Itpd Professional Sponsor Form
Itpd Professional Sponsor Form
Itpd Professional Sponsor Form
Each applicant will need to submit a completed professional sponsor form. The professional sponsor (typically an employer), will need
to attest to their support of the candidate’s pursuit of the degree program, and the applicant’s plans for expanding the practice of
patient-centered pharmacy care outside the United States. The professional sponsor completing the form should be located in the
applicant’s home country or the country in which they intend to practice pharmacy (outside of the U.S.). This sponsorship does not
require financial sponsorship. If your professional sponsor is also serving as a reference they must be added to the online application as
a recommender and complete the online letter of recommendation form. Professional Sponsorship Letters submitted in lieu of this
form will not be accepted.
Applicant:_______________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________
Complete Name
Address:_________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________
________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip, Country Passport Number (for tracking purposes)
Professional Sponsorship Form is confidential. I hereby voluntarily waive any right of access to this form.
Professional Sponsorship Form is not confidential. I do not waive my right of access.
_________________________________________________________ _________________________
Applicant Signature Date
You may send a letter or statement in addition to this form; however, we require that you also complete the following sections. After
you complete the form, please email directly to the Distance Degrees and Programs office at .
Thank you for your assistance.
How well do you know the applicant? Not well acquainted Slightly Fairly Well Very Well
• What is your role in ensuring the applicant achieves their plan to advance pharmacy’s role in patient-centered?
Professional Telephone
Professional Email:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________
Please email the completed form directly to the Distance Degrees and Programs office at Forms will only be accepted from professional email addresses
matching the email address listed above.