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Training Manual PFA For Young Peers.21

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Psychological First Aid

for Young Peers

A training manual

Psychosocial Centre
Psychological First Aid for Young Peers. A training manual

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support
Blegdamsvej 27
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 35 25 92 00
E-mail: psychosocial.centre@ifrc.org
Web: www.pscentre.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Psychosocial.Center
Twitter: @IFRC_PS_Centre

See the many resources on PFA as A Guide to Psychological First Aid for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, training
materials - including online trainings modules adapted to COVID 19 - for adults, children, staff and volunteers and
groups as well as videos, and podcasts; all at pscentre.org

Author: Ruth O’Connell

Editor: Wendy Ager
Design: Michael Mossefin/Paramedia/13204
Front page photo: Egyptian Red Crescent

With thanks to all involved in field tests and reviewers for their valuable input to Psychological first aid for Young Peers.
We would like to thank DANIDA for their funding and support in developing the Psychological first aid for Young Peers

Suggested citation: Psychological first aid for Young Peers. Training manual. IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial
Support, Copenhagen, 2021.

© International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, 2021

Translations and adaptations

Please contact the IFRC PS Centre if you wish to translate or adapt any part of the training manual Psychological first
aid for Young Peers. All endorsed translations and versions will be posted on the IFRC PS Centre website. If creating
a translation or an adaptation, kindly note that if wishing to add your logo to the product, please contact the IFRC PS
Centre for approval. In any use of the manual, there should be no suggestion that the IFRC PS Centre endorses any
specific organisation, products or services. Please add the following disclaimer in the language of the translation:
“This translation/ adaptation was not created by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support. The centre is not
responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation.”

The IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support is hosted by the Danish Red Cross.

Psychosocial Centre

Introduction ..............................................................5
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 6
How to use this manual................................................................................................................ 7
Facilitators.................................................................................................................................... 7
The training programme............................................................................................................... 8

The training programme............................................9

DAY ONE..................................................................................................................................... 10
Introductions.............................................................................................................................. 10
Who are my peers?.................................................................................................................... 12
What issues affect people our age?........................................................................................... 14
Introducing PFA ......................................................................................................................... 16
DAY TWO.................................................................................................................................... 21
Presenting PFA............................................................................................................................ 21
Using PFA as peer support.......................................................................................................... 22
Difficulties in providing PFA as a young peer.............................................................................. 23
Self-care ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Closing ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Annexes ..................................................................28
Annex 1: Case studies for group work........................................................................................ 29
Annex 2: Giving and receiving feedback..................................................................................... 30
Annex 3: Making a referral......................................................................................................... 31
How can I support a peer or a friend? What should I do and say? What should I not say?
Many young people grapple with such questions when someone is in distress. It is natural
for young people to handle the challenging developmental tasks that are part of being an
adolescent. Indeed, it is a sad fact that many also have more serious issues to deal with.
There is increasing evidence that a huge number of young people are failing to thrive and
are struggling with poor mental health. It appears that, the number of youth globally
reporting that they feel lonely and do not know how to reach out to others for help is on
the rise. The prevalence of mental health conditions is expected to more than double in a
humanitarian crisis and this affects a staggeringly high number of young persons.

Having the companionship of one’s peers is one of the most important factors for young
people to thrive and be well. Empowering young people to be able to be there for each other
and to know how to offer support in a non-intrusive way are key social, developmental, and
emotional skills. Many mental health conditions develop in adolescence, so a focus on
youth is particularly important. Young peers have a central role to play in ensuring early
and sustainable access to psychosocial support to a fellow peer in distress. Timely and
appropriate support is critical in preventing mental health conditions from developing or
becoming more severe.

Psychological first aid is a structured way of supporting someone who needs help. It
involves caring about a person in difficulty, paying attention to their reactions and how
they feel, listening to them, and if needed, providing practical help. Psychological first
aid is also about accompaniment; it helps make a young person in difficulty feel that
there is someone who can support them.

With the aim of making psychological first aid accessible to young people around the
world, the IFRC PS Centre has developed a training toolkit, Psychological First Aid for
young peers. The training tool is created for young people to learn to be a compassionate
helper, it strengthens skills in being a good listener, and in offering practical help without
encouraging dependency. It is empowering for youth to have the needed skills and
knowledge to support their peers. It raises awareness about helpers needing to care
for themselves. It also includes support to each young peer so that they do not have to
carry the task of helping someone alone.

The toolkit can be used by the Red Cross Red Crescent and beyond in various settings
such as schools, youth clubs and youth organisations, and incorporated in sports and
leisure activities.

Nana Wiedemann
PS Centre Director



This Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Young Peers. A training manual is part of a
package of materials which has been developed by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psycho-
social Support (PS Centre). The materials introduce PFA to young people, outlining what
PFA is and how it can be used to provide peer support in different contexts. There are two
components to the package:
• PFA for Young Peers: A handbook. This handbook introduces PFA to young people. It
explains the key principles of LOOK, LISTEN, LINK in PFA and gives examples of how
young people can use PFA to support their peers.
• PFA for Young Peers: A training manual. This manual features a two-day training,
with a suggested training programme and training notes, including links to other
resources on PFA.

The training in PFA for Young Peers can

be delivered on its own or be included in a Psychological first aid
broader package of training and support to Psychological first aid (PFA) is a set of
young people. skills and knowledge that can be used
to help people who are in distress.
The training programme featured here is a It enables people to help others feel
two-day training, aimed at young people calm and less stressed in difficult
between the ages of 12 and 23 years. Key times. PFA involves paying attention
learning objectives for young peers include: to a person and their needs, helping
them to make informed decisions
• At the end of the training, participants will and access the support they need.
understand what PFA is.
• At the end of the training, participants will
be able to use PFA with their peers.
• At the end of the training, participants will know what to do if someone needs more
support than can be given through PFA.
• At the end of the training, participants will be aware of self-care strategies for them-
selves and be linked with support mechanisms.
The training emphasises the supportive roles young
people can provide to one another through PFA.
It is not aimed at selecting candidates to become
A COVID-19 safe PFA peer supporters. However, after this training
environment participants may be invited to consider becoming
This manual was developed during the ‘ambassadors’ in PFA for young peers. In this case,
COVID-19 pandemic. However, no spe- there would be specific training offered for this
cific instructions are included regard- role.
ing COVID-19 safety measures, as they
vary from country to country across Other resources on PFA are available from the IFRC
the globe. Training facilitators should Psychosocial Centre at https://pscentre.org/?s=PFA
be aware of existing regulations in
their context and make every effort
to observe the recommended advice
regarding safe physical distancing, use
of face masks, hand washing, etc.



How to use this manual

The training programme is a two-day training, with four sessions on day one and five
sessions on day two as suggested in the training programme on page 8. Alternatively
single sessions could be facilitated once a week or in blocks over several weeks,
depending on the requirements of the group. In situations where it is not possible to
gather in groups, the training can be delivered remotely.

This training is aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 23 years of age. Where
possible, participants can be divided into age groups, for example, 12-15, 16-19, and 20-23.
Some activities may be more appropriate for younger age ranges and some for older.
Facilitators may of course use their judgement in adapting activities according to the
needs of their particular training group.

The activities featured here promote active learning, where young people engage in exer-
cises to apply knowledge and skills on PFA. All the sessions encourage the participation of
the young participants in small groups and in plenary, and also include time for individual
reflection. Giving and receiving feedback should be done in a constructive, respectful way
(see annex 2). There should be no more than 25 participants in a group if possible, and no
less than ten.
Icon Meaning of icon
It is important to find a venue for the training activities with
Time needed for activity
enough space for the group to physically move around and
participate in activities together, while also having room to
work in small groups. Basic materials needed include: Aim of the session
• Flipchart paper, paper and post-it notes (or small pieces of
Key learning points
• Markers, pens and coloured pens
Other items may be needed for individual sessions
These are indicated in the training notes. Materials needed

It is important that facilitators have relevant experience and knowledge in relation to PFA
and in terms of working with young people. We recommend the following:
• Facilitators have a thorough understanding of PFA principles and approaches.
• Facilitators have experience of offering PFA.
• Facilitators are familiar with working with people between the ages of 12 and 23, and use
learning and training approaches which are creative and dynamic.
Ideally, two facilitators deliver the training, one of whom should be a young person and
one over the age of 18.

It is vital that facilitators identify local supports for participants before the training starts.
These are groups or agencies which are accessible locally to participants if they need to
speak to someone or have difficulties with some of the topics. Annex 3 is a template for
facilitators to list contact information for local services for referral, where they are



Note to facilitators: Please read the PFA for Young Peers. A handbook as part of your
preparation for facilitating the training on PFA with young peers. The handbook is aimed
at introducing PFA to young people themselves. If possible, have copies of the handbook
available for participants.

The training programme

Sessions Time Materials

Introductions 1 hour Flipchart with the training programme written
on it, blank flipchart paper, markers, post-it
notes or small pieces of paper and sticky tape,
Who are my peers? 1 hour Flipchart paper, post-it notes or markers
What issues affect young people 1 hour Flipchart paper, post-it notes or small pieces of
our age? paper and sticky tape, a hat or other container,
markers or coloured pens
Introducing PFA 3 hours Balloons, cabbage game – each statement for
what PFA is and is not printed on separate piec-
es of paper, flipchart paper and markers, copies
of annex 3 with local information completed
Presenting PFA 1.5 hours Cards with CONTENT, FEELINGS and NEEDS
written on them
Using PFA as peer support 1.5 hours Paper and pens, copies of the case studies
(if these are needed), a set of cards for each
participant with LOOK, LISTEN, LINK written on
them (one principle per card)
Difficulties in providing PFA as a 1.5 hours Copies of the case study (if needed), flipchart
young peer with questions about the case study written on
it, blank flipchart paper and markers
Self-care 1 hour List of contact details for mentors, supervisors
or others who will be available to support the
participants after the training
Closing 30 minutes Paper or card plus a marker for each person

Note to facilitators:
Please add in time for breaks and meals when planning your own training programme.


The training programme



Day one
1 hour

To introduce participants to one another and to the facilitators; to provide an

overview of the training.
To get to know one another; to establish constructive ways of working together
in a positive, fun, and safe learning environment.
Flipchart with the training programme written on it, post-it notes or small
pieces of paper, pens, flipchart paper, markers.

1. Welcome everyone to the training. Explain that learning about PFA as a young person
unpacks what it means to be a compassionate helper. It strengthens skills in being a
good listener and in offering practical help without encouraging dependency. It also
raises awareness about helpers needing to care for themselves. It also includes support to
each young peer so that they do not have to carry the task of helping someone alone.
2. Go through the training programme briefly (have it stuck on the wall so that it can be
easily seen) and check that everyone understands the plan for the two days. Ask them
to think about something they would like to come away with at the end of the training.
Ask everyone to write an expectation on a post-it note - one per expectation.
3. Ask everyone to stand in a circle and invite participants to step forward in no particu-
lar order, say their name and one expectation they have written. For example, Hi, I’m
Ahmed and I hope that I will learn about PFA, or My name is Sara, I hope I can share
with others in the group. Everyone responds by greeting the person, Hi Ahmed! Hello
Sara! Once they have all introduced themselves, invite each participant to stick their
expectation onto a piece of flip chart paper.
4. Ask everyone to sit down or gather around the flip chart with all the post-it notes on it.
Explain that everyone has come with expectations and begin to read each one aloud.
Find some that are the same and group them together – for example, several partici-
pants may have written, ‘I want to learn how to do PFA’. Now ask participants if they
can see some other expectations that could be grouped together. There may also be
some expectations that stand alone - this is OK. Continue and read out all the post-its
and ask for clarification if expectations are not clear. Thank everyone for sharing their
thoughts about the training.
5. Do a fun energiser. Incorporate each person’s name into the energiser so that everyone
learns each other’s names.
6. Now explain that training goes well when groups agree with one another as to how
they are going to work together. Say: Let’s work on writing a group charter to list all the
ways that we want to make this training helpful for everyone. What ideas do you have?
Encourage participants to think positively rather than writing a list of rules that begin



with “Do not…” (See the example of a group charter in the box below). Aspects to cover
could include:
• how to listen well to one another
• making space for questions
• agreeing about the use of mobile phones
• how to build trust in the group
• agreeing what to share or not to share on social media
• keeping to time.
Invite a volunteer to write down each agreed element of the charter on a piece of flip-
chart paper during the discussion. When the group has agreed their charter, ask every-
one to sign it and then stick it somewhere visible for the entire training programme.
7. Close the session by thanking everyone for participating. Acknowledge that the group
is already beginning to work together and learn from one another.

Our group charter

• We listen to one another. We do our best to give each other time to say what we want
to say without interrupting.
• We keep our phones turned off except for break times.
• We think questions are good. We encourage one another to ask questions.
• We learn together by sharing our ideas and working in groups, with respect for one
• We build trust with one another – no one has to share anything they do not wish to.
• We only share photos or videos from the training on social media if everyone has
agreed. Anyone in the group under 18 also needs their parents/caregivers’
permission to do this.
• We start and finish our training sessions on time. After breaks, we come together again
at the agreed time.
• If anyone is upset, we seek help from the facilitators.
Signed: Ahmed, Sara, Janna, Charlie, Aila, David, Anna, Jonah, Simon, Carol



Who are my peers?

1 hour

To define what a peer is.

To identify the key characteristics of being a peer; to provide opportunities for

participants to work individually, in pairs and in the large group.

Flipchart paper, post-it notes or markers.

1. Begin the session with an exercise. Ask everyone to stand in a circle. Explain: I am go-
ing to ask you to walk around in a minute. When I shout STOP, I want everyone to turn
to someone beside them and spend one or two minutes together to find out some things
you have in common. Begin by saying your name again in your pairs to help you get to
know one another. Now say GO and give everyone time to get moving. Shout STOP and
allow a couple of minutes for the pairs to share what they have in common. Do this two
or three times.
2. Invite a few pairs in the circle to share how they found out about what they had in
common. Focus here on the kind of questions they asked one another - not on what
they found out. Explain that a central part of PFA is about being able to ask helpful
questions and that this will be part of the training later. Acknowledge any open
questions that pairs may have used as examples of a helpful way of asking questions.
3. Ask everyone to sit down and discuss in plenary about the concept of a ‘peer’. Ask these
• What does the word ‘peer’ mean for you?
• Is it possible for you to be a peer with different groups of people?
• If someone is the same age as you, does it mean they are your peers and you will
have something in common with them?
Discuss ideas around similarities such as age, gender, geography, faith, culture. Invite
some of the pairs who linked together in the exercise to share the things they had in
common. For example, they may have found they liked the same music, books, videos,
or social media groups. They may have discovered they have similar opinions and
attitudes about important topics, such as the climate crisis or girls’ education, etc.
4. Ask the participants to share their thoughts about what a peer is, record what they are
saying on a piece of flipchart paper headed ‘Who are my peers?’ Draw a line in the
middle of the flipchart and write the ideas for peer groups on one side (See the
example below).



Who are my peers?

Everyone the same age as me
Everyone who attends my school
Everyone who likes rap music
Everyone who is vegan
All the boys in my class
All the girls in my class
Everyone of my age in my village
Everyone who loves playing football
Everyone who campaigns about
trees being cut down

5. Now give each participant a marker or some post-it notes. Ask them to write a ✔ or
stick their post-it notes in the blank column beside all the categories they feel are
their peers. It doesn’t matter if participants choose different categories. They can
write their name or not – decide which is best for the training group.
6. When everyone has done this, ask these questions:
• Would anyone like to talk us through their responses?
• What can we see from looking at all the responses from the whole group?
• What do the differences tell us about being a peer?
7. Close the session by saying the definition of a peer is usually as follows:

A peer is someone the same age as you, equal to you, someone with whom you share

Note to facilitators: Being equal in this definition means in a relationship between

two students, for example, both are equal in terms of the power between them. This is
different from a student and a teacher, where the power in the relationship is held by
the teacher.



What issues affect young people our age?

1 hour

To explore the range of difficulties faced by young people in this context.

To distinguish between small scale and large scale events; to identify common
signs of distress after an event.
Flipchart paper, post-it notes or small pieces of paper and sticky tape, a hat or
other container, markers or coloured pens.

Note to facilitators: There is information about reactions to crisis events in PFA for Young
Peers: A handbook.

1. Open the session by asking, What kind of difficulties do you and your peers face these
days? Take time to listen to several participants without making any comments.
2. Say young people often have individual issues in their lives that they are dealing with
as well as bigger events that affect a lot of people. Reflect on the responses that come
from the group and if possible, categorise them as a more individual concern or an
issue which may have a wider impact.
3. Give everyone small pieces of paper and ask them to write a difficulty young people of
their age may face in their lives – one example per piece of paper. Ask them not to write
their name on the paper. Explain that young people, like everyone, can be affected by
daily difficulties such as an argument with a close friend, or perhaps being bullied at
school. They can also be affected by much bigger issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic
which has impacted everyone, or disasters, emergencies and large scale crises in their
town or region or even affecting an entire country. When they have finished writing,
ask participants to put their pieces of paper in the hat.
4. Put two flipchart pages on the wall, one with the heading, ‘small scale event’, and one
with the heading, ‘large scale event.’ Explain that the scale refers to the size of the
event itself and the number of people affected, not the size of the impact it has on an

Small scale event Large scale event



5. Ask everyone to stand in a circle and put the hat in the middle. Invite each person
in turn to take a paper from the hat. Give the group a few minutes to turn to their
neighbour to discuss whether the difficulty on their paper is a small scale or large scale
event. Take five minutes to share in plenary. Now invite each pair to stick their pieces
of paper on the flipcharts – they have to stick them either on the small scale event or
large scale event.
6. Ask participants to return to working in their pairs and ask them to select two
difficulties from the lists on the flipcharts – one small scale one and one large scale
one. Ask them to think what reactions a person or people affected by the difficulty
might make at three different time points – right after they have experienced the
difficulty, two weeks afterwards and then two months afterwards. Give them paper
and markers to draw a timeline and to write or draw the reactions along the timeline.
Do this twice – once for the small scale event and one for the large scale event.
7. Close the session by discussing in plenary what the young people affected by small
and large scale difficulties might need.

Small event
Right after Two weeks afterwards Two months afterwards

Large event
Right after Two weeks afterwards Two months afterwards



Introducing and practising PFA

3 hours

To learn about and practise the key principles of PFA.

To know how to prepare oneself before offering help; to know how to stay calm
when helping; to know to look first before taking action; to be able to listen
actively; to know how to link someone to relevant services.
Balloons, cabbage game – each statement for what PFA is and is not printed on
separate pieces of paper, flipchart paper and markers, copies of annex 3 with
information on local services for referral completed.

Note to facilitators: The exercises in this session are close contact and it may be advisable
to have separate groups for different genders.


PART ONE (30 minutes)

1. Say to the group: So far in the training, we have got to know one another and have
thought about what a peer is and who our peers are. We have identified together the
kind of difficulties faced by young people our age. We have learned that problems can
affect many people, or they can affect only a few people, and they can be big or small
problems. Now we are going to learn about PFA – psychological first aid. We are going
to learn about PFA and how to put it into practice.
2. Explain that all helpers need to know how to look out for themselves when they are
faced with someone in distress and this will be the starting point for the group today
too. Ask everyone to stand in an open space together and give each participant a
balloon to blow up. Invite everyone to tap their balloons up into the air and try to
keep them up as much as possible. Don’t give too many instructions and let the
exercise play out for a few minutes. It is likely to be a bit chaotic.
3. Shout STOP and let the excitement die down! Ask everyone to sit down and reflect
together on what happened. Discuss how it was – ask who enjoyed it and who was
nervous about the balloons popping. How did different participants look out for
themselves? Comment positively on those who didn’t want to join in, kept to the
fringes and those who loved it.
4. Link this exercise with a situation where they may be preparing themselves for
supporting a peer in distress. Explain that this will include mental and physical
preparation. Give examples from what some of the participants may have said about
the balloon exercise. Say, When you are about to support a young person, you might
say to yourself: “OK, I will be fine, I know what I am doing”. This is a kind of mental
preparation for yourself. You might also have to physically prepare yourself by putting
on a safety jacket and helmet.



5. To close this part of the session, discuss what PFA young peers could do to keep them-
selves calm when faced with someone in distress. Examples may include taking a few
deep breaths before engaging with the person; talking quietly to yourself (self-talk)
to stay calm; observing the situation for a few minutes without reacting.

PART TWO (30 minutes)

Note to facilitators: Use situations for this exercise that are relevant to the young
participants in the group. There are three suggestions for tableaus given below in the
training notes, but you can replace them with ones that are relevant to the lives and
experiences of the training group.

1. Say to the group: We’re now to work in groups to reflect on the kinds of situations that
cause young people difficulty and distress. We’re going to do this in silence - forming
‘tableaus’ or pictures together.
2. Ask some of the participants to make groups of different sizes and be ready to form
three or four tableaus, such as:
• A group of six participants could form a tableau representing a bike accident on a
busy road.
• A group of three could form a tableau of three classmates fighting in the play-
• A large group of young people could form a tableau of young people who have
been hit by a fence blown down by strong winds.
3. Depending on the size of the whole group, the others who are not involved in the
tableaus can walk around in pairs and threes discussing what they see and what needs
there might be for help.
4. Now bring everyone together in plenary. Invite participants to summarise each of
the situations they saw and what the needs were likely to be for those affected. A key
learning point for this exercise is that it is always very important to look first before
taking action. Be sure to make this point.
5. End this exercise by discussing what would be a good way of approaching someone in
distress. Here is an example:
• Hello. My name is XX. May I help you? What happened? Did you hurt yourself?

PART THREE (2 hours)

Move on to introducing PFA:

For older participants, use the summary of what PFA is and what it is not in the
handbook. Read each statement aloud and invite participants to say in their own
words what that means.
For younger participants, play the Cabbage game: Print out each statement from the
box below (what PFA is and what it is not), mix them all up and roll them into the
shape of a ball. With the participants in a circle, throw the ball from one to the other.
When someone catches the ball, they peel off a piece of paper (‘a leaf from the
cabbage’) and read out what is written. Participants must decide if it is or is not PFA.
Correct any misunderstandings and explain the reasons for why the statement is or
isn’t PFA. Address any questions they may have.



PFA is…
• Helping someone in difficulty to feel safe and calm
• Finding out about what they need and what they are worried about
• Making sure they do not come to more harm or face danger
• Providing emotional support and being there for someone
• Helping someone to solve their immediate problem, such as contacting someone who
can help them
• Helping someone to find out where to get the help they need from services in the context.

PFA is not…
• Something only professionals and experts can do
• Psychological therapy or counselling
• Asking someone to think about the reasons why this has happened or what the deeper
meaning is behind it
• Asking someone to tell every detail of what has happened to them
• Putting pressure on someone to share their feelings about what has happened to

2. Say: There are three basic principles for PFA. They are LOOK, LISTEN and LINK (see
the handbook for more on this). Write the three words on a flipchart paper. Explain
what each word means as follows:
• LOOK means looking at the situation to see if it is safe, what kind of help is needed,
how you can or cannot help, and if it is SAFE for you to help. LOOK means noticing
the situation of the person you are trying to help. How are they responding? What
is the best type of safe and effective support they need?
• LISTEN refers to the way we communicate and means active listening. Active
listening is more than listening with our ears. It involves our body language, eye
contact, etc. It can also mean allowing silence and time to be quiet.
• LINK means helping someone to access support they need. This could be a loved
one or family member, it could be a trusted adult like a teacher or social worker,
or it could be a specialist support service.


1. Explain that everyone has already practised the LOOK principle by doing the group
work in tableaus and so now it is time to practise LISTEN. Ask the participants to
stand in a circle and explain that they are going to throw an imaginary ball to one
another. Each time a person catches the ball, their task is to demonstrate body
language for not listening. As they throw the ball to one another, ask the participants
to call out the name of the person they are throwing the ball to and say: Show us
what you do when you are not listening to someone who is talking to you!
2. With older participants, continue the game and add another task: Show us what it
looks like when you are pretending to look as if you are listening, but you are not. For
example, sometimes when you are talking to somebody, you can see that their mind is
a thousand miles away as they have a vacant look in their eyes.



3. Sum up typical body language signs of not listening. Here are some examples: folding
your arms, looking away, rolling your eyes, looking down, sighing, fidgeting, tapping
your fingers or feet, interrupting, or making distracting movements. With older groups,
also discuss how they would see if someone were genuinely listening and using body
language such as looking at you and nodding their head, or if someone were not truly
present with you and not really in listening mode. Ask everyone what is difficult for them
when listening to others. Examples could include not concentrating on the response,
thinking about what you are going to say next, being distracted by other people speaking,
their phone or other noises, not wanting to let the conversation be silent. Do a short,
silent exercise by asking participants to sit for a minute in a circle, without speaking. Ask
what it was it like. What could make it more comfortable to be quiet in a group?
4. Now ask everyone to stand up and form pairs. Ask them to take it in turns to talk about
something they enjoy doing and after two minutes their partner recaps what they have
said. Afterwards each speaker should say whether the recap was accurate.
5. Explain that the final listening exercise is a longer one. Ask everyone to form pairs –
try to find someone new for this exercise, one is A and the other is B. A will role play a
person in distress and B will role play the PFA peer helper. Ask the pairs to choose one
of the small-scale issues from the session on ‘What issues affect young people our age.’
Explain: We facilitators will walk around observing each pair to see signs of how you
are listening in three areas - to the content of what the person in distress in saying, to
their feelings, and to their needs.
6. Close this part of the session by asking what participants learned about the LISTEN
principle for PFA.
7. Do an energiser – either one that participants suggest or another one that is suitable to
the group.


1. Explain that it is now time to practise the third principle of PFA – LINK. Say: LINK means
helping someone to access the support they need. This could be a loved one or family
member, it could be a trusted adult like a teacher or social worker, or it could be a specialist
support service. An important part of PFA is to make the link with someone who can help
the peer you have been in contact with. This means you need to know who you can make
a link with in your area before you provide PFA to young peers. Making a list of sources of
support is a vital part of PFA. This is what we are going to do now.
2. Ask participants to form groups of four to five. Ask them to discuss and then note
down all the categories of support they can think of in their area. Spend a few minutes
asking what categories of support they came up with. Now give out copies of annex 3
with contact information for local services completed. Alternative: If time allows, ask
for volunteers from each group to role play approaching the support they have identi-
fied and how they would outline the problem and ask for help.
3. Provide local guidance on what they should do in linking young people in distress to
other help. This could include telling a volunteer supervisor for young peers of their
plans to make a referral; keeping identifying information about the person in distress
confidential from other friends and family; how to assist a young peer to make a referral.
4. Explain that it is important to know if someone is in severe distress. If this is the case,
then it would be vital to link them with specialist help. Write the examples of signs of
distress on flipchart paper and read them aloud. Invite participants to comment on
each in turn, as they wish, or to ask questions.



Signs of severe distress that mean someone needs

more help than you can give
You may notice that a peer you are helping has changed. Perhaps they are changing so
much that you feel like they aren’t the same person any more. They may be showing
signs of severe distress which means they need more help than you can give.

Examples of behaviours and signs and symptoms that someone needs more help could be:
• If they have not been able to sleep for a while and seem disoriented.
• If they are very unhappy and not interested in eating or looking after themselves like
they used to.
• If they lose their temper easily and are more irritable than usual.
• If they threaten to self-harm or to hurt someone else.
• If they start drinking alcohol a lot or taking drugs.
• If they say that they are in immediate danger.


Note to facilitators: You may choose to use the remaining time in this session to do an
activity which gives the group more practice in listening.

1. Begin by asking the participants to form groups of four. Give each group a scenario to
work on, such as:
• A friend is being cyber-bullied by someone from another class or group.
• A friend is being teased because of gender, class or ethnic background.
• A friend is engaged in on-line chatting with much older people.
• A friend is upset as their parents are fighting as one of them lost their job.
• A friend has lost a much-loved uncle to a sudden illness.
• A friend is being called bad names (sexually harassed) when going to school and
having to pass a group of people.
• A friend is hitting a younger sibling and you need help to find out how to talk to
your friend to change their behaviour towards the younger sibling.
• A friend is drinking alcohol more and more and experimenting with drugs.
• OR use examples of small or large scale events from the session earlier in the day.
2. Give the following instructions to the groups:
Each group divides into two pairs and role plays how they would support someone
with the issue. Person A has a problem and person B listens carefully and reflects
back on the content, feelings and needs which person A presents. The other pair
watches the role play and observes what is happening and gives feedback when the
role play is over. The next pair role plays their issue and receives feedback from the
other pair. Now, ask the pairs to come together again as a group of four and to briefly
discuss the exercise and to agree up to five key learning points from what they did.
3. Bring all the participants back together in plenary. Discuss what they observed and
invite each group to share their learning points.
4. Do a closing activity to end day one. For example, invite participants to reflect on their expec-
tations for the training and ask them if they are on course to fulfilling their expectations.



Day two
Presenting PFA
1.5 hours

To reinforce knowledge about PFA.

To strengthen understanding about being non-judgemental when helping; to

reinforce learning in relation to listening to the content, feelings and needs of
those seeking help.

Multiple cards with CONTENT, FEELINGS or NEEDS written on them.

1. Welcome everyone to day two. Check in with participants and ask for volunteers to
summarise what they learned about PFA in day one.
2. As a fun opener, do the following game which highlights all the ways that helpers may
be judgemental – something that is NOT recommended! Invite participants to form
pairs and to shout out judgemental things to one another in turn about someone
needing help. Examples could be: You don’t deserve help; you are too old to get my
help; you are beyond help; you don’t belong here so I’m not going to help you; it’s all
your fault; I really don’t like you and so I’m not going to help you.
3. During the game, go round the pairs and write down some of the judgemental things
people are saying.
4. After a few minutes, call a halt to the game. Read out some examples of what you
heard participants saying. Ask them to explain why each example is judgemental.
5. Say that PFA skills draw from basic helping skills, such as responding without judgement,
active listening, being there for someone, calming someone in distress, attending to some-
one’s immediate needs and finding other sources of support for someone who needs help.
6. Remind participants about the listening exercise they did on day one which focused
on the content, feelings and needs of the person seeking help. Explain that they will
do this listening exercise again but now they will add another element. This time they
will note any reactions they have to the content, feelings or needs which the person
seeking help presents. This happens in real life, for example, when someone has an
experience which is similar to one that the helper has had.
7. Do a half circle check to ensure participants can distinguish between content, feelings
and needs. Take three responses in each category to the sentence: I am a bit upset as I
locked myself out of the door this morning and forgot important papers for the meeting
we have today. Discuss what difference it makes for a person when the responder fo-
cuses on the different categories. Ask participants to imagine themselves in the
situation and to notice how the different responses make them feel.
8. Now ask participants to do an exercise in pairs - person A is the person seeking help and
person B is the helper. Ask all the As to talk about a minor conflict with a friend or colleague
from some time ago that may be resolved now. Give a card to all the Bs with instructions to
listen to one category – and respond to one category only – either content, feelings or needs.
9. Close the session by taking feedback about the final exercise.



Using PFA as peer support

1.5 hours

To reinforce skills in applying the key principles of LOOK, LISTEN and LINK.

To know and apply skills in relation LOOK, LISTEN and LINK.

Paper and pens, copies of the case studies (if these are needed), a set of cards
for each participant with LOOK, LISTEN, LINK written on them (one principle
per card).

1. Explain that this session is about using PFA in small scale and large scale crises. Ask a
few participants to recap the types of events listed yesterday in day one in the session
about issues young people face.
2. Divide everyone into small groups and ask them to choose one of the small scale or
large scale events. Ask them to answer the following questions:
• What would you LOOK for in this type of event?
• What could you LISTEN for in this type of event?
• What suggestions do you have for who you could LINK with in this type of event?
3. Now ask each group to develop a short story (case study) based on the event they have
chosen. Explain that a case study often features the names of the people involved and
includes details about what happened. Read out one or two of the examples in annex 1
or if the group has difficulty with writing a case study, use some of the ones in annex 1
instead, depending on the age group, ability and experience of the group.
4. Explain that the next step is to develop a role play based on the case study. Give the
groups time to practise and then invite each group in turn to do their role play for the
whole training group.
5. As each group does its role play, ask those watching to look out for examples of the
LOOK, LISTEN, LINK principles. Give everyone cards with the words LOOK, LISTEN,
LINK written on them. Ask those observing to raise the card with the relevant
principle when they see examples of each of them being applied.
6. After all the role plays, discuss the strategies which each group used to help and support
their peers. Discuss how the participants would feel being helped in the different ways.
Were there any ways that help was given which were not helpful?



Difficulties in providing PFA as a young peer

1.5 hours

To discuss possible difficulties arising from PFA for young peers and identify
potential solutions.
To illustrate that there are often dilemmas in offering help; to highlight the
importance of seeking help to solve difficulties in providing PFA.
Copies of the case study (if needed), flipchart with questions about the case
study written on it, blank flipchart paper and markers.

1. Say: In this session we are going to look at issues which may make it difficult to provide
PFA to our friends at times. We’re also going to find some possible solutions to the
difficulties we identify.
Everyone has feelings and people can sometimes be hurt, sad, or feel betrayed by their
friends - all this is normal. We are going to look at a story about two young people who
had some problems and discuss what we would do in that situation.
2. Read the following to the group and hand out a copy to everyone. Participants may close
their eyes to listen to the story or read along with the facilitator – whatever suits them best:

The story of Karam and Noah

Karam is 17 and has been trained in PFA for young peers, along with other people in their school. One
day his best friend, Noah, aged 16, tells him that he is planning to run away from home as he is having
problems with his father.
Noah has been saving up and now has enough money to go to the city. He has the address of a
friend’s cousin who moved there ten years ago and he plans to find a job in the city somehow. He is
planning to leave in seven days’ time.
Karam knows that Noah and his father do not get on well at all. They have been arguing a lot recently
and Noah is sick of it. Noah’s father wants him to study harder and they argue about this constantly.
Noah doesn’t want to go to university. He wants to be a carpenter but his father does not agree.
Noah makes Karam swear he will not tell anyone that he is planning to run away. He asks Karam to
say that they are spending the evening together if anyone asks where Noah is. He makes Karam
promise to lie and say he knows nothing about where Noah has gone.
Later that evening at home, Karam thinks about what Noah is planning. Karam doesn’t feel comfortable
lying, and he is also very worried about Noah’s safety. Karam decides to tell his father what Noah has
planned and asks for his advice. Karam asks his father not to tell anyone because he made a promise to
Noah that he wouldn’t. Karam’s father thanks Karam for telling him, but says he cannot promise not
to tell anyone. He asks Karam to invite Noah to stay with them for a while so they can look at some
options, if Noah’s parents agree. Karam’s father will speak to Noah’s father.
The next day, Karam does as has been suggested and asks Noah to stay with them for a while instead
of running away. He explains that he was so concerned about Noah that he had decided to tell his
father about the situation and ask his advice.
Noah is furious. He shouts at Karam and says they cannot believe that he could betray him like this,
that he thought they were friends. Noah says he will never speak to Karam again. Their friendship is
finished forever and he wishes they had never met. Noah tells Karam his life is ruined and it is all
Karam’s fault.



3. Ask participants to form groups of four or five. Ask them to discuss the story, using the
following questions on the flipchart:
• Was Karam right to tell his father or not?
• Was the solution proposed by Karam’s father the right one or not?
• Should Noah have involved his friend in this situation or not?
• What can be done to salvage their friendship, or should Karam just walk away?
4. In plenary, take feedback from the groups in turn, by listing first the dilemmas in
the story. List the feedback on flipchart paper under two headings, DILEMMAS and
SOLUTIONS. As each group contributes in turn, ask participants not to repeat what
has already been said, but just to add anything new to the list.


5. Now look at each dilemma in turn and ask the group to come to a consensus on what
they agree the best solution to be and identify their role in reaching the solution.
Write the solutions on the flipchart too.
• For example: Noah’s and Karam’s fathers could meet with the school principal to
discuss other career options.
• A mediator could meet with Noah and his father to explore how they both feel.
• Karam could write a letter to Noah explaining why he told his father.
6. After the discussion, highlight these points:
• You can’t fix everything by yourself, and PFA is not a solution for everything.
It is a humane, caring system of support based on human kindness and listening.
It is OK to ask for support.
• Things are not clear-cut when feelings are involved. You are not responsible for
someone else’s feelings.
• If you are unsure, worried or confused about a situation with another person, tell
your mentor, supervisor or a trusted adult - nobody expects you to have all the
7. Close the session by asking whether the participants think Karam was a good friend
to Noah. Take time to allow several participants to make a response. Say that being a
good friend sometimes means that we find ourselves in a quandary about what to do
for the best. It may mean that we need to get advice ourselves.



45 minutes

To introduce the concept of self-care and identify strategies for staying healthy;
to identify relevant supports for participants after the training.
To be aware of the benefits of self-care and know healthy strategies to stay well;
to recognise that support is an integral part of being a helper.
Contact details for mentors, supervisors or others who will be available to sup-
port the participants after the training.

Note to facilitators: It is important for young people to be aware of their own needs and to
be able to recognise if they are feeling burned out or in need of support. Young peers will
all need some kind of supervision and mentoring. This will depend on the context and
will be influenced by the types of difficulties faced by the young people themselves, the
supports available to them, and the nature of the group. For example, if the training group
is associated with a Red Cross Red Crescent National Society, they may already have systems
set up to offer mentoring and help in their ongoing activities. If the training group is
associated with a school group, community or sporting group, access to mentoring or
supervision from a trusted adult, youth worker or other professional may have to be

1. Say: It is very important for helpers of any kind to look after themselves as well as the
people they are helping. This is called self-care. This might seem like a strange idea
when you first hear it. But, have you ever heard someone say – “You cannot pour from
an empty cup”? This means that it is hard to be there for someone and give your friend-
ship and help if you feel drained or tired or burned out. Everyone feels drained and
burned out at times, it is not a sign of weakness. This session is about the kinds of strat-
egies you can use to make sure you keep happy and healthy and are not overstressed by
offering help to others.
2. Ask each participant to reflect for two minutes on what makes them happy, what ‘fills
their cup’ after a busy or stressful time. Examples include going for a walk, listening
to music, participating in sport, spending time with a friend, reading a book, cooking
a nice meal, etc. Ask the participants to turn to the person beside them and take it in
turns to tell their partner what they do for themselves. Before going onto the next
step, invite a few pairs to share the things they enjoy doing with the whole group.
Explain that these activities are part of self-care. They are personal strategies that
help individuals feel happy and relaxed.
3. Now ask everyone to work in their pairs again. Ask them to discuss the following
• How much time on average per week do you spend ‘filling your cup’? Is it enough?
• What stops you from doing the activities you enjoy and help you to relax?
• How easy is it to say no when someone asks you to give emotional or physical support?
• What ideas do you have on how you could make more time or space to do the
self-care activities that you enjoy? Share ideas with one another.



4. Before going onto the next step, invite a few pairs to share their ideas for making more
time for self-care activities.
5. Now give everyone time to quietly write ‘a contract for my own self-care’. Suggest they
list their favourite self-care activities and then add the steps for making them happen.
They can sign their contract and decorate it if they wish to.
6. Say: So far you have been thinking about the things you can do to feel relaxed and happy.
There are also supports that are available to you that are also part of good self-care.
These are the supports we set up for this group in case you need to speak to someone,
such as mentors, supervisors, teachers or Red Cross Red Crescent supports. (Note to
facilitators: Give information here about the specific support offered in your context).
7. Discuss in plenary the kinds of situations young peers engaged in PFA might need to
talk about with a mentor or supervisor. What expectations do they have of this person?
8. Provide information about how support is offered in the context, including the contact
details if this has not already been given.
9. Discuss setting up a buddy system too if this seems appropriate to the group (see box

Buddy system
If the participants know each other and have developed positive relationships with each
other, they could set up a buddy system amongst themselves. This could be in pairs or
for the whole group, using a WhatsApp or Facebook private group, for example. As the
facilitator, you can decide what is appropriate depending on the age of the group and
the context. If the group has bonded and gets on well, you can explore ways for them to
support each other as ‘buddies’ and keep in touch after the training has ended, either
face-to-face, online, or both.

10. Close the session by summarising that good self-care includes personal strategies
to keep happy and relaxed and linking with group strategies for support such as,
for example, mentors or supervisors, buddy system, etc.



30 minutes

To bring the training to a close.

To highlight individual learning achieved during the training; to encourage the

participants by giving them feedback on positive qualities about themselves.

Paper or card plus a marker for each person.

1. Invite everyone to sit on chairs placed in a circle. Explain that the training is now
coming to a close and thank everyone for their participation and engagement.
2. Remind everyone that learning about PFA as a young person unpacks what it means to
be a compassionate helper. It strengthens skills in being a good listener and in offering
practical help to someone without making that person dependent. It raises awareness
about helpers needing to care for themselves too. And it provides support to each PFA
young peer so that they do not have to carry the task of helping someone alone.
3. Invite participants to say one thing they have learned about themselves or about PFA
during the two days of the training.
4. Now give everyone a piece of A4 paper or card (including the facilitators) and a marker
and ask them to write their name on it. Now ask everyone to stand up and leave their
paper or card on their chair. Ask everyone to circulate around the room, taking time to
go to each chair and writing a response to the following question, ‘What qualities does
this person have as a good PFA peer supporter?’ Ask them to write positive comments
about the person under their name. For example, this could include being a good
listener, their capacity for friendship and being caring, their creativity, their calming
5. When everyone has finished, ask them to sit down again (on any chair). If they find
themselves sitting on a chair with their own name on the card, ask them to swap it
with another person.
6. Now call out the name of each participant in turn and invite the person with their
card to hand it to them. As the person receives their card, invite everyone to clap.
7. Give the group a few minutes to read their card quietly. Ask them how they feel
reading what has been written. Is anyone surprised? Invite a few participants to say
how they feel.
8. Explain to the participants that all of these cards are important reminders of what
makes them good PFA peer supporters. All these qualities are part of them and have
also made the group special.
9. Ask everyone to stand up in a circle and walk in towards each other, with hands
outstretched in front. When the circle is as small as it can be, ask them to grab a hand,
bend forwards, count to three and then raise hands in the air and shout GOODBYE!





Annex 1: Case studies for group work

Use these case studies as they are or adapt them to the context of the training group:

A new student has joined your school. He is very quiet, and despite being introduced
to everyone, he does not join others at lunchtime. One day you hear him crying in the
bathroom. He tells you to leave him alone when you ask what is wrong.

Aila is your best friend. Her dog, Milo, has just died of old age. Aila and Milo have grown up
together and she cannot remember life without him. She is very upset and cannot stop crying.

You were supposed to meet your classmate at 5 o’clock outside school. But at 5 o’clock he
was nowhere to be seen. Later he phones you to say that he has fallen off his bike about five
minutes from the school. He sounds very upset and can’t describe exactly what has happened.

Your friend has a bruise on her arm. She tells you she fell down the stairs. The next time
you see her, she has a bruise on her cheek. She tells you she banged into a door at home.
The next time you see her she has a sore shoulder and can’t move it. You press her for
information, and after some time, she tells you that her father is hitting her. She begs
you not to tell anyone and asks you to promise that you will keep it secret. She is
frightened of what will happen if she tells anyone.

You and your friend have been friends for years and go walking together every weekend.
One day on one of your walks, your friend tells you that he feels sad all the time, he
cannot sleep, and feels like he has nothing to look forward to. He doesn’t feel like eating,
and considered cancelling the walk today, but didn’t as he didn’t want to let you down.
This has been going on for a while but he has kept it secret from you.

You play basketball every week. One day, one of the players is called out of the training
session to receive the news that his sister has been involved in a terrible accident. He is
completely shocked and stunned. He doesn’t know which hospital his sister has been
taken to and his phone has no battery.

Your friend John’s partner has broken up with him. He is devastated and has stopped
joining in with social activities with you and your other friends. You have been to see
him at his home, but he just sits and talks about his partner, wondering what went wrong
and how he wishes it could have been different.

Someone is spreading sexually explicit rumours about one of your friends online, and also
sending insulting messages to her. Everyone is talking about her, and the messages are
being shared around to lots of people. Now, people are looking at her when she is walks
around the school, and whispering about her and mocking her. She tells you she can’t go
on like this and would rather be dead than have to put up with this any longer. She tells
you her life is torture and she cannot see a solution or a way out.

Anna’s parents are getting a divorce. You and Anna have been friends for years and live
next door to each other. Sometimes you can hear Anna’s parents arguing through the wall.
Anna is spending more and more time at your house. She is very quiet and sad.



Annex 2: Giving and receiving feedback

There are points during the PFA training when participants give feedback to each other
regarding work they have done. It is very important that facilitators create a culture of
giving and receiving feedback amongst the group in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
Depending on the group, it may be helpful to spend some time explaining how to do this
in a positive way.

Feedback consists of comments in relation to what a person or group likes about

something and where they see room for improvement. Giving feedback on the work of
another group gives participants the opportunity to demonstrate their own learning and
understanding of what they have experienced, and it also validates the work of the group
who have presented.

Here are some key points for giving feedback:

• Give positive comments first. Before you make suggestions for change, state clearly the
positive comments you have and what you liked.
• Refer to concrete examples when giving feedback. Be specific, this will help the group
or individual to learn.
• Do not judge or assess – for example, do not say, “That was bad!” It is more helpful to
describe the impact of the task or activity on you.
• Give support and suggestions for how a task or activity could be changed.

If participants are giving feedback to a group, the facilitators can provide guidance in how
to do this, by asking prompt questions such as So, can you suggest an alternative way to
group 2? or What did you like about this presentation? or Can you tell group B why you are
making that point?

Receiving feedback can be challenging if it is not given carefully and in a respectful way.
It can be experienced as hurtful or shaming. It is therefore very important that this aspect
of the dynamics of the training is facilitated well too.



Annex 3: Making a referral

Before the training begins, facilitators should fill out the template below, giving contact
details with local information for the participants to take away after the training. The list
of services on the left is not comprehensive. Use it as a starting point for identifying the
services which are available in a specific area and make sure they are appropriate for the
age group which will use them, for example, younger children may not need contact
details of SGBV help and support.

Referral services Contact details

Emergency services




Child protection services

Health services

Counselling services for young people

SGBV help and support

LGBTQIA+ counselling


Psychological First Aid
For Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Psychological first aid is a simple, yet powerful way of helping someone
in distress. It involves paying attention to the person’s reactions, active
listening and if relevant, practical assistance to help address immediate
problems and basic needs. Learning psychological first aid skills and
understanding reactions to crises empowers helpers to help others
and apply the same skills to their own lives.

Psychological First Aid for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has
several parts that can be used separately or together. It includes an
introductory guide, a short booklet and four training modules. There are
training modules covering basic PFA skills, PFA for children, providing PFA
in groups and supporting teams, as well as other PFA training materials
including for training and learning about PFA online. All materials can be
downloaded on pscentre.org.

We hope these materials will support staff and volunteers in their

primary work of helping others. Our goal is to assist National Societies
in offering the most effective psychosocial support possible to the
people they serve.

Training of Trainers in
Psychological First Aid
For Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Psychosocial Centre

www.pscentre.org Psychosocial Centre

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