TCS Elevates Customer Experience: Powered by Google Contact Center AI (CCAI)
TCS Elevates Customer Experience: Powered by Google Contact Center AI (CCAI)
TCS Elevates Customer Experience: Powered by Google Contact Center AI (CCAI)
Contact center transformation is the key to unlock the full potential of modern-day customer requests. TCS with
its deep domain expertise and contextual knowledge in the Contact Centre Industry, coupled with a unique
CCAI and Gen AI solution expertise have created a robust approach focussed on four key solution tenets:
This approach has successfully enabled many large global clients in their Contact Centre transformation journey.
Increased Cost optimization:
containment rate: Reduce training
Improved self service and recruiting costs
and digital engagement while improving
to enable customers the efficiency
to successfully resolve of day-to-day
their issues without operations.
needing the assistance
of a human agent
Benefits of Data-driven
Maximize agent insights:
productivity: partnering Leverages data
Streamlines call with TCS for analytics to monitor
handling and reduces contact center
average handling contact center performance and
time, allowing agents
to focus on high-value
transformation identify areas for
Improved first
Enhanced customer call resolution:
satisfaction: Empowers agents
Deliver personalized, with real-time
omnichannel experiences customer
that build customer information and
loyalty and increase AI-powered decision
customer engagement. support to resolve
issues effectively.
Global and industry experience: TCS has successfully Continuous innovation: Experiment rapidly using
implemented Google CCAI solutions for 25+ leading quick PoC checks and accelerate development through our
organizations across various industries. innovative TCS Cloud Lab hosted on Google Cloud.
Google Cloud-CCAI certified experts: Our team of 500+ Tools and accelerators: Utilize our built-in Gen AI powered
certified experts provide specialized guidance and support for Intent library (120 intents for Telco, 100 intents each on Retail
successful CCAI implementation. & Banking, 70 intents on Manufacturing and Healthcare)
and curated Product Oriented Delivery ( POD ) delivery
model, along with combined expertise of CCAI and Gen AI and
Rapid prototyping and proven solutions:Leverage our Google powered CCaaS Platform to bring greater value to the
portfolio of AI-powered solutions (plug & play or customized as
partnerships by providing better customer engagements.
per needs) to automate repetitive tasks, improve call routing,
and enhance customer interactions.
Tools, Assets and Accelerators – Accelerating Implementation
CCAI Platform (Ujet) & CRM L1 Helpdesk & Contact Centre TCS Acquisitions and Partnership
Expertise Transformation TCS acquisitions and partnership
Successfully integrated CCAI Use case already built for internal enabling end-to-end delivery
platform with salesforce and and external customers • TCS acquisition of W12 Studios, an
other CRMs • Contact centre transformation and award-winning digital design studio
• Automated case creation strategy • Strong partnership with PEGA,
• Lower call handling times and • Supporting large number of Nuance RASA, Khoros and AI/
improving both agent and customer Customers in L1 Help desk – HR, IT, ML Co-Innovation (COIN) Startup
experiences Ssales, Finance, Legal , Tax Network
• Integrated insights across Voice and
Success Stories
TCS has successfully transformed their contact centers for global enterprises, to deliver the following results:
• Enabled an American multinational retailer to automate 50% of the customer conversations by transforming internal customer
care processes using Google CCAI
• Reduced call handling time by 50% and doubled customer satisfaction for a Canadian fertilizer company by modernizing the
call center to enable 24 x 7 omni channel services and by using conversational AI as a part of Google CCAI Implementation
• Automated 50% of social media interactions for a European airline with our state-of-the-art chatbots built using Google CCAI
that greatly reduced human efforts and increased efficiency