian
Council of Malawi but as from 1968 the Hymn-book is in the hands of
Christian Literature Association in Malawi (C.L.A.M.). The original
owner (The Fellowship of Christian Churches in Malawi ceased to
function and was disbanded).
March 1968


Because of the Chichewa revision of 1967, the music-edition of
Nyimbo za Mulungu had to be revised ( in Chichewa many hymns
have one syllable or metre more per line than the English, and the 1954
Chichewa-edition had eliminated this extra syllable). At the same time
a serious effort was to be made of introducing indigenous (African)
tunes, and some unknown tunes were to be replaced.
In doing this the Committee decided to write down all tunes exactly
as they are sung in Malawi, for European tunes are generally
spontaneously adapted to the African way of singing (especially through
the use of the pentatonic scale, elimination of half-tone and quar-
ter-beats, etc.). We accordingly give our apologies to the composers
and owners of tunes for these changes to their tunes. However, it must
be emphasized that the Committee itself did not change these tunes:
we simply wrote down what has become the traditional way of singing
such tunes in this country.
We are very grateful indeed for the many indigenous tunes which
were found. Certain hymns have quite a number of such local tunes. For
this edition we are taking up all such tunes, with the understanding that
a selection of the most popular of these tunes will be made in a future
reprint of the book.
A special word of thanks to those Malawians who composed some
new tunes. Acknowledgements are made with each hymn, but should any
name in vertently have been omitted, please inform the publishers, so
that this can be put right when the book is reprinted. There are still some
hymns with unsatisfactory or difficult tunes, and we trust that Malawians
will compose new tunes for these hymns as well.
Africans have a natural way of harmonising, which is often quite
different from the original harmony of the European composer of that
tune. We therefore wrote only the melody part (soprano), so that singers
can harmonise as they please; African people cannot be forced to use
the European harmony.
In Malawi it is usual to draw out the singing of hymns at funerals and
rural prayer meetings by repetition of the chorus (refrain). However, at
public worship in the main centers chorus is sung once only after each
Holders of the copyright of hymns are again thanked for permission
to use their tunes and hymns. In addition to previous acknowledgements,
we also thank the Assemblies of God Mission for “I am just a-passing
thru”, and Sumu za Ukristu for some more translated hymns. In many
instances we were unable to trace the names of composers and owners
of copyright, e.g. in the case of tunes picked up by Malawian working
in Rhodesia and S. Africa, and we apologize to the holders of such
There were many complaints about the omission of some
well-loved hymns, in the 1967 edition. Most of these are now included
in an appendix as Hymns 377-384.
Minor corrections and alterations of the language (Chichewa) have been
made in this edition, but the old and new books can be used together, as
this was not a major revision of the text as with the 1967 edition.
Some European tunes are quite acceptable in Africa and many of
them are well-loved, and should not be removed. Yet there are still a
few foreign tunes left in this book which are strange and unacceptable,
and which cannot be sung well even when diligently taught. On the
other hand, the local African tunes are in no way inferior, or “pagan”,
or fit for use only in villages or at funerals or at women’s meetings. The
African tunes should most certainly be used at public worship in our
Churches, so that our singing can be lively and joyful, out of the hearts.
July 1974.


The people of Malawi are mostly rural people, and the Churches
therefore used to worship in the vernacular only. With the rapid
development of the country and its people since Independence. English
is now also being used for worship in churches, colleges and schools –
especially in the towns and cities.
Unfortunately none of the scores of English hymnals is quite suitable
for use in many Churches in Malawi, because generally most of their
hymns are unknown to users of Nyimbo za Mulungu. This book (in use
now for nearly three quarters of a century) was compiled from many
sources, the greatest part coming from Sacred Song and Solos (Sankey),
The Church Hymnary, The Keswick Hymn-book (formerly Hymns of
Consecrations and Faith) and The Methodist Hymn-book, but with
some hymns from many other sources. No one of these books on its
own can be taken as the English counterpart of Nyimbo za Mulungu.
Therefore CLAIM granted the request from one of the main users of
Nyimbo za Mulungu that an English version of the book be published,
with the numbers in the Chichewa and English, of most hymns were
found, but there are about 70 hymns for which other hymns had to be
substituted in the English, because they were either original Chichewa,
Chitumbuka or Dutch hymns which had no English version, or were
duplicated in the Chichewa (e.g. Nyimbo 15 and 311, 64 and 70, 257
and 258, 117 and 382, 155 and 322, 105 and 354, 122 and 355, 128
and 133, 201 and 383, 107 and 337, 274 and 336). These hymns were
replaced by hymns of similar contents where possible, and they are
indicated by an asterisk (*) next to their numbers.
As far as practicable the same tune as in the Chichewa version has
been used for each hymn, but it should be remembered that in the
Chichewa many hymns have an additional syllable or metre to each
line. In a few cases the metres of the Chichewa and English differ
completely, so that separate tunes have to be used. Sometimes the
indigenous (African) tunes can also be used for the English versions.
It is not possible to publish a music edition of this book now, and
therefore we have indicated, at the top of each hymn, the tune is
recommended, as well as the number where that tune can be found
in three of the most readily available English hymnals)viz . Church
Hymnary, Hymns of Faith, and Sacred Songs and Solos. Where a tune
is not found in any of these three books, another book is indicated.
When singing in English we should always endeavor to sing the tunes
correctly as originally written, and not in the adapted or Africanised
way used in the revised Chichewa tonic-solfa edition.
Some of the approximately 70 “new” hymns in this English edition
of Nyimbo za Mulungu are already covered by earlier copyright
acknowledgements. We were not in a position to trace ownership of the
remainder, but we shall be glad to rectify this in future editions where
ownership has been ascertained.
May this English edition of Nyimbo za Mulungu find widespread
use and be as well-loved as the Chichewa edition, to the glory of God!
June 1975
God Hymns
The Holy Trinity …… …… …… ….1-5, 176, 317
In Creation …… …… …… …… 6-7, 344, 361, 381
In Providence …… …… ……8-17, 263, 311, 327, 363, 381
In Redemption …… …… …… …… …… 18-23, 380

Our Lord Jesus Christ

His Incarnation …… …… 24-28, 264-269, 325, 336
His Example …… …… …… …… …… 29-31
His Sufferings and Death 32-39, 270-271, 324, 330, 336-337, 341,
His Resurrection …… …… …… …… 40-42, 349
His Glory …… …… …… 40-44, 222, 350, 354, 378
His Help …… …… …… ……45-50, 321, 318, 368
His Coming Again …… …… ……51-54, 326, 333, 368
His Praise …… 55-63, 133, 128, 315, 317, 319, 328, 331-332,
334, 336, 357, 359, 362, 366, 372, 378

The Holy Spirit …… …… …… ……64-72, 155, 322, 364

The Word Of God …… …… …… …… 73-75, 382
The Gospel …… 76-101, 337, 340, 357-358, 366-367, 374

The Christian Life

Repentance 102-115, 176, 225, 314, 316, 318, 338-339, 347, 360,
Love and Gratitude …… …… 116-127, 34, 355, 360, 372
Joy and Peace …… …… …… …128-137, 346, 373, 379
Faith …… …… …… …… …… 138-149, 335, 384
Holiness …… …… …… 150-163, 322, 370, 383
Service …… …… …… 164-171, 224, 320, 332, 377
Conflict and Temptation …… …… 172-180, 348
Pilgrimage …… …… …… 181-188, 298, 365, 371
Death …… …… …… …… …… 189-191, 299
Heavenly Glory …… …… 192-194, 299-303, 343
Prayer …… …… …… 195-200, 171, 323, 353

The Church Of God

The Church …… …… …… 201-204, 313, 356, 362
Morning Prayers …… …… …… 205-206, 304
Evening Prayer …… …… …… 207-215, 305
The Lord’s Day …… …… …… 216-218, 352
The House of the Lord …… …… …… …… 219-220
Worship and praise …… …… …… 221-223, 383
Baptism …… …… …… 224-226, 337, 351, 373
The Lord’s Supper …… …… ……227-235, 75, 98, 314
Offerings …… …… …… ……236-238, 9, 126, 381
Spreading the Gospel …… 239-247, 332, 342, 366, 374, 377
Stewards …… …… …… …… …… 284, 332

Church Building …… …… …… 249-250, 356

Marriage …… …… …… …… …… 251-252
New Year …… …… …… …… 253-255, 311
Seed-Time And Harvest …… …… …… 256-259, 312, 381
Travel …… …… …… …… …… …… 260-261

For Children
God in Providence …… …… …… …… 262-263
Birth of Christ …… …… …… …… …… 264-269
Death of Christ …… …… …… …… 270-271
Praising Christ …… …… …… 272-281, 354
Believing Christ …… …… …… …… 282-286
Following Christ …… …… …… …… 287-297
Heaven …… …… …… …… …… 298-303
Morning …… …… …… …… …… 304
Evening …… …… …… …… …… 305
Closing Hymns …… …… …… …… 306-308, 329
Doxologies …… …… …… …… …… 309-310
Additional Hymns …… …… …… …… 311-374
National Hymns …… …… …… …… 375-376
Appendix …… …… …… …… …… 377-384



The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this book:

* An asterisk indicates that this hymn is only found in this English

hymn book, and that it does not have an equivalent Chichewa
version in Nyimbo za Mulungu.

13(311) The number in brackets indicates that in Nyimbo za Mulungu

a second Chichewa version of hymn 13 is found in Nyimbo 311.

F230 Indicates the tune of Hymn No. 230 in Hymns of Faith.

Other hymn Books are indicated as follows:__
C The Church Hymnary, Revised edition, 1927.
S Sacred Songs and Solos, 1200 pieces (Sankey).
F Hymns of Faith, 1964.
M The Methodist Hymn-Book, 1933.
K The Keswick Hymn-Book.
A Alexander’s Hymns No. 3.
B The Baptist Hymn Book, 1962.
P Church Praise, Revised edition, 1907.
N Nyimbo za Mulungu, 1954.
V Songs of Victory, 3rd edition.
SU Sumu za ukristu, 1961.
PH Psalter Hymnal, 1959.
CR Crusader Hymns, 1966.
OC Old Church Hymnary, 1898.
OS Old Sacred Songs and Solos, 888 pieces (Sankey).
OP Old Church Praise, 1882.
AP Africa Praise, 1968.
NS 120 Negro Sprituals, Morija, 1951.
CD Cantate Domino, 1951 (1960).
TsN Tunes from Nyasaland, 1959.
SCO S.C.O.M. songs, 1972.
I Nicaea—S22,C1, F101 2 Crasselius—C92
(also as 23, 313)
I. Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God Almighty! 1 We praise, we worship Thee, O God;
Early in the morning Thy sovereign power we sound
our song shall rise to Thee; abroad;
Holy, Holy, Holy, All nations bow before Thy throne,
Merciful and Mighty, And Thee the great Jehovah own.
God in Three Persons,
blessed Trinity! 2 Loud hallelujahs to Thy Name
Angels and seraphim proclaim;
2. Holy, Holy, Holy! By all the powers and thrones in
All the saints adore Thee, heaven
Casting down their golden crowns Eternal praise to Thee is given.
around the glassy sea,
Cherubim and seraphim 3 O holy, holy, holy Lord,
falling down before Thee, Thou God of hosts, by all adored,
Which wert, and art, and Earth and the heavens are full of
ever-more shalt be. Thee,
Thy light, thy power, Thy majesty.
3. Holy, Holy, Holy!
Though the darkness hide Thee, 4 Apostles join the glorious throng,
Though the eye of sinful man And swell the loud triumphant song,
Thy glory may not see, Prophets and martyrs hear the sound
Only Thou art holy; And spread the hallelujah round.
there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in pow’r, in 5 Glory to Thee, O God most high:
love and purity. Father, we praise Thy majesty,
The Son, the Spirit we adore,
4. Holy, Holy, Holy, One Godhead, blest for evermore.
Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name 3 Rivaulx—C 5, F 107
in earth, and sky, and sea,
Holy, Holy, Holy, 1 Father of heav’n, whose love pro-
Merciful and Mighty, found
God in Three Persons, A ransom for our souls hath found,
blessed Trinity!
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy pard’ning love extend.
2 Almighty Son, Incarnate Word, To the King of Glory bring!
Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer,
Lord, 5* Trumpet ___ S230
Before Thy throne we sinners bend; Wesley___C76, F536
To us Thy saving grace extend. (also as 49, 378)

3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath 1 We give immortal praise

The soul is raised from sin and To God the Father’s love,
death, For all our comforts here,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend; And better hopes above.
To us thy quick’ning power extend. He sent His own eternal Son,
To die for sins that man had done.
4 Thrice holy Father, Spirit, Son;
Mysterious Godhead, Three in One, 2 To God the Spirit’s name
Before Thy throne we sinners bend; Immortal glory too,
Grace, pardon, life to us extend. Who bought us with His blood
From everlasting woe;
4 Regend Square—C 7, S255, F51 And now He lives, and now he reigns,
And sees the fruit of all His pains.
1 Glory be to God the Father,
Glory be to God the Son, 3 To God the Son belongs
Glory be to God the Spirit, Immortal worship give,
Great Jehovah, Three in One! Whose new-creating power
Glory, glory! Glory, glory Makes the dead sinner live.
While eternal ages run! His work completes the great design
And fills the soul with joy divine.
2 Glory be to Him who loved us,
Washed us from each spot and stain! 4 Almighty God, to Thee
Glory be to Him who bought us, Be endless honours done,
Made us kings with Him to reign! The undivided Three,
Glory, glory! Glory, glory And the mysterious One.
To the Lamb that once was slain! Where reason fails, with all her
3 Glory to the King of angels, The faith prevails and love adores.
Glory to the Church’s King,
Glory to the King of nations! GOD: IN CREATION
Heaven and earth, your praises 6* Lobe den Harren—C22, F33
bring; 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,
Glory, glory! Glory, glory the King of creation;
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy The Ancient of Days,
health and salvation; Pavilioned in splendor,
All ye who hear, And girded with praise.
Now to His temple draw near,
Joining in glad adoration. 2 O tell of His night,
O sing of His grace,
2 Praise to the Lord, who o’er al Whose robe is the light,
things Whose canopy space;
so wondrously reigneth, His chariots of wrath
Shieldth thee gently from harm, The deep thunder-clouds form,
or when fainting sustaineth; And dark is His path
Hast thou not seen On the wings of the storm.
How thy heart’s wishes have been
Granted in what He ordaineth? 3 The earth, with its store
Of wonders untold,
3 Praise to the Lord, who doth Almighty, Thy power
prosper Hath founded of old;
thy work and defend thee; Hath ‘stablished it fast
Surely His goodness and mercy shall By a changeless decree,
daily attend thee; And round it hath cast,
Ponder anew Like a mantle, the sea.
What the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee. 4 Thy bountiful care
What tongue can recite?
4 Praise to the Lord! O let all that is It breaths in the air
in me adore Him! It shines in the light;
All that hath life and breath, come It streams from the hills,
now with praises before Him! It descends to the plain,
Let the Amen And sweetly distils
Sound from His people again: In the dew and the rain.
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
5 O measureless Might!
7 Hanover—C 9, S11, F8 Ineffable Love!
While angels delight
1 O worship the King, To hymn Thee above,
All-glorious above; The humbler creation,
O gratefully sing Though feeble their lays,
His pow’r and His love: With true adoration
Our Shield and Defender, Shall lisp to Thy praise.
GOD: IN PROVIDENCE 3 He, with all commanding might,
8 Nun danket—C29, F38 Filled the new-made world with light:

1 Now thank we all our God, 4 He His chosen race did bless,
With heart and hands and voices, In the wasteful wilderness:
Who wondrous things hath done,
In whom His world rejoices,__ 5 He hath with a piteous eye,
Who from our mother’s arms, Looked upon our misery:
Hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love, 6 All things living he doth feed;
And still is ours today. His full hand supplies their need:

2 O may this bounteous God 7 Let us then with gladsome mind,

Through all our life be near us, Praise the Lord, for He is kind:
With ever-joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us, 10 Monmouth—F52
And keep us in His grace,
And guide us when perplexed, 1 I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath
And free us from all ills And when my voices is lost in death,
In this world and the next. Praise shall employ my nobler
3 All praise and thanks to God My days of praise shall ne’er be past,
The Father now be given, While life, and thought, and being
The Son, and Him who reigns last,
With Them in the highest heaven, Or immortality endures.
The one, eternal God,
Whom earth and heav’n adore; 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely
For thus it was, is now, On Israel’s God! He made the sky,
And shall be evermore. And earth, and sea, with all their
9 Harts—C11, S329, F646 His truth for ever stands secure;
He saves th’ oppressed, He feeds
1 Let us, with gladsome mind, the poor,
Praise the Lord, for He is kind: And none shall find His promise vain.
For His mercies shall endure,
Ever faithful, ever sure. 3 The Lord pours eyesight on the blind;
The Lord supports the fainting mind;
2 Let us sound His name abroad, He sends the laboring conscience
For of gods He is the God: peace;
He helps the stranger in distress, art;
The widow, and the fatherless, In us be all Thy goodness showed.
And grants the prisoner sweet Renew, enlarge, and fill our heart
release. With peace, and joy, and heaven,
4 I’ll praise Him while He lends me and God.
And when my voices is lost in 5 Father, ‘tis Thine each day to yield
death, Thy children’s wants a fresh supply;
Praise shall employ my nobler Thou cloth’st the lilies of the field,
powers: And hearest the young ravens cry.
My days of praise shall ne’er be
past, 6 On Thee we cast our care; we live
While life, and thought, and being Through Thee, who know’st our need:
last, O feed us with Thy grace, and give
Or immortality endures. Our souls this day the living bread.

12 Cwm Rhondda—F410
11 * Melcombe—F40, C259 Praise my soul—C21, F9
Winscott—C338 1 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;
(also as 31, 64, 209, 214, To His feet thy tribute bring;
240, 248, 291, 313) Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven
1 Father of all! Whose pow’rful voice Evermore His praises sing:
Called forth this universal frame; Praise Him! Praise Him!
Whose mercies over all rejoice Praise Him! Praise Him!
Through endless ages still the same: Praise the everlasting King.

2 Thy by Thy word upholdest all; 2 Praise Him for His grace and favour
Thy bounteous love to all is showed, To our fathers in distress;
Thou hear’st Thy every creature’s Praise Him, still the same for ever,
call, Slow to chide, and swift to bless:
And fillest every mouth with good. Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise Him! Praise Him!
3 Giver and Lord of life, whose power Glorious in His faithfulness.
And guardian care for all are free,
To Thee, in fierce temptation’s 3 Father-like, He tends and spares us;
hour, Well our feeble frame He knows;
From sin and Satan let us flee. In His hands He gently bears us,
Rescues us from all our foes:
4 Thine, Lord, we are, and ours Thou Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise Him! Praise Him! 6 And so through all the length of days
Widely yet His mercy flows. Thy goodness faileth never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
4 Angels, in the height adore Him; Within Thy house for ever!
Yet behold Him face to face;
Saints triumphant, bow before Him, 14 Rousseau—C66, F648, S376
Gathered in from every race: (also as 199, 166, 287)
Praise Him! Praise Him! 1 Hallelujah, praise Jahovah,
Praise Him! Praise Him! O my soul, Jehovah praise;
Praise with us the God of grace. I will sing the glorious praises
Of my God through all my days
13 Dominus regit me—C438, F396 Put no confidence in princes,
St. Columba—C196, F396 Nor for help on man depend;
(also as 119) He shall die, to dust returning,
1 The King of love my Shepherd is, And his purposes shall end.
Whose goodness faileth never;
I nothing lack if I am His, 2 Happy is the man that chooses
And He is mine for ever. Israel’s God to be his aid;
2 Where streams of living water flow He is blest whose hope of blessing
My ransomed soul He leadeth, On the Lord his God is stayed.
And, where the verdant pastures Heav’n and earth the Lord created,
grow, Seas and all that they contain;
With food celestial feedeth He delivers from oppression,
Righteousness he will maintain.
3 Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me 3 Food He daily gives the hungry,
And on His shoulder gently laid, Sets the mourning prisoner free,
And home rejoicing brought me. Raises those bowed down with
4 In death’s dark vale I fear no ill, Makes the sightless eyes to see.
With Thee, dear Lord, Beside me; Well Jehovah loves the righteous,
Thy rod and staff my comforts still, And the stranger He befriends,
Thy Cross before to guide me. Helps the fatherless and widow,
Judgment on the wicked sends.
5 Thou spread’st a table in my sight;
Thy unction grace bestoweth; 4 Hallelujah, praise Jehovah,
And O what transport if delight O my soul, Jehovah praise;
From Thy pure chalice floweth! I will sing the glorious praises
Of my God through all my days.
Over all God reigns forever, The Scripture assures us the Lord
Through all ages He is King; will provide.
Unto Him, thy God, O Zion,
Joyful hallelujahs sing. 2 The birds without barn or store
house are fed;
15 (311) Crimond—F411 From them let us learn to trust for
Grafenberg___C351, F214 our bread;
1 The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want; His saints what is fitting shall ne’er
He makes me down to lie be denied,
In pastures green; He leadeth me So long as ‘tis written, “The Lord
The quiet waters by. will provide.”

2 My soul He doth restore again, 3 His call we obey, like Abram of old,
And me to walk doth make Not knowing our way, but faith
Within the paths of righteousness, makes us bold;
E’en for His name’s sake. For, though we are strangers, we
have a good guide,
3 Yea, though I walk in the dark vale, And trust, in all dangers, the Lord
Yet will I fear no ill; will provide.
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod
And staff me comfort still. 4 No strength of our own or good-
ness we claim;
4 My table Thou hast furnished Yet, since we have known the Saviour’s
In presence of my foes; great Name,
My head Thou dost with oil anoint, In this our strong tower for safety
And my cup overflows. we hide,__
The Lord is our power, the Lord
5 Goodness and mercy all my life will provide.
Shall surely follow me,
And in God’s house for evermore 17 Wiltshire F406
My dwelling –place shall be. 1 Through all the changing scenes of life,
In troubles and in joy,
16 Hanover—C9, F8, S11 The praises of my God shall still
1 Though troubles assail and dangers My heart and tongue employ
Though friends should all fail and 2 O magnify the Lord with me,
foes all unite, With me exalt His Name;
Yet one thing secures us, whatever When in distress to Him I called,
betide, He to my rescue came.
3 The hosts of God encamp around Should flesh and blood refine,
The dwellings of the just; God’s presence, and His very self
Deliv’rance He affords to all And essence all-divine.
Who on His succor trust. 5 O generous love! That He, who
4 O make but trial of His love, In Man for man the foe,
Experience will decide The double agony in Man
How blest they are, and only they, For man should undergo.
Who in His truth confide.
6 And in the garden secretly,
5 Fear Him, ye saints; and you will then And on the cross on high,
Have nothing else to fear; Should teach His brethren, and
Make you His service your delight, inspire
your wants shall be His care. To suffer and to die.

6 Glory to God the only one__ 7 Praise to the Holiest in the height,
The Lord and King adore! And in the depth be praise,__
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost In all His words most wonderful,
Be praised for evermore! Most sure in all His ways.

GOD: IN REDEMPTION 19* To God be the glory—S23, F357

1 To God be the glory! Great things
18 Gerontius—C32, F176 He hath done!
1 Praise to the Holiest in the height, So loved He the world that He gave
And in the depth be praise, __ us His Son;
In all His words most wonderful, Who yielded His life an atonement
Most sure in all His ways. for sin,
And opened the Life gate that all
2 O loving wisdom of our God! may go in.
When all was sin and shame,
A second Adam to the fight Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
And to the rescue came. Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
3 O wisest love! That flesh and blood, Let the people rejoice!
Which did in Adam fail, O come to the Father, through Jesus
Should strive afresh against the foe, the Son:
Should strive and should prevail. And give Him the glory! Great things
He hath done!
4 And that a higher gift than grace
2 O perfect redemption, the purchase 4 Believing souls, rejoicing go;
of blood! There shall to you be giv’n
To every believer the promise of A glorious foretaste, here below,
God; Of endless life in heav’n.
The vilest offender who truly
believes, 5 Of victory now o’er Satan’s power
That moment from Jesus a pardon Let all the ransomed sing
receives. And triumph in the dying hour
Through Christ, the Lord, our King.
3 Great things He hath taught us,
great things 21* Better world—OC591, M22,
He hath done! (see 302)
And great our rejoicing through 1 Come, let us all unite and sing__
Jesus the Son; God is love! God is love!
But purer, and higher, and greater While heav’n and earth their praises
will be bring__
Our wonder, our rapture, when God is love! God is love!
Jesus we see. Let every soul from sin awake,
Each in his heart sweet music make,
20 Wondous love—S17 And sweetly sing for Jesus’s sake__
1 God loved the world of sinners lost God is love! God is love!
And ruined by the fall;
Salvation full, at highest cost, 2 O tell to earth’s remotest bound__
He offers free to all. God is love! God is love!
In Christ is full redemption found__
O ‘twas love, ‘twas wondrous love, God is love! God is love!
The love of God to me! His blood can cleanse our sins away;
It brought my Saviour from above, His Spirit turns our night to day,
To die on Calvary. And leads our soul with joy to say__
God is love! God is love!
2 E’en now by faith I claim Him mine,
The risen Son of God; 3 How happy is our portion here__
Redemption by His death I find, God is love! God is love!
And cleansing through the blood. His promises our spirits cheer__
God is love! God is love!
3 Love brings the glorious fulness in, He is our Sun and Shield by day,
And to His saints makes known By night He near our tents will stay
The blessed rest from inbred sin, He will be with us all the way__
Through faith in Christ alone. God is love! God is love!
4 In Zion we shall sing again__ And call upon His Name with thank-
God is love! God is love! ful vow.
Yes, this shall be our highest strain__
God is love! God is love! 5 Before His saints I’ll pay my vows to
Whilst endless ages roll along, God;
In concert with the heavenly throng, E’en in death’s vale He keepeth me
This shall be still our sweetest song__ from evil;
God is love! God is love! How dear to God the dying of His
22 Sacrifice of praise—PH228 Praise Him, ye saints, and sound His
(also as 306, 208) name abroad.
1 I love the Lord, the fount of my life
and grace; 23* Melcombe—C646, F40
He hears my voice, my cry and (also as 205)
supplication, 1 Father, whose everlasting love,
Inclines His ear, gives strength and Thy only Son for sinners gave,
consolation; Whose race to all did freely move
In life, in death, my heart will seek And sent Him down the world to
His face. save:

2 I cried, “Deliver Thou my soul, O 2 Help us Thy mercy to extol,

Lord!” Immense, unfathomed, unconfined;
Jehovah heard; I pledge Him my To praise the Lamb who died for all,
devotion, The gen’ral Saviour of mankind.
The Lord is just, His grace, wide as
the ocean; 3 Thy undistinguishing regard
In boundless mercy He fulfils His word. Was cast on Adam’s fallen race;
For all Thou hast in Christ prepared
3 The Lord preserves the meek most Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.
Brought nigh to death, in Him I 4 The world He suffered to redeem,
found salvation. For all He hath th’ atonement made,
Come, thou my soul, relieved from For those that will not come to Him
agitation, The ransom of His life was paid.
Turn to thy rest; the Lord has favour-
ed thee. 5 A rise, O God, maintain Thy cause!
4 What shall I render to Jehovah now The fullness of the Gentiles call;
For all the riches of His consolation? Lift up the standard of Thy Cross
With joy I’ll take the cup of salvation, And all shall own Thou diedst for all.
2 All generations from henceforth,
24 Adeste fideles—C55, S31, F154 Shall now my blessedness proclaim,
1 O come, all ye faithful, For He has done great things to me;
Joyful and triumphant, Mighty and holy is His Name.
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold Him 3 His mercy shall abide on them
Born the King of angels. That fear the Lord from age to age;
He has revealed His mighty arm,
O come, let us adore Him, Routing the haughty in their rage,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him, 4 He has abased the mighty ones,
Christ the Lord. Exalted those of low degree;
He filled the hungry souls with good,
2 True God of true God, And smote the rich with poverty.
Light of Light, eternal,
Lo! Heabhors not the Virgin’s womb, 5 He helped His servant Israel,
Son of the father In honour of His mercy sure;
Begotten, not created. E’en as He spake to Abraham
And to His seed forevermore.
3 Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation, 26 Bethelehem—C46, S30, F155
Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above 1 Hark! the herald angels sing,
“Glory to God, all “Glory to the new-born King,
Glory in the highest”. Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!”
4 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Born this happy morning; Join the triumph of the skies,
Jesus, to Thee be glory given, With th’ angelic host proclaim,
Word of the Father, “Christ is born in Bethlehem.”
Now in flesh appearing.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
25 Melcombe—F40, C646 “Glory to the new-born King.”
(also as 2)
1 My soul doth magnify the Lord; 2 Christ, by highest heav’n adored,
In Him my spirit doth rejoice, Christ, the everlasting Lord,
For He beheld my low estate, Late in time behold Him come,
And in His love made me His Offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Appeared a shining throng
Hail, th’ Incarnate Deity, Of angels, praising God, and thus
Pleased as Man with man to dwell, Addressed their joyful song:
Jesus, our Immanuel!
6 “All glory be to God on high,
3 Hail, the heav’n-born prince of Peace! And to the earth be peace;
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness! Good will henceforth from heaven
Light and life to all He brings, to men
Ris’n with healing in His wings. Begin, and never cease!”
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die, 28 Winchester old—S33, C181,
Born to raise the sons of earth, F143,
Born to give them second birth. (also as 314, 13, 259)
1 Now, Lord! According to Thy word,
27* Winchester old—S33, C181, Let me in peace depart;
F143 Mine eyes have Thy salvation seen,
1 While shepherds watched their And gladness fills my heart.
flocks by night,
All seated on the ground. 2 At length my arms embrace my Lord,
The Angel of the Lord came down, Now let their vigour cease;
And glory shone around. At last my eyes my Saviour see,
Now let them close in peace.
2 “Fear not”, said he(for mighty dread
Had seized their troubled mind), 3 This great salvation, long prepared,
“Glad tidings of great joy, I bring And now disclosed to view,
To you and all mankind. Hath proved Thy love was constant
3 “To you, in David’s town, this day And promises were true.
Is born of David’s line
A Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord; 4 That Sun I now behold, whose light
And this shall be the sign: Shall heathen darkness chase,
And rays of brightest glory pour
4 “The heavenly Babe you there shall find Around Thy chosen race.
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swathing OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:
And in a manger laid” 29 St. Jude—S792
St. Andrew---C500, F481
5 Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith 1 Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult
Of our life’s wild, restless sea, And kindness in our bosoms dwell,
Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, As free and true as Thine.
Saying, “Christian, follow Me.”
2 As of old apostles heard it 4 If joy shall at Thy bidding fly,
By the Galilean lake, And grief’s dark day come on,
Turned from home and toil and We, in our turn, would meekly cry:
kindred, “Father, Thy will be done.”
Leaving all for His dear sake.
5 Should friends misjudge, or foes
3 Jesus calls us from the worship defame,
Of the vain world’s golden store: Or brethren faithless prove,
From each idol that would keep us, Then, like Thine own, be all our aim
Saying, “Christian, love Me more.” To conquer them by love.

4 In our joys, and in our sorrows, 6 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife.
Days of toil, and hours of ease, Forgiving and forgiv’n,
Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, O may we lead the pilgrim’s life,
“Christian, love Me more than these.” and follow Thee to heav’n.

5 Jesus calls us! By Thy mercies, 31 Hesperus (Elim)—C501, F495

Saviour, may we hear Thy call; (also as 166)
Give our hearts to Thine obedience 1 “Take up thy cross,” the Saviour said,
Serve and love Thee best of all. “If thou wouldst My disciple be;
Take up thy cross, with willing
30* St. Frances—C90 heart,
Martyrdom___C457, F322 And humbly follow after Me.”
(also as 229, 322, 314)
1 Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee, 2 Take up thy cross; let not its weight
And plead to be forgiv’n, Fill thy weak soul with vain alarm;
So let Thy life our pattern be, His strength shall bear thy spirit up,
And form our souls for heav’n. And brace thy heart, and nerve
thine arm.
2 Help us, through good report and ill,
Our daily cross to bear, 3 Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame,
Like Thee, to do our Father’s will, And let thy foolish pride be still;
Our brethren’s grief to share. Thy Lord refused not e’en to die
Upon a Cross, on Calv’ry’s hill.
3 Let grace our selfishness expel,
Our earthliness refine, 4 Take up thy cross, then, in His
strength, 33 Abney (Remember me)—S630
And calmly every danger brave; 1 Alas! And did my Saviour bleed?
‘Twill guide thee to a better home, And did my Sov’reign die?
And lead to vict’ry o’er the grave. Would he devote that sacred head,
For such a worm as I?
5 “Take up thy cross, and follow Christ,
Nor think till death to lay it down; Help me, dear Saviour,Thee to own,
For only he who bears the cross And ever faithful be;
May hope to wear the glorious And when Thou sittest on Thy
crown. throne,
O, Lord. Remember me.
HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH 2 Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
32 Gethsemane—C693, S102, F189 Amazing pity! Grace unknown!
1 “Man of Sorrows!” wondrous Name And love beyond degree!
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide,
Hallelujah! What a Saviour! And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker, died
2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude, For man, the creature’s sin.
In my place condemned he stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood; 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face
Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Whilst His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
3 Guilty, vile, and helpless we, And melt mine eyes to tears.
Spotless Lamb of God was he;
Full atonement – can it be? 5 But drops of grief can ne’er repay
Hallelujah! What a Saviour! The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give myself away;
4 Lifted up was he to die, ‘Tis all that I can do.
“It is finished!” was His cry;
Now in heaven exalted high; 34 Crux crudelis—OC539
Hallelujah! What a Saviour! (also as 39, 166, 31)
1 Beyond the holy city wall
5 When He comes, our glorious King, They set the cruel cross on high,
All His ransomed home to bring, Where the dear Lord who saved
Then anew this song we’ll sing; us all
“Hallelujah! What a Saviour!”
Did hang in pain, and bleed, and die. 4 O break, O break, hard heart of mine!
Thy weak self-love and guilty pride
2 The hands that touched the blind His Pilate and His Judas were:
to sight, Jesus, our Lord, is crucified!
That gave the sick man strength
anew, 5 O love of God! O sin of man!
That raised the dead to life and light, In this dread act your strength is
Were pierced and wounded through tried,
and through. And victory remains with love:
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified!
3 The feet that walked the stormy sea,
That ever turned at sorrow’s prayer, 36 Redemption
By sharp nails fastened to the tree, ground—S20,
Hung torn and hurt and bleeding (see 60)
there. 1 On Calv’ry’s brow my Saviour died,
‘Twas there my Lord was crucified:
4 O by Thy griefs that dreadful day, ‘Twas on the cross He bled for me
Dear Lord, and by Thy precious blood, And purchased there my pardon free.
Wash all our guilty stains away,
And make Thy sinful children good. O Calvary! Dark Calvary!
Where Jesus shed His blood for me,
35 St. Cross—C96 O Calvary! Blest Calvary!
(also as 3, 31, 39) ‘Twas there my Saviour died for me.
1 O come and mourn with me a while;
O come ye to the Saviour’s side; 2 ‘Mid rending rocks and dark’ning skies
O come, together let us mourn: My Saviour bows His head and dies;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified! The op’ning vail reveals the way
To heaven’s joys and endless day.
2 Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? 3 O Jesus, Lord, how can it be
Ah! Look how patiently He hangs: That Thou shouldstgive Thy life for
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified! me?
To bear the cross and agony
3 Sev’n times he spoke, sev’n words In that dread hour on Calvary!
of love;
And all three hours His silence cried 37 Newland—C102,
For mercy on the souls of men: 1 O perfect life of love!
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified! All, all is finished now,
All that He left His throne above
To do for us below. 2 O Lord of life and glory,
What bliss till now was Thine!
2 No work is left undone I read the wondrous story;
Of all the Father willed; I joy to call Thee mine.
His toils and sorrows, one by one, Thy grief and bitter passion
The Scripture have fulfilled. Were all for sinners gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression,
3 No pain that we can share But Thine the deadly pain.
But He hast felt its smart;
All forms of human grief and care 3 What language shall I borrow
have pierced that tender heart. To praise Thee, heav’nly Friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow,
4 And on His thorn-crowned head, Thy pity without end?
And on his sinless soul, O make me Thinefor ever,
Our sins in all their guilt were laid, And, should I fainting be,
That He might make us whole. Lord, let me never, never,
Outlive my love to Thee.
5 In perfect love He dies;
For me He dies, for me! 4 Be near me, Lord, when dying;
O all-atoning Sacrifice, O show Thy Cross to me;
I cling by faith to Thee. And, for my succor flying,
Come, Lord, to set me free;
6 In every time of need, These eyes, new faith receiving,
Before the judgment throne, For he who dies believing
Thy work, O Lamb of God, I’ll plead, Dies safely through Thy love.
Thy merits, not my own.
39 Rockingham (Communion)—
38 Rutherford—F187, C581 S115, C105, F281
Passion chorale___C107, F182 Boston (Hamburg)___F323
(also as 377) 1 When I survey the wondrous cross
1 O sacred Head, sore wounded, On which the Prince of glory died;
With grief and shame weighed down! My richest gain I count but loss,
O Kingly Head, surrounded And pour contempt on all my pride.
With thorns, Thine only crown!
How pale art Thou with anguish, 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
With sore abuse and scorn! Save in the cross of Christ my God.
How does that visage languish, All the vain things that charm me
Which once was bright as morn! most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.
3 See from His head, His head, His feet, Where the angels ever sing
Sorrows and love flow mingled “Hallelujah!”
down: 4 Sing we to our God above
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Hallelujah!
Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Praise eternal as His love;
4 Were the whole realm of nature Praise Him, all ye heavenly host,
mine, Hallelujah!
That were an off’ring far too small; Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Love so amazing, so divine, Hallelujah!
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
41 Darwall—C135, F202
HIS RESURRESTION 1 On wings of living light,
At earliest dawn of day,
40 Easter hymn—C119, S158, Came down the angel bright,
Llanfair___C119, F193 And rolled the stone away.
1 Jesus Christ is risen to-day,
Hallelujah! Your voices raise
Our triumphant holy day, With one accord,
Hallelujah! To bless and praise
Who did once, upon the cross, Your risen Lord.
Suffer to redeem our loss. 2 The keepers watching near,
Hallelujah! At that dread sight and sound
2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, Fell down with sudden fear,
Hallelujah! Like dead men, to the ground.
Unto Christ, our heavenly King,
Hallelujah! 3 Then rose from death’s dark gloom,
Who endured the cross and grave, Unseen by mortal eye,
Hallelujah! Triumphant o’er the tomb,
Sinners to redeem and save. The Lord of earth and sky.
3 But the pains which He endured, 4 Ye children of the light,
Hallelujah! Arise with Him, arise;
Our salvation have procured; Leave in the grave beneath
Hallelujah! The old things passed away.
Now above the sky He’s King,
Hallelujah! 5 We sing Thee Lord Divine,
With all our hearts and powers; OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:
For we are ever Thine, HIS GLORY
And Thou art ever ours. 43 Ascension—F209
(also as 40)
42 Victory—C122, F200, 1 Hail the day that sees Him rise,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
1 The strife is o’er, the battle done; Ravished from our wistful eyes!
Now is the Victor’s triumph won; Hallelujah!
Now be the song of praise begun,__ Christ, awhile to mortals given,
“Hallelujah!” Hallelujah!
Reascends His native heaven.
2 The powers of death have sone Hallelujah!
their worst,
But Christ their legions hath 2 There the pompous triumph waits:
dispersed; Hallelujah!
Let shouts of holy joy outburst__ Lift your heads, eternal gates;
“Hallelujah!’’ Hallelujah!
Wide unfold the radiant scene;
3 The three sad days have quickly Hallelujah!
sped; Take the King of Glory in!
He rises glorious from the dead; Hallelujah!
All glory to our risen Head!
Hallelujah! 3 Him though highest heav’n receives,
4 He brake the age-bound chains of Still He loves the earth He leaves;
hell; Hallelujah!
The bars from heav’n’s high portals Though returning to His throne,
fell; Hallelujah!
Let hymns of praise His triumph tell. Still He calls mankind His own.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

5 Lord, by the stripes which wounded 4 See! He lifts His hands above;
Thee, Hallelujah!
From death’s dread sting Thy See! He shows the prints of love;
servants free, Hallelujah!
That we may live, and sing to Thee: Hark! his gracious lips bestow
“Hallelujah!” Hallelujah!
Blessings on His Church below,
44 Diademate—C136, F111 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:
1 Crown Him with many crowns, HIS HELP
The Lamb upon His throne;
Hark how the heav’nly anthem 45 Tenderness—P560
drowns 1 One is kind above all others,
All music but its own: O how He loves!
Awake, my soul, and sing His is love beyond a brother’s.
of Him who died for thee, O how He loves!
And hail Him as thy matchless King Earthly friends may fail or leave us.
Through all eternity. One day kind, the next grieve us,
But this Friend will ne’er deceive us;
2 Crown Him the Lord of Love! O how He loves!
Behold His hands and side,
His wounds yet visible above, 2 ‘Tis eternal life to know Him,
In beauty glorified; O how He loves!
No angel in the sky Think, O think, how much we owe
Can fully bear that sight, Him.
But downward bends his burning eye O how He loves!
At mysteries so bright. With His precious blood He bought
3 Crown Him the Lord of Peace! In the wilderness He sought us,
Whose pow’r a sceptre sways To His fold He safely brought us;
From pole to pole, that wars may O how He loves!
And all be prayer and praise. 3 Blessed Jesus! Would you know Him?
His reign shall know no end, O how He loves!
And round His pierced feet Give yourselves entirely to Him,
Fair flow’rs of Paradise extend, O how He loves!
Their fragrance ever sweet. Think no longer of the morrow
From the past new courage borrow,
4 Crown Him the Lord of years! Jesus carries all your sorrows;
The Potentate of time, O how He loves!
Creator of the rolling spheres,
Ineffably sublime! 4 Love this Friend: He longs to save
All hail, Redeemer, hail! you,
For Thou has died for me; O how He loves!
Thy praise shall never, never fail All through life He will not leave you
Throughout eternity. O how He loves!
Best of blessings He’ll provide you,
Nought but good shall e’er betide Refuge from danger,
you, Saviour and Friend!
Safe to glory He will guide you;
O how He loves! 2 Pillow where, lying,
Love rests its head,
46 Pass me not—S488 Peace of the dying,
1 Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, Life of the dead,
Hear my humble cry; Path of the lowly,
While on others Thou art calling, Prize at the end,
Do not pass me by. Breath of the holy,
Saviour and Friend!
Saviour! Saviour!
Hear my humble cry; 3 When my feet stumble,
And while others Thou art calling, I to Thee cry,
Do not pass me by. Crown of the humble,
Cross of the high;
2 Let me at a throne o mercy When my steps wander,
Find a sweet relief; Over me bend,
Kneeling there in deep contrition, Truer and fonder,
Help my unbelief. Saviour and Friend!

3 Trusting only in Thy merit, 4 Ever confessing

Would I seek thy face; Thee, I will raise
Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Unto Thee blessing,
Save me by Thy grace. Glory, and praise,__
All my endeavor,
4 Thou the spring of all comfort, world without end,
More than life to me; Thine to be ever,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Saviour and Friend.
Whom in heav’n but Thee?
48 Lead me, Saviour—S537,
47 Light after darkness—S830 1 Saviour, lead me, lest I stay,
Theodora___C174, F670 Gently lead me all the way;
1 Rest for the weary I am safe when by Thy side,
Joy of the sad, I would in Thy love abide.
Hope of the dreary, Lead me, lead me,
Light of the glad, Saviour, lead me, lest I stray;
Home of the stranger, Gently down the stream of time,
Strength to the end, Lead me, Saviour, all the way.
2 Thou the refuge of my soul, 50 Seeking for me—S4
When life’s stormy billows roll, 1 Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came,
I am safe when Thou art nigh, Born in a manger to sorrow and
On Thymercy I rely. shame;
O it was wonderful-blest be His
3 Saviour, lead me, till at last, Name!
When the storm of life is past, Seeking for me, for me!
I shall reach the land of day, Seeking for me! Seeking for me!
Where all tears are wiped away. O it was wonderful-blest be His
49 Darwall—C135, S154, F23 Seeking for me, for me!
1 Arise my soul, arise,
Shake off thy guilty fears, 2 Jesus, my Saviour, on Calvary’s tree,
The bleeding Sacrifice Paid the great debt, and my soul
In my behalf appears: He set free;
Before the throne my Surety stands; O it was wonderful-how could it be?
My name is written on His hands. Dying for me, for me!
Dying for me! Dying for me!
2 He ever lives above, O it was wonderful-how could it be?
For me to intercede, Dying for me, for me!
His all redeeming love,
His precious blood, to plead; 3 Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old,
His blood atoned for all our race While I was wand’ring afar from the
And sprinkles now the throne of fold,
grace. Gently and long did He plead with
my soul,
3 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Calling for me, for me!
Received on Calvary, Calling for me! Calling for me!
They pour effectual prayers, Gently and long did He plead with my
They strongly speak for me: soul,
Forgive him, O forgive! They cry, Calling for me, for me!
Nor let that ransomed sinner die!
4 Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from
4 My God is reconciled, on high__
His pardoning voice I hear; Sweet is the promise as weary years
He owns me for His child, fly;
I can no longer fear; O, I shall see Him descend from the
With confidence I now draw nigh, sky!
And Father, Abba, Father! Cry.
Coming for me, for me! And the roll is called up yonder,
Coming for me! Coming for me! I’ll be there.
O, I shall see Him descend from
the sky, When the roll is called yonder,
Coming for me, for me! When the roll is called yonder,
When the roll is called yonder,
OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: When the roll is called yonder,
HIS COMING AGAIN I’ll be there.

51 He is coming—S172 2 On that bright and cloudless

1 He is coming, the “Man of Sorrows,” morning,
Now exalted on high; When the dead in Christ shall rise,
He is coming with loud hosannas, And the glory of His resurrection
In the clouds of the sky. share;
When His chosen ones shall gather
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To their home beyond the skies,
He is coming again; And the roll is called up yonder,
And with joy we will gather round I’ll be there.
At His coming to reign! 3 Let me labour for the Master
From the dawn till setting sun,
2 He is coming, our loving Saviour, Let me talk of all His wondrous
Blessed Lamb that was slain! love and care;
In the glory of God the Father, Then, when all of life is over,
On the earth He shall reign. And my work on earth is done.
And the roll is called up yonder,
3 He shall gather His chosen people, I’ll be there.
Who are called by His name;
And the ransomed of every nation 53 Regent Square—C7, F51, S255
For His own He shall claim. Neander___C163, F225
1 Christ is coming! Let creation
52 When theroll is called—S983 From her groans and travail cease;
1 When the trumpet of the Lord shall Let the glorious proclaimation
sound, Hope restore, and faith increase:
And time shall be no more, Christ is coming! Christ is coming!
And the morning breaks, eternal, Come,Thou blessed Prince of Peace.
bright, and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather 2 Earth can now but tell the story,
Over on the other shore, Of Thy bitter cross and pain;
She shall yet behold Thy glory, Saints and angels crowd around Him,
When Thou comest back to reign, Own His title, praise His Name:
Christ is coming! Christ is coming!
Let each heart repeat the strain. 4 Hark! Those bursts of acclamation;
Hark! those loud triumphant chords;
3 Long Thine exiles have been pining, Jesus takes the highest station:
Far from rest, and home and Thee; O what joy the sight affords!
Soon, in heav’nly glory shining,
They their loving Lord shall see: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:
Christ is coming! Christ is coming! HIS PRAISE
Haste the joyous jubilee.
55 * My Redeemer—A426, PH439
4 With that blessed hope before us, (also as116, 319)
Let no harp remain unstrung; 1 I will sing of my Redeemer
Let the mighty advent chorus And His wondrous love to me:
Onward roll on ev’ry tongue: On the cruel cross He suffered,
“Christ is coming! Christ is coming! From the curse to set me free.
Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come!” Sing, O sing of my Redeemer,
With His blood He purchased me.
54 Crown Him—S127 On the cross He sealed my parden,
1 Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious: Paid the debt, and made me free.
See the Man of Sorrows now;
From the fight returned victorious, 2 I will tell the wondrous story,
Every knee to Him shall bow: How my lost estate to save,
In His boundless love and mercy,
Crown Him! Crown Him! Angels He the ransom freely gave.
crown Him!
Crown the Saviour King of kings! 3 I will praise my dear Redeemer,
Crown Him! Crown Him! Angels His triumphant power I’ll tell,
crown Him! How the victory He giveth
Crown the Saviour King of kings! Over sin, and death, and hell.

2 Crown the Saviour! Angels, crown 4 I will sing of my Redeemer

Him! And His heavenly love for me;
Rich the trophies Jesus brings; He from death to life hath brought
In the seat of power enthrone Him, me
while the vault of heaven rings. Son of God, with Him to be.
3 Sinners in derision crowned Him, 56 Trumpet—S230
Mocking thus the Saviour’s claim; 1 Come every joyful heart,
That loves the Saviour’s name, 2 ‘Jesus!’ Name of priceless worth
Your noblest powers exert To the fallen sons of earth,
To celebrate His fame; For the promise that it gave, __
Tell all above and all below, “Jesus shall His people save.”
Tell all above and all below,
The debt of love to Him you owe. 3 ‘Jesus!’ Name of mercy mild,
Given to the Holy Child
2 He left His starry crown When the cup of human woe
And laid His robes aside; First He tasted here below.
On wings of love came down,
And wept, and bled, and died: 4 ‘Jesus!’ only Name that’s given
What He endured no tongue can tell, Under all the mighty heaven
What He endured no tongue can tell, Whereby man, to sin enslaved,
To save our souls from death and hell. Bursts his fetters, and is saved.

3 From the dark grave He rose__ 5 ‘Jesus!’ Name of wondrous love;

The mansion of the dead; Human Name of God above;
And thence His mighty foes Pleading only this, we flee,
In glorious triumph led: Helpless, O our God, to Thee.
Up through the sky the Conqueror
rode, 58 More about Jesus—S571
Up through the sky the Conqueror 1 More about Jesus would I know,
rode, More of His grace to others show;
And reigns on high, the Saviour God. More of His saving fullness see,
More of His love who died for me.
4 From thence He’ll quickly come__
His chariot will not stay __ More, more about Jesus,
And bear our spirits home More, more about Jesus,
To realms of endless day; More of His saving fullness see,
There shall we see His lovely face, More of His love who died for me.
There shall we see His lovely face,
And ever be in His embrace. 2 More about Jesus let me learn,
More of His holy will discern;
57 Innocents—C574, F403 Spirit of God my teacher be,
Nomen Domini___C62 Showing the things of Christ to me.
1 ‘Jesus!’ Name of wondrous love; 3 More about Jesus; in His Word,
Name all other names above, Holding communion with my Lord;
Unto which must every knee Hearing His voice in ev’ry line,
Bow in deep humility. Making each faithful saying mine.
4 More about Jesus; on His throne We will love Thee as we ought.
Riches in glory all His own;
More of His kingdom’s sure increase; 60 Redemption ground—S20
More of His coming, Prince of peace. 1 Come, sing, my soul and praise the
59 Ottawa (Magister)—F92 Who hath redeemed thee by His
Godesberg___C145 blood;
1 One there is above all others, Delivered thee from chains that
Well deserves the name of Friend; bound,
His is love beyond a brother’s, And brought thee to redemption
Costly, free, and knows no end: ground.
They who once His kindness prove,
Find it everlasting love. Redemption ground, the ground of
2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Redemption ground, O wondrous
Could, or would, have shed his blood? grace!
Christ, the Saviour, died to have us Here let our praise to God
Renconciled in Him to God: abound,
This was boundless love indeed; Who saves us on redemption
Jesus is a Friend in need. ground!

3 When He lived on earth abased. 2 Once from my God I wandered far’

Friend of sinners was His Name; And with His holy will made war;
Now above all glory raised, But now my songs to God abound;
He rejoices in the same: I’m standing on redemption ground.
Still He calls them brethren, friends,
And to all their wants attends. 3 O joyous hour when God to me
A vision gave of Calvary:
4 Could we bear from one another, My bonds were loosed, my soul
what He daily bears from us? unbound,
Yet this glorious Friend and Brother, I sang upon redemption ground.
Loves us though we treat Him thus:
Though for good we render ill, 4 No works of merit now I plead,
He accounts us brethren still. But Jesus take for all my need;
5 O for grace our hearts to soften! No righteousness in me is found,
Teach us, Lord, at length to love; Except upon redemption ground.
We, alas, forget too often
What a Friend we have above; 5 Come, weary souls, and here find
But we home souls are brought, rest;
Accept redemption, and be blest; “Unto Him who hath loved us
The Christ who died, by God is And washed us from sin,
crowned Unto Him be the glory
To pardon on redemption ground. For ever, Amen.”

61 Precious Name—S91 2 All these once were sinners,

1 Take the name of Jesus with you, Defiled in His sight,
Child of sorrow and of woe; Now arrayed in pure garments
It will joy and comfort give you, In praise they unite:
Take it then where’er you go.
3 He maketh the rebel
Precious name! O how sweet! A priest and a king,
Hope of earth and joy of heaven; He hath bought us, and taught us
Precious name! O how sweet, This new song to sing:
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
4 How helpless and hopeless
2 Take the name of Jesus ever, We sinners had been,
As a shield from ev’ry snare; If never had loved us
If temptations round you gather, Till cleansed from our sin!
Breathe that holy name in prayer.
5 Aloud in His praises
3 O the precious name of Jesus, Our voices shall ring,
How it thrills our souls with joy, So that others, believing,
When His loving arms receive us, This new song shall sing:
And His songs our tongues employ!
63 Miles Lane—C139, F110
4 At the name of Jesus bowing, 1 All hail the power of Jesu’s Name!
Falling prostrate at His feet, Let angles prostate fall;
King of kings in heav’n we’ll crown Bring forth the royal diadem,
Him, And crown Him, crown Him, crown
When our journey is complete. Him!
Crown Him Lord of all.
62 The new song—S1023, F135
1 With harps and with vials 2 Ye saints redeemed of Adam’s race
There stand a great throng, Ye ransomed from the fall,
In the presence of Jesus, Hail Him who saves you by His grace
And sing this new song: And crown Him, crown Him, crown
Crown Him Lord of all.
3 Let every kindred, every tribe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe, 65 Winchester Old—S201,
And crown Him, crown Him, crown F143, C181
Him! St. Agnes—F128
Crown Him Lord of all. 1 Spirit Divine, attend our prayers,
And make our hearts Thy home;
4 O that with yonder sacred throng Descend with all Thy gracious
We at His feet may fall, powers,
Join in the everlasting song, O come, great Spirit, come!
And crown Him, crown Him, crown
Him! 2 Come as the light: to us reveal
Crown Him Lord of all. Our emptiness and woe;
And lead us in those paths of life
THE HOLY SPIRIT Where all the righteous go.

64 (70) Holley—C550 3 Come as the fire, and purge our

Veni Creator—C182, F253 hearts,
1 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, Like sacrificial flame;
And lighten with celestial fire; Let our whole soul and off’ring be
Thou the anointing Spirit art, To our Redeemer’s Name.
Who dost Thy sev’nfold gifts impart.
4 Come as the dove, and spread Thy
2 Thy blessed unction from above wings,
Is comfort, life , and fire of love; The wings of peaceful love;
Enable with perpetual light And let Thy Church on earth become
The dullness of our blinded sight. Blest as the Church above.

3 Anoint and cheer our soiled face 5 Come as the wind, with rushing
With the abundance of Thy grace; sound
Keep far our foes, give peace at home; And Pentecostal grace,
Where Thou art guide no ill can That all of woman born may see
come. The glory of Thy face.

4 Teach us to know the Father, Son, 66 * Dix—F160,

And Thee, of both, to be but One; (also as 102, 261)
That through the ages all along 1 Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!
Redeeming love may be our song. I myself would gracious be,
Praise to Thine eternal merit, And with words that help and heal
Would Thy life in mine reveal; 2 Breathe on me, Breath of God,
And with actions bold and meek Until my heart is pure,
Would for Christ, my Saviour, speak. Until my will is one with Thine
To do and to endure.
2 Truthful Spirit, dwell with me!
I myself would truthful be, 3 Breathe on me, Breath of God,
And with wisdom kind and clear Till I am wholly Thine,
Let Thy life in mine appear; Until this earthly part of me
And with actions brotherly; Glows with Thy fire divine.
Speak my Lord’s sincerity.
4 Breathe on me, Breath of God;
3 Tender Spirit, dwell with me! So shall I never die,
I myself would tender be; But live with Thee the perfect life
Shut my heart up like a flower Of Thine eternity.
In temptation’s dark shore hour;
Open it when shines the sun, 68 Franconia—C190, F42
And His love by fragrance own. 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come;
Let Thy bright beans arise;
4 Mighty Spirit, dwell with me! Dispel all sorrow from our mind,
I myself would mighty be; All darkness from our eyes.
Mighty so as to prevail
Where unaided man must fail, 2 Cheer our desponding hearts,
Ever by a mighty hope Thou heavenly Paraclete;
Pressing on and bearing up. Give us to lie with humble hope
At our Redeemer’s feet.
5 Holy Spirit, dwell with me!
I myself would holy be; 3 Revive our drooping faith;
Separate from sin; I would Our doubts and fears remove;
Choose and cherish all things good, And kindle in our breasts the flame
And whatever I can be Of never-dying love.
Give to Him who gave me Thee.
4 Convince us to our sin;
Then lead to Jesus’ blood,
67 Trentham—F238 And to our wond’ring view reveal
(also as 68) The secret love of God.
1 Breathe on me, Breath of God;
Fill me with life anew, 5 ‘TisThine to cleanse the heart,
That I may love what Thou dost love, To sanctify the soul;
And do what Thou wouldst do. To pour fresh life in every part,
And new-create the whole. And worthier Thee.

6 Dwell therefore in our hearts; 70 * Holley—C550

Our minds from bondage free; (also as 209, 31)
Then we shall know, and praise, and 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove,
love With light and comfort from above;
The Father, Son, and Thee. Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our
69 * St. Cuthbet—C180, S191, F251 O’er every thought and step
1 Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed preside.
His tender last farewell,
A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed, 2 The light of truth to us display.
With us to dwell. And make us know and choose Thy
2 He came in tongue of living flame, Plant holy fear in every heart,
To teach, convince, subdue; That we from God may ne’er depart.
All-pow’rful as the wind He came,
As viewless too. 3 Lead us to Christ, the living Way;
Nor let us from His pastures stray;
3 He came sweet influence to impart, Lead us to holiness, the road
A gracious, willing Guest, That we must take to dwell with
While He can find one humble heart God.
Wherein to rest.
4 Lead us to heav’n, that we may share
4 And His that gentle voice we hear, Fullness of joy for every there;
Soft as the breath of even, Lead to us to God, our final rest,
That checks each fault, that calms To be with Him for ever blest!
each fear,
And speaks of heaven. 71 * Melita—C626, S1061, F104
5 And every virtue we possess, 1 Creator Spirit! By whose aid
And every victory won, The world’s foundations first were
And every thought of holiness laid,
Are His alone. Come, pour Thy joys on human
6 Spirit of purity and grace, From sis and sorrow set us free,
Our weakness, pitying, see; And make Thy temples worthy Thee.
O make our hearts Thy dwelling
place, 2 O source of uncreated light,
The Father’s promised Paraclete, sorrow;
Thrice holy fount, thrice holy fire, Peace, calm and sweet, that guardeth
Our hearts with heav’nly love heart and mind.
Come, and Thy sacred unction bring 3 Make us long-suffering, ‘mid earth’s
To sanctify us while we sing. provocations;
Gentleness give us, when enduring
3 Plenteaous of grace, descend from wrong;
high, Goodness impart, that we even
Rich in Thy sev’nfold energy; foes may succor;
Thou Strength of His almighty hand Faithfulness grant, to change our
Whose pow’r does heav’n and earth toil to song.
Give us Thyself, that we may see 4 Meekness bestow, with humble
The Father and the Son by Thee. self-abasement,
And self-control, though Thy con
4 Immortal honour, endless fame trolling might;
Attend th’ almighty Father’s Name; And as we list to every call of duty,
The Saviour Son be glorified, May we do all as in Thy searching
Who for lost man’s redemption died; sight.
And equal adoration be,
Eternal Paraclete, to Thee. 5 Then with the gift of holiness within
72 * Hold Thou my hand—S550 We not less human, but made more
The fruit of the Spirit____S612 divine,
1 Thrice-blessed Spirit! Giver of Our lives replete with heaven’s
salvation, supernal beauty,
Purchased by Jesus on the cross of Ever declare that beauty, Lord, is
shame; Thine.
Dwell in our hearts; transform
them with Thy beauty__
Fairest adorning of our Saviour’s THE WORD OF GOD
73 Revenshaw—C199, F2594
2 Thy sevenfold grace bestow upon 1 Lord, Thy word abideth
us freely: And our footsteps guideth;
Love, deep and full, to God and all Who its truth believeth
mankind; Light and joy receiveth.
Joy in the Lord, ‘mid every earthly
2 When our foes are near us, Or radiant cloud by day;
Then Thy Word doth cheer us, When waves would whelm our
Word of consolation, tossing bark,
Message of salvation. Our anchor and our stay;

3 When the storms are over us, 4 Word of the ever-living God,
And dark clouds before us, Will of His glorious Son, __
Then its light directeth, Without Thee how could earth be
And our way protecteth. trod,
Or heaven itself be won?
4 Who can tell the pleasure,
Who recount the treasure 5 Lord, grant that we aright learn
By Thy Word imparted The wisdom it imparts,
To the simple-hearted? And to its heavenly teaching turn
With simple, childlike hearts.
5 Word of mercy, giving
Succour to the living; 75 Lathburry—F260
Word of life, supplying 1 Break Thou the Bread of Life,
Comfort to the dying! Dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves
6 O that we discerning Beside the sea;
Its most holy learning, Beyond the sacred page
Lord, may love and fear Thee, I seek Thee, Lord;
Evermore be near Thee! My Spirit pants for Thee,
O living Word.
74 * Elvet—C201
(also as 314, 15, 259) 2 Thou art the Bread of Life,
1 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace O Lord, to me,
Our path when wont to stray; Thy Holy Word the truth
Stream form the fount of heavenly That saveth me:
grace, Give me to eat and live
Brook by the traveller’s way; With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth,
2 Bread of our souls whereon we feed, For Thou art Love.
True manna from on high;
Our guide and chart, wherein we read 3 O send Thy Spirit, Lord,
Of realms beyond the sky; Now unto me,
That He may touch my eyes,
3 Pillar of fire through watches dark, And make me see:
Show me the truth concealed The early dew of morning
Within Thy Word, Has passed away at noon.
And in Thy Book revealed
I see the Lord. 5 Tell me the story softly,
With earnest tones and grave;
4 Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, Remember, I’m the sinner
To me, to me, Who Jesus came to save.
As Thou didst bless the bread
By Galilee; 6 Tell me the story always,
Then shall all bondage cease, If you would really be
All fetters fall, In any time of trouble
And I shall find my peace, A comforter to me.
My all in all.
7 Tell me the same old story
THE GOSPEL When you have cause to fear
76 Remembrance—C682, F98 That this world’s empty glory
Old old Story____F98, S1131 Is costing me too dear.
1 Tell me the old, old story,
Of unseen things above, 8 Yes, and, when that world’s glory
Of Jesus and His glory, Shall dawn upon my soul,
Of Jesus and His love. Tell me the old, old story:
“Christ Jesus make thee whole.”
2 Tell me the story simply,
As to a little child; 77 Stephanos—C391, F279
For I am weak and weary, 1 Art thou weary, art thou languid,
And helpless, and defiled. Art thou sore distressed?
”Come to me”, saith One, “and
Tell me the old, old story, coming,
Tell me the old, old story, Be at rest.”
Tell me the old, old story,
Of Jesus and His love. 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him
If He be my Guide?
3 Tell me the story slowly, In His feet and hands are wound-
That I may take it in, prints,
That wonderful redemption, And His side.
God’s remedy for sin.
3 Is there diadem, as Monarch,
4 Tell me the story often, That His brow adorns?
For I forget so soon; Yea, a crown in very surety,
But of thorns. It has no new, no pure delight;
O try the life which Christians live!
4 If I find Him, if I follow, Thou wouldst be saved__
What his guerdon here? Why no today?
Many a sorrow, many a labour,
Many a tear. 4 Our blessed Lord refuses none
Who would to Him their souls unite:
5 If I still hold closely to Him, Then be the work of grace begun!
What hath He at last? Thou wouldst be saved__
Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Why no today?
Jordan passed.
79 Why not now?—S341
6 If I ask Him to receive me, (also as 156)
Will he say me nay? 1 While we pray, and while we plead,
Not till earth, and not till heaven While you see your soul’s deep need,
Pass away! While your Father calls you home,
Will you not, my brother, come?
78 Why not tonight?—S335
1 O do not let the Word depart, Why not now? Why not now?
Nor close thine eyes against the Why not come to Jesus now?
light; Why not now? Why not now?
Poor sinner, harden not thy heart; Why not come to Jesus now?
Thou wouldst be saved__
Why no today? 2 You have wandered far away,
Do not risk another day;
Why not today? Why not today? Do not turn from God your face,
Thou wouldst be saved__ But today accept His grace.
Why not today?
Why not today? Why not today? 3 In the world you’ve failed to find
Thou wouldst be saved__ Aught of peace for troubled mind;
Why not today? Come to Christ, on Him believe,
Peace and joy you shall receive.
2 Tomorrow’s sun may never rise, 4 Come to Christ, confession make;
To bless thy long-deluded sight; Come to Christ and pardon take;
This is the time! O then, be wise! Trust in Him from day to day,
Thou wouldst be saved__ He will keep you all the way.
Why no today?
80 Nazareth—S77
3 The world has nothing left to give__ 1 What means this eager, anxious
throng, “Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.?
Which moves with busy haste along,
These wondrous gatherings day by 5 Ho! All ye heavy laden, come,
day? Here’s pardon, comfort, rest, and
What means this strange commotion, home;
pray? Ye wand’rers from a Father’s face,
In accents hushed the throng reply: Return, accept His proffered grace;
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” Ye tempted ones, there’s refuge nigh
In accents hushed the throng reply: Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” Ye tempted ones, there’s refuge nigh
Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
2 Who is this Jesus? Why should He
The city move so mightily? 81 Life for a look—S123
A passing stranger, has He skill 1 There is life for a look at the Cruci-
To move the multitude at will? fied One,
Again the stirring tones reply: There is life at this moment for thee;
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” Then look, sinner, look unto Him
Again the stirring tones reply: and be saved,
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” Unto Him who was nailed to the tree.

3 Jesus! ‘Tis He who once below Look! Look! Look and live!
Man’s pathway trod mod pain and There is life for a look at the Cruci-
woe; fied One;
And burdened ones, where’er He There is life at this moment for thee.
Brought out their sick, and deaf, and 2 O why was He there as the Bearer
lame: of sin,
The blind rejoiced to hear the cry: If on Jesus thy guilt was not laid?
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” O why from His sinde flowed the
The blind rejoiced to the cry: sin-cleansing blood,
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” If His dying thy debt has not paid?

4 Again He comes! From place to place 3 It is not thy tears of repentance or

His holy footprints we can trace, prayers,
His pauseth at our threshold-nay, But the Blood, that atones for the
He enters-condescends to stay: soul;
Shall we not gladly raise the cry? On Him, then, who shed it, thou
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” mayest at once
Shall we not gladly raise the cry? Thy weight of iniquities roll.
4 But sometimes, in the stillness,
4 Then take with rejoicing from Jesus He gently draweth near,
at once, And whispers words of welcome
Take the life everlasting He gives; Into the sinner’s ear,
And know with assurance, thou With anxious heart awaiteth
never canst die, The answer to His cry,
Since Jesus, thy Righteousness, lives. The oft-repeated question
“O wherefore wilt thou die?”
82 Herber (Missionery)—
C371, S1070, F548 5 O Christ, Thy love is mighty;
Pearsall___C396 Long-suff’ring is Thy grace;
(also as 179) And glorious is the splendor
1 The King of glory standeth That beameth from Thy face.
Beside that heart of sin; Our hearts up-leap in gladness
His mighty voice commandeth When we behold that love,
The raging waves within; As we go singing onward,
The floods deepest anguish To dwell with Thee above.
Roll backward at His will
As o’er the storm ariseth 83 The great Physician—S89
His mandate, “Peace, be still.” 1 The Great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus;
2 At times, with sudden glory, He speaks the drooping heart to
He speaks, and all is done; cheer,
Without one stroke of battle O hear the voice of Jesus!
The victory is won,
While we, with joy beholding. Sweetest note in seraph song,
Can scarce believe it true Sweetest name on mortal tongue,
That ev’n our kingly Jesus Sweetest carol ever sung;
Can form such hearts anew. Jesus! Blessed Jesus!

3 He comes in blood-stained garments 2 Your many sins are all forgiven,

Upon His brow a crown; O hear the voice of Jesus!
The gates of brass fly open; Go on your way in peace to heaven,
The iron bands drop down; And wear a crown with Jesus.
From off the fettered captive
The chains of Satan fall, 3 All glory to the risen Lamb!
While angels shout triumphant I now believe in Jesus!
That Christ is Lord of all. I love the blessed Saviour’s name,
I love the name of Jesus.
4 Come, brethren, help me sing His 5 “Lord, help my unbelief!’
praise, Give me the peace of faith,
O praise the name of Jesus! To rest with childlike trust
Come, sisters, all your voices raise, On what Thy gospel saith,
O bless the name of Jesus! That “Whosoever will believe,
Shall everlasting life receive,
84 Gospel of grace—S490, F308 Shall everlasting life receive!”
1 The gospel of Thy grace
My Stubborn heart has won; 85 Refuge—S57 F104 C707
For God so loved the world, Come___S425
He gave His only Son, (also without chorus,
That “Whosoever will believe, as 202, 377, 225)
Shall everlasting life receive, 1 O word, of words the sweetest,
Shall everlasting life receive!” O word, in which there lie
All promise, all fulfillment,
2 The serpent “lifted up” And end of mystery!
Could life and healing give, Lamenting, or rejoicing,
So Jesus on the cross With doubt or terror nigh,
Bids me to look and live; I hear the “Come!” of Jesus,
For “Whosoever will believe, And to His cross I fly.
Shall everlasting life receive,
Shall everlasting life receive!” “Come! O come to Me!
Come! O come to Me!
3 “The soul that sinneth dies;” Weary, heavy laden,
My awful doom I heard; Come! O come to Me!”
I was forever lost,
But for Thy gracious word 2 O soul! Why should thou wander
That “Whosoever will believe, From such a loving Friend?
Shall everlasting life receive, Cling closer, closer to Him,
Shall everlasting life receive!” Stay with Him to the end:
Alas! I am so helpless,
4 “Not to condemn the world” So very full of sin,
The Man of Sorrows cam; For I am ever wand’ring,
But that the world might have And coming back again.
Salvation through His Name;
For “Whosoever will believe, 3 O each time draw me nearer,
Shall everlasting life receive, That soon the “Come” may be,
Shall everlasting life receive!” Naught but a gentle whisper,
To one close, close to Thee;
Then, over sea and mountain, He will save you, He will save you
Far from, or near my home, He will save you now!
I’ll take Thy hand and follow,
At that sweet whisper, “Come!” 2 Fro Jesus shed His precious blood
Rich blessings to bestow;
86 O be saved—S345 Plunge now into the crimson flood
1 Sinner, how thy heart is troubled! That washeth white as snow.
God is coming very near;
Do not hide thy deep emotion, 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way
Do not check that falling tear. That leads you into rest;
Believe in Him without delay,
O be saved, His grace is free! And you are fully blest.
O be saved, He died for thee!
O be saved, he died for thee! 4 Come then, and join this holy band
And on to glory go,
2 Jesus now is bending o’er thee__ To dwell in that celestial land
Jesus lowly, meek, and mild; Where joys immortal flow.
To the Friend who died to save thee,
Wilt thou not be reconciled? 88 Why waitest thou?—S445
(also as 134)
3 Art thou, waiting till the morrow? 1 One there is who loves thee,
Thou may’st never see its light; Waiting still for thee;
Come at once! Accept His mercy; Canst thou yet reject Him?
He is waiting – come to tonight! None so kind as He!
Do not grieve Him longer,
4 Let the angels bear the tidings Come and trust Him now!
Upward to the courts of heaven! He has waited all thy days:
Let them sing, with holy rapture, why waitest thou?
O’er another soul forgiven!
One there is who loves thee
O receive Him now!
87 Minerva—S392 He has waited all the day;
1 Come, every soul by sin oppressed, Why waiteth thou?
There’s mercy with the Lord;
And He will surely give you rest, 2 Tenderly He woos thee,
By trusting in His Word. Do not slight His call;
Though thy sins are many,
Only trust Him, only trust Him, He’ll forgive them all.
Only trust Him now! Turn to Him, repenting,
He will cleanse thee now! 1 Look away to Jesus,
He is waiting at thy heart; Soul by woe oppressed;
Why waitest thou? ‘Twas for the He suffered,
Come to Him and rest,
3 Jesus still is waiting; All thy griefs He carried,
Sinner, why delay? All thy sins He bore;
To His arms of mercy Look away to Jesus;
Rise and haste away! Trust Him evermore.
Only come believing,
He will save thee now! 2 Look away to Jesus,
He is waiting at the door; ‘Mid the toll and heart;
Why waitest thou? At the Master’s feet;
For the guests are bidden,
89 * Sleeper, awake!—S433 And the feast is spread;
Nottingham___F476, S616 Look away to Jesus,
(also as 282, 9, 246) In His footsteps tread.
1 Time is earnest, passing by;
Death is earnest, drawing nigh: 3 Look away to Jesus
Sinner, wilt thou trifling be? Soldier in the fight;
Time and death appeal to thee. When the battle thickens,
Keep thinearmour bright;
2 Life is earnest; when ‘tis o’er, Though thy strength be small,
Thou returnest nevermore; Look away to Jesus;
Soon to meet eternity, He will conquer all.
Wilt thou never serious be?
4 When, amid the music
3 God is earnest; kneel and pray, Of the endless feast,
Ere thy sean pass away; Saints will sing His praises,
Ere be set His judgement throne Thine shall not be least;
Vengeance ready, mercy gone. Then, amid the glories
Of the crystal sea,
4 O be earnest, death is near! Look away to Jesus,
Thou wilt perish ling’ring here: Through eternity.
Sleep no longer, rise and flee;
Lo, thy Saviour waits for thee. 91 Fortitude—S698, C704
1 No beautiful chamber,
90 Child of sin—Bateman 14 No soft cradle bed,
Look away to Jesus___S409 No place but a manger,
(also as 295) Nowhere for His head;
No praises of gladness, 93 It is finished—S142
No thought for their sin, 1 Nothing either great or small__
No glory but sadness, Nothing, sinner, no;
No room in the inn. Jesus did it, did it all,
In room, no room for Jesus! Long, long ago.
O give Him welcome free,
Lest you should hear at heaven’s “It is finished!” yes, indeed,
gate, Finished every jot:
There is no room for thee! Sinner, this is all you need__
Tell me, is it not?
2 No one to receive Him,
No welcome while hare, 2 When He, from His lofty throne,
No balm to relieve Him, Stooped to do and die,
No staff but a spear; Everything was fully done;
No seeking His treasure, Hearken to His cry.
No weeping for sin,
No doing His pleasure, 3 Weary, working, burdened one,
No room in the inn. Wherefore toil you so?
Cease your doing; all was done
92 * Vox Jesu—C390, F269, S374 Long, long ago.
(also as 225, 202)
1 “Come unto Me, ye weary, 94 Any room—S443
And I will give you rest.” Nettleton___PH314, CR2
O blessed voice of Jesus, 1 Have you any room for Jesus
Which comes to hearts oppressed! He who bore you load of sin;
It tells of benediction, As He knocks and asks admission,
Of pardon, grace, and peace, Sinner, will you let Him in?
Of joy that hath no ending,
Of love which cannot cease. Room for Jesus, King of glory!
Hasten now, His word obey;
2 “Come unto Me, ye wanderers, Swing the heart’s door widely open,
And I will give you light.” Bid Him enter while you may.
O loving voice of Jesus,
Which comes to cheer the night! 2 Room for pleasure, room for business,
Our hearts were filled with sadness, But for Christ the Crucified
But morning brings us gladness, Not a place that He can enter
And songs the break of day. In your heart for which He died
3 Have you any room for Jesus While we are praying for you,
As in grace He calls again? Come, sinner, come!
O today is time accepted Now is the time to own Him:
T’morrow you may call in vain Come, sinner, come!
Now is the time to know Him:
4 Room and time now give to Jesus, Come, sinner, come!
Soon will pass God’s day of grace;
Soon thy heart left cold and silent, 2 Are you, too, heavy laden?
And Thy Saviour’s pleading cease. Come, sinner, come!
Jesus will bear your burden:
95 Give thy heart to Me___S344 Come, sinner, come!
1 Hark! there comes a whisper, Jesus will not deceive you:
Stealing on thine ear; Come, sinner, come!
‘Tis the Saviour calling, Jesus will now receive you:
Soft, soft and clear Come, sinner, come!

“Give thy heart to Me, 97 * Belmont___F272, S663, C309

Once I died for thee.’’; 1 O precious words that Jesus said!__
Hark! hark! thy Savior calls “The soul that comes to Me,
Come, sinner, come I will in no wise cast him out,
Whoever he may be.”
2 With that voice so gentle
Dost thou hear Him say? __ 2 O precious words that Jesus said!__
“Tell Me all thy sorrows: “Behold, I am the Door;
Come, come away.” And all that enter in by Me
Have life for evermore.”
3 Wouldst thou find a refuge
For thy soul oppress’d? 3 O precious words that Jesus said!__
Jesus kindly answers, “Come, weary souls oppressed,
“I am thy rest.” Come, take My yoke and learn of Me,
And I will give you rest.”
4 At the cross of Jesus,
Let thy burden fall, 4 O precious words that Jesus said!__
While He gently whispers, “The world I overcame;
I’ll bear it all.” And they who follow where I lead
Shall conquer in My name.”
96 Come, sinner, come___S336
1 While Jesus whispers to you,
Come, sinner, come!
98 Feast S281
99 Come believing S381

1 Come, for the feast is spread; (also as 141)

Hark to the call! 1 Once again the Gospel message
Come to the Living Bread, From the Saviour you have heard,
Broken for all; Will you heed the invitation?
Come to His house sublime Will you turn and seek the Lord?
Low on His breast recline;
All that He hath is thine, Come believing! Come believing!
Come, sinner, come. Come to Jesus! Look and live!
Come believing! Come believing!
2 Come where the fountain flows__ Come to Jesus! Look and live!
River of life__
Healing for all thy woes, 2 Jesus for your choice is waiting;
Doubting, and strife; Tarry not; at once decide!
Millions have been supplied, While the Spirit now is striving,
No one was ever denied; Yield, and seek the Saviour’s side.
Come to the crimson tide,
Come, sinner, come. 3 Cease of fitness to be thinking;
Do not longer try to feel;
3 Come to the throne of grace, It is trusting, and not feeling,
Boldly draw near; That will give the Spirit’s seal.
He who would win the race
Must tarry here; 4 Let your will to God be given,
Whatever thy want may be, Trust in Christ’s atoning blood;
Here is the grace for thee, Look to Jesus now in heaven,
Jesus thy only plea: Rest on His unchanging word.
Come, sinner, come.
100 Neumeister___S390
4 Come to the Better Land, 1 Sinners Jesus will receive;
Pilgrim, make haste! Sound His word of grace to all
Earth is a foreign strand__ Who the heavenly pathway leave,
Wilderness waste! All who linger, all who fall.
Here are the harps of gold,
Here are the joys untold__ Sing it over and over again:
Crowns for the young and old; Christ receiveth sinful men;
Come, sinner, come. Make the message clear and plain:
Christ receiveth sinful men.
2 Come, and He will give you rest; THE CHRISTIAN LIFE:
Trust Him, for His Word is plain; REPENTANCE
He will take the sinfulest;
Christ receiveth sinful men. 102 Rock of Ages (Toplady)___S237
Petra (Redhead)___C413, F298
3 Now my heart condemns me not, 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Pure before the law I stand: Let me hide myself in Thee;
He who cleansed me from all spot Let the water and the blood,
Satisfied its last demand. From Thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
4 Christ receiveth sinful men, Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
Even me with all my sin;
Purged from every spot and stain, 2 Not the labour of my hands
Heaven with Him I enter in. Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
101 Bring them in___S752 Could my tears for ever flow,
1 Hark! ‘tis the shepherd’s voice I hear, All for sin could not atone;
Out in the desert dark and drear, Thou must save, and Thou alone.
Calling the sheep who’ve gone astray,
Far from the shepherd’s fold away. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Bring them in, bring them in! Naked, come to Thee for dress,
Bring them in from the folds of sin; Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Bring them in, bring them in! Foul, I to the fountain fly,
Bring the wand’ring ones to Jesus. Wash me, Savior, or I die.

2 Who’ll go and help this Shepherd 4 While I draw this fleeing breath,
kind, When mine eyes shall close in death,
Help Him the wandering ones to find? When I soar through tracts unknown
Who’ll bring the lost ones to the fold, See Thee on Thy judgment throne;
Where they’ll be sheltered from Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
the cold? Let me hide myself in Thee.

3 Out in the desert hear their cry, 103 Vox dilecti___C410, F299, S216
Out on the mountain wild and high, Evan___F261, C692, S327
Hark! ‘tis the Master speaks to thee; 1 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Go find My sheep where ever they “Come unto Me, and rest;
be.” Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
Thy head upon My breast.”
2 I came to Jesus as I was, Leave, ah! Leave me not alone;
Weary, and worn, and sad; Still support and comfort me.
I found in Him a resting-place, All my trust on Thee is stayed;
And He has made me glad. All my help from Thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head
3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, With the shadow of Thy wing.
“Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one, 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want;
Stoop down, and drink, and live.” More than all in Thee I find;
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
4 I came to Jesus, and I drank Heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Of that life-giving stream; Just and holy is Thy Name;
My thirst was quenched, my soul I am all unrighteousness;
revived, Vile and full of sin I am;
And now I live in Him. Thou art full of truth and grace.

5 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found,
“I am this dark world’s Light; Grace to cover all my sin;
Look into Me, thy morn shall rise, Let the healing streams abound,
And all thy day be bright.” Make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
6 I looked to Jesus, and I found Freely let me take of Thee;
In Him my Star, my Sun; Spring Thou up within my heart,
And in that Light of life I’ll walk Rise to all eternity.
Till traveling days are done.
105 (354) Humburg (Boston___F82
104 Martyn S227
Woodworth___S473, F283
Hollingside___C414, 286 1 Just as I am, without one plea
1 Jesus, Lover of my soul, But that Thy blood was shed for me,
Let me to Thy bosom fly, And that Thou bid’st me come to
While the nearer waters roll, Thee,
While the tempest still is high; O Lamb of God, I come.
Hide me, O my Savior, hide,
Till the storm of life be past; 2 Just as I am, and waiting not
Safe into the haven guide; To rid my soul of one dark blot;
O receive my soul at last. To Thee, whose blood can cleanse
each spot
2 Other refuge have I none, O Lamb of God, I come.
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;
3 Just as I am, though tossed about My zeal insipire;
With many a conflict, many a doubt; As Thou hast died for me,
Fighting within, and fears without, O may my love to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come. Pure, warm, and changeless be,
A living fire.
4 Just as I, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind; 3 While life’s dark maze I tread,
Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, And griefs around me spread,
O Lamb of God, I come. Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow’s tears away,
5 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Nor let me ever stray
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, From Thee aside.
Because Thy promise I believe, 4 When ends life’s transient dream,
O Lamb of God, I come. When death’s cold, sullen stream
Shall o’er me roll,
6 Just as I am, Thy love unknown Blest Savior, then, in love,
Has broken every barrier down; Fear and distrust remove;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O bear me safe above,
O Lamb of God, I come. A ransomed soul.

7 Just as I am, of that free love 107 * Near the Cross___S134

The breadth, length, depth, and 1 Jesus, keep me near the Cross;
height to prove, There a precious fountain,
Here for a season, then above, Free to all, a healing stream,
O Lamb of God I come. Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.

106 Olivet (Harlan)___C415, In the Cross, in the Cross,

S235, F328 Be my glory ever;
1 My faith looks up to Thee, Till my raptured soul shall find
Thou Lamb of Calvary, Rest beyond the river.
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray; 2 Near the Cross, a trembling soul,
Take all my guilt away; Love and mercy found me;
O let me from this day There the bright and morning star
Be wholly Thine. Shed its beams around me.

2 May Thy rich grace impart 3 Near the Cross, O Lamb of God,
Strength to my fainting heart, Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day Come, Great Deliverer, come!
With its shadow o’er me. Regard my prayer, and hear my
humble cry,
4 Near the Cross I’ll watch and wait, Come, Great Deliverer, come!
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand, 109 Coming to the Cross___S477
Just beyond the river. 1 I am coming to the cross,
I am poor, and weak, and blind;
108 Come Great Deliverer___S462 I am counting all but dross;
1 O hear my cry, be gracious now to I shall full salvation find.
Come, Great Deliverer, come! I am trusting, Lord, in Thee,
My soul bowed down is longing now Blessed Lamb of Calvary;
for Thee, Humbly at Thy cross I bow:
Come, Great Deliverer, come! Jesus saves me, saves me now.

I’ve wandered far away ov’r moun- 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee,
tains cold Long has evil reigned within;
I’ve wandered far away from home; Jesus sweetly speaks to me,
O take me now, and bring me to “I will cleanse you from all sin.”
Thy fold,
Come, Great Deliverer, come! 3 Here I give my all to Thee,
Friends, and time, and earthly store;
2 I have no place, no shelter from the Soul and body, Thine to be__
night, Wholly Thine for evermore.
Come, Great Deliverer, come!
One look from Thee would give me 4 In the promises I trust,
life and light, Now I know the blood applied;
Come, Great Deliverer, come! I am prostrate in the dust,
I with Christ am crucified.
3 My path is lone, and weary are my
feet, 5 Jesus comes! He fills my soul!
Come, Great Deliverer, come! Perfected in Him I am;
Mine eyes loop up Thy loving smile I am every whit made whole;
to meet, Glory, glory to the Lamb!
Come, Great Deliverer, come!
110 Stephanos___F279, C391, S401
4 Thou wilt not spurn contrition’s Bulinger___F287
broken sigh, 1 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
Trusting only Thee; From my heart the burden rolled
Trusting Thee for full salvation, away!
Great and free. Happy day!

2 I am trusting Thee for pardon, 2 I leave it all with Jesus day by day;
At Thy feet I bow; Faith can firmly trust Him, come
For Thy grace and tender mercy, what may;
Trusting now. Hope has dropped her anchor, found
her rest,
3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing, In the calm sure haven of His breast;
In the crimson flood; Love esteems it heaven to abide
Trusting Thee to make me holy At His side;
By Thy blood. Love esteems it heaven to abide
At His side.
4 I am trusting Thee to guide me,
Thou alone shalt lead, 3 O leave it all with Jesus, drooping
Ev’ry day and hour supplying soul!
All my need. Tell not half thy story, but the whole.
Worlds on worlds are hanging on
5 I am trusting Thee for power, His hand,
Thine can never fail; Life and death are waiting His
Words which Thou Thyself shalt give command;
me Yet His tender bosom makes thee
Must prevail. room
O come home!
6 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; Yet His tender bosom makes thee
Never let me fall; room
I am trusting Thee forever, O come Home!
And for all.
112 Take me as I am___S476
111 Self- Surrender OS28, OP164
1 Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry;
1 I left it all with Jesus long ago, Unless Thou help me, I must die:
All my sins I brought Him and my woe; O bring Thy free salvation nigh,
When by faith I saw Him on the Tree, And take me as I am.
Heard His small still whisper, “Tis
for thee’’, And take me as I am,
From my heart the burden rolled And take me as I am;
away! My only plea – Christ died for me!
Happy day! O take me as I am!
2 Helpless I am, and full of guilt; 5 Take my will: ‘tis Thine henceforth,
But yet for me Thy blood was spilt, Lord,
And Thou canst make me what Lead me by Thy way;
Thou wilt, Let my words and actions please
And take as I am. Thee
Day by day.
3 No preparation can I make,
My best resolves I only break, 6 O the joy of full surrender,
Yet save me for Thine own Name’s Keeping from Thee nought,
sake, As I yield, my heart is finding
And take me as I am. Peace long sought.

4 Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet, 114 Nothing but the Blood___S874
Deal with me as Thou seest meet; 1 What can wash away my stain?
Thy work begin, Thy work complete, Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
But take me as I am. What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
113 Stephanos___F279, C391, S401
1 Jesus, Thou art standing pleading, O precious is the flow
Calling me to rest; That makes me white as snow!
Shall I, yielding hearken to Thee, No other fount I know:
And be blest? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

2 Thou hast form’d me for Thy glory, 2 For my cleansing this I see__
For Thine own delight; Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Can I still withhold, Lord, from Thee, For my pardon this my plea__
This Thy right? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

3 O this heart is weary, restless, 3 Nothing can for sin atone__

Bound by many a chain Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Against which heart and will, though Naught of good that I have done__
stubborn, Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Strive in vain.
4 This is all my hope and peace__
4 Lord, I yield: no more withstanding Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Thine all-loving will, This is all my righteousness__
Take me, Master, break me, make me, Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Cleanse and fill.
115 Sicilian Mariners___F426, S316 Visit us with Thy salvation,
Stuttgart F139, S24, C113
___ Enter every longing heart.
1 Take me, O my Father, take me;
Take me, save me, through Thy son; 2 Come, Almighty, to deliver;
That which Thou wouldst have me, Let us all Thy grace receive;
make, Suddenly return, and never,
Let Thy will in me be done. Nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee would we be always blessing,
2 Long from Thee my footsteps Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
straying, Pray, and praise Thee, without
Thorny proved the way I trod; ceasing
Weary come I now, and praying, Glory in Thy perfect love.
Take me to Thy love, my God.
3 Finish then, Thy new creation,
3 Fruitless years with grief recalling, Pure and spotless let us be;
Humbly I confess my sin; Let us see Thy great salvation,
At Thy feet, O Father, falling, Perfectly restored in Thee;
To Thy household take me in. Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heaven we take our place;
4 Freely now to Thee I proffer Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
This relenting heart of mine; Lost in wonder, love, and praise.
Freely life and soul I offer,
Gift unworthy love like Thine. 117 (382) St. Bees___C417, F320,
5 Father, take me; all forgiving, 1 Hark, my soul! It is the Lord;
Fold me to Thy loving breast; ‘tis thy Saviour, hear His word;
In Thy love for ever living, Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee:
I must be forever blest. “Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou Me?

THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: 2 “I delivered thee when bound,

LOVE AND GRATITUDE And, when bleeding, healed thy wound;
116 Hyfrydol___C479, F113 Sought thee wondering, set thee
1 Love Divine, all loves excelling, right;
Joy of heaven, to earth come down; Turned thy darkness into light.
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling,
All Thy faithful mercies crown. 3 “Can a woman’s tender care
Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Cease towards the child she bare?
Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Yes, she may forgetful be,
Yet will I remember thee.
4 “Mine is an unchanging love, Shall rend the vaulted skies.
Higher than the heights above,
Deeper than the depths beneath, 5 And when before the throne
Free and faithful, strong as death. I stand in Him complete,
I’ll lay my trophies down,
5 “Thou shalt see My glory soon, All down at Jesus’ feet.
When the work of grace is done;
Partner of My throne shalt be; 119 St. Peter___C419, S112, F129
Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou Me? 1 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear!
6 Lord, it is my chief complaint It soothes his sorrows, heals his
That my love is weak and faint; wounds,
Yet I love Thee, and adore; And drives away his fear.
O for grace to love Thee more!
2 It makes the wounded spirit whole,
118 Jesus paid it all___S855 And calms the troubled breast;
1 I hear the Saviour say, ‘tis manna to the hungry soul,
“Thy strength indeed is small; And to the weary rest.
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all.” 3 Dear Name! the rock on which I
Jesus paid it all__ My shield and hiding-place;
All to Him I owe; My never-failing treas’ry, filled
Sin had left a crimson stain; With boundless stores of grace.
He washed it white as snow.
4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend.
2 Lord, now indeed I find My Prophet, Priest, and King,
Thy pow’r, and Thine alone, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Can change the leper’s spots, Accept the praise I bring;
And melt the heart of stone.
5 Till then I would Thy love proclaim
3 For nothing good have I With every fleeting breath;
Whereby Thy grace to claim__ And may the music of Thy Name
I’ll wash my garments white Refresh my soul in death.
In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.
120 Wondrous Story___S875
4 When from my dying bed ( also as 116)
My ransomed soul shall rise, 1 I will sing of the wondrous story
Then “Jesus paid it all!” Of the Christ who died for me,__
How He left the realms of glory But His own self He gave me.
For the Cross on Calvary. Naught that I have my own I call,
I hold it for the Giver:
Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story My heart, my strength, my life, my all,
Of the Christ who died for me,__ Are His, and His for ever.
Sing it with his saints in glory,
Gathered by the crystal sea. 3 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!
All pow’r to Him is given,
2 I was lost; but Jesus found me, To guard me on my onward course,
Found the sheep that went astray, And bring me safe to heaven.
Raised me up and gently led me Th’ eternal glories gleam afar,
Back into the narrow way. To nerve my faint endeavor;
So now to watch, to work, to war,
3 I was bruised; but Jesus healed me, And then, to rest for ever!
Faint was I from many a fall;
Sight was gone, and fears possessed 4 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend!
me; So kind and true and tender,
But He freed me from them all. So wise wise a counsellor and Guide
So mighty a Defender!
4 Days of darkness still may meet me, From Him, who loves me now so
Sorrow’s paths I oft may tread; well,
But His presence still is with me, What pow’r my soul can sever?
By His guiding hand I’m led. Shall life, or death, or earth, or hell?
No; I am His for ever!
121 Friend___S871
His for ever___C705 122 (355) More love___S632
Constance F351
Propior Deo___C475
1 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend! 1 More love to Thee, O Christ,
He loved me ere I knew Him; More love to Thee;
And thus He bound me to Him; Hear Thou the prayer I make
And round my heart still closely On bended knee;
twine This is my earnest plea__
Those ties which nought can sever; More love, O Christ, to Thee,
For I am His, and He is mine, More love to Thee!
For ever and for ever. More love to Thee!

2 I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend! 2 Once earthly joy I craved,

He bled, He died to save me; Sought peace and rest;
And not alone the gift of life, Now Thee alone I seek,
Give what is best; 2 Have you felt the Saviour near?
This all my prayer shall be__ Still there’s more to follow;
More love, O Christ, to Thee, Does his blessed presence cheer?
More love to Thee! Still there’s more to follow;
More love to Thee! O the love that Jesus shows!
Still there’s more to follow;
3 Let sorrow do its work, Freely He His love bestows,
Send grief and pain; Still there’s more to follow.
Sweet are Thy messengers,
Sweet their refrain, 3 Have you felt the Spirit’s power?
When they can sing with me__ Still there’s more to follow;
More love, O Christ, to Thee, Falling like the gentle shower?
More love to Thee! Still there’s more to follow;
More love to Thee! O the power the Spirit shows!
Still there’s more to follow;
4 Then shall my heart latest breath Freely He His power bestows,
Whisper Thy praise; Still there’s more to follow.
This be the parting cry
My heart shall raise; 124 Happy day___S866
This still its prayer shall be__ 1 O happy day that fixed my choice
More love, O Christ to Thee, On Thee, my Saviour and my God!
More love to Thee! Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
More love to Thee! And tell its raptures all abroad.

123 More to follow___S865 Happy day, happy day,

1 Have you on the Lord believed? When Jesus washed my sins away!
Still there’s more to follow; He teaches me to watch and pray,
Of His grace have you received? And live rejoicing every day;
Still there’s more to follow; Happy day, happy day,
O the grace the Father shows! When Jesus washed my sins away!
Still there’s more to follow;
Freely He His grace bestows, 2 ‘Tis done, the great transaction’s
Still there’s more to follow. done!
I am my Lord’s, and He is mine:
More and more, more and more, He drew me, and I followed on,
Always more to follow; Charmed to confess the voice divine.
O His matchless, boundless love!
Still there’s more to follow. 3 High Heav’n, that heard that solemn
That vow renewed shall daily hear My heart fulfil its vow,
Till in life’s latest hour I bow, Some offering bring Thee now,
And bless in death a bond so dear. Something for Thee.

125 Caritas___S659 2 At the blest mercy-seat,

1 Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou Pleading for me,
art mine; My feeble faith looks up,
For Thee all the pleasures of sin I Jesus, to Thee;
resign; Help me the cross to bear,
My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour Thy wondrous love declare,
art Thou! Some song to raise, or prayer__
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, ‘tis Something for Thee.
3 Give me a faithful heart,
2 I love Thee, because Thou hast first Likeness to Thee;
loved me, That each departing day
And purchased my pardon on Cal- Henceforth may see
vary’s tree; Some work of love begun,
I love The for wearing the thorns Some deed of kindness done,
on Thy brow; Some wand’rer sought and won__
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, ‘tis Something for Thee.
4 All that I am and have,
3 I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee Thy gifts so free;
in death, In joy, in grief, through life,
And praise Thee as long as Thou Dear Lord, for Thee.
lendest me breath; And when Thy face I see,
And say when the death-dew lies My ransomed soul shall be,
cold on my brow, Through all eternity,
“If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, ‘tis Something for Thee.
127 Clarendon___S59
126 Something for Thee___ 1 In tenderness He sought me,
S634, F470 Weary and sick with sin,
1 Saviour, Thy dying love And on His shoulders brought me
Thou gavest me, Back to His fold again,
Nor should I aught withhold, While angels in His presence sang,
My Lord, from Thee; Until courts of heaven rang.
In love my soul would bow,
O the love that sought me! Hallelujah! Thine the glory!
O the blood that bought me! Hallelujah! Amen.
O the grace that brought me to the Hallelujah! Thine the glory!
fold, Revive us again.
Wondrous grace that brought me to
the fold! 2 ‘Tis found in the blood
Of Him who once stood
2 He washed the bleeding sin-wounds, My refuge and safety,
And poured in oil and wine; My Surety with God.
He whispered to assure me,
“I’ve found thee, thou art Mine.” 3 He bore on the tree
I never heard a sweeter voice, The sentence for me,
It made my aching heart rejoice. And now both the Surety
And sinner are free.
3 He pointed to the nail-prints,
For me His blood was shed; 4 Accepted I am
A mocking crown so thorny In the once-offered Lamb;
Was placed upon His head; ‘Twas God who Himself had
I wondered what He saw in me Devised the plan.
To suffer such deep agony.
5 For soon He will come,
4 I’m sitting in His presence, And take me safe home,
The sunshine of His face, And make me to sit with
While with adoring wonder Himself on His throne.
His blessings I retrace.
It seems as if eternal days 129 Joyful___OC589
Are far too short to sound His 1 Here we suffer grief and pain;
praise. Here we meet to part again;
In heav’n we part no more.
JOY AND PEACE O that will be joyful,
Joyful, joyful, joyful;
128 (133) Revive us again___S131 O that will be joyful,
1 My God, I have found When we meet to part no more.
The thrice-blessed ground,
Where life and where joy and 2 All who love the Lord below,
True comfort abound. When they die, to heav’n will go,
And sing with saints above.
3 O how happy we shall be, This is my story, this is my song,
For our Saviour we shall see Praising my Savior all the day long.
Exalted on His throne!
2 Perfect submission, perfect delight,
4 There we all sing with joy, Visions of rapture now burst no my
And eternity employ sight;
In praising Christ the Lord. Angels descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
130 Blokley___F361
(also as 313) 3 Perfect submission, all is at rest,
1 Happy the man that finds grace, I in my Saviour am happy and blest;
The blessing of God’s chosen race, Watching and waiting, looking above,
The wisdom coming from above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His
The faith that sweetly works by love. love.

2 Happy the man who wisdom gains, 132 Whither Pilgrims?___P587

Thrice happy who his guest retains: 1 He is not a disappointment!
He owns, and shall for ever own; Jesus is far more to me
Wisdom, and Christ, and Heaven Than in all my glowing day-dreams
are one. I had fancied He could be;
And the more I get to know Him,
3 Happy beyond description he So the more I find Him true,
Who knows:The Saviour died for me! And the more I long that others
The gift unspeakable obtains, Should be led to know Him too;
And heavenly understanding gains. And the more I long others
Should be led to know Him too.
4 To purest joys she all invites,
Chaste, holy, spiritual delights; 2 He is not a disappointment!
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, He has saved my soul from sin;
And all her flow’ry paths are peace. All the guilt and all the anguish,
Which oppressed my heart within
131 Assurance___S873, F362 He has banished by His presence,
1 Blessed assurance-Jesus is mine! And His blessed kiss of peace
O what a foretaste of glory divine! Has assured my heart for ever
Heir of salvation, purchase of God; That His love will never cease;
Born of His Spirit, washed in His Has assured my heart for ever
blood. That His love will never cease.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long; 3 He is not a disappointment!
He has sanctified my soul, 3 Join, all ye ransomed race,
Cleansed me from my heart cor- Our Lord and God to bless;
ruption Praise His Name!
Purified and made me whole; In Him we will rejoice,
He removed the sin ward proneness, And make a joyful noise,
Stamped His image in its place, Shouting with heart and voice,
For He won me by His beauty; “Worthy the Lamb!”
And unveiling of His face;
For He won me by the beauty; 4 What though we change our place,
And unveiling of His face. Yet we shall never cease
Praising His Name;
4 He is not a disappointment! To Him our songs we bring,
He is all in all to me__ Hail Him our gracious King,
Saviuor, Sanctifier, Healer; And without ceasing sing,
The unchanging Christ is He! “Worthy the Lamb!”
He has won my heart’s affections,
And He meets my every need; 134 Wye Valley___C443, F339, S652
He is not a disappointment, 1 Like a river, glorious
For He satisfies indeed; Is God’s perfect peace,
He is not a disappointment, Over all victorious
For He satisfies indeed. In its bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth
133 * Moscow___S5, C364, F102 Fuller every day,
1 Glory to God on high! Perfect, yet it growth
Let heaven and earth reply, Deeper all the way.
“Praise ye His Name!”
His love and grace adore, Stayed upon Jehovah,
Who all our sorrows bore; Hearts are fully blest;
Sing loud for evermore, Finding, as He promised,
“Worthy the Lamb!” Perfect peace and rest.

2 While they around the throne 2 Hidden in the hollow

Cheerfully join in one, Of His blessed hand,
Praising His Name,__ Never foe can follow,
Ye who have felt His blood Never traitor stand;
Sealing your peace with God, Not a surge of worry,
Sound His dear Name abroad! Not a shade of care,
“Worthy the Lamb!” Not a blast of hurry,
Touch the spirit there.
3 Every joy or trail within.
Falleth from above, 2 Peace, perfect peace, our future all
Traced upon our dial unknown?
By the Sun of Love. Jesus we know, and He is on the
We may trust Him fully throne.
All for us to do;
They who trust Him wholly 3 Peace, perfect peace, with loved
Find Him wholly true. ones far away?
In Jesus’ keeping we are safe, and they.
135 * Sweetly trusting ___S868
1 All my doubts I give to Jesus; 4 Peace, perfect peace, death shadow-
I’ve His gracious promise heard: ing us and ours?
I shall never be confounded, Jesus vanquished death and all its
I am trusting in that word. powers.

I am trusting, fully trusting, 5 It is enough; earth’s struggles soon

Sweetly trusting in His word; shall cease,
I am trusting, fully trusting, And Jesus call us to heav’n’s perfect
Sweetly trusting in His word. peace.

2 All my sin I lay on Jesus; 137 Sweet Piece___S657

He doth wash me in His blood, 1 There comes to my heart one sweet
He will keep me pure and holy, strain,
He will bring me home to God. A glad and a joyous refrain,
I sing it again and again,
3 All my fears I give to Jesus; Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.
Rests my weary soul on Him;
Though my way be hid in darkness, Peace, peace, sweet peace,
Never can His light grow dim, Wonderful gift from above;
O wonderful, wonderful peace,
4 All my joys I give to Jesus, Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.
He is all I want of bliss;
He of all the worlds is Master; 2 Through Christ on the cross peace
He has all I need in this. was made,
My debt by His death was all paid,
136 Pax becum___S726, C444, F341 No other foundation is laid,
1 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark For peace, the gift of God’s love.
world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace 3 When Jesus as Lord I had crowned,
My heart with His peace did abound, And all is darkened in the vale of
In Him a rich blessing I found, tears,
Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love. Who comes to soothe thy sorrow
and thy fears.
4 In Jesus at peace I abide, Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay,
And while I keep close to His side, From His own fullness, all He takes
There’s nothing but peace can betide, away.
Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.
4 Be still, my soul: the hour is hast’ing
138 St. Helen___C556 When we shall be forever with the
1 Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy Lord,
side; When disappointment, grief, and
Bear patiently the cross of grief or fear are gone,
pain; Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys
Leave to thy God to order and restored.
provide; Be still, my soul: when change and
In every change He faithful will tears are past,
remain. All safe and blessed we shall meet
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heav’nly at last.
Through thorny ways to a joyful end. 139 Hesperus (Elim)___C301, F495
(also as 166)
2 Be still, my soul: thy God doth 1 From every stormy wind that brows,
undertake From every swelling tide of woes,
To guide the future as He has the There is a calm, a safe retreat;
past. ‘Tis found beneath the mercy-seat.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing
shake; 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds
All now mysterious shall be bright The oil of gladness on our heads,
at last. A place than all beside more sweet;
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds It is the blood-stained mercy-seat.
still know
His voice who ruled them while He 3 There is a spot where spirits blend,
dwelt below. And friend holds fellowship with
3 Be still, my soul: when dearest Though sundered far, by faith they
friends depart, meet
Around one common mercy-seat.
4 There, there on eagle-wing soar, In the shadow of God’s hand.
And time and sense seem all no more; He will hide me, He will hide me,
And heaven comes down our souls Where no harm can e’er betide me;
to greet, He will hide me, safely hide me
And glory crowns the mercy-seat. In the shadow of His hand.

5 O let my hand forget her skill, 2 Enemies may strive to injure,

My tongue be silent, cold and still, Satan all his arts employ;
This bounding heart forget to beat, God will turn what seems to harm
If I forget the mercy-seat. me
Into everlasting joy.
140 He Leadeth me___S542
1 He leadeth me! O blessed thought, 3 So, while here the cross I’m bearing,
O words with hean’ly comfort Meeting storms and billows wild,
fraught; Jesus for my soul is caring,
Whate’er I do, where’er I be, Naught can harm His Father’s child.
Still ‘tis God’s hand that leadeth me.
142 Hold Thou my hand___S550
He leadeth me! He leadeth me! (also Berlin___F438)
By His own hand He leadeth me; 1 Hold Thou my hand: so weak I am,
His faithful follower I would be, and helpless;
For by His hand He leadeth me. I dare not take one step without
Thy aid,
2 Sometimes, ‘mid scenes of deepest Hold Thy my hand: for then, O loving
gloom, Saviour,
Sometimes where Eden’s bowers No dread of ill shall make my soul
bloom, afraid.
By waters still, o’er troubled sea,
Still ‘tis His hand that leadeth me. 2 Hold Thou my hand: and closer, closer
draw me
3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, To Thy dear self, my hope, my joy,
Nor ever murmur or repine; my all;
Content, whatever lot I see, Hold Thou my hand: lest haply I
Since ‘tis my God that leadeth me. should wander,
And missing Thee, my trembling
141 He will hide me___S547 feet should fall.
1 When the storms of life are raging,
Tempests wild on sea and land, 3 Hold Thou my hand: the way is dark
I will seek a place of refuge before me
Without the sunlight of Thy face I have no earthly store:
divine; I need the love of Jesus,
But when by faith I catch its radiant To cheer me on my way,
glory, To guide my doubting footsteps,
What heights of joy, what rapturous To be my strength and stay.
songs are mine!
4 I need Thee, precious Jesus!
4 Hold Thou my hand: that, when I And hope to see Thee soon,
reach the margin Encircled with the rainbow,
Of that lone river Thou didst cross And seated on Thy throne;
for me, There, with Thy blood-bought people,
A heavenly light may flash along its My joy shall ever be,
waters, To praise Thee, precious Jesus,
And every wave like crystal bright To gaze, my Lord, on Thee.
shall be.
144 I need Thee___C700, S577, F437
143 Herber (Missionary)___ 1 I need Thee every hour,
C371, S1070, F548 Most gracious Lord;
1 I need Thee, precious Jesus! No tender voice like Thine
For I am full of sin; Can peace afford.
My soul is dark and guilty,
My heart is dead within: I need Thee, o I need Thee;
I need the cleansing fountain, Every hour I need Thee;
Where I can always flee: O bless me now, my Saviour,
The blood of Christ most precious, I come to Thee.
The sinner’s perfect lea.
2 I need Thee every hour,
2 I need Thee, precious Jesus! Stay Thou nearby;
I need a friend like Thee; Temptations lose their power
A friend to soothe and comfort, When Thou art nigh.
A friend to care for me:
I need the heart of Jesus, 3 I need Thee every hour,
To feel each anxious care, In joy or pain;
To bear my every burden, Come quickly and abide,
And all my sorrow share. Or life is vain.

3 I need Thee, precious Jesus! 4 I need Thee every hour,

For I am very poor; Teach me Thy will;
A stranger and a pilgrim, And Thy rich promises
In me fulfil. Glorious, bright and joyous,
Calm and peaceful too:
5 I need Thee every hour, Why then, like a wand’rer,
Most Holy One; Roam with weary pace,
O make me Thine indeed, If the home of Jesus
Thou blessed Son. Holds for you a place?

145 St. Mary Magdalene___C525 146 Remember me, O Mighty

Child of Sin___Bateman 14 One___S555
(also as 295) 1 When storms around me are
1 In the heart of Jesus sweeping,
There is love for you, When lone my watch I’m keeping,
Love most pure and tender, Mid fires of evil falling,
Love most deep and true Mid tempters’ voices calling.
Why should you be lonely,
Why for friendship sigh, Remember me, O Mighty One!
When the heart of Jesus, Remember me, O Mighty One!
Has full supply?
2 When walking on life’s ocean,
2 In the mind of Jesus Control its raging motion;
There is thought for you, When from its dangers shrinking,
Warm as summer sunshine, When in its dread deeps sinking.
Sweet as morning dew;
Why should you be fearful, 3 When weight of sin oppresses,
Why take anxious thought, When dark despair distresses,
Since the mind of Jesus All through the life that’s mortal,
Cares for those He bought? And when I pass death’s portal.

3 In the field of Jesus 147 * Regent Square___C7, S255,

There is work for you; F51
Such as even angels (also as 12, 183)
Might rejoice to do: 1 Father, long before creation
Why stand idly sighing Thou hast chosen us in love,
For some life-work grand, And that love so deep, so moving,
While the field of Jesus Draws us close to Christ above.
Seeks your reaping hand? Still it keeps us, still it keeps us
Firmly fixed in Christ alone.
4 In the home of Jesus
There’s a place for you; 2 Though the world may change its
fashion, Shall I not love Thee, my God?
Yet our God is ever the same;
His compassion and His covenant 4 Keep my heart still faithful to Thee,
Through all ages will remain. That me earthly life may be
God’s own children, God’s own But a shadow to that glory
children Of my hidden life in Thee.
Must forever praise His Name.
149 Almsgiving___C19, F51
3 God’s compassion is my story, (see 236; also as 3)
Is my boasting all the day; 1 We cannot always trace the way
Mercy free and never failing Where Thou, our gracious Lord, dost
Moves my will, directs my way. move;
God so loved us, God so loved us But we can surely say
That His only Son He gave. That Thou art Love.

4 Loving Father, now before Thee 2 When fear its gloomy cloud will fling
We will ever praise Thy love. O’er earth, our souls to heaven above,
And our song shall sound unceasing As to their sanctuary, spring;
Till we reach our hove above, For Thou art Love.
Giving glory, giving glory
To our God and to the Lamb. 3 When mystry shrouds our dark-
ened path,
148 Stuttgart___C113, F139, S24 We’ll check our dread, our doubts
Lucerne___K102 reprove;
(also as 246, 282) In this our souls sweet comfort hath,
1 Something every heart is loving; That Thou art Love.
If not Jesus, none can rest:
Lord, my heart to Thee is given; 4 Yes! Thou art Love; a truth like this
Take it, for it loves Thee best. Can every gloomy thought remove,
And turn all tears, all woes to bliss;
2 Thus I cast the world behind me; Our God is Love!
Jesus most belov’d shall be;
Beauteous more than all things THE CHRISTIAN LIFE:
beauteous, HOLINESS
He alone is joy to me. 150 Franconia___F56, C190, S190
1 Blest are the pure in heart,
3 When I hated, Thou didst love me, For they shall see our God;
Shedd’st for me Thy precious blood; The secret of the Lord is theirs,
Still Thou lovest, lovest ever, Their soul is Christ’s abode.
2 The Lord, who left the heav’ns Make me a loyal subject, Lord Jesus,
Our life and peace to bring, To Thee in everything.
To dwell in lowliness with men,
Their pattern and their King: 5 Thirsting and hung’ring for Thee,
Lord Jesus,
3 He to the lowly soul With blessed hunger here,
Doth still Himself impart, Longing for home on Zion’s moun-
And for His dwelling and His throne tain, Lord,
Chooseth the pure in heart. No thirst, no hunger there.

4 Lord, we Thy presence seek; 152 Eventide___C286, S297, F560

May ours this blessing be; 1 “Abide in me!” Most loving counsel
Give us a pure and lowly heart, this,
A temple meet for Thee. Nearest approach on earth to
heav’nly bliss;
151 Llanthony Abbey___K28 With the command, O Saviour, give
1 Let me come closer to Thee, Lord me power
Jesus, To live by faith on Thee, from hour
O closer day by day; to hour.
Let me lean harder on Thee, Lord
Jesus, 2 “Abide in Me!” No ill can hurt
Yes, harder all the way. theethere;
In Me thou art safe even from the
2 Let me show forth Thy beauty, Lord tempter’s snare;
Jesus, Before his fiery darts o’er thee
Like sunshine on the hills; prevail
O let my lips pour forth Thy sweet- My life must end, My faithfulness
ness must fail.
In joyous sparkling rills.
3 “Abide in Me!” For I have strength
3 Yes, like a fountain, precious Lord to give,
Jesus, The grace to make thee henceforth
Make me and let me be; heav’nward live;
Keep me and use me daily, Lord Eternal things My Spirit can reveal,
Jesus, And thy heart’s earthly dark diseases
For Thee, for only Thee. heal.

4 In all my heart and will, O Lord Jesus, 4 “Abide in Me!” If thou wouldst fruitful
Be altogether king; be;
The branch bears not when sever’d Thy beauty, Lord, and glory,
from the tree; The wonders of Thy love,
Without My Spirit’s pow’r the Shall be the endless story
sapless bough Of all Thy saints above.
No fruit can bear, for it can nothing
do. 154 Longstaff___S608
1 Take time to be holy,
5 “Abide in Me!” All grace is Mine to Speak oft with thy Lord;
give; Abide in Him always,
My voice the dead shall hear, and And feed on His Word.
hearing live! Make friends of God’s children;
My Spirit can thy strongest sins Help those who are weak;
subdue, Forgetting in nothing
Soften thy heart, and all thy His blessing to seek.
thoughts renew.
2 Take time to be holy,
153 Chenies___C470 The world rushes on;
( also as 179, 143, 202) Spend much time in secret
1 O Lamb of God, still keep me With Jesus alone.
Close to Thy wounded side; By looking to Jesus
‘Tis only there in safety Like Him thou shalt be;
And peace I can abide. Thy friends in thy conduct
What foes and snares surround me, His likeness shall see.
What lusts and fears within;
The grace that sought and found me 3 Take time to be holy,
Alone can keep me clean. Let Him be thy Guide;
And run not before Him
2 ‘Tis only in Thee hiding Whatever betide;
I feel myself secure; In joy or sorrow
The conflict can endure. Still follow thy Lord,
Thine arm the victory gaineth And, looking to Jesus,
O’er e’ery hateful foe; Still trust in His Word.
Thy love my heart sustaineth
In all its care and woe. 4 Take time to be holy,
Be calm in thy soul;
3 Soon shall my eyes behold Thee Each thought and each temper
With rapture face to face; Beneath His control;
One half hath not been told me Thus led by His Spirit
Of all Thy power and grace; To fountains of love,
Thou soon shalt be fitted whilst Thou’art calling, call for me.
For service above.
4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit!
155 * Stuttgart___C113, F139, S24 Thou canst make the blind to see;
1 O my Father take me, make me Witnesser of Jesus’ merit,
Pure and holy, all Thine own; Speak the Word of power to me.
May each changing moment find me Even me, even me,
At Thy footstool, near Thy throne. Speak the Word of power to me.

2 O my Saviour, cleanse me, fill me 5 Have I long in sin been sleeping,

With Thy precious love divine; Long been slighting, grieving Thee?
May no earthly idol turn me Has the world my heart been keeping?
From that sacred cross of Thine. O forgive and rescue me.
Even me, even me,
3 Holy Spirit, woo me, draw me O forgive and rescue me.
By the gentle cords of love;
Guide me, guard me, safely lead me 6 Love of God, so pure and changeless,
To my heavenly home above. Blood of Christ, so rich and free,
Grace of God, so string and bound-
156 Even Me___S483 less, __
1 Lord, I hear of show’rs of blessing, Magnify them all in me.
Thou art scatt’ring full and free, Even me, even me,
Showers the thirsty land refreshing; Magnify them all in me.
Let some drops now fall on me.
Even me, even me, 157 Evan___C692, S327, F261
Let some drops now fall on me. 1 O help us, Lord; each hour of need
Thy heavenly succour give;
2 Pass me not, O gracious Father! Help us in thought and word and
Sinful though my heart may be; deed
Thou might’st leave me, but the rather Each hour on earth we live.
Let Thy mercy fall on me.
Even me, even me, 2 O help us when our spirits bleed
Let thy mercy fall on me. With contrite anguish sore;
And, when our hearts are cold and
3 Pass me not, O tender Saviour! dead;
Let me love and cling to Thee: O help us, Lord, the more.
I am longing for Thy favor;
Whilst Thou’art calling, call for me. 3 O help us, through the prayer of
Even me, even me, faith,
More firmly to believe; O trump of the angel! O voice of
For still the more the servant hath the Lord!
The more shall he receive. Blessed hope, blessed rest for my
4 O help us, Saviour, from high;
We know no help but Thee; 159 Martyrdom___C457, F322
O help us so to live and die Bellerma___F354, C313
As Thine in heaven to be. 1 O for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame,
158 It is well___S901 A light to shine upon the road
1 When peace like a river attendeth That leads me to the Lamb!
my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll; 2 Where is the blessedness I knew
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught When first I saw the Lord?
me to say, Where is the soul-refreshing view
“It is well, it is well with my soul!” Of Jesus and His Word?

It is well with my soul! 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!

It is well, it is well with my soul! How sweet their memory still!
But they have left an aching void
2 Though Satan should buffet, though The world can never fill.
trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control, 4 Return, O Holy Dove! return,
That Christ hath regarded my help- Sweet messenger of rest!
less estate, I hate the sins that made Thee mourn,
And hath shed His own blood for And dorve Thee from my breast.
my soul.
5 The dearest idol I have known,
3 My sin-O the bliss of this glorious Whate’er that idol be,
thought!__ Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
My sin, not in part, but the whole, And worship only Thee.
Is nailed to His Cross, and I bear it
no more; 6 So shall my walk be close with God,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O Calm and serene my frame;
my soul! So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Lamb.
4 But Lord, ‘Tis for Thee, for Thy
coming, we wait; 160 St. Flavian___C8, S502, F428
Thy sky, not the grave, is our goal; (also as 226, 314, 322)
1 O for a heart to praise my God, More hope in His Word:
A heart from sin set free, More tears for His sorrows,
A heart that’s sprinkled with the More pain at His grief,
blood More meekness in trial,
So freely shed for me; More praise for relief.

2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, 3 More victory give me,

My dear Redeemer’s throne; More strength to o’ercome,
Where only Christ is heard to speak, More freedom from earth-stains,
Where Jesus reigns alone; More fit for the kingdom,
More useful I’d be,
3 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, More blessed and holy.
Believing, true, and clean, More, Saviour, like Thee.
Which neither death nor life can part
From Him that dwells within; 162 Whiter than Snow___S569
1 Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly
4 A heart in every thought renewed, whole,
And filled with love divine; I want Thee for ever to live in my
Perfect and right, and pure and good, soul;
A copy, Lord, of Thine! Break sown e’ery idol, cast out
e’ery foe.__
5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart, Now wash me, I shall be whiter
Come quickly from above; than snow.
Write Thy new name upon my heart, Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than
Thy new, best name of Love. snow,
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter
161 * Longstaff___S608 than snow.
1 More holiness give me,
More sweetness within, 2 Lord Jesus, let me nothing unholy
More patience in suff’ring, remain,
More sorrow for sin: Apply Thine own blood and extract
More faith in my Saviour, e’ery stain;
More sense of His care, To get this blest cleansing I all things
More joy in His service, forego__
More purpose in prayer. Now wash me, I shall be whiter
than snow.
2 More gratitude give me,
More trust in the Lord, 3 Lord Jesus, look down from Thy
More zeal for His glory, throne in the skies,
And help me to make a complete Seek this first, seek this first.
I give up myself and whatever I know__ 6 Seek this first. His promise trying,
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter It is sure-all need supplying__
than snow. Heavenly things, on Him relying,
Seek ye first, seek ye first.
4 Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly
I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified SERVICE
feet; 164 North Coastes___C343, 632
By faith for my cleansing I see Thy 1 Christian, work for Jesus,
blood flow__ Who on earth for thee
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter Labored, wearied, suffered,
than snow. Died upon the Tree.

163 Prius Petendam___K37 2 Work, with lips so fervid

1 Seek ye first, not earthly pleasure, That thy words my prove
Fading joy and failing treasure, Thou hast brought a message
But the love that knows no measure From the God of love.
Seek ye first, seek ye first.
3 Work, with heart that burneth
2 Seek ye first, not earth’s aspirings, Humbly at His feet
Ceaseless longings, vain desirings, Priceless gems to offer,
But your precious soul’s requirings, For His crown made meet.
Seek ye first, seek ye first.
4 Work, with prayer unceasing,
3 Seek ye first God’s peace and blessing; Borne on faith’s strong wing,
Ye have all if this possessing: Earnestly beseeching
Come, your need and sin confessing, Trophies for the King.
Seek Him first, seek Him first.
5 Work, while strength endureth,
4 Seek Him first, then when forgiven, Until death draw near;
Pardoned, made and heir of heaven, Then thy Lord’s sweet welcome
Let your life to Him be given: Thou in heaven shalt hear.
Seek this first, seek this first.
165 Diligence (Altrincham)___
5 Seek the coming of His kingdom; C357, S778
Seek the souls around, to win them, 1 Work, for the night is coming!
Seek to Jesus Christ to bring them; Work through the morning hours;
Work while the dew is sparkling; 3 Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;
Work ‘mid springing flowers; His boundless mercy will provide;
Work, while the day grows brighter; Trust, and thy trusting soul shall prove
Work in the glowing sun; Christ is its life, and Christ its love.
Work, for the night is coming,
When man’s work is done. 4 Faint not nor fear, His arm is near,
He changeth not, and thou are dear;
2 Work, for the night is coming! Only believe, and thou shalt see
Work through the sunny noon; That Christ is all in all to thee.
Fill brightest hours with labour;
Rest comes sure and soon. 167 Hesperus (Elim)___C501,
Give every flying minute F495,
Something to keep in store; (also as 240)
Work, for the night is coming, 1 How shall I follow Him I serve?
When man works no more. How shall I copy Him I love,
Nor from those blessed footsteps
3 Work, for the night is coming! swerve
Under the sunset skies, Which lead me to His seat above?
While the bright tints are glowing,
Work, for daylight flies. 2 Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn,
Fadeth to shine no more; The life of toil, the mean abode,
Work, while the night is darkening, The faithless kiss, the crown of
When man’s work is o’er. thorn,__
Are these the consecrated road?
166 St. Chrispin___OC249
(also as 240) 3 ‘Twas thus He suffered, though a Son,
1 Fight the good fight with all thy might; Foreknowing, choosing, feeling all,
Christ is thy Strength, and Christ Until the perfect work was done,
thy Right; And drunk the bitter cup of gall.
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally. 4 Lord, should my path through
suffering lie,
2 Run the straight race through Forbid it I should e’er repine;
God’s good grace, Still let me turn to Calvary,
Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face; Nor heed my griefs, rememb’ring
Life with its way before us lies, Thine.
Christ is the path, and Christ the
prize. 5 Yes! I would count them all but loss,
That I may follow after Thee;
Flesh shrinks and trebles at the 169 * Nottingham S616, F476

cross, 1 Take my life, and let it be

But Thou canst give the victory. Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
168 Follow on___S529 Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
1 Down in the valley with my Savour
I would go, 2 Take my hands, and let them move
Where the flow’rs are blooming At the impulse of Thy love;
and the sweet waters flow; Take my feet and let them be
Ev’rywhere He leads me I would Swift and beautiful for Thee.
follow, follow on,
Walking in His footsteps till the 3 Take my voice, and let me sing
crown be won. Always, only, for my King;
Take my lips, and let them be
Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! Filled with messages for Thee.
Anywhere, e’erywhere, I would follow
on! 4 Take my silver and my gold;
Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! Not a mite would I withhold;
Everywhere He leads me I would Take my intellect, and use
follow on! Ev’ry power as Thou shalt choose.

2 Down in the valley with my Saviour 5 Take my will, and make it Thine;
I would go, It shall be no longer mine;
Where the storms are sweeping Take my heart; it is Thine own;
and the dark waters flow; It shall be Thy royal throne.
With His hand to lead me I will
never, never, fear; 6 Take my love; my Lord, I pour
Dangers cannot fright me if my At Thy feet its treasure-store.
Lord is near. Take myself, and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.
3 Down in the valley, or upon the
mountain steep, 170 Bringing in the Sheaves___S757
Close beside my Saviour would my 1 Sowing in the morning, sowing seed
soul ever keep; of kindness,
He will lead me safely in the path Sowing in the noontide and the
that He has trod, dewy eves:
Up to where they gather on the Waiting for the harvest, and the
hills of God. time of reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in Be thy dawning glad or gloomy,
the sheaves! Go to Jesus, tell Him all.

Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in 2 In the calm of sweet communion

the sheaves! Let thy daily work be done;
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in In the peace of soul-outpouring
the sheaves! Care be banished, patience won;
Bringing in the sheaves! Bringing in And if earth with its enchantments
the sheaves! Seek thy spirit to enthrall,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in Ere thou listen, ere thou answer,
the sheaves! Turn to Jesus, tell Him all.

2 Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in 3 Then, as hour by hour glides by thee,

the shadows, Thou wilt blessed guidance know,
Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s Thine own burdens beings lightened,
chilling breeze; Thou canst bear another’s woe;
By and by the harvest, and the Thou canst help the weak ones
labour ended, onward,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in Thou canst raise up those that fall;
the sheaves! But, remember, while thou servest,
Still tell Jesus, tell Him all.
3 Go then ever, weeping, sowing for
the Master, 4 And if weariness creeps o’er thee
Though the loss sustained our spirit As the day wears to its close,
often grieves: Or if sudden fierce temptation
When our weeping’s over, He will Bring thee face to face with foes;
bid us welcome, In thy weakness, in thy peril,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in Raise to heaven a truthful call;
the sheaves! Strength and clam for every crisis
Come, in telling Jesus all.
171 Empty-handed___S789
(also as 199) THE CHRISTIAN LIFE:
1 When thou wakest in the morning, CONFLICT AND TEMPTAION
Ere thou tread’st the untried way 172 Hold the Fort___S669
Of the lot that lies before thee 1 Ho, my comrades! See the signal
Through the coming busy day; Waving in the sky!
Whether sunbeams promise bright- Reinforcements now appearing,
ness, Victory is nigh!
Whether dim forebodings fall,
“Hold the fort, for I am coming!” Still walking in your Captain’s sight,
Jesus signals still; And watching unto prayer.
Wave the answer back to heaven,
“By Thy grace we will!” 3 Stand then in His great might,
With all His strength endued;
2 See the might host advancing, And take, to arm you for the fight,
Satan leading on; The panoply of God;
Mighty men around us falling, That, having all things done,
Courage almost gone! And all your conflicts passed,
Ye may o’ercome through Christ
3 Fierce and long the battle rages, alone,
But our help is near; And stand complete at last.
Onward comes our great Com-
mander; 174 Courage brother___OC273
Cheer, my comrades, cheer! 1 Courage, brother! Do not stumble,
Though thy path be dark as night;
4 See the glorious banner waving! There’s a star to guide the humble:
Hear the trumpet blow! “Trust in God, and do the right.”
In our Leader’s name we triumph Let the road be rough and dreary,
Over every foe! And its end far out of sight,
Foot in bravely; strong or weary,
173 * From Strength to Strength___ Trust in God, trust in God,
F383, C534 Trust in God, and do the right.
(also as 44)
1 Soldiers of Christ, arise, 2 Perish policy and cunning
And put your armor on, Perish all that fears the light!
Strong in the strength which God Whether losing, whether winning,
supplies Trust in God, and do the right.
Through His eternal Son; Trust no group or sect or faction;
Strong in the Lord of Hosts, Trust no leaders in the fight;
And in the strength of Jesus trusts But in every word and action
Is more than conqueror. Trust in God, trust in God,
Trust in God, and do the right.
2 Leave no unguarded place,
No weakness of the soul, 3 Trust no lovely forms of passion
Take every virtue, every grace, Friends may look like angels bright;
And fortify the whole: Trust no custom, school or fashion:
To keep your armor bright, Trust in God and do the right.
Attend with constant care, Some will hate thee, some will love
thee, On the sacrifice;
Some will flatter, some will slight; Then, upon Thine altar
Cease from man, and look above Freely offered up,
thee; Though the flesh may falter,
Trust in God, trust in God, Faith shall drink the cup.
Trust in God, and do the right.
4 When in dust and ashes
4 Simple rule, and safest guiding, To the grave I sink
Inward peace, and inward might, While heav’n’s glory flashes
Star upon our path abiding, __ Over the shelving brink,
Trust in God, and do the right. On Thy truth relying
Courage, brother! Do no stumble; Through that mortal strife,
Though thy path be dark as night Lord, receive me, dying,
There’s a star to guide the humble: To eternal life.
“Trust in God, trust in God,
Trust in God, and do the right.” 176 * Mannheim___F103, C564
(also as 183)
175 St. Mary Magadalene___C526 1 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
1 In the hour of trial, Over the world’s tempestuous sea;
Jesus, pray for me, Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
Lest by base denial For we have no help but Thee,
I depart from Thee; Yet possessing every blessing
When Thou seest me waver, If our God our Father be.
With a look recall,
Nor for fear or favour 2 Saviour, breathe forgiveness o’er us;
Suffer me to fall. All our weakness Thou dost know;
Thou didst fell its keenest woe;
2 With its witching pleasures Lone and dreary, faint and weary,
Would this vain world charm, Through the desert Thou didst go.
Or its sordid treasures
Spread to work me harm,__ 3 Spirit of our God, descending,
Bring to my remembrance Fill our hearts with heavenly joy,
Sad Gethsemane, Love with every passion blending,
Or, in darker semblance, Pleasure that can never cloy,
Cross-crowned Calvary. Thus provided, pardoned, guided,
Nothing can our peace destroy.
3 If with sore affliction
Thou in love chastise, 177 St. Gertrude___S706, C535, F379
Pour Thy benediction 1 Onward! Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war, 5 Onward, then, ye people!
With the Cross of Jesus Join our happy throng;
Going on before. Blend with ours your voices
Christ, the Royal Master, In the triumph song:
Leads against the foe; “Glory, laud, and honour
Forward into battle, Unto Christ the King!”
See! His banners go. This, through countless ages,
Men and angels sing.
Onward! Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war, 178 University College___
With the Cross of Jesus F369, S248, C533
Going on before. St. Bees___F320, S365, C417
1 Much in sorrow, oft in woe,
2 At the sign of triumph Onward, Christians, onward go!
Satan’s legions flee; Fight the fight, maintain the strife,
On then, Christian soldiers, Strengthened by the Bread of Life.
On to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver 2 Onward, Christians, onward go!
At the shout of praise; Join the war and face the foe;
Brothers, lift your voices, Faint not! Much doth yet remain;
Loud your anthems raise. Dreary is the long campaign.

3 Like a mighty army 3 Shrink not, Christians, will ye yield?

Moves the Church of God; Will ye quit the battle-field?
Brothers, we are treading Will ye flee in danger’s hour?
Where the saints have trod. Know ye not your Captain’s power?
We are not divided,
All one body we, 4 Let your drooping heats be glad;
One in hope, in doctrine, March, in heavenly armor clad;
One in charity. Fight, nor think the battle long;
Vict’ry soon shall tune your song.
4 Crowns and thrones may perish,
Kingdoms rise and wane, 5 Let not sorrow dim your eye,
But the Church of Jesus Soon shall every tear be dry;
Constant will remain; Let not fears your course impede;
Gates of hell can never Great your strength, if great your
‘Gainst that Church prevail; need,
We have Christ’s own promise,
And that cannot fail. 6 Onward then to glory move;
More than conq’rors ye shall prove; Compass thee around?
Though opposed by many a foe, Christian, up and smite them,
Christian soldiers, onward go! Counting gain but loss;
Smite them by the merit
179 Morning light___C532, F388 Of the holy cross.
1 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, 2 Christian, dost thou feel them,
Ye soldiers of the cross! How they work within,
Lift high His royal banner, Striving, tempting, luring,
It must not suffer loss. Goading on to sin?
From victory unto victory Christian, never tremble,
His army shall He lead, Never be downcast;
Till every foe is vanquished, Gird thee for the conflict,
And Christ is Lord indeed. Watch and pray and fast.

2 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, 3 Christian, dost thou hear them,
Stand in His strength alone! How the speak thee fair?
The arm of flesh will fail you; “Always fast and vigil,
Ye dare not trust your own. Always watch and prayer?”
Put on the Gospel armor, Christian, answer boldly,
And, watching unto prayer, “While I breathe I pray”
Where duty calls, or danger, Peace shall follow battle,
Be never wanting there. Night shall end in day.

3 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, 4 “Well I know thy trouble,

The strife will not be along! O My servant true;
This day the noise of battle, Thou art very weary__
The next the victor’s song; I was weary too:
To him that overcometh But that toil shall make thee
A crown of life shall be; Someday all Mine own,
He, with the King of Glory, And the end of sorrow
Shall reign eternally. Shall be near My throne.”

180 * Lyndhust___C288, F564 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE:

Ruth___F62, C613 PILGRIMAGE
(also as 90, 241, 295, 175, 283) 181 Wither Pilgrims?___P587
1 Christian, dost thou see them 1 Whither, pilgrims, are you going,
On the holy ground, Going each with staff in hand?
How the powers of darkness “We are going on a journey,
Going at our King’s command; Christ is waiting to receive us,
Over hills and plains and valleys, In that bright and better land.”
We are going to His palace,
We are going to His palace, 182 Travelling Home___S838
Going to the better land; Innocents___F403, C574, S1149
We are going to His palace, Melling___C11, F403
Going to the better land.” 1 Children of the heavenly King,
As ye journey, sweetly sing;
2 Fear ye not the way so lonely, Sing your Saviour’s worthy praise,
You a little feeble band? Glorious in His work and ways.
“No; for friends unseen are near us,
Holy angels round us stand; 2 We are travelling home to God,
Christ, our Leader, walks beside us; In the way the fathers trod;
He will guard, and He will guide us, They are happy now, and we
He will guard, and He will guide us, Soon their happiness shall see.
Guide us to the better land;
He will guard, and He will guide us, 3 Lift your eyes, you sons of light;
Guide us to the better land.” Zion’s city is in sight;
There our endless home shall be,
3 Tell us, pilgrims, what you hope for There our Lord we soon shall see.
In that far–off better land?
“Spotless robes and crowns of glory, 4 Fear not, brethren; joyful stand
From a Saviour’s loving hand; On the borders of your land;
We shall drink of life’s clear river, Jesus Christ, your Father’s Son.
We shall dwell with God forever, Bids you undismayed go on.
We shall dwell with God forever,
In that bright and better land; 5 Lord, obediently we go,
We shall swell with God forever, Gladly leaving all below;
In that bright and better land.” Only Thou our Leader be,
And we still will follow Thee.
4 Pilgrims, may we travel with you
To that bright and better land? 183 Cwm Rhondda___F410
“Come and welcome, come and Dismissal___C678, S287, F275
welcome, 1 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
Welcome to our pilgrim band. Pilgrim through this barren land;
Come, O come, and do not leave us; I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Christ is waiting to receive us, Hold me with Thy powerful hand;
Christ is waiting to receive us, Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven,
In that bright and better land; Feed me till I want no more.
2 Open now the crystal fountain, Soon my journey will be ended,
Whence the healing stream doth flow; Life is drawing to a close;
Let the fire and cloudy pillar I shall then be well attended:
Lead me all my journey through: This my Father knows.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
Be thou still my strength and shield. 4 I shall then with joy behold Him__
Face to face my Father see;
3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Fall with rapture and adore Him,
Bid my anxious fears subside: For His love to me.
Death of death, and hell’s destruction, Nothing more shall then distress me,
Land me safe on Canaan’s side; In the land of sweet repose;
Songs of praises, songs of praises Jesus stands engaged to bless me:
I will ever give to Thee. This my Father knows.

184 My Father knows___S826 185 Sandon___C568

1 I’m a pilgrim and a stranger, Lux benigna___F409, C568,
Rough and thorny is the road; 1 Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling
Often in the midst of danger; gloom,
But it leads to God. Lead Thou me on;
Clouds and darkness oft distress me, The night is dark, and I am far from
Great and many are my foes; home,
Anxious cares and thoughts oppress Lead Thou me on;
me; Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to
But my Father knows. see
The distant scene, one step enough
2 O how sweet is this assurance, for me.
‘Midst the conflict and the strife!
Although sorrows past endurance 2 I was not ever thus, nor prayed that
Follow me through life, Thou
Home in prospect still can cheer Should’st lead me on;
me, I loved to choose and see my path;
Yes, and give me sweet repose, but now
While I feel His presence near me; Lead Thou me on;
For my Father knows. I loved the garish day, and spite of
3 Yes, He sees and knows me daily, Pride ruled my will: remember not
Watches over me in love; past years.
Sends me help when foes assail me__
Bids me look above. 3 So long Thy power hath blest me,
sure it still We’re marching through Immanuel’s
Will lead me on, ground,
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and We’re marching through Immanuel’s
torrent, till ground
The night is gone, To fairer worlds on high,
And with the morn those angel faces To fairer worlds on high.
Which I have loved long since, and 187 Glory Song___S949
lost awhile. 1 When all my labours and trials are
186 Zionwards___S823 And I am safe on that beautiful shore,
1 Come, ye that love the Lord, Just to be near the dear Lord I adore,
And let your joys be known; Will through the ages be glory for me.
Join in a song with sweet accord,
Join in a song with sweet accord, O that will be glory for me,
And thus surround the throne, Glory for me, glory for me,
And thus surround the throne. When by His grace I shall look on
His face,
We’re marching to Zion, That will be glory, be glory for me!
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion, 2 When by gift of His infinite grace,
The beautiful city of God. I am accorded in heaven a place,
Just to be there, and to look on His
2 Let those refuse to sing face,
Who never knew our God; Will through the ages be glory for me.
But children of the heavenly King,
But children of the heavenly King 3 Friends will be there I have loved
Must speak their joys abroad, long ago;
Must speak their joys abroad. Joy like a river around me will flow;
Yet just a smile from my Saviour, I
3 The hill of Zion yields know,
A thousand sacred sweets, Will through the ages be glory for me.
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Before we reach the heavenly fields 188 Rutherford___C51, S975, F502
Or walk the golden streets, 1 The sands of time are sinking,
Or walk the golden streets. The dawn of heaven breaks;
The summer morn I’ve sighed for,
4 Then let our songs abound, The fair sweet morn awakes.
And every tear be dry; Dark, dark hath been the midnight ,
But day-spring is at hand, Jesus, Son of David hear!
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land. 2 Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn:
Thou our mortal grief has borne:
2 O Christ, He is the fountain, Thou hast shed the human tear:
The deep, sweet well of love; Jesus, Son of David, hear!
The streams on earth I’ve tasted,
More deep I’ll drink above. 3 When the sullen death-bell tolls
There, to an ocean fulness, For our own departing souls,
His mercy doth expand, When our final doom is near,
And glory, glory dwelleth Jesus, Son of David, hear!
In Immanuel’s land.
4 Thou hast bowed the dying head:
3 O, I am my Beloved’s, Thou the blood of life hast shed:,
And my Beloved’s mine; Thou hast filled a mortal bier:
He brings a poor vile sinner Jesus, Son of David, hear!
Into His house sublime.
I stand upon His merit; 5 When the heart is sad within
I know no other stand, With the thought of all its sin,
Not e’en where glory dwelleth When the spirit shrinks with fear,
In Immanuel’s land. Jesus, Son of David, hear!

4 With mercy and with judgment 190 * Evan___C692, F261, S327

My web of time He wove, 1 Take comfort, Christians, when your
And aye the dews of sorrow friends
Were lustred by His love; In Jesus fall asleep;
I’ll bless the hand that guided, Their better being never ends;
I’ll bless the heart that planned, Why then dejected weep?
When throned where glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land. 2 Why inconsolable, and those
To whom no hope is giv’n?
THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: Death is the messenger of peace,
DEATH And calls the soul to heav’n.
189 Capernaum (St. Dunstan)___
C329, S736, F520 3 As Jesus died, and rose again
(also as 282) Victorious from the dead,
1 When our heads are bowed with woe, So His disciples rise, and reign
When our bitter tears o’erflow, With their triumphant Head.
When we mourn the lost, the dear,
4 The time draws nigh when from the There the work of life is tried
cloud By a juster Judge than here.
Christ shall with shouts descend,
And the last trumpet’s awful voice 3 There the Shepherd, bringing home
The heav’ns and earth shall rend. Many a lamb forlorn and strayed,
Shelters each, no more to roam,
5 Then they who live shall changed be, Where the wolf can ne’er invade.
And they who sleep shall wake;
The graves shall yield their ancient 4 There the penitents that turn
charge, To the Cross their dying eyes
And earth’s foundations shake. All that love of Jesus learn
At His feet in Paradise.
6 The saints of God, from death set free,
With joy shall mount on high: 5 “Earth to earth, and dust to dust,”
The heav’nly hosts with praises loud Calmly now the words we say;
Shall meet them in the sky. Leaving him(her) to sleep in trust,
Till the resurrection day.
7 Together to their Father’s house
With joyful hearts they go, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE:
And dwell forever with the Lord, HEAVENLY GLORY
Beyond the reach of woe. 192 Ewing___C595, F505, S217
(also as 193)
8 A few short years of evil past, 1 Jerusalem the golden,
We reach the happy shore With milk and honey blest,
Where death-divided friends at last Beneath thy contemplation
Shall meet, to part no more. Sink heart and voice oppressed:
I know not, O, I know not
191 Requiescat___C330 What joys await us there,
(also as 261, 102, 206) What radiancy of glory,
1 Now the laborer’s task is o’er, What bliss beyond compare.
Now the battle-day is past;
Now upon the farther shore 2 They stand, those halls of Zion,
Lands the voyager at last. All jubilant with song,
And bright with many an angel,
Father, in Thy gracious keeping And all the martythrong:
Leave we now Thy servant sleeping. The Prince is ever in them;
The daylight is serene;
2 There the tears of earth are dried; The pastures of the blessed
There its hidden things are clear; Are decked in glorious sheen.
3 There is the throne of David, The home of God’s elect!
And there, from care released, O sweet and blessed country,
The shout of them that triumph, That eager hearts expect!
The song of them that feast; Jesus, in mercy bring us
And they who, with their Leader, To that dear land of rest,
Have conquered in the fight, Who art, with God the Father
Forever and forever And Spirit, ever blest.
Are clothed in robes of white.
194 Heavenly Land___S991
193 Endsieigh___OP408 1 I love to think of the heav’nly land,
(also as 192) Where white-robed angles are,
1 For Thee, O dear, dear country, Where many a friend is gathered safe
Mine eyes their vigils keep; From fear, and toil, and care.
For every love, beholding
Thy happy name, they weep; There’ll be no parting,
The mention of thy glory There’ll be no parting,
Is unction to the breast, There’ll be no parting,
And medicine in sickness, There’ll be no parting there.
And love, and life, and rest.
2 I love to think of the heav’nly land,
2 O one, O only mansion! Where my Redeemer reigns,
O Paradise of joy, Where rapturous songs of triumph
Where tears are ever banished, rise
And smiles have no alloy! In endless joyous strains.
With jaspers glow thy bulwarks;
Thy streets emeralds blaze; 3 I love to think of the heav’nly land,
The sardius and topaz The saints’ eternal home,
Unite in thee their rays. Where palms, and robes and crowns
ne’er fade,
3 Thine ageless walls are bonded And all our joys are one.
With amethyst unpriced;
Thy saints build up its fabric, 4 I love to think of the heav’nly land,
The corner-stone is Christ. That promised land so fair;
The Cross is all thy splendour, O how my raptured spirit longs
The Crucified thy praise; To be forever there!
His laud and benediction
Thy ransomed people raise.
4 O sweet and blessed country, PRAYER
195 * French___F340, C227 196 Ravenna (Vienna) C450,

St. Anne___C601, F41, S513 F512. S1087

(also as 15, 259, 314) 1 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare,
1 Father of all! We bow to Thee, Jesus loves to answer prayer;
Who dwell’st in heav’n adored; He Himself has bid thee pray,
But present still through all Thy works, Therefore will not say thee nay.
The universal Lord.
2 Thou art coming to a King,
2 Forever hallow’d be Thy Name Large petitions with thee bring;
By all beneath the skies; For His grace and pow’r are such,
And may Thy Kingdom still advance, None can ever ask too much.
Till grace to glory rise.
3 With the burden I begin:
3 A grateful homage may we yield, Lord, remove this load of sin;
With hearts resigned to Thee; Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt,
And as in heav’n Thy will is done, Set my conscience free from guilt.
On earth so let it be.
4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest,
4 From day to day we humbly own Take possession of my breast;
The hand that feeds us still: There Thy blood-bought right main-
Give us our bread, and teach to rest tain,
Contented in Thy will. And without a rival reign.

5 Our sins before Thee we confess; 5 While I am a pilgrim here,

O may they be forgiv’n! Let Thy love my spirit cheer;
As we to others mercy show, As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend.
We mercy beg from Heav’n. Lead me to my journey’s end.

6 Still let Thy grace our life direct; 6 Show me what I have to do,
From evil guard our way; Every hour my strength renew;
And in temptation’s fatal path Let me live a life of faith,
permit us not to stay. Let me die Thy people’s death.

7 For Thine the pow’r, the kingdom 197 Endsleigh___OP408

Thine; 1 Go when the morning shineth,
All glory’s due to Thee: Go when to noon is bright,
Thine from eternity they were. Go, when the eve declineth,
And Thine shall ever be. Go in the hush of night,
Go with pure mind and feeling, 4 Give deep humility; the sense,
Fling earthly thought away, Of godly sorrow give;
And, in thy chamber kneeling, A strong, desiring confidence
Do thou in secret pray. To hear Thy voice and live;

2 Remember all who love thee, 5 Faith in the only sacrifice

All who are loved by thee, That can for sin atone;
Pray, too, for those who hate thee, To cast our hopes, to fix our eyes,
If any such there be; On Christ, on Christ alone;
Then for thyself, in meekness,
A blessing humbly claim; 6 Patience to watch, and wait, and weep,
And link with each petition Though mercy long delay;
The great Redeemer’s Name. Courage, our fainting souls to keep,
And trust Thee, though Thou slay:
3 Or, if ‘tis e’er denied thee
In solitude to pray, 7 Give these, and then Thy will be done:
Should holy thoughts come o’er thee, Thus strengthened with all might
When friends are round thy way, We by Thy Spirit, and Thy Son,
Ev’n then silent breathing Shall pray, and pray aright.
Of thy soul raised above
Will reach His throne of glory, 199 Converse___C701, F461, S319
Who’s mercy, truth, and love. 1 What a Friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and grief to bear!
198 * Horsely___C105, S333, F175 What a privilege to carry
1 Lord, teach us how to pray aright, Everything to God in prayer!
With rev’rence and with fear; O what peace we often forfeit;
Though dust and ashes in Thy sight, O what needless pain we bear;
We may, we must draw near. All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
2 Burdened with guilt, convinced of sin,
In weakness, want, and woe, 2 Have we trials and temptations?
Fightings without, and fears within, Is there trouble anywhere?
Lord, whither shall we go? We should never be discouraged;
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
3 God of all grace, we come to Thee Can we find a friend so faithful,
With broken, contrite hearts; Who will all our sorrows share?
Give, what Thine eye delights to see, Jesus knows our every weakness;
Truth in the inward parts. Take it to the Lord in prayer.
3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, This robe of flesh I’ll drop, and rise
Cumbered with a load of care? To seize the everlasting prize;
Precious Savior, still our refuge__ And shout, while passing through
Take it to the Lord in prayer. the air,
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? “Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of
Take it to the Lord in prayer; prayer!”
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, And shout, while passing through
Thou wilt find a solace there. the air,
“Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of
200 Walford___S318 prayer!”
1 Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour
of prayer! THE CHURCH OF GOD:
That calls me from a world of care, THE CHURCH
And bids me at my Father’s throne 201 (383) Mildlane___S309, C679
Make all my wants and wishes known. 1 Revive Thy work, O Lord!
In seasons of distress and grief, Now to Thy saints appear;
My soul has often found relief, O speak with pow’r to ev’ry soul,
And oft escaped the temper’s snare, And let Thy people hear.
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
2 Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour While here to Thee we bow;
of prayer! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend:
Thy wings shall my petition bear O come and bless us now!
To Him whose truth and faithfulness
Engage the waiting soul to bless; 2 Revive, Thy work, O Lord!
And since He bids me seek His face, Exalt Thy precious Name;
Believe His Word, and trust His grace, And may Thy love in every heart
I’ll cast on Him my every care, Be kindled to a flame.
And wait for thee, sweet hour of
prayer! 3 Revive Thy work, O Lord!
I’ll cast on Him my every care, And bless to all Thy Word;
And wait for thee, sweet hour of And may its pure and sacred truth
prayer! In living faith be heard.
3 Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour 4 Revive Thy work, O Lord;
of prayer! And give refreshing showers;
May I thy consolation share, The glory shall be all Thine own,
Till, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height, The blessing, Lord, be ours!
I view my home and take my flight.
202 * Aurelia C205, F513, S228
___ 5 Yet she on earth hath union
1 The Church’s one foundation With God the Three in One,
Is Jesus Christ her Lord; And mystic sweet communion
She is His new creation With those whose rest is won:
By water and the Word: O happy ones and holy!
From heav’n He came and sought her Lord, give us grace that we,
To be His own blood He bought Like them the meek and lowly,
her, On high may dwell with Thee.
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood bought her, 203 * Joseph___C208, M295
And for her life He died. (also as 196, 9, 282)
1 Jesus, with Thy Church abide;
2 Elect from every nation, Be her Savior, Lord, and Guide,
Yet one ov’r all the earth, While on earth her faith is tried:
Her charter of salvation We beseech Thee, hear us.
One Lord, one faith, one birth,
One holy name she blesses, 2 Keep her life and doctrine pure;
Partakes one holy food, Grant her patience to endure,
And to one hope she presses Trusting in Thy promise sure:
With every grace endued. We beseech Thee, hear us.

3 Though with a scornful wonder 3 May her voice be ever clear,

Men see her sore opprest, Warning of a judgment near,
By schisms rent asunder, Telling of a Saviour dear:
By heresies distrest, We beseech Thee, hear us.
Yet saints their watch are keeping,
Their cry goes up, “How long?” 4 All her fettered powers release;
And soon the night of weeping Bid our strife and envy cease;
Shall be the morn of song. Grant the heavenly gift of peace:
We beseech Thee, hear us.
4 Mid toil, and tribulation,
And tumult of her war, 5 May she one in doctrine be,
She waits the consummation One in truth and charity,
Of peace for evermore; Winning all to faith in Thee:
Till with the vision glorious We beseech Thee, hear us.
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great Church victorious 6 May she guide the poor and blind,
Shall be the Church at rest. Seek the lost until she find,
And the broken-hearted bind:
We beseech Thee, hear us. Chasing far the gloom and terror,
Bright’ning all the path we tread.
7 May her lamp of truth be bright;
Bid her bear aloft its light 4 One the object of our journey,
Through the realms of heathen night: One the faith which never tires,
We beseech Thee, hear us. One the earnest looking forward,
One the hope our God inspires;
8 May her scattered children be
From reproach of evil free, 5 One the strain that lips of thou-
Blameless witness for Thee: sands
We beseech Thee, hear us. Lift as from the heart of one;
One the conflict, one the peril,
9 May she holy triumphs win, One the march in God begun;
Overthrow the hosts of sin,
Gather all the nations in: 6 One the gladness of rejoicing
We beseech Thee, hear us. On the far eternal shore,
Where the one almighty Father
10 May she thus all glorious be, Reigns in love for evermore.
Spotless and from wrinkle free,
Pure and bright, and worthy Thee: MORNING PRAYERS
We beseech Thee, hear us. 205 Melcombe___F40, C259
Morning hymn___C256, F555
204 Stuttgart___C113, F139, S25 (also as 105)
St. Oswald___C214, F519 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun
1 Through the night of doubt and Thy daily stage of duty run;
sorrow Shake of dull sloth, and joyful rise,
Onward goes the pilgrim band, To pay thy morning sacrifice.
Singing songs of expectation,
Marching to the promised Land. 2 Thy precious time misspent redeem;
Each present day thy last esteem;
2 Clear before us through the dark- Improve thy talent with due care;
ness For the great day thyself prepare.
Gleams and burns the guiding light;
Brother clasps the hand of brother, 3 In conversation be sincere;
Sleeping fearless throught the night. Keep conscience as the noontide
3 One the light of God’s own pres- Think how all-seeing God thy ways
ence, And all thy secret thoughts survey.
Ov’r his ransomed people shed,
4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, To Thee our morning hymns ascended,
And with the angels bear thy part, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
Who all night long unwearied sing
High praise to the eternal King. 2 We thank Thee that Thy Church,
5 Praise God, from whom all blessings While earth rolls onward into light,
flow; Through all the world her watch is
Praise Him, all creatures here below; keeping,
Praise Him, above ye heavenly host; And rests not now by day or night.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
3 As ov’r each continent and island
206 Dix___C63, F160 The dawn leads on another day,
(also as 273) The voice of prayer is never silent,
1 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Nor dies the strain of praise away.
Christ, the true, the only Light,
Sun of Righteousness, arise, 4 The sun that bids us rest is waking
Triumph over the shades of night; Our brethren ‘neath the western sky,
Day-spring from on high, be near; And hour by hour fresh lips are
Day-star, in my heart appear. making
Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
2 Dark and cheerless is the morn
Unaccompanied by Thee: 5 So be it, Lord! Thy Throne shall never,
Joyless is the day’s return, Like earth’s proud empires, pass away;
Till Thy mercy’s beams I see, Thy Kingdom stands, and grows
Till Thou inward light impart, forever,
Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.

3 Visit then this soul of mine; 208 Eventide___C286, S297, F560

Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; 1 Abide with me: fast falls the even-tide;
Fill me, Radiancy divine; The darkness deepens; Lord, with
Scatter all my unbelief; me abide:
More and more Thyself display, When other helpers fail and comforts
Shinning to the perfect day. flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with
207 St. Clement___C289, F572
Radford___C289 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little
1 The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, day;
The darkness falls at Thy behest. Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories
pass away; supply;
Chang and decay in all around I see; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
O Thou who changest not, abide No pow’rs of darkness me molest.
with me.
3 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son,
3 Come not in terrors, as the King of The ill that I this day have done,
kings; That with the world, myself, and
But kind and good, with healing in Thee,
Thy wings; I, ere I sleep, are peace may be.
Tears for all woes, a heart for ev’ry
plea; 4 Teach me to live, that I may dread
Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide The grave as little as my bed;
with me. Teach me to die, that so I may
Rise glorious at the awful day.
4 I need Thy presence every passing
hour; 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings
What but Thy grace can foil the flow;
tempter’s power? Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Who like Thyself my guide and stay Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
can be? Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Through cloud and sunshine, o abide
with me. 210 Eudoxia___C288, S296, F564
Lyndhurst___F564, C288
5 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to 1 Now the day is over,
bless; Night is drawing nigh,
Ills have no weight, and tears no Shadows of the evening,
bitterness: Steal across the sky.
Where is death’s sting? Where,
grave, thy victory? 2 Now the darkness gathers,
In life, in death, o Lord, abide with me. Stars begin to peep,
Birds, and beasts, and flowers
209 Tallis Canon___C291, F561, S301 Soon will be asleep!
1 All praise to Thee, my God, this night,
For all the blessings of the light! 3 Jesus, give the weary
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Calm and sweet repose;
Beneath Thy own almighty wings. With Thy tender blessing
May mine eyelids close.
2 When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts 4 Grant to little children
Visions bright of Thee; 3 Comfort those in pain and sorrow;
Guard the sailors tossing Watch each sleeping child of Thine;
On the deep blue sea. Let us all arise tomorrow
Strengthened by Thy grace divine.
5 Comfort every sufferer
Watching late in pain; 4 Pardon Thou each deed unholy;
Those who plan some evil Lord, forgive each sinful thought;
From their sin restrain. Make us contrite, pure, and lowly,
By Thy great example taught.
6 Through the long night-watches,
May Thine angels spread 212 Angelus___C277, S79, F93
Their white wings above me, (also as 214)
Watching round my bed. 1 At even when the sun was set,
The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay;
7 When the morning wakens, O in what divers pains they met!
Then may I arise O with what joy they went away!
Pure, and fresh, and sinless
In Thy holy eyes. 2 Once more ‘tis eventide, and we
Oppressed with various ills, draw
8 Glory to the Father, near:
Glory to the Son, What if Thy form we cannot see?
And to Thee, blest Spirit, We know and feel that Thou art
Whilst all ages run. here.

211 * Ottawa___F92 3 O Savior Christ, our woes dispel;

All saints___C222, F234 For some are sick, and some are sad,
(also as 268, 183) And some have never loved Thee well
1 Savior, now the day is ending, And some have lost the love they had.
And the shades of ev’ning fall,
Let Thy Holy Dove, descending, 4 And some are pressed with worldly
Bring Thy mercy to us all. care,
And some are tried with sinful doubt;
Set Thy seal on ev’ry heart; And some such grievous passions
Jesus, bless us ere we part. tear,
That only Thou canst cast them out;
2 Bless the gospel message, spoken
In Thine own appointed way; 5 O Savior Christ Thou too art man;
Give each longing soul a token Thou hast been troubled, tempted,
Of Thy tender love today. tried;
Thy kind but searching glance can scan My wearied eyelids gently steep,
The very wounds that shame would Be my last thought, how sweet to
hide; rest
For ever on my Saviour’s breast.
6 Thy touch has still its ancient power;
No word from Thee can fruitless 3 Abide with me from morn till eve
fall; For without Thee I cannot live;
Hear in this solemn evening hour; Abide with me when night is nigh,
And in Thy mercy heal us all. For without Thee I dare not die.

213 Lugano___C285 4 If some poor wandering child of

(also as 183, 30) Thine
1 Saviour, breathe an evening blessing, Have spurned to-day the voice divine,
Ere repose our spirits seal; Now, Lord, the gracious work begin;
Sin and want we come confessing, Let Him no more lie down in sin.
Thou canst save and Thou canst heal.
Though the night be dark and dreary, 215 Ottawa (Magister)___F92
Darkness cannot hide from Thee; Triump___C708, S29, F208
Thou art He who, never weary, (also as 59, 4, 268, 183)
Watchest where Thy people be. 1 Through the day Thy love hath spared
2 Though destruction walk around us, Now we lay us down to rest;
Though the arrows past us fly, Through the silent watches guard us,
Angel guards from Thee surround us; Let no foe our peace molest;
We are safe if Thou art nigh. Jesus, Thou our Guardian be;
Should swift death this night ov’r Sweet it is to trust in Thee.
take us,
And our couch become our tomb, 2 Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers,
May the morn on heaven awake us, Dwelling in the midst of foes;
Clad in bright and deathless bloom. Us and ours preserve form dangers;
In Thine arms may we repose.
214 Hursley___C292, S302 And, when life’s sad day is past,
Abends___F566 Rest with Thee in heav’n at last.
1 Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear,
It is not night if Thou be near; THE CHURCH OF GOD:
O may no earth-born cloud arise THE LORD’S DAY
To hide Thee from thy servant’s eyes. 216 Morning___C266
(also as 206, 261)
2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep 1 Hail, thou bright and sacred morn,
Ris’n with gladness in thy beams! In silent awe we bow
Light, which not of earth is born, On this Thy holy day.
From dawn in glory streams; Check every wand’ring thought,
Airs of heav’n are breathed around, To serve Thee as we ought,
And each place is holy ground. On this Thy holy day.

2 Great Creator, who this day 3 We listen to Thy Word

From Thy perfect work didst rest, On this Thy holy day;
By the souls that own Thy sway Bless all that we have heard
Hallow’d be its hours and blest; On this Thy holy day;
Cares of earth aside be thrown, Go with us when we part:
This day given to heaven alone. And, to each contrite heart,
Thy saving grace impart
3 Saviour, who this day didst break On this Thy holy day.
The dark prison of the tomb,
Bid my slumbering soul awake, 218 * Aurellia___S990, F513, C205
Shine through all its sin and gloom; Day of rest___S606, C508, F60
Let me, from my bonds set free, (also as 179, 277)
Rise from sin, and live to Thee. 1 O day of rest and gladness,
O day of joy and light,
4 Blessed Spirit, Comforter, O balm of care and sadness,
Sent this day from Christ on high, Most beautiful, most bright!
Lord, on me Thy gifts confer, On thee the high and lowly,
Cleanse, illumine, sanctify; through ages joined in tune,
All Thine influence shed abroad; Sing “Holy, Holy, Holy,”
Lead me to the truth of God. To the great God Triune.

217 Madrid___C177, F432, S737 2 On thee, at the creation,

1 Jesus, we love to meet The light first had its birth;
On this Thy holy day; On thee, for our salvation,
We worship round Thy seat Christ rose from depths of earth;
On this Thy holy day, The Spirit sent from heav’n:
Thou tender heav’nly Friend, And thus on thee most glorious
To Thee our prayers ascend, A triple light was given.
Ov’r our young spirits bend
On this Thy holy day. 3 Today on weary nations
The heav’nly manna falls;
2 We dare not trifle now, To holy convocations
On this Thy holy day, The silver trumpet calls,
Where gospel light is glowing strength,
With pure and radiant beams. Till they reach Thy throne at length,
And living water flowing At Thy feet adoring fall,
With soul-refreshing streams. Who hast led them safe through all.

4 New graces ever gaining 220 Adis Jesu___C248

From this our day of rest, North Coates___F86, C343
We reach the rest remaining 1 Jesus, stand among us
To spirits of the blest. In Thy risen power;
To Holy Ghost be praises, Let this time of worship
To Father, and the Son; Be a hallowed hour.
The Church her voice upraises
To Thee, blest Three in One. 2 Breathe Thy Holy Spirit
Into every heart;
THE CHURCH OF GOD: Bid the fears and sorrows
THE HOUSE OF THE LORD From each soul depart.
219 Maidstone___C235, F245
1 Pleasant are Thy courts above, 3 Thus with quickened footsteps
In the land of light and love; We’ll pursue our way,
Pleasant are Thy courts below, Watching for the dawing
In this land of sin and woe. Of eternal day.
O my spirit longs and faints
For the brightness of Thy face, THE CHURCH OF GOD:
King of glory, God of grace! WORSHIP AND PRAISE
221 Old 100th___F20, C229, S9
2 Happy birds that sing and fly 1 O bless our God with one accord,
Round Thy altars, O Most High! Ye faithful servants of the Lord,
Happier souls that find the rest Who in His house do stand by night;
In a heavenly Father’s breast! And praise Him there with all your
Like the wandering dove that found might.
No repose on earth around,
They can to their ark repair, 2 Lift up your hands, in prayer draw nigh
And enjoy it ever there. Unto His sanctuary high;
Bless ye the Lord, kneel at His feet,
3 Happy souls! their praises flow And worship Him with rev’rence
Even in this vale of woe; meet.
Waters in the desert rise,
Manna feeds them the skies; 3 Jehovah bless thee from above,
On they go from strength to From Zion in His boundless love,
Our God, who heaven and earth God is in His temple:
did frame; All within keep silence,
Blest be His great and holy Name. Prostrate lie with deepest rev’rence.
Him alone
222 St. George’s Edinburgh___ God we own,
C737, F214 Him our God and Saviour:
1 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high, Praise His Name for ever.
Ye doors that last for aye,
Be lifted up, that so the King 2 God reveals His presence:
Of glory enter may, Hear the harps resounding,
But who of glory is the King? See the crowds the throne
The mighty Lord is this; surrounding;
Ev’n that same Lord, that great in Holy, holy, holy!
might, Angels, saints their voices blending.
And strong in battle is. Bow Thine ear
Ev’n that same Lord that great in To us here;
might, Hearken, O Lord Jesus,
And strong in battle is. To our meaner praises.

2 Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors, 3 O Thou Fount of blessing,

Doors that do last for aye, Purify my spirit,
Be lifted up, that so the King Trusting only in Thy merit:
Of glory enter may. Like the holy angels
But who is he that is the King Who behold Thy glory,
Of glory? Who is this? May I ceaselessly adore Thee.
The Lord of hosts, and none but he, Let Thy will
The King of glory is, Ever still
The Lord of hosts, and none but he, Rule Thy Church terrestrial,
The King of glory is. As the hosts celestial.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, THE CHURCH OF GOD:

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, BAPTISM
Hallelujah 224 * Wells (St. Petersburgh)___
Amen, Amen, Amen,. C459, F298, S277
1 Jesus, Master, whose I am,
223 Arnsberg___C234, F65 Purchased Thine alone to be
1 God reveals His presence: By Thy blood, O spotless Lamb,
Let us now adore Him. Shed so willingly for me,
And with awe appear before Him Let my heart be all Thine own,
Let me live to Thee alone. My burdens and my cares;
He from them all releases,
2 Other lords have long held sway; He all my sorrows shares.
Now, Thy Name alone to bear,
Thy dear voice alone obey, 3 I rest my soul on Jesus,
Is my daily, hourly prayer: This weary soul of mine;
Whom have I in heav’n but Thee? His right hand me embraces,
Nothing else my joy can be. I on His breast recline.
I love the Name of Jesus,
3 Jesus, Master, whom I serve, Emmanuel, Christ the Lord;
Though so feebly and so ill, Like fragrance on the breezes,
Strengthen hand and heart and nerve His Name abroad is poured.
All Thy bidding to fulfill;
Open Thou mine eyes to see 4 I long to be like Jesus,
All the work Thou hast for me. Meek, loving, lowly, mild;
I long to be like Jesus,
4 Jesus, Master, wilt Thou use The Father’s Holy Child.
One who owes Thee more than all? I long to be with Jesus,
As Thou wilt! I would not choose; Amid the heav’nly throng;
Only let me hear Thy call. To sing with saints His praises,
Jesus, let me always be, To learn the angel’s song.
In Thy service, glad and free.
226 * Moravia___C306, F640
225 * Heber (Missionary) ___
(also as 119, 97)
C371, F548, S1070 1 Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer,
1 I lay my sins on Jesus, We now devote to Thee;
The spotless Lamb of God; Let them Thy cov’nant mercies share,
He bears them all, and frees us And Thy salvation see.
From the accursed load.
I bring my guilt to Jesus, 2 Such helpless babes Thou didst
To wash my crimson stains embrace,
White in His blood most precious, While dwelling here below;
Till not a spot remains. To us and ours, O God of grace,
The same compassion show.
2 I lay my wants on Jesus,
All fulness dwells in Him; 3 In early days their hearts secure
He healeth my diseases, From worldly snares, we pray;
He doth my soul redeem, O let them to the end endure
I lay my griefs on Jesus, In every righteous way.
THE CHURCH OF GOD: 228 Hastings___S187, F431
THE LORD’S SUPPER Lercester___C316
227 Soldau___140 1 I am not worthy, holy Lord,
Communion (Rockingham)___ That Thou shouldst some to me,
C312, F281, S115 Speak but the word: one gracious
1 ‘twas on the night when doomed word
to know Can set the sinner free.
The eager rage of every foe,
That night in which He was betrayed, 2 I am not worthy; cold and bare
The Saviour of the world took bread; The lodging of my soul;
How canst Thou deign to enter
2 And, after thanks and glory giv’n there?
To Him that rules in earth and heaven, Lord, speak, and make me whole.
That symbol of His flesh He broke,
And thus to all His followers spoke: 3 I am not worthy; yet, my God,
How can I say Thee nay,
3 “My broken body thus I give Thee, who didst five Thy flesh and
For you, for all; take, eat, and live: blood
And oft the sacred rite renew My ransom-price to pay?
That brings My wondrous love to
view.” 4 O come, in this sweet hallowed hour,
Feed me with food divine;
4 Then in His hands the cup He raised, And fill with all Thy love and power
And God anew He thanked and This worthless heart of mine.
While kindness in His bosom glowed, 229 Belmont___C309, S663, F540
And from His lips salvation flowed. Moravia___C306, F640
(also as 322)
5 “My blood I thus pour forth,” He cries, 1 According to Thy gracious word,
“To cleanse the soul in sin that lies; In meek humility,
In this the covenant is sealed, This will I do, my dying Lord,
And heav’n’s eternal grace revealed. I will remember Thee.

6 “With love to man this cup is fraught, 2 Thy body, broken for my sake,
Let all partake the sacred draught; My bread from heaven shall be;
Through latest ages let it pour Thy cup of blessing I will take,
In mem’ry of My dying hour.” And thus remember Thee.
3 Can I Gethsemane forget? 5 Approach ye then with faithful
Or there Thy conflict see, hearts sincere,
Thine agony and bloody sweat, And take the pledges of salvation here.
And not remember Thee?
6 He that His saints in this world
4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, rules and shields
And rest on Calvary, To all believers life eternal yields,
O Lamb of God, my sacrifice,
I must remember Thee. 7 With heav’nly bread makes them t
hat hunger whole,
5 And when these failing lips grow Gives living waters to the thirsty soul.
And mind and mem’ry flee, 8 O Judge of all, our only Saviour Thou,
When Thou shalt in Thy Kingdom, In this Thy feast of love, be with us
come, now.
Jesus, remember me.
231 Eventide___F560, C286, S297
230 Coena Domini___C453 St. Agness___C323, F528
(also as 136) Penitentia___K348
1 Come, take by faith the body of you
Lord, 1 Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to
And drink the blood of Christ for face;
you outpoured. Here faith can touch and handle
things unseen;
2 Salvation’s Giver, Christ, the only Here would I grasp with firmer
Son, hand Thy grace,
Who by His cross and blood the And all my weariness upon Thee
victory won, lean.

3 Offered was He for greatest and 2 Here would I feed upon the bread
for least, of God;
Himself the Victim and Himself the Here drink with Thee the royal
Priest. wine of heav’n;
Here would I lay aside each earthly
4 He, Ransomer from death, and load;
Light from shade, Here taste afresh the calm of sin
Giveth His holy grace His saints to forgiv’n.
3 I have no help but Thine; nor do I
need Out of the rock for me.
Another arm save Thine to lean upon;
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed; 2 Thou bruised and broken Bread,
My strength is in Thy might, Thy My lifelong wants supply;
might alone. As living souls are fed,
O feed me, or I die.
4 This is the hour of banquet and of
song; 3 Thou true life-giving Vine,
This is the heav’nly table spread for Let me thy sweetness prove;
me; Renew my life with Thine,
Here let me feast, and, feasting, still Refresh my soul with love.
The brief bright hour of fellowship 4 Rough paths my feet have trod,
with Thee. Since first their course began;
Feed me, Thou Bread of God;
5 Too soon we rise; the symbols Help me, Thou Son of Man.
The feast, though not the love, is 5 For still the desert lies
past and gone; My thirsting soul before;
The bread and wine removed, but O living waters, rise evermore.
Thou art here,
Nearer than ever, still our Shield 233 Day of Rest___S606, C508, F60
and Sun. (also as 377, 225, 179)
1 O Jesus, I have promised
6 Feast after feast thus comes and To serve Thee to the end;
passes by, Be Thou for ever near me,
Yet passing, points to the great feast My Master and my Friend;
above; I shall not fear the battle
Giving sweet foretastes of the festal If Thou art by my side,
joy, Nor wander from the pathway
The Lamb’s great bridal-feast of If Thou wilt be my Guide.
bliss and love.
2 O let me hear Thee speaking
232 Ibstone___F404 In accents clear and still,
Dolomite chant___F530 Above the storms of passion,
(also as 356) The murmurs of self-will;
1 I hunger and I thirst; O speak to reassure me,
Jesus, my manna be; To hasten, or control;
Ye living waters, burst O speak, and make me listen,
Thou Guardian of my soul. Consecrate my life to Thee;
Bend my stubborn will to Thine;
3 O Jesus, Thou hast promised Lord, abide with me.
To all who follow Thee,
That where Thou art in glory 5 When the shades of death prevail,
There shall Thy servant be; Father, let me cling to Thee,
And, Jesus, I have promised When I pass the gloomy vale,
To serve Thee to the end; Still abide with me.
O give me grace to follow,
My Master and my friend. 235 Newingtont___F448, OC403
(also as 282)
4 O let me see Thy footmarks, 1 Thine for ever! God of love,
And in them plant mine own; Hear us from Thy throne above;
My hope to follow duly Thine forever may we be,
Is in Thy strength alone, Here and in eternity.
O guide me, call me, draw me,
Uphold me to the end; 2 Thine for ever! Lord of life,
And then in heav’n receive me, Shield us through our earthly strife;
My Saviour and my Friend! Thou the Life, the Truth, the Way,
Guide us to the realms of day.
234 Jesus Saviour___Bateman 87
St. Alban___OC406 3 Thine for ever! O how blest
Charity___F250, C484 They who find in Thee their rest!
1 Jesus, Saviour, hear my call, Saviour, Guardian, Heavenly Friend,
Sinful though my heart may be; O defend us to the end.
Thou my Life, my Hope, my All
Lord, abide with me. 4 Thine for ever! Saviour, keep
These Thy frail and trembling sheep;
2 Lonely in a stranger land, Safe alone beneath Thy care,
Cast me not away from Thee; Let us all Thy goodness share.
Lead me by Thy gentle hand:
Lord, abide with me. 5 Thine for ever! Thou our Guide,
All our wants by Thee supplied,
3 Thou hast died the lost to save, All our sins by Thee forgiv’n,
Died to set the captive free; Lead us, Lord, from earth to heaven.
Thou didst triumph o’er the grave:
Lord, abide with me. THE CHURCH OF GOD:
4 Fill me with Thy love Divine;
236 Armsgiving___C19, F31 2 May we Thy bounties thus
1 O Lord of heav’n and earth and sea, As stewards true receive,
To Thee all praise and glory be; And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
How shall we show our love to To Thee our first-fruits give.
Thee, Who givest all?
3 O hearts are bruised and dead,
2 The golden sunshine, vernal air, And homes are bare and cold,
Sweet flowers and fruits Thy love And lambs for whom the Shepherd
declare; bled
Where harvest ripen, Thou art Are straying from the fold;
there, Who givest all.
4 To comfort and to bless,
3 For peaceful homes and healthful To find a balm for woe,
days, To tend the lone and fatherless,
For all the blessings earth displays, Is angels’ work below.
We owe Thee thankfulness and
praise, Who givest all. 5 The captive to release,
To God the lost to bring,
4 Thou didst not spare Thine only Son, To teach the way of life and peace,
But gavest Him for a world undone, It is a Christ-like thing.
And freely with that blessed One
Thou givest all. 6 And we believe Thy word,
Though dim our faith may be,___
5 For souls redeemed, for sins forgiv’n, Whate’er for Thine we do, O Lord,
For means of grace and hopes of We do it unto Thee.
Father, all praise to Thee be giv’n, 238 * Deerhurst___C378, F197
Who gav’st all. (also as 116, 287)
1 Lord, Thou lov’st the cheerful giver,
237 * St Michael___F342, C120, Who with open heart and hand
S691 Blesses freely, as a river
St. Giles___C346 That refreshes all the land;
Dennis___S506 Grant us, then, the grace of living
(also as 67, 68) With a spirit large and free,
1 We give Thee but Thine own, That our life and all our living
Whate’er the gift may be; We may consecrate to Thee.
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee. 2 Thine own life Thou freely gavest
As an off’ring on the cross
For each sinner whom Thou savest Move o’er the waters’ face,
From eternal shame and loss. Bearing the lamp of grace,
Blest by Thee with gifts and graces, And in earth’s darkest place
May we heed Thy Church’s call, Let there be light.
Gladly in all times and places
Give to Thee who givest all. 4 Holy and blessed Three,
Glorious Trinity,
3 Saviour, Thou hast freely given Wisdom, Love, Might;
All the blessings we enjoy, Boundless as ocean’s tide,
Earthly store and bread of heaven, Rolling in fullest pride,
Love and peace without alloy; Through the world, far and wide,
Humbly now we bow before Thee, Let there be light.
And our all to Thee resign;
For the kingdom, power, and glory 240 Duke Street___C517.
Are, O Lord, for ever Thine. S1084, F384
Warrington___F264, C388, S268
THE CHURCH OF GOD: (also as 166)
SPREADING THE GOSPEL 1 Jesus shall reign wherever the sun
239 Moscow___C364, S5, F102 Doth his successive journeys run;
1 Thou whose almighty Word His Kingdom stretch from shore to
Chaos and darkness heard, shore,
And took their flight, Till moons shall wax and wane no
Hear us, we humbly pray, more.
And where the Gospel day
Sheds not its glorious ray, 2 To Him shall endless prayer be made,
Let there be light. And praises throng to crown His head,
His Name like sweet perfume shall
2 Thou, who didst come to bring rise
On Thy redeeming wing With every morning sacrifice.
Healing and sight,
Health to the sick in mind, 3 People and realms of every tongue
Sight to the inly blind, Dwell on His love with sweetest
O now to all mankind song;
Let there be light. And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on His Name.
3 Spirit of truth and love,
Life-giving, holy Dove, 4 Blessings abound where’er He reigns;
Speed forth Thy flight; The prisoner leaps to lose his chains;
The weary find eternal rest,
And all the sons of want are blest. Guide them on their way;
Those who never knew Thee
5 Let every creature rise and bring Those who’ve wandered far,
Peculiar honors to our King; Guide them by the brightness
Angels descend with songs again, Of Thy guiding star.
And earth repeat the loud Amen.
5 Onward through the darkness
241 Colyton___C66, Of the lonely night,
(also as 90, 295) Shining still before them
1 From the eastern mountains, With Thy kindly light,
Pressing on, they come, Guide them, Jew and Gentile,
Wise men in their wisdom Homeward from afar,
To His humble home, Young and old together,
Stirred by deep devotion, By Thy guiding star.
Hasting from afar,
Ever journeying onward, 242 Jesus saves___S1079
Guided by a star. 1 We have heard a joyful sound,
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
2 There their Lord and Saviour Spread the gladness all round,
Meek and lowly lay, Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Wondrous Light that led them Bear the news to every land;
Onward on their way, Climb the steeps and cross the
Ever now to lighten waves;
Nations from afar, Onward! ‘tis our Lord’s command:
As they journey homeward Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
By that guiding star.
2 Sing above the battle’s strife,
3 Thou who in a manger Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Once hast lowly lain, By His death and endless life,
Who dost now in glory Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
O’er all kingdoms reign, Sing it softly through the gloom,
Gather in the heathen, When the heart for mercy craves;
Who in lands afar Sing, in triumph o’er the tomb,
Ne’er have seen the brightness Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Of Thy guiding star.
3 Give the winds a mighty voice,
4 Gather in the outcasts, Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
All who’ve gone astray, Let the nations now rejoice;
Throw Thy radiance o’er them, Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Shout salvation full and free; 244 Neander C387, F225

Highest hills and deepest caves; Corinth___C363, F427

This our song of victory; 1 O’er those gloomy hills of darkness
Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Look, my soul; be still, and gaze;
All the promises do travail
243 Winchester Old___C385, With a glorious day of grace:
S33, F143 Blessed jub’lee! Blessed jub’lee!
1 Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass; Let Thy glorious morning dawn.
Ye bars of iron, yield;
And let the King of glory pass; 2 Let this news go to all peoples,
The Cross is in the field. Let all nations come to see
That Divine and glorious conquest
2 That banner, brighter than the star Once obtained on Calvary;
That leads the train of night, Let the Gospel, let the Gospel,
Shines on the march, and guides Loud resound from pole to pole.
from far
His servants to the fight. 3 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkness,
Let them have the glorious light;
3 Ye armies of the living God, And from eastern coast to western
Sworn warriors of Christ’s host, May the morning chase the night,
Where hallow’d footsteps never trod, And redemption, and redemption,
Take your appointed post. Freely purchased, win the day.

4 Follow the Cross; the ark of peace 4 Fly abroad, eternal Gospel!
Accompany your path, Win and conquer, never cease;
To slaves and rebels bring release May thy lasting wide dominions
From bondage and from wrath. Multiply and still increase;
May Thy scepter, may Thy scepter
5 Then fear not, faint not, halt not now: Sway th’ enlightened world around.
In Jesus’ Name be strong;
To Him shall all the nations bow, 245 Franconia___C190, F56, S190
And sing the triumph song: Hampton___C376, F53
St. Micheal___F342, S882, C156
6 “Uplifted are the gates of brass, 1 O Lord our God, arise!
The bars of iron yield; The cause of truth maintain,
Behold the King of glory pass! And wide o’er all the peopled world
The Cross hath won the field.” Extend her blessed reign.
2 Thou Prince of Life, arise! To the outcast and forlorn
Nor let Thy glory cease; Speak of mercy and of peace.
Far spread the conquests of Thy grace,
And bless the earth with peace. 6 Guard the helpless; seek the strayed;
Comfort troubles; banish grief;
3 Thou Holy Ghost, arise! In the might of God arrayed,
Expand Thy quick’ning wing, Scatter sin and unbelief.
And ov’er a dark and ruined world
Let light and order spring. 7 Be the banner still unfurled,
Still unsheathed the Spirit’s sword,
4 All on the earth, arise! Till the kingdoms of the world
To God the Saviour sing; Are the Kingdom of the Lord.
From shore to shore, from earth to
heav’n, 247 Send the Light___S1082
Let echoing anthems ring. 1 There a call comes ringing o’er the
restless wave,
246 Orientis Partibus___C341, S765 “Send the light, send the light!”
1 Soldiers of the Cross, arise! There are souls to rescue, there are
Gird you with your armor bright; souls to save,
Mighty are your enemies, “Send the light, send the light!”
Hard the battle ye must fight. Send the light, the blessed Gospel
2 Over a faithless fallen world Let it shine from shore to shore!
Raise your banner in the sky; Send the light, the blessed Gospel
Let it float there wide unfurled; light,
Bear it onward; lift it high. Let it shine for ever more!

3 ‘Mid the homes of want and woe, 2 We have heard the Macedonian call
Strangers to the living world, today,
Let the Saviour’s herald go, “Send the light, send the light!”
Let the voice of hope be heard. And our grateful offerings at the
cross we lay,
4 Where the shadows deepest lie, “Send the ling, send the light!”
Carry truth’s unsullied ray;
Where are crimes of blackest dye, 3 Let us not grow weary in the work
There the saving sign display. of love,
”Send the light, send the light!”
5 To the weary and the worn While we gather jewels for our crown
Tell of realms where sorrows cease; above,
“Send the light, send the light!” Just as Thou wilt, and when, and
THE CHURCH OF GOD: Until Thy blessed face I see,
STEWARDS Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share.
248 Winscott___C338
(also as 31, 214) 249 * Winchester New___F344, S177
1 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak (also as 95, 313)
In living echoes of Thy tone; 1 Be with us, gracious Lord, today;
As Thou hast sought, so let me seek This house we dedicate to Thee:
Thy erring children lost and lone. O hear Thy servants as they pray,
And let Thine ear attentive be.
2 O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
The wand’ring and the wav’ring feet; 2 Within these walls let holy peace,
O feed me, Lord, that I may feed Let love and truth, be always found;
Thy hung’ring ones with manna sweet. May burdened hearts find sweet
3 O strengthen me, that while I stand And souls with richest grace be
Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee, crowned.
I may stretch out a loving hand
To wrestlers with the troubled sea. 3 May here be heard the suppliant’s sigh,
The weary enter into rest;
4 O teach me, Lord that I may teach Here may the contrite to Thee cry,
The precious things Thou dost impart; And waiting souls be richly blest.
And wing my words, that they may
reach 4 Here, when the gospel sound is
The hidden depths of many a heart. heard,
When here proclaimed the saving
5 O give Thine own sweet rest to me, Name,
That I may speak with soothing power May hearts be quickened, moved,
A word in season, as from Thee, and stirred,
To weary ones in needful hour. And souls be kindled into flame.
6 O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord, 5 Make this, O Lord, Thine own abode;
Until my very heart o’erflow Thy presence in these courts be giv’n;
In kindling thought and glowing word, Be this indeed the house of God,
Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show. And this in truth the gate of heaven.
7 O use me, Lord, use me,
250 Triumph___C708, F208 For high mysterious union
(also as 4, 188) Which nought on earth may break.
1 Christ is made the sure foundation,
Christ the head and corner-stone, 4 Be present, heavenly Father,
Chosen of the Lord, and precious, To give away this bride,
Biding all the Church in one, As Eve Thou gav’st to Adam
Holy Zion’s help for ever, Out of his own pierced side.
And her confidence alone. 5 Be present, gracious Saviour,
To join their loving hands,
2 To this temple, where we call Thee, As Thou didst bind two natures
Come, O Lord of hosts, to-day: In Thine eternal bands.
With Thy wonted loving kindness,
Hear Thy servants as they pray, 6 Be present, Holy Spirit,
And Thy fullest benediction To bless them as they kneel,
Shed within its walls alway. As Thou for Christ the Bridegroom
The heavenly spouse dost seal.
3 Laud and honour to the Father,
Laud and honour to the Son, 7 O spread Thy pure wings o’er them!
Laud and honour to the Spirit, Let no ill power find place,
Ever Three and ever One, When onward through life’s journey
One in might, and One in glory, The hallow’d path they trace,
While unending ages run.
8 To cast their crowns before Thee,
MARRIAGE In perfect sacrifice,
251 St. Alphege___C597, F587, 284 Till to the home of gladness,
(also as 202, 197, 179) With Christ’s own bride they rise.
1 The voice that breathed o’er Eden,
That earliest wedding-day, 252 Ewing___C599, S217, F505
The primal marriage blessing, Endsleigh___OP408
It hath not passed away. (also as 202)
1 O Father all creating,
2 Still in the pure espousal, Whose wisdom, love, and power
Of Christian man and maid First bound two lives together
The Holy Three are with us, In Eden’s primal hour,
The threefold grace is said. To-day to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,__
3 For dower of blessed children A home by Thee made happy,
For love and faith’s sweet sake, A love by Thee kept true.
2 O Savior, guest most bounteous Of their succeeding race.
Of old in Galilee,
Vouchsafe today Thy presence 3 Through each perplexing path of life
With those who call on Thee; Our wand’ring footsteps guide;
Their store of earthly gladness Give us each day our daily bread,
Transform to heavenly wine, And raiment fit provide.
And teach them in the tasting
To know the gift is Thine. 4 O spread Thy cov’ring wings around,
Till all our wand’rings cease,
3 O Spirit of the Father, And at our Father’s loved abode
Breathe on them from above, Our souls arrive in peace.
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in Thy love, 5 Such blessings from Thy gracious
That, guarded by Thy presence, hand
From sin and strife kept free, Our humble prayers implore;
Their lives may won Thy guidance, And Thou shalt be our chosen God,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee. And portion evermore.

4 Except Thou build it, Father, 254 Rousse au___C661, S376, F64
The house is built in vain; Bethany (Crucifer)___C603
Except Thou, Savior, bless it, F203, S597
The joy will turn to pain; (also as 94)
But nought can break the union 1 Heavenly Father,Thou hast brought us
Of hearts in Thee made one; Safely to the present day,
And love Thy Spirit hallows Gently leading on our footsteps,
Is endless love begun. Watching o’er us all the way.
Friend and Guide through life’s long
NEW YEAR journey,
253 French (Dundee)___C562, F340 Grateful hearts to Thee we bring;
1 O God of Bethel, by whose hand But for love so true and changeless
Thy people still are fed; How shall we fit praises sing?
Who through this weary pilgrimage
Hast all our fathers led: 2 Mercies new and never-failing
Brightly shine through all the past,
2 Our vows, our prayers we now Watchful care and loving kindness,
present Always near from first to last,
Before Thy throne of grace; Tender love, divine protection
God of our fathers, be the God Ever with us day and night;
Blessings more than we can number
Strew the path with golden light. With so blest a Friend provided,
We upon our way would go,
3 Shadows deep have crossed our Sure of being safely guided,
pathway; Guarded well from every foe.
We have trembled in the storm;
Clouds have gathered round so 3 Every day will be the brighter
darkly When Thy gracious face we see;
That we could not see Thy form; Every burden will be lighter
Yet Thy love hath never left us When we know it comes from Thee.
In our grief alone to be, Spread Thy love’s broad banner
And the help each gave the other o’er us;
Was the strength that came from Give us strength to serve and wait,
Thee. Till the glory breaks before us,
Through the city’s open gate.
4 Many that we loved have left us,
Reaching first their journey’s end; SEED–TIME AND HARVEST
Now they wait to give us welcome__ 256 Wir pflugen (Dresden)___C618
Brother, sister, child, and friend. F579, S105
Wen at last our journey’s over, Endesleigh (omitting chorus)
And we pass away from sight, ___
Father, take us through the darkness 1 We plough the fields, and scatter
Into everlasting light. The good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered
255 * Rousseau___C661, S376,F648 By God’s almighty hand:
Deerhurst___C605, F197 He sends the rain in summer,
(also as 183) The warmth to swell the grain,
1 At Thy feet, our God and Father, The breezes and the sunshine
Who hast blessed us all our days, And soft refreshing rain.
We with grateful hearts would gather,
To begin the year with praise,__ All good gifts around us
Praise for light so brightly shining Are sent from heav’n above;
On our steps from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the
Praise for mercies daily twining Lord,
Round us golden cords of love. For all His love.
2 Jesus, for Thy love most tender, 2 He only is the Maker
On the cross for sinners shown, Of all things near and far;
We would praise Thee, and surrender He paints the wayside flower,
All our hearts to be Thine own.
He lights the evening star; Give His angels charge at last
The winds and waves obey Him, In the fire the tares to cast;
By Him the birds are fed; But the fruitful ears to store
Much more to us, His children, In His garner evermore.
He gives our daily bread.
4 Even so, Lord, quickly come;
3 We thank Thee then, O Father, Bring Thy final harvest home:
For all things bright and good, Gather Thou Thy people in,
The seed-time and the harvest, Free from sorrow, free from sin;
Our life, our health, our food. There, for ever purified,
Accept the gifts we offer In Thy garner to abide:
For all Thy love imparts, Come, with all Thine angels, come,
And, what Thou most desirest, Raise the glorious harvest-home.
Our humble, thankful hearts.
258 * Melita___F104, C626, S1061
257 (258) St. George’s Windsor
Surrey___C615, F54
C619, F576, S1055 (also as 71)
1 Come, ye thankful people, come, 1 Lord of the harvest, once again
Raise the song of harvest-home: We thank Thee for the ripened grain;
All is safely gathered in, For crops safe carried, sent to cheer
Ere the winter cold begin; Thy servants through another year:
God, our Maker, doth provide For all sweet holy thoughts,
For our wants to be supplied: supplied
Come to God’s own temple, come, By seed-time, and by harvest-tide.
Raise the song of harvest-home.
2 The bare dead grain, in spring-time
2 All this world is God’s own field, sown,
Fruit unto His praise to yield; Its robe of vernal green puts on;
Wheat and tares together sown, Glad from its earthy grave it springs,
Unto joy or sorrow grown; Fresh garnished by the King of kings:
First the blade, and then the ear, So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee
Then the full corn shall appear: Shall new and glorious bodies be.
Lord of harvest, grant that we
Wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 Daily, O Lord, our prayers be said,
As Thou hast taught, for daily bread;
3 For the Lord our God shall come, But not alone our bodies feed,__
And shall take His harvest home; Supply our fainting spirits’ need.
From His field shall in that day O Bread of life, from day to day
All offences purge away; Be Thou their comfort, food and stay!
259 * Grafenberg F214, C351
___ Hear our anxious prayer;
Nativity___F2, C67 Keep our loved ones, now far distant,
1 Fountain of mercy, God of love, ‘Neath Thy care.
How rich Thy bounties are!
The rolling seasons, as they move, 2 Jesus Saviour, let Thy presence
Proclaim Thy constant care. Be their light and guide;
Keep, O keep them, in their weak-
2 When in the bosom of the earth ness,
The sower hid the grain, At Thy side.
Thy goodness marked its secret birth
And sent the early rain. 3 When in sorrow, when in danger,
When in loneliness,
3 The spring’s sweet influence was In Thy love look down and comfort
Thine; Their distress.
The plants in beauty grew;
Thou gav’st refulgent suns to shine, 4 May the joy of Thy salvation
And mild refreshing dew. Be their strength and stay;
May they love and may they praise
4 These various mercies from above Thee
Matured the swelling grain; Day by day.
A yellow harvest crowns Thy love,
And plenty fills the plain. 5 Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching
Sanctify their life;
5 Seed-time and harvest, Lord, alone Send Thy grace, that they may
Thou dost on man bestow; conquer
Let him not then forget to own In the strife.
From Whom his blessings flow.
6 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
6 Fountain of love, our praise is Thine; God the One in Three,
To Thee our songs we’ll raise, Bless them, guide them, save them,
And all created nature join Near to Thee.
In sweet harmonious praise.
261 Pilot me___S556
TRAVEL 1 Jesus, Saviour, pilot me
260 Over life’s tempestuous sea;
Minto___C629 Unknown wanes before me roll,
(also as 77) Hiding rock and treach’rous shoal;
1 Holy Father, in Thy mercy, Chart and compass come from Thee:
Jesus, Saviour, pilot me.
2 As a mother stills her child, The moon, the stars, is He
Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Who, when life’s clouds come on,
Boist’rous waves obey Thy will, Careth for me.
When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, 3 God, who made all things,
Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. On earth, in air, in sea,
Who changing seasons brings,
3 When at last I near the shore, Careth for me.
And the fearful breakers roar
‘Twist me and the peaceful rest, 4 God, who sent His Son
Then, while leaning on Thy breast, To die on Calvary,
May I hear Thee say to me, He, if I lean on Him,
“Fear not, I will pilot thee.” Will care for me.

GOD IN PROVIDENCE 5 When in heav’n’s bright land

262 St. Cyril___C664 I all His loved ones see,
1 God is always near me, I’ll sing with that blest band,
Hearing what I say, “God cared for me.”
Knowing all my thoughts and deeds,
All my work and play. BIRTH OF CHRIST
264 * Cradle Song___C657, F145
2 God is always near me; 1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
In the darkest night The little Lord Jesus laid down His
He can see me just the same sweet head;
As by mid-day light. The stars in the bright sky looked
down where He lay,
3 God is always near me, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the
Though so young and small; hay.
Not a look or word or thought,
But God knows it all. 2 The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying He
263 Beechwood___C20 makes.
1 God, who made the earth, I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down
The air, the sky, the sea, from the sky,
Who gave the light its birth, And stay by my side until morning
Careth for me. is nigh.

2 God, who made the sun, 3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee
to stay 6 Teach, O teach us, Holy Child,
Close by me for ever, and love me, By Thy face so meek and mild,
I pray. Teach us to resemble Thee
Bless all the dear children in Thy In Thy sweet humility.
tender care,
And fit us for heaven, to live with 266 Vom Himmel hoch___C56
Thee there. F149
265 Humility___C51, F148 (also as 313, 166, 240)
1 See! In yonder manger low, 1 “From heav’n above to earth I come,
Born for us on earth below, To bear good news to ev’ry home;
See! The tender Lamb appears Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
Promised from eternal years. Whereof I now will say and sing,__

Hail, thou ever-blessed morn! 2 “To you this night is born a Child
Hail, redemption’s happy dawn! Of Mary, chosen mother mild;
Sing through all Jerusalem, This little Child, of lowly birth,
“Christ is born in Bethlehem!” Shall be the joy of all your earth.

2 Lo! Within a manger lies 3 “’Tis Christ our God, who far on high
He who built the starry skies, Hath heard your sad and bitter cry;
He who, throned in height sublime, Himself will your salvation be;
Sits amid the cherubim. Himslef from sin will make you free.”

3 Say, ye holy shepherds, say, 4 Welcome to earth,Thou noble Guest,

What your joyful news to-day; Through whom e’en Thou wicked
Wherefore have ye left your sheep men are blest!
On the lonely mountain steep? Thou com’st to share our misery;
What can we render, Lord, to Thee?
4 “As we watched at dead of night,
Lo! We saw a wondrous light: 5 Ah! Dearest Jesus, Holy Child,
Angels, singing peace on earth, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Told us of the Saviour’s birth.” Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee.
5 Sacred Infant, all Divine,
What a tender love was Thine, 6 “Glory to God in highest heaven,
Thus to come from highest bliss Who unto man His Son hath given!”
Down to such a world as this! While angels sing with pious mirth
A glad New Year to all the earth.
267 Little Children OC53
___ Jesus Christ her little Child.
(also as 272) 2 He came down to earth from heaven
1 Little children, wake and listen! Who is God and Lord of all,
Songs are breaking o’er the earth; And His shelter was a stable,
While stars in heaven glisten, And His cradle was a stall.
Hear the news of Jesus’ birth. With the poor and mean and lowly
Long ago, to lonely meadows, Lived on earth our Saviour holy.
Angels brought the message down;
Still, each year, through midnight 3 And through all His wondrous
shadows, childhood
It is heard in every town. He would honor and obey,
Love, and watch the lowly maiden
2 What is this that they are telling, In whose gentle arms He lay.
Singing in the quiet street? Christian children all must be
While their voices high are swelling, Mild, obedient, good as He.
What sweet words do they repeat?
Words to bring us greater gladness 4 For He is our childhood’s pattern:
Though our hearts from care are free; Day by day like us He grew;
Words to chase away our sadness He was little, weak, and helpless;
Cheerless though our hearts may be. Tears and smiles like us He knew;
And He feeleth for our sadness,
3 Christ has left His throne of glory, And He shareth in our gladness.
And a lowly cradle found;
Well might angels tell the story, 5 And our eyes at last shall see Him,
Well may we their words resound. Through His own redeeming love;
Little children, wake and listen! For that Child so dear and gentle
Songs are ringing through the earth; Is our Lord in heav’n above;
While the stars in heaven glisten, And He leads His children on
Hail with joy your Saviour’s birth. To the place where He is gone.

268 Irby___C69, S32, 6 Not in that poor lowly stable,

F156 With the oxen standing be,
1 Once in royal David’s city We shall see Him; but in heaven,
Stood a lowly cattle-shed, Set at God’s right hand on high,
Where a mother laid her Baby When, like stars, His children
In a manger for His bed. crowned
Mary was that mother mild, All in white shall wait around.
269 Stille Nacht___C49, F157 4 Who is He that stands and weeps
1 Silent night! holy night! At the grave where Lazarus sleeps?
All is clam, all is bright
‘Round yon virgin mother and Child, 5 Lo! At midnight who is He
Holy Infant so tender and mild, Prays in dark Gethsemane?
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace. 6 Who is He, in Calvary’s throes,
Asks for blessings on His foes?
2 Silent night! Holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight, 7 Who is He that from the grave
Glories stream from heaven afar, Comes to heal and help and save?
heav’nly hosts sing Hallelujah;
Christ the Saviour is born, 8 Who is He that on yon grave
Christ the Saviour is born. Rules the world of light alone?

3 Silent night! holy night! 271 Horsley___C105, F175, S1134

Son of God, Love’s pure light, Green Hill___F321
Radiant beams from Thy holy face, (also as 159)
With the dawn of redeeming grace, 1 There a green hill far away,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Without a city wall,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Where the dear Lord was crucified,
Who died to save us all.
DEATH OF CHRIST 2 We may not know, we cannot tell,
270 Lowliness___C77, S66, F167 What pains He had to bear;
1 Who is He, in yonder stall, But we believe it was for us
At whose feet the shepherd fall? He hung and suffered there.

‘Tis the Lord! O wondrous story! 3 He died that we might be forgiven,

‘Tis the Lord, the King of Glory! He died to make us good,
At His feet we humbly fall; That we might go at last to heaven,
Crown Him, crown Him Lord of all. Saved by His precious blood.

2 Who is He, in yonder cot, 4 There was no other good enough

Bending to His toilsome lot? To pay the price of sin;
He only could unlock the gate
3 Who is He, in deep distress, Of heav’n, and let us in.
Fasting in the wilderness?
5 O dearly, dearly has He loved
And we must love Him too, There to praise Him without end.
And trust in His redeeming blood,
And try His works to do. 273 Madrid___C177, F432, S737
1 Come, children, join to sing__
FOR CHILDREN: Hallelujah! Amen!__
PRAISING CHRIST Loud praise to Christ our King;
272 Sweet hossanas___OC546 Hallelujah! Amen!
1 Little children, praise the Saviour; Let all, with heart and voice,
He regards you from above; Before His throne rejoice;
Praise Him for His great salvation; Praise is His gracious choice:
Praise Him for His precious love. Hallelujah! Amen!

Sweet hosannas, sweet hosannas 2 Come, lift your hearts on high;

To the Name of Jesus sing; Hallelujah! Amen!
Sweet hosannas, sweet hosannas Let praises fill the sky;
To the Name of Jesus sing. Hallelujah! Amen!
He is our Guide and Friend;
2 When He left His home in glory, To us He’ll condescend;
When He lived with mortals here, His love shall never end:
Little children sang His praises, Hallelujah! Amen!
And it pleased His gracious ear.
3 Praise yet the Lord again;
3 When the anxious mothers round Hallelujah! Amen!
Him Life shall not end the strain;
With their tender infants pressed, Hallelujah! Amen!
He with open arms received them, On heaven’s blissful shore
And the little ones He blessed. His goodness we’ll adore,
Singing for evermore,
4 Up in yonder happy regions “Hallelujah! Amen!”
Angels sound the chorus high;
Twice then thousand times ten 274 * Ellacombe___F385, S695, C93
thousand Tours___M835, PH483
Send His praises through the sky. (also as 202, 225, 197)
1 When, His salvation bringing,
5 Little children, praise the Saviour; To Zion Jesus came,
Praise Him, your undying Friend; The children all stood singing
Praise Him till in heav’n you meet Hosanna to His name;
Him Nor did their zeal offend Him,
But, as He rode along,
He let them still attend Him, 3 How kind was our Saviour
And smiled to hear their song. To bid these children welcome!
But there are many thousands who
2 And, since the Lord retaineth Have never learned His Name;
His love for children still, The Bible they have never read;
Though now as King He reigneth They know not that the Saviour said,
On Zion’s heav’nly hill, “Suffer the children
We’ll flock around His banner To come unto Me.”
Who sits upon the throne,
And cry aloud, “Hosanna 4 O soon may the heathen,
To David’s royal Son!” Of every tribe and nation,
Fulfill Thy blessed word, and cast
3 For, should we fail proclaiming Their idols all away;
Our great Redeemer’s praise, O shine upon them from above,
The stones, our silence shaming, And show Thyself a God of love;
Would their hosannas raise. Teach them dear Saviour,
But shall we only render To come unto Thee.
The tribute of our words?
No! while our hearts are tender, 276 Infant Praise___C658, F596
They too shall be the Lord’s. 1 Children of Jerusalem
Sang the praise of Jesus’ Name:
275 Salem___F618 Children, too, of modern days
1 When mothers of Salem Join to sing the Savior’s praise.
Their children brought to Jesus,
The stern disciples drove them back Hark, Hark, Hark! while infant
And bade them all depart ; voices sing,
But Jesus saw them ere they fled, Hark, Hark, Hark! while infant
And sweetly smiled, and kindly said, voices sing,
“Suffer the children Loud hosannas, loud hosannas,
To come unto Me.” Loud hosannas to our King.

2 “For I will receive them 2 We are taught to love the Lord,

And fold them to My bosom; We are taught to read His Word,
I’ll be a Shepherd to these lambs, We are taught the way heaven:
O drive them not away; Praise for all to God be given.
For, if their hearts to Me they give,
They shall with Me in glory live: 3 Parents, teachers, old and young,
Suffer the children All unite to swell the song;
To come unto Me.” Higher and yet higher rise,
Till hosannas reach the skies. 278 Hermas C133, S87, F207

(also as 134)
277 Ellacombe___C93, S695, F385 1 Golden harps are sounding,
1 Hosanna, loud hosanna, Angels voices ring,
The little children sang; Pearly gates are opened,
Through pillared court and temple Opened for the King.
The joyful anthem rang; Christ, the King of Glory,
To Jesus, who had blessed them Jesus, King of Love,
Close folded to His breast, Is gone up in triumph
The children sang their praises, To His throne above.
The simplest and the best.
“All His work is ended,”
2 From Olivet they followed, Joyfully we sing:
‘Mid and exultant crowd, “Jesus hath ascended!
The victor palm-branch waving, Glory to our King!”
And chanting clear and loud;
Bright angels joined the chorus, 2 He who came to save us,
Beyond the cloudless sky,__ He who bled and died,
“Hosanna in the highest! Now is crowned with glory
Glory to God on high!” At His Father’s side.
Never more to suffer,
3 Fair leaves of silv’ry olive Never more to die,
They strowed upon the ground, Jesus, King of Glory,
While Salem’s circling mountains Is gone up on high.
Echoed the joyful sound;
The Lord of men and angels 3 Praying for His children,
Rode on in lowly state, In that blessed place,
Nor scorned that little children Calling them to glory,
Should on His bidding wait. Sending them His grace,
His bright home preparing,
4 “Hosanna in the highest!” Faithful ones, for you,
That ancient song we sing, Jesus ever liveth,
For Christ is our Redeemer, Ever loveth too.
The Lord of heav’n our King.
O may we ever praise Him 279 I am so glad___C38
With heart and life and voice, 1 I am so glad that our Father in heav’n
And in His blissful presence Tells of His love in the Book He has
Eternally rejoice. giv’n:
Wonderful things in the Bible I see; The Lord came down to save me,
This is the dearest that Jesus loves Because He loved me so.
2 I’m glad my blessed Saviour
I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Was once a child like me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, To show how pure and holy
I am so glad that Jesus loves me, His little one might be;
Jesus loves even me. And, if I try to follow
His footsteps here below,
2 Jesus loves me, and I know I love He never will forsake me,
Him; Because He loves me so.
Love brought Him down my poor
soul to redeem; 3 To sing His love and mercy
Yes, it was love made Him die on My sweetest songs I’ll raise,
the tree: And, though I cannot see Him,
O, I am certain that Jesus loves me! I know He hears my praise;
For He has kindly promised
3 If one should ask of me: How can That even I may go
I tell? To sing among His angels
Glory to Jesus, I know very well; Because He loves me so.
God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth
agree, 281 Jesus loves me___C660
Constantly witnessing: Jesus loves me. S1155, F627
1 Jesus loves me! This I know,
4 O if there’s only one song I can sing, For the Bible tells me so;
When in His beauty I see the great Little ones to Him belong;
King, They are weak, but He is strong.
This shall my song in eternity be,
O what a wonder that Jesus loves me! Yes! Jesus loves me!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
280 Angel’s Story___C71, F615 Yes! Jesus loves me!
Because He loves___S1156 The Bible tells me so.
(also as 202)
1 I love to hear the story 2 Jesus loves me! He who died
Which angel voices tell, Heaven’s gate to open wide;
How once the King of Glory He will wash away my sin,
Came down on earth to dwell. Let His little child come in.
I am both weak and sinful,
But this I surely know, 3 Jesus, take this heart of mine,
Make it pure and wholly Thine; 283 Woodbook C669, F626

Thou hast bled and died for me, 1 If I come to Jesus

I will henceforth live for Thee. He will make me glad;
He will give me pleasure
4 Jesus loves me! He will stay When my heart is sad.
Close beside me all the way;
Then His little child will take If I come to Jesus,
Up to heav’n, for His dear sake. Happy shall I be;
he is gently calling
FOR CHILDREN: Little ones like me.
282 Innocents___C574, S1149, F403 2 If I come to Jesus,
Dijon___F659 He will hear my prayer;
1 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, He will love me dearly;
Look upon a little child, He my sins did bear.
Pity my simplicity,
Suffer me to come to Thee. 3 If I come to Jesus,
He will take my hand,
2 Lamb of God, I look to Thee; He will kindly lead me
Thou shalt my example be; To a better land.
Thou art gentle, meek, and mild;
Thou wast once a little child. 4 There with happy children,
Robed in snowy white,
3 Fain I would be as Thou art; I shall see my Saviour
Give me Thy obedient heart; In that world so bright.
Thou art pitiful and king;
Let me have Thy loving mind. 284 St. Martin___OC558
(also as 220, 210, 164, 262, 298)
4 Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, 1 Jesus, high in glory,
In Thy gracious hands I am; Lend a list’ning ear;
Make me, Saviour, what Thou art; When we bow before Thee,
Live Thyself within my heart. Children’s praises hear.

5 I shall then show forth Thy praise, 2 Though Thou art so holy,
Serve Thee all my happy days; Heav’n’s almighty King,
Then the world shall always see Thou wilt stoop to listen
Christ, the Holy Child, in me. When Thy praise we sing.
3 We are little children, Blessed Lord and only Saviour,
Weak and apt to stray; With Thyself our bosoms fill:
Saviour, guide and keep us Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus!
In the heav’nly way. Thou hast loved us, love us still.

4 Save us, Lord, from sinning; 286 City bright___C480, F650

Watch us day by day; 1 There is a city bright,
Help us now to love Thee; Closed are its gates to sin;
Take our sins away. Naught that defileth,
Naught that defileth
5 Then, when Thou shalt call us Can ever enter in.
To our heav’nly home,
We will gladly answer, 2 Saviour, I come to Thee;
“Saviour, Lord, we come.” O Lamb of God, I pray,
Cleanse me and save me,
285 Like a Shepherd___S1164 Cleanse me and save me,
1 Saviour, like a shepherd lead us Wash all my sins away.
Much we need Thy tender care;
In Thy pleasant pastures feed us; 3 Lord, make me, from this hour,
For our use Thy folds prepare: Thy loving child to be;
Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus! Kept by Thy power,
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Kept by Thy power
From all that grieveth Thee,__
2 We are Thine; do Thou befriend us;
Be the Guardian of our way; 4 Till in the snowy dress
Keep from all; from sin defend us; Of Thy redeemed I stand,
Seek us when we go astray: Faultless and stainless,
Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus! Faultless and stainless,
Hear us children when we pray. Safe in that happy land!

3 Thou hast promised to receive us, FOR CHILDREN:

Poor and sinful though we be; FOLLOWING CHRIST
Thou hast mercy to relieve us, 287 Rousseau___C661, S376, F648
Grace to cleanse, and power to free: 1 Lord, a little band and lowly,
Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus! We are come to sing to Thee;
Early let us turn to Thee. Thou art great and high and holy,
O how solemn we should be!
4 Early let us seek Thy favour; Fill our hearts with thoughts of Jesus,
Early let us do Thy will;
And of heav’n, where He is gone; Make us each a holy child:
And let nothing ever please us Hear us, Holy Jesus.
He would grieve to look upon.
289 Shine___F625, S1138
2 For we know the Lord of glory 1 Jesus bids us shine
Always sees what children do, With a pure, clear light,
And is writing now the story Like a little candle
Of our thoughts and actions too. Burning in the night.
Let our sins be all forgiven; In this world is darkness;
Make us fear whate’er is wrong; So let us shine,
Lead us on our way to heaven, You in your small corner,
There to sing a nobler song. And I in mine.

288 Evelyn___P571, OC149 2 Jesus bids us shine,

Ravenna__C450, F512 First of all for Him;
Lebbaeus__C469 Well He sees and knows it,
(also as 234) If our lights grows dim:
1 Jesus, from Thy throne on high, He looks down from heaven
Far above the bright blue sky, To see us shine,
Look on us with loving eye: You in your small corner,
Hear us, Holy Jesus. And I in mine.

2 Little children need not fear 3 Jesus bids us shine,

When they know that Thou art near; Then, for all around;
Thou dost love us, Saviour dear: Many kinds of darkness
Hear us, Holy Jesus. In the world are found__
Sin, and want, and sorrow;
3 Little hearts may love Thee well; So we must shine,
Little lips Thy love may tell, You in your small corner,
Little hymns Thy praises swell: And I in mine.
Hear us, Holy Jesus.
290 Invermay___C362
4 Be Thou with us every day; 1 The fields are all white,
In our work and in our play, And the reapers are few;
When we learn and when we pray: We children are willing,
Hear us, Holy Jesus. But what can we do
To work for our Lord in His harvest?
5 May our thoughts be undefiled;
May our words be true and mild; 2 Our hands are so small,
And our words are so weak: 5 With smiles of peace and looks of
We cannot teach others; love
How then shall we seek Light in our dwellings we may make,
To work for our Lord in His harvest? Bid kind good-humor brighten there,
His little work of love and praise
3 We’ll work by our prayers, That he may do for Jesus’ sake.
By the off’rings we bring,
By small self-denials; 292 Warfare___OC563
The least little thing (also as 164, 298)
May work for our Lord in His 1 Do no sinful action;
harvest: Speak no angry word;
Ye belong to Jesus,
4 Until by and by, Children of the Lord.
As the years pass, at length
We too may be reapers, 2 Christ is kind and gentle,
And go forth in strength, Christ is pure and true,
To work for our Lord in His harvest. And His little children
Must be holy too.
291 Aistone___C516, S1139
1 We are but little children weak, 3 There’s a wicked spirit
Nor born in any high estate; Watching round you still,
What can we do for Jesus’ sake, And he tries to tempt you
Who is so high and good and great? To all harm and ill.

2 O, day by day, each Christian child 4 But ye must not hear him,
Has much to do, without, within,__ Though ‘tis hard for you
A life to live for Jesus’ sake, To resist the evil,
A constant war to wage with sin. and the good to do.

3 When deep within our swelling hearts 5 Christ is your own Master;
The thoughts of pride and anger rise, He is good and true,
When bitter words are on our And His little children
tongues Must be holy too.
And tears of passion in our eyes.
293 Fortitude___C704, S698
4 Then we may stay the angry blow, 1 Yield not to temptation, for yielding
Then we may check the hasty word, is sin;
Give gentle answers back again, Each victory will help you some
And fight a battle for our Lord. other to win;
Fight manfully onward, dark passions Make us His, and make us holy,
subdue; Guard and guide us while we go.
Look ever to Jesus, He will carry
you through. 3 Hark! it is the Saviour calling,
“Little children, follow Me!”
Ask the Saviour to help you, Jesus, keep our feet from falling;
Comfort, strengthen, and keep you; Teach us all to follow Thee.
He is willing to aid you,
He sill carry you through. 4 Soon we part-it may be never,
Never here to meet again;
2 Shun evil compassions, bad language O to meet in heav’n for ever!
disdain; O the crown of life to gain!
God’s Name hold in rev’rence, nor
take it in vain; 295 Goshen (Fides)___C552,
Be thoughtful and earnest, S1153, F628
kind-hearted and true; 1 Jesus is our Shepherd,
Look ever to Jesus, He will carry His the voice we hear;
you through. Folded in His bosom,
What have we to fear?
3 To him that o’ercometh God giveth Only let us follow
a crown; Whither He doth lead,__
Through faith we shall conquer, To the thirsty desert,
though often cast down; Or the dewy mead.
He, who is our Saviour, our strength
will renew; 2 Jesus is our Shepherd:
Look ever to Jesus, He will carry Well we know His voice;
you through. How its gentlest whisper
Makes our heart rejoice!
294 Sicilian Mariners___ Even when He chideth,
S1048, F426 Tender is its tone;
Stuttgart___F139, C113, S24 None but He shall guide us;
(also as 9) We are His alone.
1 Childhood’s years are passing o’er us;
Soon our school-days will be done; 3 Jesus is our Shepherd:
Cares and sorrows lie before us, For the sheep He bled;
Hidden dangers, snares unknown. Every lamb is sprinkled
With the blood He shed;
2 O may He who, meek and lowly, Then on each He setteth
Trod Himself this vale of woe His own secret sign:
“They that have my Spirit, 4 Then trials cannot vex me,
These,” saith He, “are Mine.” And pain I need not fear,
For, when I’m close by Jesus,
4 Jesus is our Shepherd: Grief cannot come too near;
Guarded by His arm, Not even death can harm me,
Though the wolves may raven, When death I meet one day;
None can do us harm; To heav’n I’ll follow Jesus
When we tread death’s valley, All the way.
Dark with fearful gloom,
We will fear no evil, 297 Hermas___C133, S87, F207
Victors o’er the tomb. (also as 134, 177)
1 Saviour, blessed Saviour,
296 Cliftonville___OC569 Listen while we sing,
1 The world looks very beautiful Hearts and voices raising
And full of joy to me; Praises to our King.
Then sun shines out in glory All we have we offer;
On everything I see; All we hope to be,
I know I shall be happy Body, soul, and spirit,
While in the world I stay, All we yield to Thee.
For I will follow Jesus,
All the way. Saviour, blessed Saviour,
Listen while we sing,
2 I’m but a little pilgrim, Hearts and voices raising
My journey’s just begun; Praises to our King.
They say I shall meet sorrow
Before my journey’s done; 2 Nearer, ever nearer,
“The world is full of sorrow Christ, we draw to Thee,
And suffering,” they say; Deep in adoration
But I will follow Jesus, Bending low the knee.
All the way. Thou for our redemption
Camest on earth to die;
3 Then, like a little pilgrim, Thou, that we might follow,
Whatever I may meet, Hast gone up on high.
I’ll take it, joy or sorrow,
To lay at Jesus’ feet. 3 Onward, ever onward,
He’ll comfort me in trouble; Journeying o’er the road,
He’ll wipe my tears away; Worn by saints before us,
With joy I’ll follow Jesus Journeying on to God;
All the way. Leaving all behind us,
May we hasten on, And a stranger here;
Backward never looking But my home in heaven
Till the prize is won. Cometh ever near.

4 Higher, then and higher 299 Refuge___C707, S57

Bear the ransomed soul, 1 Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Earthly toils forgotten, Safe on His gentle breast,
Saviour, to its goal; There, by His love o’ershaded,
Where, in joys unthought of, Sweetly my soul doth rest
Saints with angels sing, Hark! ‘tis the voice of angels
Never weary, raising Borne in a song to me,
Praises to their King. Over the fields of glory,
Over the crystal sea.
HEAVEN Safe in the arms of Jesus,
298 Infant praises___P584 Safe on His gentle breast,
Filitz___C542, OC579 There by His love o’ershaded,
1 I’m a little pilgrim, Sweetly my soul doth rest.
And a stranger here;
Though this world is pleasant, 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Sin is always near. Safe from the corroding care,
Safe from the world’s temptations,
2 Mine’s a better country, Sin cannot harm me there.
Where there is no sin, Free from the blight of sorrow,
Where the tones of sorrow Free form my doubts and fears;
Never enter in. Only a few more trials,
Only a few more tears.
3 But a little pilgrim
Must have a garments clean, 3 Jesus, my heart’s dear Refuge,
If he’d wear the white robes, Jesus has died for me;
And with Christ be seen. Firm on the Rock of Ages
Ever my trust shall be.
4 Jesus, cleanse and save me; Here let me wait in patience,
Teach me to obey, Wait till the night is o’er,
Holy Spirit, guide me Wait till I see the morning
On my heav’nly way. Break on the golden shore.

5 I’m a little pilgrim, 300 In memoriam___C593

1 There’s a Friend for the little
children, All His jewels, precious jewels,
Above the bright blue sky, His loved and His own.
A Friend that never changes,
Whose love will never die. Like the stars of the morning,
Unlike our friends by nature, His bright crown adorning,
Who change with changing years, They shall shine in their beauty,
This Friend is always worthy Bright gems for His crown.
The precious Name He bears.
2 He will gather, He will gather,
2 There’s a rest for little children The gems for His Kingdom,
Above the bright blue sky, All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
Who love the blessed Saviour, His loved and His own.
And the Father cry;
A rest from every turmoil 3 Little children, little children
From sin and sorrow free, Who love their Redeemer,
Where e’ery little pilgrim Are the jewels, precious jewels,
Shall rest eternally. His loved and His own.

3 There’s home for little children 302 Better world___OC591, M22

Above the bright blue sky 1 There is a better world, they say,
Where Jesus reigns in glory, O so bright! O so bright!
A home of peace and joy. Where sin and woe are done away,
No home on earth is like it, O so bright! O so bright!
Or can with it compare, And music all the balmy air
For every one is happy, And angels with bright wings are
Nor could be happier, there. there,
And harps of gold and mansions fair;
4 There’s a crown for little children O so bright! O so bright!
Above the bright blue sky,
And all who look to Jesus 2 No clouds e’er pass along its sky,
Shall wear it by and by,__ Happy land! Happy land!
A crown of brightest glory, No tear-drop glistens in the eye,
Which He will then bestow Happy land! Happy land!
On all who love the Saviour, They drink the living streams of
And walk with Him below. grace,
And gaze upon the Saviour’s face,
301 Jewels___C158, S1140, F653 Whose brightness fills the holy place.
1 When He cometh, when He cometh Happy land! Happy land!
To make up His jewels,
3 Though we are sinners every one__ FOR CHILDREN:
Jesus died! Jesus died!__ MORNING
And though our crown of peace is 304 Sawley___F633
gone__ Spring-tide hour___C653
Jesus died! Jesus died!__ (also as 314, 159, 15, 259)
We may be cleansed from every stain, 1 The morning bright,
We may be crowned with peace again, With rosy light,
And in that land of bliss may reign, Has waked me up from sleep;
Jesus died! Jesus died! Father, I own,
Thy love alone
303 Happy land___C587 Thy little one doth keep.
1 There is a happy land,
Far, far away, 2 All through the day,
Where saints in glory stand, I humbly pray,
Bright, bright as day. Be Thou my Guard and Guide;
O how they sweetly sing, My sins forgive,
“Worthy is our Saviour King!” And let me live,
Loud let His praises ring, Blest Jesus, near Thy side.
Praise, praise for aye.
3 O make Thy rest
2 Come to this happy land, Within my breast,
Come, come away; Great Spirit of all grace;
Why will ye doubting stand? Make me like Thee,
Why still delay? Then shall I be
O we shall happy be Prepared to see Thy face.
When , form sin and sorrow free,
Lord, we shall live with Thee, FOR CHILDREN:
Blest, blest for aye. EVENING
3 Bright in that happy land 305 Evening prayer___C654
Beams every eye;
Kept a Father’s hand,
1 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me;
Love cannot die;
Bless Thy little lamb to-night;
On then to glory run;
Through the darkness be Thou near
Be a crown and kingdom won;
And, bright above the sun,
Watch my sleep till morning light.
Reign, reign for aye.
2 All this day Thy hand has led me,
And I thank Thee for Thy care; 4 Grant us Thy peace throughout our
Thou hast clothed me, warmed and earthly life,
fed me; Our balm in sorrow, and our stay
Listen to my evening prayer. in strife;
Then, when Thy voice shall bid our
3 Let my sins be all forgiven; conflict cease,
Bless my friends I love so well, Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal
Take me, when I die, to heaven, peace.
Happy there with Thee to dwell.
307 Stella___F595
CLOSING HYMNS 1 O Saviour, bless us ere we go;
306 Ellers___C301, S291, F280 Thy word into our minds instill;
1 Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we And make our lukewarm hearts to
raise, glow
With one accord, our parting hymn With lowly love and fervent will.
of praise; Through life’s long day and death’s
We stand to bless Thee ere our dark night,
worship cease, O gentle Jesus, be our light!
Then, lowly kneeling, wait Thy word
of peace. 2 The day is done, its hours have run,
And Thou hast taken count of all,__
2 Grant us Thy peace upon our The scanty triumphs grace hath won,
home-ward way; The broken vow, the frequent fall.
With Thee began, with Thee shall
end the day; 3 Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways
Guard Thou the lips from sin, the True absolution and release;
hearts from shame, And bless us, more than in past days,
That in this house have called upon With purity, and inward peace.
Thy name.
4 Do more than pardon: give us joy,
3 Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through Sweet fear, and sober liberty,
the coming night, And loving hearts without alloy,
Turn Thou for us its darkness into That only long be like Thee.
From harm and danger keep Thy 308 * Dismissal___F275, C678, S287
children free, 1 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing;
For dark and light are both to Thee. Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each, Thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace; 3 Before the hills in order stood,
O refresh us, O refresh us, Or earth received her frame;
Trav’lling through this wilderness. From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.
2 Thanks we give and adoration
For Thy gospel’s joyful sound; 4 A thousand ages in Thy sight
May the fruits of Thy salvation Are like and ev’ning gone:
In our hearts and lives abound; Short as the watch that ends the night
May Thy presence, may Thy presence Before the rising sun.
With us evermore be found.
5 Time, like and ever-rolling stream,
DOXOLOGIES Bears all its sons away;
309 Old 100th___C229, S9, F592 They fly, forgotten, as a dream.
1 Praise God, from whom all blessings Dies at the op’ning day.
Praise Him, all creatures here below; 6 O God, our help in ages past
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Our hope for years to come,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Be Thou our guard while troubles
310 * St. Anne___F41, C601 And our eternal home.
S513, OC635
1 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 312 Franconia___F56, C190, S461
The God whom we adore, Selma___C249
Be glory, as it was, and is, 1 Lord, bless and pity us,
And shall be evermore. Amen. Shine on us with Thy face:
That th’ earth Thy way, the nations all
ADDITIONAL HYMNS May know Thy saving grace.
311 * St. Anne___F41, C601, S513 2 Let people praise Thee, Lord;
1 O God, our help in ages past, Let people all Thee praise.
Our hope for years to come, O let the nations all be glad,
Our shelter from the stormy blast, In songs their voices raise!
And our eternal home.
3 Thou’t justly people judge,
2 Under the shadow of Thy throne On earth rule nations all.
Thy saints have dwelt secure; Let people praise Thee, Lord; let
Sufficient is Thine arm alone, them
And our defence is sure. Praise Thee, both great and small.
4 The earth her fruit hath given; substance waste
Our God shall blessing send, On trifles, light as air?
God shall us bless; men shall Him
fear, 3 My stores afford those rich supplies
Unto earth’s utmost end. That health and pleasure give;
Incline your ear, and come to Me;
313 Old 100th___C799, S9, F20 The soul that hears shall live.
1 All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, 4 Seek ye the Lord, while yet His ear
Him serve with mirth, His praise Is open to your call;
forth tell, While offered mercy still is near,
Come ye before Him and rejoice. Before His footstool fall.

2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed; 5 He pardons with o’erflowing love;

Without our aid He did us make; “For,” hear the voice Divine!
We are His folk, He doth us feed.. “My nature is not like yours,
And for His sheep He doth us take. Nor like your ways are Mine.”

3 O enter then His gates with praise, 6 “But far as heav’n’s resplendent orbs
Approach with joy His courts unto; Beyond earth’s spot extend,
Praise, laud, and bless His name As far My thoughts, as far My ways,
always, Your ways and thoughts transcend.”
For it is seemly so to do.
7 With joy and peace shall then be led
4 For why? The Lord our God is good; The glad converted lands;
His mercy is for ever sure; The lofty mountains then shall sing,
His truth at all times firmly stood, The forests clap their hands.
And shall from age to age endure.
315 * Mucindikani Yesu___SU76
314 Evan___S327, C692, F261 AP45, TsN10
1 Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring 1 O praise the name of Jesus,
Where living waters flow: O praise the name of Jesus, our King;
Free to that sacred fountain all O praise the name of Jesus,
Without a price may go. Our King, our King, our King,……

2 How long to streams of false O praise the name our King,

delight of Jesus
Will ye in crowds repair? Our King, our King, our King,……
How long your strength and O praise the name, our King; of Jesus
O praise the name of Jesus, our King. mothers,
‘Tis Jesus, ‘tis He who shed His
2 He calls you all to hear Him, blood to save you, mothers,
He call you all to hear Him, our He died to save you, He shed His
King. blood to save you, mothers.

3 O turn your hearts unto Him, 4 He is calling, He is calling you my

O turn your hearts unto Him, our fathers,
King. ‘Tis Jesus, ‘tis He who shed His
blood to save you, fathers,
4 For Christ, our King, is coming, He died to save you, He shed His
For Christ our King is coming, our blood to save you, fathers.
5 He is calling, Jesus calls you to
5 Then bring your offerings to Him, abandon
Then bring your offerings to Him, The evil, the evil that for long has
our King. been master,
He bids you leave it, He bids you
6 Come with them all to Jesus, leave yours sin and blindness.
Come with them all to Jesus, our
King. 6 How can sinners, how can sinners
stand before Him?
316 Wakecema Wakucema___ Yet Jesus, the King who died to save
SU171, TsN13 His sinful people,
1 He is calling, He is calling all His ‘Tis He who calls us, ‘tis He who
people: calls: O hasten to Him!
O listen! O listen to your Saviour,
He is calling: 317 * Cindikani Ciuta___SU21,
He is calling, He is calling all His AP1, TsN1
people. 1 O praise the King of heaven,
O praise the king of heaven,
2 He is calling, He, the mighty King of All ye who are His people.
‘Tis Jesus, ‘tis He who is the Saviour O praise the King of heaven, ye
of all people: princes!
‘Tis Jesus calling, ‘tis Jesus calling all O praise the King of heaven,
His people. The holy, gracious King; ye rulers!
O praise the King of heaven,
3 He is calling, He is calling you my Hallelujah!
O praise the King of heaven 2 When I prayed for mercy,
The holy, gracious King. When I prayed for mercy
He answered me in love.
2 O tell abroad His glory, 3 When I cried unto Him,
O tell abroad His glory, When I cried unto Him
And publish it to all men. He answered me in love.
Ye fathers! Ye mothers! Hallelujah!
4 When I came to Jesus,
3 O shout aloud His praises, When I came to Jesus
O shout aloud His praises, He answered me in love.
In mountain, plain and valley.
Young warriors! Ye maidens! 5 Jesus, I a sinner,
Hallelujah! Jesus, I a sinner,
Come unto Thee for health.
4 For He is high exalted,
For He is high exalted O Saviour, cleanse me,
Above all earthly nations. O Saviour, cleanse me,
Old people! Ye children! Hallelujah! And wash away my sin;
O Saviour, cleanse me,
5 For God, the great God reigneth, O Saviour, cleanse me,
For God, the great God reigneth And wash away my sin;
Above all tribes and peoples.
In heaven! On earth! Hallelujah! 319 Hyfrydol___C479, F113
1 Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!
318 * Nkamupenja Yesu___SU248 Jesus! Lover of my soul;
AP75, TsN4 Friend may fail me, foes assail me,
1 When I called to Jesus, He, my Saviour, makes me whole.
When I called to Jesus
He answered me in love; Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
When I called to Jesus, Hallelujah! What a Friend!
When I called to Jesus Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
He answered me in love; He is with me to the end.

He is my Saviour, 2 Jesus! What a Strength in weakness!

He is my Saviour, Let me hide myself in Him;
He answered me in love; Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing,
He is my Saviour, He, my Strength, my vict’ry wins.
He is my Saviour,
He answered me in love. 3 Jesus! What a Help in sorrow!
While the billows o’er me roll, 321 Ninety and nine C685, S97

Even when my heart is breaking, 1 There were ninety and nine that
He, my comfort, helps my soul. safely lay
4 Jesus! What a Guide and Keeper! In the shelter of the fold;
While the tempest still is high, But one was cut out on the hills
Storms about me, night o’ertakes me, away,
He, my Pilot, hears my cry. Far off from the gates of gold;
Away on the mountains wild and
5 Jesus! I do now receive Him, bare,
More than all in Him I find, Away from the tender Shepherd’s
He hath granted me forgiveness, care,
I am His, and He is mine. Away from the tender Shepherd’s
320 Shining for Jesus___S1124
1 Shining for Jesus e’erywhere I go; 2 “Lord, Thou hast in fold Thy ninety
Shining for Jesus in this world of and nine;
woe; Are they not enough for Thee?”
Shining for Jesus, more like Him I But the Shepherd made answer,
grow; “This of Mine hath wandered away
Shining all the time for Jesus. from Me;
And although the road be rough
Shining all the time, shining all the and steep.,
time; I go to the desert to find My sheep,
Shining for Jesus, beams of love I go to the desert to find My sheep.”
Glorifying Him ev’ry day and hour, 3 But none of the ransomed ever knew
Shining all the time for Jesus. How deep were the waters crossed,
Nor how dark was the night which
2 Shining for Jesus in a world of sin; the Lord passed through,
Shining for Jesus, bringing lost one in; Ere He found His sheep that was
Shining for Jesus, glorifying Him: lost;
Shining all the time for Jesus. Out in the desert he heard its cry,
Sick and helpless, and ready to die,
3 Shining for Jesus when He gives me Sick and helpless, and ready to die.
Shining for Jesus while I run the race; 4 “Lord, whence are those blood-drops
Shining for Jesus, till I see His face: all the way,
Shining all the time for Jesus. That mark out the mountain’s track?
“They were shed for one who had Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call;
gone astray, Spirit of Burning, come,
Ere the Shepherd could bring him Spirit of Burning, come.
back.” 4 My steadfast soul, from falling free,
“Lord, whence are Thy hands so Shall then no longer move,
rent and torn?’’ While Christ is all the world to me,
“They’re pierced tonight by many a And all my heart is love,
thorn, And all my heart is love.
They’re pierced tonight by many a
thorn.” 323 Vadada Mwa’kuru___SU14,
AP53, TsN31
5 And all through the mountains, 1 Creator and Father, Thou who
thunder-riven, rulest above,
And up from the rocky steep, Creator and Father, Thou who
There arose a cry to the gate of rulest above,
heaven, Come visit us Thy people in mercy
“Rejoice, I have found My sheep!” and love.
And the angels echoed around the
throne, 2 Thou knowest in pathways of evil
“Rejoice! For the Lord brings back we stray,
His own!” Thou knowest in pathways of evil
“Rejoice! For the Lord brings back we stray,
His own!” O send Thy Holy Spirit to teach us
322 Hastings___S187, F431
1 Jesus, Thine all-victorious love 3 O Spirit, enlighten our spirits within,
Shed in my soul abroad; O Spirit, enlighten our spirits within,
Then shall my heart no longer rove, And show us in Thy mercy wherein
Rooted and fixed in God, we do sin.
Rooted and fixed in God.
4 To Thee do we yield us, O show us
2 O that in me the sacred fire Thy way,
Might now begin to glow; To Thee do we yield us, O show us
Burn up the dross of base desire, Thy way,
And make the mountains flow, To Thee do we offer our own wills
And make the mountains flow. today.

3 Thou, who at Pentecost didst fall, 5 O teach us to do what is good in

Do Thy my sins consume: Thy sight,
O teach us to do what is good in 325 Yesu wakava mjedu___
Thy sight, SU366,
For all that Thou willest is perfect AP23, TsN27
and right. 1 He was born a little child
When He came to earth:
6 Our Father in heaven, O hear when Angels in the heav’ns above
we pray, Told us of His birth.
Our Father in heaven, O hear when
we pray, Mother Mary laid Him
And grant us in Thy mercy Thy In a cattle stall,
blessing today. Little baby Jesus,
Who was Lord of all.
324 Hena, Mwana wa Mberere___
SU46, TsN24 2 Shepherds and their quiet sheep
1 Behold the holy Lamb of God! Saw the angel bright:
Behold the Man that bears for us Shepherds heard the angels there
a heavy load. Singing in the night.

Holy Lamb of God, lo, upon the cross 3 In the hills they left the lambs
For all men bearing pain and loss. And the sleeping sheep:
Down to Bethlehem they came
2 In humble silence goeth He, Jesus for to seek.
In grief and pain, to bear our sins
upon the tree. 4 “Shepherds, whence your eager feet,
Running, running still?
3 Behold, outside the city wall Who is caring for your sheep
Upon the cross they nail Him there On the starlit hill?
to save us all.
5 “Shall we not adore Him now,
4 O listen to His bitter cry, Lying in the hay?
“My God, my God, why dost Thou Lo, our Saviour Jesus Christ
leave me here to die?” Born to us today!”

5 But lo, upon that awful tree 326* Kum ba Yah (Angola)___SCO18
From the defilement of my sin He 1 Come again, my Lord, come again,
cleanseth me. Come again, my Lord, come again,
Come again, my Lord, come again,
O Lord, come again!
2 Someone’s singing, Lord, come again; Mighty Shepherd, fill Thy flock with
O Lord, come again! Thy power.

3 Someone’s crying, Lord, come again; 328 Carucose m’zomere___SU256

O Lord, come again! AP2, TsN17
4 Someone’s praying, Lord, come again; 1 Let the world in concert sing
O Lord, come again! Praises to our glorious King:
Hallelujah, hallelujah to our King!
5 Come again, my Lord, come again,
O Lord, come again! 2 Of His pow’r and glory tell:
All His work He doeth well:
327 * Ndimwe Ciuta___SU91, TsN7 Hallelujah, hallelujah to our King!
1 All hail, Almighty, God everlasting!
All hail, Almighty, God everlasting! 3 Come, behold what He hath done,
All hail! Deeds of wonder every one:
Hail to Thee, Almighty, God ever- Hallelujah, hallelujah to our King!
All hail! 4 O ye fearful ones, draw near;
Hail to Thee, Almighty, God ever- Praise our God who holds you dear:
lasting! Hallelujah, hallelujah to our King!

2 All hail, O Shepherd, God everlasting! 5 Let us now in concert sing

All hail! Praises to our glorious King:
Hail to Thee, O Shepherd, God Hallelujah, hallelujah to our King!
3 Behold, we are the sheep of Thy 329 God be with You___S298, F522
pasture: Randolph___C624, F522
Hear us! 1 God be with you till we meet again,
Hear us, Lord, we are the sheep of By His counsels guide uphold you,
Thy pasture. With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again!
4 O Shepherd, guard the sheep of Thy
pasture; Till we meet, till we meet,
Guard us! Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Shepherd, guard and tend the sheep Till we meet, till we meet,
of Thy pasture. God be with you till we meet again!

5 O mighty Shepherd fill us with power: 2 God be with till we meet again,
Fill us! ‘Neath His wings protecting hide you,
Daily manna still provide you; death
God be with you till we meet again! Revived our souls again.
7 We all, like sheep, had gone astry
330 Horsley___C105, F175, S1134 In ruin’s fatal road;
(also as 322, 159, 229) On Him were our transgressions laid;
1 How few receive with cordial faith He bore the mighty load.
The tidings which we bring?
How few have seen the arm 8 Wronged and oppressed, how
revealed meekly He
Of heav’n’s eternal King? In patient silence stood!
Mute, as the peaceful harmless Lamb,
2 The Saviour comes! No outward When brought to shade its blood.
Bespeaks His presence nigh; 9 He died to bear the guilt of men,
No earthly beauty shines in Him That sin might be forgiv’n;
To draw the eternal eye. He lives to bless them and defend,
And plead their cause in heav’n.
3 Rejected and dispised of men,
Behold a man of woe! 331 * Richmond___C209, F12
Grief was His close companion still Lyngham___F1
Through all His life below. Lydia___F127
(also as 159, 314, 289)
4 Yet all the griefs He felt was ours, 1 O for thousand tongues to sing
Ours were the woes He bore; My great Redeemer’s praise,
Pangs, not His own, His sportless The glories of my God and King,
soul The triumphs of His grace.
With bitter anguish tore.
2 My gracious Master and my God,
5 We held Him as condemned by Assist me to proclaim,
heav’n To spread through all the earth
An outcast from His God, abroad
While for our sins He groaned, he The honors of Thy Name.
Beneath his Father’s rod. 3 Jesus! The Name that charms our
6 His sacred blood has washed our That bids our sorrows cease;
souls ‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
From sin’s polluted stain; ‘Tis life, and health, and peace.
His stripes have healed us, and His
4 He speaks, and, list’ning to His voice, Ascribing salvation
New life the dead receive, To Jesus our King.
The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, 3 Salvation to God,
The humble poor believe. Who sits on the throne;
Let all cry aloud,
5 He breaks the pow’r of cancelled And honour the Son;
sin, The praises of Jesus
He sets the pris’ner free; All angels proclaim,
His blood can make the foulest clean, Fall down on their faces,
His blood availed for me. And worship the Lamb.

6 See all your sins on Jesus laid: 4 Then let us adore

The Lamb of God was slain, And give Him His right,
His soul was once an offering made All glory and pow’r,
For e’ery soul of man. All wisdom and might,
All honor and blessing,
7 Glory to God, and praise, and love With angels above,
Be ever, ever given And thanks never-ceasing,
By saints below and saints above, And infinite love.
The Church in earth and heaven.
333 * Stella___F319
332 * Hanover___S212, C9, F8 1 “A little while!” Our Lord shall come,
Laudate Dominum___F7, C168 And we shall wander here no more;
Houghton___F398, C168 He’ll take us to our Father’s home;
1 Ye servants of God, Where He for us has gone before;
Your Master proclaim, To dwell with Him, to see His face,
And publish abroad And sing the glories of His grace.
His wonderful name;
The name all-victorious 2 “A little while!” He’ll come again!
Of Jesus extol; Let us the precious hours redeem;
His kingdom is glorious, Our only grief to give Him pain,
And rules over all. Our joy to serve and follow Him,
Watching and ready may we be,
2 God ruleth on high, As those who long their Lord to see.
Almighty to save;
And still He is nigh, 3 “A little while!” Come, Savior come,
His presence we have. For Thee Thy Bride has waited long:
The great congregation O take Thy wearied pilgrims home,
His triumph shall sing, To sing the new eternal song;
To see Thy glory, and to be “Nearer, my God, to Thee,
In everything conformed to Thee. Near to Thee.”
2 Though like a wanderer,
334 St. Agnes, Durham___ The sun gone down,
C422, F128, S60 Darkness comes over me,
1 Jesus, the very thought of Thee My rest a stone:
With sweetness fills my breast; Yet in my dreams I’d be
But sweeter far Thy face to see, Nearer, my God, to Thee,
And in Thy presence rest. Nearer to Thee!

2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can 3 There let the way appear
frame, Steps unto heaven,
Nor can the memory find All that Thou sendest me,
A sweeter sound than Thy blest In mercy given;
Name, Angels to beckon me
O Saviour of mankind! Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee!
3 O Hope of every contrite heart,
O Joy of all the meek, 4 Then, with my waking thoughts
To those who fall how kind Thou art! Bright with Thy praise,
How good to those who seek! Out of my stony grief
Bethel I’ll raise;
4 But what to those who find? Ah, this So by my woes to be
Nor tongue nor pen can show; Nearer, my God, to Thee,
The love of Jesus, what it is Nearer to Thee!
None but this His loved ones know.
5 Or if on joyful wing
5 Jesus, our only joy be Thou, Clearing the sky,
As Thou our prize wilt be; Sun, moon, and stars forgot,
Jesus, be Thou our glory now, Upwards I fly,
And through eternity. Still all my song shall be:
“ Nearer, my God, to Thee,
335 Excelsior (Bethany)___S581 Nearer to Thee!
Propior Deo___C475
1 Nearer, my God, to Thee, 336 (274) Room for Thee___S35
Nearer to Thee! Margaret___F141, C67
Even though it be a cross 1 Thou didst leave Thy throne
That raiseth me, And Thy kingly crown
Still all my song shall be: When Thou camest to earth for me,
But in Bethlehem’s home 337(107) Cleansing Fountain___S129
Was there found no room Belmont___F183, C309, S663
For Thy holy nativity. 1 There is a fountain filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;
O come to my heart, Lord Jesus; And sinners plunged beneath that
There is room in my heart for Thee. flood
Lose all their guilty stains.
2 Heaven’s arches rang
When the angels sang, 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
Proclaiming Thy royal degree; That fountain in his day;
But of lowly birth And there have I, though vile as he,
Cam’st Thou, Lord, on earth, Washed all my sins away.
And in great humility.
3 Dear dying Lamb,Thy precious blood
3 The foxes rest, Shall never lose its power,
And the bird its near, Till all the ransomed Church of God
In the shade of the forest tree; Be saved, to sin no more.
But Thy couch was the sod,
O Thou, Lord, on earth, 4 E’er since by faith I saw the stream
In the deserts of Galilee. Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
4 Thou camest, O Lord, And shall be till I die.
With the living word
That should set Thy people free; 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song,
But, with mocking scorn, I’ll sing Thy power to save,
And with crown of thorn, When this poor lisping, stamm’ring
They bore Thee to Calvary. tongue
Lies silent in the grave.
5 When heav’n’s arches ring,
And her choirs shall sing, 338 Calvary (Welcome Voice)___
At Thy coming to victory, C689, S475
Let Thy voice call me home. 1 I hear Thy welcome voice
Saying, “Yet there is room, That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
There is room at My side for thee!” For cleansing in Thy precious blood
That flowed on Calvary.
And my heart shall rejoice, Lord
Jesus, I am coming, Lord,
When Thou comest and call’st for Coming now to Thee;
Wash me, cleanse me in the blood With gladness in His sight.
That flowed on Calvary.
4 Our hearts, if God we seek to know
2 Though coming weak and vile, Shall know Him, and rejoice;
Thou dost my strength assure; His coming like the morn shall be,
Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, Like morning songs His voice.
Till spotless all and pure.
5 As dew upon the tender herb,
3 ‘Tis Jesus calls for me on Diffusing fragrance round;
To perfect faith and love, As show’rs that usher in the spring,
To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, And cheer the thirsty ground:
For earth and heav’n above.
6 So shall His presence bless our souls,
4 ‘Tis Jesus who confirms And shed a joyful light;
The blessed work within, That hallowed morn shall chase away
By adding grace to welcomed grace, The sorrows of the night.
Where reigned the power of sin.
340 Room___S429
5 All hail, atoning blood! 1 “Yet there is room!” The Lamb’s
All hail, redeeming grace! bright hall of song,
All hail, the gift of Christ our Lord, With its fair glory beckons thee
Our Strength and Righteousness. along:

339 * Kilmarknock___C400, F305 Room, room, still room,

1 Come, let us to the Lord our God O enter, enter now!
With contrite hearts return;
Our God is gracious, nor will leave 2 Day is declining, and the sun is low;
The desolate to mourn. The shadows lengthen, light makes
haste to go.
2 His voice commands the tempest
forth, 3The bridal hall is filling for the feast;
And stills the stormy wave; Pass in! pass in! and be the Bride-
And though His arm be strong to groom’s guest:
‘Tis also strong to save. 4 Pass in! pass in! That banquet is for
3 Long hath the night of sorrow reigned, That cup of everlasting love is free:
The dawn shall bring us light;
God shall appear, and we shall rise 5 All heav’n is there! All joy! Go in,
go in! refused to shine?
The angels beckon thee the prize O! Sometimes it causes me to
to win: tremble!

6 Louder and sweeter sounds the 5 Were you there when they laid Him
loving call: in the tomb?
Come, ling’rer, come! Enter that O! Sometimes it causes me to
festal hall: tremble!

7 Ere night that gate may close, and 6 Were you there when He rose up
seal they doom, from the dead?
Then the last, low, long cry,“No room, O! Sometimes it causes me to
no room!” tremble!

No room, no room! 342 * Troyle’s No1___S718, K385

O woeful cry!__“No room!” (also as 236)
1 Great King of kings, why dost Thou
341 * Were you there?___NS113, stay?
CD26, A144 Why tarriest Thou upon way?
1 Were you there when they crucified Why lingers the expected Day?
my Lord? Thy kingdom come.
Were you there when they crucified
my Lord? 2 Life in its fullness is with Thee,
O! Sometimes it causes me to Life in its holy liberty;
tremble, tremble, tremble__ From death and chains this world
Were you there when they crucified set free:
my Lord? Thy kingdom come.

2 Were you there when they nailed 3 O King of glory, King of peace,
Him to the tree? Bid all these storms and tumults
O! Sometimes it causes me to cease,
tremble! Bring in Thy reign of righteousness:
Thy kingdom come.
3 Were you there when they pierced
Him in the side? 4 Peace, gentle peace, is on its way,
O! Sometimes it causes me to And holy love this earth to sway;
tremble! Hasten, O Lord, that glorious day:
Thy kingdom come.
4 Were you there when the sun
5 O bid Thy blessed gospel go Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
Forth to each child of sin and woe,
That all Thy wondrous grace may 2 Thou rushing wind that art so strong,
know: ye clouds that sail in heave’n along,
Thy kingdom come. O praise Him, hallelujah!
Thou riding morn, in praise rejoice,
343 In aeternum___S964 Ye lights of ev’ning, find a voice.
1 There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar, 3 Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
For the Father waits over the way, Make music for thy Lord to hear,
To prepare us a dwelling place there. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
In that sweet by and by That givest man both warmth and
We shall meet on that beautiful light,
In that sweet by and by 4 And all ye men of tender heart,
We shall meet on that beautiful Forgiving others, take your part,
shore. O sing ye, hallelujah!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear
2 We shall sing on that beautiful shore Praise God and on Him cast your
The melodious songs of the blest, care,
And our spirits shall sorrow no
more__ 5 Let all things their Creator bless,
Nor a sigh for the blessing of rest. And worship Him in humbleness,
O praise Him, hallelujah!
3 To our bountiful Father above Praise, praise the Father, praise the
We will offer the tribute of praise, Son,
For the glorious gift of His love, And praise the Spirit, Three in One,
And the blessings that hallow our
days. 6 Praise God from whom all blessings
344 * Lasst uns erfreues___F28, C13 Praise Him all creatures here below,
1 All creatures of our God and King, Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Lift up your voice and with us sing Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam, Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
O praise Him, O praise Him,
345 All of Thee___M170 2 Rejoice and be glad!
St. Jude___S624, F325 For the blood hath been shed;
1 O the bitter shame and sorrow, Redemption is finished,
That a time could every be, The price hath been paid.
When I let the Saviour’s pity,
Plead in vain, and proudly answered: 3 Rejoice and be glad!
“All of self, and none of Thee.” Now the pardon is free;
The just for the unjust
2 yet He found me; I beheld Him Hath died on the tree.
Bleeding on the cursed tree;
Heard Him pray; “Forgive them, 4 Rejoice and be glad!
Father!” For the Lamb that was slain,
And my wistful heart said faintly: O’er death is triumphant,
“Some of self, and some of Thee.” And liveth again.

3 Day by day His tender mercy, 5 Rejoice and be glad!

Healing, helping, full and free, For He cometh again;
Sweet and strong, and ah! So patient, He cometh in glory,
Brought me lower while I The Lamb that was slain.
“Less of self, and more of Thee.” 347 * St. Mabyn___F452, C395
Stuttgart____C113, F139, S24
4 Higher than the highest heavens, With chorus:
Deeper than the deepest sea, The Sweetiest Name___CR21
Lord, Thy love at last hath 1 Heavenly Father, bless Thy children;
conquered; Hearken from Thy throne on high;
Grant me now my soul’s petition: Loving Saviour, Holy Spirit,
“None of self, and all of Thee.” Hear and heed our humble cry.

346 Revive us again___S131 2 Lord, Thy mercy now entreating,

1 Rejoice and be glad! Low before Thy throne we fall;
The Redeemer hath come. Our misdeeds to Thee confessing,
Go look on His cradle, On Thy Name we humbly call.
His cross, and His tomb.
3 Sinful thoughts and words unloving
Sound His praises, tell the story Rise against us one by one;
Of Him who was slain; Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking,
Sound His praises, tell with gladness Good that we have left undone;
He leveth again.
4 Hearts that far from Thee were Shield and banner bright
straying, Gleaming in the light,
While in prayer we bowed the knee; Battling for the right,
Lips that, while Thy praises sounding, We ne’er can fail!
Lifted not the soul to Thee;
3 O Thou God of all,
5 Precious moments idly wasted, Hear us when we call;
Precious hours in folly spent; Help us, one and all,
Christian vow and fight unheeded; By Thy grace;
Scarce a thought to wisdom lent. When the battle’s done,
And the vict’ry won
6 Lord Thy mercy still entreating, May we wear the crown
We with shame our sins would own; Before Thy face!
From henceforth, the time redeeming,
May we live to Thee alone. 349 Christ arose___F196, S15
1 Low in the grave He lay,
348 Battle__Cry___S703 Jesus, my Saviour;
1 Sound the battle-cry, Waiting the coming day,
See! The foe is nigh; Jesus, my Lord!
Raise the standard high
For the Lord! Up from the grave He arose,
Gird your armor on, With a mighty triumph over His
Stand firm every one, foes;
Rest your cause upon He arose a Victor from the dark
His holy Word! domain;
And lives for ever with His saints to
Rouse then, soldiers! reign;
Rally round the banner! He arose! He arose!
Ready, steady, Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Pass the word along;
Onward! Forward! 2 Vainly they watch His bed,
Shout aloud Hosanna! Jesus, my Saviour;
Christ is Captain Vainly they seal the dead,
Of the mighty throng! Jesus, my Lord!

2 Strong to meet the foe, 3 Death cannot keep His prey,

Marching on we go, Jesus, my Saviour;
While our cause we know He tore the bars away,
Must prevail; Jesus, my Lord!
350 Crasselius (Winchester New)___ (also as 105)
C92, F291, S177 1 A little child the Saviour came,
Ride on___S135 The Mighty God was still His Name,
1 Ride on! Ride on in majesty! And angels worshipped as He lay
Hark! all the tribes ‘Hosanna!’ cry; the seeming infant of the day.
O Saviour meek, pursue Thy road
With palms and scattered garments 2 He who, a little child, began
strowed. The life divine to show man,
Proclaims from heav’n the message
(Ride on! ride on in majesty! free,
In lowly pomp ride on to die!) “Let little children come to Me.”

2 Ride on! ride on in majesty! 3 We bring them, Lord, and with the
In lowly pomp ride on to die; sign
O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin Of sprinkled water name them
O’er captive death and conquered Thine;
sin. Their souls with saving grace endow;
Baptize them with Thy Spirit now.
3 Ride on! ride on in majesty!
The angels armies of the sky 4 O give Thine angels charge, good
Look down with sad and wondering Lord,
eyes Them safely in Thy way to guard;
To see th’ approaching sacrifice. thy blessings on their lives
4 Ride on! Ride on in majesty And write their names upon Thy
Thy last and fiercest stripe is nigh; hand.
The father on His sapphire throne
Awaits His own anointed Son 5 O Thou who by an infant’s tongue
Dost hear Thy perfect glory sung,
5 Ride on! ride on in majesty! May these, with all the heavenly
In lowly pomp ride on to die; host,
Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Then take, O God, Thy power, and
reign. 352 St. Mark (Desau)___M752
Liebster Jesu___C203, F90
351 Alstone___C516, S1139 1 Look upon us, blessed Lord,
Commandments___C305 Take our wandering thoughts and
guide us:
We have come to hear to Thy word: 4 Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath,
With Thy teaching now provide us, The Christian’s native air;
That, from earth’s distractions His watchword at the gates of
turning, death;
We Thy message may be learning. He enters heav’n with prayer.

2 For Thy Spirit’s radiance bright. 5 O Thou by whom we come to God,

We, assembled here, are hoping: The Life, the Truth, the Way!
If Thou shouldst withhold the light, The path of prayer Thy self hast trod:
In the dark our souls were groping: Lord, teach us how to pray!
In word, deed, and thought direct us:
Thou, none other, canst correct us. 354 * Bethany (Crucifer)___S1137
F203, C603
3 Brightness of the Father’s face, (also as 116, 287, 183)
Light of Light, from God Proceeding, 1 Far above in highest heaven
Make us ready in this day place: Jesus reigns, our Lord and King;
Ear and heart await Thy leading, He His life for us has given,
May our souls find their upraising. He did life eternal bring;
Sing, then, children, sing with glad-
353 Evan___S327, C692, F261 ness,
Newington St. Stephen)___ Lord let grateful anthems ring;
C483, F338 Jesus is the children’s Saviour,
(also as 253) Jesus is the children’s King.
1 Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
Uttered, or unexpressed; 2 Once on earth the children praised
The motion of a hidden fire Him,
That trembles in the breast. And “Hosanna” was their cry;
Now that God to heaven has raised
2 Prayer is the burden of ta sigh, Him,
The falling of a tear; Loud they praise Him in the sky;
The upward glancing of an eye Shout, then, children, shout your
When none by God is near. praises,
Loud let grateful anthems ring;
3 Prayer is the simplest form of Jesus is the children’s Saviour,
speech Jesus is the children’s King.
That infant lips can try;
Prayer the sublimest strains that 3 Come, then, early, come to Jesus,
reach As the children did of old:
The majesty on high. He from sin and sorrow frees us,
Never will His love grow cold: 5 Love in loving finds employ,
Daily let us learn to love Him, In obedience all her joy;
Daily let us join to sing Ever new that joy will be,
Praises to our Lord and Saviour, Loving Him who first loved me.
Praises to the children’s King.
6 Thus may I rejoice to show
4 Then, when life’s short days are ended That I feel the love I owe;
If we’ve served our Saviour well, Singing, till Thy face I see,
By His angels gently tended, Of His love who first loved me.
In His kingdom we shall dwell:
There we’ll shout our joyous praises, 356 * Dolomile chant___F530
There the song of victory sing; Quam direct___F63, C236
Jesus of our Lord and Saviour, (also as 45, 232)
Jesus is the children’s King. 1 We love the place, O God,
Wherein Thine honor dwells;
355 * Innocents___C574, S1149, F403 The joy of Thine abode
St. Benedict___C437, F630 All earthly joy excels.
Tichfield___F446, S667, C434
(also as 9, 109, 196, 246) 2 It is the house of prayer,
1 Saviour, teach me, day by day, Wherein Thy servants meet;
Love’s sweet lesson to obey; And Thou, O Lord, art there,
Sweeter lesson cannot be, Thy chosen flock to greet.
Loving Him who first loved me.
3 We love the word of life,
2 Teach me, I am my own, The word that tells of peace,
I am Thine and Thine alone; Of comfort in the strife
May I serve and copy Thee, And joys that never cease.
Loving Him who first loved me.

3 With a child’s glad heart of love 4 We love to sing below

At Thy bidding may I move, For mercies freely given;
Prompt to serve and follow Thee, But O we long to know
Loving Him who first loved me. The triumph song of heaven!

4 Teach me thus Thy steps to trace, 5 Lord Jesus, give us grace,

Strong to follow in Thy grace, On earth to love Thee more,
Learning how to love from Thee, In heav’n to see Thy face,
Loving Him who first loved me. And with Thy saints adore.
357 Yesu wali kwiza SU191, TsN14
358 Come to the Saviour S1165 ___

1 Jesus, 1 Come to the Saviour, make no delay;

Jesus came to save us, Here in His Word He’s shown us
came to save us, the way;
O listen now to Him; Here in our midst He’s standing
Jesus came to save us, today,
O listen now to Him, Tenderly saying, “Come!”
O listen now to Him,
Hallelujah! Joyful, joyful, will the meeting be,
O listen now to Him. When from sin our hearts are pure
and free;
Chorus And we shall gather, Saviour, with
Hallelujah! Thee,
Hallelujah! In our eternal home.
O listen now to Him;
Hallelujah! 2 “Suffer the children!” O hear His
O listen now to Him; voice!
O listen now to Him. Let e’ery heart leap forth and
2. Prophets, rejoice;
O listen now to Him. And let us freely make Him our
2 Prophets came before Him, Do not delay, but come.
They prophesied His coming.
O listen now to Him! 3 Think once again, He’s with us
3 Jesus is the Saviour, Heed now His blest command, and
The Saviour of all people. obey;
O listen no to Him! Hear now His accents tenderly say,
“Will you, my children, come?”
4 O listen,
Thou hast heard the message, 359 Ine umoyo wane ndi Yesu___
O do not linger longer, SU230, TsN30
O listen now to Him! 1 In Him I live, the Saviour who
sought me;
5 O come then all ye people: Jesus!
He gives you life eternal. When long ago He died for me
O listen now to Him! From Satan’s bondage He brought
Jesus! Jesus! 3 Jesus, what didst Thou find in me,
That Thou hast dealt so lovingly?
2 He is my health, in Him am I shriven; How great the joy that Thou hast
Jesus! brought
His precious blood doth wash away So far exceeding hope of thought!
My sins, so I am forgiven:
Jesus! Jesus! 4 Jesus, of Thee shall be my song;
To Thee my heart and soul belong;
3 O Jesus Lord, if Thou shouldst All that I have or am is Thine,
forsake me And Thou, blest Saviour, Thou art
Jesus! mine.
Then would I die, for only Thou
A living spirit canst make me: 361* St. Denio (Joanna)___F18, C12
Jesus! Jesus! 1 Immortal, invisible,
God only wise,
4 O Jesus Lord, with Thee in me In light inaccessible
dwelling Hid from our eyes,
Jesus! Most blessed, most glorious,
My heart rejoices evermore, The Ancient of Days,
My lips Thy praises are telling: Almighty, victorious,
Jesus! Jesus! Thy great Name we praise.

360 * St. Chrysostom___F326, C430 2 Unresting, unhasting,

(also as 71) And silent as light,
1 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, Nor wanting, nor wasting,
Hear me, blest Saviour, when I call; Thou rulest in might;
Hear me, and from Thy dwelling Thy justice like mountains
place High soaring above
Pour down the riches of Thy grace. Thy clouds which are fountains
Of goodness and love.
Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and 3 To all, life Thou givest__
more. To both great and small;
In all life Thou livest,
2 Jesus, too late I Thee have sought; The true life of all;
How to love Thee as I ought? We blossom and flourish
And how extol Thy matchless fame, As leaves on the tree,
The glorious beauty of Thy name? And witner and perish__
But nought changeth Thee.
4 Great Father of Glory, Whence shall help for me arise?
Pure Father of Light, From the Lord shall come mine aid,
Thine angels adore Thee, Who the heaven and earth has made.
All veiling their sight; He will guide through dangers all,
All laud we would all render: Will not suffer thee to fall;
O help us to see He who safe His people keeps
‘Tis only the splendor Slumbers not and never sleeps.
Of light hideth Thee.
2 Thy Protector is the Lord,
362 Solid Rock___S902 Shade for thee He will afford;
St. Catherine___F343, M558 Neither sun nor moon shall smite,
1 My hope is built on nothing less God shall guard by day and night.
Than Jesu’s blood and righteousness; He will ever keep thy soul,
I date not trust the sweetest frame, What would harm He will control;
But wholly lean on Jesu’s name. In the home and by the way
He will keep thee day by day.
On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand, 364 Faithful Guide___S194, PH260
All other ground is sinking sand. 1 Holy Spirit, faithful Guide!
Ever near the Christian’s side,
2 When darkness seems to veil His Gently lead us by the hand,
face, Pilgrims in a desert land;
I rest on His unchanging grace; Weary souls for aye rejoice,
In every high and stormy gale While they hear that sweetest
My anchor holds within the veil. voice,
Whisp’ring softly, “Wand’rer, come!
3 His oath, His covenant, His blood, Follow Me, I’ll guide thee home!”
Support me in the ‘whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way, 2 Ever present, truest Friend,
He then is all my hope and stay. Ever near, Thine aid to lend,
Leave us not to doubt and fear,
4 When He shall come with trumpet Groping on in darkness drear;
sound, When the storms are raging sore,
O may I then in Him be found, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give
Clothed in His righteousness alone, o’er,
Faultless to stand before His throne. Whisper softly, “Wand’rer, some!
Follow Me, I’ll guide thee home!”
363 * Faithful Guide___S194, PH260
1 To the hills I lift mine eyes; 3 When our days of toil shall cease,
Waiting still for sweet release, Yet, One came down from heaven’s
Nothing left but heav’n and prayer, glory,
Trusting that our names are there, Saving us at awful cost!
Wading deep the dismal flood,
Pleading naught but Jesus’ blood; Who saved us from eternal loss?
Whisper softly, “Wand’rer, come! Who but God’s Son upon the cross!
Follow Me, I’ll guide thee home!” What did He do?
He died for you!
365 Face to Face___CR246, A413 Where is He now?
1 Face to face with Christ my Saviour, Believe it thou,
Face to face__what will it be, In heaven interceding!
When with rapture I behold Him,
Jesus Christ who died for me? 2 No angel could our place have taken,
Highest of the high though he;
Face to face shall I behold Him, The loved One on the cross forsaken,
Far beyond the starry sky; Was one of the God-head Three!
Face to face in all His glory,
I shall see Him by and by! 3 Will you surrender to this Saviour__
To His scepter humbly bow?
2 Only faintly now I see Him, You, too, shall come to know His
Through the veil that hangs favour;
between; He will save you, save you now!
But a blessed day is coming,
When His glory shall be seen. 367 Power in the blood___S145
1 Would you be free from your burden
3 What rejoicing in His presence of sin?
When are banished grief and pain, There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in
When the crooked ways are the blood;
straightened, Would you o’er evil a victory win?
And the dark things shall be plain! There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood.

4 Face to face! O blissful moment! There is power, power, wonder-work-

Face to face to see and know; ing power,
Face to face with my Redeemer, In the blood of the Lamb;
Jesus Christ who loves me so. There is power, power, wonder-work-
ing power,
366 What did he do?___A77 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
1 O listen to our wondrous story,
Counted once among the lost; 2 Would you be free from your passion
and pride? 2 Long my yearning heart was striving
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in To obtain this precious rest;
the blood; But, when all my struggles ended,
Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s Simply trusting, I was blest.
There’s wonderful pow’r in the blood. 3 Consecrated to Thy service,
I will live and die to Thee;
3 Would you be whiter, much whiter I will witness to Thy glory,
than snow? Of salvation, full and free.
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in
the blood; 4 Glory to the Lord who bought me,
Sin-stains are lost in its life giving Glory for His saving power;
flow, Glory to the Lord who keeps me,
There’s wonderful pow’r in the Glory, glory evermore!
369 Let Him in___S363
4 Would you do service for Jesus you 1 There’s a Stranger at the door:
King? Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)
There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in He has been there oft before:
the blood; Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)
Would you live daily His praises to Let Him in ere He is gone;
sing? Let Him in, the Holy One,
There’s wonderful pow’r in the Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son:
blood. Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)

368 Cleansing Blood___K170, V247 2 Open now to Him your heart:

Harwell___S149 Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)
(also as 116, 199, 287) If you wait He will depart:
1 Precious Saviour, Thou has saved me; Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)
Thine, and only Thine, I am: Let Him in: He is you Friend;
O the cleansing blood that reached He your soul will sure defend;
me! He will keep you to the end:
Glory, glory to the Lamb! Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)

Glory, glory, hallelujah! 3 Hear you now His loving voice?

Glory, glory to the Lamb! Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!)
O the cleansing blood has reached me! Now, O now make Him your choice:
Glory, glory to the Lamb! Let Him In! (Let the Saviour in!)
He is standing at the door;
Joy to you he will restore, 371 A-passing thru___AGM60
And His name you will adore: 1 This world is not my home, I’m just
Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!) a passing through;
My treasures are laid up somewhere
4 Now admit the heavenly Guest: beyond the blue;
Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!) The angels beckon me from heaven’s
He will make for you a feast: open door,
Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!) And I can’t feel at home in this
He will speak your sins forgiven; world anymore.
And, when earthties all are riven, O Lord, you know I have no friend
He will take you home to heaven: like you,
Let Him in! (Let the Saviour in!) If heaven’s not my home, then, Lord,
what will I do;
370 Surrender___S601 The angels beckon me from heaven’s
1 All to Jesus I surrender, open door,
All to Him I freely give; And I can’t feel at home in this
I will ever love and trust Him, world anymore.
In His presence daily live.
2 They’re all expecting me, and that’s
I surrender all, one thing I know,
I surrender all; I fixed it up with Jesus many years
All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, ago:
I surrender all. I know He’ll take me through
though I am weak and poor,
2 All to Jesus I surrender, And can’t feel at home in this world
Humbly at His feet I bow; anymore.
Worldly pleasures all forsaken__
Take me, Jesus, take me now. 3 I have a loving mother o’er in glory
3 All to Jesus I surrender, I don’t expect to stop until I shake
Make me, Saviour, wholly Thine; her hand;
Let the Holy Spirit witness, She’s waiting now for me in heaven’s
I am Thine and Thou art mine. open door,
And can’t feel at home in this world
4 All to Jesus I surrender: anymore.
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
O the joy of full salvation! 4 Just o’er in glory land we’ll live
Glory, glory to His Name! eternally,
The saints on every hand are shouting Streams through every land and
victory; nation
Their songs of sweetest praise drift From the Saviour’s wounded side.
back from heaven’s shore. Full salvation! Full salvation
and can’t feel at home in this world Streams an endless crimson tide.
2 O the glorious revelation!
372 Amazing grace___F50 See the cleansing current flow,
1 Amazing grace! How sweet the Washing stains of condemnation
sound! Whiter than the driven snow!
That saved a wretch like me; Full salvation! Full salvation!
I once was lost, but now am found; O the rapt’rous bliss to know.
Was blind but now I see.
3 Love’s resistless current sweeping
2 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart All the regions deep within;
to fear, Thought, and wish, and senses
And grace my fears relieved; keeping
How precious sis that grace appear, Now, and every instant, clean;
The hour I first believed! Full salvation! Full salvation!
From the guilt and pow’r of sin.
3 Through many dangers, toils, and
snares, 4 Life immortal, heav’n descending,
I have already come; Lo! My heart the Spirit’s shrine!
‘Tis grace that brought me safe thus God and man in oneness blending,
far, O what fellowship in mine!
And grace will lead me home. Full salvation! Full salvation!
Raised in Christ to life divine!
4 When we’ve been there ten thousand
years, 5 Care and doubting, gloom and
Bright shining as the sin, sorrow,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s Fear and shame are mine no more;
praise Faith knows naught of dark tomorrow,
Than when we first begun. For my Saviour goes before;
Full salvation! Full salvation,
373 Zion___OS681 Full and free for evermore!
(also as 12, 183) 374 Why not you?___A97
1 Full salvation! Full salvation! 1 Many are happy in Jesus tonight,
Lo, the fountain open wide Why not you? why not you?
Sure of a home in the mansions of Hear us, faithful sons!
Why not you? Spirit of Truth.
Come, O Spirit of Truth;
Daily His wonderful mercy they Spirit of Truth,
prove, Come, O Spirit of Truth.
Singing, rejoicing, as onward they Spirit of Truth, come, o come,
move; Hear our prayers:
Safe in His keeping they rest in His God bless Africa,
love, God bless Africa.
Why not you?
376 O God bless Malawi
2 Many were snatched from the brink 1 O God bless our land of Malawi,
of despair, Keep it a land of peace,
Why not you? Why not you? Put down each and every enemy,
Now in the joys of the righteous Hunger, disease, envy.
they share, Join together all our hearts as one,
Why not you? That we be free from fear.
Bless our leader, each and everyone,
3 Many prodigal child has returned, And Mother Malawi.
Why not you? Why not you?
Blessings to find in the home they 2 Our own Malawi, this land so fair,
had spurned, Fertile and brave and free.
Why not you? With its lakes, refreshing mountain air,
How greatly blest are we.
4 Many are close to the brink of the Hills and valleys, soil so rich and rare,
grave, Give us a bounty free.
Why not you? Why not you? Wood and forest, plains so broad
Fully persuaded that Jesus can save, and fair,
Why not you? All Beauteous Malawi.

NATIONAL HYMNS 3 Freedom ever, let us all unite,

To build up Malawi.
375 Nkosi sikelel’ i Afrika With our love, our zeal, and loyalty,
Bless, O Lord, our Land of Africa, Bringing our best to her.
Lift its name and make its people In time of war, or in time of peace,
free; One purpose and one goal.
Take the gifts we offer unto Thee; Men and women serving selflessly,
Hear us, faithful sons! In building Malawi.
APPENDIX 378 * Darwall’s 148th C135, S154,

377 St. Theodulph___C91, F10, S723 F23

Heber (Missionary)___C371, F548 Gospel___F216, C135
1 From Greenland’s icy mountains, 1 Rejoice, the Lord is King!
From India’s coral strand, Your Lord and King adore;
Where Africa’s sunny fountains Mortals, give thanks and sing,
Roll down their golden sand, And triumph evermore:
From may an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain, Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
They call us to deliver Rejoice; again I say, Rejoice!
Their land from error’s chain.
2 Jesus the Saviour reigns,
2 What though the spicy breezes The God of truth and love;
Blow softly o’er Ceylon’s isle, When He had purged our stains,
Tough every prospect pleases, He took His seat above:
And only man in vile;
In vain with lavish kindness 3 His kingdom cannot fail;
The gifts of God are strown, He rules o’er earth and heaven;
The heathen in his blindness The keys of death and hell
Bows down to wood and stone. Are to our Jesus giv’n:

3 Can we, whose souls are lighted 4 He sits at God’s right hand
With wisdom from on high, Till all His foes submit,
Can we to men benighted And bow to His command,
The lamp of life deny? And fall beneath His feet:
Salvation! O salvation!
The joyful sound proclaim, 5 He all His foes shall quell.
Till each remotest nation Shall all our sins destroy,
Has learned Messiah’s name. And every bosom swell
With pure seraphic joy:
4 Waft, waft, ye winds, His story,
And you, ye water, roll, 6 Rejoice in glorious hope;
Till, like a sea of glory, Jesus, the Judge, shall come,
It spreads from pole to pole; And take His servants up
Till over our ransomed nature To their eternal home;
The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator, We soon shall hear the archangel’s
In bliss returns to reign. voice;
The trump of God shall sound; 380 * Ein’ feste Burg___F381, S3,
Rejoice! C526
1 A mighty fortress is our God,
379 Count your blessings___S745 A bulwark never failing:
1 When upon life’s billows you are Our helper He, amid the flood
tempest-tossed, Of mortal ills prevailing.
When you are discouraged, thinking For still our ancient foe
all is lost, Doth seek to work us woe;
Count you many blessing, name His craft and power are great,
them one by one, And, armed with cruel hate,
And it will surprise you what you One earth is not his equal.
the Lord hath done.
2 Did we in our own strength confide,
Count your blessings, name them Our striving would be losing,
one by one; Were not the right Man on our side,
Count your blessings, see what God The Man of God’s own chosing.
hath done! Dost ask who that may be?
Count your blessings, name them Christ Jesus, it is He;
one by one; Lord Sabaoth His name,
And it will surprise you what the From age to age the same,
Lord hath done. And He must with the battle.

2 Are you ever burdened with a load 3 And though this world, with devils
of care? filled,
Does the cross seem heavy you are Should threaten to undo us,
called to bear? We will not fear, for God hath willed
Count your many blessing, every His truth to triumph through us,
doubt will fly, The prince of darkness grim__
And you will keep singing as the We tremble not for him;
days go by. For lo! His doom is sure,
One little Word shall fell him.
3 When you look at others with their
lands and gold, 4 That Word above all earthly powers__
Think that Christ has promised you No thanks to them abideth;
His wealth untold; The Spirit and the gifts are ours
Count your blessings , wealth can Through Him who with us sideth.
never buy Let goods and kindred go,
Your reward in heaven, nor your This mortal life also;
home on high.
The body they may kill, That Thou Thy Word hast given,
God’s truth abideth still, To light our path in this dark world,
His kingdom is forever. And safely guide to heaven.

381 * Monkland___C620, F35 2 To warn of sinful steps,

(also as 9) And point our road each day,
1 Praise, o praise God and King; To keep us in the one safe path,
Hymns of adoration sing: the strait and narrow way.

For His mercies still endure, 3 Bless those who with us read
Ever faithful, ever sure. Thy wondrous Book of Light,
That all of us with one desire
2 Praise Him that He made the sun May strive to do the right.
Day by day his course to run:
4 As Thy commands we seek,
3 And the silver moon by night, Within Thy Word each day,
Shining with her gentle light: Teach us what Thou wilt have us do,
then teach us to obey.
4 Praise Him that He gave the rain
To mature the swelling grain: 5 O give us minds to learn,
And hearts to know Thy will,
5 And hath bid the fruitful field And make us willing, cheerful,
Crops of precious increase yield: strong,
Thy bidding to fulfill!
6 Praise Him for our harvest store,
He hath filled the garner floor: 383 * Richmond___F12, C209
1 Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God,
7 And for richer food than this, In ev’ry part with praise,
Pledge of everlasting bliss: That my whole being may proclaim
Thy being and Thy ways.
8 Glory to our bounteous King!
Glory let creation sing: 2 Not for the lip of praise alone,
Nor ev’n the praising heart,
Glory to the Father, Son I ask; but for a life made up
And blest the Spirit,Three in One! Of praise in e’ery part:

382 * St. Micheal___F342, C156, S882 3 Praise in the common things of life,
Southport___F263 Its goings out and in;
1 We thank Thee, Lord, indeed, Praise in each duty and each deed,
However small and mean. 6 So shall no part of day or night
From sacredness be free;
4 Fill ev’ry part of me with praise; But all my life, in ev’ry step,
Let all my being speak Be fellowship with Thee.
Of Thee and of Thy love, O Lord,
Poor though I be and weak. 384 * Rivaulx___F107
Old 100th C766, S9, F20

5 So shalt Thou, Lord, from me e’en me, Lord, strengthen Thou our faith,
Receive the glory due; we pray;
And so shall I begin on earth Increase it always, this our shield;
The song for ever new. And comfort Thou with true belief
Our hearts in all adversity.
A little child the Saviour came 351 Breathe on me, Breath of God 67
“A little while!” Our Lord shall Childhood’s years area passing
come ….. ….. ….. 333* o’er us ….. ….. ….. 294
A mighty fortress is our God 380* Children of Jerusalem ….. 276
“Abide with Me,” most loving Children of the heavenly King 182
counsel this ….. ….. 152 Christ is coming! Let creation 53
Abide with me, fast falls the Christ is made the sure
eventide ….. ….. 208 foundation ….. ….. ….. 250
According to Thy gracious Word 229 Christ whose glory fills the skies 206
Alas! And did my Saviour bleed Christian, dost thou see them 180*
33 Christian, work for Jesus ….. 164
All creatures of our God and Come again, my Lord, come
King ….. ….. ….. 344 again ….. ….. ….. 326*
All hail, Almighty, God ever- Come, children, join to sing 273
lasting ….. ….. ….. 327* Come every joyful heart that
All hail the power of Jesus’s loves the ….. ….. 56
Name ….. ….. ….. 63 Come every soul by sin
All my doubts I give to Jesus oppressed ….. ….. 87
135* Come, for the feast is spread 98
All people that on earth do dwell 313 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly
All praise to Thee, my God, this Dove ….. ….. ….. 70*
night ….. ….. ….. 209 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls
All to Jesus I surrender ….. 370 inspire ….. ….. ….. 64
Amazing grace ….. ….. 372 Come, Holy Spirit, come ….. 68
Arise, my soul, arise! Shake off 49 C ome let us all unite and sing 21*
Art thou weary, art thou languid 77 Come, let us to the Lord our
At even when the sun was set 212 God ….. ….. ….. 339*
At Thy feet, o God and Father 255* Come, my soul, thy suit prepare 196
Awake my soul, and with the sun 205 Come sing, my soul, and praise the
Away in a manger ….. 264* Lord ….. ….. ….. 60
Behold the holy Lamb of God 324 Come, take by faith the body of
Be still, my soul; the Lord is on your Lord ….. ….. 230
thy side ….. ….. 138 Come to the Saviour, make no
Be with us, gracious Lord, today 249* delay ….. ….. ….. 358
Beyond the holy city wall ….. 34 Come unto Me, ye weary ….. 92*
Bless, o Lord, our Land of Africa 375 Come ye that love the Lord 186
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine 131 Come, ye thankful people, come 257
Blest are the pure in heart ….. 150 Courage, brother! Do not
Break Thou the bread of life 75 stumble ….. ….. 174
Creator and Father, Thou who rulest sinners ….. ….. ….. 20
above ….. ….. ….. 323 God reveals His presence ….. 223
Creator Spirit, by whose aid 71* God, who made the earth ….. 263
Crown Him with many crowns 44 Golden harps are sounding 278
Do not sinful action ….. 292 Gracious King of kings, why dost
Down in the valley with my Saviour Thou stay? ….. ….. 342*
I would go ….. ….. 168 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah 183
Face to face with Christ, my Hail the day that sees Him rise 43
Saviour ….. ….. 365 Hail thou bright and sacred morn 216
Far above in highest heaven 354* Hallelujah, praise Jehovah ….. 14
Father, long before creation 147 Hallelujah! The strife is o’er 42
Father of all, we bow to Thee 195* Happy the man that finds the
Father of all, whose powerful grace ….. ….. ….. 130
voice ….. ….. ….. 11* Hark, my soul! It is the Lord 117
Father of heaven, whose love Hark the herald angels sing….. 26
profound ….. ….. 3 Hark! there comes a whisper 95
Father, whose everlasting love 23* Hark! tis the Shepherd’s voice I
Fight the good fight with all thy hear ….. ….. ….. 101
might ….. ….. ….. 166 Have you any room for Jesus 94
Fill Thou my life, o Lord my Have you on the Lord believed? 123
God ….. ….. ….. 383* He is calling, He is calling all His
For Thee, o dear dear country 193 people ….. ….. ….. 316
Fountain of mercy, God of love 259* He is coming, the Man of Sorrows 51
From every stormy wind that He is not a disappointment….. 132
blows ….. ….. ….. 139 He leadeth me, o blessed
From Greenland’s icy mountains 377 thought ….. ….. ….. 140
From heaven above to earth I He was born a little child ….. 325
come ….. ….. ….. 266 Heavenly Father, bless Thy
From the eastern mountains 241 children ….. ….. 347
Full salvation, full salvation 373 Heavenly Father, Thou hast brought
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild 282 us ….. ….. ….. 254
Glory be to God the Father 4 Here, o my Lord, I see Thee face
Glory to God on high ….. 133 to face ….. ….. 231
Go when the morning shineth 197 Here we suffer grief and pain 129
God be with you till we meet Ho! My comrades, see the signal 172
again ….. ….. ….. 329 Ho! ye that thirst, approach the
God bless our land of Malawi 376 spring ….. ….. ….. 314
God is always near me ….. 262 Hold Thou my hand, I am so
God who loved the world of weak ….. ….. ….. 142
Holy Father, in Thy mercy ….. 260 I’ve found a Friend, o such a
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Friend ….. ….. ….. 121
Almighty! ….. ….. 1 Immortal, invisible, God only
Holy Spirit, faithful Guide ….. 364 wise ….. ….. ….. 361*
Hosanna, loud hosanna ….. 277 In Him I live, the Savior who
How few receive with cordial sought me ….. ….. 359
faith ….. ….. ….. 330* In tenderness He sought me 127
How shall I follow Him I serve? In the heart of Jesus there is
167 love for you ….. ….. 145
How sweet the Name of Jesus In the hour of trial ….. 175
sounds ….. ….. ….. 119 In this world in which we dwell 342
I am coming to the Cross ….. 109 Jerusalem the golden ….. 192
I am not worthy, holy Lord 228 Jesus bids us shine ….. 289
I am so glad that our Father in Jesus calls us: ov’r the tumult
heaven ….. ….. ….. 279 29
I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus 110 Jesus Christ is risen today ….. 40*
I hear the Saviour say ….. 118 Jesus, from Thy throne on high 288
I hear Thy welcome voice ….. 338 Jesus high in glory ….. 284
I heard the voice of Jesus say 103 Jesus is our Shepherd ….. 295
I hunger and I thirst, Jesus my Jesus, Jesus came to save us 357
manna be ….. ….. 232 Jesus, keep me near the Cross 107*
I lay my sins on Jesus ….. 225* Jesus, Lover of my soul ….. 104
I left it all with Jesus ….. 111 Jesus loves me! This I know 281
I love the Lord, the fount of Jesus, Master, whose I am ….. 224*
life and grace ….. ….. 22 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
I love to hear the story ….. 280 360
I love to think of the heavenly Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry 112
land ….. ….. ….. 194 Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem
I need Thee every hour ….. 144 came ….. ….. ….. 50
I need Thee, precious Jesus….. “Jesus”, Name of wondrous love 57
143 Jesus, Saviour, hear my call
I will sing of my Redeemer ….. 234
….. 55* Jesus, Saviour, pilot me ….. 261
I will sing the wondrous Story 120 Jesus shall reign where the sun 240
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve Jesus, stand among us ….. 220
breath ….. ….. ….. 10 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me 305
I’m a little pilgrim ….. Jesus, the very thought of Thee 334*
….. 298 Jesus, Thine all-victorious love 322
I’m a pilgrim and a stranger 184 Jesus, Thou art standing pleading 113
Jesus, we love to meet ….. 217 giver ….. ….. ….. 238*
Jesus! What a Friend for sinners 319 Lord, Thy mercy now entreating 347*
Jesus, with Thy Church abide 203* Lord, Thy Word abideth ….. 73
Just as I am, without one plea 105 Love Divine, all loves excelling 116
Lamp of our feet whereby we Low in the grave He lay ….. 349
trace ….. ….. ….. 74* “Man of Sorrows,” wondrous
Lead, kin Light ….. ….. 185 name ….. ….. ….. 374
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us 76* More about Jesus would I know 58
Let me come closer to Thee, More holiness give me ….. 161*
Lord Jesus ….. ….. 151 More love to Thee, o Christ 122
Let the world in concert sing 328 Much in sorrow, oft in woe….. 178
Let us with gladsome mind….. 9 My faith looks up to Thee ….. 106
Lift up your heads, ye gates of My God, I have found ….. 128
brass ….. ….. ….. 243 My hope is built on nothing less 362
Like a river glorious ….. 134* My Jesus, I love Thee ….. 125
Little children, praise the Savior 272 My soul doth magnify the Lord 25
Look away to Jesus, soul by woe Nearer, my God, to Thee ….. 335
oppressed ….. ….. 90 No beautiful chamber ….. 91
Look upon us, blessed Lord 352 Nothing either great or shall 93
Look, ye saints, the sight is Now, Lord, according to Thy word 28
glorious ….. ….. 54 Now thank we all our God….. 8
Lord, a little band and lowly 287 Now the day is over ….. 210
Lord as to Thy dear cross we flee 30* Now the labourer’s task is o’er 191
Lord, bless and pity us ….. 132 O bless our God with one
Lord, dismiss us with Thy accord ….. ….. ….. 221
blessing ….. ….. ….. 308* O come, all ye faithful ….. 24
Lord, I hear of showers of O come and mourn with me
blessing ….. ….. 156 awhile ….. ….. ….. 35
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly O Day of rest and gladness….. 218*
whole ….. ….. 162 O do not let the word depart 78
Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou O Father all creating ….. 252
art mine ….. ….. 125 O for a closer walk with God 159
Lord of the harvest, once again 258* O for a heart to praise my God
Lord, speak to me, that I may sing ….. ….. ….. 331*
speak ….. ….. ….. 248 O God, bless our land of Malawi 376
Lord, strengthen Thou our faith, O God of Bethel, by whose hand 253
we pray ….. ….. 384* O God, our help in ages past 311*
Lord, teach us how to pray….. 198* O happy day that fixed my choice 124
Lord, Thou lovest the cheerful O hear my cry, be gracious now
to me ….. ….. ….. 108 flow ….. ….. ….. 309
O help us, Lord, each hour of Praise, my soul, the King of
need ….. ….. ….. 157 heaven ….. ….. ….. 12
O Jesus, I have promised ….. 233 Praise, o praise our God and
O Lamb of God, still keep me 153 King ….. ….. ….. 381*
O listen to our wondrous story 366 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 6*
O Lord of heaven and earth and Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire 353
sea ….. ….. ….. 236 Precious Saviour, Thou hast
O Lord our God, arise! ….. 245 saved me ….. ….. 368
O my Father, take me, make me 155 Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer
O perfect life of love ….. 37 hath come ….. ….. ….. 346
O praise the King of heaven 317* Rejoice, the Lord is King ….. 378
O praise the Name of Jesus 315* Rest for the weary, joy of the sad 47
O precious words that Jesus said 97* Revive Thy work, O Lord ….. 201
O sacred Head, sore wounded 38 Ride on, ride on in majesty….. 350
O the bitter shame and sorrow 345 Rock of Ages, cleft for me ….. 102
O word of words the sweetest 85 Safe in the arms of Jesus ….. 299
O worship the King, all glorious Saviour, again to Thy dear Name
above ….. ….. ….. 7 we raise ….. ….. 306
Over those gloomy hills of Saviour, blessed Saviour, listen while
darkness ….. ….. 244 we sing ….. ….. 297
On Calv’ry’s brow my Saviour Saviour, breathe and evening
died ….. ….. ….. 36 blessing ….. ….. 213
On wings of living light ….. 41 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray 48
Once again the Gospel message 99 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 285
Once in royal David’s city ….. 268 Saviour, now the day is ending 211*
One is kind above all others, well Saviour, teach me day by day 355
deserves the name ….. 59 Saviour, Thy dying love Thou gavest
One there is who loves thee, me ….. ….. ….. 126
waiting still ….. ….. 88 See in yonder manger low ….. 265
Onward, Christian soldiers 177 Seek ye first, not earthly treasure 163
Our blest Redeemer, ere He Shining for Jesus everywhere I
breathed ….. ….. 69* go ….. ….. ….. 320
Our children, Lord, in faith and Silent night, holy night ….. 269
prayer ….. ….. ….. 226* Sinner, how thy heart is troubled 86
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour 46 Sinners Jesus will receive ….. 100
Peace, perfect peace ….. 136 Soldier of Christ, arise! ….. 173
Pleasant are Thy courts above 219 Something every heart is loving 148
Praise God from whom all blessings Sound the battle-cry! ….. 348
Sowing in the morning ….. 170 There is a green hill faraway 271
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers 65 There is a happy land ….. 303
Stand up! Stand up for Jesus 179 There is life for a look at the
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour Crucified One ….. ….. 81
dear ….. ….. ….. 214 There’s a Friend for little child-
Sweet hour of prayer ….. 200 ren ….. ….. ….. 300
Take comfort, Christians, when There’s a land that is fairer than
your friends ….. ….. 190* day ….. ….. ….. 343
Take me, o my Father, take me 115 There were ninety and nine….. 321
Take my life and let it be ….. 169* Thine forever! God of love ….. 235
Take the Name of Jesus with you 61 This world is not my home ….. 371
Take time to be holy ….. 154 Thou didst leave Thy throne….. 336
“Take up thy cross”, the Saviour Thou, whose almighty Word….. 239
said ….. ….. ….. 31 Though troubles assail and dangers
Tell me the old Story ….. 76 affright ….. ….. 16
The Church’s one foundation 202* Thrice-blessed Spirit, Giver of
The day Thou gaves, Lord, is salvation ….. ….. 72*
ended ….. ….. ….. 207 Through all the changing scenes
The fields are all white ….. 290 of life ….. ….. ….. 17
The gospel of Thy grace ….. 84 Through the day Thy love hath
The Great Physian now is near 83 spared us ….. ….. 215
The King of Glory standeth 82 Through the night of doubt and
The King of love my Shepherd is 13 sorrow ….. ….. ….. 204
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not Time is earnest, passing by ….. 89
want ….. ….. ….. 15 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 310
The morning bright with rosy To God be the glory! ….. 19
light ….. ….. ….. 304 To the hills I lift mine eyes ….. 363
The sands of time are sinking 188 ‘Twas on that night when
The strife is over the battle done 42 doomed to know ….. 227
The voice that breathed over We are but little children weak 291
Eden ….. ….. ….. 251 We cannot always trace the way 149
The world looks very beautiful 296 We give immortal praise ….. 5*
There a call comes ringing ….. 247 We give Thee but Thine own 237
There comes to my heart one We have heard the joyful sound 242
sweet strain ….. ….. 137 We love the place, O God ….. 356*
There is a better world, they say 302 We plough the fields and scatter 256
There is a city bright ….. 286 We praise, we worship Thee, o
There is a fountain filled with God ….. ….. ….. 2
blood ….. ….. ….. 337 We thank Thee, Lord, indeed 382*
Were you there when they cruci- ning ….. ….. ….. 171
fied my Lord? ….. ….. 341 When upon life’s billows you are
What a Friend we have in Jesus 99 tempest-tossed ….. ….. 379
What can wash away my stain? 114 While we pray and while we
What means this eager anxious plead ….. ….. ….. 79
throng? ….. ….. 80 While Jesus whispers to you,
When all mu labors and trials Come ….. ….. ….. 96
are over ….. ….. 187 While shepherds watched their
When He cometh ….. ….. 301 flocks by night ….. ….. 27*
When His salvation bringing 274* With harps and with vials there
When I called to Jesus ….. 318* stand a great throng ….. 62
When I survey the wondrous Whither, pilgrim, are ye going?
Cross ….. ….. ….. 39 181
When mothers of Salem ….. 275 Who is He is yonder stall? ….. 270
When our heads are bowed with Work, for the night is coming 165
woe ….. ….. ….. 189 Would you be free from your
When peace like a river attendeth burden of sin? ….. ….. 367
my way ….. ….. 158 Ye gates, lift up your heads on
When storms around of life are high ….. ….. ….. 222
raging ….. ….. 141 Ye servants of God, your Master
When the trumpet of the Lord proclaim ….. ….. 332*
shall sound ….. ….. 52 Yet there is room ….. ….. 340
When thou wakest in the mor- Yield not to temptation ….. 293

Look upon us, blessed Lord,

Take our wandering thoughts and guide us;
We have come to hear Thy word;
With Thy teaching now provide us,
That, from earth’s distractions turning,
We Thy message may be learning. AMEN (Hymn No. 352:1)


Our Father, who art in heaven.

Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. AMEN.


Sinful thoughts and words unloving,

Rise against us one by one,
Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking,
Good that we have left undone.
Lord Thy mercy now entreating,
Low before Thy throne we fall,
Our misdeeds to Thee confessing,
On Thy Name we humbly call. AMEN (Hymn 347:3).


1. Believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven and earth;

2. And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord;
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary;
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, He
descended into hell;
5. The third day He rose again from the dead;
6. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty;
7. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit;
9. I believe in the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints;
10. The forgiveness of sins;
11. The resurrection of the body;
12. And the life everlasting. AMEN


Lord, strengthen Thou our faith we pray;

Increase it always, this our shield;
And comfort Thou with true belief
Our hearts in all adversity. AMEN (Hymn 384).


Let us worship God:- (The people stand)

Our help is in the Name of the Lord who made heaven and earth (who
keeps every promise, and does not forsake the work of His hands).


Dearly beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Grace, mercy and peace to you,

From God our Father,
And Jesus Christ our Lord,
By the power of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


Look upon us, blessed Lord,

Take our wandering thoughts and guide us;
We have come to here Thy word;
With Thy teaching now provide us,
That, from earth’s distractions turning,
We Thy message may be learning. (Hymn No. 352:1)

The Lord’s Prayer:

Let us pray together the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. AMEN

Hymn of Praise:

Let us praise the Lord, singing Hymn No…………

Adult Baptism must be administered after this hymn.

The Law:

The Lord God gave His Law to order our lives according to His will;
and since through the Law also comes the knowledge of our sins, let us
respectfully, and searching our hearts, listen to the Ten Commandments in
Exodus chapter 20:

And God spoke all these words, saying,

I am the LORD your, God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage.
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the waters under the earth; you shall not bow down to them
or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the
iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth
generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to
thousands of those who love Me and keep my commandments.
3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord
will not hold him guilty who takes His Name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor,
and do all your work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord
your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your
daughter, your manservant or your maidservant, or your cattle, or
the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh
day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5. Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land
which the Lord your God gives you.
6. You shall not kill
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your
neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his
ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s.


The Summary of the Commandments, as given by our Lord Jesus in

(Mark 12:29-31; Romans 13:8-10).

The first is: Hear, O Israel,: The Lord our God, the Lord is one;
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these.


If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us

(1 John 1:8). For we make all many mistakes (James 3:2).
Let us therefore now confess our sins to God who knows our hearts:

Hymn: (The Congregation remains seated, singing softly).

Sinful thoughts and words unloving,

Rise against us one by one,
Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking,
Could that we have left undone.

Lord,Thy mercy now entreating,

Low before Thy throne we fall,
Our misdeeds to Thee confessing,
On Thy Name we humbly call. AMEN (Hymn 347:3)
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). In Him we have
redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according
to the riches of His grace (Eph. 1:7). Blessed is he whose transgression is
forgiven, whose sin is covered (Ps. 32:1).

The Creed:
We now call upon all communicant church members to stand
and make proffession of the universal Christian faith:

1. Believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven and

2. And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord;
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried,
He descended into hell;
5. The third day He rose again from the dead;
6. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God
the Father Almighty;
7. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit;
9. I believe in the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints;
10. The forgiveness of sins;
11. The resurrection of the body;
12. And the life everlasting. AMEN

Lord, strengthen Thou our faith we pray;
Increase it always, this our shield;
And comfort Thou with true belief
Our hearts in all adversity. AMEN (Hymn 384).

(Praising Christ, of love and gratitude, or of joy and peace)

Infant Baptism, Confirmation, Induction of Elders and Deacons, and other

ceremonies must be officiated after this hymn.

Adoration and Praise

Pray for opening of Scripture.

Scripture Reading:

Let us hear the Word of God as written In………………………………….

(Hear the Word of God, God speaks to us in the book of)……………….....
chapter………….Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.


(optional – short, no more than 2 to 3 verses, about the Word of God, or about
the subject of the sermon)



Surrender and dedication


(While the offerings are taken)


Let us now give our offerings the Lord.

While we do this, let us sing, while sitting, Hymn No…………(or Choir)

(When the Deacons have taken the offerings, and/or monthly pledge-offerings,
they stand with the offerings before the preacher, who says a prayer of
(relating to the sermon, or of encouragement, or a closing hymn)

Benediction: (ordained Ministers only)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. AMEN.

Not ordained:


May the grace of our Lord Jesus…………..as above………..
be with us all. AMEN

May be made (or repeated) after the benediction.

A hymn or Choir may be sung while people leave the church.

* * *

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