PFC Matrix
PFC Matrix
PFC Matrix
Physical findings
BP 130/80
HR 78 bpm
Data Weight 50 kg
Height 5’5’’ (165.1cm)
BMI 18.34 kg/m2
Normal systemic examination
Laboratory results
FBS 150mg/dl
HbA1C 7%
Psychosocial issue
Single parent with 2 children putting
her own health as the last priority
No substantial source of income to
sustain the needs of her 2 children
Analysis Biomedical history: Family Life Cycle Stage: Unattached Young
Patient with fasting blood glucose of Adult
150mg/dl and HbA1C of 7%, who is Patient is the provider of the family.
presenting with weight loss, polyuria Health of the patient is least priority.
and polyphagia
Psychosocial issue:
Understanding the disease process
o Financial: Additional financial
burden and increased financial
resources for medical needs
o Mental: May create undue
anxiety for possible health
complications especially when
symptom burden is high and
physical function is poor
o Social: Strengthened social
network and emotional support
from parents
Diagnosis/ Type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-obese, Medical conditions of the parents
Conclusion/ non-insulin requiring Issues on inadequate and insufficient income
Management/ Appropriate medical management for Counseling and health education of the Organizing and mobilizing the
Intervention the condition (Type 2 diabetes family members on: community and other community-
mellitus) o Natural history of the disease and its level stakeholders through
Risk Reduction: possible complications information dissemination (course,
o Healthy diet counselling o Signs and symptoms that will alert family treatment, prevention and
o Daily monitoring of blood glucose members to bring the patient to the complications of diabetes mellitus)
o Routine medical consultation and physician via IEC materials, social media
appropriate follow-up o Prevention of development of the disease platform through infographics
o Compliance to medications o Family lifestyle modification Involvement of community workers
o Chemoprevention: Use of o Importance of consultation and regular on the barangay level
multivitamins check-ups and the optimization of Partnership and coordination to the
o Comprehensive foot examination glucose and blood pressure control Local Government Unit especially to
and foot self-care education o Provision of emotional and social support the Department of Labor and
o Eye examination, if indicated to each other Employment in order to provide the
patient with livelihood opportunities
o Immunization (influenza and
Biomedical and psychosocial management aside from the online selling she is
pneumococcal vaccine)
plan for the family: positive outlook in life, into
Increase patient’s knowledge and
strong spirituality, sense of unity and Partnership and coordination to
awareness about the disease
togetherness and harmonious intra-familial health organizations who conducts
regarding its natural history, course,
communication relaxing techniques such as
action and side of the medications.
meditation, deep breathing or yoga
Provision of emotional support to lessen the burden felt by the