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Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing Via Large Pre-Trained Language Models-A Survey

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Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing via Large

Pre-trained Language Models: A Survey


HAYLEY ROSS, Harvard University, USA
ELIOR SULEM, University of Pennsylvania, USA
OSCAR SAINZ and ENEKO AGIRRE, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain
ILANA HEINTZ, Synoptic Engineering, USA
DAN ROTH, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Large, pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as BERT and GPT have drastically changed the Natural
Language Processing (NLP) field. For numerous NLP tasks, approaches leveraging PLMs have achieved state-
of-the-art performance. The key idea is to learn a generic, latent representation of language from a generic
task once, then share it across disparate NLP tasks. Language modeling serves as the generic task, one with
abundant self-supervised text available for extensive training. This article presents the key fundamental con-
cepts of PLM architectures and a comprehensive view of the shift to PLM-driven NLP techniques. It surveys
work applying the pre-training then fine-tuning, prompting, and text generation approaches. In addition, it
discusses PLM limitations and suggested directions for future research.
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Natural language processing;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Large language models, foundational models, generative AI, neural
ACM Reference format:
Bonan Min, Hayley Ross, Elior Sulem, Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Thien Huu Nguyen, Oscar Sainz, Eneko
Agirre, Ilana Heintz, and Dan Roth. 2023. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing via Large Pre-
trained Language Models: A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 56, 2, Article 30 (September 2023), 40 pages. 30

B. Min, H. Ross, E. Sulem, and A. P. B. Veyseh contributed equally to this research. Bonan Min completed this work at
Raytheon BBN Technologies (prior to joining AWS AI).
Authors’ addresses: B. Min, Amazon AWS AI Labs, 2795 Augustine Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA; email: bonan-
min@amazon.com; H. Ross, Department of Linguistics, Boylston Hall, 3rd floor, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138,
USA; email: hayleyross@g.harvard.edu; E. Sulem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Software and
Information Systems Engineering, Building 96, Room 207, Marcus Family Campus, P.O.B. 653 Beer-Sheva, 8410501, Is-
rael; email: eliors@seas.upenn.edu; A. P. Ben Veyseh, 1841 Garden Ave, Unit 213, Eugene, Oregon, 97403, USA; email:
apouran@cs.uoregon.edu; T. H. Nguyen, University of Oregon, 330, Deschutes Hall, 1477 E. 13th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97403,
USA; email: thien@cs.uoregon.edu; O. Sainz, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20008
Donostia, Spain; email: oscar.sainz@ehu.eus; E. Agirre, e.agirre@ehu.eus, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU),
Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20008 Donostia, Spain; email: e.agirre@ehu.eus; I. Heintz, Synoptic Engineering, 3030 Clarendon Blvd,
Arlington, VA, 22201, USA; email: ilana@synopticengineering.com; D. Roth, University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6309, USA; email: danroth@seas.upenn.edu.
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ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
30:2 B. Min et al.

Large pre-trained language models (PLMs), such as the BERT [31] and GPT [144] families of
models, have taken Natural Language Processing (NLP) by storm, achieving state-of-the-art
performance on many tasks.
These large PLMs have fueled a paradigm shift in NLP. Take a classification task p(y|x ) (classify-
ing textual input x into a label y) as an example: traditional statistical NLP approaches often design
handcrafted features to represent x, then apply a machine learning model (e.g., SVM [25], logistic
regression) to learn the classification function. Deep learning models learn the latent feature
representation via a deep neural network [90] in addition to the classification function. Note that
the latent representation needs to be learned afresh for each new NLP task, and that in many
cases, the size of the training data limits the quality of the latent feature representation. Given
that understanding the structure and content of language is common to all NLP tasks, we might
instead learn a generic latent feature representation from some generic task once, then share it
across all NLP tasks. Language modeling (LM), where the model learns to predict a word given
its context (often, the next word given the previous words), is one such generic task with abun-
dant, naturally occurring, self-supervised text available for training. We call this “pre-training,”
expecting that some form of additional training or task modification is necessary to perform the
desired NLP task using this pre-trained model as a resource. While leveraging language modeling
as a pre-training task was possible to some degree with pre-trained static (context-independent)
word embeddings such as word2vec [120], this paradigm shift really took off when PLMs were
introduced: for numerous NLP tasks, researchers now leverage existing PLMs via fine-tuning for
the task of interest, prompting the PLMs to perform the desired task, or reformulating the task
as a text generation problem with application of PLMs to solve it accordingly. Advances in these
three PLM-based paradigms have continuously established new state-of-the-art performances.
This article surveys recent works that leverage PLMs for NLP, organized as follows:
— Pre-train then fine-tune (Section 2): perform general-purpose pre-training with a large
unlabeled corpus, then perform a small amount of task-specific fine-tuning for the task of
— Prompt-based learning (Section 3): prompt a PLM such that solving an NLP task is reduced
to a task similar to the PLM’s pre-training task (e.g., predicting a missing word), or a
simpler proxy task (e.g., textual entailment). Prompting can more effectively leverage the
knowledge encoded in the PLMs, leading to few-shot approaches.
— NLP as text generation (Section 4): reformulate NLP tasks as text generation, to fully
leverage knowledge encoded in a generative LMs such as GPT-2 [145] and T5 [147].
Generative PLMs can be also used for text generation tasks. We refer readers to excellent sur-
veys [98, 207] on text generation. This article, unless otherwise specified, focuses on a broad range
of NLP tasks that are not generative in nature (e.g., classification, sequence labeling, and structure
prediction) including syntactic or semantic parsing, Information Extraction (IE), Question An-
swering (QA), Textual Entailment (TE), and so on.
The article is organized as follows: Section 2 provides background on the PLMs and describes
pre-train then fine-tune. Section 3 discusses prompt-based learning. Section 4 describes NLP as text
generation. We discuss limitations and provide directions for future research in Section 5, and
discuss the relation of this work to the new paradigm of user alignment (e.g., instruction tuning)
in Section 6, before concluding in Section 7.
We first provide a primer on PLMs, then describe approaches that use frozen or fine-tuned PLMs
for NLP tasks.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
Recent Advances in NLP via Large PLMs: A Survey 30:3

2.1 The Introduction of PLMs to NLP

While pre-training on generic tasks and then fine-tuning that model on specific tasks has been
applied in machine learning (e.g., computer vision) since at least 2010 [37, 70, 206], the technique
did not gain traction in its current form in NLP until later in the decade with the publication of the
Transformer architecture [183]. Early steps in this direction were made by using static (context-
independent) word embeddings such as word2vec [120]. These approaches only pre-trained the
word embeddings (essentially the first layer of the new model) and had to train all the remain-
ing layers from scratch, as opposed to building on an entire pre-trained model. Success of deep
neural models in the NLP community required the discovery of an appropriate self-supervised
task1 and drastically larger model sizes for effective performance than those in CV, delaying neu-
ral model uptake for several years. Achieving all this together depended on the advent of a new
neural architecture, the Transformer [183], which allowed model training to be scaled up in a way
not possible with early recurrent neural networks [64]. We explore these aspects further in the
discussion below.
The idea of pre-training on a LM task was well established before deep neural modeling became
the norm. Collobert and Weston [21] first suggested pre-training a model on a number of tasks to
learn features instead of handcrafting them (the predominant approach at the time). Their version
of LM pre-training, however, differed significantly from the methods we see today. They used
language modeling as only one of many tasks in a multitask learning setting, along with other
supervised tasks such as part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER), and
semantic role labeling (SRL). They proposed sharing the weights of their deepest convolutional
layer—the word embeddings learned by the model—between the multiple training tasks and fine-
tuning the weights of the remaining feed-forward layers for each individual task.
The idea of sharing word embeddings across models took off later with word2vec [120] and
GloVe [132]. Static word embeddings generated by these algorithms are trained on a masked lan-
guage modeling task (especially in the CBOW formulation of word2vec, which predicts a word
given its context; see [94]). The “models” used for this task are tiny, however, and only the embed-
ding weights are used in subsequent tasks. This also means that the resulting embeddings are not
context dependent. While the widespread adoption of pre-trained word embeddings led to perfor-
mance gains across the board, models and architectures remained task specific and needed a large
amount of task-specific labeled data to succeed.
Pre-training and fine-tuning entire models did not gain popularity in NLP until the advent of
ELMo [134] and ULMFiT [66]. Both models are based on Long Short-Term Memory architecture
(LSTMs) [63], and propose fine-tuning the LM layer by layer for downstream application. Both
studies also suggested adding classifier layers on top of the LM, which were fine-tuned alongside
the LM layers. The combination of these changes with the substantially larger model size and pre-
training corpus size compared to previous models marked the first instances of the pre-training
then fine-tuning paradigm, yielding competitive or improved performance compared to the then-
state-of-the-art across tasks, for both ELMo and ULMFiT. This demonstrated the value of LM pre-
training on a large scale.
The pace of this change in approach picked up dramatically in late 2018 when Vaswani et al.
[183] introduced the Transformer architecture, which is well suited for language model pre-
training. The Transformer’s multi-head self-attention mechanism allows every word to attend to
either all previous words or every word except the target, allowing the model to efficiently cap-
ture long-range dependencies without the expensive recurrent computation in LSTMs. Multiple
1 In self-supervised learning, the ground truth (e.g., the missing word) comes from the unlabeled text itself. This allows the

pre-training to scale up with the near-infinite amount of text available on the web.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
30:4 B. Min et al.

Fig. 1. Three popular configurations (architecture + training objective) of PLMs. Model architecture illustra-
tions are from Lewis et al. [96]. For the encoder-decoder model, only the corruption strategy of document
rotation (as in BART) is shown.

layers of multi-head self-attention allow for increasingly more expressive representations, use-
ful for a range of NLP problems. As a result, nearly all popular PLMs, including the GPT family
[39, 144, 145], Gopher [38], BERT [31] and family, XLM-R [22], BART [96], T5 [147], and T0 [41],
are now based on the Transformer architecture. They also differ in a number of important ways,
which we discuss in the following sections. For more details about the Transformer architecture,
we refer the reader to the original paper or to the excellent tutorials available.2, 3

2.2 Modern Pre-trained Language Models

There are three classes of PLM architecture and three classes of training objective. A transformer-
based LM may be decoder-only (e.g., GPT, Gopher), encoder-only (e.g., BERT, XLM-R), or encoder-
decoder (e.g., BART, T5, T0). Moreover, models may be trained autoregressively (predict the next
word given the left-hand context), on masked language modeling (MLM) (fill in the blank, i.e.,
the masked word, given context on both sides), or on a range of denoising tasks where the model
must undo some corruption of the original sequence, such as sentence permutation, token deletion,
or span deletion. In fact, MLM may be viewed as a type of denoising, but it retains a special status
due to its popularity. Typically, although not necessarily, decoder-only models are trained with an
autoregressive objective, encoder-only models are trained on MLM, and encoder-decoder archi-
tectures are trained on a denoising task or on MLM. Models with a decoder always output text;
whether this is fluent language depends on the pre-training objective. Autoregressively trained
LMs lend themselves to generating the continuation of text, in particular responding to prompts.
Encoder-only models can be used to output text via the head used for their pre-training objectives
(e.g., by repeatedly predicting a mask token at the end of a sequence), but are typically used to
produce embeddings for classification.
Figure 1 shows the difference in model architecture and a typical training objective with
an example training input for each. While we will focus on these canonical combinations of
architecture and pre-training objective as seen in popular models, recent work attempts to
disentangle the effects of the architecture from the objective and explores other combinations
such as training a decoder-only model on MLMs [4, 189]. While Wang et al. [189] find that
autoregressively trained decoders and encoder-decoder models trained on MLM (two of the
classic pairings described above) perform the best, respectively, in their two settings, they also
note that it is straightforward to adapt models between objectives.

2 http://nlp.seas.harvard.edu/2018/04/03/attention.html.
3 http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer/.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
Recent Advances in NLP via Large PLMs: A Survey 30:5

2.2.1 Decoder-only Language Models and the Autoregressive Task. An autoregressive LM is

trained to predict the next word x i given all previous words x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x i−1 . The training objec-

tive is to maximize the log-likelihood i loд(P (x i |x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x i−1 ); θT ), in which θT are the model
parameters. In a Transformer decoder, these are in multiple layers of multi-head self-attention
modules. Typical models include the GPT family (GPT [144], GPT-2 [145], and GPT-3 [39]), GPT-J
[186], and Gopher [38], as well as many models specific to languages other than English.
These models only utilize the autoregressive decoder portion of the Transformer architecture,
stacking multiple transformer decoder layers with masked self-attention. This allows the model to
attend to all previous tokens in the sequence when predicting the next token. Each newer version
of GPT and its descendants is trained with increasingly large amounts of text (Table 1).
The GPT paper [144] proposed fine-tuning GPT for specific tasks, providing examples for natu-
ral language inference (NLI), QA (including commonsense reasoning), semantic similarity and
paraphrase detection, sentiment analysis, and linguistic acceptability (CoLA, [193]), as well as the
GLUE benchmark. In particular, GPT achieves a dramatic improvement on CoLA (scoring 45.4
compared to the previous state of the art of 35.0), showcasing the model’s ability to gain a much
more sophisticated grasp of language than previous models. Subsequent versions of GPT (GPT-2
and GPT-3, [39, 145]), however, do not opt for the fine-tuning approach and instead leverage GPT’s
generative design to tackle tasks in a prompt-based manner, as described in Sections 3 and 4. Go-
pher [38] relies on a mix of language generation and using the probabilities generated by the LM
to solve downstream tasks by framing them as multiple-choice tasks.
2.2.2 Encoder-only Language Models and the MLM Task. Whereas autoregressive models are
unidirectional, MLMs predict a “masked” word conditioned on all other words in the sequence.
When training an MLM, words are chosen at random to be masked using a special token [MASK],
or replaced by a random token. This forces the model to collect bidirectional information in mak-
ing predictions. The training objective is to recover the original tokens at the masked positions:

i m i loд(P (x i |x 1 , . . . , x i−1 , x i+1 , . . . , x n ); θT ), in which m i ∈ {0, 1} indicates whether x i is masked
or not, and θT are the parameters in a Transformer encoder. It is a common practice to mask
multiple words from a sequence to allow parallel training. Popular examples include BERT [31],
RoBERTa [112], and XLM-R [22].
Specifically, MLMs such as BERT use the encoder portion of the Transformer architecture. Like
autoregressive models, MLMs stack multiple transformer encoder layers to learn increasingly com-
plex and meaningful representations, but they use masked self-attention to attend to all other to-
kens in the sequence when learning a representation for a particular token, providing more context
for any given word.
There is a large family of models derived from BERT, including RoBERTa [112], which trains
for longer with a more varied masking pattern; ALBERT [88], which is smaller and faster to train;
SpanBERT [76], which masks spans instead of tokens; and XLNet [203] and Transformer-XL [28],
which incorporate an autoregressive pre-training approach to better handle long-distance depen-
dencies. See Rogers et al. [151] and Qiu et al. [143] for a full taxonomy of BERT-derived models.
2.2.3 Encoder-Decoder Language Models and the Denoising Task. The encoder-decoder model is
a more flexible “text in, text out” model that learns to generate a sequence of token y1 , . . . , yn given
an input sequence x 1 , . . . , xm . The training objective is to maximize the output’s log-likelihood:
loд(P (y1 , . . . , yn |x 1 , . . . , xm ); θT ), in which θT are the parameters in a full encoder-decoder Trans-
former model [183].
To generate adequate data for self-supervised pre-training, researchers experiment with dif-
ferent forms of sequence corruption. The input is a corrupted sequence and the output is the
reconstructed (i.e., denoised) original sequence. Forms of sequence corruption include document

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
30:6 B. Min et al.

Table 1. Training Sources, Dataset Size, and Model Parameters for Popular PLMs
Model Pre-Training Sources Size of Pre-Training Corpus # Model Parameters
(1) English Monolingual Models
BERT (Base/Large) [31] Wiki, books 3.3B tokens (13 GB data) 110M/340M
RoBERTa [112] Wiki, books, web crawl 161 GB data 340M
XLNet [203] Wiki, books, web crawl 142 GB data 340M
GPT [144] Web crawl 800M tokens 117M
GPT-2 [145] Web crawl 8M documents (40 GB data) 1.5B
GPT-3 [39] Wiki, books, web crawl 300B tokens 175B
GPT-J [186] Wiki, books, papers, web crawl ∼275B tokens (825 GB data) 6B
Gopher [38] Books, news, code, web crawl 300B tokens 280B
BART [96] Wiki, books 3.3B tokens ∼370M
T5 [147] Web crawl 200B tokens (750 GB data) 11B
(2) Multilingual Models
mBERT [31] Wiki 21.9B tokens 172M
XLM-R(base/large) [22] Web crawl 295B tokens 270M/550M
mT5 (large/XXL) [147] Web crawl 6.3T tokens 1.2B/13B
Data sources differ, and are described in the citations listed in each row. Some models report their datasets in number
of tokens or documents, others only in total size in GB.

rotation (Figure 1), sentence permutation, text infilling, and token deletion/masking, among oth-
ers. Representative models include BART [96] and T5 [147]. Text infilling, which is closely related
to the span-based MLM used in SpanBERT [76], along with sentence permutation turn out to be
the best objectives for BART.
Given the sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) nature, it is straightforward to fine-tune the
encoder-decoder LM to perform seq2seq tasks such as machine translation, style transfer, and
text summarization. The seq2seq formulation is versatile: many tasks can be reformulated as “text
in, text out.” We describe this unified formulation in Section 4.

2.3 Pre-training Corpora

The size, quality, language(s), and genre of the corpus chosen for pre-training are as important
to discuss as model architecture, size, and pre-training task. Table 1 presents the sources and the
corpus size used for several popular LMs. There is a clear trend of increasing the size of the pre-
training corpus as well as increasing the diversity of the data. For example, ULMFiT [66] is trained
on a small, highly pre-processed corpus of ∼29,000 Wikipedia articles (103 million words), and
is representative of models of that year. A few years later, models such as XLM-R, GPT-3, and T5
leveraged billions of words of crawled web data covering everything from forum posts to academic
papers. In Table 1, we classify corpora sources by genre into Wiki content, books, news, academic
papers (when explicitly mentioned as a source), code, and broad-coverage web crawl.
The composition of a pre-training corpus is important to understand whether one is training
one’s own PLM from scratch or adopting an existing PLM for downstream tasks. We note some
widely used, publicly available corpora here. BookCorpus [227], used to train BERT, RoBERTa,
and XLNet alongside Wikipedia, is a collection of around 7,000 unique books; Bandy and Vincent
[9] provide a detailed analysis of its contents and several shortcomings. T5 and Gopher were
trained on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus (C4). Dodge et al. [32] provide a detailed analysis
of C4, citing some unexpected downsides, including a large quantity of machine-translated
text, specifically patents. This is one of several published, Common Crawl–derived datasets.
The Pile [48] is a notable open source collection of datasets, which includes a cleaned portion
of Common Crawl alongside a range of other curated sources including several book corpora,
academic papers, mathematics problems, and the Enron emails. The Pile is used for training
GPT-J. While the rest of the GPT family and XLM-R are also trained on datasets derived from

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
Recent Advances in NLP via Large PLMs: A Survey 30:7

Fig. 2. Typical “pre-train then fine-tune” strategies. We illustrate strategies that fine-tune the full PLM (left),
fine-tune the full PLM in a custom model (center), and fine-tune just a small adapter sub-layer. We show
the Transformer blocks that will be fine-tuned for the specific tasks in blue, and the frozen blocks in gray.
For brevity, we represent the entire Transformer block (stacked in n layers) by its multi-head self-attention
and (if applicable) adapter layers. We refer readers to [183] and [137] for more architecture details. “Heads”
refers to task-specific prediction functions [40].

CommonCrawl, their datasets are not publicly available, and thus opaque to straightforward
Raffel et al. [147] observe that the primary gains in performance are typically driven by model
size and dataset size (“the bigger, the better”), if the quality of the dataset is held constant. Kaplan
et al. [79] and Zhang et al. [214] discuss how model performance scales in relation to model and
dataset size. Kaplan et al. [79] is a study of empirical scaling laws for training Transformer-based
PLMs. Its main finding is that the test loss scales as a power law with model size, dataset size,
and the amount of compute resources available for training. Other researchers highlight the in-
teractions of size, data quality, and genre. Hendrycks et al. [62] show that larger models do not
necessarily perform better out of domain. [147] shows that adding data increases performance only
if that data is sufficiently “clean”: a variant of T5 trained on an unfiltered version of C4 performs
substantially worse than when filtering heuristics are applied that strip HTML and boilerplate, en-
force a minimum number of sentences, remove duplicates, and so forth. Pursuing a higher level
of “quality” produces gains only when improving genre match with the target task. In contrast
to Hendrycks et al. [62], [147] find that the quantity of data eventually overcomes quality/genre-
driven gains.
All recent models (GPT-2, GPT-3, T5, Gopher, etc.) use heuristics to clean their web-crawled
data. Nevertheless, many quality issues persist, as discussed by Bandy and Vincent [9] and Dodge
et al. [32]. Further, for multilingual corpora, some low-resource languages may be pervasively
mislabeled or contain no usable natural language text [82]. Increasing the corpus size and range
of genres covered can also lead to serious issues with bias and factuality, where models repeat
biased, unethical (racist, sexist, ...), or incorrect beliefs seen in the training data ([52], among many
others). Instances of such behavior are documented for all of the models discussed above and are
increasingly discussed at publication time of the model, such as in the Gopher paper [38]. Bias
is present even at the dataset cleaning stage; several filters disproportionately filter out content
from or about minority individuals [32]. Among many reviews of bias in modern LMs, Bender et al.
[12] may be the most outspoken in reviewing ethical risks and environmental considerations and
calling for change in the training of use of PLMs. We return to the discussion of ethics in Section 5.

2.4 Fine-Tuning: Applying PLMs to NLP Tasks

Having described the various approaches to creating complex, meaningful representations through
pre-training, we turn to the fine-tuning step that allows PLMs to perform accurately on disparate
NLP tasks. Figure 2 illustrates typical pre-training then fine-tuning strategies.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 56, No. 2, Article 30. Publication date: September 2023.
30:8 B. Min et al.

2.4.1 Contextual Embeddings. The simplest approach to using large PLMs is to “freeze” the
model and use its output as sophisticated, context-sensitive word embeddings for a subsequent
architecture, which is trained from scratch for the specific task. While this still involves a forward
pass through the PLM over the input text, the LM’s weights are not fine-tuned, rendering this
approach closer to a feature extraction family of approaches in classic statistical NLP. There are
four types of scenario for using frozen PLMs.
First, in contexts with insufficient labeled data or compute power, “frozen” contextual embed-
dings are employed. For non-benchmark tasks, the only labeled training datasets may be too small
to fine-tune even the top layers of BERT-base, let alone larger models. The computational cost of
fine-tuning the entire PLM may be prohibitive for some applications or developers, leading to use
of the more efficient frozen PLM solution. Other data-efficient and time-efficient approaches to
fine-tuning are discussed in Section 2.4.4.
Second, highly complex or difficult NLP tasks use frozen PLMs to reduce training complex-
ity. Examples are constituency parsing [215], semantic graph parsing using Universal Concep-
tual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA) [1, 73] and Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR)
[8, 123, 212, 224], Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis [101], and Machine Translation (MT) [226].
For instance, Zhang et al. [215] uses frozen BERT embeddings to seed an innovative approach to
Conditional Random Field (CRF) modeling [85] that replaces the inside-outside algorithm with
backpropagation, using a two-step process to first bracket and then label the parses, and a batched
version of the CKY algorithm. For complex tasks like these, there may only be enough data or com-
pute power available to train the secondary model (Zhang et al. [212] cited limitations in compute
power). While the use of frozen PLM parameters is currently in vogue for these tasks, perhaps due
to researcher preference for simplicity as well as computational requirements, we may see a shift
to full-model fine-tuning for tasks with sufficient training data.
Third, unsupervised tasks such as word sense disambiguation [56] and word sense induction
[3] are not associated with a supervised dataset for fine-tuning. Instead, frozen BERT embeddings
enable a variety of strategies such as nearest-neighbor matching, affine transformations, gated
linear units (GLUs, [29]), or clustering to perform these tasks.
Finally, some studies probe frozen LMs to uncover what knowledge it has learned during pre-
training. Typically, a very small classifier is appended to the LM and trained briefly on a supervised
task. If the classifier succeeds, we presume the knowledge is present in the pre-trained LM, as the
classifier itself is too small to have learned the task from the limited supervised training data. This
and related methods have spawned a fast-growing field of probing LMs (see Rogers et al. [151] for
a thorough discussion of probing BERT).

2.4.2 Fine-tuning the PLM. This approach fine-tunes some or all the layers of the PLM and then
adds one or two simple output layers known as prediction heads [40]. Typically, these are feed-
forward classification layers. The output layers and the PLM are trained together in an end-to-end
setup, with the bulk of the computation applied to fine-tuning the LM to produce the desired repre-
sentation of the input. The task of the output layers is merely to condense the information provided
by the embeddings of each token into the number of desired classes. The word embeddings used
in the output layer may come from the top layer of the LM, or from a concatenation or a weighted
average of the top n (often n = 4) layers [134]. Figure 2 (left) shows an illustration of this approach.
Fine-tuning in this manner is most suitable for sequence classification tasks (e.g., sentiment anal-
ysis, NLI, semantic similarity), sequence tagging tasks such as NER, and span extraction tasks (e.g.,
QA) in which the newly trained layers learn the start and end span of an answer. For sequence clas-
sification tasks, Devlin et al. [31] suggests fine-tuning BERT’s representation of the special [CLS]
token, and following with a single feed-forward layer that classifies it as one of the task labels. For

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token-level or span-level classification tasks, the representations of each token, or alternatively

just the representation of the first sub-token of each token or span (as in [31]), may be passed to
the classifier. This fine-tuning approach is used to apply BERT to the GLUE tasks, QA, NER, and
common-sense inference.
In this setting, care is needed to choose a learning rate that works for both the weights of the
feed-forward layer(s) and for the PLM. Since the PLM is already largely trained, a low learning rate
is appropriate (between 1e-3 [147] and 1e-5 [112]), with a lower learning rate for smaller datasets.
In constrast, the randomly initialized, feed-forward layer weights require significant training. It is
common practice to freeze the PLM layers temporarily while initially training the feed-forward
layers, then unfreeze the PLM gradually for additional fine-tuning [66, 203]. If the majority of the
labor is attributed to the [CLS] token, as in all the examples in Devlin et al. [31], there are fewer
benefits to training the feed-forward layer alone. The next choice is how many layers of the PLM to
fine-tune. While the examples in the BERT paper [31] fine-tune the entire model, this is not feasible
for NLP tasks with small datasets or in situations where compute power is a limitation. Often, tun-
ing just the top few layers of the PLM is sufficient; [81] find that when all the layers are fine-tuned,
only the top layers change substantially in response to the task. A range of “BERTology” papers
[20, 151, 176] show that the lower layers of BERT handle lexical and syntactic information such as
part of speech, while the upper layers handle more semantic and increasingly complex information
such as semantic roles and coreference, and more broadly become specific to the task [81].
2.4.3 Fine-tuning the PLM in Customized Models. Some tasks require significant additional ar-
chitecture on top of a PLM, as illustrated in Figure 2 (center). With sufficient training data and
computational power, researchers may choose to train both a substantial task-specific architec-
ture and also fine-tune the PLM. This is the preferred choice for structure prediction tasks, in
particular parsing tasks and occasionally sequence tagging tasks. Examples of sequence tagging
models using this approach include BERT-CRF for NER [171, 174]. UDapter is an example of this
approach applied to dependency parsing [182].
A related and highly successful approach is to fine-tune the entire PLM with a small number
of feed-forward layers, then layer on an algorithmic approach that provides a substantial amount
of task-specific heavy lifting. For example, the layered algorithm might transform the task from
a classification problem into a desired target formulation, often a structured form such as a tree
or a set of clusters. For coreference resolution, Joshi et al. [77, 78] adds the substantial e2e-coref
algorithm [91], which transforms ratings of pairs of spans produced by the LM into valid mention
clusters. Two more structural parsing examples are temporal dependency parsing [153] and modal
dependency parsing [204]. These studies approach tree building algorithmically by first perform-
ing a classification problem to identify suitable dependency pairs, then ranking them to construct
a valid tree.
2.4.4 Efficient Fine-tuning Approaches. A wide range of approaches, in addition to limiting
fine-tuning to the top layers, seek to fine-tune only a small number of model weights. These can
be classified into (a) fine-tuning only a small network that is tightly coupled with the PLM, and
(b) selecting a small subset of the PLM’s weights to fine-tune or keep.
The most prominent approach of the first type are adapter modules [10, 65, 137, 138], as illus-
trated in Figure 2 (right). Adapters add a small set of newly initialized weights at every layer of
the transformer. Houlsby et al. [65] show that a two-layer feed-forward network with a bottleneck
works well. The placement and configuration of the adapters within the Transformer blocks varies
in the literature [10, 65, 138, 172]. During fine-tuning, all weights in the PLM remain frozen except
for the few weights in the adapters. One set of adapters is fine-tuned per task of interest. This ap-
proach is more efficient in training (typically < 5% of all PLM weights), and allows efficient weight

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sharing. Notably, the weights of adapters independently trained for different tasks can be success-
fully combined to solve a new task [138]. This practice also prevents catastrophic forgetting of
old capabilities when fine-tuning on a new task or language. AdapterHub [137] and Trankit [124]
are examples of frameworks promoting an adapter ecosystem; an example of using adapters for
Universal Dependency Parsing is Üstün et al. [182].
Similar methods include side-tuning [211], which adapts a PLM by training a lightweight “side”
network that is fused with the (unchanged) PLM using a simple additive process, and diff-pruning
[55], which freezes the LM parameters and then adds and trains a sparse, task-specific difference
vector to the original LM parameters, just 0.5% the size of the original model’s parameters.
Moving to the second type of approach, BitFit [210] limits fine-tuning to the bias weights in each
layer (or a subset of the bias weights, around 0.1% of the total parameters) of pre-trained BERT
models, plus a task-specific classification layer. This is competitive with, and for some tasks better
than, fine-tuning all of BERT. Similarly, Radiya-Dixit and Wang [146] show that fine-tuning only
the “most sensitive” layers suffices, i.e., those most distant in parameter space from the rest of the
model. In parallel, they sparsify the model substantially by setting 1–4% of pre-trained parameters
to zero. This retains performance, as also demonstrated by work like DistilBERT [158] and other
pruning studies ([140] inter alia), which show that many parameters in a large PLM are redundant.
In fact, Zhao et al. [217] propose masking, i.e., setting weights to zero, as an alternative to fine-
tuning the model weights. This approach freezes all the weights of the PLM, selects the weights that
are relevant for a given task, and masks (discards) the rest. They train one mask per downstream
task, with every layer masked except the embedding layer. While in principle this trains as many
parameters as the original model, the mask is both binary and sparse and thus much simpler to
learn and store. Zhao et al. show that masking yields comparable performance to fine-tuning on a
range of tasks from POS tagging to reading comprehension.
One explanation for the effectiveness of these approaches is the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis [16,
105, 140], which suggests that a subnetwork within the model does most of the heavy lifting, and
the remaining weights can all be pruned away. Prasanna et al. [140] find that any appropriately
structured and sized subnetwork within BERT can be trained to perform well, though only some
subnetworks perform as well as the whole model.


Prompting is the practice of adding natural language text or continuous vectors to the input or out-
put to encourage PLMs to perform specific tasks. There are several advantages to using prompts.
Prompting, especially in-context learning [39], may not require updates to the PLM’s parame-
ters, reducing computational requirements as compared to fine-tuning approaches. Prompts also
encourage a better alignment of the new task formulation with the pre-training objective (e.g.,
masked text prediction), leading to a better use of the knowledge captured in the pre-training phase
of the PLM. The closer match also enables strong zero-shot and few-shot performance [110], espe-
cially for tasks with small training datasets, as a good prompt can be worth hundreds of labeled
data points [89]. Prompts enable probing of the PLMs, often in an unsupervised way, to assess the
knowledge acquired by the PLM for specific tasks of interest (e.g., [136]).
We classify the existing prompting approaches into three main categories. Figure 3 shows illus-
trations for each of the three approaches.
We first introduce Learning from Instructions and Demonstrations, which uses task descriptions
and examples to guide a PLM to perform the task. Very large causal models like GPT-3, without fine-
tuning, are most commonly associated with this approach. Second, we describe Template-based
learning, where labeled examples are recast into “natural” text using templates. These templates
typically include slots to be filled with instance information or model outputs. Here we see Masked

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Fig. 3. The three main prompt-based approaches. On the instruction-based learning (left box) the instruc-
tions are marked in purple, the in-context examples in cyan, and the answer in blue. On the template -based
learning (middle box), the text to classify is marked in light cyan and the prompt in dark cyan; the label
verbalizations are shown in small boxes. On the proxy-task-based learning (right box), prompts are marked
in dark cyan, the context is in light cyan, and the answers generated by the model are in blue.

or Denoising PLMs of relatively smaller size that are fine-tuned on the target task. Third, we discuss
Proxy-task-based learning, where prompts recast target task examples into proxy-task examples. In
this case the PLMs are adapted and fine-tuned to the proxy tasks ( QA or TE) before application
to the target task in the proxy-task format. The input of the proxy tasks is composed of a prompt
(a question or QA and a premise for TE) together with the input of the original task.

3.1 Learning from Instructions and Demonstrations

Raffel et al. [147] is among the first attempts to use instructions such as “translate X to Y:” to
simultaneously teach the model varied tasks in a text-to-text manner. However, this approach
required a large amount of labeled data.
With the emergence of large generative PLMs [145], the first signs that LMs are multi-task learn-
ers emerged. For instance, GPT-2 understands that if the instruction “TL;DR” (“too long; didn’t
read”) is given, then it should generate a summary of the context following the instruction. [39]
shows that even larger generative PLMs are indeed good at few-shot learning. For example, GPT-3
can perform few-shot tasks via priming (in-context learning): given instructions and a few in-
put/output pairs, GPT-3 produces the desired outputs for new inputs. No gradient updates are
performed (see Figure 3, left box).
Regarding caveats of the approach, the very large size of GPT-3 is crucial to prompting’s success
in few-shot tasks, limiting its applicability. The typical context window of a few hundred tokens for
GPT-3 and other models limits the scale (length) of the prompts and responses. We learn from [133]
that the few-shot performance of PLMs is very sensitive to the choice of prompts, limiting the
approach’s robustness.
Schick and Schütze [166] and Reynolds and McDonell [150] introduce new tasks based on
descriptions. For example, the text pair generation task [166] generates a continuation sentence
given an input sentence and a description of the desired inter-sentence relationship (Table 2
(1)).4 Schick and Schütze [166] use a generative PLM (GPT2-XL) to generate the continuation,
replacing the token. Impressively, this approach even handles mathematical reasoning (Table 2
(2)): Reynolds and McDonell [150] show that inserting a natural language prompt (“Let’s solve
this problem by splitting it into steps.”) enables GPT-3 to generate a procedure that solves the

4 In a variation, both sentences are generated, given only the description [166].

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Table 2. Example Prompt Designs for Learning from Instructions

Input Output
(1) Text pair generation [166]
Task: Write two sentences that mean the same “He’s playing a flute.”
thing. Sentence 1: “A man is playing a flute.”
Sentence 2:
(2) Mathematical reasoning [150]
f (x ) = x ∗x. What is f ( f (3))? Let’s solve this f ( f (3)) = f (3 ∗ 3) = 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 3 = 27. We can
problem by splitting it into steps. see that f (3) = 3 ∗ 3 = 9, so f ( f (3)) = 27.

Wei et al. [195] showed that teaching a very large PLM to follow instructions with supervised
data improves its zero- and few-shot abilities. They carried out a large-scale multi-task experiment
over more than 60 datasets grouped into 12 different tasks. A PLM trained via natural language
instructions outperformed a standard PLM on the test task. To study cross-task generalization,
Mishra et al. [121] crowdsourced a dataset of instructions and instances for 61 NLP tasks, using
crowdsourcing steps that are natural and intuitive for human annotators. They fine-tuned BART
[96] in a similar fashion, giving instructions to the PLM that matched the step-by-step crowdsourc-
ing instructions, decomposed into self-contained, separate tasks. This led to improved performance
on unseen tasks, in contrast to an earlier work [36] that reported negative performance when using
the crowdsourcing instructions as-is.
Scaling limitations may affect the broad applicability of this approach: Wei et al. [195] show that
instruction tuning achieves significant improvements on held-out tasks in the zero-shot setting
when using very large PLMs (e.g., with 68B or 137B parameters), but hurts performance when
applied to PLMs with 10B parameters or less. In a similar setting, [41] showed that it is possible for a
model with 11B parameters to benefit from instruction tuning, and identified three key differences
compared to Wei et al. [195]. (1) They use an encoder-decoder model trained first with the MLM
objective, then as a standard LM, and finally fine-tuned on a multitask objective, rather than a
decoder-only autoregressive LM. (2) They argue that their prompts are qualitatively more diverse
in terms of length and creativity. (3) They hold out multiple tasks at once, rather than only one at
a time.
We note that the descriptions in instruction learning can be very detailed. For example, the
crowdsourcing instructions in Mishra et al. [121] contain the task definition, things to avoid, em-
phasis and caution (i.e., required properties for the output), and positive and negative examples.

3.2 Template-based Learning

A more widely used approach, template-based learning, reformulates NLP tasks into tasks that are
closer to language models’ pre-training tasks via template-based prompts. This better leverages the
knowledge captured in the pre-training tasks, leading to a significant reduction in the number of
task-specific training examples required to achieve a similar performance to previous approaches
[89], or even eliminating the need for training data. To achieve this goal, template-based learning
reformulates various NLP tasks into LM tasks via carefully designed templates with open slots. In
this way, solving the tasks is reduced to filling the slots with words or phrases using PLMs, and
then projecting these outputs into the task-specific labels.
We consider template-based learning to be a subset of prompt-based learning, in that a less-
detailed template is designed to exploit knowledge in the PLM, usually aligning the target task to
the pre-training task. This is contrary to prior surveys such as ? ] where prompt-based learning is
defined narrowly to be roughly equivalent to template-based learning.

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Table 3. Example Prompt Designs for Template-based Methods

Input Output
(1) Topic/sentiment classification [164]
Best pizza ever!. It was . great → Positive
(2) Textual entailment [164]
Mia likes pie? , Mia hates pie. No → Contradiction
(3) Event argument extraction [18]
... U.S. troops killed 17 people in clashes earlier in the week. U.S. troops killed 17 people with
someone killed someone with something in some place at something in Mosul at
some time. earlier in the week.
(4) Probing for relations/facts [136]
Dante was born in . Florence
(5) Probing for commonsense [180]
The trophy doesn’t fit in the suitcase because it is too big it → trophy: 0.9 it → suitcase: 0.2
(6) Probing for reasoning [175]
The size of an airplane is than the size of a house . A. larger larger
B. smaller
great → Positive means that the answer great will be converted to label Positive. For (3), each underlined word (e.g.,
someone) will be replaced with the underlined phrase on the output side. “it → trophy: 0.9” means by replacing the
underlined pronoun it with trophy, the modified sentence has a likelihood score of 0.9 according to the PLM.

Template-based learning differs from instruction learning (Section 3.1) in that templates do not
explicitly describe the task and thus are often less detailed. Templates are typically designed to
align the target NLP task with the PLM’s pre-training task to explore the latent representation for
improved sample efficiency.
3.2.1 Template Design. Cloze-style prompts convert inputs into a format for PLM prediction of
missing word(s). Table 3 (1) shows a straightforward example of this approach, as applied in the
sentiment detection domain.
For classification tasks, each predicted word or phrase is converted into a class label of interest.
For example, we can design a cloze-style prompt for a TE task in which the goal is to predict the
entail/contradict relation between a pair of input sentences. Pattern-Exploiting Training (PET)
[164] (Table 3 (2)) converts a pair of inputs X 1 , X 2  into the template “X 1 ? , X 2 ” and asks an
MLM to predict the missing word (the first word of the second sentence). The prediction (here yes
or no) is directly mapped to one of the TE class labels. This template design reformulates the text
entailment problem into the same masked LM problem used to pre-train the PLM. Therefore, it
is popular among classification tasks that may be reformulated as predicting a masked word or
short phrase (e.g., topic classification, TE, and knowledge probing). Chen et al. [18] reformulate
the event argument extraction challenge as a cloze-style problem (Table 3 (3)). They predict fillers
for the underlined positions, then apply greedy decoding to fill in the position incrementally.
Petroni et al. [136] similarly use the cloze-style task for relation/fact probing (Table 3 (4)).
A multiple-choice style prompt proves useful when probing for commonsense knowledge. This
kind of template provides a selection of hypotheses for the PLM, which selects its preferred answer.
For example, in Table 3 (5), Trinh and Le’s [180] model selects trophy instead of suitcase to replace it
in the original sentence. Table 3 (6) shows work by Talmor et al. [175], expressing similar reasoning
through an hypothesis-driven approach.
Prefix prompts [57, 92, 104] are another common type of template. Prefixes are task-specific vec-
tors prepended to the input. They do not correspond to actual words but consist of free parameters.
Prefix prompts are usually the best choice for tasks that require generating text or predicting a next
word or phrase, because the prefix-based prompt design is consistent with the left-to-right nature
of the autoregressive model [110].

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Prompts can be further augmented via adding demonstrations (demonstration learning) [51]. A
few labeled examples are appended to the template to make it more informative, improving the
PLMs’ responses.
3.2.2 Template Construction. Templates can be either manually crafted or automatically gener-
ated. We survey methods for generating, combining, and manipulating template-based prompts.
Manually Crafted Templates. Most early work in prompt-based learning explored manually
crafted templates. For example, Petroni et al. [136] use manual cloze templates to probe the knowl-
edge of the model. Schick and Schütze [162], Schick et al. [160] and Schick and Schütze [164]
handcraft cloze templates for text classification in a few-shot setting. Brown et al. [39] leverage
manually designed prefix prompts for QA, translation, and probing tasks for commonsense rea-
soning. The quality of the prompts impacts performance. Indeed, Zhao et al. [219] showed that
different prompts can cause accuracy to vary from near chance to near state of the art.
Automatically Generated Discrete Templates. Discrete templates usually refer to natural language
phrases. To search for templates appropriate for a set of inputs and outputs, Jiang et al. [75] de-
scribe a mining-based approach called MINE that aims to find either the middle words or depen-
dency paths between the inputs and outputs. [75, 208] paraphrase an existing template prompt
using back and forth MT, then select the best prompt among the new paraphrases with guidance
from a thesaurus. Prompt paraphrasing is also explored by Haviv et al. [60] who used a neural
prompt rewriter that optimizes the accuracy of systems using the prompt. In that case, a different
paraphrase is generated for each input. A third approach uses gradient-based search to find short
sequences that can serve as prompts [170, 185]. Gao et al. [51] and Ben-David et al. [11] further
generate prompts using generation PLMs such as T5. In the latter study, the authors proposed a
domain adaptation algorithm to train T5 to generate unique, domain-relevant features that can be
concatenated with the input to form a template for downstream tasks.
Automatically Generated Continuous Templates. Continuous prompts, which perform prompting
directly in the embedding space of the model, allow us to abstract away from natural language
prompts and from the parameters of the LM [110]. These continuous prompts often require tuning
on task-specific data. Li and Liang [104] propose prefix tuning, which prepends a sequence of
continuous, task-specific vectors to the input while keeping the LM parameters frozen. This allows
them to fine-tune just 0.1% of the total model parameters. A similar method is used by Lester et al.
[92], who differ from Li and Liang [104] by adding special tokens to form a template and tuning
the embeddings of these tokens directly, without introducing additional tunable parameters within
each network layer. Continuous prefix tuning is also used by Tsimpoukelli et al. [181] in the context
of multimodal learning (language and vision), but in that case the prefix is sample dependent.
Tuning can be initialized with discrete prompts [57, 142, 221], or by inserting tunable embeddings
into a hard prompt template as in Liu et al. [111] and Han et al. [59], who propose prompt tuning
with rules (PTR). This uses manually crafted sub-templates to compose a complete template using
logic rules (see Section 3.2.5 for its application to relation extraction).
Logan IV et al. [113] showed that fine-tuning PLMs in the few-shot setting can prevent prompt
engineering. Prompts that contain neither task-specific templates nor training examples, and even
null prompts that are simple concatenations of the inputs and the [MASK] token, still achieve
competitive accuracy on NLU t asks.
Multi-prompt Learning. A number of approaches use prompt ensembling, augmentation, and
decomposition/composition for a more flexible task design. The use of multiple prompts at
inference time has been dubbed prompt ensembling. The prompts can be combined using a

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uniform average [75, 164, 208] or a weighted average [75, 142, 164, 165]. Another way to combine
the prompts is majority voting [57, 92]. Knowledge distillation [2], where knowledge present
in an ensemble of models is distilled into a single model, has been borrowed to the context of
prompt combination by [163–165] and by Gao et al. [51], who train a separate model for each
template-answer pair before ensembling them to annotate an unlabeled dataset. Then, the authors
train a new model to distill the knowledge from the annotated dataset. In the case of generation
tasks, Schick and Schütze [163] trained a separate model for each prompt. The model outputs
were scored by averaging their generation probability across all models.
Prompts can be decomposed or composed to more effectively solve an NLP task. Decomposition
involves finding sub-problems for which prompts can be generated separately. An example in
the NER domain is Cui et al. [26], who create and separately predict different prompts for each
candidate span.
Augmentation methods such as demonstration learning [51] create more descriptive prompts, as
in a multiple-choice problem. Lu et al. [114] showed that both the choice of examples in the prompts
and the order of the prompts can considerably affect the results. Automated example sampling (Gao
et al. [51], Liu et al. [109]) uses sentence embeddings to find examples semantically close to the
input. Mishra et al. [121] used both positive and negative examples, teaching the PLM types of
items to avoid in performing new tasks with only instructions. As for sample ordering, Kumar and
Talukdar [83] searched for the best permutation of prompts and also learned a segmentation token
to separate the prompts. They showed the utility of this method for few-shot learning on sentiment
3.2.3 Answer Generation. There are two main types of answers to prompts: those that map to a
classification label (e.g., [26, 205]), and those intended as the final answer (e.g., [74, 136, 145]). For
classification tasks, typically addressed with cloze-style prompts, the developers identify a subset
of words and phrases from which the PLM may choose, and that choice is easily mapped to the
class of interest. For instance, in a sentiment detection task, the PLM may answer a prompt with
“good,” “great,” or “excellent,” all of which are mapped to a “positive” sentiment label. The second
type of answer, free text, prevails for text generation tasks. Examples of both types are shown in
Table 3.
In either case, the definition of the answer space may be optimized to produce ideal prompt
responses. Jiang et al. [75] used paraphrasing to extend the search space with back-translation
(translating to another language, then back to the original). Another approach, explored by Schick
and Schütze [164], Schick et al. [160], Shin et al. [170], and Gao et al. [51], is prune-then-search,
a two-step method where the answer space is pruned, for example by only selecting a subset
of words according to their zero-shot accuracy on the training data [51] and then an answer is
searched for in the pruned space. An approach called label decomposition optimizes the search
space by modeling the label names for comparison to the answer tokens; for instance, in Chen
et al. [17] the decomposed relation labels (their individual tokens) represent the answer space.
Hambardzumyan et al. [57] add a virtual token for each class label and optimize its embedding
together with the token embeddings of the prompts, using gradient descent. This gradient descent
optimization approach allows direct optimization of the answers instead of using a discrete search.
3.2.4 Task-Specific Tuning. While prompts can be directly used in a zero-shot, unsupervised
setting, prompts have also been used in fully supervised or few-shot settings where either all
or part of the specific-task training data is available. Two main approaches currently prevail for
tuning a PLM with prompts.
The first approach uses a fixed template-style prompt to perform tuning of the PLM. Here, a
fixed template is applied to every training and test example, as in the PET-TC [164], PET-Gen

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[163], and LM-BFF [51] models. Le Scao and Rush [89] quantified the benefit of using prompts
in classification tasks by fine-tuning in equal conditions across many tasks and data sizes. They
showed that prompting consistently improves the results across tasks over just fine-tuning, that it
is most robust to the choice of pattern, and that it can be learned without an informative verbalizer
(a function that maps each label to a single vocabulary token). Logan IV et al. [113] showed that
only tuning 0.1% of the parameters in the prompt-based few-shot setting can achieve comparable
or better accuracy than standard fine-tuning. For this purpose, they explored different ways to
perform memory-efficient fine-tuning, including (i) Adapters [65], which are neural network lay-
ers inserted between the feed-forward portion of the Transformer architecture (see Section 2.4.4);
(ii) BitFit [210], which updates only the bias terms inside the Transformer; (iii) PLM head tuning,
which updates the embeddings in the MLM output layer that are associated with the tokens of the
verbalizer; and (iv) Calibration [219], which learns an affine transformation on top of the logits
associated with the verbalizer tokens. They found that BitFit achieves the best results.
The second approach is joint tuning of the prompt and the PLM. Here, prompt-relevant param-
eters are fine-tuned together with the all or some of the parameters of the PLM, as in PADA [11]
and P-Tuning [111]. In PADA, the prompts are properties of source domains, generated based on
their relatedness to the input example (from a new domain). P-Tuning uses trainable continuous
prompt embeddings when applying GPT models on NLU tasks. Fine-tuning both the model and the
prompt-relevant parameters makes this approach very expressive. On the other hand, it requires
storage of all parameters, which makes it less applicable to small datasets [110].
Task-specific training can be used earlier during the construction and validation of the prompts.
As pointed out by Perez et al. [133], previous PLM-based few-shot learning approaches used many
held-out examples to tune various aspects of learning, such as hyperparameters, training objec-
tives, and natural language templates (“prompts”). Perez et al. [133] propose instead to evaluate
the few-shot ability of PLMs in a true few-shot learning setting, where such held-out examples are
3.2.5 Applications of Template-based Methods. Template-based prompting methods are cur-
rently applied to a growing list of NLP tasks. We provide a survey of how recent studies have
addressed a varied set of NLP applications.
Text Classification. In Puri and Catanzaro [141], natural language descriptions of classification
tasks were given as input. Then, the model was trained to generate the correct answer in natural
language via an LM objective, aiming to generalize to new classification tasks without task-specific
IE. Cui et al. [26] considered the NER task as an LM ranking problem in a sequence-to-sequence
framework where the source sequence corresponds to the original sentence and the target se-
quence corresponds to the template prompt, filled by candidate spans. For the relation extraction
task, Han et al. [59] proposed a model called PTR, which applies logic rules to construct prompts
with several sub-prompts, each corresponding to an NER span of interest. Chen et al. [17], instead
of using rules, constructed the prompts by leveraging learnable virtual template words and virtual
answer words. Their representation is synergistically optimized with knowledge constraints. For
the event extraction task in a cross-lingual setting, Fincke et al. [46] proposed using the event type
and an integer representing the argument type as prefixes.
Knowledge Probing. Factual probing has been explored by Petroni et al. [136] and Jiang et al. [74]
to quantify the amount of factual knowledge already present in the PLMs, providing the LAMA
and X-FACTR datasets, respectively. Other works that investigated model knowledge with discrete
template search include Petroni et al. [135], Jiang et al. [75], Haviv et al. [60], Shin et al. [170], and

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Perez et al. [133]. Continuous template learning was used in Qin and Eisner [142], Liu et al. [111],
and Zhong et al. [221]. Prompt ensemble learning was applied to knowledge probing by Jiang et al.
[75] and Qin and Eisner [142].
In addition to factual knowledge, additional types of knowledge that have been probed using
the cloze test include commonsense [180], relational knowledge [136], reasoning [175], and un-
derstanding rare words [161]. For commonsense reasoning, Winograd Schemas [93] require the
model to identify the antecedent of an ambiguous pronoun within context, or involve completing
a sentence given multiple choices. For commonsense knowledge mining, Feldman et al. [44] con-
struct a candidate piece of knowledge as a sentence, then use a language model to approximate
the likelihood of the text as a proxy for its truthfulness.
Prompts can also be used to explore the linguistic knowledge of PLMs, focusing on different
phenomena such as analogies [39], negation [43], or semantic similarity [42]. Linguistic evalu-
ation of LMs [7, 53, 54, 106, 107, 118, 179] usually considers minimal pairs of grammatical and
non-grammatical sentences addressing a specific phenomenon that differs in a single place in the
sentence. To succeed, a model must score the grammatical sentence higher than its ungrammati-
cal counterpart. A main resource in this context is BLiMP (Benchmark of Linguistic Minimal
Pairs) [192], which provides minimal pairs for various grammatical phenomena. The use of this
benchmark was adapted for language acquisition research [69]: the authors probe a RoBERTa-
based model pre-trained on transcriptions of child-directed speech [117] to complete the bench-
mark task. The preference score may be calculated holistically, summing the cross-entropy errors at
each position in the sentence [69, 209]. Alternatively, an MLM-based approach computes the score
by summing the log losses of multiple masking attempts at varying indices in the sentence [157].

Other Tasks. The PET procedure [164] was also applied to the TE task. QA is addressed
in Khashabi et al. [80] with appropriate prompts from the context and questions, formulating
several QA tasks into a unified text generation problem with encoder-decoder pre-trained models
such as T5.
Prompts have also been applied to the evaluation of text generation. Yuan et al. [208] used
prompts in the BARTSCORE-PROMPT variant of the BARTSCORE measure, which treats the
evaluation of various text generation tasks as a generation problem. In BARTSCORE-PROMPT,
prompts are either appended to the source text or prepended to the target text and are shown to
be useful. For example, adding the phrase “such as” to the translated text when using pre-trained
models significantly improves the correlation with human evaluation on German-English MT
Schick et al. [167] showed that PLMs are able to recognize the toxicity of the text they pro-
duce (self-diagnosis). They propose an algorithm that permits the language model to produce less
problematic text (self-debiasing) by providing a textual description of the undesired behavior.
Shin et al. [169] explore the use of PLMs as few-shot semantic parsers. The authors use GPT-3
to convert text into a controlled, canonical text that satisfies a grammar. This outcome is automat-
ically mapped to the target structured meaning representation.

3.3 Learning from Proxy Tasks

Templates and prompts play a role again in an indirect approach to NLP tasks called “proxy tasks.”
Examples for the use of this approach are emotion classification or event and argument extraction,
both shown in Figure 3 (right box) with prompt-based proxy tasks. See Table 4 for additional
examples of proxy tasks and prompt design.
The key distinction between learning from proxy tasks and previous methods is the use of super-
vised Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks as a proxy the target task. Indeed, taking

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Table 4. Examples of Task Design and Example Prompts for Four Different Applications of
Prompt-based Proxy Tasks
Application Work Task design Prompt design
Relation Li et al. [103] Use question-answering to identify Input: The armory is north of the
Extraction the most appropriate entity span, music center. Prompt: Find a facility
given an incomplete text and an near E 1 ? E 1 , physical, facility.
indication of the class type.
Sainz et al. [155] Use textual entailment to determine Input: Gary’s car crash occurred in
the likelihood of a candidate Houston; Prompt: Gary died in
relation (such as PlaceOfDeath(X,Y) Houston.
given an input sentence.
Event Extraction Du and Cardie Use a series of ordered questions, (1) Input: Donna purchased a new
[33] each leveraging the output of the laptop; Prompt: What is the trigger?
previous answer, to find event purchased (2) Prompt: What was
triggers and appropriate arguments. purchased? laptop
Topic and Yin et al. [205] Use textual entailment to determine Input: Dinosaurs and humans never
Sentiment whether a topic name T is suitable coexisted. Prompt: This text is about
Classification for a text. T.
Puri and Use QA to probe for a topic or Input: Dinosaurs and humans never
Catanzaro [141] sentiment name from among a coexisted. Prompt: How is the text
closed set of responses. best described? T1 , T2 , or T3
Coreference Wu et al. [198] Use question-answering to find a Input: I arrived at the party with my
Resolution coreferent mention of a marked tux on, and introduced myself as
mention from within the same text. George. I told them that <mention>
I </mention> was hired to do some
Christmas music; Prompt: Who does
it I refer to?

advantage of large NLU datasets for extra supervision results in better zero- and few-shot perfor-
mance in the target task with relatively small PLMs [188], commonly RoBERTalarge at 345M param-
eters. Knowledge-rich classification tasks benefit from PLM proxy tasks because in reformulating
the class label as a prompt, they take advantage of the meaning of class labels instead of treating
them as indices. In this section, we describe the main proxy-task-based learning approaches using
QA (Section 3.3.1) and TE (Section 3.3.2).
3.3.1 QA as Proxy Task. The choice of using QA as a proxy task is motivated by the relative
ease of answering simple questions, as compared to performing expert annotation for complex
linguistic phenomena. In a strong move away from traditional IE, recent studies replace modeling
of explicit entity, relation, and event classes with natural language questions that get at the exact
item of interest. Questions can be used to probe for the required information in the text.
In IE tasks, question prompts typically address identification and classification jointly, by
constructing the question to identify a particular type. For example, the question “Who bought
something?” will produce an answer specific to the Buyer argument role in an event of type
Exchange-Ownership (see Figure 3, right box). Li et al. [102] formulates NER as a QA problem. For
example, the prompt “which person is mentioned in the text?” will identify a mention classified as a
PERSON. The proposed BERT-based system performs detection of multiple spans through the use
of separate binary classifiers identifying start and end tokens. The authors incorporate synonyms
and examples into the queries. Wu et al. [198] formulated coreference resolution as a span pre-
diction task via QA, where a query is generated for each candidate mention using its surrounding
context, and a span prediction module uses the query to extract the coreference spans in the
Levy et al. [95] first formulated relation extraction as a QA task. This approach has been pursued
in the context of PLMs by Li et al. [103] and Zhao et al. [218]. Han et al. [59] addresses relation ex-
traction with sub-prompts for entity recognition and relation classification, composing them

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into a complete prompt using logic rules. Both types of questions are used to probe a QA system
in a supervised setting to perform the two sub-tasks. Task decomposition is also used in the work
of Zhou et al. [225] for event extraction where natural questions for argument identification
(“What plays the role?”) and argument classification (“What is the role?”) mutually improve
each other.
Chen et al. [18] reformulated event extraction as a cloze task with QA model based on BERT
and the SQuAD 2.0 dataset [148]. QA is used directly, preserving the QA format, in Du and Cardie
[33], Feng et al. [45], Li et al. [97], Zhou et al. [225], and Liu et al. [108] for argument extraction, in-
cluding the argument identification and classification sub-tasks. In these cases the event extraction
training data is converted to the QA format, where the questions are derived from the ontology. Liu
et al. [108] also experimented in a zero-shot setting where no task-specific data is used for train-
ing, only using prompts for probing. The zero-shot setting for the full event extraction pipeline
has been explored in Lyu et al. [116] where QA-based prompts are used for argument extraction
and prompts based on Textual Entailment [27] are used for trigger classification (see Section 3.3.1
below). Several ablation experiments analyzed the different components of the system such as the
choice of PLM, the choice of QA dataset, and the way to generate the questions (fixed vs. con-
textualized). It was shown in particular that RoBERTA trained on QAMR [119] achieved the best
results for argument extraction. Identification-only sub-tasks such as trigger identification [33],
are addressed by more general questions, e.g., “What is the trigger?”. In contrast, Zhou et al. [225]
uses separate questions to address the identification and classification of arguments.
Du et al. [34] addressed slot filling, which aims to extract task-specific slot fillers (e.g., a flight
date) from user utterances by formulating it as a QA task. In particular, they addressed the zero-
shot slot-filling problem, where the model needs to predict spans and their values, given utterances
from new, unsupervised domains. Extracting slot-filler spans from utterances with QA improved
the performance, compared to a direct encoding of the slot descriptions.
Gao et al. [50] formulated the dialogue state tracking as a QA problem. This task aims to
estimate the current belief state of a dialogue given all the preceding conversation. The proposed
system uses a simple attention-based neural network to point to the slot values within the conver-
sation. This direction was pursued by Gao et al. [49] who also included a multiple-choice setting,
where several candidate values for each slot in the question are given. The latter setting was also
investigated by Zhou and Small [223] who further improved the results. Namazifar et al. [122] used
this approach to address language understanding problems in the dialogue context.
QA Task Design. Questions are typically generated via handcrafted templates derived from task-
specific ontologies. Some of the works introduce contextualization, integrating relevant words
from the text into the question. For example, in argument extraction, the question can include the
trigger extracted from the text (e.g., [108, 116]) or another argument that was previously identi-
fied [97] (see the Event Extraction row in Table 4). Neural-based question generation models can
also improve the quality of the question, as in Liu et al. [108], where monolingual unsupervised
MT [87] is used to generate the part of the question that does not depend on the template, trans-
lating a descriptive statement into a question-style expression.
Other aspects of QA-style proxy tasks are the ability to use multiple questions, and to formulate
questions in any style. In addition to sequential questions for determining event arguments, mul-
tiple formulations of the same question may be used in a weighted voting scheme to generate an
ensemble answer (Zhao et al. [218]). The input to the QA system need not include natural ques-
tions. It may instead consist of pseudo-questions such as keywords, synonyms, position index of
labels, or a single word/type from the ontology or annotation guidelines (e.g., [33, 102]).
PLMs fine-tuned on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset [148] or on QAMR [61] are particularly useful to ini-
tialize QA-style prompt-based learning methods. With the advent of web-scale QA datasets [68],
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Fig. 4. An illustration of T5 [147] text-to-text text generation approach for MT, linguistic acceptability, text
semantic similarity, and summarizing tasks. Figure source: Raffel et al. [147].

QA-infused PLMs may provide significantly richer representation, enabling a wider range of
3.3.2 Textual Entailment as Proxy Task. TE is a popular proxy for classification tasks [205],
as these models have shown a striking ability to perform few-shot learning. Wang et al. [188]
hypothesizes that this phenomenon might be because the entailment task is a true language
understanding task; a model that performs entailment well is likely to succeed on similarly framed
tasks. An example of TE as a proxy for emotion classification is shown in Figure 3, while an
example of its use for topic detection is shown in Table 4.
For entailment prompting, developers define a template that describes the task, and create a nat-
ural language version (“verbalization”) of each potential label. Multiple hypotheses for entailment
are produced by inserting the potential labels into the template. Inference is performed by selecting
the most probable candidate hypothesis given the input. Recent works also make use of multiple
verbalizations for each label to boost the performance [155, 156]. Sainz et al. [155] proposed an ap-
proach to guiding the “art” that is prompt crafting more towards a “science”: the authors fine-tune
a model on TE data and use its probability of a prompt given the template, applied on the guideline
example(s), to measure the quality of manually designed prompts. Sainz et al. [155] reformulated
relation extraction as a TE task, leveraging PLMs. Roughly equivalent to TE is Yes/No QA [19]
where a model is asked about the veracity of some fact given a passage. It was also used as a proxy
task for text classification by Zhong et al. [220].
PLMs needs to be fine-tuned to solve the TE task. They are commonly fine-tuned on MNLI [197],
but other datasets such as SNLI [14], FEVER [177], ANLI [126], or XNLI [23] are also used. In
addition, data from different tasks can be used when framed properly [220].


The success of generative PLMs5 such as GPT, BART, and T5 have recently sparked interest in
leveraging generative PLMs to solve various non-generative NLP tasks. These tasks include, but
are not limited to, traditional discriminative tasks such as classification and structure prediction.
These discriminative tasks are reformulated as text generation problems so that they can be directly
solved with a “text-to-text” PLM. For example, Figure 4 illustrates the “text-to-text” approach as
described in Raffel et al. [147]. The generated text usually includes the desired labels or other
auxiliary information, enabling accurate reconstruction of the expected class labels (i.e., to avoid
ambiguities in mapping).
5 We use the term generative PLMs to refer to any PLMs that can generate text. Typical generative PLMs include autore-
gressive (e.g., GPT) that can generate the continuation of text given a prefix, and sequence-to-sequence PLMs that can take
some text as input and generate text as output. In this section, we use the term PLM to refer to a generative PLM.

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Table 5. A Summary of Methods Reformulating NLP Task as a Generation Task Solved by PLMs
Output Example
Work Task
Type Input Output
Tolkien’s epic novel The Lord of the Rings was pub- [ Tolkien | person ]‘s epic novel [ The Lord of the
Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
lished in 1954-1955. Rings | book | author = Tolkien ] was published in
Born in Bologna, Orlandi was a student of the fa- relationship between [ Carmen Melis ] and [ so-
Relation Classification mous Italian [ soprano ] and voice teacher [ Carmen prano ] = voice type
Melis ] in Milan.
Paolini et al. [130]
The relationship between [ Carmen Melis ] and [
soprano ] is
Label- The luxury auto maker last year [ sold ] 1,214 cars [ The luxury auto maker | subject ] [ last year | tem-
Semantic Role Labeling
augmented in the U.S. poral ] sold [ 1,214 cars | object ] [ in the U.S. | loca-
Text tion ]
Event Extraction Two soldiers were attacked and injured yesterday Two soldiers were [ attacked | attack ] and [ injured
| injury ] yesterday
Barack Obama nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton [ Barack Obama ] nominated [ Hillary Rodham Clin-
Coreference Resolution
as his secretary of state on Monday. ton ] as [ his | Barack Obama ] [secretary of state |
Hillary Rodham Clinton ] on Monday
[ user ] : I am looking for a cheap place [ belief ] hotel price range cheap, hotel
Dialogue State Tracking
to stay [ agent ] : How long? [ user ] : Two type hotel, duration two [ belief ]
Slot Filling Add Kent James to the Disney soundtrack (( AddToPlaylist )) Add [ Kent James | artist ] to the
Athiwaratkun et al. [5]
[ Disney | playlist ]
NER He is John Wethy from NBC News He is [ John Wethy | person ] from [ NBC News |
org ]
Salads were fantastic, our server was also very [Salads | fantastic] were fantastic, our [server | help-
Aspect Opinion Pair Extraction
helpful. ful] was also very helpful.
Zhang et al. [213] The Unibody construction is solid, sleek and The [Unibody construction | positive | solid, sleek,
Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction
beautiful. beautiful] is solid, sleek and beautiful.
Target Aspect Sentiment Detection The pizza was cold. The [pizza | food quality | negative] was cold.
Yan et al. [202] NER have muscle pain and fatigue 237256
Aspect Term Extraction 1, 2, 12, 12
Opinion Term Extraction The wine list is interesting and has good 4, 4, 7, 8, 14, 14
Word Yan et al. [201]
Aspect-level Sentiment Classification values, but the service is dreadful 1, 2 , Positive
Aspect-oriented Opinion Extraction 1, 2, 4, 4, 7, 8
PlaySongIntent SongName( @pt r3 @pt r4 @pt r5)
Rongali et al. [152] Slot Filling play the song don’t stop believin by journey
SongName ArtistName( @pt r7 )ArtistName
Generating Wang et al. [187] Closed-book QA What is Southern California often abbreviated as? Southern California, often abbreviated SoCal, is . . .
Answers ANSWER SoCal
Hsu et al. [67] Answer Selection How a water pump works? A water pump is a device that moves fluids by me-
chanical action.
Du et al. [35] Event Extraction [CLS] Attack, Bombing, Arson, . . . [SEP_T] (Docu- [CLS] Attack -T1 REEs- [SEP_T] Bombing -T2 REEs-
Filling ment tokens): Several attacks were carried out in La [SEP_T]
Templates Paz . . . [SEP]
Elliott testified that on April 15, McVeigh came into Elliott bought, sold or traded truck to McVeigh in
Li et al. [100] Event Argument Extraction
the body -tgr- reserved -tgr- the truck, to be picked exchange for $280.32 for the benefit of -arg- at body
up at 4pm two days later shop and shop place
Structure- Ren et al. [149] Joint Entity and Relation Extraction He was captured in Baghdad late Monday night “He” Type PER [SEP] “Baghdad” Type GPE PHYS
linearized “He”
Texts ((Transport returned (Artifact The man) (Destina-
Lu et al. [115] Event Extraction The man returned to Los Angeles from Mexico
tion Los Angeles) (Origin Mexico))
Nogueira dos Santos et al. <bos>Ice formations in the Titlis glacier cave
Answer Selection 0.5
Ranking [128] <boq>How are glacier cave formed <eoq>
Input- How are glacier cave formed [Q] A glacier
Nogueira et al. [127] Document Retrieval True
output cave is a cave formed within the ice of a glacier [D]
Pairs De Cao et al. [30] Entity Retrieval Superman saved [START] Metropolis [END] Metropolis (comics) | Metropolis (1927 film)
Cui et al. [26] NER ACL will be held in Bangkok Bangkok is a location

Although both NLP as text generation and prompt-based learning leverage the text generation
capability of PLMs, they are significantly different. NLP as text generation reformulates NLP prob-
lems directly as a “text-to-text” problem aiming at generating the right output in a linearized,
string form that encodes the expected classification labels or structures (see Table 5 for examples).
Prompt-based learning, on the other hand, aims at using prompts to align the target NLP task better
with the LM pre-training tasks such as MLM to better exploit the latent representation of PLMs
for improved few-shot performance.
Some NLP tasks are inherently text generation tasks. In these cases, a straightforward strategy
is to fine-tune a generative PLM using task-specific training data to perform the tasks of interest.
Examples include MT [24], text summarization [96], text style transfer [86], and so forth. We refer
readers to Section 2 for more detailed discussion of this “pre-train then fine-tune” approach. In
this section, we focus on tasks that are not traditionally text generation tasks.
Reformulating NLP Tasks as Text Generation Problems. Pre-trained from large corpora, PLMs
demonstrate an extraordinary ability to generate text. PLMs also capture rich knowledge useful
for many NLP tasks and show strong performance on learning new patterns via fine-tuning. These
factors lead to the hypothesis that many NLP tasks can be reformulated as text generation prob-
lems. In particular, given an NLP task with an input text x, this approach first attempts to design an

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output sequence y that includes information about the desired labels for x (e.g., markers). Then, a
PLM directly generates y, conditioning on the input x, modeling P (y|x ). To train the PLMs, the orig-
inal training data of the NLP task is first converted into pairs (x, y) following the designed format.
The PLMs are usually fine-tuned with such pairs using the standard maximum likelihood loss.
There are a few advantages of this approach. First, in this formulation, a unified seq2seq frame-
work can solve different NLP tasks via encoder-decoder architectures, thus facilitating multi-task
learning and transfer learning across tasks of different nature [147]. Second, the direct generation
of labels in output sequences allows the PLMs to exploit the semantics of the labels to improve the
performance and data efficiency, a benefit that cannot be achieved in discriminative models [130].
Finally, when adapting to structure prediction problems, PLM-based models can naturally capture
the inter-dependencies between prediction steps or tasks to further improve the performance [5].
The careful design and format of y is critical for performance: the desired labels/outputs x must
be retrieved unambiguously from y. In addition to the label information, evidence useful for pro-
viding context can also be incorporated into the formulation of y to aid the generation process.
Existing works tend to customize such output sequences for specific NLP tasks to better capture
the nature of the tasks. Therefore, in this section, we group prior works according to their strate-
gies in designing successful output sequences. Table 5 provides a brief summary.

4.1 Generating Label-Augmented Texts

In this strategy, the output sequence y copies the input text x and augments it with additional
markers that can be decoded into the desired label annotations for x. The repetition of the words
from x aims to provide explicit context to reduce ambiguity for the generation process [130]. This
strategy is often applied to structure prediction tasks that aim to jointly extract the text spans of
interest and their relations or dependencies.
Athiwaratkun et al. [5] explores the idea of label-augmented text generation for sequence label-
ing problems, e.g., slot filling (identifying spans that define the left or right “slot” of a relationship)
and NER. Given an input x, y is formed by marking the token sequence for the slots or entity types
of interest, for instance with square brackets. The corresponding labels are introduced within the
brackets, separated from the token by a bar “|”. The encoder-decoder PLM T5 is used to gener-
ate label-augmented texts. Paolini et al. [130] extends this idea to other structure prediction tasks,
including joint entity and relation extraction, relation classification, SRL, event extraction, coref-
erence resolution, and dialogue state tracking. To encode a relation between two text spans in the
input text, the second text span might be annotated with both the relation label and an indicator
of the first text span.
For example, for the joint entity and relation extraction task, we transform x into the label-
augmented output y, where (1) square brackets indicate token spans for entity mentions; (2) person
and book are entity-type labels; and (3) author=Tolkien indicates the author relation between
Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings:

x = Tolkien’s novel The Lord of the Rings was published in ...

y = [Tolkien|person]’s novel [The Lord of the Rings|book|author=Tolkien] was published in ...

In order to transform the generated label-augmented texts into desired annotations, Paolini
et al. [130] uses dynamic programming to match the generated output sequence and the input
text, searching for the closest entity mention that exactly matches the predicted tail entity and
discarding invalid entity/relation types. Similarly, Zhang et al. [213] utilize label-augmented
text generation for different variations of aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), including
aspect opinion pair extraction, unified ABSA, aspect sentiment triplet extraction, and target

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aspect sentiment detection. Zhang et al. [213] also propose a normalization prediction mechanism:
if a generated token does not belong to the original sentence or the label set, the closest word
from the input sentence using Levenshtein distance is used instead.
Due to the unified text-to-text formulation, label-augmented text generation enables multi-task
learning. Paolini et al. [130] and Athiwaratkun et al. [5] show that learning multiple tasks with a
single model can improve the performance on the individual tasks. Furthermore, label-augmented
text generation also shows impressive performance in few-shot learning settings [130], improving
the data efficiency.

4.2 Generating Word Indices

For many text understanding problems (e.g., span tagging problems such as NER), the generative
PLM must not generate non-input tokens other than markers or labels, as shown in the example in
Section 4.1. Restricting the PLMs to consider only words in the input text as candidates at decoding
(text generation) time enforces this constraint.
An alternative approach is to directly generate indices of the words of interest in the input text.
Given the input x, the output sequence y provides a sequence of index numbers referring to the
positions of words in x. Label indices encode class labels within y. A few examples are included in
Table 5 in the “Generating Word Indices” rows.
Yan et al. [202] explores an index generation idea for NER that can naturally handle different
settings, e.g., flat, nested, and discontinuous NER. Given the input sequence x = [x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ],
the output sequence y is formed via the indices: y = [s 11 , e 11 , . . . , s 1k1 , e 1k1 , t 1 , . . . , si1 , ei1 , . . . ,
siki , eiki , ti ] where s and e indicates the start and end indexes of a span. The spans for the i-th
name in x are represented by the tuple [si1 , ei1 , . . . , siki , eiki , ti ] where ti is the index of the entity
type and ki is the number of text spans for the i-th name (a name can have multiple spans
due to the consideration of discontinuous names). As such, si j and ei j should be between 1 and n
while the entity types can be indexed from n + 1 (i.e., ti > n). To compute the hidden vectors at
decoding time, the representations for the span indices can be obtained from the representations
of the corresponding words in the input sentence x (i.e., via pointer networks [184]). BART is
used as the base model for the index generation for NER.
Similarly, Yan et al. [201] generates indices of the spans of interest for variations of the ABSA
task, including aspect term extraction, opinion term extraction, aspect-level sentiment classifica-
tion, and aspect-oriented opinion extraction. Casting a problem into an index generation task is
also proposed for semantic parsing (i.e., filling slots) [152]. The output sequence in this work starts
with the intent, followed by slot names and the index sequences of the words in the input for the
slots. At decoding time, each step produces a distribution over the word indices in the input sen-
tence (as a pointer network) and the vocabulary for slots and intents in the datasets.

4.3 Generating Answers

This strategy is designed mainly for the QA task. The basic idea is to fine-tune PLMs to gener-
ate answers for the QA problems of interest. Wang et al. [187] use BART for closed-book QA
that aims to directly provide answers for input questions. They show that BART struggles on a
version of SQuAD for closed-book QA where the test and training data do not have much over-
lap. It also shows that BART cannot remember knowledge from the fine-tuning data if there are
many training passages for fine-tuning. Suggestions to address these issues include decoupling the
knowledge memorization and QA fine-tuning, and forcing the model to recall relevant knowledge
in the answer generation step.
Hsu et al. [67] addresses the problem of answer selection, in which the system must choose the
correct answer from a provided candidate set (it is also provided the question). Instead of training

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an answer selector [58], Hsu et al. [67] uses answer generation through fine-tuning PLMs such as
T5 and BART, which consume the input question and the top answer candidates, then generate an
answer for the question. To prepare training data for fine-tuning, the output answers might come
from human annotators or be directly inherited from the provided correct answer (i.e., the correct
answer will be removed from the input for the generative models and may be replaced by another
answer candidate).

4.4 Filling Templates

For many extraction tasks, the outputs are spans organized into one or several templates. For
example, event extraction tasks require a system to extract templates in the form of who did what
to whom, where, and when.
A template defines the appropriate relationship and order for the spans and labels for gen-
eration, forming the output sequence y. Du et al. [35] explores the template filling idea for an
IE task: given a document, a model must identify event templates/types (via trigger words) and
entity mention fillers for the argument roles. A sequence-to-sequence model for template filling
takes the possible event types concatenated with words in the input document x as the input, and
outputs a sequence of tuples. Each tuple corresponds to a detected event template, starting with
an event type and followed by the text span fillers for the roles in the input document. Roles with
no fillers are associated with null. [213] also examines a similar approach of tuple generation for
The template filling method can also introduce additional information into the templates to aid
the label generation process, such as natural descriptions or definitions of the labels. Li et al. [100]
pursue a general template filling approach for document-level event argument extraction: given
an event trigger in an input document, find entity mentions to fill in the roles for the event. A
conditional generative model (e.g., BART) is employed for argument extraction where the input
(the condition) to the model is created by combining an unfilled template and the document context.
The template is essentially a sentence describing the event type augmented with placeholders for
argument role fillers. The output sequence y is a filled template where placeholders are replaced by
concrete arguments (entity mentions). To avoid entity-type mismatch for arguments, the templates
in the inputs are also appended with sentences to indicate entity types for arguments (e.g., arд1 is
a person) that can be used to re-rank the output sequences to follow the type constraints. Below
is an example input x in which a template over a list of event arguments arд1 , . . . , arд6 and the
document text DOC_TEXT are concatenated, and output y, in which the underlined text spans are
fillers from DOC_TEXT) [100]:

x = s ar д1  bought, sold, or traded ar д3  to ar д2  in exchange for ar д4  for the benefit of
ar д5  at ar д6  place. s /s DOC_TEXT /s
y = Elliott bought, sold or traded truck to McVeigh in exchange for 280.32 for the benefit of
ar д at body shop place.

4.5 Generating Structure-Linearized Texts

Structure prediction problems in NLP typically require multiple prediction outputs for an input
text x that are interconnected to form a single structure that represents the input. To cast struc-
ture prediction tasks as text generation problems, one approach involves linearizing the output
structure to serve as the output sequence y. For example, taking x as input, TEXT2EVENT [115]
directly generates the event structures y:
Graph traversal algorithms are often used to accomplish the linearization in this approach. Ren
et al. [149] study structure linearization for joint entity and relation extraction [99]. The main

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x = The man returned to Los Angeles from Mexico following his capture Tuesday by bounty hunters.
y = ((Transport returned (Artifact The man) (Destination Los Angeles) (Origin Mexico))
(Arrest-Jail capture (Person The man) (Time Tuesday) (Agent bounty hunters))

idea is to construct an information graph for each input sentence to capture entity mentions, their
entity types, and relations. Depth- or breadth-first traversal can be used for graph linearization
for y. To solve the sequence-to-sequence problem for pairs of x, y, Ren et al. [149] linearize
the information graph to an alternating sequence of nodes and edge types, and directly generate
such sequences via a hybrid span decoder that decodes both the spans and the types recurrently.
For joint extraction of event triggers and arguments, a structure-linearization and text generation
approach comes from Lu et al. [115]. The authors first build a labeled tree to capture the event types
and argument roles in the sentence (i.e., event schema), with trigger and argument text spans as
leaves. The labeled tree is transformed into the output sequence y by depth-first traversal where
T5 is used to perform the conditional generation of y from x. To improve the model, a trie-based
constrained decoding procedure [15, 30] is introduced to ensure the generation of valid event
structures. A trie (prefix-tree) determines possible candidates for the next generation step given
the previously generated tokens to guarantee valid output sequences. Lu et al. [115] also report
the effectiveness of the generation-based model for extraction of new event types.

4.6 Ranking Input-Output Pairs

Some NLP tasks require choosing the best response from among many: answer selection in mul-
tiple choice-style QA, information retrieval, and certain kinds of entity retrieval all provide a set
of candidate answers to a posed query from which the system selects the best one. Typically, a
system will rank the candidates in relation to the input query, a task at which PLMs excel. The
idea has its roots in the classical literature on probabilistic models for information retrieval that
rank documents using language models [84, 139]. Given an input query, a candidate document
is scored in two steps: (i) training a language model on the candidate document, and (ii) comput-
ing the likelihood of generating the input query from that language model, which serves as the
candidate’s ranking score.
We now see the use of PLMs to perform generation-based ranking for selection. Nogueira dos
Santos et al. [128] apply the idea for answer selection by fine-tuning generative PLMs over answer,
question pairs, thus learning to generate questions given correct answer passages. The simplest
approach is to fine-tune the models over only the positive pairs. Nogueira dos Santos et al. [128]
also explore fine-tuning with negative pairs using an unlikelihood objective or ranking-based ob-
jective (e.g., the hinge loss). At inference time, the ranking score for an input passage is obtained
via the likelihood of the fine-tuned PLM over the input question conditioning on that passage.
Nogueira et al. [127] approach the document relevance ranking problem in a similar way.
The paper concatenates the input query and each candidate document and feeds them as an in-
put/condition for a fine-tuned T5 model. To fine-tune T5, the model is asked to generate “True” or
“False” as the output sequence, indicating the document’s relevance to the query. The probability
of generating “True” is used as the ranking score for the candidate.
De Cao et al. [30] address the entity retrieval problem: given a set of Wikipedia articles rep-
resenting entities, return the entity that is most relevant to a textual input source x. Each entity
is represented by its textual representation (e.g., the title of its Wikipedia article), which will be
used as the output sequence y for the generative models. BART is fine-tuned to rank the enti-
ties using the generation likelihood P (y|x ). Cui et al. [26] explore generation-based ranking for
NER, especially in few-shot and cross-domain few-shot settings. Given an input sentence and a
text span, a template is formed by concatenating the words in the span and an expression of type
“is a entity_type entity.” The original sentence and the template serve as an input-output pair in

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sequence-to-sequence models. BART scores this pair using the probability of the template output
produced by the BART decoder. For each span, the entity type corresponding to the template with
highest score is selected. Original NER training data comprises the gold standard templates that
fine-tune BART in this task.
In addition to QA, other generative tasks have been shown to benefit from PLMs. For in-
stance, semantic parsing, generating a structure representing the semantics of the sentence,
is explored by Shin et al. [169]. By reformulating the output of PLMs, the generated natural
language can be used to recover the semantic structure of the input text. They use GPT-3 in the

Mix of paradigms or PLMs. The three paradigms presented here are by no means mutually
exclusive. Instead, it is not rare to see approaches that use two or three paradigms together:
fine-tuning techniques are often used as part of prompt-based methods; NLP-as-text-generation
approaches often use carefully crafted templates (prompts); and prompt-based learning often
leverages the text generation capabilities of PLMs to generate words, phrases, or sentences.
A representative example is Khashabi et al. [80], which combined three paradigms: appropriate
prompts from the context and questions help to formulate several QA tasks into a unified text
generation problem with seq2seq-based pre-trained models such as T5, with model fine-tuning to
improve performance in several QA tasks.
As independently trained models, PLMs are also by no means mutually exclusive. For example,
ACE [190] shows that combining multiple PLMs (e.g., ELMo, BERT, mBERT, XLM-R) yields further
improvements over using a single PLM for a range of NLP tasks. Investigation of the complemen-
tarity of different PLMs is a future research direction.
From another perspective, the design of the training for MLMs has been driven by the results on
the fine-tuning paradigm, but it is not clear whether an exploration of different training objectives
could lead to PLMs that are more effective when used with prompting or generation to solve NLP

Environmental impact. The popularity of PLMs has dramatically increased the amount of
computation used in NLP, leading to a large environmental impact.
Strubell et al. [173] is among the early attempts to quantify the financial and environmental
costs of training large PLMs. They point out that PLMs often require massive computational re-
sources that consume substantial energy and lead to a large carbon footprint. They recommend
that published works begin to document the training process more explicitly and that the commu-
nity prioritize the development of efficient models and hardware.
Schwartz et al. [168] argue for Green AI, suggesting that we should consider efficiency, measured
by the number of floating-point operations used to generate a result, as a main evaluation criterion,
together with accuracy. Green AI also aims to reduce the financial cost of the computation. In line
with this approach, Izsak et al. [72] propose software optimization and design choices for pre-
training BERT in 24 hours using a single low-end deep learning server.
In contrast, Patterson et al. [131] argues that the carbon footprint of ML training is a few orders
of magnitude less than what was estimated in studies such as Strubell et al. [173] due to incom-
plete information. They recommend best practices to reduce the energy requirement for training:
selecting a more efficient architecture, using processes optimized for ML training, computing in
the cloud, and choosing the location with the cleanest energy source. Using their estimate and
assuming the whole field follows the best practices, they predict that the carbon footprint of ML
training will shrink over this decade.

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The role of linguistic information. A frequent debate is whether a symbolic annotation cov-
ering syntax or semantics should be integrated to improve the performance of a PLM-based sys-
tem, or whether this information is already present in the model. In terms of syntax, Xu et al. [200]
utilize automatically produced syntax in both the pre-training and fine-tuning stages, and show
improved performance on several benchmark datasets. Nguyen et al. [125] and Sachan et al. [154]
inject syntax only in the fine-tuning stage. Regarding semantics, Zhang et al. [216] incorporate
SRL predictions into the pre-training procedure of BERT, improving the performance on TE and
QA tasks. Wu et al. [199] integrate semantic information into the task-specific fine-tuning stage,
focusing on the DELPHIN dependencies formalism or “DM” [71]. Experimenting on RoBERTa,
they obtained improvements on GLUE. Syntax and semantics can also be jointly integrated, as in
Zhou et al. [222], where multi-task learning was used to combine BERT pre-training, semantic, and
syntactic parsing tasks, improving the performance on the GLUE benchmark. While these studies
show some success in leveraging syntax or semantics, there is no definite answer on whether the
practice is necessary.
On the art and science of prompts. The success of prompts in zero- and few-shot learning
has been attributed to the prompts serving as instructions that allow the PLM to learn with fewer
examples, much the way humans would [39, 121, 164]. In fact, the excellent results may instead
be attributable to the mere exploitation of patterns in the training data of PLMs, and not to PLMs’
perceived ability to interpret and follow meaningful instructions. Webson and Pavlick [194] show,
for instance, that irrelevant templates match the performance of meaningful ones in few-shot
entailment experiments, adding that some of the templates discovered by automatic generation
of discrete prompts are also unnatural [170]. In this sense, the results of continuous prompts also
show that PLMs do not need meaningful instructions for improving few-shot performance.
Another question is on the amount of labeled data needed for prompt-based learning. While
Le Scao and Rush [89] present experiments to quantify the impact of prompts, there have been
few rigorous experiments studying how many labeled examples are required to achieve various
levels of performance for a range of NLP tasks, and using each of the three paradigms outlined in
this survey. Such studies will provide a better understanding of the pros and cons of each formula-
tion, including cost-benefit analyses weighing the impact of more labeled data, helping developers
design NLP systems that achieve the desired goal while minimizing human labeling effort.
Limitations and biases of PLMs. It is important to understand the limitation of PLMs and
what potential societal impacts they may have. Bender and Koller [13] argues that PLMs, trained
only on form, cannot in principle learn meaning. Brown et al. [39] probes GPT-3 for biases, and
revealed that there are significant biases in different occupation and descriptive words strongly
associated with each gender group, sentiment biases toward certain ethnic groups, as well as dif-
ferent words describing different religions.
Bender et al. [12] pointed out that PLMs trained on large, uncurated, and static datasets encode
biased views that are harmful to marginalized populations. PLMs can also produce fluent but factu-
ally incorrect, misleading, or harmful content. Furthermore, large LMs may be prompted to reveal
personally identifiable information (PII) from their training data. These outcomes can lead to
great harm, intentionally or unintentionally.
Weidinger et al. [196] provides a more comprehensive and structural view of the risks associated
with PLMs, that includes fairness, toxicity, private data leaks, false and misleading information, en-
vironmental and economic risks, as well as the risks raised in conversational agents and malicious
To mitigate bias and other risks, Bender et al. [12] recommend careful planning, documentation
of the training data, as well as value-sensitive design [47] as a mitigation strategy in the PLM

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development process to identify the values to be expressed and supported (or a lack of support
may result in harm).
More generally, Bender and Koller [13] argues for more research in understanding what PLMs
learn that leads to success on NLP tasks that require knowledge of meaning.
Theoretical and empirical analysis. The theoretical understanding of the paradigms pre-
sented in this survey is preliminary. Apart from the issues mentioned above, there is a lack of
understanding of what actually makes these paradigms so successful, and whether their success
can be generalized across models and languages. For instance, prompts may be PLM dependent, or
they may be transferable across models as indicated in [133]. There is very little work on studying
the generalization of prompting and generation across languages, in the way that transfer learning
has been applied to learning in one language and testing in another [22].


Since the advent of ChatGPT,6 the world has seen an explosion of interest in generative PLMs
(e.g., LLaMA [178], Bard,7 Jurrassic-2,8 Claude9 ) that can follow instructions and provide detailed
responses. We briefly discuss two main lines of enabling technologies for such user alignment
The first approach is instruction tuning, which fine-tunes PLMs on datasets involving natural
language instructions. FLAN [? ] shows that by training the model using instruction datasets, the
model will learn to follow instructions to perform tasks, and can generalize to unseen tasks. Such
instruction tuning improves zero-shot performance on unseen tasks significantly, with FLAN even
outperforming few-shot GPT-3 on some tasks. A key part of this process is formulating existing
datasets as instruction datasets, typically with similar templates to the prompting techniques de-
scribed in Section 3. T0 [159] also fine-tunes on instruction datasets, with a particular focus on
evaluating zero-shot performance on held-out tasks and robustness to prompt wording, and comes
with a large collection of prompts for diverse datasets curated via PromptSource [6]. A similar col-
lection of prompts is Super-NaturalInstructions [191], a benchmark of 1,616 diverse NLP tasks and
their expert-written instructions. Datasets with such a large and diverse collection of tasks allow
training instruction-following models and enable rigorous evaluation of cross-task generalization.
The second approach is Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). Instruct-
GPT [129], a sibling and a predecessor to ChatGPT, is trained to follow instructions via RLHF. The
basic idea is to align PLMs with user intent by fine-tuning them with human feedback in two steps.
The first step is supervised fine-tuning where the PLM is fine-tuned using prompts (instructions)
and desired completions. This is similar to instruction tuning, but the prompts and completions
are provided by human labelers instead of automatically generating such data from existing NLP
datasets via prompt templates. In the second steps, the model is further fine-tuned via reinforce-
ment learning using a reward model trained from rankings of model outputs. Such rankings are
again provided by human labelers. These two steps train the PLM with human demonstrations of
the desired model behavior and human preferences on model output, respectively, such that the
model will generate outputs that are more aligned with the user’s expectation. The InstructGPT
paper [129] shows that its outputs are preferred to outputs from the 175B GPT-3 by humans (de-
spite InstructGPT being much smaller). It also improves the truthfulness of the output and reduces
6 https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt.
7 https://bard.google.com/.
8 https://www.ai21.com/blog/introducing-j2.
9 https://www.anthropic.com/index/introducing-claude.

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User alignment research aims at aligning generative PLMs’ output with human intents. Given
the cross-task generalization observed in prior work, it has great potential to improve NLP task
performances, especially in the zero-shot setting.

In this article, we present a survey of the three trending paradigms that use pre-trained language
models for NLP. We describe each of them in depth, and summarize prior works whose applications
have shown promise. We also discuss limitations and suggest directions for future research. We
hope this survey has provided readers with key fundamental concepts and a comprehensive view
of the training, adaptation, and use of pre-trained language models.

This research is based upon work supported in part by the Office of the Director of National In-
telligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via Contract No.
2019-19051600006 under the IARPA BETTER program and by Contracts FA8750-19-2-0201 and
FA8750-19-2-1004 with the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Approved
for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited. The views and conclusions contained herein are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either
expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. The
U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes
notwithstanding any copyright annotation therein. We would like to thank Paul Cummer for his
insightful comments on this work.

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