10k 12 Semanas
10k 12 Semanas
10k 12 Semanas
10K Running
As an athlete and a parent I know how challenging it can be to train effectively for events
like triathlons, marathons or cycling events. I have over 20 years of experience helping
amateur athletes surpass their goals, while still making sure they have quality time
available for family, friends and career.
To help you train effectively, I have decided to offer a subset of our extremely popular plans for free. Usually, our
plans include email coach access, personal intensity zones and advanced tracking software. But these plans
provide the basics for free to give you a taste.
It would mean the world to me if you tried a 1-month free trial of Unlimited Athlete, my low-cost coaching program,
but for now, feel free to get used to my style of training. Please use and share this plan as much as you like.
This training plan is suitable for Average weekly training hours are Do your best to follow the workouts Z2 Steady (Endurance) 73-80%
Beginner or time-limited runners, 2:23 with the biggest week at 3:08 below, ideally in their given order.
Z3 Moderately Hard (Tempo) 80-87%
aiming to get in peak shape for a hours.
Z4 Hard (Threshold) 87-93%
10K event. To help you train at the right levels,
This includes 3 to 4 runs and a 45 we use five training zones, based on Z5 Very Hard (VO2 Max) 93-100%
With just 12 weeks to go until minute strength and conditioning feel or heart rate.
event-day, this plan assumes you session. There is usually 1 workout
are currently able to run/jog for up per day, with 2 or 3 days off each If you use heart rate, we have a GLOSSARY
to 20mins. The plan builds up to week. calculator that can create your Key Description
race day, and helps improve your training zones:
fitness and confidence. Every fourth week is an active Z1 Training Zone 1
recovery week, with less training, to www.myprocoach.net/hr-zones Z2 Training Zone 2
People who follow a training plan help your body recover and adapt. Z3 Training Zone 3
Tempo Run Recovery Day Strength and Speed Endurance Aerobic Recovery Day Aerobic
Warm Up: Allows for recovery Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: All in low to mid Z2. Easy or steady run all in low to mid
10 mins in Z2-3. whilst promoting adaptation Phil's Tips. 8 mins in Z2-3. Z2. You should be able to chat at
to previous training stresses. this effort. This is your long run and
Main Set: Main Set: will gradually increase in duration.
5 mins in low Z4. Helps you get faster and keep 4 x (1 min in low Z5 + 1 min in Z1).
injuries at bay. If you need to include
Warm Down: Warm Down: some walking sections in these
5 mins in Z2. 4 mins in Z2. runs, in order to keep your heart
rate down, that's fine.
The intensity of these runs is at,
or near to your 1-hour race effort
Phil’s tip
Week 2 Consistency is the golden ticket. Think of each completed workout as another jelly bean in the
Base Phase 1: 2 hrs 14 mins jar. When the jar is full, you're in peak race shape.
Recovery Day Tempo Run Strength and Aerobic Speed Endurance Recovery Day Aerobic
Warm Up: Please refer to the guide in All in low to mid Z2. Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
8 mins in Z2 to Z3. Phil's Tips in Week 1.. 8 mins in Z2 to Z3. mid Z2.
Recovery Day Tempo Run Strength and Aerobic Speed Endurance Recovery Day Aerobic
Warm Up: Please refer to the guide in All in low to mid Z2. Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
10 mins in Z2. Phil's Tips in Week 1. 8 mins in Z2 to Z3. mid Z2.
Active Recovery Week: 1 hrs 45 mins This gives your body a chance to recover and adapt.
Recovery Day Tempo Run Strength and Recovery Day Speed Run Recovery Day Aerobic
Conditioning Endurance
Hard/Threshold Endurance Phase V. Hard/VO2 Max Steady/Endurance
It's vital to make the most of this 8 mins in Z2 to Z3. Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
recovery week. You need to fully Phil's Tips in Week 1. 5 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
recover and start the next training Main Set: 3 x (30 secs accelerating from
phase feeling fresh and eager to 5 mins in upper Z3 to low Z4. Z2 to Z4 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
train hard.
Warm Down: Main Set:
There is enough training during the 5 mins in Z2. 3 x (2 mins in Z5 + 60 secs in Z1).
recovery week so that you won't
lose fitness. Warm Down:
5 mins in Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 5 Progression runs will improve your running stamina and teach your body and mind to stay
Recovery Day Progression Run Aerobic Strength and Strength Recovery Day Aerobic
Main Set: All in low to mid Z2. Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
3 mins in low Z2, Phil's Tips in Week 1. 5 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
3 mins in mid Z2, 3 x (30 secs accelerating from
3 mins in upper Z2, Z2 to Z4 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
3 mins in low Z3,
5 mins in mid Z3, Main Set:
3 mins in upper Z3, 5 x (1 min in low Z5 up a hill +
3 mins in low Z4, 2 min recoveries in Z1-Z2).
Recovery Day Progression Run Aerobic Strength and Strength Recovery Day Aerobic
Main Set: All in low to mid Z2. Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
5 mins in low Z2, Phil's Tips in Week 1. 5 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
3 mins in mid Z2, 3 x (30 secs accelerating from
3 mins in upper Z2, Z2 to Z4 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
5 mins in low Z3,
3 mins in mid Z3, Main Set:
5 mins in upper Z3, 6 x (1 min in low Z5 up a hill + 2
min recoveries in Z1-Z2).
Warm Down:
5 mins in low Z2. Warm Down:
5 mins in Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 7 Don't feel you need to do all your workouts alone. If you enjoy doing club or group workouts, you
Build Phase 1: 2 hrs 52 mins can still incorporate these into your training plan.
Recovery Day Progression Run Aerobic Strength and Strength Recovery Day Aerobic
Main Set: All in low to mid Z2. Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
3 mins in low Z2, Phil's Tips in Week 1. 5 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
5 mins in mid Z2, 3 x (30 secs accelerating from
4 mins in upper Z2, Z2 to Z4 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
5 mins in low Z3,
4 mins in mid Z3, Main Set:
5 mins in upper Z3, 6 x (1 min in low Z5 up a hill + 2
Warm Down: recoveries in Z1-Z2).
5 mins in low Z2.
Warm Down:
5 mins in Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 8 Get my monthly newsletter with training tips straight to your inbox.
Active Recovery Week: 1 hrs 52 mins
Recovery Day Tempo Run Strength and Recovery Day Speed Run Recovery Day Aerobic
Conditioning Endurance
Hard/Threshold Strength Phase V. Hard/VO2 Max Steady/Endurance
Warm Up: Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
10 mins in Z2. Phil's Tips in Week 1. 5 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
3 x (30 secs accelerating from
Main Set: Z2 to Z4 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
10 mins in low Z4.
Main Set:
Warm Down: 3 x (2 mins in Z5 + 60 secs in Z1).
5 mins in Z2.
Warm Down:
5 mins in Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 9 Want rapid email access to your own coach? Why not try my low-cost coaching
program for 1-month free?
Peak Phase 1: 3 hrs 03 mins https://bit.ly/MPConemonthfree
Recovery Day Aerobic Aerobic Strength and Speed Run Recovery Day Aerobic
All in low to mid Z2. All in low to mid Z2. Ideally on a hilly Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
route. Phil's Tips in Week 1. 8 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
4 x (30 secs accelerating from
Z2 to Z5 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
Main Set:
5 x (60 secs in upper Z5 + 2 min
recoveries in Z1).
Warm Down:
5 mins in low Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 10 Want to export your workouts to your devices and follow them as you train? Get this
and more, with my low-cost coaching program. Try 1-month free, today!
Peak Phase 1: 3 hrs 08 mins https://bit.ly/MPConemonthfree
Recovery Day Aerobic Aerobic Strength and Speed Run Recovery Day Aerobic
All in low to mid Z2. All in low to mid Z2. Ideally on a hilly Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
route. Phil's Tips in Week 1. 7 mins in Z2. mid Z2.
4 x (30 secs accelerating from
Z2 to Z5 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
Main Set:
4 x (75 secs in upper Z5 + 3 min
recoveries in Z1 to Z2).
Warm Down:
5 mins in low Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 11 Pacing is a key factor for success in racing.
How to Pace Your 10K Race: https://bit.ly/10KPacing
Peak Phase 1: 2 hrs 50 mins
Recovery Day Aerobic Aerobic Strength and Speed Run Recovery Day Aerobic
All in low to mid Z2. All in low to mid Z2. Ideally on a hilly Please refer to the guide in Warm Up: Easy or steady run/jog all in low to
route. Phil's Tips in Week 1. 8 mins in Z2, mid Z2.
4 x (30 secs accelerating from
Z2 to Z5 + 30 sec recoveries in Z1).
Main Set:
3 x (90 secs in upper Z5 + 3 min
recoveries in Z1 to Z2).
Warm Down:
10 mins in low Z2.
Phil’s tip
Week 12 Good luck for your event! We’d love to hear about your training journey and race
day experience, via our Instagram, Facebook or Reviews pages.
Racer Taper Week: 1 hrs 02 mins
Recovery Day Taper Week Run Taper Week Run Recovery Day Taper Week Run Recovery Day Race Day
This week you will maintain your All in low to mid Z2. Warm Up: All in low to mid Z2. Good Luck!
fitness and eliminate any traces 10 mins in Z2. If your race is on Saturday, move
of fatigue. It’s a good time to today's run to Thursday and take
double check your race day Main Set: today as a rest day.
logistics and strategies. 3 x (45 secs in low Z4 + 75 secs in
If your race is on Saturday, move
your Friday run to Thursday and Warm Down.
take Friday as a rest day. 6 mins in Z2.
Perfect Plan!
Josh Murphy
2 3 / 01 / 2023
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