TRAD (IIAP) - Mock 3 PDF
TRAD (IIAP) - Mock 3 PDF
TRAD (IIAP) - Mock 3 PDF
1. Encircle the letter of your answer.
2. You are given one (1) hour to finish the examination.
2. Mrs. Rose Cortez owns a policy which does not provide for the build up of cash values and
whose premiums remain level. Mrs. Cortez owns:
a) Ordinary Life c) Decreasing Term
b) Limited Pay Life d) Level Term
6. An agent is filling up the Agent’s Confidential Report. What information must he put in his
a) information about insured’s standing in the community
b) information about insured’s finances
c) all information he knows which are material to the application for insurance
d) a & b only
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9. An insurance agent’s license can be revoked for
a) fraudulent practices
b) violation of any provision of the Insurance code
c) misrepresentation in the application for license
d) any or all of the above
10. Selling a person more insurance than what is warranted by his sources is called
a) overloading c) rebating
b) twisting d) knocking
12. In the event that the policyowner elects the paid up insurance option
a) premiums stop and the policy continues for a full face amount until age 65
b) premium cease and protection continues for a reduced amount
c) insurance continues at a reduced amount and with reduced premium
d) the policy will automatically terminate
1 3. Since the purchase of life insurance is a voluntary choice the individual must meet
a) a comprehensive inspection report
b) certain standards of health and occupation
c) a satisfactory medical examination
d) a minimum income figure
14. The number of years that persons at a given age will live on the average as shown by the
mortality table is called
a) law of large numbers
b) life income option
c) life annuity
d) life expectancy
15. A man with moderate means can have maximum protection possible through
a) 20 Yr. Endowment c) term insurance
b) limited pay like d) whole life insurance
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17. If a policy with the accident death rider becomes paid up
a) the accidental death rider ceases
b) the face amount of the policy is reduced
c) premiums on the basic policy stop but the rider premium continues
d) none of the above
18. Insurance companies have various sources of information about the insured. These are:
a) application form c) inspection report
b) medical information bureau d) all of the above
19. In the case of life insurance, a sale is considered completed if the applications is signed and
payment of the first premium is made by the applicant. For the sale to be considered
a) a medical examination has to be made first
b) payment of the first premium has to be made by the applicant in full or in part, as
specified. One of the acceptable methods of settlement is by cash or check in part, with a
note for the balance
c) payment of the first premium has to be made in full by a note first
d) the first premium has to be paid for in full and in cash
20. A term insurance which allows the policyowners to convert it to a permanent insurance within
a specified period without evidence of insurability contains feature
a) convertibility c) dividend option
b) renewability d) both a & b
23. In the event an employee leaves the company in which he is a member of its group insurance
policy, his group coverage can be changed to an individual policy using the
a) policy exchange facility
b) conversion privilege
c) change of plan provision
d) policy change form
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a) only minor children can be named irrevocable beneficiaries
b) only the wife can be named irrevocable beneficiaries
c) only the wife and the children can be named irrevocable beneficiaries
d) any person with insurable interest can be named irrevocable beneficiaries
26. Which one of the following provisions in a permanent life insurance policy may lapse for non-
payment of premium?
a) Guaranteed insurability
b) Automatic premium loan
c) Settlement options
d) Reinstatement provision
27. The convertible features of a term insurance policy provide that the policy may be
a) changed to a permanent insurance policy without evidence of insurability
b) change to another life
c) cashed for a guaranteed sum
d) changed to permanent insurance with evidence of insurability
28. Within two years of buying a life insurance policy, you are accidentally killed when your car hits
a tree. In these circumstances the insurance company will
a) refund premiums because it is suicide
b) pay double the face amount
c) pay the face amount
d) pay nothing
29. A policyholder may obtain money from the insurance company and sti!! remain insured by
a) surrendering the policy for its cash value
b) discounting payment of premium for some period
c) taking a policy loan
d) taking the extended insurance option
30. When you bought an insurance policy on your wife’s life you were 27 and she was 26, but you
stated that you were 26 and she was 27. Five years later your wife died. The insurance company
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b) it pays high taxes
c) it affects public interest
d) it is a charitable institution
34. Persuading a policyholder, directly or indirectly, to surrender or lapse a policy in one company
and replacing it with a policy in another company is
a) rebating
b) twisting
c) knocking
d) discounting
3 5. Rebating is
a) dating the policy a month in advance
b) giving false information
c) twisting
d) premium discrimination against policyholder
37. One example covered under the ethical practices and procedures is
a) keep all policyholders information confidential
b) always recommend a will
c) never drink in front of client
d) always pick up the first premium with the application for insurance
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c) the number of years that person at a given age will live on the average as shown
by the mortality table
d) none of the above
39. The following are unethical practices in the solicitation and procurement of insurance except
a) misleading estimates of the dividends or shares of surplus to be received thereon
b) inducing a policyholder to lapse, forfeit or surrender a policy he holds fro another
c) misrepresenting the terms of any policy issued by any insurance company or benefits or
advantages promised thereon
d) obtaining or attempting to obtain a license by fraud or misrepresentation
40. Twisting is
a) paying the premium on one policy by surrendering the dividends of another policy
b) the replacement of a policy in one company with another policy in another company
c) an attempt made by an insurance company to secure the services of an agent from
another company
d) an offense which does not apply to variable concepts
41. The misstatement of facts by either of the parties of insurance to the other whether in writing or
orally preliminary and in reference to making the insurance contract is
a) Knocking c) misrepresentation
b) Overloading d) twisting
42. Selling a person more insurance than what is warranted by his sources is called
a) Overloading c) rebating
b) Twisting d) knocking
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d) the first 18 months
47. Which one of the following is not derived for the non-forfeiture values
a) cash surrender value
b) paid up insurance
c) dividends
d) extended term insurance
48. In the event that the policyowner elects the paid up insurance option
a) premiums stop and the policy continues for a full face amount until age 65
b) premium cease and protection continues for a reduced amount
c) insurance continues at a reduced amount and with reduced premium
d) the policy will automatically terminate
49. Life insurance can provide money when income stops because of
a) disability c) retirement
b) death d) all of the above
50. Part of the premium paid by a policyholder is invested by the insurance company. In premium
computation, this factor is known as
a) interest c) loading
b) investment d) mortality
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