NB: This event hqs 4 independent parts, each assigned to its time slot. The whole subject is scorred
out of 100 points
' Duration: 45 min Notation: 10 pts
You belong to a private construction orgarization. You are responsible for setting up a local network
to allow all employeés to have access to the internet and to be able to exchange files with each other.
The employees work on architectural and drafting applications and there are 3 of them.
The problem here is to provide a complete list of necessary IT equipment with their characteristics and
to show how to interconnect this equipment.
L. Give the characteristics of the PCs, Switch §umber of ports, managed or not, manufacturer), cables
and modem that you must buy for this infrastructure and justiff your choices. 2 pts
2. What is the difference between a managed switch and an unmanaged switch? 2 pts
3. With the computers you find in your exzlm room. Connect the 3 computers and the internet modem
to the switch. 2 pts
4. Employees print documents regularly, how do I connect the printer to the network? Explain the 2
methods.2 pts
5. Install the printer according to the method you choose and test it. 2 pts
Page 117
. Partition si2e: Main 50 GB, Logic 1: 20 GB
. Product key: Ignore
. Administrator account: Usemame: Florent
Password: Florent20!
. Computer name: Florent-PC
. Time ron"' CentriAfrica!
Exercise 2: Installing and Using applications 10 pts
Install the software : Google Chrome, Foxit Reader, Cisco Packet Tracer Academy and the Ms Office
L. Reproduce the network diagram below on your Packet Tracer workspace. lpt
2. Configure the PCs in àutomatic DHCP. I pt
3. What is the narne of the ÿpe of addresses obtained
automatically by PC. I pt
4. Test the connections between the different PC
services. 10 pts
1. What are the different methods of accessing your CISCO switch? 1 pt
2. Configure your switch with the following elements: 2 pts
Host name: 51
Enable password: cisco
Word of the day banner: "my best lab cisco"
3. What are each of the DHCP, NTP services used for? I pt
4. You are asked to install a server in the network which will have to manage all these services.
a. V/hat equipment of your architecture will you connect this server to? Do this on your Cisco Packet
Tracer topology. I pt
b. Configure each of these services and verify that these services are good and functional.
gateway and the DNS server The server will be addressed to You will
use the Pool name: dhcp LAN. 2 pts
Phase 3: Installation of VLANs and security to be carried out on your equipment in the practical
workroom. 11 pts
It is assumed that the staff of the company has increased with the creation of 3 departments (Sales
Department, Technical Department, General Management)
1. Reproduce the same topology from Phase 1 with your exam room hardware. 1 pt
2. What is the importance of setting up VLANs? I pt
3. Subdivide the initial network into 3 subnets which will correspond to the 3 VLANs assigned to each
direction; list these networks and their masks. 1.5 pts
4. Delete the configurations present fn startup configuration and the vlan database of your switch. 1pt
5. Configure the 3 vlan on the Switch in your exam room (Creation of vlan and port assignment). 4 pts
'5 lt..
You are going to manually configure the address of 3 PCs due to one pei VLAN
NB: you will respect the valües in the table
Directions r VLAN NUMBER Switch Port Numbers
General Direction 10 Fa0lI àFa016
Technical Direction 20 Fa0/7 àFa0117
Sales ÿanagement 30 Fa 0/18 àFa0l2
1. Test connectivity between PCs in different VLANs using ping requests.
§:age 4f 7
Subnet A
I Fa0/0
Educational goals :
The configuration contains design and configuration errors that conflict with stipulated conditions and
prevent,end-to-end communication. You will troubleshoot the connectivity issues td determine the
location of the errors and correct them using the appropriate commands. After all errors have been
corrected, each host should be able to communicate with all other elements of the configured network
and with the other host.
Task 1 : Examine the logical topology of a local network and design an IP addressing scheme. 9 pts The
Subnet B 60
P*ge 517
. Host compüters use the first address in the subnet.
. The network router uses thè'last network host address
Based on these requirements, the following addressing conditions have been provided to you:
Subnet A
IP Mask 2ss.255.255.0
IP Adress
1. Review all the values in the tables above and verifi, that this topology meets all requirements and
. Showprotocôls
. Show runnihg config
2. Configure the interfaces of the router while respecting the addressing conditions. 4 pts
3. Are the Ping requests between the 2 PCs effective? 2 pts
.i. Network maintenance kit: Crimper, cable tester, wire stripper, wire cutters
..i.- 5 straight RI45 network cables already crimped
..!. 5 RJ45 connectors
t Cisco Packet tracer Academy
..?. Browser (Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome...)
Fag* 7[7