Ahsan Sem 6 Black Book - Removed
Ahsan Sem 6 Black Book - Removed
Ahsan Sem 6 Black Book - Removed
This is to certify that the project entitled, “Mini Train System”, is bonafide work of Ahsanul Mondal:
bearing Seat No: 20 respectively submitted in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF
(Note: All entries of the proforma of approval should be filled up with appropriate and complete information.
Incomplete proforma of approval in any respect will be summarily rejected.)
I Ahsanul Mondal solely taking responsibility for My project named as "Mini train System” My
role in this project involves the development of the whole system from scratch.
A multitude of resources stands at the disposal of web developers, offering a rich tapestry of
guidance and tools to augment their skills and optimize the development process.
Authoritative online documentation from sources such as php.net, getbootstrap.com,
code.visualstudio.com/docs, and dev.mysql.com/doc serves as foundational references, providing
exhaustive insights into PHP, Bootstrap, Visual Studio Code, and MySQL, respectively.
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code furnish powerful
features for coding, debugging, and managing PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Complementing these tools, local development servers like XAMPP or WAMP provide
indispensable environments for testing and debugging PHP applications. Within the design
realm, tools like Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and In Vision empower developers to create
detailed wireframes, prototypes, and visually appealing designs. Graphic resources and
icon libraries, such as Font Awesome, Flaticon, and Iconfinder, add a touch of creativity to
web interfaces.
As we listen this Mini Train first think that come to our mind is “track” which the
train runs on right, basically yes this also requires track but not that heavy iron track that
normal local train has it requires a black or can say any solid color strip which is minimum 5
cm wide and barely thick. This device will follow the track and can do the tasks we want it to
do. This project will save millions of dollars for a big organization or companies and can save
unnecessary human interference for a task, and it can also save a ton of a time by doing tasks
in an organized way without taking breaks.
Once they are installed in a warehouse, they don’t even need maintenance or interference
from a human to work.
So, this is how it can be used by multiple companies who frequently moves heavy
boxes from one place to another and, they want it to be done quick so they can use their
precious time for doing some productive tasks that can help their company grow and expand.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful
development and implementation of the Mini Train System. This project has been
a collaborative effort, and without the support and dedication of various individuals and organizations it
would not have been possible.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my teachers and my project coordinator Mr.
Ashok Yadav.
Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of our research partners and academic
advisors. Your valuable insights, feedback, and mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping the project's
direction And ensuring its success.
Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to my colleagues, friends, and family for their
encouragement and support throughout this journey. Your words of encouragement and
understanding during the long hours of research and development were a constant source of
In conclusion, this remote-operated motor pump system represents not only a technological
achievement but also a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and dedication.
Together, we have taken a significant step towards improving efficiency and convenience
in the world of motor pumps.
I hereby declare that the project entitled, “Ahsanul Mondal ” done at RMC IT
LAB, has to been in any case duplicate to submit to any other university for the award of my degree. To
the best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to any other university.
The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
submitted as final semester project as part of our curriculum.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................11
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Objectives.....................................................................................................................................12
1.3 Purpose, Scope , Applicability (Feasibility Study)......................................................................12
1.3.1 PURPOSE.....................................................................................................................................12
1.3.2 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................13
1.3.3 APPLICABILITY.........................................................................................................................14
Technical Feasibility Study............................................................................................................15
Chapter 2 Survey of Technologies.........................................................................................................17
Chapter 3 Requirements and Analysis...................................................................................................22
3.1 Problem Definition.......................................................................................................................22
3.2 Requirement Specification...........................................................................................................22
3.3 Planning and Scheduling..............................................................................................................23
3.4 Software and Hardware Requirement..........................................................................................25
Chapter 4 System Design.......................................................................................................................32
4.1 Basic Modules..............................................................................................................................32
4.2 Diagrams......................................................................................................................................32
4.2.1 Circuit Diagram /Block Diagram..........................................................................................32
4.2.2 Data Flow Diagram...............................................................................................................33
4.2.3 Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................................34
4.2.4 Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................................35
4.2.5 Activity Diagram...................................................................................................................36
4.2.6 Component Diagram.............................................................................................................37
4.2.7 Event Table...........................................................................................................................37
4.2.8 Test Cases Design.................................................................................................................38
Chapter 5 Implementation and Testing..................................................................................................39
5.1 Implementation Approaches........................................................................................................39
5.2 Coding Details and Code Efficiency............................................................................................40
5.3 Testing approaches.......................................................................................................................44
Chapter 6 Results and Discussion..........................................................................................................44
6.1 Test Reports.................................................................................................................................45
Chapter 7 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................48
7.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................48
7.3 Future Scope of the Project..........................................................................................................48
Website Used.........................................................................................................................................49
Plagiarism Report...................................................................................................................................50
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List of Tables
1 Event Table 39
List of Figures
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IR Sensor
Fig 12
LDR Sensor
Fig 13
Fig 14
Jumper Wire
Fig 15
Robot Wheels
Fig 16
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
In today’s world where time is the most important resource no company would like to
waste it. So here comes our project mini train aka line following robot with extra capabilities.
Every human wants his work to be done fast and accurate so we started developing some ICs,
circuits camera to help us around to complete the work. If we put hundreds and thousands of
ICs, Transistor Camera and many other IOT things together we call it a ROBOT. A Robot is
a Machine which is made by human which can do a single task or multiple task once we give
the command to do so. A Robot is also any machine which is completely automatic, i.e., it
starts on its own, decides its own way of work and stops on its own. It is actually a replica of
human being, which has been designed to ease human burden. It can be controlled
pneumatically or using hydraulic ways or using the simple electronic control ways. Once
command is given to do a certain job or task is assigned, they will complete it “no matter
what”. Now, you must be thinking that’s actually nice we should make one, but wait the
problem starts here itself I repeat “Once Command is given to do a certain job or task is
assigned, they will complete it no matter what comes there way”.Even Humans do so we
complete the task by hook or by crook, it must be confusing right let me try to explain it with
an example
If we want to build road buildings for us and in that place, we already have some trees or say
animals stay. My question is now what will we do?
We are assigned with a task but there are problems are we going to cancel it.
No way we will cut those trees, move animals and we’ll start building our roads and all. So
What do we see here were the problems trees? animals?
No problems was we want to do something and somethings where in between so we cleared
them out we don’t have hold grudges on trees or animals its simply they came our way. This
same goes for robot if they want to do something and by any chance humans come in there
way, they clear us out as we clear trees and animals.
So, that’s the reason we should make robots carefully without error, there was one
author who will help us out- Isaac Asimov
Any robot is built on 3 basic laws:
• A robot should not harm the human being directly or indirectly.
• A robot should obey human orders unless and until it violates the first law.
• A robot should protect its own existence provided the 1st two laws are not violated.
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1.2 Objectives
Now let’s lets so our Mini Train or Line Following Robot Can Help Humans and
what his objective is.
Robots can be fixed robots or mobile robots. Mobile Robots are robots with a mobile
base which makes the robot move freely in the environment. One of the advanced mobile
robots is the Line Follower Robot. It is basically a robot which follows a particular path or
trajectory and decides its own course of action which interacts with obstacle. The path can be
a black line on the white floor (visible) or a magnetic field (invisible). Its applications start
from basic domestic uses to industrial uses, etc. The present condition in industry is they are
carrying the parcels or materials one place to another place using the crane system.
Sometimes lifting of big weights at that time may cause the breakage of lifting materials and
will be cause damage to the parcels also. The line following robots is commonly used for
carry children through shopping malls, homes, entertainment places, industries. The use of
line following robotic vehicle is transport the materials from one place to another place in
the industries. This robot movement completely depends on the track. The robot can do
anything you set them to do. Like in factories all they have to do with making their products
is make the robot.
Saves Human Labor.
Saves Time by Speeding.
Easy addons and upgrade.
Works on battery.
Humans Friendly
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Line following robots have been a part of many industrial and commercial
applications for a long time. The idea of using this kind of an approach for motional
dynamics is due to the simple construction and programming. These robots can be configured
conveniently for any tracks inside a factory, commercial space and even hospitals. The usage
of line following robots on factory floors is an integral part of automating the material
handling and unfinished goods. The hardware of the robot consists of the robot body, motors,
sensors and control boards while the software includes the program code, controller design,
sensor parameters and method design.
Logistics and supply chain management has become a crucial part of the entire
manufacturing operational timeline. But we often tend to forget the logistics dealt within the
factory where products are manufactured, tested and packaged. Traditionally, jib cranes,
conveyor belts, overhead cranes and forklifts are used to transfer material or products
between different production and machining operations. Most of the methods are regulated
and inspected manually. Currently, with Industry 4.0 at its peak, autonomous technologies are
used in every aspect of product development, logistics and management. In modern
manufacturing, the ultimate aim is to reduce the cycle time and enable the possibility of
manufacturing more complex and customizable products.
Most defects in manufacturing are caused due to processing errors carried out by
individuals who fail to follow operating schedules and instructions, which generally happen
when companies fail to fix an established set of rules. Most manufacturing processes consist
of more than one operation in the assembly line which makes the transfer of unfinished jobs
difficult, complex and even unsafe due to high temperatures and heavy payloads. Owing to
the concerns and risks arising due to manual errors and delay between two or more
operations, the methodology of “lights-out manufacturing” has been entrenched.
1.3.2 SCOPE
We all know warehouses of big giant companies are huge, to give you an idea 7 to 8
Cricket Stadium will fit in one warehouse of amazon located at Bhiwandi. So, travelling
inside that big space is a hectic process right. People or Workers are not going to walk they
simple use electric small vehicle that human drives and carry loads from one place to another.
Humans already have a bad history with driving so accidents also take place in this
warehouse causing injuries to workers, damage packages, vehicle causing delay in the overall
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Fig 1: Showing Congested Warehouse
This all can be avoid by installing mini train system in the warehouse. Once they are
running all the warehouse, they can speed up to 30 to 50 mph communicating with each other
avoiding collision and saving time
Human Life Matters so does worker. While working in the warehouses many workers
get injured. So, let’s make a better place for this workers by building our robot.
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Line tracking is an autonomous robot which tracks either black line in white area or
white line in black area. Robot must be able to detect particular line and keep following it.
For special situations such as cross over’s where robot can have more than one path which
can be followed, predefined path must be followed by the robot. Line following is a task in
which robot has to follow the line. It must be capable of taking various degrees of turns to
follow the curved lines also. The Line following Robot moves to follow a line drawn on the
floor. This Robot tracks the black line which is drawn over the white surface .The line sensors
are used to sense the line. When the signal falls on the white surface, it gets reflected and if it
falls on the black surface, it is not reflected this principle is used to scan the Lines for the
The Robot should be capable of taking various degrees of turns and must be
insensitive to environmental factors such as lighting and noise.
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Industrial Applications:
These robots can be used as automated equipment
carriers in industries replacing traditional conveyer belts.
Automobile applications:
These robots can also be used as automatic cars
running on roads with embedded magnets.
Domestic applications:
These can also be used at homes for domestic purposes like floor cleaning
Guidance applications:
These can be used in public places like shopping
malls, museums etc. to provide path guidance.
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Chapter 2 Survey of Technologies
There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for
physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Net media’s BX-24, Phi gets, MIT’s Handy board,
and lots of others offer similar functionality. of these tools take the messy details of
microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also
simplifies the method of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for
teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:
The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network" (WLAN)
product supported the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) 802.11
standards”. However, the term "Wi-Fi" is employed generally English as a synonym for
"WLAN" since most recent WLANs are supported these standards. "Wi-Fi" may be a
trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The "Wi-Fi CERTI- FIED" trademark can only be
employed by Wi-Fi products that successfully complete Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability
certification testing.
Many devices can use Wi-Fi, e.g., personal computers, video-game consoles,
smartphones, digital cameras, tablet computers and digital audio players. These can connect
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with a network resource like the net via a wireless network access point. Such an access point
(or hotspot) contains a range of about 20 meters (66 feet) indoors and a greater range
outdoors. Hotspot coverage can comprise a vicinity as small as one room with walls that
block radio waves, or as large as many square kilometres achieved by using multiple
overlapping access points. Depiction of a tool sending information wirelessly to a different
device, both connected to the local network, to print a document.
Wi-Fi is less secure than wired connections, like Ethernet, because an intruder doesn't
need a physical connection. sites that use TLS are secure, but unencrypted internet access can
easily be detected by intruders. thanks to this, Wi-Fi has adopted various encryption
technologies. the first encryption WEP proved easy to interrupt. Higher quality protocols
(WPA, WPA2) were added later. An optional feature added in 2007, called Wi-Fi Protected
Setup (WPS), had a significant flaw that allowed an attacker to recover the router’s password.
The Wi-Fi Alliance has since updated its test plan and certification program to confirm all
newly certified devices resist attacks.
How can we overcome those problem with the help of Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi connection is used to keep track of robots.
This gives the high security and views of all the working robots.
It also provides much more reliability of operation working range.
Due to Wi-Fi robot can be controlled from any part of the world.
Input Hardware
Optical Sensors:
The robot uses photodiode sensors to sense the line, an array
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of four IR- LEDs Photodiode sensors, facing the ground used in this setup. An analog signal
is obtained in output, depends on the amount of light reflected, which is provided to the
comparator to produce 0s and 1s which are then fed to the Arduino.
Output Hardware
DC Motor:
Motor is a device that converts any form of energy into
mechanical energy or imparts motion. In constructing a robot, motor usually plays an
important role by giving movement to the robot. There are generally three basic types of
motor, DC motor, even servomotor and stepper motor, which are always being used in
building a robot.
DC motors are most easy for controlling. One DC motor has two signals for its
operation. Reversing the polarity of the power supply across it can change the direction
required. Speed can be varied by varying the voltage across motor.
It can be used as a movable system, It can be controlled remotely.
It does not require Manpower.
Human injuries can be avoided.
Human can takeover driving if required.
They have to track a line so if they turn too sharply or drift and lose the track they do not
Can only track an angle based on minimum angle of mechanical structure so will lose track if
the angle of the line is too tight.
Sensor Track a black line 1 or 2 inches in width on a white surface 4. Sensor are simple
robots with an additional sensor placed on them.
Needs a path to run either white or black since the IR rays should reflect form the particular
Instability on different or hard angle.
Software Required
For Coding and Uploading the Sketch, the Arduino Software is Used
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Chapter 3 Requirements and Analysis
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further processing. This Robot can also be used at places like Hospitals, shopping malls,
Apartments for transporting things from one place to another. The basic methodology for this
project is designed so that this robot can be available to everyone who needs it and can be
used anywhere by anyone. The main principle of this project is to make the vehicle follow the
line. By using Wi-Fi, one should be able to control the Robot if he/she don’t have to follow
the regular track and wants to do a different task. The Robot is mostly dependent of its
microcontroller i.e., ATmega328P embedded on ARDUINO Uno board.
Basically, it contains some of the hardware components.
1. ARDUINO Uno Board with ATmega328P microcontroller
2. Wi-Fi -esp8266 module
3. Motor Driver
4. DC gear Motor
5. IR Sensor / LDR
6. LED
7. Robot Wheels
A PERT chart could be a project management tool that has a graphical representation
of a project's timeline. The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) breaks down the
individual tasks of a project for analysis.
A PERT chart presents a graphic illustration of a project as a network diagram
consisting of numbered nodes linked by labeled vectors. The direction of the arrows on the
lines indicates the sequence of tasks.
Once the PERT chart is drawn, project managers can use it to develop a realistic time
frame for the project:
This can be done by finding the longest path, based on the estimations entered. This path
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should include the tasks that take the longest to complete.
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By adding together, the time it takes to complete each task, an estimation will be provided
for how long the entire project will take.
Once this is done, the PERT chart can then be used to adjust the times if circumstances
change or to ensure the project is finished by its designated deadline.
Software Requirement:
We are using Arduino IDE Software to write and upload code in Arduino and we will
be using blink app to control our Car using Wi-Fi.
Both of this Software are free and compatible on almost all the latest devices.
Hardware Requirement:
1. ARDUINO Uno Board with ATmega328P microcontroller
2. Wi-Fi -esp8266 module
3. Motor DriverL298n
4. DC gear Motor
5. IR Sensor / LDR
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6. LED
7. Robot Wheels
8. Jumper wire
or by an external 9-volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. it's like the
Arduino Nano and Leonardo. The hardware reference design is distributed under an
imaginative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license and is out there on the Arduino
website. Layout and production files for a few versions of the hardware are available.
The word "uno" means "one" in Italian and was chosen to mark the initial release of Arduino
Software the Uno board is that the first during a series of USB-based Arduino boards, it and
version 1.0 of the Arduino IDE were the reference. versions of Arduino, which have now
evolved to newer releases. The ATmega328 on the board comes preprogramed with a
bootloader that enables uploading new code to that without the employment of an external
hardware programmer.
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The Arduino Uno Wi-Fi is an Arduino Uno with an integrated Wi-Fi module The
ESP8266WiFi Module could be a self-contained SoC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
which will give access to your Wi-Fi network. One useful feature of Uno Wi-Fi is support for
OTA (over-the-air) programming, either for transfer of Arduino sketches or Wi-Fi firmware.
3. Motor DriverL298n
One of the best and cheap thanks to control DC motors is to interface L298N Motor
Driver with Arduino. It can control both speed and spinning direction of two DC motors.
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two-wheel robot platforms.
4. DC gear Motor
A Direct Current (DC) motor may be a rotating device that converts electrical energy,
of power, into energy. An Inductor (coil) inside the DC motor produces a field that makes
motion as DC voltage is applied to its terminal.
DC motors were the primary style of motor widely used, as they might be powered from
existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems.
5. IR Sensor / LDR
Infrared Sensors are sensors that emits light which is not visible to the human eye to sense
the objects in the surrounding. They are part of our day-to-day life e.g. TV remote.
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Fig 12: IR Sensor
As You can see in the above Fig IR Sensor has two main LEDs IR Receiver and IR
IR Emitter sends the light in the surrounding, when light is reflected back from a
surface IR Receiver receives it and do the following task.
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is also called a photoresistor or a cadmium sulfide
(CdS) cell. It is also called a photoconductor. It is basically a photocell that works on the
principle of photoconductivity. The passive component is basically a resistor whose
resistance value decreases when the intensity of light decreases
(We’ll use LDR/IR depends on the availability both does the same task and gives the
same output)
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6. LEDs
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light
when current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
releasing energy in the form of photons. The color of the light (corresponding to the energy of
the photons) is determined by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the
semiconductor. White light is obtained by using multiple semiconductors or a layer of light-
emitting phosphor on the semiconductor device.
7. Jumper wire
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These are normal wire with a connector pin already attached at the end makes it easy
to use also they are short length. They can be used as a extension port if we don’t have space
near Arduino to connect things. As connector pin of both male and female already attached to
it they are 100% reusable so we don’t waste time soldering or desoldering we can connect try
things out and run our project.
8. Robot Wheels
To make an robot, we requires many many components and one from all of them is wheels
this will move our car or robot from one place to another with ease. As humans have legs to
move same way wheels are legs for robot. This wheels will make contact with ground and
will also them him stand and balance on its own.
Fig 16: Robot Wheels
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Chapter 4 System Design
4.2 Diagrams
4.2.1 Circuit Diagram /Block Diagram
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4.2.2 Data Flow Diagram
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4.2.3 Use Case Diagram
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4.2.4 Sequence Diagram
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4.2.5 Activity Diagram
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4.2.6 Component Diagram
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Starts Sensing Starts
Turns On Motors, Sensors Automatic
for Track Following
2 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Enable the Move as User
connectivity connectivity custom control User Wants
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Chapter 5 Implementation and Testing
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5.2 Coding Details and Code Efficiency:
void setup()
pinMode(trig, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echo, INPUT);
pinMode (in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (in4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
long dura, dis;
void loop()
digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
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digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
analogWrite(enA, 200);
analogWrite(enB, 200);
dura = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
dis = dura/58.2;
if(digitalRead(IR1)==HIGH && digitalRead(IR2)==HIGH && dis<30) //IR not on black
line or obstacle ahead
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
else if(digitalRead(IR1)==LOW && digitalRead(IR2)==HIGH && dis>30)
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
else if(digitalRead(IR1)==HIGH && digitalRead(IR2)==LOW && dis>30)
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
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digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
Wifi code:
#include <RemoteXY.h>
// RemoteXY configurate
#pragma pack(push, 1)
uint8_t RemoteXY_CONF[] = // 19 bytes
{ 255,2,0,0,0,12,0,16,123,0,5,47,27,12,41,41,1,16,55 };
// this structure defines all the variables and events of your control interface
struct {
// input variables
int8_t joystick_1_x; // from -100 to 100
int8_t joystick_1_y; // from -100 to 100
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// other variable
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uint8_t connect_flag; // =1 if wire connected, else =0
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5.3 Testing approaches
Controlling Robot
Dedicated app used in
Robot controls Movement &
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6.1 Test Reports
Mini Train system is an IoT based project, where Motor Driver is used to control both speed
and direction of the Mini train,
Integrated with ESP8266 WiFi is used for the operation of Mini Train . The system can be
controlled by using a mobile phone.
IR sensors placed at the bottom of the Mini Train so it can detect the correct path
(black track) and move accordingly.
Ultrasonic sensor will help the mini train to detect any obstacle in the path so the train can
prevent accident.
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Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Conclusion
The Mini Train System works Great on Track Which has solid color and creates a
contrast to background. This also works perfectly with manual control. Manual Control
gives full control of the train like speed, direction etc. The Whole demo train can carry
bogies i.e. load of up to 500g-800g without loosing traction to the ground.
We can also control the train by ourself using android mobile device with the help of
wifi connectivity.
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A Arefín, Utsho & Hoque, Azizul & Afrin, Sazia & Hossain, Mir. (2015).
Design & Implementation of Line Tracking Robot.
Kumar Jha, Sujeet & Karn, Manish & Khan, Ahmed. (2016). PROJECT REPORT LINE
FOLLOWING ROBOT. 10.13140/RG.2.2.21215.7952
Website Used
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Plagiarism Report
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