Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; OC, oral contraceptive; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; MHT, menopausal
hormone therapy; MVHR, multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio; MVOR, multivariable-adjusted odds ratio; NHS, Nurses’ Health
Study; NHSII, Nurses’ Health Study II; OR, odds ratio; RPDR, Mass General Brigham Research Patient Data Registry.
Received: 17 July 2021; Editorial Decision: 23 November 2021; First Published Online: 3 December 2021; Corrected and
Typeset: 9 December 2021.
Context: No prospective epidemiologic studies have examined associations between
use of oral contraceptives (OCs) or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and risk of
pituitary adenoma in women.
Objective: Our aim was to determine the association between use of OC and MHT and
risk of pituitary adenoma in two separate datasets.
Methods: We evaluated the association of OC/MHT with risk of pituitary adenoma in the
Nurses’ Health Study and Nurses’ Health Study II by computing multivariable-adjusted
hazard ratios (MVHR) of pituitary adenoma by OC/MHT use using Cox proportional
hazards models. Simultaneously, we carried out a matched case-control study using an
institutional data repository to compute multivariable-adjusted odds ratios (MVOR) of
pituitary adenoma by OC/MHT use.
Results: In the cohort analysis, during 6 668 019 person-years, 331 participants reported a
diagnosis of pituitary adenoma. Compared to never-users, neither past (MVHR = 1.05; 95%
CI, 0.80-1.36) nor current OC use (MVHR = 0.72; 95% CI, 0.40-1.32) was associated with risk.
For MHT, compared to never-users, both past (MVHR = 2.00; 95% CI, 1.50-2.68) and current
use (MVHR = 1.80; 95% CI, 1.27-2.55) were associated with pituitary adenoma risk, as was
longer duration (MVHR = 2.06; 95% CI, 1.42-2.99 comparing more than 5 years of use to
never, P trend = .002). Results were similar in lagged analyses, when stratified by body
mass index, and among those with recent health care use. In the case-control analysis,
we included 5469 cases. Risk of pituitary adenoma was increased with ever use of MHT
(MVOR = 1.57; 95% CI, 1.35-1.83) and OC (MVOR = 1.27; 95% CI, 1.14-1.42) compared to never.
Conclusion: Compared to never use, current and past MHT use and longer duration
of MHT use were positively associated with higher risk of pituitary adenoma in 2
Pituitary adenomas are common lesions of the pituitary use of OC or MHT, and longer duration use of these medi-
gland, with an estimated prevalence as high as 20% based cations, would be associated with higher risk of pituitary
on autopsy and radiological studies, but often remain adenoma. We further hypothesized that, owing to reverse
undiagnosed for years before discovery (1, 2). They can causation, these associations would be attenuated in lagged
cause debilitating symptoms including visual field deficits, analyses, particularly for OC use.
headache, hypopituitarism, and symptoms attributable to
hyperfunction for hormone-secreting adenomas (1-5).
Identification of individuals at risk of pituitary adenoma
Materials and Methods
may allow for early and effective treatment (5). Currently, Nurses’ Health Study Analysis
a large proportion of lesions are incidentally discovered (3). Study participants
In addition, diagnosis is often made among young women The methods of the NHS and NHSII have been previ-
during evaluation of amenorrhea or infertility, as pituitary ously described (14). NHS was started in 1976 with an
adenomas can cause these disorders (5). enrollment of 121 701 female nurses aged 30 to 55 years;
A potential link between oral contraceptive (OC) or NHSII began in 1989 with an enrollment of 116 686 fe-
menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) use and pituitary ad- male nurses aged 25 to 42 years. Participants completed a
enoma incidence is plausible, given that estrogen stimulates baseline questionnaire and subsequent biennial follow-up
lactotroph cells in the pituitary gland (6). Previous case- questionnaires. Questionnaires were expanded across the
control studies have examined the association between OC course of the study to include detailed information on
use and incidence of pituitary adenoma with mixed results, dietary factors, physical activity, and health behaviors, in
but that design is subject to bias (7-12). It is possible, for addition to assessment of health outcomes. Follow-up rates
example, that women experiencing menstrual irregularity in the cohorts have been higher than 90% (15). The study
or other symptoms as the result of an as-yet undiagnosed protocol was approved by the institutional review boards
pituitary adenoma are then treated with OC or MHT, of the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and
leading to an observed association in case-control studies Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and those of participating
despite the lack of a causal relationship. To our knowledge, registries, as required.
no prospective studies have examined associations between
OC or MHT and incidence of pituitary adenoma. Assessment of oral contraceptive use
In this study, we conducted 2 complementary analyses At baseline, participants reported their use of OC. Use was
in parallel. In the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and Nurses’ categorized as never, past, or current, and was updated
Health Study II (NHSII) cohorts, we prospectively assessed every 2 years from baseline until 1982 in the NHS (at
the association between OC and MHT use and risk of pi- which point fewer than 500 participants reported current
tuitary adenoma (13). In addition, we performed a case- use) or until the end of follow-up in the NHSII. Participants
control analysis using data from the Mass General Brigham also reported overall duration of OC use, which was cat-
Research Patient Data Registry (RPDR) to examine the egorized as never, 0 to 1 years or less, more than 1 to
same associations. We hypothesized that past or current 2 years or less, more than 2 to 3 years or less, more than 3
e1404 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2022, Vol. 107, No. 4
to 4 years or less, more than 4 to 5 years or less, or more 2017 for NHSII), whichever came first. We included 118 993
than 5 years. Self-report of OC use was validated among participants in the NHS and 115 044 in the NHSII. We
215 participants in the NHSII, with 99% agreement be- constructed Cox proportional hazards models to calculate
tween self-report and a telephone interview using a struc- multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (MVHRs) and 95% CIs
tured life events calendar for ever use, and a correlation of to evaluate risk of pituitary adenoma by OC and MHT use,
0.94 between mean durations of use (42.7 mo by telephone using months as the time metameter and age and calendar
interview vs 44.6 mo by self-report) (16). year as stratification variables. For missing values for these
variables, we carried forward prior responses up to 4 years. If
Assessment of menopausal hormone therapy use data were still missing, those participants no longer contrib-
At baseline, participants reported their use of MHT. Use uted person-time to the analysis. We adjusted for smoking in
was categorized as never, past, or current, and was updated multivariable-adjusted Cox models because it may be related
every 2 years from baseline until the end of follow-up in to likelihood of diagnosis. To assess the independent effects
compared the registry to a surgeon-collected case log and never use. We also constructed a single model that mutu-
demonstrated that after accounting for mismatches, RPDR ally adjusted MHT use for OCs, and vice versa. We fur-
captured 96% of primary joint arthroplasties from 2000 ther conducted a sensitivity analysis using a 1-year lag, in
to 2009 (17). which both the index date for controls and diagnosis date
for cases were taken to be 365 days before their original
Study participants diagnosis or index date, to take into account the possibility
Using RPDR’s web-based query interface, we identified that cases were diagnosed earlier at another site and later
cases of pituitary adenoma diagnosed within our hos- appeared in the medical record on presentation for a spe-
pital system among women from 2010 to 2020. We used cialty referral. All statistical analyses for this portion of the
a comprehensive search including both International analysis were performed using R version 3.6.1, and all P
Classification of Diseases, Revision 9 (ICD-9; 227.3) and values were derived from 2-sided tests. All supplementary
Revision 10 (ICD-10) codes (D35.2). In the overall ana- tables are available in a data repository (21), and all data
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the Nurses’ Health Study (1976) and Nurses’ Health Study II (1989) participants
Full cohort(N = 118 993) Cases(n = 132) Full cohort(N = 115 044) Cases(n = 199)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; MHT, menopausal hormone therapy; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; NHSII, Nurses’ Health Study II; OC, Oral contraceptive.
Available from baseline in the NHSII and from 1992 in the NHS. All NHS participants who did not survive to complete 1992 questionnaire are listed as missing.
May not sum to total because of missing baseline values.
associated with a higher risk of pituitary adenoma com- than 5 years of MHT use had an MVHR of 2.08 (95% CI,
pared to never use (HR = 1.77; 95% CI, 1.15-2.73), but 1.40-3.08, P trend = .004).
with no trend for duration (P trend = .24). For estrogen/
progestin, use for 1 to 5 years was similarly associated with
higher risk (HR = 1.68; 95% CI, 1.05-2.68), also with no Mass General Brigham Research Patient Data
trend for duration (P trend = .64), although overall case Registry Case-Control Analysis
counts for analyses by type were limited. We identified 5469 cases of pituitary adenoma diagnosed
In 4-year (n = 235) and 8-year (n = 179) lagged analyses, in the Mass General Brigham RPDR from 2010 to 2020,
there was a mild attenuation of the estimated MVHRs for to which we frequency-matched 6262 controls on age
the association between MHT use and pituitary adenoma (10-y intervals), race (White vs non-White), female sex, and
risk, but overall findings remained similar, with positive as- health care use (Table 4).
sociations for MHT and null associations for OCs (21). In Ever use of MHT was associated with a higher risk of
the 4-year lagged analysis, OC use duration of less than pituitary adenoma (MVOR = 1.57; 95% CI, 1.35-1.83),
1 year was associated with an increased risk of pituitary as was ever use of OCs (MVOR = 1.27; 95% CI, 1.14-
adenoma (MVHR = 1.60; 95% CI, 1.08-2.36) (21). 1.42, Table 5). With the application of a 1-year lag, results
In stratified analyses, we found no substantial differ- were similar (MVOR = 1.86; 95% CI, 1.54-2.24 for ever
ences in the overall findings by BMI category for OCs or vs never use of MHT, MVOR = 1.37; 95% CI, 1.20-1.56
MHT (21). Restriction of the analysis to women with re- for ever vs never use of OCs). Mutual adjustment of MHT
cent health care use resulted in overall similar results, with for OCs and vice versa did not result in a substantial at-
null findings for OCs and positive associations between tenuation of the estimated MVORs (data not shown). In
MHT and pituitary adenoma incidence (21). Compared to the analysis restricted to patients with a co-occurring diag-
those in this group who never used MHT, those with more nosis of hyperprolactinemia, results remained statistically
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2022, Vol. 107, No. 4 e1407
Table 2. Risk of pituitary adenoma in the Nurses’ Health Study and Nurses’ Health Study II by oral contraceptive and
menopausal hormone therapy use
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; HR, hazard ratio; MHT, menopausal hormone therapy; MV, multivariable; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; NHSII, Nurses’
Health Study II; OC, oral contraceptive; Ref., reference.
Case counts may not sum to total because of missing values.
Adjusted for age, smoking status (never vs past vs current), BMI (< 25 vs 25-30 vs > 30), and age at menarche (< 11 y vs 11-14 y vs > 14 y).
Calculated by fixed-effect meta-analysis of both cohorts.
significantly positive for the association between MHT and outcome, limiting the possibility of reverse causation and se-
OCs and pituitary adenoma risk. lection bias. At the same time, we conducted a parallel case-
control analysis using data from RPDR, identifying more
than 5000 cases of clinician-diagnosed pituitary adenoma
Discussion and matched controls, which also allowed for a lagged ana-
Despite being relatively common lesions, few risk factors lysis to limit the possibility of reverse causation bias.
for pituitary adenoma have been identified (5, 22). Most The prospective cohort analysis demonstrates a strong
studies investigating risk factors for these tumors used a positive association between use of MHT and pituitary ad-
case-control method, which is complicated by the possi- enoma, with more than a doubling of risk for more than
bility of protopathic bias (7, 9-11). These tumors are often 5 years of use compared to never-users; this association
incidental findings and may be present for years before persisted in lagged analyses and in analyses designed to
diagnosis. The possibility of reverse causation is substantial limit potential diagnostic bias. In contrast, we did not dem-
for OC, because women with menstrual irregularities or onstrate any substantial association for OC use and pitu-
other symptoms caused by an undiagnosed adenoma may itary adenoma incidence. When mutually accounting both
be treated with OC. for OC and MHT use, strong positive associations were
In this study, we relied in part on prospective cohort identified between MHT use and pituitary adenoma risk,
data, with repeated assessment of OC and MHT use before with or without use of OCs, but no such associations were
e1408 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2022, Vol. 107, No. 4
Table 3. Risk of pituitary adenoma in Nurses’ Health Study and Nurses’ Health Study II by menopausal hormone therapy use,
by hormone type
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; E, estrogen; HR, hazard ratio; MHT, menopausal hormone therapy; MV, multivariable; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; NHSII,
Nurses’ Health Study II; P, progestin; Ref., reference.
Case counts may not sum to total because of missing values.
Adjusted for age, smoking status (never vs past vs current), BMI (< 25 vs 25-30 vs > 30), and age at menarche (< 11 y vs 11-14 y vs > 14 y).
Calculated by fixed-effect meta-analysis of both cohorts.
Age (y, mean, SD) 44.8 (16.5) 46.5 (16.8) 45.7 (16.7)
With hyperprolactinemia (n, %) 882 (16.1%) 818 (13.1%) 1700 (14.5%)
Female sex (n, %) 5469 (100) 6262 (100) 11 1 (100)
White race (n, %) 4031 (73.7) 4738 (75.7) 8769 (74.8)
Ever MHT use (n, %) 408 (7.5) 313 (5.0) 721 (6.1)
Ever OC use (n, %) 768 (14.0) 679 (10.8) 1447 (12.3)
identified for OC use in the absence of MHT use. Although suggest a strong positive association between MHT use
this analysis included self-reported cases, estimates from and risk of pituitary adenoma, and a possible smaller in-
other epidemiologic studies of pituitary adenoma incidence creased risk with use of OCs, though the latter findings
suggest that across 6 668 019 person-years of follow-up, were inconsistent between studies. In general, these results
we should have expected approximately 172 to 493 cases do not appear to be substantially affected by recall, re-
of pituitary adenoma (23, 24), similar to our observed 331 verse causation, or diagnostic bias, although these biases
cases, suggesting that self-report may not be a major limi- cannot be absolutely excluded. In particular, surveillance
tation of this portion of the analysis. bias remains a potential issue despite our sensitivity ana-
In the case-control analysis, we again demonstrated lyses, given that OCs and, to a lesser extent, MHT, may
an increased risk for pituitary adenoma among users of cause headache, which may lead to increased rates of
MHT and also demonstrated smaller increases in risk of neuroimaging and therefore increased rates of pituitary
pituitary adenoma in individuals who had ever used OCs. adenoma diagnosis among users as compared to nonusers
Taken together, the results from these distinct data sets (25, 26).
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2022, Vol. 107, No. 4 e1409
Table 5. Odds ratios of pituitary adenoma by oral contraceptive and hormone therapy use in the case-control analysis
Abbreviations: MHT, menopausal hormone therapy; MV, multivariable; OC, oral contraceptive; OR, odds ratio; Ref., reference.
Matched by age (in 10-y intervals), sex, and race (White vs non-White), and additionally adjusted for these factors.
Previous investigations of OC use and pituitary ad- (P trend = .6). The authors interpreted this latter finding as
enoma risk to our knowledge have been limited to case- hormone use as a consequence of a pituitary tumor, again
control studies. In a case-control study of 9 pituitary providing evidence of a protopathic bias (7). We are un-
adenoma cases and 36 controls, Coulam et al (11) reported aware of other studies of MHT and risk of pituitary ad-
a nonstatistically significant association for ever vs never enoma. The use of MHT and risk of other cancers has
use of OC (odds ratio [OR] = 0.5; 95% CI, 0.1-2.2). In been studied in detail, however, with evidence that use of
1980, Teperman et al (12) reported a nonstatistically sig- estrogen plus progestin, particularly long duration use, is
nificant relative risk of 4 for OC use (P = .25) in a case associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (27-30),
control study of 20 hyperprolactinemia cases with pituitary but no association with bladder cancer (31), lung cancer
adenoma and matched appendectomy patients. Maheux (32), or renal cell cancer (33). Importantly, estrogen plus
et al (10) reported no association for OC use comparing 70 progestin MHT has also been associated with a lower risk
patients with prolactin-secreting adenomas with 3 different of endometrial cancer (34), and estrogen-only MHT was
control groups. In 1983, the Pituitary Adenoma Study associated with lower breast cancer risk in the randomized
Group case-control analysis of 212 women with prolactin- Women’s Health Initiative (35).
secreting pituitary adenomas reported an OR of OC use of Taken together with the existing literature, the results
1.33 (95% CI, 0.81-2.22) comparing those with pituitary here are concordant with the overall finding of a possible
adenoma to matched controls, with no dose-response re- small increase in risk of pituitary adenoma with prior OC
lationship (9). A study by Shy et al (8) the same year com- use. In the prospective cohort analysis, we demonstrated
pared patients with pituitary adenoma to matched controls a positive association between less than 1 year of OC use
and accounted for the indication for OC prescription. For duration and pituitary adenoma in the 4-year lagged ana-
those who used OCs for birth control, the OR for ever vs lysis (but not the 8-y lagged analysis), which was similar
never use was 1.3 (95% CI, 0.7-2.6), but when OCs were to the finding of increased risk in the lagged case-control
prescribed for menstrual regulation, the OR was 7.7 (95% analysis. The lagged analyses and the analysis among those
CI, 3.7-17.0), providing clear evidence of a protopathic with recent health care use in the prospective cohort miti-
bias due to an undiagnosed adenoma. gate the possibility of substantial reverse causation or diag-
More recently, in 2009, a case-control study of 157 nostic bias affecting the results, unlike in prior studies of
patients with pituitary adenoma and 336 controls also these associations.
found no association between OCs and pituitary adenoma On the other hand, our results suggest, for the first time,
(OR = 0.8; 95% CI, 0.4-1.4) (7). For MHT, that same a strong positive association between MHT use and pi-
study reported an OR of 1.5 (95% CI, 0.8-2.6) for ever tuitary adenoma risk, with evidence of a duration effect.
vs never use, a statistically significant OR of 3.3 (95% CI, This finding is unlikely to be the result of reverse causation,
1.3-8.6) for less than 1 year of use but no duration trend but we cannot rule out diagnostic bias or confounding by
e1410 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2022, Vol. 107, No. 4
another as-yet unidentified causal risk factor for pituitary by using pituitary adenoma cases codiagnosed with
adenoma. Nonetheless, the prognostic value of an asso- hyperprolactinemia, but it remains possible that this
ciation between MHT use and incidence of pituitary ad- may include patients with nonfunctioning (or other func-
enoma in risk-stratifying patients remains. tioning) pituitary adenomas who have elevated prolactin
An association between circulating estrogens and pi- due to the stalk effect, in addition to the possibility of
tuitary adenoma incidence is plausible, given convincing undercoding or overcoding in an administrative data
evidence that estrogen stimulates lactotroph cells in the set (43). For example, physicians may not be inclined to
anterior pituitary (36-39). Among premenopausal women, code hyperprolactinemia systematically for patients with
prolactinomas arising from the lactotroph cells of the an- prolactinoma, and may elect to use only the nonspecific
terior pituitary are the most commonly occurring pituitary code for adenoma. Notably, although the pituitary ad-
adenoma subtype; incidence of this subtype decreases after enoma cases in the prospective cohorts were self-reported,
menopause, and perhaps higher levels of circulating es- all participants were nurses, and thus able to provide ac-
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