M14 - Amo - SMS
M14 - Amo - SMS
M14 - Amo - SMS
M14. AMO Safety Management
EASA Requirements.
Notice of Proposed Amendment 2019-05 (C) (NPA 2019-05), related to
“Embodiment of safety management system (SMS) requirements into Part-145”
has been published.
This NPA 2019-05:
Introduce safety management principles that implement ICAO Annex 19; and
Foster an organisational culture for effective safety management and effective
occurrence reporting in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 376/2014.
The NPA 2019-05 (C) includes the draft implementing rules (IRs) as well the draft
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for Part-
145. NPA 2019-05 (A) includes:
the procedural information pertaining to the regulatory proposal;
the explanatory note to the proposed amendments;
the regulatory impact assessment; and
a detailed summary of the proposed amendments
M14. AMO Safety Management
Acceptable Experience. Nature.
EASA Requirements
Some articles of the Part 145 standard
are to be modified while others
are to be added:
M14. AMO Safety Management
Acceptable Experience. Nature.
EASA Requirements
Some articles of the Part 145 standard
are to be modified while others
are to be added:
M14. AMO Safety Management
145.A.200 Management System.
The organisation shall establish, implement, and maintain a management system
that includes:
Clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the organisation,
including a direct safety accountability of the accountable manager;
A description of the overall philosophies and principles of the organisation with regard to
safety, referred to as the safety policy, and the related safety objectives;
The identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the organisation,
their evaluation and the management of the associated risks, including taking actions to
mitigate the risks and verify their effectiveness;
Maintaining personnel trained and competent to perform their tasks;
Documentation of all management system key processes, including a process for making
personnel aware of their responsibilities and the procedure for amending this
M14. AMO Safety Management
145.A.200 Management System.
The organisation shall establish, implement, and maintain a management system
that includes:
A function to monitor the compliance of the organisation with the relevant
requirements. Compliance monitoring shall include a system to feed back findings to the
accountable manager to ensure the effective implementation of corrective actions as
Any additional relevant requirements that are laid down in this Regulation
The management system shall correspond to the size of the organisation and the
nature and complexity of its activities, taking into account the hazards and the
associated risks inherent in these activities.
If the organisation holds one or more additional organisation certificates, the
management system may be integrated with that required under the additional
certificate(s) held.
M14. AMO Safety Management
145.A.202 Internal safety reporting scheme.
As part of its management system, the organisation shall establish an internal
safety reporting scheme to enable the collection and evaluation of such
occurrences that are to be reported under point 145.A.60 (Occurrence
The scheme shall also enable the collection and evaluation of those errors, near
misses, and hazards reported internally that do not fall under point (a).
Through this scheme, the organisation shall:
Identify the causes of, and contributing factors to, any errors, near misses, and hazards
reported, and address them as part of their safety risk management;
Ensure an evaluation of all the known, relevant information relating to errors, the
inability to follow procedures, near misses, and hazards, and a method to circulate the
information as necessary.
M14. AMO Safety Management
145.A.202 Internal safety reporting scheme.
The organisation shall make arrangements to ensure the collection of any safety
issues related to subcontracted activities.
The organisation shall cooperate on safety investigations with any other
organisation that makes a significant contribution to the safety of its own
maintenance activities.
M14. AMO Safety Management
145.A.205 Contracting and subcontracting
The organisation shall ensure that when contracting or subcontracting any part of
its maintenance activities, or when purchasing equipment or services:
These maintenance activities conform to the requirements of Part 145; and
Any aviation safety hazards associated with such contracting, subcontracting or purchase
are considered as part of the organisation’s management system.
If the organisation subcontracts any part of its maintenance activities to another
organisation, the subcontracted organisation shall work under the approval of
the organisation. The organisation shall ensure that the competent authority is
given access to the subcontracted organisation to determine whether there is
continued compliance with the applicable requirements.
Module 14
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
1. Safety policy and objectives (Cont.):
b. Safety objectives: Taking into account its safety policy, the maintenance organization should
define its safety objectives. The safety objectives must:
i. Be consistent with the security objectives established in the Program;
ii. Serve as a basis for the establishment of safety performance indicators and targets as required in the following
iii. Reflect the organization's commitment to continuously improve the overall performance of the MOSMS;
iv. Document and transmit to the entire organization; and
v. Be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate for the maintenance organization.
c. Establishment of safety performance indicators and targets: Maintenance organizations will
establish performance indicators and performance goals for their MOSMS. Safety performance
indicators and targets should:
i. Be consistent with its safety objectives and with performance indicators and performance targets in the area of
safety of the State;
ii. Be appropriate to its specific operational context and the volume and complexity of its activities.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
Note 1: Annex 1 of this resolution establishes a list of safety performance indicators that, at a minimum, should be
established by maintenance organizations.
Note 2: Annex 2 of this resolution establishes a non-exhaustive list of safety performance indicators by way of
example that maintenance organizations may use in addition to those set out in Annex 1.
Note 3: The goals will be established in a second phase when, in response to the type of indicator and the period of
capture of the value thereof, statistically significant information has been collected on the behaviour of the
indicators established by the organization. No later than 12 months after the establishment of the indicators.
d. Compliance with safety requirements: Maintenance organizations shall ensure the existence of
adequate procedures to ensure the use of good maintenance practices and the airworthiness of
aircraft and compliance with the safety requirements set out in national and Union regulations.
Applicable European and. Establishment of a plan of actions for the achievement of the
performance goals of the maintenance organization:
The maintenance organizations will establish a plan of actions to achieve the established performance goals.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
2. Assessment and control of safety risks (Cont.):
a. Identification and registration of hazards: Continuous surveillance of operations or activities will
be carried out through the establishment of an internal system of notification of events (1),
including safety deviations (2), which allows the collection and evaluation of the same.
(1) Event: any safety-related event that endangers or that, if not corrected or addressed, could endanger an
aircraft, its occupants or any other person, including, in particular, accidents and serious incidents;
(2) Deviations from operational safety: safety events with real consequences of little or no magnitude, which
suppose a separation with respect to established norms, procedures or practices.
b. Risk assessment: Maintenance organizations will develop a procedure to analyze the events
collected in accordance with the previous section, in order to determine the security risks
associated with the events or groups of events observed and recorded.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
2. Assessment and control of safety risks (Cont.):
c. Risk control:
i. Based on the analysis established in the previous section, each organization will determine the appropriate
corrective or preventive measures, where appropriate, for the improvement of aviation safety.
ii. When an organization determines the appropriate measures to solve the real or potential air safety
a) Apply these measures in due time; and
b) Establish a process to monitor the application and the effectiveness of the measures.
d. Quality system: Maintenance organizations will establish a process for the internal management
of safety deviations and for monitoring the application and the effectiveness of the corrective or
preventive measures applied.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
3. Promotion operational safety:
a. Instruction and education: Within the procedure established by the maintenance organization to
control the competence of the personnel participating in any activity related to maintenance,
management or quality audits, specific training on the MOSMS will be included, adding additional
elements to the current one:
i. Knowledge of the relevant parts of the memory and maintenance organization procedures.
ii. Knowledge of the system of notification of events and understanding of the importance of reporting events, incorrect
maintenance data and existing or potential defects.
iii. Knowledge of safety risks related to the work environment.
b. Safety communication: The maintenance organizations will define in their safety policy, duly
documented, the disclosure methods among their employees of:
i. The policy and objectives of operational safety of the MOSMS.
ii. Critical information for safety
M14. AMO Safety Management
Article 2. Definition of SMS in maintenance organizations (MOSMS).
The MOSMS framework consists of the components and elements established below
4. Continuous improvement:
The maintenance organizations will observe and evaluate the effectiveness of their MOSMS to allow the
continuous improvement of the general performance of the MOSMS through the quality system
described in section 2.d).
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 1
List of safety performance indicators that, as a minimum, should be
established by maintenance organizations
Product safety performance indicators (SPI)
Quotient of the number of double inspections that identified a maintenance error per
number of double inspections carried out (3)
Quotient of the number of unsatisfactory functional tests per number of functional tests
performed (4).
Number of events related to maintenance per activity volume (5).
Number of investigations carried out as a result of maintenance events, in which it was
determined that the maintenance personnel involved had a substantial influence on
these events, per number of total events related to maintenance.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 1 (Cont.)
Process Safety Performance Indicators (SPI)
Percentage of implementation of corrective / preventive actions derived from operational
safety deviations.
Appendix 2
Non-exhaustive list of safety performance indicators by way of example that
maintenance organizations may use in addition to those set out in Annex 1
Other product / process indicators in the area of maintenance organizations:
Number of events with ambiguous maintenance data per activity volume (6).
Number of events related to maintenance personnel rotations not performed per activity volume
Number of events related to maintenance tools per activity volume (4).
Number of events related to the spare parts of the warehouse per activity volume (4).
Number of events related to maintenance records with defects / failures per activity volume (4).
Number of investigations carried out of components removed from service considerably before
reaching their life limit per volume of activity (4).
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2. (Cont.)
Other product / process indicators in the area of maintenance organizations
Analyzed events (performed with risk management) per activity volume (4).
Changes analyzed (performed with risk management) per activity volume (4).
Percentage of personnel that have had training about the equivalent mechanism and in the
report of events.
Security reports received from contractors or related to contractors per contractor.
Security communications published per quarter.
% of work orders for which detailed planning was done
Fatigue of maintenance engineers / maintenance error:
% of work orders with a difference> 10% between the proposed waiting time and the actual
processing time.
% of work orders with a difference> 10% between the estimated workload and actual needs.
Maintenance error:
% of work orders that require re-work.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2. (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: compliance / audits
Internal audits:
Total number / trend in the audit planning cycle.
% of findings analyzed due to their importance for safety.
Number of significant findings compared to the total number of non-compliances.
Number of repeated findings within the audit planning cycle.
Average waiting time to complete the corrective actions per supervisory - trend planning cycle.
External audits:
Total number / trend in the audit planning cycle.
% of the breaches analyzed due to their importance for safety.
Number of significant non-compliances compared to the total number of non-compliances.
Average waiting time to complete the corrective actions per supervisory - trend planning cycle.
Consistency of results between internal and external audits / compliance control
Number of significant findings discovered only through external audits.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2. (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS
Strategic management:
Level to which operational safety is considered in the official plans of the organization and strategy
Frequency with which the official plans of the organization and the strategy documents are reviewed with
respect to safety.
Management commitment:
Number of "walk-arounds" of management per month / quarter / year.
Number of management meetings dedicated to safety by month / quarter / year.
Rate of rotation of key safety personnel:
Duration of the mandate.
Number of cases in which the reasons for the departure of key personnel have been analyzed.
Number of cases in which the supervisors expressed positive feedback on the conscious behavior
regarding safety of their personnel to the month / quarter / year.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2 (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS (Cont.)
Number of notifications received per month / quarter / year and trend.
% of notifications to which information was provided to the notifier within 10 business days.
% of notifications followed by an independent safety review.
Identification of the hazards:
Number of accident / serious incident scenarios analyzed to support Safety Risk Management (SRM) per
month / quarter / year.
Number of new hazards identified through the internal notification system per month / quarter / year
and trend.
Findings with external audits related to hazards that had not been previously perceived by personnel /
Number of safety notifications received from personnel per month / quarter / year and trend.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2 (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS (Cont.)
Risk control:
Number of new risk control validated by month / quarter / year.
% of the total budget allocated to new risk controls.
Management and development of human resources competences:
% of the template for which a competency profile has been established.
% of personnel who have had training in security management.
Frequency of review of competency profiles.
Frequency of review of the scope, content and quality of training programs.
Number of changes made to training programs as a result of staff feedback to the month / quarter / year.
Number of changes made to training programs following the analysis of internal safety notifications by
month / quarter / year.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2 (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS (Cont.)
Change management:
Number of organizational changes for which a formal assessment of safety risks has been performed per
month / quarter / year and the trend.
Number of changes in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for which a formal assessment of safety
risks has been carried out per month / quarter / year and the trend.
Number of technical changes (for example, new equipment, new installations, new hardware) for which a
formal assessment of safety risks has been carried out per month / quarter / year and the trend.
Number of risk controls implemented by changes to month / quarter / year and trend.
% of changes (organizational / SOP / technical, etc.) that have been subject to risk assessment.
Management of contractors:
% of contractors whose performance in safety matters has been evaluated.
Frequency with which the performance in terms of safety of contractors is determined.
% of contractors integrated into the safety notification system of your company.
% of contractors for whom safety training has been provided.
% of contractors who have implemented training control procedures.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2 (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS (Cont.)
Management of contractors:
% of contractors that have established an information system (or feedback) on safety issues with their
Number of safety notifications received from contractors per month / quarter / year and trend.
Number of safety actions initiated due to safety performance evaluation or safety notifications received
per month / quarter / year and trend.
Emergency response planning (ERP):
Number of emergency simulacrums per year.
Frequency of the ERP review.
Number of ERP training courses per month / quarter / year.
% of personnel trained in the ERP within quarter / year.
Number of meetings with the main partners and contractors to coordinate the ERP to the month /
quarter / year.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Appendix 2 (Cont.)
Indicators of systemic issues: effectiveness of MOSMS (Cont.)
Promotion of operational safety:
Number of published safety communications (per month / quarter / year).
Number of courses completed (per month / quarter / year).
Number of safety briefings (or briefings) conducted (per month / quarter / year).
Safety culture:
Level to which the staff considers safety as a value that guides their daily work (for example, on a scale of
1 = low to 5 = high).
Level to which the staff considers that safety is highly valued by their managers.
Level to which the principles of human action are applied.
Level to which staff take initiatives to improve organizational practices or report a problem to
Level to which the conscious behaviour of safety is supported.
Level to which staff and management are aware of the risks of their operations and what they imply for
themselves and for others.
M14. AMO Safety Management
(3) Double inspection should be understood as a method of error capture of critical maintenance
tasks. This indicator will be applied to a representative sample of critical maintenance tasks
defined by the organization.
(4) This indicator will be applied to a representative sample of functional tests defined by the
(5) Each organization will define the exposure unit it deems appropriate to define the volume of
activity (number of inspections, number of tasks, number of maintenance operations, man-hours,
(6) Each organization will define the exposure unit it deems appropriate to define the volume of
activity (number of inspections, number of tasks, number of maintenance operations, man-hours,
Module 14
M14. AMO Safety Management
M14. AMO Safety Management
M14. AMO Safety Management
Example of AMO SMS State Procedure
1. Policy and objectives Operational Safety – General (Cont.)
1.b Operational safety objectives
Below is a series of objectives that the maintenance organization can use as a reference to establish
its own objectives:
1.- Minimize the contribution of our maintenance activities in the accidents and serious incidents in which the
aircraft under maintenance of the maintenance organization are involved.
2.- Provide appropriate and relevant instructions related to safety management to all personnel of the
3.- Promote the notification of safety deficiencies, hazards and events among our employees through the
establishment of a Just Culture.
4.- Create channels of dissemination of safety information for all personnel of the organization;
5.- Decrease the number of claims for technical components under warranty
6.- Decrease the rate of major defects (derived from internal quality problems) versus the number of aircraft
7.- Reduce the fatigue of maintenance technicians by introducing methods to estimate time and workload
8.- Improve work procedures in order to reduce the percentage of work orders that require re-working.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Example of AMO SMS State Procedure
1. Policy and objectives Operational Safety – General (Cont.)
1.c Safety performance indicators and targets
The organization shall document in writing the safety performance indicators and targets taking
into account that:
a) They must be coherent with their safety objectives and with safety performance indicators and targets;
b) They must be appropriate to their specific operational context and the volume and complexity of their
The responsibilities, criteria and procedures for the development and review of performance
indicators and targets for safety should be detailed.
1.d Plan of actions for the achievement of performance goals
The organization shall document in writing the procedure followed for the establishment of an
action plan for the achievement of performance goals.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Example of AMO SMS State Procedure
2. Assessment and control of safety risks
2.a Identification and registration of hazards
The maintenance organization will document in writing the hazards identified for the maintenance
2.b Risk assessment
The organization shall document in writing the responsibilities, criteria and procedure followed for
the analysis of the events collected in order to determine the associated risks.
The procedure may include an analysis in terms of probability and severity of the event, and an
evaluation in terms of tolerability. In these cases, the analysis of the severity of the event must
consider the possible degraded situations in which the aircraft would remain after the release to
service or the failures that may occur in the aircraft as a result of the event.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Example of AMO SMS State Procedure
2. Assessment and control of safety risks (Cont.)
2.c Risk control
The organization must document in writing the responsibilities, criteria and procedure followed for
the control of risks, including:
The appropriate corrective or preventive measures
The application of these measures and their follow-up
2.d Quality System
The organization must refer to the section of the corresponding MOE to follow up on this MOSMS
M14. AMO Safety Management
Example of AMO SMS State Procedure
3. Promotion of Operational Safety
3.a Training
The organization must document in writing the procedure followed to ensure that the
establishment and control of the personnel competence required by 145.A.30 (e) includes specific
training about the MOSMS.
3.b Safety promotion
The organization shall document in writing the procedure to convey the operational safety to the
organisation staff.
4. Continuous improvement
The organization must document in writing the procedure followed to observe the
effectiveness of the MOSMS. Reference may be made to the corresponding section of
the MOE, indicating that the planning of internal audits includes the verification of the
MOSMS elements.
M14. AMO Safety Management
Doubts ?
End of Module 14
Your safety is our mission.
An Agency of the European Union 44