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PFC Matrix

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Components Patient-centered Family-focused Community-oriented

Biomedical history Tools of family assessment:

 40 years old  Family Genogram:
 Working as online seller  APGAR: Patient could turn to her parents
 Living with her parents for emotional and moral support
 SCREEM: The family is not economically
Chief complaints stable
 Weight loss
 Polyuria
 Polyphagia

Physical findings
 BP 130/80
 HR 78 bpm
Data  Weight 50 kg
 Height 5’5’’ (165.1cm)
 BMI 18.34 kg/m2
 Normal systemic examination

Laboratory results
 FBS 150mg/dl
 HbA1C 7%

Psychosocial issue
 Single parent with 2 children putting
her own health as the last priority
 No substantial source of income to
sustain the needs of her 2 children
Analysis Biomedical history: Family Life Cycle Stage: Unattached Young
 Patient with fasting blood glucose of Adult
150mg/dl and HbA1C of 7%, who is Patient is the provider of the family.
presenting with weight loss, polyuria Health of the patient is least priority.
and polyphagia

Psychosocial issue:
 Understanding the disease process
o Financial: Additional financial
burden and increased financial
resources for medical needs
o Mental: May create undue
anxiety for possible health
complications especially when
symptom burden is high and
physical function is poor
o Social: Strengthened social
network and emotional support
from parents
Diagnosis/ Type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-obese, Medical conditions of the parents
Conclusion/ non-insulin requiring Issues on inadequate and insufficient income
Management/  Appropriate medical management for  Counseling and health education of the  Organizing and mobilizing the
Intervention the condition (Type 2 diabetes family members on: community and other community-
mellitus) o Natural history of the disease and its level stakeholders through
 Risk Reduction: possible complications information dissemination (course,
o Healthy diet counselling o Signs and symptoms that will alert family treatment, prevention and
o Daily monitoring of blood glucose members to bring the patient to the complications of diabetes mellitus)
o Routine medical consultation and physician via IEC materials, social media
appropriate follow-up o Prevention of development of the disease platform through infographics
o Compliance to medications o Family lifestyle modification  Involvement of community workers
o Chemoprevention: Use of o Importance of consultation and regular on the barangay level
multivitamins check-ups and the optimization of  Partnership and coordination to the
o Comprehensive foot examination glucose and blood pressure control Local Government Unit especially to
and foot self-care education o Provision of emotional and social support the Department of Labor and
o Eye examination, if indicated to each other Employment in order to provide the
patient with livelihood opportunities
o Immunization (influenza and
 Biomedical and psychosocial management aside from the online selling she is
pneumococcal vaccine)
plan for the family: positive outlook in life, into
 Increase patient’s knowledge and
strong spirituality, sense of unity and  Partnership and coordination to
awareness about the disease
togetherness and harmonious intra-familial health organizations who conducts
regarding its natural history, course,
communication relaxing techniques such as
action and side of the medications.
meditation, deep breathing or yoga
 Provision of emotional support to lessen the burden felt by the

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