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Unit - 1 Networking

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UNIT – 1


• Internet: World Wide Web, web servers, web clients, web sites, web pages, web
browsers, blogs, news groups, HTML, web address, e-mail address, downloading and
uploading files from a remote site. Internet protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, HTTPS.
Remote login and file transfer protocols: SSH, SFTP, FTP, SCP, TELNET, SMTP, TCP/IP.

• Services available on the internet: information retrieval, locating sites using search
engines and finding people on the net;

• Web services: chat, email, video conferencing, e-Learning, e-Banking, eShopping,

e-Reservation, e-Governance, e-Groups, social networking.

• Mobile technologies: SMS, MMS, 3G, 4G.

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Computer Network is an interconnection of two or more than two computers that can exchange data and
share resources with each other. The medium through which computer systems are connected may be wired
or wireless.

Figure: Wired Network (all the devices are connected through cable/wire)

Figure: Wireless Network (all the devices are connected through Radio Waves)

The main objective of Computer Network is to share data/information from one device to another.

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The basic types of network types are as follows –

Types of


i. LAN
 The LAN stands for "Local Area Network".
 This type of network is dedicated to a specific geographic area.
 In the LAN, a group of computers belongs to the same organization within a small geographic
 Examples of LAN are : College Network , Office Network etc.

Figure: LAN

ii. MAN
 A MAN stands for "Metropolitan Area Network".
 MAN connects multiple LAN nearby with high speeds.

Figure: MAN
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iii. WAN

 A WAN stands for "Wide Area Network".

 It connects multiple LANs and MANs.
 This is a network that connects networks on large geographic distances. It is also known as a
network of networks.
 The Internet is an example of WAN.

Figure: WAN

iv. PAN

 A PAN stands for "personal area network".

 It is a network that fully dedicates to a person within a single building.
 Bluetooth connection and Mobile Hotspot connection both are the examples of PAN .

Figure: PAN

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 The Internet is a global computer network which offers a range of information and communication
services, consisting of interconnected networks using structured protocols.
 It is a network that links computers around the world using a common software protocol for data
transmission and data reception. This protocol is known as TCP / IP which stands for the Internet
Protocol / Transmission Control Protocol.


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 World Wide Web is abbreviated as WWW.
 It is also known as W3C consortium where consortium means association.
 Every websites on the internet.
 Every website on the internet starts WWW.
 It is an association which forms a standard and rules for the redirecting information through the internet.
It provides us with information from web servers.

 A server for the world wide web for a particular website is called webserver.

 Web clients are generally referred to users who are seeking information through the world wide web.
 Any user who wants any information and searching on the internet is known as a web client.

 Website is a collection of many related and interlinked web pages.

 A webpage is an electronic page of a website which consists of text, images, hyperlinks, audio and
video. A webpage is developed by using HTML.

 A web browser is an application which is used to show a web page or website on your
computer or device.
 Some popular web browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Apple
Safari etc.

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 A blog or “Weblog” is a publication of personal views, thoughts, and experience on web links. It is a
kind of personal diary note about an individual.
 The person shares their happening in a person’s life on the internet using blogs.
 The contents published on a blog are organized in a reverse manner, it means recent posts appear
first and the older posts are further downwards.
 The person who write blogs is known as blogger.
 Process of handling a blog is called blogging.
 Most popular websites that provide blog services are :
 https://wordpress.com
 https://www.wix.com/start/blog
 https://extensions.joomla.org/category/authoring-a-content/blog/
 A newsgroup is an online discussion about a person, organization, organization, or theme.
 By sharing text messages, photographs, videos, and other types of digital material,
newsgroups allow remotely linked users to access, share, discuss, and learn from their
subject of interest.
 The subscriber can post messages in a specific topic that is either automatically available in open
newsgroups or can be seen in groups by authorized members.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is a Markup language which is used to create WebPages using HTML tags. HTML is a
good and efficient medium to develop WebPages.

To get in-depth with HTML, first of all, we understand the meaning of the terms associated with
HTML. These are as follows–

Hypertext – refers to the hyperlinks to facilitate the HTML page. Through hyperlinks, web
developers link or interconnect multiple sources on WebPages. Once, the user clicks on a hyperlink
then they switch or can read another web document using a web browser.

Markup – markup refers to HTML tags which are used to define the web page layout and its
element within the page.

HTML tags – Tag includes instructions about Web page to the web browsers with guidelines, like
where to view text, images, and how to organize the document. Tags are always placed in < >
angle brackets and closed with </ >. Some HTML tags have property to do not close with </ >.

Every web site has a unique name or address on the World Wide Web. This unique name or
address is known as a web address. In other words, the web address is also known as URL
(Uniform Resource Locator), it has the following parts:

1. HTTP or HTTPS: It is a protocol which is transferring the hypertext documents over the
World Wide Web.

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2. Domain Name: Every website has a domain name. For
example, google, yahoo, Facebook etc.
3. Top-Level Domain: Top Level Domain name is associated with types of website. It is the
last part of a web address. For Ex. .com, .org, .edu,.co.in etc.

If you want to use the e-mail facility you need an e-mail address. E-mail is an electronic mail. To
send or receive e-mail an e-mail address is required. The e-mail address has the following general
form: emailid@domain
Where emailid: is a simple username which is a combination of numbers and letters created by the
@domain: Refers to the domain name on which email-id is created or email-service provider


 Downloading files refers to saving files from the server to your computer using the internet.

 Uploading files refer to saving files from your computer to server using the internet. In an
email, the files can be attached while sending the resources.

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 Internet protocols are some set of rules that are used to transfer and receive the data/information over
the network or internet.
Most commonly used Internet protocols are:

1. TCP/IP: It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This protocol helps
to facilitate the logical numeric address of a computer in a network.
2. SMTP: SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol which is responsible for
transferring emails.
3. POP3: POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol version 3. POP3 protocol, which is used for
retrieving the emails from the server..
4. HTTP: It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is not secure. It is used to transfer the
hypertext documents over the WWW.
5. HTTPS: HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. Where secure means
your connection is secure. Data which you are sending on sites such pages are private.
6. SSH: SSH stands for Secure Shell protocol. It is an application layer protocol used to
provide a secure connection over the internet.
7. SFTP: It stands for Secure File Transfer protocol. It runs over secured connections.
8. FTP: It stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is used to transfer files over a similar network.
9. SCP: It stands for Secure Copy Protocol. It is responsible for transferring files between
local computer to remote computers and vice versa.
10. TELNET: It is an application-level protocol which is used to provide interactive text-based
connectivity to users.


Internet is a major source of gathering information. Some basic services on the internet are as given
Information Retrieval:
Internet is widely used for information retrieval. There are popular search engines like google, bing, yahoo, ask
etc. providing such information based on keywords. User can type a keyword in the search box and google bots
retrieve that information from different websites sources.

Locating sites using a search engine:

To locate sites using a search engine, the website should be optimized properly through
SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. These are few techniques used to locate a site
using a search engine.

Finding people on the net:

Social media is a great place to finding people on the net. People who created their online profile
can be found through the net easily. Social media websites are providing this facility. Some
popular examples are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin etc

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 A search engine is a service that allows Internet users to search for content via the World Wide Web
 Most popular search engines are Google, bing, yahoo etc.
 A search engine normally consists of four components :
 Search interface: This component is an interface between user and the database. It
helps the user to search through the database.
 Crawler (also known as a spider or bot): It is a software component that traverses
the web to gather information.
 Indexer: Indexer indexes the crawler search results in proper order.
 Database: All the information on the web is stored in database. It consists of huge
web resources

Following are the most commonly used web services :
 Communication or live interaction over the network/internet through messages is known as
 The complete process of sending and receiving message is known as chatting.
 It is also known as Instant Messaging (IM).
 E-mail stands for Electronic Mail.
 It is an electronic way of communication through which user can send a piece of
 Face to face interaction between remote users is known as video conferencing.
 Video conferencing allow to join people in a virtual meeting from their own places.
 The way of learning through electronic media is known as E-learning.
 In this Era most of the students are using this learning platform.
 . By which anyone can join the courses from home and learn.
 For ex. Byjus, Vedantu etc.
 E-banking is also known as Online Banking or Internet Banking.
 It enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct range of financial
transactions through the financial institution’s website.

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 e-Shopping is a part of e-Commerce.

 There are many websites which provide online shopping that you may be using.
 For ex. amazon, flipkart, myntra etc.


 This facility allows us to book a ticket without visiting a booking window or counter.
 You can book your bus tickets, train tickets, cab, flight tickets, hotels and many more with e-
 Ex. IRCTC, redbus etc.


 e-Governance refers to the portals used to obtain an online certificate from the government
like passport, aadhar card, caste certificate, income certificate etc.

Mobile technologies refer to a mobile system which is commonly used for communication. But
nowadays the smartphone can do almost the work which can be done on a laptop or PC.
Some common technology related to mobiles are given below:


 SMS stands for Short Message Service.

 It is a basic service of mobile messages. You can send only text messages using SMS.


 It stands for Multimedia Messaging Service.

 It allows multimedia files such as photos, videos and audio files.


 3G stands for 3rd generation. It is an internet service.


 4G stands for 4th Generation .This is an updated version of mobile internet connectivity.

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Worksheet # 1
Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a web browser?

(a) Mozilla Firefox (c) Microsoft Dreamviewer
(b) Internet Explorer (d) Google Chrome
2. IP addresses of two computers on a network
(a) Can be the same (c) sometime same
(b) Cannot be the same (d) none of these
3. WWW stands for :
(a) World Wide War (c) World Way Web
(b) World Wide Web (d) Web World Wide
4. The computer or server on the internet is also known as :
(a) PC (c) Host
(b) Browser (d) Client
5. In HTTPS , S means :
(a) Secret (c) Socket
(b) Secure (d) Session
6. Which of the following translates the domain names into IP addresses?
(a) URL (c) Domain Name System
(b) Web Address (d) Domain Abbreviation
7. Which of the following part of TCP/IP protocols divide the message into
(a) TCP (c) both (a) and (b)
(b) IP (d) none of these
8. An MMS allowed :
(a) Text (c) Video
(b) Images (d) all of these
9. Which of the following is not a search engine.
(a) Yahoo (c) bingo
(b) Google (d) facebook
10. LAN stand for :
(a) Local Area Network (c) Liner Area Network
(b) Line Area Network (d) None of these
1-c 2- b 3 -b 4-c 5-b 6-c 7-a 8-d 9-d 10-a

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Assignment – 1
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Protocols are the set of rules to govern ___________________
(a) Communication (c) World
(b) Standard (d) Bandwidth
2. Which of the following protocols is used to retrieve email from an email server?
(a) FTP (c) HTML
3. A user can get files from another computer on the Internet by using:
(b) UTP (d) FTP
4. Which of the following is a secure version of File Transfer Protocol?
(a) EFTP (c) SFTP
(b) SMTP (d) none of these
5. What is the short form for telecommunications Network?
(a) Telenet (c) TNT
(b) Telnet (d) TCN
6. URL stands for
(a) Uniformity Resource Locater (c) Uniform Resource Locator
(b) Uniform Relay License (d) Uniformity Relay Locator
7. Which of the following is a blogging site?
(a) Facebook (c) Chrome
(b) Wordpress (d) Telegram
8. Which of the following is an e-shopping website ?
(a) Flipkart (c) Amazon
(b) Snapdeal (d) all of these
9. Which of the following is not a benefit of e-governance ?
(a) Timely delivery of products (c) Reduced corruption
(b) Fast process Execution (d) High transparency
10. In the e-mail address abc@gmail.com , what is ‘gmail.com’ referred to as ?
(a) Domain Name (c) Recipient Name
(b) Username (d) none of these

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Worksheet # 2
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define Computer Network ?
Ans : - The interconnection of two or more than two computers by means of sharing data , resources is
known as Computer Network.
2. Write the name of two medium through which computers on the networks are connected.
Ans – (i) Wired (ii) Wireless
3. Write about SMTP?
Ans- SMTP is stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is use to send mail over the network.
4. What do you mean by blogs?
Ans - A blog or “Weblog” is a publication of personal views, thoughts, and experience on web links. It
is a kind of personal diary note about an individual.
5. Write the name of two websites that provides the blog facility.
Ans – (i) https://wordpress.com (ii) https://www.wix.com/start/blog
6. Write two advantages of Internet?
Ans - (i) Communication (ii) E-learning
7. Who developed the HTML?
Ans – Tim Berners Lee
8. What is the role of MODEM?
Ans- MODEM is a device that is used to connect a device to internet. Its main purpose is to convert the
analog signals of ISP into digital signals called modulation and vice versa called demodulation.
9. Define Search Engine.
Ans- A search engine is a service that allows Internet users to search for content via the World Wide
Web (WWW).
10. Write the name of two e-commerce websites?
Ans- (i) amazon (ii) myntra

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Assignment # 2
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What do you mean by web browser?

2. Define Telnet.

3. Write two disadvantages of Internet.

4. What do you mean by e-governance?

5. Explain two web services with examples.

6. Write difference between HTTP and HTTPs.

7. Write difference between Web page and Website.

8. Write difference between FTP and SFTP.

9. Define the following terms :

(a) SMS

(b) MMS

(c) 3G

(d) 4G

10. Write the full form for the following:

(a) ISP

(b) SCP

(c) SSH

(d) SMTP

(e) WWW

(f) DNS

(g) TCP/IP


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